#janet we know
jimmyspades · 5 months
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"Look alive!" THE BLACKLIST 10.13 "The Sicilian Error of Color"
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awakeandlonely · 11 months
So you remember janet cage from the ending of mk1? And remember how she died immediately? I have a little au thingie that ive made up for her.
So someone would probably have to go back to her original universe to tell them that she died right
So what if when she died (and i literally have no clue if this is how it worked but this is my odd resoning to keep her around) she became apart if fem kenshi's sento
Imagine everyone trying to take fem kenshi seriously when theres just a floating kitana behind her knocking stuff over
Anyways i needed to word vomit my ideas for this because i found out her existance last week and cant stop thinking about her its becoming a problem. Soooooo if any of you want to hear more about my au (i guess thats what it is) let me know
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fanchonmoreau · 1 year
Tegan saying “those were the days” and “I kind of wish I realized how lucky I was” when her travels with the Doctor were very difficult and likely gave her PTSD just demonstrates that the travels aren’t the real source of the nostalgia or the desire. It’s Nyssa. The Mara is targeting her desire (her deepest desire! in the darkest parts of her mind!) for a second chance to be with Nyssa. And it’s specific about that when it uses Nyssa’s voice: In another universe, we are together. Find me, Tegan. 
Tegan wants to be with Nyssa more than she has even acknowledged to herself. Please do not talk to me for several business days, I am absolutely on the floor about this. 
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mammomlette · 1 month
I have the good place and obey me brainrot so a lil merge
What if MC dies and due to their ties with both angels and demons lands them as a perfect 50/50. MC gets their own Cincinnati Medium place and becomes the new mindy st. Clair, never allowed to leave or contact their friends to let them know they exist outside of the celestial realm or the devildom, and nobody knows where MC went after they died.
(Ig if we’re going based on the good place, the om equivalent of Janet- Barbatos?- just lets them get a train down one day and casually mentions that he’s known the whole time lol)
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dnjdhdhdhdhd my mom is gonna take me to see a broadway show of my choosing for my birthday in january and i am so tempted to just ask if we can see the outsiders again😭😭
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It’s hard to explain but this is one of the funniest paragraphs in The Goldfinch.
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jane-lynndrake-t · 19 days
I've been noticing I am having trouble drinking water.
It makes me scared to swallow it. But I need to. Humans need water to live.
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tragictwister · 21 days
I had to rant about this because it's the only thing on my mind right now. It's gonna be long so hang in there 🫶🏻
TW: gr00ming, ped0ph1lia, murd3r via str4ngulation
[School Spirits spoilers ahead]
When Rhonda was explaining the story of her death to Maddie, did NONE of you even acknowledge, like, anything she said?
"He thought we were one thing, I... disagreed."
Backup. What. Mr. Manfredo. Rhonda's guidance counselor who was there to help her with whatever she needed help with in school, saw her as a romantic partner?
So why on this earth we walk on, are we saying, "I think Mr. Martin possessed Mr. Manfredo to make him strangle Rhonda.."
PLEASE stop saying this. It's throwing people off. This theory cannot go on. Rhonda's guidance counselor was grooming her. It's that simple. Why are we making it more complicated than it really is?
Mr. Manfredo was using Rhonda to get close to her and be romantically involved with her. He had ill intentions from the beginning, just call it how you see it. She was being groomed by him.
She makes it kind of obvious when she's talking about her death to Maddie for the first time. Why are we skimming right through all these details.
I can kind of understand why you'd think he was possessed in the moment because of Rhonda saying this;
"I was in his office showing him my acceptance letter to Berkeley, and he just.. shut down."
I agree it does kind of make it sound like Mr. Martin possessed him and he then seemed like a different person because of it, but it still sounds like an eccentric theory because you guys all seem to be forgetting about this significant detail;
"And that's when I realized that all that kindness, all that guidance.. came with a cost."
She said this word for word. This doesn't mean that Mr. Martin was possessing Mr. Manfredo and making him seem like a completely different person, it's the fact that, underneath that layer of kindness and innocence Rhonda thought Manfredo had, he actually was a completely different person.
"People aren't always who you think they are, cherry pop."
Are you guys actually forgetting about this? Like sorry for being harsh, but this is literally the only theory I'm seeing anymore regarding School Spirits whether it's on Tumblr, Tiktok, Reddit, or even YouTube. It's genuinely getting irritating now because every other thing Rhonda was saying in this scene was going in one ear and out the other for you guys, and all you're focusing on is the "he shut down."
But that's not the only thing I'm mad about, I'm just mad she had to go through this in general. I know it's not real it's just a show blablabla but it's genuinely so sad watching her shut everybody away because she's just scared of accidentally trusting the wrong person and having to relive the grooming all over again.
And she still ended up trusting someone she shouldn't have. Mr. Martin. Hey, I have an idea. Writers, can Rhonda have one moment where she's genuinely feeling happy and safe with the other ghosts around her? Like when season 2 comes out?
If she doesn't cross over or at least feel some sort of comfort in s2 I am going to actually tweak out. I'll still cry if she does cross over but I'll be crying tears of happiness.
I just want to see her happy for once, because she's my favorite ghost, and I know that under the fifteen layers of spikes, she is just a scared kid who cares about people but is afraid to show it because she doesn't want to look vulnerable to people, and get preyed on again because of it.
And I truly believe she was a very sweet girl with an angelic personality before Mr. Manfredo completely ruined her. Hopefully we can get some sort of flashback to her life and see what she was like back then, so we can get to know her more.
ok I'm done now.
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summerbummin · 1 year
Seeing Janet in that alternate universe gave me Thoughts
That Janet is giving me absent minded history professor vibes who sometimes forgets she has a kid depending on her (like she’s loving when he’s there, but if he’s not in her line of sight he easily slips to the back of her mind)
Also Jack wasn’t there so I wish her a very happy divorce
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Janet Lubelle
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
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“Case Number: 004 ‘Who Is Victor Shade?’” Avengers Inc. (Vol. 1/2023), #4.
Writer: Al Ewing; Penciler and Inker: Leonard Kirk; Colorist: Alex Sinclair; Letterer: Cory Petit
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bardinthezone · 1 year
Night Vale and the Power of Stories
So I’ve been losing my mind about this latest arc. Full hyperfixation. Studying for finals? Calling my parents? Enjoying other hobbies? Eating?? Who’s she, never heard of her. There is only the “#wtnv spoilers” tag.
Anyways, inspired primarily by this post, this post, and this post, I have been thinking about Night Vale as a place of stories.
Night Vale is a deeply weird place. It is a place where all the crazy conspiracies and contradictions and creepy crawlies can coexist (try saying that 5 times fast), and it is built on stories.
We know from “109: A Story About Huntokar” that Huntokar singlehandedly saved the town from nuclear destruction in 1983. This in and of itself is beautiful, tragic, terrifying and wonderful (I could write a whole essay on the lasting effects of the Cold War on the American psyche and how that’s impacted our media, but that’s not what this post is about). But what Huntokar says in describing this moment is fascinating: “ The people of Night Vale huddled, waiting for the end to their story.” The use of the word “story” here is so poignant and poetic. This was her town, a narrative she had lovingly followed since its inception, with an ever rotating cast of characters, finally seeming as though it would come to an end. And yet she managed to continue their story. The people of Night Vale, of every alternate universe Night Vale, are kept alive because Huntokar wanted to keep the narrative going. It is a town kept alive-- inverted and shattered and bizarre, but alive-- because someone saw the tale coming to an end and wasn’t satisfied with that. Night Vale is a place of stories.
And Cecil. Cecil Gershwin-Palmer is such a wonderful enigma. He’s a deeply troubled man, he’s the town’s beloved radio host, he is the voice of Night Vale. As the town’s only (?) regular source of news, he carries incredible weight in shaping the public’s perception of reality. It is his radio show that keeps the people informed through all of these earth-shattering events-- it is Cecil who, for as goofy and cringefail (thank you @bigcommunist for that phrase) as he can be, has been responsible for keeping his citizens safe. In “227: A Word With Dr. Jones,” Dr. Janet Lubelle notes that one of his traits is “town leadership.” When Cecil speaks, things happen. He rallies the people, against Strexcorp or the Beagle Puppy or Steve Carlsberg and his dry, dry scones. Hell, he says “weather” and everyone stops, or sometimes (Like in “204: Audition”) it literally saves his life. @lostboywriting raises a fascinating theory about Cecil having inadvertently brought the Faceless Old Woman into existence through his repression of his complicated relationship with his mother-- and while this contradicts with the backstory presented in "The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives Inside Your Home," who’s to say that both origins can’t be true, with how splintered and fractured Night Vale’s existence (and especially relation to time) is? Perhaps Cecil, as the Voice Of Night Vale, is capable of changing the world more than he knows.
Either way, this is why Dr. Lubelle’s Explaining of the town has so much of a tangible effect on it-- because she’s coming in and using something “empirical” to change the narrative. That is why she’s so threatening-- because how do you argue with the facts? How do you argue with science? She is using logic to insist that her reality is right, that these stories and poetics used to keep the town alive are meaningless. That it would be better for them to not exist than to exist outside her narrative. She said it herself-- she cannot imagine that anyone thinks differently to herself about anything, and she is all to happy to provide any who disagrees with an Explanation. No matter the cost.
In 227, Cecil remarks that “Science is not good or bad, as language is not good or bad, as religion is not good or bad, because humans are not inherently good or bad.” This sets up a fascinating play between science, language, and religion that I think is perfectly encapsulated by Dr. Lubelle, representing science, Cecil, representing language, and Huntokar, representing religion. Whether she knows it or not, Dr. Lubelle is directly undoing all of the hard work of Huntokar, and attempting to use Cecil as the most powerful tool at her disposal.
And this works in conjunction with my distinction of the What vs. the Why. We can take the incursion point of November 7th, 1983, and view it through both lenses. From Huntokar’s perspective, we get the Why: Night Vale was in danger, and it needed saving, so she saved it. But from Dr Lubelle’s perspective, we just get the What: Night Vale was the target of a nuclear missile. Nuclear missiles are unstoppable by any force known to science. This is a town that should have been empty for 40 years.
I posit a world in which Dr. Lubelle reduces Night Vale to what it “should be:” A town ruined by nuclear destruction. The empirical facts, the anchors that held Night Vale down to reality, the threads that Huntokar broke-- Dr. Lubelle is seeking to tie them back together. And with the Voice of Night Vale on her side, Explained and ready to share the Truth, of course she can make that happen. Perhaps Huntokar takes center stage again to show that science is not the end-all-be-all. Perhaps Carlos steps in to replace Dr. Lubelle as the Scientist in this equation, to provide a good alternative to her callous methods. 
Or I could be totally off-base with that prediction. I imagine the bodies being dug up in the sand wastes and the murals of flesh will play a major role in the finale. Maybe she’ll uncover the splintered realities of Night Vale and won’t know how to explain them away. Hell, people keep hyping up a Desert Bluffs return, what with the Sandstorm tapes and the talk of doubles-- Maybe Kevin and Lauren will be the “religion” in the triumvirate, and drive Dr. Lubelle mad with their unrelenting fervor. Who knows? I have my theories, but I’m just excited to see where this all goes.
Also from a meta perspective, this is 100% harkening back to all those early-days fan theories that “Night Vale is a normal town and Cecil is just off his rocker” (Thanks @maxgicalgirl for that one!). Welcome To Night Vale is a show that has never been about continuity and tight lore-- it’s about spinning a fun narrative, it’s about the poetry, the music, the aesthetics; it’s about everything that Dr. Lubelle HATES. From a meta perspective, Dr. Lubelle is every theorist who tries to ruin the magic of a story, who nitpicks it endlessly because it doesn’t adhere to how the “real world” functions. She doesn’t care about why story elements are included, she just needs what’s included to adhere to her worldview. And I can’t wait to see her get taken down, no matter how it happens.
Thanks again to @maxgicalgirl, @lostboywriting, @eclipse-song​, and everyone who’s been sharing their thoughts about the latest arc on tumblr. I would not be writing this without y’all!!
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sunshineandlyrics · 1 month
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
Honestly it’s actually kinda impressive how out of character people can write Janet Drake given that she has less than 30 comic appearances.
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roseandgold137 · 1 year
got 1308 words out yesterday for my Janet fic and Tim hasn’t even been born yet. What have I gotten myself into.
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todayisafridaynight · 4 months
Actually, since we're talking about songs with Nasty on the title. You gotta listen to Janet Jackson's Nasty and her other iconic banger Throb. That's what you need to be fed, Snap.
the jacksons could never do me wrong youre so right
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