#the ninja episode
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Anatomical studies!
So, there was a line in TMNT’03 when Raph complains about his ribs that got me thinking, isn’t a turtles shell their ribs?
So, I did a little looking into the skeletal structure of turtles and how it might apply to the brothers, particularly the Rise brothers as they’re all different species. Here’s the little chart of common bone and scute patterns, and some speculation on how their reptilian features affects them!
I’ll post my individual skeletal studies after!
[Raph] [Donnie] [Leo] [Mikey] [Splinter]
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castle-dominion · 1 year
6x18 the way of the ninja
the ninja episode liveblog
my intention is not to be racist by lumping in asian martial arts together but this kind of reminds me of Kung Fu Crabtree from murdoch mysteries.
Ooh she pretty oof thought that flapping was a gunshot. Oh it's a knife. WAIT IS THIS THE EP WITH THE KARAOKE THAT GAVE ME ANOTHER SONG TO PUT ON MY RYSPOSITO PLAYLIST? (dang there rly was subtext there huh.)
Ooh jazz Ooh friend from high school! Carly. Interesting. Like the other high school friend who owned a restaurant. Love the castle theme in the music here. KB: Definitely not. You are exactly her type. And the last thing I need is to watch someone from my past trying to seduce my fiancé while talking about the goddess that lives in her hoo-ha. RC & me: !?
KB: Please, Castle. You have to promise me. If you don’t hear from me by 10 o’clock you will call me and get me out of there. RC: I am setting an alarm right now. See, this is what having a partner in life is all about. Me: so true bestie.
they LIKE the strange ones Passport? why does she have it here & now? SP: To the untrained eye, perhaps. But what you don’t know about postmortem analysis could fill a book, Mr. Castle. In fact, it has. Numerous times. (Lanie first met him & praised him for his writing of death) & maybe castle should read those books to please permutter. RC: (dryly) Fine. So it was not a knife. SP: Ah, wrong again. It was a knife. But "stabbed" implies the blade was thrust into the victim, whereas this wound was produced by it being hurled into her chest. tbh could clip but won't
KB: Ryan, do we have any witnesses that saw the Great Throwdini or anyone else in the area? KR: Uh … no??? Not so far... (looking between them)
Ryan backstory moments: It’s a drop key. Yeah, I used to scavenge stuff like this from old buildings when I was a kid. I LOVE KEYS I HAVE AN ELEVATOR KEY MYSELF WHICH I HAVE USED TO PLAY WITH MY SCHOOL ELEVATOR BEFORE, I LOVE EXPLORING OLD ABANDONED BUILDINGS RYAN & I SHOULD HAVE BEEN KIDS TOGETHER.)
rehearsals fo rwhat? Oh dancing. Oh that's beautiful actually. Poor Dean he's so broken up over this & still young enough to be living with his parents.
Ryan comes in looking so excited (Ooh ryan totally was in ballet as a kid or smth lmao. except who can afford that? it was either piano or ballet, not both. Only one extra curricular.)
Ooh a good old yucky chair. Also grabbed a pic of caspockett but not ryan bc he was on the other side. tho had a great look.
point, why an elevator if no elevator? Ooh hanging sheets, can't see anything?
Ooh tatami mats & a shrine!
Castle no touchy! love a good silhouette
love slow motion & a puff of smoke...
... a ninja... stole the murder weapon... ... ho ho ho yeah!!! a cough diversion!
caskett: *married couple bickering* Gates: MURDER INVESTIGATION HERE
KR: Detective Beckett, this is consulate officer Amaya Tagamai calls her detective <3 Amaya Tagamai
Good old accents. Shinto my beloved. I really wish I learned more when I was in Japan & in World Religions class
Actually I heard that ninjas don't exist... in the plural form. But there is one last ninja & he is going to pass away before he can teach anyone else ninjutsu because the era & need for ninjas has passed & assassination is not a pretty thing to be proud of. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong. idk. But yeah as soon as he dies there will be no more ninja! ninja 3 the domination XD
KB & me: I swear she just said that it wasn’t that mysterious.
Actually yeah! bruce lee was a great dancer!
Oof ex(ish)-lovers playing lovers.
esposito said karate nicely <3
Castle mixing up two different east asian ppl, I'm glad that it was a funny bit of "don't be racist" without being to heavy
Lee: Look, if she fumbles a lift I’m the one that blows a knee. That's true He did almost catch the cup bc he does have good reflexes from being physically trained, but yo're right he did fumble. But the cup srs broke? kinda shocked but becks reacted nicely & calmly even tho castle broke the blue mug that she likes. Imagine her getting mad. Then castle tries it again with ANOTHER person he thinks is a ninja & this time breaks Ryan's signature mug. then he's mad too. Then ryckett gang up on him mad for breaking their cups.
WHY was she giving it up? She IS mad abt the cup! He slept thru it!? lol
*castle raises his hand* KR: yes castle! Carly & the goddess lol
bro it DEF looks like a tea import company a warehouse. A limo in the warehouse district.
"& two of us are cops" I was just thinking "only two really count" but he was thinking "there are three of us, plus two more bc we're double-powered bc we're cops" but I was thinking "three plus sokka"
*camera lets them in for some reason*
Ooh music. Ooh glass beaded curtains. Bro: they're shooting a porn? No wait it's an asians themed single club. I mean an asian themed singles club Nice place!
I've worked at a place like this. or it looked like this & I worked serving food. Castle buying these two their fun. Love it. Wow she is faking that accent. Wowie esposito with the girls & poor ryan my married man. "yes" "no" love it when they do the rysposito opposite directions thing *pushes her off*
ryan & esposito making each other all. I love. "private time" RC: I'm fine right here *watching rysposito fight* "what we came here for" good line
I love japanese karaoke. Play the part or they get in trouble? do they... do they have cameras? or ppl watching? Also Castle could ask for a massage where they don't need to play the part so much. oH WAIT THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS I was just remembering it by accident lol. CASTLE SNOOZE THE ALARM
je: Do you think maybe we could get another bottle? Something better? More expensive? they didn't put their badges in their pockets? JE: I’ll stay here and... entertain the ladies. Ryan has two paths: "fine by me I was getting uncomfy since I have a wife" or "why can't I be the sexy one?"
YES NO YES KARAOKE. I hate it I love it I'm excited it's a new song on my playlist kill me kill me kll me second hand embarassment but he's actually good skjfdskdlfjsdklfjlksjd didn't kate have a karaoke stakeout with mike Aww mama-san, like what I call my mom.
*getting thrown out* just like that time in vegas. This is not the first time these three have been thrown out. Best table, second bottle of more expenseive sake, three people, private time,,, still tho that's pricey (it is not lawful to remove alcohol from their premisis" KR: you're rich it's fine (tho that's a term or even two of college)
JE: It cost you six k and we’ve got nothing to show for it. RC: Ah, I wouldn’t say that. KR: You mean besides lipstick marks on your shirt? RC: I actually got a lead in there that’s going to blow this case wide– oh, whoa. Wait. Lipstick marks on my shirt? Where? Beckett’ll kill m– (he stops and covers his mouth) Oh my God! I didn’t call. (he scrambles for his phone) You guys. Beckett is going to kill me. He pulls out his phone, but before he can dial there’s a ninja throwing star embedded in the screen. KR and JE gape. RC: Ninja attack. (not clipping but I could have)
(or maybe I will & I'll grab this fight scene too.) Yeah clipping. I love how castle slowly backs away. rly edited voice. Look up idiot look up!
Sounds crazy AND you were drunk (possibly) If I was Gates I'd say they're trying to cover for something. mister saito not saito-san? He threw a party. The girls must have been brought by car... Ohhhh catering! Genius! Castle & gates I love them Castle in trouble with gates ryan oh no castle in trouble with his gal. Clipped that genuinely.
Ok but the excuse its valid!
Oh no beckett is afraid that marriage will be boring! Romance my beloved <3 *the music holds for a sec* How bout now?
I have never heard of cronuts until this show. croissant donusts. Ryan with the cronuts "Hey!" Becks, who took one & then stole the box with a second: they're not both for me! What are they already doing here? they already went down to soho & bought cronuts & talked to caterers?
Hoho, the consulate gal
NOT just like! Those ones are decorative, yours were made of steel! (& tbh it looked to me less on the japanese side of the spectrum, but def not as far on the german side of the spectrum. Just judging by the use. I mean, obviously it is far away from the maleable german side, but I wouldn't say it is quite fully there on the brittle japanese side. Tho ofc again if you consider the use, japanese steel would make more sense. & ofc you can't forget that they are literally japanese. but they are a more malleable japanese.)
Love the way beckett said esposito's name to mr saito. Love how he is so... good at talking. No technically her job is to solve what happens AFTER ppl are on the street. (& remove "dangerous people" from society so that yeah no murders happen on the street.)
If it were me I'd say "Of course, I'll have it right over. Can I read through the warrant? Oh, you don't have one? don't you need one? Oh not if I give it willingly? Well I'm not sure how that works so I'd like to read the warrant first, sorry. i just don't want to get in trouble with the law for sharing private information without a warrant or not reading the warrant, because you're legally supposed to read the warrant right? You're saying it is my RIGHT to read the warrant but not my JOB? Hm sounds sus. I'd rather not. I want to be a good citizen of the law."
Wasn't esposito in organized crime for a sec? (btw love the ryan outfit. stripes are smth he has. tho tbh I dislike it.)
tagami was on mat leave for 2 months! imposter! Crazy! Love it! except the orphpangage will be japanese
Aid you in your quest? she's only like 20 years old? I mean yeah she was dating a guy who was still young enough to live with his parents. To me that looks like a burn more than a scar. Then again, my stars aren't that shape even tho they are nearly the size.
the green dragon wow cool name lol you had jade's bday? she didn't change it along with her name?
But the body type. Was the body type of the ninja close to saito? (also were they feminine? then again, skinny asian ballerinas don't have boobs)
Not wearing their vests? She said behind your head-- you come up with them down & then throw them up rly fast?
The sister survived too? Good on the uncle. Did the brother die?
I REMEMBER THE BUSINESSMAN NOW Ph I remember the green dragon arc now!
Randall: We were property developers. Jade’s father? He was an architect. I was a builder and Saito was the money guy.
He didn't do nothing! He called asked not to hurt her!
*killed just before he shared the name* ah the ninja was waiting to kill him later or see if he got arrested, but he was forced to kill him to protect his secret.
Wow love a good fight scene & also love the score Maybe don't shoot either maybe she told u to get the gun so THEY wouldn't shoot! (looks like a white guy babes) & it's bedford. & IT'S SAYA!
will she get charged with attempted myrder?
Oh no I remember Castle taking out the star. (he's so going to cut himself on that) But remember how in future episodes he has it.. framed almost? In a jar or smth? Ah the theme
Loved that ep! Absolutely loved it!
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calista-222 · 2 years
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Local genius bases his worth on how much use he has to his team, more at 7
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tizeline · 3 months
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Gearing Up: Part 4 [Tiz Sep AU]
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Good news, The Shredder did NOT get revived!! Yay!!!!! :D The day is saved, nothing bad is going to happen! :D
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al-luviec · 1 month
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Making a list of Kai / Zane quotes that sound like they're out of a fanfiction.
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explodingstarlight · 6 months
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doodling teetles
And here are some close-ups (might put them on their own backgrounds one day, but it's 5 AM and I'm tired so):
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cimicherrychanga · 1 year
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yeah theyre twins alright
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holy-sweetsour-milk · 9 months
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a little redraw of my donnie and turtle tots from years ago with my biblically accurate turtle style
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peppermint-turtles · 4 months
favorite thing in 03 is when they have a shot of the turtles from a distance because they always look so so silly.
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not a thought behind those eyes <3
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camarilla-arts · 11 months
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While still fixated on TMNT at large, I am especially not able to stop thinking about Bad End Ninja Turtles, an au comic by @butterfilledpockets. 2003's "Same as it Never Was" Raph may not have ever experienced the Ninja Tribunal arc, AND I don't think Rise movie Leo still has his powers, so maybe this was just as much of a surprise for the both of them as it was for Ronin. at least we know for sursies Don-bot has seen magic shit before.
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olibensstuff · 1 year
TW gun use!!
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EDIT made a kind-of sequel comic to this!! Check it out here!!!
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Some more TMNT ‘03! Using my own designs :)
I doodled these while watching the show, I absolutely love their character dynamics.
Because they don’t exactly have a stated species, I suppose they’re red eared sliders because of how those tend to be the default answer.
Raph deserves some teasing too, even if he doesn’t get as many nicknames as his brothers. Leo does not actually want to know when the next issue of that story comes out because Mikey was actually reading the season 3 finale and the arc after is Leo’s mental health taking a nosedive.
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epicfirestormer · 1 year
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Do you see my vision
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sophiathetrainwreck · 2 years
god i wished i lived in the timeline where companies respected animation
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tizeline · 5 months
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Well. Every tmnt artist has to turn them into humans eventually, I suppose.
Sorry for not posting a ton lately, I have been................. playing fire emblem three houses.............. busy............ Also I've been feeling a little burned out on art, admitedly. Don't worry, it's very much temporary! Last month was just pretty high tempo for me, expecially with the Cell Talk comic, so I just needed to take a short break from drawing to also play fire emblem but I'm getting back into an art-mood now! I decided to draw humanified turtles as a bit of a warm up basically, I've been wanting to do it for quite some time so it was just a fun little thing for me :]
Anyway, some thoughts about the designs-
A lot of people draw Leo as blonde, and I was fully intending to draw him blonde as well, but then I just wanted to see what he'd look like with brown hair instead and I just.... liked that a bit more, so he's a brunette now. Also he has dimples because of course he has dimples. And Mikey has freckles because OF COURSE he has freckles! And Donnie ALSO has freckles because he's my blorbo and I give all my blorbos freckles cuz they're neat. All of them have pretty small eyebrows except for Donnie because he fills them in with makeup. I thought for a while of how I would translate Leo's facial markings into his human design, and I ended up settling for birthmarks (also some red eyeliner cuz his face needs a bit of red on it)
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goodforwho · 4 months
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I felt SO robbed after reading the script omg like WE COULD'VE HAD THIS DIALOGUE AND BIG BROTHER MIKEY *sobs*
Anyways, good thing I'm an artist because I can at least bring one scene to life!
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