#jamaican beef patty
brattylikestoeat · 2 years
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hobiebrownslove · 1 year
He’s so real 😭😭
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vegehana-food · 1 year
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✿ ジャマイカンビーフパティ | Jamaican Beef Patties ・ジャマイカで親しまれている料理の一つ。ターメリックで色付けした生地に炒めた牛ひき肉や唐辛子、玉ねぎ等の具材を包み、オーブンで焼いた料理。最も古典的なものは牛肉を使用したものですが、現在は鶏肉や豚肉,チーズ,シーフードなど様々なものがあるそう。
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reggaekush · 10 months
"Marwan's Juicy Patties: Authentic Jamaican Food Delivery for Tourists and Locals"
The payment system in Jamaica is primarily cash-based, with many ordinary Jamaicans relying on physical currency for their transactions. While establishments such as hotels, restaurants, and larger businesses may accept Visa and MasterCard, it's important to note that the majority of smaller businesses and local vendors may only accept cash.
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One challenge that locals and tourists may encounter is the availability of cash. ATMs can sometimes run out of cash or experience technical issues, making it difficult to withdraw money when needed. This situation can be particularly problematic when you find yourself in unfamiliar areas, as it can be unsafe to search for an ATM or rely solely on cash.
For tourists visiting Jamaica, it is advisable to carry smaller denominations of Jamaican currency, such as 5-dollar and 10-dollar bills. These smaller bills are more widely accepted and facilitate easier transactions, as larger bills, like the 100-dollar bill, can be challenging to break, especially for smaller vendors or businesses.
It's worth considering the potential impact of the declining value of the U.S. dollar on Jamaica's economy. As the U.S. dollar loses value, inflation tends to rise, which can lead to higher interest rates. This situation can result in a reduced circulation of cash within the country. In light of these challenges, it is crucial for individuals, including the common man, to educate themselves about alternative payment methods and embrace electronic payments.
Moving towards electronic payments, such as mobile banking, online transfers, or digital wallets, can offer numerous benefits. This shift can help Jamaicans create products, goods, and services for the global marketplace, and it can also help improve efficiency and security in financial transactions.
However, it's commendable to see individuals and businesses seeking innovative solutions to address the challenges associated with the payment system. As digital payment methods continue to evolve, it's possible that Jamaica, like many other countries, may experience a shift towards more digital forms of payment, including cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. However, the widespread adoption of such technologies would depend on various factors, including infrastructure development, regulatory frameworks, and public acceptance.
Marwan's Juicy Patties is an innovative Jamaican food delivery service aiming to provide convenience to both locals and tourists in Jamaica. With an easy-to-use website, customers can browse through a variety of delicious Jamaican and Caribbean dishes, including jerk chicken, rice and beans, oxtail, fried plantains, and, of course, their famous flaky and juicy Jamaican beef patties.
The service accepts payments via Visa and MasterCard, allowing customers to make secure online transactions directly on their website. By offering this payment option, Marwan's Juicy Patties eliminates the need for customers to carry cash or search for ATMs, making the ordering process more convenient and efficient, especially for tourists who may not be familiar with local currency or have limited access to cash.
Once an order is placed and payment is confirmed, Marwan's Juicy Patties utilizes a reliable food delivery platform, similar to UberEats, to transport the freshly prepared meals to the customer's desired location. Whether it's a hotel, a beach, or any other place in Jamaica, the delivery service ensures that the food reaches the customer in a timely manner, maintaining its quality and taste.
By combining the convenience of online ordering, electronic payments, and efficient food delivery, Marwan's Juicy Patties aims to enhance the dining experience for both locals and tourists in Jamaica. It provides an opportunity for individuals to explore and enjoy authentic Jamaican cuisine without the hassle of searching for local eateries or worrying about carrying cash.
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majianguo · 2 months
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Jamaican beef patty at Mamada's Bakery in Uluwatu - this was my first time having this unique type of food from Jamaica, it's amazing to find it all the way in Bali.
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tastydiner · 11 months
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jacky93sims · 5 months
Hi Ilenia, can I kindly request this Jamaican Beef Patty food conversion: https://www.patreon.com/posts/jamaican-beef-90067132?epik=dj0yJnU9ZmlxdFdfRnl6R0JudWxiUE8wbklwdzk2VVJGY0xMZDYmcD0wJm49Q0s2TzNRMHE2VzlrZENKdWR5OFp3USZ0PUFBQUFBR1c3YnNn
Jamaican Beef Patties Food for The Sims 2
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This is a 4to2 conversion from PinkGlacierz, low poly. Available anytime, same hamburger cooking skills required.
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how is it that I can set up my laundry rack, carefully hang my delicates and work clothes up to dry, and then---despite a tall mass of clothes in the dead center of my apartment---immediately forget that’s what I was doing and begin cooking some of the smelliest food ever conceived of in culinary history.
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threeawfulfruits · 1 year
FINALLY SAW ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE!!! Holy shit. I was sitting here thinking people were exaggerating saying it was even better than the first, thinking there’s no way you can top that genre-changing masterpiece and I shouldn’t get my hopes too high...I was so wrong. It WAS truly, genuinely a sequel that took the source material and ELEVATED IT x100 while also honoring and building off of it.
The first one made it so obvious that a great deal of love went into every frame, and even more love went into every detail of this one. Truly terrifying scenes, viscerally unsettling visuals, heavy themes, solid callbacks and references, fantastic new characters...this bitch has got it all. My brain is scrambled. I can’t even put my thoughts together, I’m just like *standing ovation*
Perfect balance of making plot points/themes/twists obvious enough that you could guess them coming but not SO obvious that it feels like spoon-feeding, you know??? They did us DIRTY at the end though what do you MEAN it’s a two-parter?!?!?! I said “NO!” aloud in the theatre, I was so wholly gripped by the last five minutes and now we have to wait HOW many years?!?!?!
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morethansalad · 1 year
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Vegan Jamaican Patties (Traditional Recipe)
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brattylikestoeat · 3 months
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astramachina · 1 year
Y'all the new SpiderVerse movie was SO fucking good I lost my entire mind. Nothing makes me more emotional than seeing that Nuyorican culture rep. Them pasteles had no right looking so goddamn good.
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godblooded · 2 years
sometimes i’m awake at an hour no one should be awake at but somehow it’s the only time i feel at peace.
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reggaekush · 10 months
Introducing Marwan's Patty Food Truck: Order Online, Pick Up, and Savor the Flavor!
We are thrilled to announce the grand launch of Marwan's Patty Food Truck, a culinary delight on wheels! With a passion for mouthwatering flavors and a dedication to serving the finest patties in town, we are here to redefine your street food experience.
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At Marwan's Patty Food Truck, we understand the value of convenience in today's fast-paced world. That's why we have made it even easier for you to enjoy our delectable offerings. With our seamless online ordering system, you can now satisfy your cravings from the comfort of your home, office, or anywhere else you may be. Simply visit our website, browse through our enticing menu, customize your order, and get ready to tantalize your taste buds.
Once your order is placed, it's time to embark on a flavorful journey. Our food truck, adorned with Marwan's iconic logo, will be stationed at convenient locations throughout the city. Just swing by at your chosen pickup time, and our friendly team will be ready to greet you with a warm smile and your scrumptious meal, prepared with love and attention to detail.
What makes Marwan's Patty Food Truck truly exceptional is our commitment to quality. We take pride in using only the freshest ingredients and crafting each patty with care, ensuring every bite is a burst of flavor. From our classic beef patties to our mouthwatering vegetarian options, there's something to satisfy every palate.
Whether you're a busy professional in need of a quick lunch, a foodie seeking a delightful snack, or a family looking for a tasty dinner alternative, Marwan's Patty Food Truck is here to cater to your cravings. We invite you to join us on this exciting culinary adventure, where convenience and flavor meet.
So, mark your calendars and get ready to experience the ultimate fusion of convenience and taste. Follow us on social media, visit our website, and be the first to know about our latest locations, special promotions, and exciting menu additions.
Marwan's Patty Food Truck: Order, Pick Up, and Indulge. Let's embark on a flavorsome journey together!
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tastydiner · 2 years
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