#jensen x daughter!reade
queen-of-deans-booty · 11 months
Fun and Games
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: fluff
Request by anon: Hey can i request something with Jensen Ackles, where the reader is Jeffrey daughter and Jensen wife and the fans asks Jeffrey who he find out about her daughter dating Jensen? Something fluff with funny between them
Summary: Your husband brings you along to one of his panels with your dad, and you make the mistake of telling the fans a prank you pulled on your dad. He has some stories of you, too, and everything comes to light right then and there.
Square Filled: locked in a playground (2020) for @spnfluffbingo
Author’s Note: i appreciate any and all comments! <3
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“Why’d you have to drag me out to this thing? I could have been sitting at home in the bath reading my book,” you say to your husband.
Jensen wraps his arms around your waist and slides his hands to your ass, squeezing your cheeks before sliding his hands into your back pockets.
“What do you mean? You love coming with me to these things.” These things being conventions with thousands of screaming fans for all kinds of fandoms. You love going with him but you kind of wish you could be at home right now. “I’ll tell you what. If you endure the next seven hours with me here, I’ll give you a massage when we get home.”
“A real one?” you grin.
“Oil and all.”
“Will you be naked?”
“Is there any other way?” he chuckles.
“I love you.”
“You stole the words right out of my mouth.”
Jensen leans down and molds his lips against your own. Being married to him is the best thing you could have ever done. There is never a dull moment in the Ackles house. The door to the break room opens and you pull away from your husband. Your dad, Jeffrey, steps inside to steal a quick snack.
“Come on, kids. We’re on,” he grins mischievously.
“What are you up to?” you narrow your eyes at him.
“Nothing. I have a feeling this panel is about to be a good one.”
Your dad leaves and you take a deep breath in to calm yourself.
“He’s gonna tell the story again, isn’t he?”
“Probably,” Jensen shrugs.
“He’s told everyone he knows about that damn story but never to an audience. I better not see a bunch of memes tomorrow about it.”
“Knowing the fans, probably. Stay off social media for the next week,” he laughs and walks out.
“It’s not funny! Jensen!”
You follow your husband to where your dad is, and all three of you step on stage to greet all the fans who came to watch your panel. They cheer when they see you, and you take a microphone from one of the crew members. You’re not an actor, in fact, you’re far from it. However, you love the community Supernatural fans have created, and love going to these things with Jensen and Jared.
After greetings are done, Jensen and your dad get into the groove of things. They thank people for coming out here, yada, yada, yada. This panel is very inclusive so a lot of fans have questions about upcoming episodes, your lives behind the scenes, and just funny stories of things that have happened to you. No question is off the table so you prepare yourself for whatever comes.
“This question is for Y/N,” a fan asks once the questioning portion of the panel starts.
“Hi, what’s your name?”
“Lovely name! I like your hat!”
“Okay, let the girl get to her questions,” Jensen jokes.
“I’m just giving her a compliment. Calm down, old man.” A round of laughter rolls out. “Go ahead, Jessica.”
“I know you were an extra in this last season in a few scenes. My question is, what’s been one of the funniest moments you remember from filming?”
“Oh, that’s a good question,” you grin. You’re not an actor, but you’ve been in a few scenes as a bystander when needed. Jensen loves taking you on set so you can watch, so even if you’re not filming, you’re there to witness their shenanigans. “Okay, you guys remember the episode where my dad guest stared? John Winchester comes back for an episode?”
A round of cheers lets you know they know exactly what you’re talking about.
“You’re really going to tell this story?” your dad asks you.
“I’m telling the story,” you grin. “I’m not sure this is going to make it on the blooper reel or not, but remember the part when Sam was going to crush that small white rock to get rid of John and send him back to the past? Well, we were all super serious and everyone is so in character. Emotions are high and we’re doing our best not to cry. Well, when Jared went to crush the rock, it didn’t shatter as we hoped. Instead, it flew off the table and hit my dad right in the crotch. I swear it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. Jensen, Jared, and I were on the floor in tears.”
“It took us a while to get back into character, but that was a nice break from character,” Jensen grins.
“Oh! I got another story!”
“Really? Another one?” your dad asks.
“So, this was when I was visiting Jen on set but I wanted to pull a prank on my dad since he was coming in that week to film that same episode.”
“Why are you telling them this story?” your dad groans.
“Shh, they’re gonna love it. So, I worked with the director to get him in on this prank. He gave me access to his work email that I then used to send my dad an email regarding the dress code at work.”
You can’t contain your giggles at this point.
“Keep it up, Y/N,” your dad nods.
“Shh! I told him it was dress-as-a-clown-to-work day. Everyone was going to be in costume and we were going to surprise one of the makeup artists since it was her birthday. He believed me.” Everyone starts laughing at what’s to come. “When he showed up that morning in the funkiest clown costume set with the red nose, the rainbow hair, and the big ol’ clown feet, we all died laughing. I even got a video,” you smirk.
Before your dad can protest, you had one of the crew members put it up on the screen behind you so everyone can see. Your dad walks in wearing the clown suit and realization rolls over his face when he knows you set him up. Everyone in the audience is laughing while your dad is smirking at you. You’re not paying attention to him to notice it otherwise you would have turned it off.
“Yeah, so that was a fun day on set.” The video ends. “The best part is, we kept him in that suit all day.”
“You think that’s funny?” your dad asks. Jensen can’t contain his laughter but tries to cover it with a cough. “You wanna go there? Fine. It’s my turn to tell a story.”
“Wait, Dad--”
“No, no, no, you had your fun. It’s my turn now.”
“You’re going to drag me down with her?” Jensen asks.
“You bet your ass.” 
You get up to jog off stage when your husband grabs your arm and yanks you back into him.
“Nope. If I have to sit here and endure this, so are you.”
“So, would you all like to know how I knew my daughter was dating Jensen?” Everyone cheers to let him know they are interested. “This was back when I was a regular on the show. Y/N had come on set a few times and was getting friendly with Jensen. I thought nothing of it until one day when I was sitting at home minding my own business.
“I get a call from Y/N where she tells me not to ask any questions and to meet her. I figure she’s in some kind of trouble so I tell her to send me the address and I’m on my way. When she does, I get my beloved baseball bat just in case I need to beat someone’s ass. I rush over to where she is thinking she was at a bar, a friend’s house, whatever. I did not expect to pull up to a child’s playground.
“Still, I’m in protective dad mode. I hear her calling my name so I run over to where she is and stop dead in my tracks. In the child’s castle-dome thing is my daughter, on top of Jensen, naked, stuck in the arch. I mean, I’ve been a little adventurous in my day, but a child’s playground? Seriously?”
“God,” you scoff and shove your face into your husband’s neck.
“Did you call for help?” someone in the audience asks.
“Yeah after about ten minutes of laughing my ass off.”
“Okay,” you say into your mic and pull away from Jensen, “in my defense, that opening looked wider than I thought.” Your dad laughs loudly but you turn to him with a glare. “Don’t start this game with me. I know some shut about you. Better stop now before I tell them about how you mistook some young lady as mom and almost gotten the shit beaten out of you.”
A round of “oohs” sound off, and your dad puts both hands up in defense.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
That incident happened nearly thirteen years ago so you can laugh about it now. You don’t care if people know because it is a funny story. You’re just glad to have stories like that to share. It’s all fun and games, but at the end of the day, you’re surrounded by love.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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winchesterwild78 · 15 days
The Tutor
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Master List
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Warnings: Nothing too bad yet, just a chapter to establish the story. Some language and some physical grabbing.
**Trigger Warning: Some of this chapter could be considered Domestic Violence. It’s grabbing an arm, and being controlling.**
A/N: Just a quick idea that popped in my head. A short series, maybe 2 or 3 chapters. I don’t know yet. No disrespect to Jensen or his family. This is a work of fiction. Jensen has children in this, but I do not use their real names. 
Reader is a teacher and is asked to tutor Jensen’s child. Things develop between Jensen and the reader. I do not condone cheating, again, this is a work of fiction.
This chapter got a little long. Sorry not sorry. 😀
Minors DNI 18+
It was about 5 am when your alarm went off. You rolled over, grumbled and turned it off. Your husband was still sleeping next to you. Crawling out of bed you went to your bathroom and jumped in the shower. 
About 15 minutes later you were dressed and ready for work. You’d been a teacher for about 10 years, and you loved every second of it. Your husband encouraged you to expand your talent and offer tutoring in the afternoons as a way to help save money for the summer months when you didn’t get paid. 
You talked to the principal of your school and she told you she’d put out feelers to see if anyone had a lead on a possible need for a tutor. 
Grabbing your coffee, lunch and bag you headed for your car. It was a chilly morning, but you welcomed the change in temperature. As you pulled in the parking lot to the school, you noticed you were one of the first ones there. 
You sighed, gathered your things and got out of your car. As you walked in the building you saw the principal was in her office already. “Hey, Y/N, hold on a second.” You walked to her office door and waited for her to get off the phone.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m glad I caught you. So I talked to a friend of mine and she said she knows a couple who is looking for a tutor for their children. They have 3 kids, an older daughter, and a set of twins, a boy and a girl. The mother is out of town, but the father wanted to come in and see you in action and then sit down with you. Is that okay with you?”
“Oh, yeah that’s fine. Is he coming in today?” “Yes, if you were okay with it he wanted to come in today. If they decided to go with you, they’d want you to start ASAP.”
“Um, okay. Yeah. That’s fine. Hopefully it doesn’t distract my kiddos, but sure. Tell him to come by whenever.” “Great! I’ll give him a call.” You nodded and walked to your classroom.
Before the kids arrived, you sent your husband a text.
You: Hey, I might have a potential tutoring gig. Ms Smith is having a dad come in today. He and his wife wanted to see me in action. I’d be tutoring their three kids. I’ll let you know how it goes. I love you, babe.
Hubby: That’s great, you sure three kids won’t be too much? I love you too.
You: 3 kids? I teach 22 kids all day. I think I can handle 3.
Hubby: Yeah, you’re right. 
You finished getting things ready for the day as the kids started to arrive. “Good morning Ms Y/L/N!” The kids greeted you as they came into the room. “Good morning everyone.” 
Once the students got settled you called them to sit on the carpet to talk about today and how there might be a visitor. They were excited. You taught 5 & 6 year olds, so anytime there was a visitor it was always a big deal. 
“Now I want you all to be on your best behavior, and if we have a visitor I want you to do your best to ignore them, okay?” The kids nodded in agreement. 
A few hours later you were reading a book to your students when you heard your classroom door open. Glancing over you saw the principal and a man walk in. You kept teaching, not paying attention to the people in the room. 
When you read books, you are very animated. The kids would giggle and were completely engaged. At the end of your story you asked questions and called on some students to answer. A few minutes later you had them go back to their desks to complete the writing assignment you had given them. 
As you walked around checking their writing the principal approached you. “Ms Y/L/N, this is Mr Ackles. Mr Ackles, this is Ms. Y/L/N, our favorite Kindergarten teacher.” Your eyes went wide. Standing in your classroom was Jensen Ackles. His green eyes sparkling like emeralds under the fluorescent lights, his sandy brown hair perfectly styled, and he smelled like heaven. 
He extended his hand to shake yours. “Hello Ms Y/L/N, I’ve heard so much about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” You took his hand in yours and your breath hitched. You knew who he was, you’d been a fan for years. “Nice to meet you too, Mr Ackles. I look forward to speaking with you more about the tutoring needs of your children.” 
He smiled and nodded. The two of you couldn’t tear your eyes away from each other. You unconsciously bit your lip. The sound of a little voice pulled you two out of your trance. “Ms Y/L/N, is this right?” One of your students came up with her paper for you to check. “So what should this sentence start with?” Her bright eyes looking at you and then down at her paper, “Um, oh a capital.” You smiled and nodded.
She went back to her seat and fixed her paper. “Okay guys, remember to capitalize, and illustrate your writing. Don’t forget your setting and color.”
Your principal came up to you, “We are going to head out, I’ll give Mr. Ackles your number so you two can set up a meeting.” You nodded and thanked them, then they left.
Your heart was still pounding in your chest and you felt a warmth fill your body. Girl, get it together. He’s way out of your league, both of you are married, and you might be tutoring his children. This is just a celebrity crush. Keep it professional. 
The end of the day came quickly. You were cleaning up your classroom when you heard a knock on your classroom door. Looking up you saw Jensen. Your breath caught in your throat. “Excuse me Ms Y/L/N, I hope I’m not disturbing you.” “Oh no, I’m just cleaning up before heading home. How can I help you Mr Ackles?” 
“Well I really liked what I saw today. You were engaging and gentle but you can see your students know your expectations. I’d like to offer you the tutoring job if you’d like it.” “Oh, of course. May I meet your children before I officially start? This won’t work if the kids don’t like me.” 
Jensen smiled and nodded. “I’ll text you my address and you’re welcome to come by this afternoon.” “Sure, that would be great. I can’t wait to meet them and your wife.” You smiled. “Well, she’s out of town right now, so that will have to wait.” “Okay. If you need to wait for her, that's fine. I want her to be fine with me tutoring the kids too.” “Nope, this was something we’d talked about before she left, and she knew I was going to hire someone as soon as I could.”
“Okay, great. I’ll come by this afternoon then. I’ll see you later Mr Ackles.” “Jensen, please call me Jensen.” “Jensen, then. Feel free to call me Y/N.” He smiled and so did you. When he left you pulled out your phone to text your husband.
You: Hey, heading to meet the kids I might be tutoring. The dad asked me to come by this afternoon.
Hubby: Okay, I’ll see you at home later then. Love you
You: I love you too. 
You set your phone down and finished cleaning. A few minutes later your phone went off.
Unknown: Hey, Y/N. This is Jensen. My address is 123 E Main Street. Can’t wait for the kids to meet you.
You: Hey, Jensen. I can’t wait to meet them either. I’ll be there in about 20 minutes. Just finishing up here. 
Jensen: Great! See you then.
You finished what you were doing and grabbed your stuff heading out of the school. Driving to Jensen’s house you were nervous but excited. You’d tutored before, but never for a celebrity and definitely not for someone you had been crushing on for decades. 
Pulling down the long driveway you were in awe at the spacious home that stood before you. Putting your car in park, you grabbed your bag and got out. 
Before you could knock on the door it opened and Jensen greeted you with a smile. “Hey, Y/N, glad you could make it.” “Hello, Mr. Ackles, thank you for having me.” “Please, call me Jensen.” You nodded and smiled, “Okay, Jensen.” 
He welcomed you into his spacious home and led you to the living room. “Please have a seat, and I’ll get the kids down here. Would you like anything to drink? Tea, water?” “Um, sure, I’ll have water if you don’t mind.” “Sure thing. I’ll grab it and the kids.”
You sat on the couch as Jensen left the room. You heard him calling the kids and the sound of feet on the stairs. 
Jensen and the kids came back to the room. He handed you the water. “Thank you.” He nodded and smiled. “Kids, this is Ms Y/L/N, she’s going to be your tutor. Ms Y/L/N, this is my oldest, Annie, and the twins, Jessica and Jensen Jr., we call him Jr.” “Hi guys, it’s nice to finally meet you three.” “Hello Ms Y/L/N, it’s nice to meet you too.” Jensen’s son walked over and sat next to you, “Are you married? Do you have any kids?” “Yes I am married, and no I don’t have any children yet. I’m a teacher so my students are like my kids right now.” 
The five of you sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other. After the kids got tired of talking and asking you questions, they left the room. Leaving you and Jensen alone. “So, Y/N, what do you think? Think you can handle them?” You smiled and nodded, “Yes. They seem really sweet, I’d be just fine with them.” 
“Well, all that’s left is to talk about schedule, pay, and the NDA. The NDA is to protect everyone involved. You’re more than welcome to contact an attorney to look it over.” You smiled and nodded. About 45 minutes later you and Jensen had talked about your schedule, the pay and he’d given you the NDA.
“So, Y/N, do you have any additional questions for me?” “Yes, when will your wife be back, I’d love to meet her too.” “She won’t be back for a few weeks, but you’ll get to meet her when she returns.” You nodded and stood, “Well, Jensen I better leave you to it. I need to get home anyway. I have some things to do for work.” “Of course, well thank you again for coming by this evening. Let me walk you out.” 
The two of you walked towards the door. “Thank you again, Y/N for agreeing to take this job. We’ve interviewed so many people and they couldn’t get past my status to focus on the kids.” “If I’m being honest Jensen, I’ve been a fan of yours for years, but I promise that will not interfere with my job.” Jensen stepped a little closer to you, and your heart beat faster, “I’m glad. I think this is going to work out for everyone.” A blush filled your cheeks and you bit your lip. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jensen. Please tell the kids goodbye.” He nodded as you stepped out of the house.
Getting into your car, you let out the breath you’d been holding. Driving home you couldn’t focus on anything but how gorgeous Jensen looked. Stop it girl! You work for him now. If you can’t stop these thoughts there is no way you’re going to be able to work for him. Your focus should be on his children. Both of you are married, and his wife is absolutely gorgeous. 
About a half hour later you were pulling in your driveway. Your husband was already home. Walking in the house you announced you were home, “Honey I’m home.” Your husband, Jeff, came around the corner and pulled you into a hug and a kiss. 
“How was the meeting with the family?” He asked as he pulled back. “It was great. The kids are so sweet. The wife is out of town and the dad is super nice too. There is a little problem. Well, not really a problem, but something I need to tell you.” “Okay, babe, is everything okay?” “Yeah, so the dad asked me to sign an NDA.” Your husband laughed, “Why is he a secret service agent or a celebrity?” You got a serious look on your face and your husband’s laughter died down. “What? Is he really?” “He and his wife are celebrities. It’s Jensen Ackles.”
Your husband pulled away and looked at you in surprise. He knew how much you liked Jensen and how much of a fan you’d been. “Yeah, I’m not sure if I’m comfortable with you working for him.” You looked at him confused, “What? Why not?” “Oh I don’t know, maybe because you’ve had the hots for him for years.” 
“Jeff, come on, really? I have no interest in him. I love you and I’m married to you. This is a job to help bring in more income for us. Besides, the pay is incredible. I tried to negotiate because I felt it was too much, but he insisted. We’d make enough in two months to pay off our credit cards.” 
Your husband’s jaw tightened, “I don’t care. I forbid you to take this job!” “I’m sorry, what? You forbid me?!? What the hell is wrong with you?” He stepped closer to you, “You heard me. You can’t take the job.” You scoffed and walked away. Jeff grabbed your arm, “Don’t fucking walk away from me!” “Let me go Jeff!” You pulled your arm away and walked to your shared room, locking the door behind you.
You sat on your bed and cried. How could he act like this? You two had been married for years and never had you given him a reason to doubt your loyalty. He’d never grabbed you before and you would never let him do it again. 
You pulled out your phone and sent a text to your best friend.
You: Hey, can I come crash at your place for a bit. Jeff and I had a bad fight. I don’t want to be here right now.
Y/B/F: Absolutely. Are you okay? Do you need me and hubby to come over?
You: Yeah, I’m okay. No, I’ll be okay. I’ll call if I need you.
Y/B/F: Okay babes, see you soon.
You grabbed your suitcase and put some work clothes and casual clothes in it. You grabbed your toiletries and other things you needed. As you walked out into the living room Jeff was sitting on the couch. You could see he was still pissed. “Have you come to your senses, Y/N?” “Yes I have, I’m going to Y/B/F’s house until I figure things out. You will NEVER put your hands on me again!” 
He stood and your heart beat fast. As he walked closer to you, you could see the rage in his face. You had been with him for years and you had never seen him like this, you were scared. 
Jeff stepped closer to you, mere inches from your face, “That’s right, go run to her house and go be his whore.” You didn’t say anything. You grabbed your bags and left. 
Driving down the road the tears started to fall. How could he act like this over a simple job? Why was he so jealous over Jensen? Sure you liked him, but you would never act on those feelings.
Pulling into your friend’s driveway you saw her open the door before you got out of the car. She ran up to you and threw her arms around you. “Oh sweetie, what happened?” She saw your tear stained face. “I told him about the tutoring job I took and he lost it. Told me I couldn’t take it and then he grabbed my arm. When I told him I was leaving he told me to go be the dad’s whore. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.” 
“Let’s get you inside, eat and I’ll open a bottle of wine. Then we can talk.” You nodded and grabbed your things. Her husband walked over and gave you a big hug, “I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m gonna head out so you girls can chat. Enjoy dinner.” He placed a kiss on your head before heading out the door. 
Y/F/N and you grabbed the food, and wine and sat down in the living room. “So why would he get so pissed about a tutoring job?” “Well the dad asked me to sign an NDA, he’s a celebrity. I guess Jeff thought I’d sleep with the dad or something. I just don’t understand.” “Oooh who is it?” “I wish I could tell you, but I can’t. Maybe I can ask if I can tell you, but I want to respect his privacy.” “I get it, but Jeff still shouldn’t have gotten pissed about it. Sounds like he’s got something to hide honestly.”
You hadn’t thought about that before, but now you couldn’t get it out of your head. Maybe he was the one cheating on you and was projecting. “Well even if he is, I don’t think I can go back to him. After he put his hands on me and the way he tried to intimidate me before I left. I can’t live with that fear.” “You are welcome to stay here as long as you want. We’ve got you girl, and don’t worry he won’t get near you here.”
*Time Jump 3 months*
“Okay guys, let’s get up and stretch for a bit. We’ve been working hard. Who wants to go outside and play for a bit?” You asked the kids after spending about an hour working with them at the kitchen table. The kids jumped up and ran outside, laughing and racing each other. You smiled as you started to clean up the table. 
Jensen walked into the kitchen and smiled, “Break time, I see.” “Yeah, they needed a break and so did I. Can I get you a coffee, Jensen?” Jensen walked over to the coffee pot, “No, let me get one for you. You’ve been busy educating my children. It’s the least I can do.” 
Jensen grabbed a coffee cup and filled it up, sliding it to you at the kitchen bar. You nodded and told him thank you. He filled one up and leaned against the counter. “So, how are they doing? Are you still okay with working with all three of them?” “Oh they are amazing children. You and your wife should be very proud of them. I adore them.” 
“Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate that.” “So if you don’t mind me asking, when is Mrs. Ackles coming home? I know she’s been out of town on a trip for about a week.” “Oh, yeah she’s on a girls trip. I believe she will come back next week. Maybe she’ll be around more after she gets back.” You could see the pain in his eyes and it broke your heart. “Well I can’t wait to sit and chat with her. I enjoy talking to you, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy sitting and talking to her too.” 
There was a pregnant silence that fell between you two, you looked up and met his eyes. They had a softness to them and were full of kindness. You blushed and smiled. The silence was broken by the sounds of crying. Jensen and you jumped up and ran outside. His daughter, Jessica was sitting on the ground crying. You and Jensen ran over to her and saw her knee was bleeding. 
Jensen scooped her up and carried her in the house. He sat her on the counter and you stood next to her. “Shh, it’s okay baby girl. Your daddy is going to get the first aid kit.” You rubbed her back and wiped her tears. 
Jensen came back carrying the first aid box. You held Jessica’s hand as he cleaned up the wound. “So Jess, what do you want for dinner? I bet you can get your daddy to get you whatever you want.” “I want cheeseburgers and ice cream, she sniffled.” “Ooh that sounds yummy. Does your daddy make good burgers?” She smiled and nodded. 
“Okay baby girl, all done.” Jessica looked at Jensen, “It didn’t even hurt.” Her eyes were wide. You smiled and Jensen looked over at you and smiled. “Well I think Ms Y/N has the magic touch then.” “Yes she does. Ms Y/N, can you stay for dinner?” Jensen was shocked, “Oh honey, Ms. Y/N has to get home to her husband. She can’t stay for dinner.” 
“Well, Jessica, if it’s okay with your dad I’d love to stay for dinner.” “Yay! I’m gonna go tell Jr and Annie.” You helped her down and she took off. As you were helping Jensen clean up, he looked at you, “Thank you for keeping her calm, but you really don’t have to stay. I’m sure your husband is waiting for you.” 
You put your head down, trying to hold back the tears. Taking a deep breath, “No, he’s not. I really would like to stay if you’re okay with it.” “Yes, that would be great. Jess really wants you to stay.” “Okay, let me help you cook then.” “Oh no ma’am, you are our guest.” 
You smiled “Please, it’s the least I can do.” “I’m not going to win this argument, am I?” “Nope, you’re not.” You laughed. “Okay, fine.” He chuckled.
Thirty minutes later you and Jensen were calling the kids in to wash up for dinner. Dinner was delicious and after dinner Jensen pulled out the ice cream. Jessica was excited, because they didn’t get ice cream often. “My wife would kill me if she knew I was giving them ice cream. They tend to get a little wild.” You both laughed. 
After ice cream, the kids went to the living room to watch tv while you helped Jensen clean up the kitchen. His phone rang as you two were cleaning. He sighed before he answered and walked out of the room. 
You kept cleaning and a few minutes later he came back in. “Sorry about that. It was my wife. She wanted to talk to the kids.” “Oh it’s not a problem. That’s sweet she calls when she’s away.” “Yeah, it is.” His jaw tightened a bit. 
The two of you reached for a bowl at the same time and your hands brushed against each other. A chill went through your body. You two looked at each other and you bit your lip, he swallowed hard. 
“Sorry,” you said as you pulled your hand back. “It’s okay.” Jensen cleared his throat, “Well it’s getting late. I’m sure your husband is worried about you.” You took a deep breath, “No, we um, actually split up a little over 3 months ago.” Jensen placed his hand on yours, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. That has to be hard.” “Yeah, it has been. Things just got really bad, so I left. I’ve been living with my best friend and her husband since.” 
“Well, if it gets too crazy there we have a guesthouse you’re welcome to stay in. I know the kids would love to have you around more.” You smiled, “That’s a generous offer, but I think I’m okay where I am right now. Besides, that’s a decision I think your wife should be included in.” “I understand, the offer stands though. She’d be fine with it. She’s always willing to help people.” “Thank you, I appreciate that. I’ll keep it in mind.” 
About an hour later the kids were in bed and you were getting ready to head home. “Well, thank you for dinner and a wonderful evening. I will see you on Monday.” Jensen stood to walk you to the door. His hand brushed lightly on the small of your back and a shiver went through you. “Good night, Jensen. Thank you again for dinner and the conversation.” “Good night, Y/N, and you’re welcome.” Jensen reached out and pulled you into a hug. You took a deep breath and breathed him in. God he smelt amazing, and he was so warm. 
When you two pulled away he lightly ran his thumb over your cheek. You instinctively leaned into his touch. Your breath hitched, “I should go.” You whispered. “Yeah, you probably should.” 
Jensen stepped closer, you bit your lip. His thumb ran over your chin, pulling your lip out of your teeth. Your breathing grew more rapid and your heart beat wildly. His lips were inches from yours, your breath mingling with his. He licked his lips and leaned even closer. You felt his lips ghosting over yours. “Jensen..” “Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” You looked at him, your voice caught in your throat. “Y/N, do you want me to stop?” “No,” was all you said. 
Jensen’s lips crashed into yours. Soft but forceful and full of passion and need. Your mind swirling, your heart pounding as his tongue licked your lips asking for entrance. You parted your swollen lips and his tongue took dominance in your mouth. Jensen’s hands went into your hair and pulled you closer to him. Your hands wrapped around his neck. 
The kiss seemed to last for hours, the need for air causing your lungs to scream for oxygen, but in that moment Jensen was the only thing you needed to live. When the need for air became too much, you both pulled away, panting with swollen lips. 
You were blushing and Jensen was smiling. “I’ve been dying to do that for a really long time.” You smiled and bit your lip. His hand brushing against your cheek, “So beautiful”. You took a deep breath, “Good night Jensen.” He placed a soft peck on your lips before you walked out of the house. 
Driving home all you could think of was the kiss. You’d dreamed of kissing him for years, but he’s married. What did the kiss mean to him, to your job? Would he want to do it again, would you? Your mind was racing with thoughts of the kiss and how you could still feel his lips on yours. The sound of your phone pulling you out of your head.
Jensen: So I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I swear I didn’t plan that. 
You: You didn’t make me uncomfortable. I liked it. Honestly, a little too much. 
Jensen: I liked it too. I’d like to do it again if you want.
You: I like that more than you know, but you’re married and my boss. I’m not sure it’s a great idea.
What the hell are you doing!? Jensen Ackles is telling you he wants to kiss you again and you’re shooting him down. Ugh!
Jensen: I understand. Please don’t think this changes anything or affects your job. It doesn’t. You’re amazing with my kids and I wouldn’t want to mess that up.
You: Thank you. I appreciate you saying that. Good night, and I’ll see you Monday.
Jensen: Good night, Y/N. Sweet dreams and see you Monday.
As you crawled into bed that night all you could think about was the kiss and how wonderful his hands felt on you. A small pang of guilt crept into your head when you thought about his wife. You still couldn’t believe you told him you didn’t think kissing him again would be a good idea. His lips were so soft and damn was he a good kisser. 
Could you really still work for him after this, or would the pull to kiss him become too much?
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callalillywrites · 10 days
His Scarred Omega Part 1
Alpha!Bucky really put me in a chokehold the past couple of days. I wasn't even trying to write his story just yet. Was actually trying write a one-shot that would happen after the main story, but yeah, he quite changed my mind and this feverish, 7-part story came to be in two days.
This is set in the same universe as Their Sweet Omega (aka It Takes All Packs to Make It Work). You don't really have to read that story first, which features Alpha!Jake Jensen with Beta!Pre-serum Steve Rogers and their Omega!Reader, but I would love it so much if you did. They hold my heart as much as Bucky does.
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Relationship: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Word Count: 1450
Summary: While helping out his friends, Bucky makes a shocking discovery. He's got a daughter he never knew existed.
Warnings: not much in this part beyond one shell-shocked Bucky
A/N: I wrote this story really fast as I mentioned above. It’s proofread but all mistakes are my own.
I also do not give permission for my work to be copied or posted on other sites or fed into an AI machine.
Bucky is a weak man.
He really is.
All it takes a pretty face making those awful puppy eyes at him, and he’s putty in Angel’s hands.
She doesn’t play fair, either, enlisting Steve’s equally effective puppy-dog eyes.
Bucky kowtows in less than five seconds though he’ll forever say it took more than that to get him to agree to help them.
Spooky Season is right around the corner.
Angel and Steve feel bad for telling Jake he can’t buy any more big decorations for their home. It’s already overflowing as it is, but they do know he’s been eyeing a couple of pieces. He really is the best Alpha for them as Jake’s constantly doting on them and taking such good care of them.
One of said pieces is what Angel and Steve have wrangled Bucky into this whole mess.
They drag him to the store to pick up said piece, needing his Alpha strength and build since the piece weighs more than the two of them combined plus some. No way they can get it home, let alone carry it into their home. Delivery isn’t an option, either, without paying triple what the item costs.
So, he’s there and eyeing the piece with them.
A few grumbles come out under his breath. “I’m holding you to your promise, Angel.”
Angel simply smiles at him, knowing she still has his help and nods. “I haven’t forgotten. Name the date, and I’ll be there. We’ll take down that ogre boss together.”
“Your truck will hold this, won’t it, Buck?” Steve can’t help asking, seeing the piece himself and having his own doubts about this plan he and Angel came up with for Jake.
Bucky eyes the box holding the piece for another few moments before he finally nods. “It’ll be a tight fit, but I’ll make it work.”
With that, the trio begin working on pulling the giant statue from the low shelf and onto the flatbed cart they snagged from an employee.
With that successfully done, Angel quickly grabs up a spare ticket for the cashier to scan since the barcode is poorly placed on the bottom of the box. Not something they’re going to want to deal with and slow down the few lanes open at this time of day.
“I’ll go ahead and pay for it if you two want to start making your way to the truck,” Steve says, taking the ticket from Angel and rushing off before she can think to argue.
Bucky bites back a smile when he sees and hears Angel huff at Steve’s retreating back.
“The punk is gone, Angel,” he says.
“He promised we’d split this gift.” Angel turns back to Bucky with a look he’s come to understand all too well in the almost two years he’s known her now. He does his best to brace himself as she grabs the front of the flatbed cart. “Time to do some extra shopping, I guess. If I can’t use my money on Jake, then I’m going to use it on Stevie.”
Shaking his head, Bucky knows better than to try and dissuade her at this point. “How are you going to hide this gift from him when he’s with us?”
Rather than answer, Angel just gives him a mischievous look that has him bracing for whatever he’s about to witness.
He can’t help wondering how Jake handles these two most days as Angel drags him towards the art supply aisles of the store. A basket somehow ends up in the crook of her arm where she’s already tossing several items within it. How that happened, he can and will never be able to explain.
Within five minutes, she has the basket overflowing with supplies.
Bucky can make out a lot of the brands that Steve really likes, including some of the more expensive items that Steve only splurges occasionally to get himself.
When Angel is satisfied with her overflowing basket, she grabs hold of the flatbed and helps him maneuver toward the front of the store again.
Seeing the satisfied grin on her face, Bucky can’t help wondering if he’ll ever find someone who wants to spoil him as much as Angel, Steve, and Jake spoil each other. That’s the kind of love Bucky wants, but he’s not sure it’ll ever be in the cards for him.
It’s on their way back that they overhear a young girl, probably no older than 8 or 9 as she whined about one of the latest costume trends. “All the girls are going as Harley Quinn this year, Auntie. Please? Please?”
The woman’s voice niggles at Bucky as he overhears the woman say, “You can go as a butterfly or a witch, but I draw the line at Harley, Gracie. We can talk about Harley when you’re older.”
“Mama would’ve let me go as Harley,” the young girl named Gracie grouses back. “I wish she was here instead of you.”
Bucky isn’t sure why or how it’s possible, but it’s like he can feel the disappointment and sadness of the woman at the young girl’s words. No doubt the woman is an Omega, but he’s never had such a reaction to someone like this before. He briefly wonders if Jake has had this reaction with either Angel or Steve before. A mental note is made to ask Jake later about it.
When they round the corner, Bucky gets his first glimpse of the Omega and the young girl named Gracie.
He forgets how to breathe as he takes in the familiar features of a woman he never thought to see again. A woman who’d been little more than a young lady when he last saw her.
Has it really been almost ten years since he’s seen her?
Yet, it’s not the Omega from his past that captures his focus as much as Gracie does.
The little girl’s appearance is enough to send Bucky to his knees.
It’s not possible.
It can’t be.
Yet, there’s no denying this Gracie looks just like him. The same dark hair. The same crystal blue eyes. Even her nose and mouth match his as they pout up at her aunt.
“You okay, Buck?” Angel asks, her gaze going between him and the Omega with the little girl. “Bucky?”
Her questions don’t go unnoticed, either, as the Omega turns her attention to them. Her eyes widen and her lip instantly goes between her teeth. A gesture that Bucky recalls she does when she’s feeling guilty about something.
No one speaks for another full minute.
At least, not until Steve happens upon them and sees the Omega.
“Sapphire, is that really you?” Steve asks before his gaze drops to the little girl.
Bucky knows he’d be laughing at Steve’s comically shocked expression if he could just get the ability to breathe and function back into his own body.
“Who is this?” Steve finally asks with a soft smile at the little girl. He holds out his hand to the little girl and introduces himself.
“I’m Gracie.”
She adds her last name as she takes Steve’s hand.
Steve’s gaze bounces between Gracie and Bucky. It’s clear he’s coming to the same conclusions Bucky already has made at seeing the little girl.
Gracie is his kid, and Dot is her mother.
Dot, the woman who broke his heart all those years ago with a Dear John letter. The same woman who has given birth to his child and never bothered to tell him.
“So, I think we need to talk,” her aunt says, her gaze never leaving Bucky.
Bucky nods, drawing on his inner alpha to help him regain control of himself.
“Yeah, we do.”
He wants answers, and he’s going to make sure he gets them one way or another.
“Tomorrow at noon?” her aunt asks, naming a quiet café not too far from the store.
Bucky nods again, then turns his attention to Gracie.
A small smile grows on his features as she’s lost interest in Steve and has turned her attention to him. Her eyes study him in a way that he knows he’s done with others throughout his life. She’s taking note of everything about him, and he can only hope he doesn’t end up disappointing her.
Whatever doubts he might have, they disappear the longer he and Gracie measure each other.
She’s his.
When she holds out her little hand to him, he has to swallow the emotions clogging his throat as she introduces herself. It takes him a few tries before he can tell her his name in return.
Now, he has to make sure he doesn’t lose any more time than he’s already lost with her.
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 6
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Nothing major.
Word Count: 3,308
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'm getting excited to finish up the series. Four chapter left and so far it seems like the story is staying on track, and it shouldn't go over. (But you never know! 😁) Thanks so much to everyone who has been reading, liking, commenting and reblogging this series! It means SO much! ❤️
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Y/N felt her heart beat triple time as she watched Dean’s face return to the stony granite it had been when she’d first come to camp. Over the last couple of months she'd begun to see him soften slightly; there were even a few moments where he’d seemed on the verge of smiling. His eyes had eventually lost their frosty hardness, and their look of perpetual suspicion.
But both were back with a vengeance now.
She shook her head at him again and tried to understand what he was talking about. “What kind of psychic am I?” She asked, the question conjuring up an urge to laugh. The idea of her having psychic abilities was laughable to her. But she didn’t think Dean would appreciate the humor around it. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dean. I haven’t done anything, and I certainly have no psychic powers.”
Dean said nothing, just shuffled sideways towards the door without  taking his eyes off of her. Y/N took a few steps towards him, but froze when his hand dropped to the pistol on his thigh and he hissed at her. “Stay back.”
She felt Emma come up and hide behind her leg and her daughter's renewed fear made anger start to burn in Y/N’s chest. In the last few weeks that Dean had been coming to dinner, Emma had been gradually losing her fear of him, offering him shy smiles and even bringing him one of her books and asking him to read to her. 
But now Y/N could feel her tremble slightly and frustration flared in her. What was Dean doing? And why? Because her mother had died in a fire when she was a baby? What kind of logic was that? Where was all this insanity coming from?
Dean walked to the entrance of the cabin and called to Patrick. When the soldier appeared in the doorway Dean spoke to him brusquely.
“Go get Castiel.”
Patrick looked back and forth between Dean and Y/N and frowned at the obvious tension. “Sir?” He questioned.
“Now.” Dean said with finality. As the man turned to leave Dean spoke again. “And send Risa in here.”
Dean continued to stare at Y/N, keeping his attention intensely fixated on her, the way he’d done during those first few days she’d been there. When Risa came into the cabin she frowned; like Patrick, she could clearly sense the hostility in the room.
When Dean saw her he nodded towards Emma. “Take the kid.”
Panic suffused Y/N and she began shaking her head. Emma clutched tightly to her leg and began crying and whimpering softly. She shook her head and buried her face in Y/N’s hip. “No, mommy.” She hiccuped softly.
“Take her.” Dean said quietly but firmly. There was a pause for a moment as Risa’s eyes lingered on Emma and Y/N before she shook her head.
Dean turned his head slowly to look at his soldier, his expression incredulous and furious at the same time. 
“Excuse me?” He said softly, and Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine. 
Risa looked away for a moment, clearly intimidated by Dean's anger. But when she looked back at him, her brow was crinkled and she still questioned his demand. 
“Why?” She asked.
“Because I gave you an order, soldier.” was Dean's softly spoken reply.
Risa stared at Dean a moment longer before she took a deep breath and then exhaled loudly and forcefully, turning and walking towards Y/N and Emma.
Emma started crying in earnest and Y/N knew that no matter what, she had to try and ease her daughter’s fear. She got down on her haunches and smoothed back Emma’s fly away hair. “Oh baby, it’s okay.” She smiled brightly at her, desperately trying to erase all her own fear and anxiety about what was happening.
“Dean and I are just gonna be here for a little while trying to figure out some boring grown up stuff.” Y/N’s happy smile seemed to be fooling Emma slightly because her tears were slowing and she sniffled.
Y/N kissed her cheek. “Why don’t you let Risa take you to see Keisha and Julianne. It will be so much more fun to play with them for a while, rather than staying here and listening to boring grownups talking. And I’ll come pick you up later, okay? I promise.”
She felt awful making a promise she wasn’t sure she could keep, but she wanted to believe she would be picking her up later, and she wanted Emma to lose the look of panic in her eyes. 
She nodded towards Risa. “Go on now, and have fun playing. I’ll see you soon.” She kissed her forehead and gave her another bright smile. 
Emma nodded, still obviously unsure, but willing to believe what Y/N was telling her.
Y/N kept her happy smile in place until Emma was out the door and then her mask dropped and she looked at Dean, her eyes accusing.
“Why are you doing this?” She asked quietly.
Before he could answer, Castiel walked through the door. Like the others, he seemed to notice the tension immediately and questioned it. 
“Dean? What’s going on?”
Dean motioned for Y/N to move backwards. “Sit down.” He said, with a gesture towards the folding chair she’d been sitting on to read the story. When she did, Dean turned his head towards Castiel, but never took his eyes off of her. 
“I know why she’s immune.”
Y/N felt her stomach lurch. “You do?” She asked, some of her anger burning away from pure shock. It was the last thing she’d expected him to say. Though she still had no idea what this had to do with her mother’s death.
But evidently it was connected, because the angel’s eyes widened in disbelief as Dean continued. “Her mother died in a fire when she was a baby.”
It was to her that Castiel looked for an answer. “Is that true, Y/N?” She nodded. “My God.” 
“Will someone please explain what my mother dying has to do with anything?” Y/N asked with immense frustration.
But the men ignored her for the moment. Dean was finally looking at the angel properly and he nodded at the questions in his blue eyes. 
“Yeah, she’s a psychic kid. She’s immune, just like Sam was.”
“Who is Sam?” Y/N asked, but was ignored again.
Castiel was shaking his head. “Maybe…” He looked back towards her briefly. “Maybe it’s just a coincidence.” 
Dean scoffed. “Come on Cas! This is way too big a coincidence to be…coincidental.”
Cas nodded reluctantly and then frowned. “But, if she's psychic...then what’s her gift?”
Both men turned to stare at her, and Dean spoke softly. “That’s a real good question. Because she could be doing anything to us, mind controlling us, or manipulating us to only see what she wants us to.”
Y/N finally did let out a bark of laughter. “Are you insane? You think I’m mind controlling you? If I had the power of mind control, I’d definitely make you be nicer, or I’d make you let me go, because this whole thing is ridiculous! And you still haven’t explained why on earth you think I’m psychic and why my mother’s death is involved.”
Dean stared at her for a long time, and Cas just watched him. Finally Dean spoke and his voice was calm and even, as though he was just telling her a story while they sat around her table eating dinner.
“Ten years before you were born, your mother or father made a deal with a yellow-eyed demon. They got something they desperately wanted and he got permission to enter their house. When you were six months old he came into your room, slit himself open and bled into your mouth. Your mother likely interrupted him somehow, and he killed her and burnt the place down around her.”
Y/N felt her stomach turn at Dean’s words. He had to be insane, there was no way it could be true. Demon blood? A demon killed her mother? She shook her head.
“How on earth could you possibly know any of this?”
“Because it’s exactly what happened to my mom, and my brother. The demon fed him his blood, killed my mom, and when Sam turned 22 he started having psychic visions. And he wasn’t the only psychic kid. There were a bunch of them, and without fail every single one of them had powers and every single one of them went bad.”
His jaw clenched and he folded his arms over his chest. “So, if you’re gonna sit there and try and tell me that you’re the only one that never had the blood take hold, the only one who managed to avoid being triggered when you turned 22? Well, then I know you’re lying. So, I’ll ask you one more time.”
His eyes were chips of ice once again. “What can you do? And what have you done already?”
Y/N blew out a puff of exasperation. “I can’t do anything, do you hear me? I am not psychic! I have no powers!”
Cas stepped forward, putting himself between the two of them. “Okay, Y/N, have you ever felt something, something that made you different from other people? Like,” he snapped his fingers, “the ability to connect easily with people maybe? You seem to make friends quickly, people respond to you.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “So being a nice person makes me a psychic now?”
Cas shook his head. “No, but maybe it’s more than you being nice, maybe people can’t help but like you. It could be involuntary on both their part and yours. Like some sort of psychic charisma”
Cas seemed to like his idea, his expression saying that he thought he’d figured it out.
But Y/N was again shaking her head. “No, look, that’s not true. I’ve had lots of people not like me, I’ve had people try to kill me in my sleep just to steal my blanket, I’ve had men attack me just for…well, for being a woman. And I can promise you I didn’t get away from those people by smiling at them and asking nicely.”
Y/N felt the old fears rise in her as she remembered the panic and terror of those moments and so many more like them. To think that she had some kind of mind control or psychic abilities and hadn’t used them then, was laughable.
Cas looked slightly defeated and Dean pushed him aside. “The fact is though, that you could be lying through your teeth, you could be saying anything to knock us off your scent.”
Y/N scowled at him and then stood up. Dean stepped back, and yanked Cas back by his shoulder. “Sit down.” He ordered her but she shook her head.
“This is ridiculous, Dean. You have to know it is.” She took a step towards him. “What about our…our friendship? What about what happened last night?”
Dean’s eyes just got colder and his voice was deep and demanding. “I said, sit down. Now!”
“Dean.” Y/N began and stepped closer again, reaching out to him. But she stopped dead and dropped her hands to her sides as Dean pulled his gun from its holster in the span of a breath. 
“I said get back, and sit down.” He said, slow and deliberate.
Y/N looked at the gun pointed at her, looked at Dean holding it, his hand not wavering an inch, and she was suddenly, unbearably sad. She stared at him and knew her heartbreak was plastered on her face, she was bad at concealing emotions. 
She nodded slowly and moved back to sit in the chair. She had lied to Emma; she wouldn’t be picking her up tonight.
The night passed just as her first night in camp had; with her sleeping lightly, troubled by disturbing dreams and waking to find Dean watching her almost unblinkingly. He took her to the outhouses on his own this time, and she wasn’t in chains so, that much had changed. But his hand hovering over his gun the whole way there and back definitely felt binding, and kept her locked in place just ahead of him.
When they got back to the cabin Dean walked over to the door and said something quietly to whoever was just outside. A few minutes later Theresa arrived with breakfast. She looked at Y/N back in her spot on the floor by the table leg and her young face creased in confusion.
“What’s wrong?” She asked Y/N with a look thrown at Dean.
Y/N tried to smile and put her student’s mind at ease. “Nothing, sweetie. Just trying to sort something out. Tell your mom thank you for the breakfast, but I’m not hungry. You should take that back to her so it doesn’t go to waste.”
“Eat it.” Dean’s voice rang out with authority and Theresa took a step closer to Y/N.
Y/N didn’t bother looking at him. Instead she gave Theresa a reassuring nod and the girl bent to set the tray on the ground. “It’s okay, thank you. I’ll probably be hungry later.”
But she wasn’t. She felt guilty enough about wasting food to try and swallow some down, but it just stuck in her throat and she gagged on it and spit it out. At lunch Brandy brought the food tray and she was slightly more vocal with her questions than her daughter was. 
“What the hell is going on here?” She asked Dean. “All the parents are confused and worried. They said you ordered them out of here yesterday and no one has seen Y/N since; Emma’s back with Monique.” 
She set the lunch tray on the table Y/N leaned against and bent to pick up the uneaten breakfast tray. She was looking at Y/N, but still addressing Dean when she spoke. “What’s going on?”
“It’s nothing that concerns you.” Dean answered brusquely.
Brandy stood to her full height and her large chest rose and fell with indignation. “Since when do you keep me out of the loop?”
Dean frowned at her and his voice was laced with annoyance and anger. “Since this isn’t something that requires your attention. And I’d like to know, exactly when did everyone start questioning my orders?”
Brandy shrugged, seemingly unfazed by his foreboding tone. “I guess when your orders started to seem stupid.”
Y/N’s eyes grew round, beyond impressed at the woman’s boldness and nerve. Dean seemed much less impressed by it though, staring the woman down with a furious expression. But Brandy kept his gaze and never wavered. Finally Dean spoke through gritted teeth.
“Take away the tray, and send someone else with the supper tray.”
Brandy stayed still until Dean took a step towards her and yelled, “That is an order!”
Brandy shook her head, but turned towards the door as she answered. “Don’t forget, boss, not all of us are your soldiers. Some of us follow you because you’ve been a good leader.” She paused at the door and looked back at him. “Don’t fuck that up.”
She walked out, leaving behind an electric buzz of tension in the air. Dean turned back to her and the muscle in his jaw was still jumping. 
But Y/N shook her head. “I’m not hungry.”
“Bullshit!” Dean said bitingly. “You haven’t eaten since lunch yesterday. You have to be hungry. I don’t know what kind of hunger strike, sympathy ploy you’re going for here, but it’s not gonna work. Now, eat!” He ended on a shout and something snapped inside Y/N. 
She jumped to her feet and yelled back. “This isn’t a sympathy ploy, you bloody dumbass! I can’t eat the food because it tastes disgusting to me and it chokes me. My stomach is in knots and I feel sick! And do you know why that is? Because you keep threatening to kill me!”
Dean thundered towards her, stopping barely two feet from her. “Yeah, and I’m not gonna have you starve to death before I get the chance! Now eat!”
Y/N threw her arms wide. “What the hell do you care if I starve! It’ll just save you a bullet!” 
She took a deep breath, feeling herself unraveling but unable to stop. “You have me locked up in this place, again! You think I’m some kind of horrible monster. Again!” Her voice broke. “You have taken my child away from me! Again! So don’t pretend to give a shit about my fucking health and wellbeing!” She reached out to furiously smash the food tray to the ground. 
Silence descended and Y/N breathed hard and heavy through her nose, her anger carrying her through a little longer before she turned away from him and buried her face in her hands, quiet, uncontrollable sobs shaking her. 
By the time she managed to get herself under some kind of control, she turned around to see that Dean was gone. She looked around the room as though he might be hiding in plain sight, but he was nowhere to be seen.
Y/N walked over and fell down onto the chair he'd sat in all night. She felt exhausted and deflated. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, but it felt like ages before Cas walked through the door. He looked solemn and he nodded at her. 
“Dean says that you should go.”
Y/N felt her stomach drop. “He’s kicking us out?”
Cas held up a hand. “Oh, no! Not…he didn’t say for you to go from camp. I mean that he said for you to go from here. Go get your daughter, go back to your tent. That kind of go.”
Y/N shook her head, more confused than ever. “I don’t understand. Now, suddenly he doesn’t think I’m some kind of psychic menace?”
Cas shrugged. “Psychic yes, but menace no. He said, and I quote, ‘She was pissed enough to take off my head if she could have, and she didn’t, so she can’t.’” He shook his head. “Occasionally his thought process is hard to follow.”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, you’re telling me.”
She didn’t waste anymore time right then, though, contemplating Dean’s bizarre behavior; she was free to go and she ran to get Emma, apologizing for taking longer than she said she would to come get her.
Emma forgave her easily for not keeping her promise, relief clear in her big, deep cerulean eyes. They spent the evening cuddling in the tent; Y/N read her a dozen books and played clapping games with her until Emma’s eyes were shining again, and no more fear or worry clouded them.
At bedtime she sang her a song and Emma drifted off to sleep happily; Y/N found no such easy reprieve. She laid awake for hours trying to understand Dean and the way he thought. He’d been so angry, so sure of her wickedness and evil. And then, just like that, because she’d exploded in anger, he let her go?
How did that man’s mind work? And how did he see her now? Harmless psychic freak? Or someone he’d still have to keep a close eye on? 
She shook her head. It didn’t matter, he’d made himself perfectly clear on one thing, the relationship she’d thought they had, the friendship that she’d hoped would grow into more had meant nothing to him. The kiss they’d shared had meant nothing. 
She meant nothing. He couldn't  have acted the way he did if he cared about her at all.
She needed to remember that going forward and not let her heart get entangled so easily.
From now on, she needed to keep her distance.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33 @akshi8278 @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly @candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma
Dean Fics Only @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @waywardcheshire
Everything Incl. Fan Edits: @k-slla @leigh70 @eevvvaa @kickingitwithkirk @foxyjwls007 @notinthislife50 @roseblue373 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @avanatural @mrsjenniferwinchester @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @deangirl96 @hobby27
114 notes · View notes
imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
I’d like to thank @junipermuses - @royalsweetteaa - @st3rgirl - @foreverenchantingchrisevans for all of their help with creating my first kinktober and their putting up with me annoying them with it💗 and an extra thanks to @foreverenchantingchrisevans for making my kinktober sign💗
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🌸𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 1🌸:
3rd 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉
ft cop boyfriend steve rogers x girlfriend reader.
dry humping and praising
5th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒷𝑒𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒹 
ft jock jake wyler x naive reader.
glory hole and corruption/innocence
7th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒻𝒶𝓌𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 
ft roommate colin shea x roommate reader.
9th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 
ft sheriff lee bodecker x criminal reader.
face-fucking and cum eating
🌷𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 2🌷:
10th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝒶𝓏𝑒𝒹 
ft tutor jake jensen x student reader.
cream pie and breeding kink
12th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝒸𝒶𝓉𝑒 
ft step-dad johnny storm x step-daughter reader.
14th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌 
ft neighbour lloyd hansen x neighbour reader.
16th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓁𝓁𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 
ft boyfriend chris evans and his best friend sebastian stan x girlfriend reader.
sharing kink and cuckolding
🍄𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 3🍄:
17th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓅𝑒𝓉𝒶𝓁 
ft camboy ransom drysdale x camgirl reader.
spanking and being recorded
19th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝒾𝓇𝑒 
ft best friend’s brother curtis everett x inexperienced reader.
21st 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 
ft coach lance tucker x assistant coach reader.
overstimulation and semi-public sex
23rd 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓅𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈 
ft doctor steve kemp x patient reader.
dacryphilia and knife kink
💗𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 4💗:
24th 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎𝒹𝑜𝓁𝓁 
ft boss bucky barnes x co-worker reader.
26th 𝐖𝐄𝐃𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 
ft caregiver frank adler x babysitter reader.
28th 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓎 
ft lawyer andy barber x naive reader.
daddy kink and thigh riding
30th 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒 
ft were-bear ari levinson x fairy reader.
monsterfucking, public sex and sex pollen
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 - 𝓈𝓉𝓇𝒶𝓌𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝓀𝒾𝓈𝓈 
ft daddies ari levinson, nomad steve rogers, curtis everett. their best friends bucky barnes and andy barber and reader’s teacher jake jensen x little student reader.
group sex, begging, voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sir kink, semi-public sex, fingerfucking, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, sharing kink, cum eating, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, nipple play, spit kink, hair pulling, squirting, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cuckolding, aftercare, being recorded and teasing
this fic is dedicated to @junipermuses without her, it wouldn’t exist💗
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 2 - 𝓁𝒶𝓋𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇 𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂
ft stepdad steve rogers, step-uncle bucky barnes, stepbrother jake jensen and his best friend johnny storm x naive reader.
voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, fingerfucking, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, aftercare, exhibitionism and teasing
also this one @junipermuses 💗
31st 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 3 - 𝒶𝓅𝒽𝓇𝑜𝒹𝒾𝓉𝑒
ft stepdad steve rogers, step-uncle bucky barnes, stepbrother jake jensen, his best friend johnny storm, neighbours ari levinson, andy barber and their brothers curtis everett and frank adler x naive reader.
voyeurism, degradation, praising, daddy kink, sharing kink, cuckolding, fingerfucking, group sex, facefucking, overstimulation, spanking, breeding kink, dirty talk, oral sex, hair pulling, deep throating, cock and ball worship, cum eating, aftercare, teasing, spit kink, semi-public sex, begging and exhibitionism
and this being part 2 of lavender dreams, dedicated to @junipermuses 💗
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2K notes · View notes
krirebr · 1 year
I Know I Should Know Better 2
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Pairing: Curtis Everett x Female Reader, minor Colin Shea x Female Reader
Word Count: 5418
Summary: Curtis has been working as your body guard for almost two years now. Standing by and watching you work and party your life away is becoming more and more difficult, but is there anything he can do about it?
Warnings: Angst, adult themes, complicated power dynamics, minor age difference (not explicit in this part, but reader is mid-twenties and Curtis is early thirties), drinking, explicit language, bad boyfriend, self-destructive behavior, anxiety, negative self-talk. The reader's having a bad time, you guys. All of my work is 18+ - Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist
A/N: We're back! I so enjoyed writing this part. I hope you like reading it! Any comment, reblog, or ask to let me know what you thought will be greatly appreciated. As always, thank you so much for reading! 💜
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You were stretched out on one of your lounge chairs by the pool, sunglasses perched on your head, wearing a bikini with a sheer coverup draped over your shoulders and an aperol spritz in your hand as you tried, for the third time, to get through this script.  It was unbelievably dull. And the female lead was barely a person. You were clearly wrong for it. At least ten years too young, for a start. But your agent, Wilford, was insistent that you read it. Some up and coming guy was attached to it and apparently, he could be ‘talked into you’ for it. And as Wilford always said, “It’s not what it is, it’s what it represents.” So you would read it. And you’d tell him why you didn’t like it, and he’d talk you into it anyway. Same as it ever was.
  You heard the door to the patio open and close. Michelle and Curtis had both been out doing who knows what and now you figured one of them was back and needed something from you. You’d been grateful to have the time on your own after a few days of Curtis’s careful glances. You didn’t remember exactly what you’d said or done after your fight with Colin outside the club, but you woke up with the feeling that you’d said something to Curtis and the way he’d watched you since seemed to confirm it. But he hadn’t said anything, so you hoped that you hadn’t embarrassed either of you too much.
When you looked up, it wasn’t either Curtis or Michelle who was standing on your deck.
“Mom!” you said. You blamed your shock for the fact that the next words out of your mouth were “Who let you in?” She was supposed to go through Michelle if she was going to visit, give a few days notice, let you prepare yourself.
“Who let me in?” she asked, aghast, her Chanel bag swaying aggressively from her arm. “That’s how you greet your mother? Who let me in?”
“I’m sorry,” you said, voice small. You were not prepared for this today. “I was just surprised.”
“Yeah, I bet you were,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You and your rules. Well, if you must know, it was the young man with the goatee and muscles. I don’t think I’ve seen him before. He’s not nearly as rude as the other people that work for you.”
“He’s new on my security team. His name’s Jensen.”
She waved dismissively at that. Of course she wouldn’t be bothered to remember. She sat down on the lounge chair next to yours and fanned her long, floral caftan out around her. “I bet you don’t give your father this runaround.”
Your father only ever called you on your birthday and at Christmas, content to live with his new family in Utah and only drop your name when it could get him something. So technically no, you never gave him the runaround.
“Well, how are you darling?”
“Um,” you bit your lip. Conversations with your mother always felt like a game you didn’t know the rules to. “Fine, I guess.”
She hummed in affirmation. “You’ve been all over the gossip sites.”
You groaned. “You shouldn’t look at those. It’s all bullshit.”
“Well, maybe if my daughter called me occasionally, I wouldn’t have to resort to a google alert to see how she’s doing. People on deux moi are saying you’re rude to your fans. And then there are reports of you fighting in clubs with your boyfriend.”
You shrunk in on yourself. Michelle did her best to keep all that away from you, but you still knew how people talked about you. “I told you. It’s all bullshit,” you mumbled.
“Well, it’s not the sort of reputation you want to have.”
“I know,” you said weakly. 
“Whatever happened to that other boy you were seeing? What was his name? Jimmy? With the snowboard? I liked him”
“Johnny? I haven’t talked to him in, like, a year,” you said. She’d only met him in passing when you’d unexpectedly run into her at a restaurant opening. It’d been right in the middle of the one month you’d dated him.
Your mom scoffed. “Well, who can be expected to keep up, with how quickly you go through them?”    
You clenched your fists where they rested on your thighs. This was just how she was. Feeling hurt by her never did any good. “Why are you here, Mom? Do you need something?”
“I’m here because I am your mother and I want to have a relationship with you, even though you don’t seem to want one with me. But,” she paused and you fought the sinking feeling in your stomach, “now that you mention it, Luka and I are going to France next week and what you’ve given me for the month just isn’t going to cover it.”
You closed your eyes for a moment. Of course this was about her allowance. “Mom,” you said, focusing on the part of her request that didn’t have anything to do with your money, “who is Luka?”
Her face went hard. “You would know who he is,” she said, “if you ever listened to me. You’ve always been so self-absorbed, you know that? You never think about anyone else.”
Your hand moved to grip the chair beneath you as you tried to take a deep breath. You were sure she’d never mentioned him before. You would remember. For all she gave you a hard time about dating around, she was just as bad, if not worse. The only difference was that her hookups didn’t get reported on. But you didn’t have the energy for the screaming match this would devolve into if you pointed that out, so you just said, “I’m sorry. I must have forgotten.”
“Sure,” she scoffed. “He’s someone who’s very important to me. And so is this trip.”
“You know I don’t control any of that. You have to go through my accountant.”
“Yes, I know,” she said, frustration bubbling over. “I already called him, obviously. He said you have to sign off on it first. It’s like you all think I enjoy having to come here and ask for money. When it was my hard work that got you all this.”
She loved to do this, bring that up. And you knew that she’d worked hard and sacrificed a lot. You did. She was the one who got you an agent and drove you to auditions and acting coaches and put your team together. But both your parents acted like you were just a doll that they’d placed in front of the cameras and then pulled your string to make you talk. You’d worked hard too and you were just a kid when you did it.
But, again, if you said any of that it would just start a fight and if you’d learned anything on all those sets as a child, it was that fights with your parents were to be avoided at all costs. You would never win. So you just said, “I know, mom. I know everything you’ve done for me. I’ll call him and tell him it’s fine.”
She started to brighten. “Today? You’ll do it today?”
“Yeah, I’ll do it today.”
She patted your knee and smiled warmly at you. You did your best to pretend that it didn’t feel like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. “You’re such a dear,” she said. “We’re trying to get everything booked, so time is of the essence! Text me the name of the place you stayed last time you were in Paris. Your pictures were incredible!” She was getting up now, hoisting her bag back up her arm.
“Are you leaving?” you asked, disappointed despite yourself. 
“I’m so busy, honey, So much to do! But let me know as soon as you talk to him. And we’ll have dinner as soon as I get back, you, me and Luka! And you can bring your boy too! I want to try that new sushi place, down on Vine? They’re booked out for months, but I’m sure they’ll have a table for you!” Just as she was getting to the door back into the house, Curtis came out of it. He stepped out in front of her, narrowing his eyes, and pulling himself up to his full height. “Perfect timing,” she muttered, “your guard dog is here.”
“Mom,” you sighed.
She just rolled her eyes at you. “Calm down, it’s fine. He knows I’m joking. Don’t you, Carter?” You grimaced, but Curtis didn’t react.
“Ma’am,” he said, without any inflection at all. You could see her bristle at the address; she hated anything that reminded her that she was old enough to have an adult daughter. But she didn’t say anything else, just gave you one final wave and then moved past him into the house.
You took a deep breath, and then another, wrapping your cover up around yourself as tightly as you could. “Are you ok?” Curtis asked, startling you. He was closer now than you’d realized, standing right beside you. You’d never understand how a man that large could sneak up on you like that, but you were always surprised by the reality of him.
You shook your head and his brow furrowed. You shook it again, “No, I’m fine. I’m fine, it’s just–” you trailed off and shrugged. She always left you so jumbled. “It was fine.”
“It shouldn’t have happened,” he said, sounding deathly serious. “Jensen’s been talked to. He knows better now. It won’t happen again, not without Michelle’s say so.”
You nodded and picked at your sleeve. “Do you think I’m awful?”
“Why would I think that?” he asked, his voice so soft.
You shrugged. “She’s my mom and I make her jump through all these hoops just to see me.”
He nodded slowly and stared out over your pool. “I think,” he started, but then paused for a moment. “I think that you aren’t the kind of person who would just do that for the sake of it. I can’t imagine you ever being that spiteful. If this is something you need, then there’s a reason for it.”
He did that sometimes, made statements about your character that left you reeling, that made you wonder about the person he saw when he looked at you. It always seemed so different from the person you saw in the mirror. 
You looked up at him, but he was still focused somewhere on the horizon. You were struck by how beautiful he was, as the sun shone down on him. His broad form, immaculate stubble, long lashes. You tried to think of him as just the wall of muscles that protected you from the world, but it was getting harder every day to ignore the ineffable Curtis-ness of him. He was so much, too much.
“What’d she want?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Money, like always.”
“You ever think about saying no?”
You shook your head. “She’s not wrong when she says she sacrificed a lot and worked hard to get me here. She did. I wouldn’t be here without her. If this is what she wants from me,” you shrugged, “I feel like I should give it to her.” 
He hummed at that and went quiet again. You looked down, went back to picking at the thread on your sleeve. After several moments, he said, “I think if you looked at all the sacrifices you made to get yourself here, and everything you’ve already done for her, you might see that you come out more even than you expect.” He finally looked back at you and nodded to himself. “I’ll leave you alone now. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.”
As he walked back into the house, you felt like your skin was too tight. You tried to shake it off and grabbed your phone. It was too quiet. You needed something to distract you. You pulled up Colin’s contact and sent a quick I want to see you text. Then you threw your phone on the lounger, shrugged off your cover-up, and dove head first into the pool.
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When Colin showed up a few hours later, he was on you immediately, pulling you out of the pool and back over to the lounge chair where he settle you between his legs. “Fuck, you’re so hot,” he breathed into your chest as he laid back, bring you with him. When you resisted, he sat up, pushing his face into your neck and starting to trail kisses along your collar bone.
“Colin, it’s been a weird day,” you said, trying to push him down. Instead of backing off, his lips found your chest, just above your bikini. You tried again to slow him down. “Hey, hold on. Come on. I’m trying to talk to you. My mom stopped by out of the blue.”
Colin finally sat back with an annoyed huff. “Okay?” he said, “And?”
“And, I don’t know, seeing her always makes me feel really off and I just wanted to see you. Wanted you to come over and make me feel better.”
“Isn’t that what I was doing?” he asked with a grin, running his hands down your sides and then up your back, stopping to play with the string tying your bikini together.   
“Colin, I’m being serious! I just, like, want to tell you about my day and have you listen to me. Okay? I just need someone to listen.”
He looked up at you and you leaned back a little at the annoyance in his eyes. “You seriously dragged me all the way out here to talk at me about your mom? I left a studio session early for you.”
“Ok, well, I didn’t know you were busy! You could’ve just said.”
“You’re so hot,” he said, starting to paw at you again. “How could I say no to you?”
Maybe he was right. Maybe this was the best way to make you feel better. What good would talking do? What you really needed was to stop thinking. You leaned into him again and he picked up where he left off. “We could go out,” you said. “Get real fucked up.” 
“Mmm,” he said, with his face in your neck and his fist in your hair. “That sounds fun. You gonna promise not to abandon me in an alley this time?”
You pushed back against his shoulders and sat up with a glare. “Don’t be a dick.”
He rolled his eyes. “It was a joke. I’m joking.”
“It isn’t funny. I already apologized. And you never apologized for flirting with that girl.”
“This again? Seriously? I didn’t apologize because I didn’t do anything wrong. I wasn’t flirting, you’re just insecure.”
“Fuck you,” you said, standing up and putting as much distance between you as you could on your deck.
He rolled his eyes at you again and started picking up his stuff. “You’re so fucking high maintenance, you know that? One of these days, I’m going to wake up and decide you aren’t worth it.”
“Yeah?” You sneered, the pit in your stomach that started with your mom’s surprise appearance growing bigger. “Is that going to be before or after you use my instagram account to boost your album sales?”
“Fuck off. You think you’re so important. I don’t need your help.”
You threw your arms in the air. “Then why do you keep demanding it?”
“Whatever. I can’t believe I came all the way out here for this.” He shot you one final glare, before heading back out the way he came. 
You stood at the edge of your pool and looked out over the canyon that expanded beyond your property. “Fuck!” you shouted. It didn’t make you feel any better.
You picked up your phone and started scrolling through your contacts. You didn’t want to be alone right now. You just needed someone to talk to. But everyone in your phone was a ‘going out friend’ or an ‘impromptu house party friend.’ And suddenly, the thought of going out, with the loud music, and flashing lights, and all the paparazzi yelling at you, made you want to crawl out of your skin. You scrolled through your whole contact list again. You didn’t have a single person who you thought might drop everything and come spend the night on your couch with you. You didn’t think you ever had. You felt tears starting to gather in your eyes and quickly wiped them away. This was dumb. You were fine. You could spend one night alone.
You walked back into your house to find Curtis glaring at his phone, leaning against your kitchen island.
“Hey,” you said, trying to get his attention. When he looked up at you, you saw him take all of you in. Your wet hair, bikini, tense shoulders, and your eyes, which you could feel were still damp. He straightened up, looking very concerned. “Um,” you looked down, feeling like you needed to avoid his gaze, “I’m not going out again today, so you’re free to go. You and Jensen.”
“Ok,” he said. 
You looked back up to find him still looking at you carefully. When he finally started to move, you panicked and added, “Or, um, I’m probably just going to order a ton of food and just, like, watch TV, so if you wanted to, you could, um, you could stay. And, like, just hang out.” What the fuck did you just do? You were so pathetic. Why would you do that? What was wrong wit–
“Yeah, sure, I can stay.”
“Oh!” You didn’t know how to keep the shock off of your face. Or the intense relief. You started to feel yourself calm, just a little bit, for the first time all day. “Ok, great. I’ll just order the food – Thai ok?” He nodded. “And then take a shower and change. I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time,” he said. “I’ll let Jensen know that he’s good to head home.”
You just nodded and went upstairs.
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After a long shower, you dressed in your comfiest pair of sweats and a large old t-shirt, clothes that usually stayed buried at the bottom of your drawer. You went down to your living room to find Curtis unpacking the bags of food onto your coffee table, the TV softly playing at a low volume.
“Thanks,” you said quietly.
He looked up at you and nodded. “I grabbed a couple beers too, that ok?”
“Yeah,” you said, grabbing one and pressing yourself into the corner of your large sectional.
“You want a little of everything?” he asked. He didn’t wait for an answer before he started making you a plate.
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know.” He handed you a plate piled high and a fork, then started serving himself. “You doing ok?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you shrugged, “just a shitty day.”
He sat down a few spaces away from you. “Colin wasn’t here very long,” he said with a practiced casualness. 
“No,” you frowned, “he wasn’t.”
“Can I ask you a question that’s none of my business?”
You looked at him warily, “Sure.”
“Why on earth are you with him?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. “Uh,” you stopped to think, “the sex is pretty good.” He’d known where your clit was, which was more than you could say for a lot of your exes. “He can be fun to go out with. And we look good together. I don’t know, he gets it, which not a lot of people do.”
Curtis looked at you confused, “Gets what?”
“The whole thing. Just, what it means to be with me. Like, that I’m going to get recognized when we go out, and there’s always going to be paparazzi around, and sometimes I’m going to have to be on location for months at a time. It’s just there’s all this stuff around me. Being with me, it’s asking a lot, you know? But he gets recognized too, sometimes, and he doesn’t mind getting his picture taken and he goes on tour and stuff. He’s more willing to put up with it all.”
His brow furrowed. “You shouldn’t be something to be ‘put up with’”
You shook your head and waved his comment away. “You know what I mean. Anyway, moot point, probably. I think I’m done. He wasn’t very nice to me today and I’m just kind of over it.”
“Probably just as well. His band is terrible.”
You let out a big, loud laugh at that, head thrown back, as you felt some of the stress of the day slide off of you. When you glanced at Curtis, he was watching you, pleased. Proud of himself. It sparked a little blossom of warmth in your heart, and you ducked your head. 
After a few moments of comfortable quiet, he cleared his throat. “For the record, anyone who makes you feel like it’s hard to be with you probably isn’t worth being with.”
You didn’t know what to say to that. You could feel him watching you but you were suddenly too afraid to look at him. After too long a pause, you said, “Well, you just described all of my exes, so…” with a weak little chuckle. He didn’t say anything, but you could feel your feeble attempt at a joke fall flat. You focused intently on your plate and shoved some food in your mouth for want of anything else to do. After a few minutes, you tried to change the subject. “I feel like now I should get to ask you something that’s none of my business.”
“Yeah? What do you want to know?”
“I don’t know,” you said, looking back at him. He leaned back into the couch, plate balanced on one thigh, a beer in his hand. It was the most relaxed you’d ever seen him. “I don’t really know anything about you.” You studied him carefully, feeling like this was your one chance at something, you weren’t sure what. “What were you like as a kid?” you asked without thinking, and then immediately regretted it. What an embarrassing question.
He didn’t laugh or roll his eyes at you, though. He just took a drink of his beer and then said, “Angry. I was really angry all the time.” You didn’t say anything, waiting to see if he’d volunteer more information or change the subject. He took another drink, then added, “I grew up in a few different foster homes and I was just mad, at everything. An angry little thing. Finally, when I was a teenager, I crossed paths with someone who gave a shit. Helped me figure out how to channel it, move past it.”
You sat for a moment, deathly afraid of saying the wrong thing. You didn’t want him to think you felt sorry for him, pitied him. You didn’t. But it felt glib to say you admired him for it or that he must have been so strong. You settled on “Thank you for telling me.”
He nodded and took a bite of his food. Once he swallowed, he asked “What about you? What kind of kid were you?”
You blanched slightly. You normally hated talking about your childhood, but in this moment it felt like it might be ok, like you didn’t have to sugarcoat it. Like you wouldn’t get in trouble for being honest. “I was really lonely. Um, I was never really in school? Or, I guess I was for the first couple years, but my parents were constantly pulling me out for auditions and commercials and stuff. And then when I was 9, I booked the show, and so from then on it was all studio tutors. And there were never really any other kids on the set. So, I don’t know, I was just by myself a lot of the time. Or with my parents.” You grimaced. “Even now, I feel like if I’m not working, I don’t really know how to interact with people. Never really learned how.” 
“You’re doing fine right now,” he said, voice so gentle it made you squirm a little bit.
“You don’t count.” He raised an eyebrow at you and you shrugged. “I’ve always been comfortable with you.” You weren’t sure why that felt so much like a confession, but when you met his eyes and saw how serious they were, you knew he felt it too. You took a sip of your beer. “My turn.”
“Your turn?”
“Yeah,” you grinned, “it’s a game now.” He rolled his eyes, but smiled and gestured for you to go ahead. “Are you seeing anyone?” 
He shook his head. “I don’t date much.”
He shrugged. “I have other stuff going on right now. And my work hours can be kind of weird and unpredictable.” He must have seen the way your face started to fall, because he rolled his eyes goodnaturedly and said. “This isn’t your fault. I just have other priorities right now. I’m sure that if there was something I was looking for, I’d be able to find it.”
“Yeah, you definitely would,” you said with a laugh. He looked at you somewhat quizzically and it was your turn to roll your eyes at him. “Oh, come on! I know you know how hot you are.”
He cleared his throat and let out a small chuckle. “Uh,” he said, as he rubbed the back of his head and you noticed that his ears were turning red. He was uncomfortable. You had made your big, scary bodyguard bashful. It immediately filled you with so much glee. “That’s maybe been mentioned to me, once or twice,” he finally choked out. Just as you started cackling, he cut in, “Ok, me now. When was the last time you took a break?”
You looked around with a slightly furrowed brow. “You mean, like, other than right now?”
He shook his head. “No, I mean, I’ve been with you almost two years now and you’ve worked nonstop pretty much the entire time. When was the last time you took a real, sustained break?”
“Oh, um,” you had to stop and actually think about that. Everything had always been go go go, ever since you were a kid. And even once you were an adult, everytime you thought about slowing down, there was always something to capitalize on, an opportunity that shouldn’t be ignored. “Oh! The summer I was, I think, 12? Maybe 13? I didn’t book anything for hiatus and my parents were so mad. But I just got to hang out all summer. It was amazing. There was this girl my age who lived down the street. And we would just like, hang out in her backyard, or go to the pool, walk to get ice cream. Whatever we wanted to do. I was so excited to have a real friend. It was the best summer I ever had.”
“Did you keep in touch?” he asked softly, startling you when his fingers brushed against yours.
“No, the next season was when they started to really beef up my role, which meant I got paid more, so we moved. I never saw her again. Which was fine. It was really fun while it lasted.”
When you made eye contact with Curtis, there was a touch of sadness there that you couldn’t stand to look at, so you went back to your food. You were fine. Look at everything you had! You were good. You had no reason to be sad.
“You should think about taking a year off,” he said quietly.
You looked back up at him and scoffed, “A year?!”
“You just told me you haven’t had a real break in 13 years. I think a year is reasonable. I know you’re doing fine financially. You should think about it.”
“Maybe,” you said, but you were sure that no one involved in your career would let that happen. You couldn’t even imagine it. “Okay, my question. What do you do when you aren’t looking after me?”  
“Aside from sleep?” he asked, laughing at himself. You were instantly mesmerized by the sound. You didn’t think you’d ever heard it before. Dry chuckles, yes, but an actual laugh? You felt instantly addicted to it. “Uh, I go to the gym most days. I like to read, whenever I have the time. I’ve kind of been teaching myself how to cook, here and there. I don’t know, I’m not that interesting.”
You begged to differ, but saying that felt like too much. Like it would reveal more than you even realized. You were done eating now, so you put your plate on the coffee table and shifted to get more comfortable, bringing your legs up under the rest of you. As you did, your knees brushed against Curtis’s thighs. You stopped, surprised, and looked at where your bodies touched. Without realizing it, at some point during the conversation, you’d both eliminated the space between you. Wanting to see how far you could push it, while ignoring just how much you wanted the physical contact, you adjusted yourself again, so that now your thigh pushed against his. You watched for his reaction very carefully, while trying to look like that was the last thing you were doing. Something fluttered inside of you when he pressed imperceptibly closer. “It’s your turn,” you whispered. 
He turned so that he could look at you fully and just watched you for a moment. You could almost see him thinking, trying to find the perfect question. Finally, “What would you do if you weren’t acting?”
You felt your brain short out for a second. “Like, instead?” You asked dumbly. He nodded. “Um, I have no idea? This is all I’ve ever done. I don’t think I’m really good at anything else.”
“I highly doubt that,” he said and you were thrown off by how sure he sounded. You weren’t sure anyone had ever sounded so confident about you before, especially when it was so unfounded.  
“Well, it’s true,” you said and wincing internally at how harsh it sounded. “I don’t know. I don’t like that question.” Your skin was too tight again and you felt so, so small. He was seeing all of you now, how little there was, and had surely found you wanting. 
“Ok, that’s fine,” he said quietly, like he was talking to a spooked horse. Something about it made you want to flip over the coffee table. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to– I’m sorry.” You just nodded and folded in on yourself. “We can stop playing.”  
“No,” you said. “I still have one question left.” There was really only one you wanted an answer to. “Why did you stay tonight?” 
He didn’t stop to think before he answered. “Because you seemed like you needed me to.”
“That’s not part of your job,” you said, feeling defiant without really knowing why. 
“No, it’s not.”
You didn’t know what to do with him. This wasn’t how people treated you. You were either something to be vaunted or something they could use. Your parents, your friends, the people who worked for you, the people you dated. They all wanted to get something out of you. Curtis never seemed to want anything from you. But he didn’t put you on a pedestal either. He had always treated you like just a person. It was unnerving. What were you supposed to do with that?
You turned back to the TV, finally registering what was on. It was some reality show you’d never seen before. “I have no idea what this is,” you said.
“Me neither.”
Whatever comfortable calm that had existed between the two of you on this couch, it was gone now. You curled up, placing your chin on your knees. “I’m probably going to fall asleep.” You were exhausted, not just today, but in your bones.
“Do you want me to go?” he asked. 
All you could do was shake your head and let out a small, whispered, “No.” As all over the place as you felt, you knew you weren’t ready to be alone yet, weren’t ready for him to leave.
“Ok,” he said, softly, as you felt his arm moving behind you to rest on the back of the couch. “I’ll stay.”
Part Three
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sara78 · 3 months
Family don't end in blood - Chapter 11
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Summary: The summer break has officially started for Y/N and rest of the cast. What Y/N thought would be a bland summer quickly turns into fun, and some scary situations arise...
Word Count: 3489
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x daughter!reader
Warnings: A scary situation
A/N: Thanks for coming back to read more and sorry for the wait!
3rd person POV
"Honey, I've been doing some thinking," Danneel said, Jensen humming as he looked at her with a smirk, "Jensen, not that kind of thinking. Get your mind out of the gutter."
"Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that kind of thinking either," he said, Danneel smacking his chest playfully and a groan emerging from behind the couch, a disgusted look on Y/N's face,
"Just... Let me fill up my water bottle and I'll be outta here. Jared asked me to come over to help him with something so you'll have the house to yourself to do... Whatever... Ew," she made a disgusted face, Jensen laughing,
"It's normal, kiddo. Don't have to be ashamed of it."
"Yeah, I'll remind you of them last words of yours when a fourth Ackles comes into picture. Or fourth and fifth, given mom's history with twins," she said, Danneel falling into a laughing fit while Jensen rolled his eyes,
"First off, fifth Ackles," he said with a glare, making Y/N roll her eyes, "No rolling eyes and no twins. And second, there's protection, y'know?"
"Yeah, cause that always works out," she rolled her eyes, "I'll be over at the Padaleckis. Call if you need anything. Now... Just continue whatever you were doing," she made a fake gagging sound, leaving the house.
"She's got a sense of humor," Jensen said,
"Mhm. I particularly like the fact that she can roast the hell out of you," she smirked, "Now, that thinking you mentioned..."
"Oh, who's got their mind in the gutter now?"
 Y/N's POV
"Moose!" you exclaimed as you caught a glimpse of a figure in the garage, sporting its usual dumb attire, a long sleeve, and some pants. It wouldn't be dumb if it were February, but it was July and at 9am you were already sweating your ass off. That's Texas, gotta love the heat. And it seems Jared particularly loves it as he hadn't thought of changing. He turned around, waving as you approached him, finally finding some shade in the garage,
"Munchkin!" he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around you and hugging you gently, which you returned,
"What's up?" she asked as she broke off the hug, "You broke some shit or did something bad? I gotta cover your ass from Gen?"
"No. I promised her to clean the garage and... Well... I need help," he sighed, "I didn't realize this much stuff was inside. Bad move to say I could do it by myself."
"Oooh, so you're aware you're getting old," you teased, Jared sending you a glare, "Alright alright, so you need help moving all this stuff?" you asked and he nod, "Why didn't you call dad-I mean Jensen?" Jared smiled, ruffling your hair,
"I told you not to hide from me, I ain't your dad and I ain't a snitch. I won't tell. Now, I was gonna call him too, but I figured he missed Dee."
"Yeah," you said, making a disgusted face, Jared laughing,
"That's completely normal kiddo."
"Whatever," you waved your hands in the air, "Where do we start?"
"I began over there," he pointed, "Maybe you go to the opposite end? We meet halfway?"
"You mean, I'll meet you somewhere in the corner of your pile," she said with a smirk, "Alright let's get to work."
"What are you gonna do this summer?" Jared asked, making you shrug your shoulders,
"Nothing," you said, lowering a box down,
"What do you mean nothing? It's summer! You don't have work, school. What did you do back in Y/H/C over the summer?"
"Hang out with friends, watch movies and TV shows. Read, play the guitar," you said, getting a hold of another box with a grunt, "I'm no fun."
"That's okay, you don't have to be partying every day to have fun," Jared said,
"Y/N!" Shep's voice called out, making you turn around and smile as the boy approached you and almost tackled you into a hug,
"Well hello to you to Shep. Now, who gave you permission to be almost as tall as me?"
"I did," Jared said with a proud, dorky smile on his face,
"Sure thing," you giggled, "How was basketball practice?"
"Good, it was really fun. Oh, we're playing on Thursday. Can you come to watch me?" he asked excitedly and you nod,
"I'll be there in the front row. He'll be in the back, he's way too tall for the front," you said, pointing at Jared and making Shep laugh, "Well your dad and I were just talking about summer break so, any other fun things you have going this summer?"
"I have nature and basketball camp," he said, "I'm super excited about that. And that's about it."
"You should join him in the nature camp munchkin," Jared hopped in, "It's really fun."
"I'm too old for that."
"We take in people of all age. There's some really old people at the camp," Shep said,
"Yeah? How old are we talking?" you asked,
"Like, daddy old," he said, pointing at Jared who made a pouty face while you were trying not to die of laughter,
"Okay kid I owe you ice cream for that one," you said as you calmed down from your laughing fit, "I'll-I'll see about the camp," you added, taking a deep breath, "Now go take a shower. You stink like your dad after moving a grand total of..." you turned around, counting the boxes, "Five. Five boxes," you said, looking at him, "You really are an old man."
"Told ya!" Shep called from the door before closing it,
"That kid," Jared huffed, "I'm no old man!"
"Okay okay," Sara giggled, the door to the garage opening,
"Now if I recall correctly, you said you could do it alone," Gen's voice rang as she approached you, "She's a plus one. Hi honey," she smiled at you, hugging you which you reciprocated,
"She barely even counts, look at how tiny she is!" Jared tried,
"This tiny thing here moved more boxes than you did. Plus, you had a head start of two, old man," you pointed out, making Jared roll his eyes,
"Old man? Where did that come from?"
"Shep!" Gen said surprised, "Damn, that kid is becoming witty!"
"He is," you said, giggling, "Come on, someone's pride is hurt," you nod at Jared and Gen rolled her eyes as she walked over to where he was and gave him a kiss,
"I love you," she said with a smile, "Despite you being so old," she added, Jared groaning as you giggled, "Kidding."
"Where are other kids?" you asked,
"Dot is with her aunt and Tom should be back after soccer practice. JJ's waiting for him to finish up. Now, you, what are your plans for the summer?"
“Y/N!” Tom’s voice exclaimed, making you turn around and wave at the two. You hugged Tom as he came closer, rolling your eyes at the fact that he’s as tall as you are despite being way younger than you,
"Jared and I were just talking about it. Nothing, really.”
"What do you mean, nothing? Don't Jensen and Danneel have some plans?"
"If they do, I'm not invited."
“Sup guys!” you said, smiling at JJ who nod at you, “How was soccer practice?”
“Was fun,” Tom said, “I gotta do some drills to practice a bit more.”
“Could you practice with us Y/N?” JJ asked, making you smile, “You helped me with my passes a lot. Maybe you’d want to help Tom too?”
“You play soccer?” Tom asked and you nod,
“I used to play when I was around your age. A thing or two stuck around,” you said, “Of course we can practice. How about after lunch?”
“Sounds good,” Tom said, “And… What’s dad doing?”
“Dead lifting,” Gen said as she giggled while looking at Jared, “And failing.”
“He’s not deadlifting, he's dying,” you added, making everyone laugh, “You two go inside, refresh. I’m taking you to ice cream when the twins come back from soccer and dance,” you said, watching as the two walked away,
“Well JJ warmed up to you a little,” Gen noticed,
“Yeah. Nothing much, really. She actually practiced with me only because Jensen talked her into it. She does say good morning to me. It’s progress though,” you sighed, “I’ll go help your old man so he doesn’t throw his back out,” you teased, Gen giggling,
“Alright. Jensen and Danneel are coming over for barbecue tonight, just so you know.”
“Oh, food, fun!” you said with a smile, Gen rolling her eyes as she walked back into the house through garage, “Sup, old man?” you said as you approached Jared who sent you a bitch face, “Don’t frown too much. You might throw a face muscle out,” you teased, Jared stopping and pulling his sleeves up playfully as you began running away from him, laughing.
3rd person POV
While Gen and Danneel were setting the tables for dinner later that day and Jensen was helping Jared smoke the meat and not eat any raw pieces in the process, Y/N was playing soccer with Tom, JJ, and Zepp. They did some drills for soccer, and she also showed Shep a few of those for basketball as well. Arrow and Odette were sitting on the side, probably plotting an end-of-the-world situation, as they usually do.
“Man, you ever thought of sending Y/N to soccer camp?” Jared said as the two looked at the kids playing, “You see her? She’s holding her own against Tom who’s as tall as her, and is even stronger than she is.”
“I mean, I’d love for her to do some sports,” Jensen said, “We do train together, but I can tell she loves soccer. Seems to enjoy it at least,” he said, “I can always offer it to her. It’s up to her if she’s gonna take it or not though,” he added,
“True. She’s also good with basketball, but I see she finds more joy in soccer,” Jared analyzed, “Now, you better tell me you have something planned for the summer that includes Y/N.”
“Everything that we planned for the summer includes Y/N, what are you on about?” Jensen asked confusedly,
“Well she mentioned today she’s probably not invited to whatever plans you might have, so I’m just making sure you haven’t lost your mind,” Jared said, “What is it?”
“Disney World,” Jensen smirked, “Dee planned the whole thing out. Too bad I said yes, she was gonna bring you if I didn’t want to go.”
“Take it back!” Jared exclaimed, pouting, “I wanna go too!”
“You got your own family doofus. Go figure it out,” Jensen teased, watching as Y/N approached them, talking to the kids as she was walking backwards towards them, “Stuff your face with that raw meat or I swear to God-“
“I hath been sent by the hungry tribe to ask when’s dinner gonna be done?” Y/N asked,
“Well if your uncle Jared doesn’t eat any of the remaining raw meat, it shall be done in about half an hour,” Jensen said with a smile, “Having fun?”
“Yep. Tom is really strong,” you said, “Barely keeping up with him. I think next time we come to Texas he might be taller than me.”
“That’s perks of being a Padalecki,” Jared smirked, “You like soccer, munchkin?”
“Yeah,” she said, “It’s fun. Lets me blow off some steam. Why?”
“You played when you were younger too, right?” Jensen said and she nod, “How does soccer camp sound to you?”
“I mean… I dunno,” she said, scratching her head, “I’m, like, too old. Too small. You should also be in a team to join, right?”
“Actually, no,” Jared said, “You gotta play a test match to determine your skills, but you don’t have to be in a club or to actively train in order to join. Everyone’s accepted. Now you might be placed with younger kids, but only because you’re smaller built than the kids your age.”
“I think I might be the first person they’ll turn down,” she giggled, “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Let the kids have fun.”
“But you’re a kid too,” Jensen frowned, “And you should have fun too. And this is obviously fun for you. Try it out.”
“You really think I could do well?” she asked, Jared rolling his eyes,
“Tom!” he exclaimed, Tom whipping around and running up to the three, “What do you think of Y/N as a soccer player?”
“She’s amazing!” he exclaimed happily, “My coach said I’m becoming real strong compared to my teammates, and I shouldn’t push with all I have all the time, but she’s holding up so well!”
“Do you think she’d make it to the camp?” Jensen asked and Tom’s face lit up as he looked at Y/N,
“You wanna join?”
“Your dad and uncle think I should,” she said, shrugging her shoulders, “I’m not so sure though.”
“You’d do amazing!” he exclaimed, “Come on over tomorrow morning, when Zeppelin has practice. We do rounds for the camp then.”
“I’ll think about it,” she said, nodding,
“Y/N! Tom!” Zeppelin exclaimed from behind, “Come on, I wanna practice shooting!”
“That’s our cue,” Y/N said, “Tag, you’re it,” she slapped Tom, running away as Tom began chasing her,
“Look at how fast she is!” Jared exclaimed, Jensen giggling,
“She overtook me a few times when we went running together back in Vancouver,” he said, “Embarassing to admit, but it is what it is,” he added, “I hope she tries out tomorrow morning. I’d love to see her have fun for once. She’s too wound up.”
“She’s scared, it’s normal,” Jared assured him, “Let’s just hope she tries out. Incoming, ten o’clock.”
“Have you eaten any more raw ribs, Jared?” Danneel asked as she approached, Jensen giggling as Jared rolled his eyes,
“Y’know that’s becoming old, right?”
“What? The fact that you ate raw ribs a couple months ago, again? Nope, not getting old, like, at all,” Jensen teased, “Honey, I got a question,” he said as Danneel sat in his lap,
“Yeah, what is it?”
“What do you think about Y/N joining the soccer camp with Zepp, J bird and Tom?”
“Oh, I’d love that!” she exclaimed happily, “I noticed she’s having fun. And when y’all finish filming, she can join their soccer team too. I think she’d blossom, to have some sports that isn’t overtaking her old dad when they go running,” she teased, Jensen rolling his eyes,
“Yeah yeah, you didn’t think I was old this morning,” he smirked, Jared making a fake gagging sound,
“That’s disgusting,” he said, handing Danneel the plate with meat, “Here ya go. We got just this to finish up and we’re done. Salads done?”
“Yes sir,” Danneel said, “Bring it over and then we need to wrestle kids into coming to eat.”
“I think they’ll be wrestling us for big pieces of meat when we call them,” Jensen pointed out, “They’ve been running all day straight. They’ll eat like Jared, just not raw meat.”
8 days later...
“Okay, you three sure you’ll be okay?” Danneel asked, making you roll your eyes,
“We’re gonna be fine mom, we got this,” you said,
“We’re gonna kick some ass!” Zeppelin exclaimed as he ran up to you, making Danneel gasp and Jensen snort,
“Zeppelin Bram Ackles, language!” Danneel said, making you giggle,
“English,” JJ added, everyone turning confused looks towards her, “Language. It’s English.”
“She’s got her humor down,” you said with a laugh,
“Just like her mom,” Danneel added, Jensen sending a bitch-face towards her,
“Okay guys, you have fun. Call if you need anything and we’ll see you in fifteen days on the games,” Jensen said, hugging JJ tightly, “Love you birdie,” he whispered while Zeppelin hugged Danneel and you stood back, watching them with a smile. As JJ ran off to find her friends, Jensen walked up to you and gave you a hug too, “My big girl,” he murmured, making you roll your eyes,
“Shut up I ain’t going to military,” you responded, Danneel laughing as he let you go, “Thanks for letting me go.”
“Thanks for trying something out of your comfort zone,” Danneel said, hugging you as Zeppelin jumped into Jensen’s arms, “Have fun out here. Don’t be a big sister all the time.”
“I’ll try,” you smiled, watching as they turned back around and walked to their car, driving off. Zeppelin tugged at your hand, grabbing your attention,
“Let’s go unpack and then we can eat!”
“You got an appetite of your dad, silly,” you giggled, grabbing your duffel, “Come on. Let’s figure this out.”
Six days later...
Okay, Jensen was totally right.
This camp was so much fun.
You haven’t made much friends, as a combination of you being an introvert and younger kids you were playing with who have other fun things to do, but you’ll lie if you said you didn’t enjoy all the games, drills, matches you played. And, of course, all the food.
JJ and Tom had made it into the mixed squad alongside you, so you had some extra work on top of regular stuff, but you didn’t mind. JJ wasn’t exactly ignoring you, but she wasn’t exactly happy to see you there either. You knew she was upset that you joined on the same boat as she did, and you knew she probably felt a little jealous because soccer in this league used to be just her thing. Maybe if they let you play with kids your age, she wouldn’t be as upset as she is. But you couldn’t go against the rules of the camp, and you certainly knew you couldn’t go against the kids that are as tall as Jensen, regardless of their gender.
The downtime you had usually consisted of reading and listening to music, occasionally taking a walk through the wooded area not far from the living area.
On the other hand, you were really happy to see Zeppelin make some friends and have a lot of fun, he settled very well, finding kids that loved legos and dinosaurs and all the little random things he did, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
Of course, Jensen and Danneel texted daily, making sure everyone had everything they needed.
You were sitting on the window frame, the bedtime for little ones, including Zeppelin, had long passed. You were taking in some of the evening breeze when you saw a kid, no older than Zeppelin, approach you with another kid behind,
“Hey, are you Y/N, Zeppelin’s... sister?” he whispered, making you widen your eyes as you looked at the two boys,
“Yes, I am. What are you two doing outside? You’re crossing over the curfew.”
“Uh…” the kid scratched his head as he looked down,
“What happened? Is Zepp in trouble?” you asked as your heart picked up faster pace,
“We were playing truth or dare,” the other boy began, “And he got dared to go into the woods alone-“
“What?!” you whisper-yelled, turning around to look at all the other kids asleep, “Wait here,” you added, walking over to put your shoes on, grabbing your flashlight and your phone, and you walked back, jumping out the window, landing easily, “What direction did he go to?”
“Behind the dorms, there,” the other boy showed you,
“Okay, you two get back into your rooms and keep your butts still. If I don’t show up within an hour, go wake an adult up and tell them everything you told me. Tell them I have the phone on me and they can locate it. You understand me?”
“No buts,” you said sternly, sneaking to their living area, “You already messed up enough by doing this stupid dare in the first place,” you said, “I can go wake someone up right now, but I’m willing to let y’all slide if I find my brother. Go. Inside.”
The two quietly jumped back up to their room through the window and you took off to the woods, swearing internally.
You had totally forgotten about her.
What if she’s here, what if she found you?
What if she took him?
He must be scared out of his mind to be with someone like her.
Of course you were gonna get happiness swept right beneath your feet.
You shouldn't have relaxed this easy, you shouldn't have let your guard down like this.
Even if he wasn’t taken, he’s still alone, in the dark woods.
There shouldn’t be any animals around, but you were scared for the kid nonetheless.
“Zeppelin?” you called out for what seemed to be the hundredth time since you stepped into the woods, you definitely lost track of time and you knew your legs are running on pure adrenaline as you knew how petrified you were. You could see her, clear as day, kicking the small boy you loved as if he's your blood. The sights in front of your eyes were at times so real and vivid that you had to slap your face to bring yourself back to reality.
Time was ticking and you couldn't find him. With every moment that passed, you were more and more assured that your mother took him. He's a smart kid and he's got hearing of a hawk. He'd have heard you calling him by now. You didn't know what to do first, you were calling out for him, praying to whatever there is to keep him safe, battling ugly scenarios in your head, until you snapped,
"Listen to me, you bitch," you called out into the open as you came to a stop, "I know you're here and I know you can hear me. Come out of your hidey hole, let him go and I'll come with you. It's time we put an end to this."
You were about to move further down the path but you heard something snap to your left.
A/N: A little cliffhanger never hurt nobody, right? ;D Now don't kill me @crasmuna, and everyone else, there's more to come ;D
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winchestergirl2 · 7 months
February Reading Recs
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To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Recs | 2024 Reading Recs
Cordell Walker
Quieting the Demons Inside @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell opens up to the reader, and his vulnerability takes their relationship to the next level.
Privacy @idreamofplaid
Authors Summary: Cordell is a passionate man, but he’s a dad too. It doesn’t mean he has to choose between the two.
Texas Nights @stefanmikaleson1864
Dawsons Creek
CJ Braxton
Something Like This @thebiggerbear
Authors Summary: A Nor'easter hits Boston and luckily for you, you don't have anywhere you need to be except right here snuggled up with CJ.
My Bloody Valentine
Tom Hanniger
Lonely Dancers @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
Authors summary: when your boyfriend cheats on you, it leads you to tom hanniger
10 Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Code Red @zepskies
Authors Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
High School Never Ends Part 1 | Part 2 | @illshakeyouallnightlong-dean
Dean Winchester
Hollow @thoughtslikeaminefield
Authors Summary: @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ submitted this prompt to @cabin-fever-bang​ “Would anyone be willing to write something with Dean [or Jensen] x reader to the song Love on the Brain by Rihanna -xx”
Fire & Rain Masterlist @writercole
Authors Summary: When a fire destroys her place to live, Y/N and her daughter Lana are left with nowhere to go and no one to count on, except the kindness of a beautiful, green-eyed firefighter that saved their lives. Will the pair of them make it through the obstacles life has dealt them or will they crash and burn?
Just Another Day @1000roughdrafts
Authors Summary: Fluffy Dean x female!reader Valentine's Day post
Don't Forget It @hintsofhoney
Authors Summary: While working a case with Dean, he gets jealous of the way you interact with a suspect and decides to remind you who you belong to.
Sam Winchester
You're On Your Own Kid Part 1 @my-proof-is-you
Authors Summary: You’re used to being on your own. You’d been on your own as long as you could remember. Could Sam show you that it isn’t the only way to live?
Untitled Sam Winchester Fic @supernaturalfreewill
Big Sky
Beau Arlen
Febuwhump Day 10 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 14 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Febuwhump Day 21 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Whole Lotta Love @deanbrainrotwritings
Authors Summary: beau finds a way repays the reader after taking care of him when he’s injured, but also to apologise for worrying her. but most importantly, to prove he was okay.
The Way We Fall In Love @smellingofpoetry
Authors Summary: This is the story of how they fall in love.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
Febuwhump Day 12 @luci-in-trenchcoats
Side Effects of Soldier Boy @tom-whore-dleston
Authors Summary: Soldier Boy tries to keep you quiet during sex.
Jason Teague
Febuwhump Day 7 @luci-in-trenchcoats
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 11 months
Imagine...Joel Inviting You To Come To Wyoming
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Pairing: Joel Miller x reader
A/N: The Last of Us fanfic anyone?? First time venturing into this fandom (and doing a non-Jensen Ackles character) and ngl, kinda terrified. *posts fic to go run and hide*
“Joel. Joel.” You pushed on his shoulder, met with a grunt in response. “Get up.”
“What,” he grumbled. You sat up, shoving him harder this time. “Y/N I swear-“
“Look.” He grumbled beside you again and sat up with a frown. Out of the corner of your eye you saw his lip twitch up momentarily. 
“Is that a smile Joel Miller?” you teased, bumping his ribs.
“Watch it, Y/L/N.” He leaned forward, staring out the window. It’d been a long time since you’d seen a rainbow, even longer since you’d appreciated one. “Think it’s done raining?”
“Sky looks clear to the west,” you said, shifting on the ground, moving off of your sleeping bag. He grunted as he stretched, grabbing his bag and taking a drink from a water bottle inside. You got your bag packed away and shoved at the bottom of your backpack. 
He’d slept on some couch cushions, mumbling half of the four hours he got. 
“You coming?” he grunted. You slipped on your jacket and bag, raising your eyebrows. “We should move.”
“Wait. You were serious about letting me go back to Wyoming with you?” 
He stared at you as he got to his feet, backpack over his large shoulders in a matter of seconds. “Wouldn’t have told you about it in the first place if I wasn’t.”
“I thought you didn’t like me.” Joel stared out the window, sighing to himself. “You’re kinda-“
“I know.” He nodded his head for you to join him. You stood over by his side, glancing up at him. “You risked your neck for a stranger and saved my ass. Only thing you asked for in return was a morsel of food, if I had it.” 
“And been awhile since I met another decent person on their own,” he said, keeping his gaze outside. 
“You don’t seem the type to trust easily.”
“If this is a long con, you’re doing a hell of a job considering it’s been days,” he said. Finally you felt his eyes on you, your head turning up to meet them. They lacked the cautiousness from your first encounter, replaced with a look of understanding. “So. You coming back with me?”
“Depends. You in some sort of weird ass cult? I’ve run into a few cons myself.” He reached into his back pocket, pulling out a slip of paper. “What’s this?”
He just stared so you took it, unfolding it carefully.
Hey there! Joel’s a bit of an asshole and emotionally repressed and shit but if you’re reading this, then he trusts you more than he doesn’t. I don’t know, he thought I’d be better at putting this down into words or shit. Anyway, you should trust him back cause he’s someone I didn’t used to trust either but then I did and it was kinda a good thing. Just give the dude a chance. 
“This doesn’t really say anything,” you said, handing it back.
“Kid means well,” he said, shoving it back in his jeans.
“I’m supposed to trust you cause you have a kid?” you asked.
“No. Trust me cause your gut says so and if I wanted to do something to you, I would have done it last night.” He crossed his arms, staring at the fading rainbow in the distance. “She’s ain’t my kid. She’s just a kid.”
“Right. Just some random cursing child that knows you’re ‘emotionally repressed’ you don’t totally give a shit about.”
He stiffened his shoulders, glancing down at you. “You going to come with me or what?”
“I think your not kid kid was right on the you being an ass thing.” You pursed your lips. “I’ll go if you tell me a real fact about yourself.”
He was quiet, staring at you for a long moment, eyes shifting to watch the last traces of the rainbow disappear.
“I lost my daughter the day the world went to shit.” You breathed deeply. That explained this Ellie kid a bit. “And you?”
“Wasn’t the deal.”
“Never agreed to a deal.” He turned back to you as clouds rolled in, your gaze forcefully finding his. 
“I killed my parents when I found them ripping my brother to shreds. I was twelve.”
“How’d you take down two adults?” he asked, eyebrows raised in a way that you didn’t like.
“I knew where they kept the shotgun,” was all you said, hand going to your forearm, squeezing it. “Shitty day.”
“Yes it was.” You turned around, heading for the exit. “We ought to head out before the rain catches us.”
“Y/N.” You stopped, glancing over your shoulder. He tossed you a small bag, a glance inside revealing jerky and a bit of old cheese. “In case we get separated on the way.”
“This is all your food,” you said as he walked past.
“No it ain’t,” he lied, adjusting his rifle. You smiled, tucking it away in your bag. “You’re gonna have to earn your keep in Wyoming.”
“Uh huh,” you said, Joel frowning at you. “You’re a big softie under all that grr.”
He rolled his eyes and started to head downstairs. “Move it. I want to be on the road in five.”
“Okay, Softie.” He growled as you laughed quietly. “Shouldn’t have given me that note if you didn’t want me to know how sweet you are.”
“I’m regretting this already,” he sighed. “You’re nearly as bad as the kid.” “You’ll warm up to the nickname by the time we get there. Softie.”
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deanwinchesterswitch · 6 months
March 2024 Monthly Fic Recs
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I had a great time reading this month. This is a nice full list with lots of variety and some new-to-me authors.
If you like rain or thunderstorms, this is a good list to check out.
Many of these blogs and fics are NSFW-18+. Please honor any requests from a blog regarding no minors. I am not responsible for the content you choose to consume; heed the warnings for each fic.
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~Big Sky~
Don't Walk Away ~ @marvelfanfn2187a113. Author's Summary: you walk in on your dad crying, and try to comfort him (Beau Arlen & daughter!reader)
A Night in Miami ~ @wayward-and-worn. Author's Summary: Time together was short, but Raylan couldn’t let her go without saying what he wanted to say.  Just not necessarily with words.
Hello ~ @cockslutpadalecki. Author's Summary: You’ve given up on love. That is until a stranger walks up to you in a bar, and starts off a chain of events even you couldn’t dream up. (Steve x F!Reader)
Rain ~ @waiting4inspiration. Author's Summary: You love it when there’s rain and love standing out in open, but Steve doesn’t want you to end up sick so he gives you his jacket when he notices that you’re cold
Thunder Struck ~ @str-spangled-banner. Author's Summary: None (Bucky x Female Reader)
Thunderstorm Singing ~ @buckystories. Author's Summary: It turns out your ex-assassin boyfriend, Bucky Barnes, is afraid of thunderstorms. You help to comfort him with fluff, cuddling and singing.
Begging For It ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Tell me about... the hair swipe; Jensen Ackles x Reader)
Family Style ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jensen Ackles x Female Reader)
It'll Do ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jensen Ackles x Female Reader)
Sunday Morning ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jensen Ackles x Female Reader)
Worthwhile ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Jensen Ackles x Female Reader)
A Little Wild ~ @rizlowwritessortof. Author's Summary: A middle-of-the-night thunderstorm helps release those pent-up feelings - pretty much just an excuse for Dean smut…
But God, at what cost? ~ @my-proof-is-you. Author's Summary: Dean helping you get through your cardio workout
Concern ~ @thatonewriter15. Author's Summary: Maybe she can hide her feelings for Dean, but she can’t hide her (mild) injury from him.
Ebb & Flow ~ @cleighwrites. Author's Summary: While on vacation in an quintessential beach house, you take advantage of a little alone time. The brothers return when a storm hits its stride; everything gets wet.
His Doll ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Dean comes back from a hunt in a mood and Y/N is the only thing that will help him relax.
Imagine…Getting trapped in a storm with Dean ~ @luci-in-trenchcoats. Author's Summary: None
Laissez Les Bons Temp Rouler ~ @thoughtslikeaminefield. Author's Summary: He’s got a dirty mouth when he’s drunk. (Dean Winchester x You (female))
No Title ~ @supernaturalfreewill. Author’s Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Not Your Fault ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Something is in the air and your boss takes notice… (Dean Smith x F!Reader)
November Rain ~ @covered-byroses. Author's Summary: Dean’s too late.
Say It, Again... ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Drabble; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Ten and Two ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Female Reader)
The Bad Days ~ @littlemissfix-itfic. Author's Summary: None (Ficlet; Dean Winchester x Reader)
Too Close To Gone Masterlist ~ @jawritter. Author's Summary: Dean’s been gone for a year. You have been gone from the Bunker for just about as long. When you finally get the guts to go back “home” after leaving, someone you never thought you’d see again stumbles into your life, and now you have to figure out how to move on with a constant reminder of what you’ve lost following you around in the flesh.
We're All Irish Tonight ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Dean has been pining for Y/N for months now, and he thinks tonight might be the night things finally get going…
~Ten Inch Hero~
The Miracle Man ~ @zepskies. Author's Summary: The first time you met Priestly was both the worst and best night of your life. He gave you a Miracle.
~Triple Frontier~
Welcome to the Meal ~ @navybrat817. Author's Summary: Will's hungry, but not for food.
Who We're Pretending To Be ~ @impala-dreamer. Author's Summary: Joe finds himself getting too close to one of his grad students and he fights the urge to fall completely.
~On Patreon~
Rebekah Jordan (Impala-Dreamer)
Sweet Little Lies ~ Author’s Summary: It’s funny how one little white lie can spiral so out of control that the beginning seems eons ago and the end is nowhere in sight.
Close to Home-Parts 8 and 9 ~ Author’s Summary: Y/N and Dean are neighbours, and friends. The thing is Dean is a ladies’ man and she has always known it, if he wasn’t, maybe he’d be the ideal guy…but his eye for the ladies, how well they work as friends, as well as the fact that he’d never even think of her that way, all means that they are meant to be just neighbours and friends. Doesn’t it?
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
「 series collection 」
so you wanna read something with multiple parts? well, you've come to the right place. here are all of the series I've written all accumulated in one neat place topped off with a nice bow and everything
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist
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long series
spencer reid x neighbour!painter!reader, follows seasons 9-10
spencer reid x bau!reader, follows season 6
steve harrington x private school!reader, very slutty stuff
joel miller x former firefly!reader, very dark and angsty
fused with the foe
king!steve rogers x princess!reader, original fantasy world, arranged marriage, enemies to lovers
the wistful wyvern  
knight!bucky barnes x knight!reader, original fantasy world, ex-friends to lovers, forced proximity
soot and sparks 
blacksmith!peter parker x farmer!reader, original fantasy world, friends to lovers (COMING SOON!)
 lumberjack!frank castle x reader, the wholesomeness of running an inn in a tiny rural town
matt murdock x baker!reader, neighbours to lovers, rape recovery
mini series
spencer reid x gideon!daughter!reader, pre season one + end of season 2
prince!james potter x servant!reader, set in the beginning of the 1920s
evergreen university
reader x various CE characters (Ransom Drysdale, Curtis Everett, Ari Levinson, Steve Rogers, Frank Adler, Jake Jensen, Lloyd Hansen), slutty murder mystery
the night trilogy
bodyguard!bucky barnes x reader, ex!peter parker x reader, reader’s mom is the british ambassador to france
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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A Sweet Mishap - Chapter 22
Pairing - Jensen Ackles x Reader 
A/N: I just want to start by thanking everyone for all the love on this story so far. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. This chapter is a little heavier (as is the story going forward, but I'll include potential triggers for each chapter as relevant), so please read the TW below and only read on if you feel comfortable doing so.
Potential Trigger Warnings: mentions of cheating, domestic violence
A Sweet Mishap Masterlist | Main Masterlist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Noticing Anna’s finally asleep, I slip out of the bedroom to talk to Nick. He says that he spoke to Stella, since she was worried when he didn’t get home on time and that they’re happy to have us stay with them for a while. Not just for Anna’s sake but also because he’s concerned about Todd finding out about my interference. 
My alarm goes off and I curse. “I can’t leave her. I promised. Stewie’s gonna be so pissed.”
“Doesn’t he have young daughters? I’m sure he’d understand.”
“He would, but I don’t want to keep sharing her story. It’s not my place.”
“I know. Just be vague, tell him a friend had an emergency and you’re helping them through it.”
I nod and turn off the alarm and call Stewie. I apologise profusely as I vaguely explain the circumstances. He’s unsurprisingly not happy about the late notice but understands and agrees to let me have the morning off. I also make the decision to skip my classes, but I’m hoping that I can get her settled enough with Stella that I can still make tonight’s rehearsals. But I’m willing to skip them too if she needs me. I may never have been put first, but I plan to do it for her. 
I notice the missed texts from Jensen have doubled to 30, but I ignore them. I have bigger problems, especially after his jealousy-fuelled and misled comments. Despite knowing it could fix things, I refuse to share someone else’s problems with someone that I clearly still don’t know that well. 
I notice Nick get up and stretch. “You think you’ll be okay here for a bit while I go for a walk and sus things out and pick us up some breakfast?” I nod. He pulls out his phone and calls me, I give him a confused look but answer anyway. “Keep your phone on you and don’t hang up. I don’t trust this guy. Don’t answer the door for anyone.”
I nod and then reach for my keys and hand them to him. “Good idea. Thanks. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
“Thank you.”
He nods as he turns and leaves, looking as confident as ever. I sit back down on the couch, keeping an eye on Anna as she sleeps soundly in my bed. I feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me - concern for Anna's safety, relief that Nick is here to help, and a twinge of worry. As I glance at Anna, her peaceful expression brings a small smile to my face. Despite the chaos that has entered my life, I feel a sense of determination to protect her, to be there for her in any way I can. I know what it's like to feel alone and vulnerable, and I refuse to let Anna go through this ordeal by herself.
I keep my phone near my ear to listen to what’s happening outside, but it’s quiet. I hear the normal hustle and bustle of a New York City morning, but there’s no yelling. I feel reassured, hoping that this means that we can sneak over to Manhattan unnoticed after breakfast. While waiting for Nick to return, I stare at the unopened box still sitting on the coffee table. Despite my annoyance, I decide to open it. I tear the tape as quietly as possible and pull open the cardboard flaps to reveal a black leather jacket. As I carefully lift it out of the box, I unfold it to reveal the sleeves which are decorated with colourful embroidered flowers. I flip it over to look at the back and my name is embroidered in beautiful white cursive and surrounded by more intricate, colourful flowers and green leaves. The sound of a key turning in the lock startles me out of my thoughts. Nick enters, carrying a couple of paper bags filled with breakfast goodies in one hand and three coffee cups in the other. He sets them down on the kitchen counter and joins me on the couch.
"Everything okay?" I ask quietly.
Nick nods, his eyes scanning the room, making sure Anna is okay. He nods at the jacket, “That’s nice. Big splurge with your broadway salary?”
“Nah…It’s from Jensen.”
“Wow. Must be nice to be able to afford to splurge like that…”
“Yeah…Anyway, I should get Anna up so we can get back to your place before her ex starts up again.” I go back into my bedroom and sit down on my bed beside Anna. I don’t want to touch her or anything incase she gets startled. I don’t know the full extent of what this man has done to her. Instead, I softly say her name. She’s unsurprisingly a light sleeper and fliches alittle at the sound. She looks up at me with wide eyes and I try to calm her with soft words. I assure her that Nick is still here and Todd never came looking, and he’s gone from the lobby. I explain that there’s food and coffee if she wants it, but we want to get going as soon as possible in case he comes back downstairs. 
She nods and slowly sits up. I don’t rush her, I just get up and start to throw a few essentials into a bag. 
A few hours later, she’s set up in Stella’s guestroom to stay as long as she needs. Knowing she’s got food in her stomach and a safe place to stay, I finally relax a little. I feel a little bad for dragging Nick and Stella into this and making her take off work too, but they both assure me that it’s okay and Anna’s safety is more important. While Nick goes to take a quick nap after the long night, Stella and I relax on the couch and chat. After discussing my classes and rehearsals and her promotion extensively, the conversation turns to Valentine’s Day, and despite her knowing exactly how the night ended, she asks if Jensen at least sent anything. I tell her about the jacket but also the call and his assumptions. She shakes her head and sighs, asking if he at least apologized. I show her the 30 plus unread messages and missed calls and she encourages me to call him. Despite, taking my side completely, she also says he should get the chance to tell his side and apologize, especially since he sent such a special gift days earlier; a gift which she says I need to thank him for, even if he was rude after-the-fact.
I accept her side and decide to call him. I walk outside to their back patio before pressing the call button. I know that waiting so long bears a large risk of him being back on set and not near his phone, but I’m not sure if that’s partly what I’m hoping. However, to my surprise, he answers on the third ring. 
“Hey…” he says sullenly.
“Hi,” I reply, trying to hide any emotions.
“I’m sorry. I was jealous and missing you, and I know that’s no excuse. I just…”
“I understand, it’s just…I’ve told you about my past. You know what I’ve been through and yet you would still accuse me cheating.”
“Well, as far as I know, we’re not officially dating. And so it wouldn’t be cheating exactly.”
“Yeah, that’s true, but still…Also, you can lose the tone with me. I’m not in the mood.”
His tone instantly changes from accusatory and sarcastic to apologetic. “I’m sorry.”
“Because I said I’d explain, last night I met a girl who needed help. She was all alone on Valentines and reminded me of myself when I was at my worst. I know you would have wanted to be my number one priority on Valentines, I would have loved that too. But she needed to know that she was. So, uh, it sucked that when I was trying so hard to show her that things can get better I had to also deal with your childish jealousy on top of that.”
“Shit, is she okay? I should’ve known you’d been dealing with something serious…”
“She will be.”
“I’m sorry. Thank you for explaining everything, eventhough I didn’t really deserve it. It’s so you and so nice of you to go out of your way to help someone else in need. I’m glad she’s gonna be okay. Is there any way I can make it up to you?”
“Honestly? I don’t know. You used my worst insecurities against me. I don’t know how you went from being concerned about my safety to accusing me of hooking up with someone so quickly.”
“Stupid insecurities is how…I should’ve just trusted you.”
“I know, it just might take a while for me to move past this, okay?”
“I understand. Did you-”
“Yes. It’s beautiful. Thank you. I just don’t know if I’m ready to wear it after last night.”
“Yeah…I had this whole speech planned. It’s probably cheesy as hell and it’s probably irrelevant now but-”
“Tell me anyway. I want to hear it.”
“Okay…uh…Understudy or not I wanted you to know that you’re my pink lady. One day I want to be the J-bird you deserve. I know the letter T has a bad history for you, so hence…J. But after last night, I also wanted to add that I’m gonna shape up. I deserved to be left alone at the hypothetical drive-in last night, but one day I’m gonna take you to the fair and be the one that you want. Because you, Y/N, you are the one that I want.”
Tears well up, and I try not to let everything go and forgive him in the moment. “Jensen…”
“Too cheesy?”
“Yes…No…It’s perfect. just , uh, Jens?”
“You’d better shape up, cause I need a man who can keep me satisfied. And I know deep down inside…I like you, Jens, I do. But I deserve better than whatever that was last night.”
“I know. I agree.”
“Anyway, I should, uh, I go back in and check on Anna.”
“Yeah, I hope she’s okay. Let me know if there’s anything I can do, even if it’s financial. Whatever you need. And if you’re worried about your independence we can call it an indefinite loan.”
“Stella and Nick are helping out, so it should be okay. But thanks, that means a lot.”
“Anytime. Sorry again and happy belated Valentine’s Day, Darlin’.”
“Thanks.” I hang up and just stare up at the sky for a few minutes as I gather my thoughts and emotions before going back inside.
After extensive reassurance from all parties, I finally concede and let Nick drive me to rehearsals on his way to work, leaving Anna with Stella who I know is more than capable. I try my best to stay focused, but my mind keeps wandering back to her throughout the entirety. When Alysa asks if I’m going to stay back for the understudy practice, I almost decline, but she persuades me. Nick had promised to give me a lift back to their place during his break, so I wouldn’t be able to get back before midnight anyway. As I practice Sandy’s parts I can’t help but imagine Jensen as Danny and it helps me give a more passionate performance – or at least Alyson says so. 
As our unofficial understudy practice comes to an end, I gather my things, feeling a mix of emotions. Nick is waiting outside in the car, ready to take me back to his place, where Anna is hopefully doing better. The drive is quiet, both of us lost in our own thoughts. When we arrive, Stella is sitting on the porch steps, a serene expression on her face. She stands up as she sees us approaching.
“Hey there,” Stella greets me, a warm smile on her face. “Anna's doing much better now. She fell asleep not too long ago.” The relief washes over me, knowing that Anna is safe and resting.
Nick comes over and gives Stella a quick peck on the lips and then I thank him for the ride before watching as he drives off into the night, back to the club for the rest of his shift. Turning to Stella, I take a seat beside her on the steps. The cool evening breeze plays with our hair as we sit in companionable silence for a moment.
“This has got to be bringing up some memories,” Stella says after a while.
“Yeah…I’m strong though.”
“I know. So, what did you decide about Jensen?”
“Long distance is hard, especially when we barely know each other, but I like him. I want it to work. What he said hurt, and it’s gonna take a lot of time and hard work. But I think he’s willing to put in the effort.”
“His little stunt at the wedding may have taken a little of the spotlight off me and Nick, but it also added a lot. Even in New York not everyone gets to have a celebrity sing for their first dance. It was special, even though I knew he was only doing it to get to you. But he did learn a song in a matter of days because I asked. He’s not your average celebrity, hell, he’s not your average guy.”
“He’s not.” I shake my head and let out a breathy laugh. “He’s so cheesy too. He got me this leather jacket because he had this whole speech about Sandy and Danny and the T-Birds, which renamed to the J-Birds because he knows about the T-Wads.”
Stella squeals and lightly stomps her feet on the wooden steps in excitement. “That’s so cute! See!”
“Yeah…I think he’s a keeper.”
“As long as he can control his temper and jealousy.”
“Yeah…But I do understand where he was coming from. I feel the same whenever I see pics of him with female fans or co-stars. It’s hard to know when we’ve known each other so briefly and are so far apart.”
“And especially with your past experiences, I can understand on your side. Do you know if-”
“I never really asked, but he did mention once that his relationships with other actresses haven’t ended well. So, maybe…I hope not. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.”
“Yeah…” Stella stands up with her arms wrapped around herself. “Anyway, we should try to get some sleep. You sure you’re okay on the couch? I’m happy to share, Nick won’t be back until dawn.”
“It’d be like old times…But nah, I’m sure. And at least then if Anna wakes up I’ll know.”
“Alright,” she says as she pulls the door open.
We go inside and go out separate ways, Stella up to the master suite and me to shower and change before snuggling up on the couch with a thick fluffy blanket and one of their spare pillows. I send a quick good night text to Jensen before switching my phone to silent and rolling over.
In the morning the four of us share a quick breakfast together before Nick goes up to bed. Stella takes another day off to be with Anna and to take her shopping for some essentials to make her feel more comfortable. On the way to the shop, Stella drops me off at the cafe. Before getting out the car I reassure Anna that she’s safe with Stella and agree to meet them for lunch between my classes later in the afternoon. My shift passes similarly to rehearsals last night, with only half of my mind on the tasks at hand; luckily making standard coffees is almost a habit I could do with my eyes closed. 
Despite not having had a chance to complete the readings, I stumble through my first class before meeting Stella and Anna in a nearby cafe for a light lunch of toasted sandwiches. I can tell Anna feels guilty about Stella paying for everything and for taking up so much of both our our time and attention. So far she’s eaten like a bird but she forces herself to finish the sandwich and soda in a bid not to waste the money being spend on her. 
I give her a reassuring smile. “We all need a hand up sometimes. I know how hard it is now but you can just focus on you now and you’ll climb your way back up. Whatever he said or did to you doesn’t define you. You can be whoever you want to be.”
She keeps her gaze fixed on her empty plate.
Stella and I share and look. “It’s okay to not have any answers right now. Take you time. You’re still young. Nick and I are happy to have you for as long as you need. Truth is, eventhough we just got married, we’re unsure of the next steps. Neither of us are ready for kids so that room is free for the foreseeable future. So, it’s yours for as long as you want it.”
My alarm goes off signalling it’s time to head to my next class. I place my hand softly on Anna’s. “We’re both here for you. Whatever you need.” I smile at Stella and add, “I’ll see you guys after rehersals.” As I walk to class I can’t help but feel guilty about dumping her on Stella while I get to have my shot and start chasing my dreams, but at the same time I can’t bring myself to throw them away when my hard work is finally starting to pay off. I’m determined to make it all work: help Anna get back on her feet, graduate, get on broadway and pursue a relationship with Jensen, and as a bonus, help Stewie save Mamma Jo’s. Eventhough it’s midway through February, I’m cementing those in as my new, New Year’s resolutions.
On the subway on my way to rehearsals I text Jensen.
I need your help with somethingBut feel free to say noI don’t want to take advantage of you
After a few minutes my phone chimes.
Name it
I want to help save Stewie and the cafeDo you think you could help raise funds or at least publicity?
I should have known it wouldn’t be for you I was ready to transfer money
I already told youI don’t want your moneyBut I could use your influence
I’ll make some calls See if anyone in New York needs catering services I’d offer to put out a post myself but that would expose us
Yeah. Not yet. I’d appreciate you reaching out though Anything to boost business more and get the name out there
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Taglist: @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27, @n-o-p-e-never, @deansimpalababy,
@winchesterwild78, @kr804573, @chriszgirl92, @smoothdogsgirl
@speakinvain, @deans-baby-momma, @1967winchesterimpala
@lmg14, @superrey
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writerscafehub · 5 months
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Hmm I'd say I'm like, 2.8? I'm pretty basic and don't do much editing but my stories are good and I'm proud of them!
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think I excel at fluffy family fics. I just love writing good dads being sweet with their kids, especially daughters. Another thing that makes me stand out is how I write autistic!reader. I haven't seen anyone else write that for the Chris Evans fandom (not including Steve) so I'm proud to be the one to do it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Everyone in the server is so talented and they all inspire me in different ways. @a-lumos-in-the-nox puts out story after story with her OC and Ron Weasly and I just love that! Especially as someone who wants to start writing more OCs. @flordeamatista’s writing is so poetic and beautiful and I admire it so much
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I'm pretty proud of my Suburban Dad Sunday verse. It's done so well but it's also just very fun for me to write and it's letting me explore characters that I hadn't written for previously.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Jake Jensen is definitely the easiest. Idk he's just so sweet and fun and the vibes are immaculate with him! The most difficult would probably be any dark character
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I write a lot about Jake and fluff/hurt and comfort.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have a Lloyd Hansen fic with a living music box ballerina. It'll be a giant/tiny fic which I know isn't super popular but I find it so comforting and I'm excited to share it!
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
I believe it was Phantom of the Opera 🙈😂
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I can't think of any tropes, but I do love reading daddy kink fics lmao
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
I mean never say never, but I do not like enemies to lovers. Idk why, I just can't get behind it. I also will likely never write a mob au.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Probably my most recent one with Jake Jensen x Reader x Ari Levinson. H-O-T-T-O-G-O was my first time writing a throuple and it was interesting!
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I love writing Lloyd Hansen and his Reader for SDS. He's just so funny and petty and it's fun to see his shenanigans!
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
No, I get too distracted. I need it to be quiet while I write. I do have playlists to help me get into the right headspace or to help with muse.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shots all the way
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
All the time! Although I feel like most of my fics are little side quests to one big story/universe. I want to do more with The Purrfect Pair- Kitten is so cute and there's lots of potential for mischief with her and Wanda.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Soooo many things. I want to write a smutty series but smut is just so hard for me to write for some reason. I admire those who write it so effortlessly!
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
There are many comments that I hold near and dear to my heart. Recently I got a comment from @thezombieprositute who said my ability to turn simple prompts into heart warming stories was a testament to my skills and it really made my day.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
A long time ago I wrote a Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers Halloween fic. It was on my old account so it isn't around anymore, though I might repost it here. It was definitely a challenge as it was more involved and took a lot of world building. It turned out okay, but maybe I'll revisit it and do some editing!
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, all the time.
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Do I?? I have so many. Thank you for the time to infodump about some of my favorites lmao
I have Eloise Montgomery who is a sexretary for Pete Brenner. Her face claim is Sydney Sweeney!
There's also Charles Randolph who is similar to Ransom in that he's a bratty rich boy who I pair with Ari Levinson. His face claim is Logan Lerman.
I have soooo many but they are my favorites!
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Oh gosh, that's hard. Probably my The Purrfect Pair au. I want to live in a cottage with Wanda Maximoff more than anything!
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I can't think of anything in particular. It just takes me a while to write because of burn out and stuff but I love it and I love sharing it with everyone 🩷
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Oof this is hard for some reason but I do like this from Pine-ing For You
One time when you both were drunkenly singing All I Want for Christmas is You, he pulled you over to the plant hanging from the ceiling and kissed you straight on the mouth. It was a chaste, puckered lips type of kiss and yet it still made your heart flutter from excitement. You both carried on as if nothing happened, never brought it up when you were sober. You eventually decided the incident was merely drunken shenanigans and nothing more, although a part of you wanted to feel his plush lips against yours again.
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I'm excited for all that I have planned this year and I hope I can venture into some new territory with my fic writing. I appreciate everyone's support, you all mean the world to me! 🙏🏼 
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Another dream (3)
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Summary: The dream continues.
Pairing: Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader, Soldier Boy x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Reader, Beau Arlen x Reader
Warnings: language, naughty dreams, fantasies, fangirling, RPF, mentions of smut, almost violence.
A/N: No smut in this. We get a little plot in this.
<< Part 2
Dream a little dream… masterlist
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“Come one, Samuel Winchester! The least you can do is give me your dick,” you complain loudly as Sam sits in your living room to the read yet another book about the supernatural.
“I want to go back home,” Sam retorts.
You snort.
“Oh yeah? Do you wanna know what happens if you and Dean go back to your world,” you push your chin out and purse your lips.
“Enlighten me!”
“Dean is going to die. Killed by a stupid vampire clown and you,” you chuckle darkly, “you are going to end up with a blurry wife, and a ridiculous wig when you grow old. If you want to go, go ahead! But Dean will stay here! I’ll not let him get killed, impaled by a clown-pire!”
“He’s my brother! And—” Sam frowns deeply. “Does he really die? How do you wanna know? Are you a witch?”
“I watched the fucking show, dude,” you grunt. “Now lemme get back to your dick…”
“Sweetheart, I’m home,” Dean casually strolls into your living room. “Sammy, I got a job.” Dean proudly exclaims. “I’m a mechanic now. I got it all. A nice home. No monsters. My brother. A sexy girl. A job. The only thing missing is my Baby…” He sighs deeply.
“Ackles got an Impala,” you clear your throat as Jensen and Soldier Boy follow Dean hot on his heels. “BOYS! You’re back!”
“We tried to find out how to send the guy in your bedroom back,” Jensen shrugs. “What was the talk about my car?”
“It’s my car, actor,” Dean barks, ready to fight with Jensen again. “I want it back.”
“Hmm…” you ponder while Jensen and Dean are ready to get handsy. “What if I dream of fucking you in Baby in front of my apartment.”
Dean stops in his tracks. Fist midair as he dips his head to look at you. “I’m not sure this will work,” Sam interjects.
“No, no…let her talk,” Dean drops his fist to sit next to you on the couch. “Do you think you can bring her over too?”
“I got Beau here, didn’t I? I only watch one episode and here we are…” you grin at Beau who didn’t say much since he ended up in your bedroom. He sits on the floor, staring out of your bedroom as he cannot leave it. Thanks to the curse, magic, or what the fuck is going on with your dreams. “Let’s have a Supernatural marathon. We need episodes with you and Baby and sex…”
“Count me in,” Dean grins. “I want my BABY!”
“Can you...” Beau finally speaks up, “bring my daughter here?”
“Uh-it only worked when I got naughty dreams but—” you bite your tongue. “We could try. I mean…I didn’t want to bring you here. I’m sorry. You were just so hot, and I got…”
“Horny,” Ben grunts. “We won’t share, buddy. If you want a girl, look somewhere else.”
“I can’t leave the bedroom, genius,” Beau talks back. “How’d you all get out of here? Dean, Jensen, and you can leave the apartment too.”
“We fucked like champions,” you glare at Soldier Boy. “What? It’s the only way.”
“That so?” Beau looks at Sam. “But the big guy over there said he never fucked her.”
“I-uh…we kinda…” Sam’s cheeks turn red as his brother slowly turns his head to look at him. “I thought it was a naughty dream and kinda went down on her. She sucked my dick and then…I realized it’s not a dream.”
“He wasn’t too bad,” you grin at Sam. “A pity he refuses to give me that dick. I’d like to help him leave the apartment. Well, his loss.”
“You mean I need to have sex with you to leave the bedroom?” Beau’s eyes drop to your exposed legs. “She took all of you?”
“Sometimes all of us at once,” Soldier Boy grins proudly. “She’s good at taking dick, buddy. All of her holes are golden.”
“Sir, you shouldn’t talk about a lady like that,” Beau points a finger at Ben. “This is…inappropriate.”
“It’s fine,” you wink at Ben. “Soldier Boy got a nasty tongue, but he makes it up with said skilled muscle most of the time.”
Ben’s eyes drop to your crotch. He darts his tongue out, teasingly licking his plump lips.
“She loves my mouth on her.”
“All you talk about is sex,” the newest addition to your weird bunch says. “What about the lives you left behind when she brought you here?”
“People always wanted me to save them,” Ben shrugs. “In this world, they don’t know me. I mean…they sometimes think I’m Ackles, but that’s not the same. I give them an autograph and move on.”
“What about the people dear to you?”
“I got my brother and—” Dean looks around the room. “I miss my friends, but this world gives me a chance to live the life I always wanted to. No monsters. No fighting to stay alive. No more losing people we love. I gave enough. It’s my time to get the good things in life.”
“This is my world so,” Jensen looks at you with darkened eyes. “I still go my life, career, and the people I love. Y/N is a nice addition.”
“Watch your tongue, actor boy,” the hunter warns. Dean glares at Jensen, still angry that he got the Impala. “I’ll be watching you.”
“I can still beat the shit out of you,” Jensen puffs his chest. “Come and get some if you are brave enough.”
“That ended well for you last time,” Sam sighs deeply as his brother and his fake twin are ready for another round of Ackles vs Winchester. “Jensen with all due respect, Dean is much stronger than you.”
“No fighting,” you point a finger at Jensen. “You know the rules. If you fight, no sex for you.”
“Not again,” Ben growls. He angrily balls his hands into fists, ready to keep them from fighting again. “One month was enough.”
“Y/N, can you please explain how I ended up here again? I’m still a little…I don’t know. Confused?” Beau asks as Jensen and Dean raise their fists. “Guys, maybe you can help too?”
“Uh-sure,” Dean drops his fist. “We told you before that Y/N dreamed of us having sex. One moment I was sound asleep, and the next I was standing in her bedroom.”
“Same,“ Jensen mutters.
“I was fighting some bank robber, and then I was in her bedroom.”
“So two of you were asleep, but you were awake,” Beau hums. “I was asleep too.”
“Same,” Sam adds.
“Ben, no lying,” you tut. “Tell us what you did.”
Ben pouts.
“Please, I need to know,” the sheriff softly asks. “We are all friends here, right?”
“Maybe I was a little high,” Ben sheepishly admits. “When I take the good stuff, it feels like I’m in a dream world. I just walked away from the bank robber and stepped inside her bedroom.”
“So, if the drugs count, we all were asleep when she got us here,” Beau concludes. “That’s a start. Now we only need to find out if she got special powers.”
“Why did we not think of this?” Jensen furrows his brows.
“We were busy screwing the life out of our girl,” Soldier Boy shrugs. “Who cares how we ended up here? I want to stay. If you all want to leave, go ahead. More pussy for me.”
“Stop with the crassness,” Beau warns now. “You can’t talk like that about Y/N. She’s not a piece of meat or a fleshlight you can use to get off.”
“You don’t even know her, sheriff,” Ben grins. “Not like I know her. She’s so warm and soft inside. I would kill to be inside her cunt.”
“Sick bastard.”
“Loser who can’t leave the bedroom,” Soldier Boy smirks darkly. “Aw, you didn’t get any yet. I bet you’ve got blue balls already.”
“ENOUGH!” you snap at Soldier Boy. “No sex for you for a week.”
He grunts.
“Two weeks.”
“Maybe I should go out there and find some other girl to—”
“Fine. Go ahead,” you get up from the couch and storm toward your bedroom. “But if you fuck some other bitch, never come back.” You slam the door shut behind you and lock it. “If anyone tries to get inside, I’ll stab you!”
“Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you,” Dean mutters. “She’s our girl. Only because of her, we made it here. I like my new life.”
“Not cool,” Jensen huffs. “I knew you were trouble…”
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Inside your bedroom, you curl into a ball on your bed. “Sorry,” Beau sighs deeply. “I shouldn’t have said a damn thing.”
“No, it was nice of you,” you give Beau a cracked smile. “I’m sorry that I brought you here. If only I knew how to send you back home.”
“Hmmm…maybe we can find a way together,” Beau gets up from the ground to sit on the bed next to you. “We just need to have a little patience.”
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I swear, if that dude touches Y/N I’ll break your neck,” Dean growls at Ben. “It’s your damn fault she locked all of us out!”
“He was an ass.”
“Not helpful,” Jensen runs one hand down his face. “We are fighting for over four hours now. Can we just stop? Maybe we should apologize to Y/N and do something nice for her instead.”
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“Fuck me,” Dean stares at the car parked in front of your apartment complex. “But we didn’t watch the show or anything.”
“Uh-it’s not the real one,” Jensen throws the keys to the Impala at Dean. She’s one of the cars we used on the show. Not the original, but the next best thing.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“She belongs to you, Dean. I was only the one bringing you…I mean my role to life. But you are him and-“
“Thank you,” the hunter grins. “Do you want to go for a ride?”
“Maybe you should go for a ride with Y/N,” Jensen jerks his head toward you carrying bags with groceries. “After we helped her carry the groceries inside.”
“Good plan…a very good plan…”
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“Okay, what are we all doing in here,” Soldier Boy grumbles in the backseat of the Impala. He must share the backseat with Jensen and Beau. “And why can the sheriff now leave the bedroom.”
“We made sweet love, Soldier Guy,” Beau grins. “While you all were busy fighting each other, I spend time with Y/N. She’s a lovely woman and I worshipped her.”
“Can we go for that ride now?” You slap Dean’s thigh. “Come on, let her roar Dean. I wanna hear her purr for me…”
Part 4
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captain039 · 1 year
Misha Collins x reader
Warnings: none fluffy one shot.
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Misha had always been a source of comfort for you and he gladly gave it. No matter where you were your body would automatically gravitate towards him and he’d happily put an arm around you or let you snuggle into his side. When it was a rough day you’d want nothing more than to just cuddle with him in bed or on the couch while watching some Netflix. Though you guess you couldn’t just ask the man to cuddle on the couch seeing as you weren’t in that kind of relationship and you think he saw you more as a daughter or sister, someone too look after. You love him, you loved most of your co-workers well besides a few but Jared, Jensen and Misha were always on the top of that list like a happy family. Then Supernatural ended, the four of you went seperate ways, Jensen got into The boys, Jared got into Walker and Misha freshly started Gotham knights. You however weren’t having any luck finding a part and you felt like you were getting kicked to the curb each time you auditioned. You missed the boys, missed Misha’s warmth and care. You texted with them when they weren’t busy, sometimes even got a call from them or zoom call. You awoke to your phone ringing and didn’t bother looking as you answered.
“Hello?” You said trying not to sound like you just woke up.
“Hey, good morning” you heard Misha’s voice and perked up. You sat up and wiped your eyes, checking your clock.
“Hey, what’s up?” You said stretching and yawning.
“I’ve got some good news” he said and you frowned.
“I’m finally dying?” You joked.
“No, I’ve got an audition for you and a good chance you’ll get it” he said.
“My good chances have all been bad chances in disguise” you grumbled getting up and opening your curtain.
“I’m serious, I’ve spoken with the director and he wants you to come” he spoke and you frowned.
“Seriously?” You asked.
“Seriously” he replied.
“I’ve already emailed you the details” he said as you went over to your computer and turned it on.
“Got it” you said clicking on and skimming through.
“Need breakfast and coffee” you mumbled heading to the kitchen as Misha chuckled.
“How’ve you been?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Alive” you sighed grabbing a bowl and your cereal.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“I just woke up, I hate everything” you stated.
“Even me?” He chuckled and you froze.
“No” you grumbled making your breakfast and sitting in the couch.
“Read through the email I can book your flight tomorrow if you want, just text me an answer” he said and you nodded taking a bite.
“Uh huh” you said mouth full.
“Alright enjoy your breakfast I’ll talk to you soon” he chuckled again.
“M’kay, bye” you said and he said bye before hanging up. You sagged tossing your phone on the couch and eating your breakfast. You felt more awake though, you’d finally get to see him again.
You agreed to the audition and Misha booked your flight that night for tomorrow. You packed and got everything ready before trying to sleep. The flight there was as normal, you were met with one of Misha’s drivers, no Misha though.
“Have a good flight?” The driver said.
“Yeah” you nodded texting Misha that you were in your way to the hotel.
“Did Misha tell you which hotel?” You asked and he nodded.
“Awesome, just there please” you said as he drove off.
At the hotel you settled in the room was nicer than you apartment which you left in a mess. You heard a knock and frowned going to the door.
“Hey” you saw Misha and perked up smiling. He opened his arms and you practically crashed into him. You sighed contently closing your eyes and holding him tightly.
“Missed you too” he chuckled resting his chin your head. You didn’t let go for a while, you listened to him exhale softly before you stepped back.
“Sorry” you said embarrassed before letting him in.
“How was the trip?” He asked.
“It was good” you said going back to your suit cases. You began to unpack, wishing you could hug him again and just stay like that. You sagged at the thought, being away was easier, you could sink and loneliness and curl up in your bed with your millions of pillows and cry before getting over it and repeating. You felt a drop hit your hand and quickly wiped your eyes ignoring the worry in Misha’s call.
“Sorry I’m tired” you made up an excuse, it was false, just not the whole truth. Your hands shook as you fiddled with shoes and clothes before a hand grabbed your wrist gently. You looked to Misha and gulped softly, gosh you couldn’t keep your emotions in check. You said a silent curse and wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your head in your arms. His arms went around your waist holding you tightly. You tried not to cry, tried not to relish so much in the touch. Misha began to move and you went to pull back, he didn’t let go though as he sat down and tugged you with him. You stumbled a bit, but sat in his lap, knees either side of his hips as you sighed softly. His hand gently ran up and down your back as you rested your head in your arm. You held him loosely before lifting your head up hesitantly as he his hands went to your hips. He held your gaze and you felt warmth fill your cheeks, you grew nervous thinking you’d pushed it too far. He shocked you though, pressing his lips to yours. You melted afterwards and sighed kissing him back. He pulled back you felt your cheeks go hotter.
“I missed you” he muttered voice lower than usual. You nodded trying to find your voice.
“Me too” you mumbled feeling embarrassed as he smiled. You tucked yourself back in his neck and he chuckled arms going around you again.
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negans-lucille-tblr · 2 years
Take it Back - Beau x Daughter!Reader Oneshot
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Summary: When an unusual case lands on Beau’s desk, it leads to suspects and outcomes he couldn’t predict. 
Rating: 18+ // Pairing: Beau Arlen x daughter!Reader
Tags: nude photos, leaked nudes, anger, frustration, bratty!reader, major daddy issues, objectification, absent father, Beau being a terrible father, spanking, p in v, father/daughter incest, orgasms, hair pulling, cum in mouth, shame, guilt
WC: ± 4K
A/Ns: I wrote this before seeing any of season 3. I don’t know what it is, but once I finished writing this I actually felt really gross. I cannot believe my first Beau fic is father/daughter. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyway, enjoy if you’re just as fucked up as I am!!! A/Ns 2: I’m thinking of returning to posting to tumblr with a dark, gritty and smutty Soldier Boy series, so this oneshot is a bit of a trial to see if my audience is still out there 😅 So do let me know if you're reading and would like me to return! ❤️
Beau Arlen Masterlist // Jensen Ackles Master-Masterlist
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“Mornin’, Sir.” 
“It’s Beau,” he replies without looking up from his cell. 
“Well, Beau, you’ve got a case.” 
He finally looks up at his company, smiling softly at her as she places the brown paper folder down on his desk. 
“Great, ‘bout time something happened around here, been getting bored,” he grins. “What is it? Kidnapping? Homicide? Drugs?” 
“Leaked amateur pornography,” she replies flatly, clasping her hands together in front of her. 
“What? Why have I got that? You know I’m the sheriff right?” 
“Victim kicked up enough of a fuss, asked for you to deal with it personally. You pass it on to whoever you want, I don’t give a shit.” 
“Alright,” Beau sighs, reaching for the folder. “Thanks, darlin’.” 
He waits until she’s left to look down at the file, reaching for his coffee to take a large slug. He licks his lips as he considers who would want him to deal with this personally, when it’s not really his kind of thing in the first place, but he guesses all he has to do is open the report to find out. He looks up to check his door is closed given the nature of the case, and clears his throat, opening the file to the first page. 
“Fuck,” Beau mutters to himself, his forehead pulling into a frown. 
He instantly reaches for his bottom drawer, grabbing the whiskey bottle inside and unscrewing the cap, pouring a healthy measure into his coffee mug, following it with a quick slug straight from the bottle for good measure. Right now, all it is is words, but he knows beyond the first page will be the photographs that have leaked, screenshots from websites where they’re currently on public display. He purses his lips slightly as his eyes reread the name. He knew she’d changed her name to her mother’s maiden name, but seeing it there still hurts a little. But the main question still on Beau’s mind is the same one that had been there before he learned the victims name; why him? Why specifically ask for him? If anything, the motive is even more unclear now. 
Beau stares at the front page for a long moment, worrying his bottom lip as he weighs up his options. He’s a sheriff – an officer of the law – he should treat this case like any other, he should look at it factually and do his job. Though technically, maybe he should take a step back, hand this over to someone else who doesn’t have any kind of personal interest. But now Beau knows about this, he won’t be able to let it lie until whoever leaked those photos and plastered Y/N all over the internet for just anyone to find and jerk off to is caught and held accountable. 
He turns over the first page before he can change his mind. The copy of the photo has been censored, blurred out squares covering her most private parts, which Beau decides is definitely a good thing, he doesn’t need to see those parts of her. She’s standing in front of a full length mirror, one hip pushed out to the side, her legs slightly wider than a natural stance, her upper half twisted and curved to show off her chest. She’s done up for the photos, a lot of make up and her hair styled. Beau moves onto the next one. This one is a little less innocently posed than the first. She’s sitting on the floor this time, her legs spread and bent at the knee, her face a little clearer. She’s grown up a little more since Beau last saw her not long after she turned eighteen just over a couple of years ago. 
Much like the last, this photo is censored too, but it’s enough that Beau gets the gist of the photo, and moves on to the final one. This one has been taken with the front camera of her cell phone. Her back is to the mirror and she’s on her hands and knees, Her face in full view, but the view from the mirror is definitely where his focus goes. Once again, it’s been censored, but Beau still knows exactly what her intentions were when she took this photo. 
He huffs a breath as he skips ahead, now finding the screenshots of the various internet sites that the photos have appeared on, including one called “Revenge Porn”. Beau can’t exactly be mad with Y/N for taking the photos, she is a full grown adult who can do what she wants now, but he thought he’d done a good job reminding her of being safe on the internet, and this is certainly not safe. 
He closes the file and takes a much needed mouthful of his coffee, wishing it was just straight whiskey and it wasn’t nine A.M. This is not how he thought his day would go. But after only a few more moments of quiet contemplation, with several mouthfuls of coffee to accompany them, Beau finds himself reopening the file, flicking through the photos again. There are no answers there, of course, and they’re definitely not going to help him to close this case in any way, but he stares at them anyway and thinks about how long it’s been since he last saw her, how much she’s changed.
Beau finds himself reaching for the whiskey bottle once again, taking another swig straight from it, and licks his lips, sighing heavily as he once again closes the file and grabs it, getting up from his desk to take it to someone else. He shouldn’t be the one working on this case, even if she wants him to be. 
“Alright, listen up,” he announces, heading over to the whiteboard at the edge of the office. “We’ve got some kind of revenge porn. Should be an open and closed case, trace the IP address from the poster, lock ‘em up, job done. Who wants it?” he asks, holding up the file. 
The file is snatched out of his hands by Mannings, who is quick to open it straight onto the photos. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, “I’d be pretty pissed off if a girl like that broke up with me too.” 
“Victim claims she doesn’t have an ex-boyfriend,” Beau explains, digging his hands into his pockets so he can’t clench them into fists. 
He watches the file get passed onto Roberts next, who also ogles at the photos with a smirk on his face. He wolf whistles, which prompts it to get snatched yet again by another guy. 
“Damn,” he chuckles, and Beau just gets increasingly frustrated as he watches every member of the team enjoying the evidence, not a single one of them seeming to remember exactly where they are or what they should be doing. 
“Jesus, what I wouldn’t do to her. I’ll take the case, boss, I can go talk to her right now,” Collins calls out, his partner elbowing him in the ribs as they laugh amongst themselves. 
“That’s someone’s daughter, show some respect,” Beau glares at him. 
“Might be someone else’s daughter, but I can have her calling me daddy,” Collins counters, and the room erupts in laughter. “Clearly she’s got daddy issues.” 
“Alright,” Beau grunts, heading straight over to Collins and snatching the file out of his hands. “Seeing as none of you can think without your dicks, I’ll take it myself.” 
He grips the file in his hand for dear life as he storms back to his office, slamming the door closed behind him. He probably wouldn’t rest if someone else was on the case, anyway. It’s not like he didn’t try to get someone else for the case, but he’s the best man for the job. 
He heads back over to his desk and sits down, rubbing his fingers over his mouth as he stares at the front page once again, seeing the long paragraphs of her statement but not taking in any of the words. A knock at his door prompts him to look away, and when he looks up he sees Jenny leaning in the doorway. 
“Need help with that?” she asks, pointing to the file. “Could be good to have a woman’s touch.” 
“Nah, I’m golden thanks, sweetheart,” Beau forces a smile. “It’s easy enough, should have it wrapped up by the end of the day.” 
“Alright,” Jenny agrees, walking away and closing the door behind her. 
Alone again, Beau sighs, spurring his computer to life as he figures he should probably stop dragging this out and close the case as soon as possible. 
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“Are you sure this is the right address?” Beau checks, looking down at the paper he’s just been handed by the cyber security team. 
“Yes sir, nearly every upload came from that same address. Some of the others have come from Canada, India, other countries, but usually in these cases, people save and reupload once they’ve found them.”
“Okay, thanks,” Beau sighs, prompting the guy to leave. 
He waits until he’s alone to wake his computer back up, clicking on one of the open tabs. It brings up one of the websites the photos first appeared on, and Beau tells himself that it’s just research, that it’s justified because any good officer of the law would look at all the evidence, but Beau’s got all the answers right there in front of him on that slip of paper that has the address on it, and he knows it. 
He takes one last look at the uncensored photos, chewing on his bottom lip as he tries to take his eyes off of the screen, but it’s like he can’t stop looking. 
His phone buzzes on his desktop, forcing his eyes away, and he takes the opportunity to close down the tab completely so he doesn’t have to get caught up in it again. He takes one last look at the slip of paper with the address on and grabs his car keys, ready to close this case once and for all. 
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Beau takes a deep breath as he knocks on the door and looks up and down the street as he waits. Not much has really changed, not that he’d expect it to, everyone on this street has always been such a creature of habit. He stares at the American flag waving on the porch for a moment and then hears the front door opening. 
“Dad,” Y/N answers, her eyes a little wide. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t pretend you don’t know, Y/N,” he tells her with a sigh. 
“And here I was thinking you’d just come to see your little girl, considering it’s been… what? Three years?” 
“It’s not been that long,” Beau insists. “Is your mom home?”  
“No, she never is,” Y/N tells him, stepping to one side. 
Beau takes a moment to look at her. He’s not as shocked at the difference in her after staring at the photos of her all morning, but the change is a little more obvious in person. Eventually, he steps inside what used to be his house, and Y/N closes the door behind him. 
“So I’m assuming this is about what’s happened?” she asks. “Did you catch them?” 
Beau stares her down, but she’s as stubborn as ever apparently, because she just stares back with complete resolute. 
“So your statement says that you didn’t send these photos to anyone, they just happened to end up online somehow,” Beau reminds her. 
“Yeah, guessing someone hacked my phone or something,” she shrugs. 
“Why did you take the photos in the first place if you weren’t going to send them to anyone?” he asks. 
Y/N just shrugs again, crossing her arms over her chest. “For a confidence boost? To feel hot? I know you don’t like thinking about it, Dad, but I have a sex drive, y’know. I’m not a little girl anymore.” 
“Yeah, well the morning I’ve had has proved that,” he agrees, exasperatedly. Beau takes a deep breath and decides to put them both out of their misery. “I know you leaked your own photos, sweetheart.” 
Y/N’s eyes widen, but she quickly purses her lips and shakes her head. “What? Why would I do that?” 
“You tell me, darlin’,” he prompts, cocking an eyebrow. “You can’t lie to me, Y/N. I’ve got the evidence, and if anyone else on the force had taken this case, you could’ve been done for wasting our time.” 
“That’s why I specifically asked for you,” she smirks slightly. 
“Why did you do it?” he presses once more. 
Y/N clenches her jaw and then sighs, looking down at her feet. “I had to get your attention somehow.” 
“By posting photos of yourself naked online? You know I had to see them, right?” 
“Desperate times call for desperate measures,” she shrugs, her arms still crossed. 
“You could’ve just called,” Beau counters, glaring. 
“For you to tell me you’re busy with work and then promise to see me this weekend and then call and cancel at the last minute?” she argues. 
Beau takes a deep breath and realises she’s right. “Alright. I know, I’ve been a shitty father,” he agrees. “But this wasn’t the answer. Baby girl, those photos are online forever, we can try to remove them, but people can have copies, and they’ll always crop up again.” 
“Oh well,” she shrugs, like it’s no big deal. 
“You don’t care, do you? You have no idea what you’ve done. Do you know how many men are going to see you like this now, and you’ll never be able to take it back.” 
“What do you care?” she scoffs, moving past him to head into the kitchen. 
“Excuse me? Of course I care. You’re my daughter.”
“The only reason you’re here, Daddy,” she counters, stepping closer to him, her face right up in his, “is because it’s your job. You don’t give a shit about me and never have. You barely even know me, you’ve always put work first. You have no right to be this pissed with me.” 
Beau clenches his jaw, not wanting to argue with her any more on that. They’re already going around in circles. She just stares him down for a moment or two before a small smirk plays on her lips. 
“Unless…” she counters, her smirk only growing deeper. “You’re pissed because you’re jealous.”
“Jealous of what? Hm? Don’t be ridiculous,” Beau scoffs, shaking his head at even the implication. 
“Did you like what you saw, Daddy?” she purrs, biting down on her bottom lip. 
“You’re crossing a line, sweetheart,” he warns her quietly. “All this for my attention, hm?” 
“Well, if I wasn’t getting yours I knew I’d get some guy’s attention,” she giggles. “Only difference is, if another guy from the force showed up I was gonna fuck him.” 
Beau bites his tongue, wanting to verbally ask the question of where he went wrong, but he knows they’ve already established that; he has never done this father thing right. Him being so absent is everything to blame for this situation. 
“That’s all you want? Some guy to give you five minutes of his attention?” Beau asks through a clenched jaw. 
“If he’s doing it right it’ll be longer than five minutes,” she winks, giggling at the way Beau only gets noticeably more irritated by her blasé nature. 
“Oh sweetheart, you were never spanked as a child and it fucking shows,” Beau grunts, his anger only building more and more, especially when Y/N only smirks harder and bites down on her bottom lip, still completely unphased. 
She steps back, hitching the skirt of her dress higher up her thighs as she begins to bend over the table in front of her, giving Beau a full view of the white lace panties she’s wearing underneath. He clenches his jaw and averts his eyes at first, but he finds his gaze wandering back to the one place it shouldn’t go, as he thinks about the photos that she leaked, and how one of them saw her in a similar position but with far less clothing on. 
“What are you doing?” he huffs, only getting even more frustrated. Only this time, it’s with himself. He shouldn’t be fighting with the thoughts that want to enter his brain. He shouldn’t be pushing away all the feelings that want to bubble to the surface. Beau’s not sure he can even acknowledge them right now. 
“It’s never too late to start,” she tells him, looking back over her shoulder, her eyes almost sparkling. “Daddy.” 
“Get up,” Beau demands, his tone a lot more firm than it’s been since he got here, but Y/N does no such thing, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth and wiggling her ass slightly. Beau can no longer deny how tempting it is, and clearly his words aren’t getting through to her, so maybe some good old-fashioned corporal punishment is just what his bratty daughter needs. “Fine.” 
Beau steps up behind her, his jaw clenched, and he has to physically unclench his fist and make sure he keeps his hand flat as he delivers the first spank upon her ass. Y/N flinches and whimpers, but then a short giggle bleeds through her lips, so he delivers a second, just has hard as the first, leaving behind a dark handprint on her skin. Y/N whimpers again, gasping for air, and before he knows it, Beau has delivered a third. His palm is stinging so he can only imagine how Y/N’s ass feels, but there’s something about it that he’s getting some kind of sick, twisted pleasure from, and it’s like he can’t stop. 
He delivers spank after spank, losing himself in the anger of the moment, and he thinks maybe he’ll finally get through to her, until the sound of Y/N moaning cuts through his foggy brain, and as he halts the next strike, he realises his chest is heaving and his jeans are painfully tight around the crotch. 
“You’re enjoying this?” he asks in disbelief, ignoring the fact that the ludicrous question should be aimed at him not her. 
“Did I forget to mention it’s one of my favourite things?” she asks innocently, blinking at him over her shoulder. “It just gets me so wet, daddy.” 
Beau can’t think straight through the fog of his arousal, mixed toxically with his anger. He begins to laugh, even though there’s nothing funny, and a small frown twitches over her forehead at the sound. 
“You want attention, sweetheart? All this is for my attention, hm?” he asks, reaching for his belt. She barely nods her confirmation, and Beau almost relishes in the slight fear that begins to flood into her eyes. “Alright, then you’ve fucking got it. Exactly what you’re craving.” 
“Daddy? What are you doing?” she asks, her voice a lot less smug than it has been. 
Beau ignores her, undoing his pants the rest of the way and stepping up behind Y/N as he reaches for her panties and tears them down over her ass, revealing that pussy he’s already seen plastered over the interest. It’s glistening more now, though, and something about that makes Beau’s cock twitch. 
“Don’t play fuckin’ dumb, baby girl, you knew what you were doing posting those slutty little photos. You were fuckin’ asking for it, so I’m gonna fuckin’ give it to you.” 
She whimpers as he grabs her hips and pulls her closer to him, her upper half falling a little more flat to the table top. 
“I know exactly what a girl with daddy issues needs.” 
Beau doesn’t overthink grabbing his cock and lining it up with her opening, and he doesn’t think twice about thrusting forward and shoving his cock straight inside his little girl, not until he’s as deep as he can get, and he stops for a second, feeling her warm, wet cunt suck him in, clenching hard around him like a vice. Slowly, she relaxes, giving him the room he needs to start thrusting, and he can’t help but moan at the sensation, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. 
“Fuck, Daddy,” she gasps out breathlessly. “You're so big. Fuck, I can’t believe you’re inside me.”
“Don’t play dumb baby girl, this is what you were hoping for, wasn’t it?” he grunts, reaching forward to grab a fistful of her hair. 
“Y-yes,” she stammers out, arching her back into the table, her eyes fluttering closed. 
“Did you want it to be me? Or were you desperate for just any man’s cock in there?” She doesn’t answer at first, but Beau wants one, so he tugs harder on her hair. “Hm? Did you want your Daddy or are you just a slut that needs anyone’s cock?” 
“Yours Daddy, I wanted it to be yours, that’s why I sent the photos,” she admits on an outbreath. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist your baby girl.” 
“Jesus,” Beau grunts, hating that he’s fallen straight into her trap, but he can’t deny he’s never felt this good before. His cock fits her perfectly, like she was made for him. 
“If I’d have known you had a pussy this good, I’d have stuck around,” he tells her, clenching his jaw harder, fucking her deeper and faster. He doesn’t really mean it, but his brain is so foggy with all these good sensations, and every time he says something dirty, or treats her like a whore, she clenches around him in a way that Beau can’t even describe. 
“Fuck Daddy, keep doing that, it’ll make me cum,” she gasps, reaching back and grabbing his hip, pulling him closer to her and sending his cock deeper. “Right there, right there,” she chants, and then he feels her grip onto him like a vice, her walls beginning to spasm around him as she screams out. 
The sound of his little girl screaming like that, the sight of her with her mouth wide open and her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, the sensation of her practically milking his cock is having the desired effect on him, and Beau can feel his thighs begin to tense, his balls begin to tighten as he pulls out quickly and tugs on Y/N’s hair, manipulating her to land on her knees at his feet. She instantly opens her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, the corners of her mouth pulled up in a smirk as she waits patiently for his orgasm. It comes in hot, thick ropes of cum painting her tongue and mouth as he groans and pants over her, quick to let her go and step back as soon as he’s finished. 
Beau turns around, unable to look at her as he puts himself away and attempts to redress as quickly as he can. 
“Can you get the photos down?” she finally asks. 
“I’ll try,” he tells her, not looking back at her. 
“Are you going to visit again, or do I need to post more of them?” she challenges. 
Beau takes a deep breath, unable to stop the shame crawling over his skin. Not only for what he just did, but for what he drove her to do in the first place. 
“I’ll visit,” he tells her, nodding his head. 
“Then I’ll be here, Daddy,” she purrs. 
But Beau doesn’t reply, he just leaves the room in pursuit of his truck, hoping there really is a way he can remove those photos from existence before they send him back to her doorstep again. 
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