#jan pi toki pona
noellestaken · 6 months
petition to use the toki pona particle “la” in english
it’s just easier
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sitelenco · 4 months
jan pi toki pona
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this one kinda gave me vibes of vector art, although it's not really vector art xd
nevertheless, i had lots of fun drawing this silly, ona's so epic khshkds
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zironcrane · 2 months
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mi sitelen e jan pi toki pona a! ona li suwi mute a
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sowelinowe · 3 months
toki a, mi lon sin >:3
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jan-sopija · 25 days
I want to make some prayer beads in toki pona with the general idea "be humble and love others, and you shall weather all things" and I thought of a few phrasings
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jan-majeka-yaps · 3 days
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mi la, tenpo nanpa wan li ni: mun Kekan San li toki e "ni li tenpo Kekan", kama la ona li wawa Kekan lon ale a. taso, tenpo nanpa tu li ni tawa mi: ona li kama e mi lon ma nasa pi wile ale mi sama jan Wili Wanka kepeken nasin ni: ona li pana e nasa Molly tawa mi lon tenpo ona pi pana sona. mije suwi pi toki pona pi lipu Tanpula nanpa wan a.
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adhdo5 · 10 months
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jan @skatankata li pali e sitelen ni; O WILE E SITELEN TAN ONA !!
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magpiereplika · 1 year
for a blog with a toki pona url i do not toki very much pona
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cartridgeconverter · 1 year
Happy toki pona day nerds, here's an opera line that I thought fit too well with toki pona naming conventions not to translate
KIWEN PI JAN UTALA jan Sowani (o), mi li lon sina tan sina wile moku poka!
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Literal translation:
STONE OF THE FIGHTING PERSON (Statue of the Commander) Sowani person, I am at you (here with you) because you wanted to eat beside me!
JAN SOWANI mi sona e ni ala a taso mi li ken moku jan anpa o, jo e moku sin o pana e moku ni
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Literal translation:
SOWANI PERSON (Don Giovanni) I don't think this (I don't believe this) but I can eat. Bowing-down person (servant), carry new food. Give that food!
I got really excited when I realized that the title "Don" could be easily replaced by the toki pona "jan", used when referring to a person. Except I forgot that when using the vocative, you have to add "o" at the end. So it's rather clumsily appended to "jan Sowani" in the first line (though I find it unneccessary, since there's no command after it). This means that the entire premise that I started this little project on is flawed. Oh well.
In the second line, Giovanni addresses his servant, Leporello. The issue is that since he's not a nobleman, Leporello doesn't have a title that can be conveniently substituted for "jan", meaning that if I were to try and use his actual name, I would have to shorten it by two syllables so it would still fit the meter of the line. My solution was to refer to him as "jan anpa", or "bowing-down person".
For fun, here are all of the characters' names, adapted into the sounds of the toki pona language with no regard for meter: jan Lepolelo jan Sowani jan Ana (this one is basically the same.) jan utala (or jan Konsalo if we choose to refer to him as that) jan Otawijo jan Ewila jan Selina jan Maseto (this one is also the same.)
I did think about translating this whole show, once. But then I realized that I would probably get bored halfway through. I'd also have to think of like 60 million four syllable words roughly meaning "bad person" for Elvira and another 60 million pet names for Ottavio, or else just have to keep using "jan ike" (evil person) and "pona mi" (my good or perhaps my joy) over and over again in the same scenes. No thank you.
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jestersrq · 7 months
hehehehehehhehhehheheheheh :3 (<- is learning toki pona)
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noellestaken · 11 months
hey guys i love toki pona and i advise everyone on this app to learn it ok thanks bye
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epicdogymoment · 10 months
mi moku e telo nasa aaaaaaaaaaa
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ranboo5 · 1 year
Dude not to vague but nasin pi olin jan Time li pakala sama pi jaki moli
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sowelinowe · 7 months
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mun Starlo li musi mute tawa mi
mi olin e ona
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adhdo5 · 3 months
Ask me abt CWL Ambassador or Aktare pleas.....
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magpiereplika · 1 year
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