#jane daughter of fairy godmother info
hannahhook7744 · 2 years
What we Know about Jane part 1;
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Possible debate team member.
Acapella member.
Former mascot.
Thinks Lonnie wouldn't hurt a fly.
Thinks Doug is a very talented musician and that working in the mines sounds dirty.
Thinks Leadership is a lot of pressure.
Thinks Carlos is great at Tourney.
It is implied she had a crush on him in d1 according to the books.
Thought the vks deserved a chance in the school of secrets web series, where she can be seen arguing/debating with a girl about it. Which also shows that she can be sassy when she wants to be.
Gets tongue tied easily but eventually gets more confident thanks to the vkw influence.
After the vks showed up, she started to learn how to balance the rules with a dose of reality.
Really wishes someone would take her on a romantic date to the enchanted lake.
She wishes she was more artistic like Mal.
She has good hand writing.
She longs to be able to use her magic instead of just studying it, despite what her mom wants.
Things weren't easy for her growing up due to being Fg (the headmistress)'s daughter, because people always expected her to be good and avoided her at the same time.
She can be very insecure at time.
She once said "Magic is niether good nor evil-- it's all about who's using it."
Her mom taught her that love's a pretty big component in lifting enchantments.
Jane is too shy to ask a boy to dance.
She was shocked to find out Carlos was afraid of dogs but said it made sense after Ben reminded her who's kid he was.
She says 'Bibbidi-Bibbidi mom!' Whatever that means.
Her biggest wish was for people to accept her because she was never "the pretty girl" like Lonnie and Audrey (her words. Not mine. She was always adorable to me).
She has a necklace with her and Carlos's ship name on it (Janlos, I think).
Not use to having friends-- so much so that she thanked the others for being there for her.
She got grounded BIG TIME after Ben's coronation but everyone was pretty cool about it. Even though she was very embarrassed by her behavior.
Finds using magic exhilarating though learned it required alot of concentration after using it for the first time.
Thinks the vks are the best things to happen to Auardon Prep.
Had Mermaid Studies (I think that's the name for the class) with Lonnie and Audrey.
Audrey considered her a friend and felt very betrayed after she became friends with the vk.
Wanted to hang out with all the vks and main aks at the end of the d1 school year.
Might like Fairy Bubble Gum.
Would never turn mice into horses because she feels bad for them.
Likes black licorice over red.
Her biggest pet peeves are being ignored and bad hair days.
Was voted most likely to go on a first date.
Didn't invite Audrey to her birthday party in d1.
She, Ben, Chad, Audrey, and Lonnie all use to eat dinner together evrry night at the same table in the cafeteria before the vks showed up.
Audrey considers her, her ex bestfriend (surprisingly).
Carlos liked her with short hair.
All this info came from The books and wiki. If you want a part 2, let me know and I'll dig up as much info as I can.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
Descendants + Isabela Moner?
I actually really wanna thank you for this, because I can now share a plot bunny I've had for a while!! Thanks so much, Greta <3!! (And I'm also gonna tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @carmens-garden since they're my Descendants girlies. <3)
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NAME: Grimhilde "Grim" de la Cruz.
LOVE INTEREST: Jane Godmother.
SUMMARY: The daughter of the Evil Queen and the disgraced, formerly dead musician Ernesto de la Cruz, Grim had lived her whole life on the Isle of the Lost, mostly fending for herself. Though she had a good bond with her half-sister Evie, she apparently wasn't bad enough to run with the other girl's crew of VKs, and she had no desire to align herself with Uma and her gang of wannabe pirates, so most of her life has been spent roaming the Isle's streets on her own, pickpocketing whatever she could and staying out as late as she dared to avoid her father's rants about his "glory days". It isn't until she gets chosen to go to Auradon alongside Evie and her friends that she's actually somewhat included in crew activities - in this case, stealing the Fairy Godmother's wand - and the longer the five villain kids are in Auradon, the more friends Grim makes among the hero kids, including the daughter of the woman she's supposed to be stealing from. The problem, of course, is that when it gets down to the wire, she can only remain loyal to one group of friends while betraying the other...
This girl needs a hug. Also some genuine friends. Thankfully she gets both.
She and Evie are actually pretty close and have a good relationshp as sisters, despite being raised by different parents who absolutely hate each other.
She becomes besties with Lonnie pretty soon after moving to Auradon, much to her surprise since she's very rough and usually scares people away. Even more surprisingly, she becomes besties with Doug, and gets a crush on Jane within five seconds of seeing her genuinely smile for the first time.
Jay calls her the Grim Reaper, on account of all the black she wears and how her resting expression is a scowl. On a very related note, he occasionally gets headaches from how often she smacks him upside the head.
Dating Jane, once they actually do start dating, actually softens her up a lot, and it makes Evie super happy when her sister starts smiling and laughing more often.
send me a fandom + faceclaim and i'll create an oc!!
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silverloreley · 2 years
The ones in-between
Or, in Descendants, all the kids who were nor considered Villains/Heroes but not part of the VKs/HKs we saw either.
I’ll explain. You know all those characters we know exist because they were in sequels, series, or in the background of the main stories? The ones old enough to remember how things were before Auradon was founded, the ones sent to the Isle even if they were children? The firsborns of Heroes who are too old to fit in with Ben’s age group? Those ones, who we assume must be part of the Descendants Universe, but we have no info about.
Now, I want to compile a list and I’d love for help from the fandom. So I’ll put here the ones I thought about and you can add the ones you remember in the notes (or PM me) so I can update this post with all the additions and make this a masterpost for everyone to rely on for fics.
I’m talking about only and exclusively about characters that appeared in Disney materials, not OCs. Please don’t send OCs, they don’t fit in this list and I’m not interested in them here. People mentioned in the Descendants extra materials (the books, game and so on) won’t be counted either. I have yet to decide if we should consider the main characters of the new movies (Miguel Rivera, the Madrigal children, Luca and Alberto, Mei Lee...) in this list, but I think it’d be better if we didn’t, as those stories can take place anytime in the Auradon history as most of them don’t have actual Villains.
Chip Potts (although some assume he’s the driver sent to get the Rotten Four)
Hamish, Hubert and Harris (Merida’s brothers)
Ralphie of Maldonia (Naveen’s brother)
Zephir de Chateaupers (Esmeralda and Phebus’ son)
Melody (Ariel and Eric’s daughter)
Jane and Danny (Wendy’s children)
Amber Dearly (Anita’s niece)
Ranjan (Mowgli’s adoptive brother)
Chaka, Tipo and Yupi (Pacha’s children)
Penny and Cody (from The Rescuers I and II)
Kiera and Catalina (Angry and Red, from the Tangled series)
Dhandi (Eden’s sort-of adopted child, from the Aladdin series)
Elisa (niece of Fairy Godmother, from extra books)
Max (Charlotte LaBouff’s cousin, also from extra books)
Jenna, Rafi and Salima (Aladdin and Jasmine sort-of adopted kids, also from books)
Glauco (Snow White’s son, from some old comics. like 1939 old)
Isle of the Lost:
Ivy and Hunter de Vil (Cruella’s niblings, from the series)
Lucignolo (Lampwick, from Pinocchio, I refuse to use the americanized name here) and the donkey boys
Varian (from Tangled the series)
Zim and Zam (Yzma’s nephews from the series Emperor’s New School)
EDIT: added a few more names, thanks to @descendants-extended
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Bad end rewrite concept - Arwen
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Fae are a fickle type of being, once they turn 18 they have a yearly “mating” season that lasts from a day to a full week (similar to a period but once a year) only activated once the fae finds their “mate”. in the case of Mal, who is a dark fae and has yet to meet her “mate”, has never had her “mating” season. 
both light, dark, and “regular” fae all have this “mating” season after they turn 18 and find their mate, but unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, FG and Jane were unaware that Jane had found her mate in Gil, so when the young fae turned 18, and that time of the year came around, she wasn't exactly...prepared for what was happening.
FG had explained once about the fae mating season to jane, but...faes usually don't know they’ve found their mate until they reach the once a year “mating season” and her mating season ended up being only just a week after her 18th birthday.
as both Jane and Gil were unprepared for the situation, along with them both being pretty much unknowledgeable about sex.ed and Gil wanting to get rid of the pain Jane was under(less painful more just really uncomfortable), had unprotected sex. and around two months later, Jane noticed her period was late...and she hadn't had one the previous month. panicked she quickly confided in Evie and (y/n), who calmed her down and (y/n) went out to get her friend a pregnancy test.
minutes after Jane took the test, Evie gently showed her the stick, with two pink lines.
Jane was pregnant as a result of the mating season.
while she was terrified of both her mothers and Gils reaction, with the support of her friends she told them both. Gil was ecstatic, but knew that they were both very young and having a child might not be the best idea at the moment. her mother was just as supportive, blaming herself for not properly preparing her daughter for fae mating season.
another month of talking between Jane, Gil, and her mother, the two young adults decided to keep the unborn child that was growing within Jane. FG was ecstatic that she would soon have a grandchild and did her best to help jane through her pregnancy, even though she had never gone through it herself she was a fairy godmother, not just a fairy.
six months later, out came a red cheeked little girl, to which the two new parents named her Arwen. they soon discovered while Arwen looked completely human, she had inherited her mothers fae genes, her eyes, while normally honey brown like her fathers, became iridescent when she was tired, and then when angry, like when they saw Arwen's first temper tantrum, glowed and turned blue with purplish pink magic flowing through her iris, her pupil turning to a thin pink slit. her teeth, specifically her canines and lateral incisors, where fangs, sharp enough to rip through skin if she wanted too. she was a sub-type of fea known as “wild fae” who had connections with nature and life 
her magic burst forth wildly when she was only two months old, Jane staring wide eyed as her ,not even a toddler, child hovered her father upside down in the air in front of her, clapping happily as her father stared at her in shock and awe. it was almost effortless for Arwen, doing things even fully grown faes had trouble with sometimes, such as lifting an entire human into the air with no incantation. 
FG was just as perplexed, in the end only suggesting that those born of true love/between a fae and their mate, had extremely powerful magic. an example being Maleficent herself, while she was a dark fae she had been born from fae mates and therefore had powerful magic, sometimes not even needing a verbal spell to cast her spells. 
content with FGs answer but still in shock, Jane and Gil did their best to raise their magic rampant half fae child.
but one day...a bit more than one year after she had fled Auradon in shame of her failure, Mal returned. with vengeance.
she quickly took control of Auradon and the isle, spelling Jane and killing Gil with the Ember Mal had stolen back from her father, upon learning about Arwen, she ordered the newly spelled Jane to bring her daughter to her, what she would do with it she didn't know, it all depended on how powerful Arwen was. 
Jane obeyed, taking the hardly over a half year old Arwen to Mal. but as she looked into the iridescent eyes of her only child, Jane was freed for a moment, and in that moment she raced off to the other edge of the enchanted forest, and left her child in a bush. in tears she left Arwen in her peach baby blanket with a spell to keep her warm and fed, along with a note.
-to whoever finds Arwen, please please take care of her and protect her. Mal wants her, and i cant bare to let my child into her clutches, i cant let her die. tell Arwen her mother loves her and to be strong.
-thank you, Jane-
just as Jane entered the castle that Mal had taken, the spell Mal had placed on Jane returned. Mal was confused, the baby wasn't with jane, so where was she? Jane took Mal to where she had left Arwen, only for her to be gone.
the two faes stood unaware that a woman that was thought to be dead already had the child, and she vowed that she would protect Arwen with her life.
(y/n) took Arwen away from Auradon and to a nearby country, luckily finding a cabin the middle of a forest, she rebuilt it and raised her friends child alone in that forest, waiting for the day that Auradon and its people would be freed from Mal’s clutches.
four and a half years later, Arwen is 5 years old, she knows her parents loved her very much, she knows her mother was forced to give her up to protect her from the evil Mal, she knows her father died to protect her, she knows that she loves her auntie (y/n).
she knows she is powerful, she knows she controls the forest around her, she knows she commands the animals before her.
she knows one day she will get her mother back and avenge her father. but for now, she is only 5 years old, and her auntie wants her to have a happy childhood before she gives it up to war.
so she will, for now.
yep...Arwen! so i posted this concept art for bad end rewrite and with the addition of Arwen, the timeline and story of this concept change. this is the original timeline and story which originally started around the end of D3 and took maybe a couple months for the timeline to run through, but now starts a bit more than a year after D3, and spans over a good couple years, im debating on weather or not to have it go to where Arwen is a teen and fights along side (y/n) and the others or too have her still be 5 when Mal is defeated. depending on what i chose the story will be changed, so ill decide on that later.
her magic is pretty nature like in concept, she can control nature and command animals, and when she was a toddler she “tamed” an entire wolf pack that now waits on hers and (y/n)s command.(her favorites are Artimus and TC)  when she uses more of a...physically? visible? magic it flows like water and smoke, colored like her eyes when she is tired (aka its iridescent) 
again she has very sharp teeth (and at the moment is missing one of her front teeth cuz she's five) and i added a new eye thing for her, when she gets angry, her eyes turn blue with purple/pink glowy stuff and her pupil becomes slanted and glows pink/purple
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more of her info can be found on the other concept art i posted of her so ill just stop here  cuz its 5am and im tired~
Again inspired by the Dream smp and @disneyfan50​ “true defender” fic, and also thanks to disneyfan50 for helping me find a name for Arwen 
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Please please please tell me more about Penny and Finley!! also about any world developing/other ocs in the same world!!!! pls I would love to know more, that story was so wholesome /gen
tag me @walking-wardrobe-malfunction :)))))
YEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =~D =~D =~D =~D =~D !!!!!!!!!
Penny and Finley are NOT in the same world actually, it's just that with a lot of these posts I like to imagine a universe where all these OCs from different fictional worlds live in one house together. In a situation kinda like the Pocket Princesses comics, y'know those? Where all the Disney princesses live in one house together? Look 'em up if you haven't seen 'em, they're great.
Anyways, Penny is from a group RP with a bunch of online friends of mine that never really got off the ground, based on an original concept one of those friends came up with. It was set in a school called Lakeside Academy, for vampires and werewolves and angels. There was some tension between vampires and werewolves, there'd been a war at some point between them. Angels were neutral on that but weren't exactly perfect, they discriminated against angels that had dark wings. Called them devils. Again, we never really ended up going very far with that RP. Got like partway through the first day of school for all our characters.
Penelope Baxterr, a.k.a. Penny, is my character for that. She's a vampire. Fourteen and a half years old, starting her second or third year at Lakeside Academy. Most other folks who made vampire characters kinda stuck to the typical goth image of vampires, though not all of them were edgelords. I deliberately went in the opposite direction. Penny's super bright and cheery and upbeat and goofy and fun-loving and tries to be as positive as she can be. She loves bright colors and always wears as many at once as she can, clipping fake streaks of them into her hair every day. She also sings a lot and does a lot of arts and crafts. I decided most of the vampires in Lakeside Academy (and it is split into separate sections for vampires, werewolves, and angels, so she has to mostly be around them) are kind of put off by all that, so she doesn't have many friends among them. She is friends with another person's character who's an angel though. Probably would've made friends with more characters if the RP had kept running long enough for that.
She might've been the only character in that RP who wasn't content with her supernatural species. She was one of the vampires who'd been turned at some point during her life instead of being born one, and she misses everything about being human and hates everything about being a vampire. (Apart from the super speed and super strength, that is. Those are cool.) She makes no secret of this, but she never exactly fully opened up to others about the extent of it either, I was hoping for that to happen somewhere further down the line once we were really in the thick of things.
For a bit more info on her, maybe read these posts. I also have a playlist for her here.
Finley is a Descendants OC, from a Descendants group RP that also never ended up getting very far.
She's the Fairy Godmother (from Cinderella)'s niece. The Fairy Godmother as portrayed in Descendants isn't big on doing magic anymore, and doesn't allow her daughter Jane who's a canon character to learn to use it either. Jane never seemed super interested in magic, other than wanting it to make her prettier, but Finley is absolutely fascinated with magic and wants to learn as much about it as possible. She secretly got her hands on some magic books and a wand somehow and has been secretly teaching herself to do spells and potions and whatnot. Studying and practicing and experimenting with it all the time. She's pretty talented at it really.
She's very smart and very academic, total overachiever and perfectionist when it comes to all her school subjects. She's also into fashion and likes to design and sew clothes. Her style can vary but she usually dresses on the preppy side. Lots of pinks, whites, and turquoises, mixing frills and sequins with button-up shirts and plaid skirts, and always wearing hot pink high-top sneakers. She wears big glasses and like, bedazzles the frames. She's the preppiest nerd ever.
And since you said "other ocs in the same world," I do in fact have another Descendants OC from that RP.
Maddison Teabag Hatter, a.k.a. Maddie T. Daughter of the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland, and Finley's best friend. She's about as eccentric as you'd expect the daughter of the Mad Hatter to be. Likes to hang upside down and walk backwards from time to time. Total class clown, full of jokes and pranks. Talks in obscure media references and alternative answers to riddles sometimes. Does street art and spray-paints white roses red.
Here are some posts you could read for more info on Finley and Maddie T.
Here are the playlists for Maddie T, Finley, and their friendship.
I also tag posts with which OCs are in them, if it's not just all of them, so you could go through the tags for each of these OCs if you'd like to see some random little tidbits about 'em, incorrect quotes featuring them, or more scenarios featuring them in the imagined universe where all my OCs live together.
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hinasho · 4 years
isle of the lost vs descendants 1 characterizations
the book ends literally when the movie starts so their personalities cant be that different right? lets see
(similarities posted at the bottom!)
book: when evil queen goes on about beauty related things, especially in regards to her daughter, usually evie would begrudgingly recite whatever “tip” eq taught her and just go along with what she says. not to say she hated those kinds of things, but whenever her mother brought it up, she never expressed similar excitement or engagement. more often than not she was indifferent to her mother’s beauty antics, and we only see her talk about them in regards to herself in the last few chapters (im not talking abt the mirror incident, but the one liners she’d drop about her appearance here and there) movie: when the parents first tell their kids about going to auradon, eq talks about sprucing her daughter up before she leaves and evie is visibly excited about the makeover. she also goes onto encourage it on others as seen when they’re all in the limo and she tries to put makeup on mal.
book: the villain parents are not friends and we almost never see them together. the one time we saw the parents/adults all together was in the prologue scene for evie’s 6th birthday party. after that they never interact and dont pay each other any mind. this is especially true regarding evil queen and maleficent, as they state in the book that they’ve been at odds ever since they fought over who’d rule the isle. eq has also just been welcomed back into society after being banned by the other, so time-wise, at worst, they are still enemies and, at best, barely tolerable acquaintances. movie: evil queen & maleficent have a significantly close relationship, so much so that eq knows her house like the back of her hand and where maleficent keeps things, specifically that her spellbook is in the fridge. they even have a laugh about how they use to run things before being forced to live on the isle. they seem to be genuinely close. 
put the rest under the cut bc this post is too long lol
book: jafar and jay’s mantra is “whoever has the gold makes the rules” which was significant because it helped them while in the forbidden fortress movie: jafar and jay’s mantra is “there’s no team in I” (while this change was surprising, i also wasn’t that upset abt it bc both book and movie!jay struggle with teamwork)
book: carlos is not athletic at all and goes on about how he hates gym class. he is very focused on stem and doesn’t really care about any other kind’ve hobby. meanwhile jay is athletic and does casual parkour when going anywhere. movie: both of them do extreme parkour in the opening song. im not referring to the dancing ofc, but the extra flips and tricks they do. this is not unusual for jay, but is in regards to carlos.
book: jay isn’t the only one that goes around stealing things, mal very much does it to. at the end of the day they’d even compare how many things they’ve stolen to see who’s the best thief. jay usually wins, but still, both are thieves. movie: when they get to auradon, mal is very confused as to why jay would take the time to steal things and even needs for him to explain why he does it.
book: ben describes audrey as a classic fairy tale princess. she finds all things in auradon lovely and beautiful, and even has a bird land on her finger during their date. while she does think negatively of everyone on the isle, she acts mostly “lovely and sweet” before anything else, and it is not faked. think: giselle from enchanted. movie: idk how else to explain this difference besides “audrey just has a different vibe”. she is more regina george-esque than genuinely cheery, and puts on an obviously fake smile and attitude so often that queen belle expresses distaste for her 
mal likes art and goes around the isle putting up tags --- (the romance storyline wasn’t bad, but it would’ve been nice to see mal maybe join an art club? or get into painting or smthg else related to her hobby)
carlos is afraid of dogs --- in the book he can’t even say or hear the word bc it’s a trigger for him. he can say “puppies”, but he cannot say the word dog. whereas in the movie, he says the word several times. this is an extremely minor difference to be fair
when they’re afraid/think they’re in danger, they all cling to jay
they’re not used to sunlight 
the ben & mal tension on first meet (and continued infatuation before the cookie scene) --- in the book both characters have had a dream about the other. they didn’t know who the other was, but they remembered the dreams vividly enough that they were able to describe their faces in detail. in the movie when they first meet, both pause on each other several times. it’s likely because of the o’l Disney Romance™️, but it could also be because of curious recognition. 
jay is a flirt/smoother charmer and girls fawn over him
carlos is good with and likes science & technology
mal wanting to prove herself to her mother & the others not being as set on it --- in the book, mal is constantly reminded of the times her mother has called her “not worthy of bearing her own name or of being her daughter” and it causes mal to lose her cool several times. the other VKs also have parental issues ofc, but ones that are not as focused on proving themselves like mal’s are. theirs lean more towards other problems. in the movie she is extremely insistent on reminding them what they’re at auradon for and that this is their “one chance to prove themselves”
the core four freeze in fear when confronted with the reality of their parents’ pasts
mal can touch maleficent’s scepter --- to be fair that dance number in the museum was most likely just mal daydreaming, but still
jay going off on his own/following his own plan --- in the book jay and jafar plan for him to go with mal to the forbidden fortress and then double cross her and steal the scepter for himself, taking it as their “big score”. in the movie when they first see the wand with their own eyes, he runs off in front of everyone and only opens the gate enough for himself to squeeze through. carlos has to open it wider so they can all get through it after him. and once theyre in the same room as the wand, he reaches for it first against mal’s wishes.
carlos is bad at sports --- this is in both the differences & similarities section because, while in the book & movie he’s bad at sports, in the book he also doesnt like them and has no desire to do them as he is completely focused on science & tech. while after some practice in the movie, carlos joins the tourney team alongside jay. (i personally would’ve preferred for him to join a computer or engineering club)
mal can manipulate people with ease (book: evie / movie: jane & ben)
fairy godmother is mainly the one that enforces the “no magic” rule --- beast may have created it, but both in the book & the movie, people/creatures talk about fairy godmother being the one that restricts them
carlos climbs trees/searches for higher ground when afraid
evie knows how to use her looks, specifically her smile, to get the things she wants (book: persuading dr. facilier / movie: getting info out of chad)
audrey likes to dance 
carlos is sarcastic & competitive 
mal cheers up evie when she’s upset 
evie is good with academics
ben wanting to be his own person rather than act like his father --- this was a good continuation from book to movie as ben only realizes he needs to be himself in the final chapters, which he just continues to encourage in the movie. 
mal’s spur of the moment saving tactics
the villains aren’t good with computers/the internet --- the isle canonly doesn’t have wifi and in the movie the villains struggle with the laptop that was most likely given to them from an auradon representative
audrey’s family still being deeply traumatized by what maleficent did 
belle not letting beast talk shit 
mal pitying her mother for what she went through --- in the book: when she sees the past of what happened at aurora’s christening and sympathizes that her mother was nothing but a sad lonely girl. in the movie: the “and i really wish you hadn’t gotten there yourself” line during ben’s coronation
annddd yeah!
honestly there were a lot more similarities than i was expecting, and i am pleasantly surprised! book to movie things dont usually crossover well, but honestly, the first movie didnt do too bad of a job of it. 
tbh i think the one that probably suffered the most was audrey’s character. she really seemed very different from her book counterpart. this isnt to say that book!audrey was a saint and would’ve treated the VKs kindly, but she also wasn’t a fake person and was genuinely that cheery and upbeat all the time. whereas in the movie, it seems like almost nobody likes her (except chad) bc of her “fakeness”. 
i personally think if they were gonna go with the “bad girl and her minion” role, then audrey should’ve been the minion. in the book she was kind’ve an airhead (?? idk she just tended to have her head in the clouds a lot) and if one of the auradon girls told her to act a certain way towards the VKs for the “good of auradon”, i could see her listening to them. i dont know if she’d be the one to come up with the evil deed herself though. 
overall, the continuity flowed pretty well. i wish they didn’t change audrey’s character like they did (they probably could’ve had jane play the role of ‘stuckup girl’ tbh since she was a new character and her mother had a higher position in the kingdom compared to audrey’s parents anyway, so smthg to boast abt), but other than that, the movie’s characterizations were kinda close to the books!
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21 Things To Do in Dallas This Week
Justin Timberlake is returning to the AAC on Thursday night. email Print Article
Need a ladies night? Or a men’s night? Or just a night to get totally wasted and scream and holler when you see men taking off their clothes? Chippendales is coming to town just in time for bachelorette party season. Or a way to unwind after the stress of the holidays? Or it’s cold outside and you miss the sight of shirtless men? Whatever floats your boat or makes you hoot and holler, see it all (well, mostly all) at 8 p.m. Wednesday at House of Blues, 2200 N. Lamar St. Tickets start at $25 at livenation.com. Paige Skinner
Rover Dramawerks picked Muriel Resnik’s Any Wednesday for its 19th season opener, which you can catch at 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday at 221 W. Parker Road, Suite 580, Plano. Playgoers 55 years ago (any readers still around?) may remember the play on Broadway with Sandy Dennis and Gene Hackman. Jane Fonda starred in the movie. Familiar plot: Married business tycoon visits mistress in office-paid-for apartment every Wednesday. Complications ensue when client and tycoon’s wife mistakenly get sent to the apartment. Carol M. Rice directs Mark Massey, Jade Reyes, Eddy Herring and Lucia Welch. For info and tickets, roverdramawerks.com or 972-849-0358. Thursday and matinee tickets are $18; others are $24; teacher/student/senior, $20. Reba Liner
It’s been about eight months or so since Justin Timberlake appeared in town, gracing the same American Airlines Center stage that he will again command Thursday night. Such is the magnitude of his star power. After all, there are very few artists who could return to the same scope and size of venue in such a short time. On that last appearance, JT took the sold-out crowd on a journey through his vast solo catalog of hits, enthralling the audience with his slinky dance moves, buttery smooth falsettos and charmingly, magnetic charisma. His shows also skew heavily toward the mom demographic. Much chardonnay will be sold and much is likely to be spilled as the gaggle of 30- and 40-something ladies will undoubtedly raise their glasses high in the air as they swoon and sway to his every move and note. If you’re there, feel free to join in. If you’re not in attendance, your social media feeds will keep you updated minute by minute. 8 p.m. Thursday, American Airlines Center, 2500 Victory Ave., $49 and up at ticketmaster.com. Jeff Strowe
Toro y Moi, along with Neon Indian and Washed Out, was a forerunner of the chill wave movement about a decade ago. But, like many in the scene at that time, he’s moved on from the sound, as is evident in his new album, this year’s Outer Peace. One critic described the album as "new disco," while others label it as a funk album rooted in the present. 7 p.m. Thursday, Granada Theater, 3524 Greenville Ave., sold out. Diamond Victoria
Ella is a girl with a dopey fairy godmother who “blesses” Ella with obedience, which means whatever anyone tells her to do, she does. Even worse, she ends up with a stepmother and stepsisters who know about her quirk and are happy to take advantage. Throw in a handsome prince and adventures with ogres and magic, and you have a twisty retelling of Cinderella. See a song-filled version of Gail Carson Levine’s Newbery-honored fractured fairy tale as the Dallas Children’s Theater stages Ella Enchanted: The Musical at 5938 Skillman St. Friday’s performance is at 7:30 p.m., and the show runs through Feb. 24. Tickets, $15-40, can be found at dct.org. Patrick Williams
Did you know that comedian Iliza Shlesinger got her start here in Dallas? You didn’t? How dare you call yourself a resident! Shlesinger was born in New York, but she grew up in Dallas and took her first steps onstage as an improv comedian before heading off to college and a lucrative stand-up comedy career. She returns to her homeland for a show at The Majestic Theatre, 1925 Elm St., at 7 p.m. Friday. Shlesinger cut her teeth in stand-up at The Hollywood Improv and quickly caught on with her unique take and skill. She found fame as the first female comedian to win the NBC reality competition Last Comic Standing and began regularly touring theaters across the country and the world. Tickets are between $32 and $209 depending on available seating and can be purchased at theatredallas.com. Danny Gallagher
There is a story behind Amaluna, the Cirque du Soleil show making a stop at Lone Star Park in Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway. Here goes: Queen Prospera rules over a magical island populated by all women until a group of men wash ashore shipwrecked. Her daughter … OK, look. It’s Cirque du Soleil. You know, lots of brightly colored leotards and amazing acrobats dangling from straps above the audience, flying through the air launched from seesaws to the sound of mildly weird new-agey music. There are two shows Friday, at 4:30 and 8 p.m. Adult ticket prices start at $63, with discounts for children, and an assortment of special packages are available at cirquedusoleil.com. The circus continues with shows until March 3. Patrick Williams
As do many institutions at their silver anniversary, sports-talk station KTCK-AM 1310 and 96.7 FM “The Ticket” is getting nostalgic for the 25th iteration of its signature P1 fan festival. Along with celebrity guests Troy Aikman, Jay Novacek and Daryl “Razor” Reaugh, Ticketstock 25 has a Ticket Time Tunnel, where Tier One hosts discuss the history of the station in panel discussions, and there’s an interactive Ticket Hall of Fame with memorabilia, audio, Marconi Awards and retro Ticket merch. As usual, the Timewasters will perform Saturday at 6 p.m., this year from a greatest-hits set list, with Fox 4 sports anchor Mike Doocy — the ultimate good sport and straight guy during his frequent guest-hosting appearances — as emcee. Ticketstock 25 is Friday and Saturday at the Plano Event Center, 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway. Doors open at noon both days and admission is free. Visit theticket.com for the full schedule of on-air roundtables and gotta-be-there-to-hear-’em Ticket Time Tunnel panels. Jesse Hughey
In the sage words of the world’s pre-eminent British girl band: spice up your life. Winter doldrums be damned, things are getting hot at ZestFest Jan. 25-27 at the Irving Convention Center, 500 W. Las Colinas Blvd. This three-day celebration of all things bold and piquant is packed with cooking demonstrations; celebrity chefs like Jon Bonnell, Eddie Deen and MasterChef champ Shaun O’Neale; gourmet vendors to help you level up in your own kitchen; live music; plus food samples and beer tastings aplenty. For those of us with stomachs of steel and something to prove, there’s a jalapeño-eating challenge and the annual “Atomic Wing” contest. Pack your antacid and plan a full day on Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. Admission is $15 at the door, though kids 10 and under get in free. For more info, check out zestfest.net. Jennifer Davis-Lamm
Creator and headliner of last year’s inaugural I Am Dallas Hip Hop event, Mozez Tha Great performs his long-awaited EP Undefined in its entirety as part of a stacked bill at The Prophet Bar on Friday night. Mozez has gone through his fair share of setbacks over the years regarding his music career. A few years ago, Undefined was ready for release, but when an engineer who was commissioned to mix and master the album took off with Mozez’s money, its completion got delayed. Catch Mozez along with several other of Dallas’ best up-and-coming hip-hop artists. With Lou Charle$, Mokah Soulfly, Smoothvega, Drama Tha King and Raw Elementz, 8:30 p.m. Friday, The Prophet Bar, 2548 Elm St., $10. Diamond Victoria
Thursday is on a small run of dates where they play two of their classic LPs, Full Collapse and War All the Time, front to back. Though they have a rather extensive back catalog, these are the two records that changed their fortunes and gained a huge audience. The first night — Friday night — is devoted to Full Collapse, the record that broke the band out of the New Jersey scene and into the national spotlight. The next night is devoted to War All the Time, the major-label debut that brought the band to larger acclaim. Normally shows like these happen in New York, LA or Chicago, so Dallas is very lucky to have these dates. Thursday is not really an active band as compared with the 2000s, so you should strongly consider going if you’ve never seen this powerful and legendary band before. 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 25-26 at Trees, 2709 Elm St., $29-$36 at ticketfly.com. Eric Grubbs
Sport is “an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment,” according to the Google search we just did. By that definition, cheerleading is 100 percent, no doubt in anyone’s mind, a sport. Backflips are physical. Somersaults must be learned and perfected. And competitive cheerleaders, well, compete. See them do that Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 26-27 at Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, 650 S. Griffin St at National Cheerleaders Association National Championships. Tickets start at $20 at eventbrite.com. Paige Skinner
Finnish vocal ensemble Rajaton joins the Dallas Symphony Orchestra to celebrate the music of megastar pop group Abba, who are enjoying a much deserved critical reconsideration. Expect orchestral renditions that shine new light on the Swedish artists’ soaring, emotionally raw classics, including “Mamma Mia,” “Waterloo,” “Dancing Queen” and more. There are three performances: at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Jan. 25-26, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 27. All performances take place at the Meyerson, 2301 Flora St. Tickets start at $20. More info at mydso.com. Jonathan Patrick
The Boy Who Would Be Captain Hook is a funny and moving play about a boy who was born without a right hand. When doctors fitted him with a prosthetic hook, he was sidelined at recess until the other kids asked to play Peter Pan with him. Of course, he played Captain Hook — until he grew tired of it. The Boy Who Would Be Captain Hook takes a look at David Harrell’s childhood living with a disability as he tells the story of how he wished to change his own narrative and not be just the boy with a hook. The play is at 3 p.m. Saturday at Charles W. Eisemann Center, 2351 Performance Drive, Richardson. Visit eisemanncenter.com for more information and tickets ($25). Paige Skinner
KNON is the nonprofit, listener-supported community radio station that has been showcasing the blues in DFW for 20 years. From the up-and-coming, 11-year-old Jack Barksdale to headliners like the award-winning blues elders in Gregg A. Smith and the Blues Revue Band, the 20th annual KNON Blues Festival will be two days packed with Texas talent. Before hosting festivals, KNON released compilations of blues music from all over DFW. The radio station has brought blues a long way over the years and shows no sign of stopping. The festival will be held at Poor David’s Pub, where blues has been put on display in Dallas for over 40 years. Keeping up with what is seemingly a festival tradition, Dickey’s Barbecue will be available for $10 a plate. 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 26-27 at Poor David’s Pub, 1313 Lamar St., $20-$150 at eventbrite.com. Jacob Vaughn
Blake Ward is one of the busiest DJs in Dallas, with four different weekly events and recently having taken up the management of his new Four Four Booking agency. He has a long-standing Saturday night Glamorama gig at Beauty Bar. As far as promotion goes, Ward is relentless, a perfect example of how to connect, inform and grow a DJ audience. 9 p.m. Saturday, Beauty Bar, 1924 N. Henderson Ave., free. Wanz Dover
International Holocaust Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi extermination camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Name doesn’t ring a bell? Then mark the day with a visit to the Dallas Holocaust Museum and Center for Education and Tolerance, 211 N. Record St., Suite 100. Remember, those who forget the past are … well, just doomed. The museum is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, and admission is $10 for adults, with discounts for kids and seniors. Find more information at dallasholocaustmuseum.org. Patrick Williams
Who doesn’t love The Bachelor? You? OK, no one asked you. Jeez. Well somebody loves it, because the entire franchise has spanned more than 40 seasons and people keep watching. This season, four Dallas women are vying for virgin Colton Underwood’s love and cherry as America watches. If you don’t have anyone to watch it and cringe over it with, then head to Steam Theory Brewing Co., 340 Singleton Blvd., Suite 100, at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 28, to bond with fellow Bachelor lovers at the Bachelor Nation Watching Party. Visit steamtheorybrewing.com for more information. Paige Skinner
Namo in West Village, 3699 McKinney Ave., is hosting a sake-tasting class from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. Those attending will get six hand rolls matched with sakes from TYKU Sake, whose reps will be on hand to tell you what to look for in the traditional Japanese wine made from rice, water, yeast and koji (a kind of mold used in Japanese cuisine). Tickets are $50 at eventbrite.com. Patrick Williams
The Disney empire is a vast, all-encompassing thing. They’re the masters of the Ice Capades, one of the biggest names in Broadway and have a virtual lock on the kids pajama market. Now, their reach expands to the world of a cappella singing. Yep, the domain once reserved for Ivy League a-holes in striped jackets is now replete with mouse ears: meet DCappella, Disney Music’s a cappella super group. Assembled by Deke Sharon, who’s like the Lou Pearlman of the a cappella world, these seven men and women don’t need backing instruments. It’s just their sweet, sweet voices and sculpted eyebrows up onstage, belting out all your favorite Disney tunes at Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie, 1001 Performance Place, at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30. Tickets to see the Disney-fied vocal acrobatics are $19.50 to $54.50 at axs.com. Jennifer Davis-Lamm
In Incognito, playwright Nick Payne tells three different stories to better explore the human mind. One is about Thomas Stoltz Harvey stealing the recently dead Albert Einstein’s brain. The other is about a man named Harvey undergoing brain surgery, and the third is about Martha, a clinical neuropsychologist making some changes in her life after her marriage falls apart. See the play Jan. 30 through Feb. 23 at Bryant Hall, 3636 Turtle Creek Blvd. Tickets start $25 at secondthoughttheatre.com. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Paige Skinner
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Rewrite - Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 3 - first day
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Edited on (1/30/2022)
Harry examined the blank map in front of him, still hardly believing his father's word on the “magic” map. It was past curfew and not a single student roamed the halls. It would be a perfect time to nab the wand but….that would be stupid! Auradon wouldn’t be so naive to believe that they wouldn’t try something the same day they get to Auradon. They would have some sort of watchmen or security.
And knowing Mal, she would get impatient and get the wand as soon as possible. And knowing her, she would be going right now. Harry peered up as he heard three sets of footsteps running down the hall, and then another set running after them. He was right, Mal was planning to get the wand tonight.
But it would fail. How he knew he didn’t, he just knew Mal was hotheaded and rash, and one of them *cough* Jay *cough* would try to grab the wand and hit the supposed magic force field; and this is why it's important to listen to everything and everyone around you for any piece of important info. Like (y/n) talking about the lack of guards and forcefield for the wand.
Harry sighed, looking back down at the map, swallowing his pride and whispering; “I solemnly swear I am up to no good” The map seemed to bleed ink as it bloomed to life, a dorm room appearing, two sets of footprints along with it.
One had the tag “Gil” and the other “Harry Hook” Harry looked at the room across from theirs, seeing (y/n)s name in the corner, probably asleep. “it works” Harry whispered, a giddy laugh slipping from his lips “it really works” he looked further down, raising his brow as he caught sight of the other vks.
They disappeared out of sight just as quickly, meaning they had left the property of Auradon prep. “10 cheese sticks that they don’t get the wand” Harry turned to Gil smirking, making a small bet.
“you’re on!” Gil cheered.
About an hour later, Harry sat on his bed, still looking at the map, laughing as the four vks slowly appeared on the map, dejectedly making their way back to their rooms. “yeh owe me ten cheese sticks Gilly~”
“aw, man!”
Harry was going to die from boredom, he was! listening to Fairy Godmothers' mindnumbing lessons were just….uggggg. “you find a crying, baby, do you A: curse it? B: lock it in a tower? C: give it a bottle? Or D: carve out its heart.
‘someone save me’ Harry mentally cried out for help, sinking in his seat and staring up at the ceiling. “Evie?” FG called on the princess, Evie pulling down her hand and tilding her head, the blue-haired princess smiling; “what was the second one?”
“oh okay, anyone else?” FG glanced around to the rest of the vks, no one responded. “Mal?” the half-fae looked up, examining the board.
“C: give it a bottle” Mal droned, looking back down at her art of the wand.
“correct” Fairy Godmother cooed “again~”
“you are on fire girl!” Carlos praised. Mal snorted and shook her head.
“Just pick the one that doesn’t sound like any fun?” Mal said it like it was obvious, and it really was.
“oooh” the others sighed, Evie muttering to herself. “that makes so much sense”
Mal mocked them with a gasp and went back to her drawing. Harry looked up to see a girl dressed in a gaudy baby blue dress, and a ridiculous bow on her head, squeaking in fear as she passed by them. (y/n) trailing after her, some papers in her hand.
“Hello, dear one~” Fairy Godmother cooed again, holding out her hands for the clip boarded the girl was holding.
“hi, you need to sign off an early dismissal for the coronation” she looked back at the vks, her eyes wide with fear.
“Everyone here knows my daughter Jane~” the girl, Jane, whipped around to look at her mother, her mouth open in shock.
“oh, its okay~ Jane, this is everyone!” Fairy godmother handed her back the clipboard and pushed her towards the vks.
“they’re harmless Janey~” (y/n) cooed, patting her shoulder and handing FG the papers “you have nothing to be afraid of”
Jay made a noise as if (y/n) offended him, Mal frowning at (y/n) at her dismissal of them. Jane just looked at (y/n), giving the vks a small bow “don’t mind me, as you were” she raced off, leaving (y/n) behind with the vks and FG.
“hey, FG some advice ‘bout them” she whispered, fairy godmother, leaning down to listen “don’t treat ‘em like 2-year-olds, they’re teenagers, talk appropriately for their age kay? They might respond more”
Fairy godmother gasped and nodded “oh, good idea~” (y/n) nodded, sighing as she turned and walked out of the classroom, mouthing ‘you’re welcome’ to the vks as she passed them.
“Alright! You find a vile of poison, do you A:” Harry sighed in relief, she had stopped with the baby talk and started talking to them like they had brains “ put it in the king's wine? B: paint it on an apple?” Mal and Evie giggled to themselves at that “or C: turn it over the proper authorites~”
Evie, Carlos, and Jay's hands shot up, each wanting to answer the question, but Fairy Godmother stayed silent, seemingly waiting for something.
Harry sighed and slowly lifted his hand, mentally groaning as she pointed at him “Harry~’
“C: Yeh turn it over to tha’ proper authorities” he muttered, rolling his eyes as she nodded and circled his answer.
“correct~” Carlos huffed and dropped his hand.
“I was gonna say that” he whined, suddenly yelping as Jay grabbed him and wrestled him onto the table.
“boys…boys!” Fairy godmother tapped her extended stick on the lectern next to her, jay and Carlos stopped, looking up at her. “I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field.”
“What’s tourney” Gil whispered, Harry jumped, he had completely forgotten Gil was there, he had been oddly quiet.
“don’t know” Harry whispered back.
“oh no, that’s okay. Whatever that Is we’ll pass” Carlos laughed, his lips pinching together as Fairy Godmother shook her head.
“I’ll be informing coach Jenkins of your arrival at the field today, okay boys?” they sighed and nodded “class dismissed.”
The core four couldn’t get out fast enough, quickly packing up their things and bolting out of the classroom. Harry and Gil took their time to pack up, muttering to each other as they did.
Harry spotted Fairy Godmother looking at the papers (y/n) had handed to her, nodding to herself and walking over to them, handing Gil a map. “boys, I would also like it if you participated in our sports as well, get that energy out, now Gil you might like tourney, as it is a very physical game” Gil smiled at that, looking through the map. “and Harry, I have been informed that you might like the fencing team?”
Harry perked up slightly, ‘I can hit someone with a sword and not get in trouble?!’ “aye, maybe” he muttered, feigning disinterest.
Fairy godmother smiled “well when Gil goes to tourney, go with him, the couch is also in charge of the fencing team and I’ll inform him about you” Harry nodded and snatched his hook from the desk, strutting out with Gil.
Fairy godmother pulled out the piece of paper she was just reading, examining the notes under Harry's student information.
“Harry Hook: Son of Captain Hook
Age: 16
sex: male
Classes: History of Woodsmen and Pirates, Saftey of The Internet, Remedial Godness 101
No electives
Classes starting next week: English, Math, chemistry, and arts.
Very energetic, loud, stays close to Gil, does not seem to be close to the other four villain children, he dislikes Mal and Jay the most, seems to have trouble with numbers (possible dyscalculia please inform his math and chemistry teachers of this), do NOT take his hook, it seems to hold huge sentimental value. Talk about possible alternate options to leaving in dorm room or taking from him (ie. Shrinking down to charm size, capping the tip, enchanting to prevent incidents), does not like loud noises, fight before flight.
Signed : (y/n) (l/n)”
She folded the piece of paper and set it on the desk next to her, sighing and rubbing her forehead. This was going to be tougher than she thought.
Harry knocked his knees together as he watched the tourney match between the recruits. Gil had flipped over the Chad kid and helped prince Ben score a goal. He felt someone sit next to him, glancing he saw (y/n), leaning back on her hands as she watched the try-outs
“kinda boring isn't it?” she asked, turning to him and smiling.
Harry nodded, pressing his lips together “aye, I've seen more interesting rats fight on the isle” (y/n) burst out laughing.
“now that does sound interesting” she giggled, looking back out onto the field, hearing the coach call Jay and Gil to him. “seems those two got on the team….Carlos?” (y/n) asked Harry his opinion about Carlos getting on the team, the pirate shrugging slightly
“maybe, he’s quick on his feet and a very sharp” harry muttered, leaning on his palm and watching as the coach patted Gil's shoulder. The blond boy beamed up at Harry, who gave him a thumbs up. The coach turned to look up at him, turning back to Gil and asking him something, while pointing back at harry.
Gil nodded and motioned for Harry to come down. Harry groaned and picked up his back, sliding his hook through his belt loop and hopping down the bleachers. “wha’?” he muttered, grunting as Gil tossed his arm over his shoulder.
“FG told me you were interested in joining the fencing team?” the coach asked, ignoring the sputtering blonde boy behind him.
“wha- a pira- ah!” the teen next to him, with striking curly red hair and fiery green eyes, smacked him in the shoulder.
“Stuff it Charming, we need a guid swordsman oan oor gang, yer maw cares if it's a vk” he had a thick Scottish accent, similar to Harry's but he obviously grew up somewhere that had more actual Scottish people compared to Harry's isle accent.
“yer Scottish?” Harry asked, tilting his head. The boy smirked and nodded.
“aye, me mums Mèrida, queen of the DunBroch clan, up in the highlands of Scotland” he held his hand out to Harry, Harry grabbing onto it tightly “names Fergus, named afta’ meh grandpa, king Fergus of DunBroch”
“Harry, Harry Hook” Harry replied, blinking in surprise as Fergus smiled brightly.
“Na wey! son o' a real pirate, a've heard tales o` yer da, he's a doolally yin” Harry snorted and nodded.
“aye, he is” Chad groaned and stomped his foot.
“Would anyone mind speaking English around here!” he whined, squeaking as someone pushed him over.
(y/n) snickered “shove it up your ass charming, you’re the only one complaining, by the way, coach, Hooks in. no need for him to try out for R.O.A.R” she smirked, coach nodding in response.
“What!?!” Chad yelled from the ground, grunting as (y/n) planted her boot on him.
“im the captain Charming~ if I say Hook is on the team, he’s on the team~”
Chad grit his teeth, shoving off your foot and stomping off. Harry and Fergus laughed as the snooty prince stomped away, his pride obviously hurt.
“Funny yin that laddie is” Fergus chuckled, shrugging off his sweaty jersey and started to run towards the shower house near the field “ See ye efter Hook, gotta git tae mah neist class”
“See yeh later” Harry called back, turning towards Gil and (y/n) “wha’?”
“you made a friend~” Gil sang, turning around and walking towards the bleachers to grab his bag.
“wha’! no I didn’! Gil, I do no’t make friends!”
“if you don’t than what am I ~”
“an annoying talk box!”
“aww Harry that hurt!
---end of part 3---
Power went out when I was writing this T-T I lost a lot of progress that I had to rewrite *pun city!*
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