#jeff and jiji
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Jiji (the cat) and Jeff (the dog) BEING BROS!!!! CAT AND DOG!!!!
also LOL the fact that Jiji is sweating all over but cats sweat through their paws... anime logic?
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jacmirie · 9 months
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daily doodle challenge - set 39
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m444vi · 4 days
This is what hormones, reggaeton at 2:00AM and an hyperfixation can do LMAO
ALSO tomorrow morning I'll post the speedpaint on my insta jiji
Jeff Ward I love you, you're my muse ❤️
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Close ups under the cut besties 🩷
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sniggerwarning · 19 days
At this point I'm definitely sure Jeff lurks in Tumblr or A03 given the fact he posted Jiji amongst his pics.
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hawkesfavor · 4 months
shuffle your On Repeat playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people
tagged by @tolltale thank u <3
pool house - the backseat lovers
august - flipturn
caraphernelia - pierce the veil
american teenager - ethel cain
born for loving you - big thief
toothpaste kisses - the maccabees
liar - paramore
digging in - hot mulligan
so real - jeff buckley
lover, you should have come over - jeff buckley
i will tag @jijis-pancakes @bbrucewayne @woonadaar @euryalex @morrigano @tieflinglich (sorry if u were already tagged<3) but also if u see this and want to do it then consider urself TAGGED
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julio-viernes · 5 months
79 años de Rod Stewart hoy. Nació un 10 de enero, el mismo día en que falleció hace un año su ex compañero Jeff Beck. Recordamos a los dos con su versión del "Shapes Of Things" de los Yardbirds cuando ambos eran, respectivamente, cantante y guitarrista del Jeff Beck Group. Fue el corte que abrió "Truth" (Columbia- Epic 1968). Abajo otra versión del LP, "Morning Dew", en la que introdujeron con mod-eración y elegancia varios flashes de gaita. Un tema de irresistible inclusión en... lo han adivinado: NO ME DES LA GAITA, una de nuestras listas estrella, jiji.
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silverparties · 1 year
this is a new era 4 me, voy a utilizar tumblr OTRA VEZ, coz idk, siento q es muy tranquilo y hay mucha paz, NADIE ME SIGUE (mas q dana) y siento q its my vibe.
tw es muy toxico, as always
amo ig, pero i need tomar un mini break
fb lo uso para ver a matt y jeff en los reels, y mis recuerdos jiji
amo tt pero pues meh, un descanso de mi fyp namas
soooo here i am. voy a investigarle como se mueve para tener mi feed tipo pinterest<3
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persialiu · 4 years
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kiki look!
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yourejustjellyfish · 7 years
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Jiji & Jeff #jiji #jeff #kiki #ghibli #kitty #cat #dog #funny #illustration #drawing #art #doodle #comic #cartoon #anime #draw #cartoon #artists #conceptart #fanart #dark #anime #japan #digitalart #conceptartist #illustrationoftheday #cute #kiki'sdeliveryservice
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keyofjetwolf · 3 years
What are your overall thoughts on Kiki Delivery Service now that you watch the movie?
It was okay. I liked Jiji a lot, and his English dub voice (Phil Hartman) is now and forever what I imagine Hot Pocket's voice would be if he could speak English. Just a beautiful level of sass, A++, change nothing. I also hereby declare Jeff The Dog the most valid character.
But it was just okay. It's very clearly a children's movie made for children, and I stopped being a child a VERY long time ago. I wasn't enchanted, I wasn't smitten. I was downright bored for the last third or so. But I'm also several decades off the target audience.
I think Ghibli/Miyazaki films -- which I'm about to put a moratorium on, as I think otherwise I'm going to be forced through the entire run of them which will Make Me Grumpy -- must be viewed at least partly through nostalgia goggles for most adults to truly enjoy them, and I don't have them for this stuff. Which is fine! It's children's media, it doesn't have to cater to me.
So yeah! Okay, but just okay. Nothing really stellar in it to have fun mocking, but nothing memorable enough to have made an impact to adults named Jet Wolf who are this old and also me.
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365days365movies · 3 years
March 3, 2021: Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989) (Part One)
I’ve got a confession: I haven’t seen much Miyazaki.
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I’ve seen Howl’s Moving Castle (the fucking scarecrow is the film’s best character, DO NOT FUCKING AT ME), Princess Mononoke (boar Keith David, people, that is my SHIT), My Neighbor Totoro (honestly, that whole movie is great, I can’t choose a favorite-Totoro. It’s Totoro, c’mon), bits and pieces of Ponyo (my favorite character is ham) and...that’s it.
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I know.
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I know.
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Look, I promise, I’ll be getting around to them, I promise. Hell, I’ll be doing one of these tomorrow. But today...today, I’ve got another prerogative. And I can sum it up in one word.
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This was one of my Mom’s favorite shows as a kid, and I grew up watching it, too. So, I’ve always had a soft spot for witches. I also loved Sabrina as a kid (and the new series ain’t bad, either, although I need to watch more of it). And before anybody asks, I still have to watch Little Witch Academia. And up until now, my favorite animated witch has been Witch Hazel from Looney Tunes.
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But let’s try to change that, huh? I know a lot of people who love this movie, and it’s been on my list for a while, so let’s get into Kiki’s Delivery Service, yeah? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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It’s a gorgeous day, in a typical Miyazaki landscape. As the radio reports that that night will be nice and clear, a young witch named Kiki (Kirsten Dunst) runs home excitedly to her mother, Okino (Kath Soucie), readying herself to go on a journey.
See, after a witch turns 13, it’s tradition for them to go on a year-long journey on their own. Like Pokémon, but with magic shit. I can dig it. While her parents are a touch reluctant, they allow her to go on the journey with her cat, Jiji (Phil Hartman).
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After this very sweet opening, she quite literally takes off on her broomstick with Jiji, heading south towards the ocean. And I’m gonna say right now that this is absolutely adorable, and I’m digging it hardcore, real talk. Maybe this is my mom’s love of Bewitched leaking through to me, but this is already a lovely movie.
Kiki turns on her radio, and flies off over the opening credits. On the way, she meets another witch at the end of her training year, and she’s kind of a snob. The encounter leads Kiki to wonder what her specialty is, magic-wise, before a rainstorm hits them and forces them aground.
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That ground, however, happens to be a train car, which takes off in the middle of the night. When she wakes up, the hay she’s sleeping in is being eaten by a group of cows. She gets out with Jiji to see a small hilly port-city, called Koriko. As she and Jiji wonder if there are any witches there, they fly over the bustling city.
I want to go here. I mean, fuck me, man, I wanna go here. It reminds me of the islands, but is also nothing like the islands. I dunno, it just looks lovely. Anyway, there are no witches here, according to a an in a clock tower, cementing Kiki’s decision to stay here. And while the rest of the city people marvel at her flying, she’s clearly not the best at flying, as she nearly causes a massive accident.
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The awkward young Kiki tries to talk to some of the frazzled citizens, who quickly leave her be, only for an angry cop to accost her for nearly causing an accident. As he’s about to right her a ticket and contact her parents, he’s suddenly distracted by someone yelling about a thief. As he runs away, he tells her to stay there. She does not stay there. Nice.
The screams of “”thief” came from a young man named Tombo (Matthew Lawrence), who distracted the cop to help Kiki get away. But Kiki’s clearly very shaken by the whole affair, and brushes off the eager and friendly Tombo, flying away as he asks how she’s able to fly. Seems like a nice kid, though.
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Still, an upset Kiki isn’t sure where she’ll sleep tonight, and the two consider moving to another town. However, those plans are interrupted by Osono (Tress MacNeille), a pregnant woman and bakery owner. One of her customers left behind her baby’s pacifier, and she is about to bring it back to her. Kiki volunteers to do so in her stead, which Osono greatly appreciates.
After the delivery takes place, she returns to Osono with a message from the mother, noting that her “new delivery girl” is “quite special”. And based on the title of the film, I’m pretty sure I know where this is headed. As Kiki’s about to leave, Osono instead invites her to the back, where the two have hot chocolate.
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Osono immediatly takes a like to Kiki, and upon learning that Kiki and Jiji have no place to stay, offers her the attic to stay in. She accepts, and the witch and cat move into the dusty attic. Jiji’s not the biggest fan of the place still, but Kiki decides to stay, hoping to find other nice accepting people like Osono.
The next day, Kiki decides on what to do: she’ll be a delivery witch, bringing goods from place to place throughout town, working for Osono in the process. Osono agrees with this, and the movie’s setting is established. However, Kiki still has some learning to do about city life, from cars to kids.
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On the way through town, Kiki laments her “ugly” dress, which honestly isn’t ugly, it’s just plain. Common confluence, those terms. Tombo doesn’t help, as he drives by in a car with his friends, and comments that witches always wear dark dresses. Smooth move, Tombo.
Once she gets back to Osono’s, she finds a delivery job waiting for her. A woman would like a toy cat delivered to her nephew, and Kiki immediately agrees. She flies there, alongside a group of...Canada geese. Huh. Where exactly is this place?
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Doesn’t atter, because that wind drove the RIGHT THE FUCK BACK to Canada, and knocks Kiki off her course. She crashes into the forest down below, through the trees and into a nest belonging to what looks like a magpie or rook species. This angers the birds, and causes Kiki to take off in a hurry.
Ther’s a problem, though: Kiki’s lost the doll. Fuck. She tries to go back, but the magpie brought back friends to attack the duo. And lemme tell ya: the eyes don’t work.
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Lucky for Kiki, Jiji looks exactly like the doll. And so, they come up with a plan: Jiji will pose as the doll until Kiki can find it in the forest. She delivers “the doll” to the kid, who is...Bobby Hill. Seriously, his name is Ket, but his voice actor is Pamela Segall, who voices Bobby Hill. He takes Jiji, pretending to be a toy, and Jiji...Jiji does a goddamn amazing job pretending to be a toy, lemme tell you.
Kiki finds the toy cat in the shack of an artist, Ursula (Janeane Garofalo), but it’s broken. Ursula agrees to fix it, while Kiki cleans her place in exchange. Ursula also wants to paint Kiki at some point, which makes Kiki quite happy. She returns the toy cat to the mansion she delivered to. Jeff the dog is a fuckin’ GREAT boy, and brings Jiji outside, where he exchanges it with the toy cat, with nobody being the wiser. Good boy, Jeff. Good boy.
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Kiki goes home after the tough day, and night becomes day. A bored Kiki is less than pleased when Tombo shows up, offering an invitation to a party with his aviation club. He gives her the invitation as a man comes in with a massive package to deliver, which begins a long day of deliveries.
That is punctuated with a visit to two old women, Barsa (Edie McClurg) and Madame (Debbie Reynolds). As Madame presents the problem, making a herring and pumpkin pot pie for delivery (HURK, oh God, that sounds disHURK), Barsa...
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Well, hello there, secret best character of the film, how are you doing today?
That’s so good, that I’m literally stopping on that image. See you in Part 2!
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wehavethoughts · 4 years
Kiki’s Delivery Service Review!
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Kiki's Delivery Service By: Hayao Miyazaki Fantasy/Coming-of-age Movie Studio Ghibli, 1989
Rating: 4.5/5 Waves
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Content warning for Kiki's Delivery Service: Depression
This review does NOT contain spoilers for Kiki's Delivery Service.
Summary: Kiki, a thirteen-year-old witch, and Jiji, her black cat familiar, leave home for a traditional training year wherein young witches find a new town and develop their own individual magic. Overwhelmed in the big city, Kiki needs to figure out what she is good at, what she likes and who she wants to be. A story of adventure, friendship and growing up.
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In times like these the best thing you can do for your soul is to find a Studio Ghibli movie you’ve never seen and dig in. As a Miyazaki fan it was odd that I had never seen Kiki's Delivery Service and now seemed like the perfect time for something light and beautiful and boy did this movie deliver ;D
The list of reasons I loved this movie is too long to include here, so I will highlight the best of the best. First and foremost, the art and music are spectacular. The 2D animation is smooth and soothing (as you would expect from Studio Ghibli animation) and the character designs are cute and comforting across the board from Kiki’s adorable self to the kindly old dog, Jeff, we only see for a few scenes.
The animation style also allowed for another one of my favorite parts of this movie, the physical comedy. So often with live-action physical comedy I am left with the lingering guilt of ‘are they ok?’, but the physical comedy in this movie won’t leave you cringing. They way the artists clearly convey the limitations of flying on a broomstick in silly whimsical ways had me laughing out loud many many times.
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Aside from the art, the story and how the characters are written also impressed me. Kiki is thirteen years old and you never forget that. In some stories, especially coming-of-age stories it can feel like the children change so drastically that they go from the maturity of a teen to that of an adult over the course of a few days or weeks. I am not sure how they did it, but they gave me a thirteen-year-old protagonist who is clearly and accurately written as her age, the entire story and still vastly relatable to a wider audience. She learns, she grows, but this isn’t a story about lost innocence, which was a relief.
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In fact, most of the themes and messages were realistic and hopeful in a way that left me inspired and motivated. Kiki’s struggles resonated with me and seeing her tackle those problems with the help and wisdom of those around her was a delight to watch.
Finally, something I was so happy to see was the world’s acceptance of witches. It was refreshing to see a witch story that is not about keeping secrets and slowly destroying yourself to save the world. Rather, her powers were something that people found impressive, handy and, in Tombo’s case, awe-inspiring. She was different from other people, yes, but those differences were celebrated much more than they were looked down upon and I absolutely loved it.
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The reasons this movie did not get full marks are limited, but this is a review so I’ll explain. For me the issues were the pacing, the inexplicable magical training program, and my own personal cognitive dissonance regarding how nice everyone was to Kiki. The pacing was a bit too slow for my tastes and for people who are used to animation having a Disney style pace (action, song, conflict, song, resolution, song). Since the art and scenery were beautiful I didn’t always mind the excessive wide shots and slow pans, but some scenes were just a little too slow for me.
Another minor issue I had with this movie (as an American) was the lack of logic in how young witches are supposed to be trained. At the very beginning of the movie we learn that at thirteen years old all witches leave home for one year to train, but they do not seek out a mentor, rather they are meant to just go get a job. I understand this seems to be a trial by fire situation, but it seems like a terrible way to learn magic. I also didn’t like how her mother, who was also a witch and went through the same thing at thirteen could leave Kiki so unprepared for her training year. There were several trials Kiki encountered that could have been avoided if her mother had sat her down and taught her about the world and how to be a witch. Even a basic “Here is how I did it” conversation probably could have saved Kiki a lot of trouble. If every witch goes on this training year, then it seems like it would be pretty easy to prepare your own child for this kind of adventure. It didn’t sit well with me that this mother, who was shown to clearly love her daughter, would drop the ball so thoroughly on Kiki’s early training.
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And finally, one thing that I loved and that also didn’t sit well with me was how nice everyone was to Kiki. I found myself wishing at many points throughout the movie that people in real life were that kind to strangers and people they didn’t understand. Kiki’s world is stunningly beautiful in its abundance of kindness, but I kept pulling myself out of the story with worry wondering when the other shoe was going to drop. Surely people couldn’t be this nice, of course this is too good to be true. This speaks more to the world I grew up in: that in a fantasy movie the hardest part for me to wrap my head around was that a thirteen-year-old girl from a small town could move to the city and meet wonderful people and the problems she faces aren’t of the predator/poverty/“you shouldn’t have talked to strangers” variety. Like sure, she can fly on a broom and her cat talks, but how in the world did she get an apartment that nice? It’s jarring, but in a wonderful way. It left me wishing the world was truly like that, but it also reminded me that a little kindness can go a long way.
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Tldr; At the end of the day, this movie left me with a sense of joy and contentment that I don’t get from movies so much these days. It is a fun, beautiful story that I highly recommend to anyone in need of a little happiness.
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thelittlechook · 5 years
Jiji is actually Jeff Goldblum
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cuteness--overload · 3 years
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My boys Jerry, Jeff, and JiJi
Submit your cute pet here | Source: https://bit.ly/3f6wK8j
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miss-guided-ghosts · 3 years
i want a jeff dog and a jiji cat yes i am an egg thief
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funnynewsheadlines · 4 years
Jeff Bezos’s Same-Day Giving Pledge
Jiji Lee humorously imagines the Amazon C.E.O. Jeff Bezos’s plan to give away a portion of his wealth in a single day, in order to cure baldness, conquer space, and fund puffy vests for all. from Humor, Satire, and Cartoons https://ift.tt/32cq0Q9 from Blogger https://ift.tt/2GNnasJ
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