#plural someones
dirtytransmasc · 11 months
You wanna know what I need? I need Miles 42 to meet Miles 1610's dad.
I just know this kid who's supposed to be all big and tough and scary, the prowler, would turn into a teary-eyed little kid if he saw his dad again. I need to see him hug his dad, even if it isn't his dad, because Miles (1610) is very willing to share with his "twin".
I need to see this kid break down, but in all the best ways, letting himself be a little kid again, just clinging to his dad, because for fucks sake he's just a kid and he just wants to feel safe and protected, he just wants to feel his dads arms around him and hear his voice calming him down and the sound of his heart beating. Its not a need, its a want.
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dogmandotcom · 5 months
The system feeling when a voice in your head gives input on something you’re doing and it definitely wasn’t your own internal voice but you have no idea who just said that 😶
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irlromanroy · 10 months
You are not unlovable for being in a system. You are not unloveable for being in a system. You are not unlovable for being in a system.
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the-hadal-zone-sys · 3 months
Oh btw if you say you support introjects but are weird about factives of bad people you actually don't support introjects thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Edit from Jonathon: I can't believe I have to add this, but this post was made by a mixed origins system and is NOT intended for anti-endos. Supporting systems means supporting all systems, I would think that should be obvious.
Edit #2 from Cloud: we are anti transid and VERY anti contact for harmful paras, RQs please stop interacting with this post, it's not for you.
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0the-anomaly-system0 · 2 months
we've got did call that mob mentality
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antiendovents · 24 days
We just saw a fucking Zionist pro-endo say that if a system supports Palestine then we're faking???? I can't even comprehend the mental gymnastics it takes to even consider that 'conclusion'
what— I just.. WHAT.
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luckyclovercollective · 5 months
Obligatory reminder that endogenic systems aren't why people think systems aren't serious or that it's something fun and quirky.
It's the assholes with narrow-minded views of disorders who believe you have to be in agony every day, all day to be valid.
It's assholes who see someone sharing the happier side of themselves despite being disordered and decide that because they're not suffering clearly, so obviously, is that person just a liar and a fake.
What's so "fun" and "quirky" and "making a joke of being plural" is usually just people who dare to post about things on the brighter side or are unapologetically themselves.
Someone's typing quirk or the terminology they use for their own system isn't the stain on plurality, it's people's inability to not be mean to others who aren't even doing anything wrong.
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“Wow, it’s almost like you can read my mind.” says the guy who I share a brain with
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cl0ckworkpuppet · 7 months
on that note, i think there's a lot of merit in talking about the happy, weird, or even silly parts of being a system. because at least for me, being a system can be really, really scary-- especially in the beginning, when i was first discovering that's what was happening, i was terrified. the origin of my system is pretty brutal, something i wouldn't talk about in detail to someone i don't already trust deeply. but we're not defined by our trauma, our plurality just came from it. we're all still people, individuals with our happy moments and our sad moments. i don't think anyone should be defined by the worst things they've experienced, systems included.
and also, when people think of systems, of someone with "multiple personalities", the first things they think of (thanks in huge part to awful media representation) are the scary things, the tragic things, the unrealistically violent things. talking about the day-to-day discoveries and occurrences that are unique to plurality-- yes, even the "cringe" or the "quirky" that make us look like we're "faking it" to someone who doesn't know better-- is incredibly important for breaking the stigma around DID and OSDD. because believe it or not, fun system fact, systems don't go through heartbreaking, life-altering trauma every single day. i know, right?
so before you recoil at someone you think is being "too silly" to be real, ask yourself this: do you know this person/this system's entire life story from the one single post you're seeing? or even from reading their entire public blog? do you know who they are more intimately than they know themselves? is this really about them "faking it", or do you want a reason to dehumanize a person so far that their only visible trait is their trauma?
and even if you are right, and they are faking it, what do you stand to gain from running the risk of denying a system who *is* real of their identity?
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prommytheus · 9 months
hi if youre anti-endogenic systems then please unfollow me. its none of your business why and in what way someone is a system. gatekeeping is stupid and immature and all systems of all origins and all labels are welcome on my blog.
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mactavishsgfandwife · 1 month
"candy" by paolo nutini is so simon riley coded
"i’m a heartless man at worst, babe and a helpless one at best"
"i know you got plenty to offer, baby but i guess i’ve taken quite enough" "well, i’m some stain there on your bedsheet you’re my diamond in the rough"
"darling, i’ll bathe your skin i’ll even wash your clothes just give me some candy before i go"
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jellylich-collective · 5 months
We're confused on why anti-endos seem to hate the idea of someone having headmates because they wanted to??? Like alters such as protectors, caretakers, and more are there to help the system, hence the name protectors and caretakers. If someone wants people like this in their head, why not just let them??? If it's helping them make their life better and less lonely, why get mad over it? BEING PLURAL DOESN'T HAVE TO BE COMPLETELY TRAUMATIC AND TERRIBLE!!
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bubblyaquarium · 5 months
sometimes being a system is losing memories, having constant identity issues, and struggling to process trauma, and other times it's taking 20 minutes on your makeup only for someone else to switch out that hates makeup so you have to take it off right away
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being in a system is cool because sometimes you love your headmates so much you accidentally end up loving yourself too.
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fossys · 7 months
i cant explain this well but
introjects are not their source and you shouldnt treat them instantly as such // but also not everyone wants to be separate from their source, and if they feel closely with it it's not your job force them to be someone else
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Systems, stand up for yourselves.
We got reblogged by a certain troll account, so here's a reminder that we systems will always be stronger than the trolls could ever hope to be.
The plural community has been around for decades, and no amount of infighting, psychological abuse, or fakeclaiming has torn us apart; we're capable of surviving a few isolated idiots who think it's funny to flex their lack of knowledge of the brain.
"You're faking." No, you're not. "You're deluding yourself." Absolutely not. "Nobody believes you." I believe you. We believe you. The plural community believes you.
In times like this, nothing is quite as important as standing up for ourselves. Take pride in who you are, if being plural brings you any pride at all. (If it doesn't, or if you're afraid to speak up, that's completely fine, but please don't use that as leverage to silence those of us who are more passionate about it.)
To every system that's ever been fakeclaimed, harassed, or belittled for who they are: you are a million times stronger than the people trying to bring you down. They insult you because they don't understand the complexity of the mind, nothing more.
As for our own system, we're proud as hell of who we are. It's taken a great deal of work to get to that point, but our days of groveling to the fakeclaimers are over.
Trolls, seethe all you'd like, but we'll still be thriving, and we'll be thriving together.
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