#jaehee scares me t //slapped
serede986 · 3 years
(HC) Self Harm - Jumin, 707 and Saeran(GE)
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Thank you so much for the request @qlassicc . Tho I'm so sorry I took 5 months to complete this, that was way too rude of me, I'm really sorry. I hope this completes what you asked for. Please feel free to demand a rewrite.
TW⚠️ Self Harm, mentioned abuse, assault.
It's finally time, huh? What did we even do to you bitch? Taking our Jumin away for your selfish needs.
What do you hate? Height? Why don't I try and push you down the building?
You tried, breathing heavy and tears. Clutching your chest you fell to your knees, sobbing, trying to get some amount of oxygen in your system.
This was not the first time someone's comment hurt you, but it was getting worse and worse.
Sometimes it's them, or sometimes those high class wives, trying to bring you down, excusing their behaviour by putting up any petty excuse.
Jumin could suspect your growing anxiousness. Knowing how closely he observes you, you are certain he already knows.
But, I'm hurting him..
Rattled by the small voice in your head, your fingers snacked through your hair, pulling it so roughly. Your sobs were now screams.
It's hard, isn't it?
Looking up, you could spot a pink string. Elizabeth's leash. It was blurry, but enough for you to walk up there and grab it. Wrapping it tight around your wrist, you could see your hand slowly turning purple.
"MC? Dar' where are you?" You heard your husband call out your name, walking towards the room you were in.
Quickly wiping your eyes you hid your hand behind your back, smiling, trying to look as normal as possible.
Washroom is emp-
"Hello love- what's wrong?" Voice laced with concern, Jumin narrowed his eyes at you. Standing in front of you.
"Elizabeth's leash, can I have it MC?"
Leash that partly hung down was visible after your skirt ended below your knees.
Breath hitched in your throat.
You nodded, not really having the courage to speak, afraid you would burst out crying.
Suddenly, he grabbed your hands from your back. You hissed, feeling his finger touch your wrist.
His eyes spoke of shock, welled with tears. A sob escaped you.
He gently unwrapped the leash, staring down at your hand, his tears falling on the purple.
"I... Won't ask why.. seven told me about those comments, and I was aware of those ladies and I still couldn't do-"
"Jumin.. p-please don't leave.."
"I won't MC, we'll go through this together. "
"Mhmm.. " resting your head on his chest, you feel his hand softly caressing your head, pecking.
I'm 50, is it okay with you sweetheart
-No, I have a husband.
You have a husband? Why don't we leave that douchebag and escape to the Maldives.
-No. I love my husband, there's no way I'd leave him for a creep like you.
Oh c'mon darling, don't be so sour now. How much do you want? 5000?
-It's not about money.
Oh! Perfect then! Why don't we start with some nudes then?
Oh my goodness- stop it.
This was the third time you blocked this guy but again he made a fake account to contact you.
Afraid as you were, you wanted to contact Seven, but didn't really know how or if he would even trust you. It's been going on for months now.
Flashbacks of when you were 16 started to creep into your mind. How you were so much into partying and how you somehow let so many creeps in your life, how it was so difficult to get out of the phase, how it was so difficult to be safe.
But.. Why is it happening again?
Your breath starts constructing in your throat it's so tight. Why would this happen again
Breathing out, you looked down at your legs. Tho light, but those scars were still visible.
Taking the blade out of the first aid box, you close your eyes,piercing your skin. You let out hiss immediately followed by a sigh of relief.
Placing the blade on other leg-
"NO! MC!"
His hand wrapped around your wrist, pulling your grip from the blade.
"Stop this please stop this! you know how important you are to me, right? t-then why are you doing this? MC please tell me what's going on?" He exclaimed, throwing the blade somewhere in the room.
He cradled you in his arms, rocking back and forth trying to calm you down. You told him in between cries of panic and pain.
"Shhh.. it's okay MC." He muttered out phrases that caressed love and worry. As your story completed, those creeps in your high school, how you unintentionally got older men's attention, how similar stuff started to appear on your insta handle, how you were threatened, you stopped hearing any voice from Saeyoung.
Looking up, you could see all the usual shine in his eyes, vanished.
"Sae.. hey.."
His eyes met yours, meeting you in a soft kiss. Breaking from the kiss, he muttered "I said this in our vows, and I'll say this again, I'll always protect you, and you'll never hear from any creep ever again."
You gasped lightly, then nuzzled your head on his shoulder. You could feel him move from giggles and laughter, as he slowly saw the creep suffer through his computer screen.
You are such a disgrace to our family! What a worthless daughter, huh?
You were sitting there on the floor, legs covered with fresh and old, cuts, and scars older than ten years, slapping you on your run from your home.
Memories of how your family set up random people to sleep with you, and marry you at the young age of 14, started to creep into your mind since the last few days.
Your eyes burned, dry, as you tried to close them.
How tough it is for you, huh? You just have to marry that man. Why don't you just accept your fate and live with it?
MC.. you're a lady, it is your destiny to live with a man and serve him. If you get beaten up, you deserve it.
But that man is 20 year older than me..
Do not talk back.
You let out a scream, grabbing your hair, pulling it with as much force as possible.
Your sister with whom you lost contact was on a call with you, informing you of her pregnancy with a girl. You started to get scared remembering how your childhood was ruined, how you, a girl, was treated in your household. Not only you but your sister too and how you escaped that home or hell to term it otherwise.
Your anxiety started to take over you, another victim of your family's beliefs. Another young life on the verge of being ruined.
Can this not happen anymore?
You ran away, and your fiance will leave you soon too. Let him realise what a worthless brat you are.
You wanted money, didn't you? Soon he'll realise you're a gold dig-
"NO I AM NOT!" You yelled into the phone, immediately throwing the phone at the nearest wall, shattering. Tiny glass pieces hit you back, piercing your skin.
Startled, you heard the rattle of the door knob, trying to push in.
"Saer-" your breath hitched in your throat, trying to call him. "I'm a bit busy Sae, I'll be out in a while.." you called out to him, nervous as you didn't hear any response from him.
The door turned open, he looked at you. You knew he was shocked, but he didn't really let it get to his face, knowing how much you needed him now, no matter how much you denied him.
Walking out, he soon came back with first aid box, sitting down in front of you, covering any bruises and scratches on your skin.
"I'm sorry Saeran.."
Your nervousness grew, receiving no response from him. Was he disappointed in you?
"... You're not worthless MC. You're everything to me, I.. cannot even try to imagine my life without you, you're that important to me. Please don't do this, not anymore MC, please?" You looked up into his eyes, tears damp on his cheeks.
You nodded looking down on your knees, ashamed.
"A-and don't be ashamed either. I have a surprise for you. Last week, Jaehee noona taught me how to make ice cream, and I made chocolate."
You looked up at him with a gasp, what a sweet surprise!
A few days later you started going to the counselling sessions with Saeran, seeking help together. Your sister was rescued by Saeyoung and Jumin, receiving help and support from different psychiatrist, and support for her child from the government.
Help is always available. Here is a post that mentions helplines that can be useful. My dms and asks are always open.
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gureishi · 3 years
A #14 with Saeyoung. I love your fics ❤️ Thank you
Thank YOU, dear! ♡
Writing this one was cathartic af. I don’t often write them fighting, because I don’t think they fight much—but the prompt was begging for it and I think a lot about the unexpected ways they find themselves grappling with their trauma.
fourteen: hurts like hell to be torn apart
SaeyoungXReader, T (referenced violence, angst with a happy ending), words: 2912
The sound reverberates off the cobblestones and the colorful storefronts. It’s as loud and dark as the street is cheerful and bright. You feel it in your bones.
And for some reason that you have neither the time nor the emotional capacity to explain, you take off running. Away from the blue-and-white awnings of the little farmers market. Around a corner. Down the alley. Toward the sound.
I know someone’s been shot, says your brain, and you don’t notice the general absence of panic in the crowd—don’t register that no one is yelling, no one else is running. Your sandals slap against the pavement, hard. Your blood rushes in your ears and your heart is in your mouth.
I have to find them, or else… Your vision blurs, your thoughts scramble. Or else.
You’re halfway down the alley, running straight into the setting sun, and you still can’t make out what’s happening at the end of the narrow, dark, trash can-lined street. You squint, expecting at any moment to see a body on the ground, blood pooling on the uneven concrete…
…and your line of sight is cut off as you run face-first into something firm and warm. Someone. You let out a muffled cry and try to pull away, but there are hands gripping your arms and you find you can’t move.
“What do you think you’re doing?” hisses a familiar voice, and although his scent hits you then, and you know you should feel safe, you continue to struggle—hands balled into fists, striking his chest.
“Let me go!” you yell, raising a hand to shove him. His long fingers wrap around your fist. “I have to…” you gasp.
“Nope,” he says. He wraps his strong arms around you and you give in, slumping against him. There’s literally no way out now—you know him too well. How did he catch up to you, how did he cut you off…? He’s not even out of breath.
“Look.” He’s still got you in his firm grip, but he lifts one arm so you can see through the triangle it makes with his torso. Now that you’ve stopped your insane sprint, you can see more clearly. The end of the alley is…empty.
Your throat feels raw. You realize that at some point you’ve started to cry.
“It was a car backfiring,” he says stiffly.
“A car…”
Rationally, you understand: why the sound was too quiet, why nobody else took off running. Why there’s no body slowly growing cold at the end of the alley. But you can’t quite think rationally. Your heart is pounding so hard you feel like you might throw up.
Saeyoung spins you around and half-drags you down the alley, back the way you came. You know you should feel relieved—comforted by his arm around you, thrilled that your instincts were wrong. But his grip on your shoulder is bruising and you feel yourself wriggling, trying to turn around, trying to check the imagined crime scene just one more time.
You turn a corner, back to the shopping center. Here, nothing has changed. There’s the same group of kids in brightly-colored outfits lounging on the steps to the ice cream place. There’s the same harried-looking mother struggling to get her three toddlers in a stroller. There are couples walking hand-in-hand and friends calling to each other over the crowd.
Why, you think, a bitter taste in your mouth, was I the only one who ran?
The dissonance between the cheery atmosphere and the way you are feeling makes your head spin. You sneak a glance at Saeyoung’s face—he has a frozen expression, unmoving, like a statue. His grip on your arm is growing painful.
“Saeyoung,” you say, forcing your voice into a semblance of evenness. “Will you please let go of me now?”
He jumps almost as if he’s forgotten where he is. He drops his arm and it swings aimlessly at his side. He’s not looking at you.
“Let’s go home,” he says at last, and his voice takes you by surprise. His expression is carefully arranged, stoic, but he sounds like he’s ready to hit someone. He takes off walking—away from the pleasant shopping center, down a quieter street, toward the garage. You don’t follow.
He feels your absence, pauses, turns. The sinking sun sets his hair ablaze. Beautiful, you think—if not for the hard look on his face.
He looks, to you, like he’s powering down, turning himself off. There’s no light in his eyes. On some deeply-buried logical level you know that he’s feeling the same echoes of the past that you are, riding the same wave of terror and remembrance. But you feel anger bubbling under your skin and you want to shake him and scream don’t look at me like that in his face.
He spins around and stalks toward the garage. You follow him in silence. Through the entrance. Up the stairs. He picks up the pace and, stubbornly, you slow yours.
He’s unlocked the car, opened your door, and gone around to his own side before you’ve caught up to him. You can’t explain why—just as you couldn’t explain the irrational bolt of horror that struck you when you turned and ran down the alley—but you feel like you could strangle him.
Still in silence, he starts the engine. You can’t stand it anymore.
“So,” you say. Your legs are shaking. “Are you not speaking to me?”
He pulls out of the parking spot. Your head is pounding. Answer me.
He pays at the automated meter. Inches the car down the driveway. Then, finally: “Don’t be so childish,” he says.
Something snaps inside of you.
“Childish? From the man who’s giving me the silent treatment?” You clench your fists, leaving little half-moon imprints in your palms. You look at him sideways; no reaction registers on his face. “Would you mind at least telling me why you’ve decided you’re not talking to me anymore?”
“You don’t—” For the first time, you see anger flash across his face; it disappears as quickly as it came. The car speeds up a tiny bit; he corrects it instantly. “You don’t know why I’m mad at you?”
You feel yourself crumbling—a chain reaction that began when you heard the not-gunshot moving on to its inevitable conclusion.
“If you’d tell me, I bet I’d know,” you snap.
He exhales slowly, as if willing himself to be patient enough to deal with you. You want to wipe that expressionless mask off his face.
“Why did you take off like that?” he asks. His face remains impervious but the anger is in his voice and it scares you a little.
“I thought it was a gunshot,” you say. “Obviously.”
“So did I,” he growls. “Which is why I’m asking you why you ran toward it.”
His words are like a slap in the face and, stubbornly, desperately, you want to hurt him back.
“You’re being condescending,” you say. Your voice shakes, giving you away. “I’m not a child.”
“Then don’t act like one!” Every word is like an icicle to your heart. “It was stupid. Do not ever do something like that again.”
It’s too much for you—the reprimanding tone, the fear you still feel in your bones, the anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You feel tears coming again and you hate yourself for it.
“Don’t speak to me like that!” you say, and it comes out every bit as harsh as you’d intended. He flinches.
“I need you to listen to me,” he says through clenched teeth. “I need to make it clear to you just how—how dangerous and idiotic—”
“So whenever there’s something dangerous—and there will be again, because this is our lives—I’m meant to, what? Let you take care of it and hope for the best?” You feel hysterical. Your throat is raw.
“Yes!” he yells, and it’s your turn to recoil, shrinking into your seat. “That is. Quite literally. What I was trained to do.” He’s tried to lower his voice but the quiet derision is somehow worse than when he shouted.
“You don’t trust me. At all,” you say. There are the tears again. You turn to hide your face, wiping them furiously from your eyes.
“No, I don’t,” he says. “Acting like you did today just proves to me that I shouldn’t.”
Your insides are caving in. You want to grab him by his stupid hoodie strings and make him look into your eyes and tell you he doesn’t mean it.
Your head turned, your forehead pressed against the cool glass, you spot a familiar exit. You pounce on a different instinct—because it’s there, because it’s easy, because you know it will would him.
“Take the exit,” you command. You’re shocked by how cold your voice is. How mean you sound.
“Saeyoung, take the exit. Right now.”
He does.
He drives in silence, slowing the car to a stop at a red light. You peek at him. There’s realization in his dark golden eyes—and hurt, too. Good.
“This is the way to Jaehee’s house,” he says. He sounds numb.
“Yes,” you say. “Take me there.”
“But…but we should go home,” he says quietly, and in that moment you feel so angry you want to laugh at the vulnerability in his voice. It’s so easy to hurt him. You can still feel the hot lava anger bubbling under your skin, can still hear the way his voice sounded as he told you he didn’t trust you.
“I don’t want to go home with you,” you say.
Jaehee opens the door, takes one look at your face, and ushers you inside without a word. You can’t help it—you turn as she closes the door behind you to watch Saeyoung’s headlights slowly pulling away. He’d waited till you were inside.
Right. Because I can’t be trusted on my own.
Jaehee doesn’t pry, and you love this about her. She ushers you into her warm, familiar living room. She gives you a blanket. She offers to make you a coffee.
It’s late, but you say yes anyway.
It’s only once she’s brought you a mug filled to the brim with foam and dusted with cinnamon that she folds herself onto the couch beside you and fixes you with a knowing look.
“Are you alright?” she asks.
And you have been—fine as you stormed out of the car without saying goodbye, calm as you watched him drive away, steady as you sat alone on Jaehee’s small-yet-squishy couch. But now that she’s asked it all crashes down around you and you burst into tears.
Wordlessly, she opens her arms for you—a bit awkwardly—and you slip into them, burying your face in her chest. 
“We never fight,” you sob, knowing you’re soaking her sweater. She runs a soft, small hand over your back—stiffly, like she’s not used to it, but gently, like she wants to be. “We never…and I don’t even know—w-why…”
Jaehee hums soothingly. She takes a deep breath and you follow her lead, choking a little on your own tears.
“Would you like to tell me what happened?” she asks softly. She adjusts you, tucking your head against her shoulder. “It might help.”
You sniffle. In this warm, comfortable room, with this warm, comfortable person, suddenly your actions feel so irrational. Why did you run toward what you assumed was a gunshot? Why did you respond to his concern for you with such unbridled rage?
You tell Jaehee about it—the sound, the alley, the way his face looked when he caught up to you. The things he said in the car. The things you said.
She listens patiently, steady as ever. She tucks your hair behind your ear.
“I’m not entirely surprised to hear that you had that kind of reaction,” she says when you’ve run out of words and are sniffling into her neck. “You’ve been through quite a lot.”
“What, today?” You wriggle into a sitting position. She hands you a tissue box and your coffee.
“Certainly today, but I was actually referring to the past year.”
You blow your nose. Take a sip of the coffee. It’s delicious.
“You’re saying I freaked out like that because of, um. Because of what happened at Mint Eye?”
Jaehee looks down at her hands in her lap. “Obviously, I don’t know everything that happened,” she says carefully. “But I can imagine that what you witnessed isn’t something you’ll get over easily. It will take a lot more time.”
When she says it like this, it feels obvious. You can still feel it ringing in your eardrums: the gun, the shouting. The sound of a body hitting the ground.
“Yeah,” you say. Your hands are shaking again.
“Saeyoung should know this,” she says. She places a hand over yours; it stills them.
“He does,” you say. “But he has his own—things—to deal with. From that day, and also before.”
“Yes.” She pats your hands once and then rises. With your eyes, you follow as she goes to the entryway, retrieves your bag from where you dropped it. Pulls out your phone from the outer pocket. “As I suspected.”
She hands you the phone. The screen’s lit up—you’ve just missed a call. Several calls.
“I’m going to make more coffee,” she says, slipping politely toward her kitchen—out of earshot. Your cup is still almost full.
You hesitate for a moment—just a moment—looking at the rows of his name on your screen. The shape of it makes your skin tingle.
You call him back.
“Hello?” He picks up after a quarter of a ring. He sounds breathless. You wonder if he’s made it home already.
“Hi,” you say.
“You called me back.” He’s talking quietly. His throat sounds raw. “I wasn’t sure if you would.”
“Of course I did.”
He’s silent for a moment, and you can hear him breathing—hard, ragged.
“I’m so, so, so, so sorry,” he says, and you can tell that he’s been crying too, in the way his voice catches at the end of each word.
“Saeyoung, I—”
“I shouldn’t have grabbed you like that. I should never have spoken to you that way. It’s no excuse, but I was just so scared when you ran from me, I—I panicked, but I didn’t mean to…I never meant to—”
“I know.” He shuts up right away. He sounds miserable. You want to stroke his pretty head. “I’m sorry I yelled at you. You didn’t deserve it.”
“It’s okay. I did deserve it.” His voice is small and suddenly you want to be home, want to kiss his silly, perfect face and squeeze him till the sob is gone from his voice.
“You didn’t,” you say. “You were scared. I can understand that.”
“I was terrified,” he says. “I thought the same you did—you know, that it was a gun, and so I went to get in front of you, but you’d already taken off running toward it. I just—it felt like my soul was getting ripped from my body. I haven’t felt like that since…since—”
“Me neither,” you say. “I mean, me too.”
“I’m the one who’s supposed to run toward a gunshot,” he says, and he laughs a bitter, self-deprecating laugh. “You’re supposed to be somewhere safe and warm where nothing can hurt you. I can’t—if anything happened to you, I’d—”
“Me too,” you repeat. “I couldn’t stand it if anything happened to you.”
It’s quiet. You breathe together. In, out.
“I love that you want to protect me,” you say. “But I need you to trust me, too.” He hesitates, and you know that a part of him wants to say so don’t put yourself in danger. Once, he would have. He’s grown up so much since then.
“I do trust you,” he says. His voice breaks. “I didn’t mean what I—I promise I’ll try to—you’re my whole world,” he finishes. Desperately, miserably. Hopefully.
“I want to come home,” you say.
“You do?” The optimism rushes into his voice and you want to bathe in it.
“Please.” You smile and taste your own salty tears at the corners of your lips.
The doorbell rings.
No way.
“No way,” you say into the phone. You cross the room, tug the door open. “No way,” you say to his face. His arms hang at his sides and his eyes are wide and bright as if he’s still not sure if you’ll slam the door in his face.
“I only drove like a block away…” he mutters, trailing off nervously. Sticking his hands in his pockets.
“Should’ve known.” You throw yourself at him and he tears his hands out of his pockets in time to catch you, a surprised laugh bubbling in his throat as you catapult into his chest.
“So you missed me even though I’m a sad, miserable excuse for a boyfriend?” he says into your hair. You stand on tiptoe and kiss his face till his eyes are glazed over and the goofy grin is back on his face. “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, dummy.” You kiss his throat and he shivers. “Take me home.”
Friends! Let me know if you’d like to be added to this list so you’re tagged in my future mysme writings~ <3
@currentlyprocrastinating @thesirenwashere  @ultrasupernini​ @cro0kedme​ @otomefoxystar​ @dawn-skies06 @nad-zeta
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lunarmessenger · 3 years
before anything else let me just say that i love all your content and im so glad that i found your blog!! okay now that ive already made myself sound like a fool would it be possible to get the rfa with an MC who confesses that she was sexually abused as a kid? (i totally get it if youre not comfortable with it btw)
Hi honey! Thank you so much for enjoying my content ^^ (also, u do not sound like a fool hush IT) that’s totally fine, I don’t mind your request :) - luna xx
DISCLAIMER: This is going to be heavy. If you are not prepared for that or in the right mindset for this particular request, I suggest preparing yourself, or just not reading it all together. I will be hiding the entire post underneath a cut in case somebody doesn’t bother to read my warnings. I, thankfully, have never been sexually abused as a child, but I know too many people who have been. I am so sorry to those who have had to go through this, and remember, you are never alone. I love you. - luna xx
Warnings: mentions of child sexual abuse, sexual situations, and trauma
MC Was Sexually Abused as a Child - RFA
• You didn’t want him to find out because you were scared he’d think you were dirty or disgusting
• And the way he found out too; it was just so out of the ordinary
• You were backstage at one of his shows and after his performance he’d grabbed you and hurriedly shoved you into one of the storage closets
• He wasn’t trying to be sexual he just wanted a few minutes alone with you to celebrate in private since he knew you’d both be swamped by fans; the poor man was thinking really, wasn’t paying attention
• So when he finally realizes how you’re shaking, knees threatening to buckle as you held your hands over your chest while looking down
• “MC? Princess what’s the matter; is something wrong? Talk to me.”
• You were all too familiar with dimly lit storage closets; your abuser had taken you there for years when you had your music lessons
• When you finally explain to him what was wrong through your tears, he is so...angry
• Words cannot express how he wants to go back in time and strangle the person who did that to you
• He at first through you were hesitant to be intimate because you didn’t have much experience
• While that was part of it, it was so much deeper than that, much more sinister; that he just wasn’t expecting it
• “They just...it was every single lesson Zen. And I wondered; had I done something wrong? Something to make me stand out to them? I just don’t understand...” You were still shaking, voice quivering
• He stood there, fists clenched as he tried to take deep breaths to calm himself down; enough so that he could prioritize what really mattered. You.
•“It was not your fault MC. Remember that. That person was a sick fuck for doing that to you, and I am so sorry that you didn’t get the proper support you needed. It’s okay; we can get through this together.”
• The two of you were cooking together, the front of you facing the oven as you stirred the vegetables in the frying pan
• Then he suddenly came up behind you, hands stopping at your waist as he whispered in your ear
• “My precious MC, I love you so much.”
• You were no longer in the kitchen with Yoosung; you were in your living room, your parents outside with your aunts and uncles as your cousin played with you; alone
• “Here MC, just turn and bend over; we’re going to play house. Yeah, that’s it...”
• “Please don’t...” You whimpered, your voice barely above a whisper as you struggled to pull yourself out of the traumatic memory
• “MC? Oh no, MC! Are you okay? Honey look at me...”
• He had turned off the stove and carried you to the bedroom, placing you on the bed while he knelt down on the floor
When you’d calmed yourself down you told him what had happened between you and your cousin; and why you no longer speak to that side of your family.
• He was absolutely disgusted; how could someone do that to their own family?
• The thought of even trying to do that to Rika; it made him want to gag
• “I wish I was...I wish I could have...oh, God. I’m sorry MC, I’m sorry...”
• You were at a bar, enjoying a few drinks together after a long day of work
• “I have to use the restroom; I’ll be back, Jae.”
• She nodded as you went, and you were fine as you found a stall and calmly shut the door behind you
• But before you had the chance to lock it Jaehee was in the restroom and in your stall, cheeks flushed from the alcohol as she bit her lip
• “Jaehee...?”
• “I want you MC...right now.”
• “W-wait,” You stuttered, her fingers fumbling near your zipper on your jeans as she shoved you against the stall wall
• The action sent you back to high school, a student you barely knew dragging you into the stall and shoving you up against it
• She wasn’t nice; she was really rough. She told you to shut up and take it
• “If you tell anyone, I will be sure that you never see the light of day again.”
• “Get off, please get off!”
• You shoved Jaehee, HARD, the poor woman sobering up quickly as she slammed into the opposite wall
• “Huh? Wait...oh no, MC? MC wait!”
• You ran, straight out of the bathroom and out of the bar even, ending up at teh park nearby 
• The chilly air felt good against your hot cheeks, your breathing shallow as you tried to calm yourself down
• “MC! Please I, I’m so sorry. I was just trying to be spontaneous.”
• “No, Jaehee it wasn’t you, I just...”
• You told her everything. You sobbed. She held you
• She even had a few tears slip as she held you close, rubbing your back as you gripped her coat tight
• “I promise you MC. Nobody will ever hurt you that way again.”
• You were visiting him in his office since he’d promised to have lunch with you
He asked you to close the door behind him and you obliged, setting your bag down in the empty chair beside you
• “I’ve missed you, darling.”
• “I’ve missed you Jumin.”
• He’d finished signing the last document on his desk and then he stood, walking over towards you
• You followed suit, standing while giving him a smile
• Just as you went to grab your bag he had grabbed you first, easily picking you up and placing you on his desk
• “May your darling boyfriend receive a kiss?”
• His request went ignored as you froze on the desk, your mind flashing back t o your teacher in high school
• “I know how badly you need to pass, MC. I teach you how to do math; what’s so different about teaching this? Now come on...down on your knees...”
• Jumin’s hands drifted down to your thighs and before you knew it your reflexes kicked in and you slapped him
• An angry red handprint formed on his cheek, his eyes wide with shock as he slowly turned his head back towards you
• “I...I...”
• You couldn’t think of any words to say, so you did what you had done back then; you ran
• “MC! Hold on, MC!”
• Of course you didn’t listen, keeping your head down while Jumin hurriedly ran after you
• He caught you in the elevator, pressing the emergency stop button before turning to you
• Your eyes were cloudy with tears as you shook your head
• “Jumin I’m so sorry I just—”
• “Just talk to me MC. What’s going on?”
• You caved and told him everything; from reporting your teacher to the court  cases that went on for almost three years
• “MC Oh God if I had known...I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be more careful; and we’ll get you some help, okay?”
• Surprisingly, he hadn’t triggered you when he found out
• He just noticed that at times you were a little, evasive when it came to intimacy with him
• While he really wanted o build this relationship out of trust, he just couldn’t get an answer out of you no matter how hard he tried
• So...he looked into your records. And what he found made him so angry that he’d thrown one of his many laptops against the wall
• “Saeyoung! Saeyoung what was that? Are you okay?”
• You walked in to see him squatting on the ground, head in his hands before he turned to you
• Tears were running down his cheeks as he hurriedly stood up and was in front of you, crushing you in a hug as you squeaked in surprised
• “Saeyoung...?”
• “I am so sorry that your father did that to you.”
• You were silent, a bit confused until reality sank in
• “So...you did some digging, huh? I’m sorry, I meant to tell you...”
• He nodded, and you couldn’t control it; you just burst into tears as he held you even tighter
• “I’m sorry Saeyoung, I just didn’t know how to tell you and it was so long ago but the thought of sex just...I just...”
• “Shh, MC. You don’t have to explain it to me. At least, not until you’r ready. Just know that I love you, and I will do absolutely do anything to help you get through this.”
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Heyy i need some fluff cuz i just finished seven route again T-T so can i request the rfa + v and saeran with mc who has a bad dream about them that feels so real and she wakes up crying and they comforted her? And can you make it super fluffy 🥺 thank you
Sure! Sorry for the late reply xd
Rfa+V and Saer when the MC has a nightmare
You had gone out for some groceries
While Zen was away to work
But then you saw him with another woman
You feel hurt
And shcoked
When he gets home you confront him about
“Y/N, I’m sorry, but it wasn’t even going to work out anyway.”
You woke up in a cold sweat
When you looked for Zen beside you he wasn’t there
You looked everywhere but you couldn’t find him
So you called him while you went up to the roof
Where you found him
He smiled at you but it quickly turned to concern as he walked over to you
“Babe? What’s wrong? Are you-”
You threw your arms around him and sniffled
Zen hugged you back and pet your head, trying his best to comfort you
Then he helped you get back to bed and hugged you tight for the whole night
Yoosung for some reason was being cold to you
He glared at you and didn’t want to talk to you
You didn’t know why
So your tried your best
But he wouldn’t
He would just ignore you
You were begging for him to please forgive you for whatever you had done but Yoosung shook his head and left you
You gasped for air
A nightmare
You tried your best to calm down but Yoosung was half awake
“Hey...are you ok?” He mumbled
You felt so relieved he was talking to you
He saw that you didn’t answer
So he quickly sat up and caressed your cheek
“Hey...it’s ok, I’m here for you alright? Everything will be fine”
The next morning he made you breakfast in bed
Why wasn’t Jaehee home?
Where was she?
You tried asking everyone in the RFA
But no one knew her
You went all around town looking for Jaehee
When you found her laughing and talking with someone else
You quickly went over and told her how happy you were to see her
But she was confused
She didn’t even know you
Every single memory you had together
She didn’t recall any of them
You quickly woke up and Jaehee followed after you since she was a very light sleeper
“Jesus! Y/N is everything alright?!”
You didn’t speak and quickly hugged her, almost making her fall off the bed
Jaehee got you a cup of water while you told her your nightmare
She grabbed your hand and kissed it
“Y/N, how could I forget the person I love the most?”
Then you cuddled and watched some TV
You’re not good enough
You were never good enough for him
Everywhere there were people better than you
You didn’t fit in
You couldn’t
Everyone always whispered when you passed by
“Why would he marry someone like her?”
“She’s so plain, isn’t even pretty”
You heard every single murmur
And when you saw Jumin he coldly looked at you
“I was a fool. I should have never married you. You’re nothing compared to everyone else. Why am I even with you?”
Then you woke up
“Love?” Jumin quickly got up too and saw you crying
You were cuddling, and you were laying on his chest
Jumin was playing with your hair
He waited quietly until you felt better and asked you what was wrong
You told him your nightmare
“Wow. The Jumin in your dream must have been such an idiot, leaving the one person he loves the most. You know I would never do that. Ever. You’re the love of my life, and you’re the only one that can make me feel this way. I love you so much Y/N”
You fell asleep cuddling and you felt much better
He was dead
Saeyoung was dead
You grabbed his corpse and tried to stop the bleeding
“Saeyoung no! Please stay here stay with me you can’t leave me!”
But he didn’t reply
You screamed as his corpse started dissolving from your grasp
And you were left all alone
You quickly woke up
“Y/N?!” Saeyoung quickly stood up and was about to grab something from his drawer
When he saw you were fine he quickly hugged you
“You scared me! What happened? Are you ok?”
You buried your face in his chest crying and crying
Saeyoung didn’t know what to do
You were so happy he was here with you
You pulled away to get a good look at him and gently touched his cheek
Afterwards you told him about your nightmare
How sad and worried you were
Saeyoung took your hand and leaned his forehead against you
“I will never leave you. I promise. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Nothing of that will ever happen ok? We will live happily ever after.”
Then he made you some hot chocolate and gave you a cuddle attack
You watched as V got stabbed
You quickly ran over to him but it was too late
Everyone in the RFA started shouting at you
It was your fault
He was dead because of you
You should’ve never joined the association
You gasped for air as you woke up
V slowly opened his eyes and yawned
“Hey. Are you alright?”
You shook your head and V wrapped and arm around you
“Hey V...are you really happy with me?”
V was shocked but he quickly shook his head
“Yes! Of course I am Y/N, why would you ever think otherwise?”
You sniffled and gave him a smile
“Nothing, it’s alright. I love you.”
He smiled and ran a hand through your hair
“I love you too.”
You had gone out with Saeran
You were having so much fun
You held his hand and he gave you the sweetest smile
But then his smile turned cold
And he gripped your hand harder
“You’re worthless you know? Why don’t you die already? I can’t believe you thought you could save me, or change me. You never did anything. You’re nothing Y/N, nothing”
You let go and ran away
But Saeran kept following behind you
Sudddnely you were back at Mint Eye
And his laughter echoed down the halls
“You’ll never escape from me!”
You quickly woke up crying
Saeran sat up and looked at you confused
“Y/N?” He asked as he was about to caress your cheek you slapped his hand away
“Don’t touch me!” You yelled
Saeran was taken aback
You let out some deep breaths and slowly realized what happened
It was a dream
Saeran was beside you and he loved you
And you had just yelled at him
You quickly hugged him and cried while saying sorry
Saeran just rubbed your back and told you that it’s ok, it was only a nightmare
“I’m right here Y/N, I will always be here for you. Everything is alright...”
He held you close and talked to you until you went back to sleep
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exact-translation · 6 years
Hello! I saw that your requests are open so I wanted to take a shot. :) How about Yoosung confessing to an MC he previously rejected? Why he rejected her is up to you. Make it angst-then-fluff please. Thank you! I look forward to you using your magic! :))
This was hell. This had to be hell why else would he feel so much like garbage? Yoosung groaned into his pillow for probably the hundredth time that night. He just couldn’t stop thinking about her. All this after turning her down months ago…
Shortly after joining the RFA she had told him she liked him and asked if he wanted to go on a date after the party. He said no. He turned her down so fast she looked almost shocked. Truthfully he thought she was pretty but it was clear that Zen had a thing for her and he didn’t want to ruin a friendship over a girl. That and he really didn’t have super strong feelings for her in that way… until now…
But now she had moved on. Still helping the RFA plan parties and going to Zen’s shows with Jaehee. Living a perfectly content life without him playing a major role. “I’m totally a side character in her life.” He sat up in bed, unable to sleep despite it being almost 4 am. He slid out from under his blanket and dragged his feet as he made his way to his desk, turning his computer on as he sat down. A bit of LOLOL would help take his mind off of her. As the game started up he made the stupid decision of checking the messenger to see MC and Luciel talking about some new game coming out. They immediately noticed him enter the chat and MC asked if he had seen the new trailer.
Leaning back in his chair he tried to think of a reply. Yeah, he had seen it but he honestly didn’t know how to talk to her anymore without putting his foot in his mouth. Out of his peripheral vision, he noticed that the game had loaded up and was waiting for him to log in. He slammed his phone onto his desk, having not answered her question.
He just wanted to play some LOLOL and not think about girls or girlfriends or the way she smiled or the cute sound of her giggles whenever he told a joke or her perfectly plump lips.
Needless to say, his focus wasn’t at its best. His eyes constantly darting back to his phone, wanting to talk to her, to call her, hear her lovely voice tickle his ear as she spoke softly to him.
“Damn it!” He shoved his keyboard back and aggressively ran his hands through his blonde hair. His face started to feel hot all over. Why was this getting to him now?! Why would his stupid heart decide that turning her down was a good idea and then change its mind? The sinking feeling in his stomach was driving him insane. He knew that Zen hadn’t asked her out yet. He could take it all back and tell her how much he wanted her. How stupid he was to ever say no.
A loud buzzing sound pulled him out of his minor tantrum and made him look at his phone. MC was calling him? Why?
“Hey… What’s up?” He asked trying to sound as calm as possible. His throat was burning and his palms were sweating like crazy. “Yoosung? Sorry, it’s so late or uhm early… I was just sort of worried since you’ve been quiet lately.” Her voice was so soothing he started to zone out while she spoke. He wished she was next to him instead of on the phone. They could lie in his bed together and talk while he held her hand.
“Are you still there? Hello?”
“Ah! Sorry! I’m kinda out of it right now. I uhh haven’t been feeling well.” He faked a small cough. “I should probably get off the phone and to bed-” He was interrupted by the sound of her gasping. “I’m so sorry I kept you up! You go to bed and I can come over later today and take care of you.”
He had been zoning out again. He just agreed and hung up. Slouching in his chair he found himself groaning. He was such a loser…
A loser who was scared half to death when he heard his front door open and close. He had fallen asleep at his desk a few hours prior and was not aware anyone was suppose to visit. He quickly scanned his room for something he could use as a weapon when a knock came at his bedroom door. He was about to use his keyboard as a weapon when a voice on the other side of the door caught his attention. “Yoosung? Are you awake?” MC…
It slowly dawned on him what she said last night. He ripped his jeans and T-shirt off and pulled pajama pants on before sliding under the covers and messing his hair up (more than it already had been). He slid into his bed just as she walked in. The most caring smile plastered on her face. “Still feeling bad?” Her question took on a completely different meaning in his head. He nodded, answering her question and the subconscious one as well. MC fully entered his room and sat on the bed, moving his bangs so she could feel his forehead. His red cheeks made her sigh and pull her hand away. “I know you’re not really sick. You’re a bad actor.”
“Yeah… I’m not Zen.” His mumble made her lightly slap his cheek. “I’m only here causing I’m tired of you avoiding me. Tell me what’s up so we can make up and be friends again.”
Her sincere tone made him feel worse. He sat up and took in a deep breath before looking to her eyes. “I’m bad at accepting my feelings ok?” MC tilted her head confused. Before she could say anything he had his hand on the back of her head and had pulled her close so their lips could meet. He felt her stiffen some, making worry pulse through his mind. ‘Should I have asked first? Am I doing this right? Why did I make my first kiss this of all things?!’
Suddenly his mind went blank when he felt arms wrap around his neck and her warm lips press into his more. She was kissing back? He pulled her away from him and looked in her eyes. Noticing tears start to drip down her cheeks he began to panic. “Oh geez- did I startle you? Are you ok?” He wiped at her tears only to then hear her laugh? She shook her head and leaned in, kissing him briefly before putting her hands on his checks. “I thought you hated me for confessing to you.” She admitted, giggling as she finished. Yoosung let out a deep prolonged sigh. “I messed up. I can admit that. I should have accepted it before… I hope you can forgive me. And uhh… if you want to be my girlfriend we could-”
He was tackle hugged so hard his back was pressing deep into his mattress. MC was smiling and saying yes between planting kisses on his mouth and chin. This was heaven.
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juminsmysticmc · 7 years
Mc getting hurt because of the RFA  while arguing
He was really stressed.
Work was hard and his dad made him angry.
Not even you could make him relax at the evening. 
So you just decided to be there for him and support him from afar with food, kisses and messages. 
One day Jumin had a really bad headache. 
You sat near the window and read a book 
it was really good but it would be better if your husband would read it to you
When Jumin came out of his room to make a break he couldn't find Elizabeth the 3rd 
The window was open and guided directly to the garden 
Jumin began to argue with you about being reckless 
You told him that his cat was still in the house and couldn't get out 
You would have seen her
But with his headache he was so pissed and everything came up, about the RFA, flirting with Zen. 
Then you shouted at him about feeling lonely
You wanted to go out but he wouldn't let you
He pushed you really lightly but you fell against the wardrobe
The huge wardrobe kipped almost on you 
Jumin could react before you were under the wardrobe and saved you 
Only your ankle was under the wardrobe but luckily you were safe 
He was embarrassed. 
That was all his fault and he was so angry at himself 
You began to cry because of the pain and shock 
He called the security and a doctor came
While the doctor took care of you he and his staff cleaned the room 
Jumin saw it - the cat. 
His sweet kitty was hidden under the couch 
He was so embarrassed by his mistake. You were right but he hadn't faith in you
The doctor said that the ankle was broken and you should rest for the time 
He came to you and apologized to you
,,I'm sorry my love. I think I'm working too much..."
,,It's okay Jumin but please rest too...I can't take it anymore...I miss you"
You´re criying now while he holds you to his chest 
Jumin rested too, leaving the work to Jaehee 
poor Jaehee
Just to be there for you 
He promised you to come home earlier and he held his word because you were the most important thing in his life
It was late as shit 
almost 5 AM and Zen wasn´t still hat home 
he told you that he would come home later to drink with some friends and you as his manager said okay 
but as girlfriend you were against it! 
but before you could say anything your beautiful Zenny hung up the phone
so you waited and waited 
he never came this late since you two were a couple now 
something happened, you knew 
right when you wanted to go out to search him he came home 
he was drunk but could come home alone 
you were angry
you asked him, how he came home and why he was so long out 
he told you to chill your position in his life was ONLY the girlfriend, not the mommy 
that´s when you became angry
you cried and shouted he should search for a better girlfriend 
of course you wouldn´t leave him but since he was drunk you said that 
but he got so angry that he threw the bottle at you 
it was really dangerous but he threw wrong so you weren´t hurt 
but you stepped on the shards 
your feet was cut and you could see the blood flowing out 
Zen was alright now and saw what he did
he cried like a baby and ran to you 
in bride style he took you to the bed 
he was so sorry 
you were so beautiful… he didn´t wanted you to have a scar because of him 
you tried to calm him down but he was just sad at his own behave 
two weeks later you couldn´t even see the cut 
but Zen was sorry even if there was nothing 
since that day he only wanted to touch alcoholic drinks if you were by him to stop him 
he even stopped coming home so late 
and this just for you, his little princess
you never had problems 
you were on the best terms 
but if there was something your little boy hated was, if somebody touched his stuff 
he was a vet and well - you couldn´t read his handwriting so sometimes you threw away some notes 
but this time you really did nothing 
he couldn´t find it 
since it was the same dog as Rika once had it was really important to him to save the dog
but he couldn´t find the note! 
It had to be you 
you threw it away. 
He was sure of it 
you both ended up discussing 
until he lost his nerve and the little sweet LOLOL boy slapped you 
you were just so shocked! 
he never used violence 
everyone said that Yoosung was weak but in reality he is very strong 
Your cheek became even blue! 
You cried because of the pain 
when Yoosung realized what he did he came to hug you 
but because of the shock you rejected him 
he was so sorry 
he went out to buy something for you when he found his note in his pocket 
that made the whole situation somehow bad 
he cried when he came home again with chocolate and flowers 
he kneed to you and begged you to forgive him 
that´s what you did. 
you both now sat on the couch 
he hugged you while you hold something to your cheek 
,,did you find the note?´´ 
,,äh… no but it´s not so important. You´re more…´´
,,in your pocked, right?´´ 
You were so pissed on Jaehee and she was pissed on you 
you both closed the Coffee shop for today and started to fight 
well you both couldn´t remember anymore.
But then she took out her mobile phone and threw it at you!
And she even hit you!! 
your eye! 
You shrieked and hold your hand to your eye 
It really hurted 
Jaehee hold her mouth with her hands 
She was soooo sorry!!
She cried and hugged you telling you she was sorry 
Of course you accepted her excuse and hugged her back. 
After all she helped you with so much 
you couldn't ignore her
The next day your eye was violet 
It was really bad to work like that in the coffee shop but Jaehee couldn't but laugh at you.
He discussed with Saeran about something really dumb 
But you knew both so you tried to help them 
Saeran was happy that you tried to help him even if he didn't show his gratitude 
But Saeyoung was so angry that he shouted at you
You talked about the RFA and V 
You cried and shouted something like ,,If you hadn't met me, you would have lost your Brother so don't be an ass!!"
That's when you took a pillow and threw it at him to escape 
He picked up the pillow and called your name once more to threw the pillow at you too 
the only mistake of him was, that you were at the stairs 
to escape the pillow you somehow lost balance and felt backwards 
Saeyoungs bad mood was away thanks to you but when he couldn´t hear you complain he got nervous and checket on you 
he was so scared when you laid there unconscious
,,Saeran I killed my lover! My fiance!´´he cried 
But luckily you woke up a few minutes later 
,,Whoah! My love took her back to life!´´
he just kissed you and you both forgot about the discussion
To be honest, thanks to his past he promised to himself that he would never ever hurt the one he loved 
his past was bad and he really wanted to kill Saeyoung but it was better now
whenever he felt depressed or angry he would go in his room and beat up the wardrobe 
which looked really awful 
this was a day like the others and he felt really bad 
so instead of going to beat up the wardrobe he wanted to eat ice cream 
since he loved ice cream 
but somehow… it wasn´t there 
he got angry and started to shout at Saeyoung who tried to explain him that he never touched his ice cream 
You came in and told them that you met Yoosung 
but you saw that the mood was tense 
so after they explained what happened you tried to tell him, that you ate his ice cream 
Yoosung, who was afraid, whent behind You when he heard Saeran shout 
you never discussed with him, you were the perfect couple but this time you actually forgot that he was Saeran 
He went in his room and you walked behind him to talk about it 
The only thing was that he didn't see that you were behind him 
So when he wanted to close the door with too much strength, you got it right in the face 
He was so sorry and the bad mood was away. 
He was just sorry for
Saeyoung laughed and Saeran wanted to kill him with his look
Blood was coming out of your nose but you didn't cry. 
You knew that he was sorry so there was no need to let him feel even worse.
Well - it wasn't really because of him that you got hurt 
But because he is blind 
At this moment he wished he would have took the surgery. 
You had a discussion about his health. 
You talked about a dog so he would be save 
But he didn't wanted. 
You wanted to buy him a blind stock 
But he refused 
So you came up with Rika 
Like - he wanted still something to remember her 
V couldn't say anything because it wasn't true 
But he couldn't do anything 
You discussed really long 
You went away and of course, he didn't noticed 
So to calm down he wanted to break something. 
He took his laptop mouse and threw it at the other side because he didn't wanted to hurt you 
V would never be like Rika and hurt others 
He would never use violence. 
But since he was blind he threw it at you. 
You shrieked and he knew - you caught it. 
He apologized to you and you knew he didn't wanted to hurt you. 
That's why you forgave him. 
He gave up and in the end you bought a blind stock and even the dog. 
And V was happy too
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So I wanted to know how the rfa+v+saeran+ vanderwood would react to a young mc like 15-18 being pregnant like a teen mom *Plantonic relationship Sorry if you don't like this *Let's say they got pregnant by a boyfriend
Naw fam I love this, I love anything with babies or teen moms so Ight I’ll take a crack at it, lets see what we can do if it’s okay some of them are going to have the boyfriend not in the picture. Also it’s like 2 o’clock in the morning so any spelling mistakes are still propable my fault, I still have shitty spelling at any time
You weren’t that far along 
only a tiny baby bump
So not being that far along you didn’t feel the need to tell them much
and then in the chat room you totally forgot you didn’t tell them
so you just
“Ughh the morning sickness is really getting to me again”
“Morning sickness? so you only get sick in the morning?”
“No that’s just a saying people use when the pregnant are sick”
Oh yeah oops
“I totally forget that I didn’t say anything, Yeah i’m pregnant”
Yoosung has so many questions and then remembers
“Wait aren’t you in high school?”
“So you’re a teen mom?!”
He was so surprised
He’s never known anyone that’s been a mom so young
He had asked many questions and you answered all of them
but then he asked one that caught you off guard
“So are you and your boyfriend hoping for a boy or girl?”
“Well I’m not sure about him, he hasn’t talked to me for awhile…”
He is furious
The dad doesn’t want to be there?!
“It’s okay MC I’ll be there for you!”
That just tugs at your heart
When you two met irl
ya’ll were stuck like glue
He stayed with you to help you
“MC would you like some more food?” Yes
He did
E V E R Y T H I N G   F O R   Y O U
“Don’t worry Uncle Yoosung is here”
You were trying to tell them that you couldn’t do the whole RFA thing because your due date was coming up soon
but they were so excited to do the party so you didn’t say anything
Seven obviously knew about it so you told him to say nothing
“Alright but I’m going to watch you like a hawk!”
So as the days went on you were pretty good and having fun
But it was when it came to the time that Zen broke his leg
You wanted to help so badly
but no one knew you were VERY pregnant
So while in the chatroom as the car was on it’s way to pick you up you just dropped it into the chatroom
“Can’t to see you”
“Me too! I’ll see you soon”
“Yup btw I’m 9 months pregnant bye!”
MC left the chatroom
Zen was freaking out
What if something happens on your way here?
And what would he do if your water broke while your were here?
your pregnant?!
*Ding dong*
He opens the door for you and sees your very big belly
“MC get in here! what if the baby gets cold?!”
it was more like he was taking care of you then you taking care of him
He grew attached to you two
“Is this what it feels like to be a grandpa?”
“You’re not my dad Zen”
Also Zen refused to let you go back to the apartment
“You’re not going back while you’re going to pop any day now! I want nothing to happen to my grand child”
“Zen you’re not my…whatever yeah your grand kid”
Everyone agreed that you should stay with Zen for the remainder of the time
you were doing so good even getting many guests
until you were at the party
While stuffing your face at the food table your water broke
once he heard you screaming in pain he was running to you
“Don’t worry MC! Grandpa Zen will get you there safely!
He obviously didn’t go into the delivery room
But he was right beside you when your baby Boy/Girl was in your arms
“Zen would you like to hold your grandchild?”
He was in TEARS
Grandpa ain’t going anywhere
You actually didn’t know you were pregnant
You were only a few weeks
and you didn’t have a clue
Jaehee was the one that suggested it when you told her about you being sick and wanting really weird food, being really moody
“Jaehee I don’t know what’s going on”
“Aren’t you pregnant?”
“Are you serious?”
You get a pregnancy test and low and behold
Lil MC in progress
You were so scared
“Jaehee I can’t have a baby! I’m only in high school!”
She was a bit started about your age
“MC I may have known you for very few days but I know you’re a very strong woman, you can do this!”
Awww shedding a few tears
She helped you through the whole process
She ordered Seven around so you got all the things you needed
You could have left to get the things you needed 
but nope
Momhee ain’t havin it
“You’re staying in the apartment we don’t want anything to happen to you”
“Seven get her medicine for her morning sickness”
“Yes ma’am
“Seven watch to make sure she’s eating those veggies”
“But those are gross”
“Seven you’re getting her the fucking vegetables”
“Spare me yes your highness”
Seven was forced to go back and forth to take care of you in place of Jaehee
He was too scared to find out what she would do if he didn’t do what said
and when you two met?
She was even more protective
Made sure you did your homework
more healthy food
but she did it because she cared about you like her own daughter
“Jaehee you’re the best mom ever”
“But I’m not-”
“shhh Just let it happen”
You were about 5 months along
So you had a belly
but it only made you look chubby
Which effected you greatly
“Jumin am I fat?”
“I’ve never met you in person so I don’t know”
“Oh my god you think I’m fat!”
“what? no I didn’t-”
“Well you’re fat!”
“No I’m within healthy range for my age and height”
“Oh rub it in why don’t cha! well you’re not 5 months pregnant!”
“Mc you’re pregnant?”
“Yeah! so I’m not fat!”
“MC I never said you were fat”
He had you brought to his penthouse sooner so you could get the best care
“I refuse to let you be alone without proper care”
So while being there the whole time you had whatever you wanted
you might or might not have worked the maids to death
You were queen
“I want ice cream”
“Yes ma’am”
“Get me someone to rub my feet, they hurt”
“of course”
“Bow and kiss my feet!”
“Sorry I was kidding Maybe”
When it came to the party he kept you by his side
And even after the party he took care of you
“Jumin you would make a great godfather”
He was so touched
He was there for everything
But you refused to let him in the delivery room
When he first saw your child he practically claimed him/her
“Make arrangements that this child will take over the business once he/she is 18″
“Make it 20″
Saeyoung (Seven)
you were 707 months along
I might have done that on purpose
He didn’t really think everything through
“It’s okay for her to do this as long as I watch her every 1.33 seconds”
Vanderwood was PISSED
“Stop watching this pregnant teen and do your work!”
“Uncle Seven can’t not take care of Them! what is WRONG with YOU!”
work was basically thrown out the window
Speaking of windows
*enter unknown through the window*
He also didn’t think things through by making a pregnant teen as a victim
Eh whatevs
*now enter agent 707*
“MC is the baby okay?!”
“What about me you asshole!!?”
“oh yeah are you okay? hopefully the baby didn’t get hurt”
You damn near slapped the boy
but it was sweet he cared
Again he stayed at the apartment for you and did basically everything for you
He also read up everything about babies
“omg MC did you know babies swallow and breath at the same time!?”
“Saeyoung you better not try that”
Too late
But besides all the silly stuff
He truly cared about you and the baby
He called himself Uncle seven every chance he could
“Agent 707 get back here to work!”
“Excuse you, it’s UNCLE agent 707″
“I swear to god I will taser you”
He took care of you even when you two went to save Saeran
“Saeran you have to come back you’re an uncle now”
“I’m an uncle? cool lets go”
By the time the baby was born
Both Saeran and Saeyoung were there for you
But Saeyoung tried to name the baby while you were asleep
“Saeyoung is this a good idea? I don’t think MC would like this”
“Shh Saeran this is the Job of an uncle”
“I name thee…Little defender of justice”
Que you waking up just as he’s about to sign the birth certificate
“Shh MC just let it happen”
Jihyun (V)
It was THE day of joining the RFA that your water broke
“Ah Seven?”
“Hmm what can god seven do for you”
“Do you think you can take a look at the CCTV?”
No one could no the location
but seven didn’t want to be alone
so he brought V
They both show up as your clutching your stomach in pain
“MC don’t swear in front of the baby!”
“Um Seven I don’t think that’s helping MC”
V was holding your hand the whole way to the hospital
Seven had to get back to work
so V stayed with you
“You don’t have to help RFA we’ll understand”
“No I want to help! I just need a little bit of help…”
Done and done
V had given up all his time to be with you
you stayed with him
He was actually really good with babies
did you need sleep because you were up with the baby all night?
“Here I’m take care of the baby, You go get sleep”
Ran out of baby diapers?
“Stay here I’ll take care of it”
Dude He probably forgot about Rika
He was spending to much time helping you
and he really liked it
it might have been just to thing he needed to help him heal
“Jihyun would you like to be the godfather?”
He was so happy
He went and got the surgery so he was at his peak to help
“I would be honored”
You had met after the whole mint eye thing
so Saeran was still very damaged
he was away from it all
but he felt like he was missing something
Then you walked into the picture
well you walked into him
you were a troubled teenager that had a pretty crappy home life
He was about to yell at you for running into him
but his eyes widen when he saw you holding your stomach in pain
“Help me?”
He took you to the hospital
and he thought it was his fault about what happened so he stayed to make sure you were okay
The doctor said the baby was okay 
that this pain was normal and should go away
you knew nothing about babies and being pregnant
You broke down when Saeran asked of you were okay
“I don’t know anything about being a mom! I’m all alone!”
you didn’t have any family
and the dad bailed
He didn’t know what but his heart went out to you
“I can help”
He can’t believe he said that
“You will?”
“Well…I can try”
and sense then you two became friends
He would help you and you would help him
he looked up everything about babies
and he went strictly by the books
“MC it says here you shouldn’t be eating this much”
“Seriously saeran?”
Saeran wanted to help you by his self
so he didn’t ask seven for anything
and he didn’t need seven
although he was scared himself
he did pretty well taking care of you
When the baby was born he was so scared that you wouldn’t need him anymore
“saeran where are you going? The baby is going to need his/her Uncle
He had never felt this way
or felt this needed
He was very happy to call himself an uncle
*saeyoung walks in*
“Get out don’t come near him/her you’ll corrupt him/her with your idiocy
*saeyoung walks out with tears
Sorry I forgot you Vanderwood
You were a family member from his past
so he had no idea that you were 8 months pregnant
The due date was just around the corner 
and you were trapped in a cult leader’s apartment
no big deal
Vanderwood didn’t like you because
1.You were distracting Seven from work
2.He had no idea it was you yet
So he would come to the bunker to collect Seven’s work
only to find that it’s not done
“Seven why the hell is your work not done?!”
“Hmm? babysitting”
Vanderwood is ready to roast his ass
“You can’t even take care of yourself and you’re babysitting?”
“I’m hurt Vanderwood…I’m hurt”
*takes out taser*
“Whoa whoa lets not get hasty here, I’ll get the work done if you help me watch over her”
“You want me to watch over some girl?”
Seven scoffs
“Oh my gawd Mary it’s not JUST a girl”
“It’s a teen girl”
That like set off read flags in Vanderwood’s head
“A teen girl?”
“Ya and pregnant
“You need to be put in jail”
Seven busts out laughing
“Oh you naughty Mary you, I only father to all cats of the world, She just stumbled upon us.
Totally done with seven’s shit and just wants him to get his work done
He watches you
he looks into the CCTV
to see you with yo big ol’ baby bump
and then he sees your face
“what the hell is my Niece doing in there?!”
Seven drops his pop to the floor
“so help me god if you don’t get my niece out of that room I will taser you till you fry”
“One niece coming right up!”
He picked you up and took you to his bunker
“Seven why are you bringing me to your place?”
“So I live”
You both arrive and once you see Vanderwood
Total tear fest
you and him haven’t seen each other in years
“MC why were you trapped in the apartment?”
“Seven put a bomb in it”
He’s probably already on his way to mexico
You stay at the bunker with him
He took care of you
even after you gave birth you too stuck together
He wasn’t going anywhere ever again
Master list of my headcanons
Ray’s headcanon
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crying-saeyoung · 7 years
Hi! Can you write fluffy headcanons with jealous RFA and Vanderwood (he's cool)? Perhaps someone was flirting with MC?
sorry this took so long to write! and also, please look at my rules before requesting. I don’t know how to add a link in my description, but I did say to look at my hashtag RULES. please do so in the future. -Green
-you two were out together just window shopping 
-eventually you made it in a comic shop and you had accidentally split up because of your different interests 
-which Yoosung was okay with because it was a small shop and you were really just an isle or two away
-while he was looking at LOLOL merch, he found a small figurine that he remembers is from one of your favorite shows! 
-he knows he can’t buy it, but he wants to show it to you!! 
-so he grabs the box with the figure in it and looks around for you 
-he sees you with a big book in your hands, trying to read (or just ignore without being too rude) while a tall man loomed over you and continued to talk to you 
-his cheeks get really red and he literally starts to pout 
-before he solves the issue, he walks over and buys the item 
-he wasn’t before but GOD he needs some leverage so he does 
-yoosung takes the figure out and then jogs over to you, proudly holding it in the air
-”MC!! look!!! :DD” 
-you look up from the book and you squeal at what he’s holding 
-”Yoosung!! Oh my gosh, did you buy that??”
-yes of course, he replies, bc u r the best gf ever 
-he gives it to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek, then looks at the book you have
-it’s an LOLOL guide that shows concept art and how to get all the special armor 
-”awww!! we had the same idea!” 
-honestly you two just start being really cute right in front of this dude. 
-yoosung just slowly and surely. shoves this guy away 
-you totally notice but don’t say anything until later 
-by saying something you give him a big ol kiss on the lips 
-he giggles
-both of you are out at the park 
-because nothing is better than the park!!! 
-they’re perfect for Saeyoung
-he’s chasing you around the playground, and you’re screaming and giggling 
-it’s honestly really cute and he can’t help but lag in his running because he could ANNIHILATE YOU if he wanted but you’re too cute he just wants to keep hear you laughing
-eventually he ducks under the slide so you can’t see him and waits until you’ve stopped running so he can. SNEAk ATTACK 
-everything was going according to plan. your back turned toward him, looking around, you’re on the tips of ur toes, and ur a giggling mess 
-except. he. was not a part of his plan?
-honestly who hits on people at a park 
-when he sees this dude come up and just start flirting right away he’s like MC RUN AWAY???
-but you’re too out of it to notice so you just kind of dismiss it while looking for Saeyoung
-so he continues with his plan and sneaks up on you
-picks you up from behind and spins u!!! 
-you are YELLING 
-this dude is also yelling
-saeyoung is LAUGhiNG,,, it’s so f u nn y??/
-eventually he’ll put you down and then just kiss you all over your face 
-then turn to the guy and be like “oh who r u” 
-the dude just walks away. 
-mission accomplished 
-you convinced Jumin to go on. a normal date
-where you both weren’t super dressed up and eating 100$ meals 
-instead you got him into some casual clothes, and you brought him into town 
-he was totally out of his element and super weirded out by the commoners 
-so he’s stuck to you like glue. you are his only light in this mess. 
-but he won’t complain because you’re having a lot of fun so he tries to relax and enjoy everything like you are
-while it’s not to the same extent, he does start having some fun 
-but fun drops all the way when he sees how. rude??? all the dudes are ?
-he swears that he saw someone slap your ass but you keep denying it 
-he don’t believe u.,,,
-now you two are together just looking at the city lights and walking hand in hand
-not as many people are out and it’s not a shady place, so Jumin is actually pretty relaxed 
-but then.
-t h e  nn,,,,
-a man comes up and like. slaps your ass
-but like. really fucking hard guys
-you stumble in your place 
- OH  H E LL N O
-jumin doesn’t even think about it he grabs this guy and SHOVES HIM INTO THE BUILDING NEAR U GUYS
-starts chewing this guy out. doesn’t punch him or anything just yells at him and venting about how commoners are the worst people to exist 
-and guys jumin is really intimidating so this guy looks like he’s going to cry 
-you start to feel bad because he looks so scared so you have to drag Jumin back and tell the rude asshole to scram 
-and then jumin. oh my god guys 
-once this guy leaves, Jumin slaps him SO HARD ON THE ASS THAT YOU Can HEAR IT and the guy runs the FUCk away
-it’s the best night of your LIFE 
-mmm coffee dates!! 
-the best
-you both treat yourselves to this really expensive coffee house and Jaehee looks like she’s in heaven 
-it’s been 10 minutes and she still can’t decide what drink she wants
-so you left her and explored the shop a bit 
-it’s really a cute place! and they got a little library! 
-you read a little, when someone walks up to you
-you think it’s Jaehee so you’re about to greet her with a smile when you see it’s actually a dude
-o h,,
-woops. you apologize and he laughs 
-why he laughing?? 
-you’re super awkward so you can’t bring yourself to leave as this dude tries to charm and get to know you 
-eventually Jaehee knows what she wants and looks around at her spot for you
-sees you and the dude
-but she really doesn’t want to make a scene so she calls your name
-”MC!! Honey, I know what I want now! I miss you dearly so come here so I can give you a kiss??”
-that is SO EMBARRASSING for her to say… but she can’t help it she just wants the dude to get the hint and leave u alone
-he does, thank god
-and you take that offer Jaehee gave you, gladly ;0
-you’re at his play!! 
-unfortunately you’re sitting alone, but you’re so happy to see him play!
-but since you’re alone, this guy next to you is totally chatting up during the whole play and you have no way to escape
-during intermission, you quickly leave with the excuse you have to use the bathroom
-oops, when u come out there’s the dude
-was he waiting for you to come out?
-you’re seriously getting creeped out so you text Zen to come out of backstage
-he does as fast as he can, even tho he isn’t allowed to but he loves you so he doesn’t care
-as soon as he sees this dude and how uncomfortable Zen totally is like. OK. i know what i must do
-quickly swipes up next to you and places an arm around your waist. 
-he tries to keep himself together but on the inside he is suffering while he shakes this guys hand
-”you called me over, is something wrong babe?” he asks you and purposefully kisses u on the cheek so this guy knows you are taken 
-”he.. well, he followed and waited for me to come out of the bathroom..” 
-long story short: the dude is kicked out for harassment 
-you think it’s a little bit of a stretch… but seeing Zen so flustered and worked up makes it totally worth it. 
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I guess I’ll separate by series?  I tend to do series…
I might mark ratings.  G = General.  PG = Somewhere between General and Teen.  T = Teen/Content is getting edgy.  M = Mature.  NSFW = Not Safe For Work.  If not rated, it’s probably G.
If there’s no link, it’s a WiP.
If you don’t want personal-ish posts, blacklist that one smiley that I can only do on my phone.  I tag all the personal-ish posts with that.
I’ll start with fics.  Headcanons towards the end.  If you want headcanons for one specific person, try their pairing or name tag. (I’ll list them on the bottom, here, so you can just click.)
Also:  something all my followers should read!
Fanfic series:
Miscarriage Scares
Zen - “Five Steps” (PG)
Yoosung - “Sweetie” (G)
Jaehee - “Two Buns” (G)
Jumin - “Tremors” (PG for senswality.)
Seven - “Positive and Paint” (T for referring to stuff)
Saeran (M for swearing)
“Invitation to a Tea Party”
“The Mad Hatter, Expecting”
Good Morning, RFA
Zen - “Morning Run” (NSFW)
Yoosung - “Early Class” (T)
Jumin - “A Morning with Mr. Han” (M)
Seven - “His Specialty is Pancakes” (G)
Saeran - “Twelve Hours”
@mysticmessimagines’s Valentine’s Week (FLUFF.)
Zen - “Little Beasts and Where to Hide Them”
Yoosung - “Crash in the Night”
Jaehee - “Friday Night Drama”
Jumin - “Kompromise”
Seven - “Ten Years Later”
Saeran - “Unknown Connection”
V - headcanons for his route
RFA Jealousy
Zen - “Jealous Wolf” (NSFW)
Yoosung - “Blame Junseo” (NSFW)
Jumin - from Jumin x MC week
Most to least hc between Jumin, Yoosung and Zen.
MC believes RFA+SV will inevitably fall out of love with them
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“I Lost You” series (RFA boys + V dream that MC passed away)
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Bonus (I wrote it for me...)
Mystic Beauty and the Beast (Jumin x MC)
Part 1/?
Part 2/? - “Sisters”
Lovely Zen Week 2018
Day 1 - Home (theme:  Firsts)
Day 2 - theme: Rainy Days
Day 3 - theme: Insecurities
Day 4 - theme: Alternate Universe - the RFA are ballroom dancers
Day 5 - What Flowers Mean (theme: Flowers)
Day 6 - My Favourite Star (theme: Stars/Late Nights)
Day 7 - Strike a Pose (theme: Birthday)
Random oneshots
Happy Yoosung Day!
Sundae Evening (birthday fic)
Zen headcanons
Jaehee with a pre ftm MC
Jumin headcanons
does Jumin Han is virghin?
Choi twin headcanons
RFA - most to least affectionate
RFA - most to least “who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?”
RFA - favourite non-sexual activity with MC
RFA - if MC wanted to break up
RFA - most to least nervous on their wedding day
RFA - meeting MC’s amicable ex
RFA - wants to do the do, but MC is distracted
RFA - sees someone else kissing MC
RFA - walk in on MC doing naughty things to herself (NSFW)
RFA - quirky MC
RFA - calorie-counting MC
RFA - Cuddly Sleeper MC
RFA - MC just has to stop and stare
RFA - how do they eat?
RFA - relationship dealbreakers
RFAboys+S - “demiromantic MC”
RFAboys+VV - give MC a lapdance (surprisingly safe for work)
RFA+S - pet names
RFA+S - “Look what my baby can do!”
RFA+S - love languages (NSFWish)
RFA+S - first time with MC (NSFW)
RFA+S - making MC cry
RFA+S - weddings
RFA+S - proposals
RFA+S - canon-ish favourite things about MC
RFA+S - their ideal MC
RFA+S - MC wants an unusual piercing (flagged M for one of them)
RFA+S - worst fights with MC
RFA+S - removing socks is awkward (NSFW-ish)
RFA+S - kissed by MC when they aren’t together
RFA+S - grieving MC -> distant uncle
RFA+S - getting horny while MC’s friend visits for way too long (NSFW-ish)
RFA+S - Gossip!MC
RFA+V - foreign s/o
RFA+V - pickpocket MC
RFA+SV - if MC cheated on them
RFA+SV - most to least “inappropriate whispering”
RFA+SV - most to least “needs reassurance”
RFA+SV - with smol, jealous MC
RFA+SV - erections (NSFW)
RFA+SV - how to turn them on (NSFW?)
RFA+SV - MC getting laid off from her job
RFA+SV - react to MC taking care of a baby
RFA+SV - tsundere!MC
RFA+SV - MC gets an accidental dick pic (???)
RFA+SV - sensitive!MC cries because of a book
RFA+SV - sensitive!MC cries when her favourite anime ends
RFA+SV - most to least “can move on after MC dies”
RFA+SV - MC wants a tattoo (original post)
RFA+SV - shy, non-assertive MC
RFA+SV - MC and her toddler were abandoned by the father
RFA+SV - MC slaps them
RFA+SV - Relationship “problems” (contains NSFW)
RFA+VV - reactions if Unknown was successful in kidnapping MC
RFA+VV - give MC a lapdance (plus a follow-up ask)
RFA+3 - if they found out someone else confessed to MC first
RFA+3 - Nightmares
RFA+3 - how they make up after a fight with MC
RFA+3 - how they are before making up with MC
RFA+3 - MC sends them nudes while they’re at work (NSFW-ish)
RFA+3 - MC makes them blush
RFA+3 - reactions to MC’s near-death experience
RFA+3 - “How many kids do they want?”
RFA+3 - Cheesy MC
RFA+3 - Date at a theme park
RFA+3 - how they like to cuddle MC
RFA+3 - anime crossovers
RFA+3 - Happy New Year!
RFA+3 - favourite non-sexual activity
RFA+3 - disappointed in a non-academic child
RFA+SVRmc - Dragon hoards
Alternate Universes!
RFA in the Fullmetal Alchemist universe (modern)
RFA+SV - Goblin AU
RFA+SV - Kpop AU (not mine.  helping @hanmemyphone​)
RFA+SV - soulmate AUs
RFA+SV - supernatural creatures AU
RFA+SVR - musical AU
RFA+SVR - Clue (who killed Rika?)
RFA+3 in a fairy tale
RFA+3 - Zelda Universe
Yoosung art
RFA+3 - anime crossovers
RFA+3R - Cheese AU
If there were NO secrets between members at the end of Seven’s Route
Rika’s Coffee Shoppe
Rika’s Dance Academy
Hospital AU
IT Seven
Special Route
V route guesses (pre-Another Story)
Socially inept MC pickup lines
Everyone to V, probably
Random chats
Day One of the Casual Route
MC getting mad, probably
Zen thinking with his crotch
Zen - beach DLC idea
Zen - drunk MC, probably
Yoosung x MC4 baking
Post-game Yoosung with a student MC be like
Yoosung and MC in a fight
Jumin and MC - Halloween costume
How Jumin and V probably named Elly
707 liks MC
Saeran x MC awkward silence
MC to Ray “I thought you were dead?”
Songfic (ideas or otherwise)
RFA+SV “Broken Strings” by James Morrison
Screenshots of me torturing Zen (affectionately)
Arriving at Jumin’s place during his route
That first night with Jumin
Day 10 with Jumin (not a screenshot but still relevant)
Supporting Zen, but being insecure about it
Mystic Messenger fancast for the movie/TV series that will never happen
Excuses to hit up my ask box (it is literally always open)
No, seriously
Askbox rules
Colour me a boyfriend
Pairing headcanons
MM Ask Me
If I’m your Tumblr crush...
That one typeform
Fanfiction Work-in-progress Guessing Game (#wip guessing game)
#adorable asks
#make me choose
Mystic Messenger ask meme (tag is #BRING IT.)
#instrument asks
Ask the Writer (#QUESTION ME)
#200-ish prompts
#5 - Zen
#6 - Yoosung
#25/26 - Jaehee
#31 - Zen
#53 - Zen and Jumin
#65 - Jumin and Seven
#106 - Saeran
#131 - Saeran
#162 - Jumin
#183 - Seven
MysMe colour ask
Other Askbox-y Things/Meta
“Do you hate Rika?”
Jumin’s biological mother
Thoughts on Jumin and Rika
Does Jumin is virgin?
Future Reference:
CG walkthrough/list
Jieun + Heejung = Zen?
Jumin x MC week
Day 1 - Alternate Universes
Day 2 - Realization
Day 3 - Forbidden Love/Secrets
Day 4 - Jealousy/Insecurities
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Mystic Writers Secret Santa (to me)
Cute ways to mark January 31, 2018
You have to want them (me ranting about ship wars in the MysMe fandom)
#Mystic Messenger Christmas - the tag for Christmas 2017
4K notes · View notes
miyaameow · 7 years
Request! The RFA + V and Saeran accidentally slapping/punching MC while they are having a fight!! Love your writing
ahh thank you so much and sorry for the delay!! I hope you like this~~
P.S. shameless self-promotion: I wrote a headcanon not so similar to this called Fight Me, where MC defends the RFA and stuff so take a look if you’re interested :D
first of all, let’s all say a prayer for MC’s reaction in all these scenarios:
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“excuse me?”
he’s so scared like shitshitshittt
this is why his mom told him to NEVER GET INTO FIGHTS
his clumsy ass doesn’t even know who tf he’s aiming at and he’S TRYNA FIGHT
he can’t even say “fight me” louder than mouse tho 
how did he even get in a fight in the first place
it was because someone bought the last ice cream bar at the convenience store
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and he stuck out his tongue at that person
who then proceeded to stomp on Yoosung’s foot
so then he flinched and hit MC
also did i mention this “person” is
… 7 yrs old
instantly drops?? the guy he had a headlock on and runs to MC’s “rescue”
is he rescuing MC from his own hit or what
so MC’s over there like rubbing her side because he ELBOWED her
and he’s just like “OMG PRINCESS R U OK” “I DIDN’T MEAN TO HIT YOU”
also you know those shows where it’s like the person is talking to someone but then is also being attacked from behind??
yea so that’s happening and he’s fending off those people while apologizing
“Zen can we just go”
ZEN THE KNIGHT mode activated
he’s turned into some Optimus Prime shit
bridal carries MC away and he actually looks bulletproof
Jaehee was having a cat fight with some chick at the bar
y’know normally she was chill right
so she was over there doin taekwondo moves with heels on
and MC was just like this is real bad
so she tries to intervene but ends up getting flipped instead
“OWWWW” her back was stinging
now she was back to normal Jaehee and started to do some emergency procedures 
“I must begin a head-to-toe examination, please tell me if anything hurts”
“I’m going to start with your head, don’t move”
“Do you feel pain here?” 
at this point MC is so embarrassed she pulls Jaehee out of the bar with the speed of light
hazukashiidesu (〃´ノω`〃)
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he didn’t even notice until TWO HOURS AFTER THE FACT
yes that’s how oblivious Mr. Corporate Heir is
“MC, what is that bruise on your arm?”
MC’s friendly reminder face:
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“I apologize, I shall call my personal doctor immediately.”
“JUmin, it’s the miDDLE OF THE NIGHT”
“Your point?”
so he makes up for it!
“MC, I’m sorry, I’ll make up for it.”
lol shit
oh no actually SHIT
now he doesn’t know what to do liek
MC’s got tears in her eyes because he kicked her in the shin
“01110000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100101 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110000 01101001 01111010 01111010 01100001″
“Seven, I don’t speak binary”
so he begins to make silly faces to make her laugh which only makes it worse because MC laughs so hard she bumps her shin INTO SOMETHING ELSE
“Here, sit on this pile of honey buddha chips it’ll make you feel better”
no bb
he was fighting because some guys tried hit her up and he was not going to take any of that BS
right so they’re fighting fighting fighting… what else is new
MC gets hurt
well, ya boy Saeran went a little overboard and ended up moving too close to MC and so when he flung at the dude he ended up smacking MC instead
oh no
this bb suddenly loses all his strength and power and he’s just staggering backwards because he hurt someone he loves :(
he was shaking her so violently she thought her head would fall off
“It’s okay, let’s get out of here”
CINNAMON BUN piggy-back-rides MC home apologizing non-stop
V doesn’t fight period.
just beCAUSE HE’S A PEACEMAKER doesn’t mean this man doesn’t get angry
um but he can’t see???
anyway so he’s like tryna get this guy to back the f up
throwing punches and slaps in every direction possible but suddenly he feels something soft and squishy
was that MC’s … cheek?
y’all nasty if you thought he hit her t…
omg no it really was her!
so he’s super sorry like bb don’t cry you weren’t even the one who got hit
but he’s so apologetic he literally swears that he’s never going to fight again like
“MC pls forgive my horrible heart and soul”
it’s not like you gotta but i suggest you translate Seven’s binary numbers
~Cherry L.
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rfassholes · 7 years
headcanon where the rfa-v-saeran are in love with MC but they're in an unhealthy relationship with someone else where suddenly physical abuse happens for the first time and MC is so traumatized that they end up flinching at something that the rfa+v+saeran do, that's how they find out about it. you choose if you want everything to end platonically or romantically~ gracias!!
I’m sorry that this took me so long, but I hope you like it! This one was definitely interesting for me to write. However, I would like to say that most of these end on lighter notes, even though they deal with abuse. I’m sorry if that comes off as romanticizing it in any way, but I assure you that that was not my intent. As it is a request based around the topic of abuse, there’s obviously abuse warnings
You and Yoosung were going to hang out for the night and you were on snack duty, so you came to the dorm after stopping at the convenience store
He shouted a greeting through the dorm saying he only needed another five minutes while you were setting your wallet and keys down
When you walked over to his desk, it looked like he was playing rough map and he had headphones on, so you decided to stay quiet and look through a book that was on an end table
Once you had settled in to the other chair and started the novel, you noticed that he was banging his mouse slightly with how much he was clicking it
You tried to ignore it but then he started to practically yell at the monitor
At this point, you were curled up into the chair, an instinct to make yourself smaller
Yoosung turned around in his chair in exasperation while taking off his headphones then noticed how you were sitting as his eyes widened slightly
You were trying to speak but you couldn’t without stuttering slightly
“S-sorry, Yoosung. You just s-scared me a bit-t” “Nononono, MC! I’m really sorry for getting angry. Are you alright?”
Taking a few breaths before you were to explain, you started moving to sit normally
“Yoosung, please don’t think any different of me when I tell you this, alright?”
In response, he just nodded wildly, forgetting about his game
“So remember when Zen asked me if I was dating anyone, and I said I just got out of a relationship? Key words, got out. I was, well, it was abusive, and I didn’t want to talk about it. You’re the only one of the RFA I’m telling for now, so please don’t say anything yet. Anyways, they would always yell at me before they would physically hurt me, so I associate someone yelling with that. I didn’t, I didn’t mean to freak you out or anything. I’m sor-“
Yoosung was not having this, but didn’t want to make you any less comfortable so he tried to keep his face straight
“MC! Don’t apologize! It’s, it’s not your fault at all. I should be really sorry, and I am. I got annoyed, because I’ve been in this area for the past four hours, and I haven’t been able to get a drop. I’m really really sorry! I’ll try my absolute best to not yell around you again, MC” “Thank-thank you, Yoosung” “Can I, can I hug you, MC?”
You nodded slightly and he practically teleported he went so fast to the chair you were on to hug you
“You’re really strong for going through that, MC, and I promise I won’t tell anyone else unless you say it’s okay”
Nodding again, you let him stay like that for a few minutes before offering to get up and get the food so you could watch the movie
Once you noticed he was crying ten minutes in, you laughed slightly thinking about how considerate he could be and how he wouldn’t hurt you
Nice to know for our, I mean, the future
You were staying at his home since he got injured again, mindlessly watching some random soap opera while chatting in the messenger
Jaehee: I can’t believe that Zen is doing three roles in different productions at once.MC: Yeah, he’s not home much, and when he is, he’s practicing linesJaehee: He can only work so much. I hope he doesn’t work too hard.MC: It’s more promo pictures anyways lolJaehee: Very true! The ones that came out today are already saved on my phone
The front door opened with Zen finishing up a phone call
MC: Be right back, Jaehee. He just got back, and he looks a little pissedMC has left the chatroom
“-Yes, have a good evening, Sir” “Hi, Zen! How was tonight’s rehearsal? You sounded exaspera-“ “It was awful. Nobody could get their shit together while starting the dance numbers, and the director kept yelling”
He went on for a few minutes, ranting while putting his jacket and bag up by the door and waving his hands around
While he was turning around to face you with his hand still moving, you flinched slightly
Zen stopped talking instantly and put his arm down just as quickly
“MC! Babe, I would never hit you. I’m so sorry that you would think that! I promise that I’ll never go off aga-“ “Zen, it’s fine. I didn’t think you would,” you paused to word this correctly, “It’s just what I’m conditioned to do. Like a habit”
Half of you wanted for him to drop it, another part wanted him to ask so that someone would know
Besides, you trusted him the most out of RFA anyways
Back to the present, Zen looked downright personally attacked by what you said
“Why,” he stopped to fathom what would make you think any of this, “Why would someone hurt you? Who made you act like this, because I swear I will-“ “Hyun, please stay quiet, so I can explain”
He stayed quiet and led you to the couch so that you could both sit down
“It-it’s my significant other. When they hit the bottle, they, well, they hit me. I just flinch now whenever it’s similar to that. Not-not saying that you’re like them-“ “No no, I know what you mean. I swear that I won’t treat you like that ever. Could you maybe tell me who they are, because I’ll fight them outside the Wendy’s”
(I’m sorry, I know it’s meant to be serious, but my mind went no. Wendy’s is a fast food chain that’s established in around thirty countries)
Laughing slightly, you pointedly told him no and said they were in jail anyways
After your conversation, you noticed Zen was being quiet and you knew something was up
Rather than push it, you just sat with him and continued to watch your shitty soaps
“Hey, ah, MC?” “Yeah?” “Would you maybe like to go out with me? I just, well, I realized that I thought you deserved far better than what your significant other is giving you, and I’d like to try to help. This kind of helped me realized how much I’d like to date you. I swear that I’ll take on any repercussions that they make”
well, hE Ck
Again, two parts of you were weighing your options
You may’ve just gotten out of a bad relationship, if you went with this, and it seemed like a pretty okay idea
“That sounds good, uh, yeah, yes, Zen. However, it might take me a bit to be fully okay with everything”
This boy looked sO HAPPY
“Really? I mean, yes, of course. No worries if you need time”
You both ended up crashing on the couch that night, with the dramatic shows still looping in the background
After you had been dating for a few months, you noticed that Zen hadn’t been drinking any alcohol whatsoever
You just smiled, content with the new life you were living
Seven: (Route spoilers right off the bat. I’m sorry! Based on what actually happens in the route, this’ll probably seem ooc, but I’m trying my best!)
After Seven’s acclaimed twin had left, you were pretty shaken up by the ordeal
Seven was acting really distant as well, and that wasn’t helping
Since he acted much differently on the messenger, you were sure it was your fault he was acting so cold
Trying to do something that could lighten his mood, you made some lunchIt may not be a bag of chips and a can of soda, but you figured this would be better
You walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder since he had his headphones on
He turned around far too quickly while yanking one half of his headphones to the side
“MC! Don’t bug me, you have no reason to, so just stop!”Around after he said your name, you dropped the plate at the slight outburst and he didn’t realize it until he stopped
“S-sorry, S-sev-seven!” you spoke hurriedly with a heavy stutter while you were getting on your knees to clean up the food and plate shards, “I-I didn’t mean t-to make you mad-d. I’ll, I’ll get this picked up as soon as possible”
You were surprised when he silently got off his chair to help but finished cleaning up what you could with shaking hands
Going to get a trashcan, you heard him mumbling “stupid” and “an idiot” and thought the worst then subconsciously prepared to get yelled at while dragging it to where the plate was dropped
Seven, on the other hand, was trying to figure out why he was clouded enough to not realize that you had been abused earlier
Granted, you didn’t talk much about it through any messaging service or social media and didn’t join any support groups or the like, but he still should’ve known to avoid all this
“Seven? I, I know you’re angr-“ “MC, it’s alright. I didn’t mean to make you panic; I didn’t realize what had happened for a few seconds. I’m an idiot for shouting when you were just bringing me food. Even stupider for having you pick up most of it”
He smiled sadly for just a second before bending over to get all of ceramic and food mess into the bag while you were silently standing, stunned
“MC? Is everything alright?” You nodded as if you were shaking something off “Yeah, yeah, I just thought you were going to slap me or something. I mean, I made a huge mess and you were already pissed at me and I was getting in the way and-“ “MC. I would never, ever slap you, okay? You’re never in the way, alright? I’m trying to keep all of this together right now, and I shouldn’t have snapped when you were trying to take care of me”
You were confused because you were certain that he was only going to start yelling in a few seconds
“But you were calling me stupid and an idiot when I went to get the bin?” “No! Nononono, MC, I was calling myself that, because I hadn’t put it together until then and I make you panic” “Put what? Oh, uh, yeah” “Yeah, I won’t ask you anything about it unless you’d like to tell me, but I understand. Personal experiences are shitty”
Seven offered another slight smile before going to speak again
“I’ll try my absolute hardest to not do something like that again, I swear to God. Nobody deserves to go through that, and especially not you. I’m going to drop whatever stone cold bitch façade I was using to tell you this right now, I care about you a lot, MC. Like a whole fuck ton, and I was pushing you away, because I’m really, very dangerous. I know that I keep saying that, but with the people I’m working with, I can’t have someone that I care about. However, I promise you that once everything is sorted out, I’ll be able to act better for you”
Once again, you were silently stunned at the apology and confession he just gave
You moved to hug him and he did just that, keeping you as tightly as he could for a few seconds
“Thank-thank you, Seven” “Absolutely”
Jumin: (Also one filled with route spoilers, sorry)
While you were staying at his apartment, he noticed that you were frequently texting someone and you always seemed to be wincing whenever it sent
As a matter of fact, he saw you wincing a lot whenever you bumped into something or got up
Jumin didn’t want to push it, but when he kissed you in front of the Chois and you tried to push him away as fast as possible, he decided to ask once they left
“MC, I am so deeply sorry for doing that. I pushed myself onto you, and it is completely unforgivable. Even though I want to keep you safe here, you can most definitely leave if you wish. I can’t believe I would do that to you, but I don’t have a good grasp on reading your emotions and I sincerely apologize for my actions” “No, it’s alri-“ “MC. What I did was horribly wrong. Don’t feel bad for leaving whatsoever” “Jumin, listen for a second. My reaction made it seem like I was disgusted, but don’t get the wrong idea. I’m sure this is confusing, so just give a little bit to explain”
He looked really confused but just nodded and gestured to the living room so that you could speak sitting down
“Jumin, I’m going to straight up tell you that I didn’t mind that you kissed me. It was how. I’m currently in a relationship-no, don’t freak out over making me “unfaithful” or anything-that’s quite abusive. My partner constantly forces me to do things with them. They’re who I’m texting, because they’re angry that I haven’t seen them in the past week. They’re also the reason I’ve got bruises on my sides. It scared me a bit when you did that randomly, but I don’t want you to think that I want leave right now, especially when it’s to keep me not dead”
Jumin nodded in response, but he didn’t look confused anymore; he looked both downcast and angry
“I can’t believe someone would do that to you, MC. Please tell me you’ll get away from them soon. I can’t stand to think of you getting hurt that way and forced to do things like that for them. If you need me to help with contacting someone or lawyers, I assure you I’ll find the best internationally for you. If you’d like to continue whatever we’re doing right now, I swear that I’ll always ask before I do anything and make sure it’s alright”
At the moment, you didn’t realize you were crying silently, but it wasn’t out of sadness, no, it was joyful
“Thank you, Jumin. That’s more than enough. Could you help me write a script of sorts for when I call them to dump them?” “Most definitely, MC. Anything I may do to help” “And Jumin?” “Yes?” “I’d quite like to continue what we’re doing”
He looked slightly surprised at what you said and eager to help you draft your phone call
After nearly an hour of deleting and rewriting what you were to say, you collectively decided to fuck it and just call
You were greatly anxious but Jumin’s presence was calming, especially the fact he was whispering encouragement while the phone rang
“Yes, hello…No, that won’t be necessary…I called to tell you to go fuck yourself…You heard me perfectly well…Because I’m not putting up with this anymore…Not only is it disgusting, you can’t do anything to stop the fact I’m leaving or the fact I found someone else…Yes, he’s quite nice. Would you like to speak to him?”
You swore that you had never heard someone monotonously swear that much and you were silently laughing while Jumin was using explicits every other word in the Business Guy voice
He hung up after you gave a “Bye, bitch!” and you broke down into laughter and speaking in between it
“Thank-oh God-thank you, Jumin. You-fuck, that was hilarious-you helped me out more than I can imagine, and this is probably the hardest I’ve laughed in months. Seriously, thank you,” you decided to mimic his Business Guy voice, “Mr. Han”
This time he started laughing too and that fueled you to continue
Definitely something to remember
After you both had calmed down, you were both silently looking at the other fondly
“MC?” “Yeah, Mr. Han?” “Sh-shut up” “Make me”
You stopped for a second, thinking about the invitation you just put out there
“Can I kiss you?” “Yeah, you dork”
Scratch what you said before, this was something to remember
While you were at the party, V had noticed that you had someone else with you, but assumed it was your current partner
The fact that you had someone had him crestfallen, but he reminded himself that they made you happy and that’s what matters
Oh boy
Little did he know, you were getting yelled at outside for interacting with one guest and that “cotton candy-haired asshole” too much
That is, until a security guard came up to him mid-conversation and informed him of two people outside
He decided that he wouldn’t be told if they couldn’t take care of it, so he followed them out to see you trying to get absorbed by the outside of the building and someone yelling at you
“Excuse me? Why are you harassing, MC, the coordinator of this event?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, you blue-haired fuck” “Yes, I quite would like to know if you could stop being a jackass”
No matter the fact that this was serious and you weren’t a six-year-old, you snickered quietly at the fact he swore
“Actually, you’re not worth my time. MC, could you explain please?” “Oh, uh,” you glanced at your partner and smirked just a bit, realizing you finally had witnesses, “Jihyun, this is, this is my abuser. They were trying to act possessive by shouting at me out here. Actually, they were telling me that I can’t talk to you or take care of my job”
V had already blanked at the word abuser, now fueled with hatred but keeping the calm appearance
“They, they’re your what? Never mind, I already heard it. MC, I’m getting you out of that arrangement as soon as possible”
He simply nodded to the guard that had brought him to the scene then offered his arm to you so that he could take you back inside
While you were walking back, realization of what you had done was settling in and you started to visibly shake
“MC? Is everything alright? Never mind, another stupid question. Hold on for just a second”
He had you sit at a table that was near the entrance where the least people were and got you a glass of water from a server walking by
“What you did was really brave, alright? You were able to do in a couple of seconds what I couldn’t throughout an entire relationship and then some. I promise that I’ll keep you protected from them,and they will never be allowed to come into contact with you again, okay? I swear that on my life”
Nodding with a shaky smile, you drank some of the water and thought everything over again
“Thank you, really, V, thank you. For helping me end that and helping me calm down”
After you conversed about random things for a while just to calm down, he escorted you back to the main area where everyone else was
Seven walked up to the two of you with a grin on his face
“What were you two up to? Screwing in the bathroom?”
You glanced over to see a red-faced Jihyun and you could’ve swore you heard him mumble “I wish” to which your face also heated up
“L-Luciel!” “That’s my name! Plus, I heard what you just said, V!” “No, you didn’t” “Keep lying to yourself!”
Seven left with a cheeky wink and the both of you blushing wildly like awkward teenagers
Hmm, not a bad idea, though, Seven
wait shit
You said that aloud
“Yeah, not bad at all, Luciel”
You ended up getting winked at again with your face feeling hotter than before
You came over to hang out with Seven at the bunker while Saeran was staying there
Turns out, Seven got assigned some new project and had to start it right away, but you didn’t feel like going back to your apartment
“Hey, Saeran?” “What do you want now?” “Bitch, I walked through the door and I haven’t even spoken to you today” “…Fair point. Continue”
“Since your brother’s working, do you wanna do something?” “Like?” “Watching shitty movies with ice cream?”
Ice cream was the way to Saeran’s heart so he agreed upon the mention of it
You were at least 87% sure he wouldn’t have agreed if there wasn’t ice cream involved
Going to the kitchen, you noticed Seven brought his equipment out into the living room
You were kind of confused, considering he’d probably want to be somewhere with no distractions
Saeran, on the other hand, glared at him
You were going to the freezer get a gallon out while you heard the brothers bickering
“What’re you two talking about?”
Seven flatly said “You” while Saeran hurriedly said “Nothing!”
The red-head earned another glare when he gave a thumbs up to you
You just shook your head with a smirk while getting a scoop from a drawer along with two bowls
“Seven? You want any?” “Only if I’m allowed to put chips on it”
Half-laughing and half-sighing with a smile, you got another bowl while Saeran walked into the kitchen after telling his brother to “just fuck off already”
You were getting the bowls filled when Seven started yelling out and swearing at his laptop
The scoop clattered to the floor when you had jumped at the sudden outburst
Saeran looked bored by it, but when he saw how panicked you looked, you couldn’t quite place what emotion he was displaying
“Uh, you alright there?” “What? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, the yelling just sorta reminded me of something” “Are you sure you’re alright?” “To be honest, no, but can I tell you later?”
He nodded and bent down to get the scoop before rinsing it off and finishing getting everyone’s food
You brought the bowls to the couch and set Seven’s next to him cautiously while warily looking at him
Saeran made an assumption, but decided to just wait for you to explain
Seven gave a quiet thanks and you still looked slightly panicked but Saeran tried to distract you
“MC? Come sit by me” “Al-alright?” “What do you want to watch?” “Oh, whatever you pick is fine”
He shrugged and flipped through channels until deciding on some psychological thriller type movie
Once he noticed his brother put his headphones on, he decided to ask about it
“Could you explain now? I don’t think Asshat over there is listening if that’s what you’re worried about” “Yeah, I-I can; just please don’t react harshly. Right now, I’m in a relationship that I’ve kept from RFA, and Seven shouldn’t have been able to tell either. It’s fairly abusive towards me, and when your brother shouted, it reminded me of last night’s beating. I, well, I get kind of worried when I mess stuff up, so I thought he’d be mad at me even though it was only his work. But, yeah, that’s why loud noises make me react like that”
He stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking quietly but clearly
“I will fucking kill them, MC” “Saeran! No, it’s-“ “Don’t say it’s alright; we both know it isn’t.  How dare they hurt you?” “Saeran, I’ll get out of it soon. It’s just-“ “MC, as much as I would like to stay calm about this, it’s not ‘just’ anything. You shouldn’t be treated like that, and I want your abuser six feet under”
Knowing that he could very easily murder them, you tried your best to get him to stop thinking about it
Finally, he got quiet again and you were able to relax back into the couch
“MC?” “Mhm?” “Could you-I can’t believe I’m asking this-could you lay by me? I would just hug you, but I don’t want to hurt you, since you’ve got injuries” “You’re a fucking dork, you know that right?” “Just be quiet and come over here…if that’s alright” “Of course it is”
After setting your bowl to the side, you moved over to be by him
“Is this better, Saeran?” “Much” “Good, ‘cause I feel safe like this” “Really?” “Mhmm, its nice to be by someone that has a comforting presence” “MC, I literally kidnapped you” “Yeah, but okay, yes, you kidnapped me” “See?” “I can’t explain it, but I like being by you” “Me too”
You both stayed like that until the credits rolled and Seven was giving his brother another thumbs up
Once you were sure Seven wasn’t paying too much attention, you spoke again
“Thanks, Saeran, for giving me someone who I could confide” “Anytime, MC. Though the murder offer still stands” “I don’t need you winding up in prison, alright?” “Seems fair.  Can we still at least trash their car?” “Oh, hell’s yeah” “Now?” “Now”
You both got up while smiling wildly and Seven just stayed focused on his work
Saeran grabbed his jacket by the door and told his brother that he was going to go slash some tires
Walking to your car, you opened his door and bowed sarcastically before going to your seat and starting up the car
Smashing those windows and scratching in words and cutting up tires made you feel the happiest you had been in a while
After you both got back in the car and headed back to the bunker, it was nearly two am, so you decided to stay over
“Hey, MC?” “Yes, Saeran?”
You noticed that he stayed quiet and looked up to seeing him with a slightly red face
“Mind staying with me tonight?” “Not at all”
I really hoped that you all liked this one, but I will gladly change anything that isn’t right or add something that you would like. I hope you all have good mornings/afternoons/evenings, and much love to you all!
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RFA+V+Saeran reacting to a HUGE spider on MC's head?
Thank you for your request! And i hope you like it!
You guys were playing together, laughing
“Oh MC!You’re so good at it” He laughs when a match is over and when he looks at you and see that huge…HUGE SPIDER ON YOUR HEAD…He froze
You’re looking at him, confused, he’s sweating…With fear in his eyes…
What can he do?
He regains his courage…He must be your hero…Your man.
You can do this Yoosung…
…He can’t….
“WHAT??!” You start to scream, he starts to scream too.
You’re shaking your head until you too see that MONSTER ON THE GROUND.
Yoosung will be the man! He picks up the controller and thrown at the spider…
His controller…
Ok, now he’s crying because of his controller with you’re hugging him
“…But Yoosung…You’re my hero!”
He stops crying almost immediately “…Really?”
You smile “Yeah!”
Ok, now he’s proud of himself…REALLY PROUD OF HIMSELF
“Can you say it again?”
Maybe he’ll kill more spiders because of that
You were watching TV, while he was taking some selfies.
When he looked at you to show some of his selfies and brag how beautiful he’s…He sees that spider on your head.
That’s a huge spider…
He puts his hand on his mouth, he wanted to scream…But hey he’s your knight…
So he gives the spider a little…Slap making her fall from your head
“OUCH!” That hurt a little, he points at the spider on the floor, while he was standing on the couch, trembling.
You step on that spider, killing her.
Zen sits on the couch again
“….Zen, you were afraid of that spider?”
“WHAT?” He laughs nervously “NO!”
“Oh…Zen you have a spider on your hair”
“What?!TAKE IT OFF!!” You start to laugh.
Looks like you’re the knight!
She was reading some articles about cafes, about how to improve them, all of those things.
Jaehee’s always trying to improve things.
You were by her side, reading a book.
When she turns off her computer and look at you, and you with that…Spider, a huge spider on your head she starts to think…
And with the speed of the light, she picked up the spider and thrown her out of the open window.
You don’t even understand what was going on, you just look at her.
She smiles and kisses your cheek “That was nothing, you only had a spider on your head…”
A spider?! Why she’s so calm and serene about it? And why she’s so fast??
Well…She’s has a black belt in judo…
That quick reflex is a common thing for her…You think so at least.
While you were thinking, she already picked up a lot of paper “Well, now i’ll talk about the improvements that we can do on our cafe”
Jumin’s always looking at you, but that spider was quicker than him, that’s what he believed.
Nobody cares.
He was looking at you, and then he plays a little with Elizabeth while you were in the chat with someone.
When he looks at you again, he sees that huge spider on your hair, he freaks out.
No, he doesn’t fear that spider, but he fears that he might lose you.
And Jumin always think of all the possibilities, if that thing is dangerous? If that thing has a poison? He doesn’t know.
He rushes to you, after that he picks that thing and thrown on the ground, stepping on it, with a disgusted face.
You see that dead spider on the floor and smile “Thank you Jumin.”
“You’ll have to go to the hospital.” He picks you in bridal style “Wait…WHY?”
“I have to make sure you’re ok” He’s taking you to the car, he lets you there and comes back to the penthouse.
He came back with Elizabeth “To the hospital.” He says to Driver Kim.
Elizabeth is looking at you, and you’re looking at her, you two must think the same thing…
Jumin Han is insane.
He's trying and typing while you're on your phone.
He wants to finish this so he can go and give you all his attention (~˘▾˘)~
But when he finishes and look at you, WHAT'S THIS ENORMOUS THING ON YOUR HEAD
He wants to freak out...But if he freaks you out, maybe all this mess will get worse.
So he taps your head with strong, that hurt a little, but you thought that was a...greeting?
"Don't blame me! That was a spider on your hair!" 
Now everything makes sense "Oh...Thanks..." He smiles.
"Hey MC, they say if a spider falls into someone's head they get a present!" You're confused, and he's taking his hand off the top of your head, oh...That's dirty.
Your hair must be dirty too! That's disgusting.
Seven laughs looking at his hand "So...Let's go take a bath after that shall we? I can give your present there ~~~"
His vision is so blurry, but he saw that spider on your hair.
He doesn't know that is a spider, but he knows that something is in your hair.
He smiles "...You're using a hat MC?" He loves to hear from you, and he didn't know you liked hats.
"Hat?" You start to touch your head and then you feel the spider, you shake your head off in that surprise, screaming and making that spider fall on the ground.
V almost jumps when he heard you scream, he stands up, and like that he steps on the spider...
V was a hero, and he didn't even try to be one...
"What's it MC?!"
You laugh, and sits, holding his hand now, making him sit too "That was a spider...And you already killed her" You hug him.
Ok all of that was suddenly to him...But he isn't complaining it.
He's eating ice cream while you were on your phone doing something.
He doesn't care, he wants his ice cream.
But sometimes he looks at you...Because he likes to look at you.
But then one time he looks at your head and then there it is...A monster.
"MC...There's a spider on your head..." Saeran is scared,  but he'll not admit it...But that thing is so huge.
You scream you shake your head, the spider fell on his ice cream
No MC...
You did not.
He'll go away with that spider AND his ice cream.
You're too evil for us.
Ok, he's back, he can't live without you.
But now you'll give him another ice cream!
And some place to put that spider...Yes, this is your new pet.
*insert the evil laugh here*
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miyaameow · 7 years
Can I have an RFA+Saeran reacting to MC getting a bad allergic reaction? You can decide whether it's like her entire body is breaking out in hives, or like her tongue/lip/throat starts swelling up. Thank youuuu❤️ your blog is lovely btw. I find myself visiting it almost daily.
he didn’t know what to do
like at first everything was good, they were eating ice cream and Yoosung gave her some of his to her but she forgot that his had strawberries in it and well.. 
now her face was turning beet red and her throat was swelling up so quickly that he just couldn’t react to it in time
his eye widened and he literally dropped his ice cream onto the floor
mentally slaps himself for asking that question like of course she is you idiot can you not see that she can’t breathe?
he’s just SCREAMING for help and low key crying because he’s so scared that MC will die??
MC manages to choke out that she has an epipen in her bag and FINALLY he reacts and stabs her thigh
in a couple of seconds her wheezing slows down and a few minutes later, she breathes more steadily
“MC! oh my god I thought I’d lose you! I’m sorry I didn’t know you were allergic to strawberries”
is he still crying? probably
holy cow he was so prepared for this
he had benadryl, an epipen (for himself), allegra, claritin… he was basically a walking pharmacy
so when he saw MC sneeze with watery eyes and cough with her itchy throat, he knew that she had hay fever
it was almost scary how quick he was to realize like
one second she was looking for a tissue and in the next he already handed her a pill, had opened water bottle in one hand and a packet of tempo tissues in the other
MC was kinda shook like “Whoa where did all this come from?”
“Well, I’m always prepared ‘cause, never know when I’ll meet a cat, y’know?”
so grateful AAAAAA
“Zen, you know you’re the-”
“Best boyfriend ever? Yea, I know. Now eat this medicine before you start snotting all over the place”
^^got slapped for saying that but it’s okay it was a “playful hit” sorta thing
they had a nice date in the park after that
but MC was secretly hoping that someone would bring their cat outside >:)
she didn’t even know it was happening?
MC and her got the SAME DRINK (coffee, i mean)
and she’d ASKED SPECIFICALLY for soy milk because MC was lactose intolerant but when they got the drinks, the barista mixed it up (damnit customer service)
we won’t go into the nasty stuff but MC was suffering 
she felt nauseous and her stomach was cramping up 
there was a cold sweat on her brow but she was determined (and i mean D E T E R M I N E D) not to let Jaehee know because 
how embarrassing?? it was low key just a stomach ache but at that point in time, she didn’t want Jaehee to know that she was about to puke in the taxi
“Hey, MC? Are you alright? You look all pale and you’re sweating?”
“Y- yea, I’m alright. But can we get off at the next stop? I’m a feeling a bit carsick.”
as soon as she got off the car she started vomiting on the side of the road
Jaehee was freaking the hell out and was so worried she was patting her back and talking like a mom
but after it was out of her system, MC felt better and told Jaehee about her lactose intolerance
“MC, you should’ve told me earlier!!”
honestly the fact that MC could’ve had allergies never crossed his mind
so when he told chef to prepare a Mille-feuille with almond accents he was absolutely clueless
did i or did i not literally google fancy french dessert names and plug in some sort of nut for this to happen idunno u decide
right so MC who didn’t know what the fuck this dessert was, much less knew that there would be almonds in it
immediately after the first few bites she felt this heat rush to her face
uh-oh she knew EXACTLY what was happening
she excused herself from the table and ran to the bathroom with her purse
Jumin was confused like did she have to pee that badly??
when MC came back out, he noticed her eyes were swollen and she was breathing rather heavily
and not to mention, she spent a solid 10 minutes in there
“MC, did something happen?”
“um.. were there nuts in that?”
“Yes, I especially told the chef to add almonds. Don’t tell me, you are allergic to nuts…?”
MC didn’t even have to say anything 
“I’m so sorry, I promise it won’t happen again.”
he pulled MC into a hug and told her he was going to throw away all nuts products at home (even Elizabeth’s nut shaped toy nuuu ;A;)
he remembered seeing in her medical records that she was allergic to something
what it was, it couldn’t remember now, but it was obviously something that was in his HBC (much to his dismay)
anyway he was running around the house flipping the couch over like it was a piece of paper, rummaging for her medicine like a mad man
and when he finally found it under her pillow (what was it doing there anyway???)
he nearly hollered out of delight and forgot that he should, in fact, be giving it to MC and not celebrating his find 
k so after MC calmed the f down and could breathe again
“Seven y r u sad”
“B- because, I can’t share the thing i love most with you”
.-. i have no words
he wasn’t ready
for his entire life he hasn’t heard or encountered someone with a severe allergy and this bb
this poor thing was so scared
he just started like shaking because he didn’t know what to do
MC was breaking out into hives and her face was all itchy and she just looked so uncomfortable 
he couldn’t react cuz like ???? what was happening what is this how to life send help
so MC is over there scratching at herself and telling Saeran to calm down
“It’s okay, it’ll go away in a few hours once I eat some medicine”
he didn’t believe her
but when it was over he was super relieved
“MC please don’t let that happen again, I don’t want to see you suffer”
“I’ll try, but sometimes I can’t help it. I’m allergic to egg products and sometimes I eat it by accident.”
^^idk too much about hives and stuff but yea i searched online and came to this conclusion, sorry if i’m wrong
AYY hope that wasn’t too bad? I have hay fever myself and lemme tell u that i wish i had a BF with meds 24/7 
~Cherry L.
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