#jean college au
savkirschtein · 2 months
AOT character & their personal fashion styles
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characters : Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirschtein, Connie Springer, Sasha Braus, Marco Bodt
warning: all of these are just purely based off of my personal insight and views of the characters and how i think they’d dress today
Eren Jaeger: 🎱🌪️🩻⛓️
based off of season 4 Eren
i picture Eren in todays world really rocking with a minimalist street style
he’s all for comfort and breathability in his clothing and his style reflects that
a closet full of loose fitting boxy t-shirts
LOVES the cold months so he can layer his hoodies and leather jackets
while also sporting the slutty tightly fitted black shirt grey sweat pant combo every now and then
maybe even just walking out his apartment with a wife pleaser and baggy jeans on as a fit alone
all paired with sneakers, small silver hoops, and a chain of some sort
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Mikasa Ackerman: 🍒💿📷🃏
we all know for a fact that Mikasa can DRESS
she just has an eye for fashion and has a unique style of her own
one that isn’t over the top, in terms of being a spectacle, but just well put together and tailored to HER. a girl you 110% give a second glance
she is a girlie who LOVES wearing any skirt whether it be long, midi, mini or knee length she LOVES them
most of her pieces are pretty free flowing with lots of different silhouettes
absolutely loves a good leather boot, pair of mary janes, or platform loafers
she literally could wear a trash bag and make it look like it’s the next trend
and has a huge collection of baggus
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Armin Arlert: 🎧📘🍵☁️
Armin will literally never be free of the soft light academia aesthetic
the cable knit sweaters, soft cardigans, and sweater vests will forever have a hold on him
but what college boy Armin loves more than anything is a good quarter zip or quarter button up
or a nice casual white and blue striped button up
almost all of his clothing is soft and warm materials
definitely withholds the cute boy in the library title
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Jean Kirschtein: 🪐👁️‍🗨️⚡️🌉
will live and die on the hill that Jean is a Carthartt guy
his look is a casual-relaxed but clean one
he’s all for clothing that is durable and will last him forever
Jean’s style is honestly super basic but NOT boring
although Jean’s style isn’t one that is made to make it hard to look away from its one that really just compliments him well
loves a good hefty Dickies or Carthartt jacket, basic white t-shirt, or a loose button up over a tank top
while wearing a variety of rings, with small hoops and a chain
his clothes compliment his strongly built and lengthy body well, which is why although they are basic, it isn’t boring
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Connie Springer: 🎧💽☄️🩻
Connie is a literal fashionista
he probably is tiktok famous for his fit check videos and adventures at the thrift stores
the street style aesthetic was MADE for Connie
knows how to put pieces that may not look ideal together into a cohesive fit
LOVES JORTS and swears he made them trendy again
and wearing jerseys of teams he has no clue of , but it’s for the fit so who cares
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Sasha Braus: 🍰🪩🗽🧸
the DEFINITION of downtown girl or coming of age movie in a city aesthetic
Sasha lives for the nostalgia of 90s pieces and it shows in her clothing
comfort is also a huge factor that plays into Sasha’s outfits
color is another component that makes Sasha’s outfits HER outfits
LOVES a good brown leather jacket
Sasha honestly though has a hard time sticking to just ONE specific style and will wear whatever feels good for her
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Marco Bodt: 🍙🪴♠️🍊
Marco is a soft boy at heart but he’s traded in the traditional sweaters vests for hardy collared jackets
he absolutely LOVES PLAID
and loves layering his button ups with his worn out thrifted jackets
has a more warm palette in terms of colors and leans more towards earthy tones
super casual in his shoes though sticking to good tried and true high top converse, sambas, or loafers if he's feeling fancy
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wasabi-gumdrop · 10 months
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i saw this tweet and had very bad thoughts about Jean
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emry-stars-art · 7 months
Yes I want more Trojans. Give me more Jean, more Jeremy, more Laila and Alvarez 😭😭😭
PLEASEEEEE i have my current designs for everyone obviously but I’d LOVE TO KNOW MORE. i crave it I want to know about the Trojans
Here’s screenshots of the insta stories I’ve saved from when I was posting random stuff and I had a mini book for sketching the Trojans 💕💪 complete with all my stupid notes and doodles and sketches I like less
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braunbakery · 7 days
oohh can it be like ‘are we still friends?’ a modern au? that’s one of my favs ❤️
don't delete the kisses
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☞ jean kirstein x fem reader [ one-shot word count: 4.2k]
☞ sfw, angst with fluff at the end i promiseeeee, modern college au
☞ plot: 'rewriting old excuses, delete the kisses at the end' - even after you break up - jean kirstein seems to occupy a lot more space in your head than you'd care to admit.
☞ inspired by don't delete the kisses - wolf alice
☞ don't delete the kisses
when you and jean first broke up it was more so a scramble to make sure everything was okay for everybody around you. that everything could resolve to being as close to normal as before without anyone feeling in anyway inconvenienced, awkward, or disappointed due to the rift now between the two of you.
at least, that was what it was like for you.
of course people wanted to make sure you were okay, they were your friends and they cared about you. but they were both of your friends, and despite how much everyone wanted to pretend that that made no difference, it made it all the more difficult to even imagine talking about how you felt. (how you actually felt – which was more than disappointed or frustrated or a little upset – as you had been basically rattling off like a mantra to whoever asked.)
so you adapted.
you made friends outside of this mutual friend group, you adopted new hobbies, you had a means of escape when you no longer wanted to watch everyone laugh over jean’s antics like he was such a breath of joy. when you felt this bitter pessimism sink in at the wrong time, you adapted.
because it definitely wasn’t a dramatic break up. it was perfectly amicable.
(“i’m so sorry,” jean practically sobs into your shoulder as you both sit in his dark car, shrouded by the trees outside and only accompanied by crickets and the occasional distant car horn.
“it’s okay, it’s okay,” you’re repeating over and over, swallowing your own tears, “i’ll be fine.”
“i just can’t do it–” jean hiccups and slightly leans back to hold your face in his palms and nudge his nose against yours, “ i don’t know why...i just can’t. and i’m trying, i swear.”
“i believe you,” you whisper, grasping onto his shirt, “i know you are.”
“i- i’ve never felt this way about anyone else. i’m just not ready.”
you can’t bring yourself to say anything back to that. you don’t want him to see you break and you don’t know if it’s because you don’t want him to tear himself apart with the guilt of what he’s doing to you or from some twisted sense of pride – some desire to make sure he doesn’t think he has as much of an effect on you as he really does.
it seems worse that he can tearfully speak of how much he feels for you yet he’s still unable to actually be with you.
you know that the truth is you probably won’t be fine. that in your heart, in your soul, you would’ve stayed with him for as long as possible. there was no thought in your head of when this would potentially end, no plan in the future that didn’t somehow automatically account for him.
this obviously wasn’t the case for him.
he hugs you tighter than he ever has before and you feel like your heart is about to lurch out of your body and try batter its way into his. why must it be that when you are completely and utterly committed to him, he is hindered by some unexplainable force in his mind to do the same for you? why can’t it be another girl? why can’t it be that he’s moving away? why does it have to be just…him?
“i’m sorry,” he says a final time after he drives you to your doorstep. he holds your hand and gazes at you one last time and you can’t help but offer him a smile to try ease his pain. it is too difficult for you to feel in anyway betrayed, at least in this moment, because you are too busy thinking of how he feels. you want to hold him for the rest of the night as he sobs and sobs about hurting you.
you feel utterly pathetic.
that night, when you are finally in your bed, you let the first feeling that isn’t in some way catering to him through. it is the sensation of your heart caving in. )
eventually it gets easier. the concerned glances go from sparse to none and you follow almost a routine. when you pass each other on campus it’s a friendly smile, when you’re seated next to each other you act as if it is anyone else, and when you’re at the same parties and he kisses someone you turn away and hold your breath and hope no one can tell.
you pretend that it was never you on the receiving end, that it was never you laughing away with him or swaying to whatever stupid song is playing, or holding his hand as you weave through the crowd, or occupying one single corner of the room for the majority of the night or–
you just pretend.
and when the group brings up dates jean is going on that you had no idea about, you do that very thing. you sit and you nod and when he catches your gaze as the boys are practically squawking over stupid jokes about jean and how he is somehow going to mess it up, you rip your eyes away and laugh along.
when sasha and mikasa ask how you feel about it, you pretend it makes perfect sense that he’d be going on dates. that it isn’t so utterly confusing, that you aren’t going to lay awake at night wondering why he couldn’t be with you – why he wasn’t ready for you – but he is ready to entertain the idea of someone else. you laugh and you say you wish him luck.
luck is what friends wish each other.
and when you kiss someone yourself, you bury the darkest feeling of hoping he’d see and feel a pang – feel anything more than the baseline friendliness you’ve both resorted to having for each other. that you’ve agreed to only have for each other.
(“fuck, sorry!” jean exclaims before he even realises that the person he’s just walked into and spilled half of his beer on is you.
“shit,” the sticky liquid is soaking through your shirt and is currently trailing its way down your body. you look up at him and you hate that you can tell the redness lightly painted on his cheeks is more so from his alcohol buzz and less from the embarrassment of spilling his drink down a girls shirt.
because it’s you. why would he be embarrassed around you? he knows–
he knew you inside and out.
“i didn’t see you, i swear,” he says, but the genuineness of his apology is given away by the cheeky smile adorning his face, “suits you though.”
“shut up, jean,” you quickly remark, taking off your jacket and trying to pat yourself dry.
“here,” and jean is suddenly taking off the plaid shirt he has thrown on top of his t-shirt and using it to pat you down. or more so using it for his sad attempt at helping.
“i don’t think that’s really doing anything, jean.”
“no, no. trust me,” he quickly interjects, and you can’t help but mirror the stupid smile he has on his face.
“jean, it’s fine. i’ll just get a paper tow– ”you attempt to side step him, but he’s shoved in front of you, still pushing his shirt to your top. but this time he’s a lot closer.
this time if you just reached up to your tip toes, you could brush your nose against his. and you’re suddenly hyperaware of your proximity and how there is no one else around you and how the blaring music of whatever party your group all decided to go to tonight is all but muffled in this kitchen.
jean’s eyes travel up from the stain on your top to you and you feel like you’re frozen in place. it’s been months since you broke up – a year maybe. you’ve both watched each other kiss other people, you’ve listened to him recount those stupid dates and pretend you don’t harbour some kind of bitter resentment towards him for it.
but right now it seems like no time at all has passed.
it seems like only yesterday you were leaning into each other, just like you are now. it seems like only yesterday jean’s hand slowly but instinctively went up to the side of your neck, like it is now. you’ve never realised how easy it is to fall into old habits.
“jean?” you mutter faintly, and he looks down at your lips mouthing his name and you swear you think your heart is going to stop. his eyes flick back up to you and you can see yourself through them.
“yeah?” he mindlessly responds, “are you okay?”
are you? you could kiss him now. you could let him kiss you now. just for a moment. and tomorrow you’d make yourself forget, tomorrow you’d pretend it was one big blip – something just between you and him.
when you nod your head at his question his hand slides up into the hair at your nape and it feels so familiar, so comfortable, that it is so easy to forget you have not been this close to jean in almost a year. you have not spent this much time alone with jean in almost a year. you have not heard him not speak to you in the same transactional tone you’d speak to a shop assistant with in almost a year.
“i –”
the door to the kitchen is opening behind you and you’re both practically jumping away from each other, hearts beating so fast against your chests and eyes wide and worried. jean watches whoever’s interrupted whatever weird moment you were having rummage through the cupboards and looks back at you.
“i’ll see you–” you start.
“later.” he instinctively finishes off for you, before pausing for a moment and making his way around you and back out into the bustling party.
you don’t see him for the rest of the night.)
it does really start feel like you’re friends sometimes. and you suppose living with that just becomes a way of life. the weird lingering feeling when you first see him still remains – but it starts to feel normal. you start to simply allow it the space to live and hope that on its own accord it’ll leave.
and sometimes, with all the time that has passed and all the other flings with boys you’ve had, it feels stupid. and sometimes, you’re tired of feeling stupid so you just feel it.
you text about assignments in classes you share, you text about carpooling when jean is bringing a few of you somewhere. and, yes, it is the most surface level friendship and the conversation will never really expand from those two topics and maybe you are yet to actually spend any time together alone. maybe there is some hidden agenda between your friends to not let there be moments where you two have to be alone – but this is better than whatever the lonely alternative would be.
however, it seems whatever way your friends have been figuring out to not have you two alone for the past year and a half (disregarding the party incident – they will never know about that) is failing.
because you’re currently stranded at a bus stop for a bus that doesn’t look like it will ever come, trying to make it to connie’s house for his goodbye party before he goes away for the summer and almost an hour late. because you’re staring down at your phone trying to figure out how you feel, trying to reason with your gritted teeth and racing heart that everything will be okay.
staring down at jean’s message into the group chat you all share after you’ve explained your situation.
Only leaving mine now I’ll swing by and get you
this is not something you have a plan for. this is not a situation that you’ve dealt with before in the tribulations that have followed your break up. this doesn’t have a solution tucked away in your head. there is no adapting to this, there is no pretending, there is just you alone with jean in his car for the first time since you broke up. the last time you were in that stupid fucking car was when you broke up and oh god, what a joke.
you know he’s driving and he won’t check his phone so there’s no point in telling him not to and figuring out some alternative transport. and you know he’s not waiting for some confirmation from you because…because you know him.
cars are speeding past you and you’re trying so hard to get a handle on your thoughts but you can’t seem to just get a grip. it feels like every next car is going to be him. you turn your back to the road and try to start writing some kind of text to mikasa…but what is there to even say?
you’ve crafted the perfect unbothered-about-jean persona over the past year and a half. you’ve basically mastered a straight face whenever a crude joke is made about him and whatever girl he’s casually seeing, you’ve perfected acting completely normal when asked about him – you cannot give yourself away.
no, you refuse to give yourself away.
“hey!” a voice bellows out from behind you, and you can instinctively tell that when you turn around it’s going to be jean with his elbow hanging out his open car window. so you do – you turn around (and you’re right about his exact pose, but that’s a victory you don’t allow yourself to celebrate) and you make your way to the passenger side, get in, close the door and brace yourself.
“thanks for getting me,” you say as you put on your seat belt and jean pulls out onto the road.
“no worries.”
it’s only when you’re well on your way that you can think of something else to say – any kind of bland conversation to cut you out of your thoughts.
“how come you’re late?”
“how come you are?” jean almost instinctively says.
“no need to get defensive,” you laugh.
“what can i say,” jean smiles, “i’m quite a private person.”
“oh, really?”
“yep,” he swiftly responds, eyes darting to you before he sighs, “i fell asleep watching a movie.”
now you’re cackling, “of course you did, jean.” you try not to notice the corners of his mouth turning upwards as you laugh and he focuses on the road.
“you didn’t say why you were, i can’t be the only one revealing all here.”
“i wouldn’t say this is revealing all,” you say and jean animatedly rolls his eyes, “i was at work.”
“oh,” jean replies, “work…where’re you working now?” he asks with such hesitance, like it’s almost rude for him to want to know anything about your life beyond what he knew when he was with you and the bits and pieces he can put together from everyone else. you try not to think about how you wish you could tell him everything – everything that has changed and everything that hasn’t.
“the same shop.”
“that shop is a shithole–”
“hey!” you’re immediately interjecting and jean is chuckling at your offense.
“it is!”
jean starts swatting your hand away with one hand as you try to punch him in his arm, laughing in a way you haven’t heard him for a while. in a way you haven’t had a chance to hear.
“take it back, take it back” you’re repeating in between lunges and jean exclaiming ‘you’re gonna get us both killed’ and ‘i’m literally driving’.
“fine! i take it back!” he’s saying as the car finally comes to a standstill in a long line of traffic. he looks over to you for the first time this entire ride, turning his entire head and scanning your face. you hope your composure holds, “all i’m trying to say is that it doesn’t deserve you.”
you really hope your composure holds.
“right,” you say after a pause. jean’s eyes flit between yours and you feel like maybe there’s something more you’re supposed to say. maybe there’s something more he’s trying to say. or maybe the ultimately doomed remnants of your feelings towards him combined with his unwavering stare and tapping fingers on his wheel are making you think things and see things that don’t make sense.
jean only turns his head back to the road when a car horn blares behind him and he realises the light’s gone green.
“fuck,” jean raises his hand up to the driver and then glances at you as the car moves again, “sorry.”
“distracted,” you quip, and jean laughs again.
“i guess you could say that.”
“what’s on your mind?” you ask.
“huh? nothing.” his head momentarily turns to you, “beer.” and you both break out into the same smiles you used to wear around each other without noticing.
“not your familiar brigade of girls?” you’re saying without realising, and before you can even begin to regret your stupidly pointed joke, jean is guffawing so loudly you’re convinced he’s going to run the next red light.
“brigade?!” he questions, looking at you with wide eyes, “you’re making me sound like some sort of…” he loses his words and you feel maybe you really did take him by surprise with your unexpected candour.
“some sort of what?” you implore.
jean is silent, then turns to you with feigned annoyance and a twinkle in his eye, “shut up.”
and you’re both laughing and looking at each other and there it is again. that twinkle. that sparkle. you could miss it if you didn’t know exactly where to find it from so long ago.
a comfortable silence settles between the two of you and you can tell connie’s house is nearby. jean speaks first, “i can assure you there’s no such brigade.”
you snigger, “i don’t need to be assured.”
then jean is pulling into connie’s house and you can slightly make out music blaring from inside and silhouettes through the drawn curtains and the last bit of light from the late summer sun. he turns off the engine and you wait for him to take out his keys, yet he never does. you stare at the door handle, yet never go to pull it. neither one of you is making a move and when you turn your head to him, he’s already looking at you.
“i– ” “i–” you both attempt to start simultaneously, and then cut yourselves off with laughter.
“we haven’t spoken properly in so long,” jean eventually starts, “like this i mean.” (your heart is in your throat. you wonder if he can make out its outline when he looks at you.)
“yeah,” you softly say, “i know.”
“it’s nice.”
“it is.”
you’re looking at each other in silence again, and you can tell that his mind is racing with thoughts and he’s waiting to see which one catches onto his tongue and makes its way out. you think he can probably tell the same about you. it’s like some kind of competition, some game on who is going to keep this conversation going so you can stay in the car together for longer. alone.
you wonder if anyone inside has peeked through the window and noticed yet.
“you know…” jean speaks again and you are internally grateful, because you don’t think you can trust yourself to say anything right now, “you know, i notice that you avoid me, right?”
“that is not true.”
jean practically giggles at your immediate denial.
“it is,” he says, “it’s fine. i think i understand.”
“you do?”
“yeah, i–” jean trips over his own words, like they keep getting muddled in his mouth and he has to sound them out in his head before he can continue, “like… i can imagine it’s not easy. it wasn’t for me.”
your eyebrows instinctively raise, “it wasn’t?”
he laughs, and you suppose it is stupid to assume that he wasn’t in anyway upset about breaking up or stressed about having to maintain a friendship with you. you suppose it was easier to assume he didn’t care about you, like he was some kind of heartless villain.
“well, was it for you?”
you pause. a decision: how honest can you be with the person that seems to have haunted you for so long?
“no,” you shake your head, “not really. not at first.”
now jean’s eyebrows raise, “so it is now?”
“i… i don’t know,” the words practically tumble out of you, “why are you asking?”
your phone buzzes in your lap and both of your eyes instinctively dart to the lit up screen.
You coming in?
you look back up at the house and can spot the curtain rustling. you’ve been noticed. but when you look back at jean, regardless of whatever audience might be wondering what you two are still doing in the car, you still have no desire to leave. this might be the only chance you have to finally be honest with yourself – with anyone – about how you feel.
you take a deep breath, and jean watches you carefully.
“you…” you try to start, unsure of what you’re saying or what you’re trying to achieve, “you know you really hurt me?”
“i know,” jean nods, regret undeniably flashing in his eyes, “i will always feel so bad–”
“you made me feel…small. like i wasn’t enough–”
“you are enough,” jean looks like he’s almost pleading with you. it feels like you’re back in his car on that damned night. like you’re back walking on eggshells and waiting for one to finally pierce through your foot.
“then…then why would you go on dates when you said you weren’t ready for a relationship? that you couldn’t do it?”
your throat feels raw and tight. you cannot break in front of him again. jean seems surprised to hear his words from that night repeated back to him.
“i don’t know. it was stupid,” he breathes, “i…i was trying to forget.”
“forget what?”
“forget you.”
it feels like if the world was to collapse around you, you would not be able to bat an eyelid if you were to remain in this car with jean. it’s a terrifying thought and it feels like the rush of your blood and the pulsing of your heart is going to get too big for your body and you’re going to burst.
“and did it help?” you slowly ask – and you don’t know why. you don’t know why it matters. you’re over. you’ve been over. whatever he answers doesn’t matter, it doesn’t change anything. it won’t change anything.
jean is staring at you with enough intent to make you want to melt, like he means to take in every part of your face and sear it into his memory. it makes your head foggy.
“i…” jean’s chest is rising and falling and only then do you notice that yours is as well. and you are out of breath.
“i was scared. you’re… you’re so good and i’m–” he’s practically mumbling. but you can hear him, you always hear him, “i don’t know what i am. it just felt like i was going to ruin you.”
suddenly a tear is rolling down your cheek. and another and another and jean is leaning into you like he’s meaning to catch them.
“why didn’t you say that?” you whisper.
“because i didn’t deserve you,” he says like it is the most obvious thing, “i don’t deserve you.”
“jean…” your hand is reaching up to his jaw, and you’re cupping his cheek without even thinking, thumb swiping over stubble, “that’s not true.”
“i don’t say the right things,” jean interjects, “i don’t do the right things. i never did. it just feels like i’ve been living in…some fucking limbo around you.” he leans his head on your hand, and then slowly picks up your other one and laces his fingers through it.
his hand fits like always. like it’s meant to.
you sigh, “what do you want from me, jean?”
“for you to not hate me.”
you giggle, “unfortunately, i could never hate you.” you feel his teeth against your palm as he beams at you, eyes watering and heart pounding.
“i… i want you.”
“really this time?”
“there was never a time i didn’t.”
he peers at you, like he’s trying to see into your head and unravel your thoughts one by one to read for himself. this time when he nestles his head into your hand again, he brings his head closer and closer to you, until you feel his breath fanning your damp cheeks.
nose to nose.
“please just let me…” he murmurs, eyes unwavering and hand gripping yours.
“okay,” you say softly, and he’s slowly but surely kissing you like you’re made of glass. like any wrong move and you will crumble right in front of him. you can feel the final tears that were resting on your waterline make their way down your face and he pulls away to let go of your hand and wipe them away.
he presses his lips to the exact spot on your cheek where they once were.
“i’m not stupid anymore,” he says. you laugh quietly.
“and i want you.”
you nod your head and he smiles, then kisses you again.
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acidkoipond · 2 months
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College X-men !!! Yay
And they were roommates 😱
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Scott- “he’s such a dick” (talking about Logan )
Jean-“I’ll listen to your rants if you let me paint your nails”
Jean is going into nursing or neuroscience
Storm is in meteorology
Logan is a history major
Scott is a mathematics major
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mamasbakeria · 8 months
hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
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eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve. 
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name. 
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
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© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
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aftgficrec · 8 days
Favorite Neil/Jean or Neil&Jean fics?
In the aftermath of the publication of The Sunshine Court the relationship between Neil and Jean has been put under the spotlight a little more (no spoilers here though!), but there have always been authors who have shown this combo the attention it deserves. In addition, many fics under our raven!neil tag feature friendships or relationships between Neil and Jean. - S
Previously recommended:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
close friends Neil & Jean here
BFFs Jean & Neil here
Neil/Jean tumblr fics and headcanons here
‘Afterthoughts Chapter 68’, ‘Jean, Neil, and Kevin hanging out’ here (plus some more Neil & Jean under previous recs)
‘not very good at this’ here
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Neil/Jean fics here (you can also find a link to our Neil/Jean tag here)
More Jean/Neil fics here
‘we’ll survive, you and i’, ‘Heart on Your Sleeve, Eyes on the Street (the Heart-Eyes Remix)’, and ‘Doves & Ravens’  here
Some of our favourites from previous posts:
Your humble and silky life by moonix [Rated G, 3582 words, complete, 2019, locked]
Jean’s life these days is quiet, uneventful. His best friend has a hopeless crush on the unattainable Minyard, Jean’s colleague at the botanical garden. Jean has a standing appointment every week with the most beautiful woman in the world, who is happily married to someone else—but that’s okay. There’s still Jeremy the waiter, whose smile is the highlight of Jean’s week.
tw: animal death
Black As Is The Raven, He’ll Get A Partner by nekojita [Rated E, 644156 words, complete, 2018]
When Wymack, Kevin and Andrew came to recruit Neil Josten in Millport, Neil decided to say 'no' instead of 'yes' to joining the Foxes and does what he does best, which is run. Unfortunately, that brings him to the attention of the Moriyamas, who return him to his 'rightful' place. Now Neil has to learn how to survive at the Nest with his only ally another 'asset' long kept under Riko's heel.
tw: violence, tw: rape/noncon, tw: dubcon, tw: blood, tw: panic attacks, tw: drug use, tw: alcohol, tw: minor character death, tw: homophobia, tw: involuntary outing
Apart from Your World (A Part of Mine) by ApprenticedMagician [Rated T, 17647 words, complete, Aftg Big Bang 2018, locked]
David is shipping him off to the Isle of Anglesey and, frankly, Neil could use the time and distance away from an ugly break-up that still hasn't smoothed over. The problem is, if he isn't being reminded of his ex (courtesy of working alongside his identical twin brother), then he's being reminded of the mother who abandoned him (courtesy of their assigned patient who suffers the same affliction she once did). All around, it's shaping up to be anything but the trip he signed up for.
tw: references to past abuse
NB: find art for this fic by @llheji here
So Keep Your Heart On Your Sleeve (And Keep Your Eyes On The Streets) by CasTheButler [Rated T, 4162 words, complete, Aftg Winter Exchange 2018]
Cause it's a God damn long drive fall, Back to normality. Jean starts at a new school on a new soccer team, makes some friends, and spends the whole time falling in love with a punk. Written for the 2018 AFTG Winter Exchange.
tw: panic attacks
And here are some fics we haven’t rec’ed yet:
Neil Josten & Jean Moreau:
Je crois en la chance de rejoindre la mer by Elyant [Rated T, 2007 words, complete, 2021, locked]
Part 4 of The Devil Makes Three
Jean has chosen the café whose tables were closest to the large windows overlooking the tarmac. After spending so many years underground and under the harsh fluorescent light of the Nest, he doesn't think he will ever have enough of the natural warmth of the sun. A duffle bag of clothes that are too new to feel like his, the tin of home-baked cookies Renee thrusted into his hands before he left, and a small package wrapped in kraft paper are his only baggage.  He's waiting for a plane from London to land because of a phone call he received a few nights before. He is therefore purposefully two hours too early for the flight that will take him to South California, to meet the team in crimson and gold that will become his family, even if he doesn't know it yet.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
from rain by ratbandaid [Rated T, 62807 words, complete, 2023]
Over time, Jean grew unsure as to why he'd been so intent on running from the mafia. He barely took care of himself and could hardly call whatever he was doing living. After all, he knew that one day, he'll be caught and dragged back, kicking and screaming, to be killed or worse: put back in the hands of Riko Moriyama. But when a snot-nosed, cocky brat, Neil, stumbles into his life, Jean slowly realizes what he's running for.
tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced child abuse, tw: violence, tw: nightmares
based on this art by @estavs
NB: This one contains slight spoilers for The Sunshine Court:
epic understatement by LadyTimelessness [Rated T, 335 words, complete, 2024]
he's pissed off that jean had to go through this. they're basically nothing to each other, but damn it, neil wants to crack grayson's skull open that second. faith in the world finally burns out in the fire of disillusionment.
tw: implied/referenced rape/noncon, tw: implied/referenced murder
Neil Josten/Jean Moreau:
Skip the Last Dance For Me (the Trojan Horse remix) by justadreamfox [Rated T, 3572 words, complete, Aftg Remix 2020]
Neil and Jean are free of the Nest, and wearing the Trojan red and gold, but they've still got "normal" life to navigate and friendships (past and present) to juggle. Really, sometimes you just want to be alone with your boyfriend.  Ft. Exy, pizza, and Steven Spielberg.
Nothing Mattered Until You by Lostintheuniverseslies [Rated M, 22497 words, complete, 2023]
On the docks in Marseille, Neil fell in love. But his mother ripped him away and for years he never dared hope to see Jean again. He believed that he would die before ever getting the chance. But when recuperating with his uncle after his father is killed, Neil's chance comes. Unfortunately, he isn't the only one who went through some horrible things over the years. Despite their horrible pasts, they decide to try for a future together. Going to college and even making some friends along the way. But Riko has other plans and wants back what he considers his.
tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: implied/referenced domestic violence, tw: stalking, tw: harassment,  tw: dissociation
It's Friday, I'm in love by Greenfallleaves [Rated T, 5834 words, complete, 2023, locked]
The day Neil had found himself pushed into the strong chest of their school’s new student Jean Moreau had been one of his luckiest in hindsight.
Hold my breath in your hands by Greenfallleaves [Rated G, 2154 words, complete, 2023, locked]
Adapting to the world outside the nest hadn’t been easy for either Jean or Neil but now that they had had a few years to get used to it, they got to complain about (i.e. enjoy) spending quality time with their friends.
sleep notes by nanatsuyu [Rated T, 2928 words, complete, 2024, locked]
Neil smokes a joint and discusses the possibility that Kevin is an honest to God vampire.
tw: recreational drug use, tw: implied/referenced abuse
A kiss while someone watches by @stabbyfoxandrew [tumblr, 2024]
Nathaniel never really saw the point of kissing until he was brought to the nest. Or rather, until the first time Jean Moreau backed him up against the wall of their shared dorm during an argument.
Jean & Neil by @ziegenkind094
Raven!neil au - napping by @dawnatlas 
Raven!neil au - partners by @dawnatlas
‘Stitch by stitch, tape and gauze…’ by @dawnatlas
two by @02511213942
Neil and Jean find an empty pool at night by @aminiyard
i believe in jean moreau supremacy by @caraleadraws 
secret santa gift for @nekojitachan by @aminiyard
Hello sunshine court by @estavs
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xbtsutokki · 1 year
Forgive me but I still forgetting that I have this app too.
104th cadets/class New year party in CollegeAU
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mhahaikyuus · 17 days
Can you write a college au oneshot where y/n took music production as her major and jean kirstein taking fashion designing 😗?
college jean
tags: established relationship, jean x reader, college au, fluff, very teasing couple, jean is whipped, mentions of drugs
word count: 1.8k
a/n: thanks anon for the request sorry this took so long I kept rewriting it. hope you guys enjoy
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You knew you should’ve listen to yourself. Ignored your boyfriend and his many cries but god he was…incessant. 
“Jean I can’t come over, I literally haven’t started my midterm yet and I have no idea what to do.” You complained over the phone looking at your empty lined notebook. 
Why did you take song composition….
“And I literally, He mocked, “miss my girlfriend.” Over the phone. 
“Jean.” You warned in a tone telling him to cut it out. 
He groaned, you frowned at the phone. He usually wasn’t this whiny away from you. 
“Look I have my project to work on and I need you.” He admitted and you rolled your eyes. 
There it was. 
“Help with what?” You asked and your boyfriend ignored your question. 
“I’m coming over to yours, see you in ten sweetheart.” He said hanging up the phone before you could protest. 
He can come over if he wants but you were actually doing work so if he didn’t like that he would be leaving shortly. 
About 10 minutes later your boyfriend came in with arms full of supplies for own project and a smile on his face. 
Leaning down and almost knocking you in the face with a roll of colorful fabric held in his arms when he came down to kiss you. 
You leaned back a hair to avoid the item and let out a small laugh. 
“Hi.” You said bringing his head closer pulling him in by his neck tugging on his pretty brown hair growing a little longer in the back.
“Hi.” He said softly pressing another kiss into your mouth. 
He turned his head to your notebook. 
“How’s it going?” 
“Could be better…” You said with a small frown
He raised an eyebrow at your words. 
You admitted, “It could be already halfway done too.” 
“You’ll get it done.” He said pulling back and dropping all his stuff on your dorm floor. 
“What project were you talking about earlier.” You said flipping through your drafts of sheet music. 
He flopped on your bed with an audible groan.
“I have to make a dress.” He said to the ceiling making you pause for a moment. 
“ I didn’t know you were into that baby I would’ve never judged you.” You said and a pillow sailing to the back on your head in response making you snicker as the pillow fell onto the floor. 
“You’re so funny.” He grumbled and you smiled to yourself your back facing him. 
“I’m just saying you have legs to kill for-
“Y/n!” He whined as you laughed again
Jean climbed off the bed and came up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I need you to be my model-
“Absolutely not.” You interrupted in disbelief. 
“No not like in a show, I need you to stand up so I can pin the fabric.” Jean said with a roll of his eyes at your dramatics. 
“Ah, yes I definitely want my boyfriend knowing my measurements.” You said with a sweet smile on your face he knew was dripping with sarcasm. 
Jean yanked your chair back from the desk, scooped you up throwing you on the bed. Jumping himself right on top of you making you groan in pain at his heavy weight suffocating your legs. 
“You’re stupid.” He said with furrowed eyebrows. 
“So you try to knock the wind out of me and crush me with your fat body.’ You complain smacking his shoulder. 
“You think I care about your numbers.” He deadpanned. The words he knew you didn’t need to hear in every conversation. He loved you, and nothing would change that. 
“Kate moss does.” You said shyly with a smile poking his cheek trying to lessen the intense look in his eyes. 
“Do I look like a British blonde alien.” Jean asked
“You did want to…ski the slopes.” You said with an evil smile. 
Jean’s face holding distain at your joke. Referencing when you two were freshmen and he “was thinking about joining a frat.” 
You bullied him out of the decision but still love to embarrass him. 
“Shut up.” He mumbled digging his head into your chest. Both of you laying in your bed just enjoying each others warmth. Until you gasped at the realization of what he was doing. Smacking him up the head making him groan, “Why are you hitting me now!” Dramatically rubbing his head as you shoved his face away. 
“You’re distracting me! I have work to do.” 
“Uhhhhh,” He moaned flipping over onto his back staring at the ceiling as you moved back to your desk.
“Jean, do your work.” You yelled at him from your desk. 
“I need you to do it! But you’re being annoying.” He replied. 
“And the sky is blue. I am always annoying you” You said with a roll of your eyes. 
Damn it was that note going to be a F# or G# you thought trying to find your place before Jean came.
You could hear Jean rustling behind you finally starting his project. About 20 minutes later you felt his chin resting on your shoulder again. 
“Yes Jean.” 
“That’s not my name.” 
“Yes Jean Kirschstein.” He pinched your side in retaliation. 
“Yes baby.” You finally corrected yourself. Jean pressed a kiss into your cheek in thanks. 
“I need you now.” He said 
“Jean we are not fucking right now-“ You interrupted thinking he was going for round 2 of trying to get you back in bed with his charms.
“No, as my model.” He interrupted placing his long arm to trail down your arm and into your hand pulling you up out of your chair. Much gentler than the last time.
He had his charming smile on, “We could do that too.” He said with a smug look but you brushed past him to his project. 
Your small dorm was covered in rolls or fabric and sewing materials. 
“What do you need.” You asked looking at the outline he had drawn up. 
He used his foot to hook around a stool and dragged it in front of you. 
“Stand, please.” He said hand out to the tiny step stool. 
“You’re so stupid.” You said with a laugh but taking it anyway to stand. 
“Oh wow I’m almost as tall as you.” You joked. Even with a step stool you were nowhere near his height. 
Jean picked you up by the waist to his height and back down onto the stool with a bounce making you gasp.
“Hm almost.” He said with a kiss on the forehead before turning back around to the fabric he had outlined. 
“Please don’t stick me.” You told him as he began to start pinning. 
He nodded and you could see his sandy brown hair shake in agreement. 
“Scouts honor. If I stick you, you can tweeze my eyebrows.” He said and you were supposed to stay still but he always made you laugh.
The last time you had tried to tweeze his eyebrows you got maybe 5 hairs in before he was reeling back in horror and pain wailing like a child. 
“My face! I know I annoy you but I didn’t know you hated me!” He almost yowled like a cat as you iced the barely irritated skin with an ice pack and stroked his hair in your lap as he snuggled into your (his own words) "angelic thighs". 
As scary and big Jean was all he did was bother you, make you baby him, and love you. 
“How long is this going to take?” You asked with raised eyebrows looking at your almost finished project sitting on your desk illuminated by your small desk lamp your boyfriend had bought you. 
He looked up from his knee with pins sitting in between his lips with a concentrated look softening at eye contact. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked pausing his movements to make sure you were okay. 
“I need to finish my project and it’s almost done.” You said pointing at your desk. Jean’s head swiveled to the desk. 
“What do you need?” He asked looking back up at you, you were getting impatient, shuffling a little more than usual and covering up tiny sighs.  
“My notebook, pencil, and my phone. But I can’t do anything right now I need something to write on and my headphones, I don't want to bother you.” You said with a pout. 
Jean grabbed your stuff and placed your notebook and pencil in your hands with an extra book to write on. 
“If you need something to write on just tell me.” He said and opened your phone to the audio recording app so you could hear it playing as he pinned. Your music would never bother him. He loved how passionate and talented you were with music. There was no need for headphones.
After a couple of minutes of audio, listening to your new piece, and making mental notes of what you needed to change you tapped Jean with your toe. “I need to write.” Thinking he would let you down and pause pinning. 
Jean stood up to his two feet and turned. You blankly stared at the back of his head. 
“What are you doing?” You asked 
“Write on my back, just tell me when you need to and I'll stand.” He said leaning forward a bit. Shook your head in disbelief but did it anyway scribbling your note changes on his spine for about a minute or so before you tapped his shoulder. “Done.” 
He nodded kissing you and went back to his knees to finish the fabric of the dress to your silhouette. This went on until you were satisfied with the changes in your composition.
After about an hour you were freed of his pinning and him being your makeshift desk at the same time, so you could both finish your projects. 
Jean knew you only got a little more annoyed with him when you were being interrupted and he had thankfully come up with a solution for him to spend time with you and not have you ring his neck tonight.
“Alright I’m done.” He said studying his work. 
“Spin please.” Jean said with a sly grin but you complied anyway. 
Your arms out you turned in a 360. “How does it look.” You asked looking down on to the flowy dress. You rarely wear anything like this. 
“Perfect, Well you’re perfect. The dress is just an add on.” He said with another small kiss to your lips and helped you step down as you tried to hide a smile from how cheesy he could be. 
“Arms up.” He instructed and you lifted your arms like you were on a ride. 
Jean carefully bunched up the bottom and pulled the dress from your body to not ruin the hour of work he had just completed. 
You stretched your stiff back and plopped back onto the bed ready to do nothing for the rest of the day. Jean climbed into your twin xl bed maneuver you so you both would fit the cramped bed. Your back pressed into his chest and his arms encircling your own. “Do you want a nap? You seemed stressed earlier.” He asked with a kiss to your temple. You nodded, whenever he pulled you in this position it was like  sleep medication that had hit your system. You yawned with fluttering eyes your head just under his neck taking a much needed break with Jean. 
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mylifeiscomics · 7 months
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Part 32 - College AU
Mickey & Rose are on good terms but not that good lol.
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minx-scribbles · 1 year
all apologies (part one)
warning: nsfw 18+, suggestive language, drug use
pairing: boy band au! college au! armin arlert x fem!reader
synopsis: You could ask anyone who has met the Armin Arlert about the sweet-natured and intelligent band-nerd, and they would say that he is the epitome of true purity. He is always there for his friends, always giving the best advice and laughs. But there seems to be a deep and dark shadow following him whenever you are close... Is he really all that they say he is and what he gives off to be?
notes: Mainly introduction but I have always wanted a deep and dark armin smutty fic as a picky reader... so i decided to write my own :) I love possessive and dark(ish) armin, gimme moreee
word count: 2.6k
part one | part two
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It's your first day of college at Marley Institute of the Arts. You look at yourself in the mirror, pondering on a thought: “How the hell did I even make it to college?”. But you have no time to think because your new roommate knocks on the bathroom door. You grab all of your morning essentials and stuff them into your singular drawer below the sink. 
You swing the door open, and you stand face to face with Sasha Blouse, your new roommate. She was honestly beautiful; with her brunette hair pulled back with a claw clip and curtain bangs that barely that struggle to stay in the updo, she also has the brightest gold eyes you’ve ever seen on someone. Sasha is of average height with tanned skin, but she has some blemishes on her arms from what she told you: “I burnt myself while cooking”. Makes sense she is going to school for Culinary Arts, a smaller major at MIA. 
You are still deciding on your major since you can’t pick between creative writing, film, or theater. You want to become a star Broadway director someday. You have always grown up going to musicals with your family and singing to your parents with a fake microphone while the television shined big words on karaoke nights; at this point, it’s just natural for you to hum a tune at all times of the day. Your siblings always asked you to sing them lullabies to loll them to sleep and your professors praised you, always asking what schools accepted you for your skills. MIA was the most collegiate institute in the country, for it had almost every Fine Arts, and others, majors, leaving a wide selection for every student.  
“I’m sorry,” you say sheepishly to Sasha. You aren’t used to sharing only one bathroom with another girl your age. All your siblings are too young to hog the toilet yet. 
Sasha smiles her toothy grin, it feels like a literal sun beats down onto you, “You’re good girlfriend, I just have to take a serious piss.”
That makes you laugh, and you slide past her to get out of Sasha’s way. The door closes and you hear the click! of the lock. You walk over to the far side of the apartment to your room and to pull out an outfit from the dresser. Since the university is up north, you slide on some thick leggings and whatever comfy sweatshirt you pull out first, and, of course, your beater shoes. Hopefully every other person doesn’t give a shit.
Grabbing your beat-up backpack and your water bottle, you head out of the apartments that are across the street from the campus to your first class of the day: Acting 1 with Professor Hange Zoe. You weren’t too thrilled about acting since you don’t have the best presence in front of the camera, but it’s better than actually having to sing like in Voice and Diction 1 on Tuesdays. Singing was strictly for your family, and you didn’t have the balls to let it out at the bar on Karaoke Nights. 
The walk to class was rushed but the autumn breeze was inviting. You pop in your headphones and start to listen to some classics. The students buzzed around you, all either looking at their phones and some chatting amongst each other. The class size was small; the school only accepted 300 students every year and most were older than 20, since MIA is an institute and not a bachelor’s school. 
The doors to the Acting Building were huge, with massive metal figures that seem to be people? You couldn’t tell. Pushing the doors open, you are met with multiple students running to class. You pull your schedule up with your phone and find the room number. 
Professor Hange definitely knew how to wow a crowd. It didn’t even feel like you were even in a class about acting. Hange, as they told the class they preferred to be called, was erratic or ecstatic, you couldn’t tell. They jumped all over the classroom quizzing people in a way where it led to open discussion and even started the year’s first improv session. That’s where you met a certain girl with the most freckles you have ever seen on her face. Her name was Ymir, and Ymir gave off a sarcastic and stoic vibe; but once you two were pushed together for improv, she turned into a completely different person. 
“You told me you were ready? I can’t help you now.” You mocked a look of disgust and crossed your arms across your chest. The both of you, you and Ymir, stood in the large room's center, where there was a wooden platform and a spotlight. The whole room was focused on the scene. 
Ymir was quick with a creative response, “You told me that this wasn’t long term. You told me that you still thought this was going somewhere.” The room filled with ooh’s and an “oh shit” was pulled from Hange, who was sitting on the top of a random desk close to the platform. 
Improv was definitely not something you were expecting, especially on the first day of classes, but it seemed to calm you down. Hange repeatedly told the class that this session needs open ends, the goal is to leave observers confused with no answer. “I never asked for this, this whole thing was ruined because your mother couldn’t mind her own business.” You say with false angry tears. The heat from the tears wasn’t there but the sting in your eyes felt all too familiar. 
After your first class, you decide to text Sasha about what plans she has for the night while you lay on your bed. You don’t want to sit alone and bored on your first weekend at MIA. 
You: hey girl, what plans do you have for tn?
Sasha B: ayo girlll i got news from my friend about his band from MIA playing down at The Rocks downtown. Me my friends Connie and Jean and Nic are going if you wanna tag alongggg
A live band? That could be fun. 
You: shit you don’t have to ask me twice
Sasha B: bet ill be back at the room in 20 and ill get us sum food from mickey d's
You smile at the text and decide to scrummage through your unopened boxes from moving-in to get a head start at getting ready. You pull out ripped black jeans and a black silk top with thin strings holding it in place in the back, and then you decide on some black heels. Maybe black is your color. 
You grab your hair and makeup supplies and you start to decorate your beautiful face and let your hair loose. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you seem satisfied. You accessorize with some gold accents: rings, necklace, bracelets. Anything that you deemed fitting for the outfit. Sasha shows up 15 minutes later with her version of a five-course meal: McDonald’s. 
The three bags of greasy fast food were clenched in Sasha’s hands while she nibbled on fries, “What? McDonald’s is the fanciest meal before drinking.”
You couldn’t hold in the chuckle and you ponder on what she decided to get for you. You take a seat on the desk next to the beds and wait for Sasha to start her hand-outs. 
While the two of you are munching on the food and chatting, you’re interrupted by a loud and random set of knocks on your door. Sasha checks her phone to confirm it's her friends: Connie and Jean. 
Two tall men walk in after Sasha lets them in. The first one you notice is the taller one with a short ash-blonde dyed mullet with tan skin and a couple piercings on one ear. He had on dark semi-rimmed sunglasses and, what you’re assuming is on-purpose, ripped-sleeved black tank with white lettering of Embers & Stones that looks hand-painted. His heavy black boots almost touch his straight black jeans that seem to have gone through a lot. This dude looks… fine. Sasha introduces him as Jean Kirstein. You nervously shake his tattooed hand and follow the art up his arm to his face, which is smugly smirking at you. You were glad his eyes were hidden.
The second man doesn’t disappoint either, who you’re assuming is Connie. His head is shaved, but also had bleached tips, leaving room for his multiple face and ear piercings to be on full show. The ones that you could count would be a couple studs in his ears and a black eyebrow piercing on his right thick eyebrow. A new silver, shiny labret piercing sits pretty on his full lips. His narrow gray eyes bore into yours. He wears a black graphic tee with a rock band name you can’t pronounce with loose dark-washed jeans and black boots. His veiny hand stretched out to shake your hand had multiple rings decorated in a beautiful order, “Connie Springer.” You’re glad you wore all black for the occasion after analyzing your roommate’s friends. 
Sasha swiftly walks over to the dresser to start picking out an outfit for the night, “I wasn’t expecting you guys to show up so early.” She pulls out multiple items of clothing, looking like she is concerned. 
Connie jumps onto the couch that’s close to the door, “We had to since Jeany-boy plays tonight.” 
Jean finally pulls his shades off to show off his dark brown eyes to press his nose-bridge in annoyance and sits next to Connie with a huff. “Speaking of which, we never even got to rehearse yesterday because Yeager had to go to some chick’s crib.” 
Yeager? You look at Sasha expectedly, but she is still too occupied with her large pile of clothing. 
Jean notices that you are confused and gives you an apologetic smile, “Oh, by the way, Sasha’s best friend plays in a band.” Jean sarcastically gives Sasha a burning glare, for what you’re assuming is from not explaining. “I am definitely the coolest friend she has.”
Connie lets out a fake gasp and clutches his chest, “What? That is such a lie.” Sasha then lets out a loud laugh that leads to Connie grumbling on the couch. 
Jean laughs along, “See bro, she agrees with me.”
Sasha stands up with the outfit she finally chose and starts to walk to the bathroom with a sly smile, “No, you’re just the one in a band while Connie takes your picture. And to be honest, he makes you look way hotter than what you really are.” Jean starts to let something out but she slams the door before he can let a word out. 
You say something to change the subject, “So you’re in a band?” Smooth. Real smooth. 
Jean shifts his easy gaze over to you, “Yea, I started this band with my friend Eren in high school and it escalated to us performing in town bars and clubs. It’s pretty dope considering not many make it past the garage practices.” 
You become intrigued with his story, “Oh, so it’s just the two of you? And is it like a… hobby?” You slowly let out the last word, not knowing how to ask such a question. 
Jean grins at you and chuckles, “No, there are a couple others. Eren Yeager is our lead guitarist, I play bass, my boyfriend, Marco Bott, plays secondary guitar and sings - well, we all sing a bit - Mikasa Ackerman also sings and plays piano, and Armin Arlert is our drummer. And I know what you’re thinking - that this is just a fun little activity a bunch of 20-year-old wannabe emos do on the weekends - but I truly think that this is gonna go somewhere. We all go to MIA and study some type of instrument or another. I have confidence that my band members and I will get out of the bars and into some real spotlight at some point… if our members get their shit in check anyways.”
Jean seems to be actually stressed about this Eren guy. His head lays in his hands and a large sigh escapes his mouth, “I am just glad Armin knocked some sense into the kid and made him practice a bit before the bar opens. They are there now and we’d all be able to practice together if someone didn’t take five years in the bathroom.”
The boys and you look over to the bathroom door where Sasha pushes solely her hand out to flip Jean the bird. That makes everyone laugh. “I will take as long as I want, asshole.”
Connie stands up to stretch and steals a couple of Sasha’s fries that lay on her desk, “Yea, you always do when Nic decides to come with.” No sound comes from the bathroom. “Well if we are all done talking, I am ready for a joint.”
You perk up at the mention. You haven’t smoked in ages, especially since you just moved out of your parents' house. Maybe you should let loose before the night begins. You sit up so then you are in a better position. 
Connie notices that you sit up and a half-smile lights his face up, “You smoke sweetheart?” He pulls out a little aluminum container that used to be a mint-holder and a lighter. You wonder if the apartment complex gives a shit. Who cares?
“Hell yea,” you say with a large smile. 
Connie smirks at Jean who is lazily spread out on the couch, “What about you J? You gonna smoke before the big show?”
Jean mock-thinks by rubbing his hand over his scruff to his chin. “I don’t think so. I have to pick up Eren’s slack and I am driving Marco home tonight.” Connie fake gags to the news. 
Connie shrugs and opens his tiny container, “Your loss, you guys act like you are married with two kids and a golden doodle already. It’s gross.” The insides to his little treasure box include some rolling paper, a filter, and, from what little knowledge you know, some keef in a mini Ziploc bag. 
Jean rolls his eyes, “At least I’m in a stable relationship when you can’t even be with a girl for a week.” Connie scoffs but continues to put together his little joint.
He finally rolls it and attempts to light it, “Damn, it’s not catching.”
You, being your impatient self, chime in, “Lemme try it.” You quite literally snatch the pretty rolled joint from the handsome boy’s hands. He looks shocked but lets you have a go at it. 
You put the paper to your mouth and flicker the lighter over the rolled end. Taking a breath, you see it lights so you continue until you feel the thick smoke curl into your lungs, letting you know you hit the green. 
You let the cloud out with multiple short hiccup-like coughs, “There you go boo.” You hand over the joint all while you feel like your lungs are gonna come up, “Keep going before it dies out.”
Connie looks thoroughly impressed, “Nice one. Haven’t smoked in a while?”
Right when you were about to answer, the bathroom door whips open to reveal Sasha. 
“Alright bitches, let’s go get fucked up,” Sasha eagerly tries to put on her second heel on while she stands on the threshold to the bathroom. She looked gorgeous with a skintight and shimmery spaghetti strapped dress that stopped right above the middle of her thighs with black tinted tights and black heels. Her makeup was dark, but not too much where you wouldn’t be able to make out her features in the dark.
You notice Connie stares longer than everyone else but he is the first to respond, “Don’t have to tell me twice!”
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savkirschtein · 2 months
ᴀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴀ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ
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modern college au
Jean Kirstein x f!reader
warnings: literally just Jean being infatuated with you…that’s it. College party. Mentions of alcohol, making out, drunkenness, slight stalking.
You were someone who kept to yourself often, not in the sense that you were particularly shy, but it was more so you liked to keep your circle of friends small. It kept your friendships easy to manage, and easy to keep up with. But for your childhood best friend Sasha, that was not the case, what so ever.
Queenie had friends, acquaintances, and plugs, EVERYWHERE.
You and Sasha only got to see each other every once in a while when she was able to come home, due to the fact that she moved away and was enrolled at SSU (Shiganshina University). Meanwhile you, because of some money issues, along with a sprinkle of poorly made decisions in Highschool went straight into Community College after graduating.
The distance was never a problem though, you guys would call each other all the time. And she would keep you up to date on all the crazy things she would be doing, along with all the friends she had made.
Always talking about the same three dudes Connie, Marco, and Jean. Whom she quickly befriended in one of her communications classes.
When you had told her you were going to be able to transfer early, and be enrolled into SSU, she absolutely flipped. So thrilled that her best friend would be able to join and experience all the craziness with her. Talking up and down about how you're going to fit in great with her newfound friends.
You enjoyed hearing all the insane things that she did with them. And more than anything, loved how clearly happy they seemed to make her. As well as how well they treated Sasha (having been skeptical of three guys and their intentions with your best friend). Those feelings quickly being put to rest after Sasha's dozens of stories of them and their many escapades in which they've had to take care of Sasha after one too many drinks.
Learning all of their names and all of their quirks came easy with how much she was around them, and how much she talked of them with you.
Watching from a distance you were able to see some of those moments she would gush about, play out due to Sasha posting on her social medias. Whether it be pictures on Instagram, or videos she would share on her private story on Snapchat.
From those small snip bits that she would share though, someone always seemed to catch your eye. The tall, lean, hot headed one, with the ash brown mullet, always yelling at Sasha and Connie in her snaps.
Jean. Your best friend said his name was.
Sasha talked about the three guys all of the time, and from what she would tell you about Jean, he seemed like a cool guy.
An art major, on the Uni Lacrosse team, who was hot-headed, hilarious, and spontaneous. Stoic exterior but has a heart of gold on the inside…well at least from what you heard from Sasha. Though you didn't know him personally, you had a slight interest to him already.
But what you didn’t know was that slight interest went both ways.
Sasha talked about you ALL. THE. TIME. Not that the boys minded, it was cool to them that she had a loyal best friend, who has stuck around through all of her phases, through all of the years, like you. And as her best friends it clearly meant a lot to Sasha for them to know about you.
And when she did talk of you, she spoke of you, holding you in such high regards. Talking about how hilarious you were, or about how you were one of the most down to earth and genuine people she knew. Hearing how great of a person you were through Sasha, along with the memories she shared, made Jean’s interest in you pique.
Jean felt like he knew you personally with how much he had heard about you. When he and Sasha became friends, he had only ever seen a few old picture of you two, which was from when you guys graduated highschool and some from Sasha’s 18th birthday on her instagram. But other than that not much else, and even if he did want to just check your profile, for science of course, you were private.
And he felt it would be odd and cause a stir of him to ask Sasha to look at her profile, especially since Connie and Marco didn't have such an interest in you to go out of their ways to do the same. Jean felt it would arise questions, which he would much rather dodge rather than succumbing to his own curiosity.
Until Sasha had come back after break from home, and showed him, Connie, and Marco a video of you cussing out, and roasting the shit out of a man. Who was unsolicitedly hitting on another one of your good friends, and making her uncomfortable. Taken when you guys were out, celebrating your birthday at a bar in your guys' hometown.
And for some reason that video had him hooked. From your witty and cunning remarks to the pervert hitting on your friend. To how beautiful you looked in the short, black, satin dress that adorned your body perfectly. Along with how attractive it was that you were so protective of your friends.
And from the pictures Sasha posted from that night of you guys afterwards??? Good lord, Jean went on a little bit of an adventure looking through your instagram account and your pictures after seeing you changed your account to a public one afterwards.
To have a more clear face to put to the person he had heard of so often made him all the more curious to meet you in person. Especially after Sash had finally told him and the other guys that you would be transferring soon.
When you had managed to move into your own small studio apartment just a walk away from the university, Sasha was there already to help you unpack and decorate.
"Give me one reason right now, as to why I SHOULDN’T gauge your eyes out." Sasha holds up an old picture in a plain white frame, from you both on your eighth grade promotion, holding up your diplomas, arms around each other's shoulders. Sasha unfortunately in the picture caught mid sneeze, with you smiling big and bright under her arm.
"It's the only picture I have from that day." You laugh, rolling your eyes at her. Wiping excess dust on the back of your jeans, from the boxes you carried, watching her fake gagging at the precious momento.
"So its your first night as an SSU student..." Sasha tiptoes timidly in her voice, eager to talk about anything else. Then hanging the framed picture on the naked wall. But from the tone in her voice you could tell she was going to try and convince you to do something you probably didn't want to.
"NOW BEFORE YOU SHUT ME DOWN, THIS COMES WITH A SASHA MADE BREAKFAST AND DINNER INCLUDED." She is quick to cut you off before you can shut her down. You only nod at her with your arms crossed, waiting for her to continue. Slightly influenced at the offer already.
"Well...plead your case then."
"There is a party tonight that I was invited to, and..."
"And you want me to go?" You raise your eyebrow.
"Let’s go then." You say nonchalantly, making Sasha go wide eyed and start screaming in excitement as she shook your shoulders.
From there Sasha had gone to her own apartment to get ready after helping you pick out an outfit, leaving you on your own to go through your own getting ready routine. Picking out jewelry and putting on makeup.
As you were finishing up you get a last minute text from her.
Sash👩‍❤️‍👩: will you be okay showing up on your own? i have absolutely no problem coming back to pick you up!
After reassuring her multiple times over text, and even more over Facetime that you would be fine, you then leave your apartment on your own.
Following the gps’ directions, you eventually pull up to the packed house with blaring music coming from the inside, people scattered on the outside lawn and packed on the inside.
As you enter you smile at what was laid out before you. The craziness of college life in university was everything Sasha described it to be.
Drunken students letting loose and dancing everywhere. Cheering to more drinks as they hold up their red solo cups. People making out left and right, living every second up before the sun rises that would return them back to their stressful lives as broke college students who had unknown futures.
This aspect of college is what you weren't able to experience fresh out of highschool due to going to a CC. Seeing Sasha get to experience it all and have fun doing it made you so happy for her. But you couldn’t help but feel as if you were missing out on a crucial part of what life is supposed to be as a young adult. And to just stand in the middle of it made it all so real and raw, this was definitely an experience that has been missing all along.
You were so caught up in everything happening around you, that you couldn't feel someone’s eyes burning into your presence from afar.
As soon as you entered the front door, you caught Jean's eye immediately.
The chaos of the party and the people around him subsided. The alcohol clouding his judgement having him buzzed had disappeared, and the sight of you sobered him up immediately. You were really here in the flesh. And looked as beautiful as ever, starry eyed wonder and excitement filling your aura and the space you took up as you were people watching. It only made him hope to be able to catch your attention.
When you had began to weave your way through people, Jean's feet that had him stuck just watching you, immediately uprooted from his place to follow you.
As you were making your way through the house, which was seemingly so much bigger than it looked on the outside, trying to the best of your ability to look for Sasha, you see that you had only reached another dead end.
When you turn around to retrace your steps, your face is immediately met with a warm and hard surface. Your senses begin to be flooded with scents of vanilla, spicy sandalwood, and a note of beer. With hot hands meeting you at your elbows, to steady you from tripping.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry." You say quickly, without taking into account the stranger who you had just ran into. Just as your about to continue your search for Sasha, you feel that the stranger doesn't let you go right away.
Craning your head upwards, you’re met with the eyes of you had just ran into. Taking in light brown orbs with gold inflects of a tall stranger that you immediately recognize to unmistakably be, Jean.
"No that was my bad, are you okay?" He begins searching your eyes genuinely. When his hands drop from your elbows, you relish in whatever warmth was left.
"Oh no I'm alright, are you good?" You ask in return, looking right into his bright eyes, taking note of his beautifully long dark brown lashes. Not at all noticing the tint of pink painting his nose, or how red his ears were turning.
For a moment he doesn't even answer, he just shamelessly looks at you. The buzz giving him more confidence than he would like to admit. Taking in your features, noting in his head how the videos Sasha had shown of you doesn't do nearly as much justice to how breathtaking you are in person. Every picture he had seen of you didn’t capture the amount of beauty you held right in front of him, in this moment.
His eyes travel down your body, looking at how your outfit and your style complimented your figure perfectly. Or how your hair falls and frames your face perfectly, tempting him for a second to reach out and tuck the stray piece behind your ear.
And for a split second you do the same as well, taking note of his perfectly messy mullet, to the silver chain that adorned his neck, and the variety of silver rings, and earrings on his hands and ears. Bringing his outfit of a tight white shirt, and clean cut, black collared Carthartt jacket together. Although the jacket is slightly bigger, you can tell right away how well built he was. From his broad shoulders, or his chest puffing out from his white shirt.
Damn those videos and pictures of him really don't do him justice to him in person.
As you both stand in the middle of the uncrowded hallway, you completely forget where you are and what you were here for. With the lights going into a blur, the loud music fading out, and the only thing you can focus on was him. Almost as if your attention to him was keeping a grip on you to the floor beneath you instead of gravity. And for a split second looking into his fiery eyes, you swear he felt the same?
"I-I'm-" You stutter, trying to rid yourself of the warmth, and the butterflies flooding your stomach. But before you could even collect your words—
"You're Y/N." He finishes your shy introduction for you, revealing his perfectly aligned teeth in a smirk. Noticing your cheeks begin to blush hues of red. In return making him nervous, he then reaches his hand clumsily out to you to shake.
“I’m—” Taking his much larger hand into yours, with his slender fingers wrapping around your hand. Feeling a variety of rings graze the inside of your palm.
“Jean…” You finish his introduction, as he did you. Which now it was his turn to be shy..so you knew about him too? Just as he was about to speak again, you’re both knocked out of your daze. Literally.
“AGHHH YOU’RE HEREEE!!” Sasha tugs you into a tight embrace, as if she didn’t just see you over two hours ago. The force of her hug making you and Jean let go of each other’s hands. With two tall figures at her side watching her excitement with fond smiles on their faces. One of them then stepping forward after Sash had finally let you go.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, I’m Marco.” The tall freckled cutie in the cream t-shirt and brown flannel speaks up. Then stepping forward bashfully, reaching out to shake your hand gently.
As you finish shaking his hand, you avert your attention to the slightly shorter male. Orange fisherman beaning on his head, with a slightly outgrown fade peaking from underneath, wearing an army green crew neck, and silver chain and studs. Whom you immediately recognize to be Sasha’s accomplice.
“You didn’t tell me she was THIS fine in person Sash.” Connie shamelessly checks you out, which earns him a flick to his forehead from Sasha. And a smack upside the back of his head from Jean. Making Marco laugh behind you. While you giggle as well watching the group dynamic.
“WELL seems like you and Jean met already.” Your best friend grins, glad to see that both and Jean seemed to have gotten off on the right foot already. Making you and the semi-stranger look back at each other. Zoning in on him again, as he does you. Exchanging small smiles and nods.
“Well I hope he didn’t annoy you, or leave a bad impression.” Sasha cuts the tension once more unknowingly. Making Jean feel slightly more embarrassed with her choice of words.
“Yeah he can be a bit of an ass sometimes Y/N, so you just gotta be prepared for that.” Connie adds on, just to get a rise out of Jean. Then receiving a glare from him, and a snort out of Marco.
“I swear you two—” Jean despite his flustered state, was still ready to chew out his two knuckle head friends by instinct, before getting cut off.
“I mean he did kind of save me from tripping and eating shit at my first college party so, I’d say he’s alright.” You speak out with a small nod, making Jean’s eyes soften and his voice go quiet, as his full attention reverts to you. His once furrowed brows now relaxed with an airy chuckle coming out. He scratches the back of his neck before hitting you back with a response.
“Well you are pretty “alright” yourself.” Jean retorts, quoting you with his finger quotation marks. Careless and relaxed expression on his face as he only focuses on you. Not breaking eye contact even for a second or letting his smile fall from his face.
His three best friends are quick to take note at how Jean’s demeanor changed at your voice and within your little exchange.
Sasha though being a woman for one, and both of your best friends for two, was able to read you both immediately. Your small shy nods, the way your voice hitched up a small pitch signaling that you were nervous. Jean, trying his best to not look like he had a stick up his ass, the way he scratched his neck.
Of course it could just be coincidence, but Sasha and her bestie intuition never fails.
“Let’s go back I heard they’re about to do beer pong.” Sasha exclaims as she loops her arm with your own, walking before the boys down the hall. Trying to snatch you away in hopes of a bit of debriefing.
Jean is about to catch up, before Marco and Connie pull him back, both giving him knowing looks. He only answers with furrowed brows, waiting for his friends to answer as to why they’re holding him up.
“…you think she’s cute huh.” Connie teases, poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek, with his arms crossed to his chest. Marco knowing his best friend well enough, doesn’t even need to say anything to know that Connie wasn’t far off the mark.
“W-What? The hell are you two talking about? We barely just met her.” Jean very quickly responds. Defensive in his tone, a little TOO defensive if you ask. Marco only lets out a small chuckle through his nose because his best friend’s response only proved the theory correct.
“She’s just a friend of a friend. You both are on one. seriously.” Jean pushes past his best friends, quick to brush them off and leave this interrogation behind. All to prevent getting pressed any further with any other RIDICULOUS accusations.
Marco and Connie stand in the hall watching their friend stock off and rush downstairs. Looking back at each other, they both laugh as they haven’t seen Jean act this way in a while.
But really Jean was also trying to do anything to avoid his red ears being seen. As well as get his loudly thumping heart out of earshot from anyone. Swearing that the pounding in his ears from his heart would be able to be heard outwardly by anyone with ears.
You were just a friend of a friend. He had barely just met you in person for the first time. And yet here he was running off at the first signs of being caught in the act of crushing like a school kid.
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starry-snippets · 2 months
captivate you. (band au! aot x reader)
howdy guys! started a band au fanfic for aot featuring Connie, Reiner, Marco, Jean, and Eren as the band Paradis. in this story you're a fan of the band since the get, proudly calling yourself an island devil; which is the name for those who rock out to their nu metal albums.
the story will contain adult themes, references to Christianity and religion, drug use (smoking, alcohol consumption, nothing one would call "extreme"), references to mental health issues, toxic pairings/couples (floch x reader), minor violence, profanity, sexual content, other relationships happening adjacently, and lots of mutual pining but being stupid about it :3
hope you cheek it out and enjoy!! will also post here :3
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uwu-co-in · 7 months
What majors 'Attack on Titan'characters would have in college AU (part 2):
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Source: My Majors
Word count: 1.1k
(part one)
11. Sasha: Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management
• Sasha was first admitted to a college with the major Culinary Science, along with her boyfriend, Niccolo, but left the course after a month
• I want to eat food not study it was what she retorted to everyone, but in reality, she just felt she would not be contributing enough to the community
• As the major took out for a lot of field work, she signs up for all, and even joined internships from the first year itself, regarding the same
• A procrastinator; crams on the night of the exam, while Niccolo is cooking her assortment of dishes and gets super groggy on examination mornings :')
12. Connie: Graphic Design
• His mother was extremely proud of her son getting into the college; so much that she had told every other person passing on the streets how Connie will be a genius, in whatever tech stuff he is doing
• Opted for a college far away from home, because he wanted to experience life to the fullest by living alone, and learning to fend for himself
• Teaches basic computer science to two kids, and works as a freelancer digital artist, along with juggling his classes
• Loves his subject and puts effort behind it quite regularly, but call him for a party he'd be there with two extra beer bottles, ridiculously shimmery clothes and a party popper!
13. Jean: Architecture
• Look me in the eye and tell me that Jean doesn't look like a dreamy arch student, always carrying his sketchbook along with him and sitting down to draw the building or monument designs that seem to intrigue him
• Was in eighth grade, when Mikasa told him that the way he draws the buildings are very clean. Boom, and he wants to draw them for the rest of his life
• For some reason, his mother did not approve of his subject choice, until one day she found a few building designs doodled in placards sprawled over his desk and reconsidered her opinion
• Loves a good party once in a while, but really wants to work behind the subject so sometimes, calls a rain check
14. Erwin: Intelligence
• Ever since Erwin can remember, he wanted to be in the army, fighting for his motherland. That was what he had wanted all his life, and he had every quality to enlist himself for it until he sustained incurable injuries on his right arm trying to save an elderly couple from an accident
• Intelligence major was a piece of cake for Erwin, for he was a natural leader, acing all his classes with ease. He loves spending time in the library a lot, and his favourite book is rumoured to be 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky
• He is equally loved and lusted by the women in his university, but apart from occasional casual flings, he does not want to engage in a relationship because it 'fuddles his mind'
• His room is speck clean and he likes working out regularly and eating healthy (cooks his own food and is distrustful of the canteen meals)
15. Zeke: Law
• In school, Zeke was reprimanded a lot because according to his teachers, he was 'always quipped with a brash follow-up question, with no regards to authority'. In college, he encashed it by enrolling himself in a law major programme
• He is a big believer in practical knowledge and quickly networked to find internship opportunities to practice and observe lawyers alongside his regular studies
• With an absentee father, he worked two side jobs as a cashier at Starbucks and a private tutor
• He participated a lot in debate competitions and moot courts to enhance his critical thinking and analytical skills
16. Marco: Film Studies
• Always a sweet and dreamy guy, Marco chose film studies because he passionately believes films influence people a lot
• Ask him, and he will name the most obscure movies just to seem like a film student with a mysterious air, while in reality, his favourite movie is Mean Girls
• Likes people watching and tries to do all his college work sitting in a cafe, with 'coffee, coffee, coffee!'
• Has tried making short films, and although the themes and plots have been pretty good, he is yet to get real recognition for them
17. Porco: Aviation
• Ever the cocky guy, Porco took aviation because it made him feel like he was on top of the world
• Scored average in theory but was very skilled in practical knowledge
• His professors have often recommended he enlist for the air force, but he doesn't want to; he wants a low-key life without stress (staning a king who knows the importance of mental health!)
• Flirts A LOT with his fellow classmates, and 10/10 uses his charm to get his homework and assignments done
18. Pieck: Inorganic Chemistry
• Pieck's main goal in life is to see more women in STEM, and thus, her major
• Has excellent mathematical and statistical skills and uses them efficiently to excel
• Straight A student, has the special lucky glasses that she wears while taking her exams
• Very humble and soft-spoken, she is often forced to help others even when she doesn't really want to
19. Gabi: Marketing Research
• Gabi originally wanted to become a footballer and had once run away from home because she felt her parents did not approve of her career choice
• While football is still her passion, she has a newfound love for marketing
• Immense persuasive skills and great essays make her one of the toppers of her batch
• Feels stressed trying to juggle studies and football, but she loves both and can't live life with one without the other
20. Falco: Art History Criticism and Conservation
• Falco loved visiting art museums as a kid, and this love of his followed well into adulthood
• His favourite artist is Monet, and his core memory of college is their field trip to the Sistine Chapel
• Loves art, any art in any form, and appreciates every art he sees; is passionate about learning more and has inculcated the skill of finding beauty in everything
• His dorm room is filled with paintings from roadside artisans that he fell in love with, and on Sundays, he tries painting himself (and fails miserably, but is the happiest)
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marcobodtlives · 4 months
Modern day Jean would have the s4 pink mullet, listen to Deftones & Cigarettes After Sex, and dress like a stressed, bisexual, art student icon:
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nvvacanesworld · 4 months
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Last Spring
ᯓ★ Jean Kirstein x Fem Reader
Summary: You guys met in spring, All was forgotten by Fall.
You and Jean fall in love after you meet at your local Roller Rink, all is well until a accident causes you to lose your memory, forcing you guys to sever what you’ve could’ve been.
TW!-Angst/No comfort, Fluff in the beginning then it gets bad :) Car accident, Confessions, Crying (aww the three C’s) , Jean moves onto mikasa (let me know is i missed anything)
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Winter was finally over and it was your favorite season.
The beautiful flowers blooming in the lush grass. The weather that feels just right, not to cold, not to hot. Even what some people would consider the bad parts like the weather that could just never seem to stay consistent, or the pollen that caused you to sneeze constantly.
You loved all of it
What you loved most about spring though? Is that you finally had time to yourself. You were done with your exams. So that meant no more late nights studying ruining your sleep schedule trying to cram as much information into your brain as possible. Also Basketball season was over, meaning you didn’t have to stay after school practicing for something you weren’t even passionate about anymore. You could Relax.
Well not really
You were poor. You grew up poor and for a long time you were sure you would die poor because you never saw yourself being able to pay for yourself to go to a good college.
Until your senior year of highschool came and you got a offer to play basketball at a D2 school.
But just because you got a scholarship doesn’t mean all expenses were paid for.
So that’s why you found yourself, every spring, working at your local roller rink until it was time to play again.
“Hey? Everything alright?”
A deep voice broke you out of your trance. Almost falling off of your stool you rushed to answer the man.
“Shit! Fuck, I’m so sorry” Mentally face planing yourself. Really day dreaming at work Y/n? Fuck if you’re manager hears about this your screwed. “I’m sorry- uhh how can i help you?” Putting on your best smile to cover up the fact you were bad at your job. The man only laughed and smiled back at you. He has a nice smile. You thought to yourself as you stared into his hazel eyes that were locked with your e/c ones.
He had a boy next door vibe, he looks sweet, you thought again. He looked to be standing at about 6’2 inches. You trailed your eyes down his body.
Fuck he looks like he works out too
You could practically tell he was fit just from how he looked in his outfit. How his shirt hugged his body, How his arms filled into it just right.
Realizing you were literally checking a customer out you shot your eyes back up to his to find them not staring at you but at your upper body.  Particularly  your chest and the way your top hugged your breasts. When he realized you were looking at him his body stiffed up and a pink hue took over his cheeks. Aw how cute
“How may i help you?” You said again only this time you said it more seductively while smiling at him. He coughed into his hand speaking up again “Ah yea- um i just need a size 12 skates” He said holding up his shoes so you guys could exchange “Please” he added with a smile.
After getting his skates you watched him walk back over to what seemed to be his friends. Looking at the group you could tell they were hyping him up in some way and he looked so nervous. It was so cute.
He was so cute.
Looking up from the tables you just finished cleaning the time was 9:56 p.m. Great we close in just four minutes. You were so tired and just wanted to go home so you could shower and catch up on Love is blind. You were walking back up to the front desk when you saw that same guy again standing there. His eyes lit up when he saw you. He looked like he was waiting for you to come back there.
“Sir can i help you?”
When you finally reached him his body stiffened. He looks so awkward.
“Uh-“ Looking behind him he locked eyes with his friends at the front door who seemed to have been waiting for him. “I- Um- Shit”
He looked like a nervous wreck . Wiping his palms on his pants. Biting his lip. You really wish he would hurry up. Your bed is screaming your name right now.
“Can i get your number?” He said it so fast while closing his eyes like he was bracing himself for some sort of impact. Really? That’s it? The way this guy was acting you would’ve thought he was going to say he rammed my car trying to get out of his parking space.
You looked at him contemplating if you should or not. Before you could decide you needed to ask him just one thing.
“How old are you?”
His eyes widened at your question but he still answered with haste. “I’m 23” Smirking while he answered. Looking to have slowly gained just some confidence.
“Oh cool, i’m 20” You smiled up at him. Walking over to the counter you reached for a pen and paper. “I’m pretty sure my phone is dead right now but just take my number on this and text me when you get home” Keeping your smile as you handed it to him.
Your smile made him smile too. He accepted the paper “Thank you pretty, i’ll do that” He turned to walk away leaving you to watch him walk back to his friends who seemed so proud of him, one of them who had a buzzcut even fake fainted with tears in his eyes. Damn he must get no play. Laughing out loud at your thoughts you went to grab your purse. Looking at the clock again it read 10:00 p.m.
You went to turn off the lights to the building walking to the front door where you were met with the night time security guard.
“See you Tomorrow Y/n, Get home safe” Waving you off
“Byeeee see you tomorrow” You chirped back walking out the doors.
“And i don’t know he just doesn’t seem serious about me”
“Girl what about the other guy that you talked to in the pods ? What was his name..um..OH Jake, Yeah what about him?”
You were now in your bed with your face mask on totally embraced into this show. It’s not when you hear your phone ding that you take your eyes off the screen. Ruffling your hands through the covers trying to feel for your phone you finally grab hold of it and look at this message from a random number.
It’s Jean from the Skating rink
Well i’m not sure if i told you my name
But it’s jean
if you were wondering
which I’m sure sounds stupid now bc why wouldn’t you want to know my name
Before he could send anymore anxious messages you replied but not before save his contact
lmfao calm down it’s okay
hi jean i’m y/n
He replied back almost immediately.
Cutie from ma job😏
That’s a pretty name🫠
If you had a hour left to live what would you do?
uhh probably want to spend it with the people i love the most…
or maybe have my fav meal one last time
look at you coming in with a bang💀
Cutie from ma job😏
I’m just trying to get to know you beautiful 😪
wanted to ask you something that would make me stand out
can you blame a guy for trying?
You giggled at his message. You guess you couldn’t blame him for trying, and yo be fair you’ve bever got asked a question like that from a guy in the first few messages you share. It’s usually “wyd” or just back and forth flirting. He seems so sweet. It made you forget about your show and continue to text him
You guys had been texting for about a hour before he asked you something that made you sit up from your bed.
Cutie from ma job😏
I really like talking to you y/n
Can i take you out? On a date i mean
You deserve to get taken somewhere nice
Ok, now you were full blown smiling and you could fry an egg on how hot your cheeks felt. You’ve never felt a connection like this with someone just from texting nor had you ever came into contact with someone who seemed so genuine. So you did the only reasonable thing you could think of
I’m okay
I just
I just 😪 fuck idk how to say this
So god help me
spit it tf out
I got asked on a date 😀
*attachment 1*
Long story short, Mya, Your sister said to just go with what your heart desires and then went on this long speech about how she was sooo worried something bad could’ve happened.
So you did just that
where ya taking me?😙
Cutie from ma job😏
Do you like surprises?
Cutie from ma job😏
Be ready saturday at 8:00 p.m.
Send your address
or you can wait
up to you
Whatever makes you comfortable so rush❤️
You sent him your address after contemplating if he was trust worthy or not. After you sent it you screamed into your pillow thrashing in your bed like maniac. This was overwhelming for you.
When’s the last time you had a date?
This was the 5th time you looked in the mirror.
It was Saturday the clock read 7:56 p.m. He would be here any minute now and you couldn’t calm down. You were so anxious
Hearing the sound of car horn outside you jumped at the sound.
Taking one last look in the mirror you rushed outside seeing his car parked in across the street from your dorm building. He was already waiting outside the car door to greet you when you got in proximity with his car.
“Hi” He said nervously. “You look amazing, i mean when do you not look amazing” He rambled
“Hi jean” Standing in front of him you got a good look at him. Finally locking eyes with those hazel eyes that drew you into him when you first met. “Thank you, You look very handsome”
Your comment obviously had an effect on him based on his reaction. He took his hand to his face to cover his smile. God he really was so cute.
“Okay cover your eyes for me”
“Got it” You put your hands over your eyes awaiting to see this surprise he was raving about so much. After about 5 more minutes of driving the car came to a halt.
“Can i uncover-“
You pressed your hands into your eyes harder at his reaction. So hard you felt they could’ve got stuck
“Shit- I’m sorry pretty, i just don’t wanna ruin it, here let me help you out” You heard him get out the car and his footsteps come over to your side of the car.
“I’m right here” He reached over to unbuckle your seat belt his hand brushing over your thighs as he did. His touches were so light and gentle. It was like he was dealing with a baby the way he was treating you. Something so precious and delicate.
“Okay i’m ‘gonna lead you out now”
“Okay” You said so softly you almost didn’t catch it yourself. You’ve never felt like this before. It felt nice, You felt like you could depend on him and you never felt like you could depend on anybody.
Not even your own parents
Leading you out the car Jean held your hand as he walked down a path. You could tell you were outside because you could here the leaves crushing beneath your feet and the twigs snapping as you walked with him. Along with the nice spring breeze on your skin.
“Okay open your eyes now” whispering close to your ear. You could feel his breathe against your skin warming it when he spoke.
Uncovering your eyes the scene before you. Lanterns lit the area added just the perfect amount of light to the romantic atmosphere. Blankets used as padded big enough so you guys could late down and cuddle. A projector that was projecting your favorite movie waiting to be started.
But your favorite thing
When you and Jean were getting to know each other he asked you what your favorite food was. You didn’t think to much of it but looking at some of your favorite foods laid out of trays in front of you, you think to yourself on how he must have been planning this before he even asked.
It was so perfect you could cry
“Jean oh my goodness” your voice cracking as you tried to put into words just how all of this made you feel
“This is- It’s so- Wow jean i don’t even know what to say right now” Turing around so you could stare into his eyes that you saw were already looking back at you.
“You don’t have to say anything, i understand pretty, you’re welcome”
It’s crazy how he understood you and you guys just met. It felt like he was your boyfriend already and you guys just met.
“Come, Come sit down” He takes your hand leading you to the blankets sitting down with you after you take your seat.
Such a gentleman too
“I’m happy you let me do this for you” He looked at you with what looked like admiration.
“Jean you went above and beyond you didn’t have to do this, this is so much i’m just so speechless”
“A beauty like you deserves it” Reaching for you hand to hold it you took his hand. He pulled you into his chest and went to start the movie.
I can already tell ill remember this night forever.
It’s been 3 months sense your date with Jean and things have only gotten better. You two started dating but you wanted to take things slow, being so used to rushing into things and it back firing on you, you didn’t want that to happen again.
You were sitting at the front desk at the Roller Rink. Bored out of your mind, missing Jean.
It’s like the clock was taunting you with how loud it was ticking.
To say the least you couldn’t wait to get out of here. Especially because jean said he wanted to take you to you guys spot.
The spot he took you to on your first date had a tree that you guys ended up visiting every now and then. Whether it was to do study and do work, Or just to get away. It was you guy’s thing to just visit the tree from time to time.
He expressed how he had something really important to tell you so you couldn’t wait to say the least. Just thinking about it was making your day better.
Just then it was like a miracle happened.
“Y/n your free to go we aren’t to busy today so i can take it from here”
Wow how lucky am i?
Before she could say another word you rushed to clock out.
After clocking out you shot Jean a text
i cant wait to see you ;)
That’s amazing love
I’ll see you soon i’m already here ;)
Running to the tree you saw jean sitting there. He was doodling in his notebook but put it down when he heard your footsteps
You ran into his arms letting his snaking around your waist, yours going to wrap around his neck
“I’ve missed you so much pretty, how was work?”
“i’ve missed you more and It was good but please i don’t wanna talk about work jean”
You both laughed and you get comfortable leaning your back against the bark
“What did you want to tell me?”
Jeans eyes light up and he starts to use his middle finger to starch his thumb. Something you learned he did when he was nervous.
“Okay i need you to look at me when i say this” He fixes he posture and takes your chin into his hands to turn your face towards him. Locking eyes with those hazel ones you’ve learned to love. You brace yourself for what he is about to say.
“Since the moment i laid eyes on you it felt like i’ve known you my whole life, like i was looking into the eyes of a lover from a past life time. Getting to know you has been a blessing, it’s been just what i needed, i couldn’t imagine myself being with any of girl y/n. You make me so happy, whenever i lock eyes with you i know that i wanna grow old with you, and i’m saying all this because-“ He sucks in a breath
“I love you”
You didn’t even know you had tears coming out your eyes until Jean takes his hand to your cheek to wipe them.
“Don’t cry love, it’s o-“
“I love you too Jean”
Walking back to you guys car you guys go to your designated vehicles, not after agreeing to follow eachother to Jeans apartment.
Your so caught up in your own world right now. Everything is going amazing for you. You’re doing good in school on the track to graduating. You have an amazing boyfriend who just confessed his love for you and you have a great job lined up for you after you graduate.
You’ve come so far from when you were a kid. Nothing could go-
The blaring horn of a truck takes you out of your dream like trance. You look to your left and see a Semi Truck speeding towards you and it shows no signs of stopping.
You can feel like life flash before your eyes. The truck crashing into the driver side of your car making it glide across the rode on impact, flipping over and all. A loud crash is heard. The glass from your windows flying across the pavement.
You don’t feel anything at first. Until you look downwards and see blood everywhere. You start to loose consciousness.
“Baby please wake up”
Until everything goes blank.
“Like i was explaining before Mr.Kirstien we can’t disclose anything about the patient not unless you are married or family”
“You have to tell me please, That’s my girlfriend in there i can’t be in the dark about this”
Jean drops to his knees in front of the doctor catching the attention of no other than your parents
“Please anything just is she okay? Will she be okay?”
The doctor pitches the bridge of her nose looking up while sighing
“Sir please get up-“
“Excuse me”
They both turn there heads at the sound of a women. Jean looks at her.
“Are you looking for my daughter?”
He must look a mess right now he thinks to himself. Bloodshot eyes from non stop days crying about you, Snot coming out his nose from his current crying, Face red and puffy.
But how could he not look like this?
He couldn’t be okay if he doesn’t know if your okay or not.
The women looks to be in about her 50’s but that’s not the crazy part.
She looks just like you. This must be your mother.
The doctor taking this as her chance to escape walking away leaving your mom to take care of it.
“A-are you y/n’s mom?”
“Yes i am” The women answered in almost a whisper. At this news Jean gets off the ground standing up straight. “Hi i’m- Hello Ma’am i’m Jean, Y/n’s Boyfriend” The women smiles “Ah yes she did mention how she had a boyfriend” At this news Jean gains hope
Is she awake?
“Is she awake? Can i speak to her ? Did she tell you that now ?”He is fumbling over his words rushing all his thoughts out at once. But who could blame him ? He was a wreck right now he didn’t know if you were dead or alive.
“She’s awake but-“ Her voice cracks “The doctor said she- Oh god i can’t do this” She breaks down into tears. Jean leads her to a seat taking a seat next to her as she sits down. Letting her hold his hand and cry on his shoulder.
After she calms down she starts to speak again.
“The doctor s-said she lost her memory and won’t be able to remember anything from before she woke u-up in the hospital. I-i- she doesn’t even remember h-er own mother” The women breaks down again not being able to hold in her emotions when she thinks about her daughter and what she went through.
Jean feels like the world stopped spinning. What? What did she mean you lost your memory? So you won’t be able to remember him? all the times you shared together?
He needed to see you
Looking out the window of your hospital room you felt numb. Not because of all the drugs in your body to make sure you were okay but because you it felt like you were rid of emotions. You felt bad for the women. You really did, but you just didn’t know her anymore.
The door to the hospital room opened revealing a man that stood at about 6’2
You could tell he worked out
But he looked so deflated.
Hm did she know him too?
“she” As in your past self. Because honestly that just wasn’t you anymore.
You look at him with indifference as you watch his face fall. It was like someone pulled a plug on him. It’s like he knew this wasn’t the girl he knew
“You- You don’t remember me? At all”
You don’t say anything. Just because you think it’s obvious.He doesn’t take lightly to this though. Rushing to your side taking your hands into his. He’s squeezing the life out of you right now
“I need you to answer me y/n do you remember me ? at all?” His voice raises. He’s getting desperate. “Please it’s me, Jean” He says with a tearful smile.
He was oh so desperate.
He felt his stomach drop
“I’m sure you and i guess- y/n, we’re very close but i don’t remember that anymore. I wish i did you seem so hurt right now but that just isn’t me” You sigh “I’m sorry, Jean”
It was Jeans Favorite season
The beautiful flowers blooming in the lush grass. The weather that feels just right, not to cold, not to hot. Even what some people would consider the bad parts like the weather that could just never seem to stay consistent, or the pollen that caused you to sneeze constantly.
But what he loved most about spring was his memory’s if you and what you once had.
“Jeannn come on, let’s go get our skates” His girlfriends mikasa drags him to the front desk. Jean winces at her touch not wanting step close to that desk. Let alone be in this place.
“Can i get two pairs of skates please? One size 7 one size 12..”
He stares at the desk and the new worker who is there.
Well not entirely new.
Because she may have your face, Your hair, even your scent
But that’s not you.
Jeans eyes met your e/c ones. He felt butterflies in his stomach. He wish something would snap in you and you would remember him, remember you and him and all the memories you shared.
But he knows that will never happen.
Jean loves spring he loved everything about spring.
But every spring he’s reminded of last spring.
and what you and him could’ve had.
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An- Hey y’all okay so i’m not crying you are. But also more importantly this was not proof read at all so pls correct me if i have any mistakes and show me mercy as i am new to writing i’m trying my best so i may not be as good as these writers that get 1,000’s of notes but with time i will improve if you have any tips feel free to share with me in comments or dm’s i’m always down talk about writing ✍🏽, i’m very tired and have morning classes tomorrow. Thank you for reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷 mwah 💋
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