#jealous hobie brown
silent-raven13 · 1 year
Jealous Hobie
Miles talking with Ganke about the latest One Piece episode and hyping for Gear 5 Luffy. The two are so close they like to hug and snuggle while watching movies or anything friendship bonding.
Hobie decides to drops in on Miles' dorm to surprise him with a cute date, he saw how his boo is snuggling and sharing a blanket with Ganke. The two unaware of Hobie coming into the window, because they are so busy laughing, chatting, even sharing snacks while watching their anime.
Miles eyes on the tablet: Yo that's sick! He's JOYBOY! -fed his best friend some popcorn-
Ganke chews on the popcorn: Right! This shit is so fire! -they sat closer to have a better view while having the blanket covering them-
Hobie press his lips being annoyed seeing his boo giving the same affection to his best friend instead of him, and got more annoyed that they didn't noticed him. So he purposely made a loud noise or drop his gibson electric guitar on the floor causing them to look at the direction the sound came from.
Miles noticed his bf: Oh Hey, Hobie.
Hobie eyes on the two: Hey, luv... Darling, what's going on over here? -using his hand to show the two why they are so close-
Miles unaware of Hobie being jealous because he never knew Hobie can get jealous or is the jealous type: Oh, me and Ganke are watching a show. Shh, we want to finish the episode -He then lays his head on Ganke's shoulder and Ganke lays his head on Miles'-
Hobie stares almost ready to fight, but held it in. Then he angrily forces his way to be in the middle.
Ganke: YooO! WTF! -popcorn being spilled over the bed-
Miles scooting to the side: Ow, Hobie! What are you doing, man! We're wat-
Hobie sat between them, having one arm around Miles' shoulder: That's more like, ain't that right luv? Aren't i better. Here lay your head right here.
Miles blink in surprised then laughs: Okay, bae.
Ganke rolled his eyes: You know, me and him are just friends right?
Hobie: I'm all for platonic love and friendship, but this man right here -using his hand to squish Miles' face making his lips look like a fish- is mine.
Ganke: Pfft, hey he is all yours.
Miles: Can we just finish the show!
Hobie snuggles Miles being super possessive: Now we can! -then look at the odd show- so what is dis? About pirates, mate? Why do they need gears if they are on a ship, luv?
Ganke and Miles freak out because they forgot Hobie is on a different timeline: OH MY GOD! YOU DON'T KNOW ONE PIECE!
(Part 2)
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messylustt · 1 year
Jzhxjsh if can I make another request, I REALLY LOVE TOOOO MUCH YOUR WRITING AND i need jealous like i need oxygen
“ if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were jealous ” & “ you look really pretty right now ”
only free to me — leon kennedy. ughhhh i need jealous hobie too like bdjskjdks
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hobie’s gaze was locked onto the spider variant talking to you. you and hobie were seated, your gaze looking up at the arrival of someone hobie now easily can say he dislikes. hobie found himself slowly reaching out for you, his leg bent up on the long bench. and by subtly tugging at your suit you were forced to slide towards him, his legs now open around you.
his gaze never shifted from the spider variant who was earning a few too many smiles from you. and it almost felt like a relief when the spider finally got called away. you wave him off, before shifting your gaze to hobie, your smile having fallen. “what was that?”
“what was what?” hobie “innocently” asks, his fingers still not having let up their grip on your suit. you look down at his connected hand. “that.”
he looks down too, a small lazy smile edging his lips, as he rubs the material by your hip between his fingertips. “you look really pretty right now…you know that?”
you give hobie a look. you were used to this. this flirting and smirking attitude. “ha ha.” you mockingly say, turning away to continue eating.
“you think i’m joking?” he raises his brows as you glance at him again. his leg around you seems to be more prominent the closer he shifts towards you.
“you’re always joking.” you remark. hobie shakes his head “don’t believe in comedy.”
“oh, that’s right.” you chuckle, unconvinced, looking back to your food. before you can place a forkful in your mouth, hobie redirects it to his as he leans close by you. you smack his hand away, but it’s too late, your foods gone.
“really? i was looking forward to that.” you mutter, frowning. hobie makes a point to eat it slowly, savouring the taste with small sounds, resulting in you elbowing his stomach.
he slightly doubles over, laughing. and just as you go to scold him, the spider variant from before taps your shoulder. “hey, sorry i didn’t get to ask before — mission report run. but uh, are you free tonight?”
you pause, eyes slightly widening. “oh, uh…yea—“
“nah.” hobie instantly cuts in, looping his arm around your shoulder so that you press more into him. “she’s busy, sorry mate.”
you shift your gaze to hobie eyes narrowing sharply in question. “aren’t you?” he asks you raising his brows pointedly.
“no, I’m sorry, I don’t know what he’s talking about — ” you begin to say to the spider variant but hobie swiftly placed his hand over your mouth, your back now having shifted to his front, his stance now straddling the bench.
“she doesn’t wanna admit it, poor thing, but she’s sick. she’s a lil embarrassed.” hobie states, looking to the spider who is eyeing the interaction with a mixture of a nod and a confused expression. you slightly struggle against his grip, but hobie just rests his chin on your shoulder, you now practically flush against him.
“I’ve told her there’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about, but ya know. she likes to keep up appearances.”
“maybe another time…then.” the spider variant suggests.
“hm.” hobie just hums, silently saying ‘no’ in his head, while he fake smiles at the poor spider until he leaves.
that’s when hobie finally let’s up his grip on your mouth, as you spin to face him. “what the hell was that?”
hobie shrugs. “no, no don’t just shrug at me.” you say pointedly. “you’ve done this before. the last time that guy asked me out. I was not sick then, and i’m not sick now.” you pause, eyes narrowing. “if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were jealous.”
hobie scoffs. “jealous?”
“then explain that.” you gesture in general to the interaction before.
“he’s a dick.” hobie says. “no he’s not.” you answer easily. “he may be thick headed sometimes, but everyone here knows how nice he is. so, come on, what’s your next excuse.”
hobie’s eyes narrow as you cross your arms. you raise your brows waiting. “if you aren’t gonna say anything, then imma go apologise to him and explain that i’m free — ”
this time hobie cuts you off by tugging you closer and grabbing your chin, his lips smashing against yours. you gasp into his mouth, as you’re tipped back, your back forcing to arch as he holds you against him. his seating position made it easier to control the movements.
your seating position made it hard. hobie used that to his advantage as his hands found your waist, his lips wrapping around your lower and sucking. he then begins to slightly shake his head his lips brushing yours. “but you aren’t free…ya wouldnt wanna lie now would ya?”
you’re shocked, and all that comes out of your mouth is “but i don’t have plans tonight.”
hobie chuckles, licking at your lower lip slowly as he makes sure you stay close. “i don’t mean ‘schedule’ wise, love…” his mouth opens against your own, panting breathes mixing. “i mean you aren’t free to anyone but me…”
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© messylustt.tumblr please don’t steal, copy or translate my work onto other platforms.
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whaliiwatching · 9 months
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gals & colors..
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miles in the pit getting buffeted around like a sweet wrapper bc he doesn't know what tf he's doing and doesn't want to hurt someone or give himself away as enhanced .... hobie having to wade in there to help him out or watch it happening from the stage without losing his shit .....
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punkflowersstuff · 9 months
Ok everyone that scene where miles meets Margo kess just think about it right…Gwen gets jealous but so does hobie! So the scene when miles is chatting up Margo hobie screams “LETS GO!” To miles as he’s walking away but as soon as he’s away from Margo he’s trying to slow him down or prevent him from getting to Miguel…so why rush him if you were gonna just try to stop him from going with words and your body?? JEALOUSY JEALOUSYYY
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spicypepperjack · 1 year
Miles: I saw you hanging out with Hobie yesterday!
Gwen: Miles, it's not what you think!
Miles: I won't hesitate, bitch! *hands electrify menacingly*
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Miguel: *is a geneticist with years of experience and considered a genius, probably took years to make the interdimensional gizmo and did it with Lyla's help (apparently in canon he did not create her) and even then when he first used it he wasnt sure it would work and might even kill him or strand him somewhere forever*
Meanwhile Hobie: *is a teenager who probably never went to college, yet managed to make an equivalent of Miguel's gizmo by ripping off parts of the Spider Society walls and was confident enough in his own abilities that he gave one to Gwen knowing it wouldnt hurt her or send her in the void*
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blooming-gwens · 6 months
The first 1,200 words of For Everything Chapter Two
Hey guys! I’m really, super excited to be back in action, working on this monster of a fic. It’s still going to take me a considerable amount of time to finish, but to tide you over, I am releasing to you the first 1,200 words of what I am expecting to be a 45-50k chapter. Enjoy~
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Time seemed to slow as she descended from the shadows into a brilliant night sky.
She’d never seen the stars so close before—Glittering like polished jewels caught in the light of a craterous, full, yellow moon.
Not even perched from the highest point of the city had the sky been so crystalline—above her an abysmal sea of a million luminous lights, glinting against the empyrean curve of the fathomless cosmos that retreated further and further away from her, falling out of reach, out of touch—smaller and smaller until they were just pinpoints—until they were absorbed by the silvery clouds she sliced through.
She couldn’t breathe, the air whipping around her stealing any breath she could greedily inhale. She couldn’t scream. She couldn’t cry.
There was nothing she could do.
Miguel had warned her. He showed her, as if knowing would be an advantage, as if knowing would slow her fall. As if knowing would inspire her not to take it all for granted—but she did, and there was nothing she could do, nothing she could say to change it now.
And there was so much she wished she could have changed.
“Wait, I think there might be a way to figure out where the Go-Home-machine sent Miles.”
Gwen didn’t mean to roll her eyes, but she also didn’t fight the instinctual movement that reflected the otherwise unwarranted annoyance that curled through her. To be fair, the feeling had been festering for the past four minutes as she petulantly sat through a whirlwind of ideas—some good, some bad, some questionable at best.
That had been the first time Margo had chimed in through the plethora of plans being shoved into the mix, and Gwen had already been steadily losing her patience with every dead end they met.
Time was not at their disposal, yet there they were, on some secluded rooftop on Earth-616B, wasting more than they could afford, missing every mark they shot for.
And Miles…
Miles was missing in a finite cluster of multiverses, and Miguel was also on the prowl—armed with rage, and the numbers, plus every advantage they could only dream of possessing. Meanwhile they didn’t even know where to start looking or how, but all of a sudden Margo did.
“Well don’t leave us in suspense, pig tails.” Ham groaned.
“You’re one to talk.” Peter B huffed with a raised brow. Gwen leered at him, shaking her head once. “What?” He asked, meeting her narrowed eyes.
“Oh, I get it! Because he is a pig, and he has a tail!” Pav perked, gesturing down to Ham, who was glaring daggers at the pink robed Spider-man.
“Nice, Pav.” Hobie said, lounging with his arms folded behind his back in a web spun hammock suspended between two air conditioning units.
Mayday squealed from the carrier strapped to Peter B’s chest, kicking her chubby legs with a giggle and reaching towards the talking pig. She had been wholly fascinated by Spider-Ham since first glance as if he was a character from one of her storybooks.
“Right…” Margo sighed before continuing. “So the Go-Home Machine keeps an archive. Just the consequential details like the variant, where it was sent, stuff like that. The data is wiped intermittently as a security measure, but knowing Miguel, there could be a backup.” She explained promptly, Gwen scrutinizing her glowing figure with arms folded over her chest
“That guy does have some major trust issues.” Gwen heard Peter B mutter from behind her. Her eyes rolled again. At this rate, she expected them to be stuck upwards by the end of this conversation.
“Assuming you’re right, would LYLA have access to this back up?” Gwen questioned, her tone bristling.
“LYLA has access to everything.” Margo answered, turning to face Gwen, her holographic form glittering under a flickering flood light mounted to a wall behind her.
“Can you access it?” Gwen emphasized, her tone clipped. Already she could see all the ways her idea could go–none of them consisting of a successful resolution. “Without getting caught.”
A smile spread to Margo's lips. Gwen’s stayed set in a subtle scowl.
It turned out Spider-Byte also had access to everything, it just took a little more effort, and she would have to directly hack into the machine's mainframe on E-928. Any other way would significantly heighten the probability of LYLA’s security protocols being triggered.
“That sounds like a suicide mission if I ever heard of one” Noir added, tipping his hat forward and cupping his masked chin with his pointer finger and thumb. “And I have planned a couple myself.”
“Noir’s right.” Peni said, sitting inside SP//dr, the front hutch of the mech suit propped open. ”Miguel would never leave HQ without surveillance, especially if he knows some of us have gone rogue. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Margo nodded before gesturing to herself. “I’m an avatar. They can’t catch what they can’t touch.” She waved one hand through her forearm, and everyone watched in astonishment when her arm wavered as her fingers passed right through it.
“Oh, that is creepy.” Pav whispered, covering his mouth with his hand.
”I’ll be quick. In and out. Easy.” Spider-Byte confidently continued.
“But what if—“ Peter B started before Gwen curly cut him off.
“She’s not going alone.”
All eyes turned to her as she spoke, silence following her decree.
Ham was first to break the seemingly long, awkward stretch of stillness. “Now it’s actually a suicide mission. Well, at least for Gwen who can’t do that cool arm thing like Margo.”
Spider-Byte took a single step towards Gwen, her brows knitting together. “I don’t need the back-up. Like I said, I’m untouchable.”
Gwen couldn’t trust that. She couldn’t trust her.
There had been no intention to harbor shock or malice towards Margo, but there was still an itch about her Gwen couldn’t scratch. She never really went out of her way to talk to the avatar, but they would pay each other a respectful acknowledgement anytime they crossed paths—which wasn’t often.
Margo spent a majority of her time in the confinement wing of HQ, where all the anomalies were stacked up to be sent back to their respective dimensions. Maybe it was Gwen’s uneasiness towards the machine, but she never strayed to that side of HQ on her own volition. If she was needed, she would report, but she kept her interactions and time there minimal.
In turn, the two girls remained distant.
Though Gwen couldn’t help but notice how her and Miles had looked a little longer, said a little more than she ever bothered to say to Gwen.
(And vice-versa.)
Her and Miles?
Perhaps the insistence of her blatant jealousy could have better timing. Her focus was needed elsewhere and her emotions were clearly clouding her judgment, right?
“You’ll need the back-up if things go south.” Protested Gwen, leering down at Margo.
“What happens if something happens to you?” Pavitr all but squeaked, his stress tangible.
“Nothing is going to happen to me, Pav.” Gwen hissed, her eyes still locked with Margo’s.
“Is it just me, or is Gwen being very intense?” She heard Pav ask in a hushed whisper.
“S’not just you.” Hobie replied flatly.
And scene. I hope that satiates the pain of waiting. I appreciate all your patience, and above all, support! Much love <3
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clowningaroundmars · 6 months
my absolute fave thing to read in punkflower fics is lovesick puppy hobie brown
cool-as-a-cucumber hobie overthinking miles' every move, leaving lingering touches on him, longing glances thrown his way
certified BAMF hobie hanging by a doorway or window just a second too long before leaving miles
"skinny-hot" hobie refusing to believe someone as ✨️cool✨️ as miles would be into someone like him
badass punk hobie just yearning and pining and practically draping himself all over miles in desperate attempts but then pulling back all scared when anyone even hints that they should get together
god, i need pining lovesick loser hobie like AIR rn 😭
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punkfloweranarchy · 1 year
Miles takes Hobie on a tour around the city but it’s just all the places he’s ever tagged land the stories that go along with them. At the end, Miles takes him to a blank wall and teaches him the fundamentals of tagging and they throw something up together and it hits Hobie just how much he cares about Miles and that he’s just glad that a small part of him can stay in this dimension and bring a little joy to Miles while he’s gone.
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Spider-Man must have such an easy time putting up halloween decorations.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Theyre best friends :D!
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Hobie: Douxie! My guy!
Douxie: Hobie!!! :D!!!!
Douxie would just be so excited to see him
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hobie's legs appreciation post
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chansgender · 1 year
imagine gwen introducing miles to hobie and then getting jealous that they start hanging out together without her
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
ignoring allat and thriving with my hobie miles gwen friendship agenda where nothing goes wrong theyre never arguing ever life is beautiful and they’re all best friends in a magical land
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peznutbutter · 1 year
I think I have a preference for men that have a friend that everyone keeps shipping him with, that is also a male, but I can only find female readers of them and rarely genderneutral.
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