#jessa icons
iseolar · 2 months
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♪ it's like ( supernatural ) ♪
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adanseydivorce · 8 months
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cc uses the “couple is interrupted by unlikely* party” trope a lot and tbh I eat it up like every time, but this example is underrated lolz
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swiftsmix1 · 2 years
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nikosliberty · 2 years
✨️ 2020 vs 2022 ✨️
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margareturtle · 28 days
Ngl I think I’m mainly disappointed with the end of Chain of Thorns bc we get none of that era with our modern day shadowhunters!! Like what was the point of having all of TLH before TWP if we aren’t gonna get any TLH characters in TWP???
Especially when their was so much potential for that in TLH!!
Like wdym James and Lucie are half warlock and have no extended life span??
They had the powers!! And 1/4 demon blood could give them a lot slower aging!! Like 200 yrs at least !!!
(James and Lucie should get to meet Kit and Mina!!)
Also Matthew had such great vamp potential!! Like he’s so simon core of seeing jordelia together and then running to the paris vampires to get away!!
Alternatively if Matthew was just mortal we would have JemxWill in reverse with the Herondale being the one to outlive their parabatai and James + Jem would relate sm
Wdym Grace was cursed with the power by Belial and that had no long lasting/slow aging effects??
Wdym half warlock!Lucie raised her bf FROM THE DEAD and that has no long lasting effects?? Hmmm
Vampire Anna would have also been iconic!!
I’m just saying as tragic as it is that Jessa outlived their friends idc I’m selfish and I want some of the tlh gang in twp
Their absence could easily be explained like they were lost in Thule along with Thule!dru + simon
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My Favourite Tags of Round One
#i dont know who tom thumb is#sorry to this man#but gilear deserves this
#Gilear is literally the NPC#the bad kids saw a sopping wet pathetic man (derogatory) and said can we keep him#brennan tried to kill him at every opportunity but this man is somehow still alive#his stats are terrible#he has like 5 hp#he loves yogurt#lou chanted big money no gilears one time#gilear faeth for the win
#shes always pissing
#that lunatic is after fabian and will shit in his mouth
#im so sorry Primsy#but Chungledown bim holes a special place in my heart#and my mouth
#laertes has to win#hes the first npc shit himself on screen
#wuvvy sweep bc god forbid women cause problems in public for her beloved friend
#everyone who voted pizza rat over jessa is a liar and a coward
#aelwyn is so my older sister to me
#everyone give it up for the most stylish of homies#john feathers
#why you gotta pit two bad bitches against each other
#lesbians get in here
#ylfa: join us I like your hat#orange fairy: it’s your hat now I’mma die kthxbai
#I love cats but I love Ayda more
#no disrespect to the sentient basketball but LETS GO LESBIANS
#ragh <3 he’s just a guy <3 and he’s GAY
#voting plug for the pure mechanical achievement of believably putting a kooky old wizard in a scifi setting
#wow nobody watched coffin run huh?#like i get that plug is very funny but dimitri is just a pile of absurdities#hes a bat in a sailor costume with a lisp and he is so hagard from flying constantly for his job that he has a starbucks half his scenes#wven tho as mentioned he is terrible at said job and almost intentionally does it wrong??
#i get it plug is funny but hes literally an anthropomorphic bat in a sailors boy outfit with a lisp who drinks starbucks
#i emotionally need stephen sondheim to sweep#pls can we get a stephen sondheim sweep
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mangocheesecakes · 8 months
every few weeks, a blank blog would send me a private message on this account saying they "want to talk about Laura" or about my Laura posts. They're always certain to be Filipino users because they'd speak to me in Tagalog or ask if I can understand Tagalog. When I let them say what they want, they would give me vague claims about "knowing Laura in person", saying "yeah, we know she was scamming, we see the stuff she's spending the money on here (in Davao, presumably)". One said that if I ever want to report Laura to the police, they'd be willing to help me. But they don't actually post anything or do anything with their blogs apart from messaging me. Below is one of those blank blogs which I believe is still up, and the convo we had on my dms. I blocked them after seeing that they haven't made any updates on their blog after messaging me:
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Just yesterday, another blank blog followed me and sent me a message and a couple of asks saying they wanted to talk about my Laura posts. Their url when they first messaged me was syrlle, but they changed it this morning to heytherewelcomeee. When I checked their blog last night there was only one post, a photo of a woman wearing a red swimsuit lying down on a beach, with the date on the post being sometime in January, 2022. When I checked their blog again not a couple of hours ago, that photo is now gone from their blog, and sadly, I wasn't able to screenshot the post itself. But since they were using the same pic as their icon, it can still be seen on the screenshots below. At the moment, they have also changed this particular icon. Below is our convo before I blocked them (the red swimsuit pic can still be seen on the left screenshot):
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Here is kyra45's closer screenshot of their icon:
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Here are the asks they sent me last night:
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if you've seen the posts I made exposing other possible Laura scams, i was able to connect Laura through her friend Jes sa with a certain Joan Malubay, and Jes sa's daughters, Dawn Syrelle Mozo and Anne Janelle Mozo. Joan Malubay appeared as the name on the paypal being used by a proven scammer on here, and the email address contained the name "mozoelle", similar to the names of Jes sa's daughters.
This is Jes sa's daughter, Dawn Syrelle Mozo's Facebook profile:
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And some more pics I found on Jes sa's other daughter, Anne Janelle's timeline:
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I believe tumblr user syrlle/heytherewelcomeee is known Laura Deramas associate, Jessa Mozo's daughter, Dawn Syrelle Mozo.
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julietianboy · 10 months
) mogai-headcanons event day 10 . 🏳️‍🌈
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[ ID 1: An icon with a circular border of Jessa, from Supernatural Academy, with the kenoinecreature flag around her. She's a thin girl with light skin, blue eyes and long, wavy, black hair with dark blue streaks. The flag is lilac, indigo, white, dark indigo and soft blue. /End ID ]
[ ID 2: An icon with a circular border of Jae, from Supernatural Academy, with the neucreature flag around them. They're a thin person with light purple skin, green-ish eyes and long, straight, white hair with small braids. The flag is light yellow, warm yellow, white, cyan and turquoise. /End ID ]
[ ID 3: An icon with a circular border of Mischa, from Supernatural Academy, with the femcreature flag around her. She's a thin girl with light skin, green eyes and short, wavy, black hair with pink streaks. The flag is light pink, hot pink, white, purple and light lilac. /End ID ]
-> day 10: neogender umbrella
-> headcanons: kenoinecreature Jessa, neucreature Jae, femcreature Mischa
-> note: there's no transparent pngs for this show and I'm too tired to make them. Also I never watched it, this is purely based on videos I've watched about it. I'm unhinged
-> tag: @mogai-headcanons
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tys-kitty · 5 months
Hey new friend! 👀❤️🫶 rank fav SH ships? And why? :)
Hello, sweetheart! ❤️
OMG DON‘T DO THAT TO ME! I just love them all too much to able to rank them! 😭 (But I will try my best for you)
1. KitTy: Okay, that one was pretty obvious! But I just love them both as characters and their dynamic is amazing (I mean the knife to throat at their first meeting? That was iconic). I also just love the angst (I know, arrest me) and the friends-to-lovers trope! I‘m so excited for them in TWP because they have so much potential!
2. Thomastair: They just stole my heart from the moment I read the Paris scene. Their story was so wholesome and I love how they complement each other (Thomas being more confident and Alastair finally being able to be his true self). Their scenes in CHOT were my favourite and arghh I could rant hours about them.
3. Wessa & Herondaisy: Look, I really can‘t choose between those two. They are both relationships that are so dear to me and that have so much angst and miscommunication (two tropes I quite adore). I wish we could have seen more of married and happy Herondaisy in CHOT, but they are one of my favourites nonetheless! As for Wessa: They are such relationship goals (Get yourself a man that talks about books with you and will do everything to save you).
My other favourites would be:
Malec, Blackstairs, Kierarktina, Jessa, Clace
Now I definitely need to know your favorites as well! <33
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
I'm kind of excited for the kickstarter, and i'm sharing my prediction for the 10 couples.
Thomas & Alastair (pretty sure)
Ari & Anna (I don't like the couple but I'm 5O% sure)
Cordelia & James (pretty sure)
Julian & Emma
Clary & Jace
Magnus & Alec
Kieran, Mark & Cristina ( this one is pretty much confirmed)
Isabelle & Simon (I'm 100% sure about this one, because I think she's going to kill them in TWP)
Diana & Gwyn
Will & Tessa (this is mostly me manifesting, but it's probably going to be Helene and Aline)
as for the couples I don't think will have stories (because sadly we can't have everything in life)
Gabriel and Cecy
Sophie & Gideon
Charlotte & Henry
Jesse & Lucie (this one i'm gonna be sad)
Jem & Tessa (because we are going to see them as a couple in TWP)
Matthew + love interest (this is going to be in his novella/story)
Eugenia + love interest
Grace (I mean the potential love interest is in the grave)
Kit & Ty (still not a couple)
Do you have any predictions?
My bet:
Kieran/Mark/Cristina(almost certain because she said "or throuples")
Thomas/Alastair (I agree, a good bet - but I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I'd die of joy if they appear, though, and this is the main thing I want from the set.)
James/Cordelia (she's been talking about the story of their second runes forever, so it'll be there)
Jem/Tessa (I'm sorry, I do not believe in her ability to write anything without worshipping Jem)
Magnus/Alec (I'm lowkey really hoping for them. Even if they already have a lot of content. They're iconic okay.)
Simon/Isabelle (I'm hoping for them because I think their fans deserve it. Also, KILL THEM OFF? WHY? PLEASE NO??? DO SHARE MORE ABOUT WHY YOU THINK THIS???)
Helen/Aline (I just have a good feeling about them idk why)
Matthew/his new love interest. (This is mainly manifestation. I know it's going to be the longer novella as well, but I think we need more of him than we're going to get in 150 pages if we want to properly develop his love story. And I need him, soooo)
Things we disagree on:
Will/Tessa (I cannot fathom a world where she ever writes Wessa again unless they just spend the entire time either talking about Jem or worshipping at his altar. I've learned never to hope regarding them.)
Gwyn/Diana (I would die for this story though I would absolutely adore them. I just feel like they are Adult Characters she has disregarded. But I'd LOVE a story with them.)
Ari/Anna (I think Cassie knows no one really likes them and probably won't waste her time with them.)
Things we agree on:
None of the TID ships besides (Wessa for you, Jessa for me) getting stories (Sad, because I really really really want Sophideon)
None of the TWP ships getting stories because a) their stories are yet to be told in TWP, and b) none of the ships are talking to each other rn (Kit/Ty, Dru/Ash)
Lucie and Jesse not getting a story
Eugenia and Grace sadly not getting stories :(
Things I personally deeply want:
Matthew/Love Interest
Literally anything with Grace
Ragnor/Catarina (Impossible Difficulty but sorry I ship them)
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vickchan2 · 2 years
Omg but imagine how iconic it would be if the descendants of Wessa children (Jace and Julian) help the Herongraystairs family (Jem, Kit and Tessa) to rescue Mina (Jessa baby)??? 
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iseolar · 13 days
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ׄ ׅ ๋ ⵌ꯭ ˕ supernatural academy gifsׅ 🐺 ׄ ⃮ ১
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adanseydivorce · 7 months
Through Blood, Through Fire is the first story that I like less than I remember on reread, the others I enjoyed as much I remembered or more. There are interesting moments like Tessa describing how the change process feels now vs back in TID era (+ the how her being pregnant effects it), the iconic Jem comparing his relationship with Will to Emma and Jules moment, and yk I love Jessa although there’s better Jessa content in A Deeper Love and other stories than this one imo. But I just.. don’t really care about Rosemary and Johnny, I get why it could be useful to learn this to set up for Kit’s TWP arc but as of right now Rosemary and their dynamic doesn’t feel real or relevant to me the way say, Celine and the circle characters in The Wicked Ones very much did. I feel like that’s my issue with it…
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iclothes4u · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: INC Jessa Mushroom Bootie with Crisscross Lace Up Side Heel.
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emilyhazel80 · 9 months
Get To Know About Lena Dunham: The Feminist Icon Who Broke All the Rules
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The creator, writer, and star of Girls, Lena Dunham became the hottest name in Hollywood and the feminist icon. Her hit TV show, Girls, follows the lives of four 20-something women in Brooklyn, New York. Life and love are a struggle and they battle with the trials and tribulations of being financially independent and sexually adventurous. The characters, Hannah, played by Lena Dunham herself, Marnie, Shoshonna, and Jessa are all in their early 20s, an age when sex is experimental and possibly less cautious than at other times of life.
Read Full Article:
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magicksought · 9 months
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#magicksought is an independent & private & mutuals only original character Jessa Strange, daughter of Stephen Strange & Cassandra Chevalier, twin to Tessa Strange and older sister to Theo Strange. Loved by Myllie.
She/her 30+
Beta editor locked
This blog will be of sporadic activity, my main activity will take place over on walkingthroughfire or astrangemagic.
Please read the rules before following & interacting. Please also read the 'about'.
Heavily affiliated with : @ladamereveuse / @astrangemagic / @dasmirakel
icon border psd by : cassiaslair
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