#jeremy's cheese bread
klonnieshippersclub · 7 months
What if Bonnie dragged Klaus to Friendsgiving? Would he behave?
Does Klaus behave? Well, he doesn't kill anyone. Let's imagine what Friendsgiving would look like for the MFG. None of the girls know how to cook. However, I think Caroline could make a high quality charcuterie board. Bonnie is probably an expert baker since it's so similar to preparing a potion. I can see her bringing an apple pie. Elena can easily cut vegetables which means she's bringing the salad. Jeremy would try to put pot in the brownies but Elena catches him.
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I don't think any of the MFG are experts chefs. Damon can barely make pancakes. However, I do think Matt's experience at the grill qualifies him to bake turkey wings at the very least. Stefan would make a very gourmet mac and cheese with lots of parmesan, mozzarella, cheddar and bread crumbs. Tyler brings wine and Damon brings bourbon. Klaus shows up empty handed which already ticks people off. Bonnie feels bad for bringing Klaus with her without any notice but she feared that they would cancel the event. Caroline keeps digging for information about their relationship (she's an investigative journalist at heart) and Damon keeps making noise of disgust everytime Klaus is affectionate with Bonnie.
The MFG expected Bonnie to come alone. Not with Klaus, that wasn’t in the group chat! Klaus insecurities and protectiveness over Bonnie wouldn’t want her to be alone with them for too long. What if she wanted to leave him for them? It’s a twisted ideology but he can’t quite help himself to change his mind. Klaus is just bragging about how close he and his family are to Bonnie. Bonnie is his and he's claiming her.
The MFG feel antagonized and like the Mikaelsons are trying to replace them. Bonnie tries to reassure them by diverting the conversation to events in her friends' lives but all Klaus wants to talk about is Bonnie and how she's better off far away from Mystic Falls in New Orleans. Bonnie spikes the wine with a little witch's brew so they all stay mellow and no fights arise. No one dies and Bonnie thinks that is success.
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mayarparker · 5 months
Despite the cold, the Farmer's Market was fairly busy. Hair tied up in a bun, Maya stood in front of one of the cheesemongers. Enzo was pretending he didn't see her yet. He knew better than to try and ask her questions while she was deep in thought. The current problem she was working through was how much cheese was a normal amount to buy. She had a few ideas of savory breads and other baked goods she wanted to make with the Gorgonzola, Parmesan and even the Mascarpone. Three cheeses was a normal amount. Especially now that she was spending more time with Jeremy, she went through cheese fairly quickly. Enzo would be no help. He always tried to send her off loaded down with 'samples.'
Instead, she leaned over to the young blonde woman standing near her. "How much cheese do you have to buy before people start to think you're having a nervous breakdown?" Maya asked.
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astramachina · 16 days
OC questionnaire !
Tagged by the splendiferous (i say it's a word) @fortunatetragedy!
We're going with Ricky Kronbach for this one because he's freshest on the mind and I really need to finish cleaning up the next chapter of Driving Through Tunnels.
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What is something you want to do more than anything else in the world, but can't, and why?
You have to be at level 50 or above to get any deep, personal lore outta me so I'll hit you with a basic answer: design dark rides at Anaheim. Y'know, live the whole Imagineer lifestyle. The one thing standing in my way is that I fucking hate California... and my university having blacklisted me from pursuing any further engineering degrees. Frankly an over-reaction given that one guy had it coming.
2) Say you have to move to another planet. Which one are you moving to and why?
Acheron. It's technically a moon but I'm counting it because it's capable of hosting life. Why? I don't fucking know, but teenage me would've given anything to have been flipped off by Sigourney Weaver. Xenomorphs might be a problem but it's a problem I am willing to put up with.
3) How do you make grilled cheese?
I'm lactose intolerant. But the last time I made one was for my brother, and I put a slice of Velveeta between two slices of stale bread, smashed it until it was thin enough to fit into the toaster and then set it to 6 because Jeremy liked them crispy. I might have over-crisped it and almost set our house on fire.
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no pressure tagging: @kairahara, @opaleyedprince, @kaizuart because they're the only peeps off the top of my head that i know have an impressive collection of OCs.
your questions are--
If you can steal any one item in all of history, what would it be and why?
You're meeting with someone important for dinner, and it's super last minute. What clothes currently at your disposal are you wearing?
Name one power or ability you wish to never have. Why?
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culturecalypsosblog · 2 years
Today’s Recipes Of Skyrim blog series is Stormcloak Camp Potato Chedder Soup & Garlic Bread
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This dish is a staple at every farmstead & crofters cottage across Skyrim. Simple but hearty it gives a bone deep warmth that better prepares anyone for the days labor ahead. Be they adventuring, tending a shop, or working the fields.
Stormcloak Camp Potato Cheddar Soup
Prep: 10 minutes
Cooking: 30 minutes
Makes: 4 servings
Pairs well with: Garlic Bread
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 small onion minced
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 cups chicken broth plus more as needed
1/2 cup of whole milk
3 or 4 medium russet potatoes peeled & cubed about 1 lb
1/2 shredded cheddar cheese
1 teaspoon Stormcloak seasoning (see below)
1/2 cup heavy cream
Cooked crumbled bacon for garnishing & you can put more directly into the soup (optional) 
1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion & cook for several minutes, Until the onion is soft and fragrant. Sprinkle the flower in and stir to combine before continuing to cook for a few minutes more making a roux, until the flour is fully incorporated.
2. Add the chicken broth and milk, followed by the cubed potatoes. Turn up the heat so the mixture simmers, & cook until the potatoes are quite soft, about 15-20 minutes. Using an immersion blender or a potato masher, blend the soup until it is an even texture. Add the cheddar cheese and the stormcloak seasoning, (see below) And just enough of the cream to get the consistency you like. Ladle into serving dishes and top with the crumbled bacon if desired.
Tip: This recipe can be scaled up for more servings by simply adding 1 potato & increasing the amount of liquid & cheese
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Garlic Bread
Nothing pairs with a nice hearty soup quite like a slice or two of thick bread topped with butter, garlic & herbs. This easy & quick recipe makes enough for surprise guests or the whole family, and as an added bonus, garlic is good for your heath, stamina, & magicka.
Prep: 5 minutes
Cooking: 15 minutes
Makes: 8 servings
Pairs well with: Any soup or pasta dish
1 (16 ounce) loaf Italian bread
1/2 cup (1 stick) salted butter, softened
3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped fine or dried ground
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1. Preheat the oven to 350° andd set out a large baking sheet. Slice the loaf of bread into pieces 1 inch thick. And place these on the baking sheet In a small bowl, combine the butter, garlic, & parsley. For a stronger flavor let the butter and garlic sit for a few hours before spreading.
2. Spread the mixture evenly onto each slice of bread then bake for about 10 minutes or until the butter has soaked into the bread.
3. Remove from the oven and turn on the broiler. Sprinkle the Parmesan cheese on top of each slice, then place under the broiler for a few minutes, until the cheese is melted & slightly golden. Serve right away.
Stormcloak seasoning
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2 tsp dried dill
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp mustard powder
2 tsp fennel seeds
Grind all ingredients together with mortar and pestle and store in an airtight container.
I hope you enjoy this blog more to follow shortly,
Culture Calypso’s Blog 🗻🥣🧀🥔🥖
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(HBO succpod content) they really did put cheese and stale bread and whatever the fuck else in the blender and sarah snook did spit in it and jeremy strong drank it for real and then went outside to puke and jumped in the ocean to wash it off I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMM
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rose-bookblood · 1 year
"i swear i love you" she says, knowing full well the scene will rip my heart out
how dare you Rose. how dare you
but you owe me some fluff :( some domestic comfort fluff or something. idk you'll come up with something I'm sure
let your characters breathe a little
(love you too!)
It's because I love you that I want to make you feel ✨emotions✨
I scoured every corner of the BBtS and RWR files and apparently I've already posted all the fluff content (which amounts to maybe two scenes)?
So here's some freshly written domesticity just for you <3 A little gift to keep you company and hopefully cheer you up despite the cold!
Set during the last chapter of BBtS book 1. For context, Evelyn and Lily are off having a meeting with the Thirteen (the, y’know, leaders of the country. No biggie), and this is what the rest of the gang is doing off-screen. Also, my first time writing from Andrew’s POV, for some reason.
CW: food
The door flew open and Andrew almost had a heart attack. He managed to keep his grip on the pan and shot a warning glance behind his back.
“Please, we’re cooking!”
“Sorry!” trilled Cecilia’s voice. “Just came to check how you’re doing. The ferry is supposed to dock in five minutes.”
“I’m aware.” Andrew sautéd the broccoli and feta cheese in the pan, then covered it with the lid and bolted to the table in the middle of the kitchen, where a tray full of vegetables, one with various dips, one with slices of bread, and Serena, waited. “Don’t worry, we are perfectly on schedule. Jeremy, can you turn off the stove under the pan?”
Jeremy, crouched in front of the oven, snapped their fingers and the fire went out. “I think the brownies are ready.”
“Crunchy crust but soft middle?” Andrew asked, while he grabbed a knife and started chopping zucchini and cherry tomatoes.
“Then set the temperature to the minimum and you can drain the pasta in” – he checked his phone – “three minutes. Taste it first, of course.”
“Aye, captain.”
Andrew quirked an eyebrow in their direction, but continued his work and mixed the vegetables with lettuce, walnuts and peas, then set the bowl aside. Out of the corner of his eye, he followed Serena as she took the tray of dips and brought it to Cecilia, who regarded her with a perplexed look.
“What are these for?”
“The bread and focaccia that are waiting in the other oven.”
“Andrew,” called Cecilia, “did you ask the cooks to use the kitchen because you’re planning on feeding the entire academy?”
“I’m planning” – he paused to fish a packet of smoked salmon, one of cured ham, one of salami and one of scamorza slices from the fridge – “on feeding eight of us and Evelyn, who counts double.”
“That’s a bit dramatic,” chimed Serena.
“You haven’t seen the delivery bills from anime night.”
This time, the door opened with enough force to hit the wall. Victoria, and Annabelle behind them, winced at the sound.
“Oops.” Victoria closed the door gently and put the enormous picnic basket they were carrying on the table. “We brought the basket, the blanket,” – a plaid cloth hung on Annabelle's free arm – “and some beverages. Which are in the basket. I guessed Evelyn would be in charge of the water.”
Andrew finished assembling the tartlets, then turned to the sink to wash his hands and, still dripping water, brushed a rebellious lock from his forehead. “Great. A couple of minutes and we’re done.”
“Can I have a box for the pasta?” asked Jeremy from the stove.
Despite the crutch, he seemed to have no difficulty sautéing the pasta in the pan with the cheese and broccoli sauce. Andrew offered him the box and Jeremy proceeded to pour the steaming pasta in it. When he turned, Annabelle took his place and placed a kiss on Jeremy’s cheek.
At the table, Serena, Victoria and Cecilia were playing a game of jenga trying to fit everything in the basket.
“Oh, shit.” Victoria facepalmed. “We forgot the plates.”
With a collective groan, they and Serena emptied the basket, while Cecilia retrieved the dishes and cutlery. On the other side of the room, Jeremy scrubbed the stove with a wet rag and Annabelle put the used pots in the dishwasher.
As he moved around the kitchen sprinkling oregano here and powdered sugar there, Andrew began making a mental checklist: pasta, salad, tartlets, bread, focaccia, dips, brownies for dessert...
“The cream puffs!”
He retrieved the tray from the fridge, then the chocolate cream filling. Victoria stared at the final product with wide eyes that screamed murder.
“Why in hell did I propose this picnic?”
“Because” – Serena accepted the platter Andrew was still holding and, a smile on her face, kissed Victoria’s temple with a sonorous smack – “you’re amazing and know we deserve to celebrate after what happened.”
Victoria tapped their index finger on their pursed lips, showing off a mock pensive expression. “Mmh... You could try and convince me better with a real kiss.”
Andrew and Serena chuckled at the same time. She set the cream puffs in the basket and cupped Victoria’s face with her hands, for once free of rings.
A loud claps startled everyone in the kitchen.
Cecilia glared at them. “The ferry has definitely docked by now. Let’s go.” She punctuated her words with a snap of her fingers. “You can make out later.”
Victoria sent her a annoyed look, but Cecilia was already outside the door.
“Come on.” Andrew grabbed the basket. “We don’t want to ruin the surprise.”
Jeremy flipped the rag onto their shoulder. “I spent the last hours cooking for those two. They better be fucking thrilled anyway.”
A laugh rose in the kitchen and carried on in the hallway as they headed for the park.
Sorry this ended up being unnecessarily long lol (also it’s late). Hope you liked it, take care! <3
Blue Below the Surface taglist: (for once I give you guys some actual content lmao) @tommie-hildebrandt @stormharbors @chaotic-queer-disaster @mel-writes-with-her-dragons @vellichor-virgo @lividdreamz
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happistar · 1 year
fanfic ask game: “white”
i actually have a lot of examples of this. huh. anyways, because i cannot restrain myself here is All of them:
Afterwards, he started work on making his lunch. He dumped a few slices of ham and cheese on white bread before packing it into a Ziploc bag. Good enough.
It wore a decidedly chill and stylish white, silver, and blue outfit designed for Jeremy to find appealing.
A flow of thoughts like white noise streamed out as Jeremy got out of bed.
The box roared like thunder as a blazing white light filled their vision.
They walked in through the automatic doors, the white artificial light pouring over them. The coast was clear, not a shopper in sight.
ask game!
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mushroomjeremy · 1 year
SCP but as Food v1
I was going to make these into warm up sketches to practice drawing food, but feel like sharing. Here are some weird version of a small collection of SCP as food. It's a small mix between anomalies made it to food or just food vaguely based on them.
I'm a sucker for keys so here's the ones useful for this post. If some of these are null squares theres nothing I can do.
How it written:
🤍- Havent written up yet/vague idea
💗- Detailed recipes
👑 - Either the foods is to much food or to many different foods
🔧 - Self Assembly 
🍞- Bakery
🥩 - Grilled
🥣- Soup 
🍨 - Dessert
🍬- Candy
🥗- Salads
🥤- Drink
🥃- Alcohol
🍶- Condiment
🐜- Arthropods/Insects
🥬- Vegetarian 
🍖- Meat
🐟- Fish
🔥- Spicy
🍯- Sweet
🧀 - Cheese
☢ - Blood/raw meat/raw egg/fermentation are an ingredient
🧭 - Exotic aka made of stuff real hard to get or just don't exist (examples being tree syrups not from maples, raw reindeer meat, anomalous item themselves, ect.)
SCP 001 The Scarlet King 🤍 ☢👑
A full table of 3 full seven course meals, one for each law (Blood, Howling, Concrete) Law of Blood food probably has blood, something that make the food offly red like beets, and spicy. Law of Concrete is stuff that just powders or looks like a brick or both. Law of Howling is going to be tricky.
SCP 009 🧭🥤🍯
Red ice cherry slushie
SCP 058 🍖🔥🥩
Spicy grilled beef heart with sauteed onions and red chimichurri sauce
SCP 111 🧭🐜 🔥
Spicy dragon snail escargot
Scp 166 ☢🧭🥗🍖
Reindeer carpaccio salad
SCP 999 💗🍞🍨🍯
Tart layered with jam, whip cream, and orange jello topped with a candied blood orange
SCP 1489 🤍
Mutton fusilli bucati pasta dish with a grey or black coloring to it
SCP 2317 🥤🔧 
Self-brewing cinnamon hazelnut coffee on hot salt (like Turkish coffee)
SCP 2360 🤍🍞🥤
Oil/metal looking doritos, drip, and energy drink (GFuel offbrand)
SCP 3001 💗🍬🥬
Large pomegranate boba pearl encased in a hard candy shell topped with black cherry carmel drizzle
SCP 3301 🍨🔧
Gingerbread house kit that makes a small world map.
SCP 3739  🧀
Mind Milk™ cottage cheese bowl 
SCP Yeah that one ☢🥣🍖🔥🍶
Spicy blood stew with chuck roast topped with white habanero n pineapple hot sauce
A - Spicy veal sausage. A whole big roll of it.
B - Ghost pepper corn chowder
Dr. Bright 🤍
Place holder to show that a food item based off scp 963 isnt the same as a food item based off Jack Bright himself. Thinking something made with whiskey/moonshine or just straight up a whiskey or moonshine… or both honestly.
Dr. Clef 💗🧭🍞
Three colored waffles (one blue, one green, and a barley one) sandwiched between with coconut sugar glaze than topped with thick corn chowder and unnecessary large amount of Corymbia terminalis sap syrup (I have no idea if that sap is even edible/if you can even tap the tree to get enough to make a syrup)
Lady Agora 🤍🍞 🍨
Blood Cornbread Bread Pudding with red colored custard and honey also maybe some herbs/spices/flowers with some magic meanings.
Pangloss 🤍
Little Diy Hotpot
Children of the Scarlet King🥃🍯
Warm red koolaid with alcohol and clumpy jello also candied blood orange and salty foam topping with sour or cinnamon rimming.
Chr*stian Ministries of America🤍 ☢ (I hate censoring stuff but im really not in the mood for the jesus people that dont know this is a fictional group today, be glad I haven't done the vore jesus one yet)
Can Jeremy not place actual blood in a food for once? It’s harder than you’d think. Thinking blood wine… or that weird communion wafer nachos.
Pope Soap Costk Crosstest 🤍 ☢ 🐟
Spicy raw squid with edible foam, also maybe blood sauce dipping and/or apples/whale blubber
I hope someone enjoy reading this cursed cookbook of ideas. I think I got pretty creative and most stuff here is edible with some just needing replacement ingredients for unattainable items... except all the blood recipes that can be made just cook your pasteurized blood correctly for your own sake.
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db-reviews · 2 years
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#126 - InnerSpeaker - Tame Impala (2010)
The 2010s was a time when psychedelic rock had a bit of a rival in modern culture. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard, Thee Oh Sees, and Psychedelic Porn Crumpets all contributed to the rise in fame of the modern Neo-Psychedelia movement. One group would stand out though for a lot of people, and for whatever reason for years to come, and that’d be Tame Impala. I say group, but it is more of a solo project started by Kevin Parker where he’d play all the instruments and produce all the music, truly making his albums have a true solo charm. He is a lot more well known for his hit single The Less I Know The Better off of his Currents album. I would be lying to say I do not find the song to be good at all since that track does have some neat things about it to make me understand its popularity. We aren’t talking about Currents though, we’re talking about his first album, InnerSpeaker. Note, this will not be like my normal reviews, and it’s for a good reason.
This album has been acclaimed by critics as a sort of revival statement for the 1960s brand of psychedelic rock, but personally, it does not have that same level of prowess that the era of psych rock had. I think in comparison to other eras of psychedelic rock, it is a lot more modern but feels a bit too powerful than the music made by Tame Impala’s contemporaries that made albums before and after this one.
For me every track on here, while good in some way, never excites me at all. What I get on here is a very barebones psychedelic rock that never excites me in any way. I never feel like any of the 11 tracks, besides maybe Jeremy’s Storm, are all that well worth the 52 minutes the album provides. The reason for this is that I do not think they try anything new. Let’s do a bit of comparing and contrasting.
Thee Oh Sees does psychedelic rock in a more frivolous punk style that soon evolved into new sounds and techniques that transformed their sound even more. King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard and Motorpsycho constantly try new things and new styles; no song sounds alike to them. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets embrace their psychedelic sound and fully create experiences that feel powerful for many people. For me, Tame Impala doesn’t do any of that.
I’d say Tame Impala is like the Diet Coke of psychedelic rock, not bad at all and can be a good time waster, but doesn’t have the same flavor that other psych bands have done in the past and future. This may be due to that whole first album syndrome that a lot of acts have, but even despite that, I expect a lot more coming from an act that has a clear focus and popularity in the 2010 modern psychedelic movements. What I get from this isn’t something innovative, but more like a cardboard cutout of what psychedelic rock is.
Each song is psychedelic rock, I can definitely see that, but what I get from these songs isn’t a sense of wowness and virtuosity, but more so a lackluster feeling. All of the 11 songs on here are the definition of like but not love. It is kinda like my opinion on Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasure, where I like it, but it also feels extremely generic to where I cannot love it. If anything, I think if I didn’t hear this album, I’d be perfectly content. The only song that is an exception is Jeremy’s Storm, but that is only because it is an instrumental track.
This is 100% the psychedelic rock album of all time, it has songs that fit the bill and it sure is an album. I feel like, for the sake of everything, this is a generic, whole-wheat bread-styled cheese sandwich of an album. It doesn’t excite me, but it doesn’t make me angry. I see it with a purely blank face since it is that, a true neutral of psychedelic rock. Listen to it or not, either way, life can go on.
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dirtygirlsnursery · 2 years
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New fall menu, with more to come! -Lavender Pear Harvest Fresh fall pears, sliced bacon, blueberry vanilla goat cheese, barn made lavender honey, fresh greens on a grilled herb “barn baked” bread. -“The Jeremy” named after a customer who mentioned pesto on a breakfast sandwich. I was game and threw together a sandwich for farmer Jim and I one day. We enjoyed it and here it is! . On the sweeter side -Pecan pie muffins that tasted like a pecan pie with that crunchy shell on top. Truly an outstanding “muffin” (or is it a pie???🤔) -maple bourbon banana nut Our banana nut muffin got a warm fall twist with the hint of maple and bourbon. It’s a big winner with farmer Jim who didn’t like me messing with his favorite muffin! 😆 On the MUDdy side. Our fall barn made syrups… -Pumpkin spice latte made with REAL pumpkin and REAL spices -maple brown sugar made with 100% pure Vermont maple and brown sugar -grandma’s harvest honey sweeten yer Mud with natures Sugar and my grandma’s favorite fall spices -fireball latte All fire, no balls (there’s no alcohol guys) guarantee to warm you up! . #dirtygirlsnursery #crossvilletn #knoxvilletn #cookevilletn #spartatn #cumberlandcountytn #cumberlandcounty #sparta #cumberlandplateau #chattanooga #chattanoogatn #nashvilletn (at Dirty Girl's Nursery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CihjzdkOF1m/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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numberonekoalawitch · 2 years
A Hybrid's Purpose - Tf2/origins AU
Summary: After when Jeremy's father gave him the ancient box with a dark spell, he searches for clues and asks questions from his neighbours about the situation.
Chapter 2 : Searching For Answers
It was a quiet morning when Jeremy stepped outside the door holding the box that his father gave to him last night. He could hear the water falls rushing down from the mountains slowly, the birds chirped happily as they flew from one tree to another. His brother is asleep upstairs. He always sleeps in the morning. He could remember he came back late in the night just because he was chasing a warden deep in the cave system. Then you could see him soon covered with blood and scratches from it.
Just now, the sun is still sizzling from above while Jeremy is holding the box. He Stood at the door wide open and looked around if anyone was around. The breeze is cool today as the leaves slowly rustle on the ground. He felt the wind as they passed his face as he closed his eyes while holding the box. He stepped outside and placed the box in his bag as he sent out where he needed to go to look for answers.
The village was quiet again. The same as last time. This was never like this before. Usually, every morning the civilians would get to work already and bring their children to school while their parents do what they want after. Jeremy decided to pass by the village so he could get some food for the journey. He’s pretty sure he got money since he was packing his things before he went out. Hopefully the shops are open by now. He first searched in his dirty pockets which were filled with soil, (since he used the trousers while digging for dirt with Dell months ago) finally he got money to buy. 
‘Branson’s Supplies’ has the cheapest products he can buy every time he passes by with his brother. His dad used to work there once, when Jeremy was twelve and his brother was fourteen. But, he heard that the manager died recently. His dad lost his job that day. Now there's a new manager assigned a few months ago. He looked through the window with both of his hands cupping the sides of his eyes to get a closer look inside the shop. The place is dark and the products are still up on the shelves. He checked if the door was still open. He pushed if it’s open, it turned out it was but no one was inside.
The bell rang from the door and instantly shutted itself. He looked around the area to check. He also checked the manager's office and even the pantry. Where is everyone? He waited at the counter near the cash machine. He tapped the bell on the counter for the salesman to come over. He tapped the bell again but one one came over. Instead he will go to another shop, it’s not very far, it's just 2 metres away from the shop.
He gets a chance to look at ‘Penny’s Bakery Shop’ but the door is locked also. Jeremy could see the apple tarts, cakes, waffles and chocolates displaying inside. His stomach grumbled like a bear as he held it. He remembered back at the house there is no food in the fridge, but it’s just moldy bread and cheese. That was their only food to eat.
 Shaking his head and murmured “Freakin unbelievable! Why these morons have to barricade themselves while I’m starving to death ere”.
The day went dry as the heat began to haze in. He looked up at the sky with his hand over his head to see. He continued walking through the woods looking for food. He saw a house nearby, he could hardly recognize it. He quickly knocked on the door and waited. The door opened, with a person he knows.
“Aye!” said Tavish, as he plastered a smile across his face. Tavish is a drunken Phantom who likes hiding in his house and he could spend 30 days there. Sometimes. He’s another close friend of Dell and his dad. Sometimes every weekend they would go to his house for a drink after a hard day's work. But he and his older brother could have the house while their dad is away drinking. 
“Heyo cyclops!” Jeremy called Tavish cyclops because of his missing eye. But he managed to place his eyepatch.
“Ladie, why on green earth are you out ere?” 
“Gonna ask you some questions first”
“What kind of questions you want?” said Tavish with a sigh, as he started to drink from his beer. “And don’t waste me time lad!”
“It’s this” Jeremy showing the black box after he zipped his bag.
“What the BLOOdy HEll?!” Tavish’s eyes widened. “Lad get inside quickly it’s not safe to show that”.
When they are inside the house Tavish slapped the box from Jeremy’s hand as it rolled down the floor. “What the-?? Dude what’s wrong with you man!?”
“Lad! Don’t you know what you are dealing with?” he said as he dropped his bottle on the floor. “Thats the bloodmoons chest” he lowered his voice so that no one could hear. They watched the chest on the floor dumstrucked.
“Bloodmoon…what!? Is it something to end the world-”
“Shut up lad! Can you keep your mouth shut for heavens sake!” He covered his mouth with his right hand. Suddenly they heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen. Tavish quickly kicked the box as it slid under the coffee table to hide it.
“Tavish! What’s that horse barking over there?!” yelled his mom. She came to the livingroom with her pink night clothes holding her metal stick. Her shades (because shes blind) was crooked at her face and she readjusted in time. “Young man, I do not want loud voices in this house and watch your manners! And who is this lost bird?”
“Sorry ma, it’s me mates son” he plastered a smile across his face trying to hide the negative manner he had. “He need a visit here”.
“Fine!” she made a dismisal wave as she stomped her way upstars. Tavish sighed and carefully took out the box under the table.
- - -
He made some tea cakes and sanwhiches for the both of them also some drinks of scotch. He poured one to himself and Jeremy. “Lad, I heard about his box many times by other people even, your father, brother, Dell and our hybrid company” He whispered and took a drink. 
“So what is it anyway?” Jeremy asked
“Ok, first lad where did you find this?”
“My dad gave it to me last night and I tried asking him what is it but he bolted away like a freaking coward”.
“Oh, me mother of-” Tavish slapped his face until he nearly lost his words. He first calm down and sighed. He just can’t believe his friend gave a dangerous box to his son and here he has it now facing in front of him on the table. “Ok,...” He first checked if his mother is fast alseep. “Lad, I don’t have the information about the Boodmoon box but Miss pauling has”.
They both went to the beach to find their Merling friend. This time they could see the water is getting low. Something is not right, they called her name out to find her. But there is no sign. Tavish asked since when Jeremy last saw her. But he said he last saw her disappearing to the ocean.
They walked around the beach to make sure if they missed any place to look for her. Still no sign of her. Jeremy felt bad for Miss Pauling, maybe because he is too annoying for her? Or Maybe he is just too loud and noisy for her. He sat down on the rock, the same spot he sat yesterday waiting. 
Tavish looked at the sun dial which was on the right side of the beach. It’s 10.34 “Ach! I wonder why she isnt showing up. She supposed to hear us right now. Her house is near.”
“Hmmm” He responded. The tone made Tavish with a concern face, as he frowned.
“Have ye been fooling around with her recently?”
“What? No! What makes you think-”
“Because you two always chit chat everyday! Did ye insult er!” He pointed at Jeremy’s fae nearly poking him. “Thats why she didn’t want to speak to us because of you?”
“Dude! Calm down I did not insult her! Theres no need to blame me!” He folded his arms and looked at the sea.
“Well last time, you made fun of her work position just because her job supposedly to clean the trash on the ocean floor!”
“That was an accident man I helped her and I managed to beat up her manager….well he broke a few bones from my body……but thats not important man!” The both of them glared at each other. A familiar voice interrupted them. Which made them look at the ocean.
“What are you two talking about?” Miss Pauling folded her arms, while arranging her glasses, glaring at them also. “And can you keep the noise down”.
“Sorry Miss Pauling….I thought ye were upset because of Jeremy..”
“It’s not that….I was searching the perimeter for tentispiess…” she said looking around the ocean. Jeremy looked at Tavish grinning checky at him. Proving that he did not hurt or insult her. He rolled his eyes as he continued on.
“I dont wanna talk about that..so whats the problem? And why you need me for?” He nudged Jeremy to show the box. When he showed the black box. Her eyes widened and started to look around the beach. The good thing there is no people around. they don’t really like going around near the ocean. Because of the sea creatures.
“Ok….one question” She asked placing her hand on ther face getting nervous. She lowered her voice so she won’t say it aloud. “Why do you have the bloodmoon chest?”
“Its a long story Miss Pauling…what is this anyway?”
“Are you certain you want me to tell you whats this box or whats inside?”
  He looked at it and nodded “Uh…..sure?”
She cleared her throat and spoke quietly. She beckoned him to give her the black box before she will speak. “This…..is the Bloodmoon box. Its an accient relic from the underworld. Theses symbols means the one to open this box will release the dead, and some other monsters….and in this box is 3,000 souls of the dead hybrids from the past that were killed by humans along time ago. If you do open this they will eventually come out. You will suffer pain from them, you can hear their cry, misery and they will take vengance. This is what everybody’s talking, about this… but I think we need to destroy it. I think tommorrow is the time this box will open. When the moon rises again it will turn red it will be time.”
“How? Really can it be hard to destroy it? I could just beat the useless shell of that crap!”
“You need a spell for that”
She aranged her glasses and looked at the box with the chains as it surrounds it. “Where did you find this?”
“My dad gave…it…to me..” Jeremy made an awkward smile to her scratching his head looking at the sky.
“Why in the world did he gave it to you!?”
“Aye! He’s a terrible father after all!” Said Tavish folding his arms shaking his head in agreement. “What kind of father gives useless crap to his children then it will destroy the world!?”
“Alright, lets calm down….we need a spell to destroy this” She said “But, I think I have the right spell for this. This might take a while so bare with me” she handed the box to Jeremy and she splashed away. “I’ll tell you when to give it to me so we can destroy it!”
They watched her disapper again in the ocean. They’re stomach felt quizzy feeling that this is going to be a hard night. And It’s going to be talking hours for her to get the right spell.
- - - 
Later, Jeremy wen’t back home and sat down on his sofa. There was a note on the desk for him. It was his brother. He said he will go and visit Dell he needs some assistance with Mr Ludwig and Misha. 
This time in the fridge there is cakes, sandwiches and fruits. His face turned into a delight as he scrabled in the fridge to get them. Feeling satisfied there is food again. He munched the cakes and apples as he made a mess.
“Let’s…freaking….go!” he said in between his munching. “ Screw you ‘Penny’s bakery Shop! I get my own cakes”. He relaxed on the sofa feeling glad. He also wished his mom get to eat with him again. He remembered every midenight when his brother and father are asleep. He would wake up his mom and the both of them would sneak eating food all night. It was the best memory he had.
He shock his head to shake of the beautiful memory he had with his mother and continued on eating in peace. Ever bite and texture he would enjoy. While under the sofa lies the Bloodmoon box. 
As the day settled down the sun said good night to the world and the moon would say hello as the starstwinkled in the dark night. This time the village opened their shops at every night. The civilains got back to work very quickly, they clanged their spears and swords. The blacksmith heated the fire for their weapons as the men hammered the new swords.
Dell and Mundy are watching the peple from his treehouse looking at the distance. While Mr Ludwig is preparing the medicines and regenerating syrups, Misha is busy making the bunker for the other hybrids. Dell looked at the sky as dark clouds hovered over the land. He could hear thunder from the distance as it grew closer. He closed his eyes and spoke.
“I think we should call the others now even your brother….I think it’s time”.
“Now? But mate…theres a bloody storm coming how about tomorrow?” said Mund
Dell sighed “Did your father gave you it?”
“Nah….I don’t think so…he still did not arrive”
“We need to destroy her now or she will posses anyone.”
“But mate….I don’t-”
“We have no choice! She’s dangerous we have to let her go.”
 They stood quicetly as they continued watching the village working along. “Herr Dell, we need some rest!” said Mr Ludwig as he planted a hand on  Dell’s right shoulder. “ We need to finishe zhis tommorrow” He nodded and looked one last time to look at the village. Then he turned away and headed for bed. 
The gang settled down on their beds from the hard work they done. And they drifted of to sleep.
Thx for reading for now i'm still working on chapter 6. Ya I started this story 2 months ago so it will take me awhile to upload the stories.
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binsofchaos · 3 years
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Jeremy’s Cheese Bread (Pao de Queijo) | Two Red Bowls
Yield: 24 mini cheese breads
1 cup (125 grams) tapioca flour or tapioca starch
½ cup whole milk or milk of your choice
¼ cup vegetable oil, plus more for greasing the pan
1 large egg
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup (about 2 ounces) shredded cheese of your choice (we like Parmesan and mozzarella)
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.  Lightly grease a 24-well mini-muffin pan with cooking spray or oil.
In a blender, combine the flour, milk, vegetable oil, egg, and salt.  Process until smooth, scraping down the sides as needed, about a minute or so.  Add the cheese and pulse once or twice more, until just combined.
Divide the batter evenly into the greased mini-muffin pan.  Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until puffed and golden.  Baking for less time will give stretchier, chewier rolls, and more will give a crispier exterior.  Serve warm.  Leftovers can be frozen and reheated at 400 for 5 minutes.
Using a blender helps fully emulsify and aerate the batter, especially as the tapioca flour has a cornstarch-y consistency that can be difficult to mix by hand.  That said, you should be able to use a food processor, stand mixer, or electric beater to achieve the same effect.
In terms of variations, other cheeses–cheddar, or Monterey Jack, for example–or different types of milk will work, and replacing a few tablespoons of the milk with sweetened condensed milk nicely complements the tapioca flour’s natural sweetness.  However, do keep the amount of egg and oil the same, as that can affect how well the puffs rise and hold their shape, interestingly.  
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heartfullyferal · 2 years
Tarzan was walking down a dark alley street one night feeling rather annoyed.
You know who doesn't frequent dark alleys? Women. Girls. Any person with common sense and decency. You know who else isn't in a random dark alley? Elizabeth, and all the people who love her. You know where she is?
At home. In Mystic Falls.
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She has a lot on her plate at the moment actually, did you know? She's coming up on her first well rounded year as a vampire! Her twelve parents are all actually very proud of her, despite her biological parents having taken up residence and ruling in Hell. Abandonment stings, but the wound is soothed by the warm and sanitising love of those who took her in of their own free will. Adoption was the Mikaelson's choice, and a very powerful one. Anyway.
The Salvatore Manor. A sprawling and ancient complex of wood and brick holding history over centuries that the walls dare never speak of. Now? A household so protective that it harbours spells to protect it's children, for the entirety of their immortal lives.
Given that it was late at night, roughly ten o clock, potentially headed towards Eleven? Stefan Salvatore was making the final rounds to make sure everyone under his roof was well fed and content, before bedtime. "Hungry, sweetheart?" He had peeked around the doorway to Lizzy's room, still driven to dote on her as his little girl, despite her having turned eighteen recently. In January to be exact. Lizzy, with a rousing swell in her heart, and a warm smile reaching her sparkling blue eyes, nodded and followed her father figure downstairs.
The kitchen here is a core room to the house, where family is found, love is served in hot bowls of pasta, and tears are dried to a cup of tea, or maybe if the time called for it, hot chocolate. With little marshmallows shaped like hearts. Lizzy loved those. Klaus Mikaelson could have just sacrificed her mother figure, but Stefan's hot chocolate? Would make it possible to sleep that trauma off. Its how Elena recovered actually, over time. Dying wasn't easy to get over, but Stefan's presence of supporting comfort was a miracle cure.
With the sandwich toaster out on the counter, Stefan was prepared. Three different types of cheese, expensive delicate hams, and freshly sliced tomato were all laid out on his chopping board, ready to build the perfect grilled cheese before bed. Carbohydrates, vitamin C, and joy were all getting packed in together, while Lizzy was given the floor to open up if anything was on her mind.
"Jeremy and I had the b e s t date this afternoon!" Elizabeth perked up, buzzing with excitement. She loved sharing her updates on what she and her long term boyfriend, future husband, and in between then fiance Jeremy Gilbert, got up to on an impulsive whim every weekend. Their spare time was always riddled with adventure, magic, or just the best kisses that she could ever dream of. "We took the new Tesla out, up to- oh the name escapes me, but you know that little village out west?" Stefan nodded, asking her if that was the one with the candy store so aptly named 'Princess Treats'. "Yes!" Lizzy beamed, now learning that the location was named 'Little Whitby.' Eagle eyed readers would understand the relevance of a town named after Whitby, the town where Dracula was invented. Just outside of Mystic Falls, a town full of vampires on the daily who absolutely have no time for that ancient old hack.
"Yeah! We had lunch at this cute little restaurant, and it was so calm and quiet, and the food was s o good, we stayed there for like two and a half h o u r s!" Again, all but a quote from the girl herself, Jeremy deserved the time m o r e. "And we went shopping, actually, and I managed to spend five figures on jewellery with him, we have a mutual love of r i n g s." Stefan smiled to himself as he watched the time for this grilled cheese, careful to monitor this down to the precise second- you want to cook the bread, not fry it. The smile? Not the smile of a sociopath who has no clue what else to do in this scene, no. Stefan smiled because he knew that love of jewellery would last Jeremy and Lizzy well into their future together, and bind and protect their love. Her future was s e c u r e. No matter how dangerous.
"Hi baby," Speak of the devil, and Jeremy walked into the kitchen making a beeline for the fridge- only stopping when he spotted f o o d being prepared. Plans forgotten, her took a seat beside Lizzy at the kitchen counter, smiling at her in a love struck daze, before movement near food caught his attention again. "Is there gonna be more of that?" Absolutely, Stefan confirmed he'd be making Jeremy his own right after this one- lifting the lid of the machine and plating up a piping hot sandwich onto a fancy little plate designated specifically for late night meals. With a knife sharper than Lizzy's witty tongue, Stefan sliced it into triangles, and placed the finished product in front of his precious almost daughter. 'Bon Appetit', and she was handed cutlery to protect herself from burning her little fingers.
"I'll take t w o thanks." Charming grin abound, Jeremy was graced willingly, and Stefan busied himself with love, while Jeremy sat and admired his girl, as she navigated the complexity of melted cheese running onto her plate. "Doing okay there?" He teased her, making her laugh, almost dropping her bite. "Alright- I'll quit distractin' ya." He lied, he was absolutely going to stay a distraction this whole time, because Elizabeth loves him too much to look a w a y.
A comfortable time passed as Stefan cooked for them, and once all three of them were sat together with their snacks, Lizzy was the one to change the subject. "Does anyone else ever get the feeling that there's someone out there? In the dark? Skulking around having just...the worst day. An awful time, because they're mad as shit, and can't find inner peace and acceptance with themselves?"
Jeremy was distracted with stringy cheese and deliciousness, but Stefan furrowed his fatherly brow. "Klaus won't get you here. You're safe. Whatever you tweeted today, he can't h u r t you."
Reassured, Lizzy resumed. Happy here. At home, where she belonged.
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myfinejacksauce · 2 years
I'm curious about Happy Bday Watson!
Thanks for asking @jeremys-come-to-bed-eyes!
Happy Bday Watson.... I might as well title this one, "A Third Unconventional Treatment: With a Vengeance".
It's Watson's birthday, and after a very fun night celebrating at the pub, Holmes escorts Watson home (Mrs. Hudson is conveniently away for the night) and pounces.
I had so much planned out (well, mostly penetration with vegetables >_>) but then I got completely stuck in trying to figure out a) what the kitchen of 221b looked like, b) what summer vegetables were available and what they look like in the UK (because for example, eggplants look different in the two countries I've lived in), c) if the whole idea was just too ridiculous.
Here's a snippet:
As soon as the front door closed, Watson crowded Holmes against the door. His face was more flushed than it had been on their walk from the pub, the reason for which Holmes had easily deduced, and only needed Watson's next words to confirm his plan for the night would be eagerly consented to. "I haven't received a gift from you yet, Holmes. What do you have planned?" Watson's breath was hot as he spoke, and his moustache tickled Holmes' throat. "With the house to ourselves tonight, I took the liberty of preparing a little something for you in the kitchen," Holmes said, pushing Watson gently. "Shall we?" "I ate enough at the pub," Watson complained. "While I do have bread and cheese at the ready should the alcohol have gone to your head too strongly, I confess I have quite a different activity planned." "In the kitchen?" "In the kitchen, Watson! On the double, now," Holmes said, turned Watson in the direction of the kitchen and marched him forward.
Well, if people don't mind historical inaccuracies in the name of NC-17 entertainment then I think I'll move this one up to the top of the pile :P (Gonna reblog this to my main, sorry you'll see it twice!!)
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Mercs and dinner duty
Most likely to cook. Mostly stews, chilis, meatloaf, roast chicken; heavy, hearty meals. Has a meal equation; meat, starch (noodles, rice, potatoes, corn), root vegetables (carrots, radishes, turnips) and non-root veggie (broccoli, beans, peas). Good home cooked meal. Once refused to cook for a month because he felt underappreciated, and everyone came crawling back and begging because he’s the only one to remember the vegtables
Good food, a little over dramatic tho. Steaks and lamb, honey glazed carrots or roasted small potatoes; pretentious foods. It tastes good! But it takes all day to make, and like every French cook, he uses a shit ton of wine, and drinks most of it. By the time dinner rolls around he’s buzzed and acts insulted if someone doesn’t like 100% of the meal
Lots of potatoes. He doesn’t mean too, it’s just that he cooks what his mother cooked for him, and, well, he’s German. It’s potatoes and sausage, cuz it’s easy and quick to make and he’s a busy guy. Sometimes he’ll get inspired and try to make something “outstanding” and he either nails it and everyone rejoices, or he fails and everyone has food poisoning for a week.
Not as bad as everyone would assume. Mick is a mama’s boy and was at her hip in the kitchen when she cooked. They’re simple meals; grilled cheese and tomato soup, meat pies, homestyle macaroni and cheese, shepherd's pie, etc. All really nostalgic, really, and he knows all the recipes by heart. Mick loves cooking on the base kitchen because the one in his trailer is way too small.
Cooks the same meal every time it’s his turn to cook dinner. His mother’s borscht and rye bread. He wakes up early to make the bread and is very careful preparing the borscht. It’s his favorite food and it reminds him of home and his family, and he is honored to make it every time. When he sees the cleaned out bowls, he smiles and can’t wait to tell his mother when he sees her next that all of his teammates love her food.
Can’t cook alone. Not because he can’t be left unsupervised, but if you had seen my Scout HC post, I believe that Jeremy can only cook with others around because, to him, it’s supposed to be a family ordeal. So usually Spy, Pyro, or Demo help him. He makes big family dinners, like spaghetti and meatballs, ham and cabbage, and lasagna. It taste good, if not simple, but you’d be surprised who fights to help Jeremy cook because he just act so happy and grounded when he does
To be a bit of a bastard, because frankly he loves cooking but loves pranking his team more, he makes traditional Scottish food. And if you don’t know, some traditional Scottish food is terrible. He made haggis before and all but Medic was disturbed for days. And right as he’s about to be removed from the dinner duty rotation, he makes something stellar like a fish dish and he stays on for another month before the discussion of kicking him out comes back
Good, old fashioned american food! Baked ham, cornbread, he grills so much food, it’s like a cookout. He’ll try and grill anything at least once. In all honesty, Jane is actually better at baking, but it’s his secret skill that no one has figured out yet
Banned from the kitchen. They can help, but they aren’t allowed to be unsupervised, for obvious reasons
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pixieungerstories · 4 years
The Captive
It was pouring rain and the staff all knew that no one was going out in that to buy a skein of alpaca and a chocolate croissant.  Not even if they were made with the good chocolate.  “Go home, Ben. It’s been a long day.  You work hard and have earned some time off.”
Ben hesitated, “You sure, Elly?”
That was when the power went out.  “Well, I am now,” Elaina replied.  
In the faint light seeping in through the windows, Ben took off his apron and tossed it into the laundry hamper.  He had the lean look of someone who was a tall 98 pound weakling in high school and was now a daily visitor to the gym.   He had some muscle mass but would never be the bulky guy he wanted to be.   His thick dark brown hair was cropped close in an attempt to keep it from sticking up in odd ways.  This was an improvement over his previous cut where he looked like he was wearing a hat made of hair.  His cheekbones were sharp. His nose was a long and straight with a hint of the freckles he had as a kid.  His eyebrows were not thick but they were expressive.  All and all, he looked like someone who, should they need to be described in a single word, the word would be sharp.  Or possibly angular. 
He kissed Elly’s cheek on his way past, “Lock the door behind me, ok?”
She nodded and flipped the open sign to closed  When Ben left, she locked the deadbolt and put the security chain in place.  Normally at the end of the day, she would wash the kitchen towels, the linen napkins and Ben’s apron.
Straw into Gold was in an old three story house.  The kitchen was now a commercial kitchen.  The dining room was the cafe.  The rest of the house had been opened up to sell wool, yarn, dyeing supplies, spinning wheels and looms.  The fireplace was still there in the parlour, still working.  There was a circle of arm chairs arranged around it where the knitting groups could meet and not be near the cafe crumbs.  
Elly would have to wait for the last of the fire to burn down before going upstairs.  She dug out a book and a flashlight before curling up in her favourite chair to read by the window.  There was a flash of lightning moments before a crash of thunder rattled the window.  She muttered under her  breath, but otherwise ignored it.
Twenty minutes later she was scooping ashes into a metal bucket near the fireplace and thirty minutes later she was checking to make sure all the switches were set to off before letting herself through the staff only door to the basement.  There was a candle and a box of matches on the top step.  She tried to strike a match by feel when George laughed from somewhere below her.
“I could do that for you, you know.”
“Thanks,” she snarked, “but I happen to like having eyebrows.”  She made sure the candle was lit before carefully going do the steep and narrow stairs.  “How are you doing down here?  Any water getting in?”
George yawned hugely, showing off a mouthful of razor sharp teeth.  “Nope.  That weeping tile you had installed really made a difference.  I am warm and dry.”
“It’s getting a bit cold up there, think you could turn up the heat a little?”
George smirked, “Is there any of the boy’s baking left?”
Elly nodded.
George’s scales started to glow faintly, “I think arrangements could be made.”
Elly brought down all the leftover baking, a copper kettle full of water, a lemon ginger tea bag and a fancy cup and saucer that had been her aunt’s favourite before Ina had passed away a few years ago.  The cafe used all antique china, but there were still a few special pieces that spent most of their time in the curio cabinet in the corner.
The kettle was set on the floor and George wrapped his tail around it.  The floor and walls were all old masonry, so the risk of fire was low.  The only furniture down here was a large wingback chair in brown leather, and a small ornate side table in carved from a single piece of dark walnut.  The table currently had a camping LED lantern sitting on it.  George didn’t like the light it gave, but Elly had put her foot down.  She didn’t like the candle smoke.
She munched a slice of chocolate cranberry bread as she tossed baking at George.  He caught them out of the air like a dog snapping at treats.
Around a mouthful of brioche, he asked, “Would you sleep down here tonight, Treasure?”
 Elly froze, tea cup half way to her mouth. “I told you not to call me that,” she said in a deathly quiet voice.
George’s tail began to twitch in irritation.  “And I have repeatedly told you it is a term of endearment.”
Elly shook her head, “I don’t believe you.  When I came down here to tell you that Aunt Ina had died, you didn’t even know who I was talking about.  I have a name, use it!”
George narrowed his eyes at her.  Whatever he was going to say next was cut off by the sound of his tail knocking over the kettle.  Elly, jumped out of the chair and backed away from the rapidly spreading puddle of boiling water.  She snatched up the lantern and ran up the stairs.  George shouted after her, “What’s the point in learning your name when you are just going to be dead in sixty years?”
She slammed the door at the top of the stairs and thundered up the next flight to her apartment on the second and third floor of the house.  She paced agitatedly in her much smaller kitchen before using a match to light her stove and setting about making mac and cheese for supper.  She still had some roast chicken that she could heat up to go with it, but right now she needed the comfort carbs.
Running a yarn store wasn’t exactly what she was expecting from her life.  The store, or at least the property on which the store was built had been in her family for hundreds of years.  It had burnt down, under mysterious circumstances in 1912, but had been rebuilt on the original foundations.  In all that time, it had always been a wool store.  It was the last house in town and always would be.  It was built on the corner of a section of farmland that butted up against the town line.
The farm was currently being leased out as pasture.  The tenants didn’t actually pay rent.  They kept sheep and tended Elly’s flock with their own.  The sheep supplied some of the wool for the store, but mostly they kept George fed.  No one knew that though.  Officially the area was just prone to sheep thieves.
Elly’s family did well.  Their crops flourished.  Their businesses succeeded.  And every generation, one woman in the family would take over the yarn shop.
It was just bad luck that she had been the oldest unmarried girl in the family when Ina had died.  It wasn’t even like she was single at the time.  She had tried really hard to talk Jeremy into a quickie wedding when Ina got sick, but it hadn’t worked.
Then Ina was gone and her choices were either dump him or wait for the family curse to get rid of him some other way.  She walked away from her job, her boyfriend and being one semester away from getting her Masters in Library and Information Sciences.
Her mother had told her it wasn’t that bad.  Maybe she could sell off the yarn and turn the shop into a bookstore.
Mom had married into the family.  She didn’t know what was in the basement.  Now Elly was trapped in this house without so much as a dog for company.  
She turned off the stove and dumped out her pot of boiling water.  Who knew when the power would be back on.  There was ice cream in the fridge that needed eating up.
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