#jazz could have the dancers!! ooh!!
acidsplashes · 2 months
my friends got me stuff for my birthday and and and
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guys they are FRIENDS
ik Shockwave's all no emotion logic logic logic but let me have this like
imagine a tf x pokémon au
Shockwave has a bunch of badass dark types and metal pokémon and whatnot, probably a legendary locked in the basement, all that. he's TERRIFYING
and then there's his Sylveon and his processor cannot figure out for the life of him why the hell it evolved with him and he's hyperfixated on researching in the background
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vollb3r · 9 months
vollber headcanons for @brilliant-fox
as requested by @brilliant-fox, i shall post more vollber headcanons here for y'all to munch on >:) • klaber is a REALLY good dancer/singer - klaber will get down to that 60s jazz like a fucking animal but he's genuinely an amazing dancer/singer even when he's drunk outta his mind and needs to be dragged off the stage at the bar, meanwhile voller has two left feet which tends to surprise people • slightly nsfw but klaber's favorite food is ribs - hands down, i will not be taking any questions on this, klaber could stick a rib in his mouth, pull the bone out and it'd be so clean that it'd be shining with god's holy fucking light, voller doesn't know how he does it but he does know he wants to stick something else in that mouth iykwim ;) • slightly nsfw again my bad but nicknames - when talking to other people about klaber, voller will refer to him as "mein höllenhund" (meaning "my hellhound") and klaber never fails to live up to his title but it's "mein welpe" in bed, meaning "my puppy" ;) • praise - voller will praise klaber for the exact same things he shouts at hauke for, hauke could fuck something up and voller would go nuts at him but when klaber fucks something up, he receives a very affectionate "du hast dein bestes gegeben, guter junge" (you tried your best, good boy) and it pisses hauke off to NO END • chivalry - a lot of people joke about throwing their coats down over puddles so their loved ones don't have to step in them and get their shoes wet, it's a pretty old romantic tradition that nobody actually takes seriously EXCEPT FOR KLABER. it could be pouring with rain and klaber's tearing his coat off and draping it over the side of the road as voller climbs out of the car so he doesn't get his clothes dirty • gum - klaber's the kinda crazy motherfucker to see someone spit gum out onto the ground and go "ooh, gum" and bend down to pick it up, don't ask questions, it's canon, he's insane that's all i have for now my lovelies, i'll be posting more soon so don't you worry >:)
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wowbright · 6 months
I'm about halfway through La La Land. Really wanted to like it. I mean, it's a musical. I like musicals. But I didn't know much about it other than that.
Review/liveblog below the cut.
Started suspecting in the opening number that I might not like it, since the opening hinted that it would be an ode to the LA film scene. (Ooh, LA film people talking about how great LA film is--I'm not an actor, I'm not a filmmaker, hopefully this movie will have something more interesting to hook me in.)
Oh, good! It's also going to be about jazz!
Huh. Neither Emma Stone nor Ryan Gosling are very good singers. They are okay at dancing. Now, I hear that these days it's important that anybody in a musical be an actor first and the other things second. But if music and dancing are part of the storytelling, it's important that they be as strong as the acting IMO.
Okay. Now we're back to jazz. He's going to explain to her why jazz is so awesome. He takes her to a club.. Except ... Hmmm. This is uncomfortable. Why are we seeing jazz exclusively through the eyes of this white dude? We see black musicians, but they are just in the background. He plays at a club. Again, black people are furnishings. John Legend gets a line. Then he gets some more lines.
Around now this review of the first half of the movie turns into a live blog of the second half of the movie.
Yay John Legend sings. Alas it's on a stage and not part of the storytelling, but background to the storytelling. Idk I can't really watch this scene too closely because of the strobing lights.
(Aside: Where has she been getting the money to pay for the dresses, the high heels, and now the one woman show? There's a limit to how much you can put on a credit card, isn't there?)
The dialogue in this movie often feels stilted. Is this a stylistic choice?
Now they're arguing. He doesn't like the music he's been playing with John Legend, which is interesting, because it seems like he was enjoying it and she was the one who wasn't enjoying it. Is any of this real or they just like super enmeshed and codependent?
Eh I've completely divested myself emotionally from this movie. I'm going to start fast forwarding to see what happens. It's not like there's musical numbers anyway.
Photo shoot. More strobing lights.
Why do we see him perform, but we don't see her perform?
Oh look they're fighting again. Do I give a fuck? No.
I don't get it. Is it supposed to be a fun musical or A Star is Born?
We have gone half an hour without a genuine musical number.
Emma Stone is singing. This is a musical again! Too bad this song, like the others, is just so-so. (Idk maybe it was Kristin Chenoweth they would sound amazing?) I feel like this song is supposed to be the big emotional payoff for a strong storyline, but unfortunately the storyline hasn't been that strong. (I mean to be fair I have fast forwarded through like the last 20 minutes but that was because the story was already meandering and sucking.)
They break up. Unfortunately, I never bought their love story beyond the initial crush, so I don't care. (I'm not saying I don't believe that these people *could* love each other deeply. I'm saying that the story skipped over the part after the first kiss where they got to truly know each other and fall in love, so I'm not convinced of it.)
What the fuck? in the alternative "what if their lives have been perfect" montage, Ryan Gosling just waves off Keith like he's some kind of subordinate? Like, arguably one of the most talented musicians we have seen in this whole movie? Gross.
Then in the part that is an explicit visual ode to the golden age of movie musicals, when they are on that colorful soundstage resembling a cartoonish LA, I actually lose track of where Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are mixed in with all the other dancers. That should not be possible if the correct cinematographic choices were made.
Also I think it should be illegal to market movies as romances when the characters don't end up together in the end.
So yeah I guess this movie got all the accolades because the people who give the accolades and awards see themselves in this story.
But seriously what the fuck now that I've seen this movie I feel like I've been lied to for the past six years.
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castle-dominion · 10 months
6x18 the way of the ninja
the ninja episode liveblog
my intention is not to be racist by lumping in asian martial arts together but this kind of reminds me of Kung Fu Crabtree from murdoch mysteries.
Ooh she pretty oof thought that flapping was a gunshot. Oh it's a knife. WAIT IS THIS THE EP WITH THE KARAOKE THAT GAVE ME ANOTHER SONG TO PUT ON MY RYSPOSITO PLAYLIST? (dang there rly was subtext there huh.)
Ooh jazz Ooh friend from high school! Carly. Interesting. Like the other high school friend who owned a restaurant. Love the castle theme in the music here. KB: Definitely not. You are exactly her type. And the last thing I need is to watch someone from my past trying to seduce my fiancé while talking about the goddess that lives in her hoo-ha. RC & me: !?
KB: Please, Castle. You have to promise me. If you don’t hear from me by 10 o’clock you will call me and get me out of there. RC: I am setting an alarm right now. See, this is what having a partner in life is all about. Me: so true bestie.
they LIKE the strange ones Passport? why does she have it here & now? SP: To the untrained eye, perhaps. But what you don’t know about postmortem analysis could fill a book, Mr. Castle. In fact, it has. Numerous times. (Lanie first met him & praised him for his writing of death) & maybe castle should read those books to please permutter. RC: (dryly) Fine. So it was not a knife. SP: Ah, wrong again. It was a knife. But "stabbed" implies the blade was thrust into the victim, whereas this wound was produced by it being hurled into her chest. tbh could clip but won't
KB: Ryan, do we have any witnesses that saw the Great Throwdini or anyone else in the area? KR: Uh … no??? Not so far... (looking between them)
Ryan backstory moments: It’s a drop key. Yeah, I used to scavenge stuff like this from old buildings when I was a kid. I LOVE KEYS I HAVE AN ELEVATOR KEY MYSELF WHICH I HAVE USED TO PLAY WITH MY SCHOOL ELEVATOR BEFORE, I LOVE EXPLORING OLD ABANDONED BUILDINGS RYAN & I SHOULD HAVE BEEN KIDS TOGETHER.)
rehearsals fo rwhat? Oh dancing. Oh that's beautiful actually. Poor Dean he's so broken up over this & still young enough to be living with his parents.
Ryan comes in looking so excited (Ooh ryan totally was in ballet as a kid or smth lmao. except who can afford that? it was either piano or ballet, not both. Only one extra curricular.)
Ooh a good old yucky chair. Also grabbed a pic of caspockett but not ryan bc he was on the other side. tho had a great look.
point, why an elevator if no elevator? Ooh hanging sheets, can't see anything?
Ooh tatami mats & a shrine!
Castle no touchy! love a good silhouette
love slow motion & a puff of smoke...
... a ninja... stole the murder weapon... ... ho ho ho yeah!!! a cough diversion!
caskett: *married couple bickering* Gates: MURDER INVESTIGATION HERE
KR: Detective Beckett, this is consulate officer Amaya Tagamai calls her detective <3 Amaya Tagamai
Good old accents. Shinto my beloved. I really wish I learned more when I was in Japan & in World Religions class
Actually I heard that ninjas don't exist... in the plural form. But there is one last ninja & he is going to pass away before he can teach anyone else ninjutsu because the era & need for ninjas has passed & assassination is not a pretty thing to be proud of. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. idk. But yeah as soon as he dies there will be no more ninja! ninja 3 the domination XD
KB & me: I swear she just said that it wasn’t that mysterious.
Actually yeah! bruce lee was a great dancer!
Oof ex(ish)-lovers playing lovers.
esposito said karate nicely <3
Castle mixing up two different east asian ppl, I'm glad that it was a funny bit of "don't be racist" without being to heavy
Lee: Look, if she fumbles a lift I’m the one that blows a knee. That's true He did almost catch the cup bc he does have good reflexes from being physically trained, but yo're right he did fumble. But the cup srs broke? kinda shocked but becks reacted nicely & calmly even tho castle broke the blue mug that she likes. Imagine her getting mad. Then castle tries it again with ANOTHER person he thinks is a ninja & this time breaks Ryan's signature mug. then he's mad too. Then ryckett gang up on him mad for breaking their cups.
WHY was she giving it up? She IS mad abt the cup! He slept thru it!? lol
*castle raises his hand* KR: yes castle! Carly & the goddess lol
bro it DEF looks like a tea import company a warehouse. A limo in the warehouse district.
"& two of us are cops" I was just thinking "only two really count" but he was thinking "there are three of us, plus two more bc we're double-powered bc we're cops" but I was thinking "three plus sokka"
*camera lets them in for some reason*
Ooh music. Ooh glass beaded curtains. Bro: they're shooting a porn? No wait it's an asians themed single club. I mean an asian themed singles club Nice place!
I've worked at a place like this. or it looked like this & I worked serving food. Castle buying these two their fun. Love it. Wow she is faking that accent. Wowie esposito with the girls & poor ryan my married man. "yes" "no" love it when they do the rysposito opposite directions thing *pushes her off*
ryan & esposito making each other all. I love. "private time" RC: I'm fine right here *watching rysposito fight* "what we came here for" good line
I love japanese karaoke. Play the part or they get in trouble? do they... do they have cameras? or ppl watching? Also Castle could ask for a massage where they don't need to play the part so much. oH WAIT THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS I was just remembering it by accident lol. CASTLE SNOOZE THE ALARM
je: Do you think maybe we could get another bottle? Something better? More expensive? they didn't put their badges in their pockets? JE: I’ll stay here and... entertain the ladies. Ryan has two paths: "fine by me I was getting uncomfy since I have a wife" or "why can't I be the sexy one?"
YES NO YES KARAOKE. I hate it I love it I'm excited it's a new song on my playlist kill me kill me kll me second hand embarassment but he's actually good skjfdskdlfjsdklfjlksjd didn't kate have a karaoke stakeout with mike Aww mama-san, like what I call my mom.
*getting thrown out* just like that time in vegas. This is not the first time these three have been thrown out. Best table, second bottle of more expenseive sake, three people, private time,,, still tho that's pricey (it is not lawful to remove alcohol from their premisis" KR: you're rich it's fine (tho that's a term or even two of college)
JE: It cost you six k and we’ve got nothing to show for it. RC: Ah, I wouldn’t say that. KR: You mean besides lipstick marks on your shirt? RC: I actually got a lead in there that’s going to blow this case wide– oh, whoa. Wait. Lipstick marks on my shirt? Where? Beckett’ll kill m– (he stops and covers his mouth) Oh my God! I didn’t call. (he scrambles for his phone) You guys. Beckett is going to kill me. He pulls out his phone, but before he can dial there’s a ninja throwing star embedded in the screen. KR and JE gape. RC: Ninja attack. (not clipping but I could have)
(or maybe I will & I'll grab this fight scene too.) Yeah clipping. I love how castle slowly backs away. rly edited voice. Look up idiot look up!
Sounds crazy AND you were drunk (possibly) If I was Gates I'd say they're trying to cover for something. mister saito not saito-san? He threw a party. The girls must have been brought by car... Ohhhh catering! Genius! Castle & gates I love them Castle in trouble with gates ryan oh no castle in trouble with his gal. Clipped that genuinely.
Ok but the excuse its valid!
Oh no beckett is afraid that marriage will be boring! Romance my beloved <3 *the music holds for a sec* How bout now?
I have never heard of cronuts until this show. croissant donusts. Ryan with the cronuts "Hey!" Becks, who took one & then stole the box with a second: they're not both for me! What are they already doing here? they already went down to soho & bought cronuts & talked to caterers?
Hoho, the consulate gal
NOT just like! Those ones are decorative, yours were made of steel! (& tbh it looked to me less on the japanese side of the spectrum, but def not as far on the german side of the spectrum. Just judging by the use. I mean, obviously it is far away from the maleable german side, but I wouldn't say it is quite fully there on the brittle japanese side. Tho ofc again if you consider the use, japanese steel would make more sense. & ofc you can't forget that they are literally japanese. but they are a more malleable japanese.)
Love the way beckett said esposito's name to mr saito. Love how he is so... good at talking. No technically her job is to solve what happens AFTER ppl are on the street. (& remove "dangerous people" from society so that yeah no murders happen on the street.)
If it were me I'd say "Of course, I'll have it right over. Can I read through the warrant? Oh, you don't have one? don't you need one? Oh not if I give it willingly? Well I'm not sure how that works so I'd like to read the warrant first, sorry. i just don't want to get in trouble with the law for sharing private information without a warrant or not reading the warrant, because you're legally supposed to read the warrant right? You're saying it is my RIGHT to read the warrant but not my JOB? Hm sounds sus. I'd rather not. I want to be a good citizen of the law."
Wasn't esposito in organized crime for a sec? (btw love the ryan outfit. stripes are smth he has. tho tbh I dislike it.)
tagami was on mat leave for 2 months! imposter! Crazy! Love it! except the orphpangage will be japanese
Aid you in your quest? she's only like 20 years old? I mean yeah she was dating a guy who was still young enough to live with his parents. To me that looks like a burn more than a scar. Then again, my stars aren't that shape even tho they are nearly the size.
the green dragon wow cool name lol you had jade's bday? she didn't change it along with her name?
But the body type. Was the body type of the ninja close to saito? (also were they feminine? then again, skinny asian ballerinas don't have boobs)
Not wearing their vests? She said behind your head-- you come up with them down & then throw them up rly fast?
The sister survived too? Good on the uncle. Did the brother die?
I REMEMBER THE BUSINESSMAN NOW Ph I remember the green dragon arc now!
Randall: We were property developers. Jade’s father? He was an architect. I was a builder and Saito was the money guy.
He didn't do nothing! He called asked not to hurt her!
*killed just before he shared the name* ah the ninja was waiting to kill him later or see if he got arrested, but he was forced to kill him to protect his secret.
Wow love a good fight scene & also love the score Maybe don't shoot either maybe she told u to get the gun so THEY wouldn't shoot! (looks like a white guy babes) & it's bedford. & IT'S SAYA!
will she get charged with attempted myrder?
Oh no I remember Castle taking out the star. (he's so going to cut himself on that) But remember how in future episodes he has it.. framed almost? In a jar or smth? Ah the theme
Loved that ep! Absolutely loved it!
0 notes
bex-la-get · 3 years
Ooh! I want to know more about Vic and Lainely. Can you share something about them?
MIA!!! I love that you asked about my wee babes! Let's see what I can share... (Fair warning, this is gonna be long).
Vic was a shy kid and often wore his heart on his sleeve (he still does.) He's also a sensitive soul and would often get bullied for that as a young boy.
Nat used to beat up the bullies who made fun of him, however. She started to gain a reputation for punching anyone who talked badly about her brother. Eventually, the kids stopped bullying Vic.
Vic played football and baseball in high school.
Despite playing a lot of sports in school, Vic had always wanted to be a doctor.
His original intent was to go into Sports Medicine but discovered Psychology during his undergrad term and followed that path instead. He’s never regretted it. 
When Vic and Nat were 12 and 9, respectively, they once found a stray cat on the street who followed them for several blocks as they walked home. Not wanting to leave the cat on the street, they decided to take it home much to their parents displeasure.
Their parents were prepared to take the cat to the shelter but Vic and Nat begged their parents to keep it. It took most of the night but eventually, they gave in on the condition that the cat didn’t already have an owner.
A vet trip and several “Missing Cat” posters later, an owner was never found nor was the cat chipped, which meant the kids could keep the cat. Nat affectionately named him Whiskers and she and Vic took the best care of him.
When Vic and Nat moved out for school, Whiskers stayed at home with their parents. He still resides there, living happily with the Cusacks.
Vic had a superhero themed birthday party when he was 8. He wore a bright yellow cape to the party and promptly lived in it for the next few months, only taking it off at bed time (which was the only time his parents could wash it). His superhero name was “Mister Vic.”
Lainey is a former dancer.
She performed ballet, tap, and some jazz as a young girl and danced competitively until she was sixteen.
 She stopped competitively dancing in high school when she realized her life goals didn’t align with dance. She wanted to dedicate more time to her academics and the student council.
She still dances but now it’s just for fun.
She teaches several dance classes at a studio in Salem a couple times a week.
She dyed her hair bright pink a week before her high school graduation. Her mother was mortified but Lainey maintains that it was one of the best decisions she’d ever made. 
She has two cats: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (affectionately nicknamed Rosie and Guildy, respectively). 
She speaks three languages: Korean, English, and Spanish.
Vic & Lainey:
Met at a mutual friend’s birthday party.
Vic was new to Salem and knew very few people.
They got talking when Vic mentioned he’d be working at the same school Lainey worked at. 
He and Lainey hit it off almost instantly, bonding over their shared love of Stephen King novels.
Their first date was at a drive-in movie theatre
The movie(s) being shown was a double feature of The Mummy and The Mummy Returns
They also shared their first kiss that night...
She kissed him.
Vic learned a little bit of Korean during their relationship and can hold a basic conversation (i.e. “where is the bathroom” and “hello, how are you?”)
The first time he said “I love you,” he said it in Korean, much to Lainey’s surprise and delight.
More to come in my book 3 rewrite. Thanks for asking, lovely!
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televisionboy · 4 years
Hiii it’s my annoying ass again! I was wondering if I could ask for some dancing with Luz at a fancy night club but evolve it around the song “In the Mood” by Glenn Miller? There’s no lyrics but the it’s such a good old jazz song for dancing! (lol I love this song it’s on all my Spotify playlists) thank you!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Unforgettable Dance
Hi!! You could never be annoying :(
It took me hours to even start a sentence but here we go :)
Taglist: @adamantiumdragonfly @raven-has-no-gender2272 @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekchic @immrsronaldspeirs @inglourious-imagines @3milesup @noneofurbusinez @hufflepuffpancakes @sunnyshifty @meteora-fc @band-of-bitches @alienoresimagines @murphyism @wexhappyxfew @we-always-hit-our-ass @deldontplay @lovingunderratedcharacters @fromtheoldtimes @contrabandhothead @tremendousjudgesuitcasestudent @georgeluzwarmhugs @sunflowerchuck @sodapop182 @hoosiers-blanket @speirs-crazy-ass @vat69nix @mrseasycompany @stressedinadress @tyenesnakes
this is for @little-babydolly 😘❤️ i love you and your chaotic husband!
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Your black dress flattered you as you walked with Luz outside. The June air a bit humid but came with a nice breeze. The black dress stopping at your knees and showing a bit of skin on your black was absolutely gorgeous and guess who picked it out? The man himself, George Luz. It was an anniversary gift he wanted to give you today but couldn’t keep a secret and gave it to you last night. You made him breakfast in bed this morning and he showered you in kisses, thanking you for an incredible 1 year. He wondered every day how you could possibly put up with him, he was hyper and despite keeping up a smile most times during the war and entertaining everybody, you were the few that saw the dark side of him. You were snapped back to reality and the present as George grabbed your hand and kissed it. He stepped into the fancy nightclub “The Lounge”
You assured Luz you didn’t need anything fancy but he just smiled and shook his head and returned to spending the next two and a half hours trying to get a spot on the list there.
He walked with you over to a booth and slid in with him “It’s been a while since I haven’t been in a military used bar” you smiled at him and flipped through the menu, full of drinks and small little snacks. “Ooh George! They have a mini cheese platter, let’s get that”
He laughed and tried to get a waiter over to your table. “Hi! We’re gonna take a rum runner, a sea breeze, and the mini cheese platter. Thanks”
When the waiter walked away, Luz turned to you grinning as large as the Cheshire Cat and winked at you “What??” You laughed
He opened his mouth like an O “it’s our song!” The upbeat, jazzy song started and you grinned like him. It was in fact, your song with him. During the war, it was the first song you danced with him and he deemed it “your song” Sometimes, he would play it just to see you smile at him. Sometimes, he made up his own lyrics half because it was fun and half because you made up lyrics to sing with him too.
“Dance with me!” He pleaded, and of course, you could never say no. Especially not to dancing with Luz. You took his hand and he led you to the center floor. He twirled you and pulled you all different ways, dancing with you. The song continued on and George really had never been happier. You slowed down and hugged him, he hugged back and kissed your temple. As more fast songs came on, George certainly made a scene by proving he was a damn well dancer. You were laughing so much while he was spinning you or moving, you didn’t realize your drinks were already on the table. “Geor- George! The drinks.!”
“I thought those could wait! We’re dancing, baby” you giggled “Yes but I’m thirsty, they’ll play more songs, I swear”
He huffed but grinned at the same time and slid into the same side as you in the booth, you fed him a piece of cheese as he drank his cocktail. George was quite young and in love with you but he also proved that men didn’t need to show they were men by grilling food and drinking scotch on the rocks. Sometimes after work, he wanted to order food and you made him a martini. He had no shame and wasn’t embarrassed of anything.
He kissed you, making you smile into the kiss which left butterflies in his stomach. “I love you Mrs Luz” oh. yeah. it wasn’t your one year dating anniversary. it was one year of being Mrs George Luz,and him being the man who got to get you. He felt like he won the lottery. “I love you Mr Luz. Now come dance with me!” You bumped him to make room so you could leave the booth and he slid out ever so eager.
“Yes ma’am! Hey, Y/N?”
“Do you think I could be a dancer for real though? I had this thought in a dream and I woke up panting, yeah that one on Tuesday night. But now that I’m thinking about it.. and with my gold moves...” he winked at you and probably had the biggest smile on his face.
“Of course a strip joint would take you as a dancer!” You snugged your face into his chest as a slow song came on and you wrapped your arms around him and gently swayed.
He gasped “Oh! How rude! I will have you know, i am much more classy than a strip joint” when he said that, he had the funniest, disgusted look on his face and you pulled back to view his whole face. “Tell that to the shots you downed last night and then got out the cake I made and stuffed your face with it” you kissed his cheek “Besides, why would my man be working in a strip joint?”
He hummed into you hair “I’m all yours, baby. Don’t worry”
“All yours, too”
You slowly swayed with George to the music, quite different than previously before with him twirling you. “And that’s why darling, it’s incredible that someone so unfortunately thins I’m unforgettable too” He softly sang and twirled you out and in but not grand like before, this time is was softer. Not that you were complaining. When you were spun back in, you kissed him hard and sweetly, what he deserved.
“Unforgettable in every way and forever more. That’s how you’ll stay” you softly sang along the lyrics with Luz and he beamed, like a light that you knew his favorite song. But of course you did, you weren’t only his wife, his best friend, but you had been his dancing partner since you first met him in 1942. And that’s how you would stay forever more.
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itslocsdiggs · 4 years
Taste of Honey
1 2.1
Without further ado, the long awaited second chapter of this lovely song fic(for a song that doesn’t quite exist yet). I’ve got my ducks in a row, so I won’t let the other updates stay so long anymore! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count 2k+
Triggers: none so far
Tags: @iknowthekoolaidflavor @daveeddiggsit @moondustmemories 
The two days flew by quickly. You spent the day fixing your hair and makeup to go on the unusually early date. You wanted to look good for him, so you brought out your sexiest and most formal dress with a slit up the thigh and a cape to keep you warm. Thankfully, he’d offered to pick you up because your car stalled on the way to class, so you had to leave it at the mechanic and walk back home.
Your roommate Nika greeted you with tea and pancakes. She had been a good roommate and friend since your junior year of college, so you stuck with her.
“I heard giggling and soft moans coming from the living room last night,” she says seriously.
“Would you stop! I was not moaning for any reason. I was on a video call,” you reached for the jar of sweetener to pour into her tea.
“Well, spill the deets, so I don’t have to make stuff up.”
You took a long sip staring at your expectant friend over the rim of your cup. “A gorgeous man came into the cafe yesterday, and he was just typing away on his laptop, so I kept refilling his beverages. He was grateful, so he left me a huge tip.”
“Sounds like he was trying to hit on you.”
“He admitted it. And I am not complaining, okay? He is so fine.”
“So what does he do, Y/N?” Nika asks in a sing-songy tone.
“He does...” You pause for a beat. “I actually don’t know.”
Her eyes wide, “I can’t believe you. Google him, now. You are not waiting for your date!””
“Okay, miss bossy,” you admonish, reaching for your phone. “I was gonna work it into the conversation.”
The search was quick and conclusive. Nika had her hand on her hip expectantly. “Well, what does he do”?
You sigh, “He’s a successful writer, poet, and business mogul. Ooh! And here are some sexy photos with him and his dog.” You smiled, scrolling through his social media.
“Please stay focused, Y/N. You’ve only got a few hours.”
“Okay, okay. Though it says he’s a private partner. I’m sure he told me all of this last night while I was going gaga over his looks.
“That sounds accurate. You’ve always got your head in the clouds,” Nika retorts taking a bite.
You both devoured the stack of pancakes quickly, and Nika offered to clean because there was no reason you should have to play Cinderella.
So, you were dressed and ready for your date an hour early. When he arrived, you were surprised to see how effortlessly he leaned against his car when you looked out the window, you nearly had an attack.
“If he dresses that well, he is definitely not a student,” you muttered under your breath.
Rafael rang the doorbell, and you opened it quickly before Nika could try and talk to him. Now was not the time. He took your hand in his as he led you to his car. She watched from her bedroom window anyway.
Hi Y/N, you look great. Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, of course. I’m excited to see this surprise.”
He kissed your cheek and opened the door for you. Then he climbed into the driver’s side.
The drive was long, but soothing. Both of you enjoyed bonding over the music on the stereo. You hummed along sometimes despite your throat feeling like it was stuffed with cotton balls. Whenever he looked your way or took your hand to squeeze, you could only smile and nod. You distracted yourself with your surroundings outside the car window.
The awkward silence made the drive seem long even though it would be the only low point of the night.
He finally arrived at the venue and left the valet park. You were sad to get out because it was really comfortable.
You heard some really good hip hop music coming from inside the venue, and even in your heels you were itching to dance. But you decided not to embarrass yourself in front of this man you’ve only just met.
Walking in the double doors, you were impressed with the bright, unique decorations and displays that lit the room. A gust of cool air welcomed you in. “Hey Rafael, can you tell me what the event is for, now?” you asked with a wry smile.
He looks at you briefly, smiling before grabbing the table cards. He handed one card to you embossed in black ink with your name. “We are going to watch a gala for music education, and then I have arranged a private dinner for us. If you hear something you like, let me know,” he smiled at you.
You ignored his last comment and walked to your table. Rafael greeted a friend who stopped him halfway, and that was your first of many introductions for the night. He was a tall man with curly hair and a suit that fit him nicely.
“Y/N this is my favorite person to work with, Daveed. Daveed, this is Y/N, my date.” He took your hand and kissed it. You smiled, lost in the moment.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. It’s not often that my friend here plans such amazing dates. I hope that you have fun.”
“Thank you!” you say and smile in response.
Rafa scowled playfully, “don’t you have an opening act to do, man?”
 A bell sounded and everyone scrambled for their seats. The lights dimmed, then brightened slowly to reveal a well lit stage, tangled with wires and set up with a band.
Daveed and some other people did an opening act, and then the young children performed. You were amazed by the violinists and the jazz dancers. There were so many wonderful performances and costumes that you thought you would cry. You were like these kids once, bright-eyed and perfectly every note perfectly to any audience who would only recognize you by the smile on your face.
Some of Daveed and Rafa’s friends you discovered were also singers and they had such amazing solos. You suddenly wished you were at home in front of your mirror, or in the bakery kitchen filling donuts.
After the performances, guests bid to support one year’s free tuition at any of the arts and music schools amongst other expensive items. The volley and quick exchange of money in the room was really overwhelming, so you decided to get some air. As you walked around the lobby, the state of the art instruments on display caught your eye. On the platform stood a beautiful brand new guitar. You stared at it wistfully, before sauntering back over to your date. Rafael had joined the bidding crowd mesmerized by one art piece that was unlike anything he’d ever seen, and you were awestruck too.
Noting your presence, he leaned in and murmured, “Are you ready to eat?”
Yeah, that sounds good,” you reply, your stomach grumbled and echoed your response.
He led you down the spotlit hallway towards the booth he had reserved for the two of you. It was a small booth, and there was a beautiful centerpiece on the table. You sat in the middle, and he slid in closer to you.
“Y/N, thank you for coming out tonight, you look amazing. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I’m sorry if meeting my friends was too weird. They haven’t seen me out with anyone in a while.”
“It’s okay, thank you for inviting me. I’m having a great time. I loved the performances. These kids are so talented,” you gushed.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. What did you think about the dance groups?
“It was definitely a timeless routine. The music choice was excellent. It was my favorite routine of the whole night,” you beamed.
“I’ll be sure to let the teacher know, she’s a very good friend of mine. So tell me, how was your presentation?” His emerald eyes shone with genuine interest.
You avoided his gaze, fidgeting with your bracelet, “I didn’t make it to school, I had to reschedule because my car broke down. I was really looking forward to it.”
“And I was really excited to hear about it,” Rafa replied with a sad smile, “Is there something I could do to help?”
You thought back to him bidding on the expensive tuitions he wanted to sponsor, and then you trained your eyes on the expensive bottle of wine the waiter just set down before you.
“N-no,” you stammer, “I am working on getting it out of the repair shop in a few days! It’s really no problem.”
“I wouldn’t mind helping you out. I really like you, Y/N. You’re hard working and sweet. You also make a mean cup of tea. I drink that flavor every day and I’ve never been able to get it quite right.”
Rafael fell silent and fiddled with the utensils for a moment. Finally he utters, “I was wondering if you’d be my girlfriend, with an added perk.”
Wow! What a pitch! You think to yourself as your eyes widen.
“And that perk would be?”
“I’d like to give you an allowance, baby. For you to spend however you like. He thinks for a moment, “You wouldn’t have to quit your job, but you should know,” Rafa lightly squeezes your hand, “I own the whole chain.”
Your mouth turned to cotton again and your brain tried to keep up. “Like a sugar baby? Wait you own Taste of Honey?”
“Yes, and yes,” he replies slowly, taking a sip of his wine and arching his eyebrow at you over the rim of his goblet.
Something quakes inside of you at the look. It must be your resolve crumbling.
You sit back and think to yourself. He’s really hot, so if you had to do it like most girls, it wouldn’t be a problem. Even if he just wanted a friend, girls like you don’t take free money like that, no matter how tempting. But he’s your boss, even hotter.
You smile at him, your sense of reasoning shot. Sipping some water, you lower your gaze, trying to mask your surprise. “That sounds interesting. And just about the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. It’s doing things to me,” you say carefully, “You do things to me. So, yes. I’ll be your girlfriend, Rafa.”
The soft way you say his name makes his heart soar. He’s relieved he made a good move inviting you out tonight. You’re glad that you decided to say yes. It’s been a while since you allowed yourself to be out with someone.
As you eat, it’s quiet again. Digging into the amazing cuisine and the drinks, you were getting more relaxed. The prospect of not having to worry about your finances seemed amazing. Your job could just be pocket change, and you would not have to burden your family. Maybe you could quit and have more time to study. But you liked making beverages for the little old ladies and gorgeous men who frequented the cafe. It’s the best job you’ve had since you were a teenager. It’s also what led you here. Whatever you decided, you promised yourself to always be self-sufficient.
When you clear your plate, you smile and mirror Rafa’s actions over the rim of your glass, “As for your offer to be my sugar daddy, I’m going to need a couple of days to think it over.”
“That’s fine, sweetheart,” He looked excited that you were even considering it. But oh, I wish there was another word, gosh, I’m not that much older than you,” he rolled his eyes.
You laughed, “maybe we’ll find something else.”
You and Rafa continued to eat, and laughed at everything and nothing. Then he walked you back through the lobby where he said good night to his friends, and you took a good last look at the instruments on display now marked with price tags. Rafa led you through the garden towards the valet parking.
“Aww, the night is over so soon? “I had a really nice night. It was a pretty impressive first date, as those go.”
“Yeah? Thanks. I figured it wouldn’t be gentlemanly to keep you out all night. I know that your roommate will be waiting up,” Rafa smiled knowingly.
“It’s still early. What if I said, I could tell her tomorrow?”
He grinned, and offered his hand to you. You took his hand, and you walked slowly towards the line of cars. His vintage vehicle lit up as it approached the curb. The valet stepped out, opened the passenger side door, and Rafa assumed his position in the drivers seat smoothly. You settled into your seat, ready to see what the rest of the night would hold.
“Let’s go then.”
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zen3to5 · 4 years
J/H 6-18: Substitute
Of all the Pam Burkhart episodes, this was probably the most fun to rewrite. Jackie moving into the hotel is an idea I'm pretty happy with, and the rewrites here meant reducing Mitch's part, which was great (Pam isn't a great character, but she's largely innocuous; I can't stand Mitch in these episodes.)
We're assuming that episode order shifts around a little here; "Substitute" is now 6-18. We assume that 6-17, "Happy Jack," plays out as we know it.
FF.Net AO3
SHOW TITLE   INT. HOTEL ROOM – DAY   A simple hotel room at the Point Place Hotel: bed, bath, a crappy black-and-white TV. But this basic layout has brightly colored pillows and glittery framed portraits to jazz it up. JACKIE goes around the room, adjusting her things on the bed and dresser.   DONNA enters, a box full of stuffed unicorns in her arms.   DONNA: Here you go: one box worth of unicorns. Which leaves three boxes worth still in my room.   JACKIE: Yeah, I don’t have space for everything here. But, this way, you won’t have to miss me. Every morning, when you wake up, those happy unicorn faces will be a little piece of Jackie to brighten up your day.   Donna laughs as she sets down the box.   DONNA: You know, Jackie, I am gonna miss you. Since you’ve started living with us, my dad’s finally had someone to watch The Love Boat with. Are you sure you won’t change your mind?   JACKIE: I’m sure, Donna. When my mom came back, I stayed with you and your dad because I couldn’t go back to living with her. If she’s still moving into your house, then I can’t be there.   Donna opens her arms, and Jackie steps in for a big hug.   DONNA: Okay, I’m gonna go. We’ll hold on to the rest of your stuff.   JACKIE: Just don’t lose any of it inside your giant shoes.   They both smile, and Donna exits.   She’s no sooner gone than HYDE enters, three keys in his hand. He presents them to Jackie.   HYDE: Okay, Jackie. Here’s your room key, the kitchen key if you ever need me, and the master key. Gets you in to all the closets, cabinets – basically all the towels, soaps, and booze you could want.   JACKIE: Guests aren’t supposed to have this.   HYDE: (shrugs) Neither are kitchen staff.   Jackie nods, “a-ha,” and puts the keys away.   HYDE: Hey, so, Forman’s taking the guys mini golfing. You wanna come?   JACKIE: No. I just want to lie down for a while.   HYDE: Okay.   He kisses her forehead.   HYDE (cont’d): I’ll check in on you when I come back for my shift. I’ll make dinner.   JACKIE: Hey, I hadn’t thought of that - with you working here, it’s like I have my own personal valet. Will you bring me breakfast in bed every morning for room service?   HYDE: No.   JACKIE: Will you bring me fresh towels and make the bed every day?   HYDE: No.   JACKIE: (beat) Will you be late to mini golf and help me “break in” the bed?   HYDE: Anything to make your stay more comfortable.   They both smile and step into a kiss. Jackie puts her arms around Hyde’s neck and pulls him down on top of her on the bed.
MAIN CREDITS   BUMPER   EXT. GOLFCOURSE – DAY   The Point Place mini golf course, with all the charmingly tacky landmarks you’d expect of a small-town setup like this. ERIC, FEZ, and KELSO watch as a YOUNG BOY putts his ball into the windmill and sinks it. The guys give a quiet golf clap. Once the boy runs off, Fez moves into position to take his shot.   Hyde walks up between Eric and Kelso. His walk is just a little awkward and bow-legged.   HYDE: Hey. Sorry I’m late.   ERIC: Oh, did moving Jackie into the hotel take more time than you thought?   HYDE: No, we were done with that a while ago.   ERIC: (shrugs) Man, she must really be upset at her mom. I mean, I don’t think Pam’s even moved in with Bob yet.   KELSO: She hasn’t. On my weekends home from the police academy, I’ve been staking out all your houses for surveillance practice. Pam’s still not camping at the Pinciotti’s. But she and Bob are really getting Bob’s money’s worth out of that hot tub.   FEZ: FORE!   He takes, not a gentle put, but a full-on swing.   ERIC: WHOA!   Fez’s ball goes sailing over the course and out towards the parking lot.   HYDE: Watch out!   ERIC: Parking lot!   Glass shatters. Fez, Eric, and Hyde all wince.   KELSO: Eh, it was just a Pinto.   Eric and Hyde round on Fez.   HYDE: Fez, this is putt-putt. Your choices are putt or putt.   Before Fez can respond, a short – very short – figure steps out from behind the nearby counter – MITCH, in the silliest of golf hats.   MITCH: Hey, what the hell? (sees Eric) Oh, Forman. I should’ve known it was you guys. Most people who come here can’t hit the ball that hard on account of they’re in kindergarten.   ERIC: Mitch. Congratulations. This seems like the perfect job for someone your size, what with the free lodging in the little castle at hole six.   MITCH: Yeah, there’s just enough room in there for me and your mom.   The guy all “ooh.”   KELSO: (to Eric) Yeah, the sweetest burns involve doing it with your mom.   MITCH: Look, just quit hitting the ball that hard, or you guys are out of here.   He pokes at Eric’s chest and goes back to the counter.   ERIC: God, I hate that guy. Tear him a new hole in one.   HYDE: Wow, Forman. Haven’t seen you this pissed since I chased you around your house with that spider in a jar. You were, like - (doing Eric) “Hyde, I swear to God!” (normal voice) But you never did anything.   ERIC: Yeah? Well, I’m about to do something.   He tees up for his shot and, like Fez, gives a full swing. His ball shoots up, ricochets off the windmill, and flies over to the counter, where Mitch is on the phone. The ball beans him in the head. Mitch drops the phone and drops like a rock. The guys drop their clubs and rush over.   BUMPER   INT. HOTEL HALL – DAY   Later in the afternoon. A row of doors. From one, ROY stumbles out, a woman’s kimono clutched in his hands. The door slams shut behind him.   Roy clutches at the kimono and stares blankly at the door. He doesn’t notice Jackie come up behind him until she taps him on the shoulder.   JACKIE: Hey, Roy.   ROY: Oh, hey, Jackie. How’re you liking the hotel?   JACKIE: Well, it’s nice to have a maid again. And she has a bigger moustache than my dad, just like our maid back home. (nods to kimono) Whatcha got there?   ROY: Oh, you know we’re having that Japanese cultural festival in the hotel this week? Yeah, there’s these dancers who put on a show. They wear these kimonos.   JACKIE: Oh, was that one lost?   ROY: No, I was in their room when they came in, so I hid in the closet. They threw me out.   He looks down at his feet, unable to meet Jackie’s raised, condescending brows.   An extremely hairy man in a flowered sundress and a hand fan comes up the hall, behind Jackie and Roy. They are slow to turn and notice him, but when they do, Jackie’s eyes bulge out and she takes a step back. Roy takes the sight in stride.   ROY (cont’d): Oh, hey, Frank.   FRANK snaps his fan shut and shakes it at Roy.   FRANK: I’ve told you – when I’m here in my gown, you call me Lady Laguna!   JACKIE: (scoffs) You call that a gown?   Frank’s glare snaps her way. Jackie inches toward Roy, who holds the kimono out between them and Frank like a shield.   JACKIE (cont’d): Whatever the lady says.   Frank gives her a brusque nod. He proceeds down the hall, his head turned to watch Jackie and Roy the entire time.   BUMPER   MUSIC NOTE: “Stuck in the Middle with You” by Stealers Wheel.   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – DAY   For once, the basement is empty. Magazines, comics, and a Millennium Falcon-shaped carrying case full of action figures cover the coffee table. Not that the basement stays empty: Kelso opens the door and leads in Hyde and Eric, supporting Mitch between them. Fez brings up the rear. Mitch has a large bandage covering his forehead.   The guys see Mitch over to the couch, where they set him down in the center seat. Eric sits to his right as Hyde crosses to his chair, Fez sits in the lawn chair, and Kelso sits on Mitch’s left.   ERIC: Mitch, I am so sorry. The doctor said it was only a mild concussion, so...   MITCH: What? I’ve lost the ability to process language, on account of I have a concussion! (sighs) Forman, why are we always fighting? I can’t even remember how we got this way.   KELSO: I’ve had chicks say that to me.   FEZ: No. That was me.   Kelso and Fez share an awkward look.   MITCH: (to Eric) Don’t you think that we should be friends? I mean, we’re pretty much the same guy. We’re into all the same stuff – Spider-Man, Batman, Famous Monsters of Filmland... (sees Star Wars toys) And Star Wars! Look at this!   He picks up the Darth Vader figure from the case.   MITCH (cont’d): I can’t believe you got a hold of the Darth Vader with the green lightsaber! Pew! Pew! Pew!   He starts swinging the doll around as he makes the noise. Eric shakes his head and takes the doll from him.   ERIC: What? No, no. It’s –   He proceeds to make more accurate, and more nerdy, lightsaber sound effects.   ERIC: (to Hyde) What a geek.   FEZ: (to Kelso) They look happy. Why don’t we have a game?   KELSO: Man, you are always on about that these days. “Why don’t we have a song? Why don’t we have a movie?”   FEZ: If you gave me an answer, maybe I wouldn’t always be on about it.   KELSO: Look, can we not do this when we have company over? We’ll talk about it later.   FEZ: Oh, sure. Later, later, always later, but later never comes!   They both snap their heads away from each other. Eric, Mitch, and Hyde take a moment to stare at them before going back to their business.   MITCH: Come on, Eric. Let’s hang out.   ERIC:   Okay, well... you’re obviously having some kind of reaction to your medications. Why don’t you just give your dad a call, get a ride home.   He indicates the phone. Mitch looks down, puts a finger to his bandage, and pokes at it repeatedly.   MITCH:  (on each poke) Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.   Eric heaves a deep sigh, rolls his eyes, and hands Darth Vader back to Mitch.   ERIC:  You can be Darth Vader. Just don’t wreck the lightsaber.   MITCH: Really? Thanks!   He starts swinging Darth Vader around again, with inaccurate sound effects.   HYDE: Uh, Forman?   Hyde stands, takes Eric by the arm, and pulls him to the deep freeze.   HYDE (cont’d): (hushed) Man, what the hell are you thinking? We’ve already got a weak, squeaky nerd-boy hanging around here – you. And Mitch doesn’t have any of your better qualities, like a house I can live in. I mean, look at him.   He points over to Mitch, who is pointing to Kelso. More specifically, he’s leaning into Kelso, his finger hovering just barely away from Kelso’s temple.   KELSO: What are you doing?   MITCH: I’m not touching you.   KELSO: Stop it.   MITCH: But I’m not touching you.   KELSO: Stop not touching me!   MITCH: Okay.   He gives Kelso a sharp poke to the temple.   MITCH (cont’d): (laughs) Wasn’t it better when I wasn’t touching you?   KELSO: (laughs) Yeah.   Mitch puts his finger back up, and Kelso does the same to him. Eric looks back to Hyde.   ERIC:  Look, Mitch knows I’m just being nice, okay? This can’t last more than a few days, tops. And, I mean, what’s the worst that can happen?   The basement door opens, and Donna enters.   MITCH: (to Donna) Oh, wow! You are gorgeous! You’re the hottest redhead since Batgirl! And you’re not just gorgeous – I mean, you radiate intelligence and deep thought. A real sense of self.   DONNA: Eric, I like your new friend.   She smiles at a beaming Mitch as Eric and Hyde share a look.   BUMPER   INT. HOTEL – NIGHT   The hotel ballroom. It is filled with booths, stands, tables, and small stages, all for the Japanese cultural festival, which has drawn a healthy nighttime crowd. At a makeshift Japanese steakhouse grill, the chef performs for the gathered crowd, slicing and preparing fish with an elaborate display of cutting and knife throwing.   Jackie sits at the bar watching. She is wearing a dark floral kimono, with her hair in a French twist style held with chopsticks. Hyde, in his chef’s jacket, comes up behind her.   HYDE: Oh, I could get used to this look.   Jackie turns around, stands.   JACKIE: Oh, there you are.   She kisses him.   HYDE: How’s it going?   JACKIE: Well, I was yelled at by Lady Laguna, the concierge keeps inviting me to the “private suite” under his desk, and Roy’s offered me a charming look at what Fez will be like in 20 years.   HYDE: Now, Jackie, that’s not fair. Fez has actually had a girlfriend.   Jackie considers that, shrugs.   HYDE (cont’d): Look, man, if this isn’t working out, then maybe you can move back with –   JACKIE: No, no – I’m fine. (sighs) Can we just go back to my room and have some dinner?   HYDE: Sure. Hope you don’t mind salad and burgers. Roy didn’t shut the freezer all the way when he went in there to cry, so the ground beef’s about the only thing left that’s not a 50/50 risk of salmonella.   They hold hands and start to head for the exit when they bump into another couple – RED and KITTY. And BOB is with them too.   JACKIE: Oh! Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Forman. Hi, Mr. Pinciotti.   KITTY: Well, hello, Jackie.   BOB: Hi there, Jackie. Isn’t this festival great? (points to grill) I love this one. It’s not just dinner. It’s a thrill ride, ‘cause there’s a small chance you’re getting knifed.   RED: I don’t know, Bob. I’ve tried to avoid Asians with weapons ever since 7,000 of them tried to kill me.   KITTY: (laughs) Well, it’s thanks to the work of brave men like you that America’s enemies are now performing at a tiny local festival in a two-star hotel.   JACKIE: What are you all doing here?   BOB: Pammy thought it’d make a good double date.   JACKIE: Wait, my mom’s here?   BOB: Yep. She’s just freshening up.   JACKIE: (to Hyde) My room, Steven. Now.   She lets Hyde lead her by the hand around the adults. Bob starts after them.   BOB: Come on, Jackie. Give your mom a chance. I think she really wanted to come here so she could see you.   Jackie pulls Hyde to a stop, rounds on Bob.   JACKIE: Well, I don’t want to see her, so you can stop trying to help her get to me.   BOB: I just don’t like seeing you two not get along. And your mom’s been such a peach since we got together. I wanna help you two out.   JACKIE: Well, she doesn’t deserve it! Steven, is there another way out of here? A back door or a secret bookcase passage?   HYDE: Okay, someone’s had a relapse on Nancy Drew.   Nevertheless, he takes her away from the main entrance to a small door in the far corner.   JACKIE: God, I can’t believe Bob! Why can’t he just accept that I don’t want to see my...   Hyde opens the door to:   INT. HALLWAY – NIGHT   A small hallway connecting just two doors, a staff passageway. Inside, Jackie and Hyde find two people making out – PAM and a Japanese man dressed for the grill.   JACKIE: MOM?   Pam breaks away from her partner, breathless.   PAM: Oh, Jackie, there you are. Meet Hirohito.   HIROHITO smiles and waves. Jackie, eyes wide, rounds on Hyde.   JACKIE: What is it with this hotel and cheating?   Hyde shifts on his feet as Jackie turns back to her mom, gaping.   FADE TO BLACK   COMMMERCIAL   BUMPER   INT. HALLWAY – NIGHT   Right where we left off. As Hyde and Hirohito stand uncomfortably by, Jackie advances on Pam.   JACKIE: Mom, what are you doing? You’re supposed to be here with Bob.   PAM: Oh, you ran into Bob. Isn’t he just a doll, bringing me here? Who would’ve thought a man with such bad dress sense could be so sweet?   JACKIE: Yeah, Bob is sweet. And you’re cheating on him! With some cook at a crappy hotel!   She can feel Hyde’s eyes on the back of her neck. She steps back to him and puts a hand on his chest.   JACKIE (cont’d): Which can be a good thing, if you’ve got the right combination of looks and brains to make up for it, and if you’re not with someone else.   PAM: Oh, honey, don’t be silly. Hirohito’s only here for the festival. His day job is as a Lincoln dealer.   HIROHITO: 34th and Donegal.   JACKIE: (gasps) Lincolns? Could you get a deal on a pink – no, no! (to Pam) Mom, how can you do this to Bob? He really likes you, and he’s done nothing but stick up for you since you came back to town.   PAM: Oh, Bob will be fine.   JACKIE: No, he won’t! Bob’s had a horrible time with break-ups before, but he’s never had anyone cheat on him. How can you do this when you’re moving in together?   PAM: Well... Jackie, the truth is, when you wouldn’t speak to me after I came back, when Bob asked me out, it seemed like the only way I could see you. And when he asked me to move in, I thought it was a way you and I could be together. But now that you’ve moved out... did I mention Hirohito has a summer home back east?   HIROHITO: Cape Cod.   JACKIE: (to Pam) So you just used Bob to try and get to me? Mom, you can’t just throw your looks at some guy and use him to get whatever you want. I’ve learned the world doesn’t work like that.   PAM: Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have sent you to public school.   JACKIE: Just think, Mom. What if it had worked? You and me would be back home, or living with this Hirohito guy, but what happens when someone else comes along who’s richer? Or what happens when you get another chance to run off to Mexico, or Paris, or Milan?   HIROHITO: Kyoto is lovely this time of year, too.   Everyone turns to glare at him.   HIROHITO (cont’d): But, carry on.   JACKIE: (to Pam) Mom, all this does is show me that you’re still running from one place to another, looking for something better instead of just being happy with what you have. That’s why you left after Daddy went to prison, and it’s why I haven’t wanted to see you. And why I still don’t.   She passes Pam and Hirohito and runs out the other end of the hallway. Pam shifts on her feet, Hirohito scratches at the back of his neck.   Hyde takes a step toward them.   HYDE: (to Hirohito) Hey, if the Lincoln thing doesn’t work out, this crappy hotel does actually need a cook for weekend shifts. Just one thing – (points to Pam) No dogs allowed in the kitchen.   He passes them and follows after Jackie.   BUMPER   EXT. FORMAN DRIVEWAY – DAY   The next morning. The Toyota rests in the driveway, the hood popped. Eric holds a flashlight for Red as he works on the engine. Kitty is in the Toyota, behind the wheel.   RED: (to Eric) I just think it’s pretty suspicious that after we left the Japanese festival, our Japanese car broke down.   Eric’s chance to throw some snark at that xenophobia is cut short when Mitch strolls up the driveway.   MITCH: (to Eric) Hey, buddy.   Kitty steps out of the car to take a look at Eric’s new friend. Mitch makes a show of reacting to her.   MITCH (cont’d): Whoa, Eric, you didn’t tell me you had an older sister.   ERIC: Oh, please. If you’re gonna go with fake charm, let’s keep it in the realm of reality, okay?   KITTY: Oh, you shut your porky mouth. I have the skin of a 25-year old. Who smokes.   Mitch turns to Red, polishing a nut.   MITCH: You know, Mr. Forman, I learned a little about cars from my uncle who used to fix tanks in Vietnam. Now that’s hero’s work, fixing machines that kill people you don’t agree with. My only regret is that I haven’t yet had a chance to fight for my country.   RED: Really? Eric’s only regret is that he doesn’t live in space.   ERIC: That’s not my only regret. It’s just one of them.   He goes back to holding the flashlight, only now, it’s for Mitch.   CUT TO:   INT. FORMAN BASEMENT – DAY   A truncated gathering. Kelso leans on the deep freeze, nursing a popsicle, Donna sits in Hyde’s chair, Eric on the back of one end of the couch, Mitch in the seat on the other end, and Fez in the lawn chair. “My Best Friend’s Girl” by the Cars plays on the radio.   Fez, Kelso, and especially Eric wear long faces as Donna humors Mitch’s nerdy babble.   MITCH: So I’m at this garage sale, and I look down, and there they were – Godzilla, Mothra, and Rodan, all in mint condition! It was the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. (to Donna) At least until I met you.   Donna giggles, runs a hand through her hair. Eric climbs down from the back of the couch and stands over Mitch.   ERIC: Okay, Mitch. Don’t you have something you need to do?   MITCH: You know, you’re right. I almost forgot. I said I’d make omelets for everyone! (points to Kelso) Onions... (points to Fez) Peppers... (points to Donna) And only the most succulent of honey-glazed ham for a honey-red honey.   ERIC: Okay, “honey-red?” That’s not even a thing!   Donna giggles, nudges Eric with her foot.   DONNA: That sounds great, Mitch.   Kelso and Fez nod their approval. Mitch nods back, heads up the stairs.   Eric sits down in the couch seat closest to Donna.   ERIC: Donna, why do you keep encouraging Mitch?   DONNA: Eric, it’s no big deal.   ERIC: Yes, it is. Look, he already likes everything I like, he’s buttering up my parents, now he’s making moves on you... it’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers if the pod people were all leprechauns.   Kelso crosses to the other end of the couch, near Fez, and sits down.   FEZ: Okay, Kelso. I have a game we can have. Truth or Dare?   KELSO: (rolls eyes) All right, fine. Truth.   FEZ: Have you ever snuck into Donna’s bathroom when she was showering?   Eric and Donna look over at Kelso. He shifts in his seat.   KELSO: (to Fez) I mean, dare.   FEZ: Oh, come on, out with the truth! I know you’ve snuck in there. I was there, and I saw you!   Donna and Eric, and Kelso, look to him, as Mitch comes down the stairs with two plates in hand.   FEZ: I mean, dare, yes. Dare.   MITCH: Oh, are you guys playing Truth or Dare? I’m in.   He passes the plates in his hands to Kelso and Donna, then takes a seat in the hoppity hop.   MITCH (cont’d): Okay, Mitch – truth or dare? Um, I pick dare, Mitch. Okay, Mitch. I dare you to kiss Donna. (gasps) Mitch! Naughty Mitch.   DONNA: (laughing) Mitch, you goofball, that’s not how it works. It’d have to be, like, “I dare you to kiss me.”   MITCH: (shrugs) Okay.   He leaps from the hoppity hop onto Donna with a massive kiss.   ERIC: What the hell?   KELSO: (laughs) He did it!   FEZ: Look at him go! He’s like a hummingbird!   Donna pushes Mitch off her, helped by Eric pulling him off.   ERIC: Mitch, I can’t believe you! You just flew at her like one of the little monkeys from The Wizard of Oz!   DONNA:  Eric, relax. He was just fooling around. He didn’t mean anything by it.   MITCH: Yeah, Eric. What’s a little fooling around among friends? (to Donna) Wait, what was that second thing you said?   ERIC: (to Mitch) We’re not friends, man! We never were! I only let you hang out here because I felt bad for you, but guess what? I don’t like you! And neither does anyone else!   MITCH: (beat) Fine. I won’t bother you guys anymore.   Head bowed, he makes his way to the basement door. He exits, then immediately sticks his head back in.   MITCH (cont’d): Somebody needs to check Fez’s omelet in about three minutes!   He exits again.   Eric sighs, sits back down. The others all eye him carefully; they don’t often see that kind of outburst from him.   KELSO: Well, that was brutal.   DONNA: Yeah. Nice going, Eric.   ERIC: What? Donna, he just mauled you like a miniature French cat.   DONNA: Yeah, well... he worshipped me, okay? I always thought Jackie was ridiculous for falling for stuff like that, but I swear, I thought Mitch was gonna light a fire and dance around me!   KELSO: Yeah, I feel bad for the little guy. I just wanna put him up on my shoulders and buy him a balloon. (to Fez) So, Fez – what if I dared you to kiss Donna?   Fez sits up, intrigued. Donna rolls her eyes.   BUMPER   INT. HOTEL – DAY   Day 2 of the Japanese cultural festival. A thinner crowd in the daytime. Jackie walks the floor in her regular clothes. She finds Roy doing the same thing, clipboard in hand.   JACKIE: Hi, Roy. So, any more luck with the Japanese dancers?   ROY: I think so. One of them came to see me in the kitchen this morning. She was screaming, “give me back my kimono,” but...   He trails off, shrugs. Jackie gives him an indulgent nod and continues on her way.   She passes by the Japanese steakhouse set-up, where Hirohito is working the grill. Pam and Bob are at the bar. Before they can see her, Jackie ducks behind a nearby dragon figure flanking another booth. But she is still within range to hear.   PAM: I’m sorry, Bob.   BOB: Hey, when things got tough between Midge and me, we did all sorts of crazy things to stay close to Donna. Although talking it over while the guy you were seeing behind my back makes our food – that’s a new one.   HIROHITO: And still, you tipped. Thank you.   He gives Bob a slight bow, and Bob gives a wave back. Pam smiles, rubs Bob’s back.   PAM: You know, Bob, you aren’t the smoothest or the classiest guy I’ve ever dated, but you are the sweetest. (sighs) You know, for the first time in my life, I feel like I need to do some work on myself. Not on the outside, obviously, because – well, come on. But on the inside. (takes Bob’s hand) And I could use some help.   BOB: Sure.   He leans in, kisses her cheek.   BOB (cont’d): You wanna try seeing Jackie again?   PAM: (beat) No. No, I think she needs her space. And she needs to see that I’ve made some changes. She deserves to see that. And I’d better start making them.   BOB: Okay.   They stand, link arms, and start to walk away.   PAM: Now, for change number one – how attached are you to those zebra rings?   That conversation continues as they exit the ballroom.   Jackie steps out from behind the dragon and looks after them. She cups a hand over her mouth as the other goes over her heart.   Hyde, in his chef’s jacket, comes up behind her.   HYDE: Hey.   She turns around to him, her eyes slightly wet.   HYDE (cont’d): Everything okay?   JACKIE: Yeah, yeah.   She hugs him around the waist. He hugs her back.   JACKIE (cont’d): Um, Steven? Do you have your master key on you?   HYDE: No...   JACKIE: Well, I’ve got mine, so where’s the nearest closet?   Hyde smiles at her. He takes her hand and leads her toward the corner door.   BUMPER   EXT. GOLFCOURSE – NIGHT   Mini golf, after hours. Mitch, alone, oils the windmill. Eric slowly comes up behind him.   ERIC: Hey, Mitch. Look, I – I wanted to apologize.   MITCH: That’s okay. I guess I was out of line too. I shouldn’t have jumped on your girlfriend. In front of you. It’s just – you have such a great life. And if I never see you or your friends ever again, I’m always gonna treasure that time that I spent with Donna.   ERIC: Okay, well... then I’ll just say goodbye.   Eric turns to leave. He makes it about three steps before Mitch heaves a heavy sigh, stopping Eric in his tracks.   MITCH: So lonely...   Eric wrestles with the air, screws up his face – and caves.   ERIC: Hey, Mitch, uh... you know, if you ever wanna hang out, you know, you’re always... you know.   In a flash, Mitch is at his side.   MITCH: Great, thanks!   ERIC: Oh, are we gonna do this now?   MITCH: Yeah, buddy, let’s do it!   ERIC: (beat) Okay.   MITCH: All right. Hey, so – do you think I might have a shot with Donna?   ERIC: Mitch, she’s my fiancée.   MITCH: So that’s a maybe!   He walks off, hands in the air. Eric drags his own hands down his face as he considers what he’s locked himself into for the foreseeable future.   FADE TO BLACK   CREDITS   INT. HOTEL – NIGHT   The ballroom, the festival still under way. Roy approaches the corner door and opens it. He finds Jackie and Hyde in the midst of a furious make-out session. They stop and freeze when Roy sees them.   ROY: Are you allowed to do that in here?   JACKIE: (beat) Are you allowed to ransom a dancer’s kimono for a date?   Roy considers that for a moment. He studies Jackie’s face carefully; she’s ready to play hard ball on this.   ROY: I was never here.   Jackie and Hyde nod. They go back to making out, Roy shuts the door, and continues on his way.   END.
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
155 - The Heist, part 3
Leave no stone unturned. Leave no rock unpivoted. Leave no pebble untwirled. Welcome to Night Vale.
My brother-in-law, Steve Carlsberg, is still in jail, wrongly accused of the recent bank heist. But I am happy to have my husband Carlos back home. The Sheriff’s Secret Police had only taken him in for some questions regarding the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. Sheriff Sam had deemed Carlos a person of interest, which I’ve been saying for years, but Sheriff Sam meant it differently.
Carlos said while he was being questioned at the police station, he saw the other bank employees who were there the day of the robbery. Genevieve Daly, the new bank teller, was being asked if she saw anyone other than Steve Carlsberg near the vault that day. Carlos said she was stone faced, unhappy with the interrogation. Susan Willman was there, crying, as the police asked her who else, other than Steve Carlsberg, could have a key. And security guard Jesse McNeil was there looking quite ill, almost seasick, according to Carlos, as the police tried to badger him into implicating Steve Carlsberg.
Carlos has been home for a couple of weeks and in a terrible funk. He said Steve has a nearly impossible case. The police are convinced of Steve’s guilt and all their evidence points directly to him. Carlos hardly has any energy or emotion to work, or even leave the house. I feel awful for Steve too, and we are doing our best to support him and our family.
I tried cheering Carlos up by telling him my favorite science jokes, like two chemists walk into a bar and one tells the bartender, “I’ll have an H2O” and the other says “I’ll have an H20 too,” and the bartender says and sighs.. [fed up] “It’s been a long day guys,” and then the two chemists nod and say, [embarrassed] “Yeah oh god yeah sorry, just a couple of waters thanks.” And then later they make sure to tip very well. But Carlos didn’t even crack as mile, let alone laugh, and I asked him how his doorless fridge experiment was going and he’s welcome to work on it here, in his home laboratory. I don’t even mind if he keeps staining everything green with that weird gel he’s been using. “I ran out of gel, Cecil,” he said, prone on the couch not opening his eyes. “I couldn’t work on that, even if I wanted to. which I don’t.” Hm. I wanna curl up on the couch too, stay home from work. But I know that would be terrible for Carlos. There are many times I’ve felt flat or depressed, and Carlos has been there for me, keeping me company, taking in my sadness and reflecting back not a false smile but attentive eyes, a listening posture that makes me feel heard and understood, and that’s what I want to be for him. Besides, I think Steve can beat these charges. Steve may have been the only one with a key to the vault, but they cannot prove he opened the vault, as he was locked inside his own office during the robbery. And besides, Steve keeps very detailed accounting so they wouldn’t be able to find the stolen money, not even if he had taken it. Steve Carlsberg is… [moved] the nicest man in Night Vale. He’s a good boss, breaking his foot to get free to try to protect his employees. He’s a fine father. A loving husband. And a perfect brother-in-law. It’s just not... it’s not possible. You know, if someone on the inside did this, it was probably Susan. Susan Willman is the least trustworthy person in that bank, if not in this whole town. So if you’re going to…
[loud scary noises] Station Management just slit a memo under my door gently, reminding me about libel laws. The memo is written in fire on a sleep tablet, and there’s a snake curled around it so, uhh.. I’m going to leave my Susan WIllman theory alone. But. Let’s just say that there was an untrustworthy person in that bank, and that her name was Su..anne Wilt..son. Yes, Sue-Anne Wilson, yes and this hypothetical jerk was always complaining at PTA meetings about her own personal problems, rather than focusing on the agenda, let’s just say. And this Sue-Anne Wilson once accused Steve Carlsberg of censoring her, when Steve was just trying to finish the meeting in a timely manner so that the basketball team could se the gym for evening practice. This person might well hold a grudge against Steve Carlsberg and want to not only steal from him, but frame him for the crime. 
Or, what if the Sheriff’s Secret Police… [loud scary noises] was doing a really great job, so great that they didn’t have a lot of arrests to make because the town was so safe. And of course, [chuckling nervously] they would never need to frame someone for robbery! So they would look like they were solving one of the major crimes in recent memory. Or maybe it was space slugs. Some distant aliens from across the galaxy somehow found our solar system and spotted our Earth, and then randomly chose Night Vale, and for whatever reason, they really wanted our money, so they went down inside the bank vault while the building was on fire, and without the safe key they entered the locked room because these space slugs can crawl through walls, and then they stole all the money. I don’t know! I feel helpless.[loud scary noises fade out]
Reading the news and getting angrier and angrier, but you know there’s little I can do about terrible things that keep happening. I’m sure you can’t relate. Maybe a community calendar will cheer me up.
This Saturday, the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex opens its annual Haunted Halloween Hayride. There was complications this year, because Ghost Union Local 31 went on strike for an increase in pensions and maternity leave. Teddy Williams, owner of the Desert Flower, argued that ghosts cannot retire nor get pregnant, but the union countered with vaguely human faces muttering in the shadows while Teddy screamed, and eventually, a deal was truck.
Sunday morning is the pie eating contest at the Night Vale fair. Contestants will be competing for a top prize of a 1991 Buick Le Sabre, autographed by former US presidential hopeful and Illinois governor, Adelai Stevenson.
Tuesday afternoon is a tedious song. Wednesday night is the high school dance team’s statewide semifinals at the rec center. Our own Night Vale High School is competing that night. Their top rival is Red Mesa High School, who will be performing a jazz routine called Tommy Tunes Broadway: an upbeat medley of classic show tunes. Night Vale’s dance team will present (--) [0:09:21] postmodern masterpiece (-): contemplative blend of sculpture opera and dance defined by its explosive physical bursts, chanting, and (contra-) movements born of a 22-member ensemble, who express the human body as a multidimensional art installation. Good luck to all dancers!
And finally, Thursday is sick, so Friday will be covering Thursday’s shift. Eh, except for the part about the haunted hay ride. That did not cheer me up.
I’m getting word that the Secret Police have made a breakthrough in their bank heist investigation. Or maybe they found the real thief and can let Steve Carlsberg go? [clears throat] Sheriff Sam said the lab reports came back, the fingerprints were inconclusive as their top suspect Steve Carlsberg worked at the bank, so his fingerprints were everywhere. But the lab reports did detail a strange goo police found on the vault walls. This goo, a light green gel, was also found on the walls of the cells that the other robbers had escaped from two weeks ago. So maybe my theory about space slugs is correct. No wait. The lab reports showed that this unusual chemical can render certain metals intangible, allowing people to reach through walls without breaking them. [stutters] Police believe whoever used this greenish goo used it to rob the bank’s vault and to free the prisoners inside the abandoned mineshaft outside of town. The Sheriff then said they discovered this exact same chemical on Steve Carlsberg’s property. They discovered it inside the shed behind the house, and that this is the final piece of evidence that links Steve Carlsberg to the robbery of the Last Bank of Night Vale. They believe that, oh no… Um, that Steve did not act alone, that he had an accomplice, a scientific mastermind who created this chemical for him. Who generated a complex concoction that enabled them to walk through walls stealing whatever they wanted. They have a warrant out now for Carlos’ arrest. I’ve gotta call Carlos. I- Oh, it looks like he left a voicemail.  
[beep] Carlos: Hey sweetie, it’s um me. So listen, I have um, I so-so I’ve just been arrested. No biggie, no biggie, I’m fine. This is actually good news, because I wanted to talk to the Sheriff anyway about all this, so that-that’s great. And um, I do have some new thoughts about what happened at the bank, and they’re really interesting, so they’re driving me downtown to meet with uh ooh, ouch, those cuffs are a bit tight there, officer… officer (Q. Fortier). Ah, that is a beautiful name. I-i-is that Franchian? If you don’t mind, Officer Fortier, I’m going to just finish my voicemail to my husband. So Cecil. When I get downtown, I’ll explain everything to them, Steve and I clearly did not do this and that’s what I’ll tell them, they’re police! [chuckles] You know, they just wanna know the truth, and uh ooh uh, oh Officer Fortier, I am not done with my call yet. Uh sir, what-what are you doing with my pho- [beep]
Cecil: I… I… Let’s go to the weather.
[Good Luck with That” by Fathom All the Animals https://fathomalltheanimals.com]
Cecil: Listeners, we now go live to Steve Carlsberg’s press conference at City Hall.
Steve: This has been a difficult month for me, and for my family. I thank you all for hearing me out today. I’m glad to know that these criminal charges are behind me, and I think Sheriff Sam and their secret police, as well as their Overt Police, for listening to reason and overturning the charges against me. [sadly] But of course, I’m sad to learn about their most recent arrest. Breaks my heart to know that such a dear friend of so many years, someone who’s been in home many, many times, someone I consider family, could betray me, my bank, my town in this way. I don’t even know how to talk about such a breach of trust by someone so close. [crying] Carlos! Oh Carlos. Thank you Carlos, for your brilliant and thorough evidence that put Jesse McNeil in jail today. Our security guard of nearly 50 years committed a heinous crime, and he nearly sent the two of us to prison for it.
When Carlos arrived in my cell this morning, he was all smile saying he had figured it out. He called the Sheriff over and said, “Check Jesse’s skin for the same chemical they found on the doors.” Carlos had been experimenting on the gel that allowed him to reach his hands into refrigerators without opening the door, and thus lowering the temperature of the food inside. He’d developed this chemical. He’d developed this chemical in his temporary lab in a shed behind our house. The problem with the chemical wasn’t its effectiveness and intangibility. He had been able to make that work. No, the problem with the chemical is that it stained everything it touched a dull green, including skin. Carlos showed me his own hands, which were green from the fingertips to about halfway up his forearms. He said the last few times he had seen Jesse, Jesse looked ill. Not like a flu or cold, more like seasick: queasy, green in the face. Carlos didn’t put it together right away, because we all felt sick about not only the robbery, but the false charges against me.
The police report also showed that none of the cash tills on the teller wall were affected by the fire that broke out during the robbery last month. Which means the fire had to have started on the opposite wall, which is by the front door, Jesse’s usual station. The smoke from the fire and the three robbers waving guns provided a distraction for Jesse to cover himself with Carlos’ intangibility gel, sneak downstairs past my office, where he had locked me in earlier than day, and then unload the cash from the safe and carry it into the alleyway behind the bank where his car was parked. When the fire trucks arrived, Jesse ran deliberately in front of their hoses so that the gel would all be removed from his body before the police began questioning those of us who had been inside during the robbery. But, as Carlos pointed out, the gel stains the skin for a long time, water alone won’t remove it.
Sheriff Sam brought Jesse back in for questioning based on Carlos’ statements, and found Jesse’s skin was the same dull green as Carlos’ hands. But unlike Carlos, the green stain covered Jesse’s whole body, not only his hands, indicating he had used it to walk through walls, rather than merely reach to a door.
Carlos explained that he had Jesse in his lab many times, Jesse and all my employees come to my house regularly for dinners. Like I said, they’re family to me. Jesse had taken an interest in Carlos’ science projects, so Carlos showed Jesse his doorless fridge experiment. Not long after that, Carlos noticed that the rest of his intangibility gel was gone. He thought he had just run out, even though he had made plenty of it. Never occurred to Carlos, until he saw Jesse’s green face a few days ago, that Jesse had stolen it to remove the money from the vault and his criminal colleagues from their jail cell. While I was the only person with the key to the vault, Jesse as a security guard was the only person with master keys for the rest of the building. My office door is never locked, so I don’t carry a key for it. Jesse knew this and locked me into my own office. Then his three collaborators Richard, William, and Emma created a fake robbery of the cash tills to distract from his heist of the vault. Sheriff Sam was impressed with Carlos’ explanation and arrested Jesse McNeil on the spot. Jesse turned to Carlos and Sam and said: [very deep voice] “I guess I’m going to jail now.” Sam said: [Sheriff Sam voice] “Don’t flatter yourself!”
Anyway, I finally get to return home, thanks to my brother-in-law Carlos. Thank you Susan Willman for managing the bank in my absence. Abby, Janice, I’ll be home in a few. Can’t wait to see you both again. Oh, oh, maybe I’ll bake some scones tonight! Carlos showed me a way to do it without letting the butter too warm. Oh-oh yeah!
Cecil: I’m so relieved and so glad they put the right person behind bars. And I have never been so excited to try one of Steve’s scones. That really is neat.
Stay tuned next for someone playing on a saw. No, ahem, (-) that, with a saw. It’s just someone playing around with a saw. Enjoy.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: Wisdom ages like fine wine. Knowledge ages like Boston lettuce.
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mrdwightdc-blog · 5 years
Mother looked over at me from the wheel, against which her ridiculously voluminous breasts were pressed so firmly that I think she could almost steer the car with them.
“Oh daaarling, I’m simply exhausted,” she breathily exhaled in this affected, slightly British accent, even though she spent her whole life in Roselle Park, NJ, where everyone, except mother, spoke like Danny DeVito. “but I’m so looking forward to sharing with your little dear classmates at Career Day today! I’ll be in your classroom after I park! Toodles, dear!”
“I,” Mother paused for dramatic effect, looked across the sea of little faces in Ms. Prichard’s classroom, “am a professional Dancer…”
Mild engagement from the 6th graders met her anticipatory gaze.
“So, my little Munchkins, raise your hand if you want to be a dancer…”
Four hands shot up in the air.  Two belonged to the Messano twins, Rita and Debbie; one to Sharon Bedetti, and the other to Michael Flamity.
“Oh so delightful – Girls, do you study Ballet at the Westfield Academy, by chance?” She gave the girls’ “urban” style clothes a once-over, “It’s very expensive, so maybe not.”
“No – we’re learning Hip Hop at the Roselle Community Center – Ms. Johnston is our teacher. It’s soooo much fun!” Debbie gushed.
“and she says we’re the best in the class!” Rita continued.
“Oh….Hip Hop…Well that’s not really dance.  Maybe look into ballet, dears.”
The girls’ faces soured and sunk, and they both looked down.
“And how about you, young man? You know, as a male member of the species, you’ll have an easy time finding work as a professional in the Ballet world…you might need to shed a few, though…”
“Hmph!” Michael, looking slightly indignant, crossed his legs and, half turning away, rolled his eyes in disgust so as to say, “as if…!” He then flung his hair back and lisped, “Ms. B, I’m studying Jazz and Tap – I’m going to be a big star on Broadway.”
“Well, my little friend,” responded Mother in an attempt to appear nonplussed, “I think you’ll fit in quite well in the world of musical theatre; but remember, there are lots of ‘your type’ of boys in the ballet business, too, if you know what I mean.” She winked. Some of the older boys smirked.
“and you, young lady, are you studying ballet?” she looked plaintively at Sharon Bedetti.
“Yes, I am, Ms. Baldassari, and you are a big inspiration to me!”
“I am!” mother beamed, “and why is that?”
“Mom says that me and my sisters can’t do ballet past 8th grade – I have to quit soon - she says that once we get older we get too, uh… ‘unbalanced on top’ to dance… but if you can do ballet, I bet I could, too!”
“Yeah,” Bobby piped in “‘Bedetti girls should be called ‘Big Titty’ girls!”
The boys could barely contain their snickers...
“Bobby! Sharon!” Ms. Prissard barked, “that type of talk is entirely inappropriate!”
The class broke into uproarious laughter.
Clearly embarrassed, Ms. Prissard suggested to mother, “Ms. Baldasari, why don’t you start showing your slides?”
Mother flashed up the first slide, a 5 year-old in a tutu.
“It all began with this little exquisite little girl – We always had a passion for movement,” she looked wistfully away, far into the past, “We gravitated toward the graceful, the beautiful.  I grew up here, in Roselle, but on the Westfield side of town…” (Westfield was the really rich town nearby where the collars were as white as they were blue in Roselle). “I went to Westfield Dance Academy until I was 9, and then, after great perseverance and endless dedication… and talent… I continued by commuting to the City attend the Ballet Pour Les Jeunes, with the great Madame de Pimbêche as my instructor.
She waited for the validating “Oohs” and “Ahhs.” The faces responded with yawns and quizzical looks trying to figure out what “porelayjun” meant.
Mother, clearly nervous, continued, “Well, then, of course, at 18, I was accepted to Juliard – you know Julliard…?”
Nothing! Lips pursed in frustration, she clicked to the next slide, titled “Junior year, Juliard.”  My 20 year old mother was posed in fifth position, her slender, uneventful body, skinny all the way up and down like a pre-wrapped diner straw in a Tinkerbell costume.
Eyes darted between my mother’s breasts in the flesh and the non-existent ones in the picture. The tension of the question that everybody wanted to ask was thick in the air. Ms. Prissard’s cold stare was all that kept my classmates from boldly going into that line of inquiry…
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imagine-straykids · 6 years
Stray Kids reaction to you being a better dancer than them
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since you didn’t specify which members, and this was sent after the rule change, I’ll just pick the dance line + some other members. Always feel free to send in another request for the remaining members.
I kind of took this more of as you just being a really good dancer...
Lee Know
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“Lee Know, I finally learned the dance to District 9,” you cheered as you ran full speed onto his arms. He only let out a chuckle. “Nice,” was all he could let out. Was he trying to kid with you or what? Because you were trying really hard all week, in hope of impressing him with his own group’s choreography, but all he said was “nice”. Yeah, you definitely don’t look like the type to dance, and maybe your fragile appearance gave it away otherwise, but you’ve been dancing for a long time and you even told him that. Lee Know’s ass is always just too busy to even witness it. “You know, if you want to see it, I can show it to you right now,” you suggested. Lee Know nodded. “Sure, do you want the slow version, or do you want to dance without music first?” his eyes was starting to piss you off in every way. “Lee Know!” you angrily puffed out because his jokes were obviously going overboard. “I’m joking... okay let’s see.” He was blatantly underestimating your skill, but what he didn’t know, was that he was not ready. Because you were popping and moving along to every beat, you didn’t miss a single step in the original dance, and you hit every move right, whether that’s with feet, hands, or just expression overall. When the song ended, you weren’t even sure if Lee Know himself knew. Because all he could do, was stared at you with his mouth dropped, wide opened. And then he started clapping, relentlessly. Scenario aside, I honestly think he’ll be like “damn, girl.” and praise you endlessly. Like “woah, I didn’t know you could do that.” He might even ask you for a dance battle from time to time.
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You were still eyeing your schedule, rushing yourself to find your next class before the bell rings. Here you were, face to face with the door of your dance class. You didn’t dance repeatedly, nor were you too keen on it, but you are a dancer, in as, you did dance once in a while. You had no choice but to go with dance since the other offered classes weren’t really your style. When you got there, everybody was just doing their own thing, chatting with their friends and whatnot. Your anxiety climbs as you didn’t remember a single face up in here, but you took seat either way. Until... “Y/n?” you heard a familiar sound calling your name from the side. You frowned your eyebrows and turned to the owner. It was Hyunjin; your own boyfriend. What the hell. Oh yeah, you forgot he dances too. “What are you doing here?” He asked, as he scooted closer to you, stealing your schedule from your hand. “I uh... dances?” your voice cracked. He only giggled while looking at you, because he really didn’t want to believe you actually dance. You just never told him because there wasn’t really any opportunities. “Are you laughing at me?” you sent him an angry face. “No, I was--” he was cut off by the teacher walking in. He went in about explaining the rules and circumstances of this class and all that jazz. Then when it was over, he has the gut to announce that he would be picking out random student to freestyle. Like is you serious now. Everybody was raising their hands, including Hyunjin. Then there was you, who was trying to be slick by hiding behind Hyunjin’s huge figure. “Ah... you!” The dance instructor pointed to you. “Me?” you pointed back at yourself to confirm. He nodded. fucken shit. “The more you try to avoid it, the more chances you have to being picked,” he stated. Hyunjin, being the supportive boyfriend he was, clapped with his gummy smile, pushing you to the middle of the classroom. Uh. Then some music came on, and lucky enough, you knew the song, so you were really just feeling yourself out there. It was as if you were the only one in the room. You’ve got way into it, that it took a hell lot of clapping from the class for you to snap and realized it was over. “That was great, you may now take your seat.” You felt a huge brick on your chest being lifted, and you sat back down next to Hyunjin. “Wow.” Hyunjin was still clapping. “Hey, wanna be dance partner whenever there’s a chance?” He beamed. “I thought we were already gonna be?” Hyunjin put his arms around you. “Not really, but that was before I thought you sucked.” You harshly pull his arms off of you, and gave him a little slap on the shoulder.
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You and Felix had actually planned a date today. Key word: had actually. Because now, it was canceled due to Felix’s practice. But at least you could still watch over him, and give feedback, so practically it’s still a date? You were over at the corner just watching Stray Kids doing their usual routine and formation, with Chan screeching here and there once in a while because Jeongin kept getting the dance wrong. Or when Jisung would consistently step on Changbin’s toes. It was quite amusing, you couldn’t lie. Watching them doing the same moves over and over, your mind started picking off the process, and soon enough, it was like you could literally dance with them right now. A little about 30 minutes after, all the members went out to take a rest, or to grab a quick lunch, and it was only you and Felix left. You had the lunch packed when you thought you guys were going on a date. “So, how was it?” He asked. “It’s great! Seriously! And I’m starting to think I’m getting too familiar with those steps,” you exclaimed. “Really?” Felix challenged. You only nodded. “Show me then.” He gave ways to you on the dance floor. “If you say so.” You got up without any hesitation and waited for Felix to put on the music. Let’s just say, he was shook for the whole afternoon, and couldn’t stop asking you questions on the way home. “Yes Felix, I’ve been dancing for a few years now.” Questions ran after questions and you had to shut him up real quick.
Bang Chan
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Chan had invited you over for a little movie night with the boys, but after only 2 movies or so, they all got tired real quick. “I want to do something else,” Changbin voiced. “Same. I’m starting to fall asleep,” Hyunjin added. “Okay then, what do you guys want?” Chan asked from the younger boys. “Just for fun, let’s have a dance battle,” Lee Know picked the idea. “Awesome! This is my game boys, move aside!” Lee Know stopped Hyunjin. “Amateurs first!” and then suddenly everybody started eyeing you. Oh wow. “Wow, thanks guys. You guys are really considerate.” You rolled your eyes. “Guys, you know my girlfriend can’t dance, don’t do this to her,” Chan chimed in. “Okay then how about you versus her.” Lee Know pushed Chan toward you. “Dance battle!” all the crackheads started shouting. “Let’s just get this shit over with. You first!” You told Chan. “You don’t have to do this, y/n--” before he could finish his sentence, you were already jamming to the song at top speed. And Chan saw his life flashes before his eyes. So did the rest. None of them said anything, except to admire your dancing. There was Jeongin whose mouth was just an ‘O’ the whole time. You finished the dance off by pushing Chan slightly on the chest, “your turn.”
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Seungmin and you haven’t even started dating more than a week ago, and he now, he has the awesome idea of getting to know each other better. So he had brought you here to the practice room. You met him in music class actually. The sound of his beautiful singing voice, was like an angel trying to reach out to you, and that was when you fell head over heels for him. You didn’t know he actually felt the same way until 3 weeks ago. And now you guys were together. It was so unrealistic. That you, a basic ass would be in the same room right now, breathing the same air as the Kim Seungmin. When he brought you to the studio, he started singing a few songs to you that he said was in “the process of making”. “Hey, want to see our new dance?” He stood up, putting away the music sheet. “Of course!” oops, you may have sounded a bit too excited. whatta loser. You could only stare in ooh and ahh as he was hitting those steps so freaking perfectly. “Want to try?” he suddenly asked out of the blue. “Oh no I’m--” but Seungmin had already pulled you up. And about 15 minutes later, you were dancing with him. “Woah...” he turned to you. “you never told me you could dance so well. I think you’re even better than me.” You chuckled. “Yeah, well... I’ve been dancing for quite a long time now.”
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pomegranate-belle · 5 years
11 Questions
Tagged by: @zeesqueere, thank you, and sorry this took me so long!
Tagging: @rawkhawkjock, @chessanator, @teashadephoenix, @returnsandreturns, if you guys want — and anybody else who wants to answer these!
1. How long have you been writing?
Uhhh since I was literate probably lmao — I was a very angry, repressed lil bby that got picked on a lot and my Kindergarten teacher nudged me towards expressing myself via the written word rather than with what little violence I could accomplish as a tiny six year old. And that, as they say, is history.
2. What are the major themes of your current wip(s)?
Courting the Sun-Dancer(?) (aka the one abt Alma and Navata): Regaining identity, cultural exchange, choice over fate, courage, loyalty, and the responsibilities of ruling
The still untitled story about Algernon and Tyderias: Homecoming, revenge, what it means to be alive, accepting your talents, learning to love others as they are, sacrifice, and true love
3. What do you want people to take away from your story once they’ve read it?
I don’t know, hope, I guess? It’s not the reason I’m writing them or even the point behind the plots but I wish I’d had stories like this (read: Not Straight Ones) growing up. Mostly I just want people to enjoy reading the things I write.
4. Would you be excited if people write fanfiction about your wip(s)?
I’d be honestly startled given the lack of information to work from right now lol, but I’m super jazzed any time something I write spurs other people to create. :)
5. What’s your go-to writing beverage?
I don’t think I have one but I will say I really had a productive night that one time I went out and drank like three vodka lemonades while working on a character, lmao
6. Who is your favorite oc? Tell me about them!
Ooh, playing favorites is mean... But yeah ok it’s definitely Mauve Sebella (incidentally, she’s also the character from the previous answer—)
She’s gone through about three different iterations as I tried to find a story for her. At first, she was a main character and much more whimsical — a burglar looked after by the remnants of her mother’s iron-smuggling operation. So she was kind of this happy-go-lucky gentleman thief type character with One Million Dads. The plot of that story fizzled out pretty quickly, and I set her aside for a while, but eventually I found use for a character with her specific powers so I dusted her off and gave her an unhappier backstory and an attitude adjustment.
As she stands now, there was no one decent to look after her and keep her safe after her mom died, so she was in a bad situation where everyone was either trying to murder her or use her powers for their own gain. She ended up as a child soldier due to her “magic-eating” eye and became the most infamous assassin on the continent. It’s the perfect conceit for the world she’s in because it means she travels a lot and I can use her as a side character in almost any story set in that world.
7. Do you feel that mistakes are important learning tools in the writing journey?
I guess? I don’t really think about things like that, lol
8. Rank your ocs by their capability in a footchase (either running after or from smth, your choice)
Navata is dead last for the obvious reason that she spends 90% of her time on land in a wheelchair. Then Charles DeWitte, then his younger sister Lucille, then Algernon Parson, then Alma, then Tyderias, then Mauve. Prince Balthazar is the fastest because he’s A Literal Werewolf and his running stamina is totally wild.
9. Does your wip have romance? tell me about it!! if not tell me about a friendship/important relationship in your wip!!
So many romances. So many.
Algernon/Tyderias: my Fake Married boys!! They’re a little suspicious of each other at first, but get over it pretty quickly. Algernon is a natural caretaker and he has an instinct to protect Ty pretty much from the beginning. Ty, who’s a bit jaded from, you know, being an exiled prince and unable to stop his father’s killers from taking over his kingdom, is intrigued by Algernon since he’s just a genuinely good person. Both of them are hiding parts of themselves at the beginning and it causes trouble when the truth comes out, but they pull together when it counts. They take interest in each other’s hobbies and it leads to some self-discovery along the way. Both of them try very hard not to fall love while they have to pretend to be married but uh, it does not work at all.
Alma/Navata: These two are definitely an “opposites attract” couple! Navata is a queen who cares more about being approachable than being unquestionable. She has chronic pain that limits her ability to do things, but she’s fun-loving and doesn’t let her limitations discourage her. She’s a terrible artist and not really what anyone would call graceful even if she’s beautiful. By contrast, Alma is closed off with a solemn, cold image that discourages people from disrespecting her. She looks tougher than Navata, with lots of scars, but she’s much more elegant. They’ve each given things up for the sake of their position, but together they are able to recapture parts of themselves that have fallen by the wayside. They learn about one another’s cultures as Alma competes in suitor trials to win Navata’s hand.
Balthazar/Charles: These two are the original romance plot from the world Alma, Navata, and Mauve are from. Their story is on the back-burner right now but I still love them. Bal is rough around the edges but kind and earnest. Charles is kind of a flirt and he’s good at being charming; he’s knowledgeable, but he can also be a little naive, especially when it comes to his own family. Charles and Bal are childhood best friends who have been nursing crushes on each other for years and years. They share pretty much everything with each other — for example, even though Charles is very close with his sisters, it’s Bal he goes to first when something’s troubling him. And Bal is very protective of Charles, because he knows Charles’ dad treats him badly. However, Bal is unwillingly betrothed to Charles’ younger sister, Lucille. He plans to fight it and express his feelings to Charles, but his plan gets derailed when, during Bal’s coronation ball, Charles is hit with a curse that freezes him in ice. Bal spends the next five years doing everything he can to break the curse while the ice slowly overtakes his castle.
10. Do you believe in the advice kill your darlings?
Umm probably not?
I think needlessly making your characters suffer is just an exercise in sadism, lol, but I do think you’ll get a bad story if you helicopter parent as well and don’t let your characters make mistakes and suffer consequences.
As for “killing your darlings” in terms of getting rid of scenes or plot lines that you love... I think it’s stupid. If you remove the parts of your story that make you happy just so it will be nebulously “better”, aren’t you destroying what makes it yours instead of just some stupid formulaic “best seller”? I don’t know, that’s just how I feel about it.
11. Do you prefer plotting or worldbuilding? Why?
Plotting, definitely. Worldbuilding can be fun when it comes easy but other times you’re staring at a blank page trying to come up with fantasy names or mindlessly researching which fruits grow in what climate and you just want to stab yourself with a pencil. Don’t even get me started on dealing with how to represent different languages without having to actually Tolkien it and spend fifty years fucking inventing them. I’m not a linguist, dammit, I’m an author.
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laceyeb · 6 years
DWTS Athletes Finale Recap
This is sooooo long. Sorry about that.
This is going to be my recap tonight which will just be like a horrifying mess of my thought process throughout the hour. Hopefully I don’t accidentally send this to my mother because I might use a lot of bad words…
It’s currently 5:27 PM out here in California and I am STRESSED.
I’m keeping up with the scores and I’m ready to do the live voting when it’s time, but then I’m out. I’ll head to the gym and somehow try to distract myself there. It’s not going to work, but we’ll see.
My feelings regarding the as of now unknown final results (I’m going into this, hopefully not too naively, assuming that Tonya’s third.):
Look. I understand where people are coming from when they say that it’s not just about the pro. It’s supposed to actually be more about the star, and also about their partnership and journey and skills and blah blah blah. I understand that. I 100% do. I promise. However, that does not mean I won’t be a hypocrite (without any hesitation whatsoever) and say I JUST WANT SHARNA TO WIN THE FUCKING TROPHY!!! (Also, is that super ugly trophy we saw like actually it??? How come the mirrorball on top looks like a miniature mirrorball?! I get that it’s a mini season, but spring for the real mirrorball you cheapskates.) If Jenna and Adam win (and I’m just trying to go into it assuming they are so I’m not as disappointed), I will be thrilled for them. They absolutely deserve it and I don’t think I could possibly argue that they don’t, though that might not stop me from trying. I love them both. I’ve always loved Jenna and I have so much love for Adam it’s not even funny. BUT if they win I’m going to be simultaneously thrilled for them and really really really sad for Josh and Sharna. (EDIT: I’m not that sad actually!) By the way, I love Josh, too! I’m not just in this partnership for Sharna! He’s been great this season and he has shown that he can both dance technically and perform (and we didn’t have to expect him to be as good as he is, whereas obviously Adam was going to be good). But again, I’m a hypocrite. I’m in it more for Sharna than I am Josh, but not only for Sharna. You feel me?!
So… Long story short: I WANT JOSH AND SHARNA TO WIN
And also like I’m gonna get over it if Josh and Sharna don’t win. I’ll be okay, just in case you’re concerned about my well-being. (I’m kidding. Mostly.) Like I survived James and Sharna not winning, so I’ll survive this. The sun will still come out tomorrow (maybe not for me though because I live in the Pacific Northwest) and life will go on. I get that. Don’t worry.
Ok. It’s 5:43 now and I feel like I’m gonna puke. I’m not gonna make it all the way to 9. I just won’t.
Random: I’m gonna be a little teeny tiny bit salty that Adam and Jenna have freestyle AND jazz. Just a little salty. Like the super fine salt I put on my popcorn. Just a little because I know that it doesn’t really make a difference. Not really. And as much as I do love Adam and Jenna, I’m about to contradict that when I tell you how loud I screamed when I saw they got 9,9,10 for their freestyle. I think I scared my neighbors cat who’s outside eating dinner right now. I didn’t stick around long enough to see anyone’s reactions to their freestyle (on tumblr, I mean) because I was too busy voting and then I had to get the hell out of there before I saw any results. So I’m curious where those 9s came from?!?!?!
The message I just sent to my mom: “The problem is that I know Adam and Jenna deserve it. But I want Josh and Sharna to win!!!” She says: “Yup”
Ok. It’s 6:00 so a whole bunch of you are currently partying like it’s 1999 and I’m off to distract myself at the gym…
It’s really stressing me out knowing that it’s already happened and I don’t know! Even though I avoid spoilers all the time. Then again, I looked at the results ahead of time for the last two seasons so maybe that’s it. Also why I didn’t watch the last two finales.
Ok. It’s 6:12 and NOW I’m leaving for the gym. If I leave the gym at 7:20, that’ll get me home 7:30 (probably 7:25, but I like a little cushion), in and out of the shower by 7:45, and sitting on my couch with popcorn and hot chocolate by 7:55. Let’s go!
I managed 50 minutes on the treadmill and I was sufficiently distracted by this really good book I’m reading. (Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley) Now it’s 7:41 and I’m showered and ready to make my popcorn at 7:50… Are you bored of my recap yet?! We’re getting to the good stuff soon!!!
I saw Tom on someone’s instagram today (maybe Keo’s) and he was like, “Finale?! That can’t be possible! It’s only week 4!” Same… That’s another thing I keep reminding myself about Josh and Sharna. He’s very very good and it’s only week 4. Imagine what they could have done together in 10 weeks!
I understand we’ve only got an hour, but couldn’t they introduce the finalists with a little more enthusiasm…?
I want to just ignore Tonya and Sasha, but I’ll watch since at least I won’t have to do it again. I wonder if Sasha really believes everything he has been saying this season? Obviously he’s not going to say anything bad about her, but I wonder how much he really believes it, you know? I mean, she seems to be a perfectly pleasant person on the show if I didn’t know any better. She’s definitely a good dancer and I could really appreciate that if she was, you know, not her. If I didn’t have to spend every week hearing how I am falling in love with her and giving her a second chance. I liked the dance just fine. It was pretty enough. Still choosing to assume she’s third?! Actually, my mom looked at the results ahead (she always does unless I’m watching with her and make her wait with me!) and said they don’t announce second and third, but just first?
Bruno saying we got robbed of a Josh and Sharna Argentine tango YESSSS. COULD YOU IMAGINE?! It’s the finale and his first time doing ballroom?! Stupid. Idiotic four week season. I thought the dance was perfectly beautiful. He looked just a little like heavy on his feet? I don’t know. I’m no expert. But I also don’t really care at this point. It’s all over anyways. We got so deprived not having him on a 10 week season. He could have kept getting better and better every single week and him and Sharna clearly have a great relationship and partnership we have not had a chance to enjoy! (I got all hot and bothered at the start of their dance thinking about the way James and Sharna started their fusion dance holding hands. Sigh.) I spy Chris behind Erin! Hi Chris. I’ve missed your beautiful face since last week. Why is Sharna flipping the fuck out like their 9s are 12s?!
Adam and Jenna genuinely have one of the best (and one of my favorite!) partnerships I’ve ever seen on this show in 26 long seasons. I’m truly obsessed with how much they love each other. (I see Anna Trebunskaya behind the judges! Long time no see!) That dance was so fantastically creative of course. It was fantastic and fun and technically beautiful and all that good stuff. I personally thought the lip syncing was irritating, but I know that was part of it so I’ll let it slide. I would have liked some time to know exactly how these dances represented their journeys on the show. Particularly this one. Well shit. They love each other soooo much. Now I want them to win, too! If they do win, the strength and just pure beauty of their bond will make it worth it for me.
I thought I would like a short finale since there’s usually so much nonsense in those 2 hour finales, but this is TOO DAMN FAST! We’re halfway done already!
I cringe everytime Sasha and Tonya say that America has got them to where they are. Because is that really even true?! Obviously she’s been getting some votes since she’s here. I don’t pay that close attention to comments online, but even I know there’s 47 negative comments for every one positive one. Ok. So I’m a little like disoriented because honestly…? I think I kind of liked that?!?!?! I’m pretty sure there was a little section where she went out of sync near the end with her hands. (Carrie Ann! Go put your ass back in your chair!) I figured they would have gone for something dramatic and emotional and I appreciate they didn’t. Honestly, it really worked for her! It was a celebration of her (not that she deserves to be celebrated), which is what the freestyle is supposed to be… I definitely don’t like her (or Sasha) anymore than I did 32 minutes ago. But I didn’t hate that dance.
Um…. Hi Sharna?! Which one of them am I supposed to look at dressed like that in this dance?! Him throwing her over his shoulder and running out of the studio in their package was epic. I have so much to say and not enough time to say it! That was sooooo perfect for them!!! Sharna is absolutely brilliant. And you know what? Sharna comes out looking like that, but I NEVER took my eyes off Josh. (YES CARRIE ANN PRAISING SHARNA! GET YOUR ASS OUT OF YOUR CHAIR AND HUG SHARNA IF YOU LOVE HER SO MUCH!) (Wait why is Artem coming?! Now I know! OMG!) Ok. Back to the dance. Spectacularly creative and brilliant and so powerfully executed. Highlighted and represented Josh soooo well and the all the troupe and others added to the dance and didn’t pull away the attention from Josh. And as emotionally attached to James and Sharna and some of the dances they did together (like their fusion I’ve now mentioned twice tonight, but I’ve moved on…), I think I agree with Carrie Ann! That might be the most incredible and creative choreography we’ve seen from Sharna to date! That was just everything I wanted and more. It wasn’t emotional and heart-wrenching like James’ freestyle. It was strong and powerful and impactful like Josh. Just perfect for him. Sharna did him justice for sure. (My mom on this dance: “Wow!! But she needs to stay out of my closet!) OOH! I knew there was something else! When he lifted her above his head and then threw her higher and DROPPED HIS ARMS before reaching up to catch her?!?!?! That almost killed me. She has so much trust in him. I’m in love.
Briefly on Adam and Jenna’s freestyle because it’s 8:52 and my fingers are shaking as I try to type: 1) The fuck did I just watch?! 2) There wasn’t like… dancing? I mean, it’s a freestyle they can do whatever they want. But I didn’t see dancing? 3) I think this freestyle is a little ahead of its time. Like when Erin and Maks did the very first contemporary freestyle way back in season 10 and the judges didn’t really know what to do with it. That’s how I kind of feel about this. Like I don’t really know what to do with this. 4) I appreciate that he wanted something he felt was meaningful and represented him and obviously I’m not him so I don’t know… But like if you had given me a million guesses on what their freestyle would be like knowing that it represented him, I never would have got to this. It was a let down for me.
I had to go to the bathroom during the commercial so I didn’t wet myself waiting the last six minutes…
Oh dear. I think I’ve stopped breathing. Here we go. If they really are just announcing 1st and don’t announce 3rd, I might pass out.
Here it comes. It’s happening…
Well…. I knew that was coming. It’s a good thing I was such a big fan of them. Honestly, I’m not even that disappointed for Josh and Sharna. I thought I would be, but I’m really not. I mean, yes… Here’s yet another season of Sharna getting second place. But as a couple/partnership/duo/whatever, I did like Adam and Jenna more than Josh and Sharna. I really felt Adam and Jenna’s relationship tonight (and every night obviously) especially in their first dance and after it. And Jenna absolutely lost her shit. I’m so so so happy for her. And Adam. And her and Adam together. And only a little sad for Sharna. Not nearly as sad as I thought I would be. Maybe I’m growing…?!
It’s now 9:28 and I’m just sitting here on my couch and I keep smiling and saying, “Oh, I’m just really happy for them!”
I think I would have been considerably more inconsolable if Josh and Sharna had actually won. 
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onestowatch · 3 years
Get to Know Groove-Pop Duo Balu Brigada [Live Performance + Q&A]
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Inspired by musical heavyweights like Frank Ocean and Gorillaz, Balu Brigada is all about experimentation. Their discography provides the perfect backdrop to any setting—from coastal road trips, summer BBQs, flirty dancefloor moments, and everywhere in between. The band is no stranger to performing, having toured around New Zealand numerous times, including treating an exclusive audience to an electric performance at Live Nation and Vodafone’s recent Ones to Watch showcase. 
In addition to delivering a standout show at our recent showcase, the duo has just released their latest single, “How It Would End,” the first song off their upcoming EP. The single is their debut release as a two-piece, with its bouncy synth hooks and groove-worthy melodies sure to get you up on your feet. 
On the eve of their first release as a two-piece, Henry and Pierre Beasley Zoom in from their parents’ rumpus room—the scene of many family jam sessions, which spawned their self-described “groove-pop” band Balu Brigada—to discuss archival footage, guilty pleasures, and which brother is the better mover. 
Pierre: We’re actually at our parents house right now, because our houses are both equally too small to do anything in, but actually right behind us is a grand piano that used to be our grandfather’s. He was an orchestral conductor, so it’s a bit of a family heirloom.
If that piano could talk, what do you think it would’ve said to you during your piano lessons back in the day?
P: Try harder [laughs].
Henry: It would probably say, “Slow down!” as well, ‘cause I remember just getting frustrated. You know, you play something 100 times, badly, and you just wanna get it done so you play it faster but then that sounds even worse!
P: It was a classic case of your parents make you do piano lessons and you miserably endure them, and then I think we picked up our own instruments, that we did actually enjoy playing, from there.
When would have been your first-ever public performance? Did you put on shows for Mum and Dad when you were little?
P: Probably some church Christmas event or something, to be honest. We were brought up in the church, so I think my earliest memory of performing was being a little Elvis in a Christmas production, which, yeah, I wouldn’t like to see that footage back...
Could there potentially be footage out there somewhere?
P: Yeah [laughs] Some granny with VHS footage of me with my hair in some big, slicked-back mop or something.
H: Pierre and I have got a bit of an acting background as well, so there’s some horrendous clips that you can pull up of us on shows that I won’t name [laughs]. But you can’t take yourself too seriously; you’ve just got to be able to laugh at it.
Performing is in your blood though, isn’t it?
P: Yeah, Dad was a ballet dancer in his prime and he actually met our mother, who was an actress, in a musical. They spent the majority of their twenties performing and then Mum pursued a TV career until she started having us boys so, yeah! Performance is very much in the construct of our family, which has been really cool because we’ve got that support from our parents who also understand the life of a performer and understand the passion.
H: We just actually saw some archival footage of Dad in his Royal New Zealand Ballet days—it was quite a trip! That’s literally some of the first footage we’ve seen of him as a ballet dancer, which is wild because it was such a big part of his life. Obviously no one had a bloody iPhone back then to just record clips, but it’s a shame. I would love to see more footage of him dancing, because it was such an integral part of fostering our creativity as well.
Did you boys take ballet lessons when you were kids?
PIERRE: I did it for a few years and Dad’s always said, “Ooh, you would make a good dancer!” And still to this day he’s like, “You know, it’s not too late to become a professional dancer...” You didn’t though, hey?
H: Nah, I didn’t. Pierre’s definitely more the mover, which you’ll see in a few videos of ours. I’m kind of skulking in the background doing something minimal and then Pierre’s managing to find a dance move out of thin air, which I can’t quite fathom myself.
You both studied music at Auckland University [Pierre majored in jazz, Henry, pop]. Did you ever take ideas that you were working on for Balu Brigada into uni?
H: It’s kind of like the informal way we started the band. I was playing guitar randomly for other bands and didn’t really have a project of my own, but I was writing all these songs during uni, so I was like, “Okay, why don’t we try a song where I’m leading?” Previously, I’d just written for another project that someone [else] would front, so that’s when I enlisted Pierre and my other brother at the time…
P: Brother at the time [laughs].
H: [Laughs] He’s still my brother—he’s just not in the [Balu Brigada] project at this point—but that’s how we all got together and took our background of jamming in our parents’ rumpus room to playing my original songs, and then making it more collaborative along the way.
Did Balu Brigada originate as a four-piece?
H: Yes, there were a few versions. Sometimes we’d go with a three-piece because Pierre was underage, and couldn’t play the show, or sometimes we’d get someone to replace him for the shows that he couldn’t make. It was a four-piece for probably four years or so and then that transition [to two-piece plus live drummer] was in maybe 2019. That was a lot to do with the fact that the other two band members—they were invested in it, but also had lots of other plates to juggle, and Pierre and I have always been the core and the nucleus of the band, and so it was like, “Okay, this is our whole world, so let’s kinda scale this back. You guys can invest more into your lives outside of the band and we can just really home in on this thing.”
So it’s kind of like you two are Kevin Parker from Tame Impala, with extra band members brought in for touring purposes.
H: We’d love to draw that comparison! [laughs]
P: [Laughs] Absolutely! Yeah, the role that our drummer fills is less an actual band member and more a session musician, I suppose.
How would you describe your music to people who are yet to hear it?
H: I think our favourite description, or at least mine, is groove-pop at this current point in time. Would that be your choice of description?
P: I just go with the easy one: alt-pop. Groove-pop is also cool, but I dunno if you just made that up, or…
H: I definitely made that up.
P: [Laughs]
What was the last Balu Brigada single release and what’s your next scheduled single release?
P: So the last one we released was in October last year, it was called “Moon Man”, and our next single is called “How It Would End”. This is the first time that we are choosing to release a single when we already have [a new, as-yet-untitled EP] ready, so we can actually get some momentum with the project rolling out, as opposed to how we’ve done it in the past where we released a song and then we were like, “Oh cool, that went well, now we need to finish the next one,” which is a silly way to go about it if you want to get that momentum. So this time we’ve got a few things in the bank.
H: This is the first instance where we’ve been able to play songs live before they’ve been released, which has been quite exciting for us.
Which songs off this upcoming EP have you performed live so far?
P: We’ve been playing “Number 1” and another song called “Favourite Clothes” in our most recent shows, and they’ve been going down well. Because we don’t have too many of those up-tempo, four-on-the-floor, driving songs, “Number 1” is a good one to just slot in there to hype-up the energy a bit.  
The entire EP is killer, but I reckon “Number 1” is my favourite song on there at the moment. It reminds me of N.E.R.D!
H: For sure! N.E.R.D is a massive influence and when I started that one off I was definitely conscious of, “Oh, is this too Neptunes or too Pharrell?” And then I was just like, “Nah.” We love that you’ve drawn that connection, that’s great.
Also, something about the overall vibe and the sparkling melodies throughout “I Should Be Home,” another standout track from the EP, called to mind The Strokes...
P: Yeah, I’ve been listening to a lot of The Strokes—especially their latest album—so that would make sense. I just think all of the melodies that Julian [Casablancas] hits are real nice.
H: I think because Pierre was listening to The Strokes so much that always bleeds into my listening habits, because we spend so much time together. I think that would have definitely been a subconscious influence, because it was definitely in line with what we were taking in at that moment.
Your previous way of working, drip-feeding one song at a time, reminds me of the Gorillaz’s Song Machine project, where songs were recorded and released separately before they were collated and released as a collection.
H: Yeah, for sure. I really liked that roll-out. It was cool, and obviously the featured artists on it are world-class, interesting, eccentric creatives in their own right. Gorillaz’ second [Song Machine release], “Désolé” [featuring Fatoumata Diawara] is my strongest memory of when I was living in Melbourne. I lived there for a few months and that song came out around that time, and I was like, “Woah!” I listened to it this morning, actually; it just rocks my world. Gorillaz are a massive inspiration in terms of how we like to think about music, eclecticism, and genre-mashing.
Given that part of your band name pays homage to the character Baloo (but with different spelling), talk me through your love for The Jungle Book.
H: That movie is a very nostalgic kick for us brothers…
P: Not the movie that was out a couple of years ago, the Disney one…
H: I couldn’t believe it when I found out it was from the ‘60s, hey! When you’re a kid and you’re watching that shit, there’s no differentiation that you can make between The Jungle Book and, say, Aladdin [released in 1995]. You’re just like, “The Jungle Book, man, it’s such a jam!”
Have any Balu Brigada songs been synced to a TV series or film?
H: Only in one very informal instance. I was actually on a show about six years ago called 800 Words and I think we had just released our third release and then I had a shoot day. The actor I was working with, Milena Vidler, was like, “Oh, I’ve gotta be listening to music in this scene, what shall I play?” And I told her, “We just released a song today!” And she said, “Well why don’t I play that!?” So that is literally the only sync we’ve got so far, but it was quite a serendipitous moment. To see myself on screen and then hear our band play as well was quite meta, a little in-joke or Easter egg.
Do you each remember what made you fall in love with music in the first place?
P: Abbey Road on vinyl. It was Mum’s. I would’ve been, like, 11. It blew my mind. It was the first time I got to know an album in full, and didn’t just know a single that was on the radio or whatever, and I just loved the way that album flowed and the musicality of it, and how it’s pop music but they were also experimenting. There’s just something about that album, which probably—when I think about it—is my favourite album of all time and made me want to do music.
H: Mum will definitely want the credit for that one; Dad’s got the Bowie records, Mum’s got The Beatles ones. This one is way less cool, but my answer is probably “I Miss You” by blink-182. Combined with “Ocean Avenue” by Yellowcard—that was my favourite song. I was like, “Yep, I’m a rock guy now. I’m a band guy. Take me as I am.”
P: [Laughs]
H: I couldn’t say that it’s my favourite song now, but I remember that distinction pretty clearly, being like, “Yeah, this is me now”.
Did you have any Yellowcard posters on your walls?
H: [Rotates webcam] I’ve got some nice Gorillaz ones over there, but no Yellowcard ones.
If you could choose any band to go out on tour with, who would it be?
P: I’d probably say Tame Impala, just ‘cause I’m a diehard KP [Kevin Parker] fan. But I don’t know if we’d be the right fit, though…
I can totally see you guys opening for Tame Impala – Balu Brigada would be the perfect fit!
H: I mean, my pinnacle artist is Frank Ocean and I love the idea of getting to tour with him, but, no [laughs]. I don’t think. So that makes Kevin Parker feel a little bit more attainable. I don’t think it would be too far-fetched, hey? I reckon we should link it up.
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vampirecatboy · 6 years
18, 20, 24, 29, 38, 44, 50 ( about Danny, Veryn and Kezaat)
ooh yay, my dearest children!
read more because i wrote a lot about them lol
What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Danny: he’s all about sci-fi and spec fic for books, tv, and movies; for video games he’s a sucker for shooters, but only if they have like, a decent amount of story; music-wise, he and i have similar tastes, he can listen to almost anything but prefers pop punk and alt rock
Veryn: she’s not much of a reader, not because she doesn’t like it, she just can’t concentrate, but for tv and movies she likes high fantasy; she exclusively plays rpgs, typically story-based, but she’ll do a shooter from time to time; with music her favorite thing to listen to is old electronica from a specific region on her planet that i haven’t named yet lol
Kezaat: he reads a lot, usually mysteries and crime noir novels, but he’ll read some romance/erotica from time to time; he’s not much for watching tv or movies, but when he does it’s more crime dramas; he’s not super into video games, but whenever Veryn needs another player for something he’ll join in cause why not lol; he likes older music, like his culture’s equivalent of classic jazz, but Danny has introduced him to this stuff called “disco” and he’s starting to like that too
Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Danny: he’s indifferent to most musicals, but he did have a Phantom of the Opera phase for like 6 months in middle school; music in general, he loves. he actually plays guitar (i always forget because it never comes up lol), and he’s a mediocre pianist; he will absolutely dance to his favorite song, which changes periodically but it is always dance-able, and if any of his friends are with him he’ll lip sync at them (he’s really into performing for someone who isn’t into theatre lol)
Veryn: musicals aren’t really her thing, she likes to daydream to music, and that’s kind of hard to do with show tunes (at least the ones she’s heard); her music is very important to her, since she often uses it to drown out excessive noise, and it helps her concentrate with her writing; she isn’t much of a dancer, and most of her favorite songs have no lyrics, but she’ll like, tap her fingers to the beat and other subtle things like that
Kezaat: he legit doesn’t know what a musical is, no one he knows likes them enough to talk about them lol; he likes his music though, it fills the time, and when he’s working (he’s an escort) it often helps set the mood lol; his favorite songs also don’t have lyrics, but he’ll dance (more so when he’s alone)
What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Danny: hoo boy, well, Danny usually gets around 8 hours, which is good, but that 8 hours is like, 3-11 in the morning. he likes a pretty firm mattress, but lots of pillows and blankets. he likes to burrow. also one other thing: if you sleep next to him, you will get kicked and/or elbowed multiple times
Veryn: it’s not so much of a pattern as a uhhh… i mean, she sleeps sometimes lol, for anywhere from 4 to 12 hours, on a soft mattress with one pillow for her head and another to cuddle
Kezaat: by far he has the healthiest sleep schedule, 8 to 10 hours a night, always around the same time. and he likes memory foam mattresses
What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Danny: if it’s very weird and specific (ex: my fear of being eaten alive by a giant beast lol) he might tease them, but he’s usually very understanding. with their permission he would even try to help them overcome that fear if possible
Veryn: she doesn’t tease anyone about fears. period. she has many fears, a lot of them irrational. she understands that people can be afraid of literally anything, and no matter how nonthreatening something is, if a person is afraid of it, they have a reason
Kezaat: he’s pretty similar to Veryn here, he also doesn’t tease people about fears, he likes to make people feel comfortable, and teasing them about something they’re scared of doesn’t help do that
What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Danny: he really admires confidence, because despite how he acts, he’s constantly second-guessing himself. as for talents, i mean, it’s not much of a talent, but he wishes he had better handwriting, because his is really bad and he knows it
Veryn: she admires other peoples’ ability to be sociable and outgoing, since she’s so shy herself, and she wishes she could learn how to carry on a conversation more easily, instead of relying on the other person to come up with something to say
Kezaat: he admires kindness, he grew up in a rough situation, and he deals with a lot of mean and unpleasant people, so seeing someone just be nice for no reason is so refreshing. and for any talents? um, i don’t know, i think he’d like to continue improving on the talents he already has
What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Danny: his favorite is fall, specifically the beginning of fall, when it’s still kind of warm, and he likes sunshine. he’s better when it warmer, but he’s pretty adaptable. unless it’s overly humid, in which case he will not shut up about how disgusting he feels lol
Veryn: she’s a winter girl, and she likes overcast and snowy weather. she’s best in the cold. unsurprisingly, she complains most about heat (or anything over 60 degrees lol)
Kezaat: he likes summer, and he likes it to be warm and humid, he’s also partial to rain. he’s cold-blooded, so he’s way better in the heat, and he complains most about cold, but dry heat is also a pain for him
If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Danny: his top priority would be having something to keep him entertained, or at least keep him busy, so like a rubiks cube comes to mind? maybe a fidget spinner lol. in all seriousness he might bring a couple books or graphic novels. he’d also want to have some way to communicate with people, so his phone. he’d bring his guitar too, that’s something else to do.
Veryn: everything, absolutely everything is in her laptop, music, things to do, ways to contact people… her priorities are basically the same as Danny’s, because like him, she gets bored very easily. she’d also bring food because she’s reasonable
Kezaat: some way to listen to music, something to draw in/on, maybe an object of the uhhh nsfw variety because like… idk that’s something to do and it’s something he would do and self love is important and blah blah you know, and he might throw in a book
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blamebrampton · 6 years
Eurovision 2018, Semi Final 2
I’m watching on replay and it’s getting late, so this is going to be as swift as possible. We open with a gorgeous montage and I really do feel like going to Lisboa after this week, were I not broke as a broke thing. The women are back and they look great. The NCIS one has come in an assassin’s cocktail dress, the saintly one is dressed like a tasteful wedding cake, the blonde has come over all black swan and the little one has picked up on last semi final’s sci fi villains theme and is cosplaying Servalan. They are doing nautical allusions again and I will continue to ignore them wherever possible. And also their jokes. They are lovely people, but I am here for the singing. 
1. Norway, Alexander Rybak, That’s How You Write A Song. He’s back! With the air fiddle this time. In fact, a raft of air instruments that are animated in. Look, he’s still cute as a button and charismatic as a puppy, but this song is reminding me of Cliff Richard and that is not something I wish to be reminded of. It’s no Fairytale. ACTUAL violin has just appeared! About bloody time. He nearly transcends the song, but the song is well meh. Watch it win now. Backing dancers exist and are perfectly fine. Let’s move on.
2. Romania, The Humans, Goodbye. White dress, drink. No, it was a fakeout, the lead singer is wearing purple. She’s surrounded by band members in white with creepy white masks. And mannequins in in gimp suits, also with creepy white masks. I’ve got a real Bonnie Tyler vibe here, which is at least a step up from the last song. BIG power chords into the main body of the song. She’s exhorting the mannequins to live their best life and I cannot bear to break it to her. White dress girl is back, she’s the cellist and I respect a band with a cellist. BIG HERO NOTES! ooh, her purple frock has matching shorts. Nice. Song was OK, band was great.
3. Serbia, Sanja Ilic and Balkanika, Nova Deca. Pipes and wailing vocal intro and I am sold already. If I was up this morning, this would have had my vote. Soz, kids. Three girls wailing mystically with a man looming behind Rasputinly. Seriously, his whole outfit is mad monk. Big Taiko style drums with an enthusiastic man beating away — erm, on the drums — and now some dance beats to lift it. I have to say that I would love this on the club floor late at night when you want something a bit slower and trippier. The girls’ outfits are sort of earth goddess meets debutante. I’m not going to lie, I flipping loved this one.
4. San Marino, Jessika, featuring Jenifer Brening, Who We Are. Lead singer in a lacy red frock over undies. Two human girl dancers and a set of robot dancers. Look, Ive seen worse. Jenny B has just stonked out down the walkway rapping determinedly and it’s all … fine. It’s a perfectly fine song and there will be some young folks who love it. A robot is holding up body positivity messages, actually, the poor wee thing just dropped it, but now he’s holding hands with the singer. It’s a bit community centre talent night, but they’re enormously likeable and I wish them well.
5. Denmark, Rasmussen, Higher Ground. Sudden plunge into darkness. Faint mystic chord as of pipes over water. Dry smoke. Backlit bearded man standing on a ramp. Square sails and more bearded men. Yes, we have hit peak Viking for the night and there is chanting and stomping and more beard pomade than is probably safe in an environment with pyro. We’re singing about men laying down their swords and making their mark and it’s all very Scandirevival, but I have to confess I rather like it and they can all bloody well sing. I have a nose full of North Sea wind and my cheeks feel windbitten at the end of this song, Oh, look, a white flag of peace. Sure. Key change! Snorri Sturluson would love these guys. The boy Aussie commentator has just said they remind him of when Durmstrang walked into the Hall in Harry Potter and he is right on the money. Definitely a contender.
6. Russia, Julia Samoylova, I Won’t Break. Set design is from the cousin of whoever did Estonia, so it’s nice to have two iceberg singers in the one contest. Super dancers: ballet this time, with Russian technique, which is always lovely to see. Look, I disagree with her politics and her country, and the song’s another meh one, but I wish her well. Moving on.
7. Moldova, DoReDoS, My Lucky Day. They have brought a whole miniseries in the staging of this song. She’s seeing blue suit, but red suit behind his back. Now she and red suit are official, but blue suit is getting some on the side. Lots of comedy from the dancers in the background, who are working within a white box set. It’s silly, it’s saucy. it’s a lot of fun. It would absolutely be the theme song of a sex comedy from 1959 starring Sophia Loren.
8. The Netherlands, Waylon, Outlaw in ’Em. Steel string guitar, pulsing lights and wailing vocals. I’m sorry, I’m allergic to wailing dead dog country that uses gun metaphors, They’re very talented, just not my thing. I’m sure he’ll make a fortune in America and good luck to him.
Short presenter is down with the audience and why?
9. Australia, Jessica Mauboy, We’ve Got Love. Cards on the table, I love Jess. She is a super lovely person as well as a great singer. I don’t the song is quite as good as Dami’s Sound of Silence, but she can perform like a goddess. She is bringing her inner Beyonce with the hair and squats, and selling the lyrics, which are basically, ‘don’t give up, we’ve got love’ and look, sure, but this is a country that numbers Sia, Nick Cave and Kate Miller Heidke among its leading lyricists and I just feel we could have done better for our Jess. But she is putting it all out there, and getting the crowd in on side. The drapey bit on her minidress is a bit distracting, but who gives a proverbial, she’s a champ and she should definitely go through to the finals.No matter how absurd it is that we are there.
10. Georgia, Ethno-Jazz Band Iriao, For You. My first question is whether that is actually the group’s name or if they added a little descriptor for the booking agent once and it’s stuck. It matters not. Lovely quiet jazz piano opening, then classical vocals soaring over the top, dry ice already, and a chanting backing vocal that is somewhere between Gregorian monks and Il Divo, but entirely pleasant to listen to. The vocals are very tight and the arrangement intelligently spare and restrained in parts to show off the voices. I approve! There is a lot of eyebrow emoting, but I don’t mind that in a dark Eastern European man, it’s like queueing if you’re British or buying sausage sandwiches at hardware shops on weekends if you’re Australian. That was a good three minutes for me, I hope they get through!
11. Poland, Gromee, featuring Lucas Meijer, Light Me Up. They are wearing ridiculous hats. More Pharrel than Devo, but the sort of hat that will stand in for a personality when you’re young and nervous. Fair enough, some of them look about 14. Good performers, strong backing vocals and the sort of winning stage performance I would have loved the first 250 times I saw it. It’s not your fault I am old and jaded, Gromee, but I am. There is pyro, there is hand dancing, he is dancing with the audience, he is counting. It’s all fine. OK, bye.
12. Malta, Christabelle, Taboo. She is standing inside four big screens and now a heart is glowing against her black dress. People writhe on her screens and the world spins out from her hands. She is singing about the need to respect and support each other in a world that can be hard and cruel. I… I really like her. I’m not sure whether I also like the song or if I just find her so committed to it that I think I like it, but it doesn’t really matter. There’s a real dancer inside the screens now, and Christabelle loves us all. I love you too, Christabelle. I would totally invite you to my barbecue with Jess.
13. Hungary, AWS, Vislát Nyár. Going for the risky Lordi without masks vote, they drum their way in and then launch straight into rich, angry, headbanging lyrics that are upset about something but my knowledge of Finno-Ugric languages begins and ends with a song about little piggies. Another performance with sincerity rather than just polish, though, and that counts. CROWD SURFING GUITARIST! He’s been returned safely, bless you lovely Eurovision crowd. Angry shouting, epic pyro, lots of drumming. There we go.
14. Latvia, Laura Rizzotto, Funny Girl. Another red lace minidress, with a train this time. Actually, it’s more a shorts dress. A playsuit with train. She looks lovely whatever it is. Her song is apparently about a girl who just a wee bit of a stalker. You know you can tell a chap you like him and not just hang around waiting for him to notice you, yes? Some nice bits of tricky tempo and big hair singing. It’s not my cup of tea, but it is well brewed.
15. Sweden, Benjamin Ingrosso, Dance You Off. Brief moment to mention it is bloody freezing in Sydney tonight, for the first time in forever. This is another very polished performance from a skilled performer and it’s doing nothing for me. Might go and find a blanket for my wee toesies.
16. Montenegro, Vanja Radonovic, Inje. Man at piano, women in background, intense man in front, who is Vanja. He is upset. Possibly because some bastard has bedazzled the crap out of his suit. Nice vocals in the ballad, though. The girls are striding, the piano is staying still, which is as it should be. Ooh! The girls are playing statues. Nice. There is a lot of emoting, but the girls’ costumes and facial expressions make it a little unfortunately close to ‘help us, we have been enslaved by vampires and need you to stake us to free our souls’. Lighting and key change, but otherwise much as before. The girls are still suffering. It’s probably a complex retelling of current politics.
17. Slovenia, Lea Sirk, Helva, Nei. She has pink hair so I like her already. Backing dancers are muscular and fast, I like them, too. Do not bother any of these women or they will make you regret it almost immediately. Her frock is another curtain over undies number, but with more plastic than most others. Who can explain it, who can tell you why? Their music cuts out at one point and they get the audience to clap their beat and I am not certain that was real, but it was nicely handled. Confirmation that was a faux error on the music. Whatevs. As no-one says anymore.
18. Ukraine, Melovin, Under the Ladder. Before I hear a word, I learn he likes horses, David Bowie and Verka Serduchka, so we’re basically friends now. He opens the song in a crypt, which opens up in a cheerfully cheesy Hammer Horror way. He’s dressed like an old-school vampire and the crypt is really the inside of a giant piano at the top of a set of stairs. Clearly Dead or Alive were 30 years too early for this chap, but I am glad YouTube will let him experience them. As everyone guessed, he is back up the stairs to play the piano, soulfully. And now the stairs are on fire, and there’s random pyro everywhere. Of course there is. Vampires love fire. At least dress your backing singers as avenging villagers, who have finally arrived to free the girls from Montenegro.
And we are done! Voting is about to open. I am fast forwarding through this bit because life is too short. ESCLOPEDIA IS BACK! Hello bearded man! More clips from past songs, and an allegation that there is a link between Eurovision and fashion. That is A LIE. You know, Portugal, you’re no Sweden and the women are no Petra and Mans, but I respect that you have kept these interval bits short and cool.
I spoke too soon. Presenters are back with costume changes. NCIS is in a short blue cocktail dress, Blondie is in a pink line dancing dress, Saintly is wearing a costume from my Grade Two Tap exam and the little one is cosplaying Severus Snape. They are doing dance moves from Eurovisions past. The Little One is actually pretty funny, but you will have to download it as I am not up to describing that much physical comedy. There is a Riverdance moment. Which I believe is obligatory for every third Eurpovision.
They run through the acts again, and Denmark’s lead singer has brows you could crack nuts on. Walnuts. Not the other kind. Though he looks as though he would be against toxic masculinity, so perhaps that would also be OK.
Votes are closed. We are touring through Portugal. It is very lovely. The acts are ding the bits that have preceded every song and coming out through their doors and visiting locations and generally cocking a lot of it up, bless them. They look as though they are having fun.
Little presenter has just turned up at the Aussie table and is handing out pastéis de nata a la Oprah and Jess looks as though she is in heaven. Custard really is that good.
Saintly presenter is talking about Eurovision’s role in Portuguese politics! 1974, the year Sweden won with Waterloo, was the year that the Portuguese entry was chosen to be the signal for a revolution. It was played on the radio in the early morning as a signal to take to the streets and by the end of the day there were carnations in gun barrels.True story.
Black swan presenter has found British fans and I think they may have been on the drink, but they say lovely things about Portugal (and Jess), so well done, kids!
Bridal cake presenter is introducing the tracks from France, Germany and Italy and Little One is with them. The French performers are cute as, and sing last years’ winning song in French. Suck ups. But lovely voice. Ooh, NCIS has taken over with Germany. who looks a little like Josh Widdicombe. He’s doing a ukulele cover of Fly on the Wings of Love and I confess I liked it. The entry is nice, too. Look forward to the full version in the finals. And now it’s Little One again with Italy, who really look 100% drunk. But they have spectacular hair. And do a chorus of Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu, ‘Volare! Oh-oh. Cantare, oh wo-oh-oh’ They are SO VERY drunk. Or just exhausted after sitting through 17 hours of this.
Jon Ola Sand says the votes are in. Thank Zeus!
The winners are: Serbia! Fair enough. Moldova! Excellent. They were hilarious. Hungary, because all those Norwegian Death Metal fans were there for you. Ukraine, sure. Sweden. Really? Look, you’re a lovely country. Australia! YAY JESS! Norway, meh. Soz Sasha. I love your country. Denmark, which is entirely fair. Slovenia, which is good news. Last spot goes to The Netherlands, which is fine, the country and western people need something. That’s it till Sunday morning, Which will probably be Sunday night, let’s be honest.
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