#jean luc (oc)
technicolor-dreamss · 2 months
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I forgot to post here for weeks but uh. Me and @cchipollo new qcard au just dropped. Working title is called “Qcard babytrapped au” but I’m open to better suggestions. His name is Jacques Q Picard and he grows up to be the most boring man alive. We have many storylines for this horribly repressed human-Q already god save me. The Qcard miasma continues
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X-Men as the TNG crew,,,,,, inside me are 2 wolves and they are both autistic
I think I should’ve had Morph in the place of Data instead of Kurt but I’m happy with everyone else’s places :3
I think Storm as Guinan would be super interesting as she’s less comedic but just as wise
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sexystembolt · 1 year
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cac-deadlyrang · 7 months
Bluey: Flash Forward (Future AU): Bluey Headcanons
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Full name: Bluey Christine Pastore (née Heeler)
33 years old as of 2045
The only non-queer member (but still an ally) of her generation of the Heeler family
Married to neither Mackenzie nor Jean-Luc, but a Lessinia and Lagorai Shepherd (Pastore della Lessinia e del Lagorai) named Smudge
Mackenzie and Jean-Luc were best men at her wedding
Lives in an apartment on Warren Street in Fortitude Valley with an interior color of red.
Tradie (specifically Aircraft Maintenance Engineer)
Works at Brisbane Airport
Nearly died to canine distemper at age 10, Has minor neurological issues (particularly winking and chewing gum fit tics), PTSD, and chronic pain as a result of said distemper
Has implant dentures for some teeth due to having said post-distemper hypoplastic natural teeth removed
Type 1 diabetic
Is on a Mediterranean diet (since they were 10)
Has 2 children, an 8-year-old Pastoreeler named Basil (after the planned male name of the puppy Chilli miscarried) and a 6-year-old dingo named Ruby conceived through frozen embryo transfer.
Can speak French and Serbian fluently
Has a sense of humor similar to Vinesauce Joel
Takes CBD oil
Swears too much for her own good
Favorite animal is a raccoon
Likes bushwalking (hiking)
Owns a Soviet Panamka hat gotten from a thrift store, didn't really know the significance
Furry (which is kinda ironic, being that she’s an anthropomorphic dog)
Worst nightmares are dying to SUDEP and developing Alzheimer’s
Went to university to become a writer, but became dissatisfied with their work, constantly plagued with writer’s block and had an existential crisis, dropped out, and went to trade school instead
Forklift certified
Flying fox otherhearted
Favorite game series is Gran Turismo
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jackiequick · 7 months
ABC Family ~ Baby Daddy OC 🍼
—> Expanding on a OC from this playlist
Skylar Chez
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Full name: Skylar Chez Gonzalez
Nickname: Sky, Mama, Chez, Wonder Twins, Picasso, Ms. Wheeler
Age: 25
Height: 5’2
Place Of Origin: New York
Nationally: American
Ethnic Background: Colombian and Mexican descent
Relationship status: Single on and off again, until she realizes her feelings for Ben.
Occupation: Artist
Season: 1-6
Relationship to family: BFF to Ben, Danny and Riley since they were kids. Bonnie babysat Sky since she was 2 because her mom is friends with her. So in result she grew up closely to them. Later on, she met Tucker during early college years.
Personality: Sweet, artistic, nerdy, good with the flow and very open. However she can be strong and stubborn, as well as a little crazy. Overall usually pretty chill. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, she’s a huge foodie!!
Skyler was brought into the group from day one once again when she moved to New York for her career, little did she know that she would be living together alongside her best friends. In the same apartment. Working at the bar and studying art as well. It was good until everything changed the day Danny moved into the apartment since baby Emma came too!
—> The boys were freaking out and confused calling for Riley’s while Skylar was cooing at Emma. She was so cute.
The guys looked at her waiting for her to pick Emma up. Sky just joked, "What? You guys see boobs and automatically think mommy?"
Riley snorted at her joke.
Everyone, especially Bonnie believed Ben couldn’t make it a few hours with Emma but the girls disagreed, and thankfully they were proved right. Since then, Emma stayed with the 6 of them after 48 hours. They were happier than ever!
Her and Danny are like siblings! The two are them are sometimes attached to the hip, always helping each other and supportive. Tall and short besties for sure! They are such nerds, always going to the movies, sports game and concerts. Skylar even sometimes steals Danny’s graphics t-shirts when hers are dirty, styling them to fit her outfits.
With Bonnie, it’s like they are aunt and niece! Bonnie says that Skylar is like the daughter she never had while she glares at her sons in annoyance. Just as insane and sweet as her mother, I guess that’s why Bonnie loves her.
Tucker! Let’s just say those two are sassier than ever before when they’re together in one room. Tucker and Skylar are each other’s back up no matter what. Finishing each other lines and chasing each other around. Skylar can say, “Hold my earrings!” And Tucker would smirk like, “I got you girl!” But those two fight like crazy if allowed!
Riley! As much as she jokes and teases Riley, she’s her girl. Besides she does the same thing to her, dragging Riley into doing crazy stuff. Always by her side to snap her out of it and tell her the truth, when needed.
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—> When it came to Emma, Ben and Skylar practically shared the same brain cell! As much as Ben and Sky were complete opposite for certain things, the two of them shared the same ideas for plenty of things. Ideas for plans, work, ways of dating, strong attitudes, the way they acted and especially their parenting style. You name it, they have probably have or heard it.
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-> They’re great friends! Always by each other’s side. Very supportive about their plans and smacking some scene into each other.
Speaking of Emma, during late season one and early season two of the series. 2012. The duo made a decision that changed their lives. Mama and Daddy.
It all started when Ben was looking for a future wife for himself but mainly a mom for his daughter, he figured his daughter deserves a mother figure or two in her life. He dated looking up and down, tired of scanning waiting for the girl to see Emma the way he sees her. Until Bonnie made him realize that girl was standing right in front of them.
Ben found her sitting alone that late afternoon on the fire escape sipping a beer and softly smile, asking if he can join. She nodded handing him one, Skylar was tired and annoyed with her love life after dumping her boyfriend, Johnthan, two days ago. Ben decided to comfort her and show her in care rather seeing his best friends smile than upset. After a while they talked…
“So how’s the mom search going?” She asked reopening another beer smiling, handing him one.
He opened him beer and replied, “Not the greatest. Due to, Emma already having a mom.”
“Yeah Angela! I told you it wasn’t the best idea..”
“No, not her. You.”
“What? Uh Ben I wasn’t the one who pushed her out and put that cutie on your doorstep. She did.”
He laughed and nods, “I know that! But since Emma been here you’ve been nothing but wonderful and I love you for that. And I believe Emma deserves someone like you in her life.”
She smiled sweetly, “She already does…wait Ben, do you want me to be like her Mama?”
“If you want. You don’t have to play house or anything, unless you want too of course..”
“R-really?! Cause I know it’s a big deal and our careers are friendship will be on the line.”
“Nothing will change.”
“Nothing will change?”
Skylar took his hand, “Yeah it won’t.”
“And what if it does?” Ben replied squeezing her hand gently.
“Then I don’t know.”
It was steady and still, the two friends started to become parents overnight. Closer than ever. They drank and talked smiling the whole way through the whole night.
It was a darling, sweet and absolutely comfortable transition. It felt natural, nothing truly changed. They were supportive parents like always, playing house sometimes and teasing each other. Sometimes they would get carried away and start calling each other “Mama” and “Dada”, especially in hopes Emma would say one of the two first sooner or later.
-> Ben walked into the kitchen with Emma and smiled softly, “Hey mama.”
“Hi.” She replies handing him a slice of toast as she chuckled, “Hi Emma.”
The baby girl giggled at the kisses being peaked on her face. Ben put his daughter in her high chair along with a bowl of cereal, then walked over to Skylar wrapping his arms around her to steal a bite of toast.
“Hey!” She yelled laughing, “Get your own.”
“What? Danny does it.” He joked laughing and poured himself coffee, “Uh where is Danny exactly?”
“Slept over at a girls place. And Tucker is still asleep, hangover times ten.”
“Oof been there, done that! Mom is coming over to pick up Emma so that means I get extra time before work and you can take your classes.”
“Yes! You know how hard it is to paint a castle in the forest with a baby and two idiots running around?”
“Hahahahaha! I bet, hey—! I’m not a idiot.”
-> When it came to dating life, Ben went on his dates such as Riley or Veronica for insist meanwhile Skylar went on her dates such as Kyle or Jordan. Nonetheless it was fun and extra supportive about it. Even comforting each other as well when Danny wasn’t there to do.
Believe me, if someone breaks Skylar’s heart or hurt her feelings, best believe you will have a Danny Wheeler after your ass like a pissed off Superman.
Especially if Tucker heard about Skylar being hurt.
A) He’s gonna fight him or trick them into being screwed.
B) Encourage her to fight back and ignore the dumbass.
C) Drag Bonnie into a plan for revenge.
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Note: Bonnie, Tucker and Skylar are a little bit of a trio. They get into the craziest stuff 😼 haha. Bonnie and Tucker even tracked down Angela after Skylar stupidity suggested something but they took that literally! During that time Ben was trying to date Riley so that caused a small rift between them with Emma’s biological mom being there.
—> Even Skylar got pissed off! Angela was trying to play house, Bonnie wasn’t too happy that insulting the women.
It got to a point where Skylar dragged her into the apartment and told Angela, to her face that, “You may have carried and birthed Emma, been her mother for 6 months. But afterwards you were gone! Biologically you may be her parent but I’m the one who helps put her to sleep, change her diapers, feeds her, brings her play dates when her daddy, grandma or uncles can’t. And I make sure that girl is happy! All you’ve done while being here is try to win Ben back and play house.”
Angela scoffed with a slight laugh, “And what are you? His best friend? His side piece when Riley isn’t around? If I’m correct Sky, we used to be friends. What happened?”
“I still am a friend to you, Ang. But I’m also Ben and Riley’s. And I’m more of a mother to Emma over the last year or two than you ever were.”
“Sounds like Ben has a lot of women in his life. Especially Bonnie! I’m just trying to figure out how to make a plan here, okay? I’m sorry, and your right, it’s clear that you all Emma’s family here. Especially you.”
“Good. Ang, your my friend and want you to figure out that plan. Tucker and Ben said you’re trying to find a place to stay that isn’t our apartment.”
The girls smiled and hugged it out, still bitter about the situation but didn’t show it. However Bonnie and Tucker were in the corner listening into the conversation silently cheering hoping that Angela leaves soon. Also very proud of Sky having the strength to call her out on her bullshit. A few days later Angela left, not without leaving her mark within Ben and Riley’s relationship, they broke up. Going as far to jokingly tease Sky that she should make that ‘mom thing’ official and go on a date with Ben.
Things went back their chaotically sweet and glorious ways after that. But that romantic debate still hung over their heads. Riley went on dates finding a boyfriend name Philip, Danny slept with a couple of girls but his heart belonged to Miss Riley Parton. Ben stayed within the dating scene teased how Riley still liked him until life took a turn in his direction. And that direction was Skylar Chez.
Ben Wheeler was thrown into a loop and knocked off course. Yeah sure he will always love Sky but those feelings started to shift into something stronger perhaps. It started during Emma’s first birthday seeing her dresses in a viking inspired outfit and carrying his almost one year old daughter in matching clothes, made his heart flutter. He smiled, leaning forward to kiss Emma’s cheek and grin at Sky giving her a kiss on the cheek.
“What was that for?” She asked with a darling smile, bouncing the almost one year old on her hip.
Ben shrugged with a smile, not knowing that came over him and replied, “You both look really pretty. You know i love you right?”
“Always. And we do look pretty.”
“I have to head out with mom, to figure out the whole thing with Deluca’s ice cream parlor.”
“Oh right Bon Bon mentioned something about it, what happened?”
“I might have another kid, with Jenny Deluca this time.”
“I didn’t know, okay? I swear women keep have babies and won’t tell me about it.” He added with his hands in the air and shake his head, “It’s starting to hurt my feelings.”
Sky tried not laugh and sigh, “Aww poor baby. Focus! We have probably another kid on our hands here.”
“Don’t worry, i tried talking to Jenny beforehand but she busy. So we’re gonna try again today.”
“Alright, meet you at the parlor in an hour. No funny business!”
Both of them tried talking with Jenny Deluca about the situation but she just shrugged pretending to ignore it, telling them to have their kids party and leave. Her father showed shouting and claiming for them to get out, especially not wanting to see Ben again.
Bonnie shouted over him and pointed out confidently, “Frankie Deluca, you would lucky if my son ever impregnated your daughter!” Tucker nodded in agreement saying ‘Hell yeah!’. The man ignored them upset as ever until Jenny revealed Ben wasn’t the father it was somebody’s else kid, she just blamed Ben cause it would leave less questions from her father.
It was sorta fair, still they would’ve welcomed the kid regardless. Afterwards Emma fell asleep and they had to celebrate her 1st birthday at home instead, none of them minded the change. But that whole time Ben saw how loving and supportive Skylar was the entire day with the chaos of the news, he truly loved her for it.
The next time was when Skylar eventually started getting jealous of his dates, snapping him out of it and then fixing the problem by the end of the day. But Ben wasn’t far behind since he started to question her dates more often and had to end up saving her by the end of night, coming up with a lame excuse that somehow worked.
Catching each other’s falls at work, sharing food together, leaving random kisses on their cheeks, adding text messages for one another, teasing the other person and bickering over the smallest thing.
Tucker even joked, “Damn. You two sound like your dating..”
Skylar and Ben turned to him yelling, “Stay out of this, Tucker!”
He laughed, “You sure?”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Ben replied with a scoff pointing at her.
“He’s not my boyfriend. You don’t get it, Tucker.” Skylar added.
“Why would he? Us together wouldn’t make any sense.”
“Yeah, if I were to date him I must be insane.”
“Let’s go, baby.”
“Right behind you!”
The two walked out together heading to the park to meet up with Danny. But truth was Tucker was right, the two were practically dating each other from day one without actually doing that dating part. They just didn’t know it yet. Skylar’s smile always grew around him, loving how supportive he is, adore the patients he has at times and dragging Ben Wheeler into doing the most silliness things. He was her world, she was dating the man without even noticing it herself. To Ben, he always grinned widely around her, she was one of the reasons he’s where’s he is today, adoring how gentle she can be to how crazy she may act, and he was proud to have her in his life.
——— ~~~
— They’ve seen each other fall and rise, Ben held her when she may cry til midnight and Skylar hugs him when he feels like died a little inside. They didn’t notice how much love and opportunity there was for them until Danny and Tucker pointed it out. So in result that same week during 4th Of July, everyone was on the rooftop celebrating the fireworks while eating outdoors, when they realized that needed more ice, water and beers. Skylar offered to bring it upstairs and Ben followed behind, knowing she was need help carrying that upstairs.
The two were chatting as they entered the apartment and collecting items that they believed could also be needed. Ben saw more fireworks from the window, taking Skylar’s hand climbing onto the balcony taking a seat next to each other. The fireworks stopped for a moment, or at least the ones that could be seen for them since you see hear the booming noise from the streets afar from the building, they started with smiles. Ben realized they were alone as so did Skylar, as the pair yelled out in unison ‘I have to tell you something’ ‘No you first.’ The two laughed.
Ben chuckled, “ this is ridiculous but Danny said that we’re dating but not dating, I mean we’re dating while not actually dating.”
“Oh my god, Tucker said the same thing! Ay that’s hilarious. He pointed out the stuff we do.” She replies chuckling.
“But we’re not dating right? We haven’t kissed or anything! Unless we were drunk and i don’t remember..and I think I would remember.”
“I mean yeah we do, some things are typically seen a couple. I kinda wanna prove Danny and Tucker that they’re wrong..”
His eyes perked up and leaned against her shoulder with a grin, “Oh really? Oh how so?”
“Like this.” She replied with a matching grin, leaning forward, “Kiss me. Prove that they’re wrong and we’re right.”
“Oh I like the way you think women! 20 bucks this kiss would mean nothing.”
“Ooh a bet? Make that 25.”
“25 it is!”
Ben leaned over taking the back of her neck gentle as his hands gliding around to her cheeks. Skylar rested her face in his hands, her hands sliding down to his cheeks with the cheeky eyes that matched his. They were too excited, finally touching their lips brushing against one around to a simple one time thing. As they did, the fireworks in the sky went off.
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The kiss lasted around less than 3 seconds or so, until Ben decided to turn around and make the kiss last less than a minute. Skylar rested her head against his, pulling back for a moment with a smile and said, “So Danny and Tucker were wrong?”
“I think I will need to test out that theory again.” Ben repiled with a shrug, lacing his lips onto her with a laugh, “We’re right, they’re wrong! But they can’t know that.”
“Oh yeah! Hmm, we can still openly date whoever we want to like Riley and Johnthan?”
“Oh yeah! If not, my bedroom is right next door. I mean we’re practically dating without actually dating.”
“I think another kiss might seal the deal, we created.”
Little did they know Bonnie Wheeler was unlocking the door and walking in to grab the beer bottle since they were taking too long. She joked and grumbled, “Damn it Danny! He couldn’t have—” her eyes fell onto the balcony to see her son and practically daughter in law sharing a smooch, “—WHAT THE HELL?!”
The two heard her practically falling onto the floor, gasping and stumbling into the room, yelling out ‘MOM!’ and ‘BONNIE!’.
The paired found themselves the next time stealing kisses in secret, sharing winks and preparing the other for a date. They coined it as a open relationship, trying to not let anyone else know about this little affair. Especially Riley, because then she will tell Danny, who will in result tell Tucker.
Ben was bouncing loopy and sleepy Emma as Skyler walked out, fixing her collar for a date. It was her turn for a night out. She played around with her hair with a smile, “How do i look?”
“I would gorgeous but then i would have steal you from your date.” Ben joked, placing their daughter into the playpen before walking over to her zipping the back of the dress.
“You sure you’re okay with me going out? I could just cancel, you know?”
“No go out! I got a boy’s night planned out with Danny and Tucker here in the apartment.”
“No strip poker like last time! Tucker still mad about that.”
“In my defense, we shouldn’t have betted too high. If you need anything call me.”
She quickly peaked his cheek and walked out, earning a grin and a playful friendly catcall from the boys who walked inside. Skylar laughed twirling as she left, leaving Tucker, Danny and Ben chuckling.
The whole night went all, her date with Tad with nice meanwhile the boys played a simple game of poker. Bonnie saw Tad and Skyler out again, rolling her eyes because she saw her and Ben kissed two weeks ago—but she kept their dirty little secret to herself, knowing the others will find out soon enough.
—> The next time, Danny found out one morning. He was walking into the kitchen, greeting Emma who happily ate her cereal and Ben who sat was eating his bagel with a cup of coffee. Tucker was still snoring. The brothers chatted, joking around and figuring out their schedules for the day.
That was when Skylar walked out of the bathroom, placed a kiss on Ben’s cheeks and stealing fruit off Danny’s plate with a grin, before walking out to the bedrooms. Danny grinned, “Did she just?”
“Yup she did. She got a 100% on her art project, so that’s why she’s happy.” He replies smiling.
“Yeah that’s great, i know that! But she just kissed your cheek!”
“So what? It’s normal, right? She’s happy and so I’m happy.”
“Ohh—Holy crap, you still like Sky!”
“No I don’t!”
“Holy crap, you really do still like Sky!”
“Shut up, I don’t.”
—> Other time was Riley, catching them finding them at work behind one of the walls near the entrance chatting. She walked in ready to unwind and have a drink, stopping short turning to her left to see Ben’s hands on Sky’s shoulders with a smile. They didn’t notice her, since it looked like the pair were speaking onto something rather important.
“I’m telling you, the accident wasn’t your fault, okay?” He replied with a smile.
“It was a mishap i know! But Jonathan looked at me and then Tad saw me.” She said with a sigh.
“Hey you spooked! Same thing, happened with Angela and Riley months. I split for god’s sake.”
“That’s because your clumsy Ben and an idiot.”
“Yeah well, Riley still loved for me it.”
“Haha, you’re right. I’ll got tell them what happened.”
They walked to their separate sides of the bar. Riley was sitting at the couch, walking over to the counter to order a drink waiting, that’s when Sky scurry around the corner.
The girl smirked at her latina friend, “Sooo?”
“So what?” She asked her blonde friend, confused.
“I saw you and Ben talking, then i saw Jonathan and Tad were in the room.”
“We were just talking about me screwing up with both guys.”
“Ohh? And Ben?”
“He was reassuring me that everything is alright and Jonathan will forgive me.”
“I hope so, he’s a catch! You know, you and Ben have been rather close lately.”
Sky chuckled, “Riley, he only got eyes for you!”
“I don’t know, Sky.. what if-?” She replies with a soft chuckle.
“He loves you. I know that for a fact.”
Riley smiled, picturing her relationships with Philip vs hers with Ben. She knew she had plenty of other options and opportunities at her door.
Ben and Skylar little affair didn’t last long, they love each other but felt that they needed to explore their other options first.
Riley and Jonathan to be exact since those feelings were clear as well. So they dated their lovers, Ben and Riley’s relationship was long but felt brief but Skyler and Jonathan relationship lasted longer than expected.
However the pair broke up one night, since Jonathan wanted to see other people, as in someone named Veronica who was in her art class. Hell he was secretly trying to see her already. They may have said it was mutual break up..but it didn’t feel like it…
Skylar returned home that night, finding her daughter on the floor and sat on the couch cuddling Emma who played with her bunny. She tried not to cry but Bonnie, who was babysitting, noticed pulling the girl into a hug telling it that it will be okay.
“It’s not okay Bon-Bon! I wanted more..i thought we had something specific and special but he practically dumped me after dinner..” She explained, with tears in her eyes, “It should be me in his arms, not stupid Veronica!”
Bonnie kept in her arms, kisses her forehead, “I knew sweetie. Just let it out, some things just happen and he’s an idiot for letting you go. But hey, your talented and smart and so sweet! Any guy would love to have you..i know Ben did.”
She scoffed, “It was a fling, a small thing. We both agreed to stop it before anyone got hurt. He loves Riley.”
Bonnie winced, “Yeah he’s not only the one who loves Riley.”
“I know Danny does, i figured it so. But i want revenge on Jona…” Sky stood up from the couch, smirking she stormed into the bedroom area, “TUCKER! I need you!”
-> To say Skylar got her revenge was a understatement. Her and Tucker tricked Jonathan, giving him a temporary job at the Mary Heart Show only for it go crashing down on the man, literally.
A bucket of huge ice cold water with fish fell on him during production while the show was on the air, causing the man to run out screaming like a cartoon character in Looney Tunes.
Mary Heart got a bunch of rating for that episode and new followers for the show meanwhile Jonathan got to smell like fish for a week, and got shown in the embarrassing videos section on YouTube. It took some work but the duo got it done, even involving Danny and Bonnie to set the prank up perfectly.
It was a win win situation for Tucker and Sky. She got her revenge and selling her artwork to Mary, meanwhile he got promoted to production manger, working his way to TV producer soon. The duo high fives at their success!
Skylar’s career pretty much took off a lot further from that. She was already studying art, selling it and working at the bar with her co-workers. But since Mary loved her artwork so much and photography skills, Sky was able to get a lot more offers, putting her name out there for people to see.
Designing artwork, stylish decor for people when it came to working with Brad and Bonnie’s realtor jobs. And having her sketches be used for fashionable people in the New York industry.
It felt good, she felt like her job was being seen a lot more. Danny, Tucker and Riley even displayed her art pieces on the walls of offices, hallways, suggesting it to people they meet. Ben already had the artwork display around the bar since day one, since Skylar’s style was shown throughout The Bar when she just starting out working there.
But the question some if you may be asking. Did Ben and Sky end up together afterwards? Short answer, yes.
Long answer, it took some time to find themselves stable enough to admit how much they still love each other. But when it did happen, the pair found themselves arguing on a Saturday afternoon getting ready to close up the empty bar…
The two were in the mist of an argument, screaming, shouting to the top of their lungs and going as far to point fingers at each other.
Ben slammed the chair onto the table and had a serious look on his face, “I can’t believe you! God you’re such a liar.”
“Me?! You couldn’t care to listen to everyone, stupid!” Sky shouted, wiping the whiteboard clean and searching for new markers.
“You knew that Riley and I weren’t gonna last! You stood there like an idiot.”
“Um hello?! Danny was always in the damn picture and clearly had the hots for her. You stood there like an idiot.”
“An idiot? Me?”
“Yeah! Too blind to see the signs, Ben. Hell even Riley didn’t notice, cause both of you were on separate planets.”
He walked over waving his hand and scoffed, “Funny. I didn’t know we were playing the blind game here. Who’s next? Oh yeah, you!”
“Me?!” She scoffed this time whipping her head towards the man, “I did nothing wrong here!”
“Oh really? Let me thing, Jonathan and Tad this! Jonathan and Tad that! What about me?”
“What about you?”
“Did you forget our little affair? All the hugs, morning kisses and secret fun! We had something going on!”
“Y-you still think about that? I thought..I thought you forgot about it.”
“No of course not! It was one of the best times of my life and we stopped because we had other people in mind. I love Riley and i fought my own damn brother to have her but then you were..you came along and i messed it up!”
“Well, you were all up in Riley-town, and I was wondering around Jona-city that we didn’t bother to continue it! You wanted her Ben…then you wanted another girl afterwards. You never know what you want!”
“Yeah right, you’re right I’m sorry. I don’t always know what I want, but when I have it..I tend to lose it. A lot! I lost Riley and screwed up. Every girl i mess up relationships with. I had an affair with you and decided to stop us from having fun. But you never know what you want either..”
She sighs, “Cause I um..I can’t choose my own way to which guy I want. I had it good with Jonathan then he dumped me and I screwed it up with Tad cause I kissed his twin brother by accident. I had it and I screwed up everything! I don’t think I can ever find a guy that can keep up with me and make it work with our lives.”
The room was silent for a moment as they looked at one another, not saying a word but their eyes said it all. Every moment shared between the mishaps to the arrangements made that lead them here.
“I guess..the only girl I’m destined to be with aside from Emma, is you.” Ben confessed with a chuckle.
She blushed and smiled, “Yeah? You mean that? Because if you don’t then we will have to start this argument all over again.”
“Yeah I mean it. I’m sorry, I never went with my gut feeling in the first place.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t went straight to you about everything.”
Ben gently walked over to her and a sheepish smile, “How about we start over? Hi, I’m Ben and I think your really cute.”
“Oh my god.” She chuckled shaking her head, feeling silly.
“Come on try it! Go back to the way it was, with me.”
“The way it was. Hi I’m Skylar, do you have any idea if this bar is open?”
“Yeah I do and I know what are the specials this weekend.”
“What are the specials?”
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Ben smile grew bigger by the second, leaning his head towards her face and placed a daring kiss on her lips. Skylar chuckles grew, resting her head against his forehead and returned the soft kiss. A hand wrapped around the other, with a gentle touch and whispering mumbling only about god know what.
It felt slow, knowledgeable and gentle. Like a rather passionate peck of sweet idiotic love.
He laughed, pulling her into his arms, stumbling his back against the wall and cupped her cheeks brushed against her lips against his very own. Standing on her tippy toes, she laughed at the ridiculous jokes they made, cupping the back of neck as she placed a few smooches on him.
“Wait-wait are we really doing this? Like full on addressing this?” Sky asked with the biggest goofy grin.
“I think we are. Let’s grab a couple of beers and head over to the apartment.” Ben replies with a even bigger grin.
She grabbed his hand without a second later scurrying out the door as he rushed to grab the beer bottles and keys. The two stumbled upon the streets of New York, coming back to the apartment for quiet quality together with no interruptions, due to Bonnie watching Emma that afternoon. It also helped that Tucker was on a date, meanwhile Riley and Danny were hanging out together.
So in response, they were hushing and giggles along the way.
As for marriage and family, they got accidentally hitched in Vegas—I mean what?! No, they didn’t!
Ok byeeee!
Was this an accidental extra HUGE excuse to write for one of my fav extremely underrated sitcoms? Yes, yes it is. Anyways, i hope you like it tell me what you think about in the comments below!
Please like, share and reblog for more. Btw, you can watch ABC Family's Baby Daddy on HULU/Disney Plus! Or on Freeform.com
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @halesfavoriteharlot @rooster-84 @mallowbee4 @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @mandylove1000 @theloveoftoms @thisgirlisonfayeeer @starkleila @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs and etc
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barkers-art · 6 months
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I went and drew some Bluey next gens! These two cuties are the son and daughter of Bluey and Jean Luc.
Both of their designs were adopted from Princess-Kitsune-Tsu on DA
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sidotherobot · 11 months
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doodles! peredir!!!(hehe the transness of werewolves go brrr)
and some qcard :]
i wanted to doodle them as animals so j did picard as a cat and q as a fox
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sidestep10005 · 2 months
Chibi TNG Crew + my OC in a skant
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wanderingtheark · 2 months
I want to ramble about my fanpart so bad but I do not know how to talk about it coherently right now.
It takes place in Canada and the JoJo's name is Jonah Jean-Luc, an unknown grandson of Joseph. It's a running joke that they look and act similarly despite not knowing about each other one bit.
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His stand is called Angel's Fall and looks like this but I still need to digitize and finalize it.
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So far there are two JoBros designed and the JoFoe and a majority of the plot.
Feel free to ask questions about it, maybe questions will help me ramble coherently.
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naggingatlas · 3 months
you have to forgive me for posting mostly abt characters that are men (in canon) as a bisexual woman. i am obsessed w lots of #girl characters but like 80% of them are kids and teens or if theyre grown theyre comic relief. and my brain feeds off two things: tragedy and horniness. so posting about jevil and hob it is.
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mavlotov · 1 year
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commission for @dustydahorse !! <3
commission me!
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retroanimechris · 6 months
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Next painting idea
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Parallels: Picard & Spock on Cherishing the Now
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After hearing Picard’s quote about cherishing now in The Inner Light, I could not help but make the parallel to one of my favourite Star Trek comic scenes in IDW’s Spock: Reflections.
Whether intentional or not, I just love this shared sentiment and parallel narrative moment between Picard and Spock.
Picard had lived a whole lifetime with a family, had lost them, and keenly knew the grief of losing them. Similarly, Jim is Spock’s closest family, and the brightest spot in his lifetime. 
Spock too shares that company with Picard, that grief of lost love and family. 
Spock travelled across galaxies to retrieve Jim’s remains, which numerous aliens and even Picard questions him about, considering he is a Vulcan -- a species not prone to emotionalism and open expressions of affectionate attachment.
Spock had this to say to Picard about why he had to do what he did, and why he owed it to Jim and his memory to lay him to rest properly on Earth at the Kirk family’s farm. I feel it parallels the sentiment Picard expressed in Inner Light beautifully:
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“For a time, I was in a unique position, working with comrades of exemplary character. Friends. I suspect you know what I mean. 
Treasure these days, Picard, for when they cease, you will not see them again.” -- Spock in Star Trek | Spock: Reflections by IDW comics.
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“Live now; make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.” -- Picard in Star Trek TNG | S5x25: The Inner Light
Spock Reflections Scans Part 1: Spock Remembering Jim | Spock Reflections Scans Part 2: Picard's Message For Spock |  Part 3: Spock Carries Jim Home to Iowa | Bonus: The Kirk Family Farm + Spock's Visit  | Bonus II: T’Pring Confronts Spock Circa TMP
Source: Star Trek: Spock Reflections Comic Series by IDW (personal scans)
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sexystembolt · 2 years
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starburst0822 · 6 months
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Oliver and Blueberry playing follow the leader with dad.
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crowfootwrites · 11 months
Devotion & Diplomacy
I am nothing if not an impatient b, so I'm moving forward with posting! Tagging a few who asked/I think might be interested! This story is currently standing at 10 parts, so if you wanna be added to a tag list, lemme know! @horta-in-charge @deepspacedukat @bigblissandlove1 You can also read on AO3!
Daro doesn't make his first appearance until Part II because this first part is a lot of setting things up and getting to know our daring OC. We do, however, see some other familiar faces!
For some background, the Federation-Cardassian Armistice was signed in 2367; the Phoenix Incident occurred this same year, which helped settle the formation of the Demilitarized Zone. The Occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, at which time Cardassia withdrew from Terok Nor. There is a 3 year gap between when the armistice occurred and when the Federation-Cardassian Treaty was finalized in 2370 – this story will take place in 2367, with the understanding that our OC is basically traveling to and from Cardassia Prime frequently in order to broker peaceful relations and encourage the signing of the treaty.
Warnings: none really in this part; Jellico being a dick (canon-compliant) | Words: ~2,450
Anyway, without further ado:
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Emrys sighed quietly and pinched the bridge of her nose as the voices of the men down the table from her increased in volume, desperate to be heard over one another. She’d been sitting at this table far too long for her own liking and it still felt as though everyone was talking in circles. It’d be a miracle if they accomplished anything today.
A familiar voice began climbing, adding to the chaos. Without looking, Emrys could identify it as her one-time communications partner, Varsek – a hulking Aenar with limited patience. How he’d managed a career in communications, Emrys would never know.
As had been the case over the two weeks, Emrys knew that once most of the Cardassians and Federation members present, Starfleet officers included, had descended into a rage-fueled argument, there’d be no progress for the remainder of the day. Out of the corner of her eye, Emrys spied the only person she could count on to always remain calm - another Federation delegate, the Vulcan, Romar - but even he was sporting a raised eyebrow. As the highest ranking Starfleet officer and only woman present, Emrys was disinterested in the prospect of another pointless day and opted, yet again, to put her foot down.
Placing her finger and thumb between her lips, she let out a short, shrill whistle. The yelling halted immediately, with all eyes suddenly on Emrys as she rose from her chair and planted the palms of both her hands on the long conference table before her.
“Gentlemen,” she began, before anyone could interrupt. “We are getting nowhere, and quickly.” She made eye contact with each participant around the table in turn, recognizing the importance of acknowledging everyone present, if only to soothe their pride. She found in the responding gazes of the Cardassians genuine frustration and hostility, but perhaps also some desperation there. And in her fellow Starfleet officers, exasperation and some retrospective shame.
“We’ve agreed that shouting will not solve the issues we’ve come together to discuss, but we seem to end up engaging in this behavior with every meeting,” Emrys continued. “It is unbecoming of us all.”
In her momentary pause, she was interrupted by the Cardassian Gul-Tar Ziven, who also rose from his seat. She met his gaze with a calm confidence that she hoped belied the feeling of overwhelm that had been slowly settling in her stomach. Failing in this mission could mean losing the peaceful relations between Cardassia and the Federation that had only so recently been won. And given everything that Emrys had lost in the Federation-Cardassian War, she couldn’t allow that to happen.
Stoic as ever, Ziven’s expression gave nothing away as he addressed the men and women, so recently enemies, gathered around. “Lieutenant Commander Beck makes a fine point,” he declared, his voice a peal of thunder across the table’s expanse. The lighting deepened the shadows beneath his eye ridges, his face a series of sharp planes in black and gray. He made for an imposing figure among the brutal Cardassian architecture of the room and clad in solid brown armor, and Emrys took a deep breath to try and remind herself that this head of the Cardassian Union was no longer her enemy.
“Perhaps it would be best,” he suggested, planting his clenched fists on the table before him, his widening stance reinforcing the power he commanded over the room, “if we took a recess.”
As Emrys opened her mouth to respond, Ziven held up a hand to silence her. “The short breaks we’ve been taking have clearly not had a lasting effect. I suggest that we adjourn for a few weeks, giving us all time to review proposals and consider our options individually. Perhaps when we reconvene afterward, we will all be more amenable to compromises.”
Emrys’ lips pursed into a frown as she exhaled hard through her nose. Although she agreed that a longer break might be more effective, she was loath to leave Cardassia Prime without anything set in stone. Peace was too tenuous at this point to feel confident that it would continue, especially without near-constant Starfleet presence to remind the Cardassians of what they’d lost in the war and why they had signed the armistice in the first place. The prospect of having to report yet another extended recess back to Captain Jellico and Vice Admiral Nechayev, without any results, also sat heavy on Emrys’ mind. They were sure to be displeased, and neither were known for mincing their words.
“I propose that we reconvene in three weeks time, so that our… esteemed guests,” he added with a hint of sneer that Emrys wondered if anyone else caught, “will have adequate time for travel in addition to this little hiatus.” Emrys glanced around at the various Federation members present, recognizing that some of them genuinely looked like they needed a visit to their homes. They had already been on Cardassia for two weeks, and for some, like Emrys, this was only the most recent in a long string of visits designed to soothe tensions with the Cardassian Central Command as they collaborated on developing a more formal treaty. 
“We are in agreement, Gul-Tar.” With a conciliatory nod, Emrys took her leave. She wound her way through the broad, windowless halls of the Central Command building lost in thought, and made for her temporary quarters. She hated the gloom of the capital buildings on this planet - it was much more pleasant outside, in the bright and balmy sunshine. But inside, surrounded by intense and inhospitable architecture, with dark halls and rooms bearing strange combinations of outdated construction and modern technology, she felt out of place and unwelcome. Like many of her fellow Federation members, she was eager to get off-world, although she would not have time to go home.
Not that she had a home to go to. 
In her quarters, she contacted Captain Jellico, trying to maintain composure despite her frustration as his face appeared on the viewscreen. 
He gave her a tense smile. “Beck. The negotiations?”
Emrys sighed. “Ziven has called for a three-week recess.”
“Three weeks?” His clasped hands on the desk before him tightened.
“Aye, sir. As I’ve mentioned, there has been significant opposition to the points presented in the last couple of weeks, and today’s session was devolving into absolute chaos, frankly. I will have to rethink our approach for when we reconvene. I believe we can still make progress, but there are some items that I don’t believe the Cardassians are willing to compromise on, such as their continued contact with the Xepol-”
“Commander, it sounds as though you might be losing some control here,” he cut in, sounding aggravated.
Emrys opened her mouth to object, but he continued on. “If you cannot bring the Cardassians to compromise on the Federation’s priority points, we will need to bring someone else in. This peace was too hard-won and is too precarious for us to allow the Cardassians to continue drawing this process out.” The edge in his voice had Emrys’ hackles up and she took a deep, discreet breath to calm herself. Jellico might be her superior, and one of the people who had helped initiate the truce in the first place, but he could still be an ass. Emrys knew from experience.
“Sir, with all due respect, you say that as if we have the power to pressure the Cardassians into meeting our demands.” She hinted at what she knew the captain wouldn’t say out loud, wouldn’t confirm, not to her anyway. “We don’t have that kind of power right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Cardassians knew as much.”
“Enough,” he snapped. “That is beyond the scope of your rank. Your job is to follow orders and they have already been given to you.” Emrys sat back in her chair, aware of the ticking in her jaw. 
“You were selected for this position for a reason, Lieutenant Commander. Arbitrate, make them settle. Preferably in short order,” he demanded, glancing away from his screen for a moment, as though someone had come into his office.
Given a direct order from her superior officer, there was little she could say or do next.
“Aye, sir,” she replied through clenched teeth.
She watched as Jellico was handed a PADD by someone off screen. He reviewed it for a moment, then turned back to Emrys.
“The USS Enterprise is currently passing near the Cardassian border on a mapping survey before returning to cross Federation space. I am arranging transport aboard for you - their findings may be useful in nailing down some coordinates on the Demilitarized Zone,” he said almost dismissively. “They’ll be in touch to pick you up.”
Emrys sighed, barely managing to suppress the desire to roll her eyes. “Thank you, sir.”
Jellico ended the transmission without another word and Emrys tossed her head back against the top of her chair, heat rushing to her face as Emrys vacillated between wanting to scream and wanting to cry. She settled for neither, instead hanging her back over the deeply uncomfortable chair and gazing around at the temporary quarters she’d been assigned - a room that reminded her a little of a prison cell.     
— — —
Emrys clasped her hands tightly behind her back, her shoulders drawing upwards instinctively as she rematerialized aboard the Enterprise – transporting always made her stomach turn. With a deep exhale, she glanced around at the familiar faces gathered in the transporter room and smiled. 
“Welcome back aboard the Enterprise, Lieutenant Commander,” Captain Picard announced, and Emrys stepped eagerly off the pad to shake his hand. 
“It’s been a long time, Captain,” she replied. “It’s wonderful to see you again.” Without waiting for a reply, Emrys glanced to the Captain’s side and her smile grew into a grin as she launched herself into the waiting embrace of Counselor Troi. 
“Deanna!” she exclaimed, pressing her face into her friend’s shoulder, letting her excitement run rampant, knowing that Deanna would feel the wave of it and realize just how much she’d been missed.
“It’s so good to see you, Emrys,” the counselor murmured, squeezing her tightly. The two women had attended the academy together and been fast friends ever since – but their veering career paths had led them away from each other for far too long. 
As Emrys withdrew, she noticed Captain Picard tempering a grin of his own as he cleared his throat and moved to introduce the other crewman present. He motioned to the handsome human man with striking blue eyes standing beside him. “You know my first officer, Commander William Riker, I presume?”
“Of course!” Emrys exclaimed with a firm shake to Will’s hand. “Good to see you again, Will.”
“Good to see you, Emrys. Glad to have you on board,” he said with a wink. 
Deanna ushered Emrys into the hall, the captain and Will lingering back in the transporter room. “I’ll show you to your quarters, and then perhaps we can grab some dinner and catch up,” she offered. Although she and Deanna corresponded regularly, Emrys was excited for the chance to catch up in person, and eagerly agreed.
After tossing her bag atop the bunk in her quarters, she and Deanna headed for Ten Forward, grabbing a table near one of the large glass windows. Emrys’ shoulders relaxed at the sight, glad to be back in space and off Cardassia Prime for a while.
“So, how have you been?” Deanna asked eagerly, a spoonful of chocolate ice cream halfway to her mouth.
Emrys groaned. “I’m better now,” she muttered. “But long stretches on Cardassia listening to men argue about exact coordinates of the Demilitarized Zone hasn’t exactly been pleasant.”
“I take it the peace talks aren’t going well?” she murmured, glancing to make sure no one could overhear her. Emrys appreciated her consideration. The last thing the Federation needed was more worried citizens.
Emrys shook her head behind her glass of Alvanian brandy. “We’re a little… stuck,” she said quietly. “I think it will turn out alright, I mean, negotiation is an art, you know? We have to cycle between slow and quick progress. If everything happens too quickly, or we push too hard, the Cardassians may find themselves having misgivings. We could wind up right back where we started. But my superiors don’t seem to agree - it’s like they expect progress at warp nine.” 
Deanna patted her hand empathetically. “Yours is a difficult spot to be in. I certainly wouldn’t want to do your job.”
Emrys snorted. “They’d shit themselves if you offered. They’d consider your abilities to be giving them the upper hand.”
Deanna smiled around a spoon full of ice cream. “That’s why I’d never offer,” she muttered. She paused thoughtfully before pinning Emrys with a meaningful stare.
“Have you been home recently?”
Emrys sank back into her seat. A pang of guilt settled below her heart. “I haven’t had a lot of time to make it all the way back to Earth,” she muttered, not meeting her friend’s eyes. “And… with Silas gone, there’s really no reason to.” She shook her head slowly, trying to clear the dull ache that was forming behind her eyes as she thought about her brother. 
Deanna, perhaps sensing Emrys’ discomfort, changed the subject. With a sly grin, she sat back and crossed her legs. “And have you been… seeing anybody lately?”
Emrys laughed harshly, the sound carrying in the mostly unoccupied Ten Forward. “Yeah, a whole bunch of angry Cardassians.”
Deanna snickered, but doubled down, wanting an actual answer. She waited, gazing at Emrys with a raised brow.
With a sigh, Emrys shook her head. “This post has been taking all my time and energy. I go where they tell me, leave when they tell me - I’m always working or on my way to work, essentially.”
“What about that Vulcan on your team? What was his name? R-”
“Romar,” Emrys groaned after another pull of brandy.
“Romar!” Deanna repeated excitedly. “What about him?”
Emrys shrugged, trying not to call to mind her efforts to become closer to Romar, only to be brutally (for a Vulcan) rebuffed. “He wasn’t interested.”
With a frown, Deanna grasped one of Emrys’ hands. “I’m sorry, my friend. It seems like you don’t have a lot of time for yourself right now, and I can’t imagine how difficult that must be,” she fretted. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
Emrys pulled her hand from under Deanna’s, only to place hers on top and pat Deanna’s hand softly. “Let’s just talk about you, hmm?” She gave her friend a small smile. “I’ve missed you, you know?”
With a hum and smile tinged with heartache for Emrys, she nodded. “I’ve missed you too.”
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