#jane goddaughter
carlosfreckles · 3 months
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Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before four hearts as one!
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meteor752 · 2 months
What are your favorite Descendants ships then?
Loving all of this activity in my inbox, okay
Descendants truly brings out the multishipper within me, because I’m on for basically anything here
So this will be a long list
Harry X Ben
Harry X Jay
Harry X Carlos
Harry X Uma X Gil
Harry is my favorite
Ben X Carlos
Ben X Gil
Ben X Evie
Evie X Mal
Evie X Uma
Mal X Uma
Evie X Mal X Uma
Uma X Harriet
Mal X Jane
Jane X Freddie
Lonnie X Jane
Jay X Lonnie
Lonnie X Gil
Dizzy X Celia
Doug X Chad (Ish)
Audrey X The full extent of the law put that girl in jail please
And as for the new movie
Morgie X James
And that’s it
Queen of Hearts and Cinderella def did have like, exes vibe, but as teens they were just kinda boring
And I know we all ship Red and Blue and like yeah I see it, but Blue honestly deserves better okay Red was so fucking mean to her my god
Also I know Blue isn’t her name but I genuinely don’t remember what it was and I don’t care enough to look it up. I think it was like Cleo or smt
Also I don’t hate Mal X Ben or Carlos X Jane, I just think the first one got kinda boring after the first movie, and the latter just never had any real time to fully develop. The same can not be said about Evie X Doug, as a genuinely don’t like that ship, mainly because Doug is the worst character in Descendants
Also, since I have you all here, I will use this opportunity to preach about Ben X Gil, because they have like less than 30 fics on ao3 and most of them are like one shot things or background stuff
Guys Ben X Gil is so funny, holy shit. Like they would work together as a couple, “What’s better than one sweet boy, two sweet boy” ass ship dynamic, but also like imagine meeting the parents. Imagine thanksgiving dinners. My god guys the potential for comedy here
Also Gil deserves more love just in general
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
What we Know about Jane part 1;
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Possible debate team member.
Acapella member.
Former mascot.
Thinks Lonnie wouldn't hurt a fly.
Thinks Doug is a very talented musician and that working in the mines sounds dirty.
Thinks Leadership is a lot of pressure.
Thinks Carlos is great at Tourney.
It is implied she had a crush on him in d1 according to the books.
Thought the vks deserved a chance in the school of secrets web series, where she can be seen arguing/debating with a girl about it. Which also shows that she can be sassy when she wants to be.
Gets tongue tied easily but eventually gets more confident thanks to the vkw influence.
After the vks showed up, she started to learn how to balance the rules with a dose of reality.
Really wishes someone would take her on a romantic date to the enchanted lake.
She wishes she was more artistic like Mal.
She has good hand writing.
She longs to be able to use her magic instead of just studying it, despite what her mom wants.
Things weren't easy for her growing up due to being Fg (the headmistress)'s daughter, because people always expected her to be good and avoided her at the same time.
She can be very insecure at time.
She once said "Magic is niether good nor evil-- it's all about who's using it."
Her mom taught her that love's a pretty big component in lifting enchantments.
Jane is too shy to ask a boy to dance.
She was shocked to find out Carlos was afraid of dogs but said it made sense after Ben reminded her who's kid he was.
She says 'Bibbidi-Bibbidi mom!' Whatever that means.
Her biggest wish was for people to accept her because she was never "the pretty girl" like Lonnie and Audrey (her words. Not mine. She was always adorable to me).
She has a necklace with her and Carlos's ship name on it (Janlos, I think).
Not use to having friends-- so much so that she thanked the others for being there for her.
She got grounded BIG TIME after Ben's coronation but everyone was pretty cool about it. Even though she was very embarrassed by her behavior.
Finds using magic exhilarating though learned it required alot of concentration after using it for the first time.
Thinks the vks are the best things to happen to Auardon Prep.
Had Mermaid Studies (I think that's the name for the class) with Lonnie and Audrey.
Audrey considered her a friend and felt very betrayed after she became friends with the vk.
Wanted to hang out with all the vks and main aks at the end of the d1 school year.
Might like Fairy Bubble Gum.
Would never turn mice into horses because she feels bad for them.
Likes black licorice over red.
Her biggest pet peeves are being ignored and bad hair days.
Was voted most likely to go on a first date.
Didn't invite Audrey to her birthday party in d1.
She, Ben, Chad, Audrey, and Lonnie all use to eat dinner together evrry night at the same table in the cafeteria before the vks showed up.
Audrey considers her, her ex bestfriend (surprisingly).
Carlos liked her with short hair.
All this info came from The books and wiki. If you want a part 2, let me know and I'll dig up as much info as I can.
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turtlele · 7 months
If only...but there is...3
Cathy: God, if only someone loved me…

Anne: *standing behind them with roses*

Kat: *holding box of chocolates*

Jane: *has balloons and a card*

Catalina: *facepalms* This is sad.
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royal-confessions · 9 months
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“There’s only 10 years between the ending of Henry VIII’s first marriage and the beginning of his last, that means at a certain point his wives were alive at the same time. I would love if a tv show/movie had a scene of all six of them in the same vicinity. Catherine of Aragon is Queen Consort. Anne Boleyn is her lady in waiting. Jane Seymour’s a woman at court. Anne of Cleves came as part of the ambassador’s retinue. Catherine Howard is a four year old who randomly came with the Howard entourage. Seeing as Catherine Parr was CoA’s goddaughter I don’t see any reason why she wouldn’t be invited to court either. I don’t care if this never happened, Hollywood stopped trying to be historically accurate years ago and this is far too cool an opportunity to miss!” - Submitted by Anonymous
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
On the Charlie girl theme; her first day of school and Joel just being a mess? Alexa play slipping through my fingers.
Joel Miller is the ultimate crier at anything his kids do 🫡 (also this made me especially emotional thinking about the fact that one of the last things Sarah and Jane ever did was go to school (WHO SAID THAT))
Pairing: Joel Miller x fem!reader
Author’s note: I don’t love how this turned out because I actually did start crying because my goddaughter is turning four soon and she’s so big and UGH
Summary: Charlie goes to school for the first time [1.1k]
Warnings: Charlie is 5 and Ellie is 21, parental anxiety (what’s new), everyone has to put on a brave face
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"Daddy and Ellie are gonna pick you up from school because Mommy has to work, okay? They'll meet you right here." You say as you smooth down the straps of Charlie's backpack. It's way too big for her and practically empty except for her lunch box that Joel packed last night, but she looks adorable. She nods as you fuss over her, Joel standing beside you.
"But if you need me to come to get you sooner, you tell Mrs. Rich, and she'll call someone on the radio to get me," Joel chimes in. "If you need anythin', you find an adult. All the adults know Mommy and Daddy, and they'll be able to help you."
"That's right." You agree, raising your eyebrows as you look at her. Kids are rushing all around you, kissing their parents and siblings goodbye before running into the school, excited for the first day. You catch a glimpse of Tommy and Maria waving to Camille as she giggles her way to the doors. She turns and calls for Charlie to follow her, but she stays where she is, wringing her hands like Joel does when he's nervous.
"What's wrong, pumpkin?" Joel asks as he crouches next to you so you're both eye-level with your daughter.
"Is school scary?" She asks, glancing between the two of you. You take a deep breath and reach for Joel's hand. He shakes his head and reaches out to brush her bangs out of her face.
"No, baby, school isn't scary. It's fun! You're gonna make so many new friends and learn so many things. Hell, I bet you'll get to be a whole lot smarter than Daddy." He says, his eyes lighting up as he tries to comfort her, but you can feel him shaking.
"Then, why does Mommy look so scared?" Her little voice makes your heart break, and you bite the inside of your cheek to stop tears from forming in your eyes. The truth is, you’re fucking terrified, but you’re not about to have a conversation with your five-year-old explaining to her why you’re so scared of leaving her at school. So, you swallow the lump in your throat and smile.
"Mommy's not scared, honey. Mommy's just sad because you're so grown up. Do you remember when Ellie went to school, and she got bigger and smarter and so so strong?" You ask, and she nods. "Do you remember how cool that was to watch?" She nods again, and you smile. Joel sniffles next to you, and you squeeze his hand. "Do you know that you're going to be the coolest and smartest and strongest little girl the world has ever seen?"
"And the most funny?" She asks, and you laugh.
"You might have to fight your sister for that one, but yes," you say. "But to do that, you have to go to school and fill your brain with lots of knowledge and cool things that Mommy and Daddy can't teach you. So, Mommy's not scared. I'm happy that you're gonna get to do and learn so many new things, and I'm sad because you're not a little baby anymore, but I'm not scared. Mrs. Rich is gonna take such good care of you, and you're gonna get to hang out with Camille at lunch, and you'll get to tell us everything you learned when you get home, okay?" You say as her teacher steps out of the school, and you hold up one finger behind Charlie's back to let her know you'll just be another second. "Are you still feeling scared?"
"A little."
"It's okay to be scared. D'you know what Mommy and Daddy do when we're scared?" You ask, and she shakes her head. You let go of Joel's hand and put your hands on her arms to fully face her. "We take three deep breaths, and we put on our brave faces, and we keep going. Can I see your brave face?" She furrows her brows together to mean mug at you, and you copy her, making her laugh. "See! You have the most brave face out of all of us! So, now we're going to take some deep breaths together, put on our brave faces, and you're gonna go to school and have a great day, okay?"
"Okay." She agrees. Together, you breathe in through your nose and out your mouth, the crisp August air distracting your spiraling thoughts. Once you let out your third exhale, she puts on her brave face, turns around, and marches toward the school like it's her life's mission. You falter and stop yourself from reaching for her, Joel's hand coming to your shoulder as you both stand. Tears stain his face, and you wipe under your eyes to keep yourself from crying.
"Well, that definitely could've gone worse," he says, and you nod. He sniffles and lets out a shaky breath. "I think we're gonna be okay."
"Wait!" Charlie's voice suddenly rings out, and you both turn to see her running back over to you. You think something's wrong, or she changed her mind, and maybe you get to keep her at home for one more day. But she grabs your hands, brings you both back to the ground, and throws her arms around your necks. Her little cheek is warm against yours as she squeezes you both with all her might. "I love you more than all the chickies at home." She says, and then she's off, disappearing behind the school doors with her too-big backpack and her brave face.
Up until that moment, she's literally never said the words, "I love you more than all the chickies at home." You want to laugh at how silly it is but also cry because you know just how much she loves those stupid fucking chickens. When you turn to look at Joel, he's an absolute mess, tears falling down his face without shame, and you wrap your arms around him.
"When did she get so big?" He cries, and you feel your own tears returning. "I swear, she was just takin' naps on my chest and cryin' all night because she liked Ellie more than us." You laugh as you remember those nights and realize just how far they are from right now.
"God, she hated trying to go to sleep."
"Fuckin' hated it!" He says. You kiss his cheek and lean back to wipe his tears away. Tommy and Maria are still lingering nearby, probably ready to get something to eat before patrol, but they give you both space to feel your feelings. "She's such a good kid."
"The best," you kiss him. "And you, Joel Miller, are the best dad and husband I ever could've asked for." Before the words can even fully leave your mouth, he's tearing up again, and you laugh. "Oh, honey! It's okay!"
"I know it! Just stop talkin', and I'll get it together." He says, wrapping his arm around your waist and walking away from the school with you. Tommy claps his brother on the shoulder and mumbles something that sounds like, "Again?" Joel just shakes his head, takes a deep breath, and puts on his brave face to get through the rest of Charlie's first day of school.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
AITA Jane Austen Masterpost
For those who don't waste their time on Reddit, AITA (Am I the Asshole) is a forum where you describe a social situation and people rule on if you are the asshole or not.
Possible rulings are:
YTA - You're The Asshole (this implies the other side is innocent)
NTA - Not The Asshole (this implies the other side is the AH)
NAH - No Assholes Here, usually this applies to sad situations or honest misunderstandings
ESH - Everybody Sucks Here
People are also allowed to query for INFO
The best, most happiest day on the AITA forum is when the real person on the other side of the argument finds the post and shows how much bias was written into the explanation.
AITA for bringing up scruples when I proposed? AITA for not helping more with my half sisters? AITA for enjoying my vacation even though my boyfriend was out of town? AITA for Trying to Marry the love of my Life? AITA for allowing my daughter to go on a trip with a friend? AITA for having a discreet affair? AITA for breaking my brother up with his girlfriend? AITA for buying my girlfriend a horse? AITA for disinheriting my son? AITA for not participating in a play? AITA for lending my cousin's horse to my friend? AITA for sending a guest home a little early? AITA for my reaction to my friend's engagement? AITA for taking my friend’s “leftovers”? AITA for telling my sister's future SIL that she was engaged? AITA for ruining some bad drawings? AITA for sending my daughter out on horseback when it was likely to rain? AITA for making an off-hand joke that was taken the wrong way? AITA for riding a horse that I didn't know was a medical device? AITA For Being Awesome at Subterfuge? AITA for advising my goddaughter not to marry a penniless sailor? AITA for leaving when my fiancé didn't love me anymore? AITA for getting into a little debt? AITA for advising my friend? AITA For Missing My Dad's Second Wedding? AITA for going to dinner with my husband?
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liviavanrouge · 1 day
Arina: We should do a triple date!!
Jane: Oh? That sounds like a lovely idea!
Stellia: It does! Me and Lycaon could do with a day out!
Arina: YAY! I'll see if Seth is free, you know he likes to get extra shifts!
Jane: Sounds good!
Stellia: Mhm, hehehe!
Seth: A triple date?
Arina: *Nods, a towel wrapped around her* Yeah! Me and you, my brother and Jane, Stellia and her husband, we wanna do a dinner date!
Arina: Oh, do you have a shift, bubs?!
Seth: NONONO! It's not that it's just..
Arina: Hm?
Seth: Jane?
Arina: Yes...she's dating my brother..
Seth: But.....Jane...
Arina: *Laughs* Seth!
Seth: No, no, I'm serious.....Jane?
Arina: HAHAHA! Yes, Seth!
Seth: *Sighs* I'll come, for you
Arina: *Presses a kiss to his cheek, patting his chest* Thank you bubs
Erik: Triple date?
Jane: Mhm, me and the girls wanna plan a fun day out, a dinner date to be precise~
Erik: Jane, I don't know if I could get a day off for that..
Jane: Oh, that's a shame..but if your job calls for you I can't do anything about it
Erik: *Glances at her tail noticing it was going down* Hm...
Erik: Maybe I could take a day off for this day out, you girls can figure out the date and time of the date and I'll see if my schedule can be cleared
Jane: *Hugs Erik* Alright, then~
Erik: *Chuckles as she pressed a kiss to his cheek*
Jane: Thank you~
Lycaon: You and your friends are planning a triple date?
Stellia: Mhm! Cayla couldn't come because she has an upcoming concert and Lighter will be with her! So it's just us!
Lycaon: *Chuckles* You're looking forward to this aren't you?
Stellia: I am, Belle wants to spend time with her goddaughter and Wise has some new movies to show his godson
Lycaon: That sounds lovely, we can drop them off with those two
Stellia: *Giggles, smiling wide*
Lycaon: *Chuckles, smiling down at her*
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mjwatsun · 17 days
"   hey-o   chickadee!   "   dropping   bags   at   the   end   of   the   spiral   stair   case   [   ...   ]   you'd   think   she   was   moving   in   with   the   amount   of   luggage's   sprawled   in   the   entry   way!   mary   jane   was   a   girl   who   packed   the   necessities   even   if   that   involved   moving   her   entire   wardrobe   and   vanity.   a   girl   always   needed   to   look   her   best   and   you   never   knew   just   what   might   be   needed!
"   have   room   for   one   more   delinquent?   "   a   coy   tone   echoes   through   the   residence   as   the   reds   collide   for   an   embrace.   a   goddaughters   love   for   her   this   newfound   family   brought   a   comforting   warmth   that   she   often   missed   in   life.   "   aunt   ana   and   may   parker   are   roomies   now.   two's   a   party   but   three's   a   crowd   with   those   ladies!   "   she   smiles   warmly,   feeling   comfortable��  and   confident   in   the   household.   it's   not   often   this   occurs   with   others!   "   my   flat   is   being   renovated   and   sadly   out   of   commission   for   the   unforeseeable   future.   "
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🎲 @frekcles , surprise idk something?
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
R. Kelly’s sex-crime conviction and 20-year sentence in Chicago’s federal court will stand, an appeals court ruled Friday in a blistering opinion.
“For years, Robert Sylvester Kelly abused underage girls. By employing a complex scheme to keep victims quiet, he long evaded consequences. In recent years, though, those crimes caught up with him at last,” Judge Amy St. Eve of the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals wrote in the terse, 14-page ruling.
“But Kelly — interposing a statute-of-limitations defense — thinks he delayed the charges long enough to elude them entirely. The statute says otherwise, so we affirm his conviction.”
The appellate court also denied Kelly’s request for resentencing, saying they had no grounds to second-guess the 20-year prison term U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber handed down.
“An even-handed jury found Kelly guilty, acquitting him on several charges even after viewing those abhorrent tapes,” the appellate ruling states. “No statute of limitations saves him, and the resulting sentence was procedurally proper and — especially under these appalling circumstances — substantively fair.”
Kelly’s attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, told the Tribune Friday that they were still weighing whether to request a rehearing before the full 7th Circuit panel — a move that is rarely granted.
Meanwhile, Bonjean says she plans to petition the U.S. Supreme Court on the statute of limitations issue, which centers on whether a new law passed after the underlying crimes in Kelly’s case should have been applied.
“We believe that is an appropriate issue for review by the Supreme Court,” Bonjean said.
Kelly, 57, is serving his time at a medium-security facility in Butner, North Carolina. His current release date is Dec. 21, 2045, when he’d be a couple weeks shy of his 79th birthday, federal prison records show.
Bonjean said she just spoke to Kelly on Thursday and that he remained “optimistic” about his remaining appeals.
“He understands that this is a process, that the fight is not over and he’s optimistic that the truth will eventually prevail,” she said.
A federal jury in Chicago convicted Kelly in 2022 on child pornography charges for explicit videos he made of himself and his then 14-year-old goddaughter, “Jane.” Kelly was also found guilty of inappropriate sexual relations with Jane and two other teenage girls, “Pauline” and “Nia.” The jury acquitted Kelly on separate charges of conspiring to rig his prior Cook County child pornography trial.
Kelly abused the three girls in the 1990s, when the law allowed prosecutors to bring such charges until the victims turned 25. Congress in 2003 expanded the statute of limitations up until the victim’s death, but on appeal Kelly attorney Jennifer Bonjean argued lawmakers never intended that amendment to apply retroactively. Prosecutors could not have brought these charges any later than 2009, she said.
Kelly is also appealing his conviction in a separate federal case out of New York, where a jury found him guilty of broad racketeering charges. He was sentenced to 30 years in the case; most of his prison term for the Chicago conviction is to be served concurrently.
During arguments in February on the Chicago case, St. Eve seemed skeptical, noting that no federal circuit has yet sided with Bonjean’s position.
Prosecutors argued that Congress expanded the statute of limitations long before it otherwise would have expired for Jane, Nia and Pauline. That’s a deadline extension, not a retroactive application of the law, they argued.
Case law overwhelmingly rejects Kelly’s claims, the appellate court ruled in Friday’s order.
“(It) is not unconstitutional to apply a newer statute of limitations to old conduct when the defendant was subject to prosecution at the time of the change, as Kelly was in 2003,” the ruling states.
The higher court also shot down Kelly’s argument that the counts involving Jane, including the child pornography charges, should have been tried separately from the rest.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
Imagine Cinderella meeting Clara. I'm sure she will be reminded her of her fairy godmother and how they have to do with rats. I can imagine Clara glaring at Crowley on why there are princesses in NRC.
Clara: You better not did anything wrong with these lovely ladies.
Crowley gasp: How dare you?! I been taking care of them like my own daughters.
Snow White: He's right, we wouldn't have a place place to stay in this unknown world.
Crowley: Thank you, she's precious that she even think so.
Megera: Oh and having to deal dorm issues especially regarding overblots not to mentioned taking care of the mess without your help.
Elsa: Not to mentioned how we have to take jobs to afford a place to stay.
Jasmine:And you kept us behind during winter break.
Crowley: ...
Clara: You know...my school is welcome for you young ladies.
It's gonna be like that Spiderman meme if Clara and Cinderella meet.
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Because even though Clara is twisted from the fairy godmother, she has aspects of Cinderella. Kinda like how Silver is technically Aroura but has aspects of Phillip.
Clara: Pardon me miss...but have we met? You seem very familiar.
Cinderella: Hmm...no I don't think we have. But you do look familiar as well. I can't quite place it though.
This is gonna bug them until Clara goes back to White Ash, maybe with the girls in tow to let them check it out. And in the halls there will be a paintings of the fairy godmother and her most famous goddaughter.
Clara in disbelief: You're that Cinderella.
Cinderella: Your grandmother saved me. Does this make you my fairy god...sister? Niece?
Clara: ...I suppose...?
There is so much confusion. Especially if Claras mother, Jane, shows up. The events of Cinderella happened before Clara was born. But Jane had known her as a child.
Jane: Cinderella...? Is that you?
Cinderella: Hello have we met?
Jane, shaking it off because Clara filled her in: Um...yes. but it was a very very very long time ago. Don't worry about it.
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carlosfreckles · 4 months
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👄 + Piper Pan
Prince Perfect (Ben)
Tech Dwarf (Doug)
Fairy Goddaughter (Jane)
Princess Blueberry (Evie)
Dragongirl (Mai)
Dog Whisperer (Carlos)
Pixie Boy (Terry Bell)
Princess Sunshine (Ruby fitzherbert)
Wonder Boy (Herkie, @madebyleftovermuses OC)
Princess Perfect (Ryan Beast, Hayleigh's OC)
Cinder Hell Yeah (Emberly Charming, Haleigh's OC)
Day Dreamer (Denise Rider, @magicalmystery-muses OC)
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kitchfit · 10 months
Year in Review: Books Pt 1
Tumblr deleted the entire first draft of this, which is cool and awesome. It was too long anyways. These aren't meant to be full on analytic reviews, just blurbs about my experience with the books and what I thought about them. I might move into more in depth stuff later on next year.
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
He was pride. She was prejudice. Can I make it anymore obvious?
I started this on CD audiobook for the first half before driving my car off of a cliff. I was fine, but Elizabeth Bennet was a casualty of the accident, so I found the rest of the book on Libby with a different reader who had Very different vibes. It kind of fit how I felt about the book. Jane Austen is very good at regaling the audience from Elizabeth's point of view about how Darcy is the shittiest man alive, while turning at the halfway point to reveal he is actually the Only Good Victorian Man to exist.
I've seen this tale play out in both BBC and Keira Knightley formats, which are both fantastic in their own right, but I was significantly more invested in the characters this time around, especially the supporting cast. Elizabeth/Darcy romance was very cute, Jane and Bingley was adorable, Elizabeth's shitty cousin was hilarious. I like the glimpses of how she thinks about the rest of her family that you don't get in the movie. She hates how her dad views her mother as entertainment, she hates how her mother treats her children like products to be sold, she hates how her younger sisters make them all look silly. Damn she's really hateful, huh? Almost like she's preju-OHHHHHHHH.
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
The Funny Cat, The Spider Mom, and the Weird Door
This was a book I was excited to get into. The movie freaked me out when I was little, as did it everyone else, and I'll get to that since I watched it immediately after this. Maybe this Friday. But it isn't anywhere near as vividly horrific as the OG Evil Narnia. In a fun way. There's an implication in this book that the Other World and Other Mother are just two of many possible little horrors that live under your bed or behind the door that shouldn't be there that want to hurt and/or eat you. Kind of like real life. That's okay though, you can get through it alive. And Coraline proves it.
I like her a lot as a character. She isn't near as naive as she is in the movie, and catches on to the nature of what's happening on the end of night one, thus Other Mother kidnapping her parents to serve as motivation to come back. That gives the book freedom to explore the Other World and its nature thoroughly, and watch as it all crumbles around Coraline. I like that everything is just a bunch of bugs stretched into the visage of pleasant things by a giant spider. I also love that spider's contrary motivation. She needs to feed, but there is also a genuine desire to love Coraline, to be a mother, whatever her bizarre conception of what that means. Evil hungry desire is more pressing though. Get in my web, girl.
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis
Digimon season one for 1950s British kids.
At some point I decided to reread all of the Narnia books. I got through like, 4 of them in a weird order due to how Libby works. I promise I do read physical stuff its just hard to find the time to finish them. The first book the Narnia line up was originally written for my boy Clive's real life goddaughter Lucy Barfield , who was temporarily displaced as a child during WWII, as a children's story. He even dedicated the book and maybe the whole series to her. However, by the time he finished this one she was already an adult and "too old for fairytales." Classic blunder. I'll still read your stuff, Clive.
The whole of Narnia is a wintery wonderland turned on its head, its magic and majesty suffocating under a thick sheet of ice. Jadis is a very cool antagonist. She's not super complex, but she's a very strong character and extremely threatening villain, as we see throughout the series. The Pevinsies all have a sweet relationship. Edmond's an asshole in a very realistic sense, but they all care deeply for each other in an even more realistic way. The end of the book starts a pattern Mr. Lewis likes to repeat where a quick epilogue is hamfisted into the end that blows over large swaths of time in a hurry to resolve everything. I have problem's with that in later books, but it works best here, skipping to the famous reveal that time moves much faster in Narnia, and two decades or so only equals a few minutes in our world. A little fucked up. Go through puberty again, Pevinsies, this time in BRITISH SCHOOL.
Prince Caspian by Clive
Ocarina of Time for 1950s British kids.
The second book in the series gives more context to the world Narnia lives in, while also screwing with our perception of what Narnia is in first place. A previously unmentioned country to the east invades and colonizes Narnia, oppressing its people and removing magic wherever they can. Lewis can write about the complexities of colonization as he actually comes from a country familiar with this kind of shit, believe it or not. Who are they conquered by? A country of Minotaurs? Dragons? Wayward dwarves still allegiant to Jadis? Humans??? What the hell?
Turns out Narnia is the weird magic fairytale place even within its own universe. Everywhere else is inhabited by eternally 18th century European style society. It's also 1000 years later, but a year for our dudes, so the Pevinsies get to experience how Narnia has changed physically in all that time. Like Cair Paravel, that place two whole pages mention in the first book. I like that the age reversal thing is acknowledged in this book, and how that might have affected our heroes and their development. At the end of the book, the colonizing force gets sent to Earth, and Prince Caspian is crowned as King Caspian. Aslan (or maybe one of animals, idr) says outright that Narnia is better ruled by humans than its own people. Which is. An odd note to end on a book whose main conflict is colonization. Huh.
A Horse and His Boy by C. Staples L.
He was a horse. He was his boy. Can I make it anymore-okay shut up.
This is an interesting one. Five books into the Narnia series and we are introduced to brand new protagonist, with zero connections to previous characters, in a place that is not Narnia. He's a young boy who runs away with a talking horse in their desperate attempt to both escape slavery. They meet a spunky, ass-kicking princess who's also running away, this time from an arranged marriage. Narnia in this story is more of an ideal their working towards, rather than a physical place the story spends time in. The plot is very refreshing in this aspect, especially if its the fifth, or in my case, third Narnia book you've read in a row. It could likely stand on its own outside the rest of the series, though you do get a surprise cameo from the adult Pevinsies pre-wardrobe-return, which is fun.
I do have a couple issues with it though. I'd argue against the idea that all of Narnia is a direct analogue to Christianity. Aslan is definitely furry Jesus, and C. S.'s theological beliefs are an obvious intentional aspect of the storytelling, but most of the books have themes and lessons outside of that and pose a genuinely fun fantasy world to engage with. The religious metaphors in this book specifically are pretty heavy-handed though, and not very delicately woven in. The setting of the story also pulls allusions to several real-life Middle Eastern cultures, and if you think a white British dude in the 50s wrote about that respectfully? Sorry no. There's also a lot of mention of Boy (I straight up forgot that kids name) being Special and Different for having pale skin and blue eyes. :/. At the end is another rapid-fire epilogue that blazes through Boy's life as the new prince of wherever that I think the story could have gone without. Just let it end with dignified mystery, Clive.
The Magician's Nephew by Siwel S. C.
Honestly Clive the mulitverse trope has been done to death, bro
Last Narnia book on the list as of now. Luckily, its also the best one. This is a prequel to the whole of the Narnia continuity, which details the creation of Narnia and the origins of Jadis, but the actual plot revolves around two new Brit kids Digory and Polly. Digory is described as grubby at least sixteen times throughout the story. His mom is sick and his magic uncle sucks ass and he's scared and he has no friends. Polly decides to be that friend which ultimately burns her as he's also a bit of a selfish brat. Learning to get past that brattiness and mature enables Polly to forgive him and ultimately helps him save his mother.
The plot takes place in the Wood Between Worlds, which has still stuck in my head and spurned on my imagination years later. You move outside of Earth to find the grandness of the Milky Way, you escape the Milky Way to discover the imperceivable majesty of the universe, and you find the indeterminate edge of that universe and land yourself in an idyllic forest with trees so high you cannot see the sky, the forest's floor dotted with puddles leading to other worlds. Jadis' origin is also pretty fascinating. A queen so obsessed with ultimate power she destroyed her own empire rather than let her sister take it. Aslan roars the world into existence. The whole vibes on this book are pretty stellar, ngl.
The Bell Jar by Silvia Plath
You wouldn't be cool if it weren't for the lessons that you learnt in the BELL JAR, nah, nana nah nah.
And now for a weird fucking heel turn. And also the last book I'm doing for now. I'm going to be honest, my original interest in this book came from the song "I Cut Myself" by Talkshow Boy, who mentions the book in the above lyric. Also, my college roommate said she liked it a lot. I went in with zero expectations and was surprised at how hard it hit home. I've never been personally institutionalized, but I know people who have, and I can relate to the downward depression spiral Esther goes through in this book.
Its interesting to see the thought patterns and paradigms that Esther voices in her inner monologues that partially lead to her mental break. Little observations that reveal her hyper-awareness and implicit nihilism. They're good observations too. The vivid description of the horrific image of a woman giving birth compared to a dulled animal being hooked into a machine. You can see her perspective on a lot of subjects, probably even agree with much of it. It makes sense, as this is the author famous for vivid and introspective poetry more than anything. Looking at the historical context for this book made me sad, especially given how hopeful the ending was, at least how I read it.
Going to shift into movies at the end of the week. I'll need to start doing these at least bi-weekly if I want to finish before the end of the year. Also more bisexually.
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mochiiikko · 2 years
➸❥ A foggy stage
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Agere, Regressor!Catherine Parr, Caregiver!Catherine of Aragon, Technically accidental regression but not really, Cathy goes non-verbal, 2110 words of me projecting my regression onto my blorbo, kinda baby space but no age is mentioned.
↳ Catherine Parr, Catherine of Aragon
2.110 words
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Cathy fidgeted with the microphone in their hand, bouncing slightly on their heels. 
There was an urge to bite their wrist at the back of their mind. One which they strategically ignored. 
Cathy counted the people on stage. They already knew, it wasn't that hard to know.
2 alternates, playing Kate and Jane. The other 3 were the actual women. 
They'd just finished don't lose your head. And Cathy was mentally preparing so they wouldn't miss a cue. They still had the feeling they would, though.
Anne's voice blasted inside their ears. Not really helping considering their sound sensitivity. It never quite bothered them as much as it did now normally.
"It's called wearing yellow to a funeral! Hit the lights!" Anne cheered.
Cathy quickly shook out of their thoughts, trying their very best to ignore the growing fog in their mind. 
"Catherine was a mASSIVE-"
The others quickly yelled to stop her. Cathy flinched at the noise. 
Anna walked up to Anne, Cathy hesitating before following along. "When did we decide you were the winner?"
Cathy lost their line in the fog for a moment, bringing the microphone to their mouth before faltering. 
"She wants another turn." The alternate for Kate quickly stepped in, shooting a concerned glance Cathy's way. 
"Over my dead body!"
No no, they'd come to this point they had to survive through the show. They took in a quick breath, trying to steady the panic in their chest which seemed to worsen the barrier forming in their mind.
"Anyway i do believe it's my turn next." Jane's alternate spoke, the queens turning to her.
"You? Queen, please!" 
They tried their very best mocking laugh and brought their microphone to their mouth. "I mean are you being for real?"
"Yeah weren't the one he truly loved?"
"Didn't you give him the son he so desperately wanted?"
"Yeah, like, i had a daughter and he literally chopped my head off." Anne grinned, though giving a small concerned side eye to Cathy when she noticed them fidgeting an unusual amount. 
"Yeah, okay i was lucky. Okay i was, really, lucky."
Cathy didn't bother intently listening to the rest of the monologue, they could recite it by heart anyway. They scanned the audience, how well they could see almost every face in the theater always surprised them. They always thought it'd be rather hard considering how dark it was.
Cathy turned to look at their godmother, who unlike them was intently listening to the monologue. The look on her face didn’t much help the survivor’s current state.
“..It’s because.. i.. loved him!”
The tune of heart of stone started playing, to which the queens immediately reacted in heading for the stairs. When Cathy was sure the others wouldn’t notice, they started biting at their wrists and fingers.
That wasn't a good idea, it seemed. The fog in their mind turned to something Cathy couldn't ignore but neither fight off much. 
Cathy turned to look at the other queens, who were either focused on the song or making quiet small talk.
The survivor whined, biting down harder on their skin while their free hand went to squeeze and hit their thighs. 
A hit came harder then they'd meant it to, making them flinch and apparantly also alerting Catalina. 
"Cathy?" Catalina took out one of her in ears, scooting a little closer to her goddaughter. She gently placed her hand on their shoulder, making them whine. 
She softly worked their in-ears too, taking them out by the strings and hoping to god that wouldn't damage anything. "Hey there Mija, can you look at me?"
The tone didn't help Cathy's state at all, actually it might have been what threw them over the edge. 
Nevertheless they did as they were told. The look in their eyes immediately betrayed their state to Catalina. 
"Oh, sweetheart." Okay yeah, Cathy had fully slipped by now. "Let's get you out of here alright?" 
Cathy couldn't bring themselves to argue, and neither did they fight it when Catalina alerted Anne before taking their hand and leading them off stage. 
Catalina led them to her dressing room, instead of the one they shared with Anna.
There, Catalina sat them down on the couch. As Cathy searched their extremely foggy mind for an age to describe how they were feeling, Catalina set out to find anything add some extra comfort to their situation. 
They were biting, right, a regressed Catherine Parr loves to bite things. Catalina knew that all too well after being used as a chewing toy one too many times. She'd bought a few chewing sensory toys, now if only she could find the one she kept in the theater. 
"Ah! Got it!" Catalina cheered, heading to Cathy and slipping a chewing bracelet onto their wrist. "There we go, so you don't hurt yourself, alright chiquitita?" 
Cathy nodded, starting to bite at it the moment they could. 
"Alright love, i'm just going to get two alternates to cover for us for the rest of the show okay?" Catalina said, kneeling in front of them and holding their free hand. 
Cathy whined, which Catalina chuckled at, but they nodded again eitherway. 
"I'll be back soon, Cariña." She reassured before leaving to find any alternates to take their place.
Cathy continued to chew as they waited, leaving the growing icky feeling in their stomach to identify and deal with when they got out of their headspace.
It didn't take long for Catalina to return, at which point Cathy realized they couldn't hear the muffled music from their in-ears anymore. 
The moment the older woman was in reach Cathy whined and reached out to her, putting on the best puppy face they could to get the snuggles they desired.
Catalina obeyed with a laugh, picking Cathy up and getting a comfortable position on the couch before allowing the younger to adjust themselves into her embrace.
"Hi there." She grinned, gently rubbing Cathy's cheek with her thumb which they gladly leaned into.
Cathy waved in response, a bright smile on their own face.
Catalina raised a brow. "No talking today?" She hummed giggling slightly when Cathy stuck out their tongue in an attempt to gather an answer.
"Too.. tiny." They responded, almost hesitantly. Catalina's grin widened at the realization, giggling slightly. 
"I see. Too much fog in the mind to remember how words work?" Cathy nodded enthusiastically, incredibly happy that they were understood. "Alright querida, that's okay." 
Catalina set to work softly undoing the hairstyle they wore for the show, imagining it not being the most comfortable thing, Cathy shot her a small confused look, tilting their head. 
The first queen did so successfully, setting aside their spiky crown and ruffling their hair before gently working it into a normal enough state. She made a mental note to brush their hair when they were satisfied with the cuddles.
Cathy puffed out their cheeks in a response as Catalina messed with their hair. Catalina barked out a laugh, poking their cheek in return. 
"I think i still have a few of those cookies Jane made. How about that baby? Hm?" Catalina asked, gently untangling a few more strands of Cathy's hair.
Cathy let out a small gasp, before nodding happily. They quickly jumped off the couch and waited with open arms.
Catalina shook her head fondly, getting up and doing as requested. The universe was so merciful for making Cathy easy to carry.
Catalina hoisted them up on her hip. Cathy immediately cuddled into her, resting their head on her shoulder. 
She hummed, smiling as she started her very short journey to the lunch room where she'd stored the left-over sweets. "You're really deep, aren't you?" 
Cathy looked up and tilted their head in confusion at the question.
"Oh yup, that's all the answers i need." 
Now admittedly, opening the doors was a challenge but nothing Catalina hasn't faced before. 
Catalina set the little onto the counter, searching the cabinets for the container she'd left the sweets in.
Cathy whined at the lost contact, immediately searching to get it back by reaching for one of Catalina's hands. 
The older humored them with a smile, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as she searched. 
"Oh, here they are." Catalina got out the container with a little more effort then it would have been if she had both hands. 
"Should i break them into little pieces? I know cookies and those kinds of snacks can be a bit hard for you when you're so young like this." 
Cathy pouted, reaching for cookies and completely ignoring the question. 
Catalina raised a brow, grinning slightly in amusement. "Mi tesoro, you gotta answer." She chuckled when Cathy whined again.
"Come on, Princesa. You don't need to say anything, just shake your head yes or no." Catalina said softly, rather amused at the ever growing pout on Cathy's face. 
Cathy whined again but nodded even though they didn't stop trying to reach for the treat.   
"Alright love, but i gotta use both my hands alright? You can hold onto me though." The older let go of Cathy's hand, to which they immediately reacted to by wrapping their arms around her waist.
Catalina started breaking the treats into smaller pieces, handing them to Cathy when she'd finished a piece. Cathy happily munched down, cooing in content. 
"Be careful, Nena. Don't eat that fast. I'm not taking these safety measures only for you to choke because you're eating it all so fast." Catalina chuckled, gently holding Cathy back from downing another piece. 
Cathy whined and pouted, trying to chew faster. 
"Oh lord, Amor, wouldn't you rather enjoy your treat instead of going so quick that it's all gone so soon?"
Cathy gasped, quickly shaking their head. Catalina chuckled. "Then you gotta slow down." 
Cathy considered it, ultimately deciding it would be a good idea to not hurt themselves by eating cookies. 
"Good choice, Mija." Catalina giggled, allowing Cathy to continue eating her snacks.
"If Anne asks, tell her I gave you a few slices of an apple." Catalina added, breaking apart the last cookie and handing the small pieces to her goddaughter. 
Cathy tilted their head but nodded, munching on the last piece as Catalina cleaned up the evidence. 
"Was that tasty, Amor?" Catalina asked, smiling softly. Cathy nodded enthusiastically, a bright smile on their face. 
Catalina giggled. "How about we head back, we can play a bit or watch one of your cartoons yeah? And we can go watch the girls do the megasix later if you're up for it."
Cathy nodded, clapping happily as Catalina picked them up and set them on her hip again.
"What would you wanna do?" Catalina asked, adjusting Cathy so they were securely on her hip before setting out for her dressing room once again. 
Cathy opened their mouth to respond. But hesitated and retreated back while biting on their index finger.
Catalina hummed, gently showing them their chewing bracelet to remind them to bite that instead. "It's okay Princesa, you can choose when we get there." 
When they arrived Catalina set Cathy down and got our her emergency Cathy toy box, but also grabbed her laptop for if the regressed girl wanted to cuddle and watch a cartoon instead.
Cathy made a show of reaching for the laptop from their spot on the floor.
They pointed at it when Catalina came close enough to pick them up again, looking ul at her with the most innocent eyes Catalina had ever seen.
"So a show? Alright, Tesoro, get comfy on the couch."
 Cathy nodded, getting up to waddle over to the couch. Where they, once again, made a show of whining and reaching for Catalina's hand.
Catalina barked out a laugh. "I'm coming, i'm coming." She grabbed the laptop and sat on the couch. She readjusted the both of them so they could comfortably cuddle while watching their show.
Catalina gave Cathy a few to choose from, some thing's not too hard to follow in consideration of how young they seemed.
After Cathy made their choice the two cuddled closer to each other, the younger staring in wonder at the screen.
They looked up. "Ca.. Catty." They mumbled, their face contorted in concentration as they tried to find the right words. "Love you." 
Catalina cooed, her heart positively melting as Cathy reached to press a small sloppy kiss against her cheek. 
"I love you too."
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@autisticscotty @woofberry-regrets-everything
Hi hi! You two seemed pretty interested in this fic so i thought i'd tag you so you wouldn't somehow miss it <3 sorry if you didn't want to be!
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sideboot · 1 year
Does Sassy know Rupert is abusive?
exuberantocean has a really dang good post about the parallels between Jane/Beard & Ted and Rupert/Rebecca & Sassy.
This reminded me how narratively juicy I found that comment from Sassy and the idea that she knows Rupert is the worst without specifically viewing him through the lens of abuse.  
I think it creates a really interesting potential tension for Rebecca to view Sassy both as a source of validation but also as someone with whom she runs the risk of rejection.
Sassy will bluntly talk about how Rupert was shit.  Sassy was asking for accountability for how Rebecca negatively affected other people and this was occurring at the time of season one which is the midst of, you know, The Plot Where Rebecca Hurts People, Motivated By Her Relationship With Rupert.
But I am compelled by a Sassy is coming into this conversation with a level of ignorance because Rebecca was never able to articulate the specific ways Rupert hurt her.  There are many ways in which abusers isolate victims that are either incidentally or purposefully structured to be hard to talk about.  
There is also a lot of time in the Rupert and Rebecca relationship that Sassy wouldn’t be there to see, maybe even by design.  There are times, like the reveal of his and Bex’s child, where Rupert is hurting Rebecca when they are alone in a room together with no witnesses.  
Beyond seeing Rupert insult Rebecca, we know he is controlling of Rebecca’s life, telling her how to eat and how to present herself.   The consequences for pushing back or disobeying were probably the insults we see.  
I’m sure part of why Rebecca didn’t reach out was the systematic demolishing of her self worth, making her believe on some level that Sassy and Nora didn’t want to hear from her, or would be better off without her.
Rebecca greatly feared being alone, it was the thing that Rupert threatened her with to discourage her from leaving him.  But cutting contact with Nora and Sassy made her more alone.  
What motivated her must be even greater than that fear.  Perhaps it was a fear of Rupert’s reprisal or of Rupert leaving her.  Perhaps her self loathing at that point just ran that deep.
All of which is difficult to convey to Sassy, and Rebecca might be reluctant even consider doing so.  Sassy can rebut by asking why Rebecca trusted Rupert’s word over her and Nora’s when they were saying that they loved her and missed her.  If Rebecca’s fear was that Rupert would leave her, why did she value that relationship over her relationship with Sassy and Nora?
I can also imagine there are many ways Rupert could pressure Rebecca to cut contact without directly asking.  Where he was exerting a great deal of premeditated or at least purposeful effort to control her, but in ways that made Rebecca still feel like this was her decision.  Sassy was a friend of someone in an abusive relationship who disliked, perhaps vocally, the abuser.  Rupert might have used that against her.
He might have framed Rebecca having a friend who disliked her husband as a betrayal.  He might have picked more fights around times after they spent time together and framed the instigator of conflict not as himself but Rebecca’s time with Sassy.
He might have claimed Rebecca looking after her goddaughter was an attempt to guilt him about the decision that they would not be having children.  He might have implied, and it may have even been on some level slightly true, that Rebecca was jealous of Sassy for having a daughter.
It’s entirely possible that in the midst of this, or even to the present day, that Rebecca didn’t think of this as her being abused or her husband attempting to isolate her.  Perhaps it was only on a subconscious level that she began to associate time with Nora and Sassy with emotional exhaustion.  
If this were true, how could Rebecca explain to Sassy in terms that would be understood and sympathetic, when Rebecca doesn’t even have that understanding and sympathy for herself, when she ended up feeling like the thought of reaching out made her too tired to even lift the phone?
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