#jc in yellow
nadiasna7 · 2 months
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If all of a sudden you get into a fight, I'll fight with you
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trashmp3 · 4 months
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earthanthem · 1 year
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(via GIPHY)
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gwogobo · 1 year
good EVENING listeners
yknow how to have a blorbo is to make them suffer?
yeah this is that :3
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faguscarolinensis · 1 year
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Achillea millefolium 'Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta Improved' / 'Milly Rock Yellow Terracotta Improved' Yarrow at the JC Raulston Arboretum at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
okay okay JC hear me, what about Alucare and Vivian interaction ?
Oh I like this! EVIL SMILE 😈 I like this a lot
Oh Hell No-
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For just 10c a day you can help a starving author, that's less then a cup of Ko-fi
Shanks, Mihawk x Reader + Alucare, Vivian
Check out the Old Man Series
It had been a exhausting month out to sea, Shanks insisting the crew go to the grandline. Paired with also having Vivian start training to be a pirate like him-
She didn't object to this, her eyes still following her inspiration of Luffy. She worked hard, Went out to assist the crew and learn the ways of the ship and of being a pirate. Much to everyone's surprise however was the two skills she had picked up- Sharp Shooting and Gambling.. Shanks wasn't too thrilled about either however he couldn't lie he was impressed- She had taken up to learning from Yassop on guns while naturally able to win a lot of card games from the crew and walk away with heavy pockets.
Making port in a small Village to do some basic restocks Vivian traveled off to explore the peer. Deciding to spend some of her winnings-
Vivian was blown away, seeing such a pretty guy standing there at the docks. He was older then her by a bit, he had lovely dark hair tied in a low ponytail and dressed in dark clothes ment for training. However it was his eyes- She could see his eyes from there, bright yellow like gold. A feeling of warmth hit her cheeks and chest as she stared- However he must have felt it since he began to look around with a scowl on his face, Vi quickly walking away to pretend she hadn't been staring at the teenager. Her face she was sure was as red as her hair-
"Don't travel far Vi!" Shanks called out, Even though he knew she had a small pistol that Yassop had gifted her. She kept his words in mind and went around the pier to explore, buying a few snacks and so on till a flutter of black caught her eye- Turning to see a smaller sea vessel and a boy standing infront of it like he was impatiently waiting.
"Well I'll be damned- Is that Hawkeye?" Shanks said, Snapping Vivian from her spying fantasy to look up at her father.
"Ah there you are Vi-" Shanks called out as he walked back towards his daughter and saw her red face. Raising a brow at her red face, going to speak on it till his eyes caught the teen still glancing around.
"You know him?" She said softly, Shanks however looked confused as he stared at the teen. Waving for her to stay put while he walked forward to the teen and the sea vessel.
Shanks shook Alucare's hand and smiled at the young man-
Vi watched from afar, It seemed the two talked briefly before the teen headed back to the sea vessel. Returning with two adults, a clearly pregnant women and a tall man looking like the teen but older and with weird facial hair and short hair.
Shanks spoke with the tall man before he waved Vivian over.
"This is 'Hawkeye' Mihawk a old friend of mine, and This is Vi my daughter" Shanks said proudly, Mihawks eyebrows raising at hearing this and stared at Vivian, a hint of a smirk on his lips.
"It's nice to meet you Vivian" Mihawk said calmly, (Y/N) however smiled brightly and shook the young lady's hand.
"It's very lovely to meet you Vivian, Shanks" She said calmly and Alucare nodded as well giving a fast greeting to the child.
"It's nice to meet you Vivian" He said as he shook her hand politely- The girl barely able to mutter the words in return as she looked nervous. The teen quickly releasing her hand and offering it to the older red head.
"Nice to meet ya, Damn you look just like your father" He said with a laugh, truthfully he felt a odd clench in his chest since Alucare looked like Mihawk when Roger's died.
"Well since we are all here, why don't we go to the pub near by, I hear they also have good food so it shouldn't be an issue" Shanks suggested with a happy smile, you of course agreeing at this and thinking it would be nice. Mihawk and Alucare giving similar sighs and nodding in agreement-
"This here is the rest of my crew-" Shanks introduced with a smile- Alucare being silent but polite, That was till he saw Ben Beckman and heard his name, Glancing back to his father with pleading eyes that read 'please say no-' But all Mihawk did was nod silently making the teenager deflate slightly. Deciding that keeping his mouth shut was the best option-
A short journey back to Shanks Ship he gathered his crew to all venture to the pub and of course they were familiar with Mihawk but gave sweet introductions to (Y/N) and Alucare.
Shanks set down his drink as his eyes focused, seeing how Vivians cheeks were red, her eyes sparkling and the way she nervously fiddled with her hair. You catching this and seeing her like this as well and how she smiled so awkwardly around Alucare who was clearly seeing this in more of a babysitting light-
Once all introductions were done the pirates filed inside, it didn't take long for drinks to be poured and food to be served. Vivian being seated to a unamused Alucare who seemed to passively be listening to her as she tried to start conversation.
Your eyes wondered around at seeing the drunk patrons, it wasn't like you were in a current condition to drink yourself so the food was your comfort. But you couldn't help but glance to your son every now and again- Shanks also following you gaze.
"Aw, She must have a little crush on Alu" You say with a giggle, Mihawk looking up from his glass at hearing this- his hand still on your lower back to keep you steady from some invisible force.
Shanks whole body seemed to bristle at this voiced notion taking another hard drink of ale.
"No, Vivian is far too... she's-" He stared harder, that's when he saw it. She tucked her own hair behind her ear shyly- he knew that move too damn well it was the one her mother used to do when trying the flirt and a move that lead to Vivians creation paired with other moves much later on.
"Oh Hell No!-" Shanks all but roared. Mihawk smirking into his drink.
This was bound to be entertaining-
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accio-victuuri · 16 days
this is more of me talking about the irony of things than cpn. but if you wanna cpn and clown about it then go ahead.
i think the photo/s says it all. the distinctive red in wyb’s jimmy choo ad that has absolutely nothing to do with xz cause he doesn’t own it as a fan color. but i guess we can all agree that he came to mind when that red heart came into frame. but that’s because we are cpn-sensitive clowns. if there was a tod’s ad and green was a prominent color, i would clown too.
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from that close up shot of the chip keychain — which is why i think cpfs would love to get the yellow version to the JC charm and another red one. even the text jimmy choo in his official campaign photos. the brand has been using this color way before yibo and i have to admit, it gives that pop amidst all the black of that bag he is using. so it makes sense.
i’m just thinking about how days ago, some were condemning/banning this color. which from a brand and event perspective of their rules, i can understand. but beyond that is unreasonable. and now, you have yibo’s new endorsement and the red stands out. if that isn’t some kind of cosmic comeback then i don’t know what is.
and fyi, yes i saw the green version too. 🟢 yibo will always be represented by green i’m not trying to change that ok?
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anyway, congratulations to our young master wang yibo who keeps on winning 🙏🏼
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cyanophen · 12 days
I was thinking about Murder Drones G/T earlier, thinking about how humans make heavy duty machinery, like those things with the big shovels or that big storage thing used for moving dirt
Maybe JC Jenison uses the same of those baby drones pill things for both kinds (normal drones and "HD" drones,) though the Heavy Duty drones pill things are labeled with a yellow door
...and we all know Khan
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I love that idea of Uzi being born (made?) as a giant (technically she grows from being a normal baby drone but yknow)
so here’s some concepts I had for Heavy Duty Drone Uzi
and some bonus messy sketches
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I’m gonna do more eventually to expand out how this AU works
i wanna do frame redraws for the AU, send one into my inbox and maybe I can get around to do them this weekend :D
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quietblueriver · 1 year
Did I write an AU based on a McDonald's commercial? Somehow, yes. I...I don't even know, y'all. But here's a hopefully fun, fluffy thing.
Ava watches Beatrice walk into the McDonald’s, pristine gray and yellow polo tucked into ironed black pants, and thinks for about the thousandth time that nobody should be able to make a fast-food uniform look that fucking good.
“Yo, Silva,” a pen hits her helmet and falls to the concrete next to her. She doesn’t look but stretches her arm out behind her and flips the bird in the general direction of the voice. “Fuck off, JC.”
“Rude. Stop staring at your girlfriend and get back over here.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” The response is rote at this point, because he makes some comment every fucking time they hang out here (and, yeah, sure, that’s because every fucking time they hang out here Ava stares at Beatrice or talks about Beatrice or daydreams about Beatrice but whatever) but she still winces at herself because she sounds like she’s five and also because she would rather not have to say Beatrice isn’t her girlfriend.
Reaching down to retrieve the pen, which is one he’d stolen from her earlier anyway, the dickhead, she turns back to him and says, “Go home, JC. I’m done for the day.”
“Aw, Ava, c’mon. We just got here.” It’s whiny and Ava’s the smallest bit endeared, as always, because he’s charming and guileless and really actually wants to spend time with her, even after she dumped him pretty unceremoniously when her interest in him flamed out about three weeks into their sort-of relationship. He’s giving her puppy-dog eyes and she rolls her own because he’s absolutely ridiculous. “We’ve been here for two hours, JC. You have study group with Zori soon anyway.”
He looks like he’s going to protest, but Chanel steps in. “Let’s go, doofus.” She wraps an arm around his shoulders and pulls and Ava smiles at her gratefully until she says, smirking, “Ava has to go make pathetic heart eyes at the pretty girl over an ice cream cone she doesn’t want.” “Hey, I always want ice cream.” It’s…not a great comeback, and she knows it, sighs when Chanel laughs loudly and turns to walk away with JC, a totally rude, “Yeah right,” serving as her goodbye. Ava’s undoing the strap of her helmet when Chanel nearly yells, still walking toward the bus stop, “Ask her out, you idiot!” Ava flinches and looks toward the entrance of the store, but nobody is there to hear the call-out.
Also, though, she’s totally going to do it. She’s going to ask Beatrice out. Today. Right now. Because she wants to and has wanted to for like six fucking weeks and because on Friday some girl, some stupidly hot girl, had been leaning over the counter and touching her and Beatrice had blushed and Ava had squeezed a ketchup packet so hard she’d ruined JC’s white tee and damaged her own dignity pretty badly in front of Mary and Lilith, who is terrifying and who had looked at her like a fucking Orca who had found a bunch of baby seals to snack on. Literally the only thing that had made the night okay was Camila, an absolute saint, texting Ava later to tell her Beatrice wasn’t going out with the girl even though she’d really tried but “Ava get it together already because she’s not going to wait forever and she shouldn’t! She’s great!” She is. Cam’s right. So. Yeah. It’s time.
Ava runs a hand through her hair and trades her helmet for her favorite cap, putting it on backward and clipping her helmet to her messenger. She takes stock. She’s wearing denim shorts and a black crop-top underneath one of her favorite button-downs, black and covered in colorful shapes. Her right knee is scabbed over from a fall last week and there’s a hole forming at the big toe of one of her black-and-white checked Vans. She wiggles her toe and sees the threads move, the tip of her lime green sock poking through. She looks like herself. She looks good.
She pushes her shoulders back and walks out of the park and into the parking lot, board in hand. It’s a Monday afternoon and school hasn’t let out yet, so when Ava walks in, dropping her board into the little stand by the door, hardly anyone is there. She sees a very stressed woman with three small children by the indoor playground and a dude messing with his phone and eating fries in the corner and that’s it. It’s great, because it means Ava won’t feel bad about trying to keep Beatrice talking to her for as long as possible (she really, really has it bad) but it’s shit because it means she has no buffer time.
And yep, she’s almost immediately greeted with an amused, “Hello, Ava.” Leaning against the drink station and looking like she’s about to have a really good time is Mary. Ava sighs and smiles, waves a little and fortifies herself for the shit she’s about to take. At least Lilith isn’t on today.
For reasons she isn’t totally clear on but thinks boil down to “queer fam helps queer fam get jobs,” this McDonald’s is staffed by like half of her History of Medieval Spain seminar. She’d felt like she was in a very realistic and mundane dream two weeks into the semester when she’d walked in from the new skate park to get an ice cream cone and been served by the hottie with color-coordinated notes who sat next to her on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11am while the also hot but absolutely terrifying woman who sat across from her glaring at everyone filled fry containers and the smoke show who sat next to her manned the drive-in. (How her History of Medieval Spain seminar came to be fucking stacked with hot queer women is less of a mystery—Professor Suzanne “step on my throat” Superion draws a very particular kind of student and Ava couldn’t be happier to fall into that category.)
Mary makes a tv-gameshow-style motion at the soda machine behind her, as if offering a prize. “Thirsty?” She’s so fucking smug, and she’s also depressingly right, which makes it way worse. Ava looks at the children now snacking at the table with their keeper and resists the urge to flip Mary off, sticking her tongue out instead because she’s very mature.
Before Mary can respond, they’re interrupted. “Hello, Ava.” Ava smiles automatically, turns in the direction of the voice so fast she’s at risk of whiplash and blurts, loudly, “Hi Bea!” She bounds over to the counter and leans against it, palms pressed flat and body tilting forward. It’s a genuinely innocent act; she just wants to be closer to Beatrice, who’s standing behind the register. But she watches Bea’s eyes drift down and then guiltily snap back up and she knows that the position combined with her top also does great things for her tits. She preens a little, self-confidence growing, and says, “How’s my favorite ice-cream-magician-slash-Religious Studies-major today?”
It’s a lot, but whatever—she’s way past pretending she’s anything other than a lot and anyone who has an issue can go find less. And anyway, it gets exactly the reaction she wants: Beatrice’s cheeks tinge pink at her enthusiasm, a small, pleased smile appearing on her face like it does nearly every time Ava says something even remotely complimentary. It’s a little weird, because in class Beatrice is like, model student who knows it. She always pays attention and makes points so good that Superion writes them on the board and operates with a general level of confidence that does embarrassing things to Ava. Outside of class, though, Beatrice kind of folds into herself. It seems almost like she isn’t used to people seeing her, remembering her, being glad she’s there, and Ava thinks that’s fucking wild and absolutely wrong.
Beatrice deserves someone who will be loud about her. She thinks of the girl from Friday, with her beautiful cheekbones and her wandering hands, and of Beatrice’s blush, the one Ava did not appreciate seeing directed at someone else even if she was, in the better parts of herself, very glad to see Beatrice getting the attention she deserves. And, yes, totally, Beatrice deserves all of the attention but she wants to be the one who gets Beatrice’s attention. And she wants to be the one who gets to be loud about Beatrice in a respectfully possessive way. If Beatrice is down, of course. The girl in question is still smiling at her, and Ava’s body leans even further forward on instinct, drawn to the stupidly perfect human in front of her. Her palms catch her weight, her feet lifting slightly from the ground. Beatrice’s eyes don’t wander again, sadly, but her head tilts in this way that Ava thinks indicates affection, and she’ll take that, for sure.
Bea’s voice is teasing as she asks, “Do you know a lot of Religious Studies majors?”
Ava grins at her, grins bigger when Beatrice angles just slightly closer, which Ava might think was an unconscious move if Beatrice weren’t maybe the most intentional person on the planet (there are at least four colors in her highlighter system and Ava’s 95% sure she irons her t-shirts). “Nope. But I don’t need to to know that you’re my favorite and the best.”
Mary says, loudly, “I’m going on break.” She passes by them and adds, enjoying herself way too much, “Beatrice, I was just asking Ava here about a drink. I’m sure you can also see she’s incredibly thirsty. Must be the skateboarding.”
Ava glances at the kids, still working through a pile of french fries, and puts her feet back on the ground, angling her body against the register so that she can flip Mary off and keep it shielded from tiny human eyes and from Beatrice. She wants to tell her to lick rust. She says, instead, “Thanks so much for your concern.” Mary keeps her shit-eating grin and saunters outside.
When she turns back to the counter, Beatrice is looking over the register at Ava’s hand in amusement and okay so Ava apparently hadn’t hidden her finger as well as she’d thought but at least Bea seems to think it’s funny instead of off-putting. She had once admonished Ava, totally unironically, when Ava had let fly an admittedly impressive string of curses after realizing she left her coffee sitting on a table in the student union. The tone of that ”Language, Ava” had made Ava’s stomach drop in a very unexpected and pleasant way.
“The usual?” Her eyes are really fucking pretty.
“Yep. Yeah. Please.” As Beatrice turns to grab a cone Ava gets her shit together. Right. Yes. Go. “Actually, Bea.” She turns back holding a cone and smiles, eyebrow raised in question as she waits, and Ava wants to kiss her. “Would you want to go out with me sometime? In, like, a date way?”
Her smile is gone then and she’s blinking slowly and oh shit, did Ava mess up? Was Bea not interested? Was Bea not gay? There’s no way Beatrice hadn’t noticed her flirting because she had literally never been subtle and also Bea had just been staring at her boobs and talked to Ava and smiled at Ava and blushed at Ava more than anyone else? Or anyone else Ava had ever seen. And Cam said! And Mary wasn’t mean enough to let her make an ass of herself, right? Not like this. Lilith, maybe, but…
Ava has become distracted, staring at the kid’s meal toy display to Bea’s right as she spirals, and when she looks back, Beatrice’s mouth is twitching and her eyes are bright with amusement, and oh, shit. “Um,” she tries to run a hand through her hair and hits her hat. Smooth. “So, exactly how much of that did I say out loud?”
“I apologize for so obviously staring at your chest earlier.” Her tone is at least half genuinely apologetic but the rest of it is amused? Delighted? Something in that range and definitely at Ava’s expense and that’s fair given the gay panic monologue she’d apparently just spouted at her crush in her place of work.
“Jesus Christ,” she mumbles as she tilts her head back and rolls her eyes to the ceiling. After a breath she forces herself to look at Beatrice, who is fully smiling now. She throws the cone away and steps toward Ava again and then her hand is on Ava’s forearm, which she had crossed with the other over her chest in what was a totally ineffective attempt at self-preservation. Hard when the attack is coming from your own fucking mouth. Beatrice’s hand is warm and her fingers are calloused and Ava short circuits (whatever fucking circuits are left) at the contact, staring in disbelief until Beatrice says softly, still amused, “I would love to go out with you sometime.”
“Yeah?” It’s the most she can manage. The fingers over her arm squeeze just slightly and Ava knows if Bea pushed even a little bit she’d fall right fucking over. “Yes.” Warm brown eyes meet hers as she takes her hand back. Ava misses the contact immediately.
“Cool. Um, maybe Thursday? Dinner?” Bea doesn’t usually work Thursdays and Ava’s shift at the gym near campus ends at 3pm so she’ll have time to go home and shower and lose it a bit over what to wear but not so much time that she’ll be able to talk herself into a full panic.
“Thursday works perfectly.” Ava pulls her messenger around and rummages for her phone, pulling it out and handing it to Bea. Based on what she knows from class and a lot of longing stares, Beatrice keeps all her stuff as neat and tidy as she keeps her uniform. So, she’s pretty sure her own phone is something out of Bea’s nightmares. One corner of the screen is shattered and scratches dot the rest while the back, an ice blue color Ava really likes, is covered in spidery lines from way too many drops and impacts suffered in Ava’s pocket at the park. Still, she can’t be fucked to get a case because it’s pretty and sleek and smooth(ish, at this point). Beatrice’s lips purse slightly but she says nothing, taking it, entering her number, and calling herself before handing it back. She removes her own phone, in its pristine black case, and immediately creates a new contact.
A group of teenagers comes through the door, loudly, followed closely by Mary, and Ava watches as Beatrice sets her shoulders. It’s very cute. Ava is going to date her. Incredible. “I’ll text you.”
Her smile breaks and her face is suddenly concerned. Ava’s nervous until: “Your ice cream. I completely forgot.”
Ava grins and waves her phone, nearly drops it and is stupidly charmed by the little flinch from Beatrice at the fumble. “Got something way sweeter.”
Beatrice shakes her head and half hides a smile, cheeks pink. Ava’s feeling very proud when she hears a loud groan from Mary, who’s stepping behind the counter again. “Absolutely not, Silva. Get out of here with that.”
Ava smiles at Beatrice one last time before basically skipping out, grabbing her board. She almost eats it three separate times because she’s so distracted on the way home, but she’s not even a little mad about it.
It’s both awesome and kind of torture to see Bea the next morning in class. They sit next to each other, like always, and Ava manages to keep it mostly together, flirting only slightly more than usual and letting her knee press into Bea’s below the table for most of class, the barely-there red under her freckles the only sign she’s even aware of the contact. She works an extra shift on Wednesday because she wants that date money and JC could give a shit about giving it up, only works because his parents make him even though they give him a shit-ton of spending money anyway.
It’s a bummer not to see Bea but she’s also texting her kind of non-stop. She started Tuesday night when she got home:
What’s Dracula’s favorite ice cream?
She didn’t expect a fast response, imagined Bea was busy with the flood of students and families who came in after work and school, so she was a little surprised to see Bea’s name pop up twenty minutes later: Blood orange?
Have you had blood orange ice cream?
No, but I am sure it exists. Not the answer then?
A good guess but no. It’s…
Three eye roll emojis. And then a truly terrible joke about snails. It had gone on from there, intermittent jokes and also little snippets of actual conversation. It’s still happening Wednesday night as Ava gets ready for bed. She settles and then nearly hurls herself out of bed in excitement when she reads Bea’s latest text: Goodnight, Ava. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. From most people, it wouldn't be much, might even be discouraging. Ava knows Beatrice well enough at this point to know that from her, it might as well be fifteen firework emojis and twenty-seven exclamation points. She doesn’t bother to play it cool, as fucking if she would do anything other than encourage way more of that, and sends back immediately: Night, Bea. Me too. Really really. Along with three mutlicolored hearts.
She knows something is wrong the next morning when she gets to class because Beatrice is waiting outside of the classroom staring at her shoes and gripping the straps of her backpack (both over her shoulders, tightened evenly) as if they’ve personally offended her. When Ava gets close, Bea looks up and smiles unevenly and says, “I’m so sorry, Ava. I can’t go tonight. Lilith got the flu and I have to cover her shift.”
It sucks, of course, but Bea’s looking at her like she’s done something unforgivable, like she’s waiting for Ava to tell her off. Not for the first time, Ava wonders where exactly Bea comes from and what kind of shitheads she’s used to. She walks closer, slowly, smiles as gently as she can and takes a risk, reaching forward to tuck an escaped strand of Bea’s hair behind her ear and letting her hand skim Bea’s jaw as she pulls back. Bea’s eyes are big and her face is more relaxed, even if she does look a little confused and her hands are still white-knuckling the straps of her bag.
She keeps it simple, pretty sure Beatrice needs it. “Wanna try for this weekend instead?”
A few people file past them into the room and Ava knows they need to go sit or incur the wrath of Superion, whose anger is hotter in theory than in practice. She takes another chance, reaches up to tug at Bea’s left hand and laces their fingers. When Beatrice allows it, flexes her fingers lightly between Ava’s, Ava pulls them into the classroom, smiling a little at Bea’s still-wide eyes. She appears to have come back to herself by the time they reach their seats, squeezing Ava’s hand in an intentional way before taking off her backpack and settling in. As Superion gathers her notes, Beatrice leans closer, pressing her knee into Ava’s as she says quietly, “How does Saturday night work for you?” Ava beams.
Saturday morning she ends up, surprise surprise, at the skate park with JC, riding a little aimlessly and doing some reading for her Russian Lit class while he dicks around in the bowl. When he dips after a few hours, elbowing her just a little too hard as he tells her to have fun with Beatrice that night, Ava smiles like an idiot while he laughs.
Her stomach rumbles around noon and as she eyes the empty drive-thru, she makes a plan. Yeah, okay, so she’s gonna see Beatrice tonight but she wants to see her now and she’s right there and also, Ava’s legit hungry and it’s not even busy. So. She’s gonna get a fucking cheeseburger.
When she pays, Camila grins and Ava shrugs one shoulder as she says, “Cute, Ava.” When she rolls up to the window, Beatrice blinks in surprise and then shakes her head a little and the edges of her mouth tick up. “We’re not supposed to let you order on foot you know.”
Ava takes the burger and pops her board conspicuously. “Four wheels, baby. Totally counts as a vehicle.”
“Pathetic, Silva!” Mary calls over Bea’s shoulder and Ava shrugs again, winking at Bea before she rides off.
It takes her no time to finish the burger, and there are still no cars in the line, so she finds herself ordering fries, smiling at Camila as she laughs and bracing her arms on the window as Beatrice gets her order, her cheeks a shade darker this time around. Ava tips her helmet at Bea and says, as she takes her snack, “I only have fries for you.”
“Get out of here immediately with that.” Mary’s closer this time, swats at Ava from around Bea’s back, but the look on Bea’s face is open and affectionate and she’s so fucking handsome and Ava wants more of it. A lot more of it.
It takes slightly longer to finish the fries but luck is on her side because it’s still slow when she does, so she rolls through yet again. When Beatrice hands her the coffee, both eyebrows raised but still blushing, Ava says, easy, “I got thirsty.”
“You’ve been thirsty, Silva. Go away.” There’s no bite to it, and Mary doesn’t swat at her this time, just turns and walks toward the fryers shaking her head. Turning her attention back to Bea, Ava fidgets a little as she asks, “See you soon?” Bea bites her bottom lip and nods and Ava thanks bisexual Jesus that she only nearly face plants on her way down the drive.
It gets busy, of course, so Ava parks it outside and finishes her coffee and reads. She’s getting ready to go change for her date date date when she hears, “Ma’am. Your ice cream.” Ava’s up in a second, delighted as Beatrice holds the cone out to her and ducks her head. Ava can’t help but stare as she takes it, feels some drip down onto her hand. Beatrice’s hair is down, over one shoulder, and the sun is setting and wow .
“Your cone is going to melt.” Beatrice is looking at her now, a little flustered. “I might, too, if you keep looking at me like that.” Ava takes her hand, carefully but with more confidence than she had earlier that week, and offers, “Walk you to the bus stop? I know it’s traditional to walk someone home after a date but like, I can do before, too, right?” Beatrice brings their bodies slightly closer together as they start toward the sidewalk. “I’d like that."
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deedah · 19 days
Ships!- (NUzi) (Soxy) (Voxy) (F x JC)
Word count- 1678
Roxy belongs to- @roxy4life
Serial Designation S belongs to- @biscuits-and-such
Lexi belongs to- @locothewolf
G-O belongs to- @serial-designation-g-o / @glorious-owl
Serial Designation F and JC belong to me- @deedah
Cynthia from the Second Chances AU belongs to- @coppernuggets
(To give context for this fanfic was a request and is placed in an AU. Uzi, N, and V now save other drones that are lost in space due to their own planet being blown up, and all the oc’s above are a part of that group that were saved. So yes, this does take place after ep. 8 and they are still on copper-9. How copper-9 got fixed? Idk)
    Roxy sat up straight as quick as she could as she awoke from another nightmare. She was sweating as she looked down at her hands to make sure she was alright.
    Gosh dang it!! Her mind yelled as she lightly pushed her legs that were under the covers. She looked to her side to see S spilled out all over the bed with one of her arms loosely holding onto Roxy. She didn’t want to wake S, so she slowly got out of the bed as she went immediately to a mirror to look at herself.
    Roxy had half red hair and half blue hair that was styled a little like Uzi’s, but a bit fluffier and messier. She wore a blue tinted scrub (like Nori’s dress) with a choker around her neck and a black tank top under her scrub. She had two different colored eyes, her left eye purple while her right eye green.
    She looked down at her hands. After a while of staring at herself, she looked back to S.
    S had long white hair and had bangs a bit like V. She wore a small black bow clip in the front of her bangs. She wore a fluffy black jacket like V, but she had a name tag on it for some reason. She didn’t wear pants or a skirt because they ‘are uncomfortable and don’t help her to move at all’. And she also had black stockings up her thighs like V.
    Roxy smiled as she watched S’s chest slowly rise and fall due to her breathing. But she immediately stopped smiling when she remembered her fricken nightmare.
    Roxy tiptoed to the door of the room as she went out of it and slowly closed it. Roxy then went to all the rooms in the apartment building that they lived in to see if anyone was awake.
    In the first room, she found F and JC curled up together as they both slept. F had short white hair that was styled like Uzi’s and had two bangs that swooped back with a little hair that fell in the middle of her visor. She wore a cropped burgundy sweatshirt and tan shorts. She also has a pilot hat like N does, except hers doesn't have a symbol on it like N’s and gold-ish glasses that she had off right now. She did have point legs like V, but her legs were completely white for some reason
    (JC is just the concept boy version of J btw (yes I got lazy) But!! His legs are painted black up to his knees cause.. idk.. I like it :3)
    Roxy went to the next room to find N and Uzi sleeping on a bed together as Lexi slept on the floor.
    Lexi had very bright blue hair and eyes, and they also wore fake ears that almost matched their hair exactly. She wore a yellow shirt and grayish flared leggings with black shoes under them.
    And G-O was hanging upside down from the ceiling. G-O was a special type of drone, and even Roxy didn’t know what they fully were. They had a strange Cyn-like claw for their left hand, worker drone legs, and bird-like feet with 1990’s leg stockings over them. They had black hair and yellow eyes as well. They wore a dark green crop top with no pants and an arm band on them like every disassembly.
    Roxy closed the door as she heard commotion downstairs. It sounded like voices, but none she knew.
    Roxy slowly went into the living room as she turned the corner to see V watching TV. Roxy speculated if she should bother V or not. She then took a deep breath as she stepped out into the open as V turned her head towards her.
    “Roxy?” V asked quietly as Roxy took a step forward in the light. “What are you doing up at this hour? It’s nearly 3 am..!” V said as Roxy held her arm.
    “I-“ she started as she recalled her dream, no, nightmare, “I had a nightmare.. it’s stupid really, I’ll just go back and sleep with S..”
    Roxy said as she turned around to start to walk up the stairs as she held a pawed hand grab her.
(Yes Disassembly drones, in my AU, have pawed hands. Why? It’s cute!!)
    “No, Roxy..” V said as Roxy turned her head around. “You have said this before, these ‘nightmares’ are bad..” V explained as she slowly took Roxy by the hand and led her to the couch.
    V gently made Roxy sit beside her as she paused her show. “You have said that ever since you got the memory of your parents.. ya know..” she said as Roxy nodded, “You’ve had these nightmares, that won’t go away..” V said as Roxy looked down.
    V then cuffed her finger under Roxy’s chin as she lifted her head up.
    “Wanna stay down here with me?” She offered as Roxy, slowly, but immediately nodded.
    Roxy and V shuffled a little to where Roxy was laying her head on V’s chest and V was rubbing Roxy’s hair. It was peaceful for a minute, before a nose disturbed the moment.
    Roxy and V heard a clanging noise from the kitchen. And they both shot up as they saw white eyes under a flickering light.
    Once the light stopped flickering and stayed on constantly, Roxy saw that it was just Cynthia getting a cup of oil.
    “Oh.. Sorry..” she started as she pulled the mug of oil close to her body. “Did I interrupt y’all..?” She asked softly as she started to walk closer to the living room where the worker and disassembly was.
    Cynthia used to be the host of the Solver, until Uzi ate the singularity. Since then, Uzi was able to somehow eject the real Cyn who was stuck inside the Solver’s control. They then built her a body of old worker drone parts and led her on her way.
    She didn’t want to be called ‘Cyn’ anymore because of her messed up past, so she changed it to Cynthia.
    She had white eyes, blond hair what was in the same style as Cyn, but with shorter side pieces (idk how to describe it, help). She wore a burgundy beanie with a black bow in the back. She also somehow got Tessa’s old dress and sewed it back together. She normally wore red and pink tennis shoes with purple socks, but she had taken her shoes off for the night. Even though the Solver was no longer in control of Cynthia, she still had some old aspects of it, like she still slouched a lot of the time, and her head went to the side like a cat rather than straight up.
     Her memories are soup too, and she only clearly remembers the time before the solver took over. Though she does sometimes remember faintly about terrible things that the Solver did.. like the gala massacre.. and Tessa..
    “Oh, hey Cynthia..” V started as Roxy went to lay on her chest again as V resumed rubbing her hair, “no your fine,” V looked to Roxy as Cynthia pointed to her and gave a confused look.
    “Nightmares..” V stated as Cynthia nodded and sat beside Roxy as she started to rub their back. 
     “It’ll be ok, Roxy..” Cynthia said as Roxy went to look at her. “I’ve been through some nightmares as well. That's why I don’t sleep that well too..” she said as she looked and had an awkward smile on her face when V gave her a small death stare.
    “I’m just doing self pity right now..” Roxy mumbled in V’s chest.
    V immediately stopped rubbing Roxy’s hair, sat up straight, and grabbed Roxy’s cheeks as she held Roxy’s face in front of her own.
    “Roxy..!” V started as Cynthia had jumped away a bit to give room as Roxy went limp like a ragdoll. “This is not self pity! You saw your own parents die!” She stated as she brought Roxy into a tight bear hug on her chest.
    Roxy tried to fight back by lightly punching V, which did absolutely nothing. As she started to giggle.
     Roxy’s giggles kept coming louder and louder, even if they were kinda breathy.
    Even Cynthia started to giggle as she too wrapped her arms around Roxy’s waist from behind and started to hug her.
    “Ok, ok!” Roxy said muffled, “I get it!”
    “Say this is not self pity and I’ll let you go..” V commanded.
    “Ok! Fine! I am not in self pity..!” After Roxy said that, both V and Cynthia let her go.
    V and Roxy shared eye contact before Roxy turned around to meet Cynthia eye to eye.
    Cynthia’s right eye flashed to the white Solver symbol as she just smiled sweetly.
    Roxy just ignored the symbol as she just smiled back.
    “Wanna go to sleep girly..?” V suggested as Roxy nodded. Roxy curled up on V’s chest as Cynthia went to the blanket cupboard and grabbed out a big fluffy blanket and threw it atop Roxy and V.
    “Sleep well..” Cynthia mumbled as she was about to walk away. But then V’s tail wrapped around her wrist and slowly pulled her to V’s other side where she pretty much forced her little sister to sleep on her other side. A couple of minutes after everyone got settled, V started to slowly and softly sing eternal dream to the two young drones.
    Both Cynthia and V fell asleep before Roxy did. But before Roxy fell asleep, she looked up towards a window that was shattered to see beautiful stars in the night sky that were around one of the moons of Copper-9.
    Roxy then felt a peace she hadn’t felt since she was a babe.. a peace that you could only get for a moment nowadays, but it lasted a lifetime.
    And with that.. Roxy fell asleep to the thumping rhythm of V’s heart.Yeah.. Roxy thought before she dozed off, I’m surrounded by the best people..
[:D <3]=True]
(Btw meh fwiends, I gonna be gone the whole day cause I have to go to school, then I have to go to a sports game, srry, but I’ll be on as soon as I can get home)
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toonafeesh · 7 days
$5 Minimum Donation - Baihe & Danmei edition
These are baihe (FGEP, JWQS) and danmei (svsss, mdzs, tgcf) merch I am giving away in exchange for a minimum of $5 donated to a Palestinian or Sudanese fundraiser! Please see this post with more details if you’re interested in anything.
For the other $5 merch check HERE!
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1x JWQS sticker sheet - one has a small crinkle in the middle, the other is slightly misaligned
5x FGEP misaligned sticker sheets - as shown in the third image
4x FGEP regular sticker sheets
1x FGEP Gold Foil Washi Stamp (new, still in packaging)
2x Nangong Jingnu wooden charms - one already assembled, one isn't
3x Qi Yan wooden charms - none are assembled
For the wooden charms I can send them with the unassembled parts: 1 yellow, 1 red and 3 blue (without the tassel part). Just let me know if you want them with the tassels or not!
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The above are all wooden charms!
1x Liu Qingge (no keyring but I can find one for you)
Jiang Cheng & Jin Ling
Wei Wuxian
Wen Ning
Hualian Shrine
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Quanyin charm
Ling Wen candy charm
Shi Qingxuan candy charm
He Xuan candy charm
He Xuan button
Ming Yi stamp (comes with ink pad)
Jin Ling plushie charm
Lan Jingyi plushie charm
Double sided shuangxuan/beefleaf pillow charm
Xie Lian manjuu
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Gengar enamel pin (not mxtx but he's there anyway)
Bunny hard enamel pin
Dianxia enamel pin
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The above are all standees & come with bases (minus the buttons)
He Xuan (small)
He Xuan & 4 jars
Shi Qingxuan
He Xuan (big)
Shuangxuan kiss button
Ming Yi button
Shuangxuan standee
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Xian Le trio heart button
Jiang Yanli/WWX/JC heart button
Jiang Cheng & Nie Huaisang charm
MDZS kids heart charm
Yi City charm
MDZS kids & Wen Ning charm
Wangxian charm
Wangxian linked charm
Liushen charm
Moshang charm
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Hualian charm (heart clasp)
Hualian lantern charm
Hualian charm (star clasp)
Silver foil butterfly Hualian charm
Silver foil calligraphy Hualian charm
Hua chongus charm
Long Weasel charm
Hualian photo charm
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F!Shi Qingxuan charm
F!Ming Yi charm
Zhuzhi-lang charm
Quanyin linked charm
Four calamities linked charm
Shuangxuan trio linked charm (1 SQX, 1 Ming Yi, 1 HX)
Shi Qingxuan (heart clasp)
Ming Yi (heart clasp)
Dandelion Shuangxuan charm
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F!Shuangxuan/beefleaf charm
Shuangxuan button shaped charm
Shuangxuan star shaker (clasp broke off)
Shuangxuan tangyuan charm
Yinyu/Huacheng/Mingyi charm
Shuangxuan acrylic shaker charm (lobster clasp but it's hidden in the photo)
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Shuangxuan (heart hands) charm
SQX flower charm
Ming Yi flower charm
Shuangxuan falling charm
Double sided chibi SQX/MY charm
Shuangxuan wedding charm
Shangxuan cup charm
Shuangxuan table charm
Shuangxuan heart (green) charm
Double sided Shuangxuan charm
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Shuangxuan charm
Shuangxuan window backdrop charm
F!Mingyi holo star charm
F!SQX holo star charm
Silver foil stars shuangxuan charm
Fan charm
He Xuan in bowl charm
He Xuan & sea bunnies tassel charm
He Xuan brown tassel charm
Yin yu holo charm
Mingyi holo charm
SQX holo charm
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ariparri · 6 days
Well you all probably saw this coming especially if you know who I ship my main MC with xD
Diego Y8 Redesign
I can’t believe JC got rid of his long hair in his beyond Hogwarts design (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) and I don’t care what anyone says, Diego looks so much better in darker colors than that ugly bright yellow top they threw over his dark shirt.
I made multiple versions for him because again I’m indecisive and he looked good in all the options _(┐「ε:)_ personal favorite is the second design with the button up shirt since it’s literally the design I made for him in his Sea of Carnations artwork with Veruca.
The hairstyle is also pretty much the same though it does look shorter here in these images. And the second version hairstyle is closer to the official one Diego has for his beyond Hogwarts design. Though I styled it a little bit more to how I made his Masquerade design so it wasn’t just one fringe in the front.
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Personally not a fan of the beard but I made versions for it as well for those who do like the facial hair on him. The reason why I’m still on the fence for this is because Diego really does resemble Veruca's father with the bottom hairstyle and the beard ( ̄Д ̄)ノ
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I have done other redesign concepts for some other characters for Beyond Hogwarts. If you would like to see them can find them all linked in my HPHM Masterlist!
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warp-speed · 2 years
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Meria Martell "The yellow toad"
My tablet was going through it so I did some JC Leyendecker studies in traditional art.
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farfaripol · 11 months
Hi there! I'm new here and I'm going to introduce you to my first tickle fic. Don't forget, this is my first time writing fanfiction, so I apologize in advance :_)
Summary: N had a slight breakdown on her body and Tessa is going to take care of it.
Lee: N
Ler: Tessa
The JC Jenson estate is home to the well-known and beloved Drones.
The day was as usual rainy. Thunder rumbled outside the window and raindrops ran down the roof.
N did his job as a waiter as usual. He carried glassware from one end to the other. In broad daylight N passed out. Yes, just turned off like that. Tessa drew attention to this breakdown and took the robot to her workshop.
N finally woke up, but still there were breakdowns in the mechanisms. N sat in front of Tessa, and at one time she was repairing the robot on the sides. Turning the wrench in the designated place, made N giggle. He covered his mouth with his hand to hide the smirk on his face and prevent the next laugh from breaking out.
"Aheeh T-Tessa... careful.. please" Another turn of the key, a little closer. N tried his best to hold back his laughter.
"Don't laugh, you're disturbing me! Tessa stubbornly tried to scroll through some detail.
"Ihihim t-tryhihing tee-hee! ihit ticklehes" Finally N cracked and allowed his inner laughter to burst out.
"Yes! I fixed it! Tessa professionally rotated the wrench in her hands before placing it on.
"Hehe.. t-thanks..." N tried to hide a couple of yellow stripes that glowed under his eyes.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
🦅 for the emoji ask game
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?:
I outline the hell out of my fics 😂 I do it for my own sanity at the very least to make sure the details are how I want them before I just go ham.
Ironically enough, the second and third runthroughs (when I'm supposedly refining my fics etc.) are where I add in details off the cuff... But it works so hey, who am I to complain 😅?
send me a writing emoji ask :3
0 notes
sterlingarcher23 · 7 months
Happy memories=Season 5: Addendum & Will foreshadowing
I already altered my previous post (link down below) a bit - I overlooked something: Lucas.
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Time jump (correction)
Lucas telling Max that he's there, right in front of her, and she's kind of ignoring him is foreshadowing the scene they shot with Sadie and Caleb: Max in coma, "ignoring" Lucas who tells her that he's there. "I don't want a letter. I'm right here."
It's either that or the scene in S4 in which he reads the book. And the sequence includes Season 4.
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The "I'm right here" scene in the memory corresponds with Lucas sitting at Max's bedside (but she is looking just like Sleeping Beauty because she's not in cast and Ross saying that she's in a coma - which means in this scene),and her "ignoring" him. It's possible that this is this scene. It's also possible that it refers to S4. - His watch shows Thursday 11 2 (!), so November 2nd and that's 1989.
Next is Max swallowing the red Skittle (You were wearing that yellow Benny's Burgers t-shirt and it was so big it almost swallowed you whole - like a Pac-Man swallowing the red ghost in the scene, red jacket Max enters the Arcade.), then El and Max link and we hit the time barrier...
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Note how in the memory scene they cut the original moment before the linking and after the linking - that's a time jump in itself:
Season 3 mall scene = time jump in Back to the Future. (JC Penney - they used the brands without getting money for it, it's not because they want to make commercials but used them for specific reasons like KitKat, Skittles, M&Ms) The linking/vanishing and reappearing part isn't in it.
The original version is cut in three segments (not sure about the exact terminology here, so I better leave that out, in German which differ from English terminology its probably: halbnah, Totale, nah). If you see the original footage as a single sequence, the edited memory version is visually a temporal jump.
Here again the comparison between this scene (without the final shot) and Back to the Future:
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So this is the time jump - it's the third element in the memory sequence (and those are completely out of chronological order) and my guess is, that there are like two jumps potentially. - There's also some contradicting Infos about the time jump, like some say "immediate" time jump but other sources say from Episode 1 to 2. It's still possible that there are multiple time jumps and the hand holding scene IS right before waking up.
(Caleb is wearing a jacket in the bts shot and we don't see what he's wearing under it but in the hand shot he's definitely in role.)
The Back to the Future time jump reference in the memory is happening right after the "I'm right here/Lucas at Max's bedside" scene - however these moments are probably much closer than I initially thought.
And these segments of Lucas touching Max, the red Skittle are connected and the BttF time jump sequence may show us the result of this.
My guess is that there's at least one scene, maybe more, before the actual jump, involving Max (that has not been filmed yet - it would need summer weather) and we get to see already a partial resolve of the jump with Lucas holding Max's hand. Still comatose but a coma is only important if and how someone wakes up.
The coma is a "time jump"
"I'm right here" is either Season 4 ending or the scene from S5. Thinking about it, both would make sense. The first one even a bit more if we think of the coma as the actual starting point for the memory sequence to foreshadow everything the follows after.
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Falling in coma, swallowing the red Skittle, time jump sequence and the rest is the boys who meet the killer, the ghost trap scene, ElMax foto session, fotos (in media metaphorically) freeze people in time like:
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(There are some Whovians out there that say, that some Doctor Who is also in Stranger Things. And those stasis cubes are visualized as paintings. - An endless summer skateboarding sounds very much like a stasis cube or a pocket dimension. )
.. the movie date (storytelling technique called promise gets it's payoff) ElMax hugging...ElMax & Lumax Endgames.
And they could only use existing scenes but those are very deliberately chosen (there's a scene not in this sequence that has it's own rhyme and I only just discovered it but it demands another moment like it, it involves ElMax, certain posters but most importantly: a sea shell lamp).
And it's been foreshadowed how we would react to the time jump that the JC Penney reference alludes to - I didn't make it up, the Duffers made this connection in the show by showing us the exact moment including Doc saying "The temporal displacement occurred at 1:20 am"
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Yepp...these two idiots. That's us.
The coma is a time jump. "I didn't disintegrate anything. The molecular structure of both Einstein and the car are completely intact. I sent him into the future.", Doc Brown.
In the memory scene, except the "coma" segment as a starting point and the Endgame (It's you and me won't be unhappy), the answer to EVERY memory sequence is ElMax, shown as inseparable after linking. That's neither queerbaiting nor is it just a "regular" relationship. This is not even slightly one of these stories.
Nonetheless is gives us some basic elements of the plot.
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And it's ElMax making Lumax Endgame possible: High five. 1st place. Winners....whatever you want to call it.
Soo... The sequence foreshadows some basic elements of Season 5 in regards to the character relationships. - And ElMax appears like inseparable in these moments, either linked, very close by, hugging ...
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It doesn't get more obvious. They tell it straight into our faces.
And I would say that it's obvious that they make a huge deal out of Max's coma. Just her having powers? That's it? How is this such a huge deal? The Vecna has absorbed her and stuff can easily be debunked too.
And I have Will proving that they do this shit with the window and foreshadowing ...just differently. This is almost not so surprising, is it? That they show us that he has a "crowbar" in his head. - Oh, yes, people.
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And while the class scene in Season 2 is about him. It's also about Max, she however has light reflections like "God rays" pointing to her head when the focus changes with Mr Clarke's words on top. Seriously, people. This is a subtle as fireworks in the middle of the towns square.
ElMax Endgame
ElMax will turn out to be a dissociative identity/multiple personality disorder system of two individual minds residing inside the same body. Max's body. They'll be together. Literally.
This way Max is healed by the cure/medicine: El. - This way ElMax and Lumax can happen and it's in line with the themes of the show. And it fits in regards to the inspo for Eleven taken from Elfen Lied - kids having supernatural powers do do some lab science MK Ultra style etc etc, why not Fringe? Because Elfen Lied has a main character that has DID.
"One skull, two tenants"
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