#jaeha x reader fanfiction
notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 9: The Part and Another Kiss
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Warning: suggestive themes
You withered under Captain Gi-gan and Yoon's unwavering glare.
Rubbing the back of your neck sheepishly, you offered them a weak smile.
You couldn't help the wild grin that spread your face as you put the boy in a headlock, rubbing his head roughly.
He pushed you off of him with an irritated huff, and pointed furiously at the tall man behind you. "Jae-ha!! I still need to look at your shoulder!!"
The boy ignored Jae-ha's protests as he dragged him off the ship towards the medical tent set up in a nearby clearing, leaving you alone with Captain Gi-gan, who continued to glower at you.
You straightened your spine, looking her dead in the eye, turning serious. "Captain Gi-gan," She raised an eyebrow, scrutinizing you under her gaze. You bowed down at her feet, forehead pressed against the deck with your legs tucked under you. "I sincerely apologize for leaving without your permission. I was afraid of what you might say, but that does not excuse my actions. I pray that one day you can forgive me, but I understand if you will never be able to."
It was silent for several minutes.
Then, she whacked you in the back of the head.
"Ow! Captain-!" You clutched your head painfully.
"You think I wouldn't have let you, knowing how stubborn you are?" She interjected and you smiled, her response somehow reminding you of Jae-ha's. "You must tell me next time, so that I can ensure your safety and make sure you aren't doing this recklessly. This," She gestured to the air, hinting at the stunt you pulled. "Was being reckless and I won't tolerate it again."
"I understand." You replied solemnly.
Captain Gi-gan smirked, "Though, you won't be here to cause trouble anymore, if I'm right."
You looked up in surprise, gathering yourself to your feet. "I'll come back to visit." You promised after a pause.
"You better." She threw you a side glance. "Now, go celebrate with them. They're waiting for you."
You departed from her with a bounce in your step and she chuckled, watching your figure disappear over the hill.
It was sometime in the afternoon, having fought all night long, and you joined Yona and the others around the campsite. Yoon was checking Jae-ha's wound, Shin-ah was scarfing down his food, Kija was complaining about some kind of bug that fell in his soup again, and the pirates were scattered around the area, drinking and such.
Then, you noticed Yona and Hak were sitting suspiciously close to each other.
You eyed them closely. "Alright, what happened while I was out?"
Yoon opened his mouth to answer you, but Jae-ha cut in, counting on his fingers, "The girls were safely returned to their families, the captain ordered a party with enough alcohol to get everyone drunk, Yoon said something about getting everyone treated first even though that clearly didn't happen, I stripped, the White Snake and the Thunder Beast beat up the already captured mercenaries after they saw how injured the kid and Yona dear was, and I might have thrown in a few kicks myself."
He smirked slyly. "Oh, and Hak and Yona dear finally kissed."
It was silent for a beat, and then you exploded. "WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?!"
You shrieked, "I was literally out for only three hours!! HOW DID I MISS ALL OF THAT?!?!?!"
You sighed, slumping against the tree behind you, puffing out your cheeks. "If they want that scene written, I guess they'll have to ask for it." You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Yah, you crazy woman," Yoon snapped, "Don't break the fourth wall!!"
You merely winked.
You grinned, mischief gleaming in your eye as you leaned forward to peer closely at Yona, whose cheeks matched the color of her hair.
"Yona~" You sang.
She couldn't look at you, hiding her red face in Hak's chest. You laughed at the former general's shocked reaction, but as they gazed at each other softly, you couldn't help the fond smile that spread across your face. They looked so happy.
After Yoon finished rewrapping Jae-ha's bandages, the green dragon sauntered over to where you were at,  and you turned to Yoon, "Did it need stitches?"
The genius pretty boy shook his head, "No, it'll heal properly without them. It wasn't as deep as I thought it was."
"Thanks again, kid." Jae-ha tossed over his shoulder and Yoon just waved him off, "Yeah, yeah, just don't overdo it, you rare beast."
"Hey, where's my thank you?" You whined childishly.
"Actually," Hak interrupted, pointing at your neck. "I think he already thanked you."
You clapped a hand over your neck, eyes wide. "Jae-ha!!"
He smirked, eyes alight with laughter. You rolled your eyes, pulling your hand away, causing them to stare at the mark.
"There are children here, Y/N!" Hak shouted, covering Yona's eyes despite her protests and gestured wildly to Yoon, the innocent Shin-ah and the very confused Kija.
"Perhaps we should give them a show," Jae-ha purred in your ear, and you grinned.
"I don't want to corrupt the children, big guy. Let's take this somewhere else." You strolled away as Jae-ha tore after you, ignoring the whoops and hollers that the pirates and Hak shouted out. You made your way up to one of the cliffs overlooking the sea, veiled by the trees from prying eyes.
Your eyes sparkled with genuine happiness and Jae-ha smiled tenderly at you, eyes hardening when you suddenly clutched your stomach.
"Oh, ow..." You grimaced in pain.
His hands immediately flew to the hem of your shirt, asking for consent. You nodded. He slowly pulled the material up, revealing black and blue skin underneath. Jae-ha's jaw clenched, teeth nearly cracking under the pressure.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"I honestly forgot about it." You said sheepishly and you did. The pain had faded into the background and only resurfaced when you finally got a moment to yourself. Jae-ha sighed heavily, conflicted. "I could ask Yoon, but I know there's nothing we could do for this. We could bandage it, but it won't make it feel any better or heal any faster."
"It's okay," You smiled brightly at him. "I'll heal."
"Not the point." He murmured, thumbing over the bruised skin. "I don't want to see you in pain."
You hugged him carefully, and he instinctively returned your embrace. "Number?"
You giggled softly, tapping two fingers to the inside of his wrist and the tension eased from his shoulders. "You worry too much about me."
He bumped his nose against yours fondly. "No I don't."
You gave him a disbelieving look and he insisted, "I don't!"
"Sure thing, big guy." You winked your eyes at him playfully, sticking out your tongue, causing him to chuckle.
Violet shone with joy. "I love you..."
"I love you too." Your reply rang clearly through the still air.
He sat comfortably against a tree, and you settled in between his legs, leaning your back until it was flush against his chest. He rested his arms around you, avoiding your stomach, choosing to settle them on your hips. You frowned at the loss of contact around your middle. You could tell he was being cautious with you, not wanting to hurt you, but you knew that he wouldn't. Taking his hands in yours, you slipped them underneath your shirt and his breath hitched as they made contact with your heated skin. You tilted your head back automatically and he leaned forward to rest his chin down on your shoulder.
"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?" He asked worriedly. You nodded, closing your eyes. Clicking his tongue lightly, he smoothed the discolored skin gently and you sighed, a content smile on your face. His touch was so warm, you felt as though he was lighting you up from the inside.
You bit your lip and looked up at him with hooded eyes as he rubbed soft circles into your stomach. Jae-ha suppressed a groan, you looked so good looking up at him like that, but neither of you were in any position to go further with your injuries.
It was alright though, he was content to just have you in his arms again, and you couldn't agree more. You shifted in his lap, and he restrained from squeezing you.
"Y/N," Warning clear in his tone, and you smirked evilly. Pulling away from him, you stood up, stretching. Jae-ha gulped as your shirt rode up, revealing more of your skin. As you looked over your shoulder, you couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled up from your lips. He looked so betrayed.
As Jae-ha heard your laugh, he glared at you, but there was no malice behind it. You grinned wickedly.
Getting on your hands and knees, you crawled towards him slowly. His chest was heaving as you made your way in front of him, and you connected your lips with his. Jae-ha immediately melted in the kiss, hand coming up to cradle your face gently.
When you finally parted, the both of you were breathing heavily, and Jae-ha's pupils were blown wide. You giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to his forehead.
"I'm still going to kill them." He stated murderously, your numerous injuries that he tended to while you were asleep flashed through his memory.
"Kum-ji's already dead." You shot back flatly.
Jae-ha clenched his hand into a fist. "There are plenty others that are still alive. No one would miss them if they suddenly disappeared."
You clicked your tongue, "Easy, big guy." You whispered. "No one else needs to die."
It took a couple minutes of your coaxing, but Jae-ha's mind eventually started to clear from the red haze. The sun had gone down, and it was starting to get dark again.
"Let's go join the others." You pulled him to his feet, heart skipping a beat as he towered over you, broad shoulders blocking you from view. You blushed, and Jae-ha smirked. Tilting your chin up, he dropped a soft kiss on your lips and you sighed, arms winding around his neck.
You squealed as you felt his hands skim over the back of your thighs, before hoisting you up.
"Jae-ha!" Your legs wrapped around his waist to keep from falling as he started walking back.
"Jae-ha, put me down!!" You were unable to stop laughing, tears budding at the corners of your eyes from the sheer absurdity of the situation.
He shook his head, "Nope."
You clung to him tightly as he entered the clearing, Hak immediately grinning at the sight of you. There was a fire blazing in the middle of it, and you guessed that it was probably Yoon's doing. None of the others had enough coordination to start a fire properly without lighting everything else in the forest ablaze.
Shin-ah and Kija were fast asleep on the ground, with the pretty boy not too far away from them. Only Yona and Hak were still awake.
"Well, well," Hak lifted up his cup, and upon closer inspection, you noticed it held alcohol. "What've you got there, Droopy-Eyes?"
Jae-ha sat down on the ground, plopping you in his lap. Your cheeks burned as he kissed your hair, and you looked up to notice Yona staring at you curiously.
"You told him?" She whispered to you as Jae-ha started a conversation animatedly with Hak about how he captured you with his charms while the Thunder Beast faked barfing in disgust.
Yona squealed excitedly as you nodded shyly, causing the men to look at the two of you curiously. The red-haired princess waved off their attention, "You have to tell me everything!!"
You tried to get up, only to be stopped by Jae-ha's arms snaking around you once more. "Where do you think you're going, missy?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Just with Yona, we'll be back soon." You promised, assuming he was going to let you go now. To your surprise, his grip didn't yield. "Jae-ha, I'll be alright."
"Sorry," But Jae-ha didn't sound apologetic at all. "If you think I'm going to let you out of my sight for one second, you're damn wrong."
You sent a pleading look at Hak for help, but the general raised his hands up, smirking at the display of possessiveness Jae-ha was showing towards you. You whined, wriggling in your dragon's grasp until a hand gripped your hips firmly.
"Behave, Y/N." Jae-ha murmured darkly in your ear. "Or I'll make you." You shivered at the implication, ceasing your movements.
For now.
'Later?' You mouthed to Yona and she nodded. You turned to face Jae-ha. "I'm going to go to bed."
He nodded, standing up, cutting off his conversation with Hak, but you pushed him back down. Of course, he didn't budge but he did look at you like you lost your mind when you tried to make him sit. Huffing, you pouted cutely with your nose scrunched up.
Adorable... Jae-ha thought to himself.
"Jae-ha, I'll be fine." You insisted, throwing your hands up in defeat after several moments. He wouldn't give up.
He took your hand, weaving your fingers together and started back down towards the docks. You waved goodbye to Yona and Hak for the night. The rest of the pirates had made their way down there hours ago, so you suspected most of them were already asleep, having partied for the entire day. So needless to say, you were surprised when you saw a handful of them still awake, noticeably drunk.
"Jae-ha!" One of them called, not taking notice of your intertwined hands. "Play us a song!"
A fond smile crossed his lips, but it disappeared when he glanced at you in concern. You did say you were tired. You squeezed his hand reassuringly. "I would like to hear it, too." You said softly, loving it when he played his erhu.
Jae-ha nudged his nose against your hair, closing his eyes. "For you, anything."
You nearly whimpered when he pulled away, missing his warmth automatically. He fetched his erhu from your room, and was back in a heartbeat. He started playing a beautiful lullaby, and you closed your eyes, relaxed.
It was so enchanting.
The corner of your mouth quirked up in a tiny smile as you heard drunken grumbling coming from your pirate brothers as they tried to stop him.
"That tune's putt'in me 't sleep." One of them slurred, "Play somethin' more upbeat."
Jae-ha smirked, knowing they didn't get any sleep the previous night, so they had been up for 24 hours straight. They immediately protested, "I haven't had 'nough to drink!"
"Lullaby~" Jae-ha hummed as he started up again, and you stifled your laugh with your hand as they all tipped backwards, snoring faintly.
Jae-ha was growing increasingly curious as they continued to stubbornly refuse to go to sleep.
"T'night, is our last night... as pirates..." The one wearing a bandanna explained sleepily.
"...That's silly. The pirates will be no more, but everyone will be fishermen in Awa. Nothing will change..." Jae-ha said, dumbfounded.
The bandanna pirate slammed his hand on the deck. "But you'll be leaving! With that girl and her group! You're leaving Awa... aren't you?!"
Jae-ha smiled sadly, glancing at you, but you were fast asleep, curled up under the railing.
"Lullaby~" Jae-ha began to play again, and this time, none of them could fight against the call to sleep.
"Jae-ha..." One of them weakly reached towards the green dragon. "I'll kill ya..."
Ryokuryuu set down his erhu, stepping towards you lightly to not wake the sleeping pirates.
"Everyone cried themselves to sleep. How depressing." He sighed, looking back at his comrades as he picked you up and headed to your room. "You know... I really love you guys." He smiled forlornly down at you. He still didn't know how to tell you, and they were going to be leaving tomorrow.
He wasn't going to worry about that for tonight though, and as he arranged you carefully on the bed. You stirred awake at his touch, rousing from your slumber.
"Jae-ha?" Your tired voice was laced with confusion.
"I have to speak with Captain Gi-gan for a moment, I'll be back soon." He promised you, kissing you on the forehead lightly.
You pouted, "If you think I'm going to let you out of my sight, you're wrong." Throwing his words back at him, Jae-ha chuckled.
"I think I said, 'you're damn wrong', Y/N." Smiling as your brow knitted and you frowned, thinking hard. "But, I guess it can wait until tomorrow." He hesitated by the bedside as you scooted over to make room for him. "Are you sure? You're still injured."
"Jae-ha, you have three seconds to get in bed before I try to do it myself."
He practically threw himself down next to you, and you bounced under the force. You extended your arms out to him, silently asking for cuddles. Jae-ha chuckled under his breath at your cute display of affection, situating you in his arms.
This reminded you of the night Captain Gi-gan first drew up the battle plans, it seemed like so long ago.
A lot has happened since then.
You frowned. "Jae-ha," You could feel his rapid heartbeat against your cheek where it was pressed against his chest. "Whatever you're worried about, don't be. It'll be okay."
You smiled reassuringly at him, and Jae-ha returned it as best as he could. Focusing on you in his arms, he pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind. He wrapped an arm around your waist, the other tucked under his head. He went to kiss your forehead, but you pushed yourself up at the last second, capturing his lips with yours.
Jae-ha let out a noise of surprise, but eased into it. You kissed him slowly, passionately. And when you finally pulled away with a gasp, Jae-ha had no intentions of stopping there. He traveled down your neck, placing kisses along your collarbone and you whined, a hand shooting over your mouth to muffle it.
Too late.
His eyes darkened considerably, until they were nearly obsidian. "Y/N..."
Jae-ha groaned, pulling himself away from your body with obvious reluctance. "We should wait."
"What, why?" You cried, reaching out to grasp his robes.
He raised an eyebrow at that. "Did you seriously forget that you're hurt?"
Oh, yeah.
The dull, throbbing pain came back full force as you focused on it, and you doubled over, whimpering. He immediately went to your side, stroking your hair and shushing you comfortingly. Once you finally quieted, he took his place next to you.
"Sleep," Came the gentle command as Jae-ha tenderly curled his arms around your exhausted frame. "I love you, Y/N."
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
Protecting You
Hi! I was wondering if I could request a reader and Jae Ha fic where the reader accidentally ingests a drug (mayhaps nadai 👀) and Jae Ha has to tend to the outcome.
Tysm!! ❤️
Pairing: Reader x Jae-ha
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
He beats himself up over not being quick enough and letting her take the blow for him. All he can do now is make sure she gets better. It's agonising watching her in pain, but he'll make sure she gets through this.
A/N: I actually loved this request. Thanks for sending it through!
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It happens before he can stop it. He should've seen it coming, he should've sensed something was off, but he didn't think they'd try to get him so quick.
Y/N and him were currently sitting side by side in the town's local brothel, accompanied by women and men. The influence of Nadai had been great on this town, so the team had decided to track down the main distributer.
The man was sitting right in front of them. Jae-ha is sure the man doesn't know who they are, and they'd only been talking for about half an hour.
The fact that he'd try to spike Jae-ha's drink so soon startled even him.
The fact that he's not the one who ends up taking the drink is even worse.
Y/N, the love of his life, grabs the small cup out of her hand and before he can react, she downs it in one go. Jae-ha stares at her questioningly, but she just shakes her head with a smile.
"Quite thirsty, weren't you?" The man says and, eyeing the empty cup.
Y/N smiles, and grips Jae-ha's forearm.
"It's a hot day, after all, and the company makes it stifling." The smile she gives makes even the women in the room pause in amazement. Her charm was one of the things Jae-ha loved about her. She could keep up with him, and getting her flustered was a game he loved to play.
Jae-ha knows something's wrong when the grip on his forearm tightens to an unusual extent. When he glances at her, he can see beads of sweat forming on the back of her neck.
It takes a few glances between the empty cup and her quivering smile for it to click into place.
"As much I enjoy the company, I think it's about time we take our leave." Although they try and stop the two, Jae-ha waves their protests off good naturedly and stands, helping Y/N up. He can't stop the spike of cold fear when she leans against him to stay upright.
The cool air as they exit the building does nothing to make her feel better. s soon as they're at a safe place, in a nearby alley away from the brothel, Jae-ha leans her against the stone wall and talks.
"You knew it was spiked." She's breathing heavily, sweating hard and she can only nod. Jae-ha clenched his jaw in frustration.
"Why would you do that?! You knew it was spiked with Nadai, and you still drank it!?" He can't fathom why on Earth she would do that.
"You-...you would've drank it oth-otherwise." She coughs and doubles over and he quickly grabs her, helping her lean on him.
"Couldn't make you...you go through th-...that again." Is the last thing she chokes out, before passing out, slumping over in her boyfriend's arms. Jae-ha calls out her name, but it's no use. Cursing, he shifts her so she's secure on his back and starts making his way back to the camp they had set up, in the woods surrounding the town.
As he jumps and the air hits him, he can't help but feel helpless. He should've picked it up. He should've known. Maybe if he got her to Yoon quick enough, the boy could help lessen the inevitable symptoms...
He winces and grits his teeth as he recalls the amount of pain he was in. He recalls it as agonising, and just thinking about Y/N going through that makes him angry enough to have trouble supressing the urge to go back to that place and tear that man to shreds.
As he lands, the others come out to greet them, but stop short at the sight of Y/N. From there, Yoon whisks her away into one of the tents and all Jae-ha can do is stand there helplessly and berate himself for letting this happen.
Yoon does not manage to lessen the symptoms.
The next day is horrible, Y/N thrashing around and crying out every so often. She can't think straight. The only thing she's known the moment she woke up is pain, deep and aching and constant. It's horrible and she can't stop crying out and the tears, even if she wanted too. Her shouts make the others wince and struggle to stoml down their frustration. Their friend was in pain and they couldn't do anything.
Hak and Yona had left for the town to go track down the guy who did this the moment they heard her first scream. Hak had gotten up silently and marched towards town, Yona following behind him, emitting a similar air of seriousness. Y/N and Yona were quite close, being the only two women. She was older than her, a year younger than Jae-ha, but they got along smoothly.
Jae-ha was trying his best to keep his cool. He hadn't left her side since the morning. He's been sitting next to her, making sure she has everything she needs and trying to soothe her when she has a particularly bad wave of pain. He finds himself trembling, but he'd rather take a shot of Nadai than care about himself right now.
This was a nightmare. His worst fear. He's been wired to protect. He's always been a protective person, actually. By nature, he's learned to cherish the things he really holds dear.
Y/N was high up on that list.
And she was in pain because of him.
He places a hand on her forehead, brushing her hair away from her face as she breaths harshly. She clenches her eyes shut.
"You're okay." His voice shakes and if the others were to see him like this...
"You'll be okay...I promise."
His breath hitches as her hand reaches up to grab his wrist. The whisper of his name is pained, but carries a sense of relief.
"I'm here, love. I'm here." He mutters, bringing her hand up to kiss the back of her palm. She relaxes, even if a little and it makes his heart ache. It makes him want to yell and break something, seeing her like this. He can't do anything but stay by her side and help her get through this.
It goes on for hours. When her pain finally subsides, she's goes unconscious, clearly exhausted. It's only then when Jae-ha lets go of her hand, gently placing it next to her and tucking a blanket around her. He runs a hand through his hair and sighs, pulling his hand back to look at it. He's still shaking. Bowing his head, he buries his face in his hands and lets out a breath.
He doesn't know when he fell asleep, but he's woken up by the sound of shuffling and gentle coughing.
The second time she woke up, she still ached all over, but the pain had washed away considerably. She still felt horrible, but was able to move. Wincing, she tries to sit up. Jumping as she feels a hand on her back, helping her sit up, she glances beside her.
“Jae-ha?” Her voice is hoarse from crying and it makes him wince. His name barely leaves her lips before he’s holding her in a tight hug.
It’s familiar and warm and she relaxes into it.
“Never again. Never do that again, understand?” When she doesn’t respond, he pulls back a little, enough to meet her eyes with a frown.
“Y/N. I’m serious. I don’t want-”
“I’d do it again to protect you.” She cuts him off. “I’d do it in a heartbeat if...if it means keeping you safe.”
There’s a beat of silence, and she pulled back in, Jae-ha tucking her head into the crook of his neck.
“Unbelievable. You’re insane.” He mumbles, burying his face into the side of her face, placing small kisses into her hair.
She hums, letting her eyes slip shut, a loose hold on the back of his cloak.
Jae-ha doesn’t let her go until Yoon comes back and practically pries him off. It would be a while before he stops staying close to her.
Requests Are Open!
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
Red Rose, Green Rose.
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Jeaha x Princess!Reader - Christmas ! AU
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
Young snowflakes floated onto the cold, hard ground of the castle courtyards. A girl, strolled among the castle grounds and saw that many a servants were busy hanging all kinds of decorations, coloured lights and tinsel of the sort; Christmas time was approaching.
Soo-won, the rightful leader of the Kouka kingdom and Hiryuu castle, had very suddenly handed the duties of being a ruler over to the closest person he knew, (Y/N). He believed it was necessary to venture further out of the kingdom and scout the area with his men, in case he was in fact to see the tragically deceased, Princess Yona and her bodyguard Hak.
There wasn't much (Y/N) had to do, as she was just filling in for a friend. Despite this fact, however, word got around quickly to all the villages. The truth was soon morphed into rumours that she was an entirely new ruler, and Soo-won forfeit his position as king. This news had reached to all kinds of locations, including Awa; home of the green dragon.
"Jae-ha, ya snot nosed brat, get o'er here!" barked the lady of the very well known pirate crew, Captain Gi-gan. Jae-ha, taking his sweet time, casually strolled through the snow-covered deck to his beloved captain.
"You've finally agreed to take me out to dinner, haven't you? I knew you'd give in soon enough cap, a Christmas dinner always gets the lad-"
"Oh put a cork in it, ya pervert," she interrupted, clearly not wanting to put up with more of his ridiculous flirting. "I was going to ask you if ya heard of the new ruler?"
"..If you are referring to that kid Soo-won, then yes. I have."
"No. A new ruler, not Soo-won." Jae-ha, utterly confused as to why there would be a new ruler so recently after the coronation of new king, made him begin to think that something suspicious was going on.
"Do you want me to do somethin' about it, or what?" he asked Gi-gan, becoming slightly impatient.
"I want you to go check it out; it doesn't seem right that something like that would happen so suddenly." Jae-ha paused for a while and stared out at the beautiful sea, wondering whom the new ruler could be, until Gi-gan snapped at him again. "Get outta here already! I don't need you hanging 'round here anymore."
With a heavy sigh, but a cheesy smile, he replied with an "Aye aye, captain," before bounding into the endless blue atmosphere. With every rest he took, he gazed at the settling snow in the villages. Some hated the weather very much, whereas others were seizing the opportunity as a way to share the Christmas spirit with one another. It made him happy to see at least a few villages in good spirits, for he was too.
Upon finally arriving at Hiryuu castle, Jae-ha knew he had to remain undercover. He walked along the high walls and rooftops, where no guards would look due to their strenuous tasks of decorating. He sat on a rooftop where he had the perfect view of the working servants and guards. He was about to stand and finish the task Gi-gan had asked of him, until he heard a voice.
"Don't hurt yourselves please! This all looks incredible!" Jae-ha looked around to see where the voice was coming from. Due to the voice belonging to that of a young maiden, he was instantly attracted. He smiled like he always does when he thinks "happy thoughts."
"Thank you, Princess (Y/N)," the guards thanked in reply. He continued to look but could not see from his current place, so he jumped on top of the railing that circled the courtyard. There, he looked down and most definitely saw someone that would be considered royalty.
The girl had beautiful, unique dark red hair that glittered with the dancing snowflakes. She wore a magnificent hair ornament that represented Christmas itself, with a holly and the traditional colours of the occasion standing out. Her voice sounded like a symphony of strings, but would turn into the lovely sound of a butterfly's wings. Jae-ha was mesmerised, not like he was with every other girl he had ever met; this one felt different to him.
"Forgive me, your highness, but with Lord Soo-won absent during this time, what are we to do?" questioned one of the guards that were supervising the men decorating.
"Well, he told me not to worry about doing too many things as a princess, for now. But because I am the princess, for now, I say that we will all celebrate the joy of Christmas!" the new ruler excitedly exclaimed. Jae-ha smiled, giggling at her great enthusiasm.
Her head had suddenly turned in his direction, and he took that as his cue to return to his captain and crew in Awa.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"So? What's she like?" Gi-gan interrogated him, rather than asking him normally. "Well? Spit it out ya good-for-nothing pirate!" Jae-ha had to think for a moment, and find the right words to describe her.
"Well, she's... oh my, it would seem that I am at a loss for words! How embarrassing..."
"Ah, cut it out Jae-ha. The last thing that girl needs is someone who spies on her all the time, just so you can dream about her good looks," one of the pirates on board complained.
Oh believe me my friends, she is no ordinary one.
The sun began to set, and the decorations the citizens of Awa would set up began to illuminate with a great beauty. As he scanned the town from a rooftop, he noticed that one door had a hanging wreath that looked like a giant holly, very similar to what the new princess was wearing.
That night, as it was 2 days before Christmas, most people began to celebrate and party, despite the sadness and poverty that loomed throughout the entire town of Awa. Jae-ha was slightly surprised by this, and found it difficult to sleep. And so, he decided to make a journey.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Princess (Y/N) was also staying up late, but appeared to be one of the few who did the same in the castle. Earlier that day, she thought she felt someone watching her. Being the friendly soul she was, she wanted to turn around and greet them, but no one was there. Her mind was racing, thinking that her mind was just playing tricks on her, or that perhaps someone really was there.
(Y/N) lay in her bed, and gazed out the window of the still falling snow. It was a cold night; the perfect theme for Christmas. Deciding that it was no use in trying to have a good night's rest, she arose, put on her favourite winter cloak, and walked along the balconies, saying hello to the guards who were awake.
Out of the castle walls, she could hear bells ringing and people telling tales of Santa Clause. She walked around a particular corner and just stood there, staring out into the beautifully lit country out in front of her, whether it is the sky of night or the coloured lights.
(Y/N) noticed that these past few days, she'd been feeling lonely. She didn't have many friends, and whilst she is ruling, she isn't permitted to leave the castle to see the people she was a friend to. Slowly, as time passed looking out, she began to feel trapped. She chuckled sadly to herself.
"And here I thought that being a princess was an honour. Turns out it's just not that beautiful in the end..." She suddenly heard footsteps on the roofing above her. Slightly afraid that it was an intruder, she hurried back to her quarters.
(Y/N) quickly closed the bedroom doors, and her eyes immediately rested on something carefully placed on her window, which she could've sworn she left closed. Approaching her window, she saw that it was a beautiful, vibrant green rose with tiny snowflakes rested atop each petal. She didn't think they could still be found these days. Under the flower was a note attached.
A rose for the girl with hair as red as blood, who is even more beautiful than a princess.
(Y/N) smiled at the unexpected gift, as she smelt its scent. She knew that someone was there today, and she could tell that this stranger, deep down, had a very kind heart. (Y/N) found a nearby empty vase and delicately placed the rose inside, putting the vase along the same window she found it. After that, she fell into a deep, dreamy sleep.
Christmas Eve had arrived just as soon as the morning sun, and (Y/N) was reminded that Soo-won would be returning on Christmas day. Ever happy that Christmas was only the next day, (Y/N) decided that she wanted to look even better than she did yesterday.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Back in Awa, spirits were even brighter than the night before. The snow had finally stopped falling, and covered the ground in a powdery white. Even the ocean had been frozen over from snowfall.
"Well fellas, looks like we ain't sailin' today."
All the pirates groaned, disappointed. "But I wanted to catch some fish for tomorrow!"
"Well it ain't my fault the water is a frozen Popsicle! Why don't you girls all go into town and get somethin' nice for ya selves."
With heavy moans and low motivation, they all responded with "Aye aye, captain." Jae-ha was about to accompany them, when Gi-gan held him back.
"Sneaking around with the ladies last night, were you?" Jae-ha didn't realise he had been so careless with sneaking out, but he kept a straight face.
"Ah, you know me too well captain, but even I wouldn't do that so late in the night. There are bad people walking around you know."
"You are so funny Jae-ha, really," Gi-gan said as she finished carving something with her dagger. "Anyway, word's gotten 'round that kid king Soo-won is comin' back-"
"Again? What's going on at that crazy castle anyway? Kid doesn't even know what he's doing."
"... I just had a thought. That kid became king because that other guy, King Il, died. Do ya think maybe the same thing happened to that newbie princess?" Gi-gan turned to look at Jae-ha and hear his thoughts, but saw that he wasn't even there anymore.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Dead? Not while the green dragon is around.
Jae-ha bound from tree to tree, making his way back to Hiryuu castle. After knowing where his captain was going to take the conversation, he didn't want to hear the rest of it. But he had his heart set on going to the castle, because Captain Gi-gan did have a point.
He jumped onto the same roof he was on the previous night, and scanned the castle grounds. Jae-ha began to grow worried that she was nowhere to be found, but was instantly relieved when he recognised the familiar hair. He huffed, and jumped to a different place closer to the girl.
She was strolling in the courtyard by herself, admiring the well-decorated trees and picking a beautiful dark red rose. She decided to pin the rose onto her cloak as she explored some more. She laughed and did a few twirls in the snow beneath her shoes. Jae-ha noticed something when she would do her spins. He saw that she was wearing the green rose in her hair. He smiled, and sat down as he continued to admire.
"Princess (Y/N)!" a sudden voice called out from nowhere. Soon after there was a servant making his way towards the girl, letter in hand.
(Y/N). So that's her name, is it?"
"A letter from Lord Soo-won, your highness." (Y/N) thanked him kindly whilst smiling, and opened the letter.
She sat down on a nearby bench as she read. Jae-ha was curious about what she was reading, and became even more so when the princess scrunched up the paper, and threw it out in front of her. (Y/N) then hastily stormed her way out of the snow garden, and back deep within the castle.
Jae-ha believed her to be upset, and his suspicions were confirmed when he would hear guards asking the princess if she was all right as she strode past them. She opened two big doors, and went inside. Jae-ha figured that was all he was going to see of his blood-red princess that day.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Night fell, the moon rose, and (Y/N) couldn't feel any more miserable. The letter she had received early that morning was Soo-won giving her an extended reign, as he and his men had "run into some unfortunate complications." (Y/N) didn't want to be here anymore. It meant that she would have to spend Christmas in the castle grounds, without her family and friends. Soo-won said in the letter that this had to be so, for the people would riot if they had no ruler.
(Y/N) cried softly to herself as she began to miss her own home. Then, as if it were in her own head, the sound of a beautiful instrument began to fill the air with it's soothing tune. She lifted her head and looked to her open window, where another note was placed. She sat up and read the small piece of paper.
A lullaby for the girl with a broken heart, to help her sleep at night.
(Y/N) sat up on the end of her bed and closed her eyes as she let herself drown in the beauty of the instrument she recognised as an erhu. Before she drifted anymore, her mind quickly changed to wanting to find the source of the music.
(Y/N) put on her cloak she wore that same day, and climbed out of the window onto the balcony. She looked up and could tell that the music coming from on top of the roof. She spotted a way to start climbing up by grabbing onto ledges, and began to make her way up. She hoped no one could see her.
The music grew louder and louder the more she would climb. Eventually, she was high enough to peek her head over the top. (Y/N) saw a man with long green hair, sitting cross-legged with his back turned, playing his erhu. (Y/N) hoisted herself up using her arms, and carefully walked towards and sat next to the mysterious stranger.
"Quite the climber, aren't you?" he spoke suddenly as he kept on playing. "You're lucky, a lot of girls would kill to be in this situation right now." (Y/N) jumped a little at the sudden voice, but relaxed soon after. She knew there was nothing to be afraid of.
"Tell me, what's a beautiful lady like you crying tears for?" he questioned, completely out of the blue. (Y/N) blushed at his comment, for she was always self-conscious about her hair. But she looked at the stranger's hair, and wondered what she was self-conscious for.
"...I just want to get out of here, that's all," she quietly replied. She thought back to the notes left for her and the rose she had received these past nights. "Are you the one who gave me the rose?"
"Indeed I am. Jae-ha, at your service your majesty," he introduced and bowed his head and looked at (Y/N).
"I'm (Y/N)," she introduced with bowing her head in reply. They shared a brief smile with each other, before she started conversation.
"Why are you doing this for me, Jae-ha?"
"Well you know, the true spirit of Christmas is all about giving. I'm just giving you things to be happy about, since you don't look too happy."
"...Thank you."
Jae-ha stopped playing as he became a little more serious. "So... what was in that letter you read?"
"You saw that?"
"Indeed I did. I also saw you hurry back to your quarters afterwards. Is there something troubling you milady?"
"Well... I'm not actually the ruler of this castle, let alone the kingdom of Kouka. I'm just taking my friend Soo-won's place while he is gone. He was meant to be returning tomorrow, but I was told I need to remain as princess for a while longer."
"And you're not happy about that?"
"Of course not. I thought being a princess would be great and an honour, but in the end it's just-"
"Not that beautiful?" Jeaha finished her sentence. (Y/N) looked at him, stunned that he knew what he was going to say. He smiled brightly to her. "Trust me, you're far more beautiful than a princess." A bit embarrassed, (Y/N) looked down and noticed that the red rose from the garden was still pinned to her clothing.
Jeaha was about to start playing his erhu again, when he saw (Y/N) holding something out to him from the corner of his eye. The rose was the same colour as her hair; much like how the rose he gave her was the same as his own.
"A rose for the boy with hair as green as nature's beauty, who is even more giving than Christmas itself," she grinned widely.
Jae-ha, knowing full well that he was love-struck, took the rose gratefully and kissed (Y/N) on her forehead. He looked at her eyes and at first they were confused, but changed to eyes of joy.
(Y/N) shifted closer to Jae-ha, and rested her head on his shoulder. Loud bells echoed from a distance, signalling that it was midnight. Lots of guards and servants below the two were shouting "Merry Christmas!"
"Hey, Jae-ha? Play me a song." Putting some thought into it, Jae-ha started playing a well-known Christmas carol on his erhu, playing for everyone in the castle grounds to hear. Jae-ha and (Y/N) looked out at the breath-taking sights of christmas, their red and green hair, the colours of christmas, blowing in the cold wind.
After a long time, Jae-ha saw that (Y/N) had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He laughed to himself, how easily he could fall in love with a stranger in so little time. Maybe it was destiny.
"Merry Christmas, your highness."
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
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astharoshebarvon · 5 years
vampire knight
Will this be a rant? Of sorts, maybe.
It seems now there is another discourse in VK fandom, this time about whether Ren and Ai will be a romantic couple or not. Firstly, Hino is drawing them in a suggestive way, that’s true.
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Do I care if they end up together or not? Not really. She has drawn Kaname and Zero in a suggestive way many times, hell, even in recent covers Zero is literally all over Kaname. Not to mention Zero/Kaname has way more fanfictions and incredible fanarts than either of the canon straight couples. It’s true, just check it.
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Think what you want, above illustration is pure Zero/Kaname and Yume.
And, in the below one, Zero’s hand...Sorry, two rivals and enemies just don’t do that.
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Look at the above illustration, that’s not how two guys stand if they are enemies, they just don’t.
Secondly, both Ai and Ren have an intense need of another’s blood. Now, many people say their relationship is creepy…
Sorry, but many shoujo mangas and mainstream novels have the same crap. The girl is obsessed with the boy and also ends up with him. Yikes. Gross.
And, those stories are celebrated. So, why be against these two? Oh, wait, it’s because they are not hetero.
Hino is not doing anything great even if they do come out as a couple, Clamp has done it many times and Clamp works are way more popular than Hino’s can ever be.
X, a shoujo genre manga has Kamui and Fuuma.
They loved each other, don’t even try to argue with me about it.
Seishirou and Subaru, the most tragic couple of manga and anime are also in it. CCS has Yue with Clow Reed, Yukito/Yue and Touya, Sakura and Tomoyo, some of these feelings are one sided, but none of them are hated.
These couples are way more popular than whole VK manga. Rg Veda, another shoujo has Amaterasu and Souma, Taishakuten and Ashura-ou, Yasha and Ashura can also be interpreted as an M/M couple. Oh, wait. That’s canon. They are together in Tsubasa.
And, don’t get me started on Fai and Kurogane. There you go people, these are shonen and shoujo mangas which have same sex couples.
And, the readers know there was something going on between Fai and Kurogane even if it’s not stated explicitly.
Clamp literally said,”do not call Fuuma and Kamui brothers”. They are soulmates. They don’t even mention the obsessed fangirl, kotori.
Arina Tanemura, whose stories are a perfect example of a  fangirl ending with the guy they were after, also has a single M/M couple in one of her works. Mostly in her stories, the main girl likes one guy, but in the end, that guy never ends up with her. He ends up with one of the obsessed fangirls.
Am I still bitter about how dirty the mangaka did Itsuki Otomiya? Yes. The sweetheart doesn’t even know Haine was his daughter, and the whole bloody cast had coloured illustrations, a freaking artbook is there for the series, but not a single illustration for him. Yikes.
I hope she redeems herself and makes Tokita and Chikage a couple in 31 Ai dreams. The only series of hers which didn’t have this cliché was Sakurahime Kaden and Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne.
And, let’s be honest, Eiichi would have have ended up with another fangirl if he wasn’t dead in Full moon. Thank god he was spared that bullshit. But, then again, he dies. That’s not good either.
Gentleman’s alliance cross, Nekota are just bad. Yes, the art is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean the males of her series deserved to end up with obsessive fangirls.
The one with underage relationship, Nekota or whatever [thank god that was never picked up by Viz.] In this, the blue haired dude, Serizawa, who the main girl liked from the beginning didn’t end up with her, he ended up with a fangirl. Ugh.
And, it is incestuous, the girl has feelings for her underage cousin.  Right.
Her art is beautiful, but damn it, her stories are so annoying.
For her only M/M couple in shinshi doumei cross, she had to make one half of the MM couple a cross dresser.
The guy, Maora was wearing woman’s clothing every time he and Maguri were shown together. He was never once shown as his real, tall self with Maguri.
And, she has said she isn’t comfortable with yaoi, but is okay with shonen ai.
But the point is, it’s been done many times.
In Hana Kimi, one of the protagonist’s elder brother is gay. He was the school’s physician if I am not wrong. So, Hino is not doing anything new.
Kyou Kara Maou is a shoujo manga, but it has Wulfrum and Yuri, two guys as a main couple. Granted, nothing happens, but they are engaged.
The manga was published in Asuka, a shoujo magazine.
Same goes for uraboku, Luka loves Yuki, regardless of the fact whether he is a female or a male. Senshirou and Kuroto were together, Hotsuma and Shusei were married in previous lives and they were very much together in the present as well.
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Do I think Ren and Ai will end up together, I dunno. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t. But I don’t think she will show them as a couple. If she will, fine. If she doesn’t, then also fine. They have an intense desire to be with each other, and their relationship is not parallel to Kaname and Yuuki’s or Haruka and Juri’s.
One can say they are like Rido, Yuuki’s uncle, not like the above two couples.
There are many differences between them and the two couples.
And, let’s not forget the harem Sara created, in fact she even kissed one of the girls.
Do I care about Ren and Ai ? No.
My sole reason for reading this manga is: Yume. Just bring Yuuki back and show Yume happily ever after. I really don’t care who ends up with whom.
But some reasons regarding Renai are hypocritical. This manga has incest, why are you being bothered by it now? Hell, she drew Ichiru and Zero in suggestive way too, and Zero’s care for Ichiru could also be questioned in that case.
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I am not sure if the above is Zero and Ichiru or Zero with another personality of his, I don’t want to see my artbook right now, but it can be seen as Zero and Ichiru.
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We don’t like yuri and yaoi.
Well, in that case I really hope it happens so it’ll tick off the people who make this statement. Yes, it’s a derogatory statement.
If the mangaka wants to do it, she can, it’s her choice. Hate her for it, plenty do. Zekis and yumes do for their reasons. I dislike the way she does things too, I hate many things she has done. But, hey she still did them.
Read Yona of the dawn in that case, that’s the only series which isn’t “problematic”
But,  Kija and Jaeha can be shipped in that too. I do ship them. And, the author has drawn shonen ai doujinshi’s.
And, Yona was in love with Su-won in the beginning, who is her cousin. Incest is incest, whether it’s between siblings or cousins, they are family.
I really don’t think Hino will show Ren and Ai as a couple. Siblings who are weirdly close, yes. Romantic couple, I don’t think so. If I am wrong, fine.
Just give me my Yume happy ending, and Takuma and Seiren scenes. I literally don’t care about the kids relationship. I just don’t. First, I had to suffer through that traitor’s crap with the stupid bint, Sayori, now this.
Edit :  Finally I read this chapter…
I don’t understand how anyone can even compare whatever crap that is going on between Ai and Ren to Yume and Haruka / Juri. The Kuran couples never looked so fucking weird with each other.
I was absolutely right in thinking their feelings for each other are reminiscent of what Rido felt. Just because Ai is Yume’s daughter doesn’t mean she’s a perfect character. Give me a break. Then again she had a crush on Zero as well.
And, she was raised among people like Ruka and Aidou, traitors and obsessed idiots. It’s no wonder she turned out idiotic.
She looks weird when she says, “she had her sister with her” to Youko.
I am not going to post the image cause its just bad.
Yume and Haruka/Juri were never so fucking creepy. Never.
Ren is just so bland and sad in everything that I don’t know what to think. Youko was the only one who wasn’t weird in this Ch.
The author should just wrap this up, it’s neither interesting nor is evoking any feelings in readers. It’s as bad Sayori/Aidou crap. Just stop with the useless story arcs, show Kaname and Yuuki together and end this shit.
I really don’t think the two girls will end up together. Their scenes aren’t sweet, and if she wants to show them, just do it and move on. They are both boring and least interesting. They are so bad it will not matter whether are together or apart.
They are as bad as other creepily obsessed M/F couples in novels and shoujo manga where the obsessed fangirl ends with the boy. This trope itself is gross. Who even cares about them?
They are only being hyped because they are two girls. When people thought Ren was a boy there wasn’t much reaction. I know there wasn’t. But now that they are two girls…
Hate them because they are stupid, no point in saying we don’t like them because its FF relationship. That’s just bigotry. Or maybe the author should be honest and say I wanted Zero and Kaname to fuck but Yuuki kept on getting in the way. So, I decided to pair their daughters together. because according to the author incest is fine in VK.  Just drop this crap already Hino.
I mean what the hell is up with this boring arc ?
I don’t even understand why stupid shit like this is overlooked in MF couples but if same happens in same sex, everyone is like, looks its unhealthy.  Incest, age difference, obsessed idiots/ fangirls, they are all bad.
I love Clamp, but that Rika and Terada thing was just plain gross. Same goes for Rin and Sesshoumaru.
I kept on telling myself about the latter one, no they are a parent child relationship. But at one point, I had to accept it was anything but family love. I love Sesshoumaru and always will. But I can’t get behind Rin/Sessh or whatever nonsense it was. Sessrin is celebrated, it’s a fact. It’s creepy, don’t deny it.
I know some of their artists and Sesskag [yuck] kept on leaving rude comments on SessKik fanworks, my favourite ship.
And Terada/Rika thing is overlooked because, let’s be honest CCS is fucking awesome. I overlook it and concentrate on yue yukito/ touya, syaoran/sakura.
I just want this RenAi thing to go away. I can’t stand either of them. Just show Kaname and Yuuki together and end this series. Hino should wrap it up and start a new one. VK will not gain the popularity it had at one point no matter what. The author is just coming off as desperate.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 10: The Choice
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When you woke up, Jae-ha wasn't beside you. As you slowly sat up, your door opened, revealing a certain Ryokuryuu. Jae-ha nearly ran over to you, placing a hand on your back to support you.
"Easy," He murmured as you winced in pain. "You were asleep all day yesterday."
Your eyes went wide. "Oh no! Did I miss the send off?!"
Jae-ha chuckled nervously, "No, that's later today. How are you feeling?" Concerned eyes scanning your figure anxiously.
"Better than before." You reassured him. "Still a little sore, but I'll be alright."
Jae-ha nodded, and you situated yourself so you were leaning against the wall, legs extended in front of you.
"Wait here." Then he left, with you looking curiously after him. He came back with a large plate of food and some water.
"Yoon?" You guessed and he grinned. The mouth-watering food couldn't have be made by anyone else.
"He says you're to rest and limit your movements or else he will reprimand you into next week." Jae-ha relayed, handing the food to you.
You gobbled it down. You hadn't realized just how hungry you were.
Jae-ha laughed at the sight of your stuffed cheeks, it somehow mirrored the image of Shin-ah's squirrel, Ao. You pouted at him as best as you could after you gulped down your food and he patted your head fondly.
"You're just very cute, Y/N."
You blushed at that, setting down your spoon, mouth gaping open as you struggled to fire back a response but coming up empty. He chuckled and you huffed at him, crossing your arms stubbornly over your chest.
As you continued to chow down on your food, you noticed Jae-ha was visibly agitated across from you. Setting aside the now empty bowl, you took his hand in yours, lacing your fingers together. He looked up at you at the contact, tears watering in his eyes.
Your eyes widened in shock, "What's the matter?"
He choked on his words, unable to formulate them and you hushed him, drawing him close to you. Your fingers ran to his hair, and you pressed a soothing kiss to his temple.
"Number?" Your concern grew when he didn't answer you right away. "Jae-ha?"
He hesitantly brushed one finger against your wrist and you tensed in alarm.
"Are you hurt?" Eyes frantically roaming over his form in worry. "What's wrong?"
Jae-ha took a deep breath, and exhaled shakily. "I'm leaving with Yona today."
Tense silence fell over the two of you.
"Okay." You shrugged nonchalantly.
He blinked. "Okay?"
"Yeah," You got up, stretching your arms above your head. "When do we leave?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Jae-ha held out his hands to stop you as you moved to gather some things. "You're not coming with."
You narrowed your eyes at him. "And why not? Wherever you go, I always go."
"It'll be dangerous." You rolled your eyes at that, but Jae-ha didn't stop. "The princess is being hunted, she's basically in exile from the castle, there's no telling what would happen. I'm not putting you through that uncertainty and danger again."
"So you're going to leave me behind? Where I'm 'safe'?" You retorted and he nodded. "You honestly think that just because Kum-ji is dead, this town will be safe?"
He flinched at your words but he heard the truth in them. "There will always be something or someone, Jae-ha. I'd rather be by your side than anywhere else in the world when I come across it. I'm going with you."
"Besides," You tossed a smirk over your shoulder, "I was already planning on tagging along." You grinned slyly at him and shot out of the room, your dragon scrambling after you.
"What, since when?!" He exclaimed.
You tapped a finger to your chin in thought. "Since the second day they arrived, I believe."
"WHAT?!?! WHY?!"
"Because I already knew you were going to go with them, even if you didn't see it at the time." You explained.
He scratched his head. "Did you already tell everyone else?"
"Yup," You chirped. "How do you think the pirates knew you were leaving too when they asked you a couple days ago?"
Jae-ha jolted, "You were awake?!"
Your giggle answered his question and he asked softly, "Are you sure about this?"
"Jae-ha," You could see the insecurity swimming in his eyes. "You're not making me do anything. I've already decided on this a long ago."
"I didn't want to choose between you and Yona, Y/N." Jae-ha said seriously, and you understood where he was coming from, but he really didn't get it.
"Who said you have to choose?" You replied softly. "I'm loyal to her too, even if I don't understand it fully from your perspective, not being a dragon and all. But like hell you're leaving me behind."
Your stubborn declaration sent a spark of desire pulsing through his veins. Jae-ha cursed under his breath, and you bent down to look at his shadowed eyes covered by his distinct green fringe. "What's wrong, big guy?"
You gasped as he pinned you to the wall roughly, his breath hot on your ear. "I love you, Y/N, so much, but you're not making it easy to contain myself."
His hard body pressed against yours, and you whimpered as he began to kiss your neck, instinctively tilting your head to give him more access. Your eyes closed and you muffled a moan into his shoulder as his leg pushed between yours. "Can I keep going, Y/N?"
You eagerly nodded.
"Need to hear you say it." He murmured, sprinkling hot kisses onto your skin.
"Yes, Jae-ha. Please." You mewled, arching into his touch.
"If you two brats are going to do it in the hallway," Captain Gi-gan's voice floated through the air. "Block off the area or something. You have an audience."
You and Jae-ha looked up to see your comrades looking at you wide-eyed.
Jae-ha smirked, "It's normal for them not to be able to resist my beauty, captain." They all collectively groaned, and the pirates yanked you out of his grasp.
"Yah, Jae-ha! Don't defile Y/N!!"
You laughed as they swept you away, and Jae-ha chased after them. You broke out onto the deck, the sunlight shining brightly in the sky.
"Give her back." Jae-ha licked his lips, gaze predatory.
"Never!!!" The pirates cheered, charging at him. You laughed as they fought, Jae-ha defeating them all easily.
"Jae-ha~" They whined. "No fair!"
He ignored them as he walked over to you with a smile wide on his face.
"I believe I deserve a kiss for my victory, missy."
You leaned up and closed your eyes as his lips collided with yours, hollers and jeering coming from your pirate brothers.
"It's time." Captain Gi-gan announced. You and Jae-ha exchanged a glance as the pirates all began to file off the ship and head towards the edge of the town. You gave him a small nod and he tossed you a smug smirk. Then, he leaped off in the direction of the forest and you ducked in your room for the last time. You rushed to get dressed, putting on a cloak and tossing up the hood, roughly throwing a couple things in a sack and slinging it over your shoulder. Captain Gi-gan and the others should be seeing them off right about now.
You raced to the edge of town, spotting Yona easily, her red hair a dead giveaway. You scampered along the rooftops as you made your way to them, keeping out of sight.
Captain Gi-gan exhaled smoke from her pipe. "If you ever need a boat, talk to me. I'll always have one prepared."
"Thank you." Yona replied gratefully.
You saw Hak glance at where you were, catching your movement from the corner of his eye as you ducked into the shadows. Scaling down the wall, you landed lightly, blending into the crowd and made your way past them, clambering up a tree a little ways away from them.
Watching and waiting.
You lifted your head as you heard Yoon exclaim in surprise as the Captain gifted them some sejusou. As the group said their last goodbyes, you waved at Captain Gi-gan from your vantage point, and she smiled secretly at you. Their group hadn't made it more than a few paces before Yona sprinted back towards the town.
You smiled softly as she launched herself in Captain Gi-gan's arms. As the captain hugged Yona, the pirates all started bawling, and you couldn't stop the few tears that escaped yourself. You were going to miss them, but you wouldn't be gone for forever.
Finally, you started to walk away from the town that you had called home, leaving behind your family. Yona was still crying as you left, causing Yoon and Kija to follow suit. You followed them stealthily from the treetops, keeping your steps light.
Yona sniffled, "I wish I had gotten to say goodbye to Jae-ha and Y/N."
"Jae-ha? I thought he joined us." Kija asked, confused.
Unsheathing his blade from his back, Shin-ah sliced clean through the tree trunk beside your group, causing your eyes to widen in shock. Jae-ha's shout could be heard for miles as he fell down with the tree.
"Jae-ha!" Yona exclaimed in surprise.
"Ah... Yona dear." Jae-ha rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Seeing as though the pirates are no more, I've decided to travel with you."
"What about Y/N?" Yona asked, worried she had caused a rift between the two of you.
You landed in a crouch in front of them, startling everyone except for Hak and Jae-ha, who knew you were there.
"No worries, Your Highness," You winked. "If you'd have me on your quest, I pledge my loyalty to you. It would be an honor to serve you again."
"Y/N," Yona's eyes sparkled. "I would be so happy!"
You leaped up, hugging your friend tight.
"So," Hak interjected as Jae-ha pulled you to his side, arm draped protectively over your shoulder. "Where do we go now, Princess?"
Yona smiled, exchanging an excited look with you. "Wherever we'd like."
Bonus Ending:
"So, does this mean I'll get to see you two kiss eventually?" You asked, pointing at Hak and Yona, who both were blushing furiously.
"Y/N..." Yoon warned, glaring at you.
The smug grin on your face didn't fade. "And maybe I'll get to do more than just kiss Jae-ha next time, if that's what they want." You sighed wistfully.
"DON'T BREAK THE FOURTH WALL!!!" The genius pretty boy snapped angrily at you while Jae-ha smirked.
Yona looked at you innocently. "What do you mean Y/N?"
You opened your mouth to answer her, but Hak slapped a hand over your mouth. You glared at him, but he didn't falter. "You don't need to hear the lies she'll tell you, Princess."
There was a muffled shout from underneath his hand, and Jae-ha stifled his laugh. "What Hak means to say, Yona dear, is that-"
He was interrupted by the Thunder Beast's fist making contact with his face. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand in mild disgust.
"Ugh, gross!" You complained. Shin-ah cracked a smile and you grinned widely at him. "Ah Yona, allow me to explain..."
The second you slung an arm over her shoulder, you were pushed off by a certain ex-general. He gripped Yona tightly to him, glaring at you over her head.
"Y/N." Cobalt eyes pierced yours and you raised your hands in surrender.
You back away, crashing into Jae-ha who was cleaning the blood spurting from his nose with the back of his sleeve. You shared a mischievous grin with him.
They were going to be so fun to mess with.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 7: The Trap
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"Stay away from me!" You hissed venomously as he came closer to you. The officers had done exactly what you had expected them to do: they brought you directly to their boss.
The man everyone was after, Lord Yang Kum-ji of Awa.
They had tried to toy with you, but you refused to give in, fighting with everything you had at your disposal. Only Kum-ji hadn't been that interested in you at first, giving you the opportunity to attach a piece of green metallic cloth on the ship's flag, smirking as the lookout didn't check it and let the color fly. You had planned on staying silent, keeping your head down after you fulfilled what you promised Captain Gi-gan in your letter, but when he started tormenting the two girls across from you who were chained, you couldn't take it anymore. You shouldered your way in front of them, sheltering them behind your body.
You bared your teeth in a vicious snarl to ward him off but Kum-ji ignored your threatening displays. It was clear that he didn't recognize you, eyes light with greed and corrupted hunger, instead of being dark with vengeance.
It was best that you didn't provoke him or jog his memory, so you bowed your head and whimpered, attempting to appear pitiful.
Kum-ji sneered at you, "The pretty lamb doesn't want to play anymore? What happened to all your fire you had just a minute ago?" He taunted.
You didn't fake the flinch as your body reacted to his words, seemingly submitting to his display of power. Your breath came out shaky as you struggled to hold onto the slipping image of Jae-ha in your mind.
His soft green hair.
His vibrant lilac eyes.
The gentle smile that he reserved only for you.
You stiffened as he shackled your wrists behind your back and your feet together. Jae-ha would want you to fight against him. He would want you to come back to him. The lies of not being good enough to deserve his love faded into the background as you looked at it clearly for the first time.
You did deserve to be loved. You were loved.
"You're not getting away from me this time." He spat.
Ah, so he did remember you.
Well, that was unfortunate.
He would have a hell of a time trying to escape the wrath of your family.
Your family.
Kum-ji snickered, assuming that he had finally broken you when tears of anger blurred your vision.
But he couldn't. He couldn't even touch you. What you had probably put Jae-ha through hurt indefinitely more than his words ever could.  You had to make it out alive to see him.
To beg for his forgiveness.
You bared your teeth ferociously and Kum-ji's eyes widened at your defiance.
You had stayed in that shadowy room for the whole day. He had ended up chaining you to the bedpost at one point because of how much you were trying to defend the obviously terrified girls by his feet. You used the moves Jae-ha and Captain Gi-gan taught you, breaking free of his hold countless times. He was growing quickly frustrated with you, enlisting the help of his men to keep you still while he taught you a lesson, roughly kicking your stomach until you couldn't lift yourself up anymore.
You knew you wouldn't win against them all, so you struck a bargain with him.
"Let them go, and I'll do whatever you want."
Yang Kum-ji's sadistic smile was less than satisfying, but you needed the girls out of the room and out of harm's way if you were to carry out the next part of your plan. You knew he liked submissive women, that he viewed them not as people, but rather things that needed to look pretty on an arm and not speak. It was clear that he was going to call them back once he was done with you.
You weren't going to give him the opportunity.
You stayed awake the entire day, well into the night, lashing out when he got too close to you, but he came back and struck you in the face with the back of his hand. Your face turned to the side under the force of his blow, spitting out blood. Your head was throbbing in pain, and your right eye threatened to shut under the swelling, bruises forming around it.
You made sure not to intake anything he tried to force you down your throat, knowing it was most likely either drugged or poisoned, but your body was bearing the consequences as you felt exhaustion weigh down your limbs. You weren't used to the lack of food and water, and it was shutting your functions down.
"Throw her in with the others!" He commanded, fed up with your games.
A minute later, you were blindfolded and thrown below deck. You could smell the seawater and feel the slime of seaweed slicked on the floor once they tossed you down.
It wasn't all quiet once they left. You could hear the girls' panicked whispers rise to terrified shouts as one of them started banging on the locked door.
"It's impossible," An unfamiliar voice cut through the atmosphere, silencing everyone. "I was put in here two weeks ago. Nobody came to get me out. To Lord Kum-ji, we're no different than objects."
She sounded defeated... hopeless...
You had to do something. You wriggled into a sitting position, iron cuffs clinking together as you tried to prop yourself up as best as you could with the restrictions.
"Haven't you ever," You stopped struggling, ears straining to hear more as you questioned if you heard right. "... wanted to change this town?"
That meant Yoon was here, too...
"Yoon..." You mumbled softly, and within a second your blindfold was tugged off, revealing a battered but relieved genius pretty boy.
"Y/N!" He shuffled behind you, trying to pry off your cuffs, but stopped when you winced in pain.
"Ah..." You hissed, and Yoon pulled back in alarm. "It's fine, just leave it."
Your arms were cuffed behind you, but you scooted backward, bringing your hands underneath your hips and around your ankles so that they were now in front of you.
"Are you hurt?" Your eyes scanned over Yoon's shaking form. Yona was whispering words of inspiration to the disheartened girls, encouraging them to reach out a hand back if someone reaches out theirs to help them. He shook his head and you felt relieved.
"What she's saying it's true," You supported Yona's indirect claim of aligning with the pirates, who unbeknownst to them, were making their way to the ships right then and there. "We're going to escape and we're going to rescue you all. Will you let us?"
Their eyes shimmered with forbidden hope.
"Yoon," You mumbled, and he leaned forwards, straining to hear you. "Where's the firework?"
"In my sash," Came the quiet reply, "It's small but it'll shoot high."
You nodded, now informed. "We've got to get on deck." You mused. "I'll clear a path for you."
Yona and Yoon's eyes widened. It was dimly lit in the cargo hold, but they could still make out the many injuries on your face, blood dripping down from your forehead and Yoon noticed how you kept your arms pressed to your stomach, as if to alleviate the pain.
Together, you tricked one of the guards to come down by banging your restraints against each other, and he clambered down to investigate the noise. Yoon shot a tranquilizer dart at him halfway down, and Yona yanked at the rope by his feet, causing the guard to lose his footing and knock his head against the steps.
Your eyes widened as you heard the sound of cries ringing faintly through the air and swords clashing together.
The battle's started.
"Yoon, we've got to hurry!" You hissed.
"I'll help too." The girl who had seemed so desolate and hopeless before was standing with determination. "My father was a ship's carpenter, I know the layout."
Yona beamed at her offer and she introduced herself as Yuri. Quickly you all made your way out of the ship's cargo hold as silently as you could, not wanting to attract any attention this late into the plan. There were two guards near the entrance leading up to the deck and you gestured for the three of them to hide behind you.
"I'll get their attention, run past them when you have an opening." You instructed firmly. Yona began to protest, voice cracking with anguish at having to leave you behind again, but stopped when she felt your hand resting on your head. "Send up the flare. The girls are our first priority."
Yuri looked between you and Yona, noting the reluctance the red-haired girl had at the idea of parting with you. "I'll help her."
You gave her a nod of thanks, turning swiftly back to Yoon and Yona beside you. "Go. Keep each other safe."
Yoon nodded, pulling Yona behind him to hide behind some crates as they waited for you to make the first move. "Yuri, stay behind me. Do your best to not get captured, that's more important than anything else, understand?"
She dipped her head in understanding, surprised at the turn you took from gentle older sister to merciless battle tactician.
You stepped out into the guards' line of sight, waving at them seductively, eyes hooded. They shouted as they saw you, and you led them towards the back of the ship. Yuri was hidden in the shadows, and you saw Yona and Yoon dart out from their hiding place, effectively making it onto the deck as the guards were distracted by you.
You sidestepped their sloppy attacks easily, enlisting the aid of the swaying ship to time it perfectly. As it swayed to the side abruptly, they became unbalanced and you saw your chance. Lunging at them, you tackled the first one, causing his sword to slide out of sight. The second one didn't get much farther as Yuri hit him over the head, knocking him out. You gave her a subtle glance of approval.
You heard whistling as the firework was launched into the air.
"Go back below deck, free and then gather up the rest of the girls. There will be a lot of shouting above you, don't come out until it dies down, okay?" You ordered, urging her back down.
She hastily nodded and you sprinted towards the hatch, bursting out onto the deck, gagging at the think stench of blood in the air. You saw a flash of crimson hair from the right and your body filled with dread as your eyes landed on the sight in front of you.
Yoon was tied up and getting beaten by a bunch of mercenaries, and Yona was shooting anyone who came close to him with a bow and arrow.
You ignored the question of how she obtained that, opting to kick aside one of the guards attempting to sneak up on her instead of asking how she managed to get her hands on a weapon. The others turned their attention towards you and you grinned, but then you remembered your hands and feet were still chained together.
Time to have some fun then...
You pushed Yona to the side as one of them went to grab her by the hair, effectively grabbing you instead. You snarled, wrapping your cuffed hands around the back of his neck, bringing it down as your knee came up to smash into his chin.
"K-Kill her!" Came the shaky order as he looked at his comrade who laid in a pool of his own blood.
Your tongue grazed over your teeth lightly, poking out of your parted lips that were curled in a confident smirk.
Their numbers quickly overwhelmed you, and you crashed into the floor, face shoved roughly against the wood. You resigned, closed your eyes and accepted your fate.
I 'm sorry, Jae-ha...
Then, wind whipped around you as a familiar set of robes fluttered in front of you, emerald green hair darting into view.
The mercenaries cried out fearfully. "W-Who are you?!"
"I'm the pirate who has submerged countless ships... the pirate who dances through the skies. But more importantly," Violet eyes glinted dangerously, "You had better not approach me recklessly."
Jae-ha growled, "I'll kill you."
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notchesandbullets · 3 years
[18+] The Princess and Her Dragons Masterlist *SMUT* Poly!AU
Fandom: Akatsuki no Yona (Yona of the Dawn)
This is a chaptered fic but each chapter can be read as a oneshot. Heed the warnings. Each one has smut and specific kinks. 
18+ only.
Chapter 1: The Princess’ Bodyguard - [Pairings: Hak x reader] 
Introductory chapter. He’s maybe a little upset when you dress up for somebody that’s not him. (1k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex, pet names
Chapter 2: A New Journey - [Pairings: Hak x reader]
Your father sends you off on a journey to recruit the four legendary dragons of Kouka Kingdom that will unite the kingdom and bring about peace. You get impatient halfway down the road, literally, and Hak fucks you in a forest. (1.6k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex, exhibitionism
Chapter 3: Meeting Kija - [Pairings: Kija x reader x Hak]
It’s not a good idea to give your bodyguard head in someone else’s bed but you do it anyways. You meet the first dragon when he walks in on Hak balls deep inside of your cunt. (1.4k)
     ⮩ Warnings: oral (m receiving), sloppy seconds, voyeurism, cursing, explicit dirty talk, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms
Chapter 4: Shin-ah’s Salvation - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader]
You get lost in the catacombs only to be saved by the one person you were looking for. Soft smut with our precious blue dragon. (1.5k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, unprotected sex
Chapter 5: Hak and Jae-ha Tag Team - [Pairings: Jae-ha x reader x Hak]
The green dragon stumbles across you while Hak’s fucking you in a back alley and seeing no protest from either one of you, he joins in. (2.2k)
     ⮩ Warnings: unprotected sex, cursing, double penetration, exhibition, threesome, consensual sex, slight orgasm denial
Chapter 6: Cockwarming - [Pairings: Hak x reader, voyeur!dragons]
He knows you have a cockwarming kink but he doesn’t last long when you circle your hips in that enticing way of getting him to do exactly what you want. And it works. A little too well. (1.7k)
     ⮩ Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, cockwarming, cursing, slight anal play, rough sex, hair pulling kink, dirty talk
Chapter 7: Stuck in a Hole - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader x Jae-ha]
You get stuck. Jae-ha takes control of the situation and teaches Shin-ah on how to please you, all while utilizing this very unique predicament you have landed yourself in. (1.6k)
     ⮩ Warnings: stuckage kink, stuck in a hole, a tiny bit of oral (f receiving), slight breeding kink, exhibitionism, threesome
Chapter 8: Zeno’s Desire - [Pairings: Zeno x reader x Hak x Jae-ha]
A rough quickie. Compensation for a rude patron's brash behavior quickly turns into something else once you realize just who it is you're now serving. (2.3k)
     ⮩ Warnings: Rough, unprotected sex, some m/m between the older two (Hak and Jae-ha), overstimulation, oral sex (m receiving), cursing, Jae-ha has an oral fixation too. Zeno is of age. Submissive headspace. Foursome.
Chapter 9: In Heat - [Pairings: Hak x reader, voyeur!four dragons, hints of Zeno x Shin-ah]
You should not have taken that potion. (1.9k)
     ⮩ Warnings: ABO dynamics, knotting, possessive sex, impreg/breeding kink, biting, unprotected sex, voyeurism, oral sex(m and f receiving), cum eating
Chapter 10: Bath House - [Pairings: Jae-ha x reader] *requested*
Jae-ha’s been feeling left out. You make him feel better and along the way, you help him accept his dragon leg that he despises so much. (4.1k)
     ⮩ Warnings: size kink, thigh riding, fingering, a ridiculous amount of orgasms, dirty talk, cursing, pet names, oversensitivity, riding, fucking from behind, some sweet fluff if you squint.
Chapter 11: The Dragon Bond - [Pairings: Zeno x reader]
Zeno isn’t as dominating as his dragon brothers. You reassure him that it’s more than okay. (2.5k)
     ⮩ Warnings: fingering, oral (both receiving), smut, Zeno being an absolute cutie pie
Chapter 12: Jealousy - [Pairings: Kija x reader x Hak]
Kija gets jealous over those suitors your father is forcing you to entertain and he can’t take it. Dragging you over to the secluded part of the royal library, he expresses his feelings before he notices that your ever faithful bodyguard is watching. There’s a way for all three of you to take out your frustrations. (2.7k)
     ⮩ Warnings: cursing, threesome, filthy smut, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), explicit dirty talk, dom!kija
Chapter 13: Memories - [Pairings: Hak x reader]
Your first time with Hak from the past on your 18th birthday. You didn't want anything for your birthday. You just wanted him. Who was he to say no? Especially when he saw you looking like that. (5.8k)
     ⮩ Warnings: slight innocence kink, unprotected sex, size kink, soft at first but gradually gets rougher, slight degradation, oral (both receiving), choking, squirting, creampie, overuse of the petname: princess
Chapter 14: Hot and Jealous Shin-ah - [Pairings: Shin-ah x reader] *requested*
As Shin-ah gets more acquainted in the palace, his new home, he adjusts to almost everything except how you get called away on every occasion that your father needs you to take care of guests. But when someone had the audacity to lay a hand on you, all he sees is red. (2.7k)
      ⮩  Warnings: explicit smut, jealous sex, exhibitionism (slight), fingering, biting, size kink, cursing.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Misunderstanding (Husband!Jae-ha x Wife!Reader)
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"Jae-ha, could you please pass me the roasted duck?"
You were surprised when he flat out ignored you, choosing to drift over towards Yona. Raising an eyebrow, you slid over to where Yoon was watching the whole thing. He looked just as confused as you.
The Happy Hungry Bunch was spread out around an empty field, lounging around while the pretty boy genius cooked up some dinner. Jae-ha went off with Yona and you suppressed a sigh. Lately, he had become more and more distant with you, and it was starting to drive you a little crazy.
You both were young, even though he was older than you. A lot of people said your marriage wasn't going to last, but you didn't care and you thought he didn't either. Now, you were having second thoughts, the insecurities getting the best of you as you watched him flirt with Yona.
You knew that was just his nature, and that it was harmless. Mostly. But it still sent a turmoil of conflicting emotions inside of you, and you were unsure if you should even be feeling this way.
You pushed up off your feet, wiping your dirty hands on a damp cloth. Yoon gazed at you worriedly as you turned away from them, trailing after where Jae-ha and Yona had disappeared.
A giggle floated through the air, enabling you to find them easily. You crossed your arms and leaned against a tree, staring at them with narrowed eyes.
"Excuse me, Yona, may I talk to him for a moment?"
Yona nodded, just about to leave when Jae-ha stopped her.
"Why do you want her to go?" He questioned, mistrust swirling in the depths of his eyes.
Both your and Yona's eyes went wide with shock. He never took this tone with you.
"I would just like to talk to you for a moment in private, Jae-ha." You picked your words carefully. You didn't know why, but he looked ready to explode at any second. You had no idea why he was so angry.
"She can stay here."
Yona let out a squeak as Jae-ha tugged her back to his side, unprepared for the sudden jostle. A beat later, she was freed by none other than the Thunder Beast.
"Keep your hands off of her." He glared, making the threat obvious.
"Then don't touch what's mine!!" Jae-ha snarled.
At this point, you were completely confused and starting to get mad. "Jae-ha, you aren't making any sense."
"No?!?!" He thundered, whipping around to face you. You had never seen him this angry and it was terrifying. "You think I'm making this up!!"
You huffed. "That's not what I said."
"Yeah?! Well it sure sounds like it!!" His hands flailed in the air in frustration, and you instinctively whimpered, eyes growing as wide as saucers.
He didn't notice the change in your demeanor, but someone else did.
"Droopy-Eyes, knock it off."
Jae-ha turned on him, kicking him harshly in the abdomen. Hak had been ready for it, but it still knocked the wind out of him. Jae-ha reached for Yona again, but that was a mistake.
He was shoved back harshly and Hak brandished his glaive with a feral gleam in his eyes.
"Touch her again. I dare you."
Jae-ha let out a growl. "You can't have them both!!"
You were shocked. You had never seen him like this before. You had never seen either one of them like this, they looked ready to rip each other apart at a moment's notice.
You couldn't stand it any more. You didn't want to fight.
You let out a quiet, reserved sigh. "Jae-ha... it's okay..."
His head whipped towards you and you took step back at the red aura emitting from him.
"Okay?!?! That's all you have to say?!" He yelled at you, continuing to raise his volume despite the way you flinched back, not registering your fear through the red haze. All he could think about was how he couldn't believe you didn't trust him, after all this time together.
After everything you've been through.
You had both saved each other from a life of despair and hopelessness. You brought out the light in him, and he brought peace to you.
You never thought things would come crashing down around you like this. Least of all, now, when it was so critical that your group stayed together.
Quickly, you walked away, praying that he wouldn't follow you. Today wasn't your lucky day. He stormed after you, completely furious with the way you were talking to him, how you were treating him.
"Stay away from her." Zeno demanded, no longer in the mood for games.
"You can't tell me what to do. She's my wife." Jae-ha declared.
Shin-ah stubbornly shook his head. The snarl painted on his features was nothing to take lightly. "Stay... away."
The low tenor shocked everyone, but Jae-ha wasn't deterred. "You can't keep me from her."
Hak stepped up aggressively. "Yes, we can. She's terrified of you right now. We're going to make sure she's alright before we let you anywhere near her."
At this point, Jae-ha finally took in your trembling appearance and he froze. The tears that stained your cheeks and your knocking knees hit him dead in the heart.
You were afraid. Of him.
Jae-ha couldn't believe he let it get this far. He ran into the tent you two shared as you were escorted away by the blue and yellow dragon.
Hak pushed back the flap of the tent once morning came. Jae-ha hadn't made an appearance once after yesterday's fiasco, and it was time to figure out just what was going on.
"Droopy-Eyes, what the hell were you thinking?"
As furious as he was for making you cry, he knew there was something else going on.
The green dragon might have been older, but over time, the former general had learned to read him like a book. There was something bothering him.
He was right.
Ryokuryuu was crouched on the ground, his back slumped and shoulders stiff.
Hak wouldn't be surprised if he had stayed like that throughout the night.
Jae-ha breathed out a heavy sigh, finally confessing, "I thought you guys were cheating on each other behind my back. I wanted to protect Yona, and maybe get back at you. Because no matter how much it hurts, I still love her."
Hak narrowed his eyes and then frowned.
"You're an idiot."
Jae-ha sputtered at the insult, but he wasn't finished. "You honestly think that we're sleeping together? Even though you're probably the only one who understands the depth of my feelings for Yona?"
Jea-ha was floundering to come up with a response.
"But you two have been spending a lot of time together, and yesterday at the market, you spent the entire day together. It's the first day she didn't fall asleep in my arms."
Hak crossed his arms over his chest and rolled his eyes exasperatedly, a blush settling across his cheeks.
"Jae-ha, she was helping me pick out a ring for Yona. She was helping me figure out how to propose." Hak explained quietly. "I wanted it to be perfect for her."
Jae-ha's jaw dropped to the floor, speechless.
"B-But— Y-You... I-I-I—"
"Yeah, yeah," Hak brushed off his excuses. "Just go apologize to her, will you? She's been crying all night."
Jae-ha left without a second thought and the ex-general followed soon after.
Your head was laying in Zeno's lap, and he was stroking your hair softly. Shin-ah was positioned near you, keeping watching out for any unwanted guests. His legs were criss-crossed, and Ao's fluffy tail was brushing under his ear once in a while.
When Shin-ah abruptly jumped to his feet, you knew something was wrong. Zeno's carefree expression was wiped off of his face and his eyes narrowed as the blue dragon snarled the second your husband cautiously entered the tent.
He at least had the decency to look apologetic, but you stiffly turned away from him, not ready to forgive him. His shoulders slumped and Shin-ah nearly growled. "Get out."
"Wait, please." Jae-ha begged. "Y/N."
"The miss doesn't want to see you right now." Zeno's voice had a light lilt to it, but there was an underlying warning that came with it.
"Y/N." Jae-ha whispered brokenly.
Your eyes softened, and you slowly turned around. Shin-ah looked about ready to throw Ryokuryuu out of the tent himself, but you shuffled towards him, pulling on his pant leg to get his attention.
"Shin-ah, Zeno, it's alright. Can you two give us a minute?"
The two dragons reluctantly left the tent, Zeno shooting you a worried glance but you offered him a reassuring smile.
Jae-ha settled down across from you, with respectable distance.
Your face was blank, but your eyes were puffy and the skin around it was rubbed red.
You had been crying.
He felt awful. He jumped to conclusions, and wrongfully accused you of things you didn't do.
"I don't deserve you."
Your head snapped up at his defeated tone.
Jae-ha shook his head in regret. "I thought you and Hak were..."
You recoiled back in shock. "W-What?! No, you got it all wrong!! He's going to marry Yona, I was—"
He closed the distance between the two of you, cupping your jaw tenderly. Soft breaths fanned out against your face and warmed your skin soothingly.
"I know, I know. Hak told me what you were doing." Your eyes fluttered closed in relief. "I'm so sorry for assuming the worst."
Your hands reached up to cradle his face. "Come to me next time." You pleaded. "Talk to me."
He nodded furiously, finally pulling you in a tight embrace.
Relaxing in his hold, you didn't hear them come in.
"Yay!!" Zeno cheered.
"Is everything okay?"
Yona's worried voice floated through the air, breaking the two of you apart. You smiled at your husband, weaving your fingers together.
"Yeah... we're alright now."
Jae-ha leaned down, capturing your lips in a soft kiss and you melted against him.
Yona cooed at the display and Hak pretended to barf.
"Lunchtime, you rare beasts!!" Yoon shouted from outside.
One by one, the dragons, the princess, her bodyguard all filed out of your tent obediently. As he dished out the portions, you shared a look with Jae-ha as Hak fumbled with Yona's bowl.
It would be awhile before he got down on one knee, since their journey took precedence, but you couldn't wait to see it.
After all, You thought to yourself as Jae-ha pulled you against his chest, curling his arms securely around your waist. Despite its ups and downs, marriage is worth it.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 2: Unresolved Fury From the Past
Read Part 1: Here
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Jae-ha had situated the two of you behind one of the trees, giving you a clear view of the setting sun from the cliff side. You stayed tangled together for a while, until your eyelids started to feel heavy. Surrounded by Jae-ha's warmth, it was all too easy to fall asleep. But even still, you fought silently against the urge to drift off into unconsciousness.
As you squirmed in his arms fighting your silent battle, Jae-ha gently rubbed your skin soothingly, looking down at you in concern. Blinking your eyes open slowly, you focused in on the frown that had settled on his face.
"I'm sorry..." You apologized quietly, hiding your face in your hands.
Jae-ha shook his head quickly, expression echoing disbelief but before he could say anything, Yona burst through the trees, hands tightly pressed  to her chest as she ran. Your eyes snapped open and you were up on your feet in an instant, startling the princess as she nearly knocked you over.
"Y/N!" She exclaimed in surprise, turning her attention to the green dragon as he stepped up behind you. "Jae-ha!"
"Hello, Yona dear." He replied with a signature smirk on his face. "What are you running away from?"
"N-Nothing!" Yona denied hurriedly. You raised an eyebrow at her, and she turned her face away but you caught a glimpse of it. She was blushing.
Actually, that was an understatement.
Her entire face was bright red, and you had a feeling that it wasn't just from running.
"Girl time!" You announced loudly, taking Yona's hand, not hesitating as you felt something sticky and pulled her towards the path leading back to the ship. Jae-ha moved to follow the two of you, but you stopped him. "Whoa there, big guy. Girls only."
You grinned cheekily at him as towered over you with his broad frame.
"You beautiful ladies need protection, and I am inclined to provide it." He said charmingly, flipping his green ponytail over his shoulder. Yona refused to look at either of you at this point, and Jae-ha didn't miss the way you stiffened at his words.
Meeting his gaze, you offered him a small smile, but Jae-ha didn't feel all that reassured as he felt the guilt creep in.
"Later," You mouthed to him, pressing two fingers to the inside of his wrist in assurance.
Jae-ha relaxed slightly.
You were okay.
But that didn't ease his guilt.
As you and Yona continued in the direction of the docks, Jae-ha kept his eye on both of you until you disappeared from his sight. He thought about following you, but you probably wouldn't be too happy about it when you found out.
Her safety is worth the consequence. He decided, readying  himself to spring up into the air.
Then a very distressed Hak came exploding from the thicket, causing Jae-ha to very nearly jump out of his skin. The Thunder Beast and the Ryokuryuu stared at each other in silence for several moments.
Then Hak groaned, tossing his weapon down to the ground and sliding down the trunk of the tree behind him. His head lolled back, landing on the bark with a resounding 'thump'.
Jae-ha strolled over to the visibly conflicted ex-general, standing adjacent to him against the tree.
"Go away Droopy-Eyes." Hak's voice was muffled by his hand, the other running through his tousled hair.
The green dragon looked up at the sky, slyly smirking. "Did something happen between you and Yona dear?" He teased.
Hak growled, "You're asking for it." He threatened darkly, slapping a hand against his head incredulously as Jae-ha grinned knowingly, spinning around on his heel to face him, robes fluttering.
"What did you do?" Jae-ha pressed, leaning forward. "Yona dear looked so embarrassed. Though, she looked so cute like that, all fluster-"
He raised his right leg to block Hak's strike as he brought down his spear, preventing the Thunder Beast from doing any real damage.
"Ah..." Jae-ha sighed, "Careful, if you don't make a move on her soon, I just might."
Hak froze.
Then, Jae-ha held up his hand, a smug grin on his face.
The teasing smirk faded as he identified the pain flickering across the man's face.
"I'm sorry for hurting her." Jae-ha looked carefully at the Thunder Beast whose eyes were downcast, as if he couldn't believe that he had hurt you.
Jae-ha's jaw hardened as he recalled the blood that marred your face and didn't respond.
They sat in silence for a moment before Hak broke it. "What happened to Y/N?"
The green dragon's face quickly became guarded. "What do you mean?"
Hak almost smiled at Jae-ha's protective streak, but the Thunder Beast had noticed your quiet resolve to fight, he just didn't know why. You were never like that back at the palace. You were just as childish as the princess at the time, not aware of the world outside the castle walls. By being sheltered for so many years, Hak was worried when he noticed your childish streak was not quite the same as it was before.
You had grown up.
But there was more to it than that, wasn't there?
"Y/N is different than I remember." Hak explained carefully, not wanting to unintentionally evoke the wrath of the dragon. "I expected that much, but it seems as though she's been through some difficult times."
Jae-ha exhaled heavily. "That's an understatement." He muttered. Hak shot him a curious glance.
The Ryokuryuu settled on the ground across from the Thunder Beast, leaning back on his hands. His green fringe almost covered his eyes, but Hak could distinguish the unresolved fury barely restrained beneath.
"I don't know everything that has happened." Jae-ha started, brushing hair from his eyes to study Hak closely. "I don't think she fully knows what happened either."
Steel glinted dangerously in the moonlight as Hak's grip tightened on his spear.
How bad was it that you unconsciously blocked it from your memory?
After a heavy pause, Jae-ha continued, "I don't know how she got to Awa, I was the one to find her. She was chained to a back alley on the far side of town, near the forest."
Hak's eyes widened in shock.
"I had been scouting the area, I had just recently joined Captain Gi-gan's crew back then, and was trying to prove myself and be useful." He gritted his teeth. "When I first found her, huddled in a ball on the corner of an alleyway, dressed in almost nothing, I ran away."
Jae-ha left out the part where the reason for that was because he was so traumatized at such a familiar sight that he couldn't take it, so he fled.
The Thunder Beast didn't need to know that.
Jae-ha leaned forward, resting his arms on his criss-crossed legs. "I didn't get more than a few feet away before I went back as fast as I could." He shook his head. "I broke her chains with my leg and brought her to the captain. She's been with us ever since."
Hak fixated on the grass on the ground, deep in thought. "Is that why you're so set on taking down Yang Kum-ji?"
A scoff came from the green dragon in front of him. "He needs to be taken down." Jae-ha sneered, violet eyes akin with fire. "The fact that he was most likely the one who allowed her to be treated like that goes against my views of beauty."
The inferno blazed.
"He's not walking away from this alive."
Hak jaw locked. "I want to help."
Jae-ha shot him a familiar charismatic smirk. "You are already going to be."
He straightened when Hak shook his head in response, cobalt eyes flashing with fury. "I want to kill him." He snarled.
Hak looked up at the slightly confused Ryokuryuu. "Growing up, she looked out for me at the castle. She was so much like the princess; innocent but precious. I'm going to kill whoever touched her."
Jae-ha's mouth pressed in a thin line. "I'm sure not sure she would appreciate the gesture, but either way, that's my job."
"Hey!" Hak interjected as Jae-ha stood up. "Wha-"
"It's my job to keep her safe." Jae-ha interrupted. "Just like you protect Yona."
The Thunder Beast's mouth snapped shut at that.
"I love her." Jae-ha admitted, no hint of his usual sarcasm or teasing. "She is for me, what Yona is for you. She's my entire world."
His eyes shone with whirling fear and fierce determination. "Let me protect her."
Hak looked down, before nodding reluctantly. Jae-ha started to walk away.
"But," He heard Hak remark, halting him in his tracks. "I'll help, in any way that I can."
Jae-ha dipped his head in acknowledgement. "I know." He studied the former general. "I'll look out for Yona too."
He heard Hak whisper a 'thank you' under his breath, and he grinned. "Of course, I can always ask Yona dear if she needs help with other things..."
Jae-ha sidestepped the blade as Hak swung his spear at him, easy laughter echoing in the night as an infuriated Thunder Beast chased him all the way back to the docks.
You arrived with Yona on the bustling ship, alive with the pirates' excited chatter. Yoon was in the center of it all, having whipped up dinner for the hungry crew.
Quickly pulling Yona behind you, you led her to your room below the deck. As you closed the door, you noticed the princess relaxed a bit. You grabbed some water and bandages from off the table on the far side, making your way back to Yona who was shuffling her feet awkwardly in the center of the room.
"Come sit," You called, patting to your side as you situated yourself on the bed. "I don't bite."
Your grin put Yona at ease and she sat down beside you. "I'm sorry about your father..."
You saw her stiffen from the corner of your eye. You gazed at her sympathetically, but Yona wouldn't meet your gaze as she trained in on her hands resting in her lap.
"Before we made it to Awa, we passed through an abandoned Fire Tribe village."
You looked up at her in surprise and then closed your eyes in sadness, already knowing where this was going.
She told you about the state it was in, and that the people left behind were dying. Yona was silent after she finished, and you could only imagine the suffering she had gone through when she left the castle and finally learned about the reality her kingdom was in.
You gently inspected her hands, taking notice of the many scratches and dripping honey on it. Gesturing for her to let you see them, you raised your eyebrow questioningly, "Do you want to talk about what happened? I'm assuming Hak played a part in this." You said, pointing out the amber liquid.
Yona sighed shakily. "He said it would help take the thorns out."
You nodded as you dipped her hands in the water, noticing her wince as you cleaned the cuts. "That's true." You mused.
The princess' eyes squeezed shut. "Then..." You looked up. "It started to overflow..."
You narrowed your eyes, beginning to bandage her hands.
"What happened?" You inquired after she failed to continue for a few beats.
Yona hesitated, an unknown emotion flickering across her delicate features. "....H-He l-licked it off..."
Staring at her in shock, silence enveloped the two of you until you couldn't hold it back anymore. You laughed heartily, clutching your sides as you rolled back in your bed.
"Y/N!" Yona cried out, "It's not funny! He's always teasing me, and making me feel-"
"What?" You paused your laughter as you inspected her closely. "Making you feel what exactly?
Her purple eyes darted around in confusion. "I-I don't know..."
You softly encouraged, "Try to describe it."
The princess drew her bandaged hands tightly to her chest, bringing her knees up to rest her chin on. The sight before you was nostalgic as you remembered how Yona used to do this years ago when she was scared.
Even back then, Hak was always the one to look out for his princess above all else.
"My h-heart," Yona mumbled, sniffling, "It hurts when h-he does things like that. W-when he teases me, it beats really fast, and I feel like I-I might c-cry when he pulls a-away..."
You watched as she burst into tears, hiding her face in her hands as her small body racked with sobs.
Gathering her in your arms, you patted her head soothingly, the other going to rub her back comfortingly until she eventually quieted.
"Yona," You spoke softly as you pulled back, looking her in the eye. "I know you're scared by what you're feeling," A finger came up to wipe away the tears on her cheeks. "Do you want to know what it is?"
The princess didn't miss the underlying warning. There was a chance she wouldn't like what she would hear, but Yona braced herself and nodded.
You smiled comfortingly, "Know that even with what I say next, it's up to you to decide what you want to do with it, okay? You can choose to acknowledge it or not, both have its own set of consequences." After receiving another dip of the head from the trembling girl across from you, you started.
"Your heart beats faster, right? Almost like it has a mind of its own when you're with him and you can't control it.You feel especially emotional, sometimes you can't even explain it. It's like you're drawn to their side without reason, and you want to protect them and see them happy."
Yona looked at you in wonder.
Looking closely at the princess who had opened her eyes in realization, you finished, "You don't feel this way around anyone else, like you feel incredibly sick if you envision the future without them and it's baffling. Am I right?"
"...How?" Yona asked, uncertainty lingering in the depths of her eyes.
You placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "It's how I feel around Jae-ha." A blush made its way onto your cheeks, and you resisted the urge to cover your face. "He makes me feel safe around him. I love him."
Yona froze. "You, love him?"
You nodded. "I do." You whispered.
"But that's not," Yona stumbled over her words. "You, he... That's not... Hak couldn't possibly..."
You shook your head, ignoring her earlier words, chalking it up to astonishment at all the information you had just revealed to her. "It's not whether he does or doesn't, those feelings usually indicate something deeper than just friendship is all I meant. For me, I know what they are. For you, how much you acknowledge it will determine how much of it you allow to be true."
Leaning back on your hands, you studied the princess who began to fiddle with her hands. "And if anything, I think he does feel that way about you." You said softly. Yona's head shot up, bewilderment crossing her face. "But you'll only ever know for sure if you talk to him about it."
The worn look in her eyes made you pause.
"There's more to this, isn't there?"
That was all the prompting Yona needed.
She told you about that night in Hiryuu Castle, her father's murder, Soo-won's betrayal, her feelings for him and how she was starting to realize for what she felt for Hak. She explained her quest and how she met her new friends and what the priest said was going to happen to Hak if she didn't. Yona even broke to you the death of the young boy as her reason for partaking in the upcoming mission to take down Yang Kum-ji. The rumors that had circulated painted Hak as the king's murderer, but you knew he would never do that. He was far too loyal to King Il, and Yona. You were shocked to find out that Soo-won was behind this, he was such a sweet kid growing up, but you concealed it well for Yona's sake.
You clenched your fists, curling the sheets on your bed tightly in your hands. "The officers killed the boy?"
Yona nodded, the regret and guilt in her eyes mirrored your own.
"I want to fight with you."
You looked directly at her, eyes widening in astonishment as you saw foreign fire simmering in a sea of violet. The once young, innocent and ignorant princess you remembered was no more. In her place was a girl who had the heart of a warrior.
You smirked, eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Your Highness, I'd be honored." You playfully mocked, almost falling off the bed as she pushed you, giggling.
The easy atmosphere grew tense with your next words. "Yona, can you kill someone?"
Her mouth gaped open. "Wha-"
"We're going to take him down." Your eyes flashed with determination. "We're going to make sure Kum-ji never gets the chance to hurt anyone else ever again."
The princess didn't miss the implication behind your words. She hesitated for a split second. "What's your reason for fighting?"
"To protect the people I love." Your eyes softened. "The captain, the other pirates, Jae-ha, the civilians of this town and the ones who are innocent, the ones who never asked for any part of this; I'm doing it for them."
"Did..." Yona paused, conflicted, "Did something happen to you at his hands?"
You froze. "Ah..." Rubbing the back of your neck, you smiled sheepishly. "You are sharper than I gave you credit for."
Despite the obviously uncomfortable topic, Yona beamed at the praise, knowing it was well intended by the genuine admiration on your face.
"Yeah, but that's a story for another day, okay?" You patted the red-haired princess on the head gently as she opened her mouth in protest. "I promise to tell you one day."
Yona nodded. Tilting your head, you grinned widely.
"What?" The princess asked, curious.
"They're back," You replied as Jae-ha's teasing laughter and Hak's irritated shouting reached your ears. "Let's go get some dinner."
Extending your hand to Yona, she grasped it, squeezing it tightly once. "Thank you, for everything."
"Anytime, Your Highness."
A cheeky grin spread across your face, and she puffed out her cheeks in mock annoyance, causing the two of you to head out on deck with bright smiles on your faces, hearts a little lighter than they were before.
You're not alone, Yona...
You watched as Kija and Yoon ran out to greet the princess, the latter shoving a bowl of pirate stew in her hands and scolding her hotly for running off on her own without telling anyone.
Your friends will be there to share your burden, just like you do for them.
Kija wailed as he noticed the bandages wrapped around Yona's hands, with the princess frantically reassuring him that she was alright. Hak eyed his princess from the edge of the boat, positioned next to Shin-ah who was rapidly stuffing his face with food; his fluffy squirrel perched on his arm to sneak in bites of food.
You heard movement from behind you, slyly smirking as you heard the tell-tale whistling of Jae-ha soaring through the air. He landed on top of the cabin gracefully, green hair flowing out from behind him.
And you don't need to worry,
You directed towards Yona silently as Ryokuryuu made his way over to you. The last bit the princess had clued you in on was about was how Jae-ha adamantly refused to join her on her travels.
I have a feeling he'll come around. After all...
You smiled as you studied Jae-ha, observing the way his eyes flickered over to Yona and her group, tension unconsciously easing from his body as he watched them eat heartily, interacting easily with the rest of the crew.
He's started to care about all of you, too.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 4: Midnight Battle Plans
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Smoke billowed from Captain Gi-gan's pipe as she stared off into the distance. The lively chatter of her crew faded into the background as her brow furrowed.
This battle was necessary.
But it wouldn't be easy to win, even with the recent additions.
She glanced over to her crew, smiles stretching wide across their faces as they taunted each other about who was going to end up with Yoon as their wife; the said pretty boy whacking them in the back of their heads with a wooden spoon.
"Captain Gi-gan," A delicate voice called, jostling her out of her thoughts. "Here's some food."
The captain turned out and was met with the sight of a certain red-haired princess extending a bowl of the stew Yoon made for her. The captain accepted it with sincere thanks and began to eat. Yona lit up at the sight of Captain Gi-gan enjoying the food, and the sentimental praise Yona expressed for her comrade wasn't lost on the captain.
The older woman conveyed her gratitude to Yona for retrieving the senjusou and the princess beamed at her words.
Captain Gi-gan sighed. "When this fight ends, I'll break up the pirate crew. I want them to return to their normal lives."
The princess stared at the captain in surprise, but her gaze was trained on you and Jae-ha as you both disappeared below deck.
"There's just one," The captain murmured, turned her attention back to Yona, "Who will be a challenge."
Red hair swayed as the princess tilted her head. "A challenge?"
Captain Gi-gan rested her arms against the rail, pipe held loosely in her hand, nodding. "It's Jae-ha. This boat is his home."
"So then when the pirates disband, he's got nowhere to go?" Yona guessed.
The captain chuckled, "You've come to take him, haven't you?" A knowing gleam in her eye.
"...I want to, but he said he didn't want to leave with me." Yona explained after a pause.
"That might have something to do with Y/N," Captain Gi-gan gave her a side glance. "If you convince her to come with you, then Jae-ha would follow."
The princess immediately shook her head. "I don't want to coerce them. If they want to come with me, then I want it so that it's by their own free will."
Yona's expression was filled with confusion as Captain Gi-gan's shoulders started to shake with laughter. Taking a puff of her pipe, she turned her head, exhaling the smoke out to sea. A smirk made its way onto the captain's face and realization dawned on the princess.
She must consider them very close and care about them a lot to test me like that... Yona thought to herself.
I think I understand why though, Her eyes drifted to Yoon, Shin-ah, and Kija until they finally landed on Hak, who had his head thrown back in laughter, eyes shining in amusement as the pirates argued over a flushed pretty boy and a protesting Hakuryuu, with Shin-ah watching the whole ordeal studiously. I would do it for them too...
She recalled your words from your conversation earlier.
"Yona, can you kill someone?"
At the time, she avoided the question. It was so similar to what Hak had asked her before he agreed to teach her archery at the start of her journey.
She didn't want to hurt anyone.
Her father never wanted her to touch a weapon.
He never wanted her to bear the pain that would inevitably come with it.
For them, my comrades, my friends, Yona thought fiercely, I will become strong enough to protect them, too.
Her eyes widened as she found Hak's cobalt eyes staring straight back at her. Yona yelped as she flailed backwards, startled, tripping over a notch in the wood beneath her.
She felt wind rush past her and strong arms snaked around her shoulder, steadying her.
"Easy there, Princess."
Yona flushed a deep red, rivaling the one from earlier when Hak had poured honey on her hands. Her bodyguard peered closely down at her.
Why does she look so red?
Nah, there's no way.
He helped her gather herself to her feet, taking notice of her bandaged hands for the first time. He frowned. He didn't like to see her hurt. It made him feel like killing anyone who dared to touch her.
Years of unrequited love put Hak in a sphere of doubt every time she blushed around him or showed an indication of returning his feelings for her. Yona herself wasn't faring much better.
When was the last time she told him how much he meant to her?
The night her father was murdered was the most heartbreaking, earth-shattering night of her life. The man she thought she loved betrayed her, and stole the throne from her.
Yona's eyes grew wide as it hit her.
Soo-won's betrayal cut her deep, to the very core. He was her cousin, her best friend, that she had known since they were very young. But it wasn't just them, Hak had always been there too, watching over them both from the sidelines even before he became her bodyguard.
How had she not seen it before?
What was Hak going through? How much did he push away his feelings of anger and hurt when Soo-won's betrayal struck him to keep her safe?
Hak was staring down at Yona curiously. She had a faraway look in her eyes that she only got when she was deep in thought. His eyes narrowed as droplets of water started to fall from her eyes.
"Princess?" The tears glistening in her eyes when she met his eyes made him tighten his hold on her, examining her in alarm. "What's wrong?"
Yona sobbed into her hands, her body violently shaking as she was overwhelmed with the flood of emotions.
They had been through so much together. The numbness that had overtaken her when her father died was only shattered by Hak. He had been there for her, above all else. She couldn't imagine life without him by her side. Yona remembered when he had fallen off the cliff when they were still in Wind Tribe territory searching for the priest when they had been ambushed by Fire Tribe soldiers. She thought he was going to die. Then, he had gone searching for his spear in the middle of the night when he was still hurt and she remembered waking up, feeling panic overcome her all over again. She fled to the forest to look for him, but he had found her first instead. Yona remembered tearfully berating him as she told him that he had to stay by her side.
It was selfish.
She knew she was being selfish.
After all, he gave up his freedom to keep his promise to her father.
At least, that's what she always thought it was.
But Yona's earlier conversation with you echoed in her head. What if it was something deeper than that? Something more than just responsibility to her father? Dare she say, to her?
"Hak, I-"
The amount of concern in his eyes pierced her to the core, causing all the words she wanted to say die on the tip of her tongue.
"Yes, Princess?" He prompted when she failed to speak.
Yona jumped, "I-I-I," She stuttered.
Hak brought her closer to him, studying her intensely and Yona blushed at his proximity.
"Princess..." He whispered into her hair and she squeezed her eyes shut.
His voice, when had it started to sound so alluring?
He moved too pull away, but Yona caught his sleeve, gripping it tightly. Hak choked, staring at the princess whose eyes were covered by her hair.
She needed to ask him about these feelings.
She needed to tell him how she felt.
She needed to know if he could ever return it.
Yona was cut off as Shin-ah's soft voice reached her ears.
"Boats...Boats have gathered at the harbor."
That caught the attention of Captain Gi-gan as she looked at the blue dragon in alarm. "How many?" She asked quickly.
"7..." Shin-ah responded quietly, still gazing out into the distance.
Yona covered her mouth with her hand in shock, "7 boats?!"
But Shin-ah wasn't done. "People with weapons are on board."
Captain Gi-gan's lips pulled back in a snarl. "That damn Kum-ji! Does he plan on intimidating us?" She tapped her pipe against her shoulder. "Gather the brats." She ordered.
As the crew made their way below deck with the captain in the lead, she suddenly remembered that you and Jae-ha were most likely asleep. Captain Gi-gan sighed, rubbing her temples.
This couldn't wait.
"Yona," She called out from over her shoulder, successfully gaining the princess and her bodyguard's attention. "Could you wake Y/N and Jae-ha for me?"
The princess smiled, nodding happily at the task. Captain Gi-gan chuckled at her excitement over something so trivial, but then again, Yona did seem to take pride in the things she was able to accomplish. For a princess who once knew nothing, she was turning into a formidable force to those who threatened her.
"Do you know where their quarters are?" Hak questioned the bouncing princess beside him.
She hummed, "I think I remember." Squinting her eyes as she tried to recall the path you led her on before reaching your room.
"You think?" Her bodyguard teased.
Yona puffed out her cheeks. "Hak~" She whined childishly before darting down below the deck.
He blinked in surprise as a memory popped up into his mind of her. Young and immature, worrying over unimportant things like her hair and clothes back when things were much easier.
She was so innocent back then.
Hak turned to Kija and Shin-ah before he got too caught up in his memories. Yoon had gotten swept up with the other pirates who had trailed behind the captain a few minutes ago.
"We'll meet you there."
"Alright." Kija acknowledged, and Shin-ah dipped his head, then the two dragons headed off to go find the captain.
It didn't take him long to find the princess. She was wandering blindly from door to door, hesitating. The hallways were lit up with a warm glow from the torches placed by the doors.
"You really don't remember which one it is, do you?" Hak smirked.
"Stop teasing me!" Yona demanded, the pout forming on her lips caused his heart to stutter.
Why is she so darn cute...
"Ah! I think it's this one!" Hak almost crashed into her as Yona suddenly stopped in front of the last door.
"Are you sure you're not just picking it because we passed all the other ones?" He teased her.
She brought up her fists defiantly, scowling, "I am not!"
"Yeah, yeah, sure Princess." He waved her off.
Despite the dynamic of their usual teasing, Yona could help but smile instead of yell at him. She had seen you and Jae-ha tease each other, and she was starting to see it as affectionate rather  than just irritating.
Hak stared at her suspiciously when Yona didn't shoot back a witty remark. He stepped closer to her, pressing her up against the door and as his tall frame leaned over her. Yona brought her hands up to clutch the front of his robes, not drawing him closer but not pushing him away either, refusing to look at his face as hers turned a familiar shade of red.
"Really... Just how much are you going to push me..." Yona opened her mouth in protest, but he came closer to her, pressing his body against hers. She was reminded of how he had done this before, when they were in the woods after Yoon had healed them and he had gone to fetch his spear.
What if he wasn't checking for her temperature for a fever that time?
What if...
He had meant to kiss her?
But Hak just knocked against the door above her, and her eyes shot open as her heart filled with disappointment.
Why did it hurt when he pulled away?
Yona finally acknowledged the answer.
The truth.
She wanted him to kiss her.
A sleepy Jae-ha answered the door, and Hak blinked, peering around the green dragon who was running a hand through his hair, to see your form nestled in the bed, an adorable frown on your features. Yona turned around to face him.
Gosh she felt shorter than usual with the both of them towering over her.
"Captain Gi-gan needs you two in her quarters. Shin-ah's spotted ships."
Jae-ha's eyes widened, all trace of exhaustion gone as he shifted back into ruthless pirate mode. "Got it, we'll be right there." He nodded tersely.
He flashed Yona a charming smile, recognizing her nervousness. "Don't worry, Yona dear, it'll all be alright." He said flirtatiously.
Yona felt Hak's chest vibrate as he let out a low growl, wrapping an arm around her shoulders protectively and she stumbled into his chest. Jae-ha smirked at the Thunder Beast's possessiveness.
"Just get Y/N up," Hak snapped curtly, "You're already late."
The green dragon held his hands up in surrender, a smug smirk on his face. He shot Yona a wink as Hak pulled her away from the troublesome dragon.
Jae-ha closed the door, but didn't shut it all the way, knowing that you didn't like light blinding you when you first woke up. He crouched beside the bed, eye-level with you. Your eyes were shut, breathing even. His eyes softened, he really didn't want to wake you up, but this took precedence and he didn't want anyone to see you sleeping, knowing you felt uncomfortable with that.
He shook your shoulder gently, trying to rouse you from your slumber. Your brow furrowed, sleepily batting away his hand. Jae-ha couldn't help it as the corners of his mouth pulled back in an adoring smile.
He got up, leaning over to whisper in your ear, "Y/N," With his coaxing, you opened your eyes slowly. "Captain Gi-gan needs us. There's been a development."
You scrambled up to a sitting position, terrified eyes scanning for any signs of a threat and Jae-ha hushed you, pressing two fingers to your wrist quickly.
"Not like that," He apologized, nosing your hair as you relaxed slightly. "Apparently Shin-ah's spotted some ships."
You nodded, raising your arms up at him and gazing at him with puppy dog eyes. He laughed, the sound sending warmth flooding all over your body, and he obliged; picking you up easily, with an arm hooking under your knees and the other supporting your back. Your hands immediately wound around his neck, tucking your head into the crook of his neck.
Jae-ha tried to calm his racing heart as your breath hit his skin, lighting it on fire. He still wasn't used to it, but he certainly wasn't complaining. Soft, ambient lights lit up the hallway as he carried you to the opposite end of the ship, where Captain Gi-gan and the others most likely were.
Nudging the door open with his shoulder, both of your eyes flew wide open. The room was crowded, and everyone was looking at you. The pirates were scattered around the room, with Yona and her dragons plus Yoon taking up almost all of one side.
"You're late." The captain smirked, gaze regretful as she looked at you, but you smiled back reassuringly. She knew how hard of a time you had trying to fall asleep, but she wouldn't have called for you unless absolutely necessary.
Everyone turned their attention back to Captain Gi-gan as she began to speak. "Kum-ji is probably planning to go through with a large-scale trafficking deal soon." Jae-ha pushed through the crowd, making his way to an open spot on the floor beside Yona and the others. He sat down carefully, arranging you comfortably in his lap.
If you weren't so tired, you probably would have blushed.
"If shots are fired at the harbor, the people living in the area will end up getting hurt, so we will attack Kum-ji's boat instead." Captain Gi-gan stated.
Jae-ha held you tighter as he felt you tremble against him at the mention of the bastard's name. His heart thumped against his rib cage, soothing you as you pressed an ear against his chest, closing your eyes to block out everything else.
"The problem is, we don't know when it'll be carried out, and we don't know which boat the girls will be on." Jae-ha interjected, voice low, but clear enough to reach everyone in the room.
"That's right," Captain Gi-gan agreed, "Kum-ji will have people at the dealing that can be used as hostages. If we recklessly attack the boats, the people being sold will get mixed up in the fight."
She tapped a finger to her chin in contemplation. "On the other hand, the girls will be taken to the Kai Empire if we stand by and do nothing."
"Is there another way to ensure the safety of those women?" The captain addressed the crowd around her, opening up the floor to ideas.
One of the pirates pointed out that because it's such an important deal, there was a high chance of Kum-ji being there, and with their new allies, things should go much smoother than they were originally expecting. Jae-ha mindlessly ran a hand through your hair as he listened to the clamor. Your grip on the front of his robes tightened, and he dropped a soft kiss on top of your head.
"...We still need a little more information." The captain's determined voice rose above everyone else's. "We will restore freedom to this town."
The sound of steel splintering wood rang clear across the room as Captain Gi-gan stabbed the table with a dagger, eyes burning with resolve. "This time, I too will take up my blades. Follow me until the very end you brats!"
Jae-ha didn't notice the worried look exchanged between the girl in his arms and a particular red-haired princess.
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notchesandbullets · 4 years
Ryokuryuu’s Lifeline
Part 3: Pure Love
Trigger Warning: hints at sexual assault and rape.
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You gazed up at Jae-ha with a soft smile on your face as he appeared before you. His lavender eyes scanned over you, meeting your gaze when he was satisfied you were alright.
"Cabin?" He inquired, studying you closely for any signs of discomfort or hesitation. It was getting later in the night and he knew you had to be feeling tired.
Smiling sleepily at him, you took his hand in yours, leading him below deck. The captain had given you two separate quarters at first, but since you were both kids when he rescued you and couldn't fall asleep without him, she didn't mandate what you could or couldn't do, knowing he would always prioritize your comfort and safety first above all else
You entered your room with Jae-ha trailing behind you, grinning as you remembered your earlier conversation with Yona.
I love him.
Suddenly, strong arms encircled your waist from behind you, bringing you closer to his chest. You felt the heat radiating from him through your layers of clothing and sighed, snuggling closer to him, face tilting up as you twisted to press your cheek against his shoulder.
Jae-ha eased as he observed you keenly, no signs of even the slightest bit of flinching away from his touch. Dropping his head down, he rested his forehead against yours, exhaling slowly.
He had to be more careful.
You always had an issue with physical contact. Jae-ha was guessing it had something to do with being chained in an alleyway, vulnerable to whoever decided to make themselves known and so he tried his best to tone down his personality around you.
Captain Gi-gan had taught him how to woo a woman properly, and soon enough, it became a part of him. You never asked him to change, but he never missed the way you would wince at his words on occasion.
It was the only time he ever regretted his charming demeanor when you were noticeably agitated from his words. It happened the first time when he found you.
"What's a beautiful lady like you doing in a place like this?"
Jae-ha's eyes widened in shock when you audibly whimpered, curling your body away from him feebly.
At the time, he didn't understand what he did wrong. It had taken a lot of time for you to open up to him, years in fact. You had told him at one point, that hearing those words reminded you of what people would say to you before they did whatever they wanted to with you. Jae-ha once asked you if anyone had touched you.
You understood the gravity of his question.
He still remembered the way guilt and shame clouded over your eyes as you confessed to him that you didn't remember. Sometimes you would sleep for days at a time, and when you woke up, things would feel different but you couldn't clearly recall it. It was almost like they had taken a part of you, but it was beyond excruciatingly painful to never remember the details. You felt frustrated and angry that they had walked away with something that you didn't even know about at the time. That night, he had reassured you that no matter what had happened, you weren't at fault. After you fell asleep in his gentle and grounding embrace, he made a promise.
"I'll keep you safe." He brushed back hair that had fallen into your eyes. "I promise, with my life, I'll protect you, Y/N."
Jae-ha's jaw tightened at the memory as he held you close to him. A small smile making its way onto his face as you scrunched up your nose, yawning adorably.
You're so cute, Y/N...
"Bedtime?" His hot breath tickling against your ear as he whispered.
You stirred sleepily in his arms. "But it's warm." You pouted, speech slurring due to exhaustion. "I don't wanna move."
Jae-ha couldn't contain himself anymore, you were just too cute. You let out a squeak as he scooped you up in his arms.
"Jae-ha!" You cried out, giggling, arms immediately winding around his neck.
He chuckled, carrying you easily to bed and lowering you gently down. As he went to remove his arms from your form, you caught his hand. Jae-ha looked at you with wide eyes as you mumbled, "Stay."
You gave him your best puppy eyes, "Please?"
Jae-ha bent over you, the mattress dipping under the weight as he rested on his hands placed beside you, nuzzling your hair.
"Always." He murmured, echoing what you had said to him earlier that day.
He arranged himself around you, not wanting to crowd you.
You pouted at his distance, tugging his wrist closer, hoping he would take the hint. Jae-ha's breath caught in his throat and he held back a groan.
You were going to be the death of him.
Jae-ha shifted closer to you, carefully draping an arm around your waist, the other resting underneath his head. You fit beside him like a puzzle piece, head tucked underneath his chin, legs tangling with his.
"I'm sorry for what I said earlier." He apologized quietly.
He felt your chest vibrate as you mumbled something incoherent into his neck and Jae-ha laughed softly. You grinned as you pulled back slightly, enough to look him in the eye.
"I said it's alright." You reassured him.
Jae-ha's body went rigid. "No, it's not."
He frowned, he could remember the way you flinched away from his words as if they had cut you. He never wanted to see you in pain and afraid, especially from him.
"Hey," You traced his jaw with your finger, "I can hear your thoughts."
Your concern touched him and he spiraled deeper into his guilt.
I don't deserve it.
I don't deserve you.
"Stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking because it's a lie." Your voice cut through to him, snapping him out of his self-loathing. "Do you remember our system?"
Jae-ha immediately nodded.
Two fingers pressed to the inside of his wrist meant you were okay, and one finger meant that you weren't okay.
"I used two earlier, remember?" Jae-ha inclined his head. "I'm okay, I promise."
You beamed up at him, causing him to crack a tiny smile. Your expression turned serious as you pried his arm out from under his head, running a thumb over his knuckles.
"I don't think I ever thanked you." The green dragon stared at you in confusion. "I wanted to say thank you for caring about me enough to let me face my demons and always being there to pull me out if it gets to be too much."
The disbelief etched on his face almost caused you to laugh, he really was so cute. "I don't want to struggle with this my entire life, I need to confront it sometimes and know when enough is enough. I'll only ever know if I put myself out there to learn, right? I love the way you are, because regardless of how much you flirt with women, you truly respect them. I'm living proof. You didn't take advantage of me in my state when you first found me, and that still continues until today. I trust you, Jae-ha."
Jae-ha's breath hitched. You had only said that a handful of times to him since the first, but each and every time it never failed to take his breath away.
"Yah," He tried to tease, voice cracking, "You can't just reveal my secrets like that, Y/N."
You shot him a sly smirk. "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me."
A comfortable silence fell as you continued to caress his knuckles with the pad of your fingers.
"Actually," Jae-ha's smooth voice was hushed, "I don't care if they all know. I don't care if I start to get a reputation of being too soft."
He moved his face closer to yours until he was a hairbreadth away, and you felt a familiar heat rise to your cheeks.
"The only thing that matters to me, is you, and whether or not you're safe. I don't care about anything else." Jae-ha declared quietly.
After a few moments, he changed the topic. "Are you still having trouble sleeping?"
Your hesitation answered for you. As you felt the shame rise, you pulled your hand away from Jae-ha's and brought the other up to cover your face.
He was much too quick, catching on quickly to what you were trying to do. His hands shot out to grasp your wrists, keeping them away from your eyes.
"Don't hide from me."
His plea caused you to freeze.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of..." You closed your eyes as Jae-ha pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I just..." Conflicted emotions stirred from within you. "I don't understand why it's still so hard for me. I'm safe, I'm not chained anymore, so why does it feel like I'm still not free? Why am I still so scared?"
Jae-ha's heart shattered as your voice broke with the amount of raw pain seeping through it. His hands released its grip on your wrist, dropping back down to wrap around your back. He brought you up to eye-level with him, hooking a finger under your chin so that you were facing him.
"Y/N, listen to me." Violet orbs bore into you, unwavering, "Healing, it doesn't come all at once. I know it feels frustrating, but look at what you've been able to do. Sleep might not come easy all the time, but you've improved so much in all the areas you've been working on, including that one, and I couldn't be prouder of you."
His eyes shone with genuine love and you wanted to burst into tears at the sheer tenderness of it all.
You settled for sniffling instead, trying desperately to keep the tears at bay, but you couldn't hold it in. Throwing your arms around his neck, you sobbed openly into his shoulder, tears darkening his robes. Jae-ha squeezed his eyes shut at the contact, rubbing circles into your back comfortingly until your tears eventually subsided.
He sighed softly, warm breath fanning across your face causing you to blush. The arm he had curled around your midsection tightened. You both laid in silence, Jae-ha listening to the sound of your even breathing, and you watched as his chest rose and fell, counting the seconds that went by until you grew drowsy.
"Sleep, Y/N," Jae-ha murmured, as you began to shift, protesting against the siren's call to go under. "I'm right here."
Slowly, you began to settle. The sides in your mind didn't stop fighting against each other, but you tried to focus on Jae-ha, his calming presence and comforting embrace. Eventually, the war faded in the background enough for you to finally give into the temptation.
You had only been asleep for a few short minutes when Jae-ha turned towards the ceiling curiously. The rapid steps were faint against the wood, but he could still hear them and was able to make out Captain Gi-gan's footfalls first. She was heading to her quarters, but so was everyone else.
His brow furrowed, what would the captain want with her crew this late at night?
They found something.  
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
Stranger Love - PART 3
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Jeaha x Reader - Angst
Part 1 - Part 2
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
Her wrists were tied with the itching rope, and the two guards led her out of the room where the rest of the victimised women had been trapped, including the Princess with the crimson hair. Despite her pleas, (Y/N) drowned her voice out and held her head high with confidence. There was no way she would let Kum-ji take the Princess for himself; Yona's friends would've killed (Y/N) anyway.
Sorry, Yona. You'll have to let the firework off yourself.
(Y/N) could feel the passage getting narrower the more she walked forwards, until eventually the sound of a door opening was directly in front of her. The boat rocking back and forth didn't help her keep her footing very easily, and so when the men pushed her forcefully from behind, she fell hard.
"Ladies, you have a new friend here to keep you both company," the sickening voice bellowed in the room upon entry. (Y/N) was surprised to see two other women sitting in front of her, looking as scared as Yona was before they entered the shop. It felt like the feeling was starting to rub off onto her, being surrounded by it since this mission started.
Kum-Ji sat down in his chair that was a clear imitation to a throne; most likely designed to the man's own liking. Not even ten minutes of (Y/N) sitting silently in place could pass without a server of Kum-ji bursting into the room with a shortness in breath.
"You'd better have a good reason for disturbing my time," Kum-ji threatened.
"S-Sir... there's trouble... o-on the deck!"
"Trouble? What do you mean!?"
"The red-haired girl... sh-she set off a signal to her friends... the p-pirates are fighting us-"
"Are you mercenaries all good for nothing? Why didn't you just kill the girl!?"
Damnit... She was too hasty! (Y/N) 's heart started beating a million miles an hour, worried about Yona not executing the plan with a clear mind. Sure, she was safe. But it could've resulted a lot worse if the cavalry had been a second too late.
In amongst the confusion of the arguing men, she rose to her feet and knocked over a guard with the force of her body. Her hands were still tied, but it didn't affect her mobility.
"Hey! Get back here! Stop her!" (Y/N) could still here Yan Kum-ji shouting blasphemy the further away she got. Since the fighting had already begun on deck, she figured it best to join in on the action and play her part, too.
She needed to see Yona, to confirm with her own eyes that she was truly okay. She wouldn't forgive herself otherwise. She also needed to reunite with her family, with Jeaha. The argument came swarming back into her memories like she had only just woken up in the morning, after a long night of thinking about nothing else. It wasn't right for her to leave it the way she did, before leaving to embark on a life-threatening job let alone.
The moment she stepped foot onto the battlefield, her pursuer was rid of by one of her own pirate brothers. "Tatsu!" She turned around and revealed her tied-up hands, allowing herself to be freed.
"(Y/N)! We all got so worried when Princess Yona told us Kum-ji took you away-"
"Where's Jeaha?"
"Uh, on our boat, I think-"
"Thanks!" She dashed off without her friend able to get in a word. He could only accept that nothing bad had happened to her, and continue putting up a fight.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) weaved in and out, dodging, speeding and doing all kinds of tricks in order to make her way to her destination. On her way, she managed to catch a glimpse of red hair in the shadows. Looking closer, she saw Yona hiding on a different boat with Yun next to her. She could spare the time to check on her partner.
The girl turned around and was overjoyed seeing (Y/N) make it out safely. Yun was equally as relieved. (Y/N) would feel the same, but it was quite the contrary; feeling relief was the last thing on her mind when another shadow approached behind the helpless fighters. She'd already spent too much time confirming that the Princess was about to die, for the sword was already raised above his head.
All the colours blurred around her vision like watercolours on a canvas. She was running as fast as she could, yet it was funeral pace. She saw nothing else but the dangerous glinting of metal in the light of the lantern, even though the lantern held only a candle.
The name faded out like raindrops into the ocean, instantly becoming nothing on its own, but the voice was something that she had always found precious. So precious in fact, that she hated the new recruitments for trying to take the very voice away and out of her life.
But none of that really mattered right now. The only thing that mattered was that the girl before her, the stranger she hated only a couple of days ago, was about to be beheaded and was still smiling as she faced the opposite direction, completely oblivious.
(Y/N) practically dragged Yona and Yun into a group hug, not sure enough if the sword would hit both or one or the other. Her breath was suddenly frozen in her lungs; the sign of keeping her friends safe from danger. Tingly feelings of discomfort racked through her body, and she felt vulnerable and was scared of the feeling. It brought back too many memories.
Falling was all (Y/N) could comprehend, her eyes able to look at nothing else but the hard wood of the deck in front of her. Her back was wet and made her dress feel heavy, giving the illusion of her fall somewhat speeding up. When she was suddenly halted and rotated to face upwards she was inwardly relieved, but everything became a kaleidoscope and her eyelids were as heavy as bricks.
The green-haired pirate's heart sank into the pit of his stomach, so much so that he swore he was going to puke. He couldn't breathe. He felt his veins turn icy cold as the gut-wrenching nightmare took place right in front of his eyes, less than a leap at full strength away.
For a few seconds, Jeaha was trapped in a state of paralysis as he could only watch her writhe for that short moment. When she lay still, as he watched the terror in the eyes of Yona and Yun, his feet freed him.
Suddenly he felt like a real dragon. He could feel heat from a fire burning so deep he wanted to explode. His eyes instantly spotted the silhouette of the offender ready to make a second move on his next victims right in front of him.
With an angry cry the dragon warrior leapt from his place on the boat, leaving a giant hole that allowed water to pour into the vessel. Not leaving the enemy enough time to react, he literally jumped on top of him, crushing most bones in his body. Immediate reinforcements surrounded him but he took them out with no hesitation, without a doubt disobeying Gi-gan's orders of not killing a single human. But none of these enemies were human to him any longer- they were underlings of the devil himself.
Crushing all under the foot of his mighty dragon leg, he was a beast not to get in the way of. Even his allies cowered behind walls in fear of his never-before-seen wrath. Amongst his chaotic mind, he thought to himself 'this is what it must've felt like for the dragons to lose their king.'
Once the calm finally blew over the deadly atmosphere, his bearings were regained and he scrambled as he tried to find his way back to his one and only. Seeing how much she had painted the deck in her own shade of dark red, his anxiety returned. (Y/N)'s eyes showed no life, yet the alarmingly quick rising and falling of her chest said otherwise. Yun was drenched in blood, up to his elbows, as he desperately ripped his own clothing to suppress the wound.
"Why..." Jeaha heard Yun mumble as he held onto (Y/N) tightly. "Why why why why why...? Why did she do that!?"
"Just don't let her die!" Jeaha shouted, causing the two others to flinch and refocus. With one arm he grasped onto her tightly, and with his other he caressed her cheek dripping with sweat, doing all he can to keep her conscious. "(Y/N)-dearie... stay. You have to stay, okay?"
She didn't respond.
"...The captain- 'mother' will kill you if you leave."
Part of him wished the dangerous breathing was still going, instead of no breathing at all.
There was nothing to be sad about anymore. She was forced to leave home, but she had a new one she loved and thrived even more in. One of the most unimaginable places anyone could've thought of to take in an orphan, a travelling circus, it was bizarre to none within her new family.
There wasn't one person she had not started a friendship with, and the youngest aside from her was at least fifteen years older than her. The days where she would only cry in misery were overcome by the bountiful happiness she experienced for days- years on end. After being exposed to the wonders and amazement of the performers, she settled on acrobatics being her most favourite of all.
Every time was something new when she would flip through the air on ropes and trapeze; akin to flying in total freedom throughout the clear blue sky. It was a stronger sensation than a harmless little bird of a flock, but more of a dragon in an army. (Y/N) knew she was unstoppable in her element.
But then one day she turned around, and all of her family were in cages like animals. More than half were unlucky enough to be ended during an attempt of escape. It was exactly what happened before, with her family by blood. It couldn't have been real.
"(Y/N), listen to me," one girl whispered, the one who young (Y/N) came to see as an older sister. "You have to run, as far away as you can. Go over there, take the bag of supplies, and don't look back." The man who dragged her away, and ended her life seconds after, did not see (Y/N) hiding in the tiny cranny hidden behind their crates. Doing as she was told, she ran.
And ran...
And ran...
Until the gods blessed her with the town of Port Awa coming across her path.
Her lungs felt like a deity had just breathed heaven into her, lifting off a heap amount of pain. (Y/N) finally felt that she could breathe easy again. Without opening her eyes, she took a moment to gulp as much oxygen as her chest would allow her to, feeling its relieving sensation dance inside her body.
(Y/N) Didn't realise a hand was holding onto her own until it tightened its grip. "(Y/N)...?" Her glued-shut eyes opened wearily as if it were a Monday morning, and was instantly greeted an embrace before she had the chance to regain her bearings. "I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry- this was all my fault...!"
"J-Jeaha?" She didn't believe it was him. The flirtatious green dragon she knew didn't cry, or show sadness at all. This wasn't like him at all.
"I should've done something- I could see you, but I couldn't do anything!"
"Hey, Jeaha..." (Y/N) pulled away from him to have a better look at his face, but grimaced to the stabbing-sensation throughout her body.
"D-Don't push yourself-"
"I'm okay, don't worry."
"(Y/N), you're not..." his words faded into silence, and he put his head in her lap, covering the mess his face was in as he sobbed. "I'm so sorry."
"For what, Jeaha?"
"For fighting with you that night, for not saying goodbye before you risked your life, for not saving you when I could've gotten to you in time-"
"Jeaha," (Y/N) started as her hands lifted up his face so they were seeing eye-to-eye, "none of this was your fault- if anything it was more my fault for being too careless."
"But I'm okay, and you're okay, and we're both here..." She began tearing up at the thought of how happy she was to still be alive. There was too much she would've left behind, like Jeaha. He alone, was too much to leave behind.
"What did I literally just say?" He couldn't help but laugh as he recognised the girl that he'd loved. She was such a treasure, and worth far more to him than the fate of the kingdom.
As he looked deeper into her eyes, and as hers looked deeper into his, they unknowingly leaned in closer and closer until their lips gently met. It was a soft, sweet sensation that created many butterflies in both souls.
"(Y/N)-dearie... I love you..."
"I... love you too, Jeaha." The two shared one more embrace as the lullaby of the green dragon's heartbeat soothed her back to rest.
As (Y/N) was forced to rest in order to recover quickly, her pirate family came to visit every five minutes or so, but Yona was without a doubt the one who visited the most. They weren't even visits- more like staying by her side all day with Jeaha and leaving the two alone at night. As much as she hated the idea of not moving for days on end, she thought it was nice to kick up her feet for once in a long time.
The two talked about a lot of things during this time, mostly about Jeaha joining Yona's group and her quest. He wasn't super open about the idea, but (Y/N) could tell that he was definitely leaning more on the side of wanting to be a part of something bigger. She wasn't one to change his mind, even though she hated the strangers for wanting to take him away in the first place. They weren't as bad as she made them out to be. After all, she wouldn't throw her life on the line for just anyone.
"(Y/N)," Jeaha quietly began as she stared blankly at the roof above her. "What if..."
"What if you came with me?" She paused before turning her head to look at Jeaha in a confused way.
"Come... as in... with Yona?"
"I mean... would they-"
"I asked her about it yesterday, and she said nothing could delight her more."
"I see."
"So, what do you think...?"
"Of course I would- I'd love nothing more. But, isn't this your journey? Isn't this meant for the dragon warriors? I just feel like I'd get in the way of your ultimate goal, whatever that may be."
"You know none of them think you're a burden."
"Well they don't even know me yet."
"They know you well enough to want you to come-"
"Okay, I'll come then." Jeaha wasn't expecting such a sudden response in the middle of the subtle quarrelling, but he certainly made his happiness clear when he celebrated.
At last the day came where Gi-gan and Yun released (Y/N) from her "quarantine," which was also the same day that the Princess and her friends departed the town. The goodbyes were long and painful, especially to (Y/N)'s adoptive mother, Gi-gan. All the pirates were crying, more over Yona and (Y/N) rather than Jeaha.
As they both walked away from their family, hand in hand, Jeaha and (Y/N) braced themselves for the crazy adventure that was to happen before them.
Link to Part 1 
Link to Part 2
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out!
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
Yona of the Dawn | Akatsuki no Yona
Jeaha x Suicidal!Anxious!Reader - TRIGGER WARNING.
My Yona of the Dawn x Reader List for more one-shots! Check it out! 
WARNING: Mentions of Suicide and self harm. Please don’t read if this affects you. Also, please find help if you are struggling. If you feel like no-one else loves you, I do. I’m always free for a talk, whomever you are. <3
The waves began to rise higher and crash harder into the shore. It was very peaceful with no commotion in the alleys; a very rare occurrence in the town of Awa. (Y/N)'s mind slowly began to block out everything, hearing only her slow heartbeat drumming in her ears.
It's so empty, so pointless to live for, she thought the nth time that day. So much danger, battling for the good of the people, the fighting seemed so endless and in vain. When would it end? Is there even an end at all? There's always something evil waiting next in line.
"Don't you ever get sick of it? Doing it day in and out?" (Y/N) asked as she fiddled with a pebble in her hands, examining its blandness.
"Of what?" questioned Jeaha, who sat on a crate next to her, admiring the beauty of the Cheonsu cliff bathed in gold.
"Fighting, being in constant danger, not knowing what's going to come next. It's like we never have a moment to be able to breathe anymore."
It wasn't hard to tell that (Y/N) had been thinking about this a lot, judging by how desperate her voice sounded when she spoke.
"Well," Jeaha sighed, "it was always our choice to protect Awa. We were never forced to try and play 'hero,' we just wanted to do something with our lives, I guess. I know the other guys wanted to."
(Y/N) gazed at at her family celebrating a victory on their ship. They looked happy, but wounds on their faces and arms were very obvious, even from far away under a darkening sky. She frowned.
She never got those types of injuries. Some friend she was, not going on missions and avoiding fights like she had the right to choose. None of them did. Not a single one was ready to be left behind and not throw themselves at death's door if it meant Awa's peace.
She threw the pebble into the water in front of her, the force from her shoulder causing it to skip a few times before it sunk. She stood up, the crate squeaking as it scraped against the pavement. "Good talk," was all (Y/N) said as she walked off with haste.
Jeaha stared after her, a crease in his brow and a narrowness to his eyes. He knew something was wrong. She used to be like the rest of the crew, so willing to fight and put all she had on the line if it meant the safety of their home. But nowadays, it was like she was afraid. She should know that her family had her back. They always looked out for one another.
A clap of thunder caused Jeaha to jump, and he turned his head to the storm's general direction. The Cheonsu cliff came into view, and he stared at his as he began to wonder. Whenever (Y/N) stood at the top on her daily strolls alone, she was always so close to the drop... dangerously close.
With that last thought lingering in his head, Jeaha left the dock and jumped back onto the ship to join Captain Gi-Gan and the crew.
(Y/N) tossed and turn that night, sleep never coming to her. Her arms tingled as her heart pounded harder, and she felt skittish, sharply turning her head to whatever creaked and moaned on the gently rocking boat. There could be an ambush happening right now, and everyone was asleep, completely vulnerable.
We're all going to die, she heard a voice whisper.
Her breathing quickened, forcing her to open her mouth to breathe in air faster. The voice whispered again. She looked around the dimly lit room as best she could, seeing if anyone was awake or even sleep-talking. The most obvious thing she could see were the many injuries the pirates had sustained in battle. Looking at her own arms, they were almost completely free of scars. What kind of pirate didn't share scars with her family?
How selfish. What a scaredy cat.
(Y/N) jumped out of her hammock and grabbed one of the daggers leaning against the wall. She shakily held it out in front of her as she stepped into the moonlight. Seeing no one was around, she forced herself to take deep breaths. The dagger shone in her eye, and she eyed the blade.
What's it like? What pain do they have to feel?
She looked behind her one more time, confirming everyone was asleep, even Jeaha who always slept in the crow's nest of the boat, before climbing off the boat and onto land where they were anchored next to.
Her hands quivered as she slowly lifted the blade to her arm. She pressed it against her flesh, but hesitated.
The others don't get to choose when they get hurt! You're so weak!
The anger had taken hold of (Y/N)'s hand and forced her to slice. She pressed her lips together and pushed her back against the wall as the sting was not something she had expected. Lifting her hand away from the cut, a very faint line of crimson droplets was forming.
All that pain, and it hardly did anything?
She looked at the blade. There was no sign that there was any damage done at all.
It wasn't deep enough.
It hurt like hell, but she was determined to prove to herself that she was not a coward. Again and again she tried in different places, trying to replicate the wounds of her family and what they would've had to suffer. Every lacerate made her want to cry, and her chest began to ache with how hard her heart was beating from the shock of sudden pain.
Anger boiled inside when the result she wanted was not showing, and she carelessly began to cut everywhere on her arm. It was only until she knew she cut deeper than she wanted to was when she dropped the blade, her ears twitching as it clattered loudly in the quiet of the town.
Her mouth gaped open as she felt the pain was almost unbearable. (Y/N) looked at her arm and her eyes widened when she saw a thick line of blood had already trickled down her entire arm. It wasn't deep enough to be life threatening, but it must've been pretty close to it.
That's more like it.
A shadow flew over (Y/N), and she looked up to see a silhouette flying directly above her. Cursing to herself when she knew who it was, she hid in the nearest alleyway, forgetting to pick up the dagger as she ran for cover. Peeking her head from around the corner, she covered her mouth to silence her loud breathing when Jeaha was nearby.
She saw his shoulders stiffen when he saw the bloodied knife laying on the ground, recognising it as his own. It wasn't long after that when he finally leaped into the skies once more, returning back to the boat. (Y/N) began to panic when she realised that she was going to have to somehow make up something to tell the others if they ever questioned the cuts on her arm. She could only think of going into more battles with them to have a liable reason.
Once she finally made her way back to her sleeping quarters, she felt that she was strangely able to fall asleep easier. It wasn't content, but more satisfaction for the inward pain she felt after releasing it. It suppressed that voice that kept speaking to her, like it was happy with the outcome of the night and would in turn, finally grant her rest.
Keeping to her word, she pushed through the fear and went into more fights with the pirate crew and Gi-Gan in the passing weeks, and Jeaha was more protective over her than usual. She was often asked by the pirates if she really was up for tagging along with them. Every time someone new would ask her if she was holding up okay, or if she wanted to rest, it made (Y/N) feel so much heavier. She was already addicted to the cycle of bestowing pain onto herself, tattooing her body with scars of hate for not being the person she wished she was, nearly every night.
They've already lost faith in me.
They don't think I can do anything anymore.
I'm useless to them.
Jeaha panicked after having saved (Y/N) from close decapitation. She wasn't focused today-- her reaction was too slow and she would have never dodged the swinging sword in time to save her neck. He threw his daggers as fast as he could at the perpetrator, forgetting to abide by his captain's words of never have the intention to kill. A few of the knives missed, but a couple lodged themselves into his arm and neck.
(Y/N) slumped onto the ground, seeing the man in front of her writhe in pain as blood pooled around him. He was dying, painfully slowly. Was this what was destined to become of her family? Jeaha? Herself? Was this what the end looked like?
That could've been me ten seconds ago.
The tingling in her arms returned, and she fiercely rubbed them to preserve warmth. The tingling turned into shakes, and (Y/N) felt like she had no control as her breathing became increasingly audible. Paralysed in one spot by her unmoving legs, she was vulnerable and in the most danger.
Without another thought the Green Dragon landed by (Y/N)'s side, scooped her into his arms and jumped off the boat, escaping the fight. (Y/N) clung into Jeaha tightly as they flew through the air, sobbing into his shoulder, on the verge of screaming.
They landed on the cliff full of bright green grass, far away from the town's eyes where they wouldn't have to worry about passersby. He couldn't get a word in over (Y/N)'s cries, and could only rock her back and forth as he held her close, a hand behind her hand and the other holding her shoulders.
"I don't want to do this anymore!" she cried endlessly.
Jeaha fought to hold back his own tears, feeling an overwhelming guilt for having subjected (Y/N) to such a horrible sight. Him hugging her became partially for his own comfort.
"It's okay, everything's okay." Jeaha desperately tried to get through to her. "I'm here, I'm right here."
It was his fault she was like this. He should've done something different that wouldn't have been so torturing to her mind. She'd probably dream about this for weeks now, he thought.
And she did.
Every night for months.
Insomnia kept her awake for numerous nights in a row, and when she could sleep nightmares haunted her. But Jeaha never left her. He promised he'd watch over her as long as she wanted him to, holding her hand until she fell asleep, and holding it still whenever she woke up with fear plastered on her face.
One night, Gi-Gan told the pirates they were to set sail after receiving a message regarding incoming contraband. (Y/N) would not move. Jeaha hated leaving her alone with no one to watch over her, as it was an all-out battle they were preparing for, but she wanted to be courageous and insisted he go.
"I'll be back, dearie. I promise," he reassured with a fire in his eyes. Once he turned his back, he dared not to look behind him as he left for battle, knowing it would make leaving harder for both of them.
Some time passed, and the anxiety grew.
He's been gone for a long time. Longer than he said he would be.
He must've died... All of them.
I'm alone!
The image of the dying man came back to her. She wanted to throw up as she felt her stomach sink. Tears brimmed at her eyes, she couldn't breathe, her arms and legs were shaking, she was out of control again. She couldn't feel anything. She searched for the dagger that she always cut herself with, but she didn't have it with her.
Without her pain, she couldn't go on. She needed it to be able to feel again, to keep her grounded. But she was drifting away.
I don't want to do this anymore.
She left the empty house that Jeaha had told her to stay in whilst they took the boat out at sea, making her promise she would stay put.
He's dead. It doesn't mean anything now.
She sprinted as she weaved through the narrow streets of Port Awa, not caring if she was waking the residents with the noise she made. She cried with a broken heart, knowing she'll never see him again. Her rock, her fortress, her everything. Gone.
Following the winding dirt path a little out of the town square, she ran up the incline of the cliff, the wind fiercely blowing against her body. It was trying to stop her, hold her back from making a terrible choice.
I'm sorry Jeaha, I can't do this anymore.
Looking over the edge once she'd finally reached the top, she could see the narrow path to the cave of the Cheonsu that was directly beneath her. How brave, she thought, for one of the crew to be given such a treacherous task and willingly go through with it.
Never something I could do.
The full moon reflected on the ocean's waters, creating an illusionary path that almost looked like someone could tread on above the water. It was enchanting. (Y/N) wanted to walk on it. Who cared how far down below it was. She'd reach it after a short fall. And then she could walk to the other side of the horizon.
Is that where Jeaha is?
Having one last look around, she couldn't see the pirates' ship anywhere. It was too dark, and they were too far. Or perhaps they already sunk far below the surface.
Her toes were hanging off the edge now, and soon so were the top half of her feet. She leaned back and forth, back and forth, playing dangerously with the thrill of death tugging at the hem of her clothes.
"(Y/N)! Stop!"
No more voices, no more nightmares, no more fighting, just peace. A peace that Jeaha was already thriving in on the other side of that dark horizon. Her heart fluttered at the thought of how close it was.
With (Y/N)'s arms spread out wide, like a bird taking flight, she let herself lean too far forward, falling against the wind's current that hit up against her. She closed her eyes, waiting for her peace to be given to her.
But it never came.
She felt something latched onto her wrist, dangling her above the water's waves. There was grunting, and she saw that above her was Jeaha, just barely holding onto the path of the Cheonsu cave. His eyes were shut tight as he focused hard on not letting her slip from his grasp.
He let out a cry as he pulled himself and (Y/N) up over the ledge. He grabbed her with both hands when he was safely on ground, pulling her far away from the drop and into the cave.
Jeaha pressed his forehead against (Y/N)'s as they sat in front of each other. "I'm so sorry..."
"...I thought you died..."
His head slumped into her shoulder, his tied back hair falling in front of his face. "I'm so sorry." He said again with his voice breaking.
Being the first thing she was able to feel again, all unwanted sensations had vanished because of Jeaha's touch. He was alive. It was that voice again that had tricked her, nearly leading her to her doom from a place of hopelessness.
Lifting her weak arms, she wrapped them around Jeaha's body as he did the same for her, holding each other close in the cold of the night. "I just don't want to feel this way anymore," she whispered into the crook of his neck.
"I know... This is all my fault."
Jeaha could no longer hide the fact that he knew about (Y/N) long ago. The night he heard the clattering of his own dagger, he knew it was her. He only wished he could've protected her from the evil chained to her heart before it had taken over.
"Jeaha, It's not-"
"(Y/N)," he cut her off. "I just wanted to protect you, but all I did was make things worse." He backed away so he could look straight into her eyes. Her drooping, heavy eyes full of hurt. "You wouldn't even be here if I left another second later. If I never left you, this wouldn't have happened..." He buried his face in his hands, hiding his guilt and shame.
You're a burden to him.
Something clicked in (Y/N). Something that didn't let the voice get through. It was like it went through one ear and out the other. If it was true, Jeaha would've stopped caring long ago. But even until the very last moments, he was there, appearing out of thin air to save her from herself.
With both of her hands, she held onto his, parting them away from his face so she could see into his eyes. "Thank you... for everything you've done for me."
"You shouldn't be thanking me... dear."
"Well I'm not going to blame you. It had nothing to do with you. it was all my doing, my own mind took control... and I let it." (Y/N) looked downwards at the ground between them, admiring one of the many beautiful flowers around them as she averted his gaze. "I just wish this was all over."
"We all do... I hate fighting, more than you think."
"But you're a dragon warrior. You were literally born to fight by the Crimson Dragon's side."
"I'll never follow a fairy tale that tells me what to do. You know that."
Jeaha took a deep breath, fixing his hair so he looked at least a little more appealing through his recent distraught. "You don't have to keep fighting anymore, (Y/N). No one's forcing you to put your life on the line for the people of Awa. It's okay to take a break."
"What about you?"
"I'll keep fighting, if it means it'll keep you safe." Jeaha lifted his hand and cupped (Y/N)'s cheek. She held onto it, wishing she could keep his warmth forever. Slowly, they leaned into each other until their lips met. Everything about him made her feel so safe and warm. It gave her life, and a reason to live for.
"Then I'll fight with you."
"I know I don't have to. But I'm sure of it this time. I truly would hate myself if I sat on the sidelines forever."
Jeaha sighed. "Well, my dear, what a privilege to have a pretty lady by my side from this day forward."
After some time passed, they left the cave together hand-in-hand, (Y/N) promising she'd never leave the earth for as long as Jeaha would live. Only until death would they part, they promised, whilst hoping that day would never come.
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