#jeice x salza
arwentrow · 2 years
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My intrusive thoughts won. Couldn't draw anything until this got out of my head. Was only going to be a practice sketch
well, guess that's how that went
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pleasantspark · 1 month
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A Prize To Be Earned, Not Won - Chapter One Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC (Mikumi) x Jeice Genre: Romance Tropes: Love Triangle, Rivals turned Friends Part of The A Prize To Be Earned, Not Won Series Warnings: Jeice and Salza being assholes to one another, Cooler and Frieza merges their empires together, Zarbon obviously being annoyed (The My Immortal Dumbledore equivalent of “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUKERS!”) AUs Utilized: Overhaul AU
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Zarbon was walking with his daughter down the ships hallways, she was annoyed because she and Jeice's time was cut short. "Father, where are we going?" She asked.
"Lord Frieza is having a meeting with his older brother." Zarbon said.
"You mean Lord Cooler?" Mikumi asked.
"Then why am I being dragged along, can't Dodoria come with?" Mikumi complained.
"No, because he said "I am currently busy with a mission that requires all of my attention and I cannot be interrupted" fat pink bastard is going to get fired, and since you outrank him, you're the next option." Zarbon scoffs.
"Could you atleast let me bring Jeice?" Mikumi complained.
"No, you're in the presence of elites." Zarbon said.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Mikumi asked.
"Jeice isn't an elite. Now be quiet." Zarbon said, Mikumi rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. When they arrived at the place, Zarbon walked up to Lord Frieza and did a bow.
"Lord Frieza." He said.
"Zarbon, Mikumi." Frieza responded curtly.
"What do we have on the adgenda today?" Zarbon asked. His eyes wandering to Cooler with Salza. He was pretty shocked to see him but could tell Salza was a high ranking offical.
"We are merging our forces together. And we decided to let the elites know." Frieza said.
"Hm, if that's the case... May I offer my Daughter for Salza, to be with?" Zarbon asked.
"Arranged Marriage? Is that on the table, Cooler?" Frieza asked.
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Zarbon... The fucking piece of shit done it. Jeice sat on the couch of the now shared room he used to stay in with Orion and him. Now they had to accommodate an extra person... The door swings open as sounds of lips smacking was heard, he turned his head to face the noise and grimaced. It was Orion with Salza. Yep, that's right. Salza. The sack of shit ended up with being apart of his and Orion's relationship. He had no choice but to accept him much to the dismay and annoyance of Jeice. He grimaced as the two walked in, and Salza slammed the door closed behind them, Salza's foot slamming the door. Orion took Salza really well in the relationship. And Jeice hated it.
"Mmm, mon amour. J'aime tes lèvres contre les miennes~" Salza said with love, in that annoying French accent that he always puts on for Orion just to show off. He's fully capable of speaking English, but only spoke in that accent to cause her such arousal. Beforehand, Jeice was able to bring Orion to her knees with his Aussie accent, but since Salza's arrival, he's taken completely over.
"You lot finished yet?" Jeice asked. Attempting to hide his annoyance and jealousy. But obviously failing.
Salza, pulling away from the kiss, looked towards Jeice with a smirk. "Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ? Tu as peur qu'elle m'aime plus que toi?"
"Piss off, and speak in English you tosser." Jeice snaps, Salza chuckles.
"Alright, Alright. Fine, is this better?" Salza asked. Jeice rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, it's better. Next time, just don’t get all lovey-dovey in front of me." Jeice scoffs.
"Mhm, I can't promise that I will. After all this fine lady over here makes me do such wild things, I just can't wait to Mangez sa chatte~" Salza said, in a low seductive giggle. Causing Jeice to get angry.
"What the hell did you say?" Jeice asked.
"All I said was, Mangez sa chatte~" Salza said.
"Well, Mangez sa chatte means that you want to eat her PUSSY out!" Jeice snaps.
"Hm, I am most pleasantly surprised that a imbécile like you would know what Mangez sa chatte means, maybe you're not an imbécile after all~" Salza said, Jeice huffs.
"Go suck a dick, you thick prick." Jeice snarls.
Mikumi sighs, sitting on the couch. She, just like Jeice wasn't open with Salza joining their relationship but overtime had gotten used to Salza. "Boys, Boys, calm down, stop it with your fighting. I can't have two of my favorite boys arguing~ Can't I~?" Mikumi giggles seductively.
"Fine." Jeice sighed. "But I won't like him."
"I'd tolerate him anyways." Salza said.
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>Next Chapter
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saikyo-rat · 2 days
Jeice x Salza fanchildren:
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They are twins
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cloud-kitsune · 2 years
Do you ship Ginyu with Salza?
I... didn't even think about it, but I'm not against it at all. Ginyu definitely seems the type who would prefer Salza's style, I believe. Jeice, on the other hand... always seemed to hold up Ginyu's opinion in high regard, which made me wonder if he had a crush on his captain at some point, too.
Still, Ginyu x Salza would be interesting~
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salzablade · 6 years
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@sylviathecrazygirl / @sactavia
who tops
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flutterblues · 5 years
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Salza and Jeice with their daughter Emaly
Emaly belongs to me and my best friend, so please if you use her ask for permission please
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exsqueeze-me · 4 years
Could you do a jeice sfw alphabet? Thanks!!!! Love you, your momo-ness!
(Avatar Aang, how you do, go on lol!)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He mostly shows affection through excessive flirting. You'll know if hes sincere about his flirting depending on what he says. If it sounds heartfelt, it probably is.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He'd be a really loyal friend, but he will absolutely annoy you to no end. He doesn't have too many people he can call real friends besides the rest of the Ginyu Force, so he wants to hang out and bother you a lot.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hes pretty cuddly, but he also doesn't have much time for just you and him. He loves to cuddle, but it's usually when watching a movie or if you two haven't seen eachother in a long time.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He sucks at cooking, dont let him near the kitchen. He is the master of ordering takeout though. He's pretty good at cleaning, but that's because Captain Ginyu often gets the Ginyu Force to clean around Lord Frieza's ship.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would probably just slowly drift away from you. He does it in a way that you dont even know hes breaking up with you until he tells you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Hes not really a marriage type of guy, but will definitely agree if you ask. You'll have to be together for a long while before he will want to say yes though.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Hes pretty gentle with loved ones, so he treats you pretty delicately. Emotionally, he takes a while before you actually dig down to the real emotions and not the ones he puts up as a facade.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are his go to when he sees you around but cant stay and chat for too long. So like if he passes you in the mess hall before a mission, he'll give you a hug and a small smooch before running off to the designated station.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He'll say it pretty early on, but it takes him awhile to actually mean it. He waits to see if he actually does love you without leaving you hanging when you say it to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He gets jealous a lot, but most of it is just for show. If he is with you, its because he trusts you, so he just makes a display because hes extra like that.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
It depends on where you are. If its in front of the rest of the Force, then hes not gonna get very mushy with you out of fear of getting teased. If its after a long mission, he gets you alone and kisses you like he means it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Hes never thought about it, but it wouldn't be hard to convince him into wanting kids. Hes pretty friendly around kids, so he would be a pretty good dad, if a bit careless.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Hes not a morning person, so he needs at least three cups of coffee before he can function properly. After that, hes back to normal.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Hes usually pretty tired at night, especially if he just got back from a mission. If he had the day off, hes pretty cuddly until he actually falls asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He waits quite awhile to open up to you. He wants to wait and see if he can actually let you in on whatever is on his mind, or if you'll criticize him for it. The Frieza Force isn't the friendliest group of guys to spill secrets to, so hes cautious.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Hes a pretty chill guy, so it takes a bit to actually piss him off. Hes pretty tolerant of most people. Except Salza.. he hates Salza with a fiery, burning passion.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Hes not very good at remembering things, but he knows when your birthday is, when your anniversary is, stuff like that.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When you and the rest of the Ginyu Force all went out to a pretty stylish restaurant. You all definitely got kicked out at some point, but it was fun while it lasted.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Hes not so much protective as much as he is a worrier. He knows hes not gonna be there to protect you most of the time, so he just worries until he can see you again. Then he goes and fucks up whoever, if anyone, messed with you while he was gone.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He gives you little souvenirs from the planets he visits(or destroys). He likes to spoil you on special days like anniversaries, so he holds onto the really nice stuff for those days.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He flirts around. He would never actually cheat on you, but hes a big flirt. You can tell him to tone it down, but it's not something hes gonna actually stop for a while.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He absolutely thinks hes hot shit and will fight anyone who dares say otherwise. He loves being complemented. It strokes his already big ego.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends on how long you've been together. If you were just a fling, he couldn't care less. If you were actually someone he held dear, he would be pretty devastated.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
When the air gets really humid, his hair frizzes so bad he almost has an afro. He usually hides away until he can get his hair under control, so not many have actually seen him like that.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He can't stand disloyalty. If he trusts you, he trusts you with his whole heart and would hate if you broke that trust.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He 100% rolls off the bed. Every single night, he finds some way to roll onto the floor. Sometimes, he just sleeps on the floor with a distraught look on his face instead, accepting his fate.
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incognitowetrust · 5 years
Y’know, I always think of things after I give initial answers. 
I know I answered that ask a day or whatever ago about OC x Canon shipping by using only mentor characters, but...
Honestly I have a soft spot for Recoome, he’s a lorge lovable doofus, and Gelato would love to give him hugs. 
Here’s an idea on my long list of shit I’ll never get done, but I’ve had it for a while, based off of a thing I read about Jeice and Salza having a rivalry, including over which one of them was more pretty:
Jeice: “Oi! Mate! I gotta ask you something!” 
Gelato: :3 ?
Jeice: “Which one of us is more handsome? We need an unbiased opinion-”
Salza: “Excuse me, but how does that count as unbiased?”
Jeice: “He likes everyone” “... Don’t think, mate, just give us an honest blurt who you think is better!”  
Gelato: “U-Uhm...” 
*Gelato spots Recoome practicing ballet in the background*
Gelato: “Recoome.” 
Jeice and Salza: *visible confusion* “ Recoome??” 
Gelato: “Recooooome ~ <3   ✿ ✿ ( *´ ∀ `* ) ✿ ✿   “ 
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
A, B, C, M, P (and X if you want)
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) 
He’d definitely be worn out. He secretly would just enjoy cuddling his mate, even though he acts like a cold and callous maniac on the outside.....he still loves his cuddles.
He’d totally love for someone to hold him and call him SweetPea.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 
He’s not chauvinistic like Salza, Jeice or even Zarbon......looks don’t really matter to him. What he craves is POWER.
So he’s not going to have sex with someone because he thinks they’re cute.....he wants it rough (except the rare times he had a mate he gave a shit about, then he’s very, very gentle with them.)
That being said, he’d definitely love his partner’s torso. Male, female....doesn’t matter.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) 
He won’t give out, let’s just put it that way. He’s extremely difficult to get worked up to the point that he, well.....you know.
That being said, you have better luck seeing it happen faster during his mating cycle.......that’s the one time he’s actually horny.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) 
Power. Power is what REALLY turns him on, and what gets him into trouble. It was what Goku black used to manipulate him before the Tuffle rebelled......he became addicted to Black’s power, even after the former-kai slowly began to show his true colors.
You definitely know that Baby’s into domination.......maybe not so much now thanks to Goku Black. He’s self-conscious about his scars.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) 
Depends on the partner (remember, Baby at most had sex with 2-3 people. He is NOT a player.)
He’s gone rough or soft. Rough usually happens when they’re both hardcore badasses going at each other like animals. But when he just wants someone to talk to him, or someone to hold him so he can feel safe......he relents and softens up.
That’s when you see him enjoy being held and taken care of and being spoiled silly.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) 
I based his biology on echidnas, so that being said, watch this video to find out more:
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jheece · 7 years
i keep crying over jeice x salza
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arwentrow · 2 years
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Yall the armor is a pain in the ass to draw, but it was fucking worth it.
Just some casual flirting.
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pleasantspark · 2 months
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Welcome to my BLOG!
Hello, I am Orion, I am a 20 year old Trans Masc from America, I make mid ass fanfictions because I cannot write well. Soooo, yeah.
I tend to write x Readers, OCs for myself, and I occasionally write content pertaining to my AUs.
I am known as Jeice and Frieza Lover.
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Fanfiction Related Questions
Where do I request stories? In my Ask Box
Am I allowed OC x Canon? I normally charge for it, because OC x Canon (Your OC) is too much work to do, especially if I'M not equipped to write it.
Where can I support you? I have a Kofi but currently Comms are closed, I do not have a working PayPal at all. So once I get that sorted out then yes, Alternatively I have a CashApp.
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Frieza and The Cold Family are MY personal ones from my AU. If you see anything that isn't Canon, read my Bio.
I run the Overhaul Doc for the Frieza Race located here: X
Most of the DBZ fics I write are enlisted in my main canon and not DBZ's Canon.
I own a Human AU, so if you want to request a oneshot, go ahead.
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This is the main AU overhauling EVERYTHING. Currently here's a roadmap.
Frieza Race Overhaul Doc: 100% Complete (Actively Being Edited Occasionally)
Saiyan Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Namekian Race Overhaul Doc: 30% Complete; WIP
Android/Bio Android Race Overhaul Doc: WIP
Character DOCs
This is for the Characters in the AU.
Frieza: WIP
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Note: This section is currently being updated, any FanFictions I post are here for Navigation. Color Codes are below.
Update (08/16/2024): For better viewing I decided to split the Oneshots and Series for now, Imagine/Headcanons are situated under the Oneshots section.
Update (08/24/2024): Dunno when I updated it, but I added a color code for WIPs and the like. Adding Drafts as well.
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Green: General Audience Orange: Teen Red: Unrated/Explicit White/Black: WIPs (Drafts)
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Oh Mary, Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow? (Vegeta x Reader) I Can't Imagine A Future Without You (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Little Blue Book (Vegeta x Majin! OC x Jeice) Premature (King Cold x Female Frieza Race! OC + Frieza + Cooler) Red Magma (Jeice x Cyborg! Zarbon's Daughter! OC) Mating Season (Cell x Bio-Android! OC) Robotic Heart (Android 16 x Majin! OC) An Alternative Reality (Gevo x Saiyan! OC x Android 16)
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Headcanons & Imagines
Ginyu Force Is Still Alive - Headcanon Zarbon is French - Headcanon Frieza Loves Pudding - Headcanon Human Jeice - Headcanon Frieza's Favorite Past Time - Headcanon Soulmate Imagine - Imagine If Frost Met Frieza's Wife - Imagine Why Jeice Didn't Went Pro - Headcanon Cell With A Potential Partner - Imagine Raditz is Biologically King Vegeta's Son - Headcanon
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Forever & Ever Series (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Addict Series (Frieza x OC, Human AU): 1 Little Kuriza Series (Frieza x Sayian! OC + Kuriza): 1, 2, 3 Three Ways To Love You, But I Want To Say It In One Series (Jeice x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Just Yours Series (Yandere! Ginyu Force x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 Arranged Marriage Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC): 1 A Prize To Be Earned, Not Won Series (Salza/Thouser x Zarbon's Daughter! OC x Jeice): 1 Baby Daddy Zarbon Series (Zarbon + Daughter! OC / Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 A Monster Has Vices, Too Series (Monster Form! Zarbon x Saiyan! OC): 1 Pink Eyes Series (Yandere! Cell x Saiyan! OC): 1, 2, 3 Apart of Your World Series (Yandere! Dragon Ball Ensemble x Saiyan! Isekai! OC): 1 LOYALTY. (Frieza x FFR! OC): 1 Strictly Business (King Cold x Saiyan! OC): 1
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Regarding my stance on shipping!
I do not care who ships what, as long as you respect my boundries, I have had people who (I can't tell if they were joking) we're shoving Yamcha x Frieza onto me. And I don't ship canon x canon (I do only for one ship) so yeah, don't be discouraged if I don't do ships. I don't mind if you yap about ships. Just be mindful.
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Current Ships / OCs / AUs
Zarbon x Cell (Canon x Canon)
Zarbon x Zucchine (OC x Canon)
Jeice x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Ginyu x Orion (OC x Canon)
Ginyu Force x Mikumi (OC x Canon)
Android 16 x Orion (OC x Canon)
Cell x Genesis (OC x Canon)
Frieza x Orion (OC x Canon)
Husk x Orion (OC x Canon)
OCs Please see this post for all my OCs: x Most of them are ALOT and I needed the extra space. :P
Human AU
Overhaul AU
Trepidation AU
Revamped AU (Android 16)
Rewritten and Revamped AU
Rewritten and Abridged AU
Yandere AU
Swap AU
Hazbin x DBZ AU
Soulmate AU
Frieza Redemption AU
Redeeming The Hellaverse AU (HH/HB Rewrite)
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Social Medias
You can find me over...
@xx16xOrionxx - Official Twitter
@CysLittleMini_ - Alt Account
Fangirlofsonic111 - Main
wallydarlingsmalewife - ALT [TRIGGERING CONTENT]
xoDuskerox - ALT
16xOrion - Main
PleasantSpark - Gacha Account
AshzieReads - Fanfiction Account
MammonGaming - AI Gameplay
YoutubersQuotesandClips - Clips Channel
BiblicallyInaccurate - Series Channel
RoseyPupWasTaken - Main
Starscreaming - Main
xoCaliPlayzxNolaxo - Main
cookiecrumbler9872 - ALT
PleasantSpark - Main
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allcheatscodes · 8 years
dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 wii
dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 wii
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 cheats & more for Wii (Wii)
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Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Wii cheats we have available for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
Check PlayStation 2 cheats for this game
Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Atari Games Publisher: Atari ESRB Rating: Teen Release Date: November 15, 2007
Where Are Dragonballs?
The Dragonballs are in buildings! All you gotta do is break them! On some levels, in dragon history, when you break something a little ball appears under the time. When that happens WIN! When you get all seven, a new option will appear on the main menu. Click it. Then that red dragon dude will come saying “I will grant you one wish. ” Some wishes are 50,000 yen, Belma, and different arenas. Good luck!
Defeat Monkeys Easily
To defeat the huge monkeys the saiyans can turn into, first attack them and knock them back. After that use your quick ki blast continuously(powering up while the monkey is down). Repeat until you win.
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BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73PTZJX V5@@r L)xZP DP
A Lot Of Cheats
Android #8 6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x? V7W8H 8z? Hl C4! R# M9 Android #13 099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S! s)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV Android #16 $jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJS8&F ( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V Android #17 % FYNtz @0#wD d2Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV Android #18 mkSFw +DPnr nx6qW! XGPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ? 6 -- Android #19 2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS DtpBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ Appule 8#8S+ )fq7f8D t+Yh ( z$QPS 1! Arale 0Qkc2 S#! NS # (y! $ C7Mp8*s 3jX1M 6XXn2 P$ Babidi DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jpq? @1Q @$90F 8Rd3x LV Baby Vegeta (&! ( B7886 WhYnn LvGLL$g xfLz$ t? R-l SL Bardock j0RHf * (YrP -j4ml #GxK (CT -3Kjc 3rh50 9Y Bojack 6cHZ7 WV)cY l+JC0 L&*ynTD wKZV% qG*Jp bV Broly 6*G? Q +0P? P (? 7LS Dj (lgv4 5m4! K 8$v (8 v? Burter q*qR8 1kghT Nh9kS! VNdMxP 4SG8T PNbfm j ( Cell 1yCbW 7rL#P nRcWP RvF5HYN X7sRf *BZ+4 1J Cell Jr. 9hVKP 5F&%Q? HmW2! Yc*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5 Chiaotzu &hz9M bm3%2 pF+8W 7@B)0BV p#YKv @0d9L 9* Chi-Chi VkQN ( q#z? K 0? QBK LqPC$W ( Rd7V2 w+Gj4 &S Cooler G3b9n fj? 54 tCn+r Z! ! V4kq SkvHc 5DPX? Wf Cui n*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %CSP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d Cyborg Tao C79%0 B0%+- Xn! 7n QHF$*pJ DSVt6 9hyzN jN Dabura hp? LT vycM- @1z? 3 @j*LWC9 6GBdC B9@$R F) Demon King Piccolo TR-0J 7f12k gf? FS z8 cPnCg mb Devilman BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73PTZJX V5@@r L)xZP DP Dodoria FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cbLnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3 Dr. Gero pBSZc! NP0V ZjD*N +bcmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx Dr. Wheelo )FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN wsQhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ Evil Buu lTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @nT5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+ Fasha csn-c 3)C5J r)z (f 4tfV? GQ W0T! Y VblDs #f Frieza K3vBF dcrSD nYz9r NRJLJS9 t4j4! Jr1z% 9k Frieza Soldier +66df LR8Qw 3HtY2 +2$HzFh l*G0r )j69) D3 Future Gohan zKtY@ 5dn#5 0%x6b VyVf (8c chX? FWq+k KQ Garlic Jr. Q*)Zq xs%&@ KgrjL mx1Vg0j 04Jg? #fW5x Mw General Blue v2+Xb Bll#B Kcn8J XNMs5f9 HqnP2 Rh? Zh x& General Tao 15%lM xxySd h (fd? $KgRzfc +CXy+ 0G)hW d2 Ginyu 19Myd mWdMK gB$HZ MS@Q#4q HVWJ- bCX! SsH Gohan 2kX? ) 8kJQk j9X0q KDb8RQ9 bq)Sv 8%V5Z? C Goku (early) S+2wR ffGkp F2R96 Y! cQ*x2 K! 0pC $NQXM $2 Goku (mid)? Pr8z jDfF% xJF3xd% BR0-W y4 Goku (end) bJGN) 1#&K5 *l! %$ mdc0gsW NLsfH $lCZR -q Goten zk*9! $6h81 P%B&t Sg@8MTZ (294n KD Grandpa Gohan ccgjm Q8DFD zlBdG JDFlrl0 XlvD4 cQ2H@ pw GT Goku TT5bz g1ky- Y-? Fv 3LH2X-g $yW! R #5B)q (? Guldo SGZQL @KBf9 PH5q0 Kx@VSX2 4&HKV ny! VM dF Hercule lH8c2 *7+5- #RT? # mBsVzl% n3FVn 4D290 S7 Hirudegarn ) s0jW5 TYvM8 )mrwc! H MynyB gdD)6 09 Janemba @-w*& 3)sWx q0$m5 #3R27nX 5mr8X *n9Qp -P Jeice 4S@%D -XbNF #f)DT sCCzkLX T+fFX K0yjM VL Kid Buu +kh8l? Pxt$ mbv+t *g$s? C2 XKYfx ZR&3J Z3 Kid Gohan 7MD-x vq3 (1 %#BkJ j*m@&c- MjZqB DT6D? Ns Kid Goku 6cm9Q y6cZd (mTS0 Y6+TBy2 hv#! L (q63b cg Kid Trunks S8k3j vFg0t WKWV! VL KPZyl C3? Yp Pm King Cold pJjP5 q6WlX 2sWgb Qz9*+Sr MhDtM n#KBt (- King Vegeta mSW4V? HfTv 8p! *5 z*S$YB ( -sNg# yGQ98 bX Krillin c7wQ@ jjR64 T&glr F2n$@%q 7! 0r9 Pnysg DC Majin Buu Kc0g7 zM8P& 03YnZ )-7%kGy K$)Q% fS0rX gY Majin Vegeta h5mQ7 94BKd lGZhW ndkRbC$ (y%pJ 7c4T% Wv Mecha Frieza jwF9w BN5n4 #**? JHD tbvJM psKDT lX Meta-Cooler lJwLy C! 64m x4*Rj *s! %Yk3? G#+# Xh-DX 2H Nail ZkcWC L$M%? *ScHN YCDn*v$ fFDhs d# (&M zd Nam rF1$R C (xfk 6l9Ld rnRhf%c (x$34 clfMM xH Nappa gT+30 PGJhF 8lv99 Zn (MZZm xgvTQ cG46K q8 Nuova Shenron @489V m4Nz% PrTpN zjpnG4D pq)4? *yzlN 4K Pan l)hWr 0#9mm! HPx) DbmXcMP J$lw7 snj7n z0 Piccolo (early) 14qnm F$+vV rjqVm NdvyBd$ 6jt6g bWt1w g$ Piccolo (end) $mkc- rBKgX c4j*q (NBl4l? S2%dB J1bjp nH Pikkon Z7rY8 FLX4P 1Z%gq Y78+2Nq Hk%Yq vc Pilaf Machine 0%fDD &x9kk xVZgC XJnrwps (+Tnx qTc (m w$ Raditz mJbsF 3-N)9 nsLDl (ZqbSg4 3Mt2* l? KK) Pl Recoome z5*0W &R (qD PQLF ( 4YC (D7L srl$G gD0%c? % Roshi jK#dd 3)p+q #L0wf! # 35Fg5 RdzsY DN Saibamen v9SKL &MbMb %)0SM ZB3nK&) L$6qq 83Kwk Pj Salza kQ6d$ @qZd% r&Bn# 6$6NRWW T5p5D y8Y (V Jb Slug G#65$ jd-Qk 9r5NL WxbPF2L XFjFL kpyp ( db Spopovich t ( 7W? Y ( )7RXd clKTBlH Sp&+B *mYg6 rF SSJ4 Vegeta 3Njf# Sn&W* WM+jy Wj+X-5+ CJH+4 Nby-3 0M Super 17 lcfhb RW93b s8yQ5Cz (LTQ$ KwL3C 9X Super Buu hlC-2 SGFTY r7HNR 2xCc! B$ Gs23& gt7sK 1C Supreme Kai $MS-n dzc$$ p#D8L 8b@J (87 4kV++ %fZb5 4v Syn Shenron 6&b+F 93)88 cpK6+ L$xj+v%! GrGW &p Tambourine YhSvT dSP4$ MdRl# X$kcBZ ( +KKnM vdMrZ KD Tapion ghcFh 6+6t1 SMG9T 8362#Y2 tXVNb )K5yy Hh Teen Gohan ZDK-V @c? V@ Cq (r7 z? GbhlF! -bt) g7q-? JM Tien gTRYn hpJgn G)9%6 7H&DyVf bbBYp 09hSf G7 Trunks knL? 2 w65wh T5 (PQ QVBsN$- cp? B6 7Wwf% Lf Trunks (sword) tpcBk kx (mW &NJ+? Xmwf9Nv z$M*7 8vM+2 -W Turles yt#P3 #rKW8 wJcB0 tYMqTqc? ! 4fF Dp$zr fg Ultimate Gohan 8Gr7v VgXT+ J&-f0 w40p1g1 Y (%K# GSpF4 bt Uub F#cnL 7zjGj jfP)g CDQQD$H 4M$F+ fkW$$ %k Vegeta H? Vy# q%H8w 6F (Wx H3DsW? C C3-NB Vegeta (Scouter) S0VVV lfNjB $&$ G5*tT0l H07K2 Gj$4g 2? Vegeta (second form) kMPL8 JCC1s 9n96M 7hHvTBh #zmX0 *+BQf 5N Videl $Y0Hr 7HH3b 3Pck% 51VyQjM 8f+c# cxFc1 wG Yajirobe Y%yL1 3JC%d d? W5+ hz42rnX t7SgF D-T4G Jl Yamcha gZk4T R5t7p ll&9P h9Pf)@p nTLPh ZQjV9 +# Zangya sx#J% 1mdcl 4r6W3 w0l7$V4 &XVH) hJ+jt Bs Zarbon -t5C8 r1rpj &Bj)? Fs (pWxS -*6rf 00C7j jr
GT Goku
TT5bz g1ky- Y-? Fv 3LH2X-g $yW! R #5B)q (?.
1yCbW 7rL#P nRcWP RvF5HYN X7sRf *BZ+4 1J
q*qR8 1kghT Nh9kS !vNdMxP 4SG8T PNbfm j(
6*G?q +0P?p (?7LS Dj(lgv4 5m4!k 8$v(8 v?
6cHZ7 WV)cY l+JC0 L&*ynTD wKZV% qG*Jp bV
j0RHf *(YrP -j4ml #GxK(CT -3Kjc 3rh50 9Y
DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jp @$90F 8Rd3x LV
0Qkc2 S#!nS #(y!$ C7Mp8*s 3jX1M 6XXn2 P$
Dr. Gero
pBSZc !nP0V ZjD*N +bcmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx
FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cbLnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3
Demon King Piccolo
TR-0J 7f12k gf?FS z8 cPnCg mb
hp?lT vycM- @1z?3 @j*LWC9 6GBdC B9@$R F)
n*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %CSP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d
G3b9n fj?54 tCn+r Z!!V4kq SkvHc 5DPX? Wf
VkQN( q#z?K 0?QBK LqPC$W( Rd7V2 w+Gj4 &S
&hz9M bm3%2 pF+8W 7@B)0BV p#YKv @0d9L 9*
Cell Jr.
9hVKP 5F&%Q ?HmW2 !yc*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5
Evil Buu
lTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @nT5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+
Dr. Wheelo
)FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN wsQhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ
Android #19
2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS DtpBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ
Android #18
mkSFw +DPnr nx6qW !xGPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ?6 —
Android #17
% FYNtz @0#wD d2Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV
Android #16
$jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJS8&F( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V
Android #13
099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S!s)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV
Android #8
6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x? V7W8H 8z?Hl C4!r# M9
Unlock Characters In Versus Mode
Have a saved game file from Dragon Ball Z: BudokaiTenkaichi 2 on your hard drive or memory card tounlock characters in Versus mode that you unlockedin Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
Survival Mode
Successfully complete thirty missions in 100Mission mode to unlock Survival mode.
Capital City Stage
Successfully complete Red Shenron’s Wish to unlockthe Capital City stage.
Desert Day Stage
Successfully complete Shenron’s Wish to unlock theDesert Day stage.
Desert Evening Stage
Win the Yamcha Game Level 2 to unlock the DesertEvening stage.
Desert Night Stage
Win the Cell Game Level 2 to unlock the DesertNight stage.
Janemba Hell Stage
Successfully complete the Dragon History SpecialSaga “Janemba” to unlock the Janemba Hell stage.
Mt. Paozu Stage
Successfully complete Shenron’s Wish to unlock theMt. Paozu stage.
Muscle Tower Stage
Successfully complete the Dragon History DragonBall Saga “Decisive Battle in Holy Place” tounlock the Muscle Tower stage.
Penguin Village Stage
Successfully complete Red Shenron’s Wish to unlockthe Penguin Village stage.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Unexpected Messiah” in Dragon History.
Android 08 (hatchan In Japanese Version)
Successfully complete the What If Saga”Affectionate Android” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Dream Match: Goku vs. Arale” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Majin BuuSaga “Farewell To The Proud Warrior” in DragonHistory.
Cyborg Tao-pai-pai
Win Level 2 in theOtherworld Tournament.
Successfully complete the What IfSaga “Unexpected Help” in Dragon History.
Dr. Wheelo
Successfully complete theSpecial Saga “Strongest In The World” in DragonHistory.
Fasha (seripa)
Win Level 3 in the Yamcha Game.
General Blue
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Penguin Village” in Dragon History.
Gohan (future)
Wish from Shenron.
Goku (gt)
Successfully complete the DragonBall GT Saga “Immortal Monster” in Dragon History.
Kid Chi-chi
Wish from Red Shenron.
King Cold
Win Level 3 in the Cell Game.
King Piccolo
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Goku Strikes Back” in DragonHistory.
King Vegeta
Successfully complete the WhatIf Saga “Galaxy Battle” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Frieza Saga”Super Saiyan!?” in Dragon History.
Successfully complete the Dragon BallSaga “Ceiling vs. Ground” in Dragon History.
Nuova Shenron
Successfully complete theDragon Ball GT Saga “Solar Warrior 6000 Degrees ofPower!” in Dragon History.
Pilaf Machine
Win Level 2 in the SuperWorld Tournament.
Win Level 3 in the World Tournament.
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta
Defeat Ultimate SuperGogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Super Saiyan 4 Goku
Defeat Ultimate Androidin Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta
Defeat Ultimate SuperGogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.
Successfully complete theDragon Ball Saga “Goku Strikes Back” in DragonHistory.
Combo Master Capsule
Successfully complete 50 of the 100 missions tounlock the Combo Master capsule.
Quick Charge Capsule
Successfully complete all 100 missions to unlockthe Quick Charge capsule.
I Give You A Romantic Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon History to unlock theI Give You A Romantic background music.
Super Suvivor (instrumental, Full) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, CellGame, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the SuperSuvivor (Instrumental, Full) background music.
Super Suvivor (instrumental, Short) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, WorldTournament, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock theSuper Suvivor (Instrumental, Short) background music.
Super Suvivor (vocal, Full) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour,Otherworld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory tounlock the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Full) backgroundmusic.
Super Suvivor (vocal, Short) Background Music
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, SuperWorld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlockthe Super Suvivor (Vocal, Short) background music.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Ginu Body Change Glitch!!!
Go to duel mode and select 1p v.s. COM and then select DP team battle. Then make sure to have Gohan on your team, and Captain Ginu on the team your fighting. Then when the battle starts, if Ginu does body change on Gohan he does not turn in to Gohan, he turns into Goku.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
0 notes
salzablade · 6 years
TBH im not the best artist but drawing his hair has always been rather easy for me?? it’s just so big and swishy!! then again i usually just pay other people to draw him for me
just remember his bangs go up before flipping back down!!
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flutterblues · 5 years
Tumblr media
Salza X Jeice
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exsqueeze-me · 4 years
Do you write for Salza?? Could I get a nsfw alphabet for him pretty please? If not, I’d really like to see one for Jeice. I’m a sucker for pretty bois, what can I say?
(I haven't seen too much of Salza, but I will absolutely look into our favorite french lad and get that nsfw alphabet out there! Until then, enjoy the Ginyu Force's Red Magma!)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Jeice will 100% get you anything you need and stay with you until you fall asleep, but I see him as pretty active after sex, so he'll probably leave to go train with the rest of the Ginyu Force.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his hair more than anything tbh. On his partner he is a whole tiddy man, but he absolutely respects ass.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He likes to see his cum pool on his partner's stomach and chest. No real reason, he just thinks it's hot.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I can see Jeice wanting to get pegged. But he would never be able to live it down if the rest of the Force found out.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Jeice is hella experienced. You've seen how cocky his is, right? Yea, there's a reason for that.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He probably likes cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. Deep down, he's a lazy little shit that likes you to do the work for him.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He's all for having a good laugh with you. He want's you both to enjoy this, whether it's just for one night or not.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps it hella clean down there. He might have a few off days but its usually kept in order. He likes it if you manage yours too.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
If you're not just a one night stand, he can get really romantic with you. He might not break out the candles and the jazz, but he'll make sure you know that this is all for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does, but it's not a very common occurrence. He usually only has to when he's away with the Ginyu Force for a long mission. (Why do I feel like they have designated jack off time on missions lol)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He likes a bit of body worship every here and there. On both you and him. He likes the praise and he likes you to feel good about yourself.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere the Ginyu Force won't find him. They know exacty what he's doing, but would find some way to tease him for it if they ever actually caught him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Bro, whisper something nasty in his ear while he's around the rest of the Force. Do it, trust me. He'll turn a million shades redder and drag you somewhere private for some alone time.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Don't mention anything about your personal lives to the rest of the Force. He will probably ignore you for a good few weeks if you do.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves getting the Good Succ™️. He will 100% go down on you, but he prefers to receive.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He's somewhere in the middle, honestly. Like, he may have a few hella rough nights or some nice, soft nights, but usually its just right.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's down to clown. But please don't let the poor boy get caught. He would never live it down.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He surprisingly isn't a very risky guy. He may experiment with you a little, but he mostly knows what he likes.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for a good two, three rounds before he's out for the count.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He doesn't have any himself, but appreciates it if you do. He can't be there all the time being apart of the Ginyu Force, so he likes knowing you can take care of yourself while he's gone.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He could tease you all night if you let him. He would probably be into it if you tied him down just to tease him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's kinda loud, like he won't hide his moans, but whoever is on the other side of the door can't hear unless they're listening in. He would prefer for you to be the same, but understands that it's hard to help sometimes.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Lord Frieza once walked in on him and some poor girl getting nasty. Jeice was mortified but Freiza just blinked and walked out. Neither of them have ever mentioned it and Jeice hopes they never do.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's about average. 5.5, 6. But he's quick to remind you that 'it's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean, love'.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always down to clown. Like I said, just whisper in his ear and he's there. Whisper how good he looks, the things he could be doing to you right now, directions to Spacey's. That sort of thing.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He's pretty active after sex, but will lay with you until you fall asleep.
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