baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
A Film To Forget - Jenny Shepard/Jethro Gibbs/Jenny Shepard
A/N: Written for day 18 of @fluffbruary​. 
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It’s rare the three of them get time alone anymore. Sarah may have stopped working, Jenny more than happy to have help at home, but Jethro is often out at work or some other event. The nights they do steal are quiet… until tonight. Tonight Jethro has allowed Tony to bring over a film, Jenny and Sarah curled into his sides, stealing glances at each other even as he watches the film. Later He’ll wonder how much he remembered of the film, distracted by the presence of the women he loved, even when they had done nothing to distract him on purpose.
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chakotayblendthree · 5 months
what is it with me and middle aged ships with some sort of forbidden love due to past anxieties or tragedies or rules and regulations.
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pxmlx · 11 months
I am finally able to watch NCIS again! After Kate’s death watching the show was almost impossible for me, I couldn’t move past it and the only thing I could do was rewatch the 2 first seasons; but finally!! I am nearing the end of season 3 and I’m so excited to finally catch up with the series 🥹
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peregrine21 · 6 months
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Firearm Training - Abby Sciuto x Gibbs'!Daughter Reader
Pairing: Abby Sciuto x Gibbs'!Daughter Reader
Includes: fluff, slight hurt/angst?, cute moments with Abby, Abby comforting you, soft Gibbs moment because he’s your dad
Warnings: guns, shooting guns (at paper targets) 
Word Count: 2395 (I hope this finds people who also love Abby bc it’s so rare that I make it to 2000 words)
Brief Description: Your dad (Gibbs) wanted you to learn firearm safety and how to shoot a gun after several incidents of members of his team and/or their loved ones being targeted. You did fine for most of the lesson but did not handle live fire well. You had an emotional reaction to it but tried to push through until Abby came up to comfort you. Your dad took you and her to get milkshakes and cookies after to help you feel better.  
Firearm training. You were here because your dad wanted you to learn firearm safety and how to shoot a gun. You weren’t fond of loud noises; you preferred bows and crossbows to a gun anyday. However, after several incidents of the team being targeted and even your girlfriend Abby being violently stalked by an ex, you could understand your dad wanting you to learn how to use a gun. Most of the team was there, save for Ducky and Palmer. It was you, Abby, Tony, Tim, Ziva, Director Shepard, and your dad for the day on a private outdoor range with one of your dad’s friends as the instructor. You used one of your dad’s pistols for the day, with “GIBBS”written on the side of the magazine. The guns were all on tables for now as for the first section of the day, your group was reviewed on the build and mechanisms of standard pistols and magazines. 
Sitting in a circle with the team, you learned firearm safety: how to carry and handle a pistol safely; the build and parts of a basic pistol: how to take it apart, clean it, reassemble it; and its functions: how to load rounds into a magazine followed by how to load and unload a pistol without shooting it. You did a few rounds of safety checks and learned to never assume it’s unloaded. You practiced dry firing it and the instructor helped you with your hand positioning and grip; your stance was already solid from your previous years in martial arts. The dry fire shooting felt easy going and made you feel cool as you heard the click of shooting imaginary bullets at the target. Your dad and girlfriend both looked at you often with proud expressions on their faces as you quickly picked up each concept and were doing quite well in the course thus far. 
It was 4 hours into the course and was finally time for lunch. After lunch it would be time to start shooting live rounds at paper targets. However, for now you all just gathered round and decided to go to a local diner for lunch. It was a 20 minute drive there, and despite there being 8 of you, you were all seated right away as the town you were in was remote enough for the diner to be sparse on patrons. You sat next to Abby, Director Shepard next to her, and the instructor at the end of your side of the table. Ziva was in front of you then, Tony, McGee, and your dad filling the other 3 seats on that side of the table respectively. You and Abby ordered fried chicken and waffles to share, your dad and Shepard got steaks, Ziva, Tony, and McGee got sandwiches, and the instructor got a burger. You all took your time to enjoy the meal in each others’ company, you occasionally leaning your head on Abby’s shoulder or her stealing a bite of the waffle you were nibbling on. After much enjoyment and frivolity, you all ended up returning to the range an hour and a half later for the second half of the course. 
You got out of Abby’s car and walked over to the range, Shepard and the instructor already waiting on the course as they rode with your dad, and Tony was close on the way driving Ziva and McGee. You, Abby, your Dad, and director Shepard were already set up as you and Abby were borrowing a pair of your dad’s spare handguns that he stored in his car. Each of your respective guns and accessories were set on the tables, now accompanied by trays of live rounds. Tony’s, Ziva’s and McGee’s guns and gear were with them already, and they would have to set it up themselves upon arriving. The trio soon arrived, and as they got set up, the instructor had the rest of you start with putting on your noise canceling headphones and safety glasses. You glanced over at Abby, adored at how amazing she looked even in the firearm noise canceling headphones and glasses, the headphones set against her bow topped pigtails. The instructor then called for a safety check, followed by loading your magazines with a few live rounds. You were starting to feel a bit anxious as you’d never fired a live round before and the instructor warned you’d need a firm grip to counter the power of shooting live rounds. Before picking up the guns to load in the magazines, Abby leaned over and kissed your cheek— likely leaving a lipstick mark— and gave your hand a squeeze. “You’ll do fine,” she assured you with a gentle smile, clearly noticing your nerves start to kick in. 
You lined up with the rest of your group, the instructor on your left to help with your lesson, and Abby on your right for moral support. The instructor led for everyone to begin. Each in your group aimed their guns forward  and the instructor made minor adjustments to your grip before telling you to place your finger on the trigger and fire when ready. Before you could do so, you heard the first few shots fired from the team and flinched, your eyes closing at the same time. You opened them and took a deep breath trying to brush it off and fixed your own aim. The instructor had held up her hand to signal everyone else to stop firing so as to let you focus. You aimed at the target, took a deep breath, and slowly pulled the trigger as instructed. On the outside you appeared calm, but it felt like winding a jack in the box until *BANG!* You jumped and your hands were shoved up as your body absorbed the inertia of the shot. You looked at your instructor and pasted a smile on your face as she told you that you’d done well. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes but you fought them, slightly confused as to why they were forming as you didn’t feel particularly sad. You flashed your plastered smile at Abbs, and she smiled in return as she took a few shots herself. You still flinched at every loud bang, but you pushed it all down. It was fine, you were fine. You asked the instructor for some advice on how to avoid losing your grip again, “Uhh, how do I keep my hands from shooting up when the gun fires and keep my grip?”. The instructor moved you into position and put her hands over yours on the gun, “you gotta make sure there is no space between your hands and hold your (dominant) hand firmly with your (non-dominant) hand”. You nodded, giving an ok in response before the instructor took a break to use the restroom. Abbs had finished a few rounds and put her gun on the table before coming up to you from the side. She laid a hand on your back and left a gentle kiss on the back side of your neck, “I’ll be over at the tent babe, you’re doing great!”, she informed you before returning cheerfully to the tent set up for breaks and spectating. It was now you, Ziva, McGee, Tony, and Director Shepard on the range. Your dad was watching from the tent along with Abbs who had just sat in one of the chairs to spectate with him. 
You prepared to take another shot and aimed at the target when Ziva came up beside you, “Fix your grip, there’s a gap between your hands again.” You did as she told you and thanked her before putting your finger on the trigger and slowly pulling it again. *BANG!* You jump again and silent tears form. You try to push through and keep your gaze forward so as to not let anyone onto the tears nearly falling down your face. You take a deep breath your heart racing, fixing your grip before pulling the trigger a third time, *BANG!* Silent tears start to fall down your cheeks, still baffling you as you don't feel sad or upset. A sniffle tips off Ziva who leans over to look at your face. She notices the tears and bluntly inquires, "What are the tears for? You're only shooting at a paper." You feel bad for not being able to stop it and feel pressured to suck it up, responding that you’re fine and start setting up for another shot. Abby heard from the chairs set up at the tent behind the shooting range and immediately made her way over, your father Gibbs behind her. Your calm steadiness starts to waver as your hands begin to shake. You breathe, put your finger on the trigger and take your 4th shot, losing your grip on the gun as your hands start to shake even more. You bring your (non-dominant hand) back onto the gun and aim at the target once more, hands and arms shaking profusely and tears streaming down your face, blurring your vision a bit.
Ziva is baffled at your emotional state, giving you a confused look as to why this is making you cry. You didn’t really understand why yourself, you just knew you couldn’t stop it or hold it back even though you didn’t necessarily feel upset. You hear another couple shots  from Tony and McGee and flinch again. By this time, Abby has finally made it to you and pressed her body against your back, wrapping one arm around you and grabbing the gun out of your hands with the other. You turn and melt into her, tears still falling down your face and she rubs her thumb against your back trying to calm you a bit, “Darling, it’s ok, you did so good. You don’t have to keep going.” Your dad makes it over and looks to Ziva who is still perplexed, “Stop staring and take the gun from Abby would ya?!” You bury yourself further into Abby as Ziva takes the gun out of Abby’s hand and places it on the table. Now with a free hand, Abby turns the volume all the way off on your headphones to reduce the loudness of the gunshots. You look up at her. “It helps a bit to have the volume all the way down” she tells you as she holds your face and wipes the tears away with her thumb. You bury your face into her neck and she wraps her other arm around you, holding you close and whispering affirmations and sweet nothings into your ear. Your dad puts a hand on your shoulder, standing behind Abby to talk to you, “Hey, you did good kid. You can stop if you want to. I just wanted you to know how to shoot if you ever need to. Now you can.” Abby walked you over to the tent and sat against a table, keeping you in her arms as you calmed down, rubbing circles on your back with her thumb. The rest of the team kept on shooting, your Dad taking your place in the lineup. Director Shepard came over and leaned against the table beside Abby, placing a hand on your back and reassuring you, “Hey, you’re ok.” She smiled, and you tried to smile back in return, still shaking a bit. “You can sit over here with us while they finish the course, no need to go back out.” After a few minutes, your breathing had finally evened out again, and Abby brought you around the table to the chairs while keeping you close to her. She sat down and guided you to sit in her lap as Director Shepard sat in the chair beside hers. You sat across her lap, legs over the side of the chair, and leaned into her. You kept your head on her shoulder as she put one around your waist and left the other one free. You still flinched at most of the shots the rest of the team took so Abby pulled out your book to distract you a bit. She held you in her arms and read your book with you until the shooting course was over. 
Afterwards, the team packed up all their gear and put it into their respective cars, your dad packing up for you and Abby as both of you had borrowed his spare pistols for the course. Tony, Ziva, and McGee left first, bidding the rest of you farewell. Your dad came up to you and Abby, both of you still consumed in the book, and pulled it down to get both your attention, “Hey, how about we go to the diner for milkshakes before heading home?” You liked the idea. Shepard joined the three of you; she had felt like a mother to you and Abby. The instructor bid you all a farewell as she had her own car to return home with and still had to pack up the course for the night. 
Around 20 minutes later, you had arrived at the diner and been seated in a 4 person booth, you and Abby on one side and Gibbs and Shepard on the other. Your dad ordered a chocolate malt shake, Shepard a Vanilla one, and Abby a Black and White (think chocolate and marshmallows). You still felt shaken so Abby, knowing your favorites, ordered your favorite milkshake as well as a double order of chocolate chip cookies for you and her to share. Once the waitress had gone to put in your orders, Abby pulled you close by the waist and the two of you sat nuzzled up together. You remained like this still when your orders arrived and as you enjoyed the sugary rewards of the day. After you were done, the sun was starting to set so your dad paid the bill and you all headed out: Shepard with Gibbs and you with Abbs. She had her hand either on your thigh or laced into your hand for half of the ride to your house where she was spending the night. Your dad cooked dinner that night for the four of you and Shepard headed home at around 9pm. You and Abby remained cuddled up for the rest of the night before finally falling asleep, wrapped together in each other's arms.
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sleepy-achilles · 6 months
My take on NCIS characters. Not including any from after dinozzo leaving as I've not yet watched those seasons and will be soon and well characters i care most about-
Baby girls-
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Sunshine, light of everyone's life-
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The favourite child-
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Just happy to be there (aka the ultimate grandfather who loves them all equally and loves spoiling them)-
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Sick and tired of gibbs and his teams shit-
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Jenny Sheperd too. But ran out of room
Sick and tired of Tony's shit-
Tobias Fornell. But I have no more photo spaces left. So imagine his face here.
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sixcostumerefs · 3 months
Happy (belated) Pride Month 2024!
Happy pride month post, 2024 edition. Slightly late this year but better late than never!
As always, I'm featuring actors who have identified themselves as having an LGBTQ+ identity or relationship, but this list is certainly not comprehensive. There are likely other closeted actors and/or actors who are out but may not have explicitly stated their queerness clearly enough for me to feel comfortable including them. As identity is a deeply personal (and potentially unsafe) topic, I try to err strongly on the side of caution in who I do or don't include. And just like in past years, this post only includes actors who are currently with the show or joined the show/had a new contract since my 2023 post, even if they're not currently involved.
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Pictured: Claudia Kariuki (emergency cover, West End) Kelsee Kimmel (Seymour, Canada) Ruby Gibbs (Seymour, Breakaway 6.0) Jenny Mollet (alt A/B/S, Broadway) Meg Dixon-Brasil (swing, West End) Chelsea Dawson (Howard, Australia Tour) Lou Henry (Howard, UK and International Tour) Taylor Sage Evans (alt B/H/P, Boleyn Tour) Danielle Mendoza (Cleves, Boleyn Tour) Cydney Clark (Cleves, Breakaway 6.0) Zelia Rose Kitoko (Cleves, Australia Tour) Harriet Watson (emergency cover, UK Tour) Meghan Corbett (Aragon, Breakaway 6.0) Carlina Parker (alt A/C/P, Boleyn Tour) Aryn Bohannon (alt B/S/H, Boleyn Tour) Laura Dawn Pyatt (Boleyn, UK and International Tour) Gabriela Carrillo (Parr, Broadway) Amelia Atherton (Parr, Bliss 7.0)
——————————— junka_0.0; Joan Marcus; _ruby_gibbs; jenny.mollet (unsure of origin); Pamela Raith; sixthemusicalau, but unsure of origin (possibly James Morgan); Pamela Raith; taylorsageevans; Joan Marcus; ccsweatheart22; sixthemusicalau; Johan Persson; ceghanmorbett; carlina_parker; Matthew Sewell; Pamela Raith; Joan Marcus; thetheatrelifestyle
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kbade · 9 months
I recently watched the first episode of NCIS (Yankee White) and all throughout the episode I couldn't help but wonder what all the other agents from later seasons were doing at that moment. And then I started thinking about the ages of those agents.
Yankee White premiered September 23, 2003
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
Age: 52
Nick Torres
Age: 23
Tim McGee
Age: 26
Ellie Bishop
Age: 19
Tony DiNozzo
Age: 35
Jenny Shepard
Age: 40
Kasie Hines
Age: 11 what??
Jessica Knight
Age: 19
Jimmy Palmer
Age: 26
Abbie Sciuto
Age: 34
Ziva David
Age: 24
Leon Vance
Age: 40
Alden Parker
Age: 47
Kate Todd
Age: 30
Clayton Reeves
Age: 18
Jack Sloane
Age: 36
Alex Quinn
Age: 30
Donald Mallard
Age: 70
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academicgangster · 11 months
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4x05 || 4x10 ducky, and only ducky, had a right to know
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wambsroy · 1 month
Jenny: I knew Gibbs was the one when he looked at me the way every woman wants to be looked at
Abby: with love in his eyes-
Jenny: with fear in his eyes.
Ziva: awww
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idkeither223 · 3 months
@chronicintrovert or anyone, do you know where I can listen to the Jenny Walser audiobook of Solitaire in the UK????? I AM WILLING TO PAY BUT NO WEBSITE WANTS ME 🥲🥲😭😭😭
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television-overload · 7 months
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Who gave him the right to slouch provocatively like that while his boss is laying half dead 5 feet away
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baubeautyandthegeek · 2 years
A New Kind Of Harmony - Jenny Shepard/Jethro Gibbs/Sarah Porter
A/N: Jethro finally fixes his problem... with a lot of help from fate. Written for @fluffbruary​ but this is actually going to become an AU probably.
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Jethro can’t remember being more awkward. It had been hard enough when Jenny accepted Hollis into his life, even when she leaves again, but when Sarah comes back to town, sad, shy, a little lonely, he can’t figure out how to tell her he wants to bring Sarah home. He's supposed to take Sarah to the ballet tonight but as usual, cases get in the way. He ends up giving Jenny his ticket, hoping that somehow the women would find equal footing. He’s not sure how it will go, but he can’t risk anything else right now. Jenny, of course, looks stunning in her simple black dress, long curling hair let loose for once, the soft strands brushing her shoulders, copper toned as ever. She leaves early, he’s in charge now, and he smiles to himself. Leon asking her back had been a blessing but now he’s sure what he just did won’t hurt matters, even when Sarah is still nervous. Sarah, when she meets Jenny, is wearing a simple suit, soft grey, a black shirt proving she knows something about how to make simple look good, Jenny smiling as she tucks her hand into the crook of Sarah’s arm, noting Sarah’s slight flush. Copper color curls and soft blue-green eyes flatter soft features and Jenny smiles when she settles beside Sarah to wait for the ballet to begin. “He has a type…” “Mmm.” Sarah’s smile is soft, her voice light. “Guess he really likes women who could kick his ass.” “As it happens… he’s not the only one.” It's shy, a little tentative really, but she has to try. Her reward is Sarah’s soft laugh. “Yeah.” It's one word but Sarah’s fingers tangle with her own and Jenny breathes a light sigh of relief. They sit in silence during the ballet, the drive home quiet until Sarah finally breaks it. “You missed a great night Gibbs.” “Oh he always does.” “I knew this was a bad idea.” His protest is soft and Gibbs knows he’s laughing softly. Harmony, at last, not just him but them, he doesn’t have to choose anymore. “Aw Darlin’, you knew that from the beginning.” Sarah teases, smirking when Gibbs groans. “So you two think you can live in harmony…?” “Oh yeah.” The answer comes from both of them at once and Jenny laughs softly. “We’re going to need a bigger house if you keep bringing home strays.”
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purplelephantsarewrong · 11 months
JENNY + GIBBS | like a funeral
my latest Jibbs video is up!
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expirisims · 4 months
Things Are Looking Up (for some)
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Shayne has been friends with his maid Jennie for several years now too. I wonder if they could be a love match?
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Nope! I guess not!
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What's this!!??
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Jennie hung around after Shayne left for work and Kyle invited Alicia over. I know what her feelings are for Kyle, but I want to make sure they're on the same page because honestly, these two seem so compatible I'm still at a loss as to why they always break up!
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Well that answers that question!
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Looks like Kyle wasn't willing to let her slip away again, and I say...It's about time!!
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Meanwhile, looks like Shayne is having a good night at work!
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Kyle is on cloud nine after Alicia said yes! After she left for the night he went to a party at the Chadwick's home, which in Sims fashion consisted of him and Sharon only, Woodrow wasn't even home, LOL!
Aww...He's even dreaming about his upcoming wedding! I have my SP settings configured to include an "engagement" period so I won't be in the household when the get married, but seeing how high their relationship is and the fact they are actually engaged should keep them from breaking up while I'm in other households in rotation...should.
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aserene · 7 months
February Ills
@fluffbruary prompt for Feb. 14 (phone)
The next in the Carol's in the Night Series.
Leroy Jethro Gibbs may be a tough-ass marine but, holding a baby that had just emptied her stomach onto him, was just not intimidating. Jenny stepped down the last stair carefully biting her lip to withhold any sound that may remotely sound like laughter or giggles.
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madonnasarmstho · 2 years
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an original character | Katherine Abigail Gibbs (aka Katie)
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