#jeannae rambles
hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
how can a human and a salmon make a furry, i don’t understand the physics in that
you would think that a human and a salmon would make a salmon-human hybrid, but noooo, they make a fox
it’s not even possible for a human and a salmon to do the dirty deed
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armeensimp · 3 years
hewwo everyone, this is my second account, my main is @hangezoeenthusiast this is just random just in case my main gets banned or something like that. so HI 
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alleiradayne · 5 years
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Part II - Expensive Taste
Summary: Jared catches up with me at Kieran’s. Square filled: Coitus Interruptus Characters: Jared Padalecki/Me, Jensen Ackles Warnings: Fluff, angst, and smut Word Count: 4,151 A/N: For @spnkinkbingo​, this was what the original piece was going to be, but, now it’s a series instead! Assume all parties involved are single and no spouse hate! Song: Bang A Gong by T. Rex
Edit: I forgot part of the inspiration for this chapter is due to @supernatural-jackles‘s weekly writing challenge! The line “Promise me you’ll stay,” was the prompt I went with.
“This is Jeanna.”
“Do you always answer your phone that way?”
Even over the phone, I could tell it was him. “I… force of habit.”
“It’s cute.”
My feet moved faster as I passed a large hotel on the corner. “Sure. Jared, why—"
“Where are you?”
I told him. I don’t know why. But to this day, I am so grateful I did. “Just passing Loews.”
“Go into Kieran’s, I’ll be right there.”
Before I could protest, he hung up. I stared at the front door of the bar and, despite the chill in my bones and the disgust that sank to the pit of my stomach, I wondered. I wondered how many times Jared—probably with Jensen—had holed up in that dim Irish pub, hidden away from world, and shared a few drinks. I wondered if they stayed at Loews every time they were in town for the convention. And, disheartened, I wondered if they would ever come back. You see, it was decided that 2018 was the last year the convention would come to Minneapolis. And I realized then that that was why I had left Jared in a moment of vulnerability.
So, I went into Kieran’s. By then, with closing time impending, the bar sat quiet. No music played. No glasses clinked. No bodies talked. In fact, the place was empty but for a few stragglers staggered in the dining area. When I spotted the bartender, her eyes brightened at a potential customer. I slumped into a stool at the bar, and before she could say a word to me, my head dropped into my arms.
“Normally I’d ask you to leave since it’s so close to closing time, but you look like you need a drink.”
“Please,” I mumbled into my arm.
“What’ll it be?”
“Long pour of Bowmore eighteen, neat.”
When I didn’t hear anything, I lifted my head to find the bartender staring at me. “What?”
“You okay?” she asked as she reached for the top shelf.
She measured out an exceptionally long pour and handed me my glass. “Most people are celebrating when they order something that expensive.”
“I’m celebrating the fact that I’m an asshole,” I said as I raised my glass.
Before the bartender could respond, the front door of the bar burst open. I didn’t bother looking. But she did with a grin big enough to give her fandom away.
“You know he’s famous, right? Actor on one of the best tv shows ever made,” I started.
Her icy stare snapped to me as I said, “And I turned him down.” A sip of the brown liquor warmed my throat as the bartender continued to stare at me as though I had two heads.
I expected all manner of responses from Jared. Rage, disappointment, dejection, sarcasm. But when I heard nothing, I turned around and found him standing three feet away, face still as stone. “I’m sorry.”
Bewildered, I asked, “For what?”
“I shouldn’t have done that without asking first,” he clarified. “I… assumed, and that was wrong.”
Ugh. I thought I couldn’t feel any worse, but I did. “Can you sit with me?” I asked. “You shouldn’t apologize, I owe you one.”
Without protest, Jared sat beside me. When I turned to him, I saw the bartender had not moved an inch. “Could you—”
She turned away with a clipped, “Yup,” and headed for the far end of the bar.
“You don’t need—”
“No, Jared, I do,” I interrupted. “Please. I… I want this more than I’ve wanted just about anything in my whole life. And that’s part of what scared me. I always thought I’d could have no-strings-attached sex with you and be completely indifferent to the fact that I might not see you ever again. But when the actual opportunity came up—first of all, the fact that it came up in and of itself is fucking ridiculous. I never imagined it actually would. Second, when it did, I realized that it did matter to me. Like, a shit ton.”
For a long, uneasy moment, Jared stared, measured, scrutinized. Exposed, I felt like an open book to him, as if he could read every thought in my head without even trying. And then he spoke. “Come to Jacksonville with me.”
I blinked once, then twice. “What?”
“I’ll fly you out, you can hang out backstage,” he continued. “It’ll be fun.”
“I… where will I stay?”
Jared scoffed with an eyeroll that rivaled one of Sam’s. “With me, where else?”
I promise I’m usually not so daft. But imagine it for a second. Imagine Jared asking you to come with him on the convention circuit. Or, if he’s not your cup, imagine Jensen or Misha, or hell, Rob, or Rich, or Matt, anyone of them, take your pick. What would you do? Sure, you say you’d jump at the chance. But if it actually happened, how fast do you think you’d comprehend the implications? Because, in that moment, the questions from the cast ran through my mind, the rhetoricals and suspicious glances, and just wait for social media to find out Jared invited some random psycho fan to—
Of all the things to be concerned about, the one thing that bothers me most finally reared its ugly head. “We haven’t even… you don’t even know what I look like naked,” I whispered as I leaned in close.
“I’m sure you look amazing,” Jared started as if that was a given, “But pretend for thirty seconds that I’m not some vapid actor obsessed with one-night-stands. You have my personal phone number.”
I did. But that didn’t mean he’d answer when I would call. “What about after Jacksonville?”
“You could visit me in Vancouver while we’re filming,” he suggested.
“I have a job, you know,” I stated.
Again, I reared back, caught off guard for the third time that night. “Just… quit? Upend my entire life to follow you around the country? Dude, I don’t know if I even like you. I like the idea of you that I have in my head, but I don’t actually know you and you don’t know me.”
“Okay, you’re right,” Jared started with a nod, “That was impulsive of me. You should visit though. I really want to spend more time with you. You’re brilliant and funny and stunning—”
Jared’s face scrunched with a shake of his head. “Yeah. Please don’t tell me you don’t think so.”
“I mean, I know I’m not half bad looking, I like how I look, but I wouldn’t go with stunning,” I said.
He leaned in so close his breath warmed my cheek. “You’re gorgeous. And I want to spend more time with you,” he whispered. Then he sat back and added, “I mean, that’s not why I want to spend more time with you. Our conversation at the bar was fantastic. Right? Did I miss something?”
When he fell silent, my narrowed gaze locked on his, searching for the right answer. Lost in his penetrating stare, I floundered, adrift in a sea of conflict. He sounded so damn genuine, so honest. But my fears held fast. “You hardly know me, Jared.”
Jared slipped from his stool and grabbed my hand. “I would like to, though. Stay with me tonight and hang out with us tomorrow. Everyone will adore you, I promise, I can already tell you’ll fit right in.”
Baffled, I gaped. “I can’t hang out backstage, that’ll look… no, I don’t need that sort of attention right now.”
Jared sighed as his shoulders slumped. “I understand. But I still want you to stay with me tonight. Promise me you’ll stay.”
His step towards the hotel door faltered as I pulled back on his hand. “What?”
“I need to pay for my drink,” I grumbled as I reached for my wallet.
“No, I’ll get it,” he interrupted as he waved the bartender over. From his back pocket he withdrew his wallet. “How much?”
The bartender picked up my tab and handed it to him as she said, “Twenty-seven-fifty.”
As Jared scowled at the paper, my mind raced, unable to decide what to do.
“What the fuck did you order?”
I looked at my still very full drink. “I… wanted to get drunk.”
He laughed as he said, “So, you got a long pour of the most expensive scotch in the book?”
“No, they have Pappy and I wasn’t about to order that overpriced—wait, are you really getting on my ass about ordering expensive alcohol? We’re not even dating, and I didn’t ask you to pay for my shit.”
He slapped a wad of cash on the bar then grabbed my hand again. “I would pay for an entire bottle of Pappy if it would make you happy.“
“Good luck finding one, you have to like, get on a list with the distillery and then it’s like a big fucking pissing match on who gets a bottle—”
“I know, I ramble when I’m scared!” I said as I slipped from the bar stool and grabbed my drink.
“I’ve noticed. It’s quite endearing,” he said as he lead me to the door connected to the hotel lobby. “I want to invite you up to my room.”
Jared sighed as he pushed through to the hallway. “But I want you to be comfortable. I don’t want to put you on the spot.”
Now or never. With a deep breath, I steadied my racing heart. “I want to. Badly.”
“We don’t have to—”
“I know,” I interrupted. “I know without a doubt that you’ll respect whatever I want. But I’m not going to pass this up. Not like I nearly did half an hour ago.”
He sighed with relief as the tension sagged from his shoulders. “Alright—do me a favor?” he asked as we neared the lobby door. “I sent Clif up when we got to the bar. Can you check if the lobby is mostly empty?”
“I mean, I can check, sure,” I started, “But I just want it stated for the record that my tiny ass went ahead to protect you.”
“You’re my hero,” Jared retorted as I pushed through the door with a laugh.
The lobby lay empty but for a few staff at the desk near the main entrance. When I waved Jared through, he casually strolled in absolutely no hurry despite lacking any actual body guards. “Do you want fans to jump you?”
“Then walk faster,” I insisted.
He shuffled a step, mocking me with a silly face, then asked, “Do you dance?”
At the elevator I pushed the button and gave him a sidelong glance. “What do you mean? Like clubbing? Because fuck that noise.”
He doubled over with laughter as he explained himself. “No, you have a sort of dancer’s gate.”
When the elevator doors opened, I stepped on and asked, “Were you watching me walk?”
He jabbed the button for the fourteenth floor with his thumb. “Maybe.”
In a heartbeat the elevator had grown far too hot and my cheeks stung. “No,” I stated with a shrill crack in my voice. “Sorry, no, I’m not a dancer. I’m a martial artist.”
I half-heartedly punched the air a few times. “You know,” I started, “martial arts. I’m a third degree black belt in taekwondo and I just started jiu-jitsu.”
“Christ, remind me never to piss you off,” he mocked as the elevator slowed to a stop.
Through the door, I scoffed as I mimicked kicking towards his head. “Sure, like I could take you.”
Jared laughed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and we wandered down the hallway. “I’m just teasing you.”
“Tease me when we’re in your room,” I said before I thought to speak.
“Oh, I can do that,” he mused, “if you would enjoy it.”
Chills coursed through my veins, and I inhaled a deep clarifying breath to steady my spinning head. “I can’t believe I said that out loud, what the hell is wrong with me?”
As we turned a corner, Jared replied, “You know we can just… hang out. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I… let’s just get into your room first,” I started. “I imagine I’ll need a map to find the bathroom. Fuck, I need to take a shower in the morning and have none of my shit…”
At his door, Jared squeezed my shoulder for reassurance. “I can take care of that. I’ll send a runner to your hotel.”
Jared never struck me as the type to have people do things for him. “No, do not get me used to this… lifestyle. I won’t want to go back my plebeian ways after.”
“Jeanna, it’s fine, it’s just your stuff,” Jared said as he unlocked his door. “You won’t be spoiled if someone brings the things you need.”
I wanted to argue with him further on that, but when he pushed aside his door, I lost track of the thought. The suite sprawled from the door, a living room, dining room, full kitchen, and bedroom hallway bigger than most apartments. “Jesus Christ.”
“It’s overkill,” Jared stated flatly as he motioned me inside. “I just need a place where I can sleep and shower.”
“Okay, I have to see it,” I said as I strode down the hallway for the master bed and bath.
Sure enough, a tub the size of a small pool took up most of the bathroom. My aching feet called out for a long hot soak, and I had half a mind to indulge them. That was, until strong hands grasped my shoulders and drained the tension from my sore back. Nimble fingers kneaded the knots at the base of my neck as his thumbs sought and soothed the sensitive spots along my spine. “What are you thinking about?”
“If we’ll both fit in the tub,” I muttered.
A bark of a laugh burst from his mouth. “I’m pretty sure four people could fit.”
“Really?” I asked as I turned to him. His crooked grin rolled the first true rush of arousal between my thighs and the room spun. “Know anyone up to testing that theory?”
“I can think of a few people,” he paused with a thoughtful look on his face, “but I think tonight, I’m gonna be a little selfish and keep you all to myself.”
All to himself. Christ. The shock of realization, of understanding exactly what was about to happen sank to the pit of my stomach. I stood in a hotel room in the arms of one Jared Padalecki.
And he was eyefucking the hell out of me.
“Jeanna? Are you—”
Jared’s muted whimper against my lips breathed life to reality. I had kissed him and was still kissing him when the lingering taste of liquor on his tongue swarmed my senses. My mind raced to keep up with every touch and sound and taste, pushed so far beyond its limits. Whether I fell into his arms on purpose mattered so little when he caught me, his massive hands grasping my ass. I’d known a few larger men in my time—compared to me, most men are huge—and not a single one them knew how to use that strength.
Jared knew exactly what he was doing.
The floor fell from my feet as he gathered me in his arms, lips still pressed to mine. Though unnecessary, my legs wrapped around his hips, and it was there that I finally felt him. As he carried me back to the bed, I had to make sure. A roll of my hips confirmed my suspicions. Above average. Thick. Dressed left, possibly center, although that might have been the good work of his Saxx underwear.
When Jared parted from me, an unbidden whimper fell from my lips and I grasped his shirt. An amused hum sang though his nose as he said, “I’m not going anywhere.” Lips softer than sin trailed kisses along my jaw to my ear where he whispered, “What would you like to do?”
I’d meant that in all honesty, but Jared laugh as he asked, “Where, darlin’. Show me.”
Look, I know Jared played along. He’s a foot taller than me and weighs half again as much as me, if not more. But I like to think I caught him so off guard that I actually reversed him. He, at the very least, acted surprised when his back met the bed and I straddled his hips. Bless his heart.
“We can start here,” I suggested.
With his crooked smile, Jared devoured me, his hazel eyes drifting from mine. For a long moment, he simply looked; my hair, my lips, my… neck? His gaze lingered there until he rose and wrapped his arms around me. Safe, solid, his embrace enveloped every inch of my existence, smothered my senses until nothing but Jared existed. The warmth of his hands roamed my body as his lips returned to mine. All manner of lascivious sounds passed between us, but it was when his fingers slipped beneath the hem of my shirt, so warm on my skin, I shivered.
“Nervous?” he asked, his lips against mine.
“No,” I lied with a squirm as he gathered my shirt. With every exposed inch, my skin betrayed me in gooseflesh. I sought stability in his shoulders, his neck, his hair, my own hands searching for leverage. “Maybe. It’s not like I prepared for this.”
Jared, ever the opportunist, took that as his cue and my shirt floated to the floor, removed in a flourish. More than a tiny part of me wanted to hide, wanted nothing more than to cover all the imperfections and rolls and pasty skin. At least, I felt that way at first. But when I found Jared eyeing me as if he’d died and gone to heaven, and his hands returned to my skin, not one concern survived.
“You’re stunning,” he sighed. “You know that, right?”
A boring black bra, far too old to be worn any longer but too expensive to toss, snapped apart at the clasp when Jared flicked his fingers. “I don’t… Okay, you know what, I’ll just take the compliment.”
“Oh, c'mon,” he chastised as he slipped the straps along my arms. “You’re so hot.”
Confidence I’d rarely felt straitened my spine and pulled back my shoulders, posture immaculate. A flick of his wrist sent my bra sailing to the floor.
“Fuck me,” Jared sighed, massive hands cupping my breasts. “Why do you even bother wearing a bra?”
At that I stopped wasting time and gathered Jared’s shirt at his hips. With one swift pull, it pealed over his broad shoulders and left him bare. “Well?”
“Because of creeps that like to stare…” I drawled. My thought trailed into silence as I gaped without reservation at his chest. Like I said before, I’d been with my fair share of men, myriad in their physical form. But when I touched him, the firm muscles of his shoulders enthralled me. Slick with sweat, I smoothed his skin to his chest, where, with the slightest pressure, I pushed, and Jared lay back on the bed, his own hands settled at my hips.
“You’re staring,” he said.
How could I not? Every muscle etched into his skin, traced by my fingers as I branded him into my memory. When Jared spoke, my eyes returned to his, dragged away from the deep angles of his hips, and found his crooked smile. “I could look elsewhere. Would that make you feel better?”
He opened his mouth to reply but whatever words he had readied died in his throat. A roll of my hips sucked the air from his chest with a long, high moan. A flash of lust brightened his wide eyes, and Jared moved swift as a cat, all patience fled as he unfastened my jeans. I did my best to keep up with him, but only managed as far as his belt before he flipped me back to the bed.
He tore the sheets down beneath me, then quite unceremoniously stripped me of the rest of my clothing. Completely bare to him, I struggled to maintain any sort of confidence, resisting the urge to cover myself with the giant comforter on the bed. Not that I had to try very hard. Jared positively ogled me, a face I’d never seen on him before. So focused, he fumbled with his pants and underwear—a wonderful pattern of black and blue—only to drop them to the floor without much thought.
I tried. I did my best not to gape, not to stare. But I couldn’t help myself. Jared stood in all his naked glory with an impressive erection as an absent-minded hand smoothed over his stomach. I had been right. Above average, probably eight or so inches, thick, and a slight lean to the left, Jared grasped the base of his cock for a small, short stroke. From there, I struggled to  focus, his deep angular obliques grasping my attention. But then his shoulders tensed, chest and biceps taut as he near the bed, and I bit my bottom lip.
He knelt beside me, and though he remained silent, his body said all the words he did not speak. His legs entwined with mine as his arms—Jesus Christ, but his arms were fucking huge—wrapped around me, smothered from shoulder to hip, and hauled me back to where I’d sat before, his hips straddled.
Except the clothes that had kept us apart before lay in a heap on the floor. Skin on skin, the hardened length of Jared’s cock parted my lips with a roll of my hips, and time crawled to a stop. The sting of his fingernails bit into my hips as he grabbed me, his own hips rolling, grinding. God, but I hoped it might never end, that I would feel him forever and never want for anything else.
But Jared wanted more. With a snap of his hips, I pitched forward and he pinned me to his chest. One arm held me tight as he grasped himself with the other and angled his cock to my cunt. The firm press of the swollen head parted me, then slipped inside.
My muted moan drowned his softer sigh as Jared rolled his hips, one long, slow stroke sheathing himself inside me. “Holy shit, Jared, you feel so fucking good.”
A bemused laugh hummed through his nose before he spoke. “We’re just getting started. Wait until—”
The faint click of his hotel room door barely registered before I heard a familiar voice. “Jared? You pass out already man?”
No. There was no way. I looked Jared in the eye as I whispered my panicked suspicion. “Is that Jen—”
“Jensen?!” Jared called, and I scrambled for the comforter. “What are… what are you doing here? It’s two in the morning!”
I tossed the sheets over us both before the stomping boots reached the room. There was no way I could look at Jensen at that moment. I buried my face in the crook of Jared’s neck and hoped to God he’d take care of it.
“Hey, man, you okay?”
Jared wrapped his arms around me, pinning me to his chest once more. “Don’t—dude, don’t come in here.”
Jensen’s footfalls stopped near the door, and a second of silence followed before he spoke. “Oh. Oh shit…”
“Yeah, oh shit, what the hell, dude?!”
Jensen stuttered as slow steps back, a soft boot thumping to the floor. “I—I just thought you might still be awake, wanted to see if you were up for drink.”
“Um… yeah, I’m a little busy,” Jared replied.
I swore I heard Jensen laugh. “I can tell,” he called. Another beat of silence preceded his laughter as he asked, “Do I get to meet her tomorrow?”
“I swear to God, dude.”
“Alright, fine, I’m leaving!”
When the door shut, Jared threw the covers off and heaved a breath. “I am so sorry—”
His words clipped short as I kissed him, and Jared sighed a moan so desperate, I nearly wept. His tongue and lips reminded me of what it was that I had wanted that night. But before I returned to that mission, I parted from him and spoke. “So, will you introduce me to him tomorrow?”
Jared laughed as he kissed me in return, then whispered against my lips.
“Only if you’re a good girl for me tonight.”
Tags: @atc74 @hannahindie @bevans87 @meganwinchester1999 @plaided-ani-on-hiatus @oneshoeshort @jonogueira @andkatiethings​ @elfinmox @princessofthefandomrealm @just-another-busyfangirl​ @jmekitchens
Feedback is welcome! Reblogs are too! And if you’re interested in being added to the tag list, send me a DM or an ask.
AlleiraDayne’s SPN Kink Bingo Master List
Bang a Gong Master List
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tariah23 · 5 years
There’s this one person on Twitter who keeps commenting on my posts whenever I talk about f/ apocrypha on my secondary acc and they don’t even follow me but always have something to say whenever I say something negative about the series like the forced heteromance between Sieg and Jeanna Despite them having literally zero chemistry and being pushed together because PLOT and the typical “the guy gets the first girl he meets in a series in the end” crap despite him having great chemistry with Alstolfo but that would’ve been too gay for fate I guess. They had a great friendship though so that was cute and absolutely fine tbh. There’s nothing even wrong with heteromance at all obviously, it’s just that.... like I said, there was literally nothing between themajajaj. Barely even a friendship, just encounters for the progression of the story being told. Everything between them was just super rushed, messy, and left field as hell. I also stated that F/Strange Fake’s adaption of JTR was more appropriate than the canon design and use of the one from F/Apocrypha and fgo so this person justsustnrjj... Please stop commenting on my posts for the purpose of telling me how “wrong” I am if you don’t even care about what I have to say in return ajajsjsj. I don’t even know you... like how can you be so worked up or over someone else opinions about this like... they even have Sieg as their twitter avatar and I guess they ship him with Jeanne so I’m just ☠️......... okay? They’re probably the few that actually feel this strongly about Sieg as an MC, too. I’m shocked. No shade to Sieg because he was really sweet but the plot really forced so many unnecessary things to happen for him to “grow” as a character and he was for the most part, another typical bland male Fate portage but I can let this slide since he was a homunculus anyway but... I sorta can’t believe that one female Homunculus was so cool lmfao. She had so much personality and tbh, I would’ve liked to see more of HER instead like fuck, she could’ve been the MC!!! I loved how blunt and candid she was with her words like ❤️... Then they tried to push Atalante and Achilles together as if they had feelings for each other in the endajajsjsjjs. It was... also random as hell. I never read the manga so idk if the anime left much of Atalante and Achilles’ interactions between each other out but it was still??? They made a great team though. Idk what the writers were on tbh. Then back to JTR... ugh, nvm tbh. I’m rambling on but yeah...
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suzylwade · 4 years
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Seventy-Two Hours In … Freedom to roam the land - the Swedes have a name for it “allemansrätten”. There’s even a law in their constitution that stipulates everyone has a right to freely access nature. This means you can set up a tent anywhere and build a campfire (even on private property, as long as you’re 70 meters away from a dwelling house) you have the right to forage berries and wild mushrooms, swim and fish in the lakes, access any beach and generally ramble about in nature. Sweden takes its nature time very seriously. The ’72-Hour Cabin Project’ launched by ‘Visit Sweden’ in collaboration with west Sweden tourist board, aims to discover the effects of living “close to nature” for three days. Stay in custom-built cabins made of glass. The cabins are located on Henriksholm Island, two hours north of Gothenburg, which is 60% forest and 40% grazing for highland cattle. Jeanna Berger an architecture student at ‘Chalmers Tekniska Högskola' in Gothenburg, designed the cabins. Berger’s brother-in-law, Jonas Fred Hell and his colleague Robert Fridh from ‘Fridh & Hells BBGG AB’ construction company in Bengtsfors realised her vision and built the cabins. The raw design creates a rudimentary shelter from which to experience the natural world. #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #words #pictures #neon #urchin #allemansrätten #sweden #henriksholm #dalsland #lakeÅnimmen #glasshouses #nature #nurture #hiking #fishing #rowing #stargazing #seventytwohourcabinproject (at Henriksholm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAcS1tmAU2Z/?igshid=ez9nehdjgfs1
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wasteland-reacts · 7 years
Hi, I'm the charon's contract anon. I'm going to start off by saying that I love your Lone and I want to hug her. I was wondering if maybe, perhaps, just maybe maybe maybe you would do a Charon oneshot? I mean like, I'll do whatever I can to make it easy as possible. Now I'm rambling.
omg u can totally hug my lone!! (her name is jeanna). and i will totally do that!! aaaa thank u!! and dont worry ur rambling is just fine!! do u have a specific request for the oneshot and can i post it publicly?
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
he’s 22, WHAT
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
- Hi, I’m Kaisen(Kai), and I go by he/they! Welcome to this wonderful blog where everyone is allowed! Every age is allowed and every gender, sexuality, religion, etc :).
- No bad and negative stuff here. We love everyone and we try to respect everyone’s opinion(even if thats hard to do)
- These are the important things:
This is my dream smp masterlist!
About me!
- My #louistommosnesquickmilk or #louistommosnesquickmilk writes is where I put all of my mcyt fics, so you can scroll through that hashtag and see what I have written
- My #•«anime fics by jeannae»•, which isn't made yet, is the anime stuff that I will start to write soon :) also if you see another user in the tag, just please ignore it(discontinued)
- My #jeannae rambles is where I just talk about random stuff, including things about me, how my life is going, stuff like that!
- You can spam like, so don’t worry about that
- Also moots anyone 👉👈
- Also, don’t repost my work on any other platform without my permission. If you get my yes, put credits. I don’t like plagiarism
- @/louistommosnesquickmilk —> @/hangezoeenthusiast
- My backup account is @armeensimp
- goodbyeee have a great day/night
-also bc i dont know my other tumblr account info, i cannot change the info on there lol
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
i’m getting into high-rise invasion, also known as tenkuu shinpan, and DAMN I SIMP FOR SNIPER MASK, LIKE EVEN THOUGH HE DIDNT DO A FACE REVEAL IN THE SHOW, I ALREADY KNOW HE IS ✨pretty✨
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
warning: spoiler for tommy’s recent rp stream
honestly, i feel like c!quackity and c!wilbur was manipulating c!tommy. here’s my reason for it
they were very desperate to get tommy on their side, saying anything to put the other in a bad light
such as “who blew up l’manburg”, “who didn’t do anything while you were in exile”, that type of stuff
and it’s just blatantly obvious that wilbur is emotionally manipulating tommy, maybe even before he died. like using the family trump card is messed up.
also, I can’t wait until wilbur finds out that quackity was torturing dream, that’s gonna be another mess I’m waiting to find out
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
i don’t know why people think karl ruined mr beast just because he paints his nails
like honey, painting nails doesn’t ruin a content creators content
and second, stop hating karl, it’s probably “da boyz 👹😼😊🥵👺☠️❤️💜😎😋🙄😇😫🤫🤩” who is hating on him
i am part of the karl protect squad, also known as the kps, let me know if you want to be apart of it
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
ummm guys, i’m polyamorous… oh my goodness i don’t even know how to spell what i identify as… sooo, cool :]
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
im proud of yuuji, 5 times in a row doing black flash is a very good achievement, kento did 4. i can't believe yuuji, a 15 year old, beat a 28 year old. lolz
and also, can we talk about how aoi was clapping? his face was hilarious. and hanami really was really smacked around a lot.
if you don't know what i'm talking about, it's an anime called jujutsu kaisen, and if you do know what it is, the people i'm referring to is itadori, toudou, nanami, and the cursed spirit hanami
because a lot of people that i know on the internet refer to them with their last names
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
i want someone to smother me between their momma milkers. i don’t care if you practically have none, i want to press my face in them. if you have had top surgery, i wanna kiss those scars. if you have big ones, i don’t care give a shit if you’re practically reiner braun with those big ass mommy milkers, imma suck those tits anyway. i give love to all the boobies out that. thank you for listening to my ted talk.
this is a little bit of satire, but at the same time, it’s not
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
im just saying, mayuko is a lesbian with a knife and yuri is a lesbian with a gun.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
whatever sexuality or gender you identify as, you’re are valid, you are loved.
also here’s a thing I got from a pm on here
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so, don’t use the old one!! personally i’m not pansexual, but i would like for my pan followers and other followers who are not pan to know this.
- black genderfluid bisexual bitch named J
edit, also, i’m not forcing anyone to use the new one, if your pan and like the regular pink yellow and blue one, cool, i’m not pan so i can’t say whether to use the new one
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