maryannecrimsworth · 2 years
Well... Wednesday can see him at a game that Nevermore is invited to cheer, and as she is fascinated by the violent game and even more in the quarterback, when the game is over she goes with Enid, Ajax and Eugene in the Weathervane and finds him without the helmet celebrating with his friends. Wednesday then begins to develop an obsession with the boy after following the sport and him in Jericho, she discovers that the boy is very popular in the city for being the son of the owner of the city bank and being a skilled quarterback, after starting to approach of him, Wednesday quickly considers his parasitic friends who don't deserve his time and call him to stupid parties and starts to get involved in everything he does (swimming, boxing with his father, cooking lessons...), except at school and at his home where Wednesday has access to cameras. He was already realizing that his friends didn't like Addams, but he didn't think it was that much, he changes his mind when he and his father travel to meet with a professional scout who wanted to meet him and didn't talk about it with Wednesday for be very sudden, and on his return on a rainy day the girl freaks out at him saying he was hers. The boy ends the friendship and leaves her talking to herself, little did he know that Wednesday wasn't kidding and continues to invade his life more aggressively, and makes a plan with Lurch and Thing to kidnap the player, taking him away from his friends and keeping him At Addams Mansion, Wednesday leaves all of Normie's technology in his house, just takes out his hidden cameras and bugs. Morticia, Gomez, Pugsley and Grandma are ecstatic about a new member of the family.
Não consegui mandar no privado, mas tá aí. Esqueci de traduzir tudo para português depois que você falou em português 😅
Seu desejo é uma ordem!
Part 2 / Part 3
Pairing: Yandere! Wednesday x Male football player! Reader
Request from @carlosgrimhildedevil101: if you're taking requests, I'd like you to make a Yandere! Wednesday Addams x male reader normie favorite football player in Jerico who is easily sociable but not naive and dumb.
Warnings: possessive behavior; toxic relationship; a bit of violence
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You're an Addams
The band in your mouth was wet and frigid. The air you were trying so hard to breathe was thick, stinky, putrid. It was dark, cold, and your body trembled because of the terror ingrained in your spirit. The dread and chill that you knew only one person could cause. Only Addams.
"Welcome to the family, mi hijo," a deep voice disturbed your ears.
You tried to move, and the sound of swinging chains created a petulant chuckle among the room. 
You were trapped. Hungry. Wounded. The pain intensified as you tried to speak, and your tears fell to the cut on your face.
"How desperate." A melodious voice mumbled in the dark.
"Don't worry, Mother." Wednesday. "He'll surprise you."
You had no idea which had been the beginning of this.
You threw yourself into the throng of players in the center of the field. The screams of the players were drowned out by the booing of the fans, and countless pairs of elbows and fists hit your body as you made your way to the center of the crowd.
"Hey, hey!" you shouted, grabbing the first player in the yellow uniform you saw — your colleague was about to punch the defender of the rival team. "Are you crazy?" you pushed him away, pulling the yellow and purple teams, about to fight, apart with one rough motion. 
It was hard to force the running-back back to his side of the field: the boy was about to punch the opposing defender, and it wasn't the first time this had happened.
Even when the team was winning, someone always lost their head, and it was your job — the captain and quarterback — to prevent some player from going home with a black eye or a broken wrist.
Over time, you got good at it, and it only took a few words for the bickering boys to back off: "Weathervane, 5 minutes, on me." 
The game was already won — a few more defences and your team would already be celebrating. All it needed was five more minutes, and it would be over.
And in a blink of an eye, it was.
"Tell me again why they are fighting." Wednesday asked Enid, sitting next to her in the stands.
"The running back thinks it was a foul." Enid had to shout louder than the crowd to explain. "And the other team disagrees."
Wednesday's eyes glazed over with the premonition of a brawl in center field: after nearly an hour of watching the ball fly through the air as the young men bickered on the ground, one punch to start a riot between the teams would be the perfect ending to the match. 
The raucous commotion was already making its presence felt on the field when the audience began to boo — they should have been cheering, smiling just as Wednesday was, but, as usual, they didn't know how to appreciate what was appropriate. 
Until you came along.
Wednesday had noticed you before: the tall figure who set up the game like a maestro, throwing the ball and creating the plays that would lead your team to victory. The guide of the game, the strategist — the leader. 
It was clear from the way you moved that your actions were not as trivial as the others, but when, in a single thrust, you dismantled the mess in the center of the field, Wednesday understood. 
She understood why the crowd called out your name so loudly. 
She understood why you turned your head only to your players, and she understood why the muscles in your arm moved so clearly and distinctly from all the others. You were a ruler — and although you broke up the fight, she could see in your body how much you wanted to fight too.
Wednesday had to find out who was number "3" — who was you.
"That was...intense." Eugene stammered after opening the door of the cafeteria. "Nothing like what I expected."
"Total, dude." Ajax added, as dumbfounded as the other boy. "I didn't know bodies can bend like that!"
"I still can't believe you guys have never watched football before." Enid complained again. "And that wasn't even one of the great matches! Jericho has faced opponents far more challenging than this one."
Wednesday followed along behind them: her steady steps and silent figure scanning her surroundings while the rest of the group searched for a table at the Weathervane.  
The coffee shop was crowded: everyone went there to celebrate, including you. 
Addams noticed that the same arm that agilely distributed balls minutes ago was now raising a hot mug in a toast: the same features, the same mark left by the bracelet, the same muscles that now contracted much more softly. 
It was you, the number three.
"Wednesday?" Enid's voice didn't make her move her eyes from you. "Are you coming?" 
You moved away from the big group with difficulty: there were hands pulling you every which way, both female and male, but you made your way to the counter.
"No." she grunted to Enid and followed your steps.
"Please, ma'am, don't you dare." You smiled at a woman who surrounded you around the balcony. Leaning your body over to the attendant, you used your muscular figure to create a barrier between the staffer and the elder woman, with Wednesday standing slightly behind her. "Today is on me, the team deserves it."
"It's so noble that you're already working at such a young age, dear, but please." The woman insisted. "You saved my son from trouble again, let me pay."
"No, ma'am." Your smile was gentle, but your gaze was firm. "They are my friends, my team, I'll pay."
"But..." The lady looked away, her eyes full of concern reaching for her son. "He—"
"I'll keep an eye on him, don't worry." The staffer handed you back your card and you put your wallet away in your pocket. "Please go home, we'll be just fine." 
The woman raised her hand to caress your face.
"You're too good to be true, Y/N." And she finally stepped away from the counter, leaving you alone with Wednesday, further away, and the bartender, who was leaning toward you. He whispered something in your ear.
"Sure, sure." You replied, the gentle smile never leaving your lips. "Just give me a call." The barista, in fact, was a classmate: a classmate who needed help. And you were about to assure him that you would help him when a dark figure appeared in the corner of your eyes.
You finally turned to Wednesday, recognizing her presence;
"Hi." You smiled at her. "Can I help you?"
She turned her face to the barista immediately. "A quad." 
The worker walked away and you two were left alone.
"Interesting choice." You commented before sipping your own mug, the girl's intense eyes returning to you.  "I thought I was the only one who drank this around here."
"Few can take the bitterness."
"In general, few appreciate what should really be appreciated, don't they?" You raised an eyebrow in a mischievous expression.
"Always a philosopher, eh, Cap?" A boy pushed you against the balcony, breaking the gaze between you and Wednesday. "So deep and so dark!" He grabbed your arm and turned his face to the outcast in front of you. "Oh." He grunted. "The freak."
Wednesday remembered the boy: she had beaten him up in this very coffee shop, in Pilgrim World, and it was said that he was one of the boys who ruined the Rave’N dance with red paint. A brute, uncreative, and impulsive being. 
He could not be your friend.
"Stay away from her." He whispered before pulling you along. "Let's go."
"I'm coming later." you shifted and dodged until the boy steeped back. He cursed out loud while walking away from you and Wednesday.
Even with the smile still on your lips, there was a vein that surged in your neck: the invisible displeasure on your face. But it wasn’t invisible  for Wednesday: she saw how your eyes had changed after the boy had come closer — and how they sparkled again now that he was gone.  
In a silence that was visibly uncomfortable for you, but not for her, you scanned the cafeteria tables until you found the group accompanying her. 
It wasn't hard to recognize the outcasts, even without the Nevermore’s uniform.
Your eyes fell back to her as soon as her pale hands reached up to hold the cup lying on the counter beside you.
Before she could turn around, you asked:
"May I sit with you?"
She gave you a single nod.
It was an unusual friendship, your and Wednesday's. Unexpected — to others. 
To you, in fact, it was almost natural: Wednesday was an independent, quirky, brave being. You could talk to her about anything — literally anything — and she was a pleasant relief amidst all the high school drama. Homecoming king, team captain or not, the rumors and whispers that run through the high school hallways wear you down. You can deal with them, of course, but it was boring. Tedious. 
And, honestly, nothing was ever tedious in Nevermore: you found that out as soon as you sat next to Enid Sinclair and Ajax Petropolus. A female werewolf and a male type of Medusa who were also dating. They were flattered by your look of surprise and interest: all your questions were answered with great enthusiasm.
And there was Eugene. 
God, how you loved Eugene — a young beekeeper who could actually control his bees. How could anyone dare to raise a hand to him? You needed to talk to your teammates again.
And there was Wednesday. You weren't quite sure what she was — but she was very intelligent. You came away with five book and article recommendations every time you talked to her. It was fun, no matter what your colleagues from Jericho said.
They harassed, bullied and humiliated the students of Nevermore, the only difference was that Wednesday had stood up for herself. And she stood up for her friends.
Why were they so paranoid over her?
Well, it didn't matter. 
You kept meeting her.
You just didn't expect that she would be seeing you in an absolutely different way: you didn't know about the hand that snuck into your room every night, or the hidden cameras in every room of your house. Nor of the wire in your phone, or the shadow that accompanied you every time you left school with someone.
It was strange the accidents that started happening to your friends, but you blamed the slippery way back home. A grazed knee, a twisted ankle, a black eye — all could be caused by falling on the sidewalk. They were not caused by it, but you thought they were. 
After all, you had always slipped when reaching the first step of your driveway, and today was no different. You held on to the pillar, lifted your body to the door, and walked in with your shoes as damp as ever.
The grease that had accumulated on your hands and clothes only made your way to the bedroom more difficult: after spending the afternoon cooking, dirt had gotten under your fingernails, and the smell of a dirty kitchen had incorporated your clothes. 
You needed a shower and dry shoes, so that you could hide from the oncoming storm to Jericho.
Your hand was already holding the banister of the staircase to the second floor when your father's voice emerged from the living room.
"Y/N!" He came running up to you. "Change your clothes now, someone wants to see you."
"A university scout." Your father gasped, the blush of his cheeks increasing the intensity of his smile. "Come on, hurry up!" You ran to your room with a huge smile on your face.
You were gone. 
Wednesday couldn't find you anywhere: on the way to school, at Weathervane, at your work, at your house — she couldn't see you anywhere. 
Her cameras became useless, and your turned-off cell phone interrupted any transmission and location she could access. You were gone — and her body burned in a thousand hells as soon as she realized she couldn't find you.
With her mind overwhelmed by pulsations that even she failed to understand, the Addams made her way to your house. The heavy rain falling over the city didn't stop her footsteps from pounding against the concrete all the way to your room. 
She opened the back door of your house as she had done so many times before and walked up to your room: to your bed, to your smell, to where you should be. 
Wednesday took a deep breath after closing your bedroom door: your smell, a unique mix of sweat and parsley, mingled with the smell of rain, and the pain in her chest grew. Her mind imagined you beside her,  laying carefree in your bed — as you should be at this time of night – but you weren't there. 
You weren't there.
A sound came from downstairs and Wednesday rushed to the window immediately: it was almost two in the morning, and you were coming home now. 
Your father parked the car while you walked to the back garden. To the bench under the tree where you sat every time you needed to think. To where she liked to watch you the most, to see your features change as inaudible thoughts flashed through your mind.
You sat there with the biggest smile Wednesday had ever seen — as if you had done nothing wrong.
How could you be smiling like that?
"Where have you been?" Her voice cut through the stormy air like thunder, and you fell off the bench.
"Jesus Christ!" You stood up, trying to identify her figure among the darkness. "Wednesday, is that you?"
"Who else could it be?" Who else would see you at that time of night? The dumb cheerleader, the prom queen? Wednesday advanced towards you, her pale face shining with the raindrops all over her skin, reflecting the moonlight that shone brightly in the sky. "Where were you?"
"I-" You could see her eyes. They didn't look like hers — they were burning toward you, unmoving, totally fixed on you, utterly unlike anything you had ever seen. A shiver ran up your spine as Wednesday's breath touched your face. "Go back to school, it's late and–"
You stumbled backwards instantly.
"What's the matter with you?" you shouted back, fear and cold making you shiver. You were soaked, just like Wednesday, the early morning wind rattled your bones but none of it compared to what her gaze was doing to you. You could hear your own stomach turning in panic, "Wednesday, that's enough, go away."
"You left me." she roared. "You disappeared." you shook your head. "You did not tell me a single word."
"Hold on, I just had urgent matter and-"
"You're mine." Her voice resounded in your ears, shook your whole mind. "You cannot do anything like this, ever again."
"STOP!" you snapped, finally turning your back on her. "You've gone crazy! Get out of my house and—" Your voice was choked by a blow — a sudden pressure that ripped a sigh from your throat, interrupting your words.
There was a huge man in front of you: tall, pale, in a suit; he didn't even look alive.
"You are mine." Her voice sounded again in your mind as your vision became a blur. "You are an Addams."
@carlosgrimhildedevil101 @lucasm8 @dreifhraniquo29 @yasmimvarelattellat @hhavsjhs @decaffeinatedclodbagelweasel
@cursedchar (you like angst so...) @i984 (I WROTE THE REQUEST)
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gayscytheblog · 8 months
I love furb… and aoas…
Citra Terranova
Giraffe 1998/99 Furb or Tiger 1998/99 Furb
She wears her robe almost all the time bc it’s cool :3
Uuuh I forgot her eye color it was brown I think though
Black beak and turquoise tongue because it’s COOL
Sassy bitch
Ben Terranova
Seahorse 1999 Furby Baby
Idiot gay boy
Rowan Damisch
Witches Cat 1998/99 Furb
Brown eyes
Black beak and red tongue bc hes edgy
Idk what he would wear for clothes, maybe his robe??? Idk
Might revoke his eyelash rights. Might.
Scythe Faraday
Koala 1998/99 Furb
Black eyes bc IDK
Wears his robe all the time
No lashes because fuck you Faraday you don’t get pretty boy privileges (i love faraday though)
Grey beak and black tongue
Scythe Curie
Champagne 1998/99 Furb or Snowball 1998/99 Furb
Light grey eyes with a tint of purple at the bottoms
Always wears her robe
Light purple beak and dark purple tongue
Shitlord Goddard
This one
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Faceplate would be dark blue or black though
Dark blue beak, light blue tongue
Scythe Volta
BUMBLE BEE 1998/99 FURB (one of my favs)
Yellow eyes. Not bc it’s canon but because they would be COOL.
Uuuuuuh brown or black beak with yellow tongue
Always wears his robe
Has some scars on his feet and sides (from s/h)
50/50 on the lashes, might look better without.
Scythe Rand
Peacock looking Furby Boom (2013) (or a green custom Furb Boom)
But her Furby faceplate thingy would be dark green instead
Black beak, dark green tongue
Black ears would look cool
Dark green feet would also look cool
Scythe Morrison
Dragon 1998/99 Furb
Wears his fucking jean robe everywhere
Jerico Soberanis (as suggested by my boyfriend)
Gorilla 1998/99 Furb
Brown eyes (def has some cool gold accents though bc ITS COOL)
Wears gold jewelry and shirt
Gold beak, uuuuuuuh black tongue bc it looks cool
Greyson Tolliver
Wolf 1998/99 Furb or Church Mouse 1998/99 Furb
Grey feet though
Wears his weird The Toll shit because it makes him look less boring
Grey eyes
Grey beak
Purple tongue because it matches his outfit
The Thunderhead (if it was a Furb)
Thundy would be a Furby Connect (2016) and idk which one but it would be one.
Just less farting and more uh
Serious Thunderhead shit
Scythe Alighieri
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This but different hair and eyes.
Scythe Hypatia (bc shes silly)
Belongs to @sp1derbitez :3!!
Red Wolf 1998/99 Furb
Possibly silvery eyes? Idk it would look cool
Originally didn’t have eyelashes but she gave herself eyelashes bc she’s cool
Dark brown beak with a dark red tongue
Always wears robe
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tristayranambrosio · 7 months
Bargain/Myth Day 3 - February 20 DWC
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(More Jezza! Slight CW: Sex industry/prostitution) Trist’Ayran is something they only tell of in myth… like when he came into the world it was off the pages of some old music sheet, and some being of pure, beautiful song was made into a mortal. Each freckle on his skin is another constellation I memorize when he breathes heavily, and purples where I had kissed his shoulders, neck, everything… My tusks also leave angry red marks in their wake… and yet for some reason, this being does not resent me for the damage I inflict with a sort of intensity that my heart feels… sings with, when he speaks my name. I’m in too deep… He peers over his shoulder at my shuddering form, and I’m spent past my last breath but I still react to that knowing gaze. “Why… is my war-wolf spooning with me?” I growl annoyed and make to pull away, I’m in too deep, I’m in too deep I’m- Trist touches my cheek and he twists his lithe perfectly soft form to regard me with an expression that takes my breath away. I am paralyzed and contemplating if it is some incubus that has ensnared me and feeds upon my pleasure the heights that only he’s seemed able to reach in me. Had I known… Had I known this creature would see me… “Sorry-” He apologizes and withdraws his had, with it the spell that had halted me, “If you need to go I understand.” He turns away and makes to extract himself from my arms, but something was different about it, that pause… what had it meant!? Why did he apologize, I hate it, his apology for looking at me like that… was he going to ask me to stay? He never did that. “Wait.” I say before I think. Trist is half way into his undershirt, its been mended half a dozen times, and I wonder idly looking at him… really looking at him. He’s… smiling but its not in his eyes, like a snarl or warrior’s glare, that hides the truth in all but your eyes. He’s tired… so tired, and I consider that he had endured that bastard Jerico before he’d arrived to the cabaret. What is that twisted bargain he made with the slimy flesh peddler? Had Jerico hurt my Rose? The bard paused, “Hmm? What is it Jezza? Can I do something more?” There it is, this is about me again… and I open and close my mouth before I finally brokenly say defensively, “I don’t cuddle, you know I don’t like… men-” There’s something like disappointment that he hides in those beautiful eyes and it makes me finish my thought, “But-umm… I want to see you again.” There’s something like hope now and a tenderness that squeezes a fist around my heart I -feel- my Rose bloom just a little after the world seemed intent to make him wither in the face of reality… and rather than balk at my boldness, my confession that wasn’t a confession… He’s gentle when he leans in to kiss not my lips, chest, or more intimate places, and instead presses it to my brow, Gloriously half clothed and haloed in the curtains and lanterns of the Cabaret, his sanctuary, his temple… “I’m always here for you, Jezza, whenever you need me.” He says it like he’s said it a thousand times to a thousand others… and something about that hurts… He thinks I’m like the ones that pay… “I-...” What can I even say? I might as well be like them… who is this Mythical being I’ve touched… what has he gone through? Endured? I want to know now… need to know now… so I ask the stupidest thing because I just can’t handle the thought of being just another one of the people who have never wondered who’s the man behind the mask, “Why do you always smell like roses?” He blinks at me, clearly having not expected it. “Someone gave me one when I was little… they’re… they’re important. Even if I’m so much more a weed, like a dandelion or something… someone thought I deserved a rose.” “... You do.” I say flatly, awkwardly, feeling exposed and not because I have remained undressed. He chuckled softly, shaking his head, “You misunderstand, Roses and Dandelions aren’t so different. They’re both resilient and defiant… strong in the face of all climates… environments, and they remain… even after the rain and the frost… still beautiful.”
“You deserve both.” I say more comfortable. Trist softened, “So do you Jezza. I know you like Pale’s arrangements.” “No I don’t.” I lie. He rolls his eyes and he chuckled, “I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” “...Okay.” I want to say so much more. I want to tell him I love roses… I love dandelions… I love… this… whatever it is and it takes everything in me not to break and bring him to my room and keep him there with me all night. Instead I just watch him leave limping a little, but I know he’ll recover by morning… and this stupid part of me is smug that for a few more hours he’ll feel bruises from our tussle and struggle… but I beat that part of myself down. My Rose… my rose that isn’t mine… or anyone’s No more than a Myth can belong to anyone.
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voidselfshipp · 7 months
Moonlight Conversations
Cw: angst (hurt/comfort),Michael feeling unworthy of jericos love, Michael gets a lil sadistic describing something,mentions of falling into madness. A small scene of making out at the start (nothing explicit) mentions of body horror
Summary: an improptu date brings out a few things that need to be talked out.
->Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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Jerico grunted as she felt a piercing discomfort on her rib. She grunts--Mike...be careful with those hands
Michael lays atop of her as both cuddle on the sofá,his fluffy his fluffy curly hair falling across his face, he sighs,retracting His hand from her ribs,he sighs mildly annoued--....sorry
She breathes out and runs her digits across his scalp,tangling her fingers tangling on his Orange locks. --Youre going to chop off one of my ribs
--I dont want that, you have such a nice waist-- he whispers,pressing kisses to her jaw. His hands,really carefully,stroke her waist, his skin deathly cold.
Jer shudders-- thanks-- she answers with Pink cheeks.The skin Patterns of his hand are spirals,She can feel it as his thumb strokes soothing circles on her waist.
--I love you,yknow-- his voice is thickly laced with sleep-- even with everything, you still love me
--Of course-- she answers,tone soft and loving-- youre still the Man I fell in love with
--Yknow thats not true-- Michael replied.
--We're not going through this again-- jer replied, firm but not angry. Her hands Lower to cup his jaw and kiss him, he kisses back smiling and giggling.
He sits up a little,pulling her up by the back of the thighs and sitting her on his lap. The avatar of the spiral wraps his arms around his lovers waist, sighing into the kiss.
--okay fine-- he relents,not even out of breath-- ill stop
--Good,finally youve got some common sense-- she teased.
Michael rolls his eyes-- Keep that to yourself,I am not supposed to have common sense
She laughs and kisses him briefly-- Its a nice night,we could go out
--And terrorize some people?-- he asked with child like joy.
-- I- fine. Just the assholes
He rolls his eyes,huffing-- youre no fun
Jerico stands up, patting his arm-- Ill go change, then we can go
Michael sighs, tjrowing his head back on the backrest of the couch. He closes his eyes, feeling something setting on his legs.
Opening one eye,he looks down to a sphinx cat,bright honey eyes looking back at him-- You didnt forget me either,did you Sandy?
Sandy was his cat protector, the feline purrs and leans into his touch as he carefully scratches behind its ear.
--Of course you didnt-- he chuckled as the cat stands on her hind legs,putting her front paws on his chest-- you werent this cuddly before
Michael plays with the cat, giggling and baby talking to her with a big grin. A few minutes go by and jerico comes out of her room, ready to go.
--Dont let me interrupt-- she teased, leaning on the doorframe.
He turns to look,a sassy quip but it dies on his lips as his eyes settle on jerico. She wears short boots with a chestnut Brown colorationx,a high waisted bright teal jeans, and a velvet dark teal croptop with golden Trim.
--cat got your tongue?--She teased
The avatar is quick to recompose,face flushed, Sandy the sphinx cat leaves the room. -- thats not funny
--Sure it isnt....
Ignoring the sarcasm in her voice,he stands up and snaps his fingers. His eyes are frames by some round green glasses,he wears a dark brown turtle neck over a short croptop with desaturated purple and blue spirals over it.
He fixes up the grommet belt that holds his light brown pants, his heeled chesnut colored high heeled boots click against the wooden floor.
--Im good to go--michael announced,putting one of his hands on his pocket.
--Youre missing one thing though-- she comments,pointing at his hands-- gotta look somewhat human
The avatar sighs audibly, his long hands replaced by normal looking ones with long sharp nails, his height resting at 6'4 instead of his usual 7' +.
--Better?--He asked, Rolling his eyes.
Both go out into the damp streets of London, Michael holds jericos hand as they walk down to a nearby restaurant in quiet conversation
The Sky is cloudy,the moon peeks through the cloud cover a little. Cold wind blows past them, and as a few cars speed by, jer has to reach up to fix what strands of curly marigold hair falls on her lovers face.
--Thank you beautiful-- he flirts,grabbing the hand near his face and kissing her palms.
--Of course,handsome
At the restaurant,they both take a Seat on the more...VIP area of the place. Nobody dares say anything, one look from both of them is all It takes.
Its not surprising really,the Ocean knew how to make someone feel lost and confused,and the avatar of the distortion was nothing but that, chaotic uncertainty. Together its no wonder nobody challenged them.
Jerico didnt mind using her..nature on these harmless things, she enjoyed it just a little. Thing that her lover would never let her live down,like ever.
Michael smirks, taking a sip from his wine-- Cmon accept it, scaring people is fun
--Oh shut it
--Nono,we're having this conversation-- he insisted,pointed accusatorily-- you like it, its fun. I saw your face
--i find it funny-- she admitted-- but only with shit like this,I dont enjoy fear
He raised a brow-- sure,sure.
--Respect and fear arent the same
--Fair-- he relented, taking a bite out of his food-- you do get hotter when youre scary though
She snorted-- what you find hot is none of my bussiness
After their dinner, both go to walk among the mildly crowded streets,holding hands. They watch the world go by and talk softly about the people they look at.
--Is it like this always?
--Eternity I mean- I cant die now-- he answers-- is eternity this calm- this cozy?
-- not always -- she admitted-- you learn to appreciate these moments
He nodds,looking down a little dissapointed-- ah,that was not the answer I was expecting
She squeezes his hand-- but I wasnt alone,and youre not alone either.
--Eternity with you? Now that puts me in a better mood-- he smiles,his spiraling eyes swirling with happiness.
Jer feels her cheeks warm up, she giggled-- I love you too. Im happy youre here
--Even if im not the same guy?
The Antiquarian shrugged with a smile-- youre still you,nothing can change that. Spiral avatar or not, youre still my Michael
His pale cheeks darken with blush--...youre too sweet
--You deserve it-- She replied, walking closer to him.-- youre always sweet to me, I love you
--I love you too-- he bends down to kiss her head and nuzzle her hair.
They make it to a park, they walk the path in silence as theres not Many people around. Above them the night has settled in and wind,cold as Ice, starts to blow but neither seem to mind.
Nocturnal birds coo and sing in harmony, leaves rustle and fall onto the ground,crunching as theyre stepped on.
--Nice night-- she replied, the hand thats holding her lovers swinging its arm back and forth a little.
--nice night-- he agreed-- reminds me of that one date we went on once, at the shores of Whitstable. We had waked down the docks with the shops on them,enjoyed some street food and then we went to sit on the shore. You spent hours telling me about old sea fables...it was fun
Jer feels her heart flutter, she smiles and tugs him closer-- god, that feels so long ago... I didnt think you'd remember
He laughed softly-- I could never forget anything about you, I still remember our first date
--First *first* date?-- she asked with a smirk
--of course! I was supposed to go down to your shop to get a book,you were just coming out to run errands and I ended up tagging along. We went to the fish market for some good tuna for the cats, then we went to Yuzuki's antique shop, the vet for those meds one of the cats was taking...Marrow! He'd gotten a stomach bug for eating from the trash
Jerico listens to him detail everything, chuckling to herself at the fact that he still didnt Belive he hadnt changed much.
--Our second to last stop was a bookstore-- he continued-- then we went for some afternoon tea and Ate dinner at one of those hole in the wall restaurants near the Institute. I ended up coming back to gertrude at like... eleven pm-- he laughed as a memory comes into his head--Oh she was SO PISSED. But I still remember how she was fighting back a smile because of how adorable the whole situation was
He turns to her,seeing her peaceful smile. She turns to him and snorts-- and then you say you have changed
Instantly his face goes bright red he chuckles nervously and he simply mutters a-- Keep that to yourself-- jer nodds playfully and leans on him.
A bit into their walk, they find a bench,sitting there for a moment to admire the empty world around them. Talking softly about how Parks always felt so uncanny when barren.
--Parks can be so disorienting at night, things start to look alike, trees seem bent the wrong way, monuments or fountains dont shine quite right! Ha! The ammount of people that get lost in these things
She chuckles-- hmm,youre giving the sea a run for its money
--Big fan of lost at sea too-- He adds-- so disorienting,sea sickness also doesnt help
Jer nodds-- Many a sailor lost with that
Michael wraps one arm around her waist,pulling her to him. Hes got that sadistic look in his eyes when he gets to talk about the things relating to The Spiral. It makes her heart squeeze with pain
--Yes! Its so fun! You see them walking around,praying to whatever could listen! The madness slowly sets it and-- he stops himself,looking down at her-- I- sorry
She shakes her head-- dont worry
--I know you dont like i-
--Mike-- she says softly-- its fine. You know I dont hold it against you
He looks away-- this is why I tell you ive changed
--Changed or not,I still love you-- she reminded him-- the good,the bad and the gruesome. This is just part of who you are,but its still you
Michael leans his head on hers, slowly stroking her waist-- I dont know why you Keep being around me
--You dont like violence, you dont like suffering or fear. Its all I do
--Not all
--I try to Keep it low key around you-- he admits-- I would like to make you feel like things havent changed
--Babe just because this has changed that doesnt mean you have lost yourself to it
Michael sighs audibly,tired. His eyes still dont meet hers, he stammers for a response but he finds none.
Jeri raises her hand to his face to push away his hair,setting her gaze on his spiraling eyes of shifting color-- I still love you, your changes just worries me but that doesnt mean that ill up and leave, gives me peace that you know when to hold back and when to let go.
She makes a pause,exhaling to calm herself--I'll love you no matter what happens to you, you have to Belive in my actions,but I cant help you with that.
Well,she is right.
Hes not surprised a being that has lived for thousands of years has centuries of wisdom in her.
--I guess...im on my way to Belive that-- he said,feeling her turn his head to her.
--We have nothing but time-- she promised,leaning in for a short but loving kiss.
Thats when they notice a Group of teenagers looking at them funny,not malicious but funny.
Michael exchanged one glance and jer just chuckles and nodds,playing along.
He drops his buman form so fast, and so does she. The Group of teens start running for their lives screaming like a frienzied bashee.
Both laugh at the scene and return to normal, and underneath the soon changing to autum world,he has a realization.
Trees lose their leaves every year, and they arent less loved because of it, when they emerge with New boughs to which rest from the sun, they are just as loved.
And he figures  maybe its the same for him...
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voidwritesstuff · 11 months
Dionysus and Charon.
Cw: suggestive themes,mentions of anger issues,depression,anxiety, abusive family, May be missing a few.
Summary: an elaborate fic for desmonds gay arc.
Wordcount: 10k ish.
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The car stopped with a Rumble, its lights turn off,as the night Sky is lit up by a full moon and thr stars,Lucas turns to see desmond-- Ya really never been to this bar before?
--I mean yes but I havent been here in a good while-- desmond replied, undoing his seatbelt and opening the door,his friend copying him.-- Last time I was here I think...I think I graduated
--jesus!--Exclaimed Lucas,Closing the door of the car, to then lean on the hood of it-- you never go out to places like this? --His Friend looks at him like "do I look like someone who goes out to places like this?"-- right...Alright! 'M 'bout to change that,cmon.
"Dionysus Bar"  the purple neon bar read, it was decorated with images of grapes And wines, it flickered a little. The outside of the building looked like a crossover between modern 90s architecture and old rustic decor. Its beautiful and cozy,they can hear the buzz of the inside.
--Good thing we came early, this place gets so jampacked sometimes-- Lucas walks to the entrance, hearing his therapist close the door of the car and catching up.
As they enter, the first thing they feel is cold,then they see is a few round tables, the wood they're made out of is pretty dark. The walls are a light cream color, some of the parts are decorated with paintings and a few TVs have the latest football game playing.
--Huh,slow night-- the ex soldier thinks out loud-- Lets go to the actual bar,cmon-- desmond follows along,compliant and just admiring the place-- did it change much since the last time you were here?
--no,not really. Its pretty much the same
They reach the bar and sit, waiting for someone to take their order. The room has music and chatter as background noise, theres a few other people in the bar but neither of the two pay attention to them.
--Good evening,Gentlemen! What can i do for you?--A Man said behind the counter,both men turn to see the bartender. He was around 6'1, plump muscles and alert greyish green eyes, his beautiful brown hair with Orange highlights And royal blue underdye tied in a tight bun,yet a few of his baby hairs fall and frame his face perfectly.
He smiles, and his cheeks seem to fill up as he does so, his sideburns frame the Lower part of his face.
--Lazaro?--Asked Lucas with wide eyes and a smile.
--Lucas! How are you buddy?--Lazaro replied.
Desmond looks at his friend and the bartender, trying to not get lost in his green eyes-- wait,you two know eachother?
--Yeah Man! Hes jericos older brother, dont you recognize him?
He takes a second look, he sees the few holes in the Mans face where their piercings usually sit, then the Many tattoos on his exposed forearms. And then it clicks-- yes,apologies. I didnt recognize him without the piercings
Lazaro laughs and oh its the sweetest sound hes ever heard, joyfull and genuine, yet behind his eyes the therapist sees a sad glint he knows a little too well from Jerico ,his patient and sister of the Man before him.
--So youre my sisters therapist? Goddamn,the world is small,huh?--He replied leaning on the counter with a smile. Des wants to pull away and move closer at the same time.
--yes it is, I uh did not expect you to look so much like her,though-- the doctor replied.
--Oh right-- laz replied with a chuckle-- Well, yeah im her biological brother but we do look extremely alike. Its a little inside joke. Anyway,whats your Poison?
--Just two beers for now-- Lucas answered-- whatever line you have as long as its good
--Ten-four lieutenant-- He leaves for a quick second and grabs two beers, he makes sure its the coldest ones they have and returns. His muscles flex as he cracks the Open and desmond finds himself staring.
--your tattoos dont get you in trouble with your boss? -- Lucas asked.
--My boss says chicks dig the tatts,men too--,Apparently-- The bartender said, winking at desmond and flicking the two bottle caps to Lucas before leaving.
--Jerico likes them-- The soldier explained,putting the two caps on his pocket. He realizes his friend is too stuck on watching Laz serve the other costumers-- doc?
Desmond turns to see his friend with a grin, oh hes fucked up-- What?
--Why are you looking at Laz?
--Drop it, Lucas-- He replied with Pink cheeks.
--you should totaly talk to him, Ive spent time with him before, hes the sweetest!
--Absolutely not!
--Cmon doc! Live a little! Youve been checking him out,at least buy him a drink!
--Can bartenders drink during their shift?
--Well they do switch in a few minutes-- the soldier trails off.
--How Many times did you come here? Youre not even from milton-haven!--Desmond protested, a little flustered.
--I came a few times-- Lucas shrugged-- 'sides y'know me,doc. 'M quite perceptive
A few minutes pass by and Lazaro returns to the two men, mostly to clean up after himself. Thats when Lucas says-- Hey Laz! Can you drink during break?
--Yeah, why?
Desmond feels Lucas kick him in the shin and he flinches. His eyes refuse to meet the bartenders and instead settle on his drink-- W-Well we were uh- wondering if youd like to have a drink wi-with us...?
He doesnt see the bright smile Lazaro has on his lips--Fine then, oh I could so use a drink.
The therapist forces himself to make eye contact-- Wh-what do you drink?
His smile,oh god his smile, its sun incarnate just like his sister. Desmonds heart does a flip-- necromancer Martini. Though I feel kinda bad just making one for me
The therapist doesnt even hesitate-- Ill pay, I mean I invited you to drink with us, its only fair
--Desmond you dont gotta-- the younger Man said.
--I insist
--Let me at least half the price?
--No. Im paying
In that moment,lazaro's chest warms up and takes the money-- You are too sweet,Desmond. My sister's right
Desmonds face heats up and he sees Lazaro put the money in the register and gets to make his drink. Its hypnotizing to watch, how he moves around the bar like its second nature,his hips sway to the latin beat playing.
《Havana, ooh na-na
Half of my heart is in Havana, ooh na-na
He took me back to East Atlanta, na-na-na, ah
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
There's somethin' 'bout his manners.
Havana, ooh-na-na.》
Lazaro is absolutely stunning to watch,at least in desmonds eyes, hes so full of energy and larger than life. If it wasnt for how enamored he was with him, Des mightve felt jealous.
He sits with the two men after he grabs his dinner, Argentine empanadas and a little note in spanish "para el mejor hermano mayor del mundo. No te atragantes -Jerico" -- for the best brother in the world, dont choke while you eat them, Jerico-- Laz translated.
Lucas chuckles-- damn, what a meal you have going on
--Martini and empanadas? Dude im in HEAVEN-- the younger Man exclaimed,taking a bite out of his food-- and good company too-- he looks at desmond and smiles a little.
Desmond looks like a deer in headlights, Lucas tries not to laugh as his friend doesnt reply and takes a sip from his drink. For the rest of his break the three of them talk (its mostly Lucas and laz talking,though).
"God, hes pretty" the therapist thinks "Jesus! How Many times a week does he work out? And why does his shirt look so good on--"
--He didn't walk up with that "how you doin'?"
When he came in the room
He said there's a lot of girls I can do with
But I can't without you
I knew him forever in a minute
That summer night in June
And papa says he got malo in him
He got me feelin' like...-- Lazaro sang, snapping Des out of his thoughts. His singing voice sweet as a nightjars,and as smooth as the way he moved behind the bar.
A few more minutes go by before Laz goes back to work, he pats desmond on the back and says-- Thanks for the drink, Doc -- he flirted.
The therapist looks up at him and, oh god, hes towering over him easily. His cheeks go bright red as jerico's brother smiles and leaves to get back to work.
--You need another drink-- Lucas chuckled.
--yes I do-- the other Man sgreed.
Desmond thanked the gods that another bartender took their order. He now swirls the double whiskey on the rocks looking at the dark wood counter.
--Theres nothin' wrong with likin' a Man,you know?--The radioman said.
--I dont-! I dont like him! Hes very...charming
--Dont like him? Dude! You were giving bartender boy over there them "Marry me" eyes.-- to emphasize his point he gestures at Lazaro whose currently making a Group of girls swoon for him with his charm and quips.
--Hell no!--Desmond shrieked with his face beet red,then he turns to look at Laz and he grips his glass.
Lucas raises a brow and chuckles. "Jealous much?" He thinks.
By the end of the night they pay their tab and desmond leaves for the car, then Lucas leaves a little more money for Laz alongside the one desmond left. He calls lazaro over and says-- Hey laz,this is from the doc, and heres a bit of mine
--Oh damn,thats a lot of money-- Laz murmurs-- thanks yo
--Dont mention it
The drive back home is spent with Lucas teasing the hell out of Desmond, who only sulks and looks out the Window. Once he drops him off at his appartment, the therapist goes to sink into his bed and pray to god he doesnt get hangover. He was a lightweight.
In the realm of the collective unconcious things were always changing, it had to make space to the New shadows that kept popping out of literally nowhere. Most of their little territorios werent much of a sight or even fun.
But oh, that wasnt always the case
When desmond had Fallen asleep, Agent Rainbow," 'Gent" as he preffered to be called, got to walk around that ever shifting realm, Freed from being tied up to his counterpart.
That night he came across something most peculiar, A bar. It was a mix of medieval and gothic architecture with its greyish yellow walls and black iron support beams decorated with those gothic motives. The neon sign read "Hades bar" with neon blue tubing and red spider lillies that shone crimson. Its overgrown with red spider lillies and other funerary flowers.
He fixes up his hat, he sees other shadows come in and out,shifting and morphing into different forms. For the Curiosity, and because he nothing better to do that night, he steps in.
《Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door
Early this morning
When you knocked upon my door》
The first he feels is a deathly chill, he does see a fireplace but the wood seems...frozen. the singer on the floor above sings, the strings and the piano give the bar a most ghastly appereance.
His eyes look for the bartenders and thats when he saw him.
《And I said hello Satan, ah
I believe it is time to go》
A skeleton, tall and lanky,adorned with a long robe blackish desaturated blue ,it glimmers like fresh snow. Hes adorned with jewelry of crosses,skulls and harnesses, even just seeing the metal Gent figured it was deathly Cool. The crown adorned with red spider lillies and skull,the spikes that the skulls where impaled on looked more like sharp Pointy month antenna.
And this shadow,whoever he was, was alluring.
He moved with such poise, such elegance, he twirls and moves around the bar counter making drinks, its impossible not to look at him.
With a smirk,Rainbow goes to sit at the bar,in the same spot his counterpart had sat earlier this evening. He leans in and raises his hand.
--Evening, gentleman-- the skeleton said, voice raspy and utterly ghastly, as if he was speaking with his last breath every time. But its somewhat deep, and easy on the ear-- what can I get for you
--Double whiskey on the rocks,please handsome-- desmonds shadow flirted.
Amused, the skeleton grabs the whiskey,some jack daniels that is impossibly old, sets it on the counter and then grabs a round short stout glass. Their gazes meet, defiant but curious.
The skeleton opens his mouth and frost breath that gleamed like diamonds comes from deep within his mouth, his hand raises and grasps the breath, an uniform cube forms and without breaking eye contact he uses that same hand to break the Ice in two like one would do an egg.
Ice clinks as it falls on the glass, then he pours the whiskey and corks the bottle, pushing it to rainbow.-- Here you go, beautiful
'Gent chuckles and takes a sip from it, the whiskey is so cold it stings his tongue. But he doesnt flinch-- What May your name be?
The skeletal figure leans in,using his forearms for support-- People around here call me Decay or Charon.
--Call me 'gent-- the other shadow replied,taking decay's hand and kissing his knuckles,without breaking eye contact. Their energy together is almost electric like two impossibly strong forces colliding with eachother.
《Me and the devil walkin' side by side
Me and the devil walking side by side》
--Very well 'gent-- Decay says his name with defiance,he leans in,pushing his cold necromantic aura towards him,trying to show the Man before him that he wasnt in controll there-- I belive I havent seen you around here before
--Well..--Agent rainbow started,taking a sip from his drink-- I just happen to come across this fine stablishment. Which,no doubt,youre the owner of-- he shakes the glass a little, the liquid almost spills but only one single drop does slide down the surface of the glass. In that moment, as he sets down the glass, a coaster appears.
Decay feels for a silver of a moment, that the power is striped away from him, pulled away by the Man before him, the coaster is shaped like a cassete tape. The glass sits there anf agent looks smugly at him-- and it piqued my interest..
The other shadow looks at him impressed,a second of fear flashes through the skeletons gaze before returning to that aloof but defiant feel-- well, arent you something else? -- he gestures at one of his emplooyes,a smaller skeleton.-- lets go have a chat...
--Very well
Decay makes himself a drink, and both go up the stairs to the second floor. Its only then Rainbow realized that his companion easily towered over him.
《And I'm gonna see my man
Until I get satisfied》
They sit at a round table, dark wood and a beautiful greyish blue tablecloth, in the centre there is a skull with a red spider lily growing from it. The flower shines a faint red. The whole bar could be seen from here.
--Its the first time I see a shadow as powerfull as you-- Decay compliments.
-- Same could be said about you..-- he leans in with a smirk-- what is the ferry of the dead doing here?
Finally, the shadow before him chuckles,breaking the figurative ice-- my counterpart is a bartender,made sense that my realm was a bar, I felt like the world around needed some life
--The embodiment of death wanting to give life? Color me impressed
--Thats cheesy-- teased decay,also leaning in.
--You seem to be into it
--Never said I wasnt
Both make eye contact and they both chuckle, and then they Keep talking. The whole night goes like that, relentless flirting and conversation, its fun and a good time.
At some Point in the middle of the evening, theres a brief silence as Agent drinks from his glass, he notices that Decay suddenly zeros in on his drink,a necromancer Martini, and if eye sockets could go wide his would. His skeleton hand tugs at the ring hanging from his spike choker and a soft sharp gasp escapes Him.
--Are you okay?--Agent asked.
--Oh god, oh no. The tree-- decay stands up and bolts down the stairs, desmonds shadow follows Him. He tries to call out to him but he doesnt answer.
Outside of the bar agent watches as two giant moth wings sprout from the skeletons cloak,held together by a Giant skull. He kicks up in flight.
There were few things that could scare a shadow like that, rainbow follows him as fast as he can past the different territories of other shadows and finally reaches the cementary.
《You may bury my body
Down by the highway side
You may bury my body
Down by the highway side》
Agent finds Decay freezing the trunk of a Giant willow tree, the Bark is rotting away and the Ice from his fellow shadow seems to stop it.
--Okay...its okay-- he hears him whisper with a string of a voice. The skeleton kneels and hunches over the grave framed by the roots of the tree.
He approaches silently, putting a hand on Decays shoulder and kneeling with him-- Are you okay?
Decay's eyes fill with eyes that falls like tears from his eye sockets-- Oh im s-sorry I didnt mean to-- he sniffs and covers his face, hes shaking. Agent is quick to realize the symptoms of an anxiety attack, he figured its because desmond is a therapist.
--its okay. Youre okay, youre safe, breathe . --At this Point he didnt know if he was talking to decay or directly to the shadows counterpart. His arms hug him and holds him tight, hes freezing cold but he doesnt mind-- center on my voice, its okay.
Decay slowly stops shaking, his breath eventually evens out. When his gaze meets his oncemore hes calmer.
--What happened-- agent asked, letting his companion pull back a little.
--This tree- im tied to it somehow-- decay explains-- when my counterpart experiences the feelings that he represses, this tree rots a little, the Ice stops it but tonight...something changed. -- Agent reads the tombstone both are kneeling infront of. "L.Castro" it says.-- with every bit of anger swallowed, with every part of grief he doesnt process this tree rots, most of the times I can absorb it but when I cant then...
Rainbow coos,trying to calm him down-- its okay,you fixed it. Its fine now. Can I ask what happens once the tree rots away?
--Well..when it rots away,my counterpart,Lazaro, he'll release all those emotions thats eating him on the inside. Its going to be violent, either that or...or- well.. theres a reason im a skeleton
It clicks for agent in an instant. He nodds and rubbs soothint circles on his companions back-- thats not going to happen. I promise-- his hands wipe away the icy tears-- do you have anywhere to rest?
Even if shadows didnt need sleep, all had a place to rest-- I udually sleep in the boughs of the willow tree. Why?
Gent purses his lips-- Stay at my place tonight,I dont think its good that you sleep here after what just happened
Decay looks at him surprised--You just met me though?
Agent stands up and offers his hand-- no ulterior motives, cross my heart--- he does an X on his chest with his free hand.
The other shadow takes it and he pulls them up gently-- lets go,then
The walk to his appartment is silent,but desmonds shadow never lets go of his companions hand. Once they reach his appartment agent shared his bed with the skeleton.
Decay buries his head on rainbows chest,who hugs him tight against his frame. Sure, most of the time he was an asshole, but seeing a shadow so powerfull as him being scared shook Him. And because he had a crush on him too, he knows the tell tale signs and doesnt fight them. He just hopes that at least tonight,Decay And his counterpart relax.
The Next day for desmond was absolutely normal, no hangover thankfully just a weird feeling of worry. But worry about what? He doesnt know. With that hanging feeling he goes about his day,has a few sessions with his patients and by midday he goes back home for lunchbreak.
--Oh f--he stops himself from cursing, he purses his lips and closes the fridge. He had ran out of veggies for his salad.--How didnt I notice?-- he murmured, grabbing his appartment keys and his car keys. Usually Magdalena would get the groceries or at least remind him to get them.
Without her around well...hes re-learning how to live life.
The drive to homa mart is death silent, hes a little too annoyed for music right now. He parks the car and goes into the store, didnt Virginias boyfriend Dave work here?.
Desmond is currently picking out lettuce and a few tomatos and a few other things For his lunch,Thats when his eyes catch a flash of blue hair and he turns to see.
Lazaro is jamming out to some music, he has one earbud in while he grabs a few veggies. Seeing him with all his piercings was a trip for the therapist, he forgot just how Many he had,he stays a little too stuck staring at the snakebites piercings on the other Mans lips that look very soft.
--Oh Desmond!--Lazaro says with a smile, snapping the Man out of his thoughts. Hes wearing a tanktop with ripped holes, ripped up jeans and normal sneakers. All black. His tattoed arm pats the Mans back.
Des notices the beautiful sunflowers and red spider lillies on his bicep, and a Lion with its skull exposed and covered in its mane-- oh- laz-lazaro, good afternoon
--Man, what are the odds! We saw eachother yesterday night and now here?--He giggled,amused.
--Yes- uhm. Youre right-- his eyes look up at him and notices the heavy eyebags on his companion, for a moment laz's smile falters and though extremely built he seems...weak-- this May be too forward but..are you okay.
Lazaro looks away and scratches the back of his neck-- Ah well, family problems you know? Dont want to bother you with it
--no no, please do tell me. I mean its good to let stuff out...-- he trailed off, his eyes deviating to the Mans other arm, where it was covered from shoulder to wrist in a beautiful asian dragon tattoo, the tail of the dragon coils on laz's pectoral.
--Ah well,Our bio mo-- he stutters, he coughs out the Word with the same hatred and disdain jerico did--mother called last night, she was with our biological father, the call started fine, asking us how we were doing...but then she started to recall our childhood and well...she had it all wrong, what she put Us through. It ended up in a screaming match, And well-- he sighs-- every time it gets like this,I get in a really bad headspace, I didnt get much sleep last night..
Desmond pats his back and says-- thank you for telling me,and im sorry. You two deserve so much better
--Thank you,Des. I think I need some rest--laz replied-- Come by the bar tonight?
--I uh- 'm kinda busy with paperw-- he starts,but then he meets his tired gaze and he sighs-- Sure, just one drink.
--Cool, its gonna be a slow night anyway, sunday night? Nobody is coming for a drink on a sunday-- laz shrugged-- I like your vest,by the way.
Desmonds cheeks go bright red and he tugs at his tie-- uh-uhm thanks. Your tattos look pretty good t-too
--Oh,theyre my pride and joy!--laz exclaimed, going back to his cheerful persona-- you should see the one on my back, I love that one.-- his eyes catches the clock above the stand that had the veggies-- oh,i gotta get going. See you tonight
--good-goodbye-- Desmond replied,laz walks away and the therapist cant help himself but stare at his back, muscular and toned but still soft and a little pudgy. From what little skin he can see that isnt covered by the tanktop, the tattoo on his back have moth wings.
Night arrived faster than he wouldve liked, he grabbed a few of the documents and a few pens and left for Dyonisus Bar.
《Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine》
He caught the song midway through, but the lyrics speak to him more than he wouldve liked. He shouldnt be going out tonight. No,he shouldve stayed at home, he has paperwork to do and--
Lazaro waits for him behind the counter, des sits where he did last time.
--Thanks for the tip last time. It was too much money but i so appreciate it.
Desmond Recalled how much money he left last time and then it dawns on him. Lucas that sneaky bastard-- Its uh...nothing-- he replied with a shy,polite smile.
--what can I get you to make that-- the younger Man points at the documents-- less of a pain in the ass.
--Just a beer,thanks.
There was almost no-one in the bar that night, only a few costumers. Desmond scribbles down on his papers even when he gets his beer--Thank you-- he murmurs.
Lazaro makes himself another Martini necromancer, and sits beside desmond,looking how dilligently he works. It warms up his chest and finds it endearing-- hey,your face is a little too close to the paper.
Desmond's cheeks go bright red, he pulls back a little-- Ah sorry- uhm..force of habit
The other Man laughs and shakes his head-- No prob. Take a rest in a bit yeah?
《"I only see him as a friend, " the biggest lie I ever said
I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed》
The therapist nodds-- uh,thank you for reminding me. I can get stuck in work a lot.
--Hey, thats what im here for-- he drinks from his Martini and stares at him a little longer before looking at the football match.
A solid 40 minutes go by,until desmond drops the towel on the paperwork-- im done with this. I dont think I can handle one more file
Laz didnt move from his spot, he looks at his companion and smiles-- I was wondering when you'd put your feet on the ground
--Apologies- I guess waiting for someone to be done with paperwork can be annoying...-- desmond applogized meekly.
--I figured you'd be working-- "but I wish you talked to me instead" laz thought-- I dont mind. 'Sides, I couldnt help but watch you,youre so passionate about it, I can tell you like helping people. Im glad my sister is getting helped by you, thank you
With that,desmond short circuits-- youre- youre too kind laz, I uhm. Try my best
--yeah, s'no Biggie-- he replied-- so, whats after this? Someone to return home to?
--oh uh...-- the Man clears his throat-- 'M divorced. So -no
--Oh god,im sorry I didnt want to Open a wound-- he apologized.
--No no,you didnt. Hey uh why dont you pour me a whiskey? I think i can uh- stay for another drink.
Lazaro smiled-- coming right up, doc.
Thats how for the rest of the night, both drink a little. Desmond,being the lightweight he was he gets super drunk, slurring his words.
In that moment, Agent takes the reigns of his conciousness, deciding to finally put an end to this fruitless pinning-- are you booze? Because im getting dizzy just looking at you!-- he flirted leaning in.
The younger Man finds it amusing, he giggles-- thats so cheesy
--Alright-alright then, another one...I think all the bottles in this bar must be jealous, cause your beauty is the most intoxicating thing in this place.?
Lazaro laughs loudly and lean in-- that ones good!
--If- if you think that ones good..--Desmond also Leans in, eyes locked on his--What do you say we get out of here? I bet you’re way better to wake up next to than a hangover~
Agent is impressed to see Lazaro actually consider the proposition. But he shakes his head-- Des,youre drunk. Ask me when youre sober
"Thats the only thing keeping you from being together" desmonds shadow thinks before letting go of Desmonds conciousness.
That night, Lucas picked up Desmond from the bar since he was in no condition to drive. He apologized to Laz for his friend and left.
But lazaro sighs and watches them leave, he looks at the half empty glass of whiskey and finishes it himself. The closes thing To kissing Des as he had for now.
In the land of the collective unconcious, Agent Is laughing his ass off and coughing his ass off with Decay. The skeleton is incredibly funny and charming, and Agent cant help but stare at him with love in his eyes.
--Are you alright? That coughing fit sounded...intense--decay cooed, taking The Mans hand.
--Nothing you gotta worry about,handsome-- the other shadow replied,kissing his cold knuckles. -- come walk with me?
Both leave the bar,hand in hand, walking around the town in quiet conversation -- You truly are something else-- 'gent replied, his voice is raspy but so soft.
--Youre too kind
--No i mean it, you and your counterpart are something else-- he shyly stands up on his toes and kisses his cheek.-- so sweet and so funny..
Decay's face frosts up and he leans a little on his companion. The skeleton squeezes the hand hes holding and replies--You too,I never met someone like you either.
--Hey, let me accompany you to your tree? Lets go check up on it,...together -- Its almost amusing to watch someone like rainbow get flustered. His cheeks glow with the chemicals under his skin, his hands get a little sweaty but his companion doesnt mind.
At the tree,Decay traces the outline of the rotting bark-- Hold on...'gent look, the holes not as big as it used to be!
Gent looks and indeed, the rotting Bark seemed to heal somewhat, now the rotting hole looks like a heart.
--Oh my-- oh dear! -- he squealed-- did you do this?
Desmonds shadow thinks back to earlier this night, the flirting, it must have helped-- yes,I made desmond flirt with lazaro
--well- it worked! Oh I love you!--decay's face frosts over,looking Like a more gaunt version of laz's face. His boney hands grips the collar of his trenchcoat and kisses him, he kisses back and hugs him.
--Damn,didnt you you were so fond of me hmph!-- Decay kisses him again and tugs at his clothes.
--You are amazing,rainbow. I owe you
--How about dinner at my place huh? To repay your debt,of course. I guess a Man so powerfull as you doesnt like owin people...-- his finger playfully tugs at the ring of the skeleton's spiky choker.
--Youre right,Sir. I dont~
--Its a date,then-- he winks and both stay there just looking at eachother, enjoying just a little more time together.
For the Next few weeks,Desmond doesnt visit the bar, busy witt work. Jerico is kind enough to relay that fact to his older brother,who was fretting over if desmond was upset because of what had happened last time they saw eachother.
--Hey jer! Before you go to desmonds-- Lazaro called out one afternoon-- can you ask him if he wants to come over to my band's practice?
--Sure dude. Youll owe me though!-- jeri replied with a smile.
He shrugged-- I dont mind if its you,and thank you-- his sister pats his bicep reassuringly.
--Oh dont worry Man, he likes you im sure of it! Hes just really shy
--I hope so...-- He trailed off, before his sister hugs him tight.
--Cheer up, emo ass
Laz chuckles-- Punkass -- he teased,ruffling her hair.
--Asshole!--Jer yells as she runs to the door to leave.
--idiot!-- the Man yells back.
--salame!(dumbass!-- she Shouts,closing the door.
--Boluda!-- he exclaimed a final time once the door is closed. Then he goes to his room to finish his university assigments.
Next afternoon, Desmond reaches the small warehouse the band practiced. Jerico was with him, she opens the door and both step in, he sees Lucas also there.
--Desmond! Glad you could make it!--Lazaro said with a smile, he was in the same clothes he saw him in at the supermaket, but in Des' eyes hes absolutely stunning.
--Jerico spoke so highly of your band I had to come over...--Desmomd doesnt know where that came from but hes not complaining
--Oh youre too sweet-- for the first time the therapist sees his crush blush, it takes him a moment to realize hes the reason the cute guy before him blushes.
As the band settles in, he sees the logo of the band on the drums, "The Decayed" and the logo is a rotting willow tree with the letters above the boughs of said tree. And for some reason the image of that rotten willow tree sends a shiver down his spine. Hes seen it before and he knows its an omen,but an omen for what? Where has he seen that image before?
Soon,the music starts, Lazaro is the main singer and desmond knows from the first few words if the song that hes fucked. Hes fucked because this time he cant deny his feelings for the young Man anymore.
--This is it!
Now we've found it, I'm astounded
Every town will be surrounded
By a throng of marchin' death
Delicious the riches, they glisten ahead-- his voice is deep and easy on the ears,he playa the electric guitar with such ease, with the same poise that he had when working at the bar.
--It's a craze!
They'll devour every hour
Of these endless, non-progressive inundations of their kind
And lucky for you, you're the next one in line--the singer points at desmond and smiles, winking at him.
--When I'm necromancin', everyone's dancin'
No one can stop me, I dare you to try
The dead are infused with sensational groove
And they're comin' for you now
There's nowhere to hide-- laz moves his hips,its fluid and hypnotizing to watch
--Yeah! (Waltzin' forth, here they come)
I'm raisin' the dead (everyone, turn and run)
I'm lovin' the dread (killer moves that will stun)
Let's make some evil!-- hes so calm and collected, so stone cold cool and non-chalant. Hes feeling the song and hes enjoying every bit of it,  desmond is frozen in place, he cant move.
The rest of the song is a haze for the therapist,oh hes absolutely gone. He was so deep in love for him.
When the song ends, the three audience members cheer and holler at them. -- Oh, did you know each member has a god  of death associated with him? -- Jerico said while the band tuned up the instruments-- Lazaro is Charon,the ferry of the dead!
--Yeah! And jer here is designing our outfits for our concert-- Lazaro jumped in-- show 'em!
Jerico shows Lucas and Desmond the designs for the members, but when he gets to Lazaro's something inside of Des stirrs. Agent freaks the hell out because he recognizes the elements of design, he knows the Point of the crown with spider lillies, he knows the sway of the cape and the clinking of the metal jewelry.
Agent understands why Decay looks the way that he looks. And for a moment he tries to push into Desmonds concience but to no avail,he hasnt had any communication with his counterpart in a while. As powerful as he was in the collective unconcious, Desmond  was stronger, for now.
--Thats so cool honey!--Lucas exclaims,kissing jerico, she kisses back.
--Thank you!
Desmond tries not to scowl, hes so jealous. He wants that with Lazaro,but he knows he cant because hes a coward.
As hes about to leave, Lazaro stops him. He looks nervous but excited.
--Desmond wait!--His voice is a little raspy because of the singing-- I uh..got these two tickets for an emo music concert. I uh was s'pposed to go with jer but shes got plans...do you want to go with me? I know its not your kinda music but--
--As a date?--its what his grown dumbass asks. He tries to back track once he realizes how much hes just exposed himself.
--Oh -- Laz hesitates, taken aback as his heart seems to beat out of his chest-- si- yes. As uhm a date, ive been meaning to ask you out..
Oh wait. Hes serious-- Its uhm no problem, id love to go-- and he smiles just a little,to make sure laz stays calm and doesnt think hes fucked up.
--oh hell yeah! We're gonna have so much fun! You dont gotta dress up like me, plenty people go with their Every day clothes...!
"Cool! Cause he doesnt have any black clothes to wear!" Agent thinks,breathing a sigh of relief now that desmond said Yes.
Desmond says his goodbyes and leaves for his house. A smile on his lips and a Pep in his step.
That night,Agent found himself having dinner with Decay, its a splendid time as Decay seems less worried about his tree. Agent is glad to see him anyway,spending time with that skeleton is the hightlight of his days/night.
Music pours from the vynil player he has nearby. Agent offers his hand and says--May I have this dance,Lord of the dead?
--You may-- Decay flirted, taking his hand and standing up. Decay nos looked like a skeletal rendition of Lazaro,his body made of Ice. The other shadow simply hugs his waist with his free arm and both dance along to Ellas Fritzgerald's "The Man I Love".
The pace is slow and sweet, they had all the time in the world. Only the song can be heard as both sway, 'Gent feels the parts of his skin that make contact with the icy body of his companion freeze for a moment, even the liquid within his skin, and then return to normal.
Its not an unpleseant feeling, just one of the things that made Decay who he was, and gent loved every bit. --Im so happy Desmond accepted Lazaros date, the hole in the tree is so much smaller now! Its shaped like a heart too!
--Yes,im happy too, its about time he does something-- gent agrees-- I was tired of suggesting pickup lines and him having none of it. 
--Can he hear you?
The other shadow shrugs-- he thinks im intrusive thoughts, so no.
--Lazaro cant hear me either. But when you calmed me down from that anxiety attack, I think he heard you somehow... you calmed him down so it calmed me down! He thought he was hearing desmonds voice coaching him-- Decay explained-- im so happy,thank you
--Seeing you happy makes me happy-- he replied, pressing a kiss to his icy lips. He kisses back and both stop dancing. Instead,they make out for a few solid minutes.
--Next date is on me.-- the skeleton declared.
--What do you have in mind?
--Picnic under the moonlight, good booze and you know...-- His skeletal hand goes under the Mans trenchcoat.
'Gent chuckles-- can you even-
--Well, youre going to have to find out, wont you?
He smirks-- Hmm, youre right.
Both go to cuddle on the bed just like they did that first night. And just like last time,its comfortable and reassuring. Rainbow knows he would do anything to make sure he can Keep holding Decay like that.
Few days pass by, the concert day goes swimmingly, desmond even found brotherhood Among other "golden retriever" people that came to support their emo partners. But when asked if Him and lazaro were a thing,he'd become flustered and deny it.
After that, Desmond was sure he was in love,but he wouldnt admit it. Not even to himself, but he couldnt say no when Lazaro asked him if they could go on a second date, he cant say no to the idea of going to a café,anything relating to Lazaro he couldnt say no.
One day, Desmond and Lazaro are hanging out on the park with Lucas and Jerico. Its the few last days of summer, and the day is beautiful.
-- Laz! The ball got stuck on a tree again!--Jerico called out. She sees her brother looks away from desmond and his eyes spot the ball.
--I got it!--He called out, taking off his shirt because he was cooking himself. Black clothes on a sunny day? Nope.
Desmonds air leaves his lungs as he finally sees Lazaros Back. Still muscly, still soft. The tattoo on his back, a Giant Death's Head moth,black And white that expands down to his middle back.
Then, his eyes Lower to his hips and he realizes he also has a tramp stamp tattoo, it looks like a grave with bones,crows And of course, red spider lillies.
Lazaro climbs up the tre,His strong back muscles flexed with every move of his arms, the wings of his Giant skull moth tattoo look like its about to take off as his shoulderblades move, Des cant look away and he knows hes staring.
He gets the ball down and trots Back to the therapist. He sits and lets out a sigh-- Damn,what a day.
But oh no desmonds not there, hes staring at the minimalist sun tattoo under his collarbone, the underboost tattoo that accentuates his top surgery scars...
His eyes catch the view of the anarchy symbol on his throat and,staring right at him on the side of the neck that was facing him, a tattoo with spray paint typography that says "Bite Me".
Desmond feels like his soul leaves his body for a split second, oh he was not prepared for that.
--Im so hot-- Complained lazaro, fanning himself with a book.
"No arguing there" the therapist thinks,amused.-- I need fall to happen right about now
Des chuckles-- I feel you, do you uhm want water?
--Please -- Laz gets the coldest water bottle in the portable fridge, he drinks and lets out a sigh--What would I do without you,Doc?
--Its uhm..Nothing
--Pass by the bar later?-- laz asked.
--uhm...sure-- he replied shyly.
--Cool,ill save you your spot-- he winks and lays down on  the ground as a breeze cools his body.
Desmond likes that Laz considers he had a "designated" spot on the bar.
But little did he know that neither would see eachother that night. Desmond would get a package from Mayer pharmaceuticals that would knock him out for a few good days, he doesnt answer his calls or messages.
He spends days battlinga living hell, shadow forms of his patients, and of course,himself.
--and Poor lazaro!--teased agent rainbow during their fight-- you were such a coward! If it wasnt because of me you wouldnt have accepted his dates!
--So it was you!--Yelled desmond.
--Please! Do you think you could pull someone like that? If it wasnt for me your ignorance wouldve caused his death, and his shadowforms! Your rejection rotted away at what little strength that Man had! I saved him so you owe me!
--Like hell i do!-- the therapist replies with anger-- ill kick your ass and show you I dont need you!
And that he does, he beats his shadowself, and then hes plunged into darkness once he says goodbye to tonia, his dead cat.
Desmond Woke up incredibly cold, his extremeties feeling like two icecubes. He looks around at the cementary hes in, his breath materializes infront of him.
--What the-- his breath hitches as he sees a tall skeletal figure walk past him, they seem to almost float with a thin mist trailing behind him like the train of a dress.
The figure stops at a grave, sat Nestled between the roots of a large willow tree. Upon further inspection the trunk of the tree seeme to be rotting away. They kneel and place a red spider lily on it, and then they stand up and float silently out of the cementery.
Curious,Desmond walks up to the graves and cleans the few bits of Ice that stuck to the stone. His eyes go wide as he reads "L. Castro, beloved son,brother and great artist".
The world around him is so deathly cool, the wind blows and theres a certain sweet smell of Decay . Its a night of deep winter, nothing grows, the epitome of death, but its not depressing but rather comforting. The moonlight peeks through the heavy dark clouds in intervals,drowning the world in an almost absolute darkness.
"No...no no no" he panics,his eyes dart to the exit and the trail of light grey blueish mist that was left behind by that thing, he runs after it as silently as he can. A part of him knows better than disturb the figure he saw as he follows them.
Then,he follows them around the town, its desolate, theres mist everywhere and only moonlight filters through the heavy black clouds. Hes freezing alive,he Holds on to himself as his breath shakes.
Why is this figure so familiar? Why does he recognize the movements? The styling of the clothes is so familiar but he cant place it.
The figure moves with Grace like a dancer or a bartender on a busy night. Hes hypnotized by the swaying of their hips with every step they take. His breath hitches again, his eyes go wide a little and he forces himself to look away.
"Get a hold of yourself,Wales" he thinks, and follows them to a bar. The neon sign shines a faint light blue, theres red lillies made of the same tubing that shines red, "Hades' Bar"
The bar looks more like a Fantasy tavern mixed with gothic architecture, it standa tall in its blak wooden exterior and black iron supports.
The figure stops at the blackstone steps up the door, it lets out a silent sigh as its breath is pure frost. That explains the utter cold and ice everywhere.
They unlock the door and step in,and as they do so the dark wood door blooms with red spider lillies. Desmond hears a familiar voice call out to the figure-- Ah,Buenas Noches Decay!
Desmond managed to peak behind a Windows with its red curtains partially drawn. His breath stops.
Agent Rainbow--
He sat there, on a bar stool as the figure, Decay, goes around the counter to the mirrored shelf. And then it dawns on him, this is a distorted version of Dionysus Bar in milton heaven. And if thats Agent Rainbow,his shadow, sitting on the same spot Desmond always sat when he went to that bar,then the figure is--
--Lazaro-- he exclaimed under his breath and for a moment,Decay looks towards the Window,he doesnt see any eyes looking under the sharp shadow of the hood. But Decay just shrugs and pulls away his hood that made him look like a grim reaper.
He wears a crown with red lillies, the spikes that made the crown looked more like moth antennae rather than spikes, and at the base of each one there are smaller skulls.
Lazaro's shadow exhales that ghastly frost of a breath, the skulls of the crown exhale it too.
--oh Decay-- Agent rainbow breathes,sounding Like he was a teen in love in an overexaggerated cheesy movie-- dont you look absolutely cold and dead today
The skeletal figure laughs, it sounds like a gasping, ragged breath. Bone chilling. His black eyesockets settle on the Rainbow-- Dearest.. what are you doing in the bar before I opened it?
--I wanted to surprise you,of course!--The other Man replied, taking the skeletal hand, some of the liquid in his hand seems to freeze in a tricolor Ice, before melting-- Beside, I wanted to spend time with you before this place is packed with the dead and they steal your stone cold gaze away from me~
Desmond cringes a how cheesy it is, but Decay is into it-- Ah I see, and that prompted you to sneak into my bar?
--Yes sir--rainbow tips his hat at him.
--Hm, fine-- his skeleton mouth presses against the other Man's lips. As he does so, a gaunt face grows on the skeleton, its made out of frost and Ice. Desmonds eyes go wide as he realizes its lazaro's face.
--One day i hope my lips remain stuck on your Icey face,so I can Keep kissing you-- His shadow flirted, kissing the knuckles of the other Man.
--One day perhaps--Decay agreed--for now how about you settle for sharing a drink with me before I Open for bussiness?
--That would be splendid, my ferryman
Decay pours a double whiskey on the rocks for Agent rainbow, while he makes himself a Necromancer Martini, the same drink Lazaro drank aside from beer. The two men sit on the same side of the bar, Agent has his hand on his companion's knees as both drink,desmond has no clue how because one had no mouth and the other was a skeleton.
--Will there be a day where your counterpart finally asks mine out?--Decay asked, looking beautiful like fresh snow and elegant like glinting diamonds. He sits with such a Poise and confidence that its almost ethereal, his cold mist of icy death glimmers like snow under moonlight.
-- 'm afraid not,or at least I dont think so. I tried giving him advice and pickup lines but hes stubborn
--You can charm anyone, why wouldnt he accept your help?--Rainbow gestures at himself-- right...
--His loss-- The other Man says-- though its a shame, I really wish he finally manned up
Decay smiles somehow, his naturally cold gaze softens-- Well, Lazaro is thinking of asking him out,maybe all he needs is a kickstart
--And a big one at that--rainbow quipped,taking a big long sip of his whiskey.
--You are incorregible, 'Gent-- the skeleton said, incredible fondness and warmth in his tone.
--You love me this way
--And I wouldnt have you any other way-- decay gives his lover one last kiss and finishes his Martini.
Desmond watches as Decay gets ready for the night, picking out glasses and liquor. But what really knocks the air out of him is his shadow form.
Agent rainbow, the thing that tried to kill him multiple times, everything he hated about himself, was docile,domestic. He polished the wooden tables, fixed up the Chairs and lit up the Giant fireplace that probably made the chilly interior of the bar feel cozy and comfortable. He also figured that Decay couldnt start a Fire given he was pure chill.
--Ill come back to help you close-- Agent announced as he fixed up his fedora.
--Very well,Im guessing youre going to see blaze?
He nodds-- I Will, I hope his other boyfriend didnt steal her away for long
Decay laughs, that bone chilling laughter of the dead-- lets hope not,send my sister my regards
--Will do,Handsome -- and with that, Agent leaves the bar without looking back
Desmond sits by the entrance to the pub, hid away and out of sight. He watches blurry silhouette of enteties of light and shadow enter in conversation that sounds like radio static.
But he watches through the Window as Decay moves with Grace across the bar, smaller skeletons serve the costumers as whimsy clasical music played from an upper floor, the ghosts and skeletons playing are wearing masks and shine with a faint blue light.
As the night progresses it gets colder and colder, hes practically about to go into hypothermia when one of the souls exciting drops their cloak. Hes quick to put it on and notices that it had pocket and that there was money, some sort of iron coins.
Pulling the cloak over his head, desmond entera the bar, nobody seems to notice him and he sits in the back, watching as Decay attends the bar.
--Just a beer-- He ordered to the skeleton waiter, and he watches it leave without a Word spoken.
Its absolutely captivating to watch Decay twirl around the bar,make conversation with the souls,he walks- he floats with overflowing confidence that desmond wishes he had. He thinks it looks just like Lazaro when he works at the bar.
His beer arrives and for the remaining of the night he just watches the bar and how it behaves, its nothing like hes seen before. No other "mind realm" was as lively as this one, as if it existed between the realm of the living and the dead.
Chiron the ferry of the dead, the similarities were right there, the bar was called Hades(the name of the King of the underworld), the dead souls flowing, the skeletons, the coins that look so much like the ones used to pay the ferryman.
And of course,there was Decay himself, a skeleton King that seemed to float like a boat in the water, his energy that made the air ripe witt necromancy. If this was Lazaro's shadow, then he wondered just how much power he himself held.
Desmond leaves as the bar empties out, hoping that "Chiron" as he got to call decay now, didnt notice a living person walk amongst the dead. Maybe the cloak masked him?.
But he returns to his previous snooping place, he hides when agent rainbow comes to help him close shop. By that time it had to be before sunrise.
--Love-- Called agent,his raspy,gravelly voice is uncharacteristically soft-- 'm all done here
Decay looked up from the glass he was polishing-- splendid. I think ill leave the servants to close up.
-- Perfect-- Agent puts on his fedora and offers his arm, Decay takes it and both walk out of the Pub. They walk away leaning on eachother, the skeleton was bigger than rainbow by a lot, just like lazaro was with desmond.
Both look so in love, it makes him jealous. Both laugh and chuckle and giggle at inner jokes, they flirt and sometimes dance together under the peeking moonlight, the skeletons mist glinting Like diamonds. It looks Straight out of a movie, he hates it.
Desmond keeps a healthy distance from the pair, his mind is filled with thoughts about how he wishes that his relationshipp with Lazaro was just like that, but he knew the truth about himself,he was shy,awkward, and heavy in denial.
He never liked men- except a few times in his childhood but-- he was confused right? Then why is he so jealous? Why is he yearning for something like the relationshipp those two had? Why does it bother him that their shadows, that which they repress, are happy together. How can Agent Rainbow be together with Decay already, why cant Desmond have some of that confidence himself?
Agent parts ways with Decay at the cementery, he kisses him and whispers something about finding him in his appartment (Desmond guessed rainbow had the same appartment that he had).
He follows the skeleton Man back to that grave, but this time he makes no effort to hide.
Decay freezes the rotting Bark, another spider lily rests on the tomb. He turns and simply smiles to the best he can with his skull for a head.
--Desmond...-- He sounds..happy to see him.
--Laz- Decay -- Des replied, fixing his glasses and feeling incredibly flustered like he did when lazaro was around.
--This is most curious, what are you doing here?-- he kneels to eye level and tilts his head just the way lazaro does, it makes the Man's heart squeeze with yearning.
--I - I wish I knew-- he replied with a nervous chuckle,looking away-- I uhm ..didnt know you existed
-- I do-- the skeleton agrees--Its good to see you,though. --his voice fills with the same warmth it has when he speaks to rainbow, desmonds breath hitches and hes taken back. Was he really using that tone with him?.
--Oh..I uhm. Yeah I havent been to the bar in a while
--Yeah, i- he- he misses you--Decay confessed, cupping the Mans cheek and making him look into his eye sockets.
His frost breath fogs up his glasses, and desmond feels like hes going to die from how fast his heart was beating. The skeletal hand is deathly cool...but soft.
--O-oh..-- its all the therapist replies,enamored by the feeling of what he guessed was the skeletons gaze. Its overwhelming,filled with love and...yearning. yearning for Desmond and nobody else. Was this Decay or Lazaro himself?.
--Come by sometime-- begged the shadow form, genuine hurt in his voice.
They go quiet,both of them, all they hear is the whistling wind and the rustling of dead trees. He looks at the rotting tree and he feels...
Decay looks too,and sighs. The Ice keeps the rot from spreading, a short term solution but not permanent.
Desmond looks into the rotting willow tree, he feels overwhelmed with burnt out, with exhaustion, with a deep desire of realese, of yearning for the pain to end.
--Nurse him back to health. Please-- Decay Begged once more-- this garden...my- our garden is rotting. -- his skeletal hand moves to his chin, his face frosting over into a human one ,gaunt but still drop dead gorgeus.
And desmond, for once,doesnt fight it. He leans in, hands reaching for his cloak. And then....
Hes awake, in bed, glasses thrown haphazardly on the nightstand. He turns,heart Racing and almost beating out of his chest, his body feels warm as hes flustered.
But his eyes catch the sigh of something red on the other side of the bed, long time since it has been last occupied by someone, a loved one or a partner.
There, on the pillow is a Red Spider lily. The pillow feels deathly cool to the touch, and looking at the flower he tries to steady his breath.
The realm of the dead would call to him, its master, chiron, the skeleton King, Decay, would demand his presence, and who was he to say no to the ferryman?
--Jesus! Youre awake!--Lucas yelled, jumping out of his Seat as desmond comes out of his room.
--Lazaro-- he gasps out-- where is he-?
--The bar, where else-- the ex soldier stops his friend-- youre in no condition--
--i need to see him, hes- hes hanging on by a thread, his tree--His garden is rotting, Lucas please..!
--Tree? Garden? What are you on about?
--I saw- I saw lazaros shadow form, its tied to a willow tree, its almost about to die. You need to let him know im here, please Lucas hes unstable
Lucas recalls the things jerico told him,how upset and sad Lazaro was, how he couldnt get out of his rooms most days. How its like his personality wilted away.
--Go sit. Ill give you water, bottled water, ill call him.
And like that, Desmond listens to Lucas explain everything to Jerico and Lazaro. Hes sure that if it wasnt for Jerico, Laz wouldve thought Lucas was crazy.
But they dont see eachother, oh no they dont, Desmond is too weak to even get out of bed, he can feel Agent stirr and writhe unconfortably during the day. In his dreams his shadow shows him the decayed tree, how its almost all dead with the trunk rotted away.
Weeks go by, Lazaro is not in the right state of mind to even go visit. Jerico is mad at desmond even if she understand his situation.
And when he finally feels better, against his better judgement, he ends up at Dyonisus Bar. Lazaro squeaks when he sees him but he doesnt say a Word.
Neither do, but laz is kind enough to set a double whiskey infront of him. Desmond is wallowing in his loss, his dead cat,his wife leaving him,on that tree thats rotting away because of him..
--You were gone for so Long-- Lazaro croaked, eyes Burning with repressed tears-- do you have any idea how worried I was? How Many sleepless nights I had?
Desmond grips the glass, hes angry at himself and he lashes out, he should know better and he does, but he hates himself that much-- Why do you even care for me anyway?! -- his voice is just under a scream,and thank god its a very slow night.
The other Man sets down the glass he was polishing with force, his head snaps so fast towards him its like hes going to break his neck. He stomps towards the therapist, he grabs him by the neck of his dress shirts and yells-- BECAUSE I LOVE YOU,YOU SAD FUCKING ASSHOLE,because since I met you ive been able to think less of the hate I have for my parents,I dont feel abandoned when youre around! Because my anger melts away and all my grief of mourning a family I never had goes away! Because you make me feel alive! I dont have to walk on eggshels, im safe with you and i can be myself! I love you!--He kisses him with force.
Desmonds eyes go wide and with shaky hands he clings on to Lazaro's clothes. When the younger Man pulls away,hesistant because he didnt kiss back, Des pulls him for another,its passionate and needy but neither care.
--im sorry im sorry,im so sorry--Desmond apologized,his forehead against his companions-- I was scared,scared that you didnt actually love me, that I would drive you away! Im sorry,I love you too,im sorry.
In the realm of the unconcious,Agent is shaking as he clings to an extremely weak Decay who is no longer cold,just lukewarm. Hes terrified, hes terrified hes going to lose him too, he cant, he cant lose him.
--I love you,I love you-- agent whispers against his skull, over and over again. Decay's body is absolutely weak, its taking all his strength to not become dust, even his clothes seemed dead.
The willow tree's trunk is barely holding on with a piece of wood that looks like a spine, its slowly rotting away...and then...
The trunk grows back with not one hole to be seen, no rot or anything. He hears Decay gasp for air and the sudden return of that extreme cold body temperature makes him yelp.
--Honey!-- Agent rainbow yells,pulling Back.
--Desmond confessed!-- decay pulls back,with a smile-- the tree- lazaro got everything out!--He looks at the tree, healthy like the first day
--Fucking finally--exhaled desmonds shadow, pressing his forehead against his lovers-- I love you
--I love you too-- Decay whispered.
--I love you-- desmond murmured.
--I love you too-- Lazaro replied, gripping the mans clothes.
Finally together.
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    After the Tapes Chapter 4
((TW burns,panic attacks, it's a sad chapter)) I wrote this at 3 am due to inspiration strike so sorry if it's bad @voidwritesstuff it was i kid you not 3am when I sped wrote this eo yeah again sorry if it's bad chapter I'll make up for it with chapter 5 and chapter 9 of Agent Rainbow's Daycare but this chapter is a mini focus on Zoe so......
As a storm rolled in,every few weeks they have trash to burn.And every time someone is tasked to take it out and burn it.Due to they didn't want Mayer finding them through their trash,since they had names on the letters or junk mail they throw out.And that night it was Zoe's night to burn trash.
She took a deep breath as she pulled her hair up,a wave of fear of the storm coming. It didn't look pretty."Come on burn faster,I don't want to get struck by lightning!?" As thunder rolled and a surprise close to her lightning bolt far away startled her to fall backwards right into the still burning trash pile."Fuck it burns!? 
…..DESMOND,JERICO LUCAS, ANYONE HELP!?" Her shirt was caught on a metal spike that was caught in the back near the collar of her shirt.
Lucas and Jerico both came running outside as fast as they could with a bucket of water.Lucas quickly grabs Zoe out as Jerico tossed the bucket of water on Z and the trash pile."What happened?" Lucas carefully picked her up and carefully took her into the house and into a tub of cold water,causing Z to fling her head back crying and sobbing."I was burning the trash and..and I heard the thunder and the lightning struck a few good feet away and ... .I slipped backwards and I couldn't get up due to something caught my shirt.`` Zoe hugged her knees tightly."Jerico, do you think you can help her? I'll be back,I need to find that bottle of Aloe for the burns." Jerico nods."At least we came before it got worse, let's see." Jerico gets the medical book and looks til they find the section on burns."Oh a second degree,not good,stay here I'll get you pjs.Just carefully take a cold shower and don't use soap on your back,you need to get the soot and smoke smell off,Alright.I'll be quick." Jerico left and shut the door."Lucas, did you find the Aloe,I'm getting Z some clothes,she got holes in her favorite clothes." 
Jerico picked out from Zoe's closet a gray t-shirt with a pair of soft dark purple pj pants."Allen, where is the aloe? We need it." Allen carefully standing on the makeshift crutches pointed to the drawer on his nightstand."I keep it there in case I get a sore burn from tossing and turning on my bed." Lucas nodded and handed the bottle to Jerico."Here, use the bandages to wrap up all the spots. It may be weird but it will help her." 
He placed his hand on their shoulder trying to comfort Jerico.After knocking on the door and handing her the clothes,Jerico waited and came in to help Z place the Aloe on the burns and slowly and to carefully wrap them up.Jerico escorted Zoe to bed."Here you rest up and when dinner is ready I'll let you know ok.Don't worry the storm is just a small one you will be ok." 
Zoe nodded as she drifted off to sleep on the floor on the bed in the corner of Allen's room.Allen came in for his nap as well,and crashed on the bed already asleep.
Zoe's nightmare:it was around the time of the accident but it felt all so different but it felt so real.She was back at the lighthouse but she could hear a person behind her that wasn't there before."Reliving the thought that you could have gotten hurt along with your friend is so cute." The man's voice was rough like sandpaper and something dripped on her shoulder that made her turn back to see the figure.It was Agent Rainbow."You….I saw you,you're the asshole who was in my consciousness when I was my shadow self! You're the one I kept seeing during the night of the accident when those men in black paced outside the place.I knew I wasn't crazy." Zoe glared at the government spook."Rainbow laughed and stood with his arms out."Oh guess what dear look at your surroundings now,watch your back,oh I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings." Rainbow gave her an uncomfortable glare that gave her a pit in her stomach."What are you doing?" She fell backwards as she noticed where she was at."Oh you know I want to see what you would have done in his position…in a burning building." Rainbow had the flare in his hand,She quickly got up to grab it but,the dream quickly changed to something else,something darker.It was a auditorium and other shadow forms was there and she was not herself but was the Sorrow.The projector in the back was playing a memory of hers of why she ran off.It looked like they all judged her with a look of disappointment on there's faces. And Rainbow spoke loud and clearly.
"Give her a round of applause for being so dramatic over something so little,she ran away,oh boo hoo,and then you pulled in your unwanted attention to your friends and well some even died because of you.tsk tsk tsk,how sad it's your fault." Rainbow made the guilt rise in Sorrow she stumbled backwards but they all surrounded her,they all said things back that was like bitter chocolate causing her to cry,causing her to stutter."but I didn't do anything wrong ... .it's not my fault it's the chemical you got to believe in me,I didn't cause anything." Sorrow pleaded but they all yelled louder at her."Then let's repay her for what she has done." Rainbow dragged her to a replica house that looked like Allen and he lit the place ablaze with a flare,and Sorrow tried to escape but there were no windows and they all watched."No please…..Someone please!" She pleaded.
As Zoe started to cry in her sleep Allen heard her cry and pleaded for help. It was one of those nightmares.He carefully got up and sat next to the bed on the floor,trying to wake her up."Zoe wake up,it's not real." He carefully shook her but,she started to heavily breath and her hands started to shake rapidly."Zoe wake up,please wake up your getting overwhelmed please wake up." Allen began to worry,til Zoe shot up with tears and looked around."B..but the place it was on fire and your Shade form hated me and everyone else and I seen Agent Rainbow and he did mean things and…and it was horrible." Zoe sobs as Allen pulled her in carefully for a hug."None of that is real. I'm still here and I care about you,you're like my little sister,and I'll do everything that I can to help you,I promise." Allen gave her a reassuring and caring smile"What wrong what happened." The half away Desmond popped in wearing his full cat onesie."She had a nightmare about that Agent Rainbow person, whoever that is?" Desmond looked at him with a look of terror."Zoe…..You saw Agent Rainbow." Zoe nodded with tears flowing from her face."Yeah he was mean and said mean things that made me feel horrible." She clutched her chest as she looked pale as a ghost."Rainbow is not a nice person, he's a 100% grade A asshole I tell you,don't believe anything he says to you he's trying to get to you.Don't let him." Desmond gave a look of concern before heading back to rest.The smell of food from the kitchen got bot of their attention but Allen decided to stay by and let Zoe rest on his shoulder than get up.She went back to sleep but she felt safer clutching Allen's arm to make sure he was there."It's ok I got you." Jerico popped in and gave him a bowl of spicy chicken and some kinda cheese sauce which was surprisingly good.It was around 11 pm when Zoe woke up.Allen kindly made her some chicken noodle soup and some grilled cheese,which made her smile."Eat up and we can watch the rain.It should sooth us." Zoe did just that and Allen got the large blanket from his bed and lays one side of the blanket on Zoe's shoulder,and the other on his shoulder and they watched the rain fall for hours.It was around morning and Lucas found them both asleep upright at the window."They must have watched the storm and dozed off." Lucas said he went to cook breakfast as the crack of dawn showed through the window.
To Be Continued
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sugar-and-pearls · 8 months
For the birthday ask meme.
10 ~ what is you and your f/os favorite birthday memory that you both share? (works for either's birthday!)7 ~ do you usually get sad on your birthday? if so, what does your f/o do to help you? // does your f/o usually get sad on their birthday? if so, what do you do to help them?
8 ~ is there anything super special your f/o does for you on your birthday, other than throwing you a party, buying you a cake, etc? // is there anything super special you do for your f/o on their birthday, other than throwing them a party, buying them a cake, etc?
1 ~ what presents does your f/o get you? // what presents do you get your f/o?
For dream of the endless!!!
Hiya Jerico!!! Thank you so much for sending this in!
10 ~ what is you and your f/os favorite birthday memory that you both share? (works for either's birthday!)
We're still pretty new to each other so we're still building thoses memories together.
7 ~ do you usually get sad on your birthday? if so, what does your f/o do to help you? // does your f/o usually get sad on their birthday? if so, what do you do to help them?
I have mixed feelings about my birthday irl. He might try and talk to me about it. But he's more likely take me to somewhere new to distract me. Maybe slip into someone's dream to have a romantic date?
8 ~ is there anything super special your f/o does for you on your birthday, other than throwing you a party, buying you a cake, etc? // is there anything super special you do for your f/o on their birthday, other than throwing them a party, buying them a cake, etc?
On the actual day he generally leaves me alone, preferring to work so that when it comes to night-time we can relax.
1 ~ what presents does your f/o get you? // what presents do you get your f/o?
Dream likes to spoil me on a regular basis so when its my birthday, he really outdoes himself. A small hoard of presents of various shapes and size are set at the bottom of my bed when I wake. To name a few there were; bouquets of pink roses and purple stock flowers, scrolls of long lost charted galaxies, finely crafted jewellery.
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full-pockets · 4 years
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My town also uses alot of MOSS, so I threw this together super quick. Don't really have practice with designing moss, but this isn't half bad.
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chaotic-wisteria · 6 years
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My lovely little tree
For another site where my name is Stella-Io
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lilycrown · 6 years
Hello, where can I find the QRs used for Skye's home on your post of Aug 13th? Or maybe it was 18th? It's the blue ones with the roses on it that was used on the bed and chairs.
hello! I’m having a bit of trouble finding the qr, but I just wanted to let you know I wasn’t ignoring you or anything! I’m still looking for it though! I’ll tag you when I find it ☺️
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angiestown · 6 years
Have you ever burned yourself with something at work ex a hot tray, hot food, ice ect...?
I pretty much only work with frozen and refrigerated food so I’ve never burnt myself. sometimes I hurt my hands on metal stuff in the freezer, especially if I just washed them, but never anything that lasts more than a few seconds. 
the real danger is all the plastic packaging containers with sharp edges. I slice a finger on those things at least twice a month
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comradecrossing · 6 years
@jerico-purple replied to your photoset “Dream Diary Entry # 10: Frost ( @mayormak ) 4B00-0096-3556 I am having...”
Are you a writer? Like you write novels or somethin?
Omg I really appreciate that! (ง ´͈౪`͈)ว I used to be a short story/poem writer & editor and also made graphic novels! I’ve fallen out of it because of depression and yadda yadda, but I’ve been wanting to get back into it a lot.
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Hi Princess! Did you make the dress in your pic, the blue one that almost looks kimono-like? Can you direct me to its QR? Thanks in advance~☆
No I found it on twitter! It was such an old post that I have no idea where it is now...if i see it ill let you know!
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mixedindy · 4 years
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@jericosilvers found here
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Supernatural F/os and the flowers that represents them.
"This Is stupid" Dean teased with a smirk. "Really? Flowers?" "Dude" Sam interjected "cmon they took the time to make a list" The oldest winchester shot a playfully annoyed look at jerico and said "alright then, go ahead"
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Lucifer: Hydragena (Gratitude for being understood; Frigidity and heartlessness) Snapdragon (Deception, Graciousness)
Gabriel: Lillies (associated with Gabriel in biblicall paintings) Red Carnations (Alas for my poor heart, my heart aches, deep love)
Sam: Aloe (Affection, also Grief) Clematis (Mental beauty)
Arthur Ketch: Chamomile (Patience in adversity) Edelweiss (Courage, devotion)
Crowley: Crab Blossom (Ill nature) Purple clematis (associated with royalty)
Balthazar: coriander (hidden worth/merit) peruvian Lilly (associated with wealth)
Death: white Rose, red spider lilly (associated with death/passing)
"Romantic love is nice and all, but what happened to platonic and familial love! You surely didnt leave us behind, did you?"Charlie whined. "Of course she wouldnt, dearie!" Rowena interjected, almost offended that Charlie would think jerico would leave them out. "Alright then!" Jack Chirped with gleaming eyes"tell us!"
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Charlie: Ivy (Affection, Friendship, Fidelity) Arborvitae (unchanging friendshipp)
Castiel: Dill (powerful against evil) zinnia (Thoughts of absent friends, lasting affection)
Dean: gladiolus (Flower of the Gladiators, Integrity, Strength, Victory) Oak (Strength)
"Okay then, what about family?" Bobby said "ya idjit didnt leave us out didja?" "Since when do you care about flowers?" Dean teased with smirk. "I can appreciate flowers, ya idjit!" Bobby replied with annoyance in his tone and s slight blush on his cheeks.
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Rowena: Sage (wisdom) Datura/ Devils flower (Power + pun bcs shes a witch)
Bobby: peonies (family) Marigolds (stubborness)
Jack: White Carnation (Innocence, pure love, sweet love) Lilac (Joy of youth)
Mary (mother in law): Lily-Of-The-Valley (Sweetness, Tears of the Virgin Mary, Humility) Carnation (Fascination, female love, mother’s love)
"So?" Jerico mused. "Thank you for putting the time and effort in doing this, babe" sam thanked with a smile. "No probs!" Jeri chirped.
Excerpt from s13 episode 24 "Quality time" (fanmade)
Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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voidwritesstuff · 1 year
Angel Of Lost Hope AU
Cw: alusions to ptsd, nightmares and divorce, Desmond is in a coma like state.
Summary: Desmond Wales lost his battle to Agent Rainbow, now trapped within his own mind. Luckily, his patients find a way to reach put to him and possibly bring him back to the waking world. Alusions to age gap (between Lucas and jerico)
->AU idea Belongs to @theallenshorefangirl I'm just merely writing it.
->"Jerico" is my self insert. They're genderfluid and in this fic they use they/them.
->Sorry for the weird formatting.
->reblogs appreciated.
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Well, this was a pickle.
Milton-haven and Its residents have been ramsacked with crime,insecurity and violence. Amidst it all people took comfort in the smaller things in life, loved ones, Friends, and some even went to therapy.
The pickle in question was that the town's reisdent psicologist, Dr.Desmond Wales, was...out of comission. Well, that was one way to put it.
--Well? Have you guys thought of anything?-- Virginia asked softly, handing Allen a cup of tea-- here
Allen, who was sitting on the couch looks up at the rest of his companions, his attention diverted to the Virginia for a quick moment-- thanks-- he answered giving her a nervous smile before returning to the rest of his companions.
Rosemary sighs audibly, passing a hand through her forehead, stress settled deep within her mind. In the background they can hear the heart monitor noise coming from Lucas' bedroom. --if we can create a diluted solution of agent rainbow, we might have a chance at taking him back, but if we dont do it right theres a risk we either succumb to our shadow or we die
Max raised a brow,arms crossed over his chest-- Well isn't that wonderfull?. How the hell do we beat our "shadow" self?
--Well,we'll have to fight them. Not in a physical sense but rather....-- the scientist trails off trying to find the right word-- accept them? They are all we repress About ourselves.. it would be a very shocking first engagement. Thats the part that could kill us, besides the chemical melting our brain
--Well that doesn't sound appealing-- Virginia muttered and Allen couldnt help but chuckle a little.
At this, the only person in the room that has not yet spoken was Lucas, the owner of the cabin that they were all in. The ex military Man leans on the door frame, arms crossed and setting his weight on his right leg. Hes deathly silent.
--Lucas?-- Rosemary calls out-- whats up?
--I'm going in-- he simply replied-- Now I understand if y'all don't. Max has his family and the rest of ya have a life. I lost enough people in mine, and 'm not 'bout to lose 'nother one
Then, the room quietens. Theres a sense both dread and indecisiveness, the sound of the heart monitor is almost deafening its both a grim reminder of why they were all there and a sliver of hope that Desmond was still in the realm of the living.
Allen's eyes fall on his tea,dark as night yet sweet to the taste,Much like him, he looked intimidating and people didn't really like him much, but truthfully he was a sweet guy, he just wanted to help people-- I'm going too, he helped me a lot and..it wouldn't be right for me to not help him back.
Rosemary looked at Desmond and then Lucas-- seems fitting I go too, I was the one who brought back that thing from retirement. I gotta set things right.
Virginia was nervously picking at the hem of her sleeve, the purple material soft to the touch-- if theres anything I can do to help desmond then... I'm in
Max sighed, scratching the back of his neck-- well... the doc here has been a great help. I might need to call my daughter first
Lucas' face softened, he turns to Max and says-- ya don't gotta come with, ya have a little girl to take care of
The other Man just let out a somber huff of air through his nose-- without desmond I can't see 'er. Court mandated sessions and all...even if I changed therapists I doubt they'll understand me like the doc did...
--Well...it's settled then?-- Rosemary asked-- we're all going? -- she gets a Group nodd in response-- 'kay..I'll need some time to dilute the chemicals so maybe a couple of days
Then Allen perked up-- just one quick question...if we're all there... who stays here to look after us?
Lucas' lips purse, his fists tighten but then he relaxes his hands, shaking his head a little. Rosemary notices this and asks-- you have an idea Lucas?
--I...do-- the ex soldier replied-- there's this other patient of Desmond, young gal. I met 'em some weeks back I thought I was running late to an appointment with Desmond but turns out I wasn't, talked to them in the Hall..-- he sighed-- I just don't like the idea to rope them into this, they're young and I know what being pulled into things you dont understand can cause
--well, If its not them...-- Virginia trailed off looking at Rosemary-- you could guide us through the...what did you call it again? Collective unconcious?
--Yes-- the scientist answered-- but... I have to go-
--You can help from this side,you understand this thing better than any of us, you can pay your dues that way-- Lucas reassured.-- we'll need a voice to guide us, we can use radio wave signals to communicate
--That's actually a great idea-- she replied-- well...guess I'm staying..
--Not to be that guy...-- Max interjected-- but we should need a way to pull us all out in case something happens on this side
--If I could make your bodies process the diluted solution faster, you'll be able to come to conciousness...there might be side effects like..maybe you all hear eachother's voices in your own head-- rosemary explained-- wont be for long, just until the entirety of the solution is gone from your bodies
--So you're saying we would have telepathy?!-- Allen exclaimed and Virginia looked at him as if he was onto something.
The scientist chuckled at the kid-like joy Allen had displayed-- something like that
--Cool!-- the lighthouse keeper mutters with a smile.
--Well, Rosemary and I Will stay here and figure how to dilude the chemicals,you Guys should go get ready, give us a few days-- Lucas answered sitting up Straight and pushing himself off the door frame he was leaning on.
After a few moments each person within the cabin leave, Allen and Virgnia seem lost in a quiet yet energetic conversation, Max seems deep in thought.
Rosemary looks at the floor for a moment-- you know...we could use some back up
Lucas Turned to the scientist with mild anger on his face-- Rosemary...
--Listen. I'm not saying rope them into it. I'm saying let them check in on me every few days, bring groceries and stuff
The ex military stands besides the scientist,arms crossed-- and risk 'em being followed and endager our mission?
--you care about 'em, don't you? -- she turns to him with a brow raised.
--W-well I care about them as anyone would do-- he answered, voice stammering and eyes darting away
--Y'know what I mean, Cole
--It's none of yer bussiness-- He answered.
--if anyone from mayer saw you talking to them they might be in danger-- she Warned-- don't think this whole thing won't go unnoticed
--The hell do you expect me to tell 'em?! "Oh hey why dont you come stay at my cabin in the middle of the Woods,why? Oh the goverment is looking for you!" 
--When you put it like that-- rosemary started, but then she sighed-- look I can call them and tell 'em I call on behalf of Desmond. The Office isn't a safe spot...in fact the only thing keeping us undercover is the tin Foil you set up and the curtains being drawn-- Then she took a moment to think-- Unless...how were they when talking to you? Did they lean in? Copy your body stance?
--uh..I guess? I noticed their voice go down a few pitches-- he answered-- why?
--that's great! Okay here's the thing. Call 'em,tell 'em you wanna meet and make 'em come here to the park -- she started,noticing the increasing flusteredness of her companion-- what?
Lucas scratched the back of his neck-- how do I put this? I don't know how to talk to people,I'm outta practice
--You're talking to me right now
--You know what I mean-- he huffed,scowling at the smirk the woman gives him-- don't look so smug
--So you do have a crush on 'em-- she smirked-- adorable
--You're the worst-- he complained,folding his arms over his chest.
--Look. Chicks dig a Man in uniform-- rosemary started-- what's the worst that could happen? They say no and that's the end of that
Lucas gives an "are you kidding me?" Look to the woman and answers--it's not that easy!
She stands up from sitting on the table and faces her companion--Trust me,Cole. You call em up, and say "Hey,I really enjoyed our talk the other day. can we meet at Elysium Park?" Its infalible, you're nice and honest and it's a place usually filled with people which means they know that there Will be people around,which makes it safe! Witnesses and all that
--And if they ask how I got their number?-- he asks.
--Phone books!
--Great,make me look like a creep why dont you?
Rosemary rolled her eyes-- fine. You can tell them Desmond gave you their number
--Doesn't that violate patient confidentiality?
--Seesh you're complicated! Just call 'em up! Go!-- she Gently pushed him towards the phone resting on a coffee table-- Check if their file are on that paper stack over there-- she pointed at one of the other sofas.
--This is unbelivable-- he growled with warm cheeks and a scowl.
--You'll thank me later!-- rosemary shouted as her companion left, Taking great enjoyment in the way Lucas stomps off towards the files grumbling curses.
Rumaging through the files he finally finds the one belonging Jerico, he sighs under his breath. After finding the number he closes the file a little too abruptly And quickly starts pressing the numbers on his phone.
From where he was sitting,Lucas could see the smug face rosemary was giving him. He finishes pressing the number and puts the speaker part of the phone against his trapezius mouthing-- Fuck off -- and then when she laughs he gives her the middle finger. A really mature interaction between two adults, as you can tell.
Finally, Jerico picks up. Their voice startles Lucas a little bit-- Uh, Hello?
--uhm Hi,it's Lucas the guy you met ar Dr.Wales' Office..
--Oh hey Lucas!-- Their tone was cheery and oddly energetic-- how are you?
--Oh uh- 'M alright. How about you?
--Tired but fine. Glad summer break is starting,university has been kicking my ass-- they reply.
--Yeah I bet. Hey lissen uh- I really enjoyed our talk the other day, can we meet up?-- he hears them squeal on the other side of the phone, he has to clear his throat as blush spreads across his cheeks. Good to know they were excited to see him too.
--Yes. Uh yes of course! Where'd you think we should meet up?
--Elysium park? On the entrance to the dinner?
--cool! Sure. What time?
--Does tomorrow twelve am work for you?-- he asked, looking at Rosemary whose just making kissy lips at him. He grabs a crumpled ball of paper and throws it at her, barely missing his target. Damn he had good aim.
--Yes. It does-- they answer-- One more thing though, How did you get house number?
His cheeks go dark red, he has to cough a little to play off just how flustered he was-- Ah well the doc gave it to me
On the other side of the line,Jerico had their brows raised. They humm as if to say "huh. Interesting" and then they answer-- alright then. See you tomorrow, take care!
--Y-You too, see ya
They hang up first, Lucas takes a quick moment to snap out of it. He clears his throat and settles the phone back to where it was previously.
--Sooo?--Rosemary asked peeking from behind the doorframe, Like a nosy younger sibling.
--I guess I'll be seein' 'em-- he replied looking away, arms folded over his chest and acting all tough and rough.
--Wonderfull!-- she squeals-- they grow up so fast
--aintcha s'pposed to be workin' or somethin'?! Dontcha have better things to do?!-- he exclaimed his flusteredness increasing.
--I'm waiting on some equipment to finish running a few formulas to dilute Agent Rainbow-- she replied nonchalantly,shrugging a little-- I'm just killing time
--I'm going out, 'M gonna practice my aim-- he grabs his jacket haphazardly thrown on the one person sofá and walks to the entrance to his cabin muttering-- so Next time I throw something at you I actually hit you square in the face -- he of course didn't mean it. He was trying to look all tough and manly, rosemary didn't buy in his threat.
Meanwhile, Max had just arrived at his house, muttering under his breath. The door of his house opens a little too roughly, he closes it with a slam and locks it. His jacket is thrown to the nearest chair and as he goes to the fridge he says-- weird chemicals, governent conspiracies...the hell did you got into now Nyaagard.
He takes out a beer and opens it hitting the underside of the bottlecap on the corner of the table-- Unbelivable...
Sitting down on his couch, he sighs audibly, he lands roughly against the cushioned surface. His feet propped up on the coffee table, he looks at the ceiling taking a swig from his drink.
Max's eyes dart to the phone Next to the TV. He had to at least try and call Madison, let her know he would be out,make sure his little girl was alright.
Another sigh falls past his lips yet again. Swirling his beer he takes another sip and stands up, leaving the bottle on the coffee table and picking up the phone
Soon he dials up the number of his ex-wife's home and he anxiously knocks on the wooden surface of the dresser where the phone and TV rested on.
A woman picks up,he knows the voice--Hello?
--Hey...-- He starts.
--Im hanging up
--No wait! Look, Can I just talk to Maddie? I gotta leave for a job soon and I just want to hear her voice
Theres a short but heavy silence that Is interrupted by his ex wife calling out to Madison. A smile appears on his face as he hears his daughter's excited steps up to the phone.
--Daddy!-- Madison exclaims.
--Hello sweetheart-- Max says softly, a kind of softness reserved just for his kid-- how are ya?
--'m fine! Oh I had this thing happen to me at school n'-- Max diligently hears his daughter go on a rant for a solid ten minutes, smiling tenderly.
When she finished he adds-- thats really interesting sweetie, Hey lissen, Daddy has to go away for a bit. I'm not sure when I'm comin' Back but.. I love ya sweetheart
--Love ya too daddy! Good luck!!
He chuckled and said his goodbyes to his kid, then his ex wife adds-- whatever you do,be carefull
--I Will, Keep her safe for me
--Will do
He hangs up and lets out a heavy sigh. Scratching the back of his neck, knocking on wood one last time before returning to the sofá and resume his drinking.
By sunfall Rosemary had the exact formula, she was nothing but efficient. She would spend the rest of the night up until she managed to dilute Agent Rainbow. Next morning Lucas would find Rosemary passed out on her desk.
As the sun rises and Lucas makes his way to the coffee machine, he barely got any sleep at night. Night terrors wouldn't leave him alone.
But, he had to focus on the good things. He was a step closer to saving desmond, and...he could see his crush before plunging into the uncertainty and almost certain death of his mission. Lucas decided to start by having breakfast and leaving a mug of coffee besides rosemary.
He pats her back shaking her a little-- Rose? Wake up. I made ya coffee
The scientist grumbles that she would wake up soon and he finished his own coffee, making his way to a duffel bag to Grab some of his clothes and walking up to the bathroom, he had to get ready for the day ahead
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