#I’m not saying anything for the 42 people cause we JUST met them
lildoodlenoodle · 10 months
Not to be That Bitch but I’ve seen people talking about this so,,,
Who is actually most likely to die in BTSV?
Yep, yikes I’m going there. Again all theories so I’m open to conversation/opinions on this!
Jessica - She’s not gonna die. There’s no way. Spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries but they aren’t going to kill a pregnant woman.
Miles - Again spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries so killing a protagonist is not outside of their range but I do not think they can kill Miles because of how integral he is to the trilogy and general synergy with comics and video games. Miles is too important of a character outside of this film in a monetary and societal way for them to kill him off in my opinion. He is the character that people associate with ‘Anyone can wear the mask’
Peter B. - The man has a baby. They aren’t gonna kill him. It just isn’t gonna happen. Nor will they kill said baby.
Hobie - They won’t do it. I love him but I don’t think his death would be enough of a catalyst or whatever. Like I just can’t see it. Not to say he isn’t important to the story but with the role he takes on, his death wouldn’t make sense.
Ben Reilly - I’m not even sure he’s currently alive lol. Gwen broke his watch and then tossed him into a random ass dimension. He’s probably fine… He’s fine.
Noir - unlikely. It wouldn’t have the emotional impact a death would need in the next movie. If, for whatever reason, multiple members of the team die then I could see it, but just him? No.(either way bro’s been resurrected multiple times in the comics, he’s fine.)
Ham - ok I could see it, but only in the comedy angel wings ‘death’ way. Like it wouldn’t be real, it’d be a gag.
Peni - ugh I can kinda see this ngl. She was the only member of team B we saw in the society and had a speaking role. Maybe I’m jaded but doesn’t bode well for a young female character… she will most likely be fine though.
Pavitr - People have said it and I do understand it. I don’t think they’ll do it but I could see it happening in a couple of different ways. His death would have be a perfect mid-late movie catalyst simply because of the parallels between him and Miles, ‘being spiderman is easy!’, and inspector Singh and Gayatri ‘escaping’ death. Will be crying in the theatre.
The Spot - I’m 50/50 on this. Like he could totally be too far gone where the only way out is him imploding but also he just wanted attention 😢
Gwen - God I can see this happening. I really hope it doesn’t but,,, Specifically, her saving Miles or one of his parents and that somehow being it for her. Her home storyline is tied up, her only remaining loose thread is with Miles, and once that’s done her ‘arc’ is over, and also the foreshadowing. Like if it happens that’s how it’s gonna happen and it’ll parallel when Miles was saving inspector Singh and that moment where we can’t see him god,,,,,,
Miguel - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know what they are going to do with this man by the end of the next movie. Dude has put his whole being into his canon events theory, cause remember he genuinely believes or is in heavy denial about this. I don’t think being visually proven wrong will fix anything for him. I genuinely believe it’ll destroy him. I could definitely see him dying in the next movie by saving Miles/his dad in some desperate attempt to do the right thing, or taking down the spot with him type thing.
Jeff - Look, we all know it’s a possibility. It’s like algorithmically predestined, so it definitely could happen and I wouldn’t be surprised necessarily. But do I actually think it will happen? No. It’s too built up, especially with Miles going to 42 where his dad IS dead.
Rio - I’m gonna be so honest, she’s more likely to die than Jeff. SORRY! She’s the one that dies in the comics, she’s the one alive in 42, and she has that big speech about Miles not being with her any more and to look out for himself for her. I really hope they don’t do it, I really hope cause I will sob in the theatre but if one of Mile’s parents is going to die, it’ll be Rio.
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cryptidorchid · 1 month
The other day I read the-somwthing’s life series analysis of the Scott-Joel rivalry. And so I decided to write my own analysis on Scott’s view of Joel, which was inspired by “I think [Scott] sees Joel as some sort of embodiment of senseless murder” from the-somwthing’s analysis
Scott Pretty Consistently Thinks the Worst of Joel
From the very start, in Third Life, Scott sees Joel as a force of destruction mostly.
Third Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 6 - 40:09-40:14 After they find out Joel burned their wall and tried to kill Scott Jimmy: We need a reason why he’s done it Scott: The reason is just because it’s Joel. I don’t know what you expect.
After Joel burns down his wall and tries to kill him, Scott explains Joel’s behavior as just an inherent fact of Joel. Joel causes chaos and destruction. That is just who Joel is to Scott.
This perception of Joel never changes throughout the Life Series.
It shows up in Limited Life.
Limited Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 7 - 26:42-27:05 Scott and Pearl walk upon Joel fighting the Clockers Scott: Hi, Pearl Pearl: Hello! Scott: We’re just watching this? Pearl: Yep Death messages appear saying Joel killed Grian and Scar Scott: Oh, Grian was slain by Jo- gasp Joel: Oh, no! Gosh! Scott starts shooting at Joel Scott: Joel, you killed Grian? Joel: Guys, guys, guys, guys! Scott: Joel! Scott lands the killing shot against Joel Pearl: Joel’s about to be out of the season. That’s why he killed Grian Scott: Oh
In this case, Scott assumes that Joel killing a teammate was a betrayal and joins the fight against Joel at least partially because of that. Scott is like the king of self-sacrifice plays but he didn’t even consider that Joel’s situation could be the same. This implies to me that Scott still doesn’t think Joel can be trusted not to attack the people around him, no matter how close with him you are.
It comes up in Secret Life too.
Secret Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 8 - 6:32-6:40 Joel: I’m good, I’m good, not up to anything mischievous in any way whatsoever Scott: See, the thing is: Even if you weren’t red, you always are up to something mischievous. Nothing has changed
Scott literally says nothing has changed! I could not make this up! Scott is just constantly suspicious of Joel and always has been.
And this manifests in an interesting way in Double Life.
In Double Life, Joel and Etho die while playing a fishing rod game with Grian, Pearl, and Impulse. Scott goes to collect their stuff and put it in a chest.
Double Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 4 - 24:25-24:32 Pearl: It wasn’t intentional! It wasn’t intentional! Grian: I’m sure they’ll understand Scott: You’ve met Joel and Etho, right?
Scott saying this, combined with him collecting Joel and Etho’s stuff for them, paints a picture of Scott trying to appease Joel.
For one thing, him collecting Joel and Etho’s stuff is incredibly strange for Double Life. When Ren and BigB died near Scott, Scott ran over to steal their stuff, not give it back. When Joel and Etho died the first time, Scott laughed about it because they had been “gloating so much and stealing from everyone.” But now that they’re red, he’s suddenly quite helpful to them specifically.
For another, Scott must think Joel is especially unreasonable since Joel has no reason to be mad at Scott here. Scott was totally uninvolved with the fishing rod game. In fact, he was the one person (as far as I remember) arguing against it. So, the fact that despite all that, he still felt the need to appease Joel and Etho, really implies that Scott sees Joel as both unreasonable and violent and that he’s scared of that.
(He also said Etho but I don’t know that Scott has enough negative interactions with Etho to make that judgement so I think he’s just lumping Etho in with Joel, especially since I can’t remember him ever talking about Etho this way outside of associations with Joel)
This leads me to my next section:
Scott used to be Scared of Joel
Scott's reaction to Joel and Etho going red implies that, by Double Life, Scott is scared of Joel. Honestly, that tracks.
In Last Life, it is so clear that Joel, specifically Third Life Joel, is Scott’s image of a scary red name. For one thing, Scott has an intense aversion to the idea of red names having dogs.
Last Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 5 - 17:38-17:47 Scott: Oh, there’s a dog here. Whose dog [...?]? Do we kill the dog? Pearl: I don’t wanna kill the doggy. The doggy hasn’t done nothing wrong. Scott: But what if it’s, like, Joel’s? Or Grian’s?
He finds one (1) tamed dog in the wild and wants to kill it just in case it’s Joel’s or Grian’s. Pearl convinces him not to in this instance, but when he finds a pack of dogs in a bunker, he kills those. He doesn’t even know either of the red names have dogs at this point.
Last Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 5 - 25:50-26:07 Scott: We also stumbled across Grian’s secret bunker that had about 40 wolves. There should now be about 4 because I burnt them all alive. Martyn: Good job Mumbo: That's good Scott: Some of them tp’ed to him, so he does have some. I'm trying to find when they're not at their base, so I can go in and finish the job
He’s so insistent in this killing all the red names’ dogs thing that even after killing a bunch of them, he wants to go back and take out the rest. Granted, dogs have attacked people a lot over the course of the Life series; you might think this response is reasonable, until you remember that in Third Life, Joel’s dogs (and Joel for that matter) killed no one. They were totally ineffective. This is not the most logical fear to have.
(Also, I find it funny that the amount of dogs has increased from the last time he told this story to Lizzie, when there was only 30 dogs)
More than that, Scott is unusually gung ho about the whole murdering dogs thing. No one is as insistent about it as him and most people will show some guilt or disgust about burning dogs alive.
The second thing Scott seems to be worried about a lot is someone coming to burn down his walls.
Last Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 2 - 4:32-4:35 Scott: I won't use a wooden wall. I learned my mistake last time
Last Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 2 - 17:27-17:31 Scott: Jimmy, did you not learn last time not to do wooden walls? Like, I want to burn these down for the sake of it
And to be fair, unlike the dogs, Joel burning his wall actually had an appreciable negative effect. It makes sense that Scott would be wary of having to rebuild his wall again just because someone had a flint and steel. But he never stops bringing it up, even after Last Life.
Double Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 3 - 16:57-17:01 Scott: I know you're probably thinking, Scott, what are you going to build the wall out of? It has to be something strong and not flammable. No, I'm building it out of wood. Is it a smart idea? Probably not, but I'm still doing it.
Secret Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 1 - 23:21-23:26 Scott: Anytime I build anything out of wood, I just imagine Joel coming and burning it down
So, Scott worries about red names having wolves and coming to set his base on fire, both things that Joel did in Third Life. I could talk about why this is: Joel was the first person to try to kill Scott or attack his base in Third Life. Joel was again the first person to attack him in Last Life and, this time, succeeded right before becoming the first red name. And then Joel stayed a red name for nearly the entirety of Last Life. It makes sense for Joel to seem like the largest threat for the whole of Last Life.
So, it makes sense that, going into Double Life, Scott would be wary of Joel coming after him again. And in Double Life, Scott was basically proven right because Joel is the only person who murders him (one of them was by killing Pearl but same difference).
And Joel managed to kill Scott by chasing him down. Which becomes a bit of a pattern. Joel kills Pearl (and Scott by proxy) by chasing her down. Joel chases Scott and Pearl across the server twice before eventually killing Scott. And then when Limited Life happens, Joel starts chasing Scott to try to kill him again.
In Limited Life, Scott basically admits that he’s scared of Joel specifically.
Limited Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 6 - 23:40-23:49 Scott: The way I currently stand is the only person I’m really scared of is Joel. Joel is the unhinged one who will just kill me. Pearl and BigB, I feel like I can just kind of run away from.
He specifically says he’s only scared of Joel. To be fair, he’s naming Joel out of a list of, like, three people that he thinks might be a threat. Because he’s on good terms with the Clockers and TIES, he has a deal with Jimmy, and Grian is still yellow, which leaves three people.
But I do think that his explanation sheds some light on why Scott is scared of Joel specifically. Joel’s “unhinged.” Joel could attack at any moment. Joel will “just kill.” Other people hesitate to kill. Other people feel guilty. Other people can be persuaded to stop. Other people can be avoided when they try to kill him. Other people Scott can just “run away from.”
Which I feel was exemplified best when Joel killed Pearl in Double Life (which is ironic that it’s not even one of the times Joel killed Scott directly but honestly, I feel like that makes the moment even more potent for Scott because Scott was totally helpless in this situation, he could not have avoided that death), because Pearl went to give Joel back the chestplates she stole and he kills her without hesitation and later yells,”You think YOU’RE UNHINGED, PEARL?” Joel neither hesitated nor felt guilty about killing Pearl, even when a lot of people would hesitate to kill someone just over stolen items, especially if the person was trying to give the items back. And I think that’s what really scared Scott about Joel, a fight with Joel was very hard to avoid.
In Limited Life, Nosy Neighbors weren’t particularly violent so as long as Scott didn’t start it, a fight with them was easily avoidable. Scott eventually struck a deal with Jimmy so Jimmy can clearly be persuaded. Team TIES were hard to avoid a fight with but even after killing Scott, they let him join them in their attack on Bad Boys and Scott made the time back up in kills, so they’re not hard to work with (Honestly, even when they were trying to kill Scott, they were kind of apologetic about it). Even Grian was easier to avoid a fight with than Joel, because Grian relied on traps and tnt, meaning if you avoided walking into one of his traps/under him when he was on Skynet, his threat level diminished by a lot and you could basically walk up to him without much fear. Meanwhile, Joel often attacks Scott on sight, chases him down, and won’t be deterred. Joel being out to get Scott specifically and unrepentantly violent about it made him scary.
However, I think Limited Life killed a lot of that fear when Scott killed Joel 5 times and Joel killed Scott 0 times.
And sure, Scott has killed Joel before. He took Joel out of the series in Last Life, but even when Scott permakilled Joel, it wasn’t triumphant so much as it was stressful.
Last Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 9 - 32:24-32:27 Right after killing Joel Ren: Yeah, well, that was just carnage all around Scott: That was scary
Limited Life was different, because for the first time, Scott had fun killing Joel.
Limited Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 7 - 22:41-22:56 Joel is walking up a hill while Bdubs and Scott approach from the top of the hill Bdubs: Hey, Joel! Joel: Oh! Hey, guys! How’s it going? Joel turns and runs back the way he came. Scott laughs. Scott: Hi, Joel! Good! How are you, Joel? Joel: Just fine, fine, fine. Just fine Scott: You sure? You’re feeling fine, Joel? Scott starts shooting at Joel Joel: I’m feeling fine Scott: You feeling great? You sure? Bdubs: Are we killing him? Scott: I kind of want to after everything he’s done Bdubs: Let’s do it! Okay!
In this kill, it immediately starts off with Scott taunting Joel and then he and Bdubs only start chasing Joel because Scott wants to. This kill is purely for fun and while chasing him, Scott continues to taunt him (“There’s pufferfish around here! Be careful\~”) and after killing him, reiterates that this was for personal satisfaction (“That felt good!”).
And when it came to his other kills on Joel, he seemed fairly happy about those as well. In all of these kills, Scott never seemed scared or worried. Joel tried to kill Scott multiple times and never succeeded. Scott tried to kill him and succeeded 5 different times (There's also the fun role reversal of now Scott's the one chasing Joel in a couple of these kills). It’s hard to be scared of Joel after that. Ultimately, Limited Life changed the game for Scott because fighting with Joel became less scary and more fun.
Which leads into Secret Life, where Scott isn’t as scared of Joel anymore so he feels comfortable acknowledging the fact that Joel has it out for him personally.
Secret Life - Scott’s POV - Episode 9 - 7:00-7:03 When Gem brings up an alliance with the Mounders Scott: I mean my main issue was Joel so if Joel's going to choose not to go for me...
It’s easier to accept a rival/nemesis when it doesn’t feel like a constant threat on his life, but rather something that he can handle easily. Which is where they are now: Scott’s just not that scared of Joel anymore.
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jackiequick · 1 year
Friends over the years [Agent Carter fic]
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Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood and Howard J. Stark
Summary: A friendship that goes beyond a average kinda bond. They loved each other like brothers, treat one another like friends, respected their relationship like a pair of lovers. Sadly it goes downhill due to a stupid painful argument…
Romantic or Platonic Relationship
Fandom: Marvel, Agent Carter
Spoilers for Agent Carter season 1 & season 2. A bit of Iron Man 2.
Warning: Fluff, angst, mention of treason and one side conversations
Characters shown/mentioned: Peggy Carter, Maria Stark, Nurse Violet, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Daniel Sousa, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Dr. Jason Wilkes, and SHIELD in general.
Note: Glen Powell played Hangman, my HC is that Hangman is BI so will be Jason haha
It started out to tender so sweet then they got me smoking out the window…
“What’s your name, champ?” Said Stark with a classic charming grin, holding out his hand.
“Jason, Mr. Stark.” I replied shaking his hand with a politic accent and smile to go along with it.
“Mr. Stark? Call me Howard everyone does! What brings you by?”
“Uh, Peg said you have new pairs of gun for me?”
“Ah, Peg sent you! Well your in luck pal, cause I have the perfect hand held guns made just today. Better than ones I manufactured back in 42’ I’ll tell you that much.”
“Anything is fine, Howard. As long as it last me up to more than 50 hours a bullet, I’ll be doing just fine.”
“Your my type of man, Jay! Can I call you, Jay or JJ?”
I chuckled, “Of course you can.”
He walked and talked about everything, “Great! You seem familiar, have we met before?”
I chuckled once again, “Actually we have, a charity in the park back in 43’.”
“Don’t remember.” He shrugged.
I sighed, “You were wearing a cherry brown tie and a freshly tailored suit.”
“Ah yes, now I remember! I was looking snazzy in that suit, I remember bringing home a lovely lady that very evening. She was Italian and the champagne was devilishly delicious—”
“Yeah, right! You were saying.”
“I’m here because I’m working with the SSR on a case involving Dorothy Underwood and a Russian therapist who framed you and your weaponry.”
“Ah yes! I invent stuff but I always make sure what I’m doing correctly, what do you got?”
“Easy, we’re tracking them down for each movement. I know where Dorothy is and Peggy is tracking her down while The stupid Russian therapist is currently at SSR headquarters. Before anything gets messy, do you have any relations to any of those two?”
“Uhhh no? I met a lot of people how do you expect me to stay on track with that. I’m a busy man, JJ.”
It took time but he started to connect the dots on how he was related to Dorothy Underwood’s case, then we were on the roll. After what felt like hours with Howard, Peggy and Jarvis we were able to settle down on a plan. Howard was used as bate to lure our bad guys out while Daniel, Jack, Peggy, Jarvis and I were ready to attack. Quickly Howard was kidnapped by them as we raced after him. Once we arrived Howard was flying a plane straight headed near the New York City Harbor as he being mind control by the therapist to his practical deathbed!
Daniel, Jack and I instructed Jarvis to fly the plane as we kept marched up to track down the threats. Peggy was fighting Dottie while all of this was happening, I swear i was getting a headache sooner or later from all of this. Thankfully the day was saved, Howard was brought back to the ground, Jack and Daniel returned back to work and Peggy was giving a seat nearby the stakeholders at the SSR allowing herself to get a more flexible job.
A week later, I headed over to Howard to discuss moving out to LA since it cleared up to see that my sister, Dottie, wasn’t gonna be a huge problem anytime soon. There was always crime to be solved in LA especially after Daniel Sousa offered be a positive choice there, why not take the offer and run with it? So I did!
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-> In Los Angeles, everything felt pretty cool! Howard’s penthouse and other living corners were very much a good fit for me. Breakfast in the morning next to the poolside, a nice walk in the park. Heading to set for movies we’ve decided to film together and afterwards in the afternoon, I spent hours at the SSR for detective and paperwork duties ordered by my friend, now Chef Sousa.
“Morning, handsome.” Howard teased coming up from his workshop, grinning and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“What have i told you about late night in your workshop?” I replied taking a bite of my toast and taking a sip of coffee.
“Uhhh don’t do it?”
“Exactly! I swear I’m one of the reasons you’re still alive today.”
“Heyyy! You love me!”
“Never said I didn’t, hot stuff.”
I stood up and walked over to the kitchen island, standing next to Howard ruffling his hair a bit with a smile. Howard smiled and being his usual flirty self. It results in a laugh and a eye roll.
He moved closed and joked yelling, “Quit it!”
“Be good today.” I joked back sending a charming wink to him, as I walked out grabbing his jacket.
It was good. Real good.
Until it wasn’t.
Sadly, that same week I crashed my car during a horrible lightning storm driving around the countryside of LA to see Peggy and our friends for a unsuspecting case. The weather got chiller and air became thicker as all time froze up, leading me gasp for air after being unconscious for 20 minutes straight.
I was fine and arrived back home with a few cuts in bruises leading to, Nurse Violet, to help patch me up as we all discussed the crime rate activity in LA with the group. I fell for this woman hard. A gentle soul.
-> During the invading investigation which lets everybody working and spending in Howard’s lab for answer on Miss Froster connection to Zero Matter.
Jason was calculating a design for a machine to cover up and consent the rest of issue, especially involving their new friend, Dr. Wilkes, who joked how much Jason and Howard seemed to care each other. The respect they had for one another. He joked back with a shrug saying that Howard was his idiot in more ways than one, at that same time Jason felt a heatwave climb up his jacket and slightly dizzy.
Howard and Peggy noticed and rushed over, lifting Jason off the ground before he fell back. He insisted he was fine but he was tired and overwhelmed, Peggy remember that Jason didn’t even bother to go to hospital after accident.
Jason was given a opportunity for plenty of examinations and refused to say on bed rest that night, until Peggy practically threatened him to do so. Jason was examined again and again, even got a cast on his sprained ankle. But nothing crazy happened and the results came down to a small fever.
Nurse Violet and Ana took care of him that the next few days. Jason would admit he was eternally grateful for that, especially for Violet since she was sassy angel gifted to be by their side. He took his shot and asked her out on a date, but she told him to wait for that time to come. It was a small promise that was made.
Thankfully it was fine and the fever went away, they all assumed it was side effects from the accident, the stress from the case and work in general. And it was.
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Everyone got back to work and weeks went by, months along the way Ms Frost was put away behind bars and Dr. Wilkes was offered a job at the SSR.
One morning after having a moment to actually catch their breath after all that chaos, Howard appeared next to Jason nearby the pool of their house, handing him a beer.
“Thank you.” Jason repiled, taking a sip with a smile, “You alright? A penny for your thoughts?”
“Y-yeah. Just thinking about the future.” He replied with a playfully nudge.
“You’re film? You’re gonna make that happened with Frost public?”
“Maybe? I mean no! Well not that worse idea. I can win an award winning director for that. Can you imagine?!”
“Howard. Focus.”
“Right sorry! I was thinking a bit more closer to the present. Everyone deserves a bit of normal after everything right?”
“Of course they do. But maybe we shouldn’t settle for normal life, domestic romanized life maybe.”
Jason met Howard’s dark brown eyes, and he felt like he was lost for words, in the sweet warm of it all. Damn Jason wanted to test the water and try something a little different. Howard met his eyes seeing a life with him, deep down a part of always smiled knowing shining light in them. Damn Howard could tease the waters with him, he liked his women and men, especially this one. They moved closer to one another with soft grins laced on their faces laughing at the fact how silly they are being about this whole thing.
“What’cha thinking, Howard?” Jason asked with a tease in his voice, “I know that look. Very well.”
It was rare to see Howard this silly, vulnerable and honest. Only ever him and Peggy seen it.
“How much almost I lost you and our friends two weeks ago? I can’t live with myself if I did. I just can’t, JJ!” Howard admitted to him with a sigh and smiles, “Look at me? What am I doing?”
“You’re being honest with me. Your one of my best friends, Howard Stark, maybe even more than that. You will never lose me..I hope?” Jason replied with a chuckle.
Howard joked with a smirk, “Is this the part of the film where the guy kisses the girl?”
“Or so I’m girl in the scenario huh?” Jason joked back with a smirk.
“Well if you insist.”
“Hey wait-!”
Before neither one of them to say a word or even finished that very sentence, Howard leaned in and placed his lips onto his best friend tasting the liquid gold from the beer. Jason chuckled honestly didn’t care who say, locking lips tasting the tequila shots from earlier with him cupping his chin.
They were rather tipsy but won’t admit it. The two stayed like that for a little while, sparking a sweet open love and tender laughter from how ridiculously fun it was.
The two friends knew that the kiss meant nothing, it was just a fun thing of accidental attraction. They laughed about it. They’re young! Besides what’s friendship if you can’t experience and experiment things together?
Over the months, Howard and Jason did almost everything together. It was a very casual thing the two had together, but they cared about one another much. It was a rather open friendship, they dated and talked about who exactly decided to be their lucky ladies. Jason started finally dating Nurse Violet and was admiring their blooming romance.
You could’ve sworn they were like an two old friends or even, old married couple.
But that award went to Maria Stark and her loverboy Howard. Maria, Jason and Howard were a young trio within itself, noticing everything that happened. Along with Peggy, Jarvis and the rest of their friends. Matter a fact, it was Maria and Ana that pointed that Jason’s slight deep wrinkles that were previously made from the smile lines were fading gone and the effectiveness of the curious blew up. As they realized that it seemed over the last few months the aging process stopped completely for him.
Howard, Daniel. and Peggy worked long enough to figure out a way to seek what happened to him. They spend months doing tests, case films and files, examining his every single movement and reading books for answers. But nothing came up, Jason believed it was a giant mistake, a curse that happened due to the lack of caution he reflected on not having.
Maria reassured him that it wasn’t his fault, they couldn’t have known for this to happen. Peggy agreed knowing that they didn’t knowledge this beforehand as Howard was deep into a book, who trying to figure out what went wrong with his equipment and such, agreed.
One night Jason felt defeated and went home to tell his girlfriend, Violet, what pained him.
“Honey, I’m sorry, so sorry. You don’t deserve me..” He said standing in the middle of the living room.
“What do you mean?” She replies knowing what happened, cupping his hands.
He kissed her hand gently and replied, “You deserves somebody who can grow old enough with you. I can’t give you that..”
She nodded looking at him with love in her eyes, “Hey sugar, I know it’s bad for us right now.”
“I don’t want to be a burden on you and have you wake up one day regretting your decision to be with me..”
“Then I’ll love you for as long as you’ll have me..”
Jason smiled softy and didn’t hesitate to lock lips with the woman he loved dearly. That moment he knew, Violet Bolger, would be his girlfriend for as long as they’ll have each other.
—> However being the loyal man he always tried to be and knowing how much he loved Violet, a two and a half years later, he let her go. Their relationship was slowly dying out, he didn’t want to a burden who was holding his sweet girl one down. He wanted to see her happy, loved and most importantly an opportunity for a life where she can travel, grow old and make memories with someone even greater than.
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Years went by the group slowly grew older but Jason stayed the same way. He didn’t mind it too much, yes it pained him very much to not be able to grow old with his friends, who he considered family, and sometimes being seen as the youngest one. However it is what is! At least he had the support of his family and lovers beside him. Maria and Howard.
And when baby Anthony Edward Stark came along, or Tony for short, let’s just say everyone was happy. Poor Edwin Jarvis though, he had to change diapers. Peggy and Ana were delighted to be aunties. Maria was excited to be a mother and Jason was always wanted to be a uncle. The first two years, Howard was very attentive and on top of things when it came to his son. Bring Tony everywhere and anywhere possible, the days he wasn’t working at SHIELD and in his lab downstairs that is.
When Tony became 3 years old, almost 4 however, that’s when the plane started to take off. Bickering, arguments and feelings just either hurt or ignored. Yes it was normal for couples, or in this case, sorta throuple always fought. Especially this one! Howard was always working more than Jason ever did and Maria was always part time working at the jewelry store she co-owned with a friend of hers. They always made time for one another, especially when it came to their family and friends.
One afternoon Jason returned home from a long trip on a mission to Las Vegas, Nevada to collect samples of a metallic suspicious bonds and examine that at SHIELD headquarters. He appeared in the front door to hear running of tiny footsteps, followed by much larger ones. The giggles came along with the footsteps made Jason roll his eyes and chuckle.
The tiny footsteps zipped by and before they can reach the living room, Jason caught him. In his arms lay the giggles and yells from the charmer himself, Anthony Stark, his hair was a mess and in his hands held a toy screwdriver.
“Uncle JJ!” Tony yelled finally registering who’s arms he was in and giggling tightly hugging him, “You’re back!”
He laughed hugging his nephew tightly showing him in plenty required tickles for being gone for too long and asked, “Yeah buddy, I’m back home! Now why were you running? You knew the rules.”
“Jar’vis is making me clean my f-feet!”
It didn’t register in his mind what his nephew meant until he looked down to see the shoeless feet that rested against his button down, that were covered in dirt. He sighed deeply realizing now that he had to clean up a cheeky little 4 year olds dirty, probably muddy, feet from playing in the backyard without his shoes. He carried the young boy into the bathroom and requested for Jarvis to get him some towels as he washed his feet.
Tony explained what he was doing today after attending dentist appointment that his mother had earlier, which involved him building outside, drawing, watching his favorite cartoons and helping his mother with the dishes. He even slipped out that he accidentally found himself in his father’s workshop just wanting to hang out in there as Howard kicked him out, resulting in Tony hearing his mother and father bickering as he was carried out by Jarvis.
Jason sighed deeply once again and internally groaned in annoyance at what happened today. At this point, it didn’t surprise him at all, with the amount of time they fight it surprises him how Maria, him and Howard still live under one same roof. To be honest, they all walked out of this house more than once, due a argument
Tony pouted and spoke up, “A-are you mad at me?”
“Buddy why would i be mad?” He asked, scrubbing his feet gently.
“Cause..i walked into daddy’s workshop..i know i can not go only if you guys let me.”
“For starters we don’t want you in there unless supervised because it can be dangerous and you can accidentally get hurt.”
“Okay..I’m sorry. A-are you gonna talk to daddy and momma?”
“Well why did you do it in the first place?”
“Be..cause i wanna play with daddy but he too busy for me..he don’t love me anymore..”
“No buddy, don’t say that. Of course he loves you, he’s just gets too caught up with work that’s all.”
“I just wanna play with him, uncle J..”
“I know buddy, i know. You’re father does things for a reason, he just keeps carried away sometimes..”
Then Tony asks him a question he didn’t expect for the four year old, then again he was smart for his age, but still. The young boy sighed deeply, sometimes he picked up on from seeing his uncles and aunties doing a lot. Tony asked, “A-are you love, JJ?”
“What?” He asked with a soft smile, adding some more now to his feet.
“Are you love? Momma says that you don’t date anymore..and that you love her and daddy more.”
“Well buddy, i do love them both very much. With all my heart. As for dating, uh it’s hard for your uncle to find himself a girlfriend with work and no one wants to date someone with crazy dance moves..”
Tony giggled at that and yelled, “You do dance funny!”
“You see! Auntie Ana says i dance like a chicken.” Jason replies chuckling, drying off his feet now.
“You dance like a funny chicken who ate too much candy!”
“A chicken on a sugar high?”
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The two laughed, smiling. Yes there was truth to that part to what his uncle told him about not dating, was that he didn’t age and rather not live a life with somebody who can, but Tony doesn’t need to know the whole truth just yet. He was still a child.
Jason place a fresh pair on shoes, thanks to Jarvis, onto Tony’s little feet as he said, “You see! If i went on dates every night I wouldn’t have time to talk with you.”
“You are right! No dating, i do not want a date either! Girls are eww!” Tony replies giggling, walking down the hallways following Jarvis and his uncle downstairs. That resulted in both men to roll their eyes and laugh at the young boys words.
The three of them found Ana and Maria serving lunch greeting the women, as Howard came, slightly late, upstairs to eat with them. It was good, real good for a while. The rest of the day was just fine, per say.
However it soon got to a point where the tension ran high the next few months and possibly even years. The water to the cup started to soon overflow, but Jason kept quiet, it wasn’t his place to talk about certain things. He knew his limits and where he stands, but sometimes it annoyed him. It made him question everything he ever knew…
He noticed how Howard and Maria changed perspective on certain things, Maria got more annoyed about things and Howard kept acting like everything was fine. When clearly he was ignoring stuff around the house and even his son. If those was thing that made Jason’s blood boil was something that involved his friends and family, especially his young nephew who didn’t know any better.
One Wednesday afternoon, he had enough of this bullshit. He knew Maria wouldn’t say anything about it and handles everything her own way, but he wasn’t her. Jason stormed into the lab downstairs that now held so much stuff, it looked like a madhouse in there. No wonder why Jarvis always complains about Howard’s messes!
Howard was working on a few equations and running his fingers across some equipment he’s building to showcase Hank Pym later that week. He didn’t even hear the door shut or the fact that there were rough clapping of footsteps followed up within seconds. He heard a simple ‘can we talk? Now.’ And he only received a half nod in return.
Jason tapped his foot onto the floor, with his arms crossed and waited for his friend to stop what he doing to stand up straight and look at her.
“What?” Howard asked removing his sunglasses and runs his fingers across his hair, “If it’s that i forgot to pick up the presents for Ana’s birthday and forgot to pick up Tony from school, I’m sorry.”
“I-ahhh, that’s not it!” He replied, pinching the bridge of his noses knowing how much a idiot he is, “Actually this is about Tony.”
“Is something wrong with him?”
“Yeah, he’s not being treated fairly by you.”
He scoffed, “Howard you’re more focused on your work than your own family! You’re overworking yourself and literally kick out your poor son whenever you get the chance.”
“HEY! Everything i do is for my son, you know that!” Howard remarked pointing a finger at him, “To give me a future i never had!”
“I know that!”
“So just let in work in peace, huh? You don’t understand what I’m doing here.”
“Oh really? Yeah of course, the futurist everybody! The last few years you have been so disconnected from everything. You barely go on date nights anymore with Maria or watch the stars with her, you don’t give Tony a bedtime story anymore and you just said it yourself—you forgot to pick him up at school!”
“It was a accident. Am i not allowed to make accidents as a parent huh? Everything i do is for my kid.”
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“You just said that and i know. But Howard..” Jason sighed, “Tony doesn’t need any of this, he just needs you. You’re time and energy, that charming smile of yours to shower him in love! Not you working night and day, over and over again where you can’t breath or take a second of your time to relax with us. You’re forgetting sight of who you are!”
Howard growled, “Don’t! Don’t tell me how to raise my son, Jason. He’s not your kid, he’s mine! You’re just his uncle. As for Maria, you don’t need to defend her here, if she has a problem with me then she should just tell me herself!”
“That’s because she’s doesn’t care anymore! I’ve seen that women fight with you over and over again, to the point where she just accepted that, that’s the way you are now.”
“Yes I’ve changed JJ! People are allowed to change, that’s part of human evolution.”
Jason paced back and forth, turning around hearing Howard’s long winded speech about evolution and change. Howard leaned against his desk scoffing and dryly laughing, “You’re hilarious. This is all some joke to you right?”
“I—what did you just say to me?” Jason stopped and whipped his face toward him.
“This is a joke to you. You believe that your right here and I’m wrong, Jason. Just because you live here with us and know how this works, you think your right here.”
“BECAUSE I AM HOWARD! When was the last time you got out of here, huh? When was the last time you told Tony ‘I love you’ or took time to take Maria’s dancing or go bowling with me? Ever seen you started SHIELD, you’ve been noticing but a consuming jerk!”
“Is that really what you think of me? A jerk?! You don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand?!”
“You weren’t acting one in the beginning, but the months and years after, yes you have become a bit of a jerk. One day you’re gonna regret what you’ve done.”
“I won’t.”
“You will!”
Both men were furious at this point, they have been yelling loudly and screaming for more than an hour, bringing up moments from their past. Some stuff was even throw on the floor at this point. That fire due to the years of love, the friendship and the curiosity was going out..or maybe the fire was already gone?
Howard grunted, “I’ve done nothing much work my ass off and made sure to investigate and invent things to make the world a better place. I’m doing what i think is right here! You just don’t see it!”
Jason scoffed, “Yeah and the world has hated you and thanked you for it! Must i remind me about what happened in 56’? Or in 46’, when you were committed for treason for holding glorified weapons and the whole state was after your ass? And we had to save yo—”
“Don’t finished that sentence. What do you want me to do, huh? Give me my lives work? I’m a inventor, if I don’t invent something or work my ass off, i will probably explode. I-is that what you want? What are you gonna do if i do continue this lifestyle? Leave me?”
“If i could i would take Maria and Tony somewhere else, away from you for a while, I would. But we both you would sent the best lawyers possible and god knows what after me, so I won’t. I won’t do that to you..or them.”
“Ah, you know me so well. And i know you..”
“You do and i love you for everything you do. But this…I can’t!”
“Jason..I can’t change what i do Jason, you know that! I just can’t. I’ve come so far and you just don’t see it.”
“Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“You’re playing the pity card again. You don’t think Maria, Peggy, Jarvis and I don’t see it? We do! Hell, Tony see it!”
“So why don’t you let me do it? Leave me alone to do my work! I’m trying here. Look what at I’ve made and I can’t stop it now.”
“Yes you can!.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Look, I’m not exactly asking you to leave everything behind. But understand this, I rather you show Tony this world of yours, instead of shutting him out! All of us out. Take a break or..”
“Or what?”
“Or you’re gonna lose the people you care for the most…you know what? What’s the point? I can’t do this...”
The next words that escape Howard Stark’s lips came out of pure anger and annoyance, “Do what? You’re gonna leave me? If so, get out. You clearly don’t want to be here anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jason replied with slight shock in her tone and blinked a few times.
“Yes i do. You don’t need to be here unless you don’t want to.”
“Howard stop it. Listen to what you’re saying! I care about this family too much to see it fall apart.”
“This is my family! Not yours. You don’t get the final word, i do.”
“You don’t listen, do you?”
“Enough Jason! Get out.”
“You’re gonna regret this! Don’t come complaining to me when you’re son hates you.”
“Get out! There’s the door.”
If there one thing Jason Underwood was and that was persistent, so before he left. He said, “When are you gonna realized your greatest creation isn’t those weapons you made or SHIELD or anything related to that, it’s your legacy. Your son!”
“I’m not gonna ask again. Please go..I don’t ever want to see you again.” Howard said with a pissed off sigh, blinking a few times.
Those last words hit Howard hard, as he stood up finding one of his older cameras and place it securely on the tripod with a half smile.
One of his friends, the man he once called a love in his life, the uncle to his only son and supporter walked out of that door without a second chance to help his case. Howard sighed deeply with his head in his hands. He was angry, tired, and annoyed. A part of him knew that his friend was right. He’s a workaholic man with no respect or anything like that for other people, depending on the situation. Always focused on the world’s future, but not sure on the future he set for his family. His only concern was Tony and Maria. His greatest creation being his son.
Without a question later, he turned on the camera and started to film himself, try to speak again like the focused, honest and vulnerable man he tended to be. He decided on leaving his door open just in case his wife called or anyone walked in in general.
Meanwhile Jason was packing his overnight bag for possible a two day stay at Jarvis house. He already had a house in Miami but he was only willing to stay with Edwin and Ana for a couple of days to get himself straightened out before leaving for good. Maria tried to convince him to stay, even if a part of her agreed with her husband instead
But his mind was already set on leaving and possibly visit in the future. Jason ripped out a sheet of paper from his notebook and wrote a note to his nephew, one to Maria, as well as one to Howard. He played them secretly onto in places where they knew they’ll find them one day in life. To say Jason was hurt like this was a understatement, breaking up with a girlfriend was one thing but with your friend of almost 20 years or more.
All he wanted to do was save something in this family of theirs, but knew he couldn’t. And that’s what pained him, he wanted to scream and possibly cry, maybe even let out cloud of smoke out the window.
The men may have been on separate grounds of the house, pissed off and hurt from their two hour argument with one another, but they knew one thing. They still somehow had respect, admiration and compassion for each other, no matter how much hatred and annoyance came from that. A part of them knew it.
Over the months and years, their friendship grew sadly apart. Their friends knew it. And what made it more interesting is that they still saw each other, weather they liked it or not. At work, parties, gatherings, birthdays, graduations, a ceremony for some special they were invited to.
Howard would always being pushed to speak to Jason and vise versa, only ending up in small talk between the pair, then walking off to speak to other people. They would be found speak to family members but not one another, Howard even though of not allowing Tony nearby to his uncle for too long, would be better during those events.
It was plainly stupid on both of their parts, but they both had their rights to be angry and bitter. It hurts.
Jason always wanted and most importantly, tried to explain to Howard the situation, hopes for his forgiveness after that nightmare of a week. But Howard’s huge ego, witty jokes, stubbornness and willingness to hold a grudge never let him see the light…
I hope you all enjoyed this story. It was a long and a interesting one to write. Remember to like, comment and share
This was an AU tales of two friends I wrote a long time ago before the whole MCU x Agent Carter fic thing
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @triptuckers @ohgodnotagainn @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @drspencereidhotch @mandylove1000 @t-nd-rfoot @topgun-imagines @blackheart-beauty @meiramel @eliohasmyheart @rooster-84 @yetanotherwells @blueboirick and etc
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Yuu can do it!
Part 42
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Enma, Ito, and Grim had not known what to expect when they went to pick up Kuroki from work the next day. Perhaps they would be squeezed within an inch of their life by Floyd again. Maybe Jade would finally reveal himself to be the more evil and dangerous of the twins by killing them or whatever it was the guy did – because they were sure he did something, his vibes were terrible. Maybe Azul would try and rope them into yet another sketchy deal (funnily enough, despite it being the quickest to duck out of, this was the one they were dreading the most, because they would have to deal with Grim whining about how they totally should have taken the deal for the rest of the night).
Maybe they would have a pleasant day without even a minor incident!
It happens! Sometimes! Like, once! It could happen again!
But not today!
Because, the moment they stepped through the mirror, Ruggie in tow, they were almost overwhelmed by the amount of sound that met their ears. At the echoing yelling that could be heard all the way down the tunnels.
Damn. They had really hoped that ‘accidentally’ calling upon Crowley, especially over something trivial like whether he’d had sex, would discourage people from attacking them. But apparently not.
Ito gave a quiet groan of annoyance.
“It could be unrelated to us,” Enma tried, kicking off his shoes.
Even Ruggie, who by all accounts should be playing dumb, paused with his foot still in the air, his shoe half off, to give him an incredulous look.
(Enma fought the urge to push Ruggie over while he was off-balance.)
“Every big thing that has happened so far this year has involved at least one of you four.”
“It’s not like we’re trying to cause trouble!” Grim argued.
This was a lie. Grim has absolutely intentionally caused trouble before. But neither Ito nor Enma were going to say anything about it, because that was currently their only defense.
Ruggie raised an eyebrow. “That makes it worse.”
Okay. Ouch.
Ito huffed. “It’s not our fault we’re in Hell.”
Enma started to laugh at the sheer insanity of their sentence, he was pretty sure that being in Hell necessitates it being your fault, but then something occurred to him. “Wait, you still think we’re in Hell?”
“I mean. Yeah. Too much bullshit has happened for it to be completely natural.”
Enma frowned. “I mean, sure, but that might just be that we caused a rift or butterfly effect by coming here. Chaos theory, you know?”
“You can’t just say ‘you know’ and have me suddenly know –.”
“Waitwaitwait,” cut in Ruggie. “You guys don’t even know what’s wrong with you?!”
Nooooooo Enma’s mean-spirited game has been ruined…
“You assholes!” Ruggie said.
Enma frowned. That was harsh.
“It was funny,” Grim defended them all. Ito and Enma nodded emphatically. If Kuroki were with them, he surely would have, too. Enma nodded twice as hard to make up for his absence.
For some reason, none of this seemed to make Ruggie any more okay with the situation. How could Enma know that for sure, you may ask? Well, the fact that he threw his shoe at Enma’s head tipped him off.
Enma, of course, dodged (because he doesn’t like being hit by shoes, shockingly), which didn’t seem to make him feel any better, either.
Ruggie was so hard to please.
Enma shook his head to himself, exasperated. “Let’s just go help Kuroki.”
“I’m surprised you guys didn’t immediately run to do it,” Ruggie snorted.
Ito and Enma met eyes, and then gave twin eye rolls. There was definitely a reason that Kuroki had been chosen as a primary target. He was seen as weak – either because he was the one of them who had ‘official’ ownership of the gun or because they had noticed his subpar gym grades. If they immediately ran to help him, that would communicate that they were unsure about his abilities and that he was their ‘weak spot’ or whatever. He needed to prove he could hold his own, in his own way.
This didn’t stop their pace from picking up just slightly.
As they neared, they found a crowd of what seemed to be solely Savanaclaw students, clustered in a vaguely circular shape. They didn’t have to guess what they had crowded around, partially because they knew their friend, but mostly because they could hear Kuroki’s voice pretty plainly:
“– and? Who asked?”
Enma wasn’t sure whether to groan or laugh.
Kuroki ended up groaning for him.
This should have opened Enma up to laugh, but he suddenly wasn’t in the mood to.
Ito paused, briefly, just outside of the circle. They knelt to pick up Kuroki’s gun. Someone had probably kicked it out of the way at some point.
Grim started growling. Enma felt claws start to tug at the fabric of his shirt.
“I’ll kill them –,” Grim started to say.
“No,” said Enma. Because that would make things so much worse. A good percentage of the mages were still wary of Grim and his magic, and if they learned that Grim was absolutely not that good at it they’d lose a hell of an edge. But he couldn’t say that to the monster’s face, so… “You’ll be best at comforting him, you’re his favorite.”
Grim didn’t seem particularly happy about his assignment. But he did puff up a bit at being recognized as Kuroki’s favorite, so problem solved? Hopefully?
“You should deal with them,” Ito said lightly.
This was true. They had a limited number of bullets. Enma had, once, been the vice-captain of a Kendo club. It was best for him to fight off the Savanaclaw students.
“Your eye is twitching,” Enma said.
Their grip tightened on the gun. “I am aware.”
Enma snickered, pressing a hand to his chest. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with them.”
Ito didn’t seem all that comforted by this fact. But they shook their head to themself, visibly steeling their nerves, before cocking the gun.
Several animal ears flicked at the new sound, and the chatter and jeering of the crowd immediately died.
Ruggie in tow, Enma pushed his way to the front.
Kuroki looked… worse for wear. He was leaning back against the glass wall in a way that seemed less casual and more he couldn’t support himself on his own. The skin of his neck was a mess of angry reds. There was a wound lost somewhere in his messier-than-usual hair, only noticeable thanks to the blood gluing one of his electric blue eyes shut. A hand was cradling his side, purposeful in the placement of his fingers, physically holding himself together.
Despite all this, he was actively using his other hand to flip off his assailants. Bloody lips split into a cocky smirk.
“You’re all bitches,” Kuroki taunted. “Cowards! I mean, it's smart, I guess. It’s obvious you know you’d lose any fair fight you get into. But, y’know, at least I am willing to take it when I have to. How do any of you expect to get by as athletes or whatever it is if all you can do is kick people who are already down?”
“Yeah, literally,” Enma said.
Kuroki groaned. “Ecchan –.”
And then he seemed to realize that there was a reason as to why the blows had stopped coming. He lifted his head, slowly, to look at his friends. For a moment, the cocky, purposefully infuriating smirk on his face widened into an actual, full-on smile.
And then he dissolved into a mess of (mostly) fake tears.
Manipulative prick, Enma thought, almost fond save for the mild pang of annoyance when he realized that it was actually working a little on him regardless.
Grim was quick to fly over to the boy, searching through their backpack for their supply of emergency healing potions. Ito was a little slower, their face a little greener, but still they knelt down beside him. Kuroki grabbed their sleeve and tugged them closer for comfort that they, somewhat reluctantly, gave. They wrapped careful arms around him, threading a hand through his hair, only wincing slightly when Kuroki’s chin, dripping red, came to rest on their shoulder. Kuroki’s expression twisted once again, into a strange little smile, his eyebrows raising in a way that screamed ‘ooooh, you’re in troubleeeee’.
Enma almost laughed at the familiarity of it all. Save for all of the blood and soon-to-be bruises, it was close to those times when Kuroki would fake cry just to get Enma in trouble. It didn’t genuinely work, Ito never believed it, and Enma never actually got grounded or whatever, but it was fun to mess around and pretend.
But the wicked look on Kuroki’s face wasn’t aimed at Enma for once.
Enma heaved a sigh, turning back to the group of Savanaclaw students. They were visibly confused, looking between themselves for answers no one seemed to have. Why had Ito picked up the gun when it was pretty clear that they had no intentions of using it anytime soon? Why wasn't their monster attacking them to create the more even fight Kuroki had been spouting off about?
Why were they acting like they had already won?
Enma wasn’t going to complain about the brief reprieve. It gave him plenty of time to do a quick assessment. It seemed like there were three main people who had attacked Kuroki, judging by the cracked and bloody knuckles on two of them, and the last’s messy clothes which suggested some kind of scuffle. The rest of the people had probably just been watching the show. So, those three were most likely to fight back, where the others might be more hesitant to hurt a poor, helpless magicless human (directly, at least). 
He took a moment to unbutton his suit jacket and toss it onto Ruggie – mostly just because he wanted to annoy the hyena, but also partially because he was barely resisting the urge to pick up the yagujen and throw him at the asshole Savanaclaw students, and covering his face was the only solution he could think up on the fly.
He groaned and stretched his arms over his head, readying himself for an unfair fight.
On the mages ends, of course.
Because, if there was one thing that he had realized over the past few days, it was this: mages rely on magic way too much. Given an option to neatly and fairly exclude Malleus Draconia from the tournament? Too easy, magical sabotage is clearly superior. Path obstructed by greenery? A new method of cultivating plants isn’t needed, just chop through them with wind magic every day. Writing hand broken? Don’t take the opportunity to learn how to be ambidextrous, just use magic!
The fistfight between Ace, Deuce, and Jack? Sloppy. The schools attempts to non-magically bully them? Fucking pathetic.
Have three people saying that they will ruin your revenge plot? Don’t bribe the notoriously broke students, that would be stupid. Instead, pull petty shit like this!
Mages were useless without their magic. And Enma understood, he would probably be the same given their circumstances.
That didn’t mean that he didn’t intend on exploiting this weakness as much as possible.
He didn’t have a weapon on him, but he would make do.
He punched the nearest Savanaclaw student with all the anger a magicless student forced into a school full of mages in a completely foreign dimension could muster.
Which is to say, the guy went down.
Their chin cracked against the glass. As his jaw made a cracking sound, not the glass, which was surprisingly okay. Must be magically at least somewhat magically enforced. But then why bother making people take their shoes off when entering Octavinelle?
He could ponder that later.
For now, Enma shook out his hand.
“So sorry, senpai,” he said. “Looks like my hand slipped.”
Needless to say, the Savanaclaw students were not pleased by these new developments.
(“Can I – hic – have my inhaler, too?” Kuroki panted. “I think. I triggered. My not-asthma. While fake crying.”)
Claws tore the sleeve of Enma’s shirt. Ugh, Kuroki was going to complain so much about repairing that. He kicked in the offender’s knee in retaliation.
(“Kuroki,” Ito scolded, immediately pulling away to start searching their backpack.)
A particularly heavy hit slammed into Enma’s cheek. He returned the favor. Dully, he wished for rings.
(Grim hovered by the pair of them. Not quite like he was trying to ward off any Savanaclaw students that might try and wander over, but instead like he wasn’t sure how to help. Kuroki, however, knew exactly how the monster could help, and dragged Grim into a tight hug to use as a kind of stress ball. Grim complained loudly about being squeezed too hard, but made no moves to even readjust himself in the boy’s arms.)
A hand pulled his hair, which was messed up. He tore his head out of their grip and sunk his teeth into their arm. Call it Grim rubbing off on him or turnabout being fair play – seriously, who pulls hair, this bitch deserves a possible infection – all Enma cared about was that it was effective.
(“Ruggie, the halls are made of glass I can fucking see where you’re going!” Ito yelled, shoving the inhaler clumsily into Kuroki’s hands before running after the boy trying to disappear into the Mostro Lounge.)
The guy that had landed a hit on him was coming back for seconds, and Enma decided he would make them regret it. He kicked them where the sun doesn’t shine, and watched their animal ears flatten in shock and horror, and then their tail bristle as they sank to the floor.
Oooh, maybe he could try stepping on someone’s tail next, see what happens –.
A gunshot ran out.
Ruggie shrieked.
Enma glanced over and smiled when he found Ruggie standing in front of a spider web of cracks in the glass. The yagujen’s tail might not have been long enough to tuck itself between his legs, but it was certainly there in spirit.
Ito’s head tipped back, towards where the sky would be if there was one in this pocket dimension, before sighing.
And then they tackled Ruggie.
The glass finally gave way under the force of two humanoids crashing into it, and the pair were sent out into the water.
For a minute, it was mostly silent, save for the rush of water entering the hall. Students watched on in a fascinated kind of horror as Ito and Ruggie wrestled in the brine, pulling at each other’s hair and clothes, bubbles streaming from their lips.
And then Savanaclaw students started rushing towards the hole to try and fish them out before they drowned. Or, worse, Azul Ashengrotto found a way to save them and put them all in his debt.
Well. Guess the fight is over.
He should probably do… good friend things. Whatever that was.
Enma breathed a sigh, and made his way over to Kuroki. He glanced his friend up and down. Kuroki and Grim were clinging to each other – it was hard to tell who was comforting who. He was, frustratingly, still not healed up. He had finished with his inhaler, but had yet to take the health potion, instead opting to roll it around in his fingers.
Enma cracked a grin.
“So. Ecchan?”
Kuroki blushed bright red. Unfortunately, he chose that exact moment to decide that healing his injuries was worth the terrible taste.
Four kids sat in the middle of Octavinelle. Two were covered in blood and bruises – though, Kuroki was currently nursing a healing potion (he couldn’t seem to get more than the tiniest of sips in at a time without cringing), so at least the more injured one would be fine soon enough. The other two were sitting in a puddle of their own making, dripping wet, looking very much like pathetic wet cats.
Really, they should all be grateful that things were only as bad as they were. Kuroki and Enma were still conscious and capable of movement. Ruggie and Ito were still able to breathe oxygen. Really, things had gone about as well as was realistically possible.
None of them were intent on celebrating, though. Because the hole in the glass walls of the tunnel they resided in had been patched with a wind spell. They could barely feel the magic, even while sitting as close to the hole as they were, only noticeable in the slight tug of their hair.
There weren’t many people who could perform this kind of controlled, precise magic on such a large scale.
And only one person who would have cared enough to bother.
Crowley paced back and forth. His shoes kept clinking against the glass. Enma, dully, wondered if the glass beneath them would shatter under all of the stress.
He sure hoped not. His knuckles had split open during the fight, and he didn’t think that salt water would help soothe the pain.
“– can’t leave the three of you alone for a day! I don’t know why I gave you that gun! It’s been two days and I have so much to clean up and several complaints! You three cause me so many problems, honestly, if I didn’t know that it would leave you homeless I would have expelled you months ago!”
Ruggie’s head shot up at the revelation. He squinted at the headmaster for a minute, and then turned to scrutinize the Yuus. Apparently seeing them in a new light.
Enma fought not to bristle. He didn’t want Ruggie’s pity.
But, even more, he wanted to make sure that the Headmaster didn’t see him as too aggressive and throw them out despite his claims that he wouldn’t. Because, as much as the Headmaster claimed he didn’t want to leave them homeless, he almost expelled them on their first day. It was clear that, if money was involved, Crowley had his priorities. And they had just cost him a whole lot of money.
“And you,” he said, whirling on Ito. “I expected better from you, at least.”
Ito didn’t even bother to meet the Headmaster’s pinprick eyes, apparently busy wringing out their hair. Their expression was flat, but… Enma thought they might be feeling a little guilty?
“I tried to warn you.”
Crowley gave them a flat look. “Saying ‘Sorry, Crowley’ immediately before causing property damage is not a warning.”
“Not my fault you weren’t close enough to help,” they sniffed.
Okay, nevermind on the guilt thing. They might just really care about the state of their hair. Now that he thought about it, Ito used to get really annoyed when Enma and Kuroki used their shampoo and conditioner, back before they had apparently given up all hope and accepted the inevitable.
“I could make you sorry,” Crowley said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I should confiscate that weapon of yours.”
Kuroki gasped and hugged his recently-recovered gun to his chest. “No! It’s mine.”
(Grim looked to be jealous of an inanimate object.)
Ito looked at Kuroki for a minute before sighing, their hands falling from their hair. They finally met Crowley’s eyes, if only for a second before they shifted into a seiza. “I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”
Crowley’s lips twisted in a complicated array of emotions Enma couldn’t even begin to decipher.
He patted the top of Ito’s head. Once. Before he remembered that they were soaking wet and flinched back in disgust at his newly-dampened gloves.
“I will allow you one more chance. However, you will be the one to file the insurance claims and hire the contractors necessary to repair this.”
Privately, Enma thought that Ito would have probably been stuck with the paperwork even if they hadn’t been the one to cause all of the damage. However, he, wisely, remained quiet. If Crowley was going to let Ito off easily – accidentally or purposefully – then Enma wasn’t going to be the one to ruin that for them.
With little more than a huff and a swish of his cape-wing-things, Crowley was gone.
Ito flopped back against the glass floor. This was not a particularly safe thing to do, but it was fine, apparently.
Ruggie, on the other hand, was distinctly not fine. “This is blatant favoritism.”
“Be more likable and maybe you’ll get some favoritism of your own,” Grim said, apparently still bitter about being replaced by a gun.
Ruggie didn’t take it too personally. “Look who’s talking!”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!”
“If you don’t already know, then I think you might be beyond saving, bud.”
Grim sunk his teeth into Ruggie’s calf. Which was really just proving Ruggie’s point, but Ruggie was in pain now so did he really win? Not really.
Enma snickered as Ruggie began frantically trying to shake the monster off.
And then blinked when glass clinked against his teeth. Kuroki was determinedly not looking at him, which was a… funny choice, considering he was the one holding the rest of his healing potion to Enma’s lips.
Enma really didn’t need it, he had dealt with worse than a couple of bruises and scrapes in his club, but he didn’t bother arguing with Kuroki about it. He took the potion into careful hands. “Do you think this counts as a second-hand kiss?” he asked, because frankly annoying Kuroki sounded much more fun than dealing with the real emotions or, worse, dealing with the terrible taste of healing potions.
Kuroki, predictably, bristled and started spitefully reaching for the potion again. But Enma noted that, despite his protests, there was no real force behind his actions. He wasn’t actually trying to take it back.
Or, at least, Kuroki didn’t want the potion to spill on him.
Enma chose to believe it was the first one, though.
Ito came home smelling, disturbingly, like smoke. Now, to be fair, the smell of smoke had lingered on all of the Ramshackle kids ever since they had started hanging out with Grim, despite their best efforts to get the smell out. Mainly because, the second they tried, the monster would start rubbing all over them again to ‘fix’ this wrong. And they could not afford that much detergent. So, smelling like smoke was just a part of life for them nowadays…
However, Grim’s magestone had a few dark specks in it, so it was safe to assume he had recently used his magic.
“I’m going to take a quick shower –.”
“What did you do?” Ruggie asked, narrowing his eyes at them.
“Nothing that affects you,” Ito promised.
Ruggie looked at them for a moment longer, trying to determine if that was actually the truth. And then he shrugged, going back to folding Leona’s laundry. Apparently, that was all he cared about.
Kuroki, however, was not quite as quick to let it go: “What’d you do?”
“Went to a bonfire!” Ito said brightly.
“... you burned their homework, didn’t you?”
“Yep. And their notes. And their textbooks. It’s the first part of my three-step plan to ruin their high school years.”
Enma and Kuroki stared at them.
“What is the plan?” Kuroki asked, not quite disturbed, but definitely wary.
Ito smiled and refused to elaborate.
“Deserved,” decided Enma, going back to his non-burned homework.
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robynmizore · 2 months
Redemption April Fool’s Special Chapter:
The REAL Story of Conquest
Omg hai ^___^ I’m Robyn and I absolutely luuuv @@ games <3 and my fav is Fire Emblem!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband Takumi!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^______________________________^ When I walked into Hoshido ==I looked up and saw…TAKUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII KUJO-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled n___n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am ** he grabbed my hand and winked ~_ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o.o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TONGUE TASTED LIKE PINEAPPLE!!! RLY!! . <.< .< (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat bitch watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -________- ;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH RYOMA CAUSE TAKUMI-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then Takumi held me close == and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his castle and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became BEAUTIFUL PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^<) ^_____________;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
“W-what the hell?!” Niles spluttered after reading that horrid abomination, throwing it across the room.
“Robyn, you said you were going to write a crack fic chapter today!” everyone’s favorite family friendly 😉 comedic relief seethed.
The authoress, lovingly named after the Goddess of Fate herself, threw her hands up in the air.
“I did!” she protested.
“That is NOT what they meant! This is abuse of the senses!” Niles yelled.
“Well I’m sorry, I thought it was hilarious!” The authoress crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you want then?”
The thief pondered this for a moment, then a wicked smirk crept on his features.
“Say.. do you remember why you wrote this tale in the first place?”
She nodded.
“Good good..”
Niles circled the room slowly, and he could feel the gears in his head turning.
“Why don’t you give it.. a better ending. Maybe something just a little more.. chaotic?”
The pair traded mischievous smirks. After all.. this whole novel was inspired by a particular wall scene. This was going to be very fun.
Warning.. profanity and EXTREME cringe
Nohr and Hoshido (except Takumi, the only reasonable one) squealed obnoxiously.
They all met up in a field because Nohr is full of assholes and decided the Hoshidan royalty did not deserve to grieve their dead mother, and needed to be thrown into a brutal war immediately after. Did they actually do anything to deserve it? Nope, but Daddy Garon hates peace and decided everyone needed to die for an even bigger Daddy Anankos.
“OMG CORRIN!!” Camilla squealed, waving her mommy milkers in everyone’s face.
“OMG CORRIN! Hurry up and ditch your blood family already!” Leo said with an eye roll. “I know dad tried to make you kill two innocent people from Hoshido, but like, he’s not that bad!”
“No, come with us!” Ryoma called. “We don’t abuse you!”
“Aw, we only locked them in a tower for years and years!” Elise protested.
Corrin thought deeply and logically about this.
“I choose… NOHR!”
“What, why?!” the Hoshidan siblings yelled.
“Oh, I wanna know why dad tried to kill me. So I’ve decided I’m walking back into a castle full of Nohrians to ask him. Also, I like my Nohrian siblings. Anyways, see ya!”
(Later in the Nohrian castle)
“Dad, did you try to kill me?” Corrin asked.
“No.” Garon deadpanned, clearly annoyed that Corrin returned alive.
“Ok, I believe you!”
“Whatever. Anyways, I need you to go to this super dangerous forest where you could easily die to prove I can trust you. Alone. Also if anyone tries to help you I’ll kill them.”
“Yep that’s totally not a red flag or anything!” Corrin replied.
Corrin’s next adventures consisted of similar stupidity- I mean missions, until that fateful day on Port Dia.
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Takumi shouted when he confronted the Nohrian army, only to see Corrin complaining about having to fight their Hoshidan siblings.
“Ugh..” the prince groaned, facepalming as he let out a slow breath to collect himself, then shouted
“They do?” Corrin asked, frowning. “But I have plot armor!”
“Oh that’s it.. I’m taking away your water privileges on turn ten!” Takumi seethed.
After a furious battle, Corrin, who is now magically a master tactician despite growing up locked in a tower, managed to take out the pineapple haired, bow wielding menace.
“Hahaha loser, get out!” Corrin said smugly. “If you do, we won’t kill you. Probably.”
“Gee thanks, you’ve all really proven yourselves trustworthy, especially after killing BOTH MY PARENTS UNDER THE GUISE OF PEACE!” Takumi snapped. “And our civilians!”
“How rude. Mommy should beat some manners into you!” Camilla gasped, her mommy milkers flopping everywhere because ✨ fanservice ✨
“Nah let him be mad. He’s justified. Still gonna make him suffer unnecessarily tho.” Corrin replied.
“If it weren’t for you, Mother and our civilians would be alive!” Takumi shouted, causing Corrin to glitch out.
“T-too m-m-much l-logic!!!”
Then Takumi was seized with a horrible headache and retreated, swearing vengeance for his mother’s murder.
“Wow he has issues!” Camilla mommy milkers exclaimed.
That night, Corrin scribbled into their diary instead of responsibly planning the next battle.
“Dear diary.” Corrin bitched.
“Takumi hates me for literally no reason. Wtf even is his problem?!
-Super Triggered.”
“OMG CORRIN! Have you planned for the next battle?” Jakob asked.
“SHUT UP JAKOB, I HAVE PLOT ARMOR!!” Corrin screeched.
Later, Elise fell violently ill and Ryoma refused to let them get medicine, and Corrin yelled at them that they were a jerk despite killing Hoshido’s queen, civilians, and terrorizing their kingdom (also Nohr kinda did the same thing in Birthright to Takumi soooo.. payback?) so they were forced to break a bunch of poisonous pots with only one healer. Then they encountered Takumi again while trying to quell a totally reasonable and expected uprising.
“Wow, dad’s kinda mean. I should just ignore it though.” Corrin remarked.
Hans decided to come and “help” after giving a totally fake apology in which Corrin was immediately like
“Ok, I believe you!”
“Yo.” Takumi said, shooting Corrin with an arrow.
“OH MY GODS THERE’S A PERSON HERE?!” Corrin screeched.
“I’VE BEEN HERE THE WHOLE TIME, MORON!” Takumi fired back. “I’m literally standing in the dark with a glowing bow!”
“You could have killed me!” Corrin whined, making Takumi face-palm.
“That was the point!”
Then Scarlet showed up.
“Wow, traitor.” Camilla mommy milkers whined.
“Corrin literally did the same thing.” Takumi deadpanned.
“QUIET NOHRIAN SCUM!” Takumi snapped, firing.
“Wow ok hater. If you’d just have a reasonable discussion, my totally fair ruler of a dad would end this peacefully even though we keep launching unprovoked attacks on you.” Corrin said.
“If I kill all Nohrians, maybe this head pain will go away.” Takumi muttered, and everyone conveniently ignored Takumi’s obvious mental struggles.
Once again, Nohr won. Azura ignored Takumi’s clear signs of possession, Hans went on a killing spree, Corrin weakly protested in which Hans replied
“Nope. Daddy Garon said so.”
“Where’s the justice?!” Corrin gasped stupidly.
“Meh. Idk.” Camilla mommy milkers replied. “But Daddy Garon will kill me if I disobey so just ignore all red flags.”
“Ok, I believe you!” Corrin said.
Later, there was an assassination attempt on Daddy Garon by this songstress who looked and sounded exactly like Azura but totally wasn’t for some reason. After that Azura conveniently showed Corrin a magical crystal that showed them that Daddy Garon was GASP a slime monster!!!
Hm.. should I tell my siblings? Corrin pondered, then started glitching out.
“T-too m-m-much l-logic!”
Nah, let’s just destroy Hoshido and disregard everyone’s feelings. Especially Takumi. Screw that guy.
Corrin’s next “adventures” involved killing some guys for his boots (in the name of peace ofc), almost getting blown up by ninjas while also escorting Saizo through his suicide attacks for one measly speedwing. Corrin also had to take a good look for like an hour or so before using a dragon vein lest their army be cut off.
Then they saved the Hoshidan royals, everyone went OMG CORRIN!! (Except Takumi, who was so reasonably salty by this bs, he threw himself across the table when Hinoka asked him to pass the salt) Elise bullied Sakura, Corrin became a furry killer, Xander got beat up by some wind and a pack of Bolt Naginata using Falcon Knights. Oh, also Lilith died at some point and we’re all supposed to care for some reason.
Then Corrin beat up a small child (aka Sakura) in the name of peace, tied her up, and had her watch a bunch of defenseless soldiers get brutally murdered right before her eyes right after promising peace because Daddy Garon said so. And then at last came the fateful day that inspired this whole tale in the first place. Oh how differently it was going to end today. Because a devilish one-eyed thief paid our favorite second prince of Hoshido a nice visit and left him a nice little present…
“Ow, what the hell are these hard objects?!” Corrin yelped, ripping one out of their bare foot.
They were at the Great Wall of Suzanoh, aka Takumi’s wall of doom. Filled with the frustrated screams of Fire Emblem players alike. And at the very top of the wall stood Takumi in all his silver pineapple-haired glory, Fujin Yumi in hand.
“Your invasion of Hoshido ends now, Corrin!” Takumi yelled. “Everywhere in Hoshido is covered in LEGO. I hope you feel the excruciating pain we felt when you chose Nohr-“
“You’re.. what?” Takumi asked in confusion, then Corrin performed an Emmeryn off the wall.
Takumi watched Corrin fall with a neutral look on his face.
“Oh look..”
His expression abruptly shifted.
“..The trash took itself out. ..Wait.”
Then he saw Iago The Douche Bird Mage cackling with delight and fired an arrow, knocking him off the wall too.
“There.” Takumi said, his expression back to normal.
Meanwhile, Hinata was paging curiously through a book a certain daydreamer dropped during the fight.
“..Hey Lord Takumi? Some Nohrian weirdo wrote a romantic story about you and…. Prince Leo?! They called it.. Leokumi?”
“Oh, is that so?” Prince Takumi replied calmly, his hazel gaze shifting to Leo, who was calling Forrest a disgrace and calmly fired another arrow, knocking Leo off the wall too.
Then Takumi went to defeat Nohr, married the beautiful Goddess of Fate (named Robyn) then went to live happily ever after.
Niles: Meanwhile in someone else’s Fire Emblem Fates play through~
Happy April Fool’s Day lmao. Real chapter of Redemption will be out Sunday xD
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mlcheely · 1 year
It's Just A Game... CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. ☆
⸺ . ⋆ ☆ ⋆ . ⸺
“There is a woman that is looking for Jill Valentine, though I am not sure what for.”
 “Oh? Do tell; what does she look like?”
 “Small frame, long dirty blonde hair, big doe-like eyes — ” The voice from the other line of the radio interrupts him. “Did she tell you her name?”
 “No, but I happened to overhear the name ‘ Erica .’”
 “Keep an eye on her and don’t underestimate her.” There’s a pause from the other line. “She’s not what she seems.”
 “ Affirmative .”
 Nikolai steps out from behind a wall as he finishes his exchange, shoving the radio into his back pocket. He glances through the windows of the civilian tram, eyeing Erica as he walks past. She’s inside socializing, putting on such a convincing facade. Nikolai knew there was something strange about her when he aimed his weapon between her eyes — she was too calm; too collected to have been in the heart of Umbrella’s disastrous mishap. ‘It explains why she is unscathed, too…’ He thinks, but he shakes the thought as he enters another tram.
 Erica has been talking to the survivors to pass the time; she re-encountered Judy Marks, the nurse she met at the hospital when she first arrived in Raccoon City. She spoke to a woman named Aliyah Littles, a journalist who worked for Raccoon Weekly, and a young college student named Janet Mullis. She recognized Emmy Stanson, the owner of Emmy’s Diner — well — previous owner . Unfortunately, none of these people are the person she’s looking for.
 None of them are Jill.
 She sighs to herself in defeat, catching the attention of the mother next to her. Erica had come to learn her name is Hope Stevens and she worked at Raccoon University as a professor. Her teenage daughter, Dawn Stevens, was going to attend the University in the spring, but it’s obvious how that turned out…
 “Can’t sleep?”
 Erica turns to her and laughs a little. “Oh, no, I’m just looking for someone…” Hope purses her lips. “Do you think they’ll show up?”
 “I don’t think so — ” Erica says, causing Hope to frown. “ — I know so.” The frown leaves the older woman’s lips and turns into a grin. Erica grins back at her before catching a glimpse of a familiar face in one of the windows. Is that?
 “Excuse me.” She mumbles, grabbing her backpack and exiting the tram. As she does, the sound of another tram door closing echoes through the subway’s tunnel. She glances in the direction of the sound and spots a woman with short brown hair speaking to Carlos, Tyrell, Nikolai, and some other older man with a red beret. ‘That’s gotta be her!’ She thinks, immediately rushing towards the tram and ripping the door open. The passengers all turn and look at her as her heart flies out of her chest. It’s Jill!
 Jill is in awe as she stares at the young woman in front of her. She was telling her the truth — she’s alive! She’s really here, physically standing before her. It’s not a dream this time; this is all real.
 “Is that really you?” Warm tears prickle Jill’s eyes, threatening to fall as she feels her breath catch in her throat. “Of course it’s me!” Erica cries, tears spilling from her eyes as she goes in for an embrace. “It’s me, Jill — I’m alive, I’m really alive!” Jill pulls Erica close, squeezing her tightly and entangling her fingers in her long hair. Erica buries her face in Jill’s shoulder, unable to compose herself. She was alone for so long…She wants to fall to the floor and sob; she wants Jill to hold her and console her, but now isn’t the time for all that. They need to get out of this godforsaken city.
 Jill looks at Erica’s wet face with her own. “Where have you been? How are you here right now?” Erica quickly glances at Nikolai, realizing that she shouldn’t tell Jill anything right now and risk exposing herself to him. She has a feeling he might already be suspicious of her. She swallows. “We can talk about that later.” Jill shakes her head. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. All that matters is that you’re here now.” Erica smiles at her friend’s reassurance.
 “Are you two ladies done?” Nikolai retorts, observing the smaller of the two women. “Sorry…” Erica mumbles, avoiding his gaze and shifting it to the floor. Jill squeezes her shoulder to which she straightens her lips.
 “Do you think you can do it, Jill?” Tyrell asks, breaking the awkward vibe in the air. Jill nods, focusing her attention on what the group had begun to discuss prior to Erica’s arrival. “Of course she can, she is Special Tactics and Rescue Service.” The older man with the red beret states, and as the conversation continues their voices start to drown out as Erica’s eyes fall onto the older man sitting in one of the seats. She reads over his name tag: Mikhail Victor. She didn’t know much about the man, but as far as she knew he was a mercenary hired by the U.B.C.S. where he served as leader of the Delta Platoon. He unfortunately never made it out of Raccoon City alive, much like everyone else. He looks like he’s in pain, gritting his teeth as he listens intently to the group’s plan. As she breathes in, she’s able to smell the blood seeping from the wound he’s currently clutching. It seems death is already breathing down his neck. A lump forms in her throat; the scent makes her stomach growl, but just as she takes a step forward Jill lifts a hand to touch Erica’s arm. Nikolai happens to notice her trance before she’s pulled from it and turns to look at Mikhail.
 Why was she staring at him like a fat kid staring at cake? Could she be infected? No, that isn’t possible — she should have fallen victim to the virus, but is there a possibility she retained her intelligence? He wonders if that’s what Wesker meant by ‘she’s not what she seems.’
 “Hey, are you going to be okay here?”
 Erica looks around to the rest of the group’s faces before looking at Jill's. “Uh, no I’m not gonna be okay. I’m going with you.” Jill shakes her head.
 “Oh, no you’re not. It wouldn’t be smart for you to go…” She chews on the inside of her cheek. “It’s better for you to just stay here.” Erica is taken aback, feeling frustrated that Jill doesn’t believe she’s capable enough to venture through the death and devastation outside. She made it out of the NEST facility and managed to get all the way here and find Jill. She survived death for Christ’s sake! She is fully capable of handling herself — even if it’s from the help of the virus in her body. She also wants to make it out of here before she starts getting hungry again. The smell of Mikhail’s flesh and blood makes her toes curl in her shoes. She hasn’t eaten, and if she stays she has a feeling her hunger might be satiated.
 “I’ll be fine.” Erica laughs, brushing Jill off. “I made it here, didn’t I?”
 “Dammit Erica, why don’t you just listen? I don’t want to lose you again.” Jill snaps, prompting Erica to look at the floor. She feels her fists clench and her heart begin to pound in her ears. It’s soon replaced by the sound of ringing, relentlessly beating against her ear drums, and she takes a deep breath. The rest of the room is quiet, awkwardly standing around as they wait for her response. “Jill, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter what the fuck you say — I’m going with you.” She purses her lips. “You need to trust me on this…” Pause. “...I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”
 “But — ” Jill starts but Erica interrupts. “Look, I appreciate you looking out for me but I’ve already been through my fair share of bullshit and there’s no reason to coddle me over it. I’m fine .” The room goes silent once again but it doesn’t last for long as Mikhail bursts out in a painful laugh, wheezing as the laughter bellows from his chest. “I like this one.” He remarks.
 “It seems your friend here is pretty determined to help.” Carlos steps forward. Jill chews her lip as he reaches for a gun from his waistband. He turns to Erica, “Can you shoot?”
 “I’m no professional, but I have a pretty good idea.” She replies, and he turns to Jill. “Problem solved.” He shrugs, holding out the pistol to Erica. “I — ” Jill starts to protest, but she holds her tongue.
 Erica is right. She did manage to make it here. Jill isn’t sure when or how she escaped from Umbrella’s grasp, but they’ll have plenty of time for that when they get out of the city. There is something Jill can’t put her finger on, though. Why does she not have any wounds or scratches? How was she able to avoid the monsters and zombies? More importantly, what did Umbrella do to her?
 Reluctantly taking the firearm, Erica clutches the hilt with a frown. She never really liked guns, and for good reason. They always terrified her — from the loud pop to the possibility that it can go very wrong very quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing. She knows she needs to take it to prove she can defend herself, but hopefully she won’t have to use it. She shakes away her thoughts and focuses on the task at hand. She and Jill need to get going.
 “Let’s go.” She says, heading out the tram door’s entrance.
 “She seems fun.” Tyrell comments and Jill quickly defends her friend. “She’s not really like that — she’s just…been through a lot.” She sighs.
 Nikolai watches Erica as she leaves, observing her behavior. She was so quick to snap at the other woman he wonders if this is only the beginning. What if she eats one of them? What if she turns and possibly infects someone else? “I would keep an eye on her.” He mutters.  The group looks at him, and Jill knits her brows together, eyeing him suspiciously. “What are you implying?” Nikolai chuckles at her reaction. “It is just an observation, Miss Valentine — not an implication.”
 Jill shrugs him off, but she can’t help but let curiosity grab her by the tongue — what does he mean by that? Whatever, it doesn’t matter; she doesn’t trust anything he says anyway. She doesn’t have a good feeling about him.
 Her attention then falls onto Carlos. “Wish me luck?” She jokes.
 “You’re gonna need it.” He quips.
 “You’re telling me.” She laughs, quickly following after Erica and arming herself. She catches up to her, spotting her leaning against the railing at the bottom of the stair entrance. Erica had heard the conversation that continued after she left the tram, and she can’t help but wonder if Jill might question her or distrust her now. ‘No, Jill wouldn’t switch up like that…Nikolai is just trying to get inside her head.’ She tells herself, but she secretly worries he might be right. She’s unsure if she has any control over her hunger, and she’s unsure if she’s a real danger to people. She had no problem controlling herself on the civilian tram, so why did she feel like she was going to eat Mikhail?
 “You ready?”
 Jill rips her away from her thoughts and she puts on a fake smile. “Yeah — I’m ready.”
⸺ . ⋆ ☆ ⋆ . ⸺
“Are you okay?”
 Erica — who was previously staring out into the city, observing the area for any threats as a lookout — turns and looks at Jill. She’s looking at her with concern, and Erica feels her chest tighten. She bites her lip, trying to stop it from trembling.
 She doesn’t know, honestly; she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be okay after all this. She doesn’t know if she’ll forget falling into a fictional world. She doesn’t know if she’ll ever forget getting kidnapped, experimented on, eating someone , or dying, and waking up in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Not like anybody else would be able to forget something like that, either. She sighs as a tear trickles down one of her cheeks, overwhelmed by all that’s transpired.
 “You know, I’m not sure. I uh, I don’t know.” She laughs nervously.
 “You can tell me anything…” Jill mumbles and Erica feels salty water coat her cheeks within seconds. “Jill, I — …Umbrella turned me into some kind of — some kind of freak. During my capture I-I got hungry and I ate somebody. You don’t really come back from something like that…” She sniffles. “The only reason I came with you was because I didn’t want to risk eating anyone else…” There’s a long pause. “...And I only trust you to take me out if — no, when — that time comes.”
 Jill already knew Erica was experimented on, but she wasn’t fully aware of what exactly happened to her. Chris alluded to her being infected with the T-Virus and possibly some other virus known as the G-Virus, but what does that mean for her? Does that mean she’s capable of attacking someone without warning? Does that mean she’ll lose control and mutate into something inhuman? After being infected for this long, she should have turned…right?
 “Listen to me, Erica — ” Jill walks over and puts a hand on her crying friend’s shoulder. “ — it’s not going to come to that.”
 “I don’t think it’s that simple, Jill.” Erica chokes.
 “What do you mean?” Jill furrows her brows.
 “You won’t understand. Shit, even I don’t but I can hear and smell everything — I can smell the sweat on someone’s skin or the smell of their meat and muscle. I can hear the sound of heartbeats and blood pumping through veins.” She takes a deep breath. “I can hear the thoughts and voices of infected hosts. I can feel them, Jill. I can feel when they’re around — I’m losing my fucking mind here.” Erica sobs and Jill frowns, worried for her as she breaks down. “Hey, hey, I promise that everything is gonna be okay. When we get out of the city, Chris and I will figure out how to help you.” Jill reassures, but Erica shakes her head.
 “I died , Jill…” She sniffles again. “...And when I found out I was still alive I was in some kind of place in my head. There was a voice I couldn’t recognize that spoke to me. It told me it brought me back from the brink of death; it said it was a part of me now …Whatever Umbrella put inside of me — it’s not going away.” Jill swallows, slowly getting hot from worry. “You’re gonna be fine.” She says, but she isn’t so sure if she believes what she’s saying now. What’s happening to Erica?
 “You keep saying that, but — ” Erica starts wiping her face with her sleeve, trying to think of something to tell herself to feel better but it’s useless. “Forget it.” She mutters.
 Jill grabs Erica’s hand and squeezes it tenderly. “I don’t think you’re a danger to anyone. Besides, weren’t you alone with all those civilians before I showed up? Why didn’t you eat any of those people?” Erica doesn’t say anything, silent as Jill looks into her teary eyes. “I believe you can control yourself. If we can find something to satiate your hunger, you won’t even think about eating anyone else.” Erica feels a lump in the back of her throat, thinking about the binders in her backpack. Everything will be okay. Even if she isn’t — she knows the two of them have enough evidence inside of her backpack to be an absolute slam dunk for the case against Umbrella. She hasn’t mentioned to anyone what’s inside of the bag yet, not even Jill, fearful someone might overhear and rob them of such information. She still has yet to read her own file through and through, curious as to what exactly happened to her and her body during her imprisonment. Maybe it could hold a clue to a cure.
 “Everything will be okay.” Jill smiles.
 “Will it?”
 “I’m sure of it.”
 “Thanks…” Erica looks down sheepishly at their hands, taking a deep breath before letting go. “Let’s go find some power for the station, yeah?” Jill pats her on the shoulder. “Yeah…” Erica smiles.
⸺ . ⋆ ☆ ⋆ . ⸺
 After the two women return to the tram, Jill radios Carlos to inform him that they’ve restored power to the station. Carlos responds with a “That’s great! Tyrell and I will be on our way there shortly.” As the message echoes loudly through the tram, Erica looks over to Mikhail. He’s still hunched over and grabbing at his wound in pain. She breathes in, and a frown spreads across her lips. He smells like he’s starting to die…
 She can pinpoint the smell of death — she’s smelled it all damn day. She shifts her attention elsewhere, turning to Jill who gives her a smile. “Are you ready to finally get out of here?” She asks.
 Forcing a smile of her own, Erica nods. Of course she’s ready to get out of here — why wouldn’t she be? She’s ready to finally get out of the city so she can get a moment of peace — maybe after that she, Jill, and Chris can figure out what’s wrong with her and fix it. Or at least, try . “I’m ready to — ”
  Boom .
A deep sinking feeling clutches at Erica’s stomach as she turns around and faces the direction of the ominous sound. What was that? Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. She swallows nervously, feeling the terrible anxiety start to grow. Her body grows hot with worry, and she begins to feel a little nauseous. She instinctively lowers her body to the floor, pressing her ear against the cold metal surface. Vibrations rumble against her ear, tickling the inside of her ear drums. As her fingers graze against the floor, she hears it again. Boom, boom . It’s closer this time. Something is coming — and fast.
 “Erica, what’s wrong?” Jill asks, knitting her brows together. Erica’s answer is almost immediate as she stands and turns to her. “Everybody needs to get out of the tram — now .”
 “Why? What is it?”
 Jill is concerned, fearful that Erica might be succumbing to her infection. Erica’s response, however, is nowhere near what Jill expected to hear.
 “ Something big is coming . I can feel it — ”
 “Oh, God …”
 Jill knows exactly what Erica is talking about. She’s seen it; she’s seen the horrific creature that has been relentlessly searching for her. It gives her a fear she’s never felt before, and she prays that Erica won’t lay her eyes upon its disgusting visage and feel the same — if she hasn’t already. It’s as if Jill can’t escape the damned thing, constantly running from impending death — and now it’s found her. She doesn’t know the monster’s name and she doesn’t care either, but she cares if it were to hurt all of these innocent people waiting hopelessly to get out of the city, including Erica. Her stomach gurgles and she has a wave of nausea hit her in the head. She takes a deep breath.
 “Are you sure?”
 Nikolai’s body tenses as he listens to the conversation; he’s aware of what this strange girl means, but how is that possible? How is it she can sense that beast coming? Is that why Wesker finds her to be of value? If he does, then who’s to say Umbrella won’t be eager for her capture, too? Hm …Her data might get him more money than he could ever imagine, perhaps it’s not a bad idea to keep an eye on her after all. For now, however, he needs to make a quick getaway before the monster makes it to their location. ‘Maybe the girl can fight off the monster… ha ! What a laughable thought.’ He thinks. Backing away into a corner, Nikolai slowly starts to make his way over to the door leading into a neighboring tram. Erica just so happens to notice him in the corner of her eye, slinking away like the roach he is. ‘He’s just going to leave us to die…’ She thinks, and her heart pounds in her ears. As he places his hand on the handle, Erica addresses him. “Nikolai,” She starts as he turns to her, “If you step out that door — the next time I see you you’re dead .” She balls her fists and clenches her jaw tightly.
 “Oh?” Nikolai lets out a sinister chuckle. “I would like to see you try, little girl .”
 Just as Erica steps towards him, there’s a sudden explosion that shakes the tram violently. It rattles loudly as the four inside the tram’s cabin are sent flying before crashing down onto the floor. Jill groans in pain and Erica sucks in a breath through her teeth as she sits up. Those binders probably weren’t the best thing to break her fall with, but the thought slips her mind as the two women hear Mikhail grunt as they get up. Erica immediately whips her head around to find Nikolai nowhere to be found and the door leading to the next tram wide open. ‘That bastard …’ She curses to herself before turning to Jill who’s getting on her feet. “Are you okay?”
 “Yeah, what the hell was that?”
 Erica shakes her head. “I don’t know, and I don’t know if I’m ready to find out, either.”
 After they collect themselves they rush over to help Mikhail get off the floor, but as the three of them make eye contact with the civilian tram — all that’s left are its demolished, fiery remains and burning bodies of innocent people — and a giant, terrifying looking man standing amidst the flames. Could she even call it a man? It appears to be over seven feet tall with seemingly impossible broad shoulders and arms that are a bit too long for its body. Its large body pulses with tentacles slithering around its massive torso, but its face…it's unlike anything she’s ever seen. It looks like its skin had been pulled over the top half of its face and stapled down, its nose seems to be nonexistent and deformed, and it has a large mouth with teeth that extend to almost the entire lower half of its face. 
 “ S.T.A.R.S ….”
 The rumbling howl reaches Erica’s ears and she feels her heart fall into her stomach. Her eyes widen and her lungs tighten — her body is struck with a fear like the one she felt seeing the Hunter step towards her, eager to spill her blood onto its lips and sharp claws. She can see the evil in its barely visible, milky eyes as it steps towards the three survivors. Tearful eyes stare as the monstrous creature stalks towards them, and as it takes a few steps forward Erica lets out a high-pitched scream. The sound of her scream causes Jill and Mikhail to cover their ears, and it echoes around them until the windows of the tram they inhabit burst, shattering pieces of glass all over the place. They shield themselves from the impact of the glass, and as Jill looks towards the Nemesis she realizes it’s stunned…but how? Is it because of Erica’s scream?
  OhHh, WeLl LoOkIe HeRe …
 Erica freezes as a voice whispers in her ear. Is it…talking to her?
  ArE yOu HeRe To HeLp Me KILL hEr ?
 She takes a step back. No, no, no —
 Adrenaline surges through her body, and she can feel her veins pulsing inside of her. It’s as if the world is suddenly coming to a slow stop, keeping her prisoner in her moment of peril. She takes a deep breath as the heartbeats of Jill and Mikhail bring her back to reality, followed by a roar that makes the tram quake. Erica starts shoving Jill and the U.B.C.S. member to the other side of the tram, ushering them towards safety.
 “You need to get out of here!”
 “ What about you ?!” Jill yells and Erica shakes her head. “Don’t worry about me!” She hollers back at her before the Nemesis begins entering the tram. The three of them look on in horror until Mikhail lets go of Jill and stumbles forward. “What are you doing?! You’re gonna die!” Erica shouts as he begins approaching the towering creature. “I was going to die anyway! I may as well make my death worthwhile!” Mikhail remarks, pulling a couple of grenades from his belt before addressing her. “Well, what are you waiting for?! Get to running for your lives!”
 Jill grabs Erica’s hand as they take off for the door, the two women passing through and slamming it closed before entering the next tram. This is repeated until they reach the front of the tram — to which Jill finds a spot in the driver’s seat and scans the terminal in order to start the engine. Erica stands at the door, keeping an eye out for any noises or signs of the monster coming their way. The sound of a mechanical hiss causes relief to come crashing down on the both of them, but it doesn’t last for long when they hear a bellowing roar reverberate through the subway tunnel. 
 “Can’t this thing go any faster?” Jill frowns, searching for a button to give the two of them a boost of some kind. There’s a boost alright — one that sends the tram skidding down the tunnel and off the rails. The last thing Erica hears is a scream slipping from Jill’s lips before she feels a shooting pain in her stomach; the sensation of something piercing through her abdomen pulling her into a sudden slumber.
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korasonata · 3 years
I had someone last time ask me about time stamps, so all of these from this point out will have the time stamp at the top of each set of quotes. I am currently in the process of retrieving the time stamps for the previous 5 posts, and will link an updated version when I have retrieved them all.
Link to the video is here: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1149389841
Favourite moments of Joe and Cleo model streams part 6!
(I am very sorry I tried very hard to make this not as long as it is. There will probably be another extended cut post because there was just SO much happening in this stream)
Cleo: Welcome to the stream. Mine and/or Joes. Or, both.
Joe: Yay!
Cleo: I suppose that’s what the “and” means. In that statement. That would make sense. Glue pot’s ready—
Joe: It makes sense to me.
Cleo: …that makes me even more nervous that it makes sense to you, Joe. Not gonna lie.
Joe: So, anyway, last night at dinner, uh, like I— I had put this interview on while I was cooking and I kinda left it on as my daughter sat down for dinner and I was like “hey, this is an interview with this very famous journalist from about 50 years ago. Uh, he’s got a really interesting voice and a really interesting cadence, and I wanna kind of listen to it so I can— maybe copy it as like a joke in one of my videos.” And my daughter listens to it for about a— a minute—
Cleo: And then says “now that’s— is that you?”
Joe: *laughing* She just turns to me and she’s like “my friend…her parents got her…did you know they make crayon applesauce now? It says crayola. It tastes. Like they’ve blended a brown crayon. And sprinkled it on top.”
Cleo: That sounds grim.
Joe (prideful laughing): And it just kind of matches the cadence while also talking about something terrible to ingest?*laughing* And I just start cracking up because like— *laughing continues* she gets it! And she’s just like “why are you laughing?” Because you just— you nailed it! You nailed the pauses, you— you nailed the subject matter, like this is— this is just great!! And she’s like “no! This is a real thing! This crayon applesauce is terrible!” And I’m just laughing and laughing and she’s like trying to explain why it’s not good, and I’m like “I understand why it’s not good, but—“
Cleo (reading chat): “Joe’s daughter is awesome.” I think you’re probably correct. Joe’s daughter is indeed awesome.
Joe: Yeah, I’m very very happy with my daughter. (Reading chat) What was for dinner? Well not crayola applesauce!
Cleo (in response to someone complimenting her 3rd Life videos): Awe! Thank you joytobake, that’s really nice! I am…always pleased when people like my personality. Because I’m never sure that people should, you know?
Joe: Yeah, that’s— that’s what we were talking about— I think before we started streaming, was like, Cleo really gets me, and that’s a huge red flag.
Cleo: That’s a— yeah. As a human being. Understanding Joe - massive red flag. Huge. This is a danger. To everybody. And particularly Joe.
Joe: It’s the terror of being truly known.
Joe: Up until this point I didn’t show the instructions, but now I feel like I have to.
Cleo: Because otherwise people are going to judge your competency?
Joe: Yeah! They’re gonna go “ok. Any idiot can figure out how these pieces go together” but if you look at these instructions, that’s not true. I’m a spectacular idiot, and I have no idea what I’m doing with these.
Cleo: I mean. I want— I want to confirm. Yes. Spectacular.
Joe: Yes. Thank you Cleo.
Cleo: *snicker* You’re welcome Joe. I always like to insult the people I care about the most.
Joe (quietly): I know…I appreciate it.
Cleo (Watching chat): I’m waiting for Cam to confirm that.
(Cam in chat: She insults me SO MUCH, she called me a gibbon last night…)
Joe: *reading tips*
Cleo (reading chat): “you can’t stop Joe when he’s on a role.” This is true.
Joe (not paying attention): *still reading tips*
Cleo: I mean you can, you just have to go: Joe. Joe. JOE. And then he stops sometimes.
Joe (quietly, but with emphasis): WHAAAAAAAAAAT??!?
Joe (reading tips): “This is an encouragement donation for more of you singing in the future.” Ooo, I think Cleo would like that because the future is not now.
Cleo (genuine singing): Ground control to major Tom…
Joe: *listening in awe*
Cleo: …That’s…pretty much all I know…
Joe: Oh, I was gonna let you keep going, I— I wanted to hear more.
Cleo: Oh no. That’s pretty much all I know.
Joe: But yeah. Hypothermic haddoc writes (singing) “tell my wife I love her very much!” …I was waiting for you to jump in with the (singing) “she knoooooows!”
Cleo: Again. Again, I don’t know the song very well.
Joe: Oh. And here I am sitting in my tin can—
Cleo: *leaves to get a drink*
Joe: While you’re getting your drink I guess I’ll provide some musical entertainment.
Joe: …I don’t have anything prepared. So, let’s see…do we have any birthdays? *laughing* if it’s anybody’s birthday I’ll sing to you while Cleo’s gone.
Cleo: I’m back.
Joe: Oh ok. Well, sorry birthday boys. And girls.
Cleo: feel free to sing to people. I’m sure people want that.
Joe: no…well, I was gonna do it while you were away cause I need to get up and get my drink as soon as you’re back.
Cleo: Oh, go and get a drink and I will sing happy birthday—
Joe: So I’m gonna go get my drink, I’ll be right back.
Cleo: —to people who have chosen to spend their birthday…here…I’m not judging, uh, but— (upbeat singing) Happy Birthday to you! You smell like a zoo! (Talking) …uh, etcetera etcetera… (Singing) I forgot how this song goes! Nevermind it sucks to be you! *blows a raspberry*
Cleo: I mean it’s Cams birthday on Saturday, and I will sing to Cam on his birthday. His birthday is not today. I mean he probably wants me to not sing to him on his birthday, to be fair—
[Cam: Please don’t sing to me]
Cleo: —but you know, I might do it anyway. Cause it’s obnoxious. And I will laugh. (Reading chat) “Happy Birthday! Here’s some genocide! Please don’t sing to me…” *laughing* I won’t sing to you if you don’t want me to, Honey.
[Cam: Not happy birthday at least lol]
Cleo: I might torture you in other ways though.
Cleo: Hiiiiii Jooooooe.
Joe: Hello! Joe Hiws hewe! I am back fwom my dwink bweak!
Cleo: …what is that voice?
Joe (in a Kermit the Frog/Swedish Chef/Yoda hybrid of an accent): I feewl wike it’s fwom home star wunner or something, I don’t know! It’s almost Kermit THe Fwog Hewe, but not quITe!
*Cleo laughing*
It’s a little— (Normal voice) I dunno. I still had some of my drink in my throat, so I was like— I didn’t wanna like accidentally cough it out on the microphone as soon as I started talking. So I was just like (weird voice continues) I’ll do thIS vOIce
*Squealing giggling from Cleo*
(Same iteration of previous accent now blended somehow with the voice of Goofy from Micky Mouse) It’ll keep my mOUth in a shape that if I start— me coughing up a dwink it’ll just go into the chEEks on EIther sIde. It’s a natuwal, uh bARRier against, uh, hydration escapism! Uh yuh!!
Cleo: *giggles* Ok Joe. Ok.
Joe: *high pitched laughing* I don’t know Cleo! I’m just gonna keep making noises until people give me money! It’s jus— it’s how I pay rent.
Cleo: *laughing* Making noises until people give you— ahhhh…..
Joe: Yeah
Cleo: — actually…..yeah. Yeah. Yeah…Um (reading chat) “it’s drunk Kermit” *wheezing*
Joe (drunk Kermit The Frog voice): It’s 5:00 somewhere!
Cleo: *laughing* thanks for this. I needed— I needed this moment of— of— whatever this was.
Joe: So my daughter said the most Wednesday Adams thing to me the other day—
Cleo: Oh no
Joe: Except she didn’t do the deadpan delivery. She was very upbeat about this. So apparently “UP” has, on Dinsey+ a series of shorts about the old man and the dog. Right? And they’re called something like “a Dougs Life” cause Doug is the name of the dog
Cleo: yeah.
Joe: and she goes “oh! And it’s short! Like a dogs lifespan!”
Cleo: …Your…kid is very much your kid, you know that right?
Joe (proud dad): I know right?!
Cleo: I mean…you’d kill it at the Met Galla. Not gonna lie.
Joe (excited): Oh my god— I wanna get one of those Manuel suits that has like all the rhinestones and the flowers on it? Um, but, you know, like, those are very expensive.
Cleo: We live with what we can afford. Maybe someone can make you a Diamond encrusted suit that you can wear on camera. And have all the sparkles as green.
Joe (very excited): Oh my gosh— actually— so—
Joe: Meanwhile in my Discord everyone’s posting what they describe as “eye searingly beautiful” lime green wedding dresses. For my next wedding. Um—
Cleo: *snicker* is that what you’re wearing for your next wedding?
Joe: you know, honestly at this point I don’t wanna make any assumptions about anything.
Cleo: *cackling*
(This is context for the next one)
Cleo (reading chat): “some people have too much time on their hands” I mean, I personally would not drive 8 hours to see— um…
Joe: …me?
Cleo: I dunno, I might drive 8 hours to see you.
Joe: I offered to drive 8 hours to see you when you were coming to Disney and you said no, so I’m gonna assume that you would not drive 8 hours to see me.
Cleo: I mean, I— li— the key word there was “might”. I wou— I would have to have my mini frea— well I was freaked out at that point. When you offered, and and I was just like “oh god no.” Because, you know, social anxiety is a thing.
Joe: Mhm. I’ve heard of that.
Cleo: Yeah. And I do not do well particularly meeting people for the first time, even people I’ve known for a while. I go very very quiet and umm…I think it’s worse actually with people that I’ve known for a while? Um, online, um…because— cause my brain goes “well you’re gonna make a s—your, your— your going to do something and say something stupid. You going— they’re gonna hate you in real life” um…so, yeah. My brain absolutely freaked out at that moment.
Cleo: But, you know, like I say, I get hate mail on the regular, it’s fine. I mean part of that is daring to be a woman on the Internet, but only part. The other part is the fact that I’m also an awful human being. So, you know.
Cleo: …the silence isn’t doing— the silence doesn’t do you— do me any favours Joe.
Joe: Well, you know, I didn’t wanna talk over you when you’re sharing your insecurities.
Cleo: yeah….
Joe: That seems rude.
Cleo: I mean—
Joe: So I wanted to make sure you were done.
Cleo: no no no no, that’s fine. I’m always done Joe.
Joe: And nOW I can actually tell you how I really feel.
Cleo: No, please don’t. Not onl— no. That will— that will make me even more uncomfortable.
Joe (upbeat singing): The praise train is on its way!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: Noooooooooooooooooo!! Nooo!!
Joe: For Cleo it’s her day!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: *noises of distress*
Joe: Cleo is really great!! Choo choo!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: *distressful crying*
Joe: She’s not merely ok!! She doesn’t have to be the best at talking to people for the first time!! Cause they’ll love her anyway!! And sometimes they’ll even rhyyyme!! Yay for Cleo!!
Cleo: *physically going through a full body cringe* noooo
Joe: See, it would have been rude if I did that in the middle of your thing.
Cleo: *sob laughing*
Joe: That would not have been socially acceptable.
Cleo (through tears): I’m not even sure it was socially acceptable now.
Joe: WHY NOT?!
Cleo: (sobbing and laughing simultaneously) I hate you so much.
Cleo (reading chat): “We all need a Joe in our life, who sings a theme song for us when we’re talking ourselves down” I’m not sure you do.
Joe: Yeah, that wasn’t really a theme song? Like, if I was gonna do a theme song for Cleo—
Cleo (with immense dread): Oh no…no…no…
Joe: I’d just like to point out (very obnoxiously high pitched voice) That this is Cleo’s average person voice, which means that 50% of people have an even higher pitched voice!
Cleo: …You know, I can’t actually stab Joe through the Internet. And I’ve always been upset about that.
Joe (with all the enthusiasm of a 16 year old girl gossiping at a slumber party): Ooo I wanna ask Cleo about giiiiiirls!!!
Cleo: Ask me about girls! I’m— I’m happy for you to ask me about girls.
Joe: Ok, so, do you— do you feel comfortable saying what your specific, uh, type of woman is? I’m— I’m curious about that.
Cleo: Um, it’s— it’s nerdy girls? Specifically. Umm…not too, um…you know, the kind of running, climbing, you know— sort of— person. You know, it’s— it’s the sort of— it’s the sort of— action girl kinda thing. I kinda like that type. That’s sort of my type.
Joe: Mhm. Yeah, like—
Cleo: Why, what’s your type of girl?
Joe: Well, uh, usually it’s somebody that is— very anti authority— un— un— dissatisfied with the status quo. So usually more punk, or that sort of thing.
Cleo: Yeah. That’s— that’s— that sort of plays into the action girl sort of thing as well. Yeah I get that. So yeah.
Joe: yeah, umm, you— yeah so I don’t know. Um— so not necessarily, uh, as focused on the athleticism element there, but I know like—
Cleo: Well it’s not really athleticism, it’s— it’s more— it’s more—
Joe: —in terms of like, um, hiking, cause like, uh, you know in college there’s like a climbing and camping club or whatever—
Cleo: Oh yeah, it’s not that sort of person. It’s— it’s more, um…getting out and having a go at things. Like, you know, not— not being afraid to—
Joe: Adventurous
Cleo: Yeah! Adventurous! That’s the word!
Cleo (whispering): I don’t know where this bit goes! *gasp* it goes over there!
Joe (whispering): You can do it!
Cleo: I can do it! I believe in me!
Joe: You’ll find a place to glue it! It doesn’t necessarily have to be the right place!
Cleo: I know!
Joe: You’re equally valid regardless!
Cleo: Thanks Joe!
Joe: You’re welcome!
Cleo: It’s appreciated!
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Something For You
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Request by @frattsparty: #42 with Nestor: After “I Do” Kiss (Prompt from This List)
Warnings: enough fluff to get buried in
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: I got so in my feelings writing this. This is, hands-down, the softest Nestor I’ve ever written and I almost made myself cry with it. Plz enjoy.
General Mayans Taglist: @garbinge @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @everyhowlmarksthedead @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo @mijop @xladymacbethx @blessedboo @holl2712 @lakamaa12 @masterlistforimagines @kkim120 @toni9 @shadow-of-wonder @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @punkgoddess-98 @black-repunzel99​ (If you want to be added just let me know!)
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When you had first started dating Nestor, you knew quickly that he was the one for you. Being with him helped put the rest of the world into perspective—it all made a little more sense with him. You had assumed that, that because of what his life was like, that he wouldn’t be the type to be all that hell-bent on getting married. You were alright with that. A ceremony and a piece of paper weren’t really what mattered to you, as long as the two of you were together.
So imagine your surprise when he popped the question on your anniversary trip. You’d said yes, of course, but you were in shock that he was so excited for a wedding. The grin that would take over his features whenever you brought up the wedding to him or anyone else, or when he’d see you toying idly with the ring on your finger while you spoke, was unbelievably contagious.
The two of you had agreed on a small ceremony—just close friends and family. You found a beautiful outdoor venue that the two of you had agreed upon immediately. You were pleasantly surprised by how involved he wanted to be in the planning. It was a relief, really, because he was more organized than you could ever hope to be. Between the two of you, the whole buildup to the big day was far less stressful than people said it would be.
You were getting ready inside the back room that was reserved for you and the bridesmaids. You were about to step into your dress when there was a knock at the door. You walked over but didn’t open it immediately.
“Who is it?”
“It’s me,” Nestor’s voice came from the other side of the door.
“Go away!” you laughed, “You can’t see me yet!”
“I have something for you,” he chuckled.
“Slide it under the door.”
“Can’t,” you could hear the amusement in his tone.
“Okay, I’ll send one of the girls to get it.”
“I don’t think you should.”
“Seriously, Nes?” you sighed, yanking the door open and immediately bursting into laughter as he almost fell to the floor upon losing the support the door had been providing him with, “What’s up? Whatcha got for me?”
“You look beautiful,” his eyes traveled up and down your body.
You laughed, “You say that any time you see me in my underwear,” you shook your head, “You said you have something for me?”
“Oh,” he nodded, “Right,” he made a big show of patting down the pockets of his slacks, coming up with nothing.
“Nestor,” you shook your head, “What do you—”
“Got it,” he nodded, hands still empty.
“What is—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence as he pulled you into him and pressed his lips to yours. You laughed into your kiss, leaning more of your weight onto him as he tried to bring you closer still. His lips moved hungrily against yours and for a moment you completely forgot about the rest of the day.
He pulled back, a small, satisfied smile on his face. You laughed, a little breathless, “That’s what you had to give me?”
“Aren’t you glad I didn’t give it to the bridesmaids?” he laughed as you gave him a playful shove, “I just wanted to give you our last kiss before we get married—before you’re my wife.”
You smiled, lightly caressing his cheek, “You’re a sap, Mr. Oceteva.”
“But?” he leaned into your touch.
“But I love you,” you lightly pushed him away, “Now get going so I can get ready and we can get married.”
He chuckled as he walked away, “Yes ma’am.”
The first part of the ceremony felt like a little bit of a blur. How you were supposed to think about anything besides the man standing in front of you, you had no idea. His first time seeing you in your wedding gown was one of the only times you’d ever seen Nestor with tears in his eyes. His smile was infectious as his eyes glassed over with tears watching you walk down the aisle. You noticed him fidgeting slightly with his hands, fighting the urge to reach out and touch you.
You drank in the sight of him standing in front of you, within arm’s reach but you couldn’t hold him the way that you wanted to in that moment. In all the years that you’d known Nestor, this was the first time you’d ever seen him go out of his way to do something different and special with his hair—stepping out of the comfort zone of his typical two long braids. His hair was still braided, but the braids ran back along his head leading to a bun. Every fiber of your being wanted to reach out and run your fingers along the patterns the braids created, but you knew that there would be time for that later. His tuxedo jacket was black on black brocade, his yellow shades in the pocket where a pocket square should’ve been, and it made you smile. His vest and tie were solid black to go with his slacks, and a crisp white shirt underneath to tie it all together. Your heart felt like it was beating at a million miles a minute inside your chest as the ceremony got underway.
The jitters refused to subside when you heard the words, “And now the couple has prepared their own vows.”
The two of you had agreed that Nestor would go first, but he hadn’t even started speaking yet and you already felt a stray tear escape and trickle down your face. You knew he saw it too, and he reached out and slid his hands into yours. Your hands shook slightly and he gave them a reassuring squeeze as he started to speak.
“I remember so clearly,” a smile took over his face, “the first time I thought to myself, I’m so in love with her. We weren’t even dating yet,” he chuckled, trying to pretend that he didn’t feel the tears gathering in his eyes again, “and that thought was immediately followed up with oh god I am in so deep. And it should’ve been scary—but it wasn’t. Every fear and doubt that I had faded away instantly the second you looked at me and smiled. And no matter how much time goes by you still have that effect on me. Every time I look at you, the world instantly gets a brighter. There aren’t,” he took a shaky breath, trying not to lose his composure, “there aren’t a lot of things that I can promise you, not a lot of things that I can say will be forever. But if there is nothing else in the world that I can promise you, I can still say this—everything that I have to give is yours for as long as you want it. You’ve helped me become a man that I didn’t think I could be, given me a life I never thought that I would be able to have. You’ve been my rock, my best friend, the only person who cares enough to be honest about when I need to shave my face and redo my braids,” he laughed through the tears, “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I love you, and I can’t wait to be your husband.”
All the time you’d spent on your makeup was officially a waste. You couldn’t even try to stop the tears that you shed, unable to wipe them or the smile off your face. You took a few deep, unsteady breaths as you tried to get it together enough to begin your vows. You laughed as you sniffled, “I don’t know why I let you go first,” you took another deep breath, “Ever since I met you, I don’t think that there’s been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t wanted to spend with you. No matter what happens in a day, no matter what life has thrown at us, you are always the first person that I think of. There is so much out of our control, but day after day we wake up and keep choosing each other. And if we keep doing that, the rest doesn’t matter—we can take on whatever the world has in store for us as long as we’re together. Life with you has always been, and I hope it always will be, an adventure,” you squeezed his hands lightly, “I love you beyond measure,” you felt your bottom lip starting to tremble again, “You’re my best friend, and the love of my life, and I,” you sniffled, “I can’t believe that I’m lucky enough to be your wife.”
There were a few beats of silence to let the weight of both your words and Nestor’s settle in before you and Nestor both snapped back to attention upon hearing, “Do we have the rings?”
You repeated back the words that you had studied day after day for weeks in an attempt to say them as smoothly as possible. You smiled as you slid the ring onto his finger, “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows,” you traced your finger over the band once more before releasing his hand.
Nestor took your still-shaking hand into his, smiling as he delicately slipped the ring onto your finger, “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my eternal love, my everlasting friendship, and the promise of all my tomorrows,” he kept his hands entwined with yours.
All eyes were on you, “Do you take Nestor to be your husband, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”
You nodded, all the trembles gone from your body, “I do.”
“Nestor, do you take—”
“I do,” he didn’t even wait for the rest of the question, causing both of you and everyone in attendance to laugh.
When the chuckles had subsided, “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” they paused, “You may now kiss the bride!”
Nestor’s smile was as broad as you’d ever seen it as he pulled you in, spinning and dipping you as he pressed his lips to yours. You smiled as you cupped the sides of his face in both your hands, locking your lips onto his. He braced one arm underneath your shoulder blades while his other hand rested on the back of your thigh, completely supporting your body weight as he kissed you. if there was a way to live in that moment forever you would’ve done it.
He brought you upright again, both of you laughing as your foreheads touched in the midst of people clapping and cheering for the two of you. Despite the noise and the excitement, you locked your eyes onto Nestor’s.
“I love you,” you stroked your thumb along his cheekbone.
He placed his hand over yours, “I love you too.”
He tangled his fingers with yours as the two of you turned to face the rows of people there to share your day with you. You both started to make your way back down the aisle together, hands entwined. Looking over to the side at him, you found him already looking at you, both of you grinning from ear to ear. As you reveled in the sensation of him giving your hand a squeeze, all you could think about was that forever looked good on him.
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danielxricciardo · 3 years
1. "Hi, my ex just walked in. Would you hold my hand please?"
2. "I didn't expect to see you here."
3. "Have you seen this dog?"
4. “That mouth of yours, does it ever stop making noise”
5. “Seven minutes in heaven is for virgin teenagers”
6. “Slam that door one more time and I’ll shove my foot straight up your cute ass”
7. “Jesus! Knock next time would you”
8. “You have money go and get yourself a hoodie that’s not mine”
9. "I hate roses, I thought you knew"
10. "Do you think I am an angel? Ha"
11. "I wanted to sleep but someone decided to die"
12. "I can kill you right now, what are you talking about?"
13. "Hi, I am lost, can you come after me?"
14. "When I first saw you I wanted to date your best friend"
15. "I am so funny and you are just jealous"
16. "If I have to choose... no"
17. "Stop breathing like that!"
18. "I just did my nails"
19. "I'm the best driver în the world"
20. "Will you marry me?" "No"
21. "I think I broke my arm" "So?"
22. "I think I love you" "Thanks"
23. "My arms are lonely, don't you think?"
24. "Apparently we are dating"
25. “Well it’s kind of hard to move when you’re sitting on my lap”
26. "Those things you said yesterday, did you mean them?"
27. "If we elope, you think they'll kill us?"
28. "This is yours"
29. "You can’t just kiss me, laugh and then walk away."
30. "Are you using ass as a pillow?"
31." I find your lack of faith disturbing."
32. "And I took it personally"
33. "In here I am the boss"
34. "Oh, bite me!" "Where?"
35. "What will you do if we break up?"
36. "Where is my T-shit?"
37. "This is no time for sarcastic comments."  "There is always time for sarcastic comments."
38. "I’ll keep quiet, you won’t even know I’m here."
39. "The way you flirt is just awful"
40. "Don’t be fooled. I’m the epitome of mess."
41. " If you are on TV should I congratulate you?"
42. "And this, is why we can’t have nice things."
43. "That's what he said"
44. "I am scared of your boss"
45. "You should know, a lot of girls have a crush on me"
46. "Everyone is afraid of you"
47. "If I'm watching that movie one more time I'll lose my fucking mind!"
48. "I thought being on vacation will be stress free"
49. "My parents don't trust you"
50. "I don't think I should give my last name so easily"
51. “I really wish I could unsee that.”
52. “Who would’ve guessed we’d be sharing a room.”
53. “I feel like you have an unhealthy obsession with me.”
54. “Nah he’s fine, it’s the other one you really got to watch out for.”
55. “I have a suggestion.” “I’m not taking my clothes off so forget it.”
56. “You’re the genius, why don’t you tell me?”
57. “Have I ever told you your accent makes me swoon?” “Really?” “No.” He/she smiles. “ that’s why I’ve never told you.”
58. “I’m alive? How am I still alive?”
59. “You’re crazy! I love it!”
60. “Never have I ever is about to get a lot more interesting.”
61. “What did they do?” “Dude. They did the do.”
62. "You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!"
63. "Well this is awkward."
64. "Im too sober for this."
65. "Im pregnant." "Wall done, Virgin Mary!"
66. " I want to protect you."
67. "Kill that spider and maybe I'll forgive you"
68. "I have no one to go to the wedding"
69. "Don’t you dare touch _______!"
70. "I thought you were dead!"
71. "This is, without a doubt, the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in."
72. "Take care of you, please"
73. "If your best friend single?"
74. "Just remember, if we get caught, you’re deaf and I don’t speak English."
75. "Why does everyone assume we're a couple?"
76. "Im craving something sweet" "Are you pregnant or something?"
77. " What is the magic word?" "I'll kill you în your sleep"
78. "When I see you my knees get weak"
79. "Finally you're single. Can I take you on a date?"
80. " So, I guess you don’t do after hours?"
81. "I know what I'm doing, I've watched two whole seasons of Grey's Anatomy."
82. "I can't believe I'm stuck here with you right now."
83. "Okay, this did not go as I planned it in the shower."
84. "I'm not going to sit around and watch you destroy yourself."
85. "You were my best friend"
86. "You did what?"
87. "Can you just pretend to love me for a second!"
88. "You are enough"
89. "Take the shirt off"
90. "Your nickname is bitch"
91. "What do you want to watch?" "You"
92. "How could you ask me that?"
93. "Your mouth does this thing and I can't resist it"
94. "Are you allowed to drink?"
95. "I said Im done, leave me alone!"
96. "Don’t raise your fucking voice at me”
97. “Yeah, I remember the drill”
98. “Tell me again, slowly this time, why that dog is in my bed.”
99. “Gave you so much, but it wasn’t enough.”
100. “You and me, we were destined to fall apart.”
101. “No, you don’t know who you are until somebody breaks your heart.”
102. “I want to tell you everything. The words I never got to say the first time around.”
103. “It’s better to feel pain, than nothing at all.”
Song lyrics prompts
1. “It’s the little things about us, that I love so much.”
2. “Last night I told you I loved you // woke up blamed it on the vodka”
3. “It’s a better place since you came along”
4. “You make me love the things I hate  “
5. Just a paper sheet and half a cigarette are left in my hand
6. Your faith walks on broken glass
7. "And can you teach me how to dance real slow?"
8. "I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe"
9. "One night, you won't forget the rest of your life"
10. "We only said goodbye with words"
11. "I'll try to give you love until the day you drop"
12. "I like the pretty boys with the bow tie"
13. "Lets get drunk forget what we did"
14. Your kisses lift me higher
15. When you're ready we can share the wine
16. "And if you don't love me now you will never love me again"
17. "Why'd you have to go and make things so complicated?"
18. "When there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove"
19. She's the kind of girl who only asks you over when its raining, just to make you lie there catching water dripping from the ceiling.
20. Now I understand, you're a human, and you got to lie, you're a man
21. The good and the bad times: we've been through them all.
22. Now I ain't educated but I sure ain't stupid
23. I grew up in the shoes they told me I could fill
24. It's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep
25. A lover would just complicate my plans
26. And in the morning, i’ll be with you, but it will be a different kind
27. My heart is yours, it’s you that i hold on to
28. And with one kiss, you inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty years
29. I let go of my claim on you, it’s a free world
30. I’m in my bed, and you’re not here and there’s no one to blame, but the drink in my wandering hands
31. Cause you gave me peace and i wasted it, I’m here to admit that you were my medicine
32. Oh, dear diary, i met a boy, he made my doll heart light up with joy. Oh, dear diary, we fell apart, welcome to the life of electra heart
33. For you, I would cross the line, I would waste my time, I would lose my mind
34. Is it really me you're missing?
35. Remember that night?
36. How many times can I break till I shatter?
37. As long as I breathe, I’ll call you my home
38. "You wouldn't know love if it crushed your fucking chest."
39. "When we scream our lips don't make a sound."
40. "Please don't let me sink, wrap your arms around me and carry me home."
41. "This hasn't torn us apart so nothing ever will."
42. "A long time ago we believed that we were united."
43. "I miss the person that you were but I don't miss you."
44. "If home is where the heart is, why do I feel so fucking heartless?"
45. "I can't live, I can't breathe with or without you just go away."
46. "I'm not afraid to die, I'm afraid I'll survive and have to watch you suffer."
47. "I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away."
48. "I'm not like you I just fuck up."
49. "All because of you I believe in angels, not the kind with wings, no not the kind with halos. The kind that bring you home when home becomes a strange place."
50. "I just want to go to sleep and never wake up again."
51. “I wish people liked me more.”
52. “How could I ever love someone else?”
53. “I guess you’re getting everything you want.”
54. “She probably gives you butterflies.”
55. “I hope that you’re okay.”
56. “I defended you to all my friends.”
57. “I never cared about what they say, only care about me and you” 
58. “Either way i’m gonna lose, so i’m just gonna keep on loving you”
59. “You know i’m bad at communication, it’s the hardest thing for me to do”
60. “Iwas your lover, i was your friend, now I’m only just someone you call when it’s late enough to forget”
61. “It’s fucked up but it’s true that i love you like i do”
62. “Well we both had nights waking up in strangers beds but i don’t wanna, don't wanna, i don’t wanna give up yet”
63. “Tell me I’ve got it wrong somehow.”
64. “I’m begging for you to take my hand.”
65. “I can’t make it go away by making you the villain.”
66. “He feels like home.”
67. “I’d be breaking all my rules to see you.”
68. “But I know you’re not scared of anything at all.”
69. “When can I come back?”
70. “I’m ready to owe you anything”
71. “I’ll always look best in your head”
72. “I know you know it’s wrong, but I’m ready”
73. “All I ever want is breaking me apart.”
74. “Let's talk sweetly like all our love is false.”
75. “You put a fire in my heart, painted blood on my stars, gave me faith.”
76. “I wanna meet your girlfriend, she sounds nice.”
77. “How is kissing me so wrong?“
78. “Can’t you see that I’m already yours?”
79. “I’ve been losing track of the romantic sh*t I’m tryna say but basically I love you"
80. “I don’t wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips, I wanna kiss you until I lose my breath”
81. “I apologize for all your tears, I wish I could be different but I’m still growing up into the one you can call your love” 
82. “I’m out of my head, of my heart, of my mind cause you can run but you can’t hide, I’m gonna make you mine”
83. "I never loved someone the way that I love you"
84. "It's the way that you know what I thought I knew, it's the beat that my heart skips when I'm with you"
85. "I hope she gettin' better sex, hope she ain't fakin' it like I did, babe"
86. “I know we’re young and people change and we may never feel the same”
87. “I can’t change the world, but maybe I’ll change your mind”
88. "You don't own me. Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay."
89. "Leave everything that is worth a single cent and just take me instead."
90. "And then I got you off your knees, put you right back on your feet, just so you can take advantage of me."
91. "Hey, I can't let you go with nobody. Cause I love you, baby."
92. "Tell me that it wasn't my fault and that I was enough for you."
93. "We were good at faking forever, I get it, whatever."
94. "Cause you had your chance and you blew it. Yeah, you ripped it up and you chewed it."
95. "Well, I'm too busy for your business. Go find a girl who wants to listen."
96. "Stop looking at me with those eyes, like I could disappear and you wouldn't care why."
97. "Oh, we could do whatever you want, but boy, don't go falling in love, you can't stay with me, all you'll ever have is one day with me"
98. "I pray the medication slow me down, but that shit doesn't work when you're around"
99. "Told her that I loved her once and now she'd kill for me"
100. "What the tell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends"
Who I write for
Formula 1
Daniel Ricciardo
Lewis Hamilton
Max Verstappen
Charles Leclerc
Esteban Ocon
Carlos Sainz
Lando Norris
Lance Stroll
Sebastian Vettel
Mick Schumacher
Pierre Gasly
George Russel
Erling Haaland
Jadon Sancho
Giovanni Reyna
Jude Bellingham
Julian Brandt
Marco Reus
Roman Bürki
Emre Can
Mats Hummels
Leon Goretzka
Joshua Kimmich
Kai Havertz
Mason Mount
Christian Pulisici
Ben Chilwell
Gerard Pique 
João Félix
Ianis Hagi
Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Virgil van Dijk
Jens Petter Hauge
Martin Ødegaard
Alexander Sørloth
125 notes · View notes
chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (42)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
Ah... that expression of shock on your face, that lack of reaction... Or at least that frail voice that is yours. Danny couldn't have dreamed of a better reaction from you. We would think we were in a movie, where the girl discovers a terrible secret about her boyfriend. This is actually the case, with one exception: We are not in a movie. Danny watched you, his sneaky smile on his lips, like a cat watching the little mouse in his cage, the lion watching the gazelle, or the wolf devouring the poor little doe that will soon serve as his meal. He was slowly moving towards you, but you backed up against the wall, causing him to stop.
“Surprise, Honey. Happy to see me?” He said with a provocative smile.
“J-Jed? No... I don't believe it. It's a nightmare... or a prank! You can't...” you start to say.  
“Can’t what? Being the one who since all this time harasses you every night making you doubt about your loyalty to your boyfriend? I can tell you my sweet little star, that all this is real. But... let's redo the presentations. Jed... never existed. My real name is Danny, Danny Johnson, to serve you.”
“You've been lying to me all this time... But why??”
“Think twice Sherlock. I am... quite wanted in other states. I wasn't going to swing my true identity, to a complete stranger I had just met. And then... there was a good chance... that you have heard of me. But luckily for me... that was not the case.”
“Your office...”
“Want to take a look? since the time you wish to enter it, now that you know the truth, I can show you. Follow me.”
Danny walked past you, while looking behind him to see if you were following him. He unlocked the door of his office and opened it so that you could finally enter it. He saw this expression of surprise on your face again, and this temporary absence of voice made him shudder. Everything went as he had imagined. It remains more than to know how all this would end.
“It's you who... who did all these murders... these innocent people... McKellan and... Hoggins.” You said finally.
“Nice deduction Sherlock. This is me. All those nights when I was inventing an excuse to go out... it was only for that. Spying, stalking... and kill.” Respond Danny leaning against the door.
“And also, to see me as Ghostface. You... you tried... you tried to rape me... and you pretended nothing had happened the next day.”
“And I apologize for that. But I had to... play my role. You would have suspected me too soon otherwise. I had to dissuade you from Jed. Let you accept me as I am. More confident, more... Enterprising then Jed." Replied Danny.
“From the beginning you lied to me. On everything. Your identity, your past, your work... I'm sure this story about this Carla is not real! You invented it or stole it from someone!” you said a little angry.
“Everything I told you about my past... is true. My parents were real assholes. Treating me like a dog. And as for my life with Carla... everything is true. Except one thing: When I learned that Dr. Pheels, the one who cared for her, had let her die, I went to see him one night. I entered through the window. He was in his office. I confronted him with his actions and he... he has denied everything.  *You won't be able to prove anything Johnson. No one will believe you, you're wasting your time, Johnson. You'd better leave and find yourself another jug to fill your nights. And if she's sick... think of me. You can touch a small part. * At that time... I took out a knife that I had taken from home... and I slaughtered him like never before. My first murder, the one that made me who I am today. This is where Jed Olsen was born as well.”  
“And I would still be there. You won't get rid of me as easily. I've told you before: I'm a part of you now.” said Jed in Danny’s mind.  
“That night. You could have killed me. You could have made me yet another victim of your massacres. And yet you left me alive, you played with me, you... persuaded me to kill Hoggins. At least to let you kill him. Why? Why didn't you kill me that night?” you ask calmly.  
It's true. He could have killed you that night. It would have made you just another victim and move on after hiding your corpse somewhere. He could have done it so many times... But he didn't. On the contrary, he lets you live, he spends time with you, shares his life and his past as you did with him. By curiosity? that's what he's always said to himself so far... but in the end isn't it for another reason? Isn't it more because he has found, or at least he thinks he has found something he thought was lost forever? And that he wanted to protect at all costs?
“Lying to her won't do much good here Danny. We both know that. Be honest with her. Like she was with you. And be honest with yourself. Believe me.” said Jed in Danny’s mind, leaning in front of him.  
“I could have. At first, I confess that I did it out of curiosity, to see how far you could amuse me and I would have killed you as soon as you bore me. But... you were... so innocent. But just as fierce. Like Carla. She was like you, dreams full of heads, with punchlines when it was necessary. And a heart of gold, always ready to help people and do good around her. And the more time I spent with you, the more I felt like I was reliving my life before.” responds Danny sincerely to you.  
“Good choice. It's a bit late, but better late than never.” replied Jed smiling.
“Now, that's the question everyone is asking. You know everything. What are you going to do?” Asks Danny to you.  
Danny looked you straight in the eye, his smile having sag to make way for a more serious face. He had his knife in hand, ready to use it if you ever try to play the heroes or warn the police. He would like to not do that, but his secret has to come first. Even if it means killing you. He doesn't want to, but he won't have a choice. He no longer has a choice, and neither do you. You could have stopped before, avoided this relationship. It would have been easier for him. But here... it will be the first time for him that he will have to kill someone reluctantly. There is no turning back now. For both of you. This is where everything will play out.
Deep in his mind... Danny knows how it's going to end. There is no chance that you will accept all this. Even if you have shown flaws, he knows that you will denounce him, or try to stop him. If that really happens, so be it. But he can't help but hope. What a stupid spirit of humanity. And yet, what was not his surprise, when he saw you approaching him hugging him. For a few minutes, he waited for you to take out a knife or a weapon of some kind to attack him. But nothing. Absolutely nothing. Just... a normal hug. As if none of this had happened. Nothing had been said.
“Well... I... I didn't expect that. Unless this is a ruse on your part.” said Danny suspicious.
“What good would it be now that I try anything against you? You said it: if you fall, I will fall too. And... you may be an assassin... you've always been there when I needed... you listened to me, you protected me. You could have killed me a long time ago... and you didn't. And all those moments we spent together... I could never forget them. Never.” You respond without letting him go.  
“Me neither.”
“I guess you've made it. You have succeeded in making me your accomplice. That's what you wanted. You wanted me to enter your world.”
“It won't be easy... but I would teach you to get ready for this new life. Lie... Keep one's mouth shut... Trick... As long as you are with me, nothing will happen to you.”
Danny gently took your face with his gloved hand before placing a quick kiss on your lips. But before he can back off, you kiss him passionately, hugging him a little more. He is not a doctor, or even a psychologist, but he could easily conclude that he caused you to have Stockholm syndrome. Or at least something close to it. However, he will have to be careful in the early days. He doesn't know if all this is real... or if you cheat. It's in Danny's mentality, he was betrayed too often in his youth, he will not let himself be fooled so easily.
“We're going to have to put ... two three little things to the point. First, outside of these walls, and when someone comes here, I'm Jed. no one should know my true identity. Not even Mattew and Melina.” starts Danny.  
“It's horrible... to have to lie to them. They're friends, I'm sure they would understand.” you respond.  
“They will especially warn the cops. At least after researching me. Journalistic curiosity, honey, can wreak a lot of havoc. Especially at the level of the closest people. Second, if the police come to ask you about Hoggins, you say you don't know anything. You tell them that the last time you saw him was when he threatened you in your café. Your employees will be able to confirm this.”
“Because I have to use them as an excuse now?” you replied.  
“Everyone around you can serve as an alibi. I've done it often... very often during all these years.” responds Danny shrugging his shoulders.
“Anything else to know?”
“Even if you know about my office, I'd appreciate not seeing you inside. Everyone has their own business. Was I clear enough?”
“Good. So, how was your day?” Danny asks as if nothing had happened.
“As usual... I had two calls. For the succession, it is settled. And my aunt can't wait to meet you one of these days. But other than that, nothing very extraordinary. I'm exhausted.” you respond sighing.  
“I know exactly what you need to... relax.”
Danny slowly lowered his hands until he reached your ass, putting a small slap. You jump slightly before looking at him, biting your lips slightly. A smirk comes to his face, provoking you just with the look. His piercing blue eyes, the secret of his charm. And it is in a fiery kiss that you both direct in the room, undressing each other before finding yourself on the bed, completely naked. The kiss continued, more sensual, and Danny finally entered you, making you moan with pleasure. He waited for you to relax before he began to move, and every move caused the two of you an insatiable pleasure.
No need to hide, no need to live under Jed's identity, no need to be Ghostface to satisfy his fantasies. Now that you know everything, now that you know who he is, he can finally be himself. He will continue to "play" Jed outside his walls because it is not necessary to arouse the suspicions of either office colleagues or the police. And even less of Wilhelm. This guy is a real leech.  
Now with you he can finally be himself. You are the sweet little star of the devil. And no one will be able to approach you. In every sense of the word... the beast has been released. And nothing can stop it.
Not even himself.
(And it's done! This chapter was quite quick to write because since it is the continuation of the previous chapter, the ideas came to me quite quickly. Well, it's true that almost the entire chapter is mostly dialogue between Danny and the reader, but really, I didn't see how I could write it other than that. I don't forget the fic RE8 and the little teasing I talked about! By the way, if at the moment you do not know what to play, whether on Switch or PC, I recommend Road 96, a real surprise that I love! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)
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elareine · 3 years
JayTim + 42 from the Dialogue Prompts + SPACE AU, pretty please?
I… hope this counts? Technically, it’s not IN space. Though Tim would like to be. 
“You’re mad, Tim,” they said. “Stop trying to speak to aliens,” they said. “You’re wasting your life.” 
Tim has a… set-up. 
What’s the point, he figures, in sending waves out to space where they might be heard in a hundred years, when you could just try to contact the aliens already on Earth? After all, if intelligent life is out there and capable of interstellar travel, and if humans haven’t noticed them yet, then said life must be hiding itself. 
It stands to reason that these aliens must then be communicating among themselves in a form that’s inaccessible to humans. So Tim sat down and build every stupid crazy thing he could think off—unusual wave frequencies, smell transmitters (bad idea), hormone secretors… anything. There are forty devices stashed in his room, and he’s not crazy. 
Because one day, space talks back. 
“Koriand’r, what’s the name again for the thing—the strip around our waists that helps people not be naked? And why do I need it?” 
Tim whirls around. It’s one of his Hail Mary machine—a radio frequency so fucking impractical, no one would ever use it. 
Apart from an alien, apparently. Cause that question cannot have come from a human. Right? 
“I’m not Kori-whatstheirname,” Tim says, trying to sound chill. “But it’s called a belt. We need it because our clothing is factory-made and not tailored to fit; and also because it’s not acceptable to be naked anywhere but some beaches in Germany.”
A long pause, then the voice replies: “You’re human.” 
“Yes. Please don’t hang up. My name’s Tim Drake. Are you an alien?” 
“Uh.” There’s another pause. “I… guess? I’m not from Earth.” 
“Oh, awesome!” Tim is out of his seat and leaning forward, he’s that excited. “Wait, you speak English?” 
“I have a—a device that can mimic your languages.” 
Tim nods. “So like what Google Translate wants to be in another five years.” 
“…I suppose.” A pause. “Actually… can you tell me—who or what is a ‘google,’ exactly? I figured out it’s one of your gods, but what do they do, exactly?” 
“Oh boy, you just opened a whole new avenue of philosophy. I guess it could count as a god? Not in the religious sense, though.” 
“I’m not a boy,” he’s immediately corrected. “I’m a Hzewf.” 
“Okay. Okay.” Tim bounces back on his heels. “How about this? I explain Google to you—I’ll even throw in social media, if you want, but please don’t ask about Reddit, nothing can explain Reddit—and you tell me about the Hsev.” 
“Hzewf. Okay.” 
They talk. When the alien has to leave, Tim’s reluctant to agree—but the next day, the line crackles to life again. 
“You’re a good source,” the alien says. “We… can keep talking. If you don’t mind.” 
The alien’s name is something like j—more guttural sounding than Tim is used to, and with a long pause after—ay—or rather a pause i/j. Tim looks up various phonetic alphabets and dubs him J-a’i. 
The Hzewf have a different variety of gender expression, so the two debate pronouns, and J-a’i decides that ‘he’ will do just fine. He’s addressed as that on a daily basis, anyway, and has never minded. He draws the line at being called a man, though. 
What he is, though, is a total anthropology nerd. He wants to know everything about humans—that’s why he’s here, after all. Koriand’r, it turns out, is another alien from another planet he just met by accident. Apparently, she’s settled down and found love, so J-a’i tries not to bother her too much. The belt thing was a total emergency question. 
And now, he has Tim. 
It’s fun. Tim likes having a secret, a good one, for once. Every night, they talk. No matter how shitty his day is—and most of them are—at the end of it, he can speak with J-a’i and feel like somewhere out there, someone understands. 
And then, one day, there’s a knock on the door. Tim briefly entertains fantasies about the men in black before checking the surveillance camera and seeing an alien instead. 
Oh well. Alright then. 
He opens the door and ushers the visitor in. “J-a’i, I presume?” 
The other being looks relieved when he hears his voice. “Tim.” 
“The very one.” 
Okay. Tim kinda thought J-a’i would be smaller. Tim’s used to short jokes, but having to crane his head back like this feels ridiculous. 
“I need to hide,” J-a’i says, looking very serious. Tim would like to return the expression in kind—this is probably a very stressful and dangerous situation for an alien in hiding, and he should give it the proper gravitas—but he’s so happy. 
“So you came here?” 
“My masking device broke,” J-a’i explains. Ah. That’s why he’s so… uh… colorful. Tim’s really digging the red stripes, though. “I… I had nowhere else to go.” 
“Come with me.” Tim leads them to a cupboard, and then opens the secret door leading down. “You never know when you need a bunker.” 
“Well, do you need to use it or or don’t you?” 
“I have finally found a being whose paranoia matches my own,” J-a’i says. He does get into the bunker, though. 
“So what now?” Tim asks when they’ve settled down. 
J-a’i shrugs. “I’ll probably have to leave.” 
“Go to another country?” Tim asks, already mentally mapping out his visa applications. 
“Another planet. Home, I think, at least for a while.” 
Oh. Right. What do Hzewf visa applications look like? “So we need to get to your ship.” 
“Okay. You left it in Lake Michigan, right? That’s about twelve hours by car. Oh, but,” Tim looks at J-a’i and his very much not human appearance, “should probably only travel in the dark. Luckily, there’s a lot of that in winter. We’ll give your pursuers a few hours, and then I’ll go pack. If the coast is clear, we can leave tomorrow night. What’s the weather like on your planet? Should I bring shorts?”  
Instead of an answer, though, he gets a surprised stare. “You’ll come with me?” 
“Well, duh.” Tim snorts. 
…wait. Uh. Maybe this is too much? J-a’i is self-admittedly desperate to show up here. Just because he didn’t have an alternative, doesn’t mean he wants Tim to invite himself along. None of this stuff is as exciting for him as it is for Tim, and with the bad experience the other creature has recently made with humans—
There’s an expression happening on J-a’i’s face that stops his panic attack in its tracks. Hope. Hope that’s painful because you’re sure that whatever it is you’re being offered will get snatched away from you. 
Tim recognizes the emotion for what it is, because he knows it so well. 
“Are you sure?” J-a’i asks. “We’d be going to space—“
“J-a’i,” Tim interrupts, “I’ve been waiting to hear these words all my life. Literally. All that’s missing is a kiss and we’d be in the final scene of the Hollywood movie of my dreams.” 
“Kissing is that thing you humans do, right? To express affection and/or lust?” 
“Yes.” And because Tim’s a fucking sap who has spent too many hours listening to the voice on the other end of a radio: “When we love each other, too.” 
J’a-i considers that. “Well. I… wouldn’t be opposed, either. Though I don’t understand how it relates to space travel.” 
Tim nudges his shoulder and grins. “Hey, we can work up to that. Tell me some more about your spaceship?” 
J’a-i’s whole face lights up when he talks about his ship. Tim’s heard it in his voice before, but it’s pretty awesome to see it in person. Also? He’s sitting next to an alien, talking about spaceships.
Hell yeah. Space, here Tim comes. 
(I’m taking prompts until the end of the year.) 
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lizzielikeborden · 3 years
(ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ prompts for requests (>‿◠)✌
These are some prompts to use for requests. They have labels, so when you request be sure to use the label and the number so I know which section you got it from. Happy requesting!
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1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “It’s you, it always has been.”
3. “You’re everything I could’ve wanted and more.”
4. “Kiss me.”
5. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.” 
6. “You should probably go home.” “But I’m already home.”
7. “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
8. “I’d do anything for you.” 
9. “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.”
10. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
11. “I’m so proud of you.” 
12. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
13. “I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
14. “You are my family.”
15. “I’m right here.”
16. “Can you just please hold me?” 
17. “I’m pretty sure (you’re/she’s/he’s/they’re) my soulmate”
18. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
19. “You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/her/him/them) home.” 
20. “I just want to see you happy.”
21. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile like that in ages.” 
22. “You made me a better person. Thank you.” 
23. “I’d rather live in the woods with you than in a mansion with some (girl/boy/person) I barely know.”
24. “This reminded me of you.” 
25. “Your hair is really soft.”
26. “You’re really warm.”
27. “Are you blushing?”
28. “Can I stay here tonight?”
29. “Because I love you.”
30. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
31. “I’m never going to leave you. I promise.”
32. “Make a wish!”
33. “I love seeing you smile.”
34. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
35. “I just want to be there for you.”
36. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”
37. “You’re just a softie.”
38. “You owe me.” “Fine, whatever you like.”
39. “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
40. “Why are you scared of loving?”
41. “You are crushing me right now.”
42. “Darling I love you and all, but please step out fo the kitchen.”
43. “I love you.”
44.“You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
45. “Take my hand. Just trust me.”
46. “You’re hurt. Please just let heal it.”
47. “At least let me clean it.”
48. “I told you to take care of yourself.”
49. “You’re the only thing that matters.”
50. “Stay.”
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1. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
2. “You started drinking again, didn’t you?” 
3. “You promised you’d stop drinking.” “And you promised you wouldn’t hurt me!″
4.“But it’s my fault right?”
5.“I don’t want to feel this. I want to be numb again.”
6.“You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?”
7.“I love you.” “No you don’t”
8.“I can’t lose you.” “You already did.”
9.“Did it mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you?”
10.“How was I such an idiot, to believe that you, out of all people, could ever love me?”  
11.“I loved you.” “Then why did you let (her/him/them) get in between us?”
12.“Maybe they were right, you never did change.”
13.“This is all in my head. It’s all happening in my head.”
14.“Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
15.“What gives you the right to just waltz back into my life after all the pain you’ve caused.”
16.“You’ve changed.”
17.“You win, happy?”
18.“Any other lies left to tell me?”
19.“Why did you wait until I moved on?”
20.“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you still love me.”
21.“Its (her/him/them), isn’t it?”
22.“It’s always been (her/him/them).”
23.“When did you stop loving me?”
24.“Let me go.”
25.“You’re not you.”
26.“I miss the old you.”
27.“What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
29.“Move out of my way before I make you.”
30.“I risked my life for you.”
31.“I never would’ve thought (she/he/they)’d end up with someone else.”
32.“They were perfect for each other.”
33.“I was happier with you.”
34.“I would’ve done anything for you.”
35. “I loved you. I loved you so so much but you hurt me.”
36.“They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
37.“Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
38.“You broke me.”
39.“You just threw four years of friendship out the window.”
40.“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
41.“Sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
42.“You promised.”
43.“I don’t need help! I need an end to this pain.”
44.“What am I in your life? Because as of lately I feel as though I’ve been nothing to you.”
45. “Leave”
46.“I can’t keep playing pretend.”
47.“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
48.“I wish we never met.”
49.“I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
50. “You scare me now.”
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1.“I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” 
2.“It’s pouring rain why are you here?”
3.“I love you.” “You shouldn’t.”
4.“Where are you?”
5.“What happened?”
6.“Have you been taking care of yourself?”
7.“Is that blood?” “Yes but that doesn’t matter right now, what does matter is-” “You are literally bleeding.”
8. “Is that my book?”
9. “Are they dead?”
10. “You want to play pretend? Well two can play at that game.”
11.“Did you know that you talk in your sleep?”
12.“Come back to bed. Please.” 
13.“You’re who they warned me about.” 
14.“Come back.”
15.“You should’ve listened to me.”
16.“I haven’t seen you in days.” 
17.“Are you jealous?”
18.“Cheers, I’ll drink to that.” “You drink everything.” “Cheers!”
19.“Why is there a lion in the room?” 
20.“Is that vodka? At 7 in the morning?”
21. “Can we take this home?”
22. “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
23. “I haven’t seen (her/him/them) smile in months.”
24. “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.”
25. Come home.”
26. “I hope you’re happy.”
27. “They don’t need to know.”
28. “I made this for you.”
29. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
30. “Is this really the time for jokes?”
31.“Wake me up when it’s over.” 
32.“You look happy.” 
33.“I’m sorry, do I know you?” 
34.“Why can’t I get you out of my head?”
35.“Do you want that?”
36.“Don’t let go.” 
37.“Just let me stay.”
38.“Can I at least tell my side of the story?” 
39.“Do you trust me?” 
40.“Are you flirting with me?”
41.“Is the weight of your sins too heavy?”
42.“Just let me see (her/him/them) one last time. Please.”
43.“Are you afraid to die?”
44.“Are they really ‘just a friend’?”
45.“I wasn’t lying when I told you that I loved you.”
46.“I won’t hurt you.”
47.“Have you been sleeping?”
48.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
49. “It’s not 8:00 AM, it’s 8:00 AM”
50. “We should just play our music louder, then we won’t hear theirs.”- “That’s so much noise.”
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Mental Health
1.“I didn’t know where else to go.”
2."you can talk to me about anything"
3."I don't understand but I believe you"
4."I'll stay with you as long as you need me to"
5."take a deep breath"
6."do you want me to give you advice or do you just want me to listen?"
7."you don't have to go through this alone"
8."I'll check on you again tomorrow"
9."you're not broken"
10."let's take a five minute break
11."I love you no matter what your brain tells you"
12."I'm always here if you need anything"
13."please don't talk that way about yourself"
14."let me know if you ever need a ride to therapy"
15."don't forget to take your medication"
16."it's okay to ask for help"
17."I'll go with you for moral support"
18."I don't know how to help you but I can help you find someone who does"
19."do you want to talk about it or would you like a distraction?"
20."you're safe"
21."there is always hope"
22.“I will do this with you, you’re never alone”
23.“No one is perfect.”
24.“I will sit outside this door for hours if that helps.”
25.“This is not your fault.”
26.“You do not owe anyone an apology.”
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Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”
1.Holding their hands when they are shaking.
2.Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
3.Traveling long distances just to see them.
4.Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
5.Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
6.Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
7.Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
8.Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
9.Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
10.Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
11.Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
12.Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
13.Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
14.Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
15..Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
16.Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
17.Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
18.Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
19.Washing their back/hair in the shower.
20.Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
21.Listening to them while they vent.
22.Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
23.Tracing your names together in the sand.
24.Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
25.Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
26.Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
27.Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
28.Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
29.Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
30.Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
31.Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
32.Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
33.Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
34.Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
35.Helping brush their hair after a shower.
36.Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
37.Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
38.Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
39.Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
40.Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
41.Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
42.Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
43.Standing between them and a busy road.
44.Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
45.Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
46.Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
47.Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
48.Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
49. Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
50. Watching shitty horror movies 
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youarejesting · 3 years
Wash out.17
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Banner: this banner is made by the lovely @purpleskies1999 Pairings: Dolphintrainer!Taehyung x SharkDiver!Jin,  Mer!Jimin x Reader, Scientist!Namjoon x MerKing!Jungkook, Mer!Yoongi x Mer!Hoseok. Words: 2.2k Genre: Mystery, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, little bit of Action, Slice of life, Enemies2Lovers, Friends2lovers, Social media au, Fake Texts, Fake Subs.
Summary: Taehyung and his best friend Y/N are Dolphin trainers at Wash Out; Marine Wildlife and Theme Park. When the nerdy marine biologist and resident veterinarian Doctor Kim Namjoon goes missing; the two friends form a ragtag team with Taehyung’s rival Seokjin and a…. Fish?
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Taehyung thought this was the most stupid and wreckless thing you had ever done and he was an idiot to be apart of this. But that’s what friends are for, right?
Jin was in position in his car one stop away from the amusement park, which meant the two of you had to sneak a five foot seven mermaid out through the crowds. Without exposing his tail and then getting him onto the bus and then into Seokjin’s car. This was like some weird video game but there were no save points or second chances.
It took a few trial runs without Jimin before you came up with your plan. You both had a total of 42 min to cross an entire park, your route had to include ramps as you would be using the lost and found wheelchair. The stakes were high if this went wrong, the two of you and Jimin were going to be in deep trouble.
After Taehyung’s first show with the dolphins he came to the warehouse for ‘lunch’ where the two of you used the sling to get Jimin out of the tank. You were lowering him into the wheelchair while Taehyung guided him into the seat. 
Draping a blanket over his tail, you made sure it was fully covered completely around, not wanting anyone to catch sight of his fishy appendages. “How long till you dry out?” Taehyung asked bluntly pulling a shirt over Jimin’s head and a Hat with the amusement park name on the front. 
“Uh, about ten minutes.” he said,
“Alright let’s go, tell us if you feel uncomfortable at all Jimin.” You nodded at Taehyung who began pushing the wheelchair. 
You moved along the path, watching Jimin look around in a mix of alarm and excitement. He seemed to frown at the heat and brightness from the sun. 
“I’m getting kind of dry,” Jimin muttered shifting in his seat, Taehyung opened a water bottle and poured it down Jimin’s shirt. You were heading down the ramp getting close to one of the rides, the water splashing Jimin slightly. 
Turning the corner you stopped watching the leader of the management team walking towards the warehouse. 
He had a phone to his ear talking to someone in a business tone. Spotting the three of you and recognizing Jimin. “Oh I forgot my paperwork in the office, I will just grab it quickly before heading to the warehouse. I will send you the report on the merman when I see him.”
He nodded his head towards your odd throuple, taking a step back and turning around. He had helped you; he had wanted you to escape. 
Pushing forward you were stopped by a crowd of people, Jimin was getting uncomfortable again. The sun was his enemy. 
Pushing through the crowd you finally got through and we’re racing for the exit. Jimin squirmed again, why did it have to be so hot today?
Taehyung detoured to the left to the touch pools, grabbing Jimin's face and shoulders, dumping it in the water. Pulling him back out he looked shocked but at ease as the water dripped down to his dry tail. 
Looking up, Taehyung saw a horrified staff member. You pulled a starfish off of Jimin's face delicately with wet hands. Rubbing the back of his neck Taehyung laughed awkwardly, they probably thought he was harassing someone who was disabled. He dunked his head in the water as well so as to make it seem less awkward. 
“See you don’t need to go on rides to have fun, come on more to see,” he said. Flicking his wet hair back and wheeling the merman away quickly before they called security. 
You had purchased some more water bottles and dampened the blanket draped over Jimin's tail. The three of you moved out the entrance of the park and to the left towards the bus stops. Luckily the bus had just arrived helping Jimin on and relaxing. You were halfway there and in the cool of the bus out of the sun Jimin too relaxed, somewhat eyeing the world passing by. 
Getting off at the next stop, Taehyung rolled Jimin towards Seokjin’s parked car. Taehyung saw him leaning against his car looking kind of handsome in the afternoon sun. 
He hated to admit it but the two had grown close, somewhere along the way of helping Seokjin grieve Taehyung learnt things about him that opened his eyes. 
Seokjin wasn’t a bad guy, he was confident and funny and a bit of a goofball but he was also a kind and caring guy. Taehyung thought maybe if they met on better terms they might have been friends. 
“Finally,” Seokjin smiled at the three of them, making Taehyung smile back shyly. “Let’s get him home quickly,”
“Help me get him in the back,” Taehyung gestured to the back of the car. You ran around getting in the back, ready to help guide Jimin in when Taehyung and Seokjin lifted him into the vehicle.
Taehyung secured Jimin under the arms, letting Seokjin lift him from the waist, aiming the blanket wrapped tail in through the car door. Jimin was frowning, not exactly appreciating their lifting technique. Taehyung gave him an apologetic smile, “Sorry friend.”
Sliding in the front seat, Taehyung watched Seokjin pack the wheelchair into the boot of the car and take the driver's seat. “Do you mind if we get some drive thru on the way home?” Seokjin said, looking in the rear view mirror. 
“We gotta get him home before he dries up, we can order in,” Taehyung laughed but inside he was concerned with the mermans health.
“Sure, we can order in.” Seokjin sighed, “Jimin, my name is Seokjin. It’s nice to meet you.”
Taehyung was lost in thought watching him drive, he was concentrating on the road and it made him look mature to be so serious. It seemed strange to be in the same car as Seokjin; a month ago he would have threatened to jump out on the freeway, rather than spend even ten minutes in his rival's car.
Pulling into the driveway Jimin winced getting back into the wheelchair and they placed him in Seokjin’s bathtub which was filled with seawater, it had taken a ten litre container and multiple trips to drive enough seawater to fill the tub. The two lifted Jimin, lowering him into the bathtub where he sat relieved to be in water once more.
“Do you need anything?” Seokjin tried to be polite to his guest. Jimin again didn’t reply again, instead his arm stretched out, small hand reaching for Seokjin.
Seokjin held his hand out to shake Jimins but was pulled forward where the two shared a kiss. Taehyung immediately pulled Seokjin back, feeling his blood boiling, “Can you understand me now, Seokjin.” Jimin smiled
The anger which had flared up inside Taehyung died off with the realization that Jimin didn’t speak english and Seokjin wouldn’t understand him without sharing a kiss. Coughing awkwardly, Taehyung looked at the three in the room. “Who is hungry?”
“What do we feed Jimin? We didn't think this through,” You said immediately looking alarmed.
“Does he eat sashimi?” Seokjin asked Jimin
“Maybe I can go into work and sneak out some fish?” Taehyung said
“No, we can’t go back there, we can’t return home, we can’t see our family. We have to hide here with Jimin until we can get him to his home.” You argued walking out the bathroom. Jimin leant over the bathtub side trying to see where you were going. Cute, he must really like her.
Returning with arms full of menus, you sat on the floor beside Jimin and began looking through them, “What does everything want?”
They got fried chicken, bulk tuna and salmon sashimi, Kimchi Jjigae, Jjajangmyeon and tuna mayo rice balls. The selection was quite wide and you brought everything into the bathroom sitting and eating on the floor.
Jimin ate the sashimi but seemed really interested in the other foods, Taehyung offered him a tuna mayo and rice ball. Taking one Jimin sniffed it before he took a bite contemplating the texture and flavour before popping the rest in his mouth. 
“You should offer Jimin some fried chicken to try, as you are closer” Taehyung said with a sly smirk, you rolled your eyes taking a piece of chicken and holding it out to Jimin. He let you hold it while he leant over and took a small bite.
He chewed thinking about the crunch and the flavour before his smile grew he took another bite and another. “This is so tasty.”
“Would you like to try some more dishes?” You asked, smiling at Jimin ready to offer him more food. Taehyung and Seokjin shared a knowing glance but they didn’t say a word. “Okay this one just try a little cause it is a bit spicy which means your mouth will get really warm okay.”
Jimin had some soup and smiled, licking his plump lips a little confused, “My mouth is really warm and tingly.”
“That’s what we call spicy.” Seokjin said, “It is good but don’t have too much. It's your first time eating things that aren’t fish so it could make you sick of all these new foods, you can try some more another time.”
“Oh, I got this really hilarious picture today on our way out of the park,” You shouted brandishing your phone screen to all of them. “You should have seen Tae, he full on dunked Jimin head first in the touch pools and the staff were about to call security.”
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That night the boys went for a shower Taehyung stepped out laughing, “Jimin told me this hilarious story about his friend falling off the back of a crab”
Seokjin smiled heading into the bathroom coming out with bright red ears, “I have never had someone sit there and watch me while I shower, but he did tell me about some kind of cool stuff about his home, he said the king wouldn’t hurt Namjoon.”
Taehyung watched you gather your things and walk to the bathroom, he ran up to the door pressing his ear against it, Seokjin beside him doing the same thing. The two stared at one another as they heard you speak. 
“Don’t um turn around, I am going to shower?” You had stuttered, obviously nervous. 
“I don’t understand, but I will do as you say” the two of you talking quietly. 
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Tags: @backinblack1967​​  @miriamxsworld​​ @moccahobi​​ @simplymemyself​​ @a-gayish-unicorn​​​
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kerikaaria · 3 years
If I Never Met You: Chapter 41
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(Taehyung X Reader) Idol!AU, Manager!Reader
Genre: (PG13) Angst, but lots of fluff
WC: 3.6k
Warnings: None
Series Masterlist
Chapter 40 | Chapter 41 | Chapter 42
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You had never seen Jin so angry. The look on his face was almost enough to make you feel absolutely terrified, even if you knew that anger wasn’t directed at you.
There was no getting past being honest with Jin after he already heard so much. So Yoongi had grabbed his arm and hurriedly dragged him into the stairwell before attempting to calm him down and explain what he had heard.
But there was apparently no calming him down.
“And you guys felt like this wasn’t important information to share?” Seokjin asked.
“We thought it was better if less people knew about it,” Taehyung replied. “There’s nothing we can do at this point, and Bang PD already told noona that he’s going to let her finish healing without anything else being asked of her.”
“That doesn’t make it any less wrong,” Seokjin agitatedly replied. “Are you just letting it slide? Not going to do anything about it?”
“If you heard about that, then didn’t you hear what I told noona?” Yoongi asked, meeting Jin’s intensity.
“I heard Y/n saying about the article’s release being intentional and done behind her back,” Jin answered. “I wasn’t close enough to make out anything before that. But frankly, I don’t care what you said, Yoongi. Something should be done about it!”
“First of all, would you just- please calm down,” Yoongi said, attempting to do the same for himself. “Don’t go waking the whole building. And you should care about what I said before that. What do you want us to do, hyung? Barge into Bang’s office, tell him how much of an injustice it was, and demand he compensate her?”
“Sure, that sounds like a great start,” Jin said, still obviously very agitated, but his voice at a reasonable volume.
“Okay, then what?” Yoongi asked. “Do you think he’s going to just admit it? Do you think there is no chance whatsoever of it affecting noona’s job? Or our own? Do you really want to risk everything you’ve worked for for years, and risk making noona losing her job, make her have to move back home? While she’s still healing?”
“He can’t just do stuff like that, though!” Jin replied incredulously.
“He’s a businessman, Jin,” you said. “He saw an opportunity to better your guys’ image and popularity and he took it.”
Your friend turned to you and furrowed his brows. “You’re not telling me right now that you’re okay with him just- just using you like that, are you?”
“Of course I’m not!” you whisper yelled, making the boys around you flinch. “It is constantly bothering me. He called me earlier today, and I felt so awkward I had no idea how to talk to him. He apologized for asking me to go to the airport to pick you guys up, but I wanted so badly for him to come clean and apologize about the article instead. I can’t tell you how much I want to just wheel right into his office and demand that he tell me what he did and why he did it, even if I already know. I want to hear it straight from his mouth, and I want him to tell me he knows he did something wrong and say he’ll never do it again. But it’s not going to happen, Jin. It’s just not.”
Letting all of the anger you’ve felt over the situation out in your rant made you feel breathless. The others remained quiet for a moment, probably unsure of how to respond to something like that.
“Yoongi is right,” you said. “It’s wrong, and he shouldn’t have done it. I’m getting more attention than I ever asked for and it’s nerve-wracking being this much in the public eye. But what good will it do to ask for an apology? It will make him aware that I know what he did, and probably wonder who else knows. I have no idea if I’d get fired, if he’ll do something to make sure that I can’t tell anyone. And I’m scared of how it could affect you guys. I needed to talk to Tae and Yoongi today because I just had a lot of emotions and wanted to confront him, but knew it wasn’t a good idea and they helped reason that with me.”
Jin chewed on the inside of his cheek while he calmed himself down. “I’m still not okay with this.”
“Neither am I,” you admitted. “But what else can we do, really? Other than hope that he decides to come clean about it on his own.”
“Hyung, please promise you won’t do anything,” Tae pleaded in a small voice. “I really wish I could too, believe me. But I just don’t think this is one of those things we can fight.”
Seokjin didn’t look any of you in the eyes while he said, “Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m sorry for exploding like that, I just-” he sighed, unable to finish his sentence.
“I know, hyung,” Yoongi said, placing a hand on Jin’s shoulder. “I felt the same when I found out. I understand.”
“Now I get why he’s acting so apologetic, though,” Seokjin said. “When he gave us permission to take a long break to take you out of the house, he just seemed odd. I couldn’t place what it was, but it was almost like he felt guilty. Which I guess could be explained by the airport, but it felt like more than that.”
“I mean, being attacked by a couple of sasaengs does make one afraid to leave the house when they’re so defenseless,” you said, laughing a little. “If I could stand on my feet and run away, that’s one thing, but I’m literally at others’ mercy like this.”
“That’s why you have us to protect you,” Tae said, smiling widely at you.
You smiled back, feeling more at ease now that you were all on the same page.
“Alright, let’s get back before someone else gets curious and eavesdrops,” Yoongi said, sending Jin a teasing look.
It was Jin who took you back to your apartment, helping you into bed. Nobody really argued when he silently decided he’d do it, figuring it would help him feel better to help you in the ways that he at least knew he could.
“I seriously can’t wait until you can start walking again,” he said as he helped you gather your covers and tuck in. “Not that it’s a burden to help you, but just because I know how frustrating it is for you.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, you and me both.”
Jin suddenly looked serious as he sat on the edge of your bed. “Y/n, you know you can always come to me for anything, right? If you need anything, I’m here for you.”
You smiled at him. “I know Jin. I promise I will. If I need to talk or just need some company or something, you’re the first person I’d go to.”
“You really are like family, you know?” he said. “It’s not just me. But you really are like a sister to me. So I want to be a good brother to you.”
“You are, Jin. I treasure your friendship. And I love being a part of this family. I would never trade any of you guys for anything.”
“Even if it meant you’d instantly be rich?”
“Absolutely,” you didn’t hesitate to answer. “I’d pick living a poor and hard life if it meant that I had the seven of you with me. I’d even be willing to be stuck in a wheelchair for life.”
Jin laughed quietly. “Well, we’re for sure going to try to not let any of that happen. But thank you, I’m sure we all feel the same.”
He gave your hand a squeeze as he leaned in to kiss your forehead before getting up and you one last ‘good night’ while he left.
You really did have such a wonderful family here.
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By now it had been about two months since your injury. It could take up to six for your legs to fully heal, and with you staying entirely off your feet the hope was that you’d heal more quickly than that.
Two days after that night in the stairwell, Mrs. Kim attended your doctor appointment with you. She was really sweet and you couldn’t have been more grateful for her wanting to keep you company during this short time. It was especially a relief having someone with you when you visited the doctor. Not that you were scared of hospitals or anything, but you often had trouble remembering to ask questions and just nodded along to what the doctor told you. So someone else being there who could remember to do so was a huge help.
After an x-ray of your legs to see how the bones were healing, your doctor informed you that the healing process was going well. It would still be a little while before he recommended anything like walking, but they were at least healed enough that putting some weight on them shouldn’t have been bothersome.
To test it out, he asked you to place your feet on the floor and put a small amount of pressure on them and told you to immediately stop if you felt any pain. You found that it didn’t really hurt with just a bit of weight, but it did feel weird to do so for the first time in so long.
With the confirmation that it didn’t cause any pain, he told you that you were able to assist when people helped you in and out of your chair now. They still had to hold the majority of your weight, but walking lightly to help make it easier on them was no problem.
It was small progress, but it made you feel happy and excited, nonetheless.
After the doctor appointment, you decided you wanted to go back to the office first and let Bang and hopefully the boys know the news.
You felt nervous since this would be your first time seeing him in person since you learned about the article, at least if he was available to see you. But you felt it was important that he knew any progress in your condition and it wasn’t like you could avoid him forever. You had to see him at some point, so might as well rip the band-aid off now.
Your boss ended up not being at his office, and a quick message to Sejin let you know that the boys were practicing choreography for the concert so you headed toward the practice room in the meantime. You waited outside with Mrs. Kim, watching through the window as they practiced for Boyz With Fun. The choreography for the song was more lighthearted and didn’t need to be precise since the song was mostly for fun, but it was still very high energy.
When the song ended and didn’t restart right away, Taehyung’s mother knocked lightly on the door, not wanting to intrude without permission. It was Hoseok who came to open it, smiling brightly despite looking exhausted. “Hello eomeoni, noona. What are you guys doing here?”
“We wanted to stop and say hi,” you said. “We just came from my doctor appointment.”
“Oh, that’s right! That was today!” Hoseok sounded excited. “You can come in. We’re due for a break anyway.”
He opened the door wide, holding it while you wheeled through after Tae’s mom.
“You had your appointment today?” Namjoon asked from his spot on the floor through ragged breaths. “How’d it go?”
“My legs are healing well,” you said with a smile. “He said I can put a little bit of pressure on my feet now.”
“Really?!” Jimin asked, sitting up straight after having been laying flat on the floor.
You nodded. “No walking or anything yet, but he said I can put some weight on them to help when you guys are moving me in and out of the chair.”
“That’s great!” Tae said, smiling widely as your eyes met his. “That’s huge progress. That means your bones are healing really well.”
You smiled softly, feeling your heart skip a beat. It felt silly, but everyone seemed so enthusiastic and made it seem like it was such a big deal when it was really only just a small amount of progress.
That, and how are you supposed to not feel affected when Taehyung was staring at you like that.
“Yes, the doctor said she’s healing really well,” Mrs. Kim said. “He said she’s healing faster than they expected, almost as fast as they hoped she would. He expects it to be no more than two months, if that, until she’s able to start getting back on her feet.”
“And then you’ll be able to resume being our manager,” Jungkook said.
“Well, after I can walk again, yeah,” you said. “I can already feel how weak my legs are. They’re going to need a good amount of physical therapy before I can walk entirely unassisted.”
“But that’s still so much closer than it could have been,” Namjoon smartly added. “With how bad that fracture was, the doctor said it could have taken up to six months. But since you’ve been really good about resting your legs, I guess that helps a whole lot, huh?”
You nodded. “That’s what he said. He said he could tell that I’d been following his instructions to not put any pressure or weight on them.”
“How much longer are you boys practicing?” Mrs. Kim asked.
“Probably another hour,” Hoseok said. “We have a few things to refine, but we made a deal that if we can do the choreography with no mistakes for five runs in a row then we can go home early. I think we can do it.”
“Well, I guess I’d better go get dinner ready then, hm?” she responded. “I want to make something a little special today since we got the good news from the doctor.”
“It’s really no big deal, eomeoni,” you insisted.
“Nonsense! Every step is progress, and that’s something to celebrate.”
“I still need to let Bang know,” you said. “I might need to just call or text him to tell him.”
You could see Jin’s head turning to you out of the corner of your eye at the mention of your boss’ name. “We can tell him for you if you want,” he said.
“It’s fine.” You smiled in his direction. “I can talk to him.”
Jin took a moment to think before nodding, clearly understanding what you meant. You were okay with talking to him despite the fact that you still hadn’t quite gotten over what happened.
“Do you want to stay, noona?” Taehyung asked hesitantly. “I know you used to like to watch us practice. You could stay and go home with us?”
You turned toward his mother, about to ask her what she thought before she beat you to answering.
“That sounds like a lovely idea,” she said, smiling. “You have been wanting to get out of the house more anyway. Do you want to stay?”
“That would be nice,” you didn’t hesitate to answer. Seeing Tae’s boxy smile break out on his face at your response most certainly didn’t make your heart skip again. Not at all.
“Alright, I’ll see you back at your apartment in a little while then,” Mrs. Kim said before turning toward the door. “Take good care of her, boys!”
When she left, you wheeled yourself to the front of the room, as close to the corner as you could so you wouldn’t be in the way of their reflection.
“Do you want to sit on the floor?” Taehyung asked. “We can use our jackets to make a little seat for you, it might be more comfortable than your chair.”
You thought about it for a moment, realizing that that would help keep you more out of the way for them since your chair could be folded up as well. “If it’s not too much trouble, then sure. It’ll keep me from blocking your guys’ reflection, too.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened. “I didn’t mean it like that!” he backtracked, flailing his hands around a bit.
“Whatever is more comfortable for you is more important,” Namjoon chimed in. “You’re not in the way, not at all. But if you’d prefer to sit on the floor, then it’s no trouble for us.”
You smiled at their thoughtfulness. “I know that’s not why you asked, Tae. It’s okay, it was just my own concern. But yeah, if you don’t mind I would definitely like to spend some time out of this chair.’”
“Absolutely,” Jin answered, smiling reassuringly. Everyone jumped into action, grabbing their spare jackets to pile into the corner.
You wheeled yourself away so they could work and turned to look at what they were doing. A smile slowly spread across your face as you watched them quietly discuss how to set everything out so that it was the smoothest and most comfortable they could make it.
It made your heart swell, the amount of thought and care they put into such a small task. You really didn’t know what you would do without them.
After almost everyone sat on the little pile of clothes, testing to make sure that it was comfortable enough (It was only supposed to be Jimin, but then a few of the others decided they wanted to make sure themselves, which of course made you laugh), they dispersed and you approached the makeshift seat. You locked your wheels, Taehyung approaching to help you get out. Scooching forward as usual, you internally reminded yourself that it was okay to put some weight on your feet to help him out. Especially since you were being moved to the floor, it would require a bit more maneuvering than the usual chair-to-bed or vice versa.
But when Taehyung reached out for you, he wasn’t standing in front of you and with both arms reaching underneath your arms. He instead was a little to the side, one arm wrapping around your shoulders as the other looped underneath your knees. Just as you were opening your mouth to ask what he was doing, he lifted you with ease, hands reflexively linking behind his neck to keep yourself steady.
Before you could even blink you were being held princess style, which most definitely wasn’t the standard way of picking someone up out of a wheelchair. You had to resist the urge to tuck your face into his chest to hide your embarrassment, brain working well enough to notice that that would only make things worse.  
“What are you doing?” you finally managed to ask as he knelt down next to the clothing pile to set you down. “Why’d you pick me up like that?”
“It was easier,” he answered. “Less shuffling and easier to get you sitting down.”
It felt like forever before you were finally sitting on the floor, even though it must have must have been no more than ten seconds. Once he pulled away you found yourself feeling simultaneously relieved and disappointed at the loss of his warmth.
Looking up at the others, you caught the knowing smirk and raised eyebrows on Jin’s face. You felt a sudden urge to smack the expression off of him, but of course you couldn’t exactly get up and walk.
“Comfy?” Hoseok asked, giving some of the material around you another fluff for good measure.
“Yes, it’s nice and soft. Thank you,” you said.
“Good,” he responded. “Alright, let’s get her chair folded up and get back to practice, guys!”
It was really nice to watch them practice again. It felt so normal, you could almost forget that your injury ever happened and like you were still working with your boys almost every day.
At one point, when they had just a moment in between runs through the choreography, Jimin captured a selfie of the two of you. He sent it to Sejin with what he wanted to caption it with to get it approved before saving to post on Twitter later.
It ended up being closer to two hours, rather than the one that Hobi projected, before they were perfect enough to head home early. Luckily, you weren’t picked up so intimately this time as you were helped back into your chair by Yoongi. He said he wanted to let you practice and get used to letting your feet rest on the floor and help do some of the work.
You appreciated your heart being saved from anymore palpitations today.
Even on the walk home, you felt so refreshed at even the smallest return to normalcy that you didn’t care about Jungkook wanting to push your chair for you when you’d usually insist on wheeling yourself.
Mrs. Kim’s delicious homemade dinner filled with laughter and the company of your closest friends warmed your heart even more, so by the time you got around to texting your boss if he was available and calling him when he responded, you didn’t feel even the slightest pit in your stomach as you had the previous day.
You still had quite a while to go, but everyone was right. You were making progress and despite how small, it was reason enough to be excited and celebrate. It was enough to help keep you going as you waited for the day that you could walk again, at least for now. Nothing was perfect and there were certainly more things that you needed to personally work through, but it was the little steps to be celebrated that would help you climb your way there.
After laying down for the night, you got the notification that BTS tweeted. You clicked to see a sweet but short message about how you heard good news from the doctor today, and how excited they were to have you cheering on their practice.
You fell asleep with a smile on your face and dreamt of your head pressed against a warm chest while strong arms carried you.
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 40 | Chapter 41 | Chapter 42
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope​ @misohime​ @netflix-batman-sleep​ @smallbaby-cat​ @leitholdwithlove​ @ramyagovindraj​ @rjsmochii​ @overtherainbow35​ @leesalts​ @whobuiltthemoon​ @bethebitchuare​ @shookysxga​ @jeneate101​
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
The four times you caught Rex staring, and the time he caught you. 
The first time you met the Captain of the five-oh-first, you figured he was staring because of how unusual your presence was. As a Jedi who spent their time learning from the force in nature, to Rex you were an enigma. You noticed that his hamlet stayed focused on you long after you had formerly been introduced. 
“Captain Rex,” You said, and like a shiny at the 79's for the first time, he blushed. Thank the maker for helmets, he thought. “I know trust doesn't come easy and all, and I know I’m not exactly a typical jedi per say but…” You trailed off. He was still watching you, and awkwardness filled the space between you. Anakin coughed, trying to waver his captain's attention. He didn't need his jedi senses to  tell him what about you was distracting Rex. 
“Can I speak to you outside for a moment Rex.” Oh he was in for it now. 
The second time you noticed his watchful eye was mid battle. The movement of you and your lightsaber was captivating. He had never seen a Jedi move so gracefully, it’s like you were dancing on a tank, surrounded by clankers, and oh - right he was supposed to be laying down cover fire!  
“Captain!” Fives was yelling at him, “we need you down here.” Fives, as usual, was being a blessing and a curse. And as usual, when Rex thought he was being stealthy in his staring, the entirety of his crew knew he had a soft spot for one particular jedi. Fives calling him down from his vantage point had two main objectives. One, it was actually useful to the battle, and two hopefully it would snap him out of his daze. Fives had no such luck. 
“What’s the update Captain?” You asked, having jumped off the edge of a tank that was smoking from every corner. 
“We are expecting air support any minute general.” He said, not turning your way. Your messy hair, flushed face and soft smile, he thought to himself, might actually cause him to go into cardiac arrest.  
“Perfect!” You exclaimed as Kenobi’s troops finally arrived. “Now this is what I call a party!” laughter boomed from Fives, who found your energy far too incorrigible for everyone elses liking. 
“What are you at General?” He asked curiously. 
“42 clankers and…” You trailed off looking at the remnants of your previous escapade. “One tank.” Fives grumbled. “Something wrong?” you feigned innocence. 
“This is so unfair.” He threw his hands up in the air, and smiled as he saw another battalion of droids coming up over the ridge.  Without warning he took off towards them. “I can still beat you yet!” He called back. 
“Please don’t tell me you…” Rex started 
“Bet Fives I could kill more clankeers than him?” You finished turning back to him. He nodded, crossing his arms unamused. “Don't tell me you don't approve, captain.” 
“It’s not that general it’s that…” you cut him off again, 
“How many times do I have to tell you I'm not a general, I do have a name you know.” you playfully hit him in the shoulder, but with all that armour you doubted if he could feel it. 
“Okay but still, gambiling isn't allowed.” He started watching the troops begin their forward assault. 
“What if a very lovely Jedi was to share the spoils of war with you?” You cheekily asked. 
“Depends on what you win.” he stated, finally playing along. 
“You just have to wait and see won't you captain.” You yelled back to hin, taking off into the battle, his eyes never leaving you as you ran off.   
The third time, you barely remember. It was late, really late, and everyone had been up for days thanks to a prolonged siege of Ryloth, or was it Bespin? You were too tired to even think about keeping things straight in your head. And of course at two in the morning (even though technically even traveling through space there's no time zone to really follow) Anakin Skywalker had decided on one last briefing before landing at your destination. So when you walk into the meeting room still in your sleepwear of course, everyone's a little shocked. But  Rex, Rex is enchanted. Your hair is messy and keeps falling in your face, the baggy shirt keeps falling off your shoulder and you try to right yourself to no avail. 
“Want some?” He asks, crossing the room to you, he’s already in half his armour, but only his blacks on the top half. Much to your delight. You eye the cup of caff he’s holding out and sleepily nod.
“Thank you.” You tell him and in your exhausted induced genius you decide that right now, as the briefing in a room full of people, Rex’s shoulder is the perfect place for your head. In your time working together, there wasn't anyone else you trusted more. There wasn't anyone else you liked as much as Rex and while you were beginning to worry about the attachment you had to him, your sleepy self didn't really care at the moment. 
“When we land here…” Anakin rambled at the holomap, all eyes on him, you leaned more and more into the comfy pillow of a man next to you. And very, very slowly, his arm snuck around your waist to support you just a tiny bit more. Him staring at your tiny figure from above, curled into his shoulder and chest, his mug of caf in your hands, hair smelling of that wild soap you always used. His mind repeated one word over and over as he stared. Heaven. 
If you were caught now, both of you would be court martialed, but the room was dark, and everyone was tired. And even though Anakin could clearly see both of you, he couldn't help but smile. 
The four, and most recent time you noticed his lingering gaze, was the one and only time you had lost a bet to Fives, you tried to get out of it, claiming that having Echo support him in winning meant disqualification but after you had him bleach his hair for winning the clankers bet, you couldn't back out of this one. And either way, it was just one night, just one night in the 79's and then you’d never have to do it again. 
“Looking good General!” He teased, offering you his arm before leading (pulling) you out of the cab
“Fives it is literally just me in a dress, I look how I always do!” You told him. 
“Maybe you always look good.” He said with a wink, both of you stopped for a moment before laughing. Next to Rex, Fives had to be your best friend. 
“Sorry sugar,” you drawled out jokingly once you get inside the brightly lit bar “You may be pretty but maker do I love blondes.” He chuckled, 
“I’d like to point out I was a blonde.”  He said, nudging you. “Or is it a particular blonde you love.” Your face goes more red than a sith’s lightsaber at that. 
“Remind me never to tell you anything again.” You said looking around for the nearest alcoholic beverage. It’s then you see him, that particular blonde. He’s shuffled off in a booth in the corner, learning on his elbows, unabashedly staring. 
His top half was only covered by his blacks, and this time you’re fully awake to appreciate the way his muscles are outlined by the material.
“He’s been looking at you like that since you walked in. You know for a jedi there’s a lot you don't notice.” Fives whispered in your ear.  Before finishing a drink you hadn't even seen him pick up.  You turned back to make a sarcastic comment (one of your lesser appreciated skills) when Tup shouted:
“Hey captain come have a drink with us!” Your eyes widened as Fives starts a laugh that sounded more like a witches cackle than anything else. And just as you were able to formulate an escape plan you feel a presence behind you. 
“Well, correct me if i’m wrong but that doesn't look like Jedi approved clothing.” Rex mumbled to you. And your brain worked double time to think of a fantastic comeback. 
“It’s for when I go undercover.” -nailed it. Rex raises an eyebrow, with a half smile, he still hasn't taken his eyes off of you. 
It happened again that night, or maybe it didn't ever stop. But you’d had enough drinks to feel less shy. And as the hours passed by you ended up all in a both, you in the middle while the boys sang a song they apparently learned on Kamino. But the underlying message suggests that they most certainly did not. You’d been leaning on Fives for a while oblivious to Rex’s glare until he’d come over and yanked you into the squishy cushion with him. One arm sneaks around your shoulders and you can smell the whiskey on him, on you? Eh who cares anyways.
“Ibac'ner cyar'ika” Rex was whispering, you weren't sure what any of it meant, but given his tone you didn't really care. Anything to keep his voice that deep and smooth and close to you.
“What does that mean?” you asked, your mando’a was coming along, but you didn't know nearly enough. 
“Mesh'la.” He said, tracing the collar of your dress, still staring at you. And of course the second you both lean that little bit closer, Hardcase still his drink on you.  
You’re in the medbay, the incessant beeping tells you that much. You think it’s maybe because you and Ventress got into a bit of a disagreement. She wanted to kill you and you very much didn't want to be killed. All things considered, you're impressed. All she managed to do was graze your side. 
“Kix?” you ask as your vision adjusts to the clone by your bedside. But it’s not Kix at all.
Rex is still wearing all his armour, except his helmet is on the floor. He’s covered in mud, blood, and who knows what else. His hand rests on his gun, and his head is slumped over. He’s asleep. A pang of longing hits you, he looks so delicate right now, and it’s at that moment you realize how in love with that stupidly loyal, stuck up, serious commander you really are. 
“Starin’s rude ya know.” he says, eyes still closed. 
“I figured I owe you a few for all those times I’ve caught you.” He hums in amusement, stretching and coming fully awake. 
“I don’t stare.” He states pointedly. 
“Oh really? What is it you do then?”You question, teasing him. 
“I appreciate.” He says. And you scoff. 
“What about me do you appreciate then?” 
“Your personality, skills as a fighter, and the fact that you are unabashedly you.” He says moving closer and taking your hands in his. “You’re stunning, impossible, and about the only person in the universe who I'd leave the republic for.” And I mean, who wouldn't kiss him after that. And it’s long overdue for the two of you anyways. It’s gentle, like you’re both afraid of feeling what you feel. But the way his lips touch yours blocks out the anxiety, the way he moves to hold you close destroys any idea that you have of ever letting him go. And when you finally break apart he smiles and says:  
“But that ass of yours sure is a bonus.” You use both hands to push him over.
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pixieminutes · 4 years
4th August, 2021 | KSM
genre: fluff, husband!seungmin
members: kim seungmin x reader, bang chan, hwang hyunjin, seo changbin, yang jeongin, lee minho, lee felix, han jisung
warnings: none
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4th August, 2021: 10:42
“not too hard!” you gasped out as your bridesmaid, yerin, dragged the brush through your hair, “it’s always knotty after i get out the shower.”
she rolled her eyes, “you’re so overdramatic.”
“hardly!” you exclaimed, turning to face her, “look, how about we just wait for the hairdresser to arrive, hmm?”
she chuckled.
“what? what’s so funny?”
“your boob’s come out your dressing gown,” she snorted.
you looked down, sorting yourself out before giving her the finger.
“you just need to relax, okay? this is supposed to be the best day of your life!”
you sighed, playing with the ring on your fourth finger, “i know, i’m just nervous.”
“guess who’s here! and with alcohol!” your maid of honour, nari, exclaimed.
you laughed, “maybe that’ll fix it.”
yerin rushed forward, grabbing the bottle, “i’m not having you get drunk before the ceremony, y/n!”
nari frowned, “why not?”
when yerin opened her mouth to shout at her, your maid of honour just laughed.
“i’m joking! y/n’s not a lightweight, a glass of champagne is not gonna affect her,” nari said, rolling her eyes.
“fine,” yerin sighed, “but i need two times more than her.”
your other friend, and temporary make-up artist for the day, taemi, just rolled her eyes, “why don’t you just grow a pair and ask him out?!”
“i think he’s quite traditional! i don’t wanna be the one to do it and then make him feel bad!” yerin exclaimed with a sigh, “but i am tired.”
“me and seungmin did put you next to each other at the tables,” you shrugged, taking a sip of your champagne.
“you did?!” yerin shrieked, “what?! what am i supposed to do?!”
“talk to him,” nari shrugged, “you both like each other, it’s clear. chan’s not exactly good at hiding his emotions, is he?”
“and besides, after today he’ll be the only non-married member. he deserves someone. especially if that someone is you!” you exclaimed, “just take the lead. he’ll become comfortable with it in no time.”
“ladies!” your mum smiled, walking in the room, “hairdresser’s here!”
“seungmin’s gonna love you,” nari said, watching as you straightened out your skirt.
“thank you for being here, ri. there’s a lot i couldn’t have done without you.”
nari chuckled, climbing on the podium behind you, leaning her head on your shoulder, “you’re telling me. we’re so close my parents are crying. they barely did that on my wedding day.”
“shut up, they so did!”
“yeah, cause they hate hyunjin,” she laughed.
you shook your head with a laugh, looking down to your manicured nails, remembering the nights you’d spent with nari at sleepovers, both squished into either her bed or yours; talking, dreaming, thinking.
“it is everything we always talked about it being, isn’t it?” you asked, “getting married.”
“of course it is,” nari teased, “we’re never wrong, you know.”
you laughed, before turning and looking at her, not through the mirror, “but—”
“but seriously,” she spoke with a smile, taking your hands in hers, “you and seungmin love each other more than i’ve ever seen before. i could see it from the moment you met him.”
you rolled your eyes, hiding a smile, “that’s an over exaggeration.”
“you couldn’t take your eyes off him! and you didn’t listen to anything anyone else said for the rest of the evening,” she giggled, “you’re sure you wanna do this, though?”
“100%,” you sighed with a smile, “love you.”
she chuckled, mostly out of relief, “i love you too, now i believe there’s an army of bridesmaids and your dad waiting for you downstairs.”
“why the fuck are we here, seungmin?! it is half an hour before your wedding starts,” changbin pointed out, the eight boys piling into their old dorm building, now emptied out and ready to be filled by a group of new trainees.
“y/n might even be on her way now!” jeongin exclaimed.
seungmin shook his head, seeming distracted, “y/n’s never early.”
“can you at least tell us what you’re looking for so we can help you?” chan sighed, stepping up as the groom’s best man, a role he had taken on for all his members.
“don’t worry,” seungmin smiled, pulling up the loose floorboard in his old bedroom, taking out the box from beneath it.
“that’s definitely cursed,” minho commented as seungmin blew off the dust.
the soon-to-be-married man shook his head, opening the box and pulling out the handmade necklace you’d made him on your first date.
“i can’t believe i forgot this,” he whispered, sliding it over his head and popping it into his white shirt.
“happy now?” felix asked.
seungmin smiled with a nod, “yep. ready to get married.”
“everybody please stand,” the officiant spoke.
seungmin took a breath, shaking his hands out before standing and turning to face the entrance of the ball room.
chan smiled from behind him, wishing the younger boy luck.
the piano started to play and the doors opened, revealing minho and jisung’s daughters in their mother’s arms, spreading rose petals down the aisle as they went. a smile spead across seungmin’s face, watching the babies giggle at their jobs before happily being passed back into their dad’s arms to settle before the boring part.
then, his attention was taken again, by you.
the first time seungmin had met you, both of you were in a group of people. you; hyunjin’s girlfriend’s friends. him; stray kids. but for whatever reason, there was an unbreakable eye contact filled with blushes and shy smiles from the moment you’d seen each other.
he still remembers the first words he said to you: “i’m seungmo– min. i’m seungmin.”
then you laughed, that laugh he’s loved so much since the first moment he heard it: “i think i prefer seungmo.”
but now, you were in a white dress, you arm linked with your dad’s, followed by your friends, their own husbands watching them with loving eyes.
seungmin found himself with his mouth open, a tear forming in his eye as you hugged your dad, allowing him to take a seat.
“this is weird,” you whispered, taking seungmin’s hand.
he laughed lowly, walking forward, “i’m thinking about that chicken we’ll buy tonight.”
you looked to him with a smile on your face. this was it, the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, “living for it.”
“we’re gathered here today for the marriage of miss. y/n y/l/n to mr. kim seungmin,” the officiant spoke, the real deal.
there were poems and songs, spoken by family and friends, filled with tears and laughs, and finally; the vows.
“mine aren’t as good as they could be,” you chuckled, “because i’m not good at saying things, or writing down things for that matter. but, here goes.”
seungmin smiled shyly, looking down at the floor before looking back in your eyes as you spoke your vows to him, and his to you. not once did either of you look away, not for the reactions of your friends and family and not for any random screams of babies. just you two; right there, together.
“do you, kim seungmin, take y/n y/l/n to be your wife?” the officiant asked, seungmin holding your left hand in his, the tangled silver ring in his other.
“i do.”
unable to hide your smile, he slid the ring on your finger.
“and do you, y/n y/l/n, take kim seungmin to be your husband?”
tears filled your eyes as you nodded, sliding the ring on seungmin’s left hand ring finger, “i do.”
“i now pronounce you man and wife!” the officiant cheered, all your friends and family clapping and crying, “you may kiss the bride!”
“may i?” seungmin chuckled, moving towards you, his hand on the back of your head.
you giggled, nodding as he closed the gap between you.
when he pulled away, seungmin stared at you for a few seconds before the two of you walked down the aisle and into the back room to sign the papers.
“i hope you’re wearing yours, by the way,” seungmin said, his hand not letting go of yours, “because i had to pull up an old floor board to find mine.”
you laughed, “seungmo, that’s your fault for hiding it there.”
he rolled his eyes, looking at you expectantly.
“but, yes, i have it,” you said, pulling the handmade necklace out the pocket of your dress, “and look! my dress has pockets!”
seungmin laughed, leaning forward and catching your lips in another kiss, “i love you.”
you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck, “i love you too.”
“and now, the couple’s first dance,” chan announced, everyone in the ballroom clapping as the band began to play when you love someone by day6.
“my lady,” seungmin teased, placing his hands on your waist as your arms loosely wrapped around his neck, your fingers running through his hair as you swayed side to side.
“isn’t it weird that everyone’s watching us,” you giggled, leaning in so only he could hear you.
“they’ll start dancing soon,” he whispered, “though yes, i am sweating lots and lots.”
“and i’m really full. why are they expecting us to dance straight away after a four course meal?”
seungmin laughed, “that’s your fault for eating so much.”
“hey!” you protested, “it tasted really good.”
“you’re adorable.”
“i’m already tired,” you whined, “i think i’ve danced with everyone in this room.”
“and i’ve been between your mum and grandma too many times.”
you laughed as seungmin came towards you, sitting beside you on the front of the stage.
“these shoes are so uncomfortable.”
“mine too.”
you smiled, “let’s take them off.”
“i don’t think we’re allowed to do that,” seungmin frowned.
“it’s our wedding,” you giggled, already taking the foot-pinching high heels off, “we’re allowed to do whatever we want.”
“in that case, then,” seungmin said, pulling off his black dress shoes and taking off his tie.
“see?!” you laughed, taking some of the pins that were pinching out of your hair and letting it fall around your face, “so good.”
“care to dance?” seungmin offered, standing up with an outstretched hand a smirk.
“can we go up to our room afterwards?”
“and order as much room service as we like,” seungmin smiled, “come on, we have to stay until at least all the kids have left.”
5th August, 2021: 00:11
“in you go, mrs kim,” seungmin smiled, opening the hotel room door to let you in, following close behind you.
“mr kim!” you gasped with a laugh, “chicken!”
“and wine!”
you whined, “i don’t even wanna get out of this dress.”
seungmin laughed, throwing his suit jacket on the sofa before laying on the king sized bed.
“i’m eating chicken before anything else,” he shrugged.
you giggled, jumping beside him, your masses of skirt laying around you as you opened the box of fried chicken, seungmin opening and pouring two glasses of wine.
“to us,” you said, clinking your glass with his.
“cheers,” he smiled, “to us.”
he laid back, casually picking at the chicken as he turned the tv on, “shall we have a bath after this?”
“sounds amazing,” you groaned, “we have to be at breakfast in the morning though.”
seungmin rolled his eyes, “can they not leave us alone now.”
you laughed, pulling out the homemade necklace from your pocket and slipping it over your head, before your gaze fell on your left ring finger.
“thank you, seungmo,” you hummed, “this day has been incredible.”
seungmin smiled, looking up at you with love pouring from his eyes, “i hope everyday is just as incredible from now on.”
“for the rest of our lives,” you giggled, taking a sip of wine.
“thanks, hate that thought,” seungmin snorted.
“hey!” you laughed, throwing a cheese stick at him.
seungmin laughed, “but i love you.”
“nope,” you shook your head as seungmin leaned up to you, “you don’t get a kiss.”
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