#jennie tarot reading
theninthdoor · 2 years
blackpink || pre-debut personalities & group dynamic; tarot reading
hello, friends! today we're gonna look into BLACKPINK's pre-debut personalities, as well as their dynamic prior their official debut as a group. hope you enjoy it ♡
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✦ Pre-debut Personalities:
⭒ Jisoo: cards: wheel of fortune, three of cups, six of pentacles
Jisoo's adaptability and willingness to dip her toes in any pond, made her hard to pin down artistically. She was a wild card, with a big personality, bright and easy going, happy to just be able to experiment and see what she was capable of doing in all areas available to her. However, this might've led her to lack stability and solid goals, and even from the company's side of the matter, at that point, they might've not been sure where to really go with her. On a more positive note, she was always willing to listen and learn, and cooperate with others. Even with other trainees, she was very generous with her time and resources, helping them however she could. Everybody knew they could count on her, and she'd show up and do her part. Socially, she also seems to have been a very fun and friendly person. She was chatty, charismatic and affectionate, keeping everyone's spirits up, even when things weren't easy. Unlike Rosé, whose companiable nature was more due to the shared goals and passions they had, and the prospects of building a great future together, Jisoo moreso just wanted to make new friends and have a good time. She wanted people to feel included and supported, even when all was so uncertain and many would not be able make it to the debut stage. In the end, and as she understood, by cheering people up and keeping things active and positive, everybody stayed motivated and, due to that, creativity and confidence came much more naturally to all.
⭒ Jennie: cards: seven of wands, high priestess, eight of pentacles
Pre-debut Jennie was the type of person who'd rather not give away too much of herself and reveal all of her tricks all at once. Instead, she kept her ears open and tried to gain as much knowledge as possible about the industry and the people around her. This way, she'd then be able to proceed with clarity and determine which paths were the best for her to take. By staying cool, calm and collected, she kept everything under control. This could've also been due to the fact that she understood no one's position was fully secure until the very day of their debut, and so she tried her hardest to cement her place on the team. She was very determined to make it to that debut stage but, in order for that to happen, Jennie knew that she had to defend her position with all she had and fight off the competition. With that in mind, she kept on practicing and actively trying to perfect her skills. At this point, she did it with a lot of passion and enthusiasm, as she truly wanted to become better and better with each and every day. Jennie might've also seeked some advice from people around her and then taken their words into account by fixing any mistakes they might've pointed out. All in all, she was extremely focused on her work and really put her back into becoming the best artist she could, so she would be able to stand her ground until the very end of her trainee period and, after that, make it into BLACKPINK.
⭒ Rosé: cards: high priestess, four of wands, eight of pentacles reversed (nine of swords)
At some point, after working so hard and not getting the results she was hoping for, Rosé might have started to become very frustrated. Due to her fear of failure, she kept on working hard as a trainee, but obsessively, thinking it just was never good enough or that she wasn't good enough. Her productivity, along with her confidence and enthusiasm, could have declined a lot during those harder periods, as she would then become very anxious and overthink everything people said about her and her skills. However, during that time she could have found solace in other trainee's company. She felt truly happy to have found her place and her people, and that made her very keen on building a strong foundation, where beautiful creations and relationships could flourish. Rosé enjoyed seeing people connect over their shared passions and goals, and that community really felt like a safe place for her to be, even in the midst of all of the uncertainty and worry of her trainee days. Like Jennie, though, she kept a lot of herself hidden. She would much rather listen than talk, and, that way, gather the necessary information she needed in order to understand the way things really worked in the industry. She was smart and calculated, and kept her guard up, as she knew nothing was ever as simple as it seemed, and saying the wrong thing to the wrong people or being too vulnerable too soon could hinder her progress.
⭒ Lisa: cards: page of swords, lovers (judgement), seven of pentacles
Lisa's trainee days were filled with lots of learning and planning. She worked hard at gaining knowledge about the culture, the people around her and the industry she was about to enter, by listening to others and taking in as much information as she could. She saw all of her efforts as investment for the future, so she stayed patient and open minded. She asked questions, explored the land, studied hard and stayed enthusiastic about anything new that was presented to her. Also, perhaps due to her being the only fully non-korean, and coming from a much different background in comparison to the other trainees, the ways she thought and expressed herself might've differed from them. Due to that, it always felt like she had something new to bring to the table and kept others on their toes. In that sense, Lisa didn't just learn, but she also taught others, and kept herself intellectually active. It also feels like Lisa relied heavily on some connections she had, or she made for the establishment of connections that she knew would help her in the present and in the futture. Out of all of the girls, she was the one who was the most focused on the long-term of her career, and so her choices reflected that. Every choice she made was purposeful and, even if it felt like it wasn't completely true to her in the moment, she saw it as an opportunity that might lead her to something even greater far into the future.
✦ Pre-debut Group Dynamic: cards: three of pentacles, empress, wheel of fortune, page of swords
The girls had quite a healthy and passionate dynamic going on pre-debut. It feels like not only did they work hard at perfecting their own skills, but they also enjoyed learning about everyone else's skills. The end goal was to find a way to make it all work together and find a system that allowed everybody to show off the best sides of themselves. They shared lots of ideas and supported each other, and tried to keep creativity flowing at all times. Additionally, from the moment they became a team, I sense that they became a very strong and nurturing unit. They truly cared for each other and tried to build an environment where everybody felt safe and cared for. As trainees they had gone through many ups and downs and, in the end, they just felt very lucky to have been able to gain a place in the debut team. With that in mind, they knew things would still keep on changing and the future was uncertain, but, nontheless, they felt very enthusiastic and positive about it. While going into such a every-changing and unpreditctable industry, the girls relied on each other to find their way through the confusion of their debut. They kept their minds open, learnt as much as they could, and tried to not just find their place as BLACKPINK, but also gather bits and pieces that would allow them to find their own individual places as artists. In that regard, due to the lack of certainty about their careers, and even lack of stability in their own selves, bickering and clash of ideas and ways of thinking might've also been present. However, all of that was minor, and their willingness to build a fruitful and abundant career as a group kept them in a good place and allowed them to overcome their differences and arrive at a shared position of care and understanding.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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divinesangel · 2 years
How is jennie's energy?
— 𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐲
she seems to be the type of person who knows how to look at things and what to take from them. she has been going through a lot of changes in her career and personal life, but it has helped her see things differently or maybe notice something she wasn't noticing or paying attention to before. she feels quite proud and happy about the tour and the success they have been having, so she's mostly just enjoying the moment.
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chaeshitty · 2 years
disclaimer: this is just my personal observation and i'm not saying your name will be 100% connected to your rising sign, so take this with grain of salt!
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being honest I don't know any aries risings personally. this will be based on celebrities, i'm sorry fellow aries risings :/. these folks usually have long names, or names with heavy pronunciation, lots of SHs and Rs. since they represent a ram they are not necessarily connected to fire. some of the meanings those names could have: spring, flowers, dragon, courage, dancing, art, warrior, fire, persistence, strength, boldness, tower, iron. those names could be of mongolian, latin, greek (spartan) and arabic origins. you could be even named after great warriors, comadants, rulers (napoleon, katherine the great). names i've noticed amongst these folks: shakira, timur, sheyla, seulgi, batzorig.
their names are a great combo with their last name most of the time (tina turner, marilyn monroe). they are not long, but not short, they are usually not even hard to pronounce and are very easy to remember, that helps them become really well known. names could carry those meanings: sun, shine, bright, lion, king/queen, gold, passionate, vivacious, royal, theatrical, spotlight, warm, strict, righteous leader. they could've got their names from royalty and they could be of any origin but usually french or british. the names i noticed among leo rising folks: leila, danin, margot, basile, soleil, elin, jin.
like the name of their zodiac rising their personal names could be long as well, or just funny to pronounce even tho they are short. (cheryl cole). however those names are unusual and are very unique. i didn't notice a certain pattern in word or letter play in their names, it connects to the witness and originality of sags. their full names could end sentences or make slangs (summer dawn, fa hua and other examples in other languages). they tend to have lots of nicknames. possible meanings: arrow, funny, smart, curious, hot, healer, princess/prince, chiron. names i've noticed: anne, tequila, summer, višnja, dunja, persephone, diana, dahyun.
I hope it resonates and I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave notes ♡
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Short PAC : What would BLACKPINK members think of you?
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remember to take a deep breath, and think about which pile you feel most connected to before you pick a pile to read!
Pile 1 : YG Studio
Pile 2 : PINKCHELLA 2019
Pile 3 :Comeback group photo
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Pile 1 : YG Studio
Overall energy : QoW rx, The Hierophant & KoW rx
All the members see you as an introvert and they see you as a person who is really self confident and you’re not easily swayed by other people’s opinions of you!
Lisa : 3oW rx
She sees you as someone who is currently frustrated and disappointed with the delays happening in your life. If she could give you tips, she would want you to plan more carefully, in order to avoid disappointments, you must start off with smaller tasks to also avoid overworking yourself.
Jennie : The Empress
She sees you as very feminine and beautiful! Jennie also thinks you have perfect fashion sense, you know how to perfectly dress for your body type and tones. Sees you as a caring person, who’s always there for a shoulder to cry on!
Rosè : AoP
Rosie sees you as a business oriented person, she sees you becoming very financially abundant down the line. She sees you as someone who radiates positive energy, despite your possible introvertness!
Jisoo : 4oS
Jisoo sees you as an introvert lol! She thinks you live a very moderate lifestyle. She thinks you like to avoid social situations because it possibly drains a lot of your energy at times.
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Pile 2 : PINKCHELLA 2019
Overall energy : KnoP, 10oW & 5oP
All the members see you as someone who is patient and has a stern personality. They think you are dedicated to whatever interests, jobs and even hobbies you have. The members believe you have a traditional approach to life.
Lisa : The Magician
Lisa views you as a very strategic person, you give off “started from the bottom, now we hear” vibes to Lisa. She views you as being really successful, and that you’re also a complete pro at manifesting your life. Lisa truly respects you!👏🏽
Jennie : The Tower rx
Jennie sees you as very careless person? She sees you as the type of person who would stir up some drama and gossip at work/school. She thinks you’re quite selfish, and only care for yourself only. Jennie also thinks you can be quite unpredictable with your approach to things in real life.
Rosè : The Chariot
Rosie sees you as a persistent person, and that you will literally do anything in your power to achieve your goals and no one can even attempt to distract you. She might also see you as someone who doesn’t want to be played with, you may have a short temper and it kinda scares her lol! So she’ll probably avoid triggering you.
Jisoo : PoS rx
Jisoo sees you as a person who’s constantly working, nonstop. She thinks you’re a very curious person, who’s always looking for an answer for everything and anything. Jisoo sees you as a good communicator as well whilst being an ambrivert. She’s also really fascinated by your articulation and she also respects you for that!👏🏽
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Pile 3 : Comeback group photo
Overall energy : 7oP rx, 7oC rx and 6oW rx
All the members see you as being lost. In their eyes you seem to be very scattered. They see that you have various options, but you’re unaware of which on is best for you, if they would give you a tip, they’d want you to pick an option that will sustain your lifestyle for long term. See you as shy as well and you don’t enjoy being the center of attention!
Lisa : PoS rx
Lisa thinks you’re really secretive and don’t like voicing your opinions. She views you as a know it all, but she really doesn’t believe everything you say but her tip from her to you, is for YOU! Pile 3 to stop fearing for no reason, and speak your mind!
Jennie : 10oP + 5oC (hiding behind 10oP)
Jennie thinks you value your family and friends. Despite all the issues with you being lost, if and when you become successful she sees you as someone who is really financially abundant. She also thinks you’re pessimistic, and only talk about your issues and struggles. Jennie thinks you can’t let go of the past AT ALL!!
Rosè : 9oS
Rosie sees you as someone who worries A LOTT! She thinks you’re too harsh on yourself and you constantly downplay your positive traits and accomplishments, while trying to affect yourself more with more harsh words and discouragement to achieve certain things in life.
Jisoo : KoC rx
Jisoo sees you as really emotional, she assumes you may have some mental health issues. Jisoo sees that you repress many of your emotions. She also thinks you have a vindictive personality and are also a bit of an emotional manipulator. If she could give you a tip, she would want you to attend therapy, read more books about mental health and emotions.
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Thank you for reading!📦
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shinystarfishmoon · 1 year
letter to you by your heigher self
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Hi everyone welcome back to my new pac💗
I initially thought of making this about your grey side but thought my reading lately were getting too much into improving yourself and grey side.. I mean what about self love?so here We are ☺️
Also I am posting this pac Just 2 days before my College stats.. so it will take a while for other pac to come 😶‍🌫️
You can choose from the above animation of Jennie left to right . Take deep breaths and choose the plie.. ✨✨
if you like this reading follow and reblog for more such reading 💗
Non of this animation are mine . I found them on printrest
Plie 1
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Welcome to your reading plie no 1 🐥
Cards: queen of coins, the fool, 5 of cups, 8of wands ,king of Wands , the world ,4 of cups
Letter 💌
Hi sweetheart
I am your heigher self talking to you,.. I have so much to say but will start with compliments that I want to give you ... My dear your are such a good leader, it's admirable how you are really good at not only seeing how things benefits you but also considering about how they can benefit others . Your Practical approach towards the goals you have for future is admirable. But you need to understand that working is not only way that you are gonna grow sometimes you need to be having fun and enjoying your life because we may think that is not the last time that we are going to have fun or we there will be another times that we could have fun but I think that you need to start to live in the present I love that your working for your future but honey you need need to go out and need to have fun you need to be like a fool who loves life and is adventurous don't let don't play let the curiosity of a child that you have inside your heart die. You have came so far and when you look behind you will see that you have given given up so much for the things and the goals that you have for yourself at the end of the day you are making it work out but you need to know that balance is the key for healthy life and you may sometimes feel trapped because of the the overload of the work that you are doing I know you love work and you are practical about it but you need to go out and have fun touch some grass, and not always be on the laptop working . Do not feel that you are onworthy of all the things are the blessings coming your way because you have done the work you are doing the work and you are putting the effort that it needs to manifest your dreams and they are going to come true.. you need to exercise or at least to yoga or stretch your body wake up early because the bad habits of staying up all night and and not doing exercise are not good for yourself in your health so drop that bad habits girlll . Love yourself have self-care days . 💌💗
Messages: You are always loved and supported
Thats all that I have for you plie 1💗
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Welcome to plie 2😺
Cards: judgment, chalices, the express, the hanged man (in reversed) 2 of coins king of wands, strength
Letters 💌
Hello there.. you have come so far facing all the hurdles on your way and you are still afraid what are you afraid about? The thing in the past happened with you they were not something small you went through that and you still fine . What makes you think that the obstacles in future will terrify you or you are not going to make through them ? You need to love yourself to find someone who truly loves you it's not only about romantic relationships that you will be having in the future but it's also about the friendship that you are going to make , if you are not loving yourself enough you are not secure enough in yourself that will project in you manifesting people who are insecure and in you manifesting the same experience that you did in the past. You need to heal yourself and fill up your own Cup before you even start to look for love or friendship in others you need to be your friend and your lover first to find that in another people .Its not just about being loved but it's also about being able to love yourself. You need to be kind to yourself you need to say good things about yourself you need to say the things that you want to hear from your love from your friends why do you need other people to compliment you you can compliment yourself it's not crazy many people do compliment themselves and its not crazy you are not crazy!!. You are scared of changes but you still know that changes are important for you you know that changes are important for you and your still afraid of them your afraid of change is because you don't know what it brings with them you don't you are afraid of the unknown you don't have to be afraid of the changes girl it can be very beautiful why always think about the worst . focus on the good things that can happen with changes. You need to balance your life you need to find balance between being extra giving and saving it for yourself saving doesn't mean that you are being greedy doesn't mean that you are selfish no. Think about yourself before you think about others it's fine it's not selfish you this is you just balancing your life because you are a person who will think about others before you think about yourself and I really want you to think about yourself first . I want you to put yourself first and . All this will require a lot of strength and courage and I know that you have that in yourself I know you can do this I know you have that courage and strength to handle changes . Change is not always bad.
You are worthy or being loved, love yourself first, balance,change is good,
Thats all I have for you plie 2
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Hello plie 3
Cards: king of swords, queen of swords,9 of cups, Queen of wands, the emperor, 4 of swords , Queen of cups
Hi There ...so much I want to say to you right now lets get to the most imp thing first.. Stop letting people walk all over you !!!! Stand up for yoursel . if people think that it is rude of you to stand up for yourself let them think that you are rude but you need to stand up for yourself and not let people that are rude that are hurting you emotionally get away with that you need to be bluntly honest and if it's hurting someone's feelings that is none of your business they should not be rude to you when you are being so kind to them speak for yourself . You have work so hard and achieved many of you goals and you should be celebrating do not let people who are not kind to you ruin your celebrations because you have works so hard for all that you have achieved do not let them walk all over you because you deserve to be appreciated and you deserve to be successful. Successful Peoples speak up for themselves stand for themselves and do not take anybody is crap . You are really creative person who has lot of ideas and lot of things that they want to do in their life but for you to even start something you need to stand up for yourself you need to speak for yourself because without that you cannot even interact with people. In future you are going to be at many leadership roles and that's why you need this quality to make your life easier it's always nights to be a little bit rude when you are bluntly honest then to lie and be nice. We get aware of the things and the people around p around you because not all people are nice summer bluntly manipulative and not nice rude you need to have the ability to see through people's intention. And the last thing that I want to tell you is that you are doing so much and its working for you attend of they everything will be worth it but you also need to rest yourself heel yourself and do some kinds of like activities that help you dress or therapy to you it can be anything just get back into your hobbies rest for a while rest is very important. ✨💌
Speak up.! Be honest
That's all that I have for you plie 3 💗
Thank you so much for reading 🐥🐥
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icanseethefuture333 · 9 months
so taehyung and jennie broke up... whats the reason 🥲👀 thank you desi!
V & Jennie's rumored break up
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V and Jennie were always arguing in their relationship and were unable to resolve any of their conflicts, there was always one issue after another. I feel like Taehyung was very angry with Jennie at some point and felt "Why am I with you if you're always out with someone else?". V could have felt he was being ghosted or she never had time for him anymore. Their personalities are different. V enjoys spending time with close friends and hanging out in spaces like a private bar, café, etc. While Jennie enjoys more exciting and fun places like clubs, parties, etc. I believe he felt Jennie was not loyal and prioritized having fun with her friends or even people she found attractive. He could have even thought she was cheating on him with someone. I believe Jennie saw V as a cover up and a way to improve her image in some way. She admires V, but she does not take him seriously as a romantic partner. Jennie could have gotten bored with him and found him a bit controlling. "He acts like he's my dad, I don't need to ask for his permission to go hang out or party with my friends. I also think he was being jealous, but I actually liked it when he reacted that way, so sometimes I would purposely dare him because I found it entertaining / sexy." I think Jennie was... toxic in some ways, but V himself as well? Jennie would purposely trigger V because she thought he was attractive when angry, while V wanted Jennie to be more of a modest girl who chills with him at home, when she's not like that. They are just not compatible. I believe Jennie is in love with someone else as well, so V is most likely correct about her cheating and is the reason they broke up. "I'm fed up with trying to make things work with someone who obviously does not want me or wishes to try. I know my worth and Jennie is a beautiful girl, but calling this a "relationship" is a joke." I feel like V had more romantic feelings than Jennie, while Jennie was physically and sexually attracted to him, she could be regretting her actions though and missing him. I feel now that things are over Jennie is realizing what romantic feelings she has for him now. They will both eventually move on and find both romantic partners who are more suitable for them.
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yyouzip · 9 months
im genuinely curious what're blackpink jennie and le sserafim huh yunjin's impression of each other- ofc they haven't met but what do they think of each other? (it girls 💗)
𐙚˙✧˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。 ˚ What are Jennie Kim and Huh Yunjins impressions of eachother?
-- remember, tarot is just for fun and depends on the energy at the time of the reading.
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how does Jennie see Yunjin/what is her impression of her?
... - the chariot, the hierophant, 4oW rx
Jennie thinks Yunjin is someone who is smart, hardworking, honest, a great idol, and kind person overall. with 4oW rx she thinks shes a bit awkward and maybe shy? but overall a great speaker and extremely hard worker who is no doubt going to achieve her goals and more.
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how does Yunjin see Jennie/what is her impression of her?
... - the tower, 9oP, 3oS rx
To Yunjin, Jennies life, company, and career seem overwhelming and stressful. she thinks jennie has been through a lotttt and is impressed by her ability to move on and put the pain behind her to live her own life. she thinks jennie is an icon and has truly made a name for herself globally. Jennie is, in many ways, a big role model to Yunjin. she thinks jennie has achieved so much during her career and worked extremely hard (especially with the amount of hate and stress she has, so that makes it all the more impressive!) she thinks jennie is like, a total girlboss and icon !!!!! shsdhdjhfhsdhj. i also get the vibe that she sees her in the way that fans see their idols if that makes sense? like even though yunjin herself is a celebrity, she sees jennie has a celeb and would no doubt fangirl in her presence!
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Hope you enjoyed !
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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what were sam levinson's intentions with the idol?
it's definitely something very personal to him. it's his own selfish fantasy. on set or during the writing process, he was likely very difficult, stubborn and particular with everything. he also wants this to be big, he wants to outdo his previous projects and to even almost sabotage his competitors within the industry, so he's made an effort go above and beyond. he had a particular focus on the women in the show, making sure they could give want he wanted to the best of their ability (he wanted them to appear young, dumb, and wild). there's also a kinky element he was particularly fascinated with. it seems it involves little play or ddlg, or it could just be that he wanted to really show off how petite lily rose depp is. there is an emphasis again that he really wanted the project to be his ideas.
what were the weeknd's intention's with the idol?
so for the weeknd it seems he had been interested in making a tv show or movie for a while, he's probably had this somewhat planned for years. for him, this is fulfilling a dream (another achievement he can add to his career). he also feels this is brave of him, he wanted to really challenge himself and make something regardless of how people may criticise it. he wanted to prove to himself he could do something unrestrained and new. you know the sort of vibe of if you want to write a vulnerable poem but you keep watering it down and editing it because you get embarrassed, you don't want people to judge your writing or what it's about - he was pushing himself to do the exact opposite of that. he wanted it to be something people look back on and see it as timeless. however, it seems as it was finally being put into production it leaned away from this vulnerability a bit and became something different. he is hoping for a lot of social media success, he hopes to see a lot of people talking about it (he wants it to be a success amongst gen z to the extent that it sparks trends).
what does sam levinson think of the idol's outcome (how the show turned out)?
he thinks it's turned out well. he thinks he basically achieved his goal at this point. he hired attractive people, he got his way most of the time and he feels it's going to be successful. he is proud of how different he thinks it is. he feels the show has "everything". however, he sees a lot of problems with it too due to his critical nature. his feelings so far are a bit mixed and will become more settled once he sees the public's reaction.
what does lily rose depp think of the idol?
she's pretty apprehensive about it, she's worried about the reaction to it and she thinks she signed up for more than she bargained for (or than she initially wanted). she doesn't know if she should regret being in this show or not. she also feels she sacrificed a lot for this show and wishes she wasn't bossed around as easily as she was. she might have been high on set often, or is now too, and it helps her feel more chilled out about it. as for the story itself, she really isn't happy with it and thinks it's too much but she likes that she's the main character for something and likes how she looks aesthetically.
what does jennie think of the idol?
she thinks it's risky, rebellious and will get a lot of people talking. she thinks the show will be trendy and popular. she thinks the show is pretty exploitative. she believes men involved in the show "won" this one. she doesn't know if she necessarily would have joined this project if it weren’t for running the risk of ruining her connections, but she is happy her connections and relationships have remained positive (it was one of those things where you said yes and even if you wanted to contemplate backing away you just couldn't, so there’s no point even dwelling on it). she also believes her image is pretty protected and the show doesn't make her look bad. she thinks overall this was a good opportunity for her.
what does lily rose depp think of sam levinson?
she thinks sam levinson had a fixation on her and expected a lot from her. he bothered her a lot, he was obsessive in a way, constantly talking to her and asking her questions but she thought he was also "sweet" (but it’s also the vibe where a guy is being nice to you because you know he wants to sleep with you). she finds him to be persistent and hardworking but overbearing and smothering. she knew it was important to him for this project to outdo himself and his competitors, so in this sense she sees him as pretty greedy but also ambitious in a clever way. she thinks he is manipulative and guilt trips people to make them more reliant on him.
what does jennie think of sam levinson?
she thinks he's a very fake person, being unable to grasp his real personality has caused her to not really have much of an opinion of him. she wants to be careful around him and they're casually polite with each other. she doesn't know him that well but thinks he has a lot of ideas. she worries he my have a temper.
what should audiences expect from the idol?
pandering to men (both from the show in general and the storyline).
women being mean to each other, pushing each other down and competing with each other (catfighting, pick-me behaviour or women demeaning each other etc.)
a very messy story where the characters experience a lot of highs and lows.
really mean and even abusive behaviour - everyone is always hurting each other and breaking each other's trust.
exploitation of young people (not just sexually but seeing them really hurt and wounded overall).
lots of sex and sexual scenes (especially from women).
the story might also go off the rails a little bit or end in a confusing way - there's this sense of even though we don't know sam levinson's personal fantasies, you somehow watch it and can tell it's his fantasy and that it took precedence over the story itself at times.
scenes with questionable ethics and laws being broken (e.g. drug use).
a trendy aesthetic.
a witty dialogue with some quotable lines (even if used as memes).
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403tarot · 1 year
Can you do a reading on who's dating in bts?
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DISCLAIMERS: this is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game. it shouldn't be used to take serious decisions or anything in this aspect. take everything with a grain of salt.
* with "dating" i mean a serious relationship. notice that a lot of them might be having affairs.
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⊹ namjoon
yes. seems like this relationship is almost 1 year old. not in a good moment maybe someone is feeling like their feelings are being despised.
⊹ seokjin
yes. it's a 3~6 month relationship. apparently happy but maybe they don't see each other much (?) or are frequently distant
⊹ yoongi
no and he's not looking for it, very focused in other things. maybe a bit discredited of love. bad past experiences.
⊹ hoseok
no lol his cards as funny as hell. he's in a free spirit mood. he only would start a relationship with someone if he feels a deep and strong connection with them.
⊹ jimin
no! he's happy and enjoying his life the way it is now. doesn't want strings attached. 'lets party' vibe.
⊹ taehyung
he's not in a relationship right now. as some of you may know, I believe that taehyung was in a relationship with jennie (blackpink). however, I asked three times if he was in a relationship and the answer was negative. I decided to investigate a little about their relationship and apparently they have broken up. or they might be taking a break. the energy is one of reflection, a lot of instability, mixed feelings and the need for space. i'll respect that.
⊹ jungkook
no. it seems like it's going to take some time for him to get involved in a relationship. he might even be avoiding it. maybe jungkook has a specific type of partner in mind and for now he doesn't want anyone that isn't exactly what he's seeking.
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deck used: rider waite-smith
method used: yes - soon - later - no, with the wheel of fortune.
you can give suggestions or request personal readings/with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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k-tarotz · 2 hours
will a girl group ever surpass blackpink in the future?
this is so interesting,,, don’t kill me if the cards will say yes
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Will a k-pop GG ever surpass blackpink?
ᡣ𐭩 queen of wands rev, ten of cups rev, four of cups rev
in terms of talent and popularity in the kpop community, yes, they will. however in terms of their solo career and personal achievements and life they won’t. such as the brands they represent, the people they date and the impact they will have on the world rather than a community itself.
so like, in the musical industry they will be surpassed but outside of that no, not really.
for example jisoo is the face for a jewellery brand that even rich people don’t know of, but billionaires do. the one that created jewelleries for the queen when she was alive. so while the girl group might surpass them in terms of charts they will never be able to achieve something like this simply because they don’t have enough charisma or the connections necessary for it.
though, what the cards show here is that a lot of blinks and the ggs fans will argue wether that is true or not without realising the girls just have different sort of strengths.
one group is better off in their solo activities, while the other is only successful as a group.
the energy of the group is very fresh and young so tbh I don’t think they debuted yet. will soon do tho.
don’t kill me for this tho I am just reading the cards.
- Candy
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eternalterror · 7 months
Can you do reading on who is Most likely to cheat in blackpink to least likely to cheat?
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Most likely
Jennie - “Accidental” cheater, impulsive and “lets go” easily or be controlled by urges, I think there may also be a chance she may engage in same-sex physical or sexual activity and doesn’t view this as cheating. A large sense of thoughtlessness is present here.
Rosé - Doesn’t cheat, but may have a tendency to get cheated on. Tends to get blindsided. At most, I can see her cheating back.
Lisa - Practical and sincere. I don’t think she would find herself in a relationship or a situation where she ever wants to cheat anyway. I also think she’s too focused on the long term and finding someone to build a family and empire with. No time for cheating.
Jisoo - Very trustworthy in relationships, but there’s a vibe that she babies her partners. She’s like a mother in relationships.
Least likely
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theninthdoor · 2 years
jennie || on & off camera personality; tarot reading
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✦ On Camera Personality:
cards: ten of cups, strength, hierophant (three of cups)
On camera, Jennie tries to come off as wholesome and put-together as possible, as she's extremely aware of her position and the responsibilities and expectations associated with it. This image, though, is almost too perfect; it's heavily idealized. She's trying to keep up a front that is flawless; the appearance of someone who has reached peak happiness in life. However, this is due to her wanting to avoid looking ungrateful or to give people more ammunition against her. At this point, she knows more or less what people like, and what will keep them from turning on her, so that's what she resorts to. It is very hard for her to get a foot out of the square she has drawn around her, which leads to her looking a little too restrained and unresponsive at times, but it keeps her safe - both idol Jennie and "real life" Jennie. At last, as much as she lacks vulnerability and raw emotion when she's on camera, she serves as a very good pillar of strength and as a stabilizer when everything/everyone else is disordely or overly emotional. Specially when she is around the other Blackpink members, she can provide some balance to make sure it all runs smoothly even when all of the members are pulling the rope in different directions.
✦ Off Camera Personality:
cards: ten of swords (moon reversed, ace of swords), king of pentacles, justice
When she's off camera, her exhaustion, anxiety and fears come all crashing down on her. Because she doesn't have to pretend to be perfect and happy any longer, she lets all of her walls down and surrenders herself completely to the negativity that she was forced to push away while on camera. Unlike Rosé (as we saw here), who is constantly going over these things whenever she's going about her normal life, Jennie might just let it all out in one big cry and move on. Truly, she just seeks to find clarity and peace of mind, so facing the dark side of her mind and heart is necessary for her in those particular moments. At the same, though, we can see that off camera Jennie is extremely dependable, stable and disciplined. She takes her commitments very seriously, both personally and in regards to her career. Plus, building long-term financial security is a very big focus for her, so she might spend a lot of her time creating connections and learning about new business opportunities that could help her achieve that goal. It might even surprise some people to see how much more serious and logical Jennie is in real life, compared to the image she puts out when she's on camera. She's a no-nonsense person, honest and fair; she has no problem letting her truths out, and neither is she easily manipulated by others.
✦ What off camera personality traits would she like to show on camera?
cards: four of pentacles, chariot, two of wands
I don't think Jennie has a lot more that she wants to show on camera, to be completely honest. She's pretty satisfied with the control that she has due to her image, and how it allows her to keep certain things private and away from public scrutiny. If anything, she'd just like to show more of her ambitious, disciplined and driven side - perhaps behind the scenes things, when she's making deals and leading a team in a creative project. Additionally, it feels like she'd enjoy if people showed more recognition for her vision and creativity, as well as for her potential outside of just being an idol. However, in that sense, she might actually be looking into finding ways to show that off in the future. It could be through a number of very diversified projects, or even through personal content (on her youtube channel, for example).
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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divinesangel · 28 days
I’m sorry if this has been asked already, but will jennie really release her album this year? if yes, do you think it will be next month? thank youuuuu <3
you have no idea how many times i’ve asked this question because of my own impatience. and every single time, there’s such a strange energy surrounding it. the thing is, jennie really wants to announce the album this year. it’s something she deeply desires, eager to release it as soon as possible since she knows it’s something many fans have been waiting for. it’s also something she’s been eagerly anticipating. the idea makes her incredibly happy, and she wants to share her talents and everything she has with the world right now. it would be a significant accomplishment and a great source of satisfaction for her.
however, there are still many things she’s contemplating, which is why there’s a sense of conflict that appears every time i do a reading on her. it seems there’s something about this project that she’s not entirely sure about. whether it’s related to the songs, the message she wants to convey, the timing, or any potential legal issues with releasing the album, there are definitely some delays she’s facing. but she remains determined to overcome these hurdles as quickly as possible.
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chaeshitty · 2 years
disclaimer: this is just my personal observation and i'm not saying your name will be 100% connected to your rising sign, so take this with grain of salt!
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cancer rising tend to have softer names that are easy to pronounce. most of those names could contain the letter h. their names could be of japanese and arabic origin and often more than not they are connected to some kind of ancient mythology. usually those are religious and meaningful names. they could even be significant to the givers. those names usually represent kind, soft, cunning, easy to cry people, also the obvious one they could mean: moon. shiny, bright, water, moonflower, god's child, child, hidden also could be some of the meanings. some of the names i noticed among the cancer risings: lamis, hana, matea, luna, olga, jennie, aidin, daiki, mylène
these folks tend to have a name that describes the land and the shape of it, although it's more expected from earth risings, i found it among scorpions the most. they even could have the names of months, seasons and crystals. since they are scorpions their names could have a dark shade to them or to simply represent things that are intimidating to people. the names could be of hindi, british or turkish origins. eagle, serpent, asia, red, black, doctor, saphir, topaz, amethyst could be the meanings. some of the names i noticed among the scorpio risings: asja (<3), annabelle, tom, carmine, rory, adrik, nadia, yuriy, lilith
from my experience these names are ofthen bright than not, but they could have some dark undertone to them. those names are mystical and sometimes the meanings are unknown to their owner, even. they are connected to nature and underwater life, especially fish. they are of native american, native japanese, persian and chinese origin. spring, fish, cute, leaf, water, lake, hidden, mysterious, thirsty, early in the morning- meanings. some of the names i noticed among the pisces risings: kashmir, byounggon, lynn, azul, aoki, nobel, malila.
I hope it resonates and I hope you like it! Don't forget to leave notes ♡
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Jenny Park (박제니) Mini Personality Reading
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6oW rx, The Hanged Man, 5oW, The Fool rx, PoS rx, 7oP rx, KoC rx, 4oP, 9oW, 4oS & 7oC rx
Jenny is really hardworking! She usually finds herself journaling all her thoughts (as she mentioned in her QnA video), she is highly spiritual and is able to make a manifestations come to life! No matter what paths she decides on taking, she will succeed, she just need to be in touch with her intuition and should also follow her heart too.
Jenny is well respected by those around her, she has achieved so much for the past few years and so many people respect her, because she really is making an impact for black and blasian content creators.
Now on the negative side, Jenny seems to have a lot of self-esteem issues, and is prone to more mental health issues. She might need to also go to therapy to deal with any issues she has.
She has unrecognized identity issues too. Jenny is highly career driven and will do anything to be stable financially, since she has a fear of losing money and her reputation in the industry. So that leads her to be unavailable in relationships… I believe.
Jenny works in a very competitive environment, andd in an overly competitive country/culture. She’s constantly climbing the reputation ladder and is making sure to distance herself from all sorts of drama and gossip going around. Unfortunately, since she’s half black, she has to work 10x more harder to receive recognition and proper pay.
Jenny might feel very overwhelmed and confused at times, and feels like giving up… (my poor pookie 😔). She may enjoy dreaming big but is sometimes unsure and she is too scared to take the leap of faith and go into the unknown.
Thank you for reading!📦
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9800sblog · 1 year
Can i request blackpink dynamic and their roles in grouo reading pls?
Thank you 💕
Blackpink tarot reading
how each member contributes to their group dynamic
do I have their energy permission to do and share this reading? knight of swords
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overall group dynamic
I think it is exactly what the public sees: each member doing their own thing, exploring more opportunities, chasing their dreams, they're all very supportive of each other, constantly messaging each other with congratulations, advices, "how are you doing?". I think the group is about to end because i got the death card, but their friendships seem to just be renewing, they still tell each other secrets, but they seem to be more far apart in sense of physical distance.
she is a stabilizer, she knows a lot about all different areas in life, so she helps the other girls to invest in long term success, instead of momentary fulfillment. she may be the one to calm down fights when they have those and find a way to preserve balance, she's probably the one they go for advice and an unbiased point of view.
the teacher of wisdom, she's likely more career oriented than the other members, a girlboss type, she's really confident because she can. she's like their defender, she helps them get what they want when they want it, basically the opposite of jisoo. I would say her role is to teach them how to not live an empty, misleading life.
she's like the mother of the group, looking after them and making sure they are mentally well. she likes things to have emotional baggage and beauty, she seems to care more about little things, so she might be the one to remember and celebrate friendship anniversaries, for example. I think she feels very different from the other members, but they probably think it's a good thing that she brings in emotional enrichment.
jennie is the coolest girl that they aspire to be like, she always has this insane self confidence, it doesn't matter what people say about them or do against them, she still feels good about herself and they really admire her. I think she shows others how to treat them, she has an almost untouchable aura and no one dares to disrespect them.
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