#jailbirds in the background
powertaco · 3 months
Transmigration 5 - Secrets laid bare
Trifa, and the other two exchange a few secrets they've kept, while Weiss sets a plan into motion, and Adam plots something sinister.
Adam is an absolute creep, and being groomy. I don't know what other warnings to give you for that.
Trifa has a backstory that I kinda like but it might be considered upsetting. Ruby also reveals that she's had a few implied issues in her past as well.
Sooooo feel free to skip if you want.
Art as usual from https://twitter.com/Hiru3152
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
Ooooh third date with cop Andy and reader?
“When you said dress warm…” Andy hears you pause and he stops walking, turning halfway to help lift you onto the next portion of the rising hill that he’s scouted out. “…I didn’t think you meant we were going for a hike.”
“The third date, jailbird.” Andy teased, rubbing his hands up and down your arms to warm you from the sudden breeze. “I wanted to do something really nice.”
“Romantic spot or a dumping ground?” You poised the question, taking a quick glance around at the tent he’d set up, the thick padding of various blankets and a cooler. “What’re we doing?”
“Did you know that tonight is a perfect night to see the meteor shower? The sky will light up with them.” Andy led you from the trail to the setup he created, gently setting you down upon the blankets.
“I have tea, hot chocolate, spiced cider-” Andy draped a blanket around your shoulders and then passed to the cooler and hot thermal bag you didn’t see hidden behind the cooler.
“You thought of everything.” Pulling the blanket further around your shoulders, you turned your head and inhaled the smell from the blankets, something that was distinctly Andy.
“I have your favourite food.” Andy stepped away from the thermal bag with a takeout container in one hand and a thermos in the other, setting both by your feet. “With an extra kick.”
“Wow Andy…this is really nice.” You reached for the takeout container, gently popping the lid off and setting it to the side. “So stargazing, a meteor shower and a sleepover?”
“Did you wanna do something else?” He posed the question, coming to sit next to you. “I found this spot while working in conjuncture with forestry. They said it used to be a popular camping spot in the early ‘40s and ‘50s but people found favour in other places.”
“Its so beautiful out here,” you admired the peacefulness and the breathtaking glimmer of stars cast against an onyx background, “I never thought there could be so many stars.”
“Like I said, its the perfect night to see the meteor shower.” Andy whispered softly, drawing his arm around you slowly to give you an extra boost of warmth.
“If you’re trying to win me over…” you leaned against him and sighed. “Its absolutely working.”
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soupy-cosmos · 1 year
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[ID: Three meme drawings of older versions of Louie and Boyd from DuckTales 2017, specifically from the fanfic Jailbird. The first image is a redraw of the Barbie Movie mugshot meme, with Boyd as Barbie and Louie as Ken. Boyd is wearing a dark blue blazer over a light yellow button up shirt with light blue circles. He still has his red bowtie. He looks at the camera anxiously as he holds his mugshot sign. Louie is wearing a bright pink hoodie over a neon green shirt which is only visible through the hoodie’s mesh sleeves. His bangs are longer and he has fluffy cheeks. He also has a pair of rectangle frame glasses with slightly green lenses. His eyes gleam red as he grins in devious delight while holding up his mugshot sign with one hand. The second image is a redraw of the “Damn bitch you live like this?” meme with Louie as Goofy and Boyd as Roxanne. Louie’s wearing a black suit with a light green button up shirt and no pants. His eyes are noticeably red (he was high in this chapter). He says the quote with a raised eyebrow. Boyd is wearing a My Hero Academia tank top and blue shorts with a yellow stripe down the side. He holds a rose in one hand and looks up innocently. The background is part of Boyd’s apartment, which consists of a couch, a flatscreen TV, and a table. Every surface is covered with flower vases. The drawing takes place in chapter 8 of the fic and is captioned accordingly. The third image is a redraw of the “You fucked up big time” Sonic meme. The first panel is a closeup of Boyd’s face as he glares down with tears in his eyes, saying “Louie wake up! You fucked up big time.” The second panel is a closeup of Louie’s face as he squints up from where he’s laying, saying “Boyd.” The drawing takes place in chapter 39 of the fic and is captioned accordingly. End ID.]
Some Jailbird memes for your viewing pleasure
AU and fic by @the-writer-nerd-ro !!
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texasdreamer01 · 9 months
WIP Wednesday prompts! ✍️ for any of them, ❎ for whichever is currently longest, aaaand 🃏
Thanks for the ask!
✍️ What made you start writing it?
Going to answer this for Interface - I'd been reading a lot of fic about how John is the one who has to deal with a bunch of alternate realities (The Last Man comes to mind, also Vegas), and a little bit about Vegas!Rodney because how else (why else) would he have tracked down John out of the blue, but I really wanted a canon-ish Rodney that had to deal with all these little off-shoots of timelines in one cohesive whole. It's a lot of angst and a lot of bystander POV, and I think a good way for me to chew on the different dynamics we're shown of McShep and the unaddressed nuances of Rodney in canon.
❎ What's the first sentence of the story with a word that has the letter X in it?
But then one day it was different. Not unusual, not anymore, what with their head of science also being on the flagship gate team - they had a roster, somewhere, taking bets on which AR-1 member would be next on the jailbird bingo, jokingly annotated with a set of whiteboard markers assiduously updated once a month as bets were renegotiated.
🃏 Wildcard: Answer the question you wish someone would ask you, or share a background detail, or a snippet or line!
Theorems is a tough nut to crack for me, since I'm just pantsing it as a thumb-twiddler, and I want to poke canon a bit because there's some episodes with Rodney where he's completely normal? But still wildly intelligent and competent, and I want to see how he defines his own role and what that role looks like when he's removed from the equation.
But a snippet, more from the beginning of the fic:
It was the same, soothing background that personnel rarely saw, too absorbed in their work to ever see the background. But this was a new program, a user interface that listed Radek as a guest on McKay's personal system. They both stared at the half-screen program, black and only needing one of them to press play. Ronon was lingering in the background, both of them having changed course in their morning run when Radek had hailed Sheppard.
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too-cool-4-meth-bay · 11 months
OOC | Pinned Post
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Pinned Intro Post 🗡️ Boundaries & Canonized Background & Character Information!
Current Quest: Burn down Oakvale / Save Prince Hen [in progress] Rescue Bill from The Void (50%) FAILED
Signs off as -og glenn
🗡️ Dad Facts
This is a dndads (Dungeons & Daddies) ask/rp blog for an AU version of Glenn Close! I refer to him as Jailbreak!Glenn officially, and refer to the AU as Jailbreak. You’ll also see Jailbird used because I think it’s cute <3 This blog is ran by Mod Rome, who uses any pronouns! :)
🗡️ BOUNDARIES: In-Character DMs: Ok! (And encouraged!) Out-of-Character DMs: Ok! But I’d prefer it if you used my discord (if you have it) or my main ( @writtenanddirectedbyrome​) Anon Asks: Ok! Feel free to bully/harass him too! Negative and positive asks appreciated. Shipping: Ok! Glenn is bisexual and good with open relationships. He is currently dating @henry-is-o-a-k​ and has plans with @henwhore-the-bard​. (Because I love glennry, but am open to suggestions if there’s good chemistry and/or angst!) Tagging: I tag for serious themes of suicide, assault, etc. but do not tag for spoilers because this is an AU. Glenn is passively nihilistic/suicidal mostly because of his backstory but he’ll get better! Eventually! For this i use #suicide and #suicidal idealization if you want to block those tags. Daily facts are tagged as #dad fact. Reblogging: This account reblogs cats and jokes. Other: NO EXPLICIT NSFW.
🗡️ Glenn is a level 8 bard; level 2 paladin. I do roll for stats <3
🗡️ Everything is the same story-wise, but during his trial he receives the guilty verdict for bad dad and bad person. This is assumed to be rigged by Bill in order to take his Daddy Magic for his own. Ratticus Finch deems his punishment as: 1) being sentenced to 40 years in the Meth Bay Supermax (instead of the 20 he recieved in Dndads canon) 2) he lost his son, Nick, to Jodie. 3) time would be rewritten so everyone he knew would forget he existed. As far as anyone is concerned, Jodie went to Faerun with the group to search for his kidnapped son, Nicholas. Presumably, Jodie also takes Glenn’s place as the leader singer/guitarist of the Jodie Foster Trio, but this is unconfirmed as Glenn. can’t go back to his old realm. 
After Glenn serves his sentence, he is supposed to go directly back to Faerun to work in Neverwinter. However, Bill gives him an ultimatum: if Glenn killed Bill (haha get it kill bill), he wouldn’t have to serve his sentence and would go back to Earth. Glenn panics and attempts to kill him using the Battleaxe of Hatred. He is halted by his boyfriend, Jailbreak!Henry--a much stricter version of himself. Henry, believing that Glenn betrayed him by reviving this verdict, tries to kill Glenn.
In a moment of desperation and grief, Glenn prays and makes a paladin’s oath. With a newfound bravery, he kills Bill, Henry*, and Ron. Darryl escapes with everyone else they brought with them. During his time in the Meth Bay Supermax, he continues praying and gains his two levels in paladin instead of building muscle. Now he is officially dedicated to the cause of righteousness, no matter how much it goes against his previous behavior. Henceforth, he forgives everyone, barring those who have done evil acts** (such as Evil Willy).
20 years into his sentence and immediately after losing his eye, a “Contact” breaks him out of his cell. However, he ends up trapped in a supply closet until “He” helps because Glenn is bleeding out and doesn’t know the way out. This “Contact” happens to be...something Glenn has no clue of! He doesn’t actually remember getting out, but assumes it’s the same Divine Power that helped him out in the courtroom. But then he is rescued by Demon King Jodie and you know the rest!
*Yes, this means he lied to Henry when he said he just “tried to kill him”. ** Oddly enough, this includes Future Glenn--who Glenn has pretended to be okay with, but will not speak to him willingly.
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kittenshift-17 · 1 year
Actually, Lucius’s perspective is perhaps the funniest one to imagine in Jailbird Blues, as the sole person who’s presumably not planning on sleeping with Hermione and who is not her friend, so he’s just vibing in the background and watching everything go down. He’s either desperately praying for some peace and quiet or wishing he had popcorn to watch the show. This man was having an ordinary week when the sole female inmate arrived, the others are just obsessed with her and refuse to shut up, and it’s pure chaos since her arrival. She murdered Umbridge, she can get through the bars, she attacked Carrow, she’s planning on freeing her Order friends and also Draco and possibly Theo when she escapes, she’s giving a rather explicit description of sleeping with the Weasley twins and Lucius wants to know why he has to hear this when he’s not panting after her, she’s planning on getting pregnant so now Lucius is having to listen to his fellow inmates threaten her because that’ll definitely endear them to her so she’ll free them too, she’s got the worst possible bedtime stories and tells everyone about horcruxes, she made a deal with Entwhistle and this aggravates literally every other inmate, it turns out she’s dangerously thin and physically weak so she needed that deal for her own safety, Proudfoot has evidently changed his opinion on her and wants to protect her to the degree that he’s keeping his partner away from her; just when Lucius thinks he’ll get like 5 minutes of peace since the war utterly broke 10 of the inmates so surely nobody is going to be as dramatic as they’ve been since Hermione arrived, he hears Hermione screaming like she’s back under the Cruciatus and the closest inmates to her are shouting too. When Lucius gets a look at what the actual fuck is going on over there, he sees Dolohov kissing her and the aurors frantically trying to enter his cell but they cannot get through the thing and Hermione is clearly still in agony. Dolohov eventually stumbles back and he’s glowing purple but Hermione’s obviously still in pain, before they both go unconscious and fall back. Lucius probably looks over at Rabastan (his sort of brother-in-law and thus someone he’s got actual personal experience with), who’s gaping at Hermione through the bars, in the hopes of maybe he understands what’s going on, but Rabastan is as confused as everyone but perhaps Dolohov and Hermione. Rowle is also gaping at Hermione/Dolohov and nobody else has an unobstructed view, so all the others can do is wait and hope this doesn’t repeat. Lucius wants to murder the Wizengamot himself for convicting Hermione since that made this catastrophe his problem now
These little summaries reminding me of what takes place in a story I wrote are very interesting 🤔
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(Man, RPing has really put me in a creative mood. Decided to do a little in-between piece. Enjoy!)
For the first time in a while, Random couldn’t sleep. Some might blame it on the inherent weirdness of Mark’s manor. Others might chalk it up to nerves over the thought of moving in with a real live minotaur. If they were around, her old prison gang would probably say it was because of a certain ex-jailbird. But truthfully, it was nothing complex.
Random had tried to call her parents. Key word, tried.
As she had written in her letter to Yancy, she wasn’t planning to. But as time wore on, she started thinking to herself, “I don’t want to have regrets. Who knows how long it’ll be before I’m back here? Maybe I should call them…”
So, she did. There had been a pause on the other line when she’d answered her mom’s “Hello?” She could barely hear her dad in the background, but after practically begging her to, her mom relented and put Random on speakerphone so they could both listen. She quickly started telling them she found a roommate and was moving away for a while, leaving out the obvious details. When she paused to let them speak, all she heard was “Good luck” from Mom and “Okay” from Dad before they hung up.
So now, she was lying wide awake in bed, wiping what felt to her like wasted tears from her face. She resolved to just forget she’d ever tried. If they weren’t going to care, at least she had others she could rely on. And, with that thought in mind, she finally fell into a restless sleep.
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Ex jailbird, GOP mouthpiece Dinesh D'Souza has a suggestion for the GOP. They just might do it.
Ex jailbird, GOP mouthpiece Dinesh D’Souza has a suggestion for the GOP. They just might do it.
The GOP, America’s “Party of the Rich,” will love this. D’SOUZA First, some background: The United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York announced today that DINESH D’SOUZA was sentenced in Manhattan federal court to five years of probation, with eight months during the first year to be served in a community confinement center. He pled guilty to violating the federal campaign…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"SALVATION ARMY AIDS CONVICTS," North Bay Nugget. September 16, 1943. Page 18. --- Many 'Confirmed' Criminals Helped Back to Decent Way of Life ---- A mild little man with a gentle smile at in The Salvation Army Prison Department office. His name was Stan. He wore a smile that lit up his whole face, and there was nothing bitter or resentful about him.
Stan, however, has lots of cause to be bitter. And why isn't he? Here's the story; Stan's father is the general manager of a large automobile company in a middle-western city of the United States. His sisters and brothers have good positions, They're getting along just fine and they've never been in trouble
Not like Stan. Bad Company When he was about 30 years old, he got mixed up with bad company. Easy money came his way when he robbed, in succession, three banks, seven gasoline stations and three coal yards. Then he was caught, and because he was the "guy with the gun" he got the longest sentence. He was a jailbird for 10 years.
Given his "freedom" he was shipped to Canada, and because he had no friends, and very little money, he started his same life all over again. He indulged in a splurge of crime, robbing several banks and as many as 20 or 30 gasoline stations.
Disillusioned, hard-boiled Stan. He came up for sentence and got another 10 years. He spent the first five years in Kingston, and then he was shipped to Stoney Mountain penitentiary, out beyond Winnipeg. In 1940 he got his liberty, seven dollars in his pocket and a suit of prison clothes.
In describing the suit, Stan says: "I looked as if I had been sent for and couldn't come!"
His fare was paid to an Eastern Canadian city, but the suit gave him away. Everyone shunned him. No one wanted to give him a job.
It was too easy to pick up a few old habits, and first thing he knew, Stan was back in the "jug" for having held up a jewellery store.
This is where The Salvation Army comes in. An officer talked to Stan just after he had been sentenced, for the third time. Stan wanted no part of The Salvation Army or of decent society or of God, for that matter. He was going back where he came from, with only one objective in mind: To get even.
Soon, though, The Salvation Army worked its way into his conscience, into his heart. With patience, with tact and with considerateness, a new man was born, and the years of bitter loneliness and estrangement gradually slipped away. By the time his three-year sentence was up, Stan had found a real friend.
Stan has only been out of jail a few days, but he's a different man. To start him off right, The Army gave him a good suit of clothes, a smart hat and new shoes; in fact both inside and out, Stan is a new fellow. The Army got him a job in a war plant, and he's making 85 cents an hour. He's proud of his badge, with his photograph and number on it so different from the other number he wore for so long and now he's got something to live for. Stan is quite frank when he says: "If it weren't for the Salvation Army, I'd have been back in my old haunts by now."
Who are criminals? Where do they come from? Criminals can be you or I in our weakest moments. Not only from poor, degenerate backgrounds come those criminals to whom The Salvation Army opens its heart. Doctors, lawyers, technicians, ministers, accountants, and many others who have fallen from grace through weakness and temptation have been reinstated back into society through the efforts of The Salvation Army.
Stan is one of 2,662 ex-convicts in a year who were helped back into a better life by The Army; many were restored to their homes; others went back to their old jobs; and for others, new jobs were found. Instead of going to jail, 1,502 men and women were committed to The Army's care; 6,715 prisoners were met on their discharges; 6,774 beds and meals were supplied to ex-prisoners; 9,573 received material assistance; 6,818 visits were made in the interests of prisoners to their families or prospective employers; 2,668 religious services were held in penitentiaries.
These figures tell countless stories of hope rekindled; of awkward and unfamiliar prayers rising from unaccustomed lips; of paths being diverted into useful and profitable ways; and all through the help of The Salvation Army, which believes that none have fallen so low that they cannot be reborn.
With your generous help, this work must go on. When you support the Home Front Appeal, you are answering the prayers of the would- be enemies of society, giving them a chance to start life anew.
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powertaco · 6 months
Promptmas 19 - Blindly Seeking
Summer was nervous. Just a bit. This was her first date since her divorce, and she’d accepted it mostly to get out of the house, and because her daughters had asked her to at least try. 
Hopefully this blind date would go better than the last few. As soon as she saw her date she knew it was going to lead to either the best night of her life, or the worst. Time to roll the dice.
Happy Promtpmas @erros429 !
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dirtycoach-a · 4 years
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Connecting the Dots: The Jailbird Backstory, and Pre/Early-SMP c!Quackity Analysis and Theories
Previously on the c!Quackity canon backstory analysis, we laid the conclusion that he technically has two canon backstories, which may or may not be contradictory or overlapping, depending on interpretation. [AO3] [Tumblr]
Last time, I went into the MCM backstory more, since it had a greater impact on the lore and is generally considered "hard canon" [Video summary here]. This time, however, I'll be looking specifically into the 'Jailbird' backstory, as I call it, AKA the "juvenile detention" one, which is more "soft canon" but has a surprisingly large amount of detail to it—even more than I initially thought when I made my previous post, since I started to dig through more early c!Q VODs to get more information on that initial backstory. 
This post primarily serves as a summary for the information I found regarding the 'Jailbird' backstory, VOD by VOD.
So, everyone, sit back and relax, because I already did the hard work for you over the course of months. Oh, and this post refers to the characters, not content creators (unless specified otherwise).
CW: Child neglect, imprisonment, mental health/PTSD, self-neglect, substance abuse (including by a minor).
[Click here to read this analysis/theory post on AO3]
Quackity claims to have been stuck in juvenile detention, allegedly called "SMP Juvie" [B, 10:50], for a contradictory amount of time: 10 years [A, 1:35:20], 41 years [A, 1:36:40], or 43 years [A, 1:46:25], all claims in the same livestream. 
However, the "41 years" one was claimed just after Tubbo said he lost ~41 levels of XP during Tommy's 'test-mugging' for the Cartel about 6 minutes previously, so I don't know if that claim is to be taken seriously or not; besides, tapping into the Duck theory, 41-43 'duck years' is about 10 'human years' anyway, so we're sticking with the "10 years" claim for this analysis. 
Since we know c!Quackity is similar in age to cc!Quackity through various livestreams in Season 1, it's safe to assume that he's ~19 as of Season 1, and ~9 when he got sentenced.
The reasons behind his imprisonment have never been explicitly stated. When asking Dream to whitelist Q onto the SMP, Tommy claims this reason was because Q got into "fun juvie" for "having too much fun" [C, 0:43], but it's not confirmed whether this is a cover story for a more serious crime, a metaphorically true reason, or a complete lie in that Tommy doesn't know the 'crime' either. Some of the theories for how Q ended up there have varied, but are not confirmed in any way to be canon:
Drug-related offenses: Posited by @lasnevadaslaborunion. In one livestream, Q claimed to have "got off that shit years ago" in response to Karl giving him 'heroin' without him knowing. [E, 4:25] This "years ago" is non-specific, so it might go back a decade… and fair enough, in some countries, possession of hard drugs like heroin can land some pretty hefty prison sentences. Whatever way it goes, it still implies exposure to hard drugs as a child… yikes. (Note: This is not my personal theory on how the heroin thing happened. See below for that.)
Misadventures in other video games (e.g. Roblox, Club Penguin Island, etc.): This one is a little meta, but before his MC-related content, including the DSMP, cc!Quackity was quite infamous for raiding various video games, to the point he's part of the Trope Pantheon as an ambiguous-ranking 'deity' of the Internet Counterattack trope (yes, really). It's possible that his character counterpart did something similar at a young age… and ended up behind bars. It probably helps justify and give context to the 'imprisoned for "having too much fun"' excuse Tommy gave, as stated above. And Toontown-affiliated backstories would fit right into this category, regardless of what he did — the game's villains are fun-haters, after all.
A Disclaimer on Realism
Now, here's a little question before we dive deeper: can 9-year-olds be sentenced to juvenile detention in the first place?
The answer depends on where you live. Some countries have a minimum age for children being prosecuted. The US apparently does not, but that's an argument for another day, and one that is unrelated to Minecraft roleplay. My point here is that the aforementioned minimum age is 14 or older in several countries, and even in the US, most convicted juvenile offenders tend to be in their older teenage years. [Source] 
Also, according to many articles I had to look up for this post, many juvenile offenders aren't even sent to jail, they usually have other, less severe sentences, like probation or home confinement or fostering, so the odds of a 9-year-old child ending up in juvie is actually pretty unlikely, realistically speaking, if legal at all.
…And for a sentence of 10 years or more? As stated above, the reason little!Q ended up there at all was never mentioned.
However, since that did happen in soft DSMP canon, I'd have to say… the poor lad would have basically spent most of his childhood incarcerated. I wonder if he still remembers anything about his life before that point canonically.
Environment and Trauma
Even though nothing is actually shown, there's a surprisingly large amount of descriptions of the environment in the juvenile detention centre, for lack of a better term, in the early livestreams.
When Q first joined the SMP, his first remark was on the fresh air, probably because Spawn is still a distance away from the warzone, and that he felt "alive again". [C, 3:13] 
There's also this line: "I didn't have the smile in juvie", likely referring to his now-iconic :] smile. [C, 4:00] Oh, and canonically confirmed PTSD. [D, 16:40]
The interior of the prison itself is unstated, but is implied to be made of grey stone-adjacent blocks, if Q's reaction to setting his spawn in the Courthouse in the Sky is any indication. [D, 22:10] So… I'm speculating its interior either looks like the Cops and Robbers map or… this map cc!Q did in 2019 (minus the escaping), or something like that.
For whatever reason, Q seemed to have claustrophobia, and may or may not have been triggered into a panic attack and a mental breakdown and a half. [C, 11:30]
He claimed to have a lot of allergic reactions, but to what exactly, it was never mentioned. [C, 15:15]
Q might have also tried to escape on at least one occasion. At one point, he offers to show Tommy the "blueprints" for his Cartel plan [A, 1:16:40], but doesn't want others to know about them because they were "a secret where [he comes] from". And then there's this line: "If someone leaks a blueprint… things– all I'm gonna say is things don't go well for those who leak the blueprints, Tommy." Tommy did actually leak the 'blueprint' for a few seconds [A, 1:17:53], but in the context of juvenile detention, as we'll discuss in more detail later on… I'd suppose things wouldn't go well for people who leak prison blueprints, if you choose to interpret the line this way. In the same livestream, he might have tried to break out with a screwdriver, but clearly that didn't work. [A, 1:38:30]
Q recalls apparently breaking his legs like "the second night of juvie" [C, 23:04], most likely from falling, but honestly most of us are concerned how this even happened, and which incompetent nincompoop was running the place to allow children to get injured so easily. So… either the structure of the detention centre violates health and safety regulations, or the 'guards' (for lack of a better word) are shit at their jobs, or both.
In the middle of planning out their heist and preparing to 'test-mug' Tubbo, Q claimed to have been clean from 'drugs' for "30 minutes" at one point. [A, 1:25:40] If this is true, this implies somehow he managed to have access to whatever 'drugs' he was using at that point. This also possibly lines up with the 'heroin' incident mentioned above… which I theorize would be correlated to some other information I found — heroin is "used in the palliative management of bone fractures and other trauma, especially in children" [Wikipedia]. In layman's terms, it basically means heroin is sometimes used as pain relief. I think you might be able to connect the dots from here, but that's just my theory. 
A final note in regards to Q in the early days — he appears to have a tendency of neglecting his personal health, which goes from him joining the DSMP all the way into the Manburg era. He walks around on low health and hunger fairly often, usually as a result of taking damage and never healing up, and even when he doesn't have food on him, he doesn't ask others to give him some so he can regen. [e.g. D, 28:50] Heck, this is how Niki got arrested just after Schlatt's election — she 'hit' Q to snap him out of a breakdown and a half and ended up killing him (non-canonically) because he was on half a heart and insufficient hunger to regen at the time. This tendency is recurring to the point one might even call it a bad habit. I don't know if his past has anything to do with this, but one might argue it is a manifestation of "reckless or self-destructive behavior" under the symptoms of PTSD.
Shared Past with TommyInnit?
Q and Tommy seemed to at least know each other and be friends even before Q's official first appearance, but how exactly is unstated.
In Q's first appearances, Tommy has claimed to only know of him as the best in the Cartel business and teamed up with him, but considering their already amicable relationship even in their 'first' canon conversation, as well as the fact that Tommy gets RL Given Name Privileges with Q [A, 1:32:15], this seems unlikely.
The two had a 'conversation' about having "met in high school". Since it was more likely than not a cover story for the Cartel, its legitimacy is doubted. [A, 1:30:00]
Tommy was apparently the one to get him out of juvenile detention, somehow. [C, 16:05]
Relationship with MCM Backstory
As cited in the previous analysis post, I raised some suspicions that the M!necraft Mondays backstory may have been retconned from the 'Jailbird' backstory as the timelines for the two don't appear to line up. However, I would like to go back and disprove this suspicion, as upon closer examination, the VODs themselves suggest that the two backstories coexist.
On his first livestream on the DSMP, Quackity mentions having met Technoblade before during MCM and claimed that Techno was scared of him (Jack didn't believe that) [D, 48:20]. 
Knowing what actually happened in MCM (links above), it's suggested that Q was highkey projecting his feelings in the moment, which would line up with his later behaviour. 
Also in the previous analysis post, I also raised suspicions that the 'Jailbird' backstory is no longer considered canonical as a result of retcons. However, once again, I would go back and correct that this backstory is soft canon: the 'Jailbird' backstory is closely associated with the concept of the Cartel. The Phantom Membrane Cartel (PMC) was established during Q's second voice-only appearance on the server [B, 7:40], but the plans of the Cartel idea were first laid out the day prior, i.e. during Q's first voice-only appearance, and the PMC was simply a continuation of the initial Cartel plan [B, 3:35]. The PMC itself was later canonized officially as hard canon in Season 3 [F, 44:05]. As a result, the canonicity of the 'Jailbird' backstory is implied to be confirmed by association. 
There are also possible hints towards the canonicity of this backstory in the first Las Nevadas stream. While passing by the minimum/moderate security holding cells on the way to visit Dream, Q makes a joke with Sam, asking if he might ever be put in one of the cells, and then saying "you know how I am" when Sam wasn't amused. [G, 1:00:50] Of course, this can just as easily be referring to Q's jokester nature, but one would wonder.
Oh, and as a bonus, Tiger the cat is implied to be canon too via association, if you interpret it that way. [B, 5:45]
Livestreams/Clips used as sources and references
A. "TommyInnit & Quackity do crimes on Dream's Minecraft Server..." (TommyVODS, 5 August 2020)
B. "TommyInnit & Quackity DO A HEIST on the Dream SMP" (TommyVODS, 6 August 2020)
C. "Quackity joins Dream SMP w/ TommyInnit" (TommyVODS, 11 August 2020)
D. "Quackity Joins The Dream SMP" (QuackityVODS, 17 August 2020)
E. "Karl And Quackity Having Love PROBLEMS! DREAM SMP" (Angry Thomas, 12/13 November 2020) — clipped from a Karl VOD from 12 November 2020
F: "Tommy Leaves Prison with Dream." (TommyVODS, 12 March 2021)
G: "Quackity Visits Dream In Prison" (QuackityVODS, 16 March 2021)
Related posts for reference
This post by @lasnevadaslaborunion, which reminded me to look into Q's backstory even more, and provides the talking point for Source G
This post by @stillnotfivefoot with additions from @marmalade-mir, which kick-started this backstory investigation in the first place
This Legal Beagle article ("What Happens at a Juvenile Detention Center?" by Hilary Ferrand, 5 February 2020) which is really helping me with a fanfic involving this backstory, and as a result, this analysis post.
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homebrewsno1asked4 · 3 years
Background: Private Investigator
Yeah, I know there’s already an Investigator variant on SCAG’s City Watch background. But oh well I made a this!
Private Investigator
Many of your kind are either lapsed criminals or lapsed lawmen. Now both types sneer at the mention of your name. To the cops, you’re a crook who catches other crooks. To the cons, you’re a sellout with a get-out-of-jail-free card. But you have and need contacts on both sides. Whatever your distant past, your new vocation defines you. You bring lawbreakers to justice – sometimes by less-than-legal means.
You have an eye for detail, a nose for trouble, and a taste for vice. Why aren’t you part of an official police force? Or – why did you turn a new leaf? Or maybe you have another reason for plying such a dangerous trade.
Skill Proficiencies Investigation, and one of the following: Insight, Perception, Persuasion, or Stealth
Tool Proficiencies Disguise kit, Thieves' tools
Equipment A set of dark common clothes including a long coat, a set of manacles, a pack of smokes, a belt pouch containing 10 gp, a "Wanted" poster (possibly your own), and (choose one) a disguise kit or thieves' tools.
Feature: Shakedown
Sometimes people just won’t talk. You know how to loosen those stubborn tongues.
You can roll Persuasion or Intimidation checks with advantage; but if you fail, your target immediately turns hostile, no matter their usual temperament. You may use this feature a number of times per day equal to your Proficiency Bonus.
The Mark That Got Away
Rare is that PI with the perfect record. Maybe you were still green when you tried to bring them in; maybe you were double-crossed; maybe you brought the perp to trial, but they slipped away on a technicality. Whatever the case, you have that one case you never closed, that one jailbird that you never caged.
d10 Perp
A corrupt CEO
A serial killer
A phantom thief
A spy
A slaver
A smuggler
A con artist
A poacher
A cult leader
A robber baron
Suggested Characteristics
You’re nosy, suspicious, and probably dour. But you have a good excuse for your abrasive tendencies; after all, you’ve seen the worst of people in all walks of life. That changes a person.
d6 Personality Trait
I have a constant melodramatic internal monologue. Sometimes, that internal monologue becomes an external monologue.
I assume everything’s a conspiracy.
I keep a dossier on literally everyone I meet: friends, enemies, family, some strangers.
Sometimes I’ll give a fake name out of habit.
I need to blow my earnings on debauchery between cases. If you don’t, was it really a success?
Never knock when you can look for the back door instead.
d6 Ideal
(Justice) There’s a difference between what’s legal and what’s just. You can’t always do what’s right if you stick too close to the letter of the law. (Good)
(Money) A job’s a job. I just happen to be good at this one. (Neutral)
(Judge, Jury, Executioner) Good and evil’s totally subjective. I’m just here to make sure people get what they deserve. (Chaotic)
(Leverage) It’s nice to have dirt on people. (Evil)
(Thrills) Untangling knots of intrigue is the only thing that breaks through my ennui. (Chaotic)
(Vigilantism) Royals, guards, merchants – they can all be paid off. If you have a problem, you need to take care of it yourself. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
One of my marks played me for a sap – and I’m still head over heels for them.
I’m in this business to atone for my past mistakes.
One of the jerks I put away escaped some time ago. I caught them once; it’s up to me to do it again.
I used to have a partner. We may have gone our separate ways, but I still hold them dear.
This one cold case gnaws at me every day.
I’ve lost touch with my family… but I still love them. The rift grows steadily wider and more painful, but I have no idea how to close it.
d6 Flaw
I’m gloomy. Irrepressibly, sometimes laughably gloomy.
I’m a slob.
I sneer in the face of authority – even when we’re on the same side.
I avoid forming attachments.
People are guilty until proven innocent.
I ask way too many questions – even when I’m not working.
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Okay you're the Quackerjack expert so I trust you: Does Quackerjack actually ever wield a hammer? Because I swear that he does at one point but it might be because a lot of people have drawn him with one at least once (including myself) so does he in any media? Or have I been absorbing too much lovely fan content and can't tell what's canon anymore
I'd honestly call myself an Enthusiast than a Expert on the subject, since there's still plenty of information to pick up, but thank you~ ☺️
I'd have to say that the first incident where we see him with a hammer would be in "Jailbird" when he's seen breaking rocks at the Maximum Security Supervillain Jail, but this is more akin to a squeaky toy hammer than what you might be familiar with:
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Especially because it makes an audible squeak sound when it hits the rocks, implying the whole thing is either plastic or rubber and doesn't do much for breaking the rocks, but he seems like he's having a good time there regardless.
Also, it should be noted that "Jailbird" (aired in 1992) is QuackerJack's last animated appearance before Ducktales 2017. So this is like the only time we see him in animated form with a hammer.
The next known instance of a hammer wielding I can think of right off the bat is in "The Duck Knight Returns" arc for the 2011 comics:
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In which QuackerJack whips out a simplistic wooden mallet to lay waste to Taurus Bulba's (mahogany?) CEO desk in a concentrated rage.
This mallet only appears for this event, aside from a cameo via hologram in an exclusive short introduction comic from the Definitively Dangerous Edition, the omnibus of the 2011 comics:
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The Joe Books Revival comics did have this one singular mini mallet shown in QuackerJack one singular proper appearance before the comic was canned:
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But that's more of a working man's mallet and not the comically large.
The reason probably why it's set in our brains as making sense is probably because we're accustomed to seeing another well known and popular jester themed character that wields a mallet as well. You might have heard of her, lol
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Considering that Harley Quinn made her debut about a year after QuackerJack did (yeah, QuackerJack was a thing like a year before Harley Quinn came about as a background character, true story), but close enough to be roughly the same era, and a lot of us fans were little kiddos back in the day, and the amount of ways Darkwing and Batman can intersect, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a case of accidental self induced Mandela Effect because we just collectively merged the idea of "Jester Character Swinging a Hammer Around" as one thing.
I'd say that QuackerJack's most iconic weaponry would definitely be the Chattering Teeth
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Hey! Hope you're doing well! How do the ROs react to getting a call from the MC that basically consists of: "Hey... I've been arrested... Don't ask why. I'll tell you later. Can you pick me up?"
I’m great! I’ve been pretty busy lately, but glad to be back and ready to answer some asks 🤗 hooray for scheduling asks
with cass, if MC has a jailbird like background, they wouldn’t even bat an eyelash. they’d laugh and say something like, “wish I could be surprised. I’m on the way.” without that type of background, they’d still be pretty accepting, having been in MC’s position many times.
flirty heir, sarcastic heir, MCs roommate, jenna would playfully say that MC owes them gas money or a favor in the future, but not really mean it.
rude heir, aloof heir, bex would arrive on the scene with a lawyer and money ready to bail MC out and get the matter settled even though they don’t know why you’re there.
lyon, shy heir, charming heir and mozelle would be half way to the police station before the call even ended.
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prncssguya · 3 years
prison playbook first impressions — episodes 1 & 2
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i started this drama bc i heard their was a gay couple and i needed something to fill the void the devil judge has left in my soul.
the first episode seemed to run on forever but I liked the unique character introductions and backstories. the episodes are long, so i think i’ll take them two at a time slowly. rather than solely plot driven, rather it seems like this show will be more character oriented which i really enjoy
so they’ve introduced the main character, (je-hyuk), a big shot pro baseball player and a handsome dimwit with a big heart, in other words, *ahem* a himbo. my favorite, i really like him. it was funny to see the deadpan face with everything happening around Jae-hyuk—his expression remained the same through the bus ride, the rectal exam, his first day in jail. But I think park hae-soo is skilled in subtly changing his expressions and glances, which allows me to understand his mood shifts.
yes to park hae-soo. no to this atrocious haircut
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something i’m still trying to wrap my head around is je-hyuk’s sentence of one year in prison. his sister was literally a victim of attempted sexual assault and it wasn’t even like he kept repeatedly hitting the guy, but they said he used “excessive self defense.” i really don’t know but is this common in south korea?? is there such a thing as “excessive self defense” when it comes to rapists and murderers?? and then they put this man in the same cell with a man who sexually assaulted someone wtf … anyways
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these two will definitely be my favorite. “law man” (left) touched my heart with his tragic background and je-hyuk paying for his mother’s surgery. i was sad when he got transferred and his tearful goodbye to je-hyuk, hopefully we’ll see him again and most likely we will bc he is continually referred to as “jailbird.” “second generation chaebol” comes off as a annoying guy with a weird high and slurring voice, i think they’ll be more to him
Jung Kyung-ho 😍 playing joonho
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at first, i thought wow this guy really is a big fan and has some kind of man crush on je-hyuk then come to find out they’re childhood best friends but still who’s that obsessed with their nest friend. they have great chemistry and i’m looking forward to more of their bromance. his character is so endearing bc you can see he loves and adores his bestie and also his younger brother who is a huge fan of jehyuk. one thing i found interesting he said to jehyuk was not to get attached to the inmates, these people are essentially all evil criminals. obviously je-hyuk isn’t going to take this to heart (defending the old man who stabbed a man to death).
now je-hyuk may be slow but he’s not an idiot (creating the whole situation to get one of his bad cell mates put in solitary). i’m hooked! i can’t wait to be introduced to the main found family crew and learn their stories and how they navigate prison life together. ♥︎
Krystal??? playing je-hyuk’s ex, even though they’ve broken up, you can see they still care for each other a lot. i curious why they broke up in the first place
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