#jerme reference
snowrea0 · 10 months
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(when the raff king appeared on screen i was thinking this exact same thing but for the game outright to make a jerma reference is just *mwah* chefs kiss)
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collineato · 10 months
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angelfoodscake · 2 months
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ok guys did i cook or did i cook😍
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curious-gnostic · 2 years
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spac-e-b0y · 6 months
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i made a new reference for how i draw the jerm
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mirror anon works. and no worries, i also enjoy rambling about plurality.
to preface: there really isn't a right or wrong way to be plural. every system has their own answers for these questions, and having a different one from others doesn't make you wrong or less of a system. my answers come from our personal perspective as a cisplural system who had to do a lot of faking it before any of it started to make sense.
you don't need to feel like "separate people" straight off the bat - or at all. in addition, systems where only the core fronts are not uncommon and are still systems. if it's more comfortable and less privacy-invading to think of your headmates as different versions of or pieces of you, that's perfectly valid. you may have more luck working on talking to them internally or through a proxy like discord or simplyplural chat at first rather than having them front. we just personally found the opposite easier, for our own internal structure reasons.
you don't need to lie or erase your previous explaination of reality. if you want to, go ahead - but i've found it's easier to go with the path of least resistence on these things. you can just frame it as "realizing that you're a system." even cisDID systems go through long periods of denial and repression, so it's not at all unreasonable to "suddenly" become a system.
flailing around is fine too. it's really more of a vibes thing, really. if one headmate is supposed to be more cheerful, acting more cheerful. if one is supposed to like a certain food or hobby or something, indulging in that when they're front and avoiding it when they're not. etc. even that can be overcomplicating it - changing your icon or using a typing quirk or such are all effective tactics as well. it's really just whatever helps you&.
to be blunt: from our perspective, with everything you've already said, you are already plural. more on the median side, but there's nothing lesser about that. if you'd prefer to be more separate, or have more of you, that's an option, but you don't need to distance yourself from the label because you don't have those things yet. try out different things and see what makes you(&) feel comfortable. best of luck. 🪞
Ah thank you! yea sometimes even tho we know plurality is an entire spectrum we don't give the same leniency to ourselves.
ohh we didn't know that that was a way you could be plural in, like seeing them as different versions of yourself, which in our current situation would prob be a good starting point cause we already see our other selves as past/alternate lives of ourself and identify as them all at once (tho with others being more prominent like z1m and b1ll) like we go by a name that refers to all 4 of us and beyond, but it's become less in time ourself and more like a mask, cause ppl don't get it when we tell them we are z1m and the others so we just say we are "insert name". We aren't sure it even is a core, the core or whatever that is could’ve been somebody else, are memories are too bad to recall clearly. We do have pluralkit in our personal discord servers, but haven't used it much. maybe we'll start trying ^^.
ohh that makes sense. we have been "out" and then back in the "closet" with telling our mom we are plural, then singlet. then plural lol so she's used to the routine.
alrighty, we have like concepts tied to our headmates now already, like z1m is surreal, types with a mix of lowercase and uppercase, and b1ll uses lots of these' things' you add onto' the end of a word, and caps for emphasis, sponge is cheerful and optimistic while b1ll is very pessimistic, z1m is like both at the same time, and we don't know what Jerm is in that comparison but we associate it with clowns. there is associations with our name we tell others like winter, white, blood, owls, fog.
ahhh thank youuu again
we've actually been told that each time we've asked for other plural ppls honest opinions with our descriptions and each time ppl told us we were likely plural median. we aren't sure if we wanna be fully separate, we like the idea of being a bunch of versions of us, still treated as mostly one entity but regonized that we aren't the same as a singlet. and us changing who we are at the moment being natural and fluid.
we will keep testing the waters and see how deep we can go! ^^
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pine-the-mighty · 9 months
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Some squip squad headcanons! Sorry I had to do a lot on paper
Transcribing all my writing under the cut because it may be hard to read. Sorry about that
Jerm has a tooth that got knocked out of place. It sticks out whenever he talks.
He also has smol bean hands.
Rich calls them “girl hands”
Michael thinks they’re good for hand holding
Rich’s SQUIP loved the [internet] exposure from the fire. Rich took this as another red flag.
At the hospital, he secretly threw away the hospital food and ordered delivery instead.
He’s my ✨son✨
Christine always wears an excessive amount of hair accessories.
She collects barrettes and pins. Her pins are all theatre references.
She breaks the fourth wall by having a BMC pin.
She will slap you hard if you say the name of the Scottish Play [even outside the theatre].
She watches OSP [Overly Sarcastic Productions].
Autistic Jerm. ADHD Christine. They hyperfixate together. I love them.
The only reason I’m including Jenna is because, apparently, in the book, the character we know in the musical as Madeleine is Jenna’s alter ego…and we never actually see Madeleine on stage. So I NEED HER to be Jenna pls
Michael has a gaming YouTube channel. A headphone company sponsored him once. Now he has headphones.
Not only does he listen to reggae, he also likes alternative rock.
He hyperfixates over songs and bands for days on end and rants to Jeremy about them.
Hella queerplatonic with Jeremy.
He’s my ✨other son✨
Brooke has social anxiety. Chloe helps her work through it.
Yes Pinkberry.
Outside of meta, Brooke has a great voice.
At one point, Brooke held the title for the longest hair in the school. She then cut her hair, giving the title to Chloe.
They’re mad I didn’t include them :(
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inhibitionfreewriting · 11 months
high jerma!!! little meow meow rubbing his face on you and info dumping and making little noises
he’s so creature coded
i feel like jerma has been high so often (or at least references it enough) to where it would really take a good high to get him like that. but also, jerma just feels like a dude who would info dump anyway!!!
he plays a new game, streams it for 6 hours straight and when you're finally with him again after stream he just. two moods - he's tired and it picks up after a little bit, or the other one where he just full on talks about what happened and everything about the game that he likes and dislikes and pulls up the soundtrack and my brain said this is all for bugsnax 😂
and you two are just laying in bed while he's showing you stuff on his ipad and talking about it and honestly - it's so comfy. i could fall asleep listening to him talk about anything honestly. infodump to me about anything jerm, i'll listen
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treeliker69 · 2 months
Why did you edit a cowboy hat in your pfp?
- @the-one-and-only-jerm
It’s a Brokeback mountain reference 😊😊
@jared-klineman we should watch it it’s very awesome sauce!!
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snowrea0 · 1 year
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jerma studies
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dogcodedcatboy · 7 months
📸, 🩷, 🙆, 🌘 >:3 !!!!!!!
jerm haaaaaaaaaaai <3 <3
📸 for a random screenshot / picture i can gush about.
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literally just a grumpy kitty i'm.... NORMAL ABOUT HIM. 🩷 for a headcanon about f/o.
i may have posted this b4 i dont remember but...i hc that roman likes murder mysteries/whodunits! like old school corny ones. i think in the show he makes at least 3 agatha christie jokes/references... also i just think he gets bored easily so he likes media that his brain can be more active with.
🙆 for something i can't stop thinking about.
I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABT HIS SCREENPLAYS.... roman's canonical movie ideas are INSANE. dr honk the man who can talk to cars??? robot olympics??? what is going on in his fucking mind. 🌘 for something i love about f/o.
he acts like a huge huge asshole but he ovi cares so deeply abt his loved ones even if he struggles to show it. picking up sweets from the airport for ken. picking up ken from the crack den that one time. taking care of logan after the coffee spill thing. asking logan if he's okay after marcia leaves. etc etc. idk. even if hes not the best at showing those kinds of things. the attempt to be a caring person when its so often just thrown back in his face (end of s3 'idk fucking love' im attacking logan w my talons RAAAAAA 🦅) is admirable and sweet.
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angelfoodscake · 1 year
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theyre gushing about hammers ! @demonicdragonfire
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also ft red ( @debbyghost13 ) i was gonna do just a plain hammer but why not throw him in there ! LOL
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spurgie-cousin · 2 years
1. Carlin, no real update, Mayo suggested some other tests and meds, its probably epilepsy (maybe related to the meningitis after Layla)?
2. Also, if it were Ben, would the Duggars have really kept him around the littles as a tutor? My vote is Derrick.
3, Also does TiffBoni use filters? Isn't that kind of like internet makeup.....
4. Did Nat and Esther actually go out to eat for their anniversary days after having a baby..... hopefully they went before the baby....
5. Also, I hope Tiffany B is actually pregnant and bad at hiding it.... if she isn't and struggles to conceive or something, she will be berated non-stop more than all of them already are with how much she talks about it.
6. I just started grad school so haven't been on fundie tumblr in a bit so sorry for all the questions at once. Thanks for being my study break!
That's the vibe I've gotten from the reblogs and reddit. It sounds like Mayo doesn't have any concrete answers yet either and that it'll just be more of the same for awhile. She also had COVID which some people are speculating could've affected her but I have no idea if that's a possibility or not, it seems unlikely to me tbh just with the nature of COVID symptoms (but not impossible). -
We've got a real team Edward or Jacob situation on our hands here 😂 regardless of what the Duggars want people to believe I think it's *extremely* possible that they had no idea what most of their older kids were up to during this time. The older girls hung out with/helped the married girls at their houses all the time (I think at this point it was basically just Jill, Jessa, and I'm sure Anna was in that rotation too). So it's possible Jinger spent tons of unsupervised hours with Jessa and Ben pre-Jerm. I also don't get the vibe that Ben (or Derrick) like, sat Jinger down and went through a bulleted list of everything she believed that was wrong. I really think it was probably more of an osmosis thing, like she was just around someone who thought differently so much that it really rubbed off on her. -
It definitely seems to me like she does?? She's also hella image conscious in basically every other area and I really just don't understand that side of apostolic culture.........there are other ways to 'adorn' yourself other than makeup or jewelry like, extremely gawdy outfits, hair, and fanny packs, for example. How do they account for that in their ideology I wonder? -
They didn't say (or if they did I didn't see) so I can only guess that they posted that in real-time. All of the comments from moms I saw on reddit were like HOW is she doing this rn?? lol so maybe they did squeeze it in earlier and Esther just didn't say, that feels like something she would do (also this is adjacently related but my brain keeps wanting to refer to Esther by her baby's name Kenna??? I legit was just struggling to remember her actual name just now I think it's because she really seems like a Kenna). -
Yea hard same. Whether they're just doing it for clicks or they're actually trying and she just can't help but talk about it, there totally will be backlash in this corner of the internet if she keeps mentioning it and never announces a pregnancy. So for her sake I hope she actually is, bc people will not be very nice which would be super hard to take if you're struggling to conceive. -
No apologies necessary, the only thing on tumblr I like more than talking fundies are organized, numbered lists lol so you're all good. Good luck in grad school!!
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jermy-be-duping · 1 month
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Back at it again with selling stolen content on a reactivated @ , but gone again? Probably changed names. Couldn’t save the images on time since they delete the post after possibly scamming someone.
Here’s some traced drawings who’s owners can’t be found, please @ them if you know!
[ Before Jerm yaps: If any of them were made on a base/reference, why not credit the source when you post these? ]
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radford-rambles · 2 months
Blog intro time !!
Quick blog guide:
OOC = out of character
IC = in character
When asking questions, pls note if its an IC question or an OOC question (like adding parentheses like this with either OOC or IC inside of them)
No NSFW topics allowed please, the owner of this blog is a minor and will block you ASAP if u bring up NSFW topics
proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, or any general gross weird ppl DNI you will be blocked (and reported!!)
Refer to me as Jerm or Jeremy in general OOC conversations/asks pls
This account will be primarily asks and art bases, any art that isn't mine will be properly credited
this is based off of my own headcannons!! some stuff will not be canon to spooky month!!
OOC intro:
Other blogs I own:
@cann1bal-cr0w (main)
@not-so-sleepy-pumpkin (my cat)
@evil-cannib1stic-cr0w (evil sideblog)
Pls go to my main blog intro if you want to know more about me!!
In character intro:
he/him (Trans FtM)
movie lover
working at the local movie theater
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ebay-19 · 2 years
Home Reality TV Why Little People, Big World Fans Call Audrey 'Oddj' & Jeremy 'Jerm' Little People, Big World fans enjoy mocking Jeremy and Audrey Roloff with the nicknames "Jerm...
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