#james was the problem 🤡
annamatix · 7 months
"should've said no" is like "betty" but betty's pov. like i know "cardigan" is betty's pov of the situation but you get what im trying to say right
like the parallels and everything between the two just gives betty's pov
examples (that have no order to them):
("betty" = "should've said no")
"you heard the rumors from inez you can't believe a word she says but this time it was true" = "you should've known that word 'bout what you did with her'd get back to me"
"if i showed up at your party would you have me would you want me" & "betty im here on your doorstep" = "you shouldn't be begging for forgiveness at my feet"
"when she pulled up like a figment of my worst intentions" & "she said 'james get in lets drive' those days turned into nights" = "you said the past is the past you need one chance, it was a moment of weakness so you said yes"
"the worst thing that i ever did was what i did to you" & "when i passed your house its like i couldn't breathe" & "i'm only 17 i dont know anything but i know i miss you" + a shit ton of other lines = "you can see that ive been crying baby you know all the right things to say"
"slept next to her but i dreamt of you all summer long" = "i should've been there in the back of your mind i shouldn't be asking myself 'why'"
"betty i won't make assumptions about why you switched your homeroom but i think it's cause of me" = "yesterday i found out about you even now just looking at you feels wrong"
"would you have me? would you love me? would you tell me to go fuck myself" = "you should've said no, baby and you might still have me"
"will you kiss me on the porch in front of all your stupid friends" = "but do you honestly expect me to believe that we could ever be the same?"
"in the garden would you trust me if i told you it was just a summer thing" = "before you go tell me this, was it worth it? was she worth this?"
"i was walking home on broken cobblestones .... when she pulled up" & "she said 'james get in lets drive'" = "you should've said no, you should've gone home, you should've thought twice 'fore you let it all go"
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stupittmoran · 10 months
Tumblr media
Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Repost & FoIIow for more.
DeSantis vs Newsom debate turns into a sh*tshow as the Florida governor calls out San Francisco's human feces problem.
Elon Musk interview goes viral, causing mass cancelations of Disney Plus and other services.
Texas is suing Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor the public.
KC Chief's fans plan to attend next game with black and red face paint after the media accused a child fan of racism.
Former official has been indicted on three grand jury charges for altering 2020 election results.
Reports of "White Lung" pneumonia affecting mostly children in China has been found in Massachusetts & Ohio.
BLM Leader endorses Trump for President in 2024, accuses democrats of racist policies.
CTIL files reveal how the government conspired to censor citizens and alter the 2020 election.
Joe Rogan says anyone who tells him to 'trust the experts' can suck his d*ck, Covid taught him that the so-called experts are bought and paid for.
James O'Keefe releases bombshell undercover report exposing China's operation of a biolab in California.
How many more Chinese biolabs are there in the United States?
BONUS: Speaker Johnson ramps up Biden impeachment, stating Biden has lied at least 16 times about his involvement in his family's business schemes.
If you appreciate this Top 10 recap, remember to Repost and FoIIow me for another week in a clown world 🤡🌎
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stillfrownyclownlol · 10 months
Oh nooooo somebody stole my Aidlyn/Ashden headcanons so now I have to write more ... ✨️
Some of these are based on my dad because he has bpd and he really reminds me of Aiden.
-His sense of humor is so broken like. Probably makes "that's what she said" and "your mom" jokes. Ash thinks he is the unfunniest person alive 🤡 and she STILL laughs at him (but never when he's trying to be funny). I think he'd be on Vine a lot lmao. He would laugh at that video of the bread slice falling over no cap.
-Aiden Clark, Professional Doomscroller. Maybe an itty bitty bit addicted to social media cuz "omg easy dopamine hit" even if he doesn't post a lot. Would prolly be chronically on TikTok if he was a teen today 🤡 Ash WILL steal his phone and hide it so they can "do something productive" (which alternates between her trying to teach him basic life skills to him falling out of a tree because they went outside for five minutes)
-her parents also gave him a truly awful shovel talk. He came out of it, kneeled in front of her, and said if he broke her heart to kill him before her parents did 💖 Tyler and him bond about their "scary in laws", although he has a better relationship with Mike and Emma than Tyler does with Mary and James 🤡
-convinced her to go to prom because "free food" and managed to wrangle out a slow-dance from her. He already likes dancing, SHE likes dancing...he wants to dance together ^_^
-She really likes his normal smile, when he's not forcing it. He takes good care of his teeth, so he's got a real bright smile :)
-Aiden tried to teach her how to skateboard a few times. She can...stand on it without falling off and roll around, but no tricks lol. Ash still thinks it was just an excuse for him to grab her hands or waist while she was balancing.
-Some problems in the relationship: they are not very good at communicating how they feel, so there's a lot of misunderstandings between them unless the gang intervenes haha ":D Sometimes Ash feels very suffocated by him and she really dislikes his apathy towards himself, and Aiden sometimes feels like Ash doesn't care about him nearly as much as he cares about her.
-his depressive episodes alternate between "I'm just gonna lie here and hope I die" to "actively trying to self destruct", sometimes he might go on a binge (overdosing on his meds, and when he's older he might sometimes drink too much or go on really dangerous joy rides, he's an awful driver), they really freak Ash out :( Recovery is a very long road with no end destination. She's trying to get better at reassuring him and he's trying to...just get better.
-both of them suck at remembering their anniversary 🤡 Aiden is a littleeeee bit better
-They have a knife collection they share ❤️
-he has her as "love of my life 💖✨️😍" on his phone contacts and has a special ringtone for her and everything. Absolutely not embarrassed about it, Ash...definitely is 💀 (she has him as "Aiden")
-sends her really bad poetry he wrote for her because writing his feelings down by himself is easier than saying it in the moment. Ash keeps all of them in a shoebox in her closet.
-she's not really good with touching and stuff but she feels better touching him, like a good stim. Really likes holding his face (no eye contact). Also enjoys him holding her hand.
-Secretly a little insecure about how she looks. She has never really thought about it before because she never cared about it, but now, in a relationship, she's kinda self conscious about him perceiving (read: constantly staring) her. She's very short and thin (even with muscles from ballet and training) and feels like a "late bloomer." Aiden thinks she's the closest thing to physical perfection that exists and will tell her this constantly ^_^
-She actually likes how he smells (grâce à: his really expensive soap lmao) but she would die before telling him lol
-The first time she kissed him her brain kinda shut off and she just squished their faces together while puffing her cheeks up. He bust out laughing and completely murdered the mood 💀 They'll figure it out...eventually
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For everyone that still has surviving family members, do all of your families approve of your relationships? I know John doesn't and Mikhail's family kinda judges them for the pregnancy thing, but is there other things of note from everyone else? (Not necessarily romantic either, this could also just be generally about their jobs as well :^) )
Mikhail smiles through a mouthful of sandwich, "Mama & sisters adore Ludwig. Have never had a problem with my relationships, Yana & Bronislava are just confused about doktor being transsexual. They treat him like man, & treat him with respect, but they are big gossips," He chuckles & leans in to whisper conspiratorially, "Is family trait, to be gossip. Papa was huge gossip too, would have loved Ludwig. Both very intelligent men, both good at scheming, at planning & taking action."
Jane & John have been forced into a room together, as their father is still alive.
"Father would not be happy that I am with a man," John growls, "He always trusted me to be a proper American, to have a wife & children. Especially after his only daughter decided she no longer wants to do her duty as a daughter & sister."
Jane pointedly ignores that last comment.
"It was on me to continue the family legacy but..." John sighs & runs a hand through his beard, "I have never had an interest in women. I thought I was just too patriotic, that I only cared about my country! And then I met Ken..."
"Father never approved of anything," Jane scowls, "He wouldn't like Zhanna because she is a woman & father still sees me as a woman. He wouldn't like Tavish because he's a 'negro', even if he is a man. He wouldn't accept me being with both of them either. Father could never be happy for me."
John brushes imaginary dust from his jacket, "I think you chose well, Jane."
"I told you not to talk to me again, John."
In another room, the Scouts have been asked the same question.
Jeremy wears a wide grin, "Ma adores Mick & Bug! She thinks Bug is so charming & Mick is such a gentleman," His grin morphs into a sneer, "It took dad way too long to get used to Mick, & I still haven't fully forgiven him for it."
James huffs, "At least he cares."
"Hey, I heard him complaining about you dating Fritz."
James grins a bit, "Heh. Ma would probably kill him if I introduced them to each other. I adore the idiot, but he is a massive crybaby, & ma is a hard lady."
Ken & Dell are sitting together, glaring at each other.
"Mom has met my girlfriend already, & she thinks Jacques is a swell choice," Dell chuckles, "I've also told her about Colette, & she thinks I've gotten real lucky after Irene's passing."
Ken smiles slightly, "She also thinks John is such a gentleman. Pa would've never approved of him, despite him working for BLU like he had."
"Pa didn't even approve of Irene. He said she was just a distraction." Dell sighs. Ken reaches over, rubbing his brother's back. Dell gives him a smile.
Tavish & Mick are sitting on either side of Fritz, who is still dressed as a cat. Neither of them knows what to say. Bug is sitting opposite them, holding the Mini Pyro gremlin.
Friedrich finally clears his throat, "Well, my parents haven't met James yet but I have sent them letters. They... Don't approve. They almost disowned me after they found out my wife & I got a divorce, & they threatened to take me out of my father's will when I told them I was with a man." He sighs.
Tavish tears his eye away from Fritz & rubs the back of his neck, "Me mom thinks Jane's me wife, but she likes both him & Zhanna. She says they're both too good for me," He sighs too, "Me dad would have liked them both too."
Mick shuffles in his seat, "My parents are dead now, but they got to meet Jay & Bug before. Dad said this was the only good thing that came out of this job, but my mom was smitten with the both of them, heh." Bug reaches over & pats his knee, giving him a bright smile. He takes her hand in both of his.
"Well, my mother & stepfather would probably kill me if they found out about my relationship," They say with an awkward chuckle, "My brother would have been very confused about it, before just saying alright, do whatever. But I know that papá would have loved them both, & been happy for us."
Ludwig is leaning against Jacques, looking so, so tired.
"Vater would not have approved of Mikhail. He has a PhD in literature, but he is not a doctor, he is not a scientist. He commands the 'wrong' sort of respect, & he..." Ludwig takes in a shaky breath, & Jacques wraps an arm around his shoulders, "Well, he failed to kill me. Vater would have been furious, if he were still alive, to know that Mikhail & I broke the curse, but he hadn't. That his unwanted daughter, the murderer of his beloved wife, got his happy ending while he had to suffer in the camps, had to lose everything. He would have been furious to know that the Humboldt family is a shell of its former self, that we have lost our glory."
Jacques rubs his back before speaking up herself, "My family is all dead. I was orphaned when I was 10, but I think my family would have liked Dell. He is charming, soft spoken, kind, & intelligent. My older sister might have been a bit jealous of me, however," She chuckles, "But they would have loved him. Him & Colette both."
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disco-cola · 1 month
there was a group of women shouting „kamala kamala you can’t hide we won’t vote for genocide“ at a recent rally of hers and she snapped at them like „you know what if you want Donald trump to win just say so“ ??? no people just want you to step the fuck up and hold you accountable for your past inactions that caused over 16.000 kids to die (all the while she was already in office as vice president for the past four years) before they can grant you their votes with a clean conscience and not just that endless cycle of „the lesser of two evils“ like sure you’ve got to make a choice and sure I agree she is the better one but you can’t just girlboss your way out of imperialism and genocide ugh that reaction of hers was just nauseating and condescending there’s this quote by James Baldwin who said „I can’t believe what you say because I see what you do“ and that’s the root of the problem some liberals really be getting so pressed when you criticize their precious „femininominon“ dude she ain’t anything but that but lib clowns don’t understand that the act of equal participation of a woman in exploitation, colonialism and domination is not actually feminism - it’s still exploitation, colonialism and domination at the end of the day 🤡
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I really hope they reveal jamie as bisexual. They’ve been dropping a lot of hints recently but idk if they’ll follow up on them. What do you think? I don’t ship Jamie/Roy, but I’d love a scene where Jamie comes out to him and Roy supports him.
The last couple episodes really got me back on the Roy x Jamie train, so I’m obviously biased when it comes to the outcome I’d prefer to happen 😂 but I agree that they really didn’t hold back with hints this season and, well, look at my user name, I’m a bisexual Jamie truther so I’d love for them to follow through with it. And looking at their current dynamic and the way they open up to each other in a way they don’t open open up to others, I think if he comes out he’ll come out to Roy first.
And to tie this in with this other anons ask
At this point now we have 3 canon queer characters already, I don't necessarily need a separate Jamie coming out plot, but it would be so so easy for them just to have him (in a conversation about the fucked up stuff his dad did to him) say something along the lines of he forced Jamie to the sex worker because he thought Jamie was into boys and it'd stop him, then just a cheeky little wink and a "didn't work though did it", job done
it would be an easy set up. Something something happening with Jamie’s “dad”, Roy being concerned and for once properly showing that he cares about Jamie, they have a true heart to heart about all the abuse and how it affected Jamie and Jamie just peppers this in, knowing Roy will be okay with it, since he had no problems with Keeley being bi.
(Though, I really would love him getting a proper arc and considering the frequency of queer character reveals, we should have like two next episode, then four, then eight and in the end everyone minus James Tartt sr and Rupert is queer 😂🤡)
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ao3feed-scorbus · 16 days
Follow the Sun
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/WQOY6Ve by Hellenisticgurl44 Fanfiction by Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, James Sirius Potter and Teddy Remus Lupin. The Remus x Sirius ship will be represented, the Regulus x James ship will be mentioned as well as the Lily x Dorcas ship, and unfortunately I won't be able to represent the Harry x Draco ship, but rest assured I'll do my best to represent them in a friendly manner anyway. For fans of All The Young Dudes; the Marauders, the Valkyries... The 1981 war has taken place, with a few changes to the basic story, although James and Lily are still dead. Peter was locked up in Askaban and Sirius didn't need to be imprisoned. The Jackalopes take over! The famous quartet after the first (Marauders) and the famous golden trio. Now, you're probably going to hate me for this (it's only the beginning), but Albus Dumbledore isn't dead! On the other hand, Voldemort is: please give me a hand... Certain Trigger Warnings will be present throughout the fanfiction, if you have certain problems / traumas with this, I invite you to skip the chapters; a summary will be made (if I think of it 🤡) at the beginning of each chapter!! So it's with this wonderful description that I proclaim the Follow the Sun fanfiction officially begun!!! Words: 285, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: M/M Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Albus Potter, Albus, James Sirius Potter, James Potter, James, Scorpius Malfoy, Scorpius, William Remus Lupin, William Lupin, Teddy Remus Lupin, Teddy Lupin, William, Teddy, Harry James Potter, Harry Potter, Harry, Ginny Weasley, Ginny, Draco Malfoy, Draco, Astoria Greenglass, Astoria, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger (weasley), Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Severus Snape, Peter Pettigrew, Neville Longbottom, Minerva McGonagall, Mary McDonald, Marlene McKinnon, Poppy Pomfrey, Fleamont Potter, Euphemia Potter, Jackalope - Character, Marauders - Character, Lily Luna Potter, Ginny Weasley (Potter), Hermione Granger, Draco Malefoy, Mary Macdonald, Regulus Black, Euphemia Potter. Relationships: wolfstar - Relationship, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, James x Lily, Harry x Ginny, jackalopes - Relationship, Marauders - Relationship, albus x scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER X SCORPIUS, ALBUS X SCORPIUS MALEFOY Additional Tags: ron weasley - Freeform, hermione granger - Freeform, Draco Malefoy - Freeform, Astoria Greenglass - Freeform, remus lupin - Freeform, sirius black - Freeform, James Potter - Freeform read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/58767862
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heffrondriving · 3 years
every time i finish a btr fic with jett in it (especially when it's centered in his pov), without fail my neurotic brain immediately launches into the five stages of grief and rapidly cycles over whether i wrote his character badly because maybe it's not quite as faithful to the show as i would like it to be and maybe i'm just writing an entirely different character at this point and oh god this is terrible jett would never even know these things and maybe he's coming off too shallow and abrasive and wow this isn't jett who is this loud idiot and i would never even know since no one and their mom's gonna read this mess etc. etc. then i contact mad Himbo brainworms and do it all over again,
(n e way random jett passionate appreciation and tag discourse down below tbh it's a lot more interesting than me lamenting over my poor writing skillz vvv)
#jett's a great character with so much potential and i just really wanna do him justice yk. no more bully/ab*ser jett bullshit please#he's been unfairly used as a weak villain plot device in too many big time rush fics when the show didn't even do him dirty like that#sure in his first appearances he was a vain opportunistic jerk but his eventual pipeline from that to lovable chill himbo was established!!#so why do ppl gotta make him some irredeemably deplorable bitch to throw their stones at!!! it's a gross travesty and it needs to stop!!!!!#and yes i'm pretty fuckin steamed about that idfc he's my son my beloved my blorbo if you will and he's not a bad person!!! >:[#i just wanna cast him in the light he's truly meant to be in and get some of that sweet character dev in#but im really scared that im writing him so badly that he comes off annoying or just plain unlikeable which defeats the entire purpose :'/#i'm still so bad at writing for characters and it's kinda a big huge problem since all i ever write is fanfic oops 🤡🙏#reading other ppl's jett-centric fics only seeks to exacerbate discussed problem like wow maybe i should be writing like that hrkrhrk#i just wamna write super extra characters ig!!! but i flop hard on my idiot face at proper characterisation!!! tis my own ajax tragedy!!!!!#will delete soon just stalling from posting another terrible james/jett fic and denial anger bargaining depression but not acceptance 💀#do pretty girl don't speak#jett stetson#btr
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heleneplays · 2 years
this or that | tropes n stuff
tagged as blorbo in their notes by @pimenita on my main, @h-doodles but i like to answer them here on my side blog which has. a semblance of a tag system 🤡 so mrrp thank <3
slow burn or love at first sight (BARK BARK BARK BARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!) // fake dating or secret dating (I would honestly like either but secret dating tops far than fake dating because bruh. being rather private individuals and running around the friend group my beloved) // ENEMIES TO LOVERS or best friends to lovers (PLEASEEEEE. LITERALLY I AM OUT HERE WITH A DEEP LOVE OF ENEMIES ESP IF THEY'RE UNREPENTANT, REDHEADS WOMEN WHO CAN KICK MY ASS 🤡) // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence (BARKING SOOOOO BAD FOR THIS HONESTLY) // hurt-comfort or amnesia (IT'S ABOUT THE TRAGEDY TO MEEEEEEE I WANT A DEEP GOOD CRY AND GET THEM BLORBOS TOGETHER) // fantasy au or modern au (I AM PERSONALLY BITING BC YES. I DO LOVE ME MY AUs) // mutual pining or domestic bliss (ENEMIES TO LOVERS ACTUAL PINING IDIOTS TO CLUMSY GETTING TOGETHERS TO DOMESTIC BLISS SLOW BURN ALWAYS. ALWAYS!!!!!!!!) // smut or fluff (watch me read smut with a stone cold expression on MY face and blush like a bitch reading fluff the next <3) // canon-compliant or fix-it (fanfic exists as a love letter to canon but at this point the fandoms i've been in. THEY ARE A HATE LETTER to the creators who frequently sidelined chemically stable potential wlw and other lgbt ships and rep. which is honestly a very very different experience with James Shaw. anything I create for the Relics Trilogy is a love letter of thanks not only to him but to my beloved fictional group of blorbos <3) // reincarnation or character death (pls character death???? i LOVE it when done properly!!!! NOT TO MENTION THE ANGST....... MMMMM YES THE ANGST,,,,,, but REINCARNATION... LITERALLY TRANSCENDING TIME AND SPACE WITH A LOVE THAT LASTS... AND FINDING THEM BECAUSE ONE LIFETIME IS NOT ENOUGH-- I AM SO EMO ABOUT IT!!!!!!!) // one-shot or multi-chapter (writing wise i WISH i could keep my ideas as oneshots but as a reader PLS. LONGER THE BETTER and this is why i am die whenever i find a long fic that is both compelling AND finished bc. good godddd you cannot imagine the pain of seeing the date of the last update. yes i will comment completely about the fic gushing with praise but thats just abt it) // kid fic or road trip fic (PLEASE DOMESTIC BLISS WITH THEIR KIDS,,,,,,,,,,,, SCREAMING SHAKING CRYING) // arranged marriage or accidental marriage (listen i could wax poetic all day abt these two in fics but AUGHHHHHH mawwiage 🥺) // high school romance or middle aged romance (I COULD GO WITH EITHER but rn i am sooooo emo abt María so am going with this one) // time travel or isolated together (covid fucked me up about being isolated and i think i would have so many problems so catch me whip and naenae) // neighbours or roommates (oh my god.... and they were roomamates!!!) // sci-fi au or magic au (once again i am out here with AUs and honestly at this point idc i am just hoarding all the AUs and thats the tea) // Body swap or Gender bend (but only provisionally)  // ANGST or crack (AW YISSSSSSS GIMME THE SPICY ANGST I NEED TO SCREAM AND SHAKE AND CRY AND THROW UP ABOUT IT OR BUST,,, but honestly i also LOVE crack actually <3 wish fulfillment of OP and BAMF MC) // apocalyptic or mundane (rn?? looking for peace and i am out here)
tagging the blorbo in my notes (if thats okay and you too, would like to answer): @jamesshawgames @haniiebeedraws @mira-shard @twins-born-in-a-new-moon @sylencr @slytherincursebreaker @sateenkaari-dragon @catohphm
the blank template:
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend  // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Chapter 11 spoilers for Sequels Suck
This review is so late 😭 all I gotta say is working at FedEx AIN'T SHIT. Working 5 days a week and having to get up at 5 in the morning HAS ME SICK. Anywayssss Chapter 11 had me at the beginning...Very peeved 🤐 Randy STILL DOESN'T BELIEVE US? EVEN THO WE WERE ATTACKED BY SOMEONE IN A GHOSTFACE COSTUME?! COME ON MAN. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES BUDDY CAUSE THIS IS REAL 😭😭😂
We immediately started blaming ourself at the hospital, which we all predicted would happen, but something that stuck out to me before Mickey got coffee was him questioning WHY Derek would go into the house without a weapon. Like I said before, I've been wary of Derek since day one lmaooo I DO NOT want this man near us 😭 however, last time I was like okayyy MAYBE he just wants to protect us, right? But that was a big MAYBE in my mind bc there was still stuff in previous chapters that always made me sus and once again, right after finishing ch 10 I was like maybeee he was just being reckless, but why would he sacrifice himself for someone he barely knows? UNLESS he's trying to play the hero to get us to trust him more and therefore allowing him to get closer just for the sake of his plan. Mickey being like "Why would he go back into that house anyways?" just got me more suspicious lmao However, Mickey saying that made me sus of HIM TOO bc who's to say Mickey isn't trying to use Derek as a scapegoat? Trying to plant a seed of doubt in our mind?
Either way, Derek is sketchy and altho he's super cute looking I just can't trust him 😭 Randy thinking it's weird he went back into the house makes sense since his jealousy could be clouding his judgement lmao but at the same time if Randy THE horror fanatic thinks Derek is sus, I think we should keep our guard up. I still can't believe he didn't believe us about Stu 🙃 we don't have physical proof and that's the problem. Maybe we should start carrying a camera everywhere just to, BY SOME MIRACLE, get a pic of at least one of them. The proof would be irrefutable unless the pic wasn't clear enough. Maybe try to get their voice on audio too 🤡
Atleast it was revealed in ch 11 that the boys survived their stab wounds bc of the hospital. But like Randy brought up, how the hell did they escape the hospital? Why are they killing random college students? How many people have they killed just to survive? There are too many questions for Randy to actually believe us. The scene with Derek was really sad even if I don't trust him 😫 Derek asking us if we wanted him to beat Billy's ass had me like plz do 😂 telling him he needed to stay away had me grateful and sad bc it's bc of our sociopathic boys we can't live a normal life 😭
The scene of the cafe had me like awww 😍 this story has me simping hard for Meeks 🥴 AND I'M NOT READY FOR US TO LOSE HIM. I'll always be Billy and Stu's girl but Randy's got me feeling things 😏😂😂 Even Dewey could see he liked us and the fact that Randy called us attractive? I SCREAMED. Dewey's like "Mhm. Attractive?" Randy - " I have eyes Dewey." I lost it 😫 likeee yesss ofc were hot asf. And when Randy admitted he didn't know what he'd do if he lost us? AHHHHH I'M DONE 🤣 and Billy calling us had me shaking. The fuck you want man 🙄 I might DEEP DOWN wanna skip the angst and just makeout with you while you pick my 5'0 ass up but that doesn't mean you're still not James 2.0 🤡 Idc what the stab movie says, I ain't moaning in your ear until you stop killing our besties 😂 You ain't SHIT and we deserve better even if deep down we still love you and Stu.
Sorry to hear about ur job being tiresome; I could imagine! Especially with the holidays and everyone ordering everything online rn 🥴🎁 My father gets up at 5 and freaking hates it I haven't had to do that crap in years and I'm glad cause I'm too much of a night owl 😴. Here's to hoping you get a great few days off soon to rest up for the Holidays! ❤
Ikr? YN is fed up with Ray acting like we're all just seeing shit. Come on! But if I was in Randy's shoes; I'd be leery too w/o proof (Denial.)
Fr Billy and Stu are selfish assholes that are like that little kid that doesn't know how to handle his crush and being hurt she rejected him so he's a lil mean shithead about it. 🙄
Lolol I'm glad you're guessing...You're warm on a few guesses but we'll see! I'm writing plot as we go bc I only know the ending and even that is changeable
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