#jake Kiszka x oc
joshsindigostreak · 1 month
Chapter One
Nine of Swords, Upright: sleepless nights, worry and anxiety.
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Vampire Hunter!Jake x Witch!OC
Authors Note: Hey y’all!! I hope everyone enjoys the next chapter in Jake’s story! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! If you need to catch up on the Prologue, do so here.
*Set prior to the events of I See Hell in Your Eyes. This is the beginning of Jake’s story. This can be read independently from ISHIYE but there will be cross references as it’s in the same universe.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Not very many just some swearing.
Description: When a young affluent hunter finds himself taking an unexpected detour in Tucson, Arizona, he finds himself drawn to a local dive bar with a rather ecclectic clientele, situated on an equally intriguing location adjacent to a cemetery. Cemeteries are neutral ground, so even if he found a Vampire to snuff out, he couldn’t. Especially with the owner of the bar being a Witch and watching him like a hawk.
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Jake’s dreams were always distinctly under two categories: either he’d find his dream self walking down an empty city street, head on a swivel for any Vampiric activity, trailing one he had found earlier that kept evading him. Or, he’d wake up in his childhood bedroom, realize that he was seven years old again, hearing footsteps in the hallway growing closer.
His mind would not let go of the night that Vampire broke in and found the twins’ room first on the upper floor. The Vampire’s appearance had morphed over the years, steadily gaining more grotesque. But the feeling of its mangled and dirty fingers tangling in his hair and violently pulling upwards, sending white hot pain into the boys’ scalp as his feet lifted off the ground, was always the same.
This night was no exception, and unfortunately for the young hunter it was the latter scenario.
A distant creak of the hardwood floors down the hallway always startles him awake. His large and curious brown eyes would always pop open at the sound, and he’d strain his ears to try to figure out who was walking towards his shared room with Josh. It couldn’t have been his little brother Sam; he was too light to make the floorboards move like that. Josh was snoring above him, oblivious to everything, so that ruled out him. Maybe his parents? But he could hear the heavy thuds of shoes as the sound got closer, and why would his parents have their shoes on in the middle of the night? The realization that it was someone else in the house besides his family made his blood run cold and had him pulling his covers up to his chin as he tried to make himself as small as possible on the bottom bunk.
A few agonizing minutes later, the footsteps were right outside his door, and his younger self was stiff as a board, bracing himself for whomever would enter. Sure enough, the doorknob would slowly twist and a stream of light from the hallway would stream in as the door opened. All he saw before he screwed his eyes shut was a large, intimidating silhouette peering into his room. Jake tried to keep his breathing even, not wanting to give it away that he was awake. The intruder made his way into their room, kicking a few toys out of the way in the process. He could feel their presence near his bed, and it took everything in him to not flinch at the putrid breath that was being exhaled into his face.
But Jake was a frightened child, and his instinct was to get to his brother as quickly as possible. When the creature whispered, “jackpot…” his eyes shot open and he opened his mouth to yell for his twin, all while trying to scramble down his bed and make it to the ladder leading up to Josh’s bunk. His tiny hand had just reached one of the bottom bars when the all too familiar sensation of fingers in his hair and being yanked backwards and upwards rattled his system. Distantly he would hear his brother startle awake and barely touching the ladder as he flew down to come to his rescue.
The creature paid Josh no mind while he lifted up the younger boy to his eye level, his mouth twisting into a sadistic smile and revealing the long jagged fangs that extended from his gums.
A Vampire had somehow broken into their extensively guarded house.
Jake kicked and squirmed midair, trying to get the Vampire to drop him, but it was no use. The creature stared into his eyes, hunger clearly on his mind. The young boy couldn’t take it anymore and as he clawed at the Vampire’s wrist he took a deep breath and released a shrill, high pitched shriek that rattled the-
The now adult Jake shot up in bed, silver knife white knuckled in his fist. Through his own personal training, he had taught himself how to sleep with his hand curled around a knife under his pillow, and not letting go of it until he was awake.
His skin was damp and clammy, feeling especially chilled from the ceiling fan spinning above. In spite of this sweat gathered on his hairline, threatening to spill down his face. His eyes darted around the room for any threats, as if he was ready to face off with the Vampire from his memory. But the hunter was alone in the tiny motel room, and when he deduced this he rolled out of bed, still holding the knife. He padded over to the sink in the miniscule kitchenette and poured a glass of water from the sink. He gulped it down but it took two more glasses to finally get some relief in his dry throat.
After setting the glass down and abandoning it next to the sink he went around the room to check his security measures. His crossbow lay still on the other side of the bed, with a wooden arrow locked and loaded, ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice. With Josh off doing whatever it was he was doing, the weapon was the closest thing he had to a partner in crime.
The solitary window was covered by curtains, and Jake carefully pulled back one of the panels to look out onto the parking lot. The sun was freshly risen, giving him solace in the fact that his ultimate threats were locked inside and away from the light. Sunrises had always been Jake’s favorite for this reason. His shoulders relaxed as he opened the curtains as far as he could, letting in as much natural light as possible. Now that he was awake and definitely not going back to sleep any time soon, he turned his attention to getting a shower and washing off nightmares as best he could.
It had been over four days now, and Jake still could not get his night at The Tipsy Tumbleweed out of his head. He went to other bars around town to kill time, but all of them were so basic to him. They were too loud, or the drinks sucked, or the TV’s weren’t on anything interesting, or the bartenders would try way too hard to flirt with him for better tips. He wanted to go back, he wanted to see her, he wanted to at least get her name.
But Jake was full of an unfamiliar feeling of intimidation he wasn’t used to. He couldn’t remember the last time he had walked into a situation where he wasn’t the top dog, even when surrounded by Damned corpses who were decades older than him. His exposure to other supernatural creatures was limited. Growing up the focus was so heavily on Vampire’s that he rarely took the time to learn much about others. He usually just relied on Sam to info dump about whatever creature he was obsessed with that month and he’d tuck any useful information into the back of his mind and kept on moving.
Sam’s best friend happened to be a Werewolf, which was a secret that all three Kiszka boys kept to themselves out of respect for Danny, who always seemed like a good kid regardless of his DNA. The twins were just glad that their little brother had finally made a true friend, which was something they always worried about given Sam’s nerdy and introverted nature. The change in Sam after that first summer with Danny was like night and day, and his confidence and ego hadn’t stopped growing since. It was a gift and a curse, Josh would say in exasperation.
Witches however? Jake hadn’t truly met one in person before. He knew of them, and had gotten a few lectures on how to watch out for them. His mother in particular emphasized that they were simply untrustworthy and never expounded beyond that. Once again his brother would fill in the blanks sometimes. He mentioned a few who had gone to his university but he wasn’t particularly close to them. That hadn’t stopped Josh from making cracks about Sam going to Hogwarts whenever he got the chance, or asking if he had any classes with Hermione. This usually resulted in the nearest object thrown in the oldest sibling's direction.
The most Jake knew about them was that they were definitely not human, and most had innate abilities that were passed down via genetics. Covens were a thing but not a requirement, and most were very secretive as to what they got up to. One thing Jake would never openly admit is when he was out of his depth on something, but he couldn’t just accept defeat like this and twiddle his thumbs until he could get out of town.
Which was why he was sitting in the parking lot of The Tipsy Tumbleweed, staring at the entrance from the drivers side of his shitty rental. He mulled over the vague threat she had given him days prior. She didn’t say he couldn’t come back…just that he couldn’t come back and pull any shit. He could do that. He could just walk in, sit down and be good. He could potentially apologize.
The hunter repeated these affirmations to himself as he walked inside, immediately greeted by the familiar music, the glow of the various neon signs, and the scowl of the owner of the bar he was standing in.
She was behind the bar, writing something in a notebook of hers on the bar top when those big hazel eyes looked up and locked onto him. It took a conscious effort on Jake’s part to not trip over his own feet under her gaze.
He settled on the bar stool directly in front of her without a word, and the two stared at each other wondering who would flinch first. Her hazel irises were all he could focus on, and he took the opportunity to map out the different ways the green blended into light brown.
“Are you going to behave tonight?”
“Is there any reason I shouldn’t?”
Her right eyebrow slowly raised, “not in my bar there isn’t.”
The hunter nodded at the Witch, falling back into silence.
She reached to her left and brought a low ball glass in front of her on the bar and her other hand grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured about two fingers worth into the glass. It was the same order from that first night, this time untampered with.
“We’re going to try this again, but if you even look at Lou for too long I’ll physically toss you out myself.”
The hunter's eyes swiveled slightly to the right, his peripheral catching sight of the Vampire who was focused on the TV. Jake quickly snapped his eyes back to the bar owner’s,
“Got it,” he replied in an obedient tone that he rarely spoke in.
She nodded and replied, “Good. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some regulars to greet.”
The Witch turned on her heel and walked out from around the bar, passing behind Jake and making her way to one of the two-top tables towards the front of the bar. As she passed, a sweet yet earthy scent wafted around him. Was that her perfume? He pondered. Or was that just her?
He racked his brain as he tore his eyes away from the swing of her hips and turned back to his glass. Whiskey was always his go-to at bars, because no one could truly fuck it up, but in truth, he was a Pinot Noir guy. It started when he was a teenager and the only alcohol he could get his hands on was the wine in the basement. His parents collected bottles from their travels and had so many at this point that they never actually drank that Jake sneaking a bottle or two every so often went unnoticed. He quickly figured out what he liked so by the time he was actually of age it became his private staple.
Jake continued to fire off questions in his head as he outwardly minded his own business.
He was brought back to reality when a familiar young voice answered, “her name is Cecilia, by the way.”
Jake looked up and saw the young bartender named Stacey standing in front of him.
“How did you-”
Her eyes went wide once again, just like that first night, “oh shit I’m so sorry! Sometimes it's hard to differentiate people’s inner voices from their outer voices and it sounds like someone asked me something out loud and-”
Jake raised his hands slightly off the bar, palms facing outwards to show he wasn’t mad, “hey, you didn’t do anything wrong it’s ok.”
Her face relaxed slightly, but she was still clearly embarrassed, “Cecilia’s been helping me get better at it but I still fuck up some times.”
Jake looked at her with warm eyes, “I’m assuming that you heard me thinking about him,” he cocked his head in Lou’s direction, “and went off and told her the other night?”
She looked down at the bar top and fiddled with her fingers, “yeah…we’ve just never had any trouble in here before and Lou is just really special to us and I didn’t want anything to happen to him.”
Stacey kept her voice low, as to not let Lou hear her saying that he was special to her. However, it didn’t work and the Vampire kept facing the TV and he suppressed a small smile while his face turned pink.
“Well you don’t have to worry about me, I'm not going to mess with him.”
“I guess that truth serum worked,” she looked up, trying not to smile.
Now it was Jake’s turn to look embarrassed, “yeah…yeah it did.”
“Well she’s still letting you sit here so she can’t be too mad still.”
“I’m on thin ice but I promise I’m just here cause I like the place, that's all.”
Stacey looked down and saw that Jake’s glass was empty, “do you want another drink?”
Jake looked down at the glass, but decided to do something different tonight, “do you have a good Pinot here?”
She looked at him blankly, “wine?”
“Umm…I think we have a few bottles in the back.” She turned and disappeared behind the Employee door.
Jake sat there softly tapping his thumbs on the edge of the bar, inwardly hating that he was making a fuss over something as arbitrary as a drink. It was another reason why he always fell back on his “usual.” He hated being “that guy” in situations.
After a few minutes the young bartender busted through the Employee door and nearly jogged over to Jake’s spot at the bar. It was clear she wasn’t used to using a corkscrew, but after cussing a little under her breath the cork popped from the bottle. She threw Jake a triumphant smile as she poured him a glass.
“Thank you, Stacey,” he said warmly.
“Any time,” she replied before leaving the bar area to ask if anyone else needed refills or new drinks around the bar.
He studied the glass closely, grasping it by the stem and tilting it to the side and then back again to see what kind of legs it had before bringing it to his nose to see what flavors he could pick up. The alcohol itself was pretty strong, but he had had worse. It was medium bodied, with tannins that weren’t too overpowering due to the bright acidity from the-
“Are you detecting the grapes?”
A silky voice startled him and his eyes left the glass to look in front of him. It was Cecilia. His face reddened slightly, again, but her face broke into a smile as she wrote some figures down in the notebook she had placed on the bar.
“Oh umm-”
“Relax, I’m just fucking with you,” her smile stayed fixed on her face and Jake felt his shoulders relax. He hadn’t even realized how tense they had been. “You’re the first customer to order any of the wine we have, by the way.”
“I imagine people aren’t really thirsty for wine right off the highway,” the hunter said as he took his first sip. Oh, that’s not too bad, he thought, surprised at the texture and flavor of the wine.
The Witch nodded, “yeah people are more interested in their usual beers or liquor. You know the whole, ‘candy is dandy but liquor is quicker’ mentality.”
The corners of Jake’s mouth almost turned into a smile, “my brother likes to say that a lot.”
Cecilia’s eyebrows raised in curiosity, “you have a brother?”
Jake nodded, “three, actually. Two are biologically siblings and the other one we all kind of adopted over the years. He’s a good kid.”
She smiled, “oh that’s nice. Are they all hunters too?”
“Only one of them is; Josh.”
“Is he older or-?”
Jake grimaced slightly, “well…older…by five minutes. The other two are younger than me.”
Her lips formed an O, “so you’re a middle child? I can see that with you.”
Had it been anyone else, Jake would’ve gotten offended by that, but he let it slide for Cecilia.
“Only technically.”
“I can’t relate, I just have a little sister, Astrid. Or Ass-strid as I called her growing up.”
At this point they were both smiling softly at each other.
“What’s she like?” Jake asked before taking another sip of wine.
The Witch started to roll her eyes but stopped, “oh she’s the picture perfect Witch my mother always wanted, except that neither one of us inherited Moms psychic abilities. Astrid can enter people’s dreams, which was so fun growing up.” This time Cecilia let herself complete the eyeroll.
Jake’s eyes softened as he looked at her, the question clear in his expression.
“As for me, I do this…,” her eyes swiveled down towards Lou, who was once again minding his own business. His usual glass sat idly as he paid attention to the commercial on the TV, and immediately slid down the bar towards the Witch like a hockey puck, directly into her curled hand.
Lou was unimpressed and let out a short, “hey,” towards her and she sent the glass back, not spilling a drop.
Jake had never seen a telekinetic in person before, and sat there dumbfounded.
“Wow…” was all he could say.
She shrugged, “I can also read Tarot pretty well.”
Something inside the hunter was very interested in it all. Witches were something that weren’t brought up a lot, and when they were it was never in a positive light. He was mainly taught to focus on the Undead more than any other creature.
“...and your mom?”
Cecilia leaned in towards the hunter, closer than she had been before and whispered, “my mom talks to dead people.”
Jake blinked at her.
“She heads a Necromancy coven in Northern California where I grew up,” the Witch leaned back towards her side of the bar, “it's not as exciting as you think.”
He wanted to ask more questions, but the way Cecilia’s expression soured at the mention of her mother gave him enough of a hint to drop that part of the subject.
“How did you end up in Arizona?”
This time, her eyes softened wistfully, “my dad was from here.”
The word ‘was’ stuck out to him.
“Oh yeah?”
She nodded, “yeah.”
The two stared at each other, allowing the silence to wash over them. Jake swallowed the last of his wine, and before he could open his mouth another question was thrown his way.
“I just realized I am a terrible bar owner and have been talking to you this whole time without getting your actual name?”
Jake smirked, his eyes staring into hers, and slowly extended his hand over the bar, “Jake Kiszka, hunter of the Undead and at your service.”
The Witch held out her hand and wrapped it around his to shake. The warmth of his skin rippled up her own arm, over her shoulder and down her back, settling at the base of her spine
“I hope you don’t tell your baristas that,” she retorted with a crinkle in her nose, “Cecilia Addington, bar owner with First Born Daughter problems.”
Jake never wanted to let go of her hand. The firm grip of her fingers and the softness of her skin had his head spinning.
He wanted to know if all of her skin was just as soft.
Reluctantly, they both dropped their hands at the same time each taking a second to flex their hands under the bar out of each other's sight.
Jake was the one to speak first, “so how does-“
“No more questions until you buy another drink, Jake.”
The butterflies from sixth grade swarmed in his gut at the sound of her saying his name.
She turned her head and gave Stacey a Look and a nod towards the hunter, before giving Jake one last smile before slinking around the bar to greet a few patrons that had just walked through the door. Jake watched her the whole time, listening to the volume of her voice and appreciating the fact that she was a hugger just like he was. Fuck.
It was going to be a long night.
To be continued….
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Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema, @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @childinthegardenn , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace , @lipstickitty , @jjwasneverhere , @josiee-gvf , @peaceloveunitygvf , @musicislove3389 , @gretavanhockey , @gretavanazula
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seenoversundown · 1 month
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Fourteen
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: PG-13 (not smut but heavy petting), drinking / alcohol, smoking, anxiety mentions, light mentions of grief, fluff, Jake being a sweet little man, and descriptions of Elder Emo culture.
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Charlotte gets swindled into hanging out with Jake, really had to twist her arm. Which turns into long night of getting to know each other.
Author's Note: I have a wildly strong attachment to this chapter. Maybe because it’s how I don’t my early adult years or because it feels like a true New England chapter in my head, either way— I love this chapter a disgusting amount. It also sets up next week.. perfectly 😏😘
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Crush - Tessa Violet "You make it difficult to not overthink, And when I'm with you I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you but don't wanna be weird."
“What are the odds I can sweet talk you into going to this show with me?” his voice rings through my phone. “As friends… obviously.” His sweet little laugh fills the air.
“Mmm, what kind of show are we talking about?” The smirk on my face would be undeniable if he could see me right now. I’m supposed to be doing some work, but instead, I’m pacing the house. 
“Some of the bar regulars kinda have a band and gave me tickets to go see them,” he tells me.
“Your brothers don’t want to go with you?” I ask. Seems odd that they wouldn’t want to go with him, especially if it’s people they also probably know.  
“Well.. Josh has to work and I don’t think Sam would come,” his voice trailing off a bit. 
“He’s also working– I can’t leave Josh completely alone there,” he tells me, making me laugh at the idea of him being afraid to leave Josh at the bar alone. 
“Well then,” I say, through a sigh, “I suppose..” 
“I mean, if you don’t want to come hang out with me…” overdramatizing his sad tone, which I can’t say didn’t make me chuckle at him. 
“Oh, stop,” I quip back. “What time do I need to be ready?”
“Doors are at 8 p.m., but it’s within walking distance of the bar, so if you want to meet me there… Well, here.” 
“Alright, but you have to supply me a drink if they’re going to start screaming.”
I can hear the smile on his face when he says, “Sounds like a deal.”  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
As we walk up to the venue, everybody is in tight black skinny jeans and beanies. Oh no, it’s gonna be all heavy music, isn’t it? I just follow him closely, staying just behind him as we get closer to the doors. I just look around, taking in the atmosphere and trying not to look paranoid. 
He glances over at me for a second before talking to the person at the doors. We only stood there for a second before we were let in. Pulling open the door and letting me through, the venue is small, and there’s a fair amount of people here. 
“Should I just buy you a drink now?” his lips basically grazing my ear to ask.
“Considering the crowd, I’m going to say yes, please,” I try to speak up so he can hear me, making him laugh.
“A deal is a deal, come on,” he says, holding out his hand. My fingers intertwine with his as he leads the way over to the bar. His grip on me is strong, which I’m grateful for, considering the amount of people we’re weaving through. 
“What are you feeling tonight?” he asks. “I don’t think I’ve seen you drink a beer, so I’m sorry in advance.” 
“Whatever they have for Downeast works for me,” I look over at him as he's reading the list of options. Finding it difficult not just to admire him; his side profile really is something to write home about. 
He walks up to the small bar that they have, getting the bartender's attention quickly and ordering. He looks back over at me, pulling his eyebrows together for a split second as I stand there, probably looking a little lost. I mimic him, scowling at him. I don’t know what kind of conversation we’re having right now, but the corners of his lips start to creep upward as we stare at each other. That must be the smile Quinn was talking about. He slightly bobs his head back and forth to the song playing through the speakers, and I can’t stop myself from laughing at him. My laugh pulled the full smile out of him, teeth showing and all. He really is cute. 
After grabbing our drinks, he comes back to me, holding my drink out to me. Excitedly, I took it from him before pushing him in front of me to lead the way. I stay as close to him as I can, hooking one finger into his back pocket so he can’t get too far away. 
He finds a spot off to the side for us, not too close to the stage, as the first band starts. The first scream into the microphone makes me jump; candidly, this isn’t my genre. I can hear him giggling next to me as he sips on his beer. Shooting him a look, even though I can’t hold it for very long before I’m laughing with him. 
“Am I supposed to know what he’s saying?” I say, leaning into him. 
“Absolutely not,” he says, taking another sip. It’s wild to see him drink at all, especially just a beer. Seeing him act so normal outside of the bar is almost refreshing. It’s nice to see him be a person and not be worried about whatever is going on in that building. Maybe we have more in common than I thought. 
People were still filtering in while the first band played, and now we’re watching as the next one is about to go on. It’s funny to watch them have to soundcheck their own stuff, but I haven’t been to many shows this small. 
The lights go back out, and the band loudly announces their presence. This time, I was a little more prepared for it, but what I wasn’t expecting was the crowd. 
I hear the singer say something about a “pit,” and before I know it, everybody is thrashing around. What the fuck? I’m sure I look terrified, never having been to a show like this. I can’t take my eyes off the slew of people basically just throwing punches and shoving each other. It spreads like wildfire as more and more people start joining. 
Very suddenly, Jacob’s arm wraps around me pulling me back to him. His chest rose and fell against me, his arm still wrapped around my waist, his hand resting against my stomach.  Oh okay. 
His face leans closer to my ear, “I should have warned you.” 
I tilt my head back against his chest so he can lean towards me, “It’s okay. It’s mesmerizing,” I giggle, knowing it sounds silly. 
His other arm wrapped around me, carefully holding his drink still. My heart flutters when he does it. I let myself relax against him, and his arms tighten slightly. This is making being here worth it. 
We stayed like that through most of that band's set. He would keep moving us further from everyone, which I appreciated—but never moving his arms from around me except for the occasional sip of his beer.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“Jake!” startles me as the two regulars from the bar approach us. They all do that one boy handshake that will never make sense to me before one of them turns to me. 
“Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t know you came with someone,” one of them says. 
“She was gracious enough to come keep me company,” Jake says, glancing over at me.  
I stand there listening to them and sipping on my drink when I feel something brush against my thigh. Without being obvious, I look down, seeing his hand suspiciously close to my leg. He taps me a few more times as he talks. Does he not realize what he’s doing? 
I occasionally chime in but mostly just listen as they go on about the other bands that are going to be playing. Watching as he would laugh with them and really just take him on while he was out in the wild. His free hand settled on my lower back, just softly scratching, which was weirdly comforting. 
“Wanna go outside for a minute?” one of the boys asked loudly. Jacob looked at me wide-eyed, but I just nodded at him. 
“Yeah, for sure.” He tells them. His hand quickly found mine before we made our way through the venue. He kept squeezing gently until I would do it back.
Once making it outside, the few guys who had been talking to him all started lighting cigarettes, Jacob included—keeping it as far away from me as possible when he wasn’t actively inhaling and breathing the smoke straight up to try and not have it near me. I had never said anything about him smoking or even in general, but it’s ..nice that he doesn’t want to force it on me. 
Although I usually find smoking to be a little less than pleasant, for some reason, watching him is different. Maybe my cider just hit harder than I expected, but how it sits on his lip and how he casually holds it between his index and middle finger. Why is it… hot? 
As we stood there, I continued to listen from inside, not really knowing what to say. I stood close to him and occasionally peeked at my phone, but the people-watching here was a little too good that I practically forgot I had it with me. I don’t know if he was worried about me or if he needed comfort, but he was subtly holding my hand, only our ring and pinky fingers intertwined. 
“Do you wanna head back to the bar?”
I look over at him, “If you want to,” not wanting to feel like I’m making him leave. 
“I was mostly here for them,” he whispers, “plus we can make Josh give us better drinks that way.” 
“Are you trying to get me drunk again?” I tease him quietly. 
“I would never dream of it,” he says with a little wink before turning back to the little group that’s formed. He said his goodbyes with the weird handshake hug again, and they all waved at me as we walked off. 
We sat at the end of the bar for a while, watching Josh make drinks. Just talking about the show and how he feels terrible for making me go through it. 
“It wasn’t that bad,” I admit, “watching everybody was fun.” 
“It’s a special kind of crowd, isn’t it?” His smile sneaks out with that one. He sips on the last of his drink, sliding it over for Josh to grab. Tapping on his phone screen and looking back over to me. 
“I may let him leave since it’s calmed down,” he starts, “are you going to head home? I can escort you to your car before I relieve him.” 
What if I don’t want to go home? What are you talking about? The most relaxed I’ve felt has been when I have basically fallen asleep on the phone with him.. What if I just.. stay? 
“I think I should probably stay here, don’t you?” I ask him. “Just since I’ve been drinking and whatnot.” Something possesses me when I bat my eyelashes at him a few times before sliding my hand onto his thigh. His cheeks flush instantly at gestures. 
“You’re so right,” he chokes out. “You can stay with me.” The excited nerves flow through my body when he says it. 
“I’ll just keep you company while you close,” I tell him, “it’ll be like last weekend!” Smiling at me as he stands up, he quickly glances over to see Josh fully invested in a conversation with someone when he moves around the bar, standing in front of me. He holds a hand out towards me; instinctually, I reach my hand out to him. He pulls it to him, pressing his lips against my knuckles for a second, giving me a slow wink as he lets go gently. 
I said ‘goodnight’ to Josh after he was able to head out for the night, and then there I sat. I was just having little conversations with Jake when I could and scrolling on my phone when he was busy. I was intensely ignoring the email my boss had sitting in my inbox.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Finally, we hustle up the stairs to his apartment once the bar is closed. He quickly unlocks the door, peeking in first. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room faster than I would have expected. 
“Make yourself comfortable,” he whispers, “I have to go say hi to Josh but I’ll be right back.” He lingers for a second before letting go of me and disappearing into the dark hall. 
I crawl into his bed, mostly sober this time. Remembering how comfortable it was and the way it smelled like his cologne. He finally wanders back in after talking to Josh for a few minutes. 
“Well, don’t you look cozy,” he says quietly, giggling to himself as he sets his stuff on his nightstand. I nod a few times, curling the blankets up around me. 
“Are you tired? I can go so you can sleep,” his voice more timid this time. My eyebrows pull together. Is he really trying to still give me space? I silently shake my head at him for a second, trying not to laugh. 
“No, come here.” I reach my arms out towards him; seeing his smile when he realizes that I want him to stay is priceless. 
“Uh.. I feel like this is a dumb question,” his sweet face slowly turns red, “Can I just .. not wear these?” he asks, tugging on the belt loop on his pants. 
“I think it’s safe to say we’re past that, Jacob.” 
He laughs to himself, “Right.”  
It’s so cute how he’s so nervous—watching him slide his jeans off and toss them into his dirty laundry. I can’t help but check him out as he goes to turn the light off. Why does he have a nicer ass than me? 
He lifts the comforter a little to let himself in but also lets the cool air in. 
“Hurry, it’s already warm in here,” I giggle as he quickly pulls the blanket back down over the two of us. My heart starts to beat a little harder now that he’s next to me. He’s so warm. Instinctively moving close to him, my hands have a mind of their own. Grabbing his arm and lifting it up, I curl myself up into him. 
My face is tucked into his neck as his hand draws little shapes on my side. Without thinking, I press a few little pecks into the side of his neck. 
“What made you want to stay here tonight?” he breaks the silence. 
I can’t tell him yet. My throat was instantly tight at the thought of telling him why. 
“I didn’t want to drive after I drank. Just wanted to be responsible or whatever,” I lie. 
His hand grabs mine from its place on his chest, bringing it up and placing a kiss on my palm before bringing it back to its spot. 
“It’s cute when you try to dodge the truth. Try again,” his taunting tone makes me smile into him. 
“I just..didn’t want to be alone tonight,” I admit, hoping he doesn’t press further. I’ll tell him at some point, but just.. not right now. I know I have to come out with it eventually, but I still haven’t said it out loud to anyone. 
His arm pulls me against him as he presses a kiss onto my forehead, letting his lips just rest against me. Feeling him just breathe for a second against my skin. 
“I’m sorry, hun,” he mumbles against me, “I’m happy you’re here.” My eyes start to well up; he’s too much.. I prop myself up on my elbow so I can look at him. 
“Me too,” I squeak out. My finger tracing his jawline as we look at each other. My eyes move to his cheekbone, letting my hand cup his jaw and my thumb gently run over his soft lips while he just watches me. I don’t know how I’ve gotten here. Laying in bed with this man who looks at me like I’m the reason the sun comes out in the morning. 
He kisses my thumb as it grazes over him again, pulling me out of my thoughts.  The corners of his mouth are slightly curving up. He reaches up and tucks some of my hair behind my ear. 
“You're pretty cute,” he winks at me. His eyes look more tired than I’m used to, but maybe it’s just because he’s comfortable. 
I lean towards him, placing a small kiss on his nose. Then, peppering his face with little pecks as his smile widens, followed by giggling as I sneak some under his jaw.
“Did you tell Josh that I’m here?” 
He shakes his head, “Nope.”
“Why not?” 
“Just wanted to keep you to myself for a little longer,” he tells me, making my heart flutter a little at the thought that he’s savoring our time together. “Plus, if he knows, he’ll insist on talking to you for hours, and then I wouldn’t get to enjoy this.” 
“As fun as that sounds,” I managed to get out, “This is pretty nice.” I gently pat his chest a few times. 
“I can go get him at any point if I’m boring you,” his smile on full display, “He’s like a toddler; just endless energy.” 
“Jacob,” I try to sound serious but am failing by the second. “I listened to you tell me about pirates for hours the other night. You’re far from boring.” 
“And you,” he says, holding the side of my face with his hand, “are an angel for listening to me.” At this moment, I would listen to him all day long, telling me about absolutely anything. 
We lay there for a while, talking about mindless things as he occasionally ran his hand down the back of my head. He tells me about how he worked at the Shipyard with Danny and how his parents dipped out of Maine the second Sam went off to college. I offer stories of living in the middle of nowhere and ridiculous situations with work.  
Reaching over and tapping his phone screen, holy shit, it’s 5:00 am. 
“I didn’t mean to keep you up so late,” I try to hide my embarrassment, just thankful that it’s dark so he can’t see my face flush a little. 
“Did you already forget what my job is?” his question laced with a laugh, “I’m always up this late.” I drop my head onto his chest, laughing at myself. As if we hadn’t spent a handful of nights talking until the sun was about to come up. 
“It’s late and I’m tired, alright?” 
“Why don’t you try to sleep then?” his voice sounds so sweet. 
I sit back up, my hands on either side of him; we just stare at each other for a second. His lips parted as I ghosted mine over him. Feeling his hands grip my sides as the kiss deepens. My body warms when he pulls my leg over his waist, feeling his body beneath me. I found my hands sliding up into his hair; his heartbeat was strong enough that I could feel it over my own nerves. His hip bones pressing into my ass has my mind wandering to dangerous places. 
He pushes us up, so I’m sitting on his lap with one hand holding me to him. I don’t know what possessed me to lift the bottom of his shirt, sliding my hands around his waist. His skin is so warm and soft, and I just want to kiss every inch of his body. Breaking away from the kiss, he pulls his shirt off in one quick motion—well, that’s hot—tossing it to the side before coming back to me. 
“Wait,” I whisper. Grabbing the hem of my shirt, pulling it off, and revealing my bralette. I can see his eyes light up, even in the dark, as he glances down at the plunging neckline. “It's only fair.” 
His jaw goes slack as we’re both sat there in just our underwear. Timidly, his hands find their place on my waist, and I slowly drape my arms around his neck. It’s hard to believe that we didn’t knock our teeth together, smiling into every kiss. The little noises coming from both of us, every breathy almost moan, making me more intoxicated with him.   
His grip on me tightens, tugging me closer to him if that’s even possible. My hips have a mind of their own, subtly pushing down into him. The smallest amount of friction sends shivers through me. He didn’t move away.. So maybe he doesn’t mind? Deciding to test the waters, I push myself up on my knees slightly, definitely not on purpose, putting some pressure against his subtly hard cock– making him moan into me. His hands pulled me back down, hard against him this time. This tortuous game we’re playing makes every kiss a bit hotter, feeling like a teenager again as I randomly grind my hips into him. 
“Are you trying to kill me?” he whispers, the sound of his raspy voice alone, almost making me moan at this point. 
Letting out a small ‘mmm’ against his lips, “Is it working?” I ask quietly. 
“I swear to god,” he starts, in between kisses, “if Josh wasn’t down the hall..” 
My heart races at the thought, my mouth moving faster than my brain can filter, “What if we’re quiet?” 
His sweet laugh against me, “Mmm, as tempting as that is,” stopped to press a few kisses into me. “I wanna be able to hear all the pretty sounds you’ll make.”
“Jacob,” I moan into his mouth. I’m not entirely proud of how that snuck out, but he is so hot sometimes. We spend another minute with my hands tangled in his hair and his hands slowly making their way down to my ass as he smiles into the kiss when he grabs a handful. 
“Hold on to me,” he mumbles into me before turning us over. Carefully setting me against his pillows, hovering for a second, I can’t help but glance down. His chest and stomach are on display, and god, is he gorgeous. When I thought seeing him in just sweatpants was bad, I had no idea how much worse it would be when I could see the outline of his hard dick on top of that. It is a mouthwatering sight if I can say so myself.
He looks down at my barely clothed body, taking a deep breath before looking back up at me, “I mean this in the most respectful way possible, okay?” My eyebrows pull together, trying to figure out where he’s going with this.
He lets his head fall back a bit before finally breathing out, “You’re so fucking hot, my god.”
“Oh, stop,” I whine; my face feels warm instantly as his eyes rake over me. 
“I’m sorry, I don't think I can,” he says, pressing a kiss into the top of my shoulder. “Have you seen yourself?” he asks, carefully brushing some loose hairs out of my face. How he went from being a typical boy to suddenly his normal sweet self is beyond me. 
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop. But I’m not happy about it.” Flopping down next to me with a little grin on his face, he lifts his arm for me to join him. 
He ends up pulling me into him, my head finding a comfortable spot tucked into his chest. We tangle ourselves together, my leg thrown over his hips with his hand immediately staking a claim on my thigh. I slide my free hand up his chest and neck, gently holding the side of his face, and tilt my head up to place one more kiss on his cheek before settling into sleep. 
Breathing him in and relishing in the warmth of this extraordinary man. I’m a breath away from falling asleep when I feel him pressing his lips against my forehead and mumbling, “Sweet dreams, honey.”
Chapter Thirteen  
Chapter Fifteen
FDOG Master Post | Masterlist | Playlist
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losfacedevil · 6 months
It’ll Be Okay // CW JTK
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a/n~ Sometimes Careless Whispers Jake comes out to play when you least expect him to.
18+ MINORS DNI: Heavy petting, lots of kissing, intercourse (p in v)
Serenia was beside herself, her world slowly coming crashing down around her as the days flew by. It had been months since Jakes initial infidelity, and all of the work they had put in seemed like it had been for naught after the previous night. A call from a local Sheriff had her in tears as listened to the laws Jake had broken, knowing full well if she let him sit there all night he’d be tossed into jail the following morning.
She had fought tooth and nail with herself. Let him sit there, stew in what he’s done. Bail him out, he’s been through enough. He won’t learn his lesson if you run to his aid like always. He might do something terrible if you don’t go get him. Ultimately stuffing her feet into her crocs and taking off in the dead of the night to get to him as fast as she could.
Watching him walk from the interrogation room to where she stood was hard. He was broken, in so many ways. Hair disheveled, the smell of booze clinging to him, and tear stained cheeks with the big red rimmed coffee brown eyes to match. She wanted to be stern with him, yell at him for being so stupid and getting his car towed - something he promised her he wouldn’t ever do. But the moment he opened his mouth and his voice began to crack, her heart shattered in her chest.
“I… I know I need to fix a lot of things. I know I keep fucking up and I know I have to work on that. But I… I’m sorry that I keep hurting you and I… understand if you want to drop me at my moms and call it. Josh can get my things tomorrow if he has to.”
Shaking her head, she rid her mind of the memory - the frown that was etched into his face too much for her heart to bare. Serenia turned her attention to Jake who sat quietly on the couch, his nose buried in his most recent read - anything to occupy his mind. She pushed herself to stand and slowly made her way over to where he sat, leaning her elbows on the back of the couch and slotted her chin over his shoulder.
“Whatcha reading?” Jakes hand visibly tensed against the page he was holding, and he swallowed thickly as he willed himself to relax. She watched as his chest rose to its limit and slowly fell, a deep and steady breath entering and leaving his lungs as he pulled himself together. Slipping the bookmark he held between the pages, he slowly closed the book and showed her the cover.
“Some book Josh thought I’d like. And before you ask, no I really don’t know how I feel about it, it’s been a struggle to really focus on.” Serenia nodded gently and pushed herself back up to her feet. She rounded the couch slowly and plucked the book out of his hand, turning at the waist to drop it onto the coffee table behind her.
Jake took another steadying breath as he locked eyes with Serenia for the first time all day, and a soft smile spread across his lips as he took on her features. She shuffled her feet softly, bumping her knees into his before she reached out - a silent request for him to lift his hands. His brows raised of their own accord and he reached up, placing his hands palm side up in front of her.
“It’s okay?” Her voice was soft as she asked and Jake nodded slightly, waiting for her to slip her hands into his. Placing a knee on either side of his hips, she slowly lowered her body into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. Jakes eyes grew wide and he swallowed hard as he wrapped his arms around her lower back and pressed her closer to him. Serenia leaned forward and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, reveling in the feeling of his arms wrapped around her for the first time in months.
Jakes eyes fluttered shut and he sat as still as he could, waiting to see what her next move would be. Lifting her head slightly, she began to place a trail of soft kisses along his cheek, stopping right at the corner of his mouth. He pressed his head back into the cushion of the couch and tried to catch her gaze - her eyes always giving away what she was thinking.
“I know saying I’m sorry won’t ever be enough. I know you’re unsure of the future, at least until we see Sun. But I’ll… never forgive myself for what I’ve done. I just… I love you so much I’m scared… scared of what the future holds.” Jake kept his voice light, not wanting to make his words sound like a guilt trip. Serenia knew he was sincere in the words he spoke and was slowly beginning to become receptive to his words.
“I know you’re sorry, and you will forgive yourself for prior actions and mistakes. We live and we learn and we grow. Time heals all wounds, even the biggest ones we create where we never meant to create them. I love you, Jacob… even through it all my love for you never faltered. But I just… I need you to want to get better to want to fix what’s broken, not just with your words but your actions as well…”
Jake reached up and cupped her cheeks in his hands. Leaning forward slightly he captured her lips with his, taking her by surprise. Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden feel of his lips on hers, but she quickly relaxed into him and reciprocated the kiss. Her body began to react to the feel of his skin on hers for the first time in months and she panicked, pulling back from him suddenly. Their chests both heaved as they caught their breath and their pupils were both lust blown as they kept their eyes locked on each other.
“I’m sorry… I…” Jake scrambled to find the words to explain his falter in judgement. But Serenia shook her head and reached up to place a finger against his lips; silencing him. She swallowed hard and shook her head gently before slowly removing her finger from his lips. Tilting her head slightly, she began to lean forward slowly and captured his lips with hers.
Jakes hands began to roam down the expanse of her back and his fingers slipped up under the hem of her shirt, pressing her closer to his body. Serenia slowly began to deepen the kiss, letting her tongue slip out between her lips and gently parted his. Jake sighed into the kiss and slowly ran his hands up her bare sides, letting his thumbs caress the sides of her breasts.
She broke the kiss, pulling back just enough to turn her head slightly and began to press soft kisses to his cheek. Jake began to test the waters and slowly shifted his hands forward, cupping her bare breasts in his palms and teased his thumbs over her taut nipples. Her body reacted of its own accord and she ground her hips down against his, becoming aware of his arousal.
“Make love to me, Jake, please.” She mumbled against his skin, slowly beginning to place hot, open mouthed kisses to the side of his neck. Jake swallowed hard, trying to think through the cloud of arousal that danced around his mind. Serenia began to suck gently on the already sensitive skin of his neck, causing his hips to buck of their own accord.
“We don’t have to…can take it slow. I promise.” He groaned and reached up to thread his fingers through the hair at the back of her head. She shook her head the best she can and rested her cheek gently against his shoulder.
“Make love to me, please. I need you.” She mumbled against his clammy skin. Jake nodded slightly and shifted his arms so they were cradling her bottom before pushing himself to stand off the the couch. Serenia was quick to wrap her legs around his waist and secure her body to his.
“Gonna make you feel good… show you how much I love you.” Jake mumbled as he kicked the bedroom door open and made his way to the bed. Leaning forward he slowly lowered her down to the mattress and made sure she was comfortable before straightening his back into a standing position. He slowly undid the buckle on his belt, watching as she shimmied her dress up above her hips and her lacy panties came into view.
“M’gonna ruin those if you don’t lose ‘em.” He chuckled sinisterly and bent at the waist to shimmy his jeans down over the swell of his ass before kicking them off to the side. Serenia kept her eyes on Jake as he stripped his shirt up over his head and slowly pulled his boxers down his legs.
Jake kneeled on the edge of the bed and wrapped his hand around his hard dick. He leaned over her and made himself comfortable where he rested, leaning down to capture her lips with his as he slowly began to drag the tip of his dick through her slick folds. Serenia’s hands found purchase in his hair and she wrapped her fingers around the strands, effectively holding him in place against her.
He slowly reached down between their bodies and grasped himself, lining himself up with her entrance before slowly pressing forward and pushing himself into her. They both let out a hiss at the contact and a soft moan escaped Serenia as Jake bottomed out and stilled his hips.
She began to pepper kisses across the bridge of his nose, a silent plea for him to begin to move. Jake took a deep breath and slowly retracted from her until just the tip was buried inside of her before pressing back into her agonizingly slow. He kept his pace steady, savoring the moment of connection between them rather than chasing the inevitable high.
“So good to me. I’m so sorry. Love you so goddamn much.” He whispered, sweet nothings filling the spaces between passionate moans and the soft pants of breath that slipped past his nose. Serenia’s eyes remained closed as she grazed the tips of her teeth over his collarbone, a silent plea to speed up his thrusts.
Jake obliged slightly and the sound of his hips slapping against hers filled the silence around them. She began to lift her hips off of the mattress, knowing by the whimpers slipping past his nose that he was close to the edge. Her hands danced along his back and she began to scratch her nails along his skin, something she knew drove him wild.
He reached down and began to rub circles over her sensitive clit, reveling in the intensity in which she began to flutter around him, a sure tell that she was as close as he was. He slowed his hips back to the agonizingly slow pace he had originally set and turned all of his attention to her and the way her body was reacting to his thumb on her clit.
“Jake… please.” Was all she could muster as she pushed her hips up, causing him to apply more pressure to her sensitive bud. He knew by the way her nails dug even deeper into his back that she was right there and began to slam his hips into hers as she let go and covered his dick in her release.
His name was on her lips, as she unraveled around him, and he followed soon after, the most pornographic moan ripping groom his chest as he emptied himself into her. their chests heaved as they both came down from their highs and he shifted his hand upwards, gently rubbing her stomach as he slowly pulled out of her. Pushing himself to stand he walked into the en-suite and dampened a wash cloth to help her clean up.
Jake rummaged through his drawers for some comfy clothes for the both of them and helped her dress before dressing himself and laying in the bed next to her. She curled up next to him, tangling her legs with his and placed her arm over his midsection. His hand found her lower back and he began to gently rub the exposed skin of her back. He would pull his hand forward every so often to rub her stomach as well, knowing that intimacy sometimes made her uncomfortable.
“Do… do you think you’d want to… stay the night?” Jake asked, his voice holding a childlike tone to it. Serenia thought for a second before nodding her head and began to place soft kisses to his cheek once more.
“I’ll stay with you. I love you so much, Jake. I really do.” She mumbled, fighting the cloud of sleep that was looming over her. Jake pulled his head back slightly and pressed gently against her stomach, gauging her reaction before slipping his hand back to trace designs along the expanse of her back.
“We’re gonna be okay… right? We’ll get through this?” Jake questioned, pressing soft kisses to the tip of her nose. Serenia nodded her head sleepily and reached up, cupping his cheek in her hand and turned his head so she could press a chaste kiss to his lips.
“We’ll be okay soon.” She mumbled, running her thumb gently across his cheekbone. Jake let his eyes fluttered shut, the cloud of sleep looming over both of them slowly claiming them as their breathing steadied out and her hand fell from his cheek.
Tagging my CW Jake babes: @vanfleeter @writingcold @lipstickitty
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do-it-jakey-baby · 9 months
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An Unlikely Encounter
Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Synopsis: it is your first time attending a Greta Van Fleet gig by yourself, what happens next was only ever a figment of your wildest imagination.
Warnings: smut, drinking, language
Chapter 2
Chapter 1
3.5k word count
“Ok, the doors are opening up. Please enter the building in an orderly fashion!”
Your heart pounded against your ribcage. You were sure that if the room were quieter, the sheer magnitude of thumps would rattle off the walls into thundery echoes. The screaming around you transformed into white noise as you tried to steady yourself amongst the movement.
The doors opened.
Pushed and shoved from all angles, you managed to find yourself quickly enough to propel forwards into a sprint. You weren’t the fittest of people, occasionally enjoying a trip to the gym here and there, but that didn’t stop you from treating this moment like you were an Olympian going for the gold. This was most certainly not your first Greta Van Fleet concert, but it was your first time being at the front of the standing queue. As you hit the barricade and came to a stop, your breath hitched in your throat. Did I really make barricade? You thought as your eyes widened. Holy fucking shit.
The supporting acts seemed to fly by in some dream-like state, and you were still spiralling at the mere thought of being metres away from the band by the time the crowd erupted into a symphony of screeches and wails. As you came to, you could hear a classical overture playing sweetly. You recognised the melody as it morphed from one familiar tune to the next, growing louder to emphasise that the curtain would soon drop. You stared up in anticipation as the overture reached its climax and watched eagerly as four figures emerged. They immediately launched into “The Falling Sky” and Josh’s powerful vocals filled the arena, drawing each and every person in like a siren’s deadly song. You were so enchanted by this that you didn’t notice who had made their way across the stage and was standing directly in front of you.
Jake fucking Kiszka.
There he was, like a shining deity before you. Sweat glistening on his bare chest, his hair softly swishing with every movement, his calloused hands meticulously strumming each chord. Was this a dream? Was Jake Kiszka actually standing right in front of you? Before you could even realise what was happening, your eyes met. You felt a searing warmth spreading across your cheeks, a shy smile playing on your lips. He smiled back, then his eyes moved away as he turned to travel across the stage and meet his brother at the centre.
What the fuck.
In all the times you’d been to see the band, you had never ever made eye contact with one of the boys. Let alone Jake. Jake plagued your thoughts frequently and refused to leave your dreams. His beautiful face that seemed to be carved by literal angels lingered in every corner of your mind. You force yourself back to reality, silently reminding yourself to be present and enjoy the evening, and you do. The atmosphere is electric, you sway along with thousands of fans and scream out the lyrics until your throat stings. Towards the end of the show, as Josh makes his way along the barricade, you reach out and his hand brushes yours. As you make contact, he looks you up and down and winks before making his exit.
What was that about? You think to yourself curiously.
As the night draws to a close, and the band is finishing up their encore, you close your lips around your fingers and send a piercing wolf whistle towards the stage. Jake’s eyes clap onto yours, sending shockwaves through your entire body. He blows you a kiss and your vision slowly fades to darkness.
You’re snapped back into reality when the bitter cold air hits your lungs. Somehow, you’ve made it outside the venue, and you’re stood alone clutching your bag and phone. A text buzzes and lights up the screen, which makes you jump and then subsequently tut with annoyance at the reaction. It’s your best friend. She usually comes with you to Greta gigs, but she’s been held up with work recently, so it’s your first time attending alone.
How was it? So fucking gutted I couldn’t make it. She writes.
Amazing… incredible. And weird. You type back, your fingers moving at a snail-like pace from the icy temperature lingering in the air.
Weird? Explain. She questions.
Before you begin to respond, you take in your environment. It’s 11:30pm, and you’re stood outside, alone, in Wembley, in the freezing cold. It’s probably a good idea to head back to your hotel room and finish this conversation somewhere warmer and safer. As you make your way down the street, you spot a small bar with pretty fairy lights shimmering in the window.
I wouldn’t say no to a drink right now you think to yourself, as you stop outside and peer in. It looks inviting, and warm.
What’s the harm in stopping by for one drink? You muse.
As you open the door, you’re met with the comforting scent of aromatic bitters, mixed with aged oak, and fresh citrus. You breathe in, as you rub your hands together in search of warmth. The bar is quiet with a few people dotted about in booths, making conversation. Soft jazz plays in the background as you make your way over to the bar. You perch yourself up onto a stool and the bartender approaches you to ask what you’ll have.
“Sailor Jerry’s and coke, if you have it” you say with a polite smile. The bartender nods and begins making your drink. He brings it over and you tap your phone onto the card reader.
“Thanks” you say, bringing the glass to your lips and taking in a sip of the sweet, golden liquid, savouring the burn of the alcohol as it slips down your throat. Your attention is quickly diverted though, as you hear a commotion of male voices at the door. Their boisterous laughter cuts through the ambience of the bar like a knife, which is quickly calmed by a very loud shhhhh from one of the taller men in the group. You can make out four figures but decide to pull your attention back to your drink and think about replying to the text message from earlier. As you begin to start typing a response, you feel the stool next to you being pulled away.
For fuck sake, can I not be left alone in peace for one evening without some random bloke bothering me? you think to yourself, rolling your eyes, ignoring the presence next to you and focusing on your phone screen.
The stranger leans in, close enough for you to feel his breath tickle the strands of hair covering your ear.
“Just my luck that I’d find you here, you left pretty quickly after the show was over”.
You look up, a frown forming across your forehead as you begin to reject the man’s advances and tell him you aren’t interested. As your eyes find his, time seems to slow almost to a stop. He grins and cocks his head to the side, an eyebrow rising ever so slightly as he waits for your response.
There’s no way this is happening. This can’t be happening.
You become aware that you’re staring silently, with your mouth hanging open. It feels as though you can’t take in enough breath. You clear your throat, not able to speak but wanting to at least do something.
After what seems like a million years pass by, you finally muster up the word “Hi”, a shy smile playing on your lips.
“Do I get to know your name, pretty lady?” he asks. You feel your stomach flip.
Did Jake Kiszka just call you pretty lady? Ok, calm down, calm down.
“Y/N” you say, admittedly a lot more confidently than you actually feel. “And I believe you must be Jake”.
“A pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” Jake responds, holding his hand out to you. You place your hand in his, and he brings it up to his lips, softly kissing it. The contact sends electric bolts through your nerve endings and into your very core.
“The pleasure is all mine” you breathe.
“So, how come I haven’t seen your beautiful face at our shows before?” He asks, shooting you a playful grin.
“I’ve never made barricade before” you reply honestly.
“What took you so long?”
You pause, not really knowing what to respond. What did take you so long?
You sigh “I always came along with my best friend and my boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend. We never actually booked standing tickets, but I was going to be here by myself this time so I thought, fuck it, I may as well try to get as close as I can.”
He sits back in his chair, studying your face.
“Ex-boyfriend?” He asks after a few moments. You feel yourself blush, which he definitely notices.
“Yes, ex-boyfriend. I called it off recently” you hesitate, before adding “It just wasn’t working, so… yeah.”
“Lucky for me” he retorts, his eyes fixated on you, drinking you in. He looks over at the bartender who swiftly walks over to take his order.
“I’ll have whatever she’s having, and of course she’ll need another”.
You look down at your half-finished drink and knock it back, sliding the empty glass over to the bartender.
Thirty minutes later and a few drinks in, you and Jake are chatting away like old friends. You’re so surprised at how easy he is to talk to.
“Do you live round here?” He asks.
“Uhh, it’s complicated” you respond, looking down at your drink and stirring it absentmindedly, watching the ice slosh around in the amber liquid.
Jake raises his eyebrow.
“Technically no, I live further South. I’m staying at a hotel across the street from the arena tonight. But I’m moving in with my best friend who lives here in London, since my ex and I-” you trail off.
Jake puts his hand on your thigh, and you feel your breath catch in the back of your throat.
“Do you still live with him?”
“No, he moved out a few weeks back. But I need to get out, too many memories there.” You squeeze your eyes shut, wincing slightly.
Unconsciously, your hand meets Jake’s, still placed on your thigh. You feel a warmth creep between your legs.
Fuck, it’s been so long since I’ve felt like this. So long since I’ve been… touched.
You bite at your lip and try to shoo the feeling away, but Jake leans in and uses his free hand to brush your hair behind your ear and leans forward to whisper.
“Sounds to me like it’s his loss, pretty lady”.
A soft moan escapes your lips, it’s barely audible but Jake is so close to you that he most definitely heard it. Your eyes dart up to his, your faces so close now that there’s only inches between you. His grip on your thigh tightens as the warmth between your legs spreads.
The next thing you know, you’re in the back of an Uber, Jake’s hands in your hair and his lips crashing into yours. Jake is cool, crystal water and you have an insatiable thirst that only he can quench. Jake’s hand slides up under the skirt of your dress, his fingers barely grazing your throbbing clit. You stifle a moan, your hands exploring his bare chest. The Uber pulls up outside your hotel, and Jake whisks you out and in through the doors. You lead him up to the third floor and fumble around in your bag to find the key card. As you find it, Jake grabs hold of your wrists with one hand and lifts them above you, pinning you to the door. With his spare hand, he lifts your thigh up and around his waist and grinds into you, the outline of his erection pressing right where you need it to. You cry out with pleasure, which Jake evidently seems to like.
“You sound so fucking beautiful when you moan like that” he purrs, retrieving the key card from your restrained hand and pressing it against the reader. As he opens the door, he pulls you up onto him so that you’re straddling him with your legs wrapped around his waist. He brings you over to the bed and sets you down onto it.
“Do you want me, pretty lady?” He asks.
“Fuck… yes! Please!” You shout, the agonising need to be fucked coursing through your veins.
“How long has it been since someone took care of you, baby?”
“Too fucking long” you whine.
“So, you’re telling me this pretty baby hasn’t been fucked for a while? When’s the last time he made you cum?” He taunts, planting hot, breathless kisses along your throat.
“He never made me cum”.
Jake stops in his tracks, runs his hands up and into your hair, and guides your face to his.
“He never made you cum?”
“No, I can’t.” You say, embarrassment flooding across your face. “I can only make myself cum”.
Jake laughs and you frown at him, not understanding what’s remotely amusing about what you just said.
His eyes blacken with lust. “We’ll see about that” he croons, snaking his hand up your thigh, inching dangerously close to your throbbing, needy clit.
“This only works if you trust me, can you do that?” He asks. You nod, but he shakes his head.
“Words, pretty lady. I need you to use your words. I won’t go easy on you, but you need to tell me if things get too much. Ok”
“Ok” you breathe “do anything, please do what you want, I’m yours”.
“You’re gunna wish you didn’t say that” he laughs, and with that, he bunches the waistband of your thong in his fist and rips it off in one clean movement. His middle finger runs through your wet pussy, collecting your heat as he trails upwards, and uses it as lubrication to rub agonisingly pleasurable circles across your swollen bud.
“Oh, fuck yes” you cry, your hands grabbing at your breasts over the velvet of your dress.
Clearly affected by your outbursts, he slips two fingers inside of you and begins pumping them, curling them up to reach your sweet spot. Your hands find their way under his shirt, and your fingernails dig into the flesh on his back.
“Fuck! Please, don’t stop!” You beg, your eyes rolling back into your head.
“You don’t need to beg me, baby. I’ll take care of you” he soothes, whilst doing the opposite with his hand. He’s fucking you so hard with his fingers, his pace causing a pressure to build up in your lower stomach. You know that feeling, and it’s usually only felt when you are in your own company, with your trusty wand vibrator in hand, but this time you are teetering on the edge of an orgasm at the hands of Jake fucking Kiszka.
That thought alone, and the knowledge that he is currently inside you, is enough to tip you over the edge. Your mind plunges into bliss as you pulse around his fingers. No man has ever made you cum before.
You hazily begin drifting down from your orgasm, but instead of letting up, he begins to pump into you even faster, still curling his fingers up and into your bulging G spot.
“Please, stop!” you cry out, beginning to feel overstimulated.
“I told you to trust me” he snaps, restraining your wrists with his free hand.
You’re writhing under his touch, the pressure building and building within you. The feeling is unfamiliar, but you do trust him.
“Come on baby, cum for me again, I know you can” he coos.
His gentle coaching paired with the enormous pleasure jolting through your body sends you headfirst into a crashing wave of ecstasy. You cry out as you cum harder than you ever have in your life. You throw your head back as you begin to see stars. Jake pulls his fingers out of you and rubs them viciously against your clit as you continue to gush out onto the bed sheets.
“Fuck, fuck!!!” You shout, completely consumed and lost in your orgasm.
Jake lifts his hand to his mouth and licks you off his fingers, savouring the taste of you like it’s his last ever meal.
“I fucking love a squirter” he moans, climbing on top and pressing his hard cock into you.
“Tell me what you want baby” he asks.
“I want you to fuck me” you breathe.
“You ready for more, princess?” He taunts.
“Yes, fuck yes. Please, Jake.” You plead.
He hooks his arm underneath you and pulls you up, so you’re sat upright on top of him. He lifts your dress over your head and exposes your bare breasts, your nipples hard and pebbled. He takes one into his mouth and begins to suck on it gently, which causes you to whimper.
You pull his shirt off and begin unbuttoning his pants. He yanks them off and you delve into his boxers, sliding your hand down his shaft. He groans, a pearl of pre-cum forming at his tip. He runs his fingers through your folds to gather your slick and uses it to pump himself a few times with this before lifting you up and pulling you down onto him. His hard cock slips inside you with ease, and you both wail with immense pleasure. He begins fucking into you hard and fast, his hands finding your throat and choking you slightly, his teeth burrowing into your collarbone. Your mind goes hazy as you sink deeper and deeper into euphoria. The bed frame pounds against the wall as Jake drives his length into you, his free hand stroking across your clit.
“Jake, I’m gunna fucking cum” you sob, tears falling down your cheeks.
“Cum for me baby, cum so hard for me. I’m so close angel”. You can see he’s teetering on the edge himself, his face plastered with pleasure, but he wants you to get there first. His selflessness and desire for your own pleasure sends you tumbling into orgasm number three, that same rush of endorphins flooding through your veins as you clench hard around him and cover him in your arousal. He curses loudly as his cock twitches inside of you, and he’s cumming right alongside you. The symphony of curses, moans and groans light up the dark room with their beautiful song.
You find yourselves intertwined in a heap on the bed, panting and sweating, tangled up together as you float down from ecstasy. He cups your face in his hands and kisses your forehead gently, in a way that makes you feel like the most special person in the world.
“Wow” you whisper, your heart rate returning to a steadier pace.
“You are fucking phenomenal” he praises softly, stroking your hair.
You lay there for a while, in silence, letting Jake hold you.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course” Jake replies, caressing your cheek
“Why me?”
“Huh?” He looks at you, confused.
“Why me? You could have had any girl tonight, literally any girl. Why did you choose me?”
He sighs. “To be honest with you, I don’t do this a lot. I know that might seem hard to believe, given my profession…” he hesitates “I actually recently got out of a long-term relationship myself too, and the last thing I’ve wanted to do is date or sleep with someone else. But when I saw you in the crowd tonight, it sounds stupid, but I knew I had to get to know you. I knew you were special.”
You blush, not knowing what to say back.
“Is it weird if I tell you I’ve had a crush on you for like, the longest time” you giggle.
“Fuck no” he laughs, before adding “you’re only human” with a wink.
You stay up talking for hours, about where you grew up, how many siblings you have, what your life ambitions are and all the other deep shit that you share when getting to know someone. He laughs, you laugh. At around 3am, you realise the time.
“Shit, it’s so late!” You gasp.
Jake laughs and places his hand over yours. “I guess time flies when you’re having fun”.
“I suppose you need to leave; I have no idea what a rock star’s schedule is like but I’m sure it’s busy!” You say, unable to hide the sullen undertones in your voice.
“We actually have a week until the next show, so we were planning on hanging around here and doing some tourist shit. Josh really likes London, something about it being ‘good for the artist’s soul’, whatever the fuck that means…”
“Oh, that’s cool” You mumble, not really knowing what else to say. You want to ask him to stay, but you’ve only just met the guy.
“Do you mind if I crash with you tonight?” Jake asks, smiling softly at you. It’s as if he read your mind…
“No not at all!” Yeah, good going, make it super obvious how happy that made you, you sound like a giddy schoolgirl!
He chuckles, moving forward and enveloping you in a tight embrace.
“Good night, Y/N. I’m so glad I met you today” he breathes into your ear.
“Good night, Jake. I’m glad too.”
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shes4twnksinatrnchct · 3 months
Fault Line | Chapter One Jake Kiszka x F. OC
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Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, explicit language, fluff, first love
(*smut will have respective warnings per chapter it occurs in)
Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction and enjoy!
Summary: Two years after Coley Payne departs from her position as rhythm guitarist in Greta Van Fleet, she reaches out to her former band members for their assistance in telling their most honest recount of her time in the band and why it came to an end...
“...White’s?!” She can hear her mother shouting over the speakerphone echoing off the walls of the Kiszka’s kitchen, Coley’s concentration trying to keep on Jake’s finger placement as the riff of Highway Tune softly pulls from the acoustic guitar in his lap from where they’re  sitting on the carpet of his parents living room. “You want my seventeen year old daughter to go to a bar?!” 
“Tammy, me and Dan are going with Karen and Lori and the boys so it’s not just gonna be them and the kids—you and Cole can come if you’d feel more comfortable—”
“I don’t even go to bars, Kelly, and you think I’m letting my kid step foot in one?!” It’s now that she loses her focus, turning her head in the direction of the walled kitchen, trying to hear better. 
“It’ll just be for a couple hours. We’ll have eyes on them at all times.” Karen promises, calmly, understanding the worry surrounding her daughter being at White’s Bar—an infamously sketchy spot for adults to gather, let alone teenagers. 
Jake bites into his bottom lip as he looks the girl beside him over. 
Coley’s unable to hear what her mother says in return, too distracted with the feeling of his lips on her cheek, burning her skin and causing her to turn to him and whisper, “Your parents!” motioning her  thumb toward the kitchen that either one of them can walk out of at any point.
Having to stifle a giggle when he damns any potential consequences, his lips catch hers, fingers—scarred from guitar strings—grasping at her jaw.
  He wishes they were anywhere else but his house, his mind running wild with the fantasy of getting her to himself with no chance of interruptions from his siblings or parents. 
“Look, we all agreed this was something we would support them in if they really wanted it. They’re finishing school, they’re being responsible, they’re working their asses off trying to make something out of this. They can’t play at toddler’s birthday parties if they want to get their music out there in-full.” His mom continues, and  the steps of his dad moving toward the living room causes Coley to shove him away, knocking him over onto his back. 
“Sorry!” Her laughter pushes through the room as she immediately leans forward to help him back up. “I’m sorry,” She repeats,  gently grabbing the guitar from him, holding at his hand with her free  one to pull him back up as he chuckles out, “Fuck you,” quietly. 
“And I understand that, but I’m not privy to the thought of our children at a bar.” Tammy’s relentless, still going back and forth while Kelly huffs out a breath and steps toward his and Karen’s bedroom. 
“I guess I should go reel my mom in before she outright accuses your parents of being shitty guardians for being willing to let us go play in a bar.” She says to Jake, rolling her eyes. 
“You got this, champ.” He nods, before he’s planting one last, fast kiss to her mouth, reaching up when she stands and slapping her ass as a means of encouragement—which instead stings like hell and has her scowling at him. 
Karen doesn’t say a word in response to Mrs. Payne,, raising her brows at Coley as she spots her walking into the kitchen, and the girls extends her hand to take the phone from her. 
“Mom.” Coley takes it off speaker, leaning against the counter while Karen starts finishing putting up her groceries, “It’ll be for a couple hours.”
“Coley June Payne, do you have any idea how rough White’s bar is?”
“It’s a gig, mom.” She states the most important part of the matter. “We need those, you know.”
“I know that, but what about something at the Hall again?” 
“Mom. We can’t keep playing at Fischer Hall and random town festivals for the rest of our lives. I know you’d love that, but it’s not gonna be as sustainable.” 
“Cole, talk to your daughter!” Tammy abruptly shouts at her husband who’s just gotten home from work. 
“Which one?” Coley hears him ask, having five of them to choose from. 
“Your junior.” She spits out, handing him the phone while adding, “Karen and Kelly called to talk to me about their next show at White’s Bar, and Coley is not going. So, maybe you can put it into words better than I could.” 
“Hey, Junie.” He says to his second child in an exasperated sigh, definitely having better plans than coming home to World War III. 
“Dad, you guys can obviously come—the boys’ and Danny’s parents are coming! It’ll just be a couple hours, and we’re actually getting paid a little bit, and we can’t keep doing freaking birthdays and graduations and shoddy town festivals.” 
He doesn’t answer right away, but eventually breathes out, “Your mom isn’t comfortable with it.” 
“What is she gonna do when we all finally get out of school and we get the hell out of here?” Coley presses sharply.
“We’ll cross that damn bridge when we get there, Coley.” He states, just wanting to be left out of this. “Your mom said, ‘no’.”
She doesn’t say a word back to him, my eyes going blurry as tears of frustration start to build within them. 
After several seconds of nothing but background noise in her house from the other end of the line, her dad’s whispering, “She went to the bathroom. I’ll talk to her but I feel like this is gonna be a ‘forgiveness over permission’ situation, but I’ll be damned if I paid all that money for a guitar that doesn’t make it out of Frankenmuth, Michigan.”
A sigh floats from her mouth, her eyes closing before she’s wiping at them, voicing out a grateful, “Thank you, dad.” 
“Yeah, just don’t say a word to her about it until I try to talk to her again.” He tells her and she nods to herself. 
“Alright, I’ll let you go. Tell everybody I said, ‘hey,’ and I’ll see you later tonight.” 
“Okay, I will. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Junie. Bye.”
She hangs up and places Karen’s phone back on the counter, looking up to see Jake and his mom staring at her in anticipation before she’s saying, “Dad said I’m going.”
“Does Tammy know that?” Karen asks, raising her brows. 
“No…but she doesn’t have to as long as my dad does.” 
Shaking her head and pinching the bridge of her nose, she states, “We’re not trying to cause problems with them, now.”
“Coley’s in the band—her not going is non-negotiable, mom.” Jake argues. 
“I just know how I would feel if your father was going behind my back and allowing you kids to do things I wasn’t comfortable with.” She places her palms on her chest, pointedly looking at her son. “I’m not saying Tammy’s not worrying a little too much, but I’m also not blaming her for not being thrilled with the idea of her seventeen year old in a bar with a bunch of drunk rough-necks…so I think the best solution is for all of you to politely have a conversation with her about it before Saturday. Maybe hearing it from you guys will allow her to see how strongly you guys feel about this opportunity…preferably with Joshua doing all the talking because we all know he is her favorite.” 
The two teens look at one another, trying to silently communicate another plan. 
“Now, if you two will give me a few minutes, I will have dinner ready in time for Josh to get back from practice and Sammy to get back from Danny’s.” 
“…Dad can’t cook tonight?” It’s as innocent sounding as it can be from Jake, looking at his mother with a tight smile in an attempt to spare her feelings as he asks it. 
“You know what, that’s a great idea.” Karen doesn’t even argue, stepping out of the kitchen to fetch her husband to lend his exemplary cooking skills to the cause of keeping us from going hungry. 
When she disappears, Jake’s eyes linger on Coley  from where he’s leaning against the counter, his attention on her intense and nearly suffocating but she gladly wallows in it, pretending not to notice it. 
“Psst,” It escapes through his teeth, catching her attention, and drawing her blue eyes to his brown. 
She can’t look at him without damn-near blushing, watching every move he makes toward her, earning another scold, “Jacob Thomas, if your parents see us…” when he tries to kiss her again. 
He laughs it off, playfully mumbles, “…Just shut up,” and does it anyway, something she’s secretly grateful for once his lips meet hers, again. Pulling away to look at her once more, his fingertips gently push the hair away from her face while he asks, “Would you go somewhere with me?” In a whispered tone. 
There’s nothing but mischief in his voice, the temptation of more than likely getting up to no good. 
She doesn’t even bother thinking about it. 
“Anywhere.” She speaks  in a breath, her grin framing the words. 
“Hey, mom?!” He calls out. 
“What?!” She replies from the other end of the house. 
He reaches over to the key holder hanging beside the garage door next to the pantry, going to grab his keys but Coley points to hers being that they’ve been burning through his gas more as of late. He opens the garage door, taking her hand to motion for her to go first.  
“Me and Coley will be back before dinner!” He says and strategically shuts the door before she can ask any questions. 
They’re racing to the white, 2002 Chevy Silverado that once belonged to Mr. Payne until Tammy got pregnant with Emmy. 
There’s no need to press on about where we’re going because once he turns left onto the paved road that is in desperate need of a touch up, Coley already knows. 
COLEY: The only things in existence, other than ourselves, that bore witness to our budding relationship were the backroads enveloping the outskirts of Frankenmuth, farm fields that were momentarily empty per rotation, and the wooded areas that surrounded it all.
I didn’t want anyone to know we had dove head-first into the deep end with one another, not that soon, at least, in case things didn’t quite work out. He, however, was chomping at the bit to let everyone we loved and cared about to know we had fallen inexplicably in love through the years of innocent intimacy that accompanied teaching anybody anything so personally. 
“Don’t look at me, look at the guitar,” is what he would say to me at least once each time he’d work with me after we turned fifteen, smiling almost shyly at the fact I’d completely forfeited my specific attention on his teaching to just study him. 
By the time we hit sixteen, I was having to tell him the same thing in the process of trying to run a riff by him I’d learned on my own, feeling nearly paralyzed under his brown-eyed gaze. 
“Don’t look at me, look at the guitar.” I had stated, to which he didn’t even bother looking away from me to say, “I don’t need to look at the guitar. I can hear if it's right or not.” I didn’t doubt him for a second because the only way he had learned to play was by ear, but his cocky little smirk highlighted the fact he used that as an excuse to permit himself to keep memorizing me the same way I had done him. 
His fingers reach out and twist at the black dial labeled “volume”, Jimi Hendrix’s psychedelic voice beginning to filter through the radio half-way through, “Are You Experienced?”
“Ah, something of culture and sustenance being played in here. Finally.” He smirks at her, expecting to hear the barking of aggressive rock that’s been known to come on as soon as the truck is cranked—having been pulled from the giant case of CDs her dad has kept in the truck since he’s had it. 
Rolling her eyes at his comment, he lets his eyes travel up her legs before he’s grabbing at the center console between them  and pulling it up to reveal the additional seat that separates them
His right hand pats at it, offering for her to scoot closer to him, then reaches toward the radio to press the back arrow to find previous songs on the CD. 
Despite his effort, she shakes her head at his silent request for her to sit closer beside him, and he raises his brows at her briefly before his eyes go back to the road. 
“I lack too much culture and sustenance to get to sit by you.” Coley informs him smartly, unable to hide the smug grin on her lips as he shakes his head and reaches over to her, grabbing at the crook under the back of her left knee, nearly dragging her. 
“Jake!” She hits at his hand, unable to ignore the opportunity he takes to squeeze there, deliberately tickling her, which causes her to jerk. 
“Just come sit by me.” He says, refusing to let go of her despite her best effort to get away. 
“Don’t kill us.” She scolds him, trying to catch her breath from her laughter and her struggle against him as he keeps on the road. 
“I’m not.” 
Despite his assurance, he doesn’t let go of her leg. 
She unbuckles her seatbelt, obliging him with a dramatic roll of her eyes and glances at him, his hand now patting at her thigh before once again going to the radio and pressing “previous” until the other-worldly pull of guitar strings opens, “May This Be Love.” 
It’s a song they’ve heard plenty together at his house over the record player of his parents’, but now as Coley pretends to pout, keeping a stoic expression, Jake’s cranking the volume up and singing along in a way that’s clearly meant to invoke light to her,  chasing after the hit of a high he gets hearing her giggle and seeing her smile.  
Even as he’s just dicking around, she’s impressed, having only heard bits and pieces of his voice through trying to write with Josh. 
His plan works hand in hand with him digging his fingers into my knee cap in an attempt to get her to crack a grin or another giggle, and by the end of the song they’re both singing—more so screaming it over the volume of the radio—to each other.
“Why don’t you ever sing?” She asks, easing the rattling of the speakers when the next track comes on by turning the volume back down some.
“I just did.” 
“Jake, singing to me doesn’t count.” She informs him, knowing very well that he knows what she means by asking the question. 
“Coley, singing to you is probably one of the only times it does count.” He corrects her, a sincere sentiment enriching his voice. 
“That was a panty dropper.” She nods in approval, cutting through the somewhat sappy energy being created within the cab of the truck. “Use that one when we make it big and you’ll have all the screaming girls clawing through the barricade.”
“If I play my cards right I won’t have to say anything to get all the screaming girls clawing through the barricade.” He retorts, making her glare at him. “Someone’s gotta get the people pleased, Coley, and there’s five of us that burden equally falls to. If the cross that I bear is doing just that for the greater good of the band, I must pick it up and carry on.” He speaks it in a prolific manner that sounds so serious that she nearly forgets he’s all bullshit, until he gives her a shit-eating grin that has her rolling her eyes and stating, “You’re so full of it.” 
He chuckles off the comment and continues to drive pointlessly. 
They sit quietly while Hendrix continues on, providing a comfortable calm as the sun starts to trade its shift with the moon. 
Soon, her arm hooks through his and his hand that’s resting atop her thigh laces through her fingers while her left cheek rests against his right arm. 
She thinks of that possibility–hundreds of screaming people surrounding them in celebration of their music, basking in whatever feeling each song means to any given individual…it’s not necessarily their intention when they decided to make music as a band, but that’s what it has seemingly morphed into, ever growing and evolving. 
It leaves her with one question for him:
“Do you think we’ll really make it?”
“I think…if we all keep our shit together and keep going the way we have been, we will.” He says, certainly.
He’s poured every bit of blood, sweat and tears into this to make sure something comes of it, there’s no way he’ll accept anything less. 
“Do you think we’ll make it?” He looks at her for a second before looking at the road once again.
“I think we will.” I nod. “And if we don’t, then we know we can play birthdays, and graduations—”
“No.” He states while he shakes his head, causing her to continue with, “…And rinky festivals, and Fischer Hall, and—”
Her rip of a scream tears through her words as she doubles over in an attempt to stop his hand from getting at her thigh. 
She scrambles to get away from him when he gets a hold of her, not even bothering to tell him to stop because her laughter is pulling just as much of the cackling joy from him. 
COLEY: The noise of riding around aimlessly in that shitty truck with him, listening to Jimi Hendrix and the sound of his happiness was something I wanted pressed on a record. 
We’d always joked that I joined the band out of spite, to throw a big, “fuck you,” to the little prick that said girls couldn’t play guitar…but the fault line in the band’s foundation didn’t have anything to do with me joining for the sake of spite—it didn’t have anything to do with me joining for myself at all.
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samkiszkasfacialhair · 10 months
Rollin' and Tumblin' Chapter 4
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Rollin’ and Tumblin’ Chapter 4
Pairing: Jake Kiszka and Female Reader
Summary: You’ve lived a sheltered and privileged life, only learning what it truly means to live and love after meeting Jake, a young man of unusual western sorts who was hired to work on your father’s farm.
Warnings: Injury (deep ax cut with blood), house fire, death of parents, death of siblings.
Word Count: 3.5k
Chapter 4
As the summer rolled on, your time with Jake did as well. Sundays became your sneak away days. There was no work to be done on Sundays but Jake still came to the farm. Every Sunday at noon, right after lunch, you’d meet him behind the barn and as long as you were back before dinner and relatively clean, no one would suspect a thing. 
The only person who knew was Katherine, your lady’s maid.  She had known about Jake since the very beginning and she was trustworthy. Through the years, she had kept all your secrets. After all, you’d known her since you were an infant. She was more of a friend rather than a lady’s maid. She was always prepared with a lie to be told if anyone asked for your whereabouts.
In just a few short weeks of spending time with Jake, you’d grown to truly care for him in ways you didn’t even know were possible. You did a lot of things together. He taught you how to fish, how to throw a baseball, and not to mention, he taught you how to make him feel good in certain ways, to say the least.
But despite all that, your favorite thing was reading to him. You would sit down at the base of the hillside and he would lay his head on your lap and close his eyes while you read him books and combed your fingers through his hair. He loved to be read stories. He said it reminded him of his mother who he missed a lot. 
After bidding Jake goodbye on Sunday afternoons, you’d watch him work each weekday and count down the days until you could see him again. 
This week, the day came sooner than expected.
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in late August. The weather was just starting to cool down and it was the perfect day for an outdoor lunch. Your mother’s friends and their daughters all came to your home for sandwiches and lemonade in the backyard. 
The daughters were all girls you grew up with, some a bit younger than you and some of them your age and married with children who stayed home with nannies.
The group of you talked and sipped lemonade on the porch while everyone around you was working. 
Housemaids served food to the tables of women in the shade while farm hands, Jake included, hauled and cut wood to build a fence over by the barn in the sun.
“What are you looking at, Claire?” you asked one of the girls at the table, as she peeked over the rim of her glass in the direction of the men.
Claire was younger, eighteen years old, and set to be married to the heir of a successful steel milling company in just a few months. She was silly and outgoing. She waved to the men and giggled, causing every girl at the table to turn their heads towards the barn to see who she was waving at.
Standing next to Jake was a man you'd never seen before. He was a taller, skinnier man, with brown hair falling down past his shoulders just like Jake’s except slightly darker and his was tied up into two messy braids. He was wearing denim head to toe and had on a dirty brown hat which he tipped at Claire in response to her wave.
“The tall one is rather cute,” Claire said dreamily.
The girls at the table giggled quietly as they continued staring at them while they worked.
“Yes, but the shorter one is handsome,” another one of your friends, Margaret, chimed in with her eyes set on Jake.
“Look at his legs in those pants,” she said as she stared at him, “I wonder what he looks like wi-”
“Margaret, be a lady! We’re having lunch!” Claire interrupted with a slight laugh in her voice. 
The girls at the table giggled and whispered at Margaret’s unfinished comment and Claire’s sudden stop of it.
You let out a few fake laughs to join in with the group. Though Margaret didn’t get to finish her sentence, you knew what the rest of it was going to be and you knew the answer to it. You knew what Jake looked like without pants on. He looked good. Better than any of them could imagine.
But you sat in silence, holding your tongue and pretending not to be interested in any of the men back there, but especially Jake.
It took all you had not to gush over them and spill your secrets to the rest of the girls at the table. Part of you wished you could but the other part of you felt satisfied knowing you had what they wanted, regardless if anyone knew about it or not. 
Eventually, the conversation transitioned onto something other than the men, which you were thankful for, and the afternoon carried on.
However it wasn’t long until the sound of Jake’s voice along with a thud of an ax hitting the ground broke through the air, causing your head to whip back around.
“Jesus! Fuck!” he called out as a pool of blood gushed out of his left hand, covered his palm, and dripped along his fingers.
The older women at the table gave him looks of disgust because of his language and continued on with their lunch, not paying him an ounce of attention- not even caring that he’d been hurt.
At the sight of him in pain, you felt your heart drop. You sat up in your chair for a better look. It took everything in you not to get up and run over to him to see if he was alright. You had to remind yourself to stay where you were and keep your thoughts in your head so as to not give yourself away.
Splatters of burgundy littered Jake’s shirt and he pressed a piece of blood soaked fabric tight over his palm.
As your father and Jake approached the back porch, you redirected your attention to your meal and tried your best not to look at Jake.
Your father snapped his fingers at Katherine and she stood up to speak to him. Katherine was a war nurse before becoming your lady’s maid. She knew everything from cleaning and healing wounds to getting blood out of clothing. If anyone could help in this situation, it was her.
He spoke quietly to her and before you knew it, she had gone into your house with Jake following behind her.
After excusing yourself from lunch, you entered your house to find Katherine in the first floor bathroom pulling a small first aid tin out of a vanity cabinet while Jake sat on the edge of the tub with his eyes on his hand.
You cleared your throat and Jake looked up at you and smiled.
“I’ll be done in just a moment, He needs-” Katherine began, not bothering to look up at you in the doorway.
“I can help him,” you said quietly, interrupting her.
At the familiar sound of your voice, she turned around from what she was doing to meet your eyes and smiled.
Quickly, she ran over to you and pulled you into the bathroom.
“Oh Miss, the sight of blood made you a bit nauseous, didn’t it?” she spoke loudly out the bathroom door, letting her voice carry down the hallway and towards the kitchen, “Please, head upstairs to get some rest,” she said, peering out into the hall to check for anyone listening or watching.
She flashed you both a smile of satisfaction before closing the bathroom door and leaving the two of you alone in your house for the first time ever.
Jake shook his head and let out a laugh through his nose, ‘That’s Katherine, isn’t it?” he asked.
Nodding wordlessly at him, you approached the spot Katherine was once standing in and opened the first aid kit. 
“You know what you’re doin’, Darlin’?” he asked cautiously.
“Mhm,” you said as you placed the kit down on the edge of the sink and grabbed it as it began teetering off the edge. 
Jake placed his right hand on top of yours. There was dried blood from his other hand on the top of it as well as in the beds of fingernails.
“My house ain’t more than a mile away. If you want to head there with me to do this properly,” he suggested.
His idea was probably best. You didn’t have any chairs to sit at or a table to work on in the bathroom and you couldn’t go to any other part of your house to do this without getting caught. Besides, extra alone time with Jake away from your house didn’t sound too bad either.
You made sure his hand was wrapped up to slow the bleeding and snuck him out the front door with ease.
He led you through a wooded area towards his home and within minutes, you approached a clearing in the woods with a small log cabin in the middle of it. It couldn’t have been more than two rooms wide. It had a brick chimney and a few steps which lead to a covered porch where you spotted a dark brown dog laying down by the door. 
“It’s not much, but it's home,” he said smiling as you stood in front of the steps. 
The dog sat up and barked at the sight of Jake. 
You stayed put in fear as Jake knelt down on his knees to pet it. 
“Hey girl,” he said softly to her as he rubbed her head with his good hand.
“This is Rose,” he explained, “She’s my brother Sammy’s. She’s sweet, she ain’t gonna hurtcha,’” he assured you.
You walked up the steps hesitantly and extended a hand to her as you stood behind Jake. She sniffed it a bit before licking it gently. You laughed as her tongue tickled your skin. 
“You like my lady, Rose?” he said softly to her as if she would answer back.
He smiled at you, “I think she likes you,” he said before looking back down at her, “Well Rose, you’re a good judge of character,” he said as he gave her a final pat and stood up again.
He opened the front door and led the way inside to the tiny cabin.
Inside there was a wooden dining table with two chairs, two beds covered with quilted blankets, and fireplace with logs set next to it.
Jake was right. It wasn’t much. But despite it not being much, it was everything at the same time. It was warm and inviting unlike your house which was stiff, cold, and uncomfortable.
You sat down at a wooden table across from him and placed the kit down as he held out his wounded hand to you. 
Slowly, you unwrapped the blood soaked fabric and he winced as you peeled it off his hand to reveal a deep slice in his palm that went from the bottom of his thumb up to his pinky finger. The bleeding had stopped for the most part but you could still see fresh blood as well as dirt and clumps of dried blood in and around the wound.
After getting a good look at it, you dug into the kit, pulling out a few bottles of solutions, scissors, and bandages.
Jake watched you as you read the labels on each bottle and set the correct ones aside.
You picked up a bottle of antiseptic and poured some out onto a clean cloth.
“It’s going to sting, okay?” you warned him as you brought the damp cloth closer to his hand.
He closed his eyes tight and nodded in anticipation.
With your free hand, you gently ran your fingertips up and down his forearm to calm him before pressing down on his wound with the wet cloth.
He hissed as the solution soaked deep into his raw, broken skin.
“Sorry,” you whispered as he breathed hard and bit down on his bottom lip.
You released the cloth from his wound and blew cool air onto it, watching his face relax and his eyes open once more as the pain faded.
After gently but thoroughly cleaning his cut, you cleaned the excess blood off his hands, applied a healing ointment and bandaged him up properly. 
“How’d you learn how to do all that?” he asked as you carefully secured the bandage.
“Katherine was a war nurse. She used to tell stories of how she helped wounded soldiers. And anytime I’d gotten hurt as a child, she helped me. So I suppose I learned from her,” you explained.
And for the first time ever, you felt accomplished. You felt like you were worth something- like you could do things that mattered. You weren’t just a trophy for a man to have on his arm at parties. In that moment, you realized there was a lot that you knew how to do and it was because of Jake that you were able to do all these things. Because of him you could ride a horse, swim, throw a baseball, fish, and play card games. All things you’d never been able to do before. You felt good about yourself for the first time in a long time.
You replayed the times you spent together in your head before asking him the question you’ve always wanted to ask. 
“Now,” you began, running your hands over the bandage on his hand gently, “I’ve told you all about me and my life. I want to hear about yours.”
Jake sighed. He had avoided talking about himself for as long as you’ve known him, only sharing a few tidbits here and there.
“Tell me,” you began, looking around the house and spotting two of everything, "It’s just you and Sammy?”
“Mhm, just me and Sammy,”
“And your parents? Certainly you have parents. You’ve told me about your mother a bit,” you said, prompting him to add to the conversation. After all, you’d only heard about his mother briefly.
He nodded, “I had a momma and a daddy. When I was little we had this house on a big plain in Texas,” he smiled to himself before his expression faded and he paused. 
He looked down for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and continued, “But, when I was ten, there, uh, there was a fire. The whole house- up in flames. We got out of it, me and Sammy. We were the only ones. Lost my brother Joshua and my sister Veronica too,” he shook his head, “Last thing I heard was my momma callin’ out for ‘em. And, then the roof fell. I remember standin’ there with Sammy, watchin’ it burn,” he spoke softly with his eyes fixated on the fire burning in the fireplace just a few feet from him. 
He closed his eyes and blinked a few times, moving his gaze back down to the table in front of him.
“Sammy cried. But I didn’t. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I had to be strong for him. Sammy hardly remembers ‘em now he says. I guess he’s lucky in that way. I remember it all like it was yesterday.”
His voice cracked just a little as he spoke and he fought back tears before regaining his composure and continuing.
“But when it was over, and there was nothin’ left, we walked. I walked with Sam all the way from Texas to Tennessee, beggin’ for money and food along the way, hearin’ people talk about a city called Nashville. So we headed for it. Took a while. The winters were brutal and the summers were like a kiss from the Devil himself. But eventually, I got a little older, stopped begging and started picking up jobs, workin’ here and there to get a little money. Lived in Louisiana for a little, then eventually moved up to Mississippi, and then we ended up here. Learned how to tend land, take care of cattle, ya know- farm stuff. Sam would play with the rich school kids while I was workin’. They taught him how to read and write- Sammy’s smart. He’s good at buildin’ too- helped me build this here house we’re sittin’ in right now and he's helping me build that fence on your daddy's farm. Don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t have him. He’s the only family I got. Ya know, you say you hate your family, but, you don’t know just how good you have it.”
It was silent for a minute. Jake kept his head down. You could tell he was thinking deeply. 
“Jake, I’m sorry,” you whispered, reaching a hand out to cup his face. You didn’t know what else to say. There really was nothing you could say. You felt guilty. He had lived a hard life while you were given everything and still you were unappreciative. And even though there was pain deep in his heart, he was still the kindest, most loving person you’d ever met. 
“S’alright,” he whispered, “Got ‘em in here,” he said as he placed his good hand on top of his chest, where his heart was.
He stood up, leaving you at the table as he walked over to his bed. 
He pulled off his blood stained shirt and put on a clean one. 
“But your parents,” he began as he threw his dirty shirt in a tin bucket, “They set you up to marry somebody and you don’t even like ‘em? Is that how they met too?”
“Unfortunately, yes. That’s how the world works, Jake,” you said as you began cleaning up the first aid kit and bloody fabric. 
Now in a fresh shirt, he walked over to you and placed the bucket on the table and his good hand on the arm of the chair you were in, leaning forward and closing you in between him and the table.
“That’s not how the world works,” he said, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“Alright then, how does the world work?” you asked, looking up at him like you were presenting him with a challenge. 
“Well,” he began, “I don't know much about the whole world, but in my world, you meet somebody on your own, get to know ‘em a little, and then without realizing it, you come to find yourself…” his voice trailed off and picked up in a whisper, “falling in love with ‘em.”
He swallowed hard and you did the same. His eyes darted all over your face as he breathed softly through parted lips. 
You both knew how you felt. It was just as Jake said. You were falling in love with one another. Better yet, already had fallen in love with each other.
“You ever been in love before, Jacob?” you asked in a voice barely above a whisper. 
Jake opened his mouth to speak but the sudden sounds of Rosie barking outside and the opening of the front door made both your heads turn quickly to see the tall, skinny man with the braids standing in the doorway, looking surprised. 
Quickly, you both stood up and you picked up the tin bucket to hand it to Jake.
“Just, um, let it soak in cold water for a day or two and then wash it well with soap,” you instructed him, trying to cover up how flustered you were feeling.
“I will,” Jake replied shyly before introducing you to Sammy who seemed to know exactly who you were.
Sammy was sweet as could be and a lot less serious than Jake. He had the same subtle twang in his voice as Jake but his voice was a little louder, and sounded just a bit more youthful too, playful even. But just like Jake, he was a gentleman. 
They exchanged looks and Sammy quickly saw himself out the front door to give the two of you privacy. 
“I suppose I better head home,” you said quietly once Sammy closed the door behind him.
“You know your way back? I would take you but I don’t want to cause you any trouble,” Jake replied, remembering what happened the last time he took you home.
Replying with a smile and a nod, you lifted your chin to kiss him.
He placed his lips on yours and gave you a gentle kiss. There was something about this kiss that was different from all the others. It was softer and sweeter than ever. It was almost as if it had love laced in it.
“Goodnight, Darlin.’ I’ll see ya tomorrow,” Jake whispered as he kissed the top of your head and opened the front door for you.
As you walked down the steps of the front porch, the sound of Sam’s sweet voice caught your attention.
You turned to see him sitting in a wooden rocking chair with Rosie at his feet.
“Take Rose with ya. She’ll keep you safe and she knows her way back,” he said as he lit up a pipe with a match.
You looked back at Jake who was leaning on the doorframe, smiling softly and nodding approvingly.
Sam lifted his chin to Rose and said “Get!” 
Instantly, she got up and trotted down the stairs before you.
As the sun set, you walked home with Rose by your side. When you arrived back at your house, you gave her a kiss on the top of her head and sent her away and back home to Jake.
Author's Note: Again, sorry for the delay! I hope you enjoyed it and that little taste of cowboy Sammy! The next (and last) chapter will come sooner rather than later!
Taglist: @peepeepoopoopantz @sacredjake @writingcold @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @radmads-gvf @iheartjakekiszka @sadandgeek @vanfleeter @cassy-face (Cassy-face it wont let me tag you properly bff idk why) @myownparadise96
52 notes · View notes
ourtearsofrain · 1 year
Ride a Cowboy- Save a Horse pt. 2 (D.R.W/S.F.K)
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Summary: Danny and Sam tell Jake and Josh they’re dating. Their reactions? That they need to see the line dancing bar where they finally confessed to each other. Lucky for them, there’s a partners night coming up where the newbies dance with local drag queens. What neither expected was to leave the bar with a man on each of their arms.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, Josh Kiszka x male OC, Jake Kiszka x male OC
Genre: fluff (aftercare and everyone being cute and in love), angst and a little bit of hurt/comfort, smut (minors DNI)
Word Count: 15.5 k
Warnings: they’re all gay and have stupid little gay crushes on oc’s but are all too shy to act on their crushes for a fat minute, Dallas is back, smut, anal sex (fingering and penetration), Sam’s not a bottom this time????
A/N: I would like to thank my friends that read pt. 1 and kept (lovingly) pushing me to write a pt. 2, couldn’t have done it without your input. Also, if you’re new here, this is the second part to a series, so I recommend reading Save a Horse first if you haven’t already as topics, people, and events from that fic are mentioned here and slightly crucial to parts of the plot. Thank you for reading!
“What if they have a problem with it? With us? What if telling them ruins our relationships with them?” Sam says anxiously, pacing across his kitchen as Danny watches him, perched at the edge of his bar stool.
“Love, Josh is queer, it would be extremely hypocritical if he had an issue with it. And you know how Jake reacted when Josh came out, he’ll be fine too.” Danny calmly explains, “They’re your brothers, I’m certain you’ll get nothing but support from them.”
Sam ceases his movements, fully turning towards Danny before he counters, “Yeah I know, that’s not the problem. The problem is that I know they see you as a brother, they have for as long as you’ve known them. I just don’t want them to, I don’t know, feel weird about us being together because of that. I don’t want it to affect how we are, as a group.” He lets out a defeated sigh and runs a hand roughly through his hair, already laying haphazardly and tangled from the anxieties plaguing his mind.
“You three are my best friends, and if I ruin that, I-“ he pauses, tears brimming in his eyes, “-I don’t know how I would be able to live with myself.”
Danny gets off his chair, moving around the counter and quickly closing the space between them. He cups Sams face in his hands tenderly, looking down at the other boy.
“Sammy baby, please. It’s gonna be ok. I promise. And even if it does change anything between all of us, which it won’t, it wouldn’t be your fault love.” He wipes a stray tear away with his thumb and presses a light kiss to Sam’s forehead. “Everything is going to be alright, ok?”
“Yeah… ok. Everything’s gonna be alright.” Danny smiles and Sam manages to offer a weak one back, thoughts still running wild in his mind.
“That’s my boy. We got this.” He brings his hands down to Sams biceps, offering a gentle squeeze. “You got this.”
Sam smiles fully at this, appreciative of his boyfriends’ calm words of reassurance. He pulls him into a tight hug, grateful for the claw clip keeping his mane of hair up and out of the way, allowing him to nestle his face against the soft, warm skin of his neck.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” He mumbles.
Danny laughs lightly, knowing Sam had told him he loved him every day since after the night they got together. He runs his hands up and down Sams back in soothing motions. “Yeah, couple times.”
Sam pulls away to look up at the other boy, still close enough to stay in his warm embrace. “Well I think I’ll say it a few more times anyway. I love you, Danny. Thanks for keeping me sane.”
“Of course, Sammy.” He briefly kisses the other boy, before pulling away to check the notifications he just realized were blowing up his phone where it sat forgotten on the counter.
“Hey when did you say they were getting here again? Oh- never mind.” He begins to clear the texts from both Jake and Josh as he continues, “They texted me. So, so many times. Most of them are ‘Hey’ or ‘You dumbasses really need to check your phones’. Looks like they tried calling you,” he raises his eyebrows as he scrolls through the seemingly endless string of messages, “A lot apparently. They’re on their way. At least they were about five minutes ago, so they should be here soon.”
“Shit, my phone is in my room, I completely forgot about it. I told them to be here at 4:30 and, knowing they’re always late, I said to get here at 4:30 or I’d leave them locked outside.”
Danny checks the time, “Well, it’s now five soooo…”
“Guess they’re staying outside then.”
“As funny as that would be, we do really need to talk to them, love.”
Sam fakes an annoyed sigh, rolling his eyes as he shuffles over to Danny, stopping beside him and leaning his forehead against his shoulder. “God it’s so annoying when you’re right.”
As if summoned, the sound of two fists banging violently against the front door startles them.
Josh’s voice can be heard clearly through the door, loud enough to piss off the neighbors. “HEY FUCKERS YOU BETTER LET US IN.”
“Jesus fucking christ, ok ok. I’M COMING, NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Sam yells as he makes his way to the door, unlocking it when he gets there.
The twins saunter in as Sam holds the door open for them, both already starting to speak at the same time.
“That’s what Daniel’s mother said to me last night, what a lovely woman she is-” Jake starts in a gravelly British accent.
“Why thank you Samuel, wow even holding the door open for us like a true gentleman.” Josh jokes, fluttering his eyelashes at Sam and placing a hand over his heart.
“Both of you, shut the fuck up. You guys are lucky I even let you in, Danny convinced me to.”
“Awwww thanks Danny, I knew you loved us more than Sam does.” Josh says to Danny, still standing by the counter in Sams kitchen.
The twins make their way past him and into Sams living room, unceremoniously throwing themselves down onto the couches and making themselves comfortable as Sam and Danny stand together in mildly tense silence. While the twins are distracted, Danny grabs Sams hand and gives it a light squeeze, giving him a small smile of encouragement before the pair make their way towards the others.
“Hey when is food getting here? What did you order? And what movie are we watching?” Jake says the second he spots Sam and Danny.
Sam wipes his palms on his pants, taking a seat on the unoccupied couch next to the one the twins were taking up all the space on. Danny sits next to him, close enough for suspicion to begin to arise in the twins.
“Uh, we actually wanted to talk. Before getting food or deciding on a movie. I mean we’re still doing that but that was kind of an excuse to get you here.” Sam rambles, causing Jake and Josh to sit up straight in their seats and give him their full attention.
“Talk about what? Is everything ok, Sam?” Josh asks, concern painted across his face at his younger brother’s demeanor.
Sam takes in a shaky breath, looking at Danny before he continues in a rush, “Well, ok, so, uh, there’s really only one way to say this but, Danny and I are dating. We’ve, I’ve waited so long to tell you guys because I was worried it would negatively affect the group dynamic, I didn’t want it to get weird between all of us because of it and I know you guys see him as a brother so I didn’t know if that would be weird for you guys that we were dating. But anyways, yeah that’s kind of all I wanted to say so, uh… now you know.”
A moment of silence passes over the group before Josh breaks it. “Fucking finally, I’ve been waiting for you guys to get together since you guys were Juniors in High School. Jake, you owe me $20, cough it up I know you have the money on you.”
Sam snaps to full attention, looking between the pair as Jake begins to pull his wallet out defeatedly. “You fucking bet on us??” Sam half-yells.
Jake hands Josh a $20 bill, which he snatches from his hand with a grin. “Thank you.” He gestures to Sam and Danny. “And thanks to you too, I was rooting for you. And yeah, we made a bet years ago. Jake thought you guys would never confess. Actually, he thought there was nothing between you two.”
“Shut up, Josh.” Jake retorts, rolling his eyes.
“Anyways, bet aside, we’re happy for you guys. Thank you for telling us. And don’t worry, I promise nothing will change between all of us. Like I said, I’ve been waiting for this for years. We love you guys.”
“We’re proud of you for telling us, Sam. I’m sorry if any worries about how we might react prevented you from telling us sooner.” Jake pauses, “Not to ruin this beautiful tender moment, but I have to ask, how long have you guys been together?”
Danny looks at Sam, giving him a questioning look before answering. “Uh about three months I think? That sounds about right?”
The twins’ eyebrows shoot up. “Three fucking months?? How the hell did you guys act so normal around us? I don’t know about Jake, but I had no new suspicions.”
“Yeah I didn’t think anything was different. You guys did a great job at hiding it. I mean, not that you guys should have felt the need, but.” Jake says.
“Remember that night I went out with Danny and refused to tell you guys where I was going?” Sam asks.
Both boys nod in unison, waiting for him to continue.
“Well, don’t laugh, but I went to a line dancing bar with Danny. And it turned out to be a gay bar. Whole lot of shit happened with this one douchbag, which we don’t need to get in to, and that all led to Danny and I finally confessing.” Sam finishes.
Theres a pause before both boys break out into laughter, Josh hiding it better than Jake. He clears his throat, attempting to speak through his broken chuckles, “Ok, you guys have to take us there some time. I need to see this place.”
“I mean, we can arrange that.” Danny starts. “My friend who told me about the place, I think you guys have met him before? His name is Austin. Anyways, he told me there’s a partner dance night coming up where the local Drag Queens offer to partner with the newer people to teach them how to line dance. The three of us were already planning on going, you guys are invited if you want to go with us.”
Josh snaps to attention, a blush spreading across his cheeks. “Wait, Austin? He’s going?”
“Uh yeah, why?” Danny asks, brows furrowed.
“Oh, just because Josh has a massive fucking crush on him.” Jake teases.
“Oh yeah, right. Not like you’ve been debating on asking Danny for his number since the day you met him.”
“Jake I swear to god-“
Sam cuts him off, “Awwww that’s so cute. Josh, I bet you could ask him to show you the moves, instead of partnering up with a Drag Queen.”
Josh’s face turns an even darker shade of pink. “Shut up, all of you.”
Danny comes to his aid, “C’mon guys leave him alone. So, are you guys coming or not?”
“I’m down if Josh is. I plan on getting drunk though, so one of you is going to be the designated driver.”
All eyes turn to Josh, hands on his cheeks to hide his vivid blush. “Yeah, ok whatever, I’m down. As long as no one gives me shit about Austin.”
“Great! I’ll let him know we have two more people coming!” Danny says with a smile.
Josh gets up, talking as he makes his way across the living room. “Well since you guys haven’t ordered food, I’m going to go raid Sam’s pantry.” He stops behind the couch Sam and Danny are seated on and bends down to give Danny a hug from behind. “Hey, I’m proud of you guys. Again, I love you two.” He straightens and reaches over to ruffle Sam’s hair. “Maybe Danny a little more than you, Sam, but.”
“Hey! Knock it off! And why is Danny the favorite now?” Sam snaps.
Josh calls over his shoulder, already walking away in the direction of the kitchen, “Because he’s the only one that didn’t give me shit about Austin.”
Jake chuckles, “It’s just too easy to fluster him about that, he’s so in loooooove.” he finishes in a sing-songy voice.
Five days later, Danny and Sam find themselves pulling into the driveway of the twins’ house, ready to return to Bradley’s Honky Tonk once more. Danny fiddles with the top buttons of his dark brown suede shirt, undoing a couple before his hands begin to fidget with the bottom of the shirt tucked into his black jeans. Deciding it would look better untucked, he pulls the fabric out and moves on to fuss over how each necklace and bracelet was laying on him.
“I still can’t believe you decided to wear my cowboy boots.” Danny sighs, checking the time on his phone as he speaks. As usual, they were late and knowing the twins, Danny guessed they would be sitting in the driveway for at least 15 minutes as they finished getting ready at the very last minute.
“Hey, can’t have me tripping all over the place like last time. I’m practically a pro now, gotta dress and act like it.”
Danny shoots a glance towards Sam casually draped across the passenger seat of Danny’s car. His gaze goes from his cowboy boots, up his long legs clad in tight blue jeans, to his teal flannel tucked into the waistband of his pants with all but the bottom two buttons undone in true Sammy fashion, and finally lands on the tigers eye pendant resting at the base of his throat.
Danny cocks an eyebrow at the other man, “Oh, so you’re a pro now?”
“Yessir I am.” Sam smiles and begins reaching back to retrieve something from behind Danny’s seat. “And the boots aren’t the only thing I stole from your closet.”
Sam straightens, and in his hand is Danny’s black cowboy hat. Danny watches as he places it on his head, his long, wavy hair down, cascading down his shoulders from under Danny’s hat.
“Don’t think I forgot about that little comment you made about you doing the riding the next time we went back to Bradley’s.” Sam grins widely at Danny, shooting him a wink before both back doors of the car suddenly swing open.
The twins fling the doors open and practically throw themselves into the back seat, their trip from the front door to the car having gone unnoticed by both Sam and Danny, too distracted by their conversation to notice the other boys. Jake puts his seat belt on and settles into the seat behind Danny, with Josh doing the same behind Sam.
“Yes, I know we’re late. If you want someone to blame, blame Josh. He changed like five times I swear to god.”
Josh lets out a frustrated huff, rolling his eyes at his twin. “Shut up Jake I did not.”
“No? Oh ok, let’s see then,” he begins counting the different outfits Josh went through on his fingers as he explains, “There was the short sleeve brown striped jumpsuit, then the black muscle tee and your khaki pants, then there was the long sleeve white shirt with those pants, after that there was the long sleeve button up with leaves on it and your khaki shorts, only for you to finally decide on a short sleeve white shirt, your khaki shorts, and a brown bandana around your neck. So yeah, five different outfits.”
Jake continues despite Josh’s obvious annoyance with his brother’s rant. “Wanna know how many times I changed? None. I put this on, and I didn’t change it.”
Sam exaggerates looking Jake up and down, from the brown suede Chelsea boots he almost never took off, up to his hard-loved ripped jeans, and finally landing on the light blue button up he wore, all buttons undone except for the bottom two, just like Sam. “Maybe you should have.” Sam teases.
“Shut the fuck up dipshit. I’m not taking any outfit advice from someone wearing a cowboy hat.”
“Alright children, settle down.” Danny says as he backs out of the driveway. “Austin said his brother has his car, so we’re gonna pick him up before we head to the bar.”
Josh’s face pinkens at the mention of his name and immediately pretends not to care, turning his face towards the window to prevent the others from seeing the violent blush spreading across his cheeks.
As if practiced, Jake and Sam set in on teasing Josh, speaking at the same time, “OOOOOO Austinnnnn.”
“C’mon leave him alone guys.” Danny starts, stealing a glance back at Josh through the rear-view mirror. “I will warn you though, Josh, Sam refuses to give up his spot as passenger princess so he’ll have to sit in the back with you guys.”
Josh looks down at his lap, still attempting to pretend he was indifferent about Austin’s presence. “That’s fine, why would I care.”
Sensing his genuine shift in attitude, Sam and Jake quickly reassure their older brother.
“Hey, we’re just joking around. Promise we won’t say anything in front of Austin.” Sam starts.
Jake continues with the same sentiment, “Yeah, promise. We’re sorry if we went too far.”
Josh looks up and glances between his brothers, offering them a small smile. “It’s alright, you didn’t. Sorry if I’m sensitive about this, God it’s so stupid.” He laughs dryly, bringing his hands up to his face before continuing, “I haven’t had a dumb crush like this since like high school, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Josh.” He drops his hands and makes eye contact with Danny through the rear-view mirror before Danny continues, “Do you know how many times I got so embarrassingly easily flustered or nervous around Sammy before we got together? It’s normal, don’t worry.”
Josh smiles at his brother, “Thanks Danny.”
Danny returns the smile before shifting his focus to the numbers on each apartment building they passed. “Anytime, Josh. Uh speaking of, I’m pretty sure this is where he lives so one of you is gonna need to scoot to the middle.” He puts his car into park and reaches for his phone, sending a quick text to Austin letting him know they were there.
“I’m not moving my ass out of this seat.” Jake says pointedly.
Josh groans, letting his annoyance be known to his brothers as he unbuckles and shifts to the middle seat. “You are fucking insufferable.”
“You know it.” Jake responds cooly, casually putting his sunglasses on and leaning into the corner before manspreading, causing Josh’s body to be pushed into the space Austin would soon occupy.
“Seriously?? You’re fucking doing this on purpose. Move over.” He argues, beginning to shove at Jake and reclaim some of his lost space.
“No actually, my knee isn’t feeling too good right now, must have smacked it on something. Anyways, it’s uncomfortable bent so,” he spreads his knees wider, straightening his right leg out and further encroaching on Josh’s space. “I need to straighten it out.”
Josh knows that he’s lying but still gives up trying to fight Jake, looking at his twin defeatedly. “I wish I had eaten you in the womb.”
Sam snorts from the passenger seat as Jake responds sweetly, “Mmmmm you know you love me.”.
The car goes silent as a man approaches the car; he notices Danny and smiles at him warmly, dimples creasing his cheeks as he makes his way towards the passenger side of the car.
He opens the rear door and pauses, slightly confused at the palpable silence that had come between the boys. Danny is the first to break this silence, attempting to make casual conversation to ease the tension. “Hey Austin! How ya doin?”
Austin gets in the car and tries to put his seatbelt on, the latch blocked by Josh as Jake silently shoves his brother closer and closer to Austin. Having given up on trying to push Jake back, Josh grabs the back of each front seat, and pulls himself up long enough for Austin to buckle his seatbelt.
“Sorry, my brother is being a dick and taking up a shit ton of space next to me.” Josh says timidly, too nervous to look him in the eye.
“I told you, bad knee right now Joshy.” He responds, prodding Josh in his ribs for good measure.
“Don’t worry about it, darlin’. And I’m good Danny, thanks for askin’.” The surprise as the casual pet name causes Josh to meet his eyes, hazel and bright. He smiles wide and Josh returns it, despite the action sending a swarm of butterflies straight to Josh’s stomach. Austins cool leather jacket presses against Josh’s bare arm, and the rough denim of Austins black jeans rub against Josh’s thigh with each slight movement of either boy. With Jake subtly shoving Josh towards Austin, the points of contact between them causes a warm blush to settle on Josh’s cheeks.
Danny interrupts their moment, “Anyways, guys this is Austin. Austin, you obviously know Sam.” Danny gestures to his boyfriend in the passenger seat, who raises his hand in a brief wave and answers with a quiet “Hey” in recognition. “Behind me is Jake and next to him is Josh, I think you’ve met him a few times?”
Austin turns slightly in his seat to look at Josh as Danny shifts the car into drive and makes his way towards Bradley’s. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we have! I remember that I really liked the hoop you have in your conch ear piercin’! I meant to tell you but didn’t get the chance the last time we were around each other.”
Josh’s face lights up at Austin’s compliment, and at the fact he even remembered him in the first place. “Thanks! I really like your septum piercing!”
“Thank you, darlin’.” The two gaze at each other, smiling for a couple seconds before a look passes onto Austins face as if he remembered something unpleasant. His attention turns towards Danny once again. “Oh uh, Dan, I just remembered. My asshole brother has my truck because he totaled his about three months ago, we got in a fight today because he’s a dick, and I finally snapped and told him he wasn’t allowed to use it anymore. Which worked out perfectly because the repair shop is right down the street from Bradley’s, and he said the work on his truck just got finished. He’s droppin’ it by the bar tonight, so I won’t need a ride home.”
Keeping his eyes on the road, Danny responds, “Sounds good, thanks for the heads up. Sorry you had a fight with your brother, I know you don’t mention him much but from what I’ve heard, he sounds like he sucks.”
Austin lets out a heavy sigh. “Yeah, uh, I don’t like talkin’ ‘bout him much, he’s a dick. He’s been stayin’ with me while his trucks in the shop and it has been livin’ hell being around him this much; I’m glad he’s goin’ back to the family farm now that he’s gettin’ his truck back.”
Jake lets his curiosity get the best of him, “So you and your brother, you aren’t close? You guys don’t get along?”
“Not anymore. We were fine as kids on the farm, we’re Irish twins, he was born in January and I was born November that same year, so we were real close growin’ up but,” he shrugs defeatedly, “As we got older he became more and more of an asshole. Anyways, he’s ruined enough of my nights these last couple months so since he ain’t gonna be my problem anymore I ain’t gonna think about him too much tonight.”
“I’m sorry your brother’s an asshole, Austin.” Josh says sympathetically.
Austin forces a smile onto his face, and looks at Josh. “It’s alright, darlin’. Not your fault. Besides, we’re goin’ out to have a good time tonight, we don’t needa think about him. Speakin’ of, it looks like we’re here.”
Sure enough, the boys look outside to see the passing neon lights of Bradley’s Honky Tonk. Just as it had been the first night Sam and Danny had gone, the parking along the road was completely full and people were milling around the entrance smoking or talking. Danny drives down to the same small mom and pop shop, already closed for the night again, and parks in an empty spot.
“Are y’all ready to party?!” Austin whoops, already unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door.
The others follow suit, all of them piling out of the car before Danny locks it.
“Hell yeah!” Sam shouts, “I can’t wait to see my brothers eat shit trying to dance.”
Danny takes Sams hand as the group begins to walk towards the bright lights of the bar. “Love, you almost ate shit the first time we danced.”
“Shhhh they don’t need to know that, Daniel.” Sam jokingly whispers back.
“Correction, Sam. It’ll be fun to watch Josh eat shit trying to dance. There’s nothing you could do to get me on that dance floor.” Jake responds.
“Why the fuck did you even come then?”
Jake dons a gravelly British accent, “Because, Joshua, I fully intend on drinking so much that the horrid sound of country music no longer irritates me.” He pauses and loops his arm over Josh’s shoulders, continuing in the same accent, “And I truly wish to see you eat shit trying to dance.”
Josh shrugs his arm off and puts a few feet of distance between him and Jake as they walked. “Fuck off, Jake.”
Austin strolls up alongside Josh, putting his arm around his shoulder just as Jake had done. “Aw, it’s alright, darlin’. You can dance with me if you’d like to. I ain’t got a partner tonight and sure as hell know my way around on the dance floor so wouldn’t wanna steal a queen from any newbies in need.”
Josh blushes bright red and leans into Austin’s side without thinking. “Yeah, uh, that’d be great.”
The group make their way past small congregations of people, mostly drag queens taking a break from the crowded bar to have a cigarette or two before they hit the dance floor. As they pass a group of three standing near the door, one of the queens notices Jake walking alone behind the other two pairs, the only one in the group without a “partner”, and reaches out to lightly touch Jake’s shoulder.
She speaks in a voice as smooth and sweet as honey, “Hey mon beau, find me later if you ain’t got a dancing partner.” She winks as they continue past her group, and Jake lets himself stare as he takes in every aspect of each of them.
To her right stood a drag queen with a cigarette hanging off her bottom lip. Her long black hair laid in messy waves down her back, cascading over the silky green fabric of her dress. Jake lets his eyes travel downwards as he notices the slits on both sides of her dress, exposing her legs all the way up to the thigh. He brings his eyes upwards, finally noticing a name tag pinned to her chest reading “Faebelle” and the bright red of her colored contacts contrasting perfectly with her tan skin.
To the left of the queen who had spoken to him stood a shorter drag queen with tight, bright pink coils of curls framing her face. She wore a multicolored pastel tulle A-Line dress that showed off her legs clad in fishnet tights with small hearts here and there and pastel pink platform heels. As Jake had done with Faebelle, the last things he noticed was her name tag reading “Shimmer”, and the stark white of her contacts.
Finally, Jake allows his gaze to settle on the queen in the middle, the one that had initially spoken to him. He takes in her neat, black locks held back by a thin scrap of maroon fabric as if it were a headband, before his eyes travel to her white button up shirt, the top couple of buttons undone with a tight black corset overtop. Her legs are covered with tight leather pants, tucked into brown suede knee-high heels. On top of it all, she wore a green coat, the bottom of it coming to an end just above her ankles. He tears his gaze upwards, catching a glimpse of her name tag momentarily. “Sirena”. When his eyes finally find her face, he is met with her staring right back at him, a fake scar painted vertically on to her face above and below her left eye, the color of it standing out against her warm brown skin.
“Hey! Jake! You coming or what?” Sam calls at him from the entrance to the bar. Jake suddenly realizes that he had stopped to gawk at the three drag queens, leaving him behind with them as the others made their way into the building.
Jake rapidly looks from the queens still staring at him, to his brother calling out to him 20 feet away. “Yeah, uh, coming.” He takes one final look at Sirena before turning and walking towards Sam, cheeks warm and tinged pink from the interaction.
He gets past the bouncer quickly and joins Sam as he pulls him further into the bar. “Hey, I think Josh grabbed a table for us over there.” He shouts over the blaring music.
They weave their way through the groups of people occupying the bar space, finally spotting Josh across the room at the only “empty” table and Jake comes to a stop next to him, Sam weaving around the table and taking a seat on the other side.
Josh only needs to take one look at his twin to know that something had happened. “Hey, Jakey. You good? You look a little flushed. Do you need water or anything?” 
He sits down next to Josh, thoughts racing in his mind as he tries to sort through his feelings. “Uh yeah, I’m fine. You know that group of three drag queens we passed right by the door?”
Sam inserts himself into the conversation. “Do you mean the ones you were ogling?”
“Shut up, Sam. I wasn’t “ogling” them. I think one of them was flirting with me? They were-“ he sucks a sharp breath in through his teeth. “Very very attractive. And, I’m realizing that I don’t really care that they’re a drag queen. I mean, I don’t know what they look like out of drag or what pronouns they use but, I don’t think I would care.” He looks between his brothers, expecting to see even the slightest look of surprise on their face. Instead, Jake is met with deadpanned looks, their eyebrows only slightly raised.
“Well,” Josh starts, “I mean I would say I’m surprised but, surprisingly, I’m not. Listen, I understand the feeling and I know this really isn’t the best place to have this realization. All I can say is, thank you for sharing this with us and try not to let it weigh on you too much tonight. Just follow your initial feelings and see where it leads you, Jake.”
“I agree. And hey, maybe following those feelings will lead you to their place tonight.” Sam teases lightly, winking at him.
“Again, shut up Sam. And yeah… yeah ok. Thank you, Josh.” He says quietly, already losing himself in his thoughts.
“Anytime, Jakey. And hey, now you can’t give me any more shit about Austin, cause if you do I have this to fire back at you.” He jokes lightly.
This jest pulls Jake back into the moment, chuckling at his brother’s retort. “Yeah, yeah, ok. I’ll try and lay off the jokes.”
Just as their conversation ends, the other two boys find their way to the table, drinks in hand.
“Alright Jake, I got you a tequila on the rocks.” Danny tells him as he hands him a glass.
As they set the rest of the drinks on the table, Danny continues listing off their various orders. “Rum and coke for me, Dirty Shirley for Sam, with four maraschino cherries of course.”
Sam smiles at his boyfriend, “Thank you, Daniel.”
Danny returns the smile. “Of course, love. Anyways, a salty dog for Josh, and last but not least, a Screwdriver for Austin.”
Austin takes the seat on the other side of Josh, slightly leaning into him as the rest of the group situates themselves on the bar stools, quickly losing themselves in conversation amongst each other, giving Austin and Josh a small amount of privacy.
“Oooo a Screwdriver,” Josh starts, “Haven’t had one of those in so long.”
“You can try mine if you’d like, darlin’. It’s one of my favorite drinks. Although in return, I might need to have a taste of that, what did Dan say it was? Salty Dog, right? Don’t reckon I’ve ever tried one.”
“Of course, go ahead.” Josh replies smiling, sliding his glass towards Austin as an invitation. They exchange drinks, each taking a sip at the same time.
“Hoowee that is bitter!” Austin exclaims.
Josh laughs, “Yeah that’s the grapefruit juice. Your Screwdriver has a little too much orange juice for my liking but, not the worst I’ve ever had.”
They swap glasses again and take a sip of their respective drinks.
Josh makes a face, half wincing at the tartness of his drink. “Ah- yeah that does have a bit more grapefruit juice in it than what I make at home but, hey, still good.”
“I guess I’ll just have to come over and have you make one for me then.” Austin says quietly, shooting Josh a small smile. “Just for, y’know, fairness. Can’t judge you too hard on your drink order until I taste one made to your liking.”
Josh’s face pinkens and he looks down at his drink, fidgeting with his glass as he summons the courage in him. “If I didn’t know any better Austin, then I’d think you were flirting with me.”
“Maybe I am, darlin’. Is that a problem?” The comment catches Josh off guard, his eyes darting back up to Austin only to find him calmly staring back, paused with his glass raised to his lips before he takes a slow sip. He sets the glass down, a sheepish smile playing on his lips as he waits for Josh to respond.
Josh stutters, trying to find the words as his mind reels at this confession. “Uh, yeah, WAIT, no, I mean no. That’s uh, not a problem.”
Austin smiles wide at how flustered Josh had gotten over one sentence and chuckles lightly. “I’m not tryin’ to be rude by laughin’, darlin’. You’re cute, is all.”
Josh grins at the other boy. “Thanks. Uh, I think you’re cute too.” He takes a sip of his drink to cool down, sure that his face is bright burning red.
Both boys suddenly realize that the rest of the table had grown quiet, now staring at the interaction between them with bated breath.
Jake is the first to break the silence, “Fucking finally.” He takes a swig of his drink, noticing the ice had begun to melt as it sat untouched, his mind still too focused on Sirena.
The topic is changed suddenly when Austins phone screen lights up with a text from “Asshat”. He checks the message, sighing deeply as he puts his phone in his pocket, taking a long drink from his glass before speaking. “My brother just got here, I gotta go grab my keys from him. I’ll be back in a second.”
“Want someone to come with you?” Danny asks, concern for his friend apparent in his tone.
“Na, I’ll be alright. Thank you though, Dan.” With that, he makes his way through the people and out the door.
The group goes silent, each turning to their drinks, finishing or close to finishing them.
“So, uh.” Danny starts, looking at Josh. “Not to be nosy but, you and Austin?”
Josh smiles softly, once again fidgeting with his glass. “Yeah, uh, I guess the feeling was mutual after all. I mean, it’s not like we’ve had a conversation about our feelings or anything but, it’s looking good? I think.”
“Looking better than just good, Joshy. I’d bet you could be getting lucky tonight.” Sam says with a wink.
“Shhh, love. Leave him alone.” Danny says with a smile, silently agreeing with his boyfriend but wanting to keep the others from teasing Josh about it too much.
Dannys phone buzzes and he checks the notification, frowning as he reads the message out loud to the others. “It’s from Austin. He says, ‘Hey, I’m really sorry Dan, my brother is insistent on meeting y’all, I can’t convince him otherwise. I’ll try to make it quick, just wanted to give y’all a warning that we’ll be in in a minute.’”
Danny sighs, looking around at the others before speaking. “No matter how much of a douche this guy is, please just grin and bear it. The sooner he leaves, the better. And I have a feeling he’ll start shit if he feels any “threat”.”
The boys grumble their agreements, promising to try and play nice.
“Oh shit, don’t look but here they come.” Josh says to Danny and Sam, their backs to the entrance of the building. “God, he even looks like an asshole.”
A figure appears by Sam’s side, sandwiching him between Danny and this newcomer. Sam feels him before he hears him, an all too familiar arm snaking around his back and grabbing his side.
“Well I’ll be damned. I’ve been hopin’ I’d run into you again, sugar.”
Sam jumps out of his seat away from Dallas, putting space between them as he takes a few steps back. Danny stiffens and turns in his seat towards Dallas, subconsciously putting his arm in front of Sam and pushing him behind him. His response comes fast. “Didn’t I tell you we’d have more of a fucking problem if you came near us again?” Danny spews, anger instantly taking him over as he tries to stay collected.
“I see you’re still hangin’ round with this overprotective bastard, sugar. He finally man up and make it official or are y’all still ‘just friends’?” Dallas sneers.
“Woah, woah, you know each other?” Austin asks, confusion clear on his face.
Dallas winks at Sam, still held behind Danny. “I sure as hell know Sammy boy, very well might I add-“
Danny cuts him off. “Unfortunately. He wouldn’t leave Sam alone the last time we were here, he fucking sexually harassed him and wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. He tried to fight me and got himself kicked out.”
Everyone at the table’s jaw drops and Austin turns to Dallas, enraged. “Oh my god was that the fuckin’ night you totaled your truck? You told me that you had a little too much to drink and was distracted at your anger from unfairly gettin’ kicked outta a bar. If what Danny said you did is true, that don’t sound unfair to me, Dallas.”
Dallas turns on Austin, his voice rising as he grows angrier and angrier. “Pretty boy over there is a fuckin’ liar. That ain’t what happened. He’s just upset someone else showed interest in his friend, he was too chicken to make a fuckin’ move so I did. Who are you gonna believe, Austin? Some random friend who has jealousy issues, or your own fuckin’ brother?”
“Dan.” Austin says in a calm and collected tone. “I believe Daniel.”
Dallas makes a noise of indignation, furious at his brother for not taking his side. “You gotta be fuckin’ jokin’ me, Austin! Seriously? You’re takin’ his side over mine?”
“You’re a piece of shit, Dallas. I don’t care if you’re my brother. I know you, and I know Dan. I know that he’s tellin’ the truth. You’re so fulla shit that your eyes are brown. Now get the fuck out before I make you.” Austin replies through bared teeth.
Dallas laughs, loud and self-righteous. “What’re you gonna do little brother? I would like to see you try.”
Austin takes a threatening step towards his brother, using the extra inch of height he had on him to his advantage. He jabs his finger into his chest, using all the anger he felt to convey how serious he was about making Dallas leave. “I’ll only say it one more time, Dallas. Get the fuck outta here before I make you. I put up with you this long because I had to, and I didn’t have the nerve to say it sooner. This is the final fuckin’ straw, I don’t wanna see your pathetic fuckin’ face again. Now run back home to the farm with Ma and do the only thing you’re good at. Shovelin’ shit.”
Dallas sputters, looking to the others at the table for any backup. Finding none, his attention turns towards Austin once more. He mutters a livid “Fuck y’all.” before turning on his heel and marching out the door red faced.
Austin watches him leave and takes a deep breath before turning to Sam and Danny, guilt and apology written across his face. “I am, so fuckin’ sorry. I would never have let him come in with me if I knew the shit he did to you, Sam. Hell, I would’ve kicked him out onto my doormat the second he came callin’ askin’ for my help.”
With Dallas gone, Sam takes his seat again, now between Danny and Austin. “It’s alright, really. You didn’t know. And it was fucking incredible to see him get put in his place.” Sam offers a slight smile to Austin, “Thank you for backing us up.”
Understanding that he wasn’t upset with him, Austin returns the smile. It slowly turns into a grimace as he thinks about his brother’s actions. “Of course. It’s… it wouldn’t be the first time he’s had issues with takin’ ‘no’ for an answer. Over the last few years I’ve, unfortunately, had to drag him out of multiple bars before he got us kicked out for tryin’ to start shit with people who called him out on it.”
Prompted by various questions from Jake and Josh, Austin begins telling them stories of the trouble Dallas almost got him in to. With the others focused on Austin, Danny silently tugs on the elbow of Sam’s shirt, getting his attention without the others noticing.
“You ok, love?” Danny questions his boyfriend quietly. “We can leave if you want.”
“No, no, I want to stay. Just like last time, I don’t want a few moments with him to ruin the entire night.” He reassures, placing his hand on Danny’s thigh and giving it a gentle comforting squeeze. “I’m ok, really.”
Austin finishes summarizing some of the things Dallas had done, and the attention of the three other boys is drawn to Sam. “Listen, Sam, we-“ Jake starts, “We had no idea that happened, that he did… that to you.”
Josh continues, “Yeah, that’s some serious shit. Are you ok?”
Sam looks between his two older brothers, grateful for their genuine concern. “Yeah, I’m ok. He didn’t… he didn’t go “too far”. Just a few less than pleasant comments and he wouldn’t let go of me while dancing after he stole me from Danny.” He looks over at his boyfriend, “Danny swooped in and saved the day though. I swear he looked like he was about to take and/or throw a punch for me.”
“Not that we didn’t approve of him as your boyfriend before but,” Jake laughs, “We definitely approve of him now.”
Josh cuts in, “Not that you need our approval of course.” He pauses for a moment, turning his attention to his twin for backup. “Right Jake?”
When he doesn’t get a reply, he looks over at him only to see his focus had suddenly shifted to across the room, his eyes fixed intently on the drag queen that had spoken to him before they entered the bar stepping up onto a small stage.
Josh elbows him in the ribs. “I said, right Jake?”
He whips his head towards the rest of the group again. “Oh uh, yeah? I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Josh chuckles. “Distracted? Are we?”
Jake’s cheeks redden, and he looks down at his glass, embarrassed. “Shut up.”
Before Josh can retort, the drag queen in question taps a microphone, getting everyone in the bar’s attention. “Hey y’all! How we doin’ out there tonight?”
She’s met with a cacophony of whoops and hollers from the patrons. She lets everyone quiet down before continuing with a grin, “Fantastic, just what I like to hear! For those of you who don’t know, my name’s Sirena de Lune,” she searches through the sea of people before her eyes land on Jake, winking at him as he stares, awestruck. “But y’all can call me Sirena. Now, before me and my drag sisters, and a few of my drag brothers, hit the dance floor to welcome all you newcomers tonight, we have a little performance for y’all!”
The crowd cheers once more, causing her to almost need to shout to be heard, even with the mic. “So I better see some tips in the air for my sisters!” Met with another roar from the crowd, she hands the mic off and is joined by the two other drag queens Jake had seen her with outside the bar. They take their places, and the twangy guitar intro to their song begins blaring over the speakers.
“I remember it all very well, lookin’ back
It was the summer I turned eighteen.
We lived in a one room, rundown shack
On the outskirts of New Orleans”
The three of them light up the stage with their personas, lip-syncing to the song in practiced perfection before quickly splitting off into the crowd. They weave through the crowd, continuing their performance as they pluck the tips from the fingertips held high in their directions.
“Shit, I only have fives and tens, any of you have any ones?” Josh shouts at the others at the table. All except Jake shake their heads, not having expected the performance and need for dollar bills. He turns to his twin, noticing he hadn’t responded. “Jake? Hey, what about you?”
Jake is too enthralled to hear the question, blindly shifting through the bills in his wallet as he keeps his eyes on Sirena, who was slowly but surely making her way towards their table. Her eyes seem to skirt over Jake, teasing him with her avoidance.
Her eyes finally lock on him, and his breath catches in his throat as she begins to make her way directly towards them.
“It sounded like somebody else, that was talkin’
Askin’, “mama, what do I do?”
She said, “just be nice to the gentlemen, Fancy
They’ll be nice to you.””
She reaches their table, taking the tips from the other boys before finally reaching Jake.
“She said, “here’s your one chance, Fancy, don’t let me down.
Here’s your one chance, Fancy, don’t let me down.
Lord, forgive me what I do,
But if you want out-”
Her hand that wasn’t clutching her tips traces Jake’s hairline and slowly lowers to his jaw, tilting his chin up to her, just inches from her face as she sings along to,
“well, it’s up to you.
Now don’t let me down now
Your mama’s gonna move you uptown.”
Her hand runs down his arm holding the tip he had for her, slipping it out of his grip before she winks, breaking their contact by taking two steps back and turning away from him.
Josh physically shakes him out of his daze roughly, snapping him back to reality. “YOU KNOW YOU JUST GAVE HER A TWENTY, RIGHT? SHE’S DEFINITELY GONNA ASK TO DANCE WITH YOU NOW, THAT’S A HELL OF A FUCKING TIP!”
With his mind still occupied with the interaction, Jake doesn’t care that he gave her the largest bill in his wallet. His eyes follow her as she zig-zags back through the crowd towards the stage, still collecting tips.
The three queens arrive at the stage and throw their tips in the air, causing them to flutter down on them as the song comes to a close and they stand, catching their breath. Without the music to drown the crowd out, their volume is deafening as people stand to applaud them as they re-collect their tips from where they had fallen.
Sirena is once again handed the mic, straightening as she continues to catch her breath. “Whoo, I don’t know about my sisters but y’all, I am winded!” She jokes as the other two laugh and nod in agreement. “We’re headin’ straight to Shake Shack later so, thank y’all for the tips. Looks like got a whole round of shakes on y’all!”
Her laugh sends a thrill through Jake, her personality and stage presence electrifying him from within.
“Now, me and my sisters need a few minutes to catch our breaths, but we got a whole crew of queens and a few kings that will be hittin’ the floor momentarily. I’ll turn the mic over to my baby brother,” she points to a drag king in the crowd with the same eye and jaw shape as her, clad in tight leather pants a white fishnet shirt, tattoo patterned chest tape visible through the mesh. “He’s gonna help all you new folks warm up for some dancin’!”
The crowd cheers as he makes his way towards the stage, taking the mic from Sirena and turning to face the crowd.
“Hey y’all! Let’s give another round of applause for my big sister and our lovely drag sisters!” He pauses, letting the crowd cheer one final time for the queens as they exit the stage. “My name is Sparrow de Lune, and for all of y’all wondering, yes, Sirena is my biological sibling. She gives me shit for “stealing” the de Lune part of the name but, hey, guess you could say it’s a family name now.” He laughs, watching Sirena as she shakes her head at him smiling, before heading backstage.
“Anyways, before we officially kick off the line dancin’ tonight, we’re gonna warm y’all up. Anyone here know the Cotton Eyed Joe?”
The crowd erupts once more, a few stray wolf whistles joining in with the cheers.
“Fantastic! So I need everyone to hit the dance floor, nice and orderly like please, and for those of y’all who aren’t familiar with the dance, I’ll be up here on stage doin’ it too so y’all can watch me and follow along!”
The statement is followed by the sound of chairs skidding across the floor as people get up and make their way to the dance floor, organizing themselves so no one bumps into each other when the dance starts.
Josh looks over at Austin, raising his eyebrows as he asks timidly, “You wanna-?”
Austin smiles broadly at him, already hopping off his stool and making his way around the table towards him. “Hell yes, lets go.” He looks at the others at the table, “Y’all comin’?”
Danny’s already getting up, his hand on Sam’s arm to pull him with him. “Of course!” When Sam doesn’t move, Danny uses the same tactics he had to get Sam to come with him the first night they came to dance, batting puppy dog eyes at him. “C’mon loveeee, you wouldn’t make me dance alone, would you?”
Sam rolls his eyes, pretending to be annoyed as he tries to hide the slight smile on his lips. “You won’t be alone, you’ve got Josh and Austin.”
Danny rolls his eyes back, “You know what I mean. C’mon it’s way easier than any of the dancing we’ve done before. Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and carry you to the dance floor.” He jokes, both men knowing he wouldn’t if Sam really didn’t want to dance.
“Yeah, I’d like to see you try.” Sam replies as he slides off his barstool, willingly being pulled by Danny. Before the group leaves Josh looks at Jake, who still sat unmoving on his stool.
“Hey, you coming with us?”
“Na, I’m good. I’d rather not be a fifth wheel, you guys have fun though.”
“Loserrrrrrr.” Sam calls as he walks away from the table, Dannys hand in his own.
Jake rolls his eyes, flipping him off before he gets lost in the sea of people.
“You sure, Jakey? It could still be fun.” Josh tries one more time.
He smiles at his twin, “Yeah, go have fun. I’ll be here when you’re done.”
With that, Josh shrugs and turns towards Austin, grabbing his hand in a bold move as they follow Sam and Danny to the dance floor.
The intro blasts over the speakers as the four boys find a spot on the dance floor.
“If it hadn’t been for Cotton-Eye Joe
I’d been married long time ago
Where did you come from, where did you go?
Where did you come from, Cotton-Eye Joe?”
Danny immediately jumps into the motions perfectly, with Sam struggling beside him, his motions delayed as he tries not to trip over his own feet.
“Jesus fuck, Daniel. How the hell are you so good at this?” Sam yells, still struggling to time his movements with the song.
Danny looks down at Sams attempts at the dance, lightheartedly laughing. “You’d think for a bass player, you’d have better rhythm.”
Sam swats his arm lightly, still too focused on the dance to do anything more. “Yeah, yeah, leave me alone I’m still learning how to play. I’m not good enough yet to play at Madison Square Garden or anything.”
He looks over towards Josh and Austin, hoping that at least one of them would be struggling as much as he was. To his dismay, both men are laughing and hitting each beat flawlessly.
“Fuck me.” Sam grumbles to himself under his breath.
“Mmmm maybe later, kinda busy right now.” Danny replies with a smile.
Blood rushes to Sams face as he literally trips over his own feet, Danny coming to the rescue and helping to steady him, somehow not skipping even a beat as he does it.
“Woah there, steady partner.” Danny laughs.
“Shut up.”
A few people in the crowd over, Josh and Austin dance, oblivious to the events that just unfolded between the other two.
“Wait wait wait, Austin. Why the hell are you adding that spin?” Josh shouts with a wide grin on his face.
“Why the hell are you not? This is how you do the dance!” He replies, grinning back at Josh.
“I’ve never seen anyone in my life do it like that!”
“Then I guess you’ve never seen anyone do it right, darlin’”
Jake watches from the table and laughs as he sees Sam almost fall (again), only to be righted by Danny beside him. He spots Josh and Austin, caught in what seemed to be a playful argument, both men beaming at the other as they danced.
A familiar voice beside him distracts him from his observations.
“You not into dancin’, mon beau?”
Sirena. Jake turns slightly to face her, towering over him.
She gestures to the stool next to him that was previously occupied by Josh. “Mind if I sit?”
“Oh, uh, no, go ahead. And uh, not really? I hadn’t planned on dancing, just came as support for my brothers. I mean I know this dance but didn’t want to be a fifth wheel.” Jake wipes his palms on his pants, already flustered from the brief interaction with her.
“That’s understandable, mon beau. It’s nice you came for your brothers though. You said “support”, mind if I ask what you mean by that?”
He points at Josh, “You see the short one with curly hair? That’s my twin, Josh. And the two over there are Sam and Danny. Danny’s not my biological brother, but he’s been best friends with Sam for so long he’s like a brother to Josh and I.” He glances at Sirena, who sat intently focused on his story. “They’ve been into each other for years, but just now got together a couple months ago. They came out to Josh and I last week and told us how they finally admitted their feelings to each other dancing here, so they invited us tonight cause we wanted to see the place.”
She smiles at him. “That’s sweet of you and Josh, mon beau. I bet Sam and Danny are grateful for y’alls support.”
Jakes cheeks pinken at the comment and he smiles, “Yeah… it’s kind of funny, with them coming out, I’m the only,” he brings his hands up, motioning air quotes as he says, “”Straight” brother left. But anyways, if I may ask; what do you keep calling me? “Mon beau”? What does that mean?”
“It means “my beautiful” in French. If that ain’t too forward of me.”
His face lights on fire, and he knows he must be red as a tomato. “Oh- uh. Yeah. Ok. That isn’t… that isn’t too forward of you. Thank you?” He clears his throat, finally getting the courage to look at Sirena again. “Uhm, you know French?”
“Yeah, my dad’s from France, so Sparrow and I are fluent. That’s why part of our drag names are “de Lune”.” She smiles at him again. “It means “moon”.”
He smiles “Oh shit- that’s really cool, I love the moon. I see you’re a man of many talents then.” He pauses, thinking about what he said. “Or- shit, I mean woman?” Smiling timidly, he continues. “I’m sorry, I’m kind of new to this.”
This brings a laugh as smooth as her voice from Sirena. “Don’t worry about it, mon beau. You were right the first time, I’m a man who’s comfortable in his gender identity enough to do drag sometimes. Well, a lot of the time to be honest. Pretty fun “side gig”, if you will.”
“Ah, ok. That’s cool.” Still nervous, Jake rethinks his response once again. “I mean it, I don’t know if I don’t sound genuine. I really do mean it.” He tries for a smile. “I’m just digging myself into a deeper hole at this point, I’m sorry.”
She touches his arm lightly, reassuring him. “Don’t worry about it, mon beau. Like you said, you’re new to this.”
The Cotton-Eye Joe ends, and Sparrow grabs the mic again before Jake can get any more flustered by Sirena’s pet names.
“That was great y’all! Are we all warmed up now and ready for some more dancin’?”
The crowd cheers, and he continues over the remaining few whoops here and there. “Fantastic! Now tonight is a partners night, but if you’re new here or don’t have one, find one of our lovely drag queens or kings out there and ask ‘em to dance! Thanks for comin’ out tonight!”
With that, patrons bustle around the dance floor, exiting it or finding their partner for the night as a song starts loudly.
“I don’t care if it rains or freezes long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sittin’ on the dashboard of my car.
Going down there, it ain’t scary ‘cause I’ve got the virgin Mary
Sittin’ on the dashboard of my car.”
Jake spots the others leaving the dance floor and making their way back towards their table.
“You guys have fun?” Jake asks, attempting to divert any conversation away from him and Sirena as he sees Sam’s “told you so” smirk creeping onto his face.
“Yeah, I had a lot of fun tripping over my feet the entire time.”
Danny tries to lift his spirits. “Awww, c’mon baby you weren’t that bad.”
Sam looks at him doubtfully. “Uh huh, right.”
“Y’all ain’t dancin’ to this song? Don’t like it or just don’t wanna dance?” Sirena questions.
Josh answers, “I don’t know about them, but I am fucking winded holy shit. I need a breather. Everyone makes it look so easy to just dance song after song.”
Noticing the others taking their seats, leaving Josh standing, Sirena realizes that she must have taken his. “Oh shit, hun. I stole your spot, didn’t I?”
She makes a move to get up before he interjects, “Don’t worry about it! I’m fine standing, really.” He moves to the other side of the table, standing close next to Austin.
“So, Jakey,” Sam starts with a mischievous smile. “You gonna introduce us to your new friend?”
“Oh, shit yeah, my bad.” He blushes, already knowing how much Sam and Josh will tease him later for it. “This is Sirena.”
She smiles at the group, “Nice to meet y’all.”
“Nice to meet you too. So, you single?”
Danny swats his boyfriend. “Sam!”
He puts on a show of innocence, “What?”
“Yeah, I am, hun. Why do you ask?”
He smirks at Jake, “Mmmm no reason. Just curious is all.”
Their conversation is interrupted by a man with curly, sandy colored hair tapping on Sirena’s shoulder.
“Excuse me ma’am, I was wondering if you had a dance partner tonight.”
“Oh I’m sorry, hun. I do.” She gestures to Jake. “However, over there’s Faebelle, I don’t think she’s got a dance partner yet.”
He smiles kindly at her and Jake, “No worries! Thank you, ma’am.” and turns, walking towards Faebelle across the room.
Stepping fully into his annoying younger sibling role, Sam butts in. “So, you’ve decided to dance tonight? What happened to getting drunk and not dancing?”
“Change of heart, I guess.” Jake half-grumbles, knowing exactly what game Sam was trying to play with him.
“Well, darlin’, I’m glad you did. I reckon it would’ve been awkward as hell if I had turned down that gentleman just to not have a partner after all.”
The rest of the table quietly observes the interaction, Sam just waiting for another chance to butt-in and tease Jake.
“You ever line danced with a partner before, mon beau?”
Surprisingly, it’s Austin that interrupts their conversation. “Oh, tu parles français aussi?” [Oh, you speak French too?]
She beams at him, “Oui, je parle assez couramment.” [Yes, I’m quite fluent.]
The rest of the table watches, jaws dropped, as they casually continue their conversation in French.
“C’est génial! As-tu étudié le français à l’école?” [That’s cool! Did you study French at school?]
“Non, mon pére est français, donc j’ai grandi en parlant français.” [No, my dad is French, so I grew up speaking French.]
“Encore une fois, c’est genial. J’ai appris à l’école, donc tu en sais problement beaucoup plus que moi.” [Again, that’s cool. I learned at school, so you probably know a lot more than I do.]
Sam and Josh speak at the same time.
“I’m sorry, what?” Sam asks in awe.
Josh comes next, “Jake, did you understand any of that?”
“Only about half. I mean I remember enough from High School to get the gist of it but definitely not enough to carry or join in on a conversation.”
It’s Danny’s turn next to ask a question, “Austin where did you learn French and how the fuck did I not know you were fluent?”
Austin laughs, “Hold your horses there, Dan. I wouldn’t say I’m fluent. Took it in High School, somehow ended up in AP French so it’s kind of just stuck in my head. Never have a need to use it ‘round here so I guess that’s why you’ve never heard me speak it.”
Josh looks at Austin as if he’d just hung the stars in the sky.
“That’s fucking incredible. I don’t know about Danny, but all I remember from High School German is “Krankenwagen”.”
“Yeah no, all German is gone from my mind. Blocked that shit OUT. I fucking hated Frau Werner, and she hated me too.”
Sam joins in on the conversation again, “All I remember from Spanish is “¿Puedo ir al baño?” because my teacher wouldn’t let us go to the bathroom if we asked in English.”
“¿Recuerdas algo mas?” [Remember anything else?]
“YOU KNOW SPANISH TOO?” Sam exclaims, drawing a laugh from Sirena.
“Yeah, and Latin, hun. I’m learnin’ Portuguese and Italian but I ain’t good enough to carry a conversation in ‘em.”
Jake stares at her in wonder. “You’re fucking incredible.”
She grows bashful from the compliment and eyes on her, chuckling before she responds. “I don’t know if I’d call myself that, mon beau. I guess y’all could say one of my hobbies is learnin’ languages. Anyways, back to you, you ever line dance with a partner?”
“Uh, no. This isn’t exactly my regular scene.”
“Don’t worry about that, mon beau. I got you.”
“Yeah, it’s so easy even I can do it, so if you’re shit at it just keep that in mind.”
“Shut up, Sam.” Jake says for the third time that night.
Before Sam can make a quip back, a new song starts playing, drawing a dramatic gasp from Josh.
Everyone’s heads snap towards him, trying to figure out the cause of the gasp. He grabs Austin’s arm, already trying to pull him towards the dance floor. “Oh my fucking god I love this song. Can we dance?”
“Jesus fuck, Josh, I thought someone died. You scared the shit out of me.” Sam says as he rubs his forehead like an exasperated parent.
Austin only laughs, sliding off his barstool to join him. “Of course we can, darlin’.”
They leave without another word with Josh practically running towards the floor, dragging Austin behind him.
Sam turns towards Danny, smiling at him. “You love this song too, don’t you?”
Danny grins at the fact that Sam had remembered, only having mentioned it once or twice over the many years they’d known each other. “Yeah, I do. Wanna dance?”
“Lead the way partner.”
The pair split off into the crowd together, once again leaving Jake and Sirena alone. The second verse starts as Sirena begins to speak.
“I, I, got a new girlfriend here
Feels like he’s on top.
And I don’t feel no remorse.
And you can’t see past my blindness.”
“Well, mon beau. This is sort of a slower song to dance to but, you down to start learnin’ how?”
Jake flushes, his stomach alight with butterflies. “Yeah, that’d be great.”
She offers him her hand as they get off their stools, “Don’t worry about it, mon beau. Follow my lead, promise I’ll do all the heavy liftin’.”
They follow the path the others had taken through the crowd, finding a spot on the dance floor. Sirena places her hands on Jake’s shoulders before she brings them down his arms, taking his hands in her own.
“Loosen up, mon beau. I gotchu.”
She slowly pushes him away, still holding his hands in her own before bringing him back towards her, steadily spinning him behind her with one hand. He ends up pressed flush against her, face to face, as they slowly sway to the music.
“See, that wasn’t too bad?”
He laughs lightly, his breath shallow from the proximity. “Yeah guess not.”
A few pairs over, Sam and Danny dance together, more slow dancing to the song than line dancing. Danny twirls Sam around a few times out of the blue, causing him to laugh and press close to him as they continue swaying to the music.
“Having fun, baby?”
“Yeah, Daniel, I’m really glad we came.”
Dannys eyes sparkle as he gazes down at his boyfriend, still shorter than him despite the small heels on his (Danny’s) boots. Danny sings along to the song, quietly enough for Sam to be the only one that hears it.
“”Honey, I love you.”
That’s all she wrote.
Oh, Ophelia
You’ve been on my mind, girl, like a drug.
Oh, Ophelia
Heaven help the fool who falls in love.”
Sam beams at Danny, pressing a light kiss to his lips as they keep dancing. “I love you too, honey.”
The song comes to a close and another starts, the upbeat twangy guitar intro a complete 180 from the song before it. Sam laughs as he sees Austin immediately switch the pace of Josh and his dance, catching Josh by surprise and almost falling, steadying himself against the other man’s chest.
“Shit, darlin’, didn’t mean to catch you off guard there.”
Josh laughs, blushing as Austin keeps him pressed close to his chest. “Don’t worry about it, I need to learn how to line dance for real anyways.”
“That’s what I’m talkin’ about!” he whoops. “C’mon darlin’ I gotchu.” He says before spinning Josh behind him and carrying on with the faster pace.
Jake’s attention is caught by this exclamation, looking over to see his brother grinning ear to ear as he got spun around again by Austin. Sirena gently grabs his jaw, turning his head to face her once more.
“Eyes on me, mon beau. This song is more upbeat, you think you can handle it?”
Probably not, he thinks, instead responding, “Yeah, sure!”
She smiles broadly, giving, “Hold on tight!” as the only warning before she suddenly spins him behind her, keeping the swift pace as she takes the lead in their dance.
“When I get the money, we can run away.
Sing a little song ‘bout yesterday.
They’re never gonna catch me, long as I’m alive.
You and me together, we’ll survive.”
Her smile widens when Jake doesn’t trip, and instead matches the time of her movements. “Hey, you ain’t too bad at this, mon beau. You’re keepin’ up mighty fine.”
“Have a great partner. One who’s not just great at dancing but also gorgeous as hell.”
It’s Sirena’s turn to be flustered by the others comment, “You flirtin’ with me?”
Jake’s doesn’t hesitate with his response, “Maybe I am, Captain.”
She raises her eyebrows in question. “Captain?”
“Yeah uh…” Jake blushes, the confidence he had suddenly gained slowly draining from him. “I was just thinking, Sirena, Siren, Piratey, y’know? Sorry, that came out of nowhere.” He looks down, too embarrassed to make eye contact.
Sirena brings her hand to his chin, bringing his gaze back to her as she tilts his head up. “Don’t apologize, mon beau. I like it.” She laughs, warm and bright, “If you couldn’t tell based on my outfit, I love piratey shit.”
His mood is restored with her affirmations, and from now knowing they shared an interest. “No way! Me too! I have a Johnson Mercator Projection map copy and a collection of old pirate coins at home, unfortunately they’re expensive as hell since I try to get authentic ones, so my collection is smaller than I would like it to be.”
“That’s so cool, mon beau! I’d love to see them sometime. Again, if that ain’t too forward of me. I have model ships of the Royal Fortune and Queen Anne’s Revenge, those thing’sre my babies, my prized possessions.” She laughs, remembering something, “And a Lego Pirate Ship that Sparrow got me for my birthday a couple years ago as a joke. Took me a hell of a long time to finish that.”
Jake smiles earnestly, “That isn’t too forward of you, I’d love to show you. On one condition of course.”
She cocks one eyebrow up at him, “And that is?”
“You have to show me your model ships some time.”
“Looks like we got a deal there, mon beau.”
The song changes to something with a strong fiddle intro, Jake thinks he recognizes but can’t quite place it; but Sirena’s eyes light up at the song, a wide grin spreading across her face.
“Oh HELL YEAH! They finally fuckin’ took my song suggestions! Took them long enough”
“I was ridin’ shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car.
He’s got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart.”
“What song is this?”
“You don’t know, mon beau? It’s classic Taylor Swift, baby. This is my SHIT!”
Jake smiles wide, “You’re a, what do they call them? Swiftie?”
“Hell yeah, mon beau. Momma loves her some classic Taylor.” She laughs at his expression, “Hey now, don’tcha go judgin’ me.”
He chuckles, “I’m not, I swear. Just didn’t expect that from you.”
“Our song is the way he laughs
The first date, “Man, I didn’t kiss her, and I should have.””
At these words, Jake’s eyes flit down to Sirena’s lips, and he subconsciously starts leaning towards her.
With these words, he stops, cheeks burning bright red as he stops dancing. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have, without asking, I’m sorry.”
Sirena ceases her movements with him, holding onto his arm as he tries to back away out of reach. “No, Jake, please don’t leave.” He stops pulling away from her but is still unable to look her in the face.
“Jake, please look at me.”
He forces himself to look at her, her sympathetic and caring gaze bringing tears to his eyes.
“I didn’t stop you because I don’t wanna kiss you, Jake.”
The lack of her pet name for him causes a tear to escape, slowly rolling down his cheek. He can’t bring himself to wipe it away.
“Oh Jakey, don’t cry.” She brushes her thumbs across his cheeks, wiping away the tears that had started falling for him. “I stopped you because I cannot, in good consciousness, kiss you before I say this. Earlier, you said you were “the only straight brother left”. I’m not a woman, Jake. I need you to recognize that by kissin’ me, and doing whatever happens between us, makes you not straight. I know I’m drop dead gorgeous right now, in drag,” Jake lets out a quiet, wet laugh at this and Sirena is glad her comment got the reaction she had hoped for. “But I don’t look like this all the time, Jake. Now I know we’ve been flirtin’ back and forth all evenin’, but I need to hear it from your mouth. I need to know that you understand the weight of your actions.”
Jake sniffles, roughly wiping away the last of his tears with the back of his hand. “Yeah, I know. I… I’ll be honest with you, I thought I was straight at the beginning of this night but, then I saw you and…” he makes eye contact with her as she patiently listens to his explanation, “…and I thought you were attractive and then we started talking and it just grew from there. I’m having a whole sexuality crisis right now but honestly, I don’t care. All I know is I really like you, and if that makes me queer, then I don’t care.” He pauses, once again overthinking his words. “Not that I don’t care! I care! I just mean it’s not important to me that you’re a man and I’m attracted to you. I… I know what I’m doing, what my actions mean.”
She smiles wide at him, “Don’t worry, mon beau, I know what you mean. Thank you for communicating with me, Jake.”
Her smile lifts a weight off Jake’s shoulders, and he takes a deep breath to calm his still racing mind. “Of course, thank you for stopping me to have this conversation, Sirena.”
“My name is Sebastian.”
“Oh,” Jake thinks for a moment, “Sebastian. Well in that case, thank you, Sebastian.”
“Of course, mon beau.”
Jake becomes anxious again as he tries to find the courage to ask what he wanted. “So, uh, Sebastian. Now that we have that cleared up, can I kiss you?”
“Thought you’d never ask, mon beau.”
With that, their lips come together in a slow and gentle kiss. Jake slightly stands on his toes, leaning into Sebastian’s touch, so he doesn’t have to lean down too much to reach him.
Danny and Sam dance a few groups over as the song nears its end. Sam is the first to notice his brother, “Oh shit.”
Danny whips around, his mind immediately thinking that Sam had seen Dallas. “What???”
When he instead sees Jake and Sirena still kissing, his eyebrows shoot up in pleasant surprise. “Oh- You scared me for a minute there, love. I’ve been waiting for them to do that since Jake introduced us to her, it was so clear they were into each other.”
Sam laughs, “Me too honestly. Hey, do you see Josh and Austin anywhere?”
Danny uses his height as an advantage, looking over the crowd to try and see Josh and Austin. He smiles at the sight of his friends with their foreheads pressed together and small smiles on their lips as they sway slowly to the end of the song across the room.
“Yeah, they’re over there, they look like they’re having a good time.”
The intro to a very familiar song starts playing over the speakers, interrupting what Sam was about to say.
Well, I walk into the room
Passing out hundred dollar bills.
And it kills and it thrills like the horns on my Silverado grill.”
Both boys’ eyes go wide as they stare at the other. “Oh we gotta-“ Sam starts, before being cut off by Danny already flinging them into the flow of the dance.
“Hey, Sammy, you’re better at this than last time! You’re doing great!” Danny says after dancing for about two minutes.
“That was my plan all along, Daniel. Impress you with how good I am at dancing. Is it working?”
Danny snorts, “Yeah, baby, it’s working don’t worry.”
“Perfect.” He makes sure Danny is looking directly at him before continuing, “And don’t think I forgot about your comment you made that night we came here for the first time, Daniel.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I didn’t. I’m a man of my word, Sammy.”
“And the girls say
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.
Everybody says
Save a horse, ride a cowboy.”
Danny dips Sam before taking his (Danny’s) cowboy hat off Sams head and placing it onto his own with a wink.
Sam’s lips part in anticipation from the sudden shift in energy between them.
“Can we go?”
Danny’s brow furrows, worried that he did something wrong. “Right now? Are you ok?”
Sam blushes, “Yeah I just uh, am about to have a problem in my pants that is going to start being… really noticeable if we stay much longer.”
A smirk dances on Danny’s lips as he realizes what Sam meant by that. “Oh- yeah of course. I’ll let the others know that if they need a ride home, they better leave now. My place or yours?”
“Yours. Closer.”
“I see someone’s a bit impatient. Can’t handle the anticipation, can you, Sammy?”
“Shut up or I’m having you take me to my place, you can go back to yours, and I can fix the problem myself.”
“Hmmmmm you wouldn’t. Anyways,” Danny says as he begins making his way towards Josh and Austin, pulling Sam behind him. “C’mon.”
They reach Josh and Austin and Danny taps on his brother’s shoulder to pull his attention away from his partner. He has to almost yell over the music, “Hey, Sam and I are heading out right now, so if you want to stay, you’ll need another ride.”
Josh’s face is immediately painted with concern, “Alright, you guys ok?” His eyes sweep over Sam, noticing the way he was beginning to uncomfortably adjust his jeans. “Oh- never mind I see you guys are more than ok.” He says with a smirk.
Austin inserts himself into the conversation, “I can take Josh home if y’all are needin’ to split.”
“Sounds good, thanks. I’m gonna go let Jake know too.”
“You two have fun.” Josh says with a wink, before Danny turns and pulls Sam towards Jake and Sirena.
Once again, he taps his brother on the shoulder to get his attention. “Hey Jake, Sam and I are heading out. Josh is getting a ride with Austin, so either catch a ride with him or leave now with us.”
Just as his twin had done, he asks “Are you guys ok?”
“Yep, just tired.”
Jake looks towards Sam, also immediately knowing what was going on. “Uh huh, well, get some rest guys.”
“I can give you a ride home if you’d like, mon beau.”
Jake and Danny both smile at Sirena as Sam is too busy staring at his boyfriend in the cowboy hat to respond to her offer to Jake.
“Thanks, Sebastian.” Jake turns to Danny and Sam once more, “See you guys later, have fun and get some rest.”
“Thanks Jake, see ya.” Danny says before turning away, finally pulling Sam towards the exit. Once out the door, its Sam who’s now leading them, pulling Danny along so quickly that he has to speed walk to keep up.
“You’re very eager to get back to my place, I see.”
“Daniel. Shut the fuck up and unlock your car.”
He does so, and Sam practically flings the door open, throwing himself in the passenger seat before Danny can even fully open his door. He gets in and starts his car, turning the radio on to fill the silence in hopes that it would help ease Sam’s clear rush to get back to his place. Unfortunately, Danny’s phone automatically Bluetooth connects, and the song that had been up next in his queue starts playing loudly. The electronic intro snaps Sam out of his focused daze as Danny scrambles for his phone.
“I like the girls that do drugs (Drugs).
Girls with cigarettes in the back of the club (Club).
Girls that hate cops and buy guns (Guns).
Girls with no buns, girls that’s mean just for fun.
I like girls who make love, but I love girls who like to fuck.”
“SHIT- sorry uh that just automatically started-“ Danny stammers as he pauses the song.
“No, no, no. I’d like to hear the rest of this song, Daniel.” Sam says as he snatches Danny’s phone away from him. Danny lets out a defeated sigh, accepting the fact that he would never be able to wrestle it back from him, before putting the car in reverse to pull out of his parking space and start the short drive to his house. Sam hits play and a shit eating grin graces his face as he listens to the lyrics as the song continues.
“I like tall girls, small girls,
Girls with dicks,
Call girls.
Girls who get naked on the ‘Gram.
They say I’m too fuckin’ horny,
Wanna put me in a cage.
I’d probably fuck the hole in the wall
The guy before made.”
“Y’know, I have been mistaken for a tall girl a few times with my hair being as long as it is. And I do have a di-“
Danny cuts him off, “Shut up, shut up, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I’m not judging you Daniel, it’s a good song. Just, not what I would expect you to listen to.” Sam finishes with a smirk.
Danny rolls his eyes at the other man playfully, attempting to keep an identical smirk off his face. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, Sammy.”
The chorus starts again, and Sam thinks for a moment before asking, “Daniel, have you ever done molly?” out of nowhere.
This causes a sudden laugh to escape Danny, who turns towards his boyfriend while questioning through giggles, “What?”
Sam shrugs in a show of innocence, “Just a question.”
“Uh huh,” Danny turns his attention back to the road, “You know I haven’t.”
“I like the girls who like to lie that they came,
Girls who fuck on the train.
Girls who got so much hair on they ass, it clogs the drain.”
Sam snorts, unable to contain his laughter as Danny begins shaking his head. “Whatever you’re about to say, I don’t wanna hear it.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything!” Sam replies through broken laughs.
Danny raises his eyebrows, glad that Sam was too distracted by the song to notice how red his face was, both from embarrassment that the song started playing, and from the anticipation of what would happen when they got back to his place. “Uh huh, right.”
The song ends, leaving them in brief silence before another song starts, a complete 180 from the previous one. Sam notices, the gradual guitar intro twisting his face into amused confusion.
“This is… different than the last one. It sounds familiar.”
Danny chuckles, “Uh yeah, I think this is my “Whiplash” playlist. And it’s the same artist and album as the first song we danced to.”
They sit in comfortable silence listening to the song as Danny quietly hums along. He reaches over and grabs Sam’s hand, interlocking his fingers with his own. He keeps his eyes on the road as he begins to sing along;
“But I must admit it, that I would marry you in an instant.
Damn your wife, I’d be your mistress just to have you around.”
Danny takes his eyes off the road to momentarily glance at Sam, only to be met with his lovesick gaze as he offers a slight squeeze to his hand. Danny returns it, smiling at him before looking back to the road as they turn into his neighborhood. Sam snaps back into his previous mindset, having been too distracted by the tender moment and lyrics Danny had sung to him, as he realizes they had arrived at Danny’s house. The charged energy that had been between them as they left the bar and during the first half of the drive returns suddenly, and both boys quickly get out of the car and make a beeline for the front door.
Once again, as soon as the door is closed and locked behind them, Danny’s hands immediately find their place on Sam’s sides, pulling him into a deep kiss. Danny makes a move to take his hat off before Sam breaks their kiss to stop him.
“Wait. Keep it on. Or at least- wear it while you ride.”
Danny raises his eyebrows, smiling wolfishly. “Whatever you want, baby.”
He takes it off momentarily to take his shirt off, replacing it on his head and reconnecting their lips. They make their way towards Danny’s room as they had many times before, having stripped most of their clothes by the time they reached his bed. Danny breaks away to grab the things they needed for prep in practiced motions, coming back to see that Sam had taken off the rest of his clothes and was waiting in already breathless anticipation while he was away. He pulls his briefs off swiftly and sets the Cowboy hat on the bedside table, quickly joining Sam on the bed, wasting no time as he begins to immediately bite and suck marks into his neck.
“So… I know… I know I’m always… oh fuck, baby-” Sam pants as Danny grinds down onto the other man, nipping at a part of his neck he knew was the most sensitive. He collects himself for a moment before continuing, his words broken from his huffs and heavy breaths. “I know I’m always the one that’s receiving... but oh my god- but I think we’ve done this… enough times that I think- I think I know what I’m doing.” Danny hums an agreement, his lips still attached to Sam’s neck. “But if I do anything… anything wrong or uncomfortable, please- please tell me.”
Danny kisses his way up to Sam’s face, giving him one final kiss on his lips before responding. “I will, I promise love.”
With this having eased all of Sam’s worries and concerns, he grins up at Danny before flipping their positions and finding a spot between his legs as he reaches for the lube. As he had seen Danny do many times before, he coats his fingers liberally before ducking his head down to the inside of his thighs, teasing him with nips and kisses as his middle finger circles Danny’s entrance.
He looks up at Danny through his lashes, making eye contact with him before asking, “Ready baby?”
He offers an eager “Mhm.” as his hips involuntarily grind down on Sam’s fingertip in anticipation.
Sam needs no other confirmation, before he presses his finger into Danny fully, relishing in the way his eyes screw shut in pleasure and his head falls back onto the pillow. He begins pumping his finger in and out in a steady pace, his lips finding the insides of Dannys thighs once more, both actions drawing a whine from him. Sam picks his pace up his pace causing Danny to groan, his hands fisting the sheets at his side.
“You ready for another, love?”
“Fuck- please yes, Sammy.”
Sam’s ring finger joins his middle on the next thrust in, the action followed by a breathy moan as Danny’s back arches off the bed. Sam savors each sound he makes and expression that passes across his face as he pumps and scissors his fingers in and out of the other man. Sam brings his lips to Danny’s stomach, peppering kisses across it as he brings his fingers together, curling them at the knuckles in hopes of finding the spot that Danny was so good at finding in Sam. After a few seconds, his attempts are fruitful as he feels Danny’s abdominal muscles flex as a string of curses and praise flood from his lips.
“OH SHIT- Fuck, Sammy baby, right there, keep going, FUCK, oh shit-“ Sam smiles against Danny’s stomach, continuing his movements inside Danny.
“Fuck- baby I’m so close- shit- I don’t- I don’t know how much longer I can last, love.” Danny groans.
“Want another or are you prepped enough?” Sam says against his stomach, his breath sending a shiver down Danny’s spine.
“I’m ready- I’m ready, baby.” Danny repeats. Sam removes his fingers, allowing Danny a second to catch his breath as he cleans off his hands and rips the condom wrapper open. As soon as he finishes putting it on, Danny pushes Sam down onto the bed, having grabbed the cowboy hat while Sam was distracted and replacing it on his head as he straddles him. Sam sits up, running his hands up Danny’s thighs, coming to a stop on his sides as he gazes up at the other man.
Sam checks in with Danny, “Still doing ok, love?”
Danny grins down at him, replying, “Couldn’t be more ok, Sammy.” before lining Sam up at his entrance and sinking down on his cock in one swift motion.
Both boys moan, their foreheads coming together as they pant, adjusting to the feeling of each other. Danny’s the first to move, bringing his hands to Sam’s shoulders as he lifts himself almost completely off of Sam, before bringing his body back down again. He continues his motions, quickening his pace as their breaths become erratic once more, interrupted by various moans and whines. Danny’s lips find Sam’s as he continues to ride him, their kisses messy and eager as they both head towards their climaxes. Sam’s right hand, still slightly slick with left over lube, moves to wrap around Danny’s cock, sliding up and down when he finds it. Danny moans into Sam’s mouth, biting down on his lower lip from the sudden added pleasure.
Despite the pain from the bite deliciously mixing with his pleasure, Sam tears his mouth away from Danny to gasp, “Fuck, baby I’m so close-“
Danny thrusts into Sam’s hand, changing his motions on Sam’s dick to grind against him, taking him deeper. “Cum for me baby. Fill me up.”
His words send Sam over the edge, his head falling forward as he moans, his left-hand gripping Danny’s hip with the other slightly squeezing Danny’s dick as he fills the condom inside him.
“Ah- shit-“ The added pressure sends Danny over the edge with him, his release coating Sam’s stomach as his nails dig into his shoulders.
They both ride their climaxes out, breathless as they come down from it. Danny lifts himself off of Sam, collapsing on his side next to the other man, his hat falling off his head and rolling onto the ground. Sam removes his condom, throwing it into the trash next to the bed and cleans his hand and stomach off with the still wet washcloth. He turns to Danny, still catching his breath as he lay on the bed and wipes the small amount of cum left leaking from the head of Danny’s dick off with the other side of the washcloth. Danny sucks in a sharp breath at the contact, overstimulated from his orgasm.
“Sorry love.” Sam says as he tosses the washcloth across the room in the direction of Danny’s laundry hamper before helping him under the covers, following suit soon after.
“S’ok. Thanks for handling the aftercare.”
Sam turns the bedside light off and leans down, kissing Danny’s forehead before pulling him close, wrapping his arms around his abdomen and tangling his legs with his own. “Of course, baby. You always take such good care of me after, it’s time I return that favor.”
Danny laughs lightly against Sam’s chest, already falling asleep from exhaustion as he nestles his face into the crook of Sam’s neck.
“Maybe I should do the riding more often.” He mumbles into Sam’s skin.
“I wouldn’t be opposed to that, Daniel.” Sam replies, quickly realizing his comment had fallen on deaf ears as Danny lightly snores, already asleep.
Sam buries his face in Danny’s hair, giving him one final gentle squeeze as he holds him, before joining his boyfriend in a deep, calm slumber.
A/N: The bar that Bradley’s Honky Tonk is based off of is an actual bar in Nashville called Layla’s Honky Tonk, which I realized while writing this part that it is right across from Bridgestone Arena where Greta performed their first show of Starcatcher at.
All the songs mentioned, in chronological order:
Fancy- Reba McEntire
Cotton-Eye Joe- Rednex
Plastic Jesus- Tia Blake
Ophelia- The Lumineers
A Bank Robber’s Nursery Rhyme- Goodnight, Texas
Our Song- Taylor Swift
Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)- Big & Rich
Girls- The Dare
Cleopatra- The Lumineers
Thanks again for reading :)
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vanfleeter · 1 year
Doesn't Stay In Vegas (7) // JTK
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Characters: Jake x Catie (OC) Warnings: Tiny bit of smut (minors DNI I beg), angst, fluff, Sam being Sam.
Parking his car in the lot, he locks the doors and heads across the street. The bells above the shop door ring indicating his entrance. A cashier beams a smile from behind the counter and welcomes him inside the store and offers her help if he needs it.
“Actually..” He steps up to the counter. “My wife and I just found out we’re expecting and we don’t know what we’re having yet–so I’m not entirely sure what I should be looking at.”
“Okay! Well first, congratulations! Second, we have the perfect selection for what you’re looking for.” She steps out from behind the counter and leads to a little area in the shop full of gender neutral clothing. “Anything here will do.”
“Great, thank you.”
“No problem, let me know if you need any more assistance.” She says before going back to the counter.
He scans through the little clothes, his mind trying to wrap itself around the fact that humans can be this small. Finding a small onesie with a star on it, he picks it out and retrieves a little rattle before bringing it up to the counter to check out. Once checked out, he heads down the block to a bakery and picks up his order he had placed a half hour ago before he got to the baby store.
Driving home, his nerves were getting the best of him. They hadn’t spoken much since they found out about the pregnancy. Or at least, she hasn’t been talking to him. He knew he made an ass of himself that day but no matter what he said or tried to do, she’d still give him the cold shoulder.
‘Give her time’ Josh’s voice echoes in his head.
Give her time. He did give her time. But he’s running out of time. Tour starts soon and he won’t be here with her.
Pulling into the driveway, he gets out of the car and heads inside the house. Getting upstairs to the bedroom, he quietly steps through the door when he finds her still asleep and sits down on the bed beside her.
“Catie..” He whispers as he gently taps her cheek. “My love, wake up..”
Her face scrunches up and she groans. “Go away, let me sleep..”
He chuckles. “Come on, wake up. I brought home breakfast.” One of her eyes peek open and he looks at her. “It’s your favorite..” He says in a sing-song voice.
“You brought me breakfast?” She says as she sits up. He nods his head and pulls out a still warm blueberry bagel. “That is my favorite.”
He smiles. “I know it is–and..” He reaches back into the bag and pulls out a cherry Danish. “The last one of the morning.”
“I feel spoiled.” Catie giggles.
“But that’s not all.” He says as he reaches down to the floor and picks up the shopping bag. “I did some small shopping.” He hands her the bag.
“For me?”
“Well, for both of us.” He says.
Reaching inside the bag, she pulls out the little rattle. She looks at him in curiosity before reaching back in and taking out the onesie. Her eyes sparkle with tears and she drops the items in her lap before throwing her arms around Jake.
“I want you to know that I want this baby. Sure it’s not perfect timing but I promise you, I’m in it the whole way.” He says as he holds her.
She pulls away and wipes her face. “I've been such a bitch to you and you didn’t deserve it.”
“Trust me, babe, I did.” He says.
Catie sniffles. “Do you want to go to the appointment with me today before you go into rehearsals? I know I didn’t let you the first time..” She lowers her head. “But I want you there.”
Jake eagerly nods his head. “I want to go.” He says as he picks her head up. “And even while I’m gone, I’ll be facetiming you–I don’t want to miss anything.” —
“Good morning boys!” Jake announces as he walks into the rehearsal space. Sam looks up from his keyboard as he pauses his playing.
“Someone’s very perky today.” He says. “What’s got you in a good mood?”
“We went in for a scan today,” Jake beams. “And I got to see the baby.” He digs into his pocket and pulls out a printed copy of the scan. “It’s tiny but it’s there.”
“No fucking way, I want to see.” Sam leaps up from the piano bench and rushes over to Jake. “Oh would you like that, the shape really does look like a peanut.” Jake scoffs and shoves Sam away. “I’m kidding!” Sam laughs. “That’s amazing honestly.”
“Thanks.” Jake beams.
“So, what are you hoping for? A boy or a girl?” Sam asks as he leans against the piano.
Jake shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t know, I mean it’d be typical for me to say a boy but honestly, I want a girl.”
“Girl?” Josh’s voice rings through the air as he enters the room. “Are you having a girl? You know already?”
“No, you idiot.” Jake says. “Sam asked which I would want and I said I want a girl.”
“Let me just say–if you have a girl, she won’t ever be dating.” Josh chuckles. “Not while we’re around.” He pats Jake’s back before heading over to the mic to do a few tests. –
Coming home later that evening, he steps through the front door and immediately smells food cooking. He smiles as he sets his guitar case on the floor before making his way to the kitchen. There he finds Catie standing by the stove and stirring pasta in a pot. He walks over and wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder.
“I’ve missed you today.” He says as he kisses her cheek.
Catie giggles and puts her hands over top of his on her stomach. “You just saw me this morning.” She says.
“Just let me miss you.” He says as he kisses along her neck. He hears her moan and he chuckles. “Does that feel good?”
“Don’t start..” She says. “I’m starving..”
“Mmmm,” He hums. “For me?”
Catie laughs and turns away from the stove. “No-o-o-o,” She says. “I’ve been craving spaghetti all day.” She wraps her arms around his neck. “But having you for dessert would be great.”
He chuckles and leans down to kiss her. “Someone’s hormones seem to have spiked today.”
“You have no idea.” She says. “I’ve been dying to have your hands all over me.”
“Oh you mean like this?” Jake moves his hands from around her waist and runs them up underneath her shirt. She moans as she nods her head. “Or maybe this?” He takes one of his hands and slides it underneath her waistband of her leggings and cups his hand around her center. He smirks as he watches her eyes roll.
“Jake..” She breathes.
He leans over and kisses her cheek as he withdraws his hands. “Dinner first.” He says making her huff.
“You’re such a tease.” She says before turning back to the stove and stirring the pot again.
“So I showed the guys the sonogram.” He says as he goes over to the cupboard and pulls out a couple bowls. “Sam said the baby looked like a peanut.”
“An adorable peanut.” Catie comments as she turns off the burner.
“Our baby does not look like an oblong pod.” Jake says pointing his at her to get his point across.
Her eyebrows raise. “A what?”
“An oblong pod,” Jake shrugs his shoulders. “It’s what a peanut is described as.”
“What does that even mean?”
“It’s both a noun and an adjective,” Jake begins to explain. “A noun, an object or flat figure in an elongated rectangle or oval shape. An adjective, having an elongated shape, such as a rectangle or oval.”
“I'm burning your books.” She jokes.
Jake beams a smile and grabs the pot off the stove and a strainer from the cupboard before straining the noodles in the sink. “Our child is going to be a smart kid.” He says.
“With a dad like you? Of course they will be.” Catie says as she takes the strainer from him and dumps the pasta into the pan of the spaghetti sauce. “They have a smart daddy.” She hears him scoff and turns to face him. “It’s true.”
“I don’t know about that.” He shrugs his shoulders. “I didn’t have the easiest time with my reading and English growing up, I didn't feel smart.”
A small smile appears on Catie’s face and she walks over to him. “But you worked really hard at it. If you never stuck it out, you never wouldn’t given a vocabulary lesson and I wouldn’t have learned something new.” She reaches up and caresses his cheek. “One day when our child is old enough, you can teach him or her what an oblong pod is.” He smiles and she kisses him on the cheek. “Now, let’s start eating because I’m growing impatient for dessert.” —
They never made it to the bedroom. They didn’t even make it out of the dining room. As soon as they both finished eating, he had her sprawled out on the other side of the table. Having her legs hooked over his shoulders, he has his tongue plunged deep inside of her. He feels her writhing and he smirks. Pulling away he drops her legs and wipes his mouth.
“Jake, why’d you stop?” She whines. “Please please please, come back..”
“Aw, is my baby needy?” He says with a smirk.
“Stop teasing me.” She says as she grabs at him.
Undoing his pants, he pushes them down his legs. He licks his lips as he watches her slowly play with herself. Pulling her to the edge of the table, he wiggles in between her legs and teasingly glides his cock through her folds, collecting her arousal on it. Lining himself up with her entrance, he slowly pushed inside until he bottoms out.
“If you don’t hit that spot every time, you are never allowed to touch me again.” Catie says as she holds his face in her hands.
“There’s no way in hell you could survive without me ever touching you.” He smirks. “But the challenge is accepted.”
He pulls out all the way to his tip but shoving himself back in and with every thrust he continues to hit the same spot each time. His grunts and groans fill the room mixed with the sound of their skin connecting harshly.
Being pregnant and with her hormones heightened, she reaches her climax quicker than normal and she spills all over him as her orgasm rips through her body.
“Oh fuck baby, you weren’t kidding..” He pants as he keeps thrusting himself into her. Soon he was approaching on his own and he finds himself bent over her front side as he releases himself inside of her. He rests his head on her chest as he catches his breath.
Suddenly the doorbell rings and bolts back up right. “Shit..” He mutters as he pulls out of her. The doorbell rings again followed by a couple knocks. “Be there in a second!” He calls. He helps her off the table and pulls her underwear back on before rebuttoning his pants and fixing his shirt. The doorbell rings for the third time followed by Danny’s voice.
“Jake!” He calls.
“I’m coming, dammit!” Jake shouts as he rushes out of the dining room and to the front door. “Can I help you?” He says as he opens the door only to find his twin standing behind him and Sam on the other side.
“Guys Night is tonight.” Sam says as he holds up a six pack of Toppo Chicos. “Did you forget?”
“Oh uh..”
“Oh you did..” Josh groans. “We discussed this before we all left rehearsal.”
“I’m sorry guys, I guess I forgot.”
“Oh hey boys!” Catie exclaims as she pops up beside Jake. “I see it’s Guys Night tonight–just in time too, we just finished dinner.” She gently nudges Jake to the side and lets the three of them inside the house.
“Funny how she remembered and she’s the pregnant one.” Josh jokes earning a glare from Jake.
“I don’t think he was paying attention,” Sam says. “He wouldn’t stop looking at the sonogram.”
Catie sees Jake’s cheeks flush red before he throws his fist into Sam’s shoulder. She giggles and kisses his cheek before walking away and heading back to the dining room where she begins to clean the table. She freezes when she sees their cum on the table. Quickly she grabs the roll of paper towels and cleans the table off before any of the guys see it. Though Jake catches her sight as she turns to leave the dining room. A smug look is spread across his face as he lifts a beer to his lips as he reclines back into the love seat. Now it’s her turn for her cheeks to flush red.
Gathering up the dishes, she slips into the kitchen and gently puts them into the sink before running warm water and soaping up a sponge.
Not long after she finished washing off the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and a pair of lips connect with her cheek. “You should’ve licked the table.” He says into her ear sending a chill down her spine.
“Wouldn’t that have been quite the show for your brothers.”
He chuckles and kisses her cheek again. “I got hard just at the thought of the cum lingering there.” His hands brush down her hips and around to her front as he presses himself into her ass. “But seeing your ass shake as you scrubbed the plates? Fucking hell, do it again.”
“Jacob, your brothers are still here. Go hang out with them.”
“How can I concentrate on a game of Monopoly–a game I’m bound to lose anyways–when I can whisk my sexy wife upstairs and fuck her?”
“You already fucked me.”
He chuckles and kisses the side of her neck. “But the thrill of fucking you knowing my brothers could hear really sends to the blood rushing to my dick..”
“Now look who’s the horny one..” Catie says as she turns to face him. “Tell you what, if I’m still awake by the time the guys leave, then I will let you fuck me until I pass out. Fair?”
“Fucking hell woman..” He says.
Catie giggles and pulls away from him. “Now go back to the living room and spend some time with your brothers.”
“It’s not like I don’t see them every day anyways.”
“Goooo..” Catie says as she shoves him out of the kitchen.
Making herself some tea and a bagel to munch on, she heads upstairs to their bedroom and makes herself comfortable in bed and begins to search for a movie. –
“Yeah, yeah, yeah..” Jake grumbles as he walks the guys to the front door.
“Don’t forget, Jake, I mean it.” Josh says.
“Josh, I got it. Don’t worry, she’ll be surprised.” He shoves the three of them through the front door. “Now go away.”
“Such a dick..” He hears Sam joke.
“At least mine’s bigger..” Jake retorts.
“Wanna bet?” Sam says as he spins around on his heels.
“Oh no you don’t..” Danny says as he steps in front of Sam who has his pants already unbuttoned. “Quit acting like children and get in the damn car.” He says as he shoves Sam down the walkway.
Jake rolls his eyes and steps back inside the house and locks the door. After cleaning up the living room and dumping all the empty beer bottles and cans into the recycling bin in the garage, he shuts all the lights off downstairs before moving for the stairs. In the distance, he can hear something playing upstairs and as he approaches the bedroom he hears little giggles from the television accompanied by the sound sniffling.
Pushing the door, he steps inside to find Catie sitting on the bed and watching the television screen. Tears fill her eyes as a few drop down her cheeks. He looks over at the television to see a home movie playing.
A little girl is shown on the screen as she giggles and laughs while her father tickles her. “Daddy!”
“I’m not daddy, I’m the tickle monster!” He says as he continues tickling the little girl. “Rawr!”
Jake looks back at Catie and realizes that the little girl in the movie is her. That’s her father. Feeling his heart drop, he goes over to the bed and climbs in beside her. “Baby, why are you watching these?” He asks.
She shrugs her shoulders. “I wasn’t originally but then.. I don’t know.. I started thinking of you being a dad and it got me thinking about my dad and then I found myself watching these old movies and now I’m missing my dad and fuck.. Can’t my hormones just fucking chill for a moment?”
Jake looks back at the screen as her father reappears, the camera zoomed in on his face. “Cat, you’re zoomed in..”
“Oh fuck..”
“Language young lady..”
“I’m sixteen dad..” She retorts. He chuckles and shakes his head. “Now..” She clears her throat. “What’s your name?”
“And how old are you?”
“Do I have to say that?”
“Dad, come on.” Catie groans.
He smiles. “Fine.. I’m thirty-two.”
“And what do you do for a living?”
“I’m a Marine.”
“Badass Marine.”
“Catherine. Language.”
Catie laughs, the camera shaking in her hands. “Final question. What do you like to do for fun?”
“I like to read.”
“So boring.”
“Oh I’m sorry, what did you want me to say?”
“I don’t know, something cool.”
“Like what?”
“Talk about your motorcycle. You’re obsessed with that thing.”
The television turns off and Catie drops the remote onto the bed. Jake looks back over at her and she has her face buried in her hands. Moving closer to her, he wraps his arms around her body and pulls her into his chest. “I miss him, Jake..”
“I know baby..” He whispers as he runs his hands through her hair. “I know..” And then he holds her until she falls asleep on top of him and continues to hold her until he himself falls asleep.
tag list: @losfacedevil @lightmylove-gvf @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold @jaketlover @mackalah @lexii-nv-c @thetroublegetssoloud71 @emilykamo @em-gvf01 @katiegvf @joshkiszkaenthusiast @takenbythemadness @sinarainbows @gvfpal
(if I missed anyone, I apologize, remind me in the replies)
If you want to be added to the tag list, feel free to reach out! :)
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writingcold · 1 year
Bootleggers & Wildflowers
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Greetings!  Welcome to Chapter 1 of B&W!  I’ve been holding this one incredibly close and the story is very dear to me.  I guess that’s partly why I’m feeling skittish about sharing it.  I hope you like it.  I feel like I should say that this is a slow romance, with a light dusting of smut.  There is some steamy scenes in this first chapter, but that is not the focus of this story.   
Thank you once more to @whitesuitjake for the Jake edit for the cover, @gardensgatedaisy for listening to me whine and gush and show off pictures of little discoveries, and finally to @lvnterninthenight, Bobbie, your criticism and red pen has meant so much to me.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Chapter 1 is all about introductions, so we’ll be meeting Cora, Susannah, and Molly in this entry.  There are three parts, three POVs.  Word Count: approximately 4700 words. 
This is a work of fiction, and is totally mine.  Please do not take it for your own personal use.  I’ve put in hours of research, hours upon hours of writing, re-writing, screaming, yelling and vomiting over this epic of a story.  But it is mine.
Main pairing: Jake X OC, Sam X OC, Danny X OC, mentions of Josh X OC. 
Content Warning:  Mentions of poverty, personal strife, young marriage, alcohol and drinking, smoking, language, unprotected sex (Sam x OC and Danny x OC).  This is an adults only story - that’s why there’s a mature label slapped on it.  If you are under 18, please go elsewhere.
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Chapter One: Introductions Part 1: Cora POV
May, 1926
     Elegant.  The singular word flitted through Cora’s mind as her eyes took in the dark wood of the office that was bathed in the early afternoon sunlight.  The man that sat behind the huge, intricately carved desk, wore a lush navy suit, embossed vest, with a crisp white dress shirt, a perfectly starched collar and black and gray bow tie.  He wore his hair short, but held enough curls that did not allow for the classic taper cut that most young men wore.  Instead, it was all the same length that was professional, but belied his youth.  Cora placed him no more than five, at most, six years older than herself, and yet, he was highly educated, poised and a honed businessman. 
     “You seem awfully skinny to be wanting a job here,”  the man said with an uninterested eye.  “You look like you could barely lift a sack of flour, let alone stand for ten hours a day.  Tell me, Miss Janas, why do you need this job?”
     Cora shifted in her chair, very aware that Mr. Kiszka was looking her up and down, searching for any reason to tell her to leave.  “Sir, I need this job to help my mother support the family.  I’m much stronger than I look.  I’ve been working as a laborer for the Kilbourne farm for the past three years.”
     “Where’s your father?”  Mr. Kiszka asked with a raised brow, his dark eyes sparkling.
     She wondered if he was looking for an illicit reason as to why her father was not around.  “He died three years ago, sir, from wounds he, uh…”  
     She paused.  Her father passed away from wounds from the war, but they did not talk about it.  Her mother refused to believe that her father was so damaged that he could not function beyond their own farm.  
     He waved his manicured hand, his eyes relaying that he was disinterested in any further explanation.  “Do you have a better dress you can wear?”
     The question drew her back once more.  “Sir?”
     “I’ll take that as a no,”  he remarked with a shake of his head. His fingers tugged at the chain of his very fine pocket watch, his face drifting away from her in a brief reprieve.  He puffed out his cheeks as he pushed the watch back into the pocket of his finely tailored waistcoat before fixing the lapel of his coat.  “I’ll tell you what.  I’ll give you a week's trial.  You’ll make fifty cents a day.  You prove that you can handle it, I’ll make the post permanent and you’ll get a dollar a day from then on out.”
     Cora felt her face drain of color.  Fifty cents per day was five times what she made for Kilbourne.  A dollar a day if she made it through would mean better in their bellies at night and so much more.  She tried to hide her swallow by dipping her chin, but he was already standing and moving to get her to leave his office.  He smoothed his hand across the lapel of his fine suit coat as he held the door open for her.  She scrambled to her oxford clad feet and smiled widely as he directed her back into the main shop.  She extended her hand as he offered his own.
     “Thank you, Mr. Kiszka. This opportunity means more than you know,”  she said warmly.  
     He smiled politely, his eyes turned towards the side of the shop.  “We’ll see you back here, Monday morning, eight o’clock sharp.”
     “Yes, sir.”
     The Kiszka and Wagner Mercantile and General Store had been purchased by the families a few years prior.  The two sided store was anchored in the middle with wide case openings for customers to move between the two shops, with a central register with beautiful marble counters and elaborate wrought iron framing the space like art, but functional as a way to keep the register safe.  The coved ceilings drew the dreamy eye up with its delicate tin tiles of hammered sun rays on the mercantile side and of pastoral regional themes on the general store side.  The dark woods of the cabinetry and pristine, clear glass of the fronts was sleek, displaying all sorts of goods from fabric, housewares, toiletries, jewelry, as well as many curios and catalogs made up the mercantile shop, while the general store was just as detailed, but featured dry goods, baked and dried foods, seasonal produce and canned goods.  The shops were always busy being one of three such shops across the bustling town of Kingsford.
     Cora watched as another one of the Kiszka brothers walked toward the eldest of them as she began to move away.  It was Joshua’s twin - Jacob.  The man’s dark eyes were always serious and sharp.  Like his brother, he was dressed flawlessly in a black suit with a softer ivory dress shirt and black tie.  He passed her without so much as a glance, leaving the smell of tobacco in his wake.  She flashed a smile at the girl behind the ornate marble-topped counter before she pushed her way outside into the cool breeze of the late spring.  It was going to be a long walk home, but her mother was going to be happy.  A job in town would be a surprise.  A job in town that promised three dollars for the first week was unheard of in her world. Six dollars a week would add up quickly.   Perhaps they could move to town and get one of the little bungalows on the west side, eventually.  Cora knew she was going to have to work the hardest that she could manage.     The Kiszkas were fairly new to the town of Kingsford, but they already had the mercantile shop, the general store, as well as the dancehall next door.  People were saying that they were from down south, near Detroit with ties to Chicago, which she took to mean big businesses at first. Then the rumors came thick for the area, with words of bootleggers, illegal liquor, and the ultimate of whispered words… ‘mafia’.  Cora could care less.  By the time she reached the edge of town, she had convinced herself that the Kiszkas’ were just another family that were trying to make it during the crazy times of 1926.  
     The family she knew only through reputation at church, and from a wide distance.  All four of the gentlemen were typical residents in the hall prior to, during and after services, every Sunday.  They were generous, always there to add to the donation pot for various needs of members of the community.  The town had readily accepted them for their outward appearance for genuinely wanting to be part of the growth of the fledgling town.  
     Cora did not reach the cottage until late in the afternoon.  She changed quickly to her cotton dress and boots and ran to the barn to help Mr. Kilbourne with the milking.  He scolded her as she pushed against Daisy to get her into the chute.  She just nodded and smiled to herself.  He wasn’t going to push her around anymore.  She would be respectable, with a respectable job in town as an in-shop clerk and they wouldn’t hold her father’s debt over their heads for too much longer.
     She cleared her throat as the farmer was trailing out of the barn to capture his attention.  When he looked at her with his typical subjective expression, Cora sucked her cheeks in to garner up her strength.  “I’ll have you know, Mr. Kilbourne, that I have a trial job in town starting Monday and won’t be here to work for you.”
      He turned back towards her, his blotchy features turning sour.  “Trial job?  What does that mean?”
      “Mean that for the week, I work my tail off,”  she said as his beady eyes narrowed on her.  “If they like the way I work, then I will have a permanent post and won’t have to work for you any more.”
       He made a rude sound deep in his throat before sucking on his teeth and spitting into the ground.  His eyes roamed across her frame as he laughed.  “Yeah.  You’ll be back to me in a few days.  You ain’t smart enough to work nowhere but here, girlie.”
      Rosemary Janas was wiping her hands across a yellowed dish towel as Cora peeled off her boots and slid back into her oxfords to enter the cottage.  The planks of the floor whined as they walked, as if the tiny three room structure bemoaned their entire existence.  Her mother’s face was terribly thin and full of woe.  The once happy blue of her eyes was full of dull gray worry and hunger.  
     Cora nodded to her mother before she washed and started rounding up the rest of the children to get to the table.  The family of six were castaways scraping by on the meager earnings of the two women.  The younger siblings ranged from 17 down to six.  At twenty, Cora should have been married, but she was too busy trying to get her siblings to survive to care much about that business.
     The family sat down to beans and bread, saying their prayers and speaking not a word as they ate.  Cora and her sister Junie set to doing the dishes while her mother put the youngest children to bed.  It was not until their mother returned to sit down at the table to do the night’s mending that Cora could share her news.
     “I’ll start Monday,”  she beamed, unable to hide her broad smile.  
     Her mother frowned.  “It’s an hour walk twice a day.  What if the weather turns?  What if you can’t get home?  And what of your duties here?  Mr. Kilbourne expects you to be milking and in the field.”
     Cora had not thought about the logistics and she did not care.  “Money may mean that we can finally get into town to live, Mama.  Perhaps even before the autumn comes.  And I’ve told Kilbourne that I’m not working this next week.  That if I get a permanent posting, I won’t have to work for him at all.”
     “One job can’t be that good,”  she said quietly.  “And that’s a lot of maybe’s to put any worth into.”
     “I work hard and make it through the first week, I’ll be bringing home $6 a week, Mama.  I think it’s more than enough for one of those-”
     Her mother’s eyes closed with a deep, mournful sigh.  “I’m not telling you not to work the job, Cora.  It’s just the other pieces that you need to think about.  Without your hands to feed this family, we will fail.  Terribly.”
     “I know, Mama,”  she said, folding her hands in her lap.  
     “Junie, head to bed.  Cora and I need some quiet,”  her mother said to the younger girl.
     Junie stood up, her frail body evident as her dress caught against her knees as she moved.  Her dark hair appeared brassy in the thin braid that snaked over her shoulder.  She had the same sad blue eyes as their mother.  Cora grinned at the girl as she walked past but received no warmth in return.
     Once there was silence again, Rosemary’s face grew even grayer.  “Had a gentleman come by who is interested in marrying that one.”
     Cora’s stomach lurched.  Her mother caught the sight of her reaction and shook her head.  
     “One less mouth to feed, Cora,”  she whispered.  “And Mr. Archer is a good man.  Educated.  He’ll provide a good home for her and a respectable place in town.”
     Cora tried to recall the name to place a face.  Her throat burned when she remembered the man from church.  “Mother!  He’s close to double her age - and with children no less.”
     “She’s got experience with her siblings just fine,”  Rosemary said, her whole body looking exhausted, not just her voice.  “I’ve already given the blessing as he will pay for the services.”
      Cora sat back with a huff in her chair.  The only reason why her mother had not married her off yet was because she could earn a wage, whereas Junie was too frail for hard physical work.  She bit the insides of her bottom lip in an effort to keep herself from crying.  Fat tears struck her cheeks despite her efforts.  Her mother shook her head disapprovingly.
      “I was married by seventeen.  I should have married you off as soon as your father passed, but…”
      Cora hiccuped before she slapped her hands across her mouth to keep from making too much noise.  The fate of her sister ground upon her spirit.  There would be no love for her.  There would be no joy.  At least not like in the storybooks that had once been their father’s they had snuck from the Kilbourne’s house to read out back of the barn.  Her mother stood with a sigh and walked away, presumably to fetch the sewing basket so that they could work together on their task that was heaped on the table, leaving Cora alone in her own grief.
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Chapter One: Pt 2, Susannah POV
     The feel of the silk robe against her body and the whiskey on her tongue felt like putting her skin back on and her dignity into place.  She sat alone, her thin body shivering against the chill that was always present in the back of the house.  The music that played in the dancehall below was throbbing through the floorboards and the singular privacy curtains for the girls that were under the employ of the Kiszka’s speakeasy.  
     Another sip of whiskey; a light of a cigarette.  It was Susannah’s ritual in trying to shake off the fifteen minute venture that she had to perform four nights a week in addition to her dancing with the troupe as a whole.  There were only a few others that actually endured what she did, though their trials were chosen, hers was happenstance.  Six weeks prior, she was donning a new costume with individual crystals forming the bodice of her dress.  Another dancer’s finger had accidently caught hold and the entire covering of her torso was spilled out in mesmerizing fashion.  Of course, the crowd thought it was part of the act.  She carried on, despite seeing Sam in the back, jaw clenched shut as Joshua yucked it up right along with his customers.
     Since then, they honed it into a whole routine that Susannah still felt hollow about, but it came with a raise and a weird sort of prestige that also meant more uncounted tips from customers.  Visually, it was the spectacle that brought in clientele.  No one but herself, Sam and her friends seemed to care about the damage it caused to her own soul.
     Bringing the cigarette up to her lips, she heard Sam’s footfalls somewhere behind her.  He was looking rather hard toned, leaving her to try to prepare for what was to come.  Rolling her eyes up in the mirror as his face came into view, she saw the gleam in his eyes.  The possession.  The need to reclaim her like he had anything to actually be concerned about.  The man was the prettiest face she had ever seen and was the best of lovers, and it was hard not to fall for the intelligence that was so evident within him.  He was always eager to share with her whatever he was working on.  
     His long fingers dug into her waist as he pulled her from her stool.  He grabbed her smoke, took a drag, then stomped it out on the floor before he began to push her towards the wall.  His eyes were black with need.  His mouth kissed her hard before he spun her, belly flush against the wall.  
     “Sam,”  she breathed as he kissed down her neck.
     His hand pressed against the middle of her back, holding her firmly in place.  He knocked her legs wide, hiking up the lavish robe.  His hands ghosted up her thighs as they quivered to keep up with his movements.  
     “Mine,”  he whispered in her ear before biting the lobe.  “Who’s pussy kisses my cock, baby?”
     “Only mine,”  she gasped as he stroked her roughly.
     The rasp of a growl against her skin made her breath catch.  
     “Who’s the only cum that lands on this skin?”  he whispered as he pushed his way into her.
     He started to fuck into her at a ruthless pace, stealing all breath and thought from her.  Sam stopped, teeth sinking into her shoulder.  
     “Answer me,”  he demanded in a softness that blazed through her head.
     “Yours, baby.  Only yours,”  she answered.
     His fingers snaked back around her hip, rubbing on her clit in tight, hard circles.  Susannah bit into her lip.  The chance for anyone to hear them was always too high.  The last thing she needed was to have voyeurs infringe, but his own need for her spiked when something was not right in the business or The Earl, and to see his woman strutting around, titties hanging out and bouncing for everyone’s pleasure troubled him deeply.  He had tried to argue with his eldest brother, but Joshua would not take him seriously, especially with that much money on the table.
     Her jaw dropped open as her body froze in its pleasure.  Every muscle, every nerve ending was on fire as he pushed against her, the roughness of his vest against her back, the power of his hips striking her ass, sent her into her beyond and back just in time to listen as he finished on the silk of her robe.
     His breath was hot against her neck as he came down and cleaned himself up on the silk.  Turning, he left her against the wall with a promise to return.  She pressed her forehead into the plaster, collecting her breath once more, placing her own feelings back onto the background that was Samuel Kiszka.
     When he returned, he tenderly removed the soiled robe, replacing it with another, lovingly tying the closure with one last kiss to her earlobe.  “Love you,”  he whispered, stepping away.
     She knew he was honest in his feelings towards her.  She could spill all the love she would ever have in her body and she would still have more to give to him.  He held her hand, leading her back the few steps back to her dressing table.  Susannah went right to putting her hair back into place and touching up her lipstick and rouge.
     “I hear there’s going to be a new shop girl,”  she said, catching his eye.  “It’s all the gossip back here.”
     Sam rolled his eyes.  “Josh hired a farm girl without experience.  She’ll never make it through her ‘trial week’, to be sure.  He’ll find some stupid reason to fire her.”
     “The girls are placing bets to see how many days this one will last.  It’s sad,”  she said with a sigh.  “I hear she’s pretty hard pressed.”
     “Starving is more like it.  Maybe that’ll give her an edge.”
     Susannah set down her brush.  “Samuel…”
     “Yes, love?”
     “What if we dish a bit of shit to your brother and help this one out?”
     Sam stopped fiddling with whatever he was doing and looked at her through the mirror.  There was a touch of twinkle in his eyes that she had not seen for a while.  The corners of his full mouth stretched and curled upwards.
     “Help her, huh?” 
     She nodded, rising to her feet.  “Renee deserves better help than the weak assed gams that have been through there.  It’s almost like he’s trying to run that poor girl into the ground.”
     “Well, she is the daughter of the man who we bought the store from.  It was the one part of the deal none of us liked,”  he remarked with a sour tone.
     “So, let’s take a few days to see how this one does and see where we can help her out?”
     “That would really rub Josh wrong, wouldn’t it?”
     Susannah grinned as she stepped close to him.  “And you never know, maybe we’ll make friends.  It’s been a while since I’ve been friends with anyone other than back of house girls.”
      He lowered his forehead down to hers, a sad look in his eyes.  “You know I’m trying to get us out of here, right?  I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re nothing but back of house.”
     “I know, baby.  It’s just what it is now.  Not always.”
     He smiled against her skin, bringing his hands up to cup her cheeks.  “If we do this, we’re gonna need Molly and Daniel’s help.  Agreed?”
     “I heard my name back there!  Don’t drag me through it you two!”  Molly called out from behind them.
     She grinned at the sound of her dear friend.  “Let me get dressed and let’s meet out front.”
     “I’ll go find Daniel, babe,”  he said with a nod.  
     “Susannah?”  Molly called out as she started to get dressed.  “You alone now?”
     “Yes sweetie,”  she cooed as she pulled the patent leather belt across low on her hips.  
     Molly’s lush curves appeared along with her deep chocolate eyes.  “I’m not sure I’m likin’ what’s cookin’ in that expression, doll.”
     “Ah, come on.  A little light meddling and probably a new friend along the way?  Sounds like a win-win to me.”
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Chapter One: Pt. 3, Molly POV
    Crossing the wide planked floor, Molly shifted her skirt so that the slits running up the sides were lined up with her hip bones once more.  The last ‘gentleman’ dancer was too handsy.  One look at her Danny and the issue was remedied in a hurry.  His dark eyes sparkled with a heat as he dragged the man out of the dancehall with a threat that continued bad behavior towards the ladies would earn him a rock gut and dented brain cover.  
     It was Tuesday afternoon and word from Susannah was that the new girl was in her place in the store.  Sam had said she had done very well for her first day.  She watched the clock closely, counting down the minutes and the sweaty man's hands until her shift was over.  The day seemed to line up just right; she could catch a glimpse of the girl in the shop to get a feel of what she was about before heading for home.  
     Danny strolled back inside, hands tapping against the outside line of his thighs.  The smile that graced his mouth made her heart flutter.  She was down bad for that man and he knew it, but radiated it back to her every moment of the day.   With hands on hips, she shimmied at him and he swiped his hands like he was moving over her curves with an air kiss.
     The next customer waved his dollar bill at her and she took her time, eyes straying to her lover before finally allowing the man to wrap his hand across her shoulder and to take her hand to lead her in something that resembled a dance with sore toes included.  She affixed her emotionless stare as he rubbed his hand up and down her side, humming along to the tune.  She placed her mind back to the morning, waking up to Daniel, his sleepy face hovering just over hers.  He kissed her body tenderly like he worshiped every inch of her.  His tongue and teeth and lips and nose rutting through her folds until she cried out for mercy to just fuck her all ready.  It was his favorite state to put her into just before he made good on his work.  
     Molly felt the memory of his touch against her mouth as he fucked into her, spilling into her with his hands bound in her hair.  She often wondered what luck she had to have found him, though often he vocalized that he was the one that was lucky.  The heat of him passed over her as her eyes found him talking with Jacob by the main door.  It always magnified the kindness and adoration for the man to see him interact with Jacob and Samuel.  They were truly his brothers in the world where he had none to claim as his own.  And the Kisza brothers, including Joshua, were so quick to accept him, fight for him, protect him.  It was a true cycle of trust and loyalty between the four men. 
     Finally, she spun away with a kiss on the man’s cheek that allowed her to finally march away and end her day.  Her feet were screaming, her body felt like she needed a three day soak to get the grime off, and her brain just wanted her body to be cradled by her Danny.  She made her way to her dressing table, cleaning herself up, wiping off the overdone makeup and pulling down her frilly new dress that hugged her in all the right places.  She would have only a short period that she could glimpse the new girl.  She knew it was a hurry.  Walking out, she waved at Danny to join her.  Jacob had already disappeared.  
     “Ready, my love?”  he asked, holding out his elbow for her to take.
     “Yes, babe,”  she cooed with a smile.  “So, tell me what is she like?”
     “Miss Cora is working hard,”  he said as he held the door for her.  “She’s actually keeping close to being in step with Renee.”
     “Really,”  Molly breathed.  Renee grew up in that shop.  For the new girl to be doing so well meant that she was motivated and a fast study.  “How does Renee feel about that?”
     Danny grinned as his dark eyes met hers.  “She’s keeping her fingers crossed for this one.  Only thing is her attire…”
     “What is that?”  she asked more to herself than to her partner.
     Jacob was standing at the door, his face looking into the shop for a long moment.  He leaned in and opened the door to allow a mousy looking woman in a very plain dress out along with a very well dressed customer.  The woman was terribly thin, nearly frail looking, despite the items that she carried to the auto that waited for the customer.  Jacob watched as the woman set the items down, a warm smile on her face.  He waited for her to return before walking in behind her.  Molly’s face brightened with thought.
     “Oh my, Daniel,”  she sighed as she tightened her hold on the crook of his arm.  “Did you see that?”
     “See what, baby?”  he asked, looking down at her.
     “Been a while since I’ve seen Jacob curious about a skirt,”  Molly stated before she maneuvered forward towards the shop.
     Daniel let out a dismissive snort.  “Jacob?  I highly doubt that, sweetheart.  He was too into Bea for anything like that to strike again.”
     Molly frowned at him, her amber colored eyes darkening.  “Really? The heart is kind of strange.  Just when you think you’re never going to heal, it spies something it wants and compels you to move on, my love, even after someone like Bea comes along.”
     They walked closer to the shop, but Molly did not need to walk inside.  Instead, she watched at the window like she was looking at the display of goods and wares.  “So, if she’s good in the skills department, then let’s get her surface to match her skill.”
     Molly had a talent that was unparalleled in the county.  She could look at anyone, man, woman, child, and be able to visually tailor onto their frame perfectly.  She just needed to study how the person stood, moved and how their body was structured.  Renee caught her looking, but continued on without question.
     “Good girl,”  she breathed as she watched the lovely Miss Cora move from one side of the store to the other with quick steps and never overly rushed movements.  
     She nodded to Danny and they continued on down the street, arm in arm.  “So, when do we kidnap her and dress her up?”
     Daniel looked down at her with a gentle smile.  “Really?  I don’t think that will be looked upon with a kind eye by her.  I’ll talk with Sam and see what we come up with.  You just get your end ready.”
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Hope you liked it.  I’ll be back next Wednesday with Chapter Two.  Let me know what you think!  If you’d like to join my tag list - you can find it here
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readyforthegarden · 1 year
Ever After - A Bubblegum Short
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A/N: Eden and Jake have been on my mind for quite a while, and I've missed them so much. So I've put together a few blurbs for them about their lives post-Bubblegum, and how their little family in the epilogue came to be.
WC: 3600
It had been a whirlwind of a month in Michigan, Jake carting Eden everywhere, taking her to his family's cabin after a quick visit home, then to a few different places he had been dreaming of taking her since they had become official.
He planned everything perfectly, the cool autumn air rustling the bright yellow and orange leaves in the trees around them. Today was going to be gorgeous, their roadtrip would be long, but definitely worth it. Currently he was enjoying the heat of Eden's body tucked into his side, sleeping away peacefully in the chilly morning. He held her close, letting his callused thumb graze the soft, tanned skin of her upper arm. Her hair still smelled vaguely of her shampoo and campfire, the two of them having spent most of the night out at the fire pit, quietly enjoying each others company before coming inside and recreating their first night together, just as passionately as it was a few years prior.
Eventually, his awakened body became restless, and he untangled himself and gently left his love in the bed, smiling to himself as Eden burrowed into his pillow, inhaling deeply and humming in her sleep. He pulled on his boxer-briefs and his old white t-shirt, running a hand through his hair as he left the bedroom quietly.
Padding into the kitchen, he began brewing a pot of coffee. Checking the time on the oven clock, he realized they'd slept in a little later than he wanted, and started preparing breakfast for them.
"I smell bacon." Jake looked up a while later, seeing a frumpled Eden shuffling into the room. She rubbed her eyes with one hand, reaching down to scratch a mosquito bite on her calf with the other. She was wearing an oversized shirt, the logo faded from washing a few moth holes were worn into it.
"Good morning, darlin'." Jake greeted her, feeling her arms circle his waist. She mumbled a soft 'guh mornin' back into his shoulder. "Coffee's ready, go grab a cup, we've got to get moving."
"Where are we going today?" Eden asked through a yawn, grabbing the mug Jake had set out for her and pouring the coffee in. She moved to the fridge to grab the bottle of creamer.
"I've got a little trip to Mackinaw City planned for us." Jake smiled. "Super touristy, but we're gonna have fun."
"That's like, up here, right?" Eden set her mug down, holding up her palm, making Jake proud as she used her hand as a map.
"Yeah, thereabouts." Jake laughed, moving away from the stove and giving her lips a sweet kiss. "It's about a four hour drive."
"Oh that's all?" Eden sniffed, sipping her coffee. "Do I have time to shower after breakfast? Or is this a hit the road as soon as the plates are washed kind of deal?"
"Oh, we have time for a shower." Jake gave her a little wink. "There's always time for that."
“Who said you were invited?” Eden smirked at Jake from over the rim of her mug. “I’m still tired from last night.”
“Yeah? That just means I’ve done my job well.” Jake waggled his eyebrows, making Eden laugh.
“Alright lover boy, give me some of that bacon and we’ll see about that shower later.”
The ride up north was long, but worth it. Eden’s gasps at the foliage that zipped by as they drove up the interstate was worth every minute. It was a bright, beautiful Michigan day, the air crisp and the smell of fall weaving through the branches of the trees themselves.
They’d arrived in Mackinaw City in the mid-afternoon, and Jake took Eden around the town, in and out of touristy shops, buying fudge and silly airbrushed t-shirts with their names on them for fun. The afternoon wore on into the evening, and they found a small diner to have dinner in.
“Are we driving back to the cabin tonight?” Eden asked, dunking her french fry in the honey mustard on her plate.
“No, I got us a room at one of the hotels here in town for the night.”
“Good, it’s not a bad drive, but I know I’ll fall asleep and I don’t want to leave you driving by yourself.” Eden smiled.
“I have one more place I want to take us before we turn in for the night.” Jake told her, piquing her interest. “Ah, it’s a surprise.”
Eden slumped back against the diner booth, squinting at Jake though a cheeky smirk tugged at her lips. Once the bill was paid, Jake ushered Eden into the car, and they started their drive. The sun began to set as Jake drove out of the city, and Eden curiously looked at every sign along the way, seeing if she could figure out where exactly he was taking her.
“Ooh, are we going to see the giant Paul Bunyon statue?!” Eden glanced over to Jake. He shook his head.
“No, that’s across the bridge.” he replied. “But maybe tomorrow.” Eden pursed her lips and kept thinking. The sun had completely set when they pulled down a gravel road, Eden could barely see the sign.
“A state park? Don’t they close at night? What are we doing here?”
“You’ll see.” Jake parked his car near a few others, getting out. Eden confusedly followed suit, taking the hand he offered her when they met at the front of his car.
They walked a little ways into the park, coming to a lakeshore. Before Jake could say anything, Eden gasped, looking up at the sky.
"Jake, that's the aurora borealis!" Eden turned to him wide-eyed. "Oh my god! We're seeing it!"
"I know!" Jake grinned, watching as Eden walked forward a few steps, staring up at the sky, the vibrant colors reflecting upon her face. "This is a dark sky park, there's no light pollution for miles. You can see everything so clearly." Eden felt a pricking at her eyes, a few tears escaped down her cheek as she watched the waves of colored lights. Jake wanted to look up at the lights, but he couldn't take his eyes off Eden.
"I almost wish Sam was here to tell us all the science-y crap about how this happens." Eden airly chuckled.
"About that," Jake caught Eden's attention. When she turned around again, Eden looked behind him, seeing the aforementioned brother standing a few feet away, grinning, one of his fancy cameras in hand.
"Sam!" Eden grinned. "I didn't know you were going to be here!"
"I asked him to come, so we could have some photos." Jake cut in before Sam could answer, his nerves starting to set in.
"Photos?" Eden's forehead wrinkled in confusion as Jake stepped towards her. He reached into his pocket, wrapping his hand around the velvet box. "For what?"
"Eden, since that first date we were set up on, I knew that you were going to change my life." Jake smiled crookedly at the memory of feeling less than enthused, sitting across the table from Eden, who then looked like a disco ball shattered over her dress. "Through our journey together, I've only fallen more madly, deeply in love with you, and I want you to know that I'm undeniably yours. Forever." Jake knelt down on one knee as Eden raised her hands to her mouth, covering them in surprise. They had talked many, many times about the next step, but always left the conversation at 'when it feels right' and never put any expectations on it.
Jake finally pulled the velvet box from his pocket, it weighing heavy in his hand as he propped the lid open, showing Eden one of the most gorgeous rings she'd ever seen. A deep green, hexagon shaped emerald rested between two small diamonds glimmered under the lights. Small flashes from Sam's camera were going off out of the corner of their eyes, but they paid it no mind. "Eden, will you please make me the most exuberantly happy man, and marry me?"
"Yes!" Eden nearly shrieked, pulling her hands away from her face. "Oh my god, yes!" the wide grin on her face made Jake match it, a few tears welling up in his own eyes as he plucked the ring from it's cushion, taking Eden's shaking hand in his and sliding it upon her finger. Within seconds, he was on his back, Eden wrapped around him, crying into his neck. Jake wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly to him.
"This is going in the scrapbook," Sam murmured under his breath, snapping away still, his own heart swelling for his older brother and best friend. After a few moments of Eden and Jake peppering each other with kisses, they got up, and embraced more, Sam getting a few more shots of them under the lights before departing.
"Jake, this is so...." Eden looked up at him, to the lights and back to him. "Did you plan this whole trip around this?"
"I've had the ring for six months but I knew I was going to do this for a long time." Jake smiled, pecking her lips. "I wanted to make sure everything was perfect, and when the lights aligned with our trip, I knew it was the right time."
"I love you, so much." Eden sniffled. "Jake I've been yours since the moment you gave me those potatoes." Jake couldn't help but toss his head back and laugh.
"Oh, those potatoes are what did it, huh?"
"When a man shares his potatoes, that's love." Eden giggled. She couldn't keep her hands off of him, hugging him, cupping his face, fisting his shirt like he would disappear in a puff of smoke if she let go. "I'm so lucky."
"I'm the lucky one," Jake hummed, rubbing his hand up and down her back. "So damn lucky."
Eden stood in the bridal suite of the large, rustic cabin, staring at her reflection in the mirror. The photos were all done, the photographers getting ready at the ceremony space to capture those images. Her hair was loosely curled, cascading over her shoulders. The veil that adorned her, fastened by a comb at the crown of her head, was embroidered along the edges with colorful flowers and a special nod to her soon-to-be husband. A few flowers hid small taurus symbols, the same, beautiful blue that matched his suit and her award show outfit all those years ago.
"It's almost time, are you ready?" Eden looked up, seeing Sam standing in the doorway. He had only checked in on her a few times, but seemed taken back by her completed look. "God, Eden...you look breathtaking."
"Really?" Eden felt a few tears stinging her eyes as Sam stepped towards her, pulling a small pack of tissues from his pocket and immediately dabbing at her eyes.
"You're an absolute vision." Sam assured her. "I don't think there will ever be a bride that looks half as beautiful as you."
"You're such a flatterer, Sam." Eden laughed. "Is my makeup okay?" Sam dabbed at her eyes a little bit more, nodding. Music began playing outside, and Eden felt a flutter in her stomach, fidgeting a bit in front of the tall man.
"Not at all." Eden shook her head. "I'm excited. I just wanna see him already." Eden had spent the night in the cabin with Jake's mom, sister, and a few female friends. It took his brothers dragging him through the front door to get Jake to leave for the hotel a few miles away, him stopping and kissing Eden every few steps, holding onto her hand and nearly dragging her with him outside. If it hadn't been for his sister tugging Eden back, she was sure she would have woken up in the hotel bed next to Jake, risking the bad luck of him seeing her before the wedding.
A knock on the door sounded through the room, and they both turned to see the wedding planner smiling at them.
"Jake is already down the aisle, it's time to take your place." Sam turned, offering Eden his arm. Sam had been Eden’s choice to walk her down the aisle, her own father having passed, and no siblings of her own. Sam had been her first true friend in so long, it only felt right to give him the role. He was playing double duty, being your man of honor as well, another job he swelled with pride at getting.
Sam led Eden to the patio doors. Through the gauzy curtains, she could see the smoky mountains, surrounded by the beautiful fall foliage. The sun was just beginning to lower in the sky, a perfect dusk wedding.
“Hey,” Eden turned to look at Sam, who was grinning down at her. “I love you. I’m so happy that you’re gonna be my sister.”
“I love you too, Sam.” Eden let go of her bouquet, squeezing Sam’s hand. The wedding planner’s walkie went off, and the music changed, a lilting piano rendition of Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Songbird’ echoed as the doors swung open, revealing Sam and Eden to the guests. They all stood, beaming up at her but as soon as she they found him, her eyes were trained on Jake. He had glanced back to Josh, saying something to his brother and best man, before turning back. As Sam carefully led her down the steps, Jake brought a hand up, he eyes already brimming with tears, seeing Eden moving toward him and the rest of their lives together.
Sam chuckled under his breath, feeling Eden tugging on his arm in her haste to get to the altar and to Jake.
“Don’t worry, we’ll get there.” Sam whispered to her. “You gotta have some nice photos of your walk down though, so pull back a little.” Eden giggled, her grin wide as she nodded, evening out her pace with the taller man.
After what felt like an eternity, Sam handed her off to Jake, who helped her up onto the small platform, kissing her one hand as she used the other to hand her bouquet to Sam.
“You look…there are no words for how beautiful you are.” Jake murmured, taking in her bridal form. Jake also wore white, a suit custom made for the big day.
As Eden stood before him, her eyes scanned him, bouncing around and taking him in, from the low bun his hair was tied back in under his white, wide-brimmed hat, to the one delicate chain he wore against his chest under the open dress shirt under his suit jacket. Her eyes were sparkling, and her smile grew wider when she noticed the subtle markings of his taurus suit done in a matching white thread so as not to be completely obvious. She grabbed her veil, tugging it slightly to show him the matching blue detail on the train of it. Jake grinned, feeling a swelling in his chest at her excitement for their surprises for each other.
“My something blue,” Eden whispered. Jake’s eyes danced with a proud laugh as Danny stood before them a journal in hand.
“Friends and family, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Eden Beckett and Jacob Kiszka. A love that started out unconventionally, but has become one of the great love stories of our time.” Danny spoke into the microphone after everyone was seated again. “As someone who has the honor of being their friend, I got a front row seat to watching their relationship go from set-up, to friendship, and blossom into a beautiful love.” Eden was already sniffling, a tear running down her cheek. Jake reached into his pocket, taking out a tissue and reaching across the small space, dabbing at the trail, earning a small chorus of 'aww's'. Danny continued with his speech before giving way to Jake and Eden, letting them recite their vows.
Jake took a piece of paper from a pocket inside his suit jacket, unfolding it, his hands shaking a bit as one of them reached for the microphone Danny held out. Eden turned away for a second, grabbing more tissues from Sam before Jake started speaking.
"Eden, I've written and re-written these words so many times over the last year, because there are simply no words that can perfectly describe how I feel about you. All words fail in comparison to the actual feelings I get when I see you. I fall asleep excited that I get to wake up next to you, and I spend all day feeling lucky I get to come home and fall asleep next to you. You challenge me every day, in art, music, random facts and trivia. My family loves you, you're the sister Ronnie always wanted, for sure." a small 'woo!' echoed out from Ronnie in the seats, making everyone laugh and Eden shoot her a wide smile. "I love you in every way imaginable, and I will love you for the rest of my life, and in the hereafter."
"Eden, you may recite your vows." Danny nodded to her. In true Eden fashion, she had memorized her vows, clearing her throat as she took the mic.
"Jake, I also struggled with writing my vows, because it's nearly impossible to put into words how deeply I love and care for you. You are my home and adventure, all at once. You push me to try new things and are there to catch me when I fall, and I am forever grateful for the mishaps that led to our meeting. I used to look back on all the things I'd done wrong before I met you, but they've led me to you, and I don't think they were ever mistakes. They were meant to happen so we could come together. I wish I could more eloquently say my vows, but all I have to say is that I'm so in love with you, and I can't imagine any other future than one with you."
Eden handed back the microphone to Danny, who continued in the ceremony, having them recite the typical vows so they could say 'I Do'.
"With the power vested in me by the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Danny grinned. "Jake, you may now kiss your bride." Jake turned to Eden, stepping forward and sliding his hands around her waist, tugging her into him. She placed her hands on his shoulders, thumbs grazing his neck softly. Jake gazed down at Eden, memorizing her face before leaning down, planting a kiss on her mauvey-pink lips. "I present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Kiskza!" Eden and Jake parted briefly to giddily laugh before exchanging a few more kisses as their friends and family cheered.
Jake watched across the room as Danny twirled Eden around the dance floor of their reception, the fairy lights hung up in the trees picking up every sparkle in her eyes, glinting off the rings that adorned her left hand. It was well into the night, her hair was starting to frizz from the heat of dancing, but she just couldn't stop. She told Jake she was so happy her body just couldn't stop moving. He would slide in for a few slower paced songs, his hair falling from it's bun, wisps framing his face until he took it out altogether.
"Who would've thought one of the worlds best rock guitarists would've ended up married to a princess of pop?" Jake glanced to his left, seeing Josh leaning against the bar next to him. The older twin smiled at the younger, his cheeks red from dancing and drinking.
"I went soft, huh?" Jake chuckled.
"You've always been soft." Josh rolled his eyes. "Just took meeting the right person to let you show it." they both turned to watch their friends and family dance around, Sam having cut in Eden's dance with Danny, making her laugh. Even above the music, Jake could hear the peels of her laughter. "I'm really happy for you, Jake."
"Thanks, Josh." Jake smiled at Josh, sharing a sincere moment of silence. Josh took a sip of his drink, and the music changed, a funky disco beat thumping through the soundsystem.
"That's my cue." Josh sniffed, rolling his neck before dancing his way through the small crowd to the floor. Jake laughed and grabbed his own drink, taking a swig as Eden approached.
"Hi baby!" she grinned. Jake smiled, wrapping an arm around her as she took the glass in his hand, downing the drink. "Ooh, that was not water."
"Noo it wasn't." Jake laughed at his tipsy bride, turning and asking the bartender for two bottles of water. "Are you having fun, Mrs. Kiszka?"
"I'm having the time of my life, Mr. Kiszka." Eden leaned her body against his, smiling up at him dreamily.
"Good," Jake leaned down and kissed her for the millionth time that night, knowing he would never get his true fill of her for as long as he lived. He would always be hungry for another kiss, another touch from her. "We're going to have to head out soon, it's already nearly two."
"Ugh, I don't want to leave yet." Eden frowned. "I wanna stay and dance with our friends!" Jake brushed her hair back, now placing a kiss to her forehead.
"I know, but we have to get some sleep and make sure we finish packing." Jake reminded her. "Tomorrow night, we leave for Europe."
@joshsindigostreak @lvnterninthenight @allieisacrybaby @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvf2 @gretavanfleetposts @sacredthefran @josiee-gvf @highdefkiszka @ascendingtostardust @joshkiszkatoothgap @andeejoness @gardensgatedaisy @kkdarling @demonrat444 @teddiie @writingcold @dannyandthekiszkas @gretavanbestie @lightmylove-gvf @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @gretavanslut @streamsofstardust @joshkiszkas @jakewhorecore @fictional-duchess @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @sunfl0wer-power @jankandjonch @gvfpal @allybjt @hippievanfleet @weightofbrokenbells @joshkiszkasbadussy @malany-gvf @ruby0antlers @samofthedawn @sacredjake @aim4thedoublee @diditallforyouu @gvfmarge @malany-gvf @highladyofasgard
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joshsindigostreak · 5 months
Two of Swords, Reversed: Delays, indecisiveness, extreme dread, anxiety, and stress.
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Vampire Hunter!Jake x Witch!OC
Authors Note: Hello!!! This is the start of Jake’s story! I hope y’all like it as much as I do. His side of the story has been in my mind the whole time I’ve been writing ISHIYE and I’ve been itching to share it with you. This is only the prologue but I promise there’s much more to come! Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist ❤️
*Set prior to the events of I See Hell in Your Eyes. This is the beginning of Jake’s story. This can be read independently from ISHIYE but there will be cross references as it’s in the same universe.
Word Count: 3,845
Warnings: Brief violence, descriptions of blood, that’s about it for now.
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He wasn’t even supposed to be in Tucson, but a blown motor had him stuck there for God-knows how long. The shop he towed his car to didn’t give him much of a time frame, just that they would call him whenever it was fixed. In the meantime, Jake Kiszka had settled in a cheap motel. Well, not extremely cheap, but it was comfortable enough that he knew wouldn’t get scabies from sleeping there. 
Nevertheless, he took this as an opportunity to take in the sights of the Grand Canyon state, at the very least Pima county. The sights in question were any local Nests that he could find and snuff out any Undead that were loitering around places they shouldn’t. 
The last three days (or nights depending on what species you were), he had been tracking a small group of them that were dumb enough to hang around the same places in the city. Vamps were always easy to spot. Their attempts to blend in with humans were awkward and stilted. Like aliens who had landed on earth the day before and had never seen a human before. That was also how you knew you were dealing with one of the young, and dumb, ones. The older the Vamp was the easier it was for them to blend in. If they’re smart enough to survive past fifty years or so, they usually start adapting to whatever environment they’re in. 
It was one of those Vampire details that confused Jake as a kid. How did they forget their humanity so fast? You’re human one day and the next night you’re a blood sucking monster, his dad would tell him. But the idea that it only took a few hours to forget whatever life you had before was almost fascinating to him. 
He was always taught that the new ones were practically feral and sloppy, which was how they got picked off so easily. They’d leave bodies behind, risking exposure to the humans who walked around in pure ignorance to the creatures that walked among them. 
Sometimes, if you were lucky, you’d catch them before they even claimed their victims. Skulking around in the dark trying to remain unseen but all of their movements looked the same, at least to Jake, which was why he was always able to figure them out faster than his siblings. He was the quiet observant one, always having his eyes on a swivel. His twin was the social one. He could talk his way into any place or establishment that he wasn’t supposed to be in, and he had a particular knack for being able to build a rapport with some of the Vamps they’d be tracking. 
It worked even better when they were in parts of the country where the only thing anyone knew of them was their last name, and the weight it carried. Knowing their name was one thing, but knowing their faces was another, and they used that to their advantage. It was also well known that they were identical, but over the years their personal aesthetics had skewed so hard in the opposite directions that they’d have to be side by side to truly see it. Though sometimes the confusion as to who was who worked in their favor. 
Jake turned his attention to the horizon from inside the car. Due to a low inventory from a week full of fender benders the rental place only had a Toyota Corolla available on the lot. A  silver Corolla from 2006, to be exact. Jake had stared at it for nearly five minutes behind his dark sunglasses, as if he could turn it into literally anything else with his mind. But when the rental agent informed him of the only other option, a burgundy minivan, the hunter agreed and signed the papers for the car through gritted teeth. 
There he was, ridding the earth of Hell-borne filth in a clunker with hubcaps. 
The sun was peeking over the horizon; the sky turning different shades of pink, yellow. and blue. Jake had a strict rule to not move in on a target until the sun was fully up and visible. “Your shadow is your friend, and your clock no matter what,” his dad would tell him. A hunter never wanted to risk a Vamp having the home field advantage that was the night. Even overcast days were iffy at times. 
Once a Vampire laid their head down they, as obvious and cliched it sounded, slept like the dead they were. It was some biological failsafe to protect their species from accidental sunlight exposure. Or at least that's what his walking-encyclopedia of a little brother reminded him along with other scientific facts about the species. 
He was parked on the side of the road a blocks-length away from the house he was watching. Vamps were known for their practicality when it came to their Nests. They liked invading houses and squatting in them after they made the residents their evening meal. This particular house was by its lonesome on this road, the nearest house was almost two miles away, which Jake didn’t mind because his plan for the four Vampires he had tracked to this location would be fucking cake.
At last, the sun shined its beautiful rays, warming up the world and preparing it for the day. Jake could almost hear the joke his twin would’ve made about it being a “dry heat” had he been there. His right hand reached to the passenger seat for his crossbow, lifting it slowly with reverence.  He kept his gaze fixed on the house as he carefully opened the driver’s side door.  He didn’t shut it all the way, just enough to make that first little click in the frame.  
As he approached the house he looked at all the windows to see which ones were covered up, a clue as to where in the house they were sleeping. He walked the perimeter a couple of times, going slow to make sure he didn’t miss anything and to let the sun rise even higher. 
Rounding the back of the house, Jake went up to the back door. He reached out and gently twisted the doorknob, and it fully turned without protest. 
They really were stupid, he thought to himself. 
The revelation that the door was unlocked let him know that they were also over confident that they’d be safe during the day time. Jake couldn’t wait to prove them wrong. 
He walked into what was the kitchen, before it had been ransacked by the real intruders sleeping elsewhere. Multiple cabinets were flung open, their contents strewn everywhere on counters and the floors. Smears of blood decorated the surfaces and the floors, streaked with what had to be fingerprints. 
Going from room to room, he saw similar scenes around the house. He still hadn’t located what he was there for but there was one bedroom at the far end of the house left. The door was slightly ajar, and from his spot in the hallway he could see a window with the curtains firmly drawn. Bingo. They were all in there, soundly asleep. A classic, “shooting fish in a barrel” situation. 
Carefully he opened the door further and peaked around the room. This had obviously been the primary bedroom, with a sizable king size bed against the far wall, with two Vamps sprawled out on the duvet, with a third curled up on the carpet at the foot of the bed. 
The hunter silently aimed the crossbow at the one on the floor, directly at its chest. At this point it was muscle memory, his finger squeezed around the trigger automatically, shooting the stake right into the Vampire’s heart. His eyes flew open in surprise, but it was too late, the color drained from his skin and it shrunk back against his bones. The usual yellow cast bled into his eyes, and as a final signal that all too familiar death rattle bubbled up from his mouth, a little too loudly for Jake. 
At the sound the female Vamp on the bed sat straight up, looking directly at Jake. 
“You bastard,” she hissed as she slapped the male Vamp next to her awake. She lunged at Jake knocking the crossbow out of his hands as he tried to shove her off of him. The two rolled around on the floor, battling for control. The hunter managed to get on top of her, straddling her waist as he quickly grabbed a stake from inside his jacket with one hand, and used the other to try to control her hands and keep her pinned down. His reflexes worked perfectly and he was able to shove her arms out of the way fast enough to drive the stake into her chest in a flash. Like the other Vamp before her, she withered in front of his eyes. 
Just as her death rattle completed the process the other male Vamp jumped on Jake’s back, straining his neck to nip at Jake’s flesh with his fangs. The hunter nearly growled as he twisted his body to fling the Vamp off of him. He didn’t go very far, but it was enough for Jake to get on his feet and grab another stake from his jacket. The Vamp stood up and lunged at Jake again, this time shoving him against the nearest wall. Jake winced as he was forced backwards and felt the drywall crack; the breath nearly knocked out of him. The stake was pinned between the two, curled in his fist and pointed down at the floor in a useless position. 
Jake looked over the feral Vamps shoulder, and realized he was close enough to the corner of the room that he could potentially gain control. With another growl, he used all of his strength to push him away and into the other wall. The Vamp's head bounced back against the wall, and in the nanosecond of delirium Jake was able to tilt his other hand up and ram the stake into the remaining Vamp, directly next to his sternum. 
The Vamp sagged against the wall as whatever “life” he had faded away. Jake let him go completely and didn’t care where he landed on the floor. He stepped back and didn’t let his guard down until he was sure they were the only creatures in the house. He ran a hand through his messy hair, wincing when his fingers hit a few tangles and pulled at his scalp. Instead of fighting through them to the ends of his hair, he pulled it back, wanting the feeling to stop instantly. A brief flashback of dirty gnarled fingers twisting into his hair and yanking upwards flashed before his mind’s eye and he shook his head to rid himself of the memory and rubbed his hands quickly over his face. 
Jake turned back to his crossbow and strapped it on his back. Now the fun part was about to begin. He looked down at the nearest corpse, the one he had just killed against the wall, and grabbed him by the ankles and started dragging him through the room. He flung the back door open once he got to it, and heaved the Vamp outside and into the sun. The corpse started to sizzle and burn before it hit the dirt. One down, two the go. 
He repeated the process until all three were piled on top of each other outside, burning through their clothes and turning their bodies to ashes. As Jake watched the flames, he reached into his jacket again, this time for the celebratory cigar he always brought with him on Nest raids. He brought it to his lips and leaned forward, lighting it using the flames of his latest bounty. 
He stood there, and the fire reflected off his dark sunglasses. He took long and slow drags of the cigar, satisfied with his work that morning. For a brief moment he wished his twin had been with him. He didn’t mind doing things on his own, but it always felt a little sweeter to have Josh standing next to him. 
Soon enough the three Vampire’s were nothing more than a pile of ashes. Jake found a shovel in the yard, and used it to dig a shallow pit to dump the ashes into. It wasn’t to “bury” them, no, there was no honor in this. Instead it was just a quicker way to quite literally cover up his tracks. 
As he drove back to the motel, he couldn’t wait to sleep the day away, satisfied that there were three less bloodsuckers walking around. 
A few days later, he found himself in front of a dive bar just outside of town. The Tipsy Tumbleweed stood before him, its red lighted sign blazed into the dark of the parking lot. A few of the letters blinked, indicating some of the bulbs were on their last legs. 
The heels of his boots clacked against the wooden floor inside, and the idle chatter amongst other patrons met his ears. He loved a good bar like this. Understated, knew exactly what it was, and didn’t try to be anything more. The walls were covered in various purple neon signs, the biggest one was on the wall behind the bar itself, with large letters spelling out: Sinners Welcome. Yeah, he was going to enjoy himself tonight. 
Just as he sat on an empty barstool, a loud and melodious laugh floated through the air behind him. He nearly broke his neck to look at the source, and that was when he saw…her. 
Her back was to him, her dark jeans and black t-shirt wrapped around her curves beautifully, her dark hair tied up in a ponytail but was long enough that the ends fell between her shoulder blades. She was standing in front of one of the booths against the far wall, chatting with the two people who sat on either side. 
He couldn’t see her face yet, and everything in his body told him to sit fucking still so he could possibly get a glimpse of it. He barely registered the young voice of the bartender asking him for his order. He kept his eyes set on the mysterious woman while he quickly mumbled something about a whiskey. He wasn’t normally that rude but as the bartender went off to make his drink she finally turned around and started walking towards him. Her large hazel eyes scanned the room as she walked and she waved at one of the tables, telling who-ever-the-fuck hi. The same dark hair framed her face in some loose layers and when she flashed a smile at someone else, Jake nearly fell off the stool. He suddenly felt like he was back in sixth grade, when Abbie Willis picked him for her kickball team in P.E. and he tripped over absolutely nothing while walking over to her. Josh never let him live that down. 
For a moment, Jake thought she was walking towards him, but she breezed right past him to exit through the Employees Only door. He turned on the stool to face the bar, hoping to god that the heat in his face wasn’t obvious. Instead, he made the most awkward eye contact with the bartender who was placing his drink in front of him. She was a tiny thing, definitely shorter than him with sharp cheekbones and curious round eyes. She couldn’t have been older than 21. 
“Umm…thanks,” he said, trying his best to recover from whatever that was. 
“You're welcome, I’m Stacey if you need anything else,” she said brightly before turning to walk to the far end of the bar, where another man was sitting at the corner. 
Jake’s eyes followed her and silently observed that side of the bar, taking in everything. Part of him wanted to turn around and watch that Employee door in hopes that she would come back out, but he didn’t want a repeat of what just happened.
He took a sip of his drink while he observed, but just as he started to relax the man at the end of the bar tilted his lowball glass back to take his own sip, and one of the lights on the other side shined through the glass and displayed the…red…contents. It wasn’t runny, it wasn’t grenadine, it was blood. 
Did he sneak that in here? Jake had obviously seen Vampire’s drink from glasses before, they could be formal when they wanted to, but out in the open like this? That was ballsy as hell. 
A drop escaped the glass and landed on the corner of the man’s, well, Vampire’s mouth and his tongue darted out to catch it. The bartender Jake now knew as Stacey was just standing there, chatting away as if she hadn’t even seen it. The hunter immediately thought that the Vampire had Persuaded this young girl into not noticing, and if he was already doing that, what else was he planning to do? 
Jake immediately shifted into hunter-mode, his casual evening cut short by duty calling. He sat there, listening as best he could over the loud music and crowd noise. Soon his glass was empty, and as Stacey walked back by he got her attention and she stopped in front of him. 
He ordered another whiskey, but before she could hop off to make it he asked her a question, “hey umm…who's that down there?” He tilted his head slightly in the Vampire’s direction. 
A sheepish smile spread across her face, “oh…that’s Lou. He’s in here a lot.” Even in the dim lighting Jake could see the color rush to her cheeks when she said Lou’s name. 
A regular Vampire, huh, not for much longer, Jake thought. 
He opened his mouth to ask another question but Stacey’s eyes suddenly went wide and she darted off to the Employee door without another word. He vaguely heard her say the name, “Cecilia” as she exited but he wasn’t sure.  
Jake sat there confused as to what spooked her so quickly, and he stole another glance at “Lou” the Vampire. 
“So, another whiskey for you?” A smoky voice snapped him out of his thoughts. 
Jake whipped his head back to the direction of the voice and suddenly, she was in front of him. He gaped at her, once again reverting back to his awkward prepubescent self. All he could do was nod like an idiot. A new glass was placed in front of him, the amber liquid perfectly poured. 
“This one’s on the house,” she said as she leaned against her hands on the edge of the bar. The motion made her collar bones visible just beneath the scooped-neck of her t-shirt. Fuck. 
“O-oh you don’t have to-”
“Nonsense, I like giving out a  free drink once and awhile, especially to new faces. I even top shelved it for you,” her lips formed a smile and she tilted her head at him, as if she already knew the effect she had on him. 
He took a sip, savoring the liquor on his tongue before swallowing. Perfectly smooth. 
“Now, what are you doing here,” she asked, a little less friendly than before. 
The question threw him off, why would she ask that? 
“Just checking out local places while I’m in town,” he answered with a level tone as he took another swig of his drink. 
“Hmm…yeah but what were you doing just a couple minutes ago?” 
He looked at her strangely, “just sitting here?” As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt his throat tighten up out of nowhere. What the fuck?  
“Uh-huh, just sitting here? Not scoping out the place?” 
“No? Why would I-,” his throat tightened up even more, making it harder to breathe. Jake struggled to take in a breath as he gripped the glass in front of him. 
“You do know where you’re sitting, right?” She leaned even closer to him, lowering her voice. 
“At a bar…?” That was the truth, partially, but he didn’t know where she was going with this. 
She smirked at him, “oh I guess you didn’t notice that this bar happens to be next to a cemetery?” 
Cemeteries were probably one of the few truly neutral places you could be. Neutral in the sense that creatures knew better than to start trouble in them, and hunters were lumped into that protocol as well. They were their own liminal space with their own rules, and Jake remembered Sam rambling about the spirits that reside in them did not take kindly to truces being broken on their land. If Jake had actually killed the Vampire at the end of the bar, it would not be pretty for him once the spirits figured out what happened. If the woman in front of him knew this rule, then what was she?
“Fuck,” he rasped. 
“Yeah, fuck is right. So what is a hunter like you coming into my bar where we mind our own business and coexist as best we can?” Irritation was evident in her voice. 
This was her bar? Oh, he really fucked up. 
“Listen I wasn’t trying to start anything,” he tried to explain but his words had his throat nearly closed completely. 
“Sure you weren’t,” she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small vial full of pale green liquid. She held it up in front of him, “sir you look very…purple…are you feeling alright?” 
He stared at the vile in her hand, and he wasn’t sure if he was connecting the dots or just seeing them, but he tried to whisper a guess. 
“Oh nothing gets past you,” she mocked. “And yes, I am, thank you for asking.” 
At this point all he could do was wheeze at her. 
“Now, I can reverse that little concoction you happily drank, but only on one condition.” 
His big brown eyes started watering and he nodded.
She twisted off the cap of the vial and slowly poured the contents into Jake’s glass as she spoke, “you have two minutes to get out of my bar before I get that Werewolf in the corner to throw you out.” 
Jake quickly drank down the whole glass as best he could, oxygen finally entering his system as his throat loosened back up. 
“S-sorry…” he whispered. 
“If you ever come back here and try that shit again, it’ll be a lot worse. Now go,” her voice was final, and she flicked her eyes over his shoulder and at the door. 
Jake didn’t hesitate to slide off the barstool and walk right out, not looking back even though he wanted to. 
As he drove back to the motel, all he could think about was the Witch that just nearly killed him, and how her eyes bore into his, and for once in his life, Jake Kiszka was the one intimidated and outmatched. 
To be continued…
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Tag List:  @dannyandthekiszkas , @readyforthegarden  , @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine , @wideminded-dreamer , @runwayblues , @wildbluesorbit , @llightmyllovee , @rhythm-of-space , @sacredthefran , @writingcold , @alwaysonthemend , @wetkleenex-gvf , @josh-iamyour-mama , @lightsofthe-living-gvf , @gvfcinema , @sacredthethreadgvf , @losfacedevil , @jakekiszkasbuttsweat , @shutupdevvie , @hearts-hunger , @gretavanfleetposts , @ascendingtostardust , @mackalah , @andromeda-raine-gvf , @jake-kiszkas-smirk , @gracev0609 , @sacredjake , @earthlysorrows , @gvfpal , @myownparadise96 , @itsafullmoon , @gvfmelbourne, @twistedmelodies , @that-witchy-pan , @gold-mines-melting , @texas-bbq-pringles , @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface , @sadiechar , @char289 , @stardustvanfleet , @sunfl0wer-power , @holdingup-fallingsky , @bladenotblaze , @gretavanlace ,
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seenoversundown · 11 months
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (OC)
Warnings: Fluff! (otherwise n/a)
Word Count: 2k
This Must Be The Place - Talking Heads “Home is where I want to be But I guess I’m already there”
I awoke to the feeling of Jake curled around my back like a kitten. 
These were my favorite mornings, the slight chill of the autumn air being held at bay by the absolute love of my life. Sharing warmth and skin in our own little bubble, undisturbed by the outside world. 
We’ve been together long enough that our circadian rhythms were in sync. When one of us begins to stir, the other is sure to follow. 
I felt Jake nuzzle in closer behind me, wrapping his arm tighter around my middle. 
“Call out today, Red” he mumbled out in a gravely voice, thick with sleep. 
I let out a small chuckle, as I turned in his arms to look into his eyes.
“We have this conversation every morning, Jacob.”
He plants a sleepy kiss to my waiting lips 
“But, I really mean it this time. Let’s go on an adventure.” 
I thought about it for a second. I rarely call out, even if I am actually sick. And with his job, Jake and I hardly get to spend time together during daylight hours. 
“Well, if you really mean it, how could I say no?” I pressed a featherlight kiss to his forehead, before lightly shoving his shoulder, 
“You’re on coffee duty, though.”
Huffing out a long, dramatic sigh, he got up and shuffled into the kitchen. 
We walked hand-in-hand down the damp cobblestone streets, the sounds of the harbor serving as background noise for our contented silence. 
When Jake promised me an adventure this morning, I didn’t think he meant “window shopping for the bar.” 
I was more than happy to tag alongthough. Few things made me happier than watching him get excited about his work. 
I loved seeing his eyes light up every time we stumbled upon something that he felt would make the bar he owned and managed with his brothers just slightly more welcoming. 
I was completely transfixed by him, as we stood outside of a shop that sold vintage cookware. He was in a quiet conversation with himself, debating the merits of switching to an all cast iron set up for the kitchen. 
I couldn’t help but stare. The way the light hit his hair, almost giving it a copper tint. The way he rubbed his free hand against his mouth, his brow furrowed in concentration. 
He truly was beautiful and I still don’t know how I got so lucky to stumble across him. 
I felt him lightly squeeze my hand, tearing me out of my thoughts. 
“Ya hear me, honey?” 
A faint blush painted my cheeks, as I shook my head ‘no.’ 
“I said that I think we should head over there” he nodded his head toward an occult shop across the street. 
He’d always been the (far more) spiritual counterpart to my skeptical self. 
“For what, Jacob?” 
“Been thinking about getting some authentic spooky shit for The Bar for Halloween” 
I let out a laugh,
“Let’s just stop at Target. I’m sure they have something sufficiently spooky.” 
“That’s not very adventurous of you.” 
I rolled my eyes and gave him a mock salute 
“Aye Aye, Captain, lead the way.” 
The bell on the door chimed as we entered the shop. We were immediately greeted by the smell of freshly lit incense. 
“Welcome to Garden’s Gate!” 
The woman behind the counter greeted us warmly, gesturing at the floor to ceiling shelves that lined the walls around the store. 
“Take a look around, and holler if you have questions. I think you’ll find that we have something here for everyone.” 
She said the last part to me directly. 
Good Lord, does she have some type of Skeptic Detector? 
We thanked her, and went our separate ways to explore. 
Jake made his way deeper into the store, while I stuck close to the front. 
The section I was perusing was, lovingly, I think, dubbed the “Baby Witch” area. 
The shelves were filled with books on all topics of occultism, journals, pre-bundled herbs, and basic “supplies.” 
However, I found myself gravitating toward the small table of crystals that were set out. 
My hands flitted across several before settling on a small, pink tumbled stone that seemed almost out of place amongst the larger, raw stones that sat beside it. 
I picked it up, rubbing my fingers along the smooth edges, getting lost in the feel of it in my hand. 
“Rose quartz,” I startled at Jake’s voice. 
Where did he come from?
He wrapped his arms around my waist, pressing a quick kiss to the top of my head before continuing 
“A very romantic stone. Associated with the planet Venus and by extension Libra and Taurus. Thinking about me, are you?” 
I rolled my eyes, setting the rose quartz back down. “Maybe I just thought it was pretty, Jacob.” 
“Nah, I think it was fate, Red.”
I turned to face him, noticing that he had set a small basket filled with “authentically spooky” items on the ground beside us. 
“Ready to head out?” I asked, nodding my head to the basket. 
He laced his fingers with mine before leading me to the front counter. 
Jake made small-talk with the woman behind the counter as she rang him up and bagged his items. 
She looked into my eyes, as she handed Jake his bag and receipt,
“Y’know. I don’t typically do this, but I’d love to give you a reading, free of charge.” 
“Oh, I don’t know. That sounds like it’s more his thing…” I smiled awkwardly
“That may be true, but the universe doesn’t have any messages for him right now.” 
I shifted back and forth on my feet, thinking for a moment. 
What’s the harm? I don’t believe in this crap anyway. 
“Okay, I guess” 
“Perfect! Follow me.” She walked out from behind the counter, flipping the Open sign to Closed, then led us to the back of the store, opening an unassuming door and practically shoving us inside. 
At the center of the dimly lit room, there was a table set up with chairs on either side of it. 
In the middle of the burgundy crushed velvet tablecloth sat a deck of tarot cards and a half-burned white taper candle. 
“I truly don’t normally do this. I prefer to schedule readings in advance to avoid having to shut the store down in the middle of the day,”
The shopkeeper let out a laugh and invited us to have a seat while she busied herself with lighting the candle and shuffling the cards, 
“However, the second you walked in the store, I knew I had to do a reading for you.” 
“That’s… interesting”
She stopped shuffling and asked me to cut the deck into 3 separate stacks, then began shuffling the stacks into each other again. 
Why am I so nervous? 
I glanced toward Jake, and he squeezed my hand reassuringly. 
She finally set the deck down. 
“Before I get started, I want you to take a few deep breaths and try to clear your mind. Picture yourself breathing in positivity, and exhaling negativity. Let me know when you’re ready.” 
I huffed out a small laugh, but closed my eyes and did as she requested. 
On each inhale I thought of everything I had to be thankful for, and on each exhale I sent out all my doubts, worries, and insecurities. 
“I think I’m ready.” I opened my eyes to find her already staring back at me. 
“Great! I’ll explain as I go, but I do feel called to do a Past/Present/Future spread for you. So, the first card I pull will represent your past; what you’ve overcome and what you’ve grown from. The second card I pull will represent your present; where you are currently at, areas that may still need work. The third card I pull will represent your future; where you will be, and what you have to look forward to.” 
I nodded along with her, as she placed her right hand on the deck and took a deep breath. 
I instinctively leaned forward in my chair as she flipped three cards over in rapid succession. 
She studied them for a moment before glancing quickly between Jake and me, smiling   
“Your interest in the Rose Quartz makes sense, now” 
I raised an eyebrow, looking down at the cards before me. 
“This one right here, your Past, is the Two of Swords,” she pointed to each sword, then the blindfolded woman between them 
“She is…well- was, in your case, at an impasse. Stuck between two choices; your heart and your head. You wanted nothing more than to be loved, and to share your love freely in return. But the logical side of you wouldn’t allow that. You can correct me if I’m wrong, but I feel like your hesitation was related to a much larger issue. Possibly your family or your career?” 
I found myself nodding along, despite my better judgment. I didn’t want to give her too much information to work with.
“This leads us into your Present, the Two of Cups. The man and woman here are fairly self explanatory. It’s obvious what choice you made in your past,, I want to focus on this back here,” 
She points at the symbol between the man and woman, each holding a cup, on the card. 
I’ve seen this before. It’s used in the medical field. 
“This symbol is a Caduceus. It’s the symbol of Hermes, the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. Hermes, being a messenger, also ruled over Communication. This card showing up in your present means that you’ve found a good foundation with your partner, and you’re able to clearly communicate your wants and desires with them. Because of this partnership, you’re able to ‘fill each other’s cups.” Neither of you take more than is offered, nor do you expect it. It’s very mutually beneficial.” 
I nodded, and caught Jake nodding along this time as well. 
“Finally, for your Future, we have The Four of Wands. This is an absolutely beautiful card to see in a reading like this,”
She points, first, to the couple joyfully dancing underneath a wreath. 
“They are symbolic of a well deserved period of joy. Instead of the calm before the storm, think about right after the storm, when the birds come back out from their hiding places to greet the sun. Your future will be full of that love and happiness if you continue on the path that you are on now.” 
Shethen, pointed to the four wands that held the wreath the couple was dancing beneath. 
“These symbolize all the little foundations that you’ve built so far, and the ones you will continue to build. If you continue to nourish them, they will be fruitful,” 
She finally points out the Castle in the background. 
“And this is the fruit of all the labor you’ll put in. This is your home, where you belong.” 
I sat there for a second, my head spinning. 
There’s absolutely no way this wasn’t planned. She has to have some special romance deck hidden away, full of fairytale cards, waiting for women like me to come in. 
“That’s all I have for you, today. I hope it was helpful, or reassuring at the very least. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the shop won’t run itself.” 
She stood, snuffing the candle and opening the door for us.
“I do hope to see you two lovebirds back in here.”
Jake and I stood and began making our way to the exit, thanking the woman as we crossed the threshold.
“Can you believe that? What a load of nonsense.” I looked at Jake as the shop door closed behind us. 
“Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself of that, Honey.” He smiled at me, then dragged me into the alleyway beside the shop.
He pressed my back into the brick wall behind us, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses up my neck. 
“What are you doing, Jacob?” It came out breathier than I intended. 
“Why don’t I take you home and prove to you just how right she was about us?” 
I squirmed against him as he nipped at my jaw. 
“By all means.” 
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losfacedevil · 1 year
Careless Whispers // J.T.K (Pt5)
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a/n ~ It's been so long since I've visited the world of Jake and Serenia I couldn't even find the picture for this! WARNINGS: Angst, Angst, Angst.
Get Familiar with these babes: Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three // Chapter Four Hey @writingcold I made good on my word!
“He’s disassociating again. Remember what  he was in therapy for, Yknow the therapy he claimed he didn’t need anymore?” 
She kept her voice soft, perched on the edge of the bed with her back to Jake. 
Tears pooled in her eyes as she spoke to Josh, her heart breaking as the confession slipped past her lips. Josh sighed hard on the other end of the line, her minds eye seeing just how his face was scrunched and how his fingers would be pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“That’s what happened that night, he wasn’t there mentally. My mind says it’s only an excuse but with his history my heart says to believe it.” 
Josh coughed lightly, his mind reeling with everything that had transpired within the last two months. Jakes downfall, keeping Serenia sane and keeping the younger boys out of trouble. He shook his head and tilted it backwards training his eyes on the ceiling.
“You know that means we have to call mom, right?” 
Serenia’s eyes widened, shaking her head gently as her gaze landed on Jake’s sleeping form. She reached over, brushing his sweat slick hair back off of his forehead and scratched her nails gently across his scalp. 
“No, not yet. Let me try and fix it first.” She knew Josh was still shaking his head on the other end, most likely biting at his finger nails as his mind continued to reel. 
“Ren, you know full well it’s not gonna work.”  The name he only used when he knew she needed an air of sense knocked into her slipping past his lips. 
She let her eyes slip shut and the tears slipped down her cheeks, pulling a deep breath in through her nose she nodded.
“But… I need him to know I care. If we…if we call mom he’s gonna feel some type of way because he promised her he was okay. I need to try and fix it first, please, Bubba.” She could picture the way Josh’s eyes rolled, the whites of them making itself known. 
“You really just Bubba’ed me, didn’t you? Ugh, fine. Talk to him and see where we stand then we’ll come up with a game plan.” 
Serenia nodded her head gently, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth and continued to stroke Jake's hair. 
“I’ll call you later.” She mumbled, pulling the phone away from her ear and hitting the end call command before Josh could get another word in. She placed her phone down on the bed side table and tilted her head towards the ceiling, willing away the tears that were stinging her eyes. 
She laid across the bed, pressing soft kisses to the exposed skin of Jake’s neck and wrapped herself around his sleeping form. He stirred slightly, bringing his arm around to rest across her waist and turned his head to run his nose lazily against her. 
“Nina?” He mumbled, his soft breath tickling across her cupids bow. She nodded her head, a soft sound of acknowledgment slipping past her lips as she pursed them and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. 
“I love you.” His words were slurred, sleep still clouding his mind as he wrapped himself around Serenia. 
“I love you, more than you’ll ever fully understand.” She mumbled, dancing her hands over the expanse of his back, pulling him back into a dream like state. 
“I think your mom is coming to visit. At least that’s what Josh said this morning.” Jakes eyes shot up from his plate, quickly finding hers and he let the fork he was holding slide out of his grasp. 
“What did you tell Josh?” Anger began to cloud his vision, knowing his mental health would be the only reasonable explanation  for his mom coming. Serenia held her hands up, shaking her head gently from side to side. 
“You need help, Jake. Help that as much as I would like to give you, I can’t. I love you,
I care about you, and with your mental state the way it is? You need professional help.” Jake shook his head vehemently, pushing the plate of food that sat in front of him to the side and reached out for her hands. 
“I… I don’t need help. Don’t call mom, please. I… I need you.” His reserve was breaking, the bad boy persona he always put on falling to the wayside as he true self shown through. 
“How about therapy? We can get you back in with Dr. Sun? Maybe she’ll be able to help you decide on coping mechanisms to help?” Serenia gripped his hands tight, the mixture of fear and anger in his eyes telling her all she needed to know. 
“No I’m NOT going to therapy again! Why? So she can put me on some drugs that turns me into a fucking zombie again?? No, absolutely not!” His grip on her hands tightened, the opposite reaction of what played in his eyes. 
“But baby — Jake you need help.” She kept her voice light, not wanting to startle him. He kept shaking his head, eyes wild as he looked everywhere but at her. 
“So come home. I don’t need Dr. Sun I need you. You don’t understand how much you help me when things go wrong. I know I fucked up, I know it’s going to take SO long to get back to basics but please, just… just come home?” Tears welled in Jakes eyes as he spoke, heart breaking in his chest at the thought of her dismissing his plea for help. 
Serenia’s eyes were trained elsewhere, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth and nibbled down against the flesh. A deep breath pulled in through her nose puffed out her cheeks as she let it go and her eyes found Jakes once more. 
“We need to figure this out. What do you want to do about it? Coping strategies that didn’t work last time? You don’t want to go talk it out because you don’t want drugs. I… I think you need your mom, Jake.” 
Jakes gaze steeled and he ripped his hands from hers, slamming them down on the table. Serenia recoiled, her eyes wide as she watched Jake get up from the table and throw his plate in the sink. He turned on his heel, his gaze finding hers before he stormed forward. 
“I don’t need my fucking mother.” He growled, reaching out to wrap his hands around her petite wrists. He pulled her up from her seat and gently placed her hands on his shoulders before wrapping his arms tightly around her midsection. 
“I don’t need my mom, Nina, I need you. I need you to come home, to tell me that everything’s gonna be okay. I need you to tell me that we’re going to be okay, that we’re going to make it over this hump. I need you to know that I love you and that nothing in this world will ever change that. I… I need you to know that old trauma sometimes crops up and she… she was my ex. I don’t know what came over me.” 
“Jacob, if anything that makes this worse. You have history with her? So her cheating on you cause trauma that made you cheat on me? No. That’s not how this works Jake. What I need from you is for you to shut up and listen.” 
Jake sighed as his body deflated, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Her fingers found their home in the hair at the nape of his neck, carding through it gently as she wracked her thoughts for the way to word what she needed to say. 
“I love you, okay? I know you’re struggling but you have to understand your actions hurt too. Do you know how it feels to find the person you love nose deep in someone else?  Of course you do, she did it to you. So I need you to think long and hard about what happened and what you truly want. Because if it’s her? Well, then I don’t want to know. Your mom is coming up and that is final. You need her wether you think you do or not.” 
Serenia pulled back, pulling her hands forward to cup his cheeks in her palms. His face was kissed pink, eyes bloodshot and raw as a new stream of tears ran down his cheeks. She ran her fingers along the apples of his cheeks, wiping away the stray tears as she pushed up on her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. 
“You let me know what you truly want, okay? You know where to find me.”
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heykoonsy · 11 months
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Word Count:  3k+
Pairing: OC x Jake, OC x Danny
Summary: Charlotte’s stay at the Somerset Sapiens Farm was short-lived, her intelligence quickly astounding the owner; Henry Somerset himself. Hoping to become a client, Charlotte is gifted to an eccentric vampire known for supplying the wealthy elite with high quality humans for their gatherings. Charlotte, however, intends to use this vampire’s power and connections another way.
Content Warnings: 18+ for mature themes
Chapter 7: Cut the Thread
Charlotte looked out the car’s window, to where Julio’s driver was coming to a halt. The first thing Charlotte saw was a large building, the windows beaming their yellow light onto the concrete below them. She looked at the stairs, at the magnificent home she’d been invited to–as a guest. Charlotte looked back at Julio, who was typing away on a laptop he’d brought with them as they dropped her off. She remembered the conversation she’d had with Danny clearly. 
“You want me to go?” Charlotte asked, eyes wide and curious. 
“My parents are making me go, so I figured I’d extend the invitation. Wanna be my plus-one?”
Charlotte looked a little uncomfortable. She’d gone to hundreds of parties like the one Danny described. She knew what to wear, what to say, how to act. But that was when she was working. There was a clear difference between being a zoo-animal for the vampires to ogle at and being a genuine guest. For a moment, she didn’t know how to respond. But, seeing his pleading eyes, she reluctantly accepted. 
Now that she sat in a queue of limousines, she wondered if she should have agreed at all. Charlotte took a deep breath, trying to settle her nerves.
“Want me to walk you in?”
She looked over at Julio, who had paused his work for a moment to get a read on her. Charlotte shook her head, but as soon as the driver announced their arrival, she immediately changed her tune. 
“Yes, please.”
Julio placed his laptop between them on the seat and got out of the car. Before Charlotte knew what was happening, he opened her door for her. He gave her a moment to reach for his hand, and effortlessly pulled her out of the seat. Julio let her set the pace as her heels clacked up the stairs towards the entrance. She got a sense of deja vu for a moment, remembering her time with Josh. 
Julio took her up to the door, leading her forward with his hand on the small of her back. He made eye contact with the doorman, who asked for their names.
“She is here with Daniel Wagner,” Julio barked at him. “Charlotte.”
The doorman took his attitude like a champion, clearly not bothered by his rough exterior. Charlotte wondered just how used he was to that demeanor. Before Charlotte could apologize on Julio’s behalf, he was beckoning them inside the door. 
Charlotte looked around at the yellow light of the home. Their foyer was spectacular. She looked at the paintings along the walls, and the flowers in decorative vases. She noted the smell of food lingering in the air. This, Charlotte thought to herself, this was completely different than working at a party.
Before Charlotte got lost in the architecture of the staircase, she swept the crowd and spotted Danny. Her eyes lit up, seeing him done up in a black tuxedo, with his hair free at his shoulders.
Charlotte looked back at Julio, who was taking off her coat.
“I’ll have the car pick you up at three, be outside.” Julio said, checking his watch. 
“You look stunning,” Danny said, but was interrupted by Julio pressing Charlotte’s coat against his chest.
“Have her outside at three, my driver is prompt.”
Danny gave him a tight smile, nonplussed by his attitude this evening.
“He’s been like that all week,” Charlotte said. “You should have seen the look he gave the doorman.”
Danny smiled and grabbed Charlotte’s hand to lead her down to the coat closet.
On their way back, Charlotte spotted someone standing off to the side of a large group. They were all laughing together, champagne glasses swirling with light liquid.
“Mr. Bradley?” Charlotte tapped him on the shoulder. 
His eyes flashed over to hers. He looked her up and down, smiling widely. “Charlotte, my goodness, don’t you look gorgeous!”
Charlotte beamed. It was nice to see another familiar face here. In fact, the more time she spent at the party, the more she recognized the other guests invited. She’d seen a lot of them at the parties she’d been employed at. Unbeknownst to her, Danny stepped closer. 
“That’s what I said,” Danny placed a hand on her back. 
Mr. Bradley spun his finger around in a circle, and Charlotte looked embarrassed, but complied. She stepped away from the two of them and twirled her dress. She watched as the red tool glittered in the light of the room as it swayed clockwise. Once she was done, she brought her hands up to the sweetheart neckline nervously. 
“My dear, what you have, they don’t have words for,” Mr. Bradley said. “I did not realize you’d become so enamored, Daniel.” His eyes went over to Danny, assessing him quickly. 
For a moment, Danny seemed genuinely embarrassed, hiding behind a shy smile. “My thoughts exactly.”
Charlotte felt her cheeks redden. “It was great seeing you,” she said, finding her smile again.
“Join me for a dance, later, eh?” Mr. Bradley raised his glass at her before Danny led them away.
As they walked away, Charlotte could still feel the warmth on her cheeks, the beating of her heart. There was a small moment where she had forgotten about him. Her loneliness was lifted off her shoulders for a second–the weight no longer threatening to crush her into nothing. But–she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was wrong.
Charlotte stopped, her eyes finding Danny’s back as he faltered. He looked over his shoulder at her, turning to face her slowly.
“Danny…” Charlotte paused, unable to find the words. 
Like he knew exactly what she was thinking, Danny gave her a chuckle. “You don’t have to say anything, I get it.”
Charlotte wondered if that was true–if he was really okay with things as they were now. “But,” she trailed off.
Danny stood in front of her–the realization at just how tall he was when he wasn’t slouching for her comfort finally hitting her. He looked down at her through his long eyelashes and dipped low into her face. She could feel his breath against her cheek and her skin prickled at the sensation.
“Just for tonight,” Danny said, “choose me.”
Charlotte watched as he stepped back, giving her the choice of bridging the gap if she wanted to. Charlotte thought of Jake–his ever-present absence. He had known about her for weeks now–bordering months. And yet, where was he? When Charlotte mustered up the courage to ask the boys, they couldn’t give her an answer–because not even they knew. She felt the emotions well in her chest, and raised her hand. 
But then she saw Danny–looked into his warm, inviting eyes. 
If she were going to choose him for tonight, it was not going to be in anger. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. She thought back to their negotiation in the cellar–that one single moment spinning her world off its axis. She remembered their talk at the stream–how he’d let her go on and on about her family because she needed it. She couldn’t remember when it had happened–maybe when they’d met again at his father’s celebration–but she knew her feelings for Danny were more than a simple friendship.
Charlotte felt a smile creep onto her face because she knew that she needed to reach for Danny’s hand not in anger–but in gratitude. She realized that she couldn’t love him, not in the way he deserved, and Danny knew it too. But that didn’t mean that she could not admire him. Bask in his glow. Feel his love. The moment she reached for him, she wanted him to know that in this moment his feelings were accepted despite not being reciprocated.
Danny smiled as Charlotte’s hand fell into his. At that exact moment, Charlotte heard a variety of string instruments begin playing. The two of them looked across the room, where several women in their gowns were being swept away to the floor. Charlotte felt Danny’s hand tug on hers and she looked up at him. 
His eyes spoke to her and in seconds, her smile gave him a reply. Danny led her towards the other dancers, his back turned to them–eyes trained on Charlotte. When they began, Charlotte felt Danny’s hand on her left shoulder blade, the other gently holding her palm in his. Then, she felt Danny pull her close to him, his eyes finding hers. She felt the electricity pass between them and her heart leaped in response. 
Charlotte felt him pushing her backwards, initiating their dance. She followed suit, surprising Danny. 
“When did this happen?”
Charlotte looked up at him. “I learned through work,” she said as Danny dipped backwards to the right and led her forward. “Velasquez wanted to make sure all of us were ready if the opportunity arose. I haven’t gotten to dance in a while, though.”
“You’re very good,” Danny said. “My sister always steps on my toes.”
“You sure it’s not on purpose?” Charlotte asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Danny chuckled, “it very well could be.”
Danny did not take his eyes off her, and his smile did not drop for a second. Charlotte dipped her head slightly and breathed Danny’s scent. The cologne he wore was light and fresh, or maybe that was just the clean scent of his suit? Regardless, Charlotte took her time to enjoy this moment. She let herself be swept away underneath the yellow glow of the lights. She closed her eyes, enjoying the subtle string instruments playing all around them. She took care to memorize the sensation of Danny’s hands on her, the feeling of his breath leaving his chest slowly as they spun around in unison with other dancers. 
In the next few moments, Charlotte heard the music swell. She watched as Danny pulled her close one final time and whispered something in her ear. 
“I love you.”
Charlotte heard the music stop, but she couldn’t tell over the beating of her heart. Her eyes flicked over to each of his as if to answer him, a small smile spreading across her lips.
Thank you.
“Ahem,” a voice called from beside them.
Charlotte and Danny both looked over and saw Mr. Bradley standing there expectantly. “I believe I asked for a dance earlier,” he said. 
Charlotte chuckled, looking back at Danny.
“I’ll find us some drinks, then,” Danny said as he left the floor.
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Julio looked past James as his driver parked at the address Jake Kiszka gave him. He took a look at the exterior of the building they were to meet inside. It was just your run-of-the-mill office building, a dime a dozen. Despite how regular everything was around them–he understood that this was a very important meeting he was asked to. And he was going in virtually blind. 
“Let’s get this over with,” Julio said, deciding that he’d had enough of a look at the place. 
James followed him through the parking lot and into the doors of the office. It was barely lit, tipping Julio off that this meeting they were having was unofficial–if not off the books entirely. He looked over at James, who was getting the same feeling. 
“The conference room is this way,” James said, taking the lead as he walked down the hallway and deeper into the building. James was just here, so of course he’d know his way around. The memory of the phone call came rushing back, and Julio’s head swam with dread.
Julio followed closely behind James, keeping an eye out for Jake. The closer they got to the conference room, the easier it was to hear strings of conversation. When they got to the designated meeting area, Julio heard all voices stop. The two of them heard footsteps coming closer and then watched the doorknob twist.
When the door opened, Julio was met with a white haired gentleman dressed in a gray suit. He gestured towards the conference room. “Gentleman, it’s good to see you. Come in.”
Julio went in first, taking in the room quickly. He saw a large white table in the center of the room–four chairs pushed in. His eyes immediately went to the only other person in the room–Jake Kiszka. Julio narrowed his eyes at him, a lot of feelings welling up in him at once. However, there was only one that really came to the surface. Anger.
“I’m Gary Alleman,” the man in the gray suit said, gesturing towards the chairs. “Please have a seat.”
James took his seat first, giving an awkward nod to Jake from across the room. Julio sat next to him, eyes trained on Jake–threatening him. Jake did not seem bothered by this in the slightest. 
“Give us the room?” Jake asked Gary politely. 
Jake gave him a few seconds to leave, and even then waited longer–until he was out of earshot. Jake took his time to cross the room and sit down across from both James and Julio. Without bothering with introductions, or an explanation on why they were all here, Jake proceeded to dig out a manilla folder from a pile of paperwork on the table.
Julio watched as Jake slid over some documents to their side of the table. Julio didn’t bother reaching for it. James hesitated in his chair. 
“You were trying to get your hands on this, weren’t you?” Jake asked simply, directing the question towards James.
James nodded and took the pages in his hands. He looked through them quickly, eagerly searching for what he knew was there. He looked up at Jake–and then at Julio.
“I had my team look into your bank statements, I knew something was off when you had next to nothing to your name.” James said, looking back at the documents. “Seven jobs in five years–and this is where you were keeping all of it.”
Jake looked at him, impressed with his work. “You sure did your research.”
“I just knew it,” James said, his eyes locking onto Jake. “It was no coincidence that you worked for Unified Bank and Trust. Over five thousand locations in the country–and three hundred overseas.”
Jake nodded. “I was able to create a numbered account with them, with some help.” He gestured towards the door that Gary left out of. 
James felt a smile tug on his cheeks. “It’s exactly what I would have done.”
“Okay, so we know where your savings account is,” Julio said, staring directly at Jake. “Why do you have it?”
Jake’s eyes flickered over to Julio, his mouth forming into a tight line. “Right to the point,” Jake said partially under his breath. “I need your help.”
Julio chuckled, but it was not a hearty chuckle–instead it was full of venom. “Go on,” he said, leaning into the table. 
Jake looked at him, and interlaced his fingers together on his lap. “I have things to do, and you have the means to get them done.”
Julio cocked his head to the side, “and you would know that how?”
Jake brought his hands to the table, sitting up and looking Julio directly in the eyes. “Because I’ve looked into you as much as you’ve looked into me. You’ve got connections.” 
Jake took a moment to watch Julio before he slid a manilla folder towards the center of the table. Julio looked in his eyes before grabbing the folder and paging through it quietly. After a few minutes, he handed the folder off to James. 
“Look familiar?” Julio asked James, not taking his eyes away from Jake. 
James paged through the documents as quick as lightning. When he was done, he sat them back down and gave Julio a nod. Julio crossed his arms abruptly. 
Julio shook his head. “I think you’ve overlooked something in this plan of yours.” 
Jake looked at him quizzically. “What are you talking about? I’ve thought of everything. Finances, legal documentation, transportation. I didn’t just cook this plan up in a night. I had years to think it through.”
Julio looked down at the table. “I’m sure you thought it through plenty. The problem is, I have too. All of this,” Julio picked up the folder again, “I could have acted on this at any time in the last two years. But I didn’t. Do you know why?”
Jake stood up from his seat at the table angrily. “Because of your own selfishness!”
Julio stood as well, his chair thrown backwards behind him. “Because there would be no point!”
James stood, placing his arm between them as they glared at each other..
“What do I need to do?” Jake asked earnestly. “Please.”
Julio settled back onto his heels. He sighed. “Cut the thread.”
Jake leaned back as well, his mind racing to figure out what Julio meant. Upon the realization, Jake shook his head bitterly. Julio watched as he understood the gravity of his situation. He didn’t mind being right when it came to hunches about embezzled funds or the mistresses his potential clients kept–but being right about this? Julio would have traded everything he owned to be wrong. 
“I’ll do it,” Jake said after some time. “In exchange, I will work for you–until the day I die.”
Julio narrowed his eyes at Jake, and James dropped his arm.
“Is that something you can promise?”
Jake nodded. “It is.”
Julio collected himself for a moment. “I take it this was the plan all along?”
“I researched you well enough to know you don’t do anything for free.” Jake said. “My life is the only thing I have to give.”
Julio made a noise in the back of his throat. “Then we have a deal,” Julio said as he outstretched his hand to Jake. 
Jake held it firmly in his own, his eyes not wavering for a moment.
James watched in disbelief as the deal was made right in front of him. He couldn’t interject, couldn’t fathom going against Julio during such an important meeting. As the two of them made their way back to the car, James stopped in the middle of the parking lot. 
“Sir,” James said, not quite sure what to say, but knowing that something was deeply wrong. 
“What?” Julio asked plainly.
James struggled to go on, his head swimming with the conversation he’d been a part of today. 
“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s wrong.” Julio said, sensing that he was not going to be getting much input out of James. “Trust me.”
James looked into Julio’s eyes for any note of deception. When he found only the eyes of his friend, he took a deep breath. 
“I trust you.”
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spinachcattt · 11 months
A Bake Date - Jake Kiszka
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Warning: baking. suggestive near the end
Summary: Jake and Gracie make a bunch of fall treats :)
The house smelled like cookies. The sweet smell was accompanied by a blues record playing quietly on the record player. “What now?” Gracie asked as she looked through Jake's handwritten recipes. A notebook filled with a scrawl of recipes, his favourites, hers and other family and holiday recipes. She flipped to a page that was covered in water stains. “Pumpkin Bread. We need to make that.” Jake laughed and looked at the recipe. “That's Josh's favourite. Sure, we can make it.” The two of them moved in sync, getting out the ingredients they needed. Once they had everything they began making the recipe. “Jake what the hell does this say?” It looked like mix it all togetyerj. It was illegible. “Use context clues babe. Mix it together.” He said with a smile, but still matter of factly. “Okay, yes I can do that. But still, that's the epitome of chicken scrawl babe.” Jake grabbed the whisk and lightly whacked her with it. “How dare you” She grabbed the pumpkin covered spatula and began chasing him around with it. “Gracie no! Ahhhh” He ducked around the island trying to get away. Still holding the whisk. “Grace! No” He stopped running, trying to grab the spatula from her. “Grace Jude Ophelia, give me the spatula” She gasped at him as he used her middle names. “Jacob Thomas Kiszka” She smirked back at him. But in a moment of weakness, he grabbed the spatula and quickly put it back in the bowl. “How dare you use my full name.” Jake pouted as he mixed the batter. “You did it first.” Jake rolled his eyes and gestured at the pan. She passed it over, excited to try the finished product. He put it into the oven and set a timer for 40 minutes. “40 minutes? That's so long. What are we supposed to do?” Jake smirked at her. “I might have an idea” She smiled back, “eat the cookies and watch something? I agree” She grabbed a cookie and bit it, still smiling at him. Jake rolled his eyes but grabbed a cookie of his own, following her to the couch.
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ourtearsofrain · 9 months
A Dangerous Duo (everyone)
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Summary: Sam and Josh try drag.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka, Josh Kiszka x Male O.C., Jake Kiszka x Male O.C.
Genre: no clue, too long to be drabble but there’s no smut or angst or anything. Just a fun little fic about our boys trying drag for the first time.
Word Count: 6.2 k
Warnings: language? But what’s new with them
A/N: I would highly recommend reading Save a Horse and Ride a Cowboy as well as their previous fics, as this is a continuation of their stories within this Universe. I love Sebastian with all my heart, Sirena is an amazing drag mother to Josh and Sam.
“Yeah, just right there is fine. Thanks, Daniel.” Sam smiles as Danny sets his bags down where he had directed him to.
Austin follows close behind, setting Josh’s bags near Sams.
“Sure we can’t do anythin’ else to help, darlin’?”
“Nope, that’s it. Thanks, love.” Josh presses a quick kiss to his cheek as he passes him, setting the rest of his bags down.
“Jesus Christ Josh, how much shit do you have? You have at least twice as many bags as I do.”
Josh rolls his eyes at his youngest brother, “Go big or go home, Sam. In my defense, my second wig is fucking massive, takes an entire bag up.”
“I still can’t believe you guys won’t tell us anything about your routines. Please can we just have one piece of information like what songs you’re doing?”
Sam walks over to his boyfriend and places his hands on the sides of his face, bringing him close to his own with a loving look, teasing him with their proximity. “That would ruin the surprise, Daniel.” Sam drops his hands before turning away so he can’t see the pouty look on Danny’s face that always got him what he wanted.
“I know what you’re doing, Daniel. I’m not caving this time.”
Josh begins shooing the other boys towards the door, slowing making his way towards them so they had no choice but to back out of the room. “Anyways, we need to start getting ready so, and I mean this with all the love I have for you two but, fuck off.”
Danny turns towards Austin, shaking his head in mock hurt. “See how they just throw us to the curb once they got their use out of us?”
Austin laughs, joining in on the bit. “Knew he was just keepin’ me around for my muscles. I’ll reckon this was their plan all along.”
“Yep, you caught us.” Sam chimes in, bent over his bags as he searched through their contents for his makeup bag.
“Mhm, that was our whole devious plan all along.” Josh begins closing the door, shouting a final, “Kay see you later, love you, bye.” before closing the door in their faces.
Danny scoffs, loud enough for them to hear on the other side of the door, before dropping the act and turning as he and Austin begin walking down the hall. They bump into Sebastian and Jake, also carrying bags as they make their way towards the room Sam and Josh were occupying.
Danny practically jumps them, “Jake! Sebastian! Oh my god please just tell us SOMETHING about Josh and Sam’s routines. They won’t say anything and I know you know something about them. They keep making these little inside jokes with mischievous smiles and I am fucking dying to know why.”
Jake throws his hands up in defense. “Hey don’t look at me, Seb won’t tell me anything either.”
Sebastian motions as if he was zipping and locking his lips, throwing away the key with a secretive smile on his face. “I ain’t sayin’ nothin’, kid. All I’ll say is I hope you brought a shit tonna ones.” He winks at Jake, “Maybe even some fives and tens if you’re feelin’ generous.”
Danny groans in frustration, all hope of finding out his boyfriend and brothers plans leaving him.
Austin offers him a pat on the back, as if he were consoling him. “It’s alright, Dan. We’ll find out soon enough.”
“Easy for you to say. Josh may be a shit head but he’s sweet at heart so it balances out. Sam’s just a shit head, I don’t trust that fucker. When I asked about his songs he just giggled, and he never giggles so I know he’s up to something.” He looks towards Jake, whose eyebrows were raised at his comment. “You know I say that with all the love in my heart for him.”
 A grin breaks onto his face, and Danny silently curses Josh for getting his twin to do theater in high school with him. “Yeah I know, Sam’s a shit head. I was just fucking with you.” Sebastian and him start to make their way past the other two boys. “Anyways, I’m gonna help Seb drop these bags at the room, wait up for me?”
“Of course.”
“Try and peek into the room if you can, they just started getting ready but I bet you could spot some clues.” Danny calls after them.
“Uh, uh. No way, mon beau. I got the bags from here, thank you for your help. Go join them, love. I gotta go help my daughters get ready.”
Jake pouts up at his boyfriend, attempting to sway him as he was also curious about what his brothers had in store for the show. Sebastian looks at him with a slight smile, unwavering in his statement to not spill their secrets, his hand outstretched and motioning to take the bags. Jake sighs, giving up and handing them to him before giving him a quick kiss.
“See you boys in a few hours. Love you, Jake.”
“Love you too, Seb. Have fun trying not to strangle them.”
Sebastian only laughs as he makes his way down the hall, already hearing the lively bickering of the brothers behind the door.
The three men turn, weaving through the maze of the back rooms before finding the entrance to the main venue, still empty as the doors didn’t open for another two hours. They find a table near the back corner, knowing their partners would find them and give them a little extra attention no matter where they sat.
“I’m gonna go get us drinks while we wait. Want anything?” Danny questions, standing and looking at the others questioningly.
“The usual’s fine with me, Dan. Thank you.”
“Same for me, thanks.”
“You got it. Be right back.”
“I swear to god Joshua I’m going to vomit.” Sam screeches, his voice filling the small room.
“I told you I had colored contacts, Sam. If you don’t wanna see it then just look away while I put them in.” Josh retorts as he brings his hands back up to his eye, struggling to put his contacts in as Sam squirms beside him.
Sam physically cringes, turning away from his brother as his entire body shivers, groaning in his disgust. “That’s not helping, I can feel you putting them in.”
“Maybe if you would shut the fuck up, I could concentrate and get it done faster, dipshit.”
“Alright ladies, settle down. Can’t have y’all killin’ each other right before your first show.”
Sam focuses on adjusting his first hairdo of the night, trying his best to ignore his brother next to him but finding it increasingly hard as they shared the mirror.
“Got it!” Josh says excitedly, blinking rapidly as his eyes adjusted. “How do I look, Sam?”
He makes eye contact with him through the mirror, the bright red of his eyes an unusual sight. Sam grimaces at the lack of the familiar warm brown of his brothers’ eyes. “Creepy as hell.”
Josh prods him in the ribs, sarcasm dripping from his words. “Yeah, that’s the only reason I chose this color, to creep you out.” He wiggles his fingers at Sam as he inches closer to him.
Sam jumps out of his chair, putting as much space between him and Josh as the small room would allow. “Nope, nope, fuck off.”
Josh laughs, dropping his hands as he stands, beginning to rifle through his belongings in search of his outfit.
Sebastian bends to check his wig in the mirror, already having finished his makeup and getting dressed long before they had. “Alright, finish up. Show starts in 30 and y’all are the first performers of the night.” He makes his way to the door, opening it and stopping at the entryway to offer a final, “See y’all out there.” Before leaving them to get dressed.
“Hey Sam have you seen my-“ Josh’s question is cut short as a soft piece of foam hits the side of his head. He bends to pick the foam bra insert up, “Yeah that.” He fully turns towards Sam, “Do you know where the other one is-“
Once again, Sam chucks the insert at him, this time hitting him square in the face.
“I swear to god I’m gonna shove this so far up your ass-"
Danny anxiously checks the time on his phone, relieved to see the show was scheduled to start in a few minutes. He lets out a shaky breath, his leg bouncing as he finds any outlet for his nerves.
Jake notices, gently elbowing him to bring him back to the moment. “Danny, chill. Don’t worry you won’t have to wait much longer to see what my dickhead brothers have planned.”
Just as he finishes his sentence the club lights dim, and a bright spotlight falls on Sirena as she enters the stage from the side. She immediately consumes all of Jakes attention and he sucks a sharp breath in as his eyes wander over his boyfriend. His gaze goes from her tall stiletto boots, up her legs covered by blood red, loose leather pants, continuing to her tight fitting high-collared shirt, a heart shaped hole at the center of her chest to show off her impressively contoured “cleavage”. The light catches on her spiked choker as his eyes continue their journey upwards, he takes in her long locs, the same blood red as her pants. His gaze finally comes to a stop on her black eyes, the colored contacts covering both the iris and whites of them. The crowd cheers as she takes her place, adjusting to the bright light and checking her mic before starting.
“First of all, thank y’all for comin’ out tonight! How y’all feelin’?”
The crowd roars in response as Sirena grins, waiting for them to quiet down before she continues. “Fuckin’ fantastic! That’s what I love to hear! I do got a few things to say before we start tonight. First, consent is fucking sexy! If you don’t want extra attention or interaction from a performer, just throw your arms up into an “X” and they’ll respect that. Consent also goes two ways, so make sure to not touch a performer without them initiatin’ that interaction. The second thing is, tip your mother fuckin’ performers! It’s expensive to look this cheap, y’all. And lastly, tonight is a very special night. I have the pleasure of introducin’ y’all to my first ever drag daughters who’re gonna start us off this evenin’!”
Austin lets loose a shrill wolf whistle as the crowd erupts once more, causing Sirena to shout over them. “So I better see some fuckin’ tips in the air cause they’ve worked hard for this shit! Swear to god I’ve spent more time with them these last two weeks than I have my own boyfriend.” She jokes.
“Without further ado, may I introduce you to Elle Fernanda and Callie Bungah!” She yells, stepping off the stage as the spotlight cuts out.
It quickly reappears joined by soft red lights, fixed on the split curtains at the back of the stage. A too-familiar electronic intro begins and Danny’s jaw drops.
“Oh my fucking god, they didn’t.”
Josh and Sam burst through the middle, perfectly lip syncing to the song as it starts, matching the attitude of it with their stage personas.
“I like the girls that do drugs (Drugs).
Girls with cigarettes in the back of the club (Club).
Girls that hate cops and buy guns (Guns).
Girls with no buns, girls that’s mean just for fun.
I like girls who make love, but I love girls who like to fuck.”
Both Danny and Austin’s jaws drop, blushes falling across their faces as they take in their boyfriends’ appearances. Danny can’t seem to be mad at Sam for his song choice as his eyes roam his body, looking so unlike Sam that Danny’s not sure he would recognize him if Sirena hadn’t announced that it was him. His long, wavy locks are pulled into two space buns, his bangs messy and unruly, purposely left out. His makeup is light, with thin wings of eyeliner, visible blush, and dark painted lips. As Jake had noticed with Sirena, Danny doesn’t miss the way the light catches on his spiked choker, eyes continuing downwards as the boys move on stage. He has a fishnet shirt underneath his high-collared tank top, both tucked into tight black leather pants. Danny almost laughs when his eyes finally find their way to his short black heels, knowing that if they were any taller, he would most defiantly break his ankle. He tears his eyes away from Sam, looking over at Austin to see his reaction to Josh’s outfit, to see the other boy staring, mouth still agape with his eyes fixed intently on Josh.
Austin doesn’t know where to look, his focus constantly shifting from different aspects of Josh’s appearance and outfit as he takes it all in. His curly, brown hair replaced by a jet-black coiled bun with two strands on either side of his face left out as bangs. Austin realizes Josh is only an inch or two shorter than his brother, noticing for the first time his tall, red, sparkly stiletto heels. His eyes travel up his legs clad in fishnet tights, his gaze lingering for a couple seconds on the short hem of his leather skirt. He manages to tear his gaze away, his eyes travelling up his exposed stomach, only covered by a fishnet shirt as his V-line cropped tank top barely covers his chest. Passing over the leather choker around his neck, Austin’s gaze finally settles on his blood red eyes, with thick red eyeliner to match it.
Jake watches his brothers performance as they weave through the crowd, snatching tips out of outstretched hands as they make their way steadily to the corner they occupied. He looks over to Austin and Danny, laughing when he sees them both enthralled by their partners, eyes wide and jaws dropped. “Hey guys, think you have a little drool coming out of your mouth there.”
This comment snaps them out of it, blood rushing to their faces as they scramble for their wallets, seeing their partners drawing nearer to their table by the second. They finally reach their table, making their way towards their respective boyfriends. Sam momentarily ignores the bill in Danny’s hand, instead grabbing his hips and slotting his body in between his knees.
“They say I’m too fuckin’ horny,
Wanna put me in a cage.
I’d probably fuck the hole in the wall
The guy before made.”
Sam thrusts his hips forward, emphasizing the words with each movement of his body. Danny freezes, his face red as his thoughts are consumed by nothing but Sam and his act. Sam smiles wolfishly at him before snatching the money out of his hand, turning and half bending over, shaking his ass before strutting away as if nothing had happened, continuing with his performance.
Josh is a little less lewd in his interaction with Austin, grabbing his tip and slowly running his hand up Austins arm, making a full circle around him before stopping with a wide stance in front of him, aiming a “gun” at him with his fingers and pretending to pull the trigger as the chorus plays “Girls that hate cops and buy guns (pew).” Josh smiles wide at him, winking before he turns, dropping down into a quick deep squat, pushing his ass out towards Austin as he stands before making his way through the crowd as Sam had done.
Both continue weaving through the tables, snatching tips out of the air as the song continues. They reach the stage, synchronizing their movements once more as they lip sync.
“I like the girls who like to lie that they came,
Girls who fuck on the train.
Girls who got so much hair on they ass, it clogs the drain.”
They both shake their asses at this before Josh splits off to the side of the stage, jumping high and landing a perfect death drop as the beat of the last chorus drops. Austin chokes on his spit as the crowd erupts, Josh rolling onto his knees continuing to dance from his spot on the floor. Sam turns, squatting low next to Josh, who falls backwards as he tosses his tips in the air, knees still on the floor as the song ends and the lights cut out.
Wolf whistles are heard amidst the deafening cheering and applause as the patrons rise from their seats to give them a standing ovation. Danny and Austin are the only ones still sitting, their minds still focused on the performance they just witnessed to notice they were the only ones not on their feet. The lights cut back on as Josh and Sam rise, Sirena taking the stage with a mic as they catch their breaths.
“Holy fuckin’ shit y’all! I’ve seen them practice that at least 50 times and even I am real fuckin’ impressed, that was fantastic! Lets give them another round of applause!” The crowd continues their applause as they take their seats, still cheering for them as Josh and Sam beam from the stage, acknowledging the crowds praise with thankful gestures. “How y’all feelin’?”
She points the mic towards Josh, still recovering from the performance. “Really fucking out of breath.” He laughs as he gulps down air, chest heaving from exertion. Sirena laughs before pointing the mic towards Sam on her other side.
“How bout you, kid?”
“Sweaty.” He grimaces before he continues, “Very, very sweaty… in very uncomfortable places.”
Sirena throws her head back as she laughs loudly, bringing the mic back to her lips. “Welcome to drag.” She turns to face the crowd again. “Now, my daughters are gonna go change and take a short break, but don’t y’all worry, we’ll be seein’ more of ‘em tonight.”
With that, Josh and Sam exit the stage, waving their goodbyes and blowing kisses to the crowd as they give their final cheers before they disappear backstage.
“We got a whole line up of amazingly talented queens and kings for the night, but, for the next,” she looks at her wrist as if she was checking the time, “Three minutes and 20 seconds, give or take, y’all are stuck with me.” The crowd whoops and hollers, and Jake brings both index and middle fingers up to his lips, letting a shrill whistle out. “So, I’d like to introduce y’all to your next performer… me!” She laughs, the crowd continuing their cheers as she hands the mic off to Sparrow just off stage before the lights go dark as she sets up for her song.
The intro starts, and Jake immediately recognizes the song, having heard it hundreds of times from many of Sebastians playlists.
“’Cause baby, now we’ve got bad blood.
You know it used to be mad love.
So take a look what you’ve done,
‘Cause baby, now we’ve got bad blood, hey!”
She steps off the stage, beginning to prowl the crowd as her persona completely switches when the song changes from Taylor Swifts part to Kendrick Lamars’.
“I can’t take it back, look where I’m at.
We was OG like D.O.C., remember that?
My TLC was quite OD, ID my facts.
Now POV of you and me, similar Iraq.”
She weaves her way through the crowd, snatching tips as she passes people, her eyes scanning the crowd as she makes sure to interact with the other patrons despite her internal desire to run over to Jake and give him all her attention. She manages to gather her restraint, keeping herself deliberately away from the corner him and the other boys occupied. Finally, with less than a minute and a half left of the song, she allows herself to lock eyes with Jake as she slowly makes her way towards him. She lip syncs with the song perfectly, letting herself take on a softer persona as the bridge shifts the vibe of the song.
“Band-Aids don’t fix bullet holes.
You say sorry just for show.,
If you live like that, you live with ghosts.”
She brings her hand up to slightly brush his hair back, her hand trailing down the side of his face and jaw, pushing it up slightly to bring his face closer to her own, ghosting her lips against his. Just before they make contact, she backs away, her arm continuing down his arm and grasping the bill in his hand, taking it from his grip and taking steps back, away from him as she grins. She keeps her eyes on him as she backpedals through the crowd towards the stage.
“Band-Aids don’t fix bullet holes.
You say sorry just for show.
If you live like that, you live with ghosts.”
She turns away from Jake, her face obscured from him as she sings the end of the bridge, taking a running start towards the stage.
“If you love like that, blood runs cold.”
Right as it ends, when she’s about to run into the end of the short stage, she jumps, flipping in midair as she lands a perfect aerial, landing and dropping to her knees as the beat drops, throwing her tips in the air for further effect. She lets them rain down on her as the crowd erupts, losing their minds at the move she pulled off. She finishes the song with every bit of energy she had started with, gratefully accepting the thunderous applause and cheers from the crowd. Her eyes search through the throngs of people, looking for one specific man. She finds him, eyes locking with Jakes as he stands applauding her, a massive grin on his face as he lets out various whoops. He whistles loud once more, spurred on by the eye contact with Sirena.
Feeling a tap on her arm, Sirena looks over to see Sparrow holding the mic out for her expectantly, snapping her attention back to the show from where it had strayed to nothing but thoughts of Jake. She turns the mic on, checking it before starting her thanks and next introduction. “Oh lord, thank y’all so much. That shit just busted my knees but I had a fun time doin’ it and I hope y’all enjoyed watchin’!”
The crowd grows impossibly louder, showing their support for Sirena as they take their seats. “Now, y’all gotta give me a minute to catch my breath but, in the meantime, we got a whole crew of performers lined up for y’all tonight!” She introduces the next performer of the night, her sibling, Sparrow. After his performance, she comes back on stage, introducing the next, continuing this pattern as the night goes on. Jake thinks he recognizes a few names, Shimmer and Faebelle being two of them, but is lost after that point as Sirena introduces drag queens and kings he had never met in person yet.
After the last performer, she resumes her place on stage, waiting for the cheers to die out before she starts. “Now, I know y’all are havin’ the time of your fuckin’ lives out there, and we’re doin’ the same up here; but, unfortunately, this night has to come to an end at some point. It’s only fittin’ that our two opening performers close the night as well so, it is my pleasure to reintroduce you to our last performers of the night, starting with Callie Bungah!”
The crowd cheers once more as Sirena steps off the stage and is replaced by Sam, now bathed in a soft blue light. Danny sucks a sharp breath in as he takes in his outfit change. With his brunette space buns replaced by two blond braids, his tight black tank top now a loose, soft maroon one, light blue overalls overtop it, with maroon converse replacing his short heels. Danny almost laughs as he realizes Sam looked like half “country girls” he saw around town. Sam searches through the crowd for Danny as the song begins, finding him just in time and raising his arm to point at the other man.
“You think I’m pretty without any makeup on.
You think I’m funny when I tell the punch line wrong.
I know you get me, so I let my walls come down, down.
Before you met me,
I was alright, but things were kinda heavy.
You brought me to life, now every February,
You’ll be my Valentine, Valentine.”
Sam grins at Danny as he begins making his way towards him as Danny wears a matching smile on his face, captivated by Sam and heart fluttering at his song choice. Sam ignores the other patrons waving bills in the air, his focus intent on getting to Danny. He once again places himself between Danny’s legs, his hands finding his forearms as he lip-syncs through his smile.
“My heart stops
When you look at me, just one touch,
Now, baby I believe this is real.
So take a chance and don’t ever look back, don’t ever look back.”
He places a quick kiss to Dannys lips, leaving behind a dark maroon stain before he grabs the tip in Danny’s hand and turning away to interact with the rest of the crowd. Danny’s heart flutters with pure love for Sam as he watches the rest of the performance, replaying their interaction in his mind even as the song ends and Sam reaches the stage, fists full of tips. The lights cut out as the song ends, returning to their dim white setting as Sam stands on stage, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd before exiting and disappearing behind the stage door.
Sirena takes center stage again, applauding Sam before bringing the mic to her lips. “Thank you, Callie! She disappeared backstage real fast, but imma assume that number was less sweat inducing than her last one.” The crowd laughs with her, whooping and cheering their support, and she gives them a moment to quiet before she continues. “Now, last but certainly not least, I give you Elle Fernanda!”
She steps off the stage, her place taken by Josh. Austin takes the sight in, thinking to himself that his new outfit was so fitting for him. His tank top is the same, the fishnet shirt gone and his hair now bright pink coils past his shoulders, a leather chocker adorned with a metal heart at its center, with his red contacts replaced by purple ones, his short leather skirt replaced by an ankle-length deep purple one, and lastly, his tall stilettos gone as he stood barefoot.
“Happiness hit her like a train on a track.
Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back.”
No one notices the tambourine in his hand until he raises it, hitting it perfectly with each beat, encouraging the crowd to clap along with him. He smiles wide when they do, stepping off the stage and beginning to weave through the crowd, grabbing tips with his free hand as he taps the tambourine against his hip. He manages to make his way through the crowd without dropping any tips, tambourine still hitting his hip as he spins and twirls along. He finds his way to Austin, stopping in front of him as he pauses the steady beat of his tambourine when the song reaches its bridge.
“And I never wanted anything from you.
Except everything you had and what was left after that too, oh.”
He resumes the movements of his tambourine as he gently grabs the money from Austin's hand, backing away from him as he moves through the crowd once more. He finishes the song with as much energy as he had in the beginning. He bows as the crowd cheers for him and is joined by Sirena on stage as the crowd continues their applause.
“Once again, Elle, thank you for that incredible performance.”
Josh smiles at her, offering one last wave to the crowd before he exits and goes through the stage door Sam had disappeared behind.
“Thank you all for comin’ out to support us! Hope to see y’all soon!” Sirena offers as a final parting comment, before following suit after Josh and disappearing backstage as the main lights come back on. Jake, Austin, and Danny make no move to get up, taking the final sips of their drinks as they wait for the crowd to disperse.
Jake checks his phone as a message from Sebastian lights his screen up, placing it in his pocket after responding before he recites the message to the other boys. “Seb says to just wait out here, they’ll all be out in a minute.”
“Do they need our help? With all the bags and all.” Danny questions.
“Na, Seb says they can make it from the room to here with the three of them.”
They sit in comfortable silence for a few moments before Jake breaks it with a question.
“So, how do you guys feel?”
Both Danny and Austin let out a breath, sighing as they recount their thoughts and feelings from witnessing their boyfriends in drag for the first time.
“Fuckin’ amazing. Josh was, wow. And that second outfit was just so… so him, y’know?”
Jake smiles, agreeing with his statement with a slight nod. “I know, he looked so happy and at-home up there, like he was born to perform.”
“What about you, Dan?”
Danny runs his hand through his hair before speaking. “Honestly? I’m not even mad that Sam chose “Girls” just to fuck with me. That was… fucking incredible. They both were.”
They sit together, making light conversation as they wait for the other three boys to finish changing. After about 20 minutes, they appear out of the stage door, visibly exhausted and arms full of their belongings. Their boyfriends immediately shoot out of their seats, quickly making their way over to the group to take most of their bags.
“You guys were fantastic tonight!” Jake says as he takes a duffel bag on each shoulder, another in his hand.
Sebastian offers a tired smile, “Thanks, mon beau.”
“Yeah, thanks mon beau.” Sam mumbles with a sleepy shit-eating grin as he leans on Danny, who presses a soft kiss to his forehead with a light laugh.
“Shut up, Sam.”
“Both of you, shhhhhhhh.” Josh says, pausing in his attempt at handing his bags over to Austin to raise a finger to his lips, eyes half open as he glares at them.
“Y’all tired?” Austin questions, already knowing the answer as Josh rests his head on his shoulder.
He mumbles a “Mhmm.” into Austins shirt, grimacing as he remembers that Sam and Danny had carpooled with them. “Ugh, and we still gotta take Danny and Sam home, don’t we?”
“They could just crash in our guest room, I don’t know about Austin, but Seb was planning on staying over tonight anyways.” Jake offers as they slowly make their way towards the exit.
Sam’s face lights up at the comment, as much as it could in his tired state. “Sleepoverrrr?”
Danny laughs at his tone of genuine excitement, wrapping an arm around Sams waist to steer him out the door. “Sounds good to me.”
The group reaches Austins truck first, saying their temporary goodbyes to Jake and Sebastian as they head towards Jakes car parked down the street. With Josh slumped against the window in the passenger seat and Sam leaning on Danny in the back, the ride to Jake and Josh’s house is peaceful and quiet. They reach their house before Sebastian and Jake do, Danny and Austin having to encourage the brothers out of the car and finally managing to get them to shuffle their way to the front door as Austin and Danny grab their bags.
Josh pulls his keys out, struggling with the lock before Austin gently takes them from his hands.
“Here, darlin’, let me.”
As he unlocks the door, the group is flooded with headlights as Jake and Sebastian pull into the driveway, causing Sam and Josh to bring their hands up to block their eyes as they squint at the harsh light. Sebastian stumbles out of the car with a little more grace than the other two boys had, taking a few of his bags as Jake handles the rest of them. They enter the house, all dropping their bags at the door and agreeing that it would be their problem in the morning to sort them all out.
Danny taps Sam as he leans against the wall, already falling asleep as he waited for his boyfriend. “Alright, Sammy, time for bed.”
He makes a pouty face at this, attempting to argue through his obvious exhaustion. “Nooo, mnot tired.”
Josh comes to his aid as Austin begins pulling him towards his room. “Me neither.”
Jake scoffs at his brothers, already falling asleep despite having been home for less than a minute. Austin and Danny only shake their heads, sharing a small smile at the well-known stubbornness of the Kiszka brothers.
Josh leans against Austins front, looking up and batting his eyes at his boyfriend. “Can we watch a movie? Pleaseee.”
“Yeah, I wanna watch a movie.” Sam butts in, trying his best to stay awake enough to argue.
Danny sighs, knowing it was no use trying to argue with them, even in their groggy states. “Fine. But only after we get ready for bed. You still have some makeup left on your face, love.”
Both brothers smile sleepily, making silent “Yaaaay”s at their victory.
“What movie y’all wanna watch?”
Josh immediately makes a suggestion. “Labyrinth. David Bowie’s outfit is fucking phenomenal. Have it on DVD somewhere.”
“Sounds great, darlin’.” The group begins to break off in pairs, each going towards a separate room to finish taking their still-stuck makeup and wig glue off. Austin directs his attention towards Jake and Sebastian, already halfway into Jake’s room. “Y’all joinin’ us?”
Sebastian looks at Jake, shrugging before answering. “Why not.”
With that final confirmation, they break off to get ready before piling onto Jake and Josh’s couches for an impromptu movie night.
Danny helps Sam remove his smudged eyeliner in silence, humming quietly as he goes along.
“Watcha hummin, Daniel?”
His response is quiet as he begins his work on Sams other eye. “Woyaya.”
“Isn’t that that one song Josh loves?”
“Mhm, stuck in my head for some reason.”
They continue in comfortable silence and it isn’t until Danny helps Sam into a pair of sweatpants and an old band tshirt he had left at their house long ago that Sam finally speaks up again.
“Did you like the show tonight?”
Danny gently grabs his shoulders, turning the other boy before starting to work on his unruly waves, brushing the tangles out with his fingers as he begins to pull them into a neat single braid down the center of his back.
“Of course I did, love. You were amazing.”
He smiles at this, thinking for a minute before continuing. “You’re not pissed I did “Girls” just to fuck with you?”
Danny laughs, pressing a small kiss to the back of his head before wrapping his hands around his chest and pulling him close against him. “I wouldn’t say I was pissed at your song choice, but I was definitely surprised, sweetheart. But no, you were fantastic, so that made up for it. You little shit.”
Sam laughs quietly, his exhaustion muffling his words. “Mmmm you don’t mean that.”
Danny offers him a light squeeze as he nuzzles his face into the other boys neck. “I don’t.” Danny places a soft kiss to the side of his head before breaking their embrace, taking Sams hand in his own as he leads him out of the room. “C’mon, no falling asleep on me. Movie, remember?”
Sam only offers a small “Mhm.” as they make their way towards the living room, already finding Labyrinth queued up by Jake who now sat leaning against the corner of the couch with Sebastian tucked snug under his arm. Danny takes a seat on one of the small, two person loveseats next to the main couch, with Sam flopping down, half laying on Danny as he gets comfortable.
It’s not long before Austin and Josh stumble out, taking the other loveseat on the opposite side of the couch as Jake makes a move for the remote.
“See Jakey, I told you it wasn’t “too much” seating.” Josh mumbles out, referencing the argument they had had when they first bought the house on if two loveseats and a couch was overkill.
“Shut up and watch the movie.” Is all he gets in response as everyone settles in and the opening credits roll.
They are silent for the rest of the film, with Josh and Sam falling asleep against their partners not even 15 minutes into the movie, Sebastian following suit soon after. The three boys that remained awake share various chuckles and head shakes of “I told you so”, knowing they would all give them lighthearted shit about it in the morning.
They all fall into a deep, comfortable sleep by the end of the movie, peacefully tucked against the safety of their partners as the end credits roll.
Songs mentioned:
Girls- The Dare
Bad Blood- Taylor Swift ft. Kendrick Lamar
Teenage Dream- Katy Perry
Dog Days Are Over- Florence + the Machine
Woyaya- Osibisa
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