#jaheira rp
lovestruck007 · 7 months
Baldur's Gate 3 RP?
Does anyone want to do a BG3 RP? I would like to do either a m/m one or a f/f one. I can play canon characters or ocs/Tavs.  
I’m over 18 years old and have many years of RP experience. I do medium to longer replies (I try to always at least make them 200 words but will happily do longer) in third person and have a good understanding of the English language and grammar.  If you’re reading this and think that this sounds like a good RP partner match please contact me =) I will only feel comfortable doing any non-platonic stuff if you’re 18+  
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azrieldreemurrz · 11 days
my bg3 rp server still needs members!!
- the majority of origin/main characters are still open!
- our current members are active and friendly!
- we have many rp channels!
if you're interested please comment down below!!
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bananasfosterparent · 3 months
Got to my favorite part of Efenity's playthroughs in my current one 👌🏼😩
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Astarion's ascension, the cold and unsexy sex scene (that's suspiciously genuine, intimate, and tender hmm) and the turning of Efenity. <3
The other fun part is finally getting to dress them up as Lord and Lady. Taking Astarion from vagabond-looking rogue to commanding Lord with OTT drip, and taking Efie from leather-clad streetrat to the glam baddie she has strived for her whole life but couldn't afford to be lmao
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ALSO random, but this time, I brought Jaheira along instead of Gale, just to see what she'd say (if anything) and it's cute how much confidence she has in my Tav and Astarion to be "good" people 🤣 She really doesn't know them at all. She isn't there during his ascension in Efie's canon, but it was fun just to see what she would say.
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moghedien · 4 months
my durge multiclassed into an oath of the ancients paladin at level 10 so I got to start smiting at level 11 and the first person I got to smite was a random bhaalist in the under city that recognized me, called me a heretic, and attacked me. turning around and just divine smiting them to death felt good actually I hope it made Jaheira proud of me
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spawnastarion · 4 months
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solavillain · 1 year
[18+] Protectors of the Sword Coast - A Baldur's Gate 3 Discord RP Server
Join here!
Adventurer, I am glad to see you have made it. The fate of Baldur's Gate hangs in the balance, and it is up to us to save it.
Welcome to the Protectors of the Sword Coast, a Baldur's Gate 3 literate Roleplay server! We aim to provide an exciting and lore accurate world for you to explore, complete with plenty of locations, characters, and non-RP channels for you to explore!
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚❋ ❋ ❋˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
What we've got:
✲ Friendly and accepting staff ✲ An LGBTQ+ inclusive environment ✲ General chatter channels ✲ Homes for all your arts and crafts ✲ A vast library of more than simpable content ✲ Resources to create and build your Tav ✲ and so much more!
We look forward to you joining the adventure, and can't wait to fight alongside you!
AVAILABLE COMPANIONS: Gale Karlach Halsin Jaheira Lae'zel Minsc Minthara The Emperor Shadowheart Wyll
Other Major Characters Mizora Raphael Orin Gortash Ketheric Thorm Vlaakith Cazador Viconia Devir Isobel Thorm
Join here!
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shimmerbeasts · 13 days
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Jaheira shifted back into her humanoid form, her body aching both from the transformation and her wounds. She winced as she raised a trembling hand to her side, pressing against her ribs. The pain was sharp, unmistakable, and she grimaced as she slowly counted them. One, two… At least two were broken, maybe more. Each breath sent a fresh wave of agony through her chest. She rolled her shoulder experimentally, and a bolt of searing pain shot through her arm, making her teeth clench. It was out of place, probably dislocated during the fight. With a quick, sharp motion, she twisted her arm back into place. The joint slid with a sickening pop, and a flash of white-hot pain shot through her body, causing her to hiss loudly. For a moment, she stood still, letting the pain wash over her, then slowly rolled her shoulder, testing it. The ache remained, but the worst of it had passed.
She was drenched in blood — some hers, most not — the taste of iron thick on her tongue. Her ears still rang with the echo of the battle, a high-pitched whine that drowned out the world around her. Sweat and steam blurred her vision, streaking down her face and stinging her eyes. She blinked rapidly, trying to clear the haze, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The world felt distant, like she was still half in the beast’s mind, half in her own. Jaheira instinctively lifted a hand to wipe the sweat and blood from her face, but she froze mid-motion. Her arms were caked in gore, the remnants of the battle still fresh on her skin. She stared at her blood-soaked hands, the slick, dark substance glistening in the dim light. With a grimace, she lowered her hand, realizing that cleaning herself would have to wait. Among the pain and the gore, she barely registered the sensation of something wiping her mouth clean. A hand? Mizora’s hand. She could feel the weight of exhaustion settling into her bones, but she forced herself to focus, scanning the aftermath of the fight for any sign of her companions, her heart pounding with lingering adrenaline.
"Where are the others?" Jaheira wanted to ask Mizora, but the cambion’s sudden closeness stopped her in her tracks before any words were spoken. Mizora’s hands were unexpectedly cupping her face, and Jaheira could only think that the devil had finally decided it was time to rip her head off, or simply snap her neck. In the chaos of the battlefield, it would be the perfect cover — no one would ever know.
The Scorpion And The Toad.
The story was real, and Jaheira had been a very tenacious toad. She could only blame herself for the consequences. The realization almost made her laugh at the irony, if only she had the energy for it. Instead, she lay motionless, her gaze fixed on Mizora's eyes as she braced herself for the final blow, her chin held high. She'd die with dignity.
Jaheira could see Mizora’s lips moving, their soft, deliberate motions forming words she couldn’t hear. The persistent whine ringing in her ears drowned out any sound, leaving her stranded in a haze of confusion. She was probably asking what her last words would be. It didn’t matter; Jaheira had none.
Mizora's enormous, fleshy wings enveloped Jaheira, blocking out the erratic light of the battlefield. In the darkness, Mizora's eyes shone like fiery orbs, filled with a thrill Jaheira couldn't quite decipher. The fiend was closing in like a predator, ready for... A kiss?
Jaheira blinked. Once. Twice.
She was trying to make sense of what just happened. For a moment, it was as if her mind had ceased to function entirely.
Perhaps because of the shock, or simply enough time had passed, the incessant ringing in her ears suddenly stopped, and Jaheira felt a profound sense of clarity and self-awareness return.Mizora must be mocking her. That was the obvious answer. Perhaps too obvious. As Jaheira struggled to comprehend the situation, something stirred within her — a mix of confusion and a flicker of warmth that she barely recognized, but was evident in the way it spread through her cheeks and neck. Her heart pounded fiercely against her ribs, and Jaheira desperately tried to convince herself it was just the adrenaline. For a moment, she was almost relieved to be drenched in blood, as if it provided some cover from the intense, confusing emotions stirring inside her.
So, what now? She had been kissed — by the last person she’d ever expect to kiss her. When Astele surprised her like that a couple years ago, at least she had a plan. But now? Should she act as if nothing had happened? Say something? Simply walk away? Her ears strained to catch any sign of approaching enemies or allies, any hint that might offer an escape from this... awkwardness... but there was only silence.
Jaheira doesn't know exactly what drove her actions after that; perhaps in a strange mix of impulse and a desire to respond in kind, she clasped her bloodied hands around the devil's cheeks and pulled her in, pressing her lips to Mizora’s with surprising fervor. The kiss was swift, fueled by a chaotic blend of emotions — surprise, curiosity, and an inexplicable pull that defied any logic.
"We must regroup." We're the first words that came out of her mouth while she fought to steady her breathing, making an effort convey her usual pragmatic resolve when dealing with field tactics. But between broken ribs and whatever the hells just happened, she feared her resolve was faltering. "Let's find the others and set up a secure perimeter for the camp. We'll lay some traps this time — no more surprises. I'll take the east route."
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For Jaheira, the aftermath of the battle was a haze of lingering pains, blurry vision and confusion. For Mizora, that same aftermath was akin to a high. Maybe, that was another reason, the eternity of the Blood War felt so addicting to the devils and demons alike. Each battle was this rush of endorphins, stronger and better than any aphrodisiac.
In Mizora's eyes, violence in all its forms could easily sathe a seasoned devil as it created so many different shades and flavours of misery. Of course, a battle's disorganised nature was always a certain thorn in their side, even for Mizora. But she had learned to find sense even in the most senseless act of violence, just like her Mistress Zariel, who seemed more radiant than the sun in the heat of battle.
Mizora ignored Jaheira's question. Right now, the others did not matter. Only this moment mattered. As the Cambion cupped Jaheira's cheeks, the harper held still, almost frozen. It would be a thing of ease to tear her head from her neck and gorge herself on the blood, splattering out of the wound. Just as it would be child's play to simply wrap her hands around Jaheira's neck and wring the life out of her.
While these thoughts passed Mizora's mind, the other type of appetite became stronger. After all, when would she get a chance like this again? Her attraction to Jaheira had woken up violently, like a dragon disturbed by adventurers trying to steal its gold. And all it had taken, was the splattered blood all over the harper.
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The shock in Jaheira stayed a bit during the kiss, however, even as Mizora's lips pressed themselves against hers, she could feel the harper thawing. Pulling away with a satisfied smile, savouring the taste of blood and a strange earthy, sharp note, Mizora inspected her latest catch. Jaheira's face seemed even redder than before, though the bloodbath covered most of it. Her heart pounded in her chest like a war drum. She seemed at a loss for words.
But certainly not at a loss for actions. Mizora's eyes flashed in excitement and surprise as Jaheira closed the meagre distance between them and kissed the Cambion hard and swiftly. The fervour of her kiss and the twitches of her lips told the tale of a swirl of contradictory emotions and thoughts. The kiss had been a heat-of-the-moment decision, not something contemplated and calculated. Mizora squeezed her wings tightly around them both, forcing a swell of air out of Jaheira's lungs and locking them together.
Her wings opened as the kiss slowed down and they parted from each other. Hearing Jaheira re-enter her usual strategic leader-of-the-harpers mode, Mizora's tail gave a soft flick of annoyance. She believed that the battlefield was warning enough as she could not make out any of Wyll's playmates among the dead, however, alas mortals were so skittish about further ambushes and certainly did not like surprises. Being used to retreating into a flying fortress after a battle made it harder for Mizora to see the use of traps and save perimeters.
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"I'll take the west route and gather some of the heads. They might be a useful deterrent", Mizora said as she spread her wings again. Beating them up and down heavily, the Cambion took into the air. Flying west, she scanned the area for any signs of life and periodically swooped down to yank off a head from a corpse. Securing them to her belt like a gory decoration, she eventually began to head for their camp location. At least one of those heads would be reserved for her. She could use some meat, which she did not have to share with the rest of these misfits.
@harpershigh cont. from here.
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accultant · 25 days
35, 36, 37!
Tav Banter & Dialogue
35. How would your Tav/Durge greet a player character if they were a companion at low, neutral, high, or romanced approval?
LOW APPROVAL ✧ "Can I not have a single moment of peace?" ✧ "Oh. It's you." ✧ [Pretends to be occupied by a book. Silence until the player speaks first. They will sigh and very slowly put the book away before responding.]
NEUTRAL APPROVAL ✧ "Need something?" ✧ "Any news?" ✧ "Oh. It's you." [said with much less disdain now]
HIGH APPROVAL ✧ [monotonously, with a straight, stern face] "Back for more fun? Ready to get this party started?" ✧ "Is there something I can do for you?" ✧ "I feel like I learn a million new things about the world every day. But I'll spare you the fun facts for now."
ROMANCED ✧ "Hello, [name of the romance, curtly, much like you would acknowledge someone in a business meeting]." ✧ [A brief kiss on the hand before they quickly look elsewhere] "Yes?" ✧ "Oh! Did you know that [a randomly selected fun fact or observation that changes upon each greeting]?"
36. What are some situational dialogues they would say when something happens to another companion or you talk to them while in a quest-specific location (such as commenting on Karlach's heart, Elminster visiting Gale, visiting Cazador's mansion, etc)?
[Saving Mizora from the Mind-Flayer colony] Iago: "Oh, how I would love to see her torn apart." Wyll: "You'll have to be patient a while longer if you wish to keep me around." Iago: "I'll mark my calendar, then. It'll be something to look forward to."
[After Jaheira asks Nine-Fingers about where to find Minsc] "I didn't think there was anyone else who could call her Astele and make it out alive. Impressive. Either Jaheira has that old, wizened charm or Keene has gotten soft since last we met."
37. How would they respond to a player character prompting them with, "Tell me about yourself"? x
[A long display of silently, dramatically looking over their shoulder, behind them, around them, before pointing to themselves and raising an eyebrow] "Oh, you're talking to me? No."
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ramenheim · 2 months
S.O. poked fun earlier at how much I like what ppl consider 'offputting asshole' characters (who are mostly just arrogant⑊rude⑊bossy⑊blunt⑊trapped entirely within the confines of their own idiolect+'sense of normal'— Lae'zel/RedPrince/etc.) & I think I'd describe the appeal for myself as 'characters with a sense of self-importance only slightly overblown for their competence & who speak like they're using a nailgun to navigate the conversation' , if that makes sense??
The bitchy ones are funny when they're not inept. 😷
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lynnlovesthestars · 6 months
so.. if i made a discord, would u like to join? a chill space just to chat n make friends, anyone welcome as long as respectful
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m-for-musings · 3 months
I was looking for Wyll and Jaheira rp blogs to interact with my Tav @unhingedbutpretty and noticed that they are so rare that I decided to make my own. Fuck it, @harpershigh for my Jaheira and Wyll's currently under construction. Minors, I'm sorry but DNI.
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harpershigh · 3 months
An independent, semi-selective Jaheira RP blog
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Just like my other blogs, this is +18 only, presenting themes such as gore, violence, blood, drug use, sexuality & sexual relationships, and other, darker themes.
AU, multiverse, multiship, polyship, crossover, Tav's, Dark Urge's and OC's in general, rarepairing, crackships friendly.
Follows from @m-for-musings
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ALSO! No rush on replies! I'm pretty laid-back, so no need to feel pressured to respond quickly. I'm super low-maintenance too—if we don't talk for months, I'll still reply like no time has passed. 😊
Portrayed by M, brazilian, she/her, 30. Making good retirement plans (but not really) with @mysticrosed
Note: If you want to ship your character with Jaheira, consider giving this a read!
@grovesguardian (Halsin RP blog) @unhingedbutpretty (my first RP blog for a Tav) @more-than-a-slayer (Resist!Durge full of spite)
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Isobel — Overworked and Exhausted
Karlach — Alight in the End of a Tunnel
Mizora — Retract the Claws
Silvius — The Oak Father's Presence
Spittle — Full of Many Things
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azrieldreemurrz · 9 days
my bg3 rp server still needs members!!
- most origin/major characters are still available
- our current members are friendly and active
- no rp experience needed- just a love for bg3!
please comment if you're interested!!
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madforhoran · 9 months
Astarion & the seductive vampire trope
"The whole idea of a bite on the neck may seem exciting to some audiences, and the dark, occult, and taboo concepts have helped keep vampires popular for so long." (x)
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I'd like to bring up this banter between spawn!Astarion and Jaheira, specifically her emphasis on Astarion's non-vampiric charms.
Astarion presents himself as suave and mysterious at first, trying his seduction attempts once you reach a certain approval threshold.
The initial bite scene where Tav offers Astarion their neck is shown and described as being overtly sexual, playing heavily into “sexy vampire is sexy because he’s sexy and nothing more” fantasy. Even more so when Tav allows him to bite during sex. Astarion enjoys it, Tav enjoys it too, and it nets approval. After the sex scene he uses the cliche "I didn't want to go too far" formula, implying if he'd lose control, he could hurt you (pretty much like Edward in Twilight).
The facade cracks a bit when Tav discusses any future feeding. Even if the feeding was enjoyable on Tav’s end, he isn't very enthusiastic when Tav says "you can feed on me but let's talk about it first". Instead, he's happy and approves the suggestion of feeding on villains who are about to die anyway.
[However, you can RP this situation both ways, confirm you enjoyed it and keep the feeding option available by not going along with feeding on villains, or that it hurt and you only did it to make him stronger and agreeing with feeding on villains effectively removes "you can feed on me tonight" option from the dialogue.]
The same facade cracks fully in act 2 after the confrontation with Araj. It's an optional encounter and you don't get to experience it if you already had the confession after killing Yurgir, but it gives insight into how Astarion doesn't want to be seen as an object of someone's vampire fantasy.
"I'm sorry, you want to be bitten?"
"There's nothing more desirable than a vampire, is there?"
It’s also very obviously pointed out when Tav suggests he should be throwing himself at them as a thank you.
During the confession after Yurgir, there's a little bit more insight given how Astarion feels bad for treating Tav like one of Cazador's victims.
Act 3 is obviously the big choice where Astarion gets to decide if he remains a spawn or ascends.  Putting the morality of this aside, one choice follows and progresses Astarion's development while the other puts him back to square one.
We also need to take into account Cazador's abusive gaslighting which made Astarion think of himself as a prostitute and that he's only good for one thing - sex & luring victims.
Spawn!Astarion is the same man who in act 2 apologises for manipulating Tav and who doesn't want to use his body as a tool anymore. He professes his genuine love and suggests having sex freely without any sort of manipulative intent behind it. Tav has seen him for who he is and who he can be in the future. The graveyard scene symbolises his rebirth and a new journey.
"You believed I was enough, just the way I am."
Hence bringing up the banter with Jaheira and her mentioning “non-vampiric charms”. Tav loves the man, not the vampire. There’s no more need for performing.
ascendant!Astarion is the vampire reverted back to act 1 where his behaviour was originally just a front but has now been affirmed by ascension - that this is how he should be. He's over the top seductive, even luring Tav to become his spawn. He admits this is the game he knows how to play - luring someone with sweet words (that he continues to use after Tav becomes his spawn - lovers eternal, precious treasure, pet.)
When Tav helps Astarion ascend, what happened in act 2 doesn't matter anymore - not his personhood or boundaries. Hence dialogue options such as "I want you, I want your body" or "I want to be a vampire like you" are in there once Tav speaks to him and he asks what would they desire in return for granting him powers because he's only good for that one thing.
He becomes the vampire trope,
becomes what Cazador taught him to be.
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soundlessroom · 18 days
When your Light dims
This was a script to a comic I planned, but never drew. I uploaded it once on my RP Blog, which is no more. So I am uploading it here again since I did receive really nice feedback.
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"When your light dims, I'll be waiting for you."
These were Gale's last words to her. He didn't even say it himself, but rather a leftover of life force in his corpse. It made her question, for the first time ever, if any of what the corpses said were true. Not that she doubted Gale, but those words were so bittersweet, she couldn't help but sob. The spell broke before even five questions were answered. Her arms were tight around Gale, her tears mixing with the blood in his robe while she felt her nose running, her voice cracking, getting a headache from the lack of breath.
He was gone.
It was hard to move on, hard to have one's future ripped from one's hand so badly, all the plans they had, all those things she couldn't tell him. On Jaheira's advice, she began to write letters to Gale he would never receive.
About them helping to rebuild Baldur's Gate, about her travels to Waterdeep and meeting his mother, about the many stories she told and wondered if her favorite wizard would be angry at his mother for telling her those, or if he would just slide embarrassed under the table. The scratches of Tara she deserved when hearing upon his fate.
But time passed, people got older. She noted down how Wyll was even in his old age truly the blade of the frontier and only accepted her help when he truly couldn't stand up anymore from his chair.
Gale, I bet you would have looked breathtaking with silver hair. Your little strands already were driving me almost crazy. I began counting them, just like you did with my freckles. I never finished though. It was a wonderful way to spend time in the quiet with you.
How she spent her adventuring time with Jaheira and the Harpers, always on a search for a cure or a way so Astarion could go back into the sun. Also, how Jaheira, just like Wyll, denied any help of her, but her children loved and cared under big nagging their mother to the end. How resilient could a woman be? Ceres was sure Jaheira would die on the battlefield just like Minsc, but she wasn't as reckless.
Tell me, Gale, did you ever want children? If yes, how would you name them? If not, how many dogs would I be allowed to adopt? And how would we name those? What about a Tressym family?
After she left the Harpers, she tried to meet with Shadowheart as often as she could.
Did you know she really got her little farm? It's so much more work than she anticipated, but she never looked so happy. And despite having a farm, she somehow managed to smell like the flowers from her garden.
You always smelled like a library. I loved it. I loved your scent so much. Do you remember how I stole your robe after you went into the river? I said it was for a prank, but I was too shy to admit that your scent alone made me feel like there was nothing but a happy end waiting for us."
But when Shadowheart showed her first wrinkles and gray strands, it was then that Ceres too noticed that she was getting older. It began with Astarion more often than not suggesting a break. The roads they managed to pass got shorter, to explore dungeons always included a long rest.
I heard of a spell called wish that could heal Astarion. Also, that one can use a divine favor to cure him. I am sure you knew that, didn't you? Astarion immediately dismissed the chance a god would help him. Who can blame him? In all those centuries, they never came to help us. I wonder, if I would have agreed with you to get the Crown of Karsus, would you be alive? Was I wrong to stop you? (I love you so much.)
The days get heavier, longer. Astarion suggested we should visit Halsin again in Reithwyn, haven't seen him for so long. I was really giddy at this suggestion. But were the roads always this bumpy? Or do they just build worse carriages over the centuries? Astarion said he didn't notice anything. It's hard to tell how old my body is, except when I look at my hands. I see wrinkles, I see veins, I think I got more freckles and your old count does not count anymore. When we meet, you have to start anew. Halsin got me immediately an own room. Despite being older than me, he still looks like on the first day. Maybe I should have become a druid too.
I still can't stop thinking about the spell to heal Astarion. I wonder if you need to be a chosen or a cleric for a divine favor. For sure, I did everything Eilistraee would be proud of me. I will try my luck. If she doesn't listen to one of Baldur's Gate's heroes, maybe at least Astarion found a home at Halsin's side.
My last days I spend with praying. My knees hurt, my limbs ache. I am at a point where I pray because I cannot get up anymore without the help of one of the people from Reithwyn. It makes me wonder, if Mystra had made you a chosen again, would you have stopped aging like Elminster one day? Would you be next to me, with long, silver hair, and help me up? Would you be the one, forced to watch me age, while you live eternally? Maybe what I am doing is for naught, but it's all I can do, while my body is too weak to even pass the city's border.
I cannot leave the bed, so I am reading all those letters I wrote to you, so I won't forget anything I wanted to tell you. But as my hands are shaking, writing this last letter to you, I know at least how to greet you. I will look into your wonderful, hazelnut eyes, and tell you... ... .. .
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shewolfofvilnius · 8 months
How mods + the vanilla game + my own RP made me emotional in BG3
When I started my 3rd run of BG, I installed a mod that allowed me to play as a Cambion (think Raphael & Mizora). A lot of the game dialogue defaults to tiefling but it's great for RP and comes with some unique boosts/powers (and potentially a game-changing nerf). Also you can give your character wings.
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...which I promptly did. However, in an inverse of Wyll's story (and foreshadowing who she ultimately romanced) I had her wings removed (and removed some of her most powerful powers) near the end of act 1. A punishment for interfering with Wyll and with Karlach and stymying Raphael and helping the tieflings (and myconids) with zero expectation of rewards. "Since you seem to like the tieflings *so much*." kind of deal.
Anyone who's taken a look at the back of a tiefling body in game knows there are little spurs where wings could have potentially been with a stronger infernal bloodline.
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Anyway for roleplay purposes I've kept a running thread of having her wings clipped (and becoming decidedly more mortal) and the psychology of that, phantom limb, and even getting Gale to teach her a basic level of wizardry so she could memorize a fly scroll and do it again with magic.
...the next act and a half kept going. And then I rescued Minsc, with a party of Wyll, Jaheira, and Karlach.
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Where I promptly found the relics in the area where Minsc retrieves Boo that serve as memorials to the companions from past games. Including eerily thematically appropriate pieces for where Wyll, Jaheira, and Karlach all were in my game...and the last, a pair of wings.
Representing Aerie, a character in the earlier games who in her backstory had lost her wings. And in comes Mom Jaheira, pointing out "She didn't need them, in the end." all supportively.
Y'all I had to stop my game. My stupid mods and stupid roleplay/headcanons led to this impressively powerful and emotional moment in the game that only I've ever and will ever experience.
And just, damn. This game is so crazy powerfully good and the storytelling is so rich
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Anyway this is why I love Baldur's Gate 3 so much. And why Jaheira is always SO worth it to have around in act 3. And why this game is such a masterpiece. A random in game item and some banter text for flavor, mixed with a mod, a preceding game from twenty years ago I still haven't played (BG1/BG2 are next), and one adult woman with an overactive imagination equalled a moment that's moved me more than literal cinema.
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