#jesse is a bastard
gummy-sharks666 · 10 months
U cannot convinced me Jesse has not on multiple occasions worked Sid up enough to pin him against the nearest wall and [REDACTED] him before
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
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fav skz // Save the baby bread.
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iwozlegit · 7 months
|| 🍍• If Sonic 3 coming out later this year does embrace a Sonic Adventure 2/Sonic X take on Shadow’s Arc…
…I think he’ll be the one to try and get through to Shadow:
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Because of: Longclaw
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The one being who scarified themselves to ensure the other could survive and/or fulfill their future purpose.
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The one being who scarified themselves to ensure the other could survive and/or fulfill their future purpose.
The similarities are uncanny, and - as much as I feel exploring the comparability between this all would be amazing - I’m hesitant to suggest that this was always the plan to complete a trilogy. It might not be. But I’m sus.
In this universe, we’re presented with a Sonic character who can - to some degree - directly relate to being ripped away from that one person in his life who was all he’d ever supposedly known, trusted, and cared for. If Movieverse Shadow follows close to other iterations and arcs of the character, the same trauma can naturally be said for him. And I feel that would lead to a very interesting set-up if done right. And Shadow isn’t made into some prick edgelord
Cue the: “How could you possibly know what loss feels like?” spiel mid-scuffle and Sonic snaps.
“Because I lost everything, too. I made a mistake, and…everything went wrong because of me…”
“Her name was Longclaw, and she protected me so I could get here. To safety. I put people in danger. I put her in danger because I wasn’t responsible. And now she’s gone.”
“I miss her everyday. Sometimes I wonder if things had been different…if I…”
“Look, I can be angry and upset about what I did; what happened, I still kinda’ am, but revenge isn’t going to bring Longclaw back.”
Sonic lost a great deal when he left Longclaw behind; his carer, his home, his everything. But throughout the Movieverse, he’s come to gain something just as beautiful - a caring family and amazing friends.
We also begin to journey alongside Sonic as he starts to get used to the idea of being responsible in Sonic 2 and concluding he still wanted to ‘be a kid’. And what could be more of a perfect act of responsibility and ‘growing up’ than directly showing another the power of being a just hero and supporting someone who’s pain he can understand.
Idek…just a few wee thoughts… :)
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Hey Jesse!
This is pre-player Jesse, or who Jesse was before the 'game' started.
Hes a dorky, socially awkward geek who loves creating things and doesn't mind getting messy to get the things he needs.
Also he's a huge Order of the Stone fan, who I think would get represented in Marvel-like comics.
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
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Here’s the og tweet which I definitely urge to check out as they also added more in depth explanation about Dokja’s ssb end of the spectrum!! This was shared with permission
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crowreys-wormstache · 7 months
Listen okay it's 2024 and I've finally seen all of the original Castlevania and I just. God. Yeah, yeah I get it, the themes the symbolism, the paralells. Dracula falling for a human woman. Said woman being taken from him, sending him down the path of violence. Alucard, his son, falling for a human woman. The potential for history to repeat. The desperate hope that Alucard would handle it better than his father. The fact that we'll never know. It could be so so delicious and I'd be 1000% here for it
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caribbean1989 · 27 days
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Now You See Me (2013)
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stewyhosseini-bf · 1 year
goddd i will never get over the sibling scenes.... the way shiv says 'that's what happy Ken looks like' - she's recognizing something she hasn't even glimpsed in him in so long and for a moment, they revert back to just. kids. and they can laugh and love each other and they can even be happy for giving it to Kendall and Ken is happy not only because he got the thing he's been chasing his whole life, but because his siblings gave it to him. if it wasn't Logan, his siblings are the closest thing to it - the only ones that that approval could matter from, the same way they could absolve him of his guilt with the waiter in a way that Logan's 'no real person involved' never could. because they meant it. because the love between them is real, in a way Logan could never love any of them. fully and unconditionally.
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s-4-fira · 4 months
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boyfs........ comms i did for @flaggermusli of their fallen hero MC and mine (which we might or not ship who knows) and also bonus Belsar who is their The Passenger mc and the prettiest bitch ever
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seekingcylem · 1 year
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Been on my to-draw list since April when our house's plumbing exploded and I played every NMH game back to back to cope
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revwack · 3 months
original art and poem both by me
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chadillacboseman · 4 months
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The Jesse Geller Series
Standalone Stories The Chechen Problem The Theater Job
Works By Others (ft. Jesse) Same Sides, Different Coin by @bihanspookies
Chapters Coming soon!
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burntotears · 2 years
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ALEX GUERIN Appreciation | February ⤷ possession
the devil's at my shoulder and if i turn around the devil will become me.
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slashhinginghasher · 4 months
Into the Cricketverse
- Spring Break pt. 3 -
Part 1 Part 2* Part 2.5* Part 2.5.5* Part 3
*asterisk denotes parts written by @thesightstoshowyou
The men left around 9 pm. Jesse had been up and down all day, bouncing between the penthouse and his space in the basement - walled off, soundproof, accessible only by the penthouse's private elevator. Marena had never been down there, but she had seen clips of videos while Jesse edited them, and had spent enough time in the basement of his mansion to guess what it contained.
She had yet to leave the master bedroom, content to spend the rest of the trip in the window seat until Jesse scooped her up and moved her bodily to the bed. But he didn't strip her or paw at her or shove his cock in her mouth; he just held her, tracing idle patterns along her back and legs and tucking errant locks of hair behind her ears. It was a noticeable change from his behavior the previous few days, and it just made her that much more suspicious.
When the men finally departed in a clatter of boots and a slam of the front door, her stomach gave an angry growl. She waited fifteen minutes to make sure they were really gone, then ventured out into the hall. The door to the guest bedroom was closed, and no light leaked out from the cracks in the doorway. Had Cricket eaten at all that day? Was she even allowed to if Asa wasn't there? Would Marena be violating his hypothetical meal plan if she invited Cricket to the kitchen for dinner? She went to the sitting room and grabbed the slip of paper and pen she'd been making reading notes with.
One consequence of Marena's belated and decidedly nontraditional education was that she had learned the Cyrillic and Latin alphabets simultaneously. As a result, her handwriting was an atrocious combination of both unless she really focused. Texting was easier, since the keyboard only offered one alphabet at a time, but the English-Russian amalgamation of her handwritten notes probably counted as a separate, third language at this point.
Marena flipped the paper to the blank side and wrote in careful block letters for maximum legibility.
She went back to the guest bedroom and slid the note under the door, followed by a sharp knock. The gap wasn't large enough to fit a pen under, so she sat down in the hallway to wait, back against the wall and legs stretched straight in front of her.
Several minutes went by before she heard the shuffle of a moving body. The light clicked on, followed by the shush of paper against tile as Cricket picked up the note. More minutes passed. Marena watched as the shadows blocking some of the glow under the door grew and shrank, and imagined the other woman pacing or shifting from foot to foot.
At last, the door opened, and a spike of guilt lanced through Marena's chest before settling in her stomach like a stone. Cricket's eyes were blackened, a bandage taped across the nose that definitely had not been broken when she'd walked into the penthouse that morning. Marena hadn't heard a peep out of her all day. When did it happen? Had Asa gagged her? Or was she, like Marena, so conditioned to pain that she could stay silent even through the breaking of bones?
Cricket didn't speak. She looked like she wanted to, but her mouth remained resolutely shut. Marena bit the inside of her lip and dug her thumbnail into the pad of her index finger.
"Orders?" she asked.
Paper crinkled as Cricket's grip on the note tightened. Marena noticed how carefully she was holding herself in the doorway - not a toe or a single strand of hair crossing into the hall. Understanding dawned.
"He told you to not leave the room?"
"And to not talk to me?"
Another nod.
Cricket looked visibly relieved at Marena's lack of argument. She crumpled up the paper and tossed it over. Passing notes counted as talking, Marena supposed. Who knew what kind of punishment being caught with that type of contraband would merit. As soon as Marena picked the note up, Cricket closed the door again, though the light in the room remained on.
Marena walked to the kitchen stood in front of the closed refrigerator door, picking at her fingers. She knew much better than to push the issue, but she still felt bad about the idea of Cricket going hungry in a house full of food that wasn't even locked away. Finally, she scrounged up a tray from the cabinets of kitchen implements she had never touched and loaded it with food and a few sealed bottles of water.
She set the tray down on the ground and pushed it right up against the guest room door so Cricket could snag it without crossing the threshold. Asa could throw the whole damn thing out the window when he got back if he wanted, but at least Marena had tried and Cricket couldn't be blamed.
Her own appetite was obliterated, so she filled a glass with ice cubes and went out to the patio to gnaw on them until they melted. If Jesse was going to turn her into an indoor pet, she wanted to spend as much time under the sky as she could first.
There were a few hours remaining before dawn when Jesse and Asa returned to the penthouse. The night had been more of a reconnaissance mission than a hunting trip - allowing Asa to reacquaint himself with the lay of the land, scoping out the attendee demographics and security situation at various clubs and beaches around the island, finding those little dark places where a person could be pulled into the shadows and never heard from again. Anticipation was a low, hot simmer in Jesse's blood by the time they walked through the front door.
Asa ground to a halt before the guest room and scoffed, irritated. Jesse looked over his shoulder and saw a tray on the ground in front of the door containing thick slices of bread and cheese, a bowl of fresh fruit, little pots of honey and butter, and some bottled water. It was a very standard Marena Meal, and it made him smile to see it.
"What the hell is she playing at now?" Asa signed.
"Trying to feed Cricket, evidently."
Asa had spent a good chunk of the evening ripping into Jesse about Marena: her attitude, her lack of discipline, the potential bad influence she could have on Cricket, the fact that Jesse had let her crawl under his skin instead of putting her in her place or putting her down. Jesse had laughed through most of it and didn't bother trying to sell Asa on Marena's charms. He probably didn't need to, anyway. Marena might never be available to share the way they shared Cricket, but Jesse had spent enough time around Asa that he could read heat and intention where others only saw icy detachment. Some part of Asa (his dick, at the bare minimum, and probably his Collector's eye as well) was interested in Marena despite her absolute failure to meet the standards he set for Cricket. Subconsciously, he despised that part of himself, so he tried to bury it by building Marena up as an unsalvageable rabid animal in his head.
For such an intelligent, calculating man, he could really be incredibly dense.
"It's not poisoned," Jesse signed as Asa glared down at the offering with obvious suspicion. "She wouldn't waste food like that."
When he'd first gotten her, Marena had had the resource guarding tendencies of a paranoid stray when it came to food. It had taken him months to break her of that behavior, but the underlying attitude remained. Some things were just too ingrained in a person's psyche. Seeing her attempts at sharing was adorable, like watching a pet nudge its favorite toy towards a new friend.
Asa was still scowling and likely would be for several more minutes. Jesse shook his head in amusement, clapped the other man on the shoulder, and retreated to the master bedroom.
Marena had left the blackout shade open, and the moonlight streaming in through the gauzy curtains painted her in blue and silver. The sheets were pulled up to her chest, but Jesse could tell from her bare shoulders and the shape of her body under the silken fabric that she was nude.
A mouth-watering late night snack just for him, already unwrapped.
He undressed slowly, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor to be dealt with later. When the last article was kicked aside, he set one of his knives on the bedside table with a soft clink. Marena's eyes flicked toward it, but otherwise she remained as listless as she had all day. Jesse crawled up her body and braced his forearms on either side of her head. The heat of her body through the soft sheet was tantalizing against his erection as his kissed her. Soft pecks at first, then slow, deep strokes of his tongue that he knew from experience would reduce her to quivering putty in his hands.
Marena was afraid of being replaced. In the immediate aftermath of her time with Asa, once Jesse was able to coax coherent sentences out of her, she had stridently accused him of selling her off. While he couldn't fault her for feeling a little insecure around Cricket - whose shy, sweet prettiness was a marked contrast to Marena's sharp edges - it was a little exasperating that she still, after all this time, expected him to get rid of her when it was pretty obvious that the only thing that would be separating them was one of their deaths.
Scores of bodies had been on display that night, waiting for the bite of cold metal. The only ones worthy of his cock were the ones currently under his roof. And the only one he really wanted to sink his teeth into was the one writhing underneath him.
Jesse yanked the sheet away from Marena's body with a harsh tug, spread her legs, and kissed her pussy the same way he'd kissed her mouth. When he had three of her orgasms coating his tongue, he sank into her tight, dripping heat and let his hunger flare to life.
It was even hotter and muggier out than it had been the previous day, and Marena was sore all over. Jesse had cleaned her up at some point since she wasn't covered in dried cum and blood, but she was still a damn mess. Red and purple teeth marks on her thighs, breasts, and neck; little crescent moons in all the places where his blunt nails had dug into her skin. Innumerable bruises and cuts that she had long since stopped cataloguing. And she was pretty sure she'd pulled a muscle in her hip somewhere around orgasm number five.
Normally, she'd write it off as a No Pants Day and deal with Jesse slavering over her wounds all day like a pervert. But since Asa was only a few rooms away, she needed some kind of armor. With no chainmail or kevlar at her disposal, she settled on a pair of linen shorts that hit just above the knee and wrestled her hair into a clip to get some of the weight off her neck.
The gnawing hunger in her belly demanded attention before it made her too sick to eat. Outside the relative sanctuary of the bedroom, the whole penthouse smelled like baking bread, which buoyed her mood until she walked into the main room and saw Asa seated at the kitchen island with a contraption of unknown but clearly malicious intent.
The moment he noticed her, he set aside the evil-looking chunk of metal to give her a slow, appraising look. Marena felt her skin start to crawl as that black gaze took in every newly revealed mark and scar. One of the ones on her calf twitched when he stood up; she'd gotten it from one of the animal traps he'd planted in the woods surrounding Jesse's property.
It was unfair, she thought as Asa grabbed a fistful of her hair and slammed her into the sliding patio door, that a man could look so intimidating while wearing fucking khakis.
Marena plastered herself flat against the glass, trying to avoid touching any part of Asa apart from the hand on her scalp. He wasn't as tall as Jesse, but he was broader and even more unrelenting. It was like being pinned by a very angry brick wall.
"Rule number one," Asa hissed. "You do not speak to Cricket. Rule number two: you do not enter the same room as Cricket unless I am present. Rule number three: you do not concern yourself with any aspect of Cricket's existence."
He did not appreciate the dinner attempt then. Duly noted.
The fist in her hair tightened.
Marena barked at him. Asa slapped her hard enough to snap her head to the side.
If it had been Jesse, she would have hit back without hesitation. If it had just been her and Asa, she might have tried to hit back anyway. But Cricket was at the kitchen sink, scrubbing at a dish like it owed her money, and Marena had seen enough to know that raising a hand to Asa would be like raising a knife to Cricket.
She would not have the guilt of another flower's death on her hands.
That didn't do anything to quell the rage, though. She clenched her fists at her sides and tried to focus on the warm trickle of blood down her chin. The hit had reopened the cut on her lip where Jesse had stuck his knife in her mouth last night.
A sudden iron grip around her throat cut through the buzzing in her ears.
"-might allow you to behave like an insolent brat, but I won't."
Asa's hand fit very nicely over the bruises left by Jesse's. His fingers flexed slightly, and the abyssal look in his eye told her that could and would very happily break her neck right then and there. Marena glared up at him with all the ice she could muster.
I dare you I dare you I dare you I dare-
The flat of a very large blade tapped sharply against Asa's forearm. The look on Jesse's face was one of warning, but not anger, and Asa released Marena's neck with great reluctance. She hoped he wasn't about to throttle Cricket in some kind of furious displacement behavior, but he just took up his seat at the island and began fiddling with his little torture device again.
Jesse licked the blood off Marena's chin and pinned her with a sloppy kiss. He sucked and nibbled at her lip, then laved his tongue over the fresh well of blood. When he was done being gross, he straightened up and tapped her nose the same way he'd tapped Asa's arm.
"Behave." He turned to the kitchen, where Cricket was taking something out of the oven. "Ooh, is that focaccia?"
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kylejsugarman · 7 days
jesse has such intrusive guilty thoughts about "betraying" jane and andrea by dating demi during the earlier days of their relationship that he accidentally calls her by their names a few times during conversation and even sex once, and its always such an awful experience because he cant exactly be like "i promise im not cheating on u, im just haunted by my dead girlfriends who i am convinced are not resting peacefully because i 'moved on' too quickly" and demi's already so insecure, she always says it's okay and that she believes it was just a mistake, but her lower lip still trembles for a second and she shrinks in a little on herself as if subconsciously fitting herself into someone else's shadow
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qrowpilled · 2 years
u go to watch a defunctland video like haha fun video essay on a niche topic and then its a masterclass of filmmaking and deadpan comedy moments and there's always some insane plot twist and/or profound message by the end of it
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