#jake romano
becharm-27 · 4 months
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"Pilot" - May 18th, 2020
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lyon-amore · 9 months
"Your main character in 2023 was Jake"
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"Your favorite characters this year"
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It's normal that Jake is in the first two, somehow I had to fill the void 🥹❤️‍🩹
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"You have created 33 characters who have received more than 1,193,079 messages"
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"Your most popular character Alan Bloomgate was in the top 1% of all characters"
I was actually surprised that Alan had so much interaction, but then I thought "Who doesn't love Daddy Alan?" 😌❤️
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swan2swan · 6 months
Thinking about the Azula scenes, and...oddly, despite my complaints earlier...I think they could have used more dialogue. Not exposition dialogue, but EMOTIONAL dialogue. Azula venting to Ty Lee, Ty Lee responding.
Kinda like the episode where she had the bow and arrow.
But a little more back and forth.
Problem is that this requires writers who can write gripping dialogue AND have faith in the actors and actresses to deliver said dialogue under the guide of a strong director. Which is...a risk with young staff who haven't had a lot of experience.
Hopefully we get more in Book 2.
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camyfilms · 1 year
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In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, "Anyone can cook." But I realise, only now do I truly understand what he meant. Not everyone can become a great artist; but a great artist can come from anywhere.
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edgepunk · 5 days
You know the drill - vote for your favorite VA of Peter Parker. This is just for fun btw
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sadceline · 2 months
|| Reverse harem || ft. TXT, Mingyu (Seventeen) & BTS
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WARNINGS: foul language, explicit content, group sex, humiliation, sex in public, threesome, foursoome, rough sex, red flags, immoral acts, unprotected sex, morbid jealousy, comedy, parody, possessiveness, violent quarrels, arguments, betrayals, lies, femdom sometimes. GENRE: +18, reverse harem, comedy, enemy to lovers, friends to lovers
SUMMARY: You moved to Seoul to start over after a bad experience, and everything seems to be going well, you even manage to work for HYBE. You discover, however, that you owe them almost a billion won, money you don't have and don't know how to recover: but don't worry because Hybe itself offers you a solution.
Your body in exchange for paying off your debt.
Do you accept?
"Don't you have a nutritional regimen?" I ask, looking around.
Jay crosses his arms over his chest before shaking his head. "We know how many calories to ingest."
"We make spaghetti! She's Italian, she'll be able to cook them well!" Sunoo proposes.
"I don't think we can eat pasta, and we went overboard on carbs yesterday." Puffs Jake worriedly.
"It's not that bad come on…" Sunghoon replies, peeking out from the hallway, perhaps he has just returned.
"What do you say?" Jay asks.
"I mean, we don't have any TV appareances this week, right?" Heeseung adds.
I get it, Sunghoon wants me to cook so he can make fun of me, right? Heeseung too I guess. I can already hear them saying, "she's not even good for cooking."
I wonder how he heard the argument if he wasn't even in the kitchen.
I don't try to hide my annoyance with him, blatantly ignoring him as I check in the various kitchen counters. I don't even give him a sidelong glance.
No matter how unconscionably handsome he is, he called me "prostitute", and I will not easily forget that. He is the only one who cannot save himself even with his pretty face.
"Let's just do it." Heeseung continues.
Sunoo nods, Jungwon laughs nervously. "Are you sure?"
"Let's start eating normally again tomorrow. - Jaeyun says, nodding in turn. - By the way, could you take care of the groceries from now on? Our manager said there won't be the people who took care of these works before, I guess because you are there."
No problem Jake, if you're the one to ask then.
"I'll make you a list." He tells me.
"What would you cook now?" Jungwon then asks.
Actually, there is not much to improvise an italian pasta in this kitchen, and if I have to choose from the most famous dishes on the peninsula, I have to rule out pesto - which I don't know how to make and the one from the korean supermarket isn't good; also my beloved tortellini, I don't think they exist here, so the choice falls to carbonara.
The ingredients are variable and the substitutions easy to find in Korea: for example, if there is no pork cheek I can use pancetta, and instead of pecorino romano you can use the far more consumed and common parmesan cheese.
"Do you even have pasta here?" I sigh, confused. The counters are full of korean stuff, rice, condiments.
Sunoo puts a finger between his lips as he thinks, I pause to look at how beautiful and elegant he looks in person. "Maybe? We had it."
"And where is it?"
"We cooked it the night Heeseung went crazy." Jungwon reminds to the others, visibly embarrassed.
Jake and Sunoo burst out laughing, in completely opposite ways, Sunghoon mumbles amused, Jay just smiles, Niki does not seem amused. New connection? No, to tell the truth, the others say a lot, too.
"Was he going crazy?"
"He gets … irritable sometimes." Jungwon explains.
"Sometimes when? I should know!"
Heeseung chuckles, seeming satisfied to have caught all eyes. "Anyway, should we go buy it?"
"Sure." Jake replies ironically.
"I don't mean everyone, of course."
They're talking about me, I know. "I'll get changed and go."
"Do you have your things in Jay's room?"
"Yes." Jonseong answers for me.
Jake, who actually already knew the answer, twists his lips. "You shouldn't go into other people's rooms during someone else's shift."
How cute, why does he say things like that? Careful Jake, you've awakened a long-hidden part of me.
"It doesn't change anything, does it?" I ask him in a tone a little too smug, to the point that everyone turns to me.
I die a moment realizing that I'm not really in the right situation for answers like that.
I live with seven guys now, let's not forget, whoever they are.
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"Instead it changes!" He retorts very belatedly, Jake.
"Instead it doesn't change shit." Jay blurts out, annoyed by the skit.
Heeseung coughs. "So I was saying, let's go shopping?"
"Shut up, the grown-ups are talking." Jay replies.
The oldest of them all (Heeseung) is so surprised that he starts laughing, and actually so am I with him.
"She should keep things in all the rooms." Jaeyun proposes.
Jongseong rubs his forehead unnerved. "What's the point? It's a waste of time."
"I don't even have enough things to distribute them in five rooms." I add, honestly amused.
"You don't have five things?" Sunghoon asks, with a bully grin that erasing my smile.
"That's not the point!" He brings them back to order, Jay.
"Look then the next day she goes to someone else's room, what's the big deal if she does it for a second on your day?" Sunoo then asks, turning to an embarrassed Jake.
"It changes for me."
"Then keep things in Jake's room too, the others don't mind." He fixs everything, the good leader Jungwon, democratically.
"Fine for me." Jake nods.
"Of course is fine for you." Jay comments.
"So, I was saying, shall we go shopping?" Heeseung resumes the conversation.
"Go who?" Asks from the back of the kitchen, Niki, whose voice practically thunders.
"I can go alone."
"Of course you should, isn't because we don't want to accompany you - says Jungwon with ears adorably reddened - but because we would be recognized."
"I disguise myself well." Heeseung explains.
"You can't accompany her on my shift." Jake replies, again with this.
"I said I'm going alone." They ignore me.
"But why, are you jealous?" Heeseung asks him.
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Oh no, here we go. What a fucking situation, thank you very much. It's not that I doesn't know, he asked that in a disgusted tone, as if it's something negative - it's also obvious why, and I… get hurt, again, way too much.
But why? What do I care, after all?
It's just that in front of others, who treat me as a human being anyway, I feel ashamed. I feel very ashamed.
"No, I just don't like to share. I can disguise myself too."
Heeseung mumbles in disbelief. "They would recognize you in a second."
"You too!" Jake responds curtly.
"Yah, use honorifics when talking to someone older!"
"The question is - Sunghoon interrupts them - why all this?"
"This is escalating. Go alone." Jay practically commands me, I nod and flit into his room.
With the door closed behind me I feel anxiety pressing in my chest, but what's going on in there? And is Jake sincere? I mean, really? Why is he so possessive? And anyway, isn't this somehow insulting to me? We don't even know each other, in fact it's like I'm an object he wants to appropriate.
The strange thing is that, it is a time service.
I don't like this situation, I don't like these feelings.
But still - as Sunghoon said, why? He can be an asshole Heeseung too, but he wanted to accompany me too, right? I stop mulling it over as I get dressed, rejoin them who have scattered and turn to Jay.
"Keys, please."
"Go with Sunghoon."
"What?" No way, and why is he telling me this?
"He can't stand you, and he's a stubborn guy. Make friends."
"Are you asking me to seduce him?" I improvise comically.
He looks at me ruefully. "No, to make friends. That guy hangs out with Wonyoung, I really don't think he's going to give in - he crosses his arms over his chest, looks thoughtful - but Jake? What have you done with him? Has he asked you to fuck?"
Is he giving me the third degree? What about Heeseung anyway? Why is he interested in me? If he doesn't mention it means he's certainly playing with me, bullying me like Sunghoon, but in a funny way sometimes.
"Jake is peculiar, huh?" I ask amused.
Jay is not in the same mood. "You find? Anyway, don't do it if you don't want to, you did it yesterday. It wouldn't be a problem if you refused."
"I don't think he has those intentions." I say that but I don't know if I mean it.
It seems unlikely to me anyway that he wants to do it right away, maybe he wants a friend to worship him, and in return, he'll give her a chance to sleep with him sometimes? Why is this idea so specific?
This scenario is not bad…
"Okay, that's better."
"But why with Sunghoon? I can go alone, it's not far. It's not even that late."
"Does it bother you that much? Sunghoon, I mean."
"Make friends with him, in my opinion you have the ability. Show that you are not interested in him, he will trust you in time."
Me? The ability to be friends with Sunghoon? But then why do I have to be one even if I don't like him? He doesn't like me either.
"He called me prostitute."
"He didn't know you yet, though."
But why is Jay's tone so authoritative? It makes my knees shake and not only. I look at him in silence, then lower my gaze like a child who has been scolded.
"If he hurts you or hurts you, I'll take care of it. But try, at least."
"Okay, but Heeseung could still come." I say, and I know I shouldn't, but I'm still curious.
"And why him?"
"He was the one who proposed."
"And you shouldn't care, right? We decide who does what, that's fine, don't make unnecessary problems for yourself."
How cold he became, all of a sudden. Did I make him angry? Why don't I feel guilty?
Okay, I will remain curious. I apologize.
He gives me the keys and a reassuring look, and as I reach the door I find myself slamming my shoulder against Sunghoon's arm. I stagger, but I don't fall. He doesn't even apologize, just glares at me and adjusts the black t-shirt he is wearing.
He is not happy with this choice either; I get the impression that it was some kind of punishment. Not that it's all that much better for me.
However, I can't help noticing how he has changed, that he now wears a tight black t-shirt, a black cap, and a raised mask almost over his eyes. He is handsome, darned if he is, even though only his eyes are visible.
They make so much of his broad shoulders, his height, his simple presence.
"Come on." He says, rudely opening the door for me.
I walk past him with my head held high, who cares.
Let him complain all he wants, I just have to buy the ingredients - still, I can't help but wonder why he gave in to their will, or why they wanted to force him.
"Why didn't you stay home?" I ask him, as we wait for the elevator.
"They have to give you a credit card, so we're paying for now. No one trusts you to leave their card so someone should have come anyway."
"You could have made a transfer if it was necessary. But I have the money for this expense, I didn't need it anyway." I mumbles, entering first.
He snorts as well, looking annoyed. "I don't care what you say, I'm here now, so stop complaining."
"I don't care what you say either, let's be clear." I reply.
When we reach the ground floor, exiting the building where the penthouse is located, I walk toward the nearest supermarket indicated by Mappe but he grabs me by the collar of the long-sleeved cotton t-shirt I'm wearing.
"Where are you going?"
"Let go of me, we have to go this way!" I protest, still being held by the shirt.
He mumbles in disbelief. "What? No, let's go with the car."
I'm not listening to him, I'm reminded of something I didn't ask Jay: why didn't Jake drive me, it being his shift?
Damn, I really don't want to go along with him, my body rejects the idea of getting along with him.
"Why didn't Jake come? It was his shift."
He doesn't leave me; in fact, he starts dragging me by the collar. "Because he's an idiot. The shift thing, absurd…" He shakes his head in disbelief.
"Yes, but leave me."
He doesn't listen to me, just keeps walking, and I'm forced to follow right behind him. "Really, you're not even that beautiful."
"Neither are you, actually."
I reply, but I don't think so at all. I have to lie, I have no weapons against him, practically.
"Bullshit." He sneers.
I snort, he still holds me back. "Seriously, if I had to choose in order who to fuck, you'd be the last."
"Aside from that, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'll never sleep with you - he says, laughing heartily. - Secondly, if I wanted to sleep with you, I'd only need, to be generous, thirty seconds."
I laugh too, unsure though. "That's what you'd like."
"I don't like you enough to challenge you." He ends the conversation, having reached the parking lot.
He lets go of his grip on my shirt almost throwing me against the car, however, I realize that he was not violent at all in pushing me, on the contrary. I even notice his gaze become surprised when he notices me banging against the car, but I think he is worried about the latter.
"Then stay with the doubt." I reply, before getting into the car.
"Are you trying to use reverse psychology?"
"There are girls who do not desire you. They exist."
"Really? I don't see any."
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They all have bigger egos than each other, it's obvious.
"What? Can't you tell when someone doesn't like you? Are you… kind of stupid?" I ask him, as he starts the car.
He chuckles coldly. "We don't have that confidence, stay in your safe zone."
"Then don't insult me. Don't make fun of me. If possible, don't even talk to me. You'll be crossing the line of bearability anyway." I reply, looking fixedly in front of me.
"If you hadn't wanted that, you wouldn't have come here."
"Then I should have asked you for the money for the lawyer, the trial, and the inevitable compensation."
"You should have worked something out with your parents, they would have been able to advise you." He says all calmly, while driving with a relaxed air.
"But what do you know?!" I ask loudly, very loudly.
But how? What's the matter with me? I shouldn't listen to him, annoying me is his goal, and I'm letting him win.
"We don't all have loving families to support us if we want to skate or become idols. - I continue, I'm really fed up with it. - You talk so much because you are rich, does it seem easy to procure a billion won?"
"But what do you know?" He asks, in a much, much colder tone of voice. I have never heard him so serious, I have chills.
"I don't know anything, that's why I don't talk out of turn!"
"You just did."
"You started it! I know you think I'm some kind of crazy person who wants to live the fan dream, but as true as that may be, it's not like I haven't looked for other solutions."
"And you don't care what we think of you in the end?"
"It's obvious, I think about it all the time. - I rant, looking at him. - But let's be honest, is the opinion of some singers I have a crush on more important, or a debt that can potentially lead me to criminal prosecution if I don't pay it back? If you have parents who love you, and protect you, surely you are more comfortable, but I don't have that fortune nor do I have the strength to take on a lawsuit that I will lose regardless."
Sunghoon does not move his gaze even once in my direction; on the contrary, he remains silent for a long time. My words hang in the air, no feedback, no reaction, I am genuinely hurt by him.
I wasn't hoping to touch his heart, but at least to reconcile the situation, explain my motives, show that I am not the opportunist he thinks I am.
However he doesn't care, evidently, he parks as if nothing happened in the parking lot of a large supermarket and then gets out of the car. I stay a few seconds inside, still shaken, even if he doesn't care I have to at least be the one to console myself, to tell me it's all right, or the tears will come out and Sunghoon will have won, again, like the kids that tormented me as a child.
I breathe deeply, swallow, and then get out of the car. I must endure, I must behave. To do so, I have decided that from now on I will ignore him, pretend he doesn't exist.
I just have to find the ingredients.
At this time of the afternoon, on an ordinary weekday , there are not many people. They're all at work, it makes sense, and that's good for Sunghoon, whose six feet is pretty conspicuous anyway, especially in South Korea, where ladies stare and chatter loudly when they see a tall guy.
"What do you need? What do you need to cook?"
I don't care what he says, I proceed toward the relevant departments, and although I see him keeping up with difficulty, I have no intention of backing down. This guy is a soulless monster, that's why his room looks like this.
"Why don't you answer me?"
I take a whole piece of smoked bacon, it's not exactly what I was looking for but it will still do. He watches, perhaps expecting some kind of answer, but I advance to the pasta section, where I desperately look for bucatini. Nothing of the sort, I settle for thick spaghetti.
"Oh, you're bothering me." He says, following me like a little dog.
Yes that's right Sunghoon, that's what you are, a dog.
"Do you feel excited because you're ignoring Sunghoon from Enhypen?" He asks amusedly, whispering.
I just put a couple of bags of parmesan cheese in the basket. I don't care, I won't say anything. To me it's as if he doesn't exist, and it's only after a while that I realize I've taken it a little too personally - what else could I expect in this situation? For him to hug me and comfort me?
Of course, though, not even a word of support, not a blink, like a soulless robot. Just thinking about it makes me angry again.
"It needs.... what else does it need? - I ask myself, under my breath, looking at the basket. - Ah! The eggs!" I exclaim, in italian.
He looks at me strangely and annoyed, not knowing what I said, i'n too angry to rejoice.
"You know what? I don't even know why I'm trying to talk to you. I don't care." He blurts out, crossing his arms over his chest as he continues to follow and observe me.
I reach for the eggs, grab some black pepper, at this point I think I have everything. Will the pasta be enough? How much do seven guys eat? In Italy I would say not even two kg would be enough, but considering that these are koreans, idols to boot, maybe a kilo will be enough and more. I'm not that hungry either, to tell you the truth, someone closed my stomach.
I should ask Sunghoon but I won't.
However, I don't even have the number of the others. I have to ask Jay somehow.
I have an idea! I don't want to do it in front of Sunghoon, so I move around a bit taking advantage of a moment when he's distracted to check his phone, pulling out mine and going to the Enhypen's official account, it's the only desperate move I can make.
I write in direct, with my account: how much pasta?
I stay a few seconds waiting, they don't even display, I don't even know if they are running the account. I mean, probably not, however I thought they at least had access - but even so, who knows how many people write to them.
I put my hands in my hair, how annoying. Should I ask him? No, better to get more, at most it won't cook.
I completely lost track of Sunghoon, hopefully he'll leave on his own, I'll pay, I don't care. I can go back to the pasta department, I'll get another packet.
"Looks like you want to make a carbonara." Says a guy, behind me, in english.
I turn around and see him observing in my basket, I narrow my eyes, I think I've already figured out what kind he is, I've met several of them in Korea and they are quite common.
"Yeah - I nod, embarrassed and in a bit of a hurry. The guy in front of me is a nice enough guy, he keeps himself in shape, I can tell from his tight clothes and even though he's not too tall he still makes his figure. - I really have to go now."
"You speak english very well." He tells me quickly, preventing me from truncating the discussion.
I roll my eyes annoyed. "Thank you."
"And you can speak korean, too?"
"Where are you from? I've never seen a girl like you."
There it is, the classic foreign pickup line. There are some guys in South Korea who make it a philosophy of life to bed as many foreigners as possible.
"Look, I'd be in a bit of a hurry." I remind him cordially, taking a short bow.
"Can you at least give me your number? Or instagram?"
I don't physically have the time to think about dating from anyone right now, nor do I have any interest in becoming the next line on his list.
"I'm engaged." I nod.
"Come on, really? We can be friends anyway."
Insistent this guy, it's time to just go.
"No, thanks." I reply, turning around ready to go.
"Yah, how dare you? - He takes it personally, this idiot, grabbing me by the arm, speaking in korean. - Just because I was nice you can't ignore me like that."
If you knew how I'm ignoring Sunghoon from Enhypen you wouldn't be so offended.
"Look, this is not the day. Let go of me." I chill him, with a chilling look.
"I just wanted your fucking contact." He raises his voice, but how dare he? I move my arm forcefully.
Blatant, it's a just as I thought. Since I'm a foreigner, and I'm pretty, he has to convince me at all costs to meet him, it's not even a surprise - it's happened to me before, but I've always rejected overly rough approaches, like this one.
"Are you done fucking? I've been watching you for a while."
I turn around, Sunghoon has appeared behind me. I'm not impressed that he seems to want to defend me; on the contrary, I find it humiliating and don't want his help.
"Are you her boyfriend?" Blurts out the one, who is obviously unnerved by the taller boy's interruption.
"What? - He asks in a disgusted tone. - No."
"Then turn away, you idiot."
"What did you call me?" Sunghoon sneers, approaching the guy, who perceives the height difference much more judging by the way he looks at my roommate.
"I just want his contact."
I see Sunghoon's pupils roll; he's fed up. "And she doesn't want to give it to you, so you're the one who has to turn away, right?"
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I know, I know. Sunghoon is an asshole, I know that right now he's only helping me so as not to cause trouble, also because if the guy went too far maybe he would have to intervene and it would be risky in his position, however…
The way he proudly keeps his hands in the pockets of his black pants, the threatening way he looks at this guy, his warm, deep voice, his confidence, it's a little too much for a poor, poor girl like me to handle.
"I'm leaving." I announce, waving goodbye to the stranger and resuming walking, this time toward the speakers.
Sunghoon follows me, the guy doesn't, I guess a little intimidated by him. "But what is it, does everyone like you?"
"I'm too pretty, in fact."
Shit, I forgot the vow of silence, the answer came from my mouth first than from my brain, I didn't have time to reason.
I hear him sneer. "You'd like that. You're talking to me now, huh? Why did I defend you? Are you that dumb?"
Ah, what a nuisance, what a nuisance. I had even avoided him, sowed, but that harassing guy wasted my time and Sunghoon caught up with me.
At the checkouts there is not much of a line, but as I try to get behind an elderly man waiting his turn, Sunghoon grabs me back by the collar of my shirt and makes me change direction.
"Let's go to the checkout machines, dumb."
"We're not close, stop talking to me like that." I reply, starting to pass products over the cash register.
"I'm paying for you, how can we not be close?"
"For that matter - I say - let me pay. When the card is ready I will use your money, or that of someone other than you."
"I'm not paying because I want to do you a favor - he replies, shifting with his hand mine that held the phone next to the pos, using his to pay. - I have to, so don't bother."
We exit the supermarket, look at each other for a split second, then he proceeds to the car. I, holding the bag, look around - I don't know Gangnam, so I don't know my way around, but there are bound to be means of getting back alone.
"What are you doing?" He asks, noticing that I haven't followed him.
"I'm going home alone, I don't want to go with you."
"Do you know how?"
I mumble annoyed. "Yes."
"It doesn't seem real. Anyway, we don't have to talk - he huffs, reaching over to take the grocery bag from my hands. - Besides, they'd bust my balls if I came back alone, I'd have to wait for you to come back with the means. Let's just go."
He says that, but I don't move.
He's not my friend, we don't even know each other, but then why am I so deeply offended? I should just put on a good face, pretend that I don't care, that he hasn't hurt me, but I just can't.
"Yah, are you listening to me?" He starts to get nervous.
"You called me prostitute, you kept teasing me, humiliating me in front of others, you criticized me not knowing me, not knowing anything about me. When I tried to explain how I felt, you didn't bat an eye, I don't want to spend a second with you."
"Would you rather be treated as an object? Like Jake and Jay do? I act the way I am, don't you realize that the only one who respects you is me?"
Huh? What…. say all of a sudden? And why does it hurt? No, they-they don't? They treat me like a human being, don't they? Or do they? And then - he, respect me? I don't think so, on the contrary I think he attacks me just for fun.
"I'm still at your service, no? In order for this period to end quickly and without any side effects, I just have to make sure that I don't make trouble, and that's what I'm going to do. Honestly, I too have feelings, I too am sensitive, I too get hurt-"
"Do you want me to apologize?" He interrupts me, serious.
I don't know what to say at the moment, then I tighten my lips angrily. "No, I have no use for your fake apology. I'm just asking you to treat me normally and I won't bother you, I'll strive to never be a problem for you."
"Did you feel so bad about the thing in the car? - He sighs, as if tired of my unnecessary trouble, as we get to his expensive car again. I don't know why, but I can't answer truthfully, he turns to me. - Is that so? Did you expect…"
"I didn't expect anything. I don't want anything from you."
"Then why are you so angry?"
I don't fucking know, Sunghoon!
"Let's stop talking about it, I don't care anymore."
He sneers again. "Do you want it to be okay between us?"
"What?" I ask, sitting back in the passenger seat as he rests the grocery bag between my ankles and I for a second, not breathing, he's honestly too close to my legs as he sorts things out.
"Then be good."
"Be good how?"
"Are there other ways to play nice in a situation like this?"
Huh? Are you asking me not to indulge or something? It still doesn't make sense, if we assume that I disgust him, however, it might make sense as far as the balance of the band is concerned.
I don't feel like a threat frankly, I just see males being males and therefore wanting to get laid.
"I really don't care that it's good between us." Is my answer.
As he drives off in the car, a warning light starts to go flashes, it sounds like the seat belt light but we both have it, so I see him looking at me confused. I move a millimeter to check that mine is attached properly, but surprise, this one being unfastened abruptly returns to its place, hitting me with the metal part on my face.
"Fuck!" I shout in italian, holding my sore nose.
He bursts out laughing, has a… he has a beautiful laugh. "You dumb, tie her up good."
"Don't call me dumb, I said!" I groan, still with bandaged nose, still sore.
"Did you hurt yourself?"
Shit, I don't answer. I have like a thud in my heart.
"No, you can leave." I say, lacing it up properly.
"So you don't care if it goes well with us."
"If it goes well with you, it might go badly with everyone else - I say, not understanding why the pain doesn't go away, it's strong, it burns me so bad. - However, your CEO has been clear on the issue, it's not like I can just refuse."
"He is not our CEO." He explains, as he turns left.
I look at him, am i... sad?
Recently, Enhypen have, in fact, been integrated by Hybe, despite being Belift before, a sort of branch of the former. I have no idea how this was received by the boys, but judging from Sunghoon's reaction, he not exactly well.
"Why are you still holding your nose?" He asks me after a while, never returning to the old argument.
I don't want to admit that it still hurts, so I take my hand away and don't answer.
I see him, turning to me briefly and then looking back at the road. "You're bleeding."
"What?!" I practically scream, lowering the sunshade to check in the mirror: I have a line of blood about to reach my lips.
Meanwhile, Sunghoon has surprisingly pulled over. "Wait, don't touch." It's not advice so much as an order.
"Why did you pull over? It's nothing, he's passing by."
"You're dirtying my car." He reminds me.
Idiot! Idiot! Do you think he cares about you, someone like him?
As he opens the glove compartment in front of my legs, his uncovered arm grazes my thigh covered by too-thin pants evidently, as I perceive this contact as incredibly intense.
I shudder; I have to pull myself together.
He has a small purse inside, pulls out a pack of tissues and hands them to me. "Come on, clean yourself up and I'll go again." What an arrogant tone, as if he were the injured party.
I do as he tells me, use a handkerchief to wipe myself by looking in the mirror, when I finish I close the sunshade. "Okay, let's go."
I tell him, but he is still looking at me.
"More is coming out, maybe I should take you to the hospital?"
"What are you talking about?"
"What if you die in the car?"
"Then it gets dirty, right?"
"No, then I get arrested."
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Man, I feel like laughing but I don't want to, with every fiber of my being I definitely don't want to laugh.
I see him take another handkerchief after taking the package out of my hands, roll it up creating a small tip. Then, suddenly, in a totally uncalculated way, he approaches me and, first wipes away my other blood, then uses the same handkerchief to close my nostril.
He has a delicate touch, actually. His focused eyes are quite beautiful. Her breathing, calm and regular, is easier to listen to at this distance, and it is really pleasant. The one not breathing evenly is me, having him so close.
I like the way he touches me, I like the way he dabs the blood gently.
"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?"
Well, to be honest, I don't feel anything now. The only burning is the one that's enveloping my whole body and it's his fault.
"Yes." I answer coldly.
He doesn't even look at me as he stows his purse, closes the dashboard, touching my thigh with his elbow again, and then gets back behind the wheel. "Okay, let's go."
Throughout the trip we don't talk about anything, we don't even call each other names - I don't know if I've been able to accomplish the quest Jay has given me, I haven't even tried really, though, it's definitely different in our relationship now.
Not necessarily for the better.
When we get back to the penthouse, Jake opens the door for us, in a second, as if anxiously waiting. He looks at me, I try to do the same but lower my gaze because I'm still a little uncomfortable with his disarming beauty.
"What did you do to her, you bastard!" Jaeyun asks, grabbing him by the shirt.
"Are you idiot?"
"What happened?" Jay asks, arriving slightly late at the door. Noticing the damage to my nose, he glares at Sunghoon.
"Really? - Rant the suspect. - I didn't do it."
"But what happened?"
"His car hates me." I reply, under my breath, passing them and entering with the grocery bag.
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marcmarcmomarc · 4 months
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse
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Shameik Moore
Hailee Steinfeld
Brian Tyree Henry
Luna Lauren Vélez
Jharrel Jerome
Jason Schwartzman
Jake Johnson
John Mulaney
Kimiko Glenn
Issa Rae
Karan Soni
Amandla Stenberg
Masi Oka
Shea Whigham
Greta Lee
Lily Tomlin
Andy Samberg
Pedro Pascal
Marc Maron
Liam Neeson
Bobby Cannavale
Mark Hamill
Keanu Reeves
…with Mahershala Ali
…Nicolas Cage
…Daniel Kaluuya
…Kathryn Hahn
…Liev Schreibner
…and Oscar Isaac
Shameik Moore as Miles Morales
Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy
Oscar Isaac as Miguel O’Hara
Mahershala Ali as Uncle Aaron
Bryan Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis
Luna Lauren Vélez as Rio Morales
Jharrel Jerome as Miles G. Morales
Jason Schwartzman as Spot
Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker
John Mulaney as Spider-Ham
Kimiko Glenn as Peni Parker
Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir
Issa Rae as Jessica Drew
Daniel Kaluuya as Hobie Brown
Karan Soni as Pavitr Prabhakar
Amandla Stenberg as Margo Kess
Masi Oka as Takuya Yamashiro
Shea Whigham as George Stacy
Greta Lee as LYLA
Lily Tomlin as Aunt May
Andy Samberg as Ben Reilly
Kathryn Hahn as Doc Ock
Liev Schreiber as Wilson Fisk
Pedro Pascal as Otto Octavius
Marc Maron as Adrian Toomes
Liam Neeson as MacDonald Gargan
Bobby Cannavale as Aleksei Sytsevich
Mark Hamill as Maxwell Dillon
Keanu Reeves as Flint Marko
Melissa Sturm as Mary Jane
Michelle Ruff as Mayday
Peter Sohn as Ganke
Rachel Dratch as Ms. Weber
Ziggy Marley as Lenny
Nathalie Morales as Miss Calleros
Erick Avari as Inspector Singh
Priyanka Chopra as Gayatri
Elizabeth Perkins as May
Atsuko Okatsuka as Yuri
Jack Quaid as Peter Parker
Freida Pinto as Maya Auntie
J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Zoë Kravitz as Mary Jane Watson-Parker
Edwin H. Bravo as Visions Academy Guard
Lorraine Vélez as Maria
Ayo Edebiri as Glory
Nicole Delaney as MJ
Antonina Lentini as Betty
Anthony Ramos as Benny
Chris Pine as Spider-Man
Marvin Jones III as Tombstone
Joaquín Cosio as Scorpion
Jorma Taccone as Adriano Tumino / Green Goblin / ‘67
Jorge Gutierrez as Officer Gutierrez
Donald Glover as Aaron Davis
Stan Lee as Stan
Lake Bell as Vanessa Fisk
Kim Yarbough as Alchemax Scientist
Nic Novicki as LEGO Spider-Man
Sofia Barclay as Malala Windsor
Taran Killam as Web-Slinger
Danielle Perez as Charlotte Webber
Michael Rianda as Max Borne / Ezekiel Sims / Spider-Man Patient
Leland “Metro Boomin” Wayne as Metro Spider-Man
Yuri Lowenthal as Insomniac Spider-Man
Josh Keaton as Spectacular Spider-Man
Rino Romano as Spider-Man Unlimited
Grey DeLisle as Spinneret
Meg Turney as Annie-May Parker
Paola Andino as Anya Corazón
Ryan O’Flanagan as Tarantula
Lauren Ash as Cyborg Spider-Woman
Daran Norris as Spidercide
Tara Strong as Spider-Canada
Jess Harnell as Officer Parker
Robbie Daymond as Ultimate Spider-Man
Post Malone as Brooklyn Bystander
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artistalley · 8 months
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Jake Romano (@jakeromanoart)
hey, my name's jake. i'm a digital illustrator. my artwork explores all the stuff i love the most: the introspective, the unnatural, the explosive. i want to paint it all. many of my pieces are based on moments i've experienced or captured in photographs. when i revisit and explore these little fragments of time by painting them, it helps me to understand myself and how i fit into this world a little more fully. my artwork is available as fine art prints, phone cases, and more through my inprnt store. thank you for taking the time to look at my artwork. ⚡️
More of @jakeromanoart's impressive art can be found here on @artistalley, on their Tumblr, or in their store.
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brian-in-finance · 16 days
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Instagram 16 August 2024
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Instagram 27 August 2024
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Audio 🎧 from Instagram 9 September 2024
EXCLUSIVE: Apple and Skydance‘s youth empowerment tale Way of the Warrior Kid, based on the 2017 novel by Jocko Willink, has tapped 14-year-old Belfast breakout Jude Hill for its lead role, also bringing on three-time Emmy nominee Linda Cardellini (Dead to Me) for a role.
Hill plays Marc, a self-doubting boy who gets bullied and is hard-pressed to complete a single pull-up, with Cardellini as Marc’s mother, Sarah. As we were first to report, Chris Pratt also stars in the film directed by McG.
In Way of the Warrior Kid, Marc’s uncle, Jake (Pratt), an elite Navy SEAL, is injured on a mission and moves in with his sister for rehab. When he discovers his 13-year-old nephew is struggling academically, socially and physically, Jake takes on a new mission: using his SEAL Team training over three months of summer to help the youth find his inner warrior.
We were first to report on the package out of Cannes, as Pratt and McG came aboard, also sharing word of the $80M-$85M global deal Skydance locked in with Apple, where the company has a first-look deal. The film will be produced by Skydance’s David Ellison, Dana Goldberg and Don Granger, alongside McG and Mary Viola for Wonderland Sound, and Pratt for Indivisible Productions. Additional producers include Ben Everard for Everard Entertainment, and Willink. Will Staples (Without Remorse) adapted the screenplay.
Cardellini is coming off her starring role opposite Christina Applegate on Liz Feldman’s acclaimed dark comedy Dead to Me, which ran for three seasons, bringing her a pair of Emmy nominations, among other accolades. Also a producer on that series, she’s set to reteam with Feldman on No Good Deed, a new dark comedy from Feldman first announced in 2022, which also stars Ray Romano, Lisa Kudrow, and Luke Wilson. Soon, Cardellini will be seen starring opposite Ben Stiller in David Gordon Green’s comedy Nutcrackers, a project we first reported on, which is set to open this year’s Toronto Film Festival. She’s also the female lead opposite Vince Vaughn in Nonnas, Stephen Chbosky’s forthcoming comedy for Fifth Season and 1Community, which we announced.
Hill made his theatrical debut as Buddy, the young lead of Kenneth Branagh’s Academy-Award nominated and BAFTA winning Belfast — a coming-of-age drama examining a boy’s experience coming of age in late ’60s Northern Ireland amid the conflict known as The Troubles. For his performance opposite Judi Dench, Jamie Dornan, Ciaran Hinds, and Caitríona Balfe, he earned numerous awards, including Best Young Actor at the Critics Choice Awards and Best Newcomer at the Hollywood Critics Association Awards. Reteaming with Branagh since then on his Agatha Christie adaptation A Haunting in Venice, Hill will next be seen starring opposite Nicole Kidman, Gael García Bernal and Matthew Macfadyen in Amazon MGM Studios’ thriller Holland, Michigan.
Other upcoming Apple Original Films produced by Skydance Media include genre-bender The Gorge starring Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy; Guy Ritchie’s Fountain of Youth, starring Natalie Portman and John Krasinksi; and the action-adventure film pic May Day with Ryan Reynolds and Kenneth Branagh in the lead.
Cardellini is repped by CAA and Jackoway Austen Tyerman; Hill by Berwick & Kovacik, UTA, and Markham, Froggatt and Irwin.
Deadline 27 August 2024
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Instagram 9 February 2023 / Brian’s post
Remember catching up with Wee Jude?
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joeygoeshollywood · 9 months
My 25 Favorite Films of 2023
It's that time of year again! Here are my top 25 films of 2023.
25. Joy Ride
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Following in the footsteps of Bridesmaids and Girls Trip, Joy Ride offers some of the biggest laughs of 2023 proving once again women can be just as raunchy as men. The cast includes up-and-comers Ashley Park, Oscar nominee Stephanie Hsu, and a scene-stealing breakthrough performance from Sherry Cola. Joy Ride marks a strong debut from writer-director Adele Lim.
24. Theater Camp
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Anyone who had aspirations of becoming an actor can relate to Theater Camp, a mockumentary about the staff of a theater camp struggling to keep it afloat. Molly Gordon, Ben Platt, and Noah Galvin lead both behind and in front of the camera in this superb comedy that will leave you singing from the rooftops.
23. A Thousand and One
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A Thousand and One is a heartbreaking indie film about a mother's desperate effort to form a bond with her estranged son by kidnapping him from the foster care system following her stint in prison. Teyana Taylor packs an emotional punch with her crushing performance with the help of A.V. Rockwell in her feature debut as a writer-director.
22. Thanksgiving
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Eli Roth's filmography in horror is a mixed record, but his latest flick Thanksgiving may be his best work yet. Not only is it a solid slasher with great over-the-top killings, its brilliantly hilarious. In a time where horror franchises can be tiresome, Thanksgiving is one that could call for a second or third helping.
21. Somewhere in Queens
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TV icon Ray Romano makes his feature directorial debut in the family comedy Somewhere in Queens. He stars as the father of a promising high school basketball player who goes through perhaps desperate means to assure he lands a college scholarship. Joined by the wonderful Laurie Metcalf, Somewhere in Queens has plenty of laughs as well as plenty of heart.
20. Dream Scenario
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The remarkable comeback of Nicolas Cage continues with his brilliant performance in Dream Scenario, a dark fantasy horror comedy in which he plays a college professor who inexplicably starts appearing in everyone's dreams, sparking a national phenomenon that will ultimately take a personal toll. Cage balances the absurdity of the situation his character is in with emotional heft that comes with it. This marks Norwegian filmmaker Kristoffer Borgli's first English-language film and based on how well-executed Dream Scenario is, hopefully it won't be his last.
19. The Covenant
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Guy Ritchie's latest The Covenant is a heart-pounding war film based on the true story of Sgt. John Kinley's rescue effort of his Afghan interpreter Ahmed. Jake Gyllenhaal and Dar Salim make a perfect duo in this dramatic, suspenseful film that may be Ritchie's strongest work to date.
18. Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.
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Judy Blume's 1970 adolescent classic Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. finally made its way to the big screen this year in the heartwarming coming-of-age tale of a girl's awkward journey from childhood to adulthood as well as the complexities that come from being an interfaith household. Abby Ryder Fortson shines as the titular Margaret in an outstanding performance not often seen from child actors. Also, we need more Rachel McAdams.
17. BlackBerry
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Arguably the biggest surprise of 2023, BlackBerry offers some of the best laughs in the comedic retelling of the rise and fall of the iconic BlackBerry device. BlackBerry is a showcase of talent of its star Jay Baruchel, Matt Johnson (who also directed and co-wrote the film), and Glenn Howerton of It's Always Sunny fame, easily giving one of the best on-screen performances of the entire year.
16. You Hurt My Feelings
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Writer-director Nicole Holofcener reunites with her Enough Said star Julia Louis-Dreyfus with You Hurt My Feelings, which centers a turbulent chapter in a couple's marriage after a novelist overhears her husband mocking her latest book. The dramedy examines the thought-provoking nuances of how fully honest one actually should be with their spouse (the answer may surprise you!). The greatest strength from Holofcener's latest is how its humor comes naturally from the reality of relationships.
15. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One
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Mission: Impossible does the unthinkable in Hollywood: keeping a franchise in top-notch shape. Dead Reckoning Part One, the whopping *seventh* installment of the Ethan Hunt saga, delivers on a compelling plot and incredible action sequences, all of which is cemented by the star power of Tom Cruise, who has carried this spy franchise for nearly 20 years. There have been hints that Dead Reckoning may be the beginning of the end for Mission: Impossible, and if that's the case, it's going out with a bang.
14. Talk to Me
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The best horror movie of 2023, Talk to Me is a chilling film about a group of teenager's ill-fated decision of doing a viral challenge of interacting with the dead, only to mistakenly leave the portal open between the living and the spirit world. What makes Talk to Me work is the family drama at the core of the film and the powerful performance from its troubled heroine Sophie Wilde.
13. Sisu
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Inglorious Basterds meets Mad Max: Fury Road meets John Wick, Sisu is a WWII-era revenge action flick about a gold prospector's quest to retrieve the gold that was stolen from him from a group of Nazis. Full of brutal, bloody fight sequences with a twisted sense of humor, Sisu is one helluva ride.
12. Creed III
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Creed III is a throwback to the era where Hollywood blockbusters were able to provide complete satisfaction. The latest installment of the Rocky spin-off franchise marked the strong directorial debut of its star Michael B. Jordan and also may have sadly marked the final film of the incredibly talented Jonathan Majors, whose recent assault conviction may be a knockout punch to an otherwise booming career.
11. May December
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Often having vibes of a soap opera, Todd Haynes' May December is a compelling and at times disturbing film of an actress (played by Natalie Portman) who shadows the woman she's depicting in a film (played by Julianne Moore) famous for her 90s love affair with a then 13-year-old, who later became her husband. Despite the powerhouse performances from the two Oscar winners, the film really belongs to rising star Charles Melton, whose character finally comes to grips with the trauma he unknowingly endured as a child. And Melton's performance is among 2023's best.
10. Anatomy of a Fall
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We don't often get great courtroom dramatic thrillers these days which is why Anatomy of a Fall really stands out. German actress Sandra Hüller gives a breakthrough performance as a wife and mother who becomes the prime suspect in what authorities believe is the murder of her husband, who had fallen to his death from the attic window. With plenty of twists and turns, Anatomy of a Fall will keep viewers guessing throughout.
9. Maestro
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Not only does Bradley Cooper give the performance of his career, he has also shown his ability to direct is no fluke. Maestro, a biopic that spotlights the personal drama of legendary composer Leonard Bernstein, is a beautifully-shot, well-acted film that solidifies Cooper as one of Hollywood's newest talented filmmakers.
8. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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One would assume that a Spider-Man cartoon would solely be geared towards children but Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is such a sophisticated film between its complex plot and the remarkable animation that are a continuation from its 2018 Into the Spider-Verse predecessor. Between a strong voice cast, an amazing score and a brilliant cliffhanger, Across the Spider-Verse was the shining gem of the many superhero duds 2023 had to offer.
7. Killers of the Flower Moon
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At 81-years-old, legendary director Martin Scorsese hasn't lost his step with Killers of the Flower Moon, his best film in at least a decade. The crime drama is based on a true story on the 1920s murders of members of Osage Nation and its ties to the marriage Ernest Burkhart and Mollie Kyle, played by the reliably gifted Leonardo DiCaprio and powerful newcomer Lily Gladstone.
6. Saltburn
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Following her strong debut with 2020's Promising Young Woman, filmmaker Emerald Fennell makes a valiant return with her twisted comedic psychological drama Saltburn, which surrounds an Oxford student who is quickly embraced by the wealthy family of a classmate and the jarring fallout as a result. Barry Keoghan (The Banshees of Irisherin, Dunkirk) proves he's more than capable of being the leading man and is joined by rich ensemble including Rosamund Pike, Jacob Elordi, Richard E. Grant and Carey Mulligan. With stunning visuals and some of the most shocking things you'll see onscreen in 2023, Saltburn is a stirring work of art.
5. The Holdovers
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It's been a long time since a new Christmas movie can live up to beloved holiday classics and Alexander Payne makes the closest effort with The Holdovers, a 1970-set dramedy about a miserable teacher at a boys academy who is stuck essentially babysitting the "holdover" students who didn't go home for the holidays. Joining the always-brilliant Paul Giamatti is newcomer Dominic Sessa as his troublesome student and Da'Vine Joy Randolph, who gives a powerful Oscar-worthy performance as the cook mourning over the loss of her son. The Holdovers is the perfect film to warm your heart over the holidays this year and every year going forward.
4. Past Lives
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Perhaps one of the more unsung heroes of 2023 cinema, Past Lives is a touching story about love and what if. Greta Lee stars in a breakout role as a married woman who rekindles a relationship with a childhood friend from South Korea but rather than going down the typical "will they, won't they" or "love triangle" paths this film easily could've taken, Past Lives delves into the emotional complexities with such tenderness that only writer/director Celine Song could've told (the film is semi-autobiographical).
3. Oppenheimer
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If anyone knows how to make a biopic an epic, it's Christopher Nolan. Oppenheimer is essentially two films rolled into one- a tick-tock thriller about the creation of the atomic bomb as well as a political drama that J. Robert Oppenheimer endured. Cillian Murphy gives the performance of his career and leads a gigantic ensemble cast in a film that despite its 3-hour running time goes by fast. And while Barbie may have won the box office battle, Oppenheimer certain won the war in more ways than one.
2. Polite Society
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Polite Society is a brilliant action comedy following an aspiring stuntwoman who believes her sister is marrying into a sinister family. In the style of a Tarantino movie, up-and-coming filmmaker Nida Manzoor makes a strong feature debut that is the epitome of a fun popcorn movie, which have been in short supply in recent years.
Poor Things
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Yorgos Lanthimos has quickly risen as of the strongest filmmakers of this generation, proving so once again with his latest film Poor Things. Emma Stone gives an Oscar-worthy performance as a woman brought back to life who embarks on a journey of self-discovery and autonomy and is accompanied by an excellent supporting cast. Like a modern-day Tim Burton, Lanthimos was able to create a mesmerizing universe with incredible production design, a whimsical music score, and stunning cinematography. Going to the movies is meant to be an escape, and Poor Things perfectly encapsulates that.
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becharm-27 · 4 months
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COMING SOON IN JUNE: Save Stargirl site updates
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lyon-amore · 2 years
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They're trying to get along 🤭​💖​
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teecupangel · 1 year
Are you familiar with demon slayer and the AC JPN dubbing , if you do. Then be prepared for this. The demon slayer voice casting has 6 VAs who does the voices of the AC protagonists
Altair & Uzui
Ezio & Sanemi
Connor & haganezuka
Arno & tanjiro’s dad
Jacob & enmu
Bayek & yahaba “arrow demon”
Aya & Daki
Imagine them meeting the voice counter parts
Oh, yeah, I’m a bit familiar with the Japanese dub of Assassin’s Creed and I watch Demon Slayer when it’s airing in Japan then I rewatch it in the English dub because I enjoy watching English dubs in general XD.
Before anything…
Imma list the names of their JP voices and a few other characters they voice. (And I will be focusing on the ones listed by @ullyaboo because… well… this would get too long if I start listing everybody...)
Altaïr is voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi
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(Sombron/Hubert/Xander/Randal from Fire Emblem, @princesslikesfanfics might recognize him as Tory Innis from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Diavolo from Jojo, Lloyd Irving from Tales series, America/Canada from Hetalia, and mecha fans might recognize him as our bestest aniki Kamina)
No, seriously.
Can we just take a moment to think about how Altaïr’s JP voice also voiced these characters as well:
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Also, shoutout to him being the voice of the dead big brother of my Trails blorbo XD
Ezio is voiced by Tomokazu Seki
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(HE VOICED MIGUEL O’HARA IN THE JP DUB OF ATSV, oh and Toad in the Mario movie, Jojo fans will probably find it funny that he voices Father Pucci and his stand, Panda from JJK, Gilgamesh from Fates, mecha fans would remember his “SHINING FISTS” as Domon Kasshu, he’s also Toya in Cardcaptor Sakura, and Van Fanel of Vision of Escaflowne (one of the earliest isekai anime))
Ratonhnhaké:ton is voiced by Daisuke Namikawa
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(Lindel from Ancient Magus’ Bride, Anasui AND Giogio from Jojo, Yamato from Digimon, Persona 4’s MC, the jp voice of Sekiro from… well… Sekiro, Richard from Tales series, Italy from Hetalia, and Lupin the 3rd’s Goemon)
This deserves to be seen: Ratonhnhaké:ton’s JP Voice also voices Oikawa (Haikyuu) and Italy (Hetalia - also Romano) (this means that Ratonhnhaké:ton sang the Hetalia ending song)
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And he’s the JP voice of Jake Muller, Wesker’s kid in RE6.
Arno is voiced by Shinichiro Miki
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(ROY MUSTANG from FMA, Randy Orlando from Trails, Sir Nighteye from BNHA/MHA, James from Pokemon, Alucard from Castlevania, Lockon Stratos (*haro voice* Lockon, Lockon, Lockon, incoherent sobbing) from Gundam, Hijikata from Hakuoki)
(side note: Elise’s JP voice is Toyoguchi Megumi who voices Rengoku’s mother and I don’t want to mess up Tanjiro’s family but… half-brothers Tanjiro and Rengoku AU???)
Jacob is voiced by Daisuke Hirakawa
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(Kakyoin from Jojo, Cao Lee and Rufus Albarea from Trails, Rei from Free, Makoto Ito from School Days (lollol, at least Jacob doesn't have the worst love life in this list), and Orlando Bloom in Kingdom Hearts games XD)
Bayek is voiced by Jun Fukuyama (JP voices of Origin (and Valhalla) weren't in Behind the Voice Actor so I had to doublecheck with JP wiki XD)
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(Persona 5’s MC, Lelouch Vi Brittania/Zero from Code Geass, Yukio from Blue Exorcist, Korosensei from Assassination Classroom, Maximilian from Valkyria Chronicles, Watanuki from xxxHolic)
Aya is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro
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(female Robin from Fire Emblem, Milla Maxwell from Tales, Katalina from GBF, Elizabeth from Persona, Jolyn Cujoh from Jojo, Shinku in Rozen Maiden, Franziska von Karma in Ace Attorney, Celty from Durarara!!, Touko from Danganronpa)
For the actual ask portion:
Altaïr would probably be annoyed at Uzui at first because he’s so flashy. They’d probably spar and Altaïr would start to respect him after understanding that, underneath all that ‘flashiness’, Uzui is strong and has conviction (side note: Uzui’s three wives makes me think Makio - Maria, Hinatsuru - Adha and Suma - Kadar XD)
Ezio would think of Sanemi as having skills and potential but he won’t like his attitude. AC2!Ezio would definitely butt heads with Sanemi a lot, especially after he sees how Sanemi acts around his younger brother (since he doesn’t know the whole story) and he’d definitely try to act like a nice big brother to Genya, Brotherhood!Ezio and Revelations!Ezio would not be provoked by Sanemi and act more like an older brother/mentor role that Sanemi doesn’t want at all and thinks is super annoying.
Haganezuka would totally like Ratonhnhaké:ton because Ratonhnhaké:ton would take care of any weapon he receives from Haganezuka. Ratonhnhaké:ton will also be willing to listen to Haganezuka talk about swords for houurrrss. Achilles would have to be the one to smack Haganezuka to get out of the homestead after giving Ratonhnhaké:ton his sword. (Why is Achilles there? Idk, crossover???)
All I can think of is Arno getting adopted by the Kamado family. Tanjuro is quite frail and he’s been sick for a while now so their meeting would probably remind Arno of his late father. But, man, just imagine Arno dancing Hinokami Kagura…
Oh god. Enmu would totally fuck with Jacob using his dreams/nightmares. Like, every pain and weakness Jacob has, Enmu would take advantage of it. Worst of all? Jack the Ripper's actions would definitely haunt Jacob till the day he dies so Enmu using Jack in the attack would really hurt. Enmu wasn’t even a good person as a human but considering Jacob’s luck and bad judge of character? Absolutely won’t be surprised if he invites human!Enmu to the Rooks as a ‘doctor’.
I think Bayek has a good chance of taking out Yahaba. Dude got an actual flaming sword in the main story and I’m sure Reda would have a weapon made of Scarlet Crimson Iron Sand and Scarlet Ore for some reason and, as long as Bayek understood how Yahaba’s blood demon art works, he’d be fine. Bayek took out giant gods (in the Animus), he can take out this demon.
Oh, Aya would not like Daki at all. She might even be reminded of Cleopatra a bit because of her arrogant and dismissive personality which wouldn’t help the situation. They’d definitely fight and… Aya would probably need help on this one. I’m not sure if she ever got into any Isu BS that ended in a boss fight so I can’t be sure how she would handle fighting Daki and her obi attacks. Human!Daki though? Aya would definitely recruit her and her brother to the Hidden Ones if she found them as kids. But if she saw her as her usual cruel self? Yeah, Aya’s not going to like her.
If anyone wants an actual Demon Slayer x AC crossover idea, let me know?
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Title: Ratatouille
Rating: G
Director: Brad Bird
Cast: Patton Oswalt, Lou Romano, Ian Holm, Brian Dennehy, Peter Sohn, Peter O'Toole, Brad Garrett, Janeane Garofalo, Will Arnett, Julius Callahan, James Remar, John Ratzenberger, Teddy Newton, Tony Fucile, Jake Steinfeld, Brad Bird, Stéphane Roux
Release year: 2007
Genres: comedy, fantasy
Blurb: Remy the rat dreams of becoming a great French chef, despite his family's wishes...and the obvious problem of being a rat in a decidedly rodent-phobic profession. When fate places him in the sewers of Paris, he finds himself ideally situated beneath a restaurant made famous by his culinary hero, Auguste Gusteau. Despite the apparent dangers of being an unlikely - and certainly unwanted - visitor in the kitchen of a fine French restaurant, Remy's passion for cooking soon sets into motion a hilarious and exciting rat race that turns the culinary world of Paris upside down.
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edgepunk · 1 year
Everyone's talking about the best live action Peter Parker, but the VAs get often overlooked, so that's why I made this poll.
Sorry if I forgot someone, but I wanted to include the most well-known ones altho idk if anyone recognizes the one from the 80s show lol
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lands-of-fantasy · 1 year
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Stargirl Season 1
Character Portraits
Brec Bassinger as Courtney Whitmore
Luke Wilson as Pat Dugan
Yvette Monreal as Yolanda Montez
Anjelika Washington as Beth Chapel
Cameron Gellman as Rick Tyler
Amy Smart as Barbara Whitmore
Trae Romano as Mike Dugan
Meg DeLacy as Cindy Burman
Jake Austin Walker as Henry King Jr.
Hunter Sansone as Cameron Mahkent
Christopher James Baker as Dr. Henry King Sr.
Neil Jackson as Jordan Mahkent
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