#je lb
cctinsleybaxter · 1 year
i had told sophie i wasn’t interested in reading jane eyre because i already know what happens and she was like ‘read it anyway there’s no possible way to actually spoil it.” reader, there is no possible way to actually spoil it
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larsnicklas · 2 months
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headband bob you will always be famous!
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We can leave the Christmas lights up till...February?
The official posting period for the Eras Fest (love square's version) has come to an end. However, we will still be accepting late submissions for the following month. This mean, the event will be ending on the 13th of February, so we will be still sharing the amazing work from our participants through the winter, in the icy outdoor pool. We are eternally grateful with all the love this event has received and extremely proud of all the writers, artists, and editors who have made wonderful submissions. We're dying to see how this one ends.
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thisismeracing · 11 months
wdym mv driver of the day????
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malinaa · 1 year
question - if foreman is the cuddy to chase’s house, does that make cameron stacey or wilson - i believe that chase does find his wilson after the show ends and doesn’t fuck it all up but still
u have to remember that no parallel will ever be 100% accurate (cuddy canonically called foreman 'house lite' in 4x04) so the og team is not a perfect representation of house/cuddy/wilson but, yes, cameron IS wilson!! there have been many many instances where chase n cameron and house n wilson were compared—esp foreman's whole 'house will do wilson before u do chase' dialogue in 3x16 AND ALSO the s5 finale where chameron gets married and exchanges rings while wilson takes house to rehab and house gives wilson his watch—but also cameron is very much wilson in terms of their overt humanity towards their patients. like in 2x21 wilson talks to cameron as he would a mentee bc in his eyes... he was her, she's becoming him and whatnot yk? i do think that chase will eventually find love In The Future that's not cameron but chameron's relationship was doomed from the start, hilson's on the other hand outlasted everything else in their lives
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mycenaae · 8 months
sorry i also can't believe they did ned low and grandfather clocks back to back. who in that writing room is on black sails tumblr
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oscar-piastri · 20 days
.................................... le leinster marque et en plus jme tape graou...................... jvais jamais survivre ce match
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couthbbg · 3 months
I do have a soft spot for the leafs game when the guys all look like they’ve never played together before and don’t know what exactly a “puck” is ? Or where it’s supposed to go ? and what’s with these scary knives on the bottom of their shoes??? why are they even here??? they should be at the club……
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mejomonster · 1 year
Fei Du: trying to be emotionless, to be fair quite numb to his feelings. Very easy to not notice the subtle ways they're working under the surface
Luo Wenzhou: makes fei du feel like SUCH a baby boy a scolded teen a playboy punk that he can't HELP but roll his eyes and glare and get pushed into action
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cctinsleybaxter · 2 years
mr rochester dialogue is literally like: [takes a hit from ye olde enormous thousand-dollar bong he keeps by the fireplace] jane how do you plan to banish slenderman from the grounds 🤨
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sedinsinshootouts · 4 months
WE COULDVE HAD IT ALL (bains goal)
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teethkick · 4 months
im sorry.... MIRO GIRL DAD????
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pikmininaplane · 1 year
Du coup si tu veux varier un peu 👀
Est ce que ça te dit de répondre à l'ask game au sujet de MT et/ou Lenny ?
(attention faut pas hésiter à me mettre un stop parce que je vais demander tout le cast)
(referring to this ask game)
😭 I mean, moi je veux bien faire tout le cast, hein, suffit de demander /hj
Sexuality Headcanon : Aroace ou arogay <3 C'est pas pour rien qu'il aime le vert ce saligaud /j
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis I guess ?
A ship I have with said character : Classique mais efficace, le LT X) Mais je suis ouverte à la possibilité du Boid/MT..... wink wink, tousse tousse, oui je vais la lire cette fic je l'jure
A BROTP I have with said character : Ça sort peut-être un peu de nulle part, mais Béa ! Enfin, j'HC que Béa est très pote avec tous les Families, mais en particulier avec MT – les personnalités opposées qui pourtant s'entendent bien, tout ça...
A NOTP I have with said character : J'en ai aucun qui me vienne en tête j'avoue... ? Peut-être avec Yann, et encore...
A random headcanon : Quand il se retrouve à faire une tâche seul, parfois, il chantonne à voix basse. Mais si Thomas vous affirme qu’il l’a entendu, sachez que c’est un menteur et qu’il n’a aucune preuve >:(
General Opinion over said character : Très très cool :] Intimidant depuis les autres POVs, hilarant depuis ceux des Families, il méritait son vert pomme 🫵
Sexuality Headcanon : Gay, parfois aro, selon mon humeur :3c
Gender Headcanon : Homme cis
A ship I have with said character : Bien entendu comme ont pu le prouver nos échanges je suis extrêmement normale au sujet du Donalenny. Bien sûr.
A BROTP I have with said character : Haylie. Mlm-wlw solidarity <3
A NOTP I have with said character : Oooh, top 10 des phrases que je ne dirais pas sur le serveur, numéro 4 : je suis. Pas fan du Lenneth en vrai X) Après je les ai pas tant vus que ça, mais le peu que j’en ai vu m’a paaas spécialement donné envie. Est-ce que c’est au rang de NOTP ? Peut-être pas, mais 😔
A random headcanon : De temps en temps, il va voir Matéo et lui dit qu’ils ont une mission super importante à accomplir rien que tout les deux ; en réalité, c’est surtout une excuse pour s’éloigner du chaos qu’est être le chef des Vagos. Ils ne font rien de vraiment important, ils traînent en ville, se prennent à manger et se posent quelques part. Ils le faisaient surtout quand Matéo était plus jeune - maintenant, Lenny est plus occupé, et Matéo refuse parfois de venir parce qu’il trouve que Lenny l’infantilise trop, mais s’il a du mal à l’admettre, il apprécie quand même ces moments.
General Opinion over said character : Je veux voir sa POV en fait c’est un besoin. Un de mes persos préférés de RPZ, et pas seulement à cause de son chapeau <3 Donnez un peu de repos à ce pauvre homme enfin 😔
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girldewar · 6 months
@ninoniederreiter care to explain
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malinaa · 1 year
okay if we are on the same page then read this after you finish watching because massive end spoiler ahead, a writer on twitter kinda hinted malina will be endgame after they both go on their individual quest so there is hope yet but im honestly lost on how they will achieve it, idk im still processing and trying not to be a book purist but the main point is that i hope they use the dark!alina nonsense as a set up to make it more obvious Alina HAS to become 'ordinary' because the power corupts her (in case no one figured it out yet lmao)
i have NOT finished bc it's giving me such a massive headache but i have seen the spoilers and like.... i won't even lie i'll be the biggest cunt abt being a book purist bc the base theme of tgt is what is infinite? the universe and the greed of men. greed and the consequences of it! the darkling used merzost and created the fold, he used it AGAIN and created the nichevo'ya. book!alina gained two of the most magical amplifiers and wanted more. it's why mal being the third amplifier is so important bc she's become so overcome w greed that she DID kill mal. the poignancy of alina killing mal and her powers disappearing and going to other people literally doesn't exist in the show. show!alina used merzost to resurrect mal and...... suddenly the theme falls flat. mal is supposed to be the heart of the story because he's alina's heart. having her be corrupted after she already killed mal is just empty, devoid of meaning. this whole campaign to see alina keep her powers, even for just a little bit longer, is honestly the stupidest fucking thing lmao. i can't even watch the show as like a 'oh this is just canon era fanfic' bc it's so ooc that it makes me sick
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lovromajers · 9 months
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Literal skill issue btw.... man city ur finished erm sack pep!
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