#jamies partner is nonbinary
cryingoverjegulus · 1 year
Right person, wrong time
In the silent night, a knock at the door shatters the stillness, twisting emotions long forgotten within.
Jamie's heart desperately slams against her chest as the face behind the door slides into focus.
The figure standing in the doorway was one Jamie hadn't seen in nearly 10 years. She remembered her like it was yesterday.
The silence between the two women settles around them like a heavy cloud. Jamie raises her eyebrow expectantly as Bianca figits with her hands.
“Would you like to go out for a few drinks?” Bianca asks, sounding less sure with each word.
“Sure… as long as you promise to tell me if you're dying.” Jamie jokes, eyes crinkling in mirth. “It's not every day your high-school rival shows up on your doorstep. Harry's Pub?”
Bianca gives a small grin, looking relieved, “Yeah, that sounds good.”
As they settle into the stiff bar seats, Bianca feels her chest tighten as she recalls the girl she used to be. With a gentle voice and trembling hands, she wipes away a tear before confessing something that had been kept safety tucked away for years.
"I had a crush on you in high school," She says in an almost whisper.
The confession brings about some courage, so she looks up to meet ready eyes - eyes filled with understanding, and perhaps just the slightest hint of recognition of what might have been if things were different then.
Jamie leans back in her chair, her eyes closing for a millisecond before they open to face the beautiful girl before her.
“This… wasn't on my bingo card. Listen, Bianca, high school was 7 years ago. I had a crush on you back then – cause who didn't – but right now? I don't know. I'm in a committed relationship. I'm happy. You showing up has just made old feeling resurface, and not all of them are good.” Jamie exhales, letting her words sit between them.
Bianca nods her head, “I understand. I just want to tell you how horrible I feel for treating you the way I did all those years ago.” She bows her head in regret, only looking up when Jamie responds.
“I'm sorry too. I wasn't exactly the most pleasant either. The truth is that I was threatened by you. You were smarter than me and it killed me. Grades were all I had going for me, and you took that away.”
Bianca feels a wave of guilt wash over her. She reaches over the sticky table and hesitantly places her hand over Jamie's. She expects Jamie to pull away, but is pleasantly surprised when she feels the soft tingle of a finger soflty tracing along her inner palm. What was it that Jamie had said about a committed relationship? It surely doesn't seem that committed to Bianca…
A throat being cleared jerks the two women apart. The waiter awkwardly places the beer bottles on the table and shuffles away, leaving a tense silence in his wake.
“This is messing with my head right now. You're messing with my head. I can't handle being this close to you.” Jamie mutters, abruptly standing up and knocking her gangly legs on the underside of the table.
Bianca expects her to go to the bathroom, but frowns when she sees Jamie heading for the door.
Bianca hurriedly throws a few notes on the table and rises, intent on following Jamie outside to get the closure she needs.
When she steps outside of the quaint pub and into the howling night, she fears Jamie might have left already, but her fears are subdued when she spots a tall figure leaning against the building with a plume of smoke incasing them.
As she approaches Jamie, the temperature begins to bother her and she silently curses herself for wearing a short dress. Nevertheless, she persists.
“Jamie, talk to me. Please.” She begs, looking up at the girl she desires with such ferocious passion.
Jamie seems to sense this passion, because she looks away with a pained expression on her face. “I won't deny that we have chemistry. We've always had chemistry.” Bianca's eyes dance with a glimmer of hope, “But, I love my partner. I would never do anything to jeopardise our relationship. Please understand that I'm doing what's best. For all of us.” Bianca nods, leaning against the wall beside Jamie.
She sighs, closing her eyes and letting the cold envelop her for a while.
The sudden absence of the cold startles her for a second. Her eyes fly open to see Jamie slump back in place, jacket no longer snugly hugging her shoulders.
Bianca looks for a way to thank her, but settles with, “Your jacket is huge, mate. Just know that you're never getting it back.” which she receives a snort for.
They stand together for a few minutes, enjoying each others company and watching as Jamie's cigarette burns out.
After the butt had been properly stamped a few times, Bianca pushes off of the wall and turns towards Jamie. “You have my number if you need it.” With that, she turns around and struts away, swaying the best she can without falling over.
Jamie watches Bianca until she is out of sight, a small smile on her lips. She takes out another cigarette from her pack and lazily raises it to the sky, shouting out the words that no one else but herself will hear, “To a romance that could have happened, but alas time was not on our side.”
An hour later, in a flat near Soho, Bianca collapses into her favourite armchair. She massages her temples as she surveys the mess that was once a clean flat. Tiredly, she picks up the phone to schedule an appointment for chemo. Meanwhile, with a graceful flourish of practiced hands; in one swift movement, she reaches into cupboard and pulls out a teapot before turning on the faucet to fill it with steaming hot water from the tap. Placing two spoonfuls of tea in a mug waiting nearby – very carefully – as if everything depends on every action done accurately — she stirs the contents and adds a bit of sugar.
The sound of the spoon against the cup soothes her anxiety as if by magic. She breathes in deeply, enjoying its aroma while she leans against the kitchen counter, mind clearing up gradually. She sips her tea silently, allowing it to travel down her throat until its warmth spreads throughout her body like an embrace from a friend.
She changes out of her dress and slips into bed. She keeps on Jamie's jacket, only for a little while longer.
Maybe in another life Jamie and Banca could have been, she muses, but not this one.
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colcredglass · 11 months
ted lasso sexuality hcs
here’s my brutally honest list of sexuality hcs for the characters in ted lasso. if someone isn’t listed, i don’t really feel strongly enough about their sexuality, or their sexuality is explored in canon. disclaimer: i think all of these characters can be hc’ed in a million different ways, but this is me being as honest as possible with what i think works best in congruence with the canon (i also love to say no one in the show is straight, but statistically speaking, there will probably be straight people)
Ted: straight ally (has experimented before and decided it’s not for him, but is also not entirely opposed to dating a man if something changes in the future)
Rebecca: bisexual (heavily male-leaning; hasn’t ever been with a woman before and probably never will, but has some feelings here and there)
Roy: straight ally (hasn’t ever tried anything, might try it once just to see, but not into men; i can see him dating an afab nonbinary person but then breaking up with them cause he realizes the relationship is invalidating and they deserve better)
Jamie: bisexual (might take some time for him to actually date a guy, but has definitely slept with guys before; his crushes on both Keeley and Roy are so real)
Sam: pansexual (sapiosexual lol; just wants someone sappy that he can have deep conversations with, doesn’t matter their gender; i also think he might be on the ace spectrum, in the “doesn’t really go looking for sex, but loves pleasing his partner” kinda way)
Isaac: straight ally (will go to gay clubs with colin and has no clue how to react when men hit on him; has some mild homophobia that he’s trying very hard to work through; listens to audiobooks about supporting your gay friends)
Richard: bisexual (french)
Barbara: lesbian (i can’t remember if she ever mentioned a boyfriend or husband or anything like that, but she’s so clearly into jack and probably has a crush on keeley)
Beard: pansexual (had a crush on ted early in their friendship that he’s gotten over; his backstory is truly wild and i don’t think someone with a life like that cares about gender; i don’t think he’s fully cis either)
Dani: straight ally (his reaction during colin’s coming out scene gave me huge vibes of someone who is maybe a little uncomfortable with talking about gay stuff but is also trying very hard not to seem uncomfortable talking about gay stuff)
Jan: queer (i know they say “he’s not rude, he’s dutch” but let’s be real, he’s autistic, and i think he’s the type that his experience of sexuality is very different from allistic people; mostly sticks with women cause it’s more socially acceptable, but definitely not opposed to being with others)
Nathan: pansexual (heavily female leaning; probably doesn’t realize he’s pan because he just assumes everyone is attracted to everyone and just chooses to date the more socially acceptable gender; too shy to ever hook up with a guy)
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mogai-headcanons · 9 months
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Ryu from Street Fighter is an autistic bi orientated greyromantic asexual agender gendernull person with OCD who uses no pronouns, and Ryu is in a polycule with Ken and Chun-Li!
Ken Masters is an autistic butch bisexual transneutral firegender neutrois lesboy with ADHD who uses he/him, she/her, and fire/fires pronouns!
Chun-Li is an autistic biromantic demisexual intersex trans woman with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns!
Guile is a biromantic demisexual trans man with PTSD and hearing problems who uses he/him pronouns!
Blanka is an autistic intersex agender demiboy who uses he/him, it/its, and spark/sparks pronouns!
Zangief is a gay oriented aroace agender beargender redgender person who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
E. Honda is a greyromantic gay trans man with OCD who uses he/him pronouns!
He's married to Dhalsim, a bi oriented aroace agender genderflux demigender firegender genderpsychic person who uses either all pronouns or no pronouns depending on their mood!
Cammy White is an intersex nonbinary transfeminine catgender lesbian with PTSD who uses she/her, they/them, and purr/purrs pronouns!
Dee Jay is a pansexual dancegender trns man who uses he/him pronouns!
Kimberly is an 80scoric colorgender trans bi lesbian who uses she/her and paint/paints pronouns!
Luke is an autistic stargender yellowgender bluegender doggender transmasculine paragirl with PTSD who uses he/him, bark/barks, and she/her pronouns!
Luke's partner Jamie is a polysexual librafluid person who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns!
Lily doesn't use any labels due to still being pretty young!
Juri Han is a bisexual intersex pinkgender purplegender spidergender bigender transfeminine person who uses she/her, it/its, and spider/spiders pronouns!
Marisa is an autistic polyamorous bisexual person!
Marisa is dating Manon, an autistic trans lesbian!
Cammy's sibling Decapre is an aroace lesbian nonbinary transmasculine pupgender demigirl with BPD who uses they/them, it/its, and pup/pups pronouns!
Sakura is an autistic bungender arcadecoric trans lesbian with anxiety who experiences comphet and uses she/her and bun/buns pronouns!
She's dating Karin, a trans asexual lesbian with OCD who uses she/her pronouns!
Birdie is a demisexual gay trans man with PTSD who uses he/him pronouns!
He's happily married to Eagle, a gay intersex demiboy who uses he/him pronouns!
Ken's wife Eliza Masters is bisexual!
Their daughter Mel Masters is an aroace trans girl with ADHD and PTSD who uses she/her pronouns!
Mel is friends with Li-Fen, a trans girl with PTSD who uses she/her pronouns!
Seth is a nonbinary person with psychosis, BPD, and DID who uses they/them pronouns!
Rashid is an autistic pansexual trans man who uses he/him pronouns!
Blanka is dating Dan Hibiki, an autistic panromantic greysexual genderfluid transfeminine person with ADHD, PTSD, OCD, BPD, and DID who uses taunt/taunts, saikyo/saikyos, it/its, she/her, and they/them pronouns!
Sagat is a disabled aroace unlabeled person who uses tiger/tigers pronouns!
Abel is an autistic gay oriented aroace intersex trnasmasculine nonbinary beargender pupgender person who uses he/him, they/them, pup/pups, and bear/bears pronouns!
Abel's adoptive parent Charlie Nash is a greyromantic pansexual transfeminine genderqueer person with PTSD who uses she/her and xe/xem pronouns!
El Fuerte is a demiaroace pan gay trans man with ADHD who uses he/him, spice/spices, and food/foods pronouns!
Spice is dating T. Hawk, an unlabeled person who uses he/him pronouns!
Ibuki is a bi lesbian raccoongender trans girl who uses she/her, they/them, and tanuki/tanukis pronouns!
She's dating Rainbow Mika, an autistic rainbowcoric rainbowgender bungender trans lesbian who uses she/her, bun/buns, and rain/bow pronouns!
Menat is an autistic aromantic pan lesbian catgender trans girl with ADHD who uses she/her and purr/purrs pronouns!
She's in a QPR with Ed, a bi oriented aroace intersex demiboy with PTSD and ADHD who uses he/him pronouns!
Ed's sister Falke is a femflux nonbinary aroace lesbian with OCD who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
Kolin is a greyromantic lesbian with PTSD who is questioning her gender and uses she/her and snow/snows pronouns!
Urien is a butch transfeminine lesbian who uses she/her pronouns!
Poison is an autistic futch greyromantic pomosexual trans woman who uses she/her pronouns!
She's in a QPR with Hugo Andore, an autistic intersex potatogender rosegender pinkgender genderfluid transneufeminine demigirl boyflux aromantic lesbian who uses she/her, he/him, and potato/potatos pronouns!
Abigail is an autistic arospec trans man who uses he/him and vroom/vrooms pronouns!
Roxy is a demisexual intersex demigirl who uses she/her and nameself pronouns!
dni link
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all the The bear shipping surrounding syd is ridiculous to me. on one side you have the people who are obsessed with jaw and refuse to acknowledge that his character is kind of horrible to syd. like carmy loves her obv but he doesnt treat her well. not great! And then on the other hand you have the people who ship syd with marcus which… at the end of the day she does not like him like that and at this point shes made it clear. as a card carrying member of the bear polycule truthers club i think they can all come back from s2 finale but… well it will take a lot of work. and at the end of the day they are all coworkers so like whos to say it will ever happen. not enough people ship ********* but I’m honest enough with myself to acknowledge that my interest in it is pure projection and i just want ebon moss bachrach to be the mother of my children. although idk next season anything could happen. i for one would love to see a carmy luca marcus love triangle. marcus and luca endgame obviously. i just got mad all over again that jamie lee Curtis won that oscar over stephanie hsu that was so fucking ridiculous. i stand with both sides though i did have to block a few people for making me learn what the word miscegenation means. no idea how i didnt ever look it up before 2023 but here we are LMAO. anyway imo no new characters on the bear unless theyre nonbinary bonus points for neo pronouns. lets get syd a partner. no more het couples on the bear!!!!! anyway goodnight
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inrareformfest · 11 months
"in this quiet room" - hard4softthings
Read It Here!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: Jamie Drysdale/Mason McTavish/Trevor Zegras
Characters: Jamie Drysdale, Mason McTavish, Trevor Zegras
Tags: Rare Pairings, Trans Male Character, Queer Themes, Queer Hockey, Free Use, Dom/sub Undertones, Sharing Partners, Open Relationships, Double Penetration, Extremely Dubious Consent, Threesome - M/M/Other, Porn, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Creampie, Strap-Ons, Fucking, Unsafe Sex, Nonbinary Character, TransMasc!Trevor, TransMasc!Jamie, NonBinary!Mason
Words: 4,010
Summary: Mason gets consent, but not from Trevor. They don’t need consent from Trevor.
(Part 6 of Trans & Genderqueer Hockeys)
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queerdiazbuckleys · 2 years
For the writing asks: #1 (specifically the nonbinary Jamie fic if you're comfortable sharing yet - I'd love to hear more about it!), #10, and #25
1 - I have about 1000 words and it's a whole lot of nothing right now. Basically, it's like a rework from the start of the series and I'm really struggling because I want to stay true to who Jamie and Roy are at the core while putting this new spin on it. It's kind of a blend of two ideas, my nb Jamie and an idea had which is kind of 'what if Roy had actually taken Jamie under his wing from the start'. I love getting to explore the characters in a new, fun way because I feel like I've written and unwritten the same things so many times, I just want to do something new, and I feel like exploring gender through Jamie is just going to be fun and interesting. I am excited to pour more of myself into him, because I haven't done this enough already, as we all know. This story is really and truly my priority right now, and I care so much about getting it right.
10 - My process is a bit. Hm. I mean it's a little. Every time I write a fic and post it I go through this period where I'm convinced that I'm the Worst Writer Ever and nothing is good. I generally go back and reread my previous Roy/Jamie's and remind myself that I've put so much love and care into my writings in this fandom and they're perfectly what I want them to be and that's what matters. And then I tend to start a new fic and it's a bit chaotic. I make a playlist of songs I love right now or songs that fit the vibe or feel of the fic and then I just kind of write and force my partner to read it as I go and she tells me if things work or if they don't. I don't really plot things out or outline. I have to typically write linearly because I'll change course and come up with new things and writing out of sequence tends to throw me if I get to those bits and what I wanted to do has changed. Once I'm done, Rach will read through it fully, and then I'll read through it again and then I post it and try not to think about it. Then it's like lather, rinse, repeat. Mostly, I just write whatever comes to my head.
25 - I just love like, getting to take these characters and explore them. I love coming up with ideas and seeing how they play out in my mind. Mostly I find writing a good way to just channel my energy when I feel a bit everywhere. I also find like, it's good for me to just let it be a bit self-indulgent and fun. I just pour all the things I want for these characters into my fics because it SHOULD be fun to do. I enjoy writing more than reading for that reason. I just really love getting to like, make the pieces work and the act of navigating whatever world I'm creating or playing in.
if you wanna ask more:
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nycityfm · 9 months
Hi members! Who do y’all want to see most !?? Also is anyone up for an angsty will they won’t they or exes plot ?? Xx
𝚑𝚒 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎! we have quite a few wanted fcs, i know personally, i would love to see any poc, older, gender fluid, trans, nonbinary or disabled fcs! a few that come to mind are listed below the cut! in terms of that connection, i think there are plenty of muns that would love to see their connection filled! i know declan russo is looking for his on-again-off-again partner, sofie feldman is looking for their on-and-off secret girlfriend, dakota liu is looking for their ex boyfriend, rosalinda bancroft is looking for their on-and-off secret love affair, and vivian chui's ex husband could all work! otherwise members feel free to sound off in the replies!
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⸻ for males george robinson, rish shah, chase stokes, idris elba, ewan mitchell, sebastian stan, jonathan daviss, jacob elordi, henry golding, nick jonas, sam claflin, avan jogia, berk cankat, cengiz al, chance pedromo, charles michael davis, michael b jordan, mason gooding, sean teale, deigo luna, sterling k brown. and for females adeline rudolph, renee rapp, amita suman, ayesha madon, courtney eaton, davika horne, dana paola, constance wu, indira varma, jessica roth, tanaya beatty, jolene purdy, shannon purser, madchen amick, medalion rahimi, aslihan malbora, demet ozdemir, hande ercel, meghann fahy, paulina singer, coco jones, christina applegate. non binary & gender fluid & trans nico tortorella, ariela barer, celeste o'connor, emma d'arcy, emma corrin, jesse mei li, lizeth selene, poppy lui, quintessa swindell, tracey norman, elliot page, brian michael smith, elliot fletcher, lavern cox, jamie clayton, leo sheng, angelica ross.
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hello jamie it’s me jess i’m not logged in but re: shego vs eda poll. shego is the blueprint the og the foundation ofc but eda is a sexy MILF with grey hair and she has a monster form and also a partner with blue hair and pronouns. im glad im logged out rn bc as a bisexual nonbinary monsterfucker i genuinely cant choose btwn these two
Hey sorry I just got to this lol. good for her
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yeah what if i went bonkers and just stopped agonizing ab how my gender might make other people uncomfortable what if i came out and used my name in school and told my whole family i’m a guy and like maybe experienced happiness bc of how cool my gender is
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magcakes-archived · 4 years
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Hopping on this wonderful trend
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johannesviii · 4 years
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A compilation of enby textposts + Doctor Who screenshots because this was left unfinished on my usb key for years since I wasn’t sure how it would be received
Anyway it’s posted and it’s your problem now, not mine
[images: various screenshots from Doctor Who with text posts pasted on them.
1- Four, holding a sword, looking unapologetic - “I don’t identify as “male” or “female”. I identify as a problem”
2- The Master and Three - “Fun gender neutral things to call your partner: 1) Opponent”
3- Eleven, half-naked, looking confused - [two questions on a form] “How would you describe your gender?” “loosely.” “How would you describe your sexual orientation?” “with a ‘ehhhh’ noise and a sort of noncommittal wiggley hand gesture”
4- Two and Jamie - “Is it even gay if I’m nonbinary” “everything is gay if you’re nonbinary”
5- Seven - “My pronouns are That Bastard and my gender is [REDACTED]”
6- Eight and Grace talking in the hospital’s parking - “are you a boy or a girl?” “I am the physical embodiment of suffering”
7- Missy - [in all caps] “I am not “she” or “he”. The only way to properly address me is with fear and reverence.”
8- Twelve, in ominous silhouette, in front of the TARDIS consol partly on fire - ““So I was thinking about alien genders” you say. The ground shakes beneath your feet. Trees tremble. buildings quake. suddenly I emerge from the ground in a burst of fire and climb out to stand in front of you. “go on”, I say politely”
9- Thirteen, wearing goggles, smiling widely - “My gender is girl but slightly shifted out of this dimension”
10- Five, sleeping - “*turn off gender to conserve energy*”.]
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Scream (1996) Characters + Mickey Having a Tall S/O
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Randy Meeks
IDGAF if Jamie is 6ft. Randy Meeks is a short king. You cannot change my mind.
He jokingly flirts with you. Everyone laughing at how funny it was that he was trying to put the moves on you. When you flirted back...His brain kind of blanked out a bit. 😳 He didn't prepare for that.
He quickly becomes a flustered mess if you lean against a wall that he's up against and smirk down at him. Like, are you trying to make him fall in love or what????
Once you're a couple, that boy is absolutely enamoured with you. You are a freakin God/Goddess/Deity to him. Like, holy shit how did he snag THAT?!
Will worship you because he never thought in a million years he'd get you. Loves leaving kisses up and down every inch of you.
He is a leg guy. Long legs wrapped around him has him biting his lip and groaning.
Won't have an issue with you getting him things. He knows he's not that tall. He got you so what does it matter if he's tall or not? You clearly didn't mind.
You both playfully tease each other about the height difference. It's not insults but tiny jeers to each other that you both know is just teasing.
You jokingly sit on his lap in front of everyone not only because he gets bashful about it but because it just lets anyone trying to flirt with you know you're with him.
He gives a smug smirk when people dog him and you walk in the room to wrap an arm around his shoulder. The look on any assholes face that the shorter nerd pulled an Amazonian Goddess or a Person with Viking stature has him grinning about it for days.
The gif is literally him with any taller partner. He doesnt give a single fuck. You're his. Being chest level is even better because what a view 🤌👀
He will be a bit apprehensive of you wearing heels at first because are you seriously trying to make him look even shorter? But the minute he sees how they push up your ass and emphasis your calves...He's not complaining.
Billy Loomis
IDC if Skeet is 6ft tall I headcanon Billy as 5'9-5'10 at best. Billy just rounds it to 6ft. 😒
He had a thing with Stu whether he'll admit it or not so another guy or nonbinary person taller than him isn't a big deal. He still exudes dominant energy in the relationship regardless of how much taller you are than him.
If you're feminine, he's not sure how to feel. 'Guys are supposed to be the tall ones in the relationship.'....It's the 90s, he has a fragile ego, and he's from a rich moderate town. What do you expect but for him to feel like he has to be 'the man' physically at all times and possibly have misogynist tendencies? Even subconsciously. They are there.
He would probably mock your height at first because he's an immature jerk and being mean is how he deals with feelings he can't comprehend.
Oh! But if you use his head or shoulder as an arm rest he's mad the whole day. Eventually, you both insulting each other becomes your form of flirting
OR you let him know it bothers you and he'll ease up. He might be taken aback because to him; he was just teasing. He'll do better if it really bothers you. But you better do the same for him because he is tall, okay? He's not average and he definitely isn't short, alright?!
He gets a huge ego boost if he can make you flustered. It's almost comical seeing him put his arms on either side of you on a wall and you blushing as he smirks up at you.
He will get a kick out of being the dominant one in the relationship. That you're his size or bigger and yet he's still the one taking charge. It's a big turn on to be able to be the one calling the shots with his partner no matter what but you being so big and yet docile with him? Hot.
You actually forget that he's not taller than you because he just treats you like you'll break. Like you're this tiny, fragile thing he has to take care of and protect. It's endearing and a welcome change because no one else makes you feel like that. 💘
Will definitely wrap an arm around you and dare ANYONE to make a remark about the size difference.
Wear heels or platforms in public and he's annoyed because it's hard telling lying to people that your 6ft tall with a partner over towering you
Don't you EVER get him anything from the top of something. EVER. He is getting the damn thing himself even if he has to get a step ladder or climb to get it. 😡
Eventually, you got on the step ladder and grabbed it for him and he begrudgingly let you.
Will be extra protective of you if you're a non confrontational gentle giant and someone makes you cry. He will kill someone. Seriously, he won't even hesitate to protect you no matter how physically capable you are. You're his and no one makes you cry and lives. (They show up a day later hanging from a tree with their guts hanging out.) 🗡
If you are confrontational and intimidate someone in front of him, he will be thinking about it constantly because holyfuckingshitthatwashot...They still gotta die for insulting his partner but that's besides the point.
Tatum Riley
The girl dated Stu. She likes them big 😏
Will flirt with you, eyeing you up and down and giving smooth pick up lines. "Damn...That's a tree I want to climb...Sorry, just checking out the scenery. How you doing, honey?" If anyone else said it, you'd be rolling your eyes but her saying it gets your interest....I mean, she's hot.
Would definitely be one of those people that is constantly comparing your heights. "Oh my God, guys! Come look! I come up to YN's neck, holy crap."
Once you're a couple, congratulations. You have officially become the designated ladder.
She will climb YOU in order to get something... What? Her legs are wrapped around your waist? Oh, how did that happen. Hold still while she gets that cup. Yeah, she could have you get it but...Why when she could 'help' 😏 😉
You are still getting her everything. Be ready to be called at any time of day to get things on the high shelf.
Pick her up. She will be smitten. She may or may not try to pick you up but it didn't work.
You better start realizing you're putting her on your shoulders at concerts.
If ANYONE makes fun of you or insults you in anyway; she is on their ass. It's like a Chihuahua protecting a Great Dane. She doesn't care. She becomes 7ft when she's pissed off! 🤬
If you both argue, she will get a chair just to yell at you face to face.
Please, let her get you heels! It may be a challenge to find them in your size but hunting for a pair of size 10-14 heels that are still cute is half the fun for her. (She finds them on her own and surprises you as a gift.)
If you don't wear heels that's fine too but she will be giving you fashion advice for your body type. With those legs and that torso and those shoulders; why aren't you showing them off???
Lies and tells people you're a model. Runway or plus size or commercial depending on your body type but she still tells people you are. May even try to get you into modeling because LOOK at you!! You're gorgeous to her and have the height to match!
Stu Macher
He is like 6'4 so unless you are extremely tall then most likely he is still taller than you.
When he first saw you he is INSUFFERABLE. He is constantly leaning near you or eyeing you up a down or trying to compare your height or delivering pick up lines. He is lewd as can be with you and has zero subtlety. "Wow...I could just sit on a chair to eat that, no kneeling required."
Like...Boy??? If you don't STOP. Eventually you either become flattered by it or just give in and go on at least one date with him.
You being tall doesn't bother him at all. In fact, he's kind of thrilled having a partner close to his height. Other than that, it's just like any other relationship to him.
He can rough house with you without worrying about hurting you! That's always a plus in his book. He still tries to pick you up to prove how buff he is. You don't mind because it's not too often you have a guy taller than you able to manhandle you.
If you wear heels and you end up being taller then him holymotherofgod you better be prepared for him to be throthing at the mouth and ready to do whatever 👠🥵
Seriously, he doesn't have people taller than him often let alone his partner he finds sexy af! He is down bad for you in heels.
You both draw stares or at least glances when you enter a room. Both of you seem to attract both good and bad attention and Stu loves every second of it
Wants you to wear his clothes. They aren't as long on you as they were Tatum or Casey but being able to see your ass hanging out around the house is even better 👀
Constantly lets everyone know. "Yeah that fine ass tall glass of water over there? Hell yeah, man. That's mine."
Good luck on roadtrips in the backseat or in tight spaces. Both of your long legs are not working. He'll definitely suggest you lay on him to 'save room'.
Keep away doesn't work as well with you but that's when he just leans back against something so you're climbing on top of him to get it. What? Him doing it on purpose to get your chest in his face? Of course not!
He doesn't openly get mad at someone mocking you or him for how tall you both were. He plays it off as a joke. "Ha! Frankenstein's Monster. Funny, bro. Seriously, ya got us!".....Then mutilates them later on that night. 🫀
If you can pick him up he will be taken aback and questioning for the rest of the day whether he liked that or not. (He did.)
Sidney Prescott
She's 5'7 without the 3-4 inch ankle boots she wears throughout most of Scream. So, she's not that short herself.
Probably one of the only ones where your height truly doesn't matter. It's not a turn on or turn off.
You're both cuddling or sitting most of the time so your height doesn't matter too often. When you do walk together, she's a hand holder rather than walking plush up against you. So your height really, truly makes no difference to her.
The only time it does is when she's holding your hand and comparing your hand size to hers. Lovingly smiling at you as she compares.
Will bring up your height if you get her something and tease her about not being able to reach. Just like Randy, it's all fun. Nothing malicious about it.
Wants to borrow your clothes to lounge in if you're 6ft or taller because their perfect night shirts.
Will be a giggling mess if you pick her up Princess style (Because Billy could only give piggy back rides and he still didn't offer)
Will glare at anyone who calls you an insult...Go ahead. Call her partner the Jolly Green Giant or Lurch. Go for it. See what happens.
If you hold something over her head to tease her with, expect her to either tickle you to get it back or touch somewhere sensitive to distract you enough to snatch it and then play innocent afterwards.
Gale Weathers
She is vain and extremely traditionally feminine so I can't see her ever being with someone shorter than her. You're height doesn't win you brownie points in her book. That's a given if she is even considering you. Oh, so you're tall! Want a cookie? Big deal.
If you wear heels and you're taller than her, expect a jeer about trying to hog the attention. 🙄
Once you're a couple, however, it's a totally different story. Watch her insist you wear the heels to get attention on BOTH of you.
She likes looking up at you. Giving you those doe like eyes and smiling as she sees you give in to her.
She will have you raise her up during an investigation to look through a window.
She is considerate if you're with her. She just isn't to anyone else. So if you get her things, she will thank you with a smile every time.
She usually has someone else do her hair. But with your height, you could easily reach the top of her head without her straining her arms to do it herself. (Her hair in the first film is A LOT of rolling a brush in an underhand motion HIGH above your head with a blow dryer. It's an arm killer)
She doesn't see your height as anything unordinary or bad. She's always in heels or around media personalities in heels or tall newsanchors and actors. So if someone from small Woodsboro insults your height? Oh damn...She is whipping around and dragging them verbally. She will humiliate them in front of everyone to the point even you're grimacing. The woman does not play. 🗣
Definitely makes comments about "I'm not too maternal but hopefully if kids are in the future they get your height. I had freakin calf implants just to have your legs." It takes you aback how forward she is but she wants what she wants. If she sees a future with you, she will let you know instantly.
Whenever she can't get something, her eyes instantly go to you as you roll yours and get it for her.
Would definitely complain about neck pain while talking to you for too long and looking up. She probably doesn't even have to look up that much she just likes teasing you.
Dewey Riley
He's 5'10-5'11. So, average by most peoples standards.
Your height has him crushing on you big time. God, just watching your stride or how you stand out while talking in a group has him getting yelled at by the Chief for not doing his job.
He isn't nearly as flirty as Stu but he's not a socially awkward child that will avoid you either. If he likes you, eventually he will take the risk and tell you he thinks you're attractive in a polite way. "I hope you don't mind me saying so but...Gosh, you're pretty/handsome."
Once you're together, he treats you like he would any partner. Like Sidney, he doesn't use your height to his advantage or make too big of a deal about it (But he does find it an attractive quality about you for sure.)
He doesn't mind you in heels or not. You're looking good to him regardless.
Will chuckle and flush a bit at you over towering him or kissing the top of his head while standing
He is a people pleaser and a doer so he doesn't ask for help often. But if you stand there long enough and watch him struggle, he will ask you to help him hold up the thing or help him reach for the thing.
Loves you laying your long legs over his lap while watching tv
Tries to pick you up to carry you to the bedroom. He almost drops you but regains his footing. He is carrying you, make no mistake. He might struggle but he's doing it for his baby.
He's not confrontational but will always defend you against anything or anyone. He's your protector no matter if he's shorter than you or you're both the same height!
Will open the door for you and be 'the gentleman' in the relationship no matter how much shorter he is than you . He is going to treat you like an angel in his life and that means doing things for you he knows you're capable of but it's still how he shows he loves you.
Mickey Altieri
Mickey's slightly taller than Dewey but still shorter than Stu. So you COULD be taller than him but most likely slightly shorter or the same height.
This man has no shame. He's like Stu and Randy's love child. He saw you only because you were towering over a group of girls and a few guys at a party and made his move.
"Come on, babe. I don't mind a lil height difference...Besides, we're all the same height horizontally." or if you're the same height or shorter. "I just couldn't help noticing you and thought 'wow, that is a stallion I wouldn't mind riding'...Wanna dance?"
Definitely comes on way too strong at first and it doesn't let up as a couple. He is passionately with you
Heels? Fuck yes, Mommy/Daddy. Dominate him😩
Seriously, he requested the heels. And for you to shove him against a wall while talking dirty to him. The boy is a freak and is probably stammering to get out a single word.
He loves having you as arm candy. He shows you off and doesn't care if you're taller than him or not. Wear the heels babe. You look hot in them.
He doesn't care about what people think of him. Not a single ounce of a fuck given. But if they make fun of you OR even your relationship they are dead. He is fist fighting them first THEN killing them later.
He gets his camerecorder out and starts at your feet and slowly goes upward to your face. Making lewd comments the whole time as you laugh and shove it away.
Insists on you sitting in his lap or getting a piggyback ride from him. He manages just fine, being muscular and tall himself. He loves to see you shy about it and does it often.
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mogai-headcanons · 10 months
Ryu from street fighter is a agender gendernull asexual greyromantic bi orientated person with autism and ocd who uses no pronouns.
Ryu is in a polycule with Ken Masters, a butch transneutral bisexual firegender lesboy with adhd and autism who uses he/she/fire pronouns and Chun Li a demisexual biromantic intersex trans woman with autism and ptsd who uses she/her pronouns.
Guile is a demisexual biromantic trans man with ptsd and hearing problems who uses he/him pronouns. Blanka is a agender intersex demiboy with autism who uses he/it/spark pronouns.
Zangief is an agender, beargender, redgender, gay oriented aroace person who uses he/they pronouns. E.Honda is a greyromantic gay trans man with ocd who uses he/him pronouns.
E.Honda is married to Dhalsim an agender genderflux demigender firegender genderpsychic bi oriented aroace who either uses all pronouns or no pronouns depending on their mood. Cammy White is a intersex nonbinary transfem catgender lesbian with ptsd who uses she/they/purr pronouns.
Dee Jay is a pansexual dancegender trans man who uses he/him pronouns. Kimberly is a 80scoric colorgender trans bi lesbian who uses she/paint pronouns.
Luke is a stargender yellowgender bluegender doggender transmasc paragirl with autism and ptsd who uses he/bark/she pronouns. Luke’s partner Jamie is a librafluid polysexual person who uses she/they/he pronouns.
Lily doesn’t use any labels due to still being pretty young (please use the unlabeled flag) Juri Han is a pinkgender purplegender spidergender intersex bigender bisexual transfem who uses she/it/spider pronouns.
Marisa is autistic bisexual and polyamorous and is dating Manon an autistic trans lesbian. Cammy’s sibling Decapre is a nonbinary transmasc pupgender aroace lesbian demigirl with bpd who uses they/it/pup pronouns.
Sakura is a bungender arcadecoric trans lesbian with anxiety, autism and comphet who uses she/bun pronouns and is dating Karin an asexual trans lesbian with ocd who uses she/her pronouns. Birdie is a demisexual gay trans man with ptsd who uses he/him pronouns and is happily married to Eagle a gay intersex demiboy who uses he/him pronouns.
Ken’s wife Eliza is bisexual and their daughter Mel is a aroace trans girl with both adhd and ptsd who uses she/her pronouns.
Mel is friends with Li Fen, a trans girl with ptsd who uses she/her pronouns.
Seth is nonbinary and has psychosis, borderline personality disorder and DID and uses they/them pronouns. Rashid is a pansexual autistic trans man who uses he/him pronouns.
(Part two of my street fighter request) Blanka is dating Dan Hibiki an autistic genderfluid transfem greysexual panromantic person with adhd, ptsd, ocd, bpd and did who uses taunt/saikyo/it/she/they pronouns. Sagat is aroace, unlabeled and disabled and uses tiger/tigers pronouns. Abel is a transmasc intersex nonbinary beargender pupgender gay oriented aroace person with autism who uses he/they/pup/bear pronouns. Abel’s adoptive parent Charlie Nash is a transfem genderqueer greyromantic pansexual person with ptsd who uses she/xem pronouns. El Fuerte is a demi-aroace pan gay trans man with adhd who uses he/spice/food pronouns. Spice is dating T Hawk an unlabeled person who uses he/him pronouns. Ibuki is a raccongender bi lesbian trans girl who uses she/they/tanuki pronouns and is dating Rainbow Mika a rainbowcoric rainbowgender bungender trans lesbian with autism who uses she/bun/rain/bow pronouns. (Part three of my street fighter request) Menat is a aromantic pan lesbian catgender trans girl with adhd and autism who uses she/purr pronouns. She is in a qpr with Ed an aroace bi oriented intersex demiboy with ptsd and adhd who uses he/him pronouns. Ed’s sister Falke is a femflux nonbinary aroace lesbian with ocd who uses they/she pronouns. Kolin is a greyromantic lesbian with ptsd who is questioning her gender and uses she/snow pronouns. Urien is a transfem butch lesbian who uses she/her pronouns. Poison is a autistic pomosexual greyromantic futch trans woman who uses she/her pronouns and is in a qpr with Hugo an autistic potatogender rosegender pinkgender genderfluid transneufem intersex demigirl boyflux aromantic lesbian who uses she/he/potato pronouns. Abigail is a arospec autistic trans man who uses he/vroom pronouns. Roxy is an intersex demisexual demigirl who uses she/her and name self pronouns.
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sheanam · 3 years
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Oh boy oh boy, I don’t need to be asked twice [rolls up sleeves]
Thank you, and thanks for the question! Since you asked, and since I’ve gotten a fair amount of new followers here and over at the webcomic itself over the past half a year, here’s a quick little rundown post!
Outliers is a webcomic about the people you never see in regular comic book stories. Most stories, really, but it tends to be particularly glaring in superhero and assorted other scifi/fantasy/etc. comic books. In a cliche comic world full of people with super powers and aliens and magic and mutant monsters and all sorts of other nonsense, it’s about people trying to live their dang lives without getting caught up in it all or becoming collateral damage.
Average human citizens, people with useless or unwanted powers who aren’t fit to be heroes/villains or who never wanted to be one in the first place, people who don’t have a chiseled superhero physique, people who aren’t straight or cis, people with disabilities, et cetera. A slice-of-life/romantic comedy comic about the, y’know, outliers of this society.
There’s an assortment of characters who star in it, but it mainly comes down to three main duos/groups as the main characters:
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The main couple and stars of Outliers so far are Walter Corvi and Zachary “Chary” Milford. Walt’s a gay nonbinary man who has very strong super powers (he/they can turn into a giant wereraven bird monster) but who chooses to live as an ordinary citizen, and Chary’s a bi regular human dude who got caught in the crossfire of a supervillain attack and works as a lawyer who serves metahumans in need on behalf of their therapy group. They currently live in Port Exemplar, a big hub city and basis for metahuman law & regulation somewhere between Portland and Seattle. They’ve been dating for quite a few years now, are in their early thirties and are just trying to do their best, y’know? Please let them have a dinner date in peace.
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Another main couple are Hector “Heck/Heckie” Barclay (née McCabe) and Jamie Barclay. They’re a Scottish married gay couple in their early forties, now living in the US. They’ve known each other since they were young children in a metahuman-prep school in Glasgow, where they were Sent Just In Case, though both of them have pretty useless powers and live as ordinary citizens. They’re asexual and Jamie’s intersex, and have A Lot of history together as they figured things out throughout their youth. Heckie teaches (very opinionated) UK history as a local community college a couple days a week, and Jamie was a rock musician with a bright shining future and rising star until his chronic pain & fatigue disability became too much and he had to retire.They’ve had some hard knocks but are pretty happy, and have a few kids to boot, Kirstie and Doug.
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Last but not least, the third main group! Edmund Irving Rudyard Hawke II (more like 2.0) is the exact genetic clone of the original late Edmund Hawke, the very rich and very powerful and very evil CEO of Hawke Industries (think Lex Luthor and his ilk), artificially aged to twenty-something adulthood to take over the company, as per Hawke Sr.’s will. Much to the disappointment of HI’s Board Of Directors and assorted connected ne’er-do-wells, Edmund turned out absolutely nothing like his “father” personality wise. He’s sweet, cheerful, boisterously supportive, very aware of his privilege, and likes being with people and doing nice things for people. Grey-aro and extremely gay as well, but that’s beside the point. He has a rough time being stuck in a rough situation, but when a married trans couple consisting of Dustin Smalls and his best friend/wife/nesting partner Pam Flores cross paths with him and Dustin becomes Edmund’s personal assistant and Something More, things take a real turn.
These three different storyline threads will come together into one Some Day, which I hope I can manage before I’m old and decrepit! I haven’t drawn much recently and the Outliers comic hasn’t updated since December due to irl Reasons, unfortunately, but I can promise you all it’s still a thing. I think about these characters and my comic constantly, and have finally been getting into a place again where I can get back to working on stuff properly! Slowly, but surely.
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Thanks y’all for the interest, and I hope you stick around to see what’s coming! I’m doing my best to make a comic about the sorts of characters and stories I want to see and that usually get pretty terrible rep, so here’s hoping it all goes well in the end!
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drvcifers · 3 years
i am back again to cause a ruckus. since i have a little bit more free time coming up, i am going to try to pick up a couple more plots. i have listed below some really basic plots i’m looking for, faceclaims i’m wanting to use and some i’m wanting to play against. here is also a link to my current muses, and i am happy to plot with anyone listed as available.
**if we had plotted before, please feel free to message me if you would like to pick our plot back up!!
if you are interested in any of these (plots or fcs - i am always up for plotting something not on this list) you can message me (here or discord - thedrewdawg#1337). i will typically play a male or nonbinary, though i do have a few female muses i’d be interested in plotting with. i rp on both tumblr (via my mumu writing blog) or on discord.
i am also up for platonic/family relationships too! also very interested in 2x2 or 3x3 plots to allow for relationship development outside of just ships.
putting this under the cut because it got way too long :)
classic hateship. we hate each other for some reason or another but oops there’s also MASSIVE sexual tension and we can’t keep our hands off of each other. bonus points if they are both 'heartless’ but they are learning to trust each other with their hearts.
workplace angst. i have been watching too much greys tbh, but i love the dynamics of people who have demanding jobs and work a lot and the job and their coworkers are basically like all they really have going on. would be cool as a mumu, but fine as a solo plot too
angst avenue. something super angsty like this because i am a masochist. honestly anything super heartwrenching i’m probably all about.
ghosts. idk just haunting, maybe someone falls in love with a ghost. love a spooky romance. or like ghost hunters? i’ve been wanting to try out some more horror-esque stuff.
secret relationships. who doesn’t love a secret relationship? maybe you are my best friend’s ex that he’s still hung up on but we are really good together.
ASSASSINS. we love a good assassins plot. and they don’t kill each other because, well, they are in love. maybe they used to work on the same side and one of them defected?? ugh idk just give me some badasses with drama and lots of love.
post-apocalyptic. this has been on my wanted list for a while but ya know the basic there are zombies taking over the world stuff.
slice of life anything really. something that just explores dynamic relationships ya know.
FACES I WANT TO USE: winston duke, oscar isaac, alfonso herrera, elliot knight, michael evans behling. rahul kohli, aaron tveit, lakeith stanfield, ross butler, ryan reynolds, chris wood, avan jogia, charles melton, tom hardy, daniel kaluuya, robert pattinson, nick sagar, michael ealy, chris hemsworth, danny pino, theo james, rege jean page, henry cavill, sebastian stan, trevante rhodes, jack falahee, jordan calloway, leo dicaprio, matt czuchry, noah centineo, chris pine, manish dayal, and ALWAYS zac efron or dan stevens
FACES I WOULD LIKE AS OPPS: FLORENCE PUGH ALWAYS, samantha logan, gemma chan, candice patton, sarah michelle gellar, rachel weisz, aja naomi king, alexandra breckinridge, constance wu, dove cameron, kerry washington, aj cook, adelaide kane, aisha dee, odette annable, inbar lavi, lily james, camila mendes, issa rae, dakota johnson, phoebe tonkin, natasha liu bordizzo, lucy hale, nathalie kelley, laura harrier, halston sage, nina dobrev, tessa thompson, virginia gardner, shelley hennig, freema agyeman, hilary duff, jamie chung, meghan markle, madelaine petsch, lana condor, naomi scott, alicia vikander, shay mitchell, sydney park, maia mitchell, vanessa morgan, elizabeth lail, nicole beharie, becky g, chloe bennet, blake lively, sophia bush
OKAY THOSE ARE LOTS OF OPTIONS and tbh i’m not that picky, these are just the faces i’ve been wanting to use/have as opps for a long time.
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Hi! My name is Jamie, I’m a Nonbinary Genderfluid Trans Guy who has recently discovered their love for boys! 
I’ll mostly reblog things, may ramble on occasion about many things. Including things relating to my mental illness, primarily my DID.
I’m also Polyamorous and am in a committed relationship with my partner system, who I love very much!
~ The usual stuff, including Homophobes, Transphobes, Pedos (’MAPS/PEARS’), Racists, etc.
~Proshippers/Anti Antis aren’t welcome here either
~I’m a radical inclusionist and support all good faith identities, such as Mspec Lesbians/Gays, Gaybians, etc. If you don’t, then just leave, I’m not here to start discourse.
~Are Christian and post about it (especially on a frequent basis)
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