#jane volturi fanfiction
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excitement 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ jane volturi x reader
warnings: none!
tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra @volturi-stuff
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Excited, excited, excited. That’s all you could feel as you skipped and slid through the hallways in search for a particular blond haired ball of anger. You were cut off mid call, smashing into something that felt much alike to a brick wall.
“Janeyyy-oof! Oh, There you are!” You watched as she sighed, already fed up with your antics.
“I told you to stop calling me that, for one, and two, what the hell are you doing running through the castle like a playground. When I say be careful, I mean it!”
You zoned back in once she finished her scolding, watching her roll her red eyes and inspect her nails as you pouted.
“Anyway, guess what I have!”
She sighed again, deciding to humour you. Huffing in annoyance once again, she responded.
“I said guess-“
“Y/N, I sincerely hope you know I love you because you are testing my patience-“
“Okay, jeez… Look!” You held up a square package, securely wrapped and held tight in your grip. She looked at you in confusion, unsure of what she was looking at and it was your turn to roll your eyes. “It’s my new book! I’m so excited, I’m so excited!”
She scoffed at you, rubbing her temples as if she had a throbbing migraine. She honestly thought you could give her one, vampire and all.
“All of this commotion for that?” She scrutinised. You whined at her, pouting and dropping your smile into a frown. She immediately felt guilty at the sadness on your face, giving you a soft smile. “I’m happy for you, sweet girl. Why don’t you go and start reading, I’ll join you in a little while, yes?”
You face beamed again with a smile and it was impossible to stop the warm feeling that spread throughout her at the sight of your happiness.
“Okay!” You pressed a kiss to her cheek before skipping off back in the direction you came, and she almost let out a sigh of relief. Almost. Until she heard the teasing voice of her brother behind her.
“Shut up.”
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kimi240302 · 1 year
I´m Yours
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A/N: Before you read this story, be aware I am from Germany and can't write a bit of English. That's why I'm sending this through an app that translates it for me.
A/N2.0: In this story, the characters are all a little older.
Summary: Y/N Swan tries everything to keep her promise to stay away from Demetri Volturi. But can you stay away from the man fate bound you to?
Demetri Volturi x Female!Swan!reader
Words: 3,5k
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Request list
Last Part of Daylight Masterlist
Warning: violence towards a character
“Tryna wash away all the blood I´ve spilt This lust is a burden that we both share  Two sinners can´t atone from  a lone prayer  Souls tied, interwined by our pride and guilt”
-David Kushner
"I promise you...," Y/N paused, turning her gaze away from Mara, who was standing in front of her with her arms crossed, and looking at Mick, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow as he made himself comfortable on Mara's bed.
"I promise you I'll be back. I just want to be alone for an hour or two." Annoyed, the young Swan exhaled. She felt smothered within the four walls of the hotel room where she had lain in bed for the past three days. The fact that her two best friends, had not let her out of their sight for a second since the night with Demetri, supported this feeling.
Determined, Y/N took her bag from the bed and hung it over her shoulder. "Besides, you two could use some time alone." The young girl left no more room for arguments from her friends, as she was already halfway out the door when she spoke those words. But Y/N paused once more, stretching her torso back through the still-open crack of the door and looking back and forth between Mara and Mick in turn. "Just please don't have sex on my bed." Laughing, Y/N closed the door as Mara angrily threw one of the guidebooks at her, while Mick just laughed.
On the street in front of the hotel, Y/N stopped. She turned her face up to the gray sky. She flinched slightly as the first raindrops trickled down onto the skin of her face. Pressing her raincoat closer to her body, she dropped the smile she had put on for her friends and closed her eyes.
The raindrops slowly began to make their way down Y/N's face, but they didn't bother the young girl, quite the opposite. Y/N gratefully accepted the coldness of the water. The drops replaced the tears that she herself no longer had left to cry. For once, taking a deep breath, she absorbed the smell of the rain, the certainty settled in her bones that tonight was the last evening for her in Volterra.
Tomorrow morning, she would fly back with her class, and never return. Y/N would then go back to Forks, to her father, her sister, and the Cullens, and Demetri would exist only in her memories from that point on. This thought sent a shiver down the young girl's body.
Shaking herself slightly, Y/N turned her head straight ahead again and started moving. She didn't know where to go, since she didn't know her way around Volterra. But she didn't want to go back to the hotel room either, so the young Swan decided to just start walking and hoping that nothing would happen to her.
„To live is the rarest thing in the World. Most people exist, that is all!”
Hours had passed during which Y/N walked around lost in thought. She had lost her sense of direction and was aware that her friends and classmates were certainly worried. But the young girl could not convince herself to turn back or take out her cell phone and find her way back to the hotel.
Y/N was soaked, confused and exhausted. She didn't know what she wanted or what she was trying to accomplish by wandering around Volterra.
With tears welling up again, the Swan girl sat down on the edge of a fountain that stood in the middle of an empty, yet lit, sidewalk. She let her fingertips glide over the water and smiled slightly at each tear drop that fell into the water. The rain had stopped and so had her will to resist the tears. With her free hand, Y/N reached into her pocket and pulled out the crumpled note Demetri had left in the book. Again she read the lines written there in black ink, as she had done over and over again in the last few days.
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be walking around outside alone at this hour, or at all alone with your mind elsewhere."
Startled, Y/N winced. She stuffed the note back into her pocket and stood up properly. As she did so, she didn't take her eyes off the man who had appeared behind her as if out of nowhere.
"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Y/N closed her eyes for a brief moment as she saw the stranger's grin grow larger. Even though she tried, Y/N couldn't stop the tremor in her voice. Which only confirmed to her opposite that the young girl was definitely alone and scared.  
The unknown man took another step towards Y/N, which she answered with a step closer to the fountain. Defensively, the stranger raised his hands. "Don't worry little girl, I won't hurt you." The young Swan's eyes widened. She immediately felt as if she was looking at the man properly for the first time. His skin was almost white as snow, while his eyes seemed black. Y/N swallowed, for she had a feeling that if she had met him on any other day, his eyes would be red. She also did not notice any breathing or blinking of the eyes.
Laughing, the man approached Y/N, he reached out a hand and placed it on her cheek, making her wince as panic began to spread inside her. The stranger's skin was as cold as ice. "Not as long as you don't fight back," he finished the sentence he had started.
Startled, Y/N slapped the man's hand away, surprising him, and ran. The vampire immediately started laughing, which echoed on the empty street and made Y/N run even faster. She knew that the castle of Volterra couldn't be far, since magically it was always the first thing she saw when she walked through the streets. If the young girl could reach it before her attacker, she was safe, she would be with Demetri.
Without warning, Y/N slammed into the side of the wall with her entire body. Gasping for air, she hit the hard floor. She caught the impact with her hands, causing the skin on them to split open in some places. Blood leaked from the small openings, causing the unknown vampire to draw air through his nose. "Your blood smells better than anything I've ever smelled!" He muttered to himself, his eyes still closed.
Gritting her teeth, Y/N tried to crawl silently away from the vampire. But he grabbed her ankle and pulled her back. Calling for help, she began kicking and punching at her attacker with her legs and arms. All this triggered another loud laugh. The vampire put his hands around Y/N's neck pulling her up by it and pressing her against the brick wall. As he did so, his grip tightened with each passing second. Y/N tried to strike at him with her hands, also scratching at his hands to loosen the grip on her neck, but her attempts were in vain. Just as black dots began to surround her field of vision, the vampire let go of her and caught her body. Gasping for air, she noticed how there was no spark of strength left in her. Her body felt limp and burning. "Such a pretty thing. If I wasn't so hungry, I would have spent more time with you."
The vampire supported her body with one hand while turning her face to the side with the other. He let the dome of his index finger trail over her pulse point as he grinned in satisfaction. "Please don't..." , Y/N muttered. "Don't worry it will be over quickly!" This was the last thing Y/N was aware of until the pain set in. The vampire had buried his fangs in her neck. Y/N felt her life being literally sucked out of her as the vampire drank more and more of her blood. Again black dots began to dance in front of her eyes and the only thing she could think about was Demetri, while more and more tears ran down her cheeks.
With a jolt, the feeling of the vampire in front of her disappeared, as did the arm holding her upright. Exhausted and preparing to hit the ground again, Y/N closed her eyes. However, before Y/N hit the ground one more time she was stopped by two arms and pinned against a chest.
"Mon amour please open your eyes!" Demetri pleaded with his mate. Blinking, she opened her eyes, contorted her face in pain, and then looked him straight in the eye. "Demetri, you're here." Her voice was no longer even a whisper. Carefully, Demetri stroked Y/N's bloodied hair from her face and left his hand on her cheek. "I will always be where you are. You just have to promise me to stay awake!" Smiling weakly, she placed a hand on his cheek, trembling. "I'm so sorry." Confused, the vampire looked at her. "Sorry for what?" His mate shook her head weakly, her eyelids beginning to flutter as her hand slid down from his cheek.
Everything around Demetri slowed down. The sounds of his friends killing the vampire became a low hiss as Y/N's eyes began to close and her pulse continued to slows. Demetri rested his forehead against his mate's. "Please don't leave me again! You can't leave me!"  
But Y/N no longer understood a word, the ringing in her ears had become far too loud for that. "I love you, Demetri Volturi." Whether she said it out loud or just thought it, she didn't know, but she was glad to have seen the man she loved once again, before her world went black and her body went limp in his arms, she knew she was finally home.
""Will she be awake in time?" Aro, and every other vampire in the throne room, looked closely at the doctor in front of him. The latter nodded slightly anxiously and looked around. "Miss Swan has lost a lot of blood, but nothing that can't be fixed with a blood infusion and bed rest." His voice trembled slightly, however, he did better than the Kings had expected.
Nodding, Aro looked to Jane. "Inform Demetri about this. He will be at her bedside. Felix escort the doctor out." Both guards stepped forward to follow what they were told to do. "And doctor." The man addressed stopped in the doorway and turned slowly. "Everything you've seen today, you'd better forget." Marcus looked at him, bored. Caius began to grin nastily, "Accidents happen every day!" Aro spread his arms, "And it would be a shame for such talent to go to waste!" Quickly the man nodded, "I was never here!" Satisfied, the kings looked at him. Felix put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him further in the direction of the exit.
"Why didn't he just turn her?" Caius looked questioningly at his brother. "He would have escaped the Cullens and that annoying sister that way. His mate would have no choice but to stay here to get used to her new life." Marcus turned to the blond-haired man. "And that's just it. It would have been forced." Aro nodded. "Our young friend wants his mate to want to walk this path willingly, with him by her side or without him."
"Demetri?" Jane entered Demetri's room. He was sitting on the floor with his back against his bed where his mate was sleeping. He had drawn his knees to his chest, buried his hands in his hair, and rested his forehead on his knees. At Jane's voice he looked up. "The doctor's gone, he says she'll be fine. She just needs bed rest." Demetri just nodded and laid his head back on his knees. Jane looked down at her teammate and debated with herself. She closed the door and took thoughtful steps toward the bed. Y/N looked pale, but since the second blood infusion, the redness of her skin was slowly working its way back.
The vampire sat down on the floor next to Demetri, which made him look to the side in confusion. "I thought at the beginning that you had gone mad. Fighting so hard for the Swan girl, even though she didn't want you. Letting your heart break over and over again. Now that I see you with her, now that I've seen the way she was in your arms, the way she looked at you, the smile just before she thought she was going to die, just because she could tell you she loved you. Makes me understand why you did it. Why you ran after her and why you didn't want to turn her. I don't understand the soul mates thing, I only have Alec who I trust and I don't think that will ever change. But Demetri, when she wakes up, and she will. Don't let her go again. You both need each other!" Jane looked deep into Demetri's eyes and put a hand on his shoulder. Demetri looked at her gratefully and placed his hand over hers. "I'm scared." Jane nodded. "You two will get through this, and if anything happens, we'll be behind you and her." Demetri smiled.
Jane stood up and headed for the door, but turned back to him. "If you tell anyone what I said here, I will cause you pain that will make you wish you were never born!" Demetri dropped his head back into his neck laughing, "There's the Jane I love!" Briefly her eyes lit up and a smile settled over her mouth. Shortly after, she was gone.
"You just confirmed what I warned Y/N about!" Bella looked angrily over at Demetri. The latter rolled his eyes, "And that would be?" "You put her in danger!" "She would never have been in danger if she hadn't been alone, and she was only alone because she pushed Demetri away because of you!" Felix laughed in disbelief from what he had just heard. Bella took a step towards the vampire, but Edward grabbed her waist and pulled her back to his chest. "Stop it now Bella!"
"You better listen to your fiancé young girl! It was pure kindness on Demetri's part to inform you of your sister's condition." Aro looked closely at Bella. "Kindness?!" Bella was turning red with anger. "Put a leash on your human before I do something about her!", Caius looked at Bella out of annoyed eyes. Edward tightened his grip around his fiancée. The latter took a deep breath and looked back at Aro. "If Carlisle confirms to us right away that my sister is fit to travel, I will take her back to Forks with me." She turned to Demetri and pointed a finger at him. "And you will stay away from my sister . From this day until her last day." Demetri shook his head. "You will not take her anywhere again. Until she can speak for herself, she stays here. Let Y/N make her own decisions, you've been calling all the shots in her life long enough!" "I only want what's best for her!" "By keeping her away from the one she loves!" Alec raised his eyebrow in amusement. Bella laughed mockingly. "She doesn't love him. My sister could never love a monster!" "Careful! Maybe none of our powers can do anything against you, but we can always hurt you, though! You forget you're still human!" Jane's voice became sharp. But Bella laughed again. "And that proves what I'm saying, you Volturi are nothing more than monsters!"
"The only monster in this room is you Bella."
All at once, everyone's heads turned to the kings. Y/N had entered the throne room through the back entrance. Next to her stood a sad-looking Carlisle. He knew he should not have taken Bella with him, for as the vampire knew Y/N would not return with them, but would remain with Demetri and therefore with the Volturi.
"Sister!" "Mon amour!" Bella and Demetri spoke at the same time. Y/N's gaze moved from her sister to Demetri. The latter looked at her with relief and a little fear, but she did not think twice. As fast as her bare feet could carry her, she ran towards Demetri and jumped into his arms. Relieved, he immediately wrapped his arms around her torso and hugged her to him. As he did so, the vampire closed his eyes and buried his face in the crook of her neck.
Aro began to clap and even jumped up and down once. "I think my young Bella, this is answer enough where your sister wants to stay. Isn't it?" Bella shook her head. "Y/N..." Her voice was occupied with bewilderment. Her younger sister separated herself from Demetri and stood up properly. As she did so, she buried her fingers in the fabric of his top, while he placed his hands on her upper arms, where he gently ran them up and down. Y/N accepted this gesture gratefully. Since she had almost fled the room when she saw only Carlisle, she was wearing nothing but underwear and a black nightgown. Lightly she leaned her back against the blond vampire's torso, taking in the warmth of his coat. Demetri who noticed this detached himself from Y/N took off his coat and placed it over his mate's shoulder. Then placed his hands again on her upper arms. Everyone observed the gesture with a smile, except for the Cullen family and Bella.
Bella watched as Y/N gratefully gave Demetri a kiss on the cheek and began shaking her head again. "No!" Confused, everyone looked at her. "You have to choose sister!" Bella emphasized the word 'sister' as if to remind Y/N that they were bound together by blood. "Between what?" Doubting her sister's mental state, Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Either you come back to Forks with me and the Cullens, or you stay here, with Demetri and the Volturi." She paused, put her hands to her chest, and continued talking, "But if you stay here, I will no longer see you as my sist..." Bella hadn't even finished her sentence when Y/N interrupted her. "Demetri and the Volturi." Bella dropped her arms to her side. "What?" "I choose Demetri and the Volturi." She repeated, more slowly so her sister would understand her better. This made every single Volturi grin as they looked at their future new member.
Before Bella could say anything further, Y/N turned her body entirely around to face Demetri. "Can you take me back to our room?" Demetri looked from her to Aro, who nodded with a smile. "Anything Ma princesse, will." In bridal style he picked her up in his arms, not wanting her to walk around in bare feet any longer and catch anything else, made his way past the Cullens. Where Bella realized once again that she had lost her sister to Demetri Volturi. Y/N didn't pay Bella a glance, burying her face in her mate's chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Well Bella that must have backfired!" Laughed Felix, making everyone except the Cullens laugh along with him.
"Are you sure you made the right decision?" Demetri whispered these words while looking straight ahead and holding his mate securely in his arms at the same time. Confused, she looked up at him. "What do you mean Demetri?" Without saying anything he opened the door of his room, stepped into it, closed his door and carefully put his mate down on his bed. "You should sleep a little more, the doctor and Carlisle are..." , he spoke while walking back to the door. But Y/N jumped up from the bed, dropping the coat from her mate on the floor, closing the distance between them with a few steps and grabbing Demetri's wrist. "Don't do this Demetri." He turned his head around to face her. "Don't do what." "Don't drop me. I won't regret choosing you. I won't miss my sister and the time in her shadow. I won't regret you and my love for you, not today, not in our eternity you promised me Demetri." Carefully she pulled him to her by his wrist. His body turned completely to her, his eyes were filled with fear and yet hope was also hidden in them. Y/N let go of his wrist, took another step towards him and placed her hands on his cheeks, like he always did with her. "I will never forgive myself for how many times I have rejected you for a promise that was unfair to both of us and if you let me, I will try to make this up to you for the rest of our time together." Demetri closed his eyes and leaned more into her touch. "That's a very long time Mon Amour." "That's exactly what I hope!" Smiling, Y/N placed her lips on her mate's. Demetri returned her kiss instantly, wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer. The kiss quickly turned into a passionate one as Y/N released her hands from his cheeks and let them disappear into Demetri's hair. When they both broke away from each other, their lips hovered just inches apart. "No more running away, no more hiding, I beg you!" Demetri looked at her pleadingly. Gently, she again placed her lips on his. Breaking away from him, she leaned her forehead against his and whispered, "I'm yours Demetri Volturi and I'm not afraid to show it to the daylight anymore!" They both started laughing and kissed again.
A/N3.0: Thanks for reading this story. I hope you enjoyed it and if you think of anything else you want to read, like the wedding of the two or other things write it in my inbox, no matter if my request is closed or not.
@twilightlover2007 @ssnapsaurus @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx @ms-sasa @elissanatok @helen06dreamer @animequeen454 @svtbpbts @alyeskathewave @kezibear @m-ichelles-world @angelsincident @esposadomd @xxxsecuritybreach @a-avengerparker
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wendigo-volturi · 25 days
can you write about how would Alec deal with a fem. reader who gets terrible cuteness aggression because of him, like she'll always jump at him, hug him super tight, kiss his entire face as hard as she should cause he's just too adorable she can't help it
Sure! Also sorry for not updating. I've been very busy and I just got a job, I'll try to update a bit more.
1. At first, Alec would be utterly confused by your sudden bursts of affection. As a vampire, he's used to maintaining an air of calm and control, and your unpredictable displays of cuteness aggression would catch him off guard.
2. Once he understands your overwhelming urge to cuddle and shower him with affection, he would find it amusing. Alec might smirk or chuckle softly, allowing himself to enjoy the attention. He would appreciate that you see him as adorable despite his usually cold demeanor.
3. Alec loves to tease you about your cuteness aggression. He might playfully call you 'adorably chaotic' or joke about how he should start wearing armor to protect himself from your enthusiastic hugs and kisses.
4. He’d quickly adapt to your affection, often holding you steady as you jump at him. Alec has a calm and reassuring presence, which would help you feel safe in your enthusiastic interactions, and he might even initiate hugs when he senses you need to release some cuteness aggression.
5. After the initial chaos of your affections, he would enjoy quiet moments when you curl up next to him, allowing his cool demeanor to contrast with your bubbly energy. He’d appreciate the stillness and comfort that comes from sharing these intimate moments with you.
6. Alec would find ways to playfully challenge your cuteness aggression. He might deliberately make adorable faces or act in ways that evoke your impulses, only to tease you when you respond with affectionate chaos.
7. Despite his usual stoic nature, Alec would slowly become more comfortable with physical affection. He’d learn to reciprocate your hugs and kisses, wrapping his arms around you and drawing you close as his way of embracing your energy.
8. When you indulge in your affectionate outbursts, Alec would take a moment to observe your joyful expressions. He finds genuine happiness in how you react to him, taking mental notes of your favorite affectionate gestures to encourage more playful bonding.
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volturiprincess · 4 months
Poly volturi guard x mate reader Summary: Painting their nails when reader is bored Warnings: None really, just fluff, well one curse word but thats it A/N: I haven't written a one-shot in a while, I been mostly doing head cannons. I got inspired recently because I painted my nails from being bored. Also this is my first one-shot with reader having more than one mate 🤗. There will be a A/N in the end. Enjoy💙
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“Im bored”
My mates are all lounging around my room while I was in my bed cuddling with Demetri. I usually cuddle with Felix because well he's a literal teddy bear and Demetri usually likes to just look at me, if he could he would stare at me for hours. If I’m not with those two I'm with Jane and Alec who like to read with me either by our willow tree or on our favorite sofa located in Alec’s room. I try to balance my time with all four because I would hate to make them feel like they are not wanted or feel like I do not pay attention to their needs. Since i'm still cuddling with Demetri he answers me first 
“What would you like to do cariño?”
I was about to answer with ‘I don't know’ but then I looked at my hand that was placed on Demetri’s chest and an idea clicked
“Can I paint your guy’s nails?”
All their heads snapped to me instantly, I could tell by Jane's gaze she was about to say no, along with Alec. While Felix looked like he was so down to do it, I looked up at Demetri and he had an unsure look, knowing he might say no unless I convinced him. 
“Come on, it's not like its permanent, it might come off in like an hour after I put it on your nails”
I did my best puppy look at the four of them that I knew would make them give in. I ran to my bathroom and gathered all the supplies I could find. Heading back to where the others were, I sat in the middle of my room where there would be plenty of room for all them to sit. 
I decided Felix would be my first victim since he was the most excited of this than the other three. I went over to him and sat across from him until he pulled me into his laps.. I grabbed his large hand and admired it from different angles to see what color would fit him best. 
“I know you are obsessed with my hands but is it really necessary to look at them with such focus?”
“Yes Fe, Im analyzing what color would best suit you”
Alec spoke up “Didn't think you had such a focus, just the other day you said you can't focus when I or Jane ware red”
“Well can you blame me, you guys look just more gorgeous than you need to be, my mind can't get that outta my head”
I looked back at Felix and he looked at me with curiosity, I leaned in and gave his jaw a kiss. I looked through my bag and found the perfect shade of pink. His eyes instantly widened and the others snickered slightly.
“Really? Pink? Why?”
“I think it would suit you quite nice big guy, your this big muscular vampire that could rip anyones head off instantly but you have a soft side so there's that, plus this nail polish changes, when your cold it changes to purple while if you are warm it turns pink”
“Um okay but I'm naturally cold, wouldn't it always be purple then?”
“Not unless I keep you warm a certain way if you know what I mean”
He looked at me with an amazed look that quickly turned into a smirk. I opened the nail polish and went off to work. I saw the other three looking at my work with astonishment, as I finished I looked at my work with a proud grin.
“Felix you look absolutely pretty, like a pretty pink princess”
He rolled his eyes playfully but looked at his hand with a small grin. I moved to my next victim which was Jane.
“Alright my little death rose, for you I will do black, because well that's obvious”
“Very well then”
I grabbed her cold hand and went straight to work. I had to concentrate more on her because her hands are smaller and her nails are slightly smaller than average. I could feel her eyes on me, I wanted to look back at her but I needed to focus. I finished quickly and looked at my work
“Voila, what do you think my princess of darkness?”
“There nice”
“Eh i'll take it”
Next one was Alec, I knew for sure I would do his burgundy because it would match his eyes. I went to him and he pulled me into his embrace so I was sitting between his legs. I giggled at his action while he just grinned cheekily.
“For you my handsome devil, your color will be burgundy”
“Why burgundy?”
“Because it matches your eyes, it's also my favorite color”
I hear someone mumble 
“I see who’s the favorite one”
“I heard that”
I looked up at him and he was already looking at me with a soft look, he leaned in and gave my forehead a kiss. I blushed at his action and felt my mind lag function, I heard chuckles from my mates which made me snap back to reality. I grabbed the color and painted his nails. I definitely made the right choice of picking this color, it really is his color. The way the color goes so well with his pale skin really popped. I finish before Jane could say pain and admired my work
“Fuck I really did you justice Alec, this color really does suit”
“Language tesoro”
“Sorry Fe”
I moved to my last victim, well I saved the best for last. I scoot over to Demetri who already has a grin on his face with anticipation. What color would suit this casanova of a vampire? I could do red but Alec is already a close resemblance to red, I want all four of them to have different colors. Wait! I know what color, when these four went out to Seattle to deal with the whole newborn thing, Demetri had this very elegant coat that just complimented him so well, I think there was this lavenderish blue in the design and I think that shade will look lovely on him. I rummage through my bag to find that color and found it.
I look back at Demetri and he had a devilish smirk 
“So care to tell why that color amore?”
“Well since you ask so nicely my casanova of a vampire, I picked this color for the reason being it reminded me of that coat you had on in Seattle, I got to admit you look hot”
“Hey! What about me?”
“Oh my dear hunk of a mate, you looked as handsome as you always do”
“And us?”
“You two always look great in black”
Gosh you compliment one and you have to compliment everyone else on the spot. Before I could even start with Demetri’s hand he pulled me onto his lap so my back was against his chest. I didn't say anything because I knew he would get more cocky than he needs to be. It took me a bit longer to do his hands because in the middle of it he decided to shower my neck with kisses and he even started to nibble slightly. I closed my eyes for a second to regain my focus and finish. Slightly sloopy, thanks to Demetri, but I finished before that session went a whole different way. 
“Alright my loves let me see your hands”
They showed off their hands and I got to admit I did a pretty good job, no regrets with the colors I picked for them. 
“Thank you cariño, you did a wonderful job”
“Your welcome Dem, i'm glad you guys like it”
Felix stood up and stalked towards me which made me raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
“Alright my little rose, you have left me curious about my nails changing color”
He tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and walked away from the other three. I hear Demetri shot out 
“HEY! I want to see that too”
So much for being bored. 
A/N: For Felix's nail color, I actually have that nail polish on, I forgot I had it until I tried it on. I wanted to give a quick update on my Caius one-shot, I been working on it, and to be honest it will need a third part. Theres different POV's between reader and Caius and well Caius has a lot to say 😅 from what happened in part one.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Mate Headcanon
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She never, ever wanted a mate (and honestly, never thought she'd find hers at all, further adding onto the dislike of finding hers), all she needed was her brother (plus Demetri and Felix [which she won't admit out loud, ever]) and then you came along and changed her life, for better or worse. She still hasn't decided but y'all are working on it a little bit every day and that's all her brother could ask her (on your behalf)
Not once did he think he'd ever find his mate (or admit it to his sister that he actually wanted one [he'd never hear the end of it, something about betrayal and abandonment] he doesn't want to hear it period) and then he found you while he was out on a mission and things definitely changed for him plus the rest of the guard and got his sister to like you
He was not expecting to meet someone like you, not at all. I mean, the quiet little thing that you were, dude lost it when he put two and two together. Man, was he floored, and everyone knew it before he actually had the guts to admit it (especially when Marcus flat out mentioned your connection growing stronger during a meeting or when he did tell the big guy that you two are mates)
He was even less ready than the others. He was the last person to expect to meet his mate, especially someone who could match him, in more ways than one. For example, the first time you two met, he naturally tried to charm you only for him to be the one who was enamored, something that did not shock the other (it also didn't help when Felix teased him about it, damn them living for eternity)
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enrapturedbythemoon · 2 years
Y'all, please, I am desperate. It's a poly!voluturi kings x swan!reader or swan!ofc. I can't remember if the MC is Bella's sister or her cousin but they don't get along.
I remember that the elite guard LOVES the MC and they're her personal guard and that she even created a game for them to play in leui of training. It's like capture the flag, but she's the flag.
At one point she goes to forks following the newborn battle to visit Charlie, but during that time she visits the Cullens at their house to formally introduce herself ask where her guard can practice.
The MC ends up collecting an old friend that happened to be one of the newborns in eclipse. Jasper ends up one of her personal guards as well.
SPOILERS if anyone ends up wanting to read this if it's found
At the breaking dawn 2 battle, Bella ends up killed, Alice betrays everyone and turns out to have been masterminding the whole battle. Edward realizes Jane is his mate.
Please help me find this, I've been looking everywhere for a long while.
Since this post is still getting quite a bit of traction and I don't know if people are looking at the comments.
The fic is called "We Three Kings" by Polkadottedgiraffe11. She used to have it posted on Wattpad and ffnet but due to repeated plagiarism and unjusntified account bans, she took them down. The only way to access the stories now is through discord where you will receive access to her blog. You will have to send a request through a Google doc form that she's made.
Here is the link:
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psychooomind · 8 months
I'm creating a whole fanfic around my favorite characters from the Twilight saga, the Volturi. I think they are fascinating characters and ones that Stephanie didn't explore in depth. The fanfic is going to be about Alec x reader, but a reader who has a first and last name, since she is my beautiful creation: Cassandra Pavoularis, a human and Greek girl who had the luck (bad or good) to be Alec's designated partner. . The first three chapters are the meetings between the two of them, and that is what they will be called: “Encounters”. The rest of the story is about different missions that Cassandra and the rest of the guard undergo. Even though it's mostly going to be a CassandraxAlec ship, I want to explore what it's like to be part of the Volturi guard, how busy their days are, how they handle missions, what they are like as a group, between things. English is not my first language. The characters of Jane, Alec and Cassandra are between 15 and 17 years old, because these are the ages of the characters in the film adaptation and not the books.
Chapter 1: First encounter
Chapter 2: Second encounter
Chapter 3: Third encounter
I hope you like it 😊
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
The Siege of Volterra : the Vampire war no one knows about
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The Siege of Volterra : the Vampire war no one knows about
Aro and the Volturi must decide to engage the invading German army or flee their centuries-old home.
Aro's POV-1944, Italy, occupied Volterra
I was inspired to write this after reading some Tumblr people questioning if the Volturi helped out Italy during the second World War. This is my response as a one-shot and it's kind of long over my usual one-shots.
* Some locations have been made up. Research about Volterra's history during WW2, not easy *
When the Nazis invaded Italy in 1940, I assumed Volterra might eventually become an occupied city. I wasn't happy with that thought. The Volturi had held control of this city for countless hundreds of years. Who were these Saxon mongrels to think they could take our home away from us. Marcus, Caius, and I called for a meeting with the entire coven to discuss what actions should be taken. We would have to decide whether we would hide underground, leave the city entirely, or fight against this impudent invading army?
When the occupation finally happened, the mood of the city completely changed. No more weekend gatherings in the piazza with music and dancing. No more festivals. The humans were virtual prisoners in their own homes. Now we had no choice but to make decisions, both for their protection and ours. I would not tolerate the Germans locking us down as well. Our bi-weekly meal deliveries were at stake. Without that, we would have no choice but to feed off the humans within our walls, something I hoped we would not have to resort to.
Our symbiotic relationship with the Volterrans had been beneficial for us all. The city's human leadership turned a blind eye to rumours about us, deflecting any prying into our business. We paid them well for their aid and loyalty, with the threat of death hanging over their heads and those of their families as insurance. The Mayor, the Chief of Police, and the Bishop of Volterra were a few of the more important humans taken into our confidence, and they had served us well.
First, we had to decide how important our home was. Moving to another location would take time and effort. Right now, most of Europe was involved in the war, and there were few places the Germans and their allies had not already occupied. Marcus spoke up first, wanting to keep our home here in Volterra. He didn't care how that would be accomplished.
Caius agreed. "I prefer to fight rather than hide or run like cowards. These are just humans, after all. I say we fight." He had a point.
I readily agreed, but how would we fight the Germans without revealing ourselves to them or the rest of the city? Caius was willing to set up plans of attack. The idea of killing humans excited the former commander, as I knew it would. An offensive by the Volturi would not only protect our home, it would also protect the city. These foolish humans, however, deserved whatever we gave them. They were disrupting the peace of our city in their quest for world dominance. For once, I felt humans needed to be controlled and by whom better than us.
The most important block to quick defeat was there were more human invaders than there were Volturi. Jane and Alec would be important in any vanguard that would move against these Nazis. Jane's gift incapacitated vampires, but it could kill a human if the illusion of pain was intense enough. Alec's gift would make that easier by blinding, deafening, and silencing the humans first. After so long, I trusted Jane. She worked well with no supervison, and with her brother Alec at her side, I knew they would make short work of the Nazis.
We decided we needed intel, the more information, the better. Since an all out assualt was not feasible, we would pick off the humans one by one. They expected no resistance, therefore more soldiers were kept in key locations, while fewer stood as guards. By day, their presence was more intrusive. They would eat at the cafes and shop at the stores, some genuinely enjoying mingling with the Volterrans. But after darkness fell, small groups of four to five soldiers would walk the streets at night, enforcing curfew and making sure no one was out committing sabotage.
One night, our sharp ears heard the sound of gun shots. When I called Mayor Guiseppe to find out what had happened, he explained several young men had tried to steal a jeep being used by the Germans. They had been shot without ceremony. I strongly advised the mayor to make it illegal for citizens to harass the Germans. He agreed, making it clear he would tolerate no one bothering the invaders. He didn't want to see any more of his people die at the hands of the Nazis. The fact the city remained quiet for weeks after the order was issued, indicated his warnings had worked, and that was to our advantage.
I sent Felix and Demetri to find out where the Nazis were based, the silent speed of the guards making this an easy task. I had wanted to keep an eye on their positions. Was there one main headquarters, or several locations where soldiers kept vigilance over the city's population. They returned a few hours later with plenty of news.
"Master Aro, the museum that was the Palazzo dei Medici is where the Germans have set up their headquarters. A Colonel Friedrich Mannheim is in charge of the city's occupation force," Felix said. "They have approximately 400 soldiers based there while another 100 or so are constantly monitoring the streets. They're using the rooms of the villa as quarters while Colonel Mannheim has exclusive use of the Blue Room."
I knew the Blue Room well. Royalty had slept there over the centuries. Once, I had been invited to the palazzo during the 1760s, and as an honoured guest, I had been afforded the use of one of the prettiest servant women while staying in the Blue Room. I pleasured myself with her body for a few hours, before slashing her throat and slaking my sudden hunger. I hated killing her, but the scent of her blood was too much. Sadly, it made me thirsty. I had to hide the body and make up some story to my hosts. It was so long ago and of little consequence, but some memories linger longer than others.
Of course, the human military leader would choose the very best for himself. The fact that particular castle was chosen would make it easy for us to plan an attack. I knew the floorplan, and helped Caius map out every level.
Demetri gave his report next. "There are five satellite stations scattered around the city, each manned by no more than twenty-five humans. There are two check points, one at the old city gate and one along the newer roadway into the city. Everyone is heavily armed." He smiled, knowing their weapons would have no effect on vampires. "There's no danger for us there. Even if they get a chance to use them."
"We have to consider the humans who will be backing us up, Demetri," I reminded our tracker. "For now, we will act alone. But I trust there will be human volunteers who will gladly help us when we are ready to attack the Palazzo dei Medici. I plan to call Chief de Luca to see how many he can gather." I looked over at Caius who smiled and nodded.
Later, I spoke with the chief of police, Angelo de Luca, in person. He knew about our nature, but he and his small police force were well paid to stifle any rumours about us and to make sure we were left in peace. Losing Volturi protection and financial support was not something anyone wanted.
"Angelo, my dear friend. We find we have a common enemy in these Germans, but we have the power to do something about it. It may mean the sacrifice of some of your people. Would they be willing to fight alongside us, not knowing what we are, of course." I knew from past experience that some humans were indeed brave and capable of fighting well.
"Master Aro, I know my people would willingly sacrifice their lives if it meant freeing their families from this scourge. Are you planning an attack soon?"
"Caius will be in charge of that. We're going to concentrate on killing those manning the city gates and outposts, and the groups of city sentries. The Germans are headquartered at the Palazzo dei Medici. We will take care of that last." De Luca listened raptly as I detailed our plan. "We haven't enough guards to replace those killed, so we will need some trusted humans to do that for us, wearing their uniforms and pretending to be Germans. I just need to know that your people can be ready when called upon."
"Of course, Master Aro. I will gather the best fighters Volterra has to offer, and wait for you to let us know when we're needed."
I knew I could trust the chief of police, as I had trusted his predecessors and would trust his successors. The entire city benefitted from the patronage of the Volturi, that was well known.
I stood, giving the human a smile, and held out my hand. He took mine in an affirmation of our long-time partnership. "We will free our city, Angelo," I assured him. "For both our kind."
When the guards had returned from their first mission to take back the old city gate, I read each in turn. I saw, with satisfaction, their actions that led to success.
Heidi had worn a deep red dress, emphasizing her hour-glass figure, but she eschewed her gloves, the darkness of night making that possible. She styled her hair and applied her make-up just so. It was only window-dressing since her allure would take care of distracting the Germans, and once she was upon them, it would be too late for the humans.
The plan was for Felix, Afton, and Santiago to swoop in and assist Heidi in dispatching the hapless soldiers. A few lower-level guards would then take their uniforms and put them on, so to the curious, it would appear the gate was still being guarded. These guards were fluent in German, and would easily fool anyone, as long as they weren't called out as strangers. In that case, they were ordered to kill the humans, and do what they must to hide the bodies.
As she sashayed up to the jeep where several guards sat, her walk showing off her curvy hips, Heidi flashed a dazzling smile at the men. "Guten abend, meine Herren. Es ist eine schöne Nacht."
One of the soldiers jumped off the jeep, and smiled back at Heidi, his eyes revealing his admiration for her beauty. "Ja, Fräulein, das ist es in der Tat." He unconsciously licked his lips. "Du solltest nicht so spät draus sein, schöne. "
Heidi reached up to play with his uniform collar, all the while flirting not only with him, but every man sitting in the jeep, such was her irresistible vampiric allure. The man whispered something in German, and setting down his rifle, he drew Heidi into his embrace, nuzzling her neck.
At that moment, the three waiting guards jumped from the top of the brick arch overhead to land atop the soldiers still sitting in the jeep. Fingers grabbed hair and twisted necks, while teeth sank into soft flesh so fast, no screams emerged from the humans.
Heidi turned her head to bury her face into the lead soldier's neck, biting hard and swallowing as much blood as she could manage in so short a time. She may not have even been thirsty, but we don't refuse blood if the opportunity affords us an easy kill.
I released Heidi's hand and spoke to the four guards. "You all have done very well. The gate is ours. We will now look to the front entrance of the city and take that back. Once the city check points are under our control, we will go after their sentries, the individual guard stations, and lastly their headquarters. Soon, Volterrans will take our places, freeing us up for the main attack on the Palazzo dei Medici."
"Humans, Master Aro?" the tracker asked, confused.
"Yes, I spoke with the chief of police, and he will be gathering volunteers to help us with ridding ourselves of their guards, so we're able to go into the German headquarters. This is their city too, Demetri."
"Of course, Master Aro. I understand."
"Good. Caius, would you join the guards for the attack on the front gate?"
Caius' eyes gleamed as he slowly grinned. "With pleasure, brother."
With Marcus busy seeing to the attack plans in Caius' absence, he worked with Jane and Alec, instructing them on handling the sentries outside the headquarters, allowing the rest of us easy access into the castle. Then the twins would join us, disabling any who might fight us.
The chosen group of guards, led by Caius, headed out to the forefront of Volterra under the cover of darkness. I waited in the throne room with Marcus now, wishing there were some way to see what was happening, but we would have to wait for their return. I paced the marble floor. Perhaps I should have gone as well, but no, I knew Caius was the best leader for this mission.
Several hours later, Caius returned with our triumphant guards. I quickly took my brother's hand and saw what had transpired on this latest mission.
Our people approached the human guards walking the length of the road they had been assigned to watch. Santiago and Afton began to speak to them in German, confusing their prey. Once they were close enough, they attacked. Heads were twisted, while some used only their teeth as weapons. Caius shouted orders while our guards easily defeated the humans. Soon, silence permeated the air. Caius told the lower guards to don the uniforms of the German soldiers and walk along the road as they had seen them do.
"So we now have the front city entrance as well," I said.
"Yes, Aro. Now we go after the city sentries and replace them with our people."
"I will check with De Luca to see if his people can take our places once these locations have been secured. I would prefer they not be present when we do attack the Germans."
When I called the chief of police to ask for his assistance, he agreed, saying he had 50 ready and able men willing to replace our people at all the gates and outposts currently manned by us. Once night fell, they would do that, freeing up the guards to join us at the Palazzo dei Medici.
I had ordered our kind to wear contacts when around the humans. When their volunteers approached, Felix greeted them and gave them their orders. Just as one human began to remove the uniform off a dead soldier, another who was not quite dead, turned to pull a gun from inside his jacket and pointed it at the man. Felix sped between them, deflecting the bullet before he finished off the soldier.
"Thank you. My name is Sergio," he said, his hand out.
Felix took the man's hand with his own glove-covered one and shook it. "I'm Felix. I couldn't let him just shoot you."
Both human and vampire laughed, before getting back to work. It pleased me to see our peoples working side by side. If our nature were to be discovered by any human, we would have no choice but to kill them. I hoped that would not be necessary.
The work contunued, and it wasn't long before every vampire had been replaced by a human.
It had been days since we had destroyed the Nazis serving outside the palazzo, and the entire coven was now ready and eager to attack. Several of the vampire guards speed-scaled the walls of the castle until they reached the windows, smashing the glass and jumping inside whatever rooms they found themselves in. They eliminated any Germans they ran into as they headed to the lower floors and the room I had ordered everyone to meet us.
Soldiers aimed their pathetic weapons at the advancing vampires, shooting them, surprised when seeing the bullets bouncing off them harmlessly. In a flash, the vampires sped to them, pulling the weapons from their hands before they could react, and destroying them. Then the vampires killed the soldiers.
Marcus, Caius, and I entered the palace through the front entrance. Alec blinded the Germans, then Jane imagined pain in each soldier we met up with. Some died from the intensity of the pain, others found themselves immobilized and writhing on the ground.
By the time we five had reached the Blue Room, Colonel Mannheim had already baracaded himself inside, surrounding himself with as many soldiers as he could muster in so short a time. Felix pushed on the twin doors, easily forcing them open. Bullets began to fly at my executioner, none harming him as he went into attack mode, his visage dark and frightening. He was followed by Demetri, Santiago. and others. Uniformed bodies flew across the room, while Mannheim attempted to hide. So the leader of the invasion force was a coward at heart. True commanders I can respect, but cowards deserve the worst of deaths.
Jane and Alec entered the large room and stood by, waiting for my order. Soon, every last soldier was lying around the room, dead. All save for Mannheim. I wanted to save him for last.
When Mannheim attempted to run, I gave Alec a nod. He sent out tendrils of dark grey smoke, catching up with and surrounding the human, blocking his senses. He stood still, unable to see a thing.
I turned to Jane. "Go ahead, my dear."
She merely stared at the human, when he suddenly cried out in pain and dropped to the floor.
I reached down and picked up the human by the throat. He had four inches on me, but my strength made it easy to ignore his height. I grinned up at him, feeling pure hatred. "You are nothing but a coward, and should die like one." My eyes focused on Mannheim.
"What are you?" he asked, his voice shaky. So he noticed my eyes, now dark red with anger.
I could reveal myself to him, since these were the last few minutes of his life. "I am a vampire. Your kind attempted to take our city from us. For that, you all must die. You will be my last kill. I'm telling you the truth about us, before I rip your throat out."
He struggled to speak, my hand gripping his neck tightly. "My men...where...are they?"
"Gone, all of them. The invaders of our town have been vanquished."
I saw abject fear in his eyes now. This spurred me on with a great deal of satisfaction.
"And now it's your turn." I clenched my fingers tighter, the nails digging into soft flesh. I felt the warmth of blood dripping down my hand. The colonel's eyes bulged, his hands attempting to pull mine off him. His head began to tilt awkwardly to the right as his eyes went dead but still open. Then his head fell to the floor, blood splashing around us to pool on the marble tiles. I had let his body fall on top of his head, hiding his fearful expression.
"Felix, get some others and clean up this mess. I don't want to leave it for the humans to manage. Burn them all. Then return to the castle."
Marcus and Caius returned with me to the castle, where I sat in my office and called our allies to let them know the city was ours again.
The citizens of Volterra celebrated their freedom from the Nazis with music and dancing in the streets. The Mayor, the Chief of Police, and I met, the humans who knew about us expressing their gratitude to me for our work in ejecting the occupation forces. The coven members who wanted to join in the celebration were given permission to do so. Wearing regular street clothing and contacts, they readily mingled among the humans. I had given everyone a stern warning to behave and leave the humans alive, or face immediate punishment.
When the guards met up with the singing crowds, the warning was unnecessary. Everyone was jubilant at their success, human and vampire alike.
I saw Felix across the road, a human male walking up to him. It was Sergio. I could hear him as he slapped our tall guard on the arm, expressing gratitude to him for saving his life. Felix looked down at the man, smiling back, telling him it was unnecessary to thank him, as they walked off together, talking while grabbing some drinks being handed out to people gratis. Felix took a bottle, toasting with the other humans, but he did not drink, of course.
"I never imagined that vampires would one day be our saviors, Master Aro. We owe you so much," Angelo said
"My friend, we have worked beside your ancestors for centuries in keeping the city safe for humans and vampires alike. I will not allow this war to disrupt it now. Come, let us join the others in the celebration." I gently clapped my hand on his back as we walked to join the crowd.
Stories later circulated among the Germans that the city of Volterra was haunted, and no one wanted to send any troops there again. I found that humourous while I looked out my upper floor office window down to the streets below. The city was vibrant with life again. Everything was back to normal for us and for the humans who fought beside us.
A/N : I like to write stories many writers don't think of. I hope my readers liked this one. No human mates, no romance, but we see the Volturi in a new light as defenders of their home, Volterra.
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volturissideslut · 1 year
A snippet from the new fic in working on:
The man simply nodded, too entranced by her to even notice or ask, and the game continued silently. He had no idea what to say, distracted by her ethereal beauty. Her voice echoed in his head like a symphony and in his divergence he had forgotten how to play. How embarrassing that a man who had lived for over three millennia was losing a game of strategy to a mortal woman who hadn't played since she was a young girl, but it simply could not be helped. He would lose a thousand times over if it meant he could stay near her for just a minute longer - no matter how damaging to his pride it may be. And he could certainly lose a million times over just to see the grin she had when she realised she had won again.
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a warm welcome home 𝜗𝜚 ׅ ۫ demetri volturi x reader
a/n: a little request for @agirllovespancakes because you are the cutest little mutual i ever did follow and i adore you 🫶🏻
tag list: @your-next-daydream @agirllovespancakes @icefrozendeadlyqueen @iloveslasher @julesofvolterra
based on prompts from here and here
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A broken giggle leaves your mouth as you wake up from your slumber to a familiar coolness pressing up against your back, something - someone snuggling into the crook of your neck with a deep sigh. A soft yawn escapes you, though not before you allow the raspy whisper to leave your lips. The grogginess of sleep still hung over you, and you were partly convinced your desire to have Demetri back with you was causing you to hallucinate his very presence.
“You’re back?”
You hear him hum softly, the sound rumbling through his chest and transforming into a soft purr when you lifted a hand to scratch at the locks on the very top of his head. After a moment of silence he lifted his head from your nape, your hand falling back down to rest on your hip. Demetri lightly tugged at your shoulder, an easy attempt at pulling you flat onto your back.
You took the chance to rub at your eyes, another yawn escaping unbidden before you look at him - though you realise he is already watching you intently, propped up on one arm and admiring you with the look of adoration you so very much adored. Blushing, you move to press your face into his chest, already knowing what’s to come before he even has the chance to open his mouth.
“Mmm, I have missed that adorable little blush.”
You whine at him instantly, pulling your face away from your hiding place to send him a scolding look. He quickly dismisses it, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You smile against his mouth and without hesitation you tilt your head just a teeny bit back in order to deepen the kiss. He shifted himself to hover above you with a groan, soft kisses quickly becoming much more heated, and it wasn’t long before he parted your legs with his knee in order to slot himself between your thighs.
His kisses began to break away from your lips, moving and travelling down across your jaw, towards your neck. He ravished your clavicle for a moment or two, taking extra care to suck a blossoming mark onto your sweet spot before continuing his journey down. You inhaled sharply, your shirt quickly torn from your body, the sound resonating throughout the near silent bedchamber. You pouted at him when he smirked up at you.
“I liked that shirt…”
“It was my shirt-“
“Still-!” You deepened the pout with an exaggerated sigh. “It was comfy…”
He chuckled against the skin of your breast, easily distracting you with each featherlight kiss he pressed onto your skin.
“You may wear as many of my shirts as your heart desires, darling.” He paused to press a lingering kiss your lips “That one simply looks much better on the floor.”
Your body immediately betrayed you as he began to kiss across your breasts and down to your navel, arching into him with the smallest of moans. You felt him smirk again, dragging the tip of his tongue in a gentle circle around your naval, travelling down to lightly trace just above the elastic of your panties.
“Come now, you can do better than that sweetheart.” His fingers teasingly made their way across your folds, not once slipping beneath the fabric that acted as a barrier between you both. “Don’t be shy baby, you know I love the way you moan my name.”
With that he pounced, attacking your clit through the fabric as you let out a gasping moan of his name, subconsciously rolling your hips into him as he suckled you gently. He hummed against your sex when you let out a whimper, using his thumb to stroke your hip gently. You follow your whimper with a loud whine as he pulled away, squirming in his hold at the loss of his mouth.
“Is this okay?” He asks, staring up at you from his place between your thighs.
“Yes I-“ You groan as he, once again, places featherlight kisses across your panty line, never once breaking the eye contact he shared with you. “Demetri-! Please-!”
He shushes you smugly, hands finding the edges of your underwear and tugging them down your legs, completely discarding them onto the floor with his previously torn shirt. “Relax, darling. I’ve got you.”
His lips attack you once again, only this time there was nothing stopping you from feeling the way his mouth slanted across your heat, burying his nose into your wet cunt and inhaling the scent of your arousal. You let out a loud moan, one hand subconsciously making its way to the top of his head and carding your fingers through his hair. Demetri purred once again, the vibrations sending another wave of arousal through you and leaving you dripping onto the sheets below. You felt his tongue move lower, probing at your entrance and drinking up your essence. A cry of pleasure left your throat before you could even process it, and he groaned in response, reaching up and taking one of your hands in his own to squeeze it gently in comfort. He growled, allowing them to remain interlocked atop of your chest, occasionally grasping a tad bit tighter.
“My gods, Y/N.” He grunted before pulling away even more, leaving you a whining squirming mess. “You taste fucking divine.”
As if to prove a point he pulled himself up and pressed a hard kiss to your mouth, coaxing your lips open. You keen at the taste of you on his lips, reaching up to keep his mouth on your own before letting go of his hand, reaching down to attempt to free his cock from the restraints of his slacks. He took pity on you when you struggled, letting out a breathy laugh against your lips as his hands moved down to finish the job for you. Pulling away to catch your breath for a moment, he used it to his advantage, pulling his shirt off as well and allowing for his body to be completely bared to you. With a soft moan at the sight of him, his hands came up to cup your cheeks, pulling your lips to his own before travelling down to your breasts. He kneaded them softly with his palms - thumbs brushing over your nipples.
Demetri moaned, louder than he had done previously, as you arched your body completely into him. Using his right hand, he quickly reached down, brushing his hard cock through your folds in order to gather some of your arousal, using his hand to spread it over himself before entering you in one swift thrust of his hips. You cried out, tears springing to your eyes at the sudden onslaught of pleasure filling your senses. He shushed you, hips pausing to allow you a moment of relief before he made you see stars. As you adjusted around him he spoke softly, sweet nothings harmonising surrounding you, followed by the softest of kisses across various parts of your face.
“My sweet darling girl, how gorgeous you look when you’re taking my cock.” A soft kiss to your nose.
“You always take me so well, so eager to please me.” A soft kiss to your cheeks.
“My pretty little girl making me so proud - so beautiful you look when you’re beneath me” A soft kiss to your forehead.
And when he was completely sure you were ready, he began to move, smiling adoringly when your head tilted back in ecstasy. A series of high pitched noises sounded out from the back of your throat, and he couldn’t help but chuckle before grunting as you clenched around him.
“Does that feel good, baby?”
You nodded eagerly, the only thing you could do as your nerves began to go haywire, pleasure spiking across your entire body. “You gonna cum for me, sweet girl? Let me hear those pretty little noises you make.”
You responded with a whine, which was quickly replaced with a sobbing moan as the tip of his member hit that oh so familiar spot inside you. Clawing at his arms you let out another, then another and he that was followed up by Demetri’s low growling, allowing one of his own to slip past his lips. You felt him reach the spot once more, and you felt the coil began to tighten in your abdomen, spiralling around and threatening to push you over the precipice at any given moment. He continued to attack your sweet spot with his cock, also reaching a hand down to your wet pussy in order to rub slow circles on your swollen bundle of nerves, timing it just right with the thrust of his hips. A gargled moan escaped you before you spoke up:
“‘Metri-!” You sobbed “I-m g-gonna-“
“That’s it darling, cum for me like the good girl you are.” His words were a growl and you let out a screaming moan as his final thrust sent you hurling over the edge. He immediately covered your mouth, shushing you gently before unintentionally letting out a loud moan himself as he felt you pulse around his sex, throbbing with the need of release. It seemed as if your climax had guided him into one of his own, because the next thing you knew his body was slumping against you as he painted your walls with his seed, completely filling you until you couldn’t take anymore.
Coming down from his high much quicker than you had, he smiled, feeling you shake beneath him as you panted in desperate need for air. He moved his hands to your hips, slowly pulling out of you and wincing when you hissed in pain.
“Sorry, gorgeous.” He kissed your forehead gently in apology, melting as you smiled up at him lazily. “You did so, so good for me - made me so proud. Now let me get you cleaned up, hm? I think you deserve a few more hours of sleep after that.”
He did just that, cleaning you as gently as he could with a washrag and wincing with you when he brushed over your sensitive folds. He wrapping you up in a blanket, cradling you to his chest. “I love you, my pretty little human.”
“Love you, Demi - so much”
He heard your soft whisper, right before you fell completely back into blissful slumber, happily snuggled into the comfort of your mates embrace. He smiled to himself happily as he stroked you hair, completely content with his welcome home.
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kimi240302 · 1 month
Come back to me
Part 3
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Come back to me Masterlist
"I will meet you at the graveyard Where you lay down, where you stay now Faced up, cold heart, no longer by my side now Wish we were together, now I don´t know when I will see you" - Cleffy
Y/N smiled towards the sun and ran her hand through the high grass as she followed the man in front of her.
"It's still funny to see you in the sunlight." She laughed. "No one can see us behind the castle, the perfect place… what do you always say? To twinkle in peace and undisturbed ." Y/N nodded with a smile, pausing for a moment, thinking. She started to smile, then ran and jumped onto the man's back.
Gasping slightly in surprise, he placed his hands on Y/N's legs so he could carry her better and laughed softly. "You know you can't make me fall, right?" Y/N wrapped her arms around the black-haired man's neck, "It's still worth a try. I didn't realize there was so much space behind the castle and I've almost been here a year." The black haired one shrugged his shoulders, "You weren't supposed to know either since we were going to build you something nice on a piece of this land and don't get off topic. You're just too lazy to walk. That's why you jumped on my back." Y/N looked at the back of the black-haired man's head and stuck his tongue out at him. "Sticking your tongue out is for 5 year olds." He laughed. Y/N rolled her eyes and mumbled something that sounded like 'grandpa'. Before the black-haired one could say anything to that, Y/N interrupted him, "You said something about building and beautiful and for me."
The man did not answer, just shook his head in amusement, removed his right hand from Y/N's leg and pointed at something in front of him. Y/N looked up and couldn't believe it. She lightly tapped the man's shoulder, who understood her sign and let her off his back. "You're lying this isn't for me, is it?" Y/N looked at the large glass building in front of her, shaking her head in bewilderment. In the meadow stood a huge glass greenhouse, the kind she had drawn over and over again in her notebook.
"Go on," her companion whispered to Y/N. Smiling, she looked at him, paused briefly and blinked. Y/N looked closely at the man in front of her, but she could only blurrily make out his features, his eyes, his nose and his lips. Confused, she shook her head, but turned around again and walked towards the entrance. She paused in front of the doors, slowly, her hands trembling with excitement, she grabbed the door handle.
"What's wrong?" said the man behind her, "I'm scared." "Of what?" "Of the future." Cold hands wrapped around her waist. She was pulled against the black-haired man's body. "As long as I and the others are with you, nothing will happen to you. I will protect you for the rest of our lives. I love you Y/N." The young girl leaned against the body behind her, feeling protected, safe and loved. "I love you too."
The man released his arms from around her, kissing her cheek. Smiling, Y/N pushed the door handle down and took a step into the greenhouse. But as she took that step inside, darkness fell around her and the ground beneath her gave away. She fell as she was swallowed up by the darkness. Y/N screamed, but her screams simply echoed back to her. Just as the young girl thought she would fall forever, her fall was caught by the surface of a lake. Y/N floated on the same spot for a few seconds and looked around in panic. She didn't know where she was, just as she was about to scream for help again, she felt a tug on her ankles. Panicked, she tried to swim away from the spot, but the tug turned into a pull. Y/N's body was pulled into the depths of the lake, while the girl tried helplessly and with all her strength to swim back to the surface. Her lungs filled with water, her arms became limp and the cold of the water began to suffocate her.
Y/N woke up gasping for air and screaming. She immediately looked around in panic, relief spreading through her as she recognized the outline of her room. Y/N realized that it was just another one of her all night nightmares, which made the feeling of relief disappear immediately. Her hair was wet with sweat, her clothes were sticking to her body, tears began to stream down her face again and her breathing wasn't slowing down, it was speeding up. Y/N felt lost and exhausted. She wanted everything around her to disappear so that she could finally be at peace.
"Y/N!" Carlisle had entered her room and looked sadly at the girl. Wrapping her arms around her body, Y/N looked up and towards Carlisle. The tears slowly took over as she tried to form a sentence. The blonde-haired vampire didn't know what to do. Ever since Y/N had left the hospital and moved to Alaska with them, there were hardly any nights when she slept through the night. Every night the young Swan would wake up screaming, let herself calm down, only to spend the rest of the day hiding in her room staring or drawing. Carlisle's thoughts were interrupted when Y/N whispered barely audible to herself, "What's wrong with me Carlisle." She repeated this sentence over and over again, beginning to sway back and forth. The vampire took several steps towards her bed, sat down next to her and took the young girl in his arms. Y/N immediately clawed at him and hid her head against his chest. "I wish I could tell you." He whispered to her, tightening his embrace slightly.
"Do you hear that Bella?" All the Cullens were sitting downstairs in the living room, listening to what was going on in Y/N's room, as they always did. Rosalie had jumped up and was pacing back and forth. She could no longer bear the pain of the girl she loved like a sister. "It will get better eventually…" Bella tried to keep talking, but Rosalie wouldn't let her. The blonde turned to Bella, "Better? This has been going on for a year! It's not getting any better." "She needs time." Bella looked out the window, watching her daughter with Jacob and smiled. Rosalie followed her gaze and let out an annoyed snort. "What?"
Rosalie only shook her head. "When Edward left you, you suffered for five months. Nightmares, no hunger, no sense of life anymore. Now you have your happy ending. Edward by your side as a husband, a child that is not only protected by vampires, but also by a wolf. You live your life, while with a good feeling of conscience you let Y/N experience the hell you had to suffer for only 5 months. Y/N will not get better as long as you keep her away from Alec. It's going to get worse and the reason for that pain is you…." "Rosalie enough!" Esme intervened and tried to calm her daughter down. But she could no longer bear to remain silent, so she just kept talking. "Do you want to lock Y/N up forever and hide her from the world? I don't know if you've noticed Bella, she'll get older, we won't. Y/N will have questions. What do you want to tell her?"
Bella jumped up, "Y/N will have no involvement in this world anymore!" Emmett, who had let his mate speak, laughed, "That's not a decision you can make for her." "I've already made that decision." "That's right and look what you've done Bella." Rosalie literally spat out her name. "Y/N is unrecognizable. All life has drained out of her, any joy she felt has died with your decision, as has the future the universe had made for her."
Bella laughed mockingly. "You want me to take her to him? To that monster?" "He wasn't a monster, not with her." Startled, Bella looked at Jasper. "You too?" He nodded. "We all do Bella, we all think you didn't have the right to decide for your sister." "But…" Bella was interrupted. "Did you know that all the drawings your sister has done in the past year are of Alec? She only draws his outline, his hair and the contours of his face, never anything else. Because she can't remember his features, his lips, his nose or his eyes. That is exactly what hurts her the most. She sees him every night, every night he makes her feel whole again and then she wakes up and can't remember his face and the feeling of being whole again is gone."
Edward looked at his wife, he was always on her side but not this time. Bella sat down in defeat. "I can't leave her to him. He's a monster to me." "I was that to those around me too, until the day Alice came. Alec had changed for Y/N, as had all the Volturi. Just like I changed for Alice." Jasper looked at his lover and she placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him. "Besides, it's not about what you want Bella. It's about your sister and what's best for her." Emmett looked at her urgently. "How do you think I should do it, take her to Rome and drop her off with the Volturi?" "No, you've interfered enough, we all have. Let her go her way and don't stop her anymore." Esme walked up to Bella and placed a hand on her cheek, "Y/N and Alec belong together, the universe has foreseen it. Even if you don't want it to be true, you can't stand in the way of it. You see what this has brought you. One soul is suffering in Alaska and the other is suffering in Rome."
"If he's suffering so much, why hasn't he ever been here to get her? Why did he just give up on Y/N like that?" Bella looked at Esme questioningly. "Because you confirmed his greatest fear. The reason being that something happened to Y/N that would cost her her life and even if it didn't this time, it could still happen from his point of view."
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Alec stood in the greenhouse, as he often did when he had no tasks. He could still remember the day he brought Y/N here for the first time. The first time she walked across the stone-paved path, smelling every flower that had been planted around her. He remembered how Y/N had reached the end of the path and looked with fascination at the fountain with the four pools. Alec remembered how she had jumped into his arms when he had shown her the little corner where she could sit down and paint, draw, read or write. He remembered the evenings he'd spent here with her, how often he'd come here after his duties as High Guard only to find her lost in a book or covered in paint because she'd spent hours drawing on a painting.
Alec had to smile, those were the good memories he associated with this place, but they were no longer the only ones. In addition, there were the bad memories, the ones he had never thought possible in this place, and with these memories Alec's smile disappeared again.
The vampire remembered destroying the fountain with his own bare hands, the same way he had ripped out every single flower when he realized that Y/N's laughter would never echo off the glass walls again. He realized that he would never walk in here again and find his mate covered in paint or so engrossed in a book that not even the end of the world could tear her away. He would never again be able to watch her sleep under the stars, would never again be able to feel her warmth.
All he had left was the greenhouse, which had been repaired after his rampage. But instead of the colorful flowers, it had turned into dark colors. Instead of the fountain, there was now a large pond with a statue built by Master Caius on a pedestal in the center. The statue bore the face of the love of his life, wearing a beautiful dress, while her hair perfectly framed her smiling face. On the pedestal on which she stood, the words "In memory of the sunshine that changed our lives forever and reached every cold heart" were engraved. Leaves with candles floated in the water in the pond, as they had done since the day the statue had been placed there. The greenhouse was no longer a place of joy, it had become a memorial to Y/N. Alec loathed it and yet he came here every spare second to stand in front of her statue and mourn.
"Why do you do this to yourself every day?" Alec flinched, but recognized the voice and relaxed again. He turned his head to Marcus, looking at his master, who was watching him with sad eyes. "Because by now it doesn't matter where I am in the castle, I see her everywhere." Alec paused, looking back at the statue. "I'm standing in the throne room, waiting for her to come in with her face and fingers stained with paint to pull Master Caius from his throne to look at her new painting or because she needs some urgent advice from him. I stand in the library looking for her bored face as Master Aro tells her the same story for the hundredth time. I stand in the ballroom expecting you to give her piano or dance lessons. I look through my bedroom window and wait for Demetri, Felix, Santiago and Y/N to fight and shoot each other with Nerf guns all over again. I walk past the secretary and wait for Afton, Chelsea and Y/N to scare her. I go into the kitchen and expect her to stand there with my sister cooking something for herself while she and Jane make fun of something." Alec's voice failed him. He turned to Marcus, looking at him helplessly. "She's not here and yet she's everywhere. Some days it feels like the walls of the castle are closing in on me, trying to crush me as they whisper her name."
Marcus took a step towards him and placed a hand on the younger man's shoulder. "It almost sounds like you're being haunted by someone who isn't dead, but still alive." Defeated, Alec hung his head. "I'm tired, Master. Ever since I left Y/N at the hospital, I've been wondering if I did the right thing. I just wanted to give her a second chance, as a normal person, to protect her. But the more days go by, the more I long for her." Alec stopped talking, which made Marcus look at him questioningly, realizing that Alec's next words were difficult for him. "Y/N and my almost forever. Will haunt me for the rest of my immortal life and I don't know if I can take it."
"Then why don't you do something about it?" "I'm afraid." "Of what?" "That she won't feel the same way I do about her, that if I take her back. Back to the world of vampires, especially the world of the Volturi, that this incident will repeat itself and she'll die this time." Marcus tightened his grip on the black-haired man's shoulder, looking deep into his eyes. "You loved her, she loved you and you'll never be the same again, we all know that Alec. If you feel that way and you can't get rid of these fears to bring Y/N back to us, then you have to let her go. Otherwise it will kill you. I had to learn that lesson the hard way." With that, Marcus let go of him, turned and left the greenhouse, while Alec sank to his knees and placed a hand on his chest just above his heart. Even though it wasn't beating, he felt it breaking in his chest again.
@kisekihany @sparklybuildingsdesign88 @alecvolturiswifeforever @rosedpetal @bofadeezs @xcharlottemikaelsonx @urgirlmoon @julesofvolterra @itsmytimetoodream @smiling2204 @demogorgon-master1 @megaprincesscakes @moonmark98 @silencionyx @valsobsessions @aylinbsx @nessjo @just-a-blue-nerd @lunajay33
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wendigo-volturi · 1 month
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volturiprincess · 4 months
Death Flower
Jane Volturi x Fem human mate
Summary: Jane contradicts a lot but a simple "my little death flower" and its all over.
A/N: I wanted to post this on May 31st since that marks half way to Halloween but I forgot about this WIP. I got some ideas brewing for when October comes around. Its short but anyways....Enjoy💙
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“No? Why not?”
‘I said no and that is final, so stop pestering me on this”
“Come on my little death flower, let's not be like this”
She stopped walking away and stood on the spot. Here's the thing about being mates with Jane, yes she can be quite difficult to convince to do things, such as cuddling under our favorite open field, but I know a certain trick to persuade her. I noticed this a while ago, she was going to leave for a guard meeting that would start in 30 minutes, but she wanted to leave early but I wanted her to cuddle with me. She’s still not used to affection, which I understand, she took a month to even just hold my hand so I understand that and I respect her boundaries. But as she was getting ready to leave for her meeting I sleepily called out to her “My little storm cloud” and she halted her movements and was instantly in bed with her being the big spoon and I the little one.
I didn't dare to question her sudden change of mind but from that whenever I wanted to “get my way” with her I would casually call her some clever nicknames and she goes with my idea. I of course never call her out in front of the others, actually one time I called her my “little rain cloud” in front of Alec. He instantly looked at Jane and started teasing her and would call her the same nickname for days until Jane threatened to use her ability on him, that for sure shut him up. I promised to her that I would never call her said nicknames in front of others. 
Jane also from what I can say is she doesn't like being called the traditional nicknames, once in a while I do call her darling or my love but it doesn't get the same reaction as when I call her my other nicknames. It's just so amusing to see her halt her every thought and movements when I call her such names, but what makes my heart flip is when she looks at me and you can see a very small smile spreading onto her angelic face. 
“What is it that you wanted to do again?”
Oh man I got her so good, I almost feel bad in kind of manipulating her with my nicknames but man she always gets her way a majority of the time. She always gets the final say but I guess it does feel nice to finally be able to have a small win with her. And gosh that smile she does is so sweet, it's hard to imagine her being able to cause such pain with her gaze when she has such an angelic smile. 
“Oh right, um I wanted you be my Morticia to my Gomez”
“But Halloween is not for another five months?”
“I know but that's going to be our couple costume”
“Hmm we will see”
“Come on Jane, it ill be perfect, I already treat you like you are the only person in my life, I even call you the nicknames that are very similar to what Gomez calls Morticia”
“I said we will see”
I know she likes the idea, she just won't admit it. I think she would make a beautiful Morticia, but in this case she will be a blonde Morticia. In no way will I make her wear a wig to cover her golden locks that I love so much. In my case I would be a female version of Gomez, I'm also at the point of convincing the others to be characters from “The Addams Family”. Felix will definitely be Lurch no doubt, but for some reason im stuck with the thought that Alec and Demetri would be a great Pugesly and Wednesday. They will be my next victims to convince them to go along with my crazy plan. I grabbed her hand to place a gentle slow kiss on it, I felt her literally melt at the touch.
“Fine we will do it, but you dare make me wear a wig I will have Alec use his smoke on you”
Shivering at her little “threat” which I know she will never do, she has said that many times in the past and has never once done it to me.
“I would never want to cover your blonde locks my dear thundercloud”
Being Jane’s mate has its downs but if you play your cards right it can have its perk. 
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crazyk-imagine · 4 months
Living and Dealing with your Mate
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She would do all she could to keep her distance while keeping an eye on you. She may not fully trust anyone outside of her brother and barely Felix plus Demetri, but she'd be damned if she lost the one person she's destined to be with. You didn’t know how to act around her or the castle and everyone else around for that matter for quite a while. She didn’t start showing you love and affection (the way a mate should) until she got a wakeup call from Demetri who had to save you before you could find yourself on the other end of dying, and this time, not coming back. She decided it was time to turn you and as soon as you awoke in your new state, she left your side. Alec barely spoke to her after your transition and the other two boys always acted like children upon seeing you two together.
He’s slightly more lenient in wanting to know more about you compared to how his sister is with her mate. He may act like he wants nothing to do with you but finds you to be everything he could have ever wanted. You didn’t know whether he wanted to eat you (and not in a sexy way) or kill you. He was a little more into learning more about you but still found it difficult and starts to pull away when you two weren’t clicking but found himself watching you and then learning about your interests. He would later use his knowledge to show you how much he’s learned about you. He continues to use his new found knowledge to further let you know he cares and can provide for the two of you.
It took a bit before he could be around you, before he could feel safe around you that is. As soon as he knew he could trust himself to not throw himself into everything that is you, he slowly started opening and talking to you. You never quite knew what to expect from him; some days were good; some days were not. Once you two spent more time together, he started to spread his wings and stick close to you, not just because he physically hurts to be away from you for long but also because absolutely adores you. He’s happy you stayed with him... and didn't leave him alone, to suffer the rest of his soulless years left on the earth. He never once questioned the gods though, on how he got lucky enough to have someone like you by his side until the end of time but he can and will question it from time to time.
Being alive as long as he has and being alone (not the kind of guy to be in a relationship), is now the guy who trails behind you. He’s changed his mind about some things. You couldn’t remember a day when you didn’t have the large shadow behind you. He never felt he was worthy of having a mate but then you popped into his life and now he knows he can never let you go. And when you two started talking, he damn nearly lost it. He still struggles with how to keep up with you and how to talk to you even if you two had been together for a while. But it's alright in the end, as long as he has you by his side, nothing else will matter at that point. He doesn't know how he lived before you entered his life because now it seems boring and repetitious. It was cool for the time.
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denalilily · 5 months
Go read the newest, (bestest, brightest) chapter of my fic HERE! (I will be adding a moodboard tomorrow). If you read it and liked it, leave a comment! And if you have any questions about the plot, feel free to send me an ask here on tumblr, I'd be glad to discuss anything.
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iloveslasher · 2 years
(No I will not write for Edward nor Bella nor Jacob. I don't like them.)
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Cullen coven
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Denali coven
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Romanian coven
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