#jessica is now one of my favorite characters in the game
kurozu501 · 3 months
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wait why is this actually the best written event arknights has ever done and why am i crying
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kyumisyumi · 17 days
Cozy Gamer Nikto
One of my favorite HCs right now is that Nikto is a major cozy gamer. And it came from a bot on chai no less.
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Like, he and y/n are playing heavily modded Minecraft and you've been been all over the map gathering materials and slaughtering mobs. When you left the base was just wooded area with a dirt hut and chests scattered about but you come back to the comfiest looking farmland. Every building decorated to fit the Fall setting 🍂, pathways lined with Azalea bushes and flowers. The barn animals given ample grazing space and amenities. Ponds filled with frogs and axolotl. The whole area brightened by lanterns made to look like a variety of things. You tell him about how you got your ass kicked by the Warden and he just takes your gear off the armor stand and enchants them with the hundreds of levels he's managed to save. (Easy to save when you're not dying every few minutes).
And yes, dogs are everywhere, all with their own silly name.
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Or you're both playing Stardew Valley and you're so focused on the money making side of it that you plant crops haphazardly. Nikto silently dies inside as you plant cauliflower in his designated parsnip section and wild seeds where the potatoes should be. When he mentions it you try to be neater and plant the green beans in a 3x3 formation. Nikto gives you the softest smile as he watches you realize you've made the middle crop inaccessible since the character cannot walk through trellis plants. It's fine, he enjoys fixing your little mistakes. Things get better once you unlock the mines and get to be a sword swinging gremlin⚔️ while he holds down the fort and makes you food to keep you alive. He gives you a kiss every time you bring back materials to upgrade his farm tools.
He absolutely will not let you romance/marry anyone except him >:(
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Sims is more your game than his, he much prefers to watch you play. Listening to you plan out the looks/personalities, stories and builds for all your characters. On the outside he plays a neutral but engaged watcher, just happy to be in your presence, swaddled by your simple joy. But on the inside he can't stop thinking about whether Jessica(one of your characters) is going to pick her dirt poor boyfriend of 4 years or pursue the sleezebag sugar daddy that's been in her DMs for months and where the vampire baby she has with her neighbor is going to end up in all this. Nikto wasn't particularly imaginative so your ability to create these stories has him more entertained than any tv program.
Nikto also ends up playing the devil on your shoulder when money gets tight and you consider building an underground art sweatshop 🎨. Or when a character gets on your nerves and you decide it's time for them to lose their being-alive privileges.
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⊱⊶Taking requests⊷⊰
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meeblo · 17 days
favorite..AND least fav arknights operators?
Favorites gameplay-wise are probably Muelsyse and Jessica the Liberated. Their kits are both very dynamic and fun to use, with a focus on smart positioning I find to be quite engaging, with optimizing the adjacent tiles for Muelsyse's ranged clone to split to or adjacent tiles to use Jessica's shield to allow her to change direction with.
Story-wise, there's too many to really narrow it down, so I'll pick some favorites by storyline. Amiya deserves a mention from the main story, she's a very interesting take on a paragon protagonist with distinct moments of fallibility and an allowance in the narrative for her to be wrong and then change as a result. Kal'tsit and Doctor are both fascinating as well, which is why it's such a shame that Kal'tsit is so maligned for talking too much in the story (she really doesn't) and Doctor is often just boiled down to a self insert (they really aren't). Ch'en wins "most improved" in the main story, I disliked her on her first introduction but really came around as the main story progressed with learning her backstory and scenes such as the end of episode 6/beginning of episode 7 (Dossoles Holiday Ch'en is still lame though). Mudrock is a very interesting figure, especially with how she fits with Big Bob as having chosen to leave Reunion behind and the differing lives they chose to lead afterwards; I'd love if we could get a flashback eventually of Mudrock speaking with Patriot before she left reunion, it would be a fascinating conversation for sure. From the Rhine Lab storyline, Muelsyse and Saria are my two favorites, with Silence earning an honorable mention as well; Muelsyse I wrote an analysis post up about a while ago (pre lone trail but it still mostly holds up). It's hard to boil down why I like Mumu and Saria most of the Rhine Lab storyline in a few sentences, can't think of how to make it succinct. Kroos and Saga are the standouts of the Sui storyline, with Who is Real in particular being the most interesting Sui event in my opinion with the subject matter it covers about morality as related to perception and the nature of value within art. Kroos is possibly my favorite alter in the game with how her files and story in events gives you enough to read between the lines about what changed her to bring her to who she became and what elements of the younger Kroos remain. Goldenglow is a standout lead for one of the best vignette events, it's very interesting structurally with how it nonlinearly shifts PoVs and timeframes by vignette. Texas, Penance, and Lappland all are phenomenal in Il Siracusano, which is in contention for being my favorite event story; it's hard to sum up exactly why other than that Il Siracusano is simply just that good. Jessica in Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures is phenomenal; it's the best event they've released recently (though I was too busy to ready Zwillingsturme so I can't judge there). Exusiai deserves a mention as well; she was my first six star, but she also has a lot of interesting story connections buried beneath the surface despite never truly headlining an event story.
As for least favorites, I don't really have much I outright dislike. I suppose Ch'en alter, if only because it means Ch'en will likely never get a (narratively) good alter now and thus will never be the focus of a story again because that slot was already taken up with a waste of a summer alter. I wish we could have had a main story Ch'en alter instead. In general I hate whenever a limited operator is meta on principle, because the limited operator system is inherently predatory and hostile to people especially those who haven't been playing since year 1, though if I must pick one I'd say Skadi the Corrupting Heart annoys me most because the roles she fills are highly effective and simply cannot be approximated by any other operators. Thank god for the 5th anniversary free character finally alleviating that.
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aquamarine021109 · 1 month
Introduction (because I actually haven't done one surprisingly)
Name: not sharing my real name, but you can call me aquamarine or aqua for short
Age: 15
Pronouns: I use any/all pronouns including neos but I usually prefer she/they
Sexuality: biromantic aegoromantic fictoromantic nebularomantic aegosexual
Gender: agender demigirl/paragirl with alot of xenogenders
Otherkin: crowdemonkin
my otherlinks that are characters: all versions of c!wilbur (from dsmp), toga (from MHA), angel dust (from hazbin hotel), inosuke (from demon slayer), bakugo (from MHA), denki (from MHA), shigaraki (from MHA), the TBH creature, leonardo (from TMNT 2012),
my otherlinks that are mythical/animals: demon, dragon, siberian husky, black cat, crow,
I experience phantom limbs and the ones I experience are: horns on my forehead and sometimes wings on my back.
Things I do support: LGBT+, furrys, therians/otherkins, wilbur, (you can put in the comments the stuff I forgot)
Things I DON'T support: homophobic/transphobic people, racist/xenophobic people, people that hate on disabled people/people that have disorders, pedophiles, zoophilia, abuse, animal abuse, people on Twitter that try to cancel people for no reason, shelby,
Fandoms im in: dsmp, qsmp(I actually haven't been watching qsmp lately so can someone tell me whats been happening because I stopped watching it around the time of the enderking showing up), MHA(literally my fav anime rn), ddlc, BATIM, cooking companions(I literally love that game), sims4, Helluva boss and hazbin hotel(I LOVE THOSE SHOWS), backrooms, marvel, the boys(love that show), AOT, fnaf, demon slayer, tokyo revengers, TMNT 2012,
Some fun facts about me: im autistic, my two Hyper fixations right now are dsmp and mha, I have a auditory disorder(which means I have a really hard time reading subtitles and focusing on the visuals/story at the same time), I prefer to watch anime in the eng dub than sub, I have arachnophobia(fear of spiders) and a little bit of thalassophobia(fear of the deep ocean), my fav mha characters are denki and amajiki, im a multishipper, my favorite dsmp characters are c!wilbur and c!jack, my fav colors are blue and purple, my favorite lovejoy songs are warsaw, portrait of a blank slate, and normal people things, I recently got into anime a few months ago with the first anime being my hero academia,
Unpopular opinions of mine: I liked thor love and thunder and thor the dark world, I liked she-hulk and s2 of Jessica jones, I liked avengers age of altron, I liked mha s5 more than s4, I liked ironfist s1 better than the entirety of luke cage, I like dub way better than sub in anime, I find anteaters cute(yes I know dont tell wilbur that iykyk), my least favorite lovejoy songs are perfume and taunt, my fav ycgma songs are losing face and your sister was right, my least fav ycgma song is im sorry boris,
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puertoark · 2 months
My experience with each Amnesia game which I need to share with the world
SO UM. Hi. I fell in love with this game series its been a while and I needed somewhere to talk abt it so here I am !
I'll be depcting my unasked opinion briefly for each game bc god I have sm to talk abt every single one of them
Amnesia: The Dark Descent
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Everyone loves this game right right I do too BUT I must say it was personally my least favorite of the series which doesn't mean I didnt fucking loved it. Almost everything abt it is nearly perfect - the ambience and sound design specially is something so so special and dear to my heart from this game oh my
I really enjoyed the narrative too its just that.. it didnt impact me like the others did and I think most of the complaints ppl have about Rebirth are applicable here aswell
I personally felt like the pacing was kinda odd too but thats probably just me anyway I rank TDD with 6 Alexanders and 2 Servant Brutes
Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
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Idk how safe it is to say that on the internet after 10 years but I enjoyed this game sm more than I did with TDD
I know why everyone dislikes this one (no inventory + no sanity + no mechanics + L + ratio) but I gotta say I enjoyed the safer walking simulator with occasional danger like gameplay
And I like how they did it too - This was the game to introduce the flickering light mechanic to when you're in danger and I absolutely love it?? Its more subtle and haunting than the roar + music start playing when you're in danger thing. its elegant and superb MY OPINION
Talking about haunting the HORROR aspect of this HORROR game is nailed aswell in more subtle things too! The atmosphere is so fucking bizarre and oppressive sometimes when youre just reading a fucking note and digging lore like christ. how. I really do enjoy Mandus's character as a creppy factor aswell as the manpigs designs too
Not talking abt Jessica Curry's score for this game bc everyone agrees its a masterpiece
I rank this one with both Edwin and Enoch
Amnesia: Rebirth
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hey guys pls stop hating on games that are actual masterpieces plss
Ok now. I too have my negatives with this game. The jumpscares in the fear mechanics. And some scripted ones too but thats it.
Tasi as a character is amazing, I love her saur much I loved the mechaninc of dont "die" or else you'll be a ghoul in ten minutes and I love how talkative she is…. ik a lot of people don't like it but I think it works just perfectly with her character - esp since shes not "alone" like the other 3 and I LOVE her relationship with her pregnancy and Amari. By the end, her story had me in pieces like no ending was satisfactory enough and…. and…..
I LOVED the scenarios and atmosphere too Frictional nailed it with art direction and sound design as ALWAYS
Amnesia: The Bunker
My second fave of the series I rank with 9 Makkas and 1 lovely Amari
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I am shaking, in tears, in pieces, trembling, floored, literally on your walls
This game had no right in being this haunting and sad, literally… For me this game is the one that stands out the most in the franchise. I loved how most of the storytelling was on the scenarios and events of the bunker. A quiet, superb story. I loved every single detail abt it like I literally cant even describe it
The historical context, setting, ost, gameplay, CHARACTERS LIKE… HENRI AND AUGUSTIN I AM SO SORRY SOSOSO SORRY OMFG I could spend DAYS talking about them, talking about all the nuances of this game
Ofc they nailed the atmosphere and sound design but this time its better than its ever been. Feels so lonely and isolated being Henri on the bunker then you peek outside and theres a fucking WAR ready to take his life. The war that made his bff (prob his only family) a monster and took everything of them both. How scary it is to even use a gun sometimes… absolute masterpiece. Frictional peaked hard
I rank this one with one Henri one Augustin and one rabbit toy
thank you frictional games for ruining my life with horror games that for some reason had some of the best human and existential narratives ive ever experienced
Still have to play Justine tho.
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hyperrealisticblood · 2 months
thoughts on banwally. i've never played any of garten of banban so you are my only reference for what happens in those games and consequently, what makes banwally a compelling crackship.
buddy..... you have opened a can of worms you could have never prepared for
when or if I started shipping it: i actually have an exact date, may 29th of last year. everyone in my friends server is really into crackshipping so we like to share random ideas with each other and i posted them as an idea on that date. i have never been the same since
my thoughts: crackships are kind of hard to talk about in this context because there isnt anything canon to go off but ill do my best. when welcome home first started gaining traction i saw a lot of people saying "this is what good mascot horror looks like" (whether or not wh even counts as mascot horror is. debatable.) so me associating banban and wally with each other was already a thing before i started shipping them. at some point i realized they both have a lot in common (monotone voices, often associated with devil imagery, passive most of the time but gets a little Silly with it sometimes) and i was like woah.... they should kiss. again a lot of my thoughts surrounding them are based in headcanon so im struggling to talk about them in a way that doesnt make me sound fucking insane BUT im a sucker for pessimist/optimist ships and they very much fit that to me. i think they balance each other out in a way, wally is a bright spot in the Endless Misery banban deals with on a daily basis, and banban is pretty logical and grounded which levels out wallys spacey-ness. theyre very much a jessica and roger rabbit "he makes me laugh" type of deal but with the fun addition of identity issues and whatever the fuck wallys deal is
what makes me happy about them: the fact that theyre both freaks of nature (banban is a weird clone manmade abomination thing, wally is either straight up an eldritch entity or a manmade puppet with eldritch qualities) is another thing they have in common to me, so i think theyd be accepting of each others weird traits because they know what its like. banban doesnt give a fuck that wally is up to some scp shit, he might as well live in the scp containment facility. theres a kingdom run by a giant kangaroo woman with a magic scepter who is in charge of keeping a bunch of baby demons and the father(?) of those baby demons trapped in her pouch or else the entire kingdom will be destroyed. he has seen weirder. banban wouldnt just love wally because hes handsome and hes nice to people, he loves all of his weird traits too because they arent even weird to him.
what makes me sad about them: they lend themselves pretty well to angst (i hate that word but idk a better one to describe this) because theyre both from horror media, and i like to pelt my favorite characters with hammers so >:) my friends and i (same friends who got me into crackshipping) have a group rp thing going on, and theres a mini arc going on right now based on the fact that banban got SUPER fucked up trying to fight sir dadadoo and his army. wally wants banban to leave the kindergarten because of how dangerous it is, he wants him to live in home where he doesnt need to fear for his life all the time. but despite all the horrors he has to put up with, banban doesnt want to leave everyone in the underground behind. theyre still his friends, and he wants to protect them. as much as wally wants him to be safe, he understands where hes coming from because he wouldnt want to leave his friends behind either. this leaves him feeling really conflicted and confused, and the homewarming update taught us that wally doesnt do well with those kinds of feelings. just some thoughts for yall <3
things done in fanfic that annoys me: nobody except me would wanna write fanfic about them and im too depressed slash lazy to actually write anything so. uh
things I look for in fanfic: see above
my kinks: size difference where the top is the smaller one i have no such things. i am a man of the lord.
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: wallaby (wally/barnaby) is pretty epic so if that ends up being canon i wouldnt be mad lmao. ive also been wondering if wally might end up whoever "w" is (the awayfrompryingeyes.net mod) because clown said theres another ship that will be canon but that he cant talk about because its inherently a spoiler somehow, id be fine with that too. not much to say about banban because gobb doesnt do romance aside from whatever the fuck nabnab and nabnaleena have going on
my happily ever after for them: things finally calm down at the kindergarten to a point where banban feels comfortable leaving to be with wally, and whatever the hell is going on with home also calms down. banban would still visit the others obviously (i think he would introduce some of them to wallys friends, barnaby and bittergiggle would get along super well i think) but he can finally be somewhere where he isnt constantly fearing for his life :]
uhh tldr dont say "what if i shipped this" as a joke. it will become no longer a joke and you will write like a million words about two characters from entirely different media who have never met and never will meet. worst mistake of my life
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 7
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “Now, I may be wrong…but frankly, I doubt it.”
Number 7 is…Jessica Fletcher, from Murder, She Wrote.
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I had a tough time deciding between Jessica Fletcher and our previous pick, Columbo. Both are from classic detective programs, and each show had a remarkably long lifespan (incidentally, both ended the same year, 2003). However, while I love the twist formula of Columbo, I personally always liked “Murder, She Wrote” a little more. I blame this on two primary facts: one of them is the simple fact that I’m a sucker for an old-fashioned “Whodunnit” mystery, of a more traditional sort. The other is summed up in two words: Angela Lansbury.
Angela Lansbury – may she rest in peace – was, is, and always has been one of my favorite actresses. She was one of those ubiquitous types of performers where it’s hard to say where people would know here best from: for some, she may be recognized most chiefly for her work in musical theatre, with shows like “Mame,” “Gypsy,” and “Sweeney Todd.” Others may know her for her connections to Disney films, like “Beauty and the Beast” or “Bedknobs and Broomsticks.” Still others may know her for any of a variety of other shows and parts some may call more “serious,” such as the villain of “The Manchurian Candidate.” And of course, for some, there’s “Murder, She Wrote,” where Lansbury – from 1984 to 2003 – played the marvelous Jessica Fletcher, easily my favorite female detective character in all of fiction.
Jessica can best be described as a sort of combination of Ellery Queen and Miss Marple. She’s a mystery writer who lives in a quaint little town – the fictional seaside village of Cabot Cove – and uses her experience writing detective work to help her solve crimes. While she finds plenty of cases in her hometown, research for her books (along with past experiences and jobs, such as working as a teacher) has brought Jessica all over the globe, and she has many friends and connections as a result of her travels. In a typical “Murder, She Wrote” episode, Jessica will find that one of these connections is under suspicion for murder. However, for one reason or another – sometimes simple faith in her friends, other times for more practical and logical reasons – Jessica refuses to believe they are responsible. When the police dismiss Mrs. Fletcher, she takes matters into her own hands and eventually solves the case and clears her friend’s name.
Mrs. Fletcher’s sheer determination and confidence are probably her most noteworthy traits as an amateur sleuth. Once she feels she’s right about something, nine times out of ten (at least), she typically is, and she won’t allow anyone to tell her differently or treat her as inferior for any reason. Her personality is fun, too, of course: she is in some ways a very soft, almost maternal figure, but she also has a sharp wit and a fine amount of sass in her soul. However, what I personally find most interesting about Jessica Fletcher is her attitude towards crime itself. I’d argue she is probably one of the most empathetic detectives out there.
Most of the time when Fletcher solves a case…she’s sad about it. There’s almost always this sense of pity and sympathy towards the ones she helps take down, even when they try to kill her, themselves, in turn. When she isn’t sad, she’s angry; this is most typical when the killers are people she knows well. She recognizes that murderers are just as human as the ones whose lives they destroy. Many of the victims in the show were unlikeable people, and while Jessica can’t agree with the ones who took them out – especially since they often endangered people close to her – there’s a sense she often feels sorry for them. In her mind, they aren’t necessarily bad people, simply people who made bad choices. So she doesn’t hate them; mostly, she seems to feel disappointed in them.
The series gave Lansbury a lot of room to flex her acting chops, in a lot of different ways. As the nominal star of the show, she had a lot of input on the content of episodes, and Jessica was not the only character she played in the show. There was also Jessica’s flamboyant cousin, Emma, a recurring figure who even took over for Jessica in one story. It’s hard to imagine anybody else now in the role, and I would argue it’s the actress, as much as the character herself, who makes this series so enjoyable to watch.
Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 6!
CLUE: “I did not know the bank was being robbed because I was engaged in my sworn duty as a police officer.”
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lucy-ghoul · 12 days
*rubs hands* hehehe, off to a new ship game (¬‿¬): Zu//toph, Azu//aang, Iru//chani, Stilgar//Jessica, Historia//Ymir, Ere//min
oh, these are all good choices! let's see:
zutoph: i kinda ship it ngl. not nearly as much as i ship zutara but it's cute. i've never really thought/cared about it but... i can see it. toph and zuko's personalities mix in a very interesting way!
azulaang: SHIP IT. okay i have a confession to make: this is my atla otp, literally zutara whomst lmao. it's got the optimistic ray of sunshine but with a badass side hero + evil bastard sadcore villain, except now the stereotypical gender roles are inverted. finally some juicy stuff for a female villain! also, i love azula - she's by far my favorite atla character.
iruchani: kinda ship it, yes. i can totally see it - the wife & the other woman, but chani is the real wife in all but name while irulan stands doll-like by paul's side, aware she's being used and moved like a chess piece wherever he wants. so with paul being... you know. paul (i love him but lmao), i think she deserves some hot lesbian sex. like, good for them both tbh
stilgar/jessica: okay, this is just hot. maybe it's the javier bardem+rebecca ferguson combo that makes it so. maybe it's the reverend mother/unhinged follower of her dark messiah-like son dynamic. maybe because she needs to have good nasty sex after leto's death. but yeah - as i said, hot.
yumihisu: MY BABIES. seemingly opposites who can see their own reflections and pain in each other's eyes + monster romance (kinda; they certainly gave off some beauty&thebeast vibes when ymir was in her titan form) + the queen & her knight/protector... delicious, delicious dynamic. unironically yams' best canon romance lmao. i also like erehisu, but i do prefer her with ymir. the tragedy just adds to the pair imo.
eremin: OH MY GOD. my second snk otp!!! what can i say... childhood friends to enemies to friends again + soulmateism + eren's view of the world (that is going to shape the entirety of the plot) changes through armin's influence/he literally turns into a titan for the first time to save armin & is so ridiculously physical in his affection for him + opposites who are also complements + "i would burn the whole world for you" vibes. god they make me insane. one good thing about the anime ending was the final scene between them - i mean, the hug. tenderly holding each other in a literal sea of blood. "i will burn in hell with you" anyone?? HELLO????? also: my hot take is that they are vastly superior to e.reri (that i always thought as overrated) and only e.ruri can compare among the snk slash pairings... maybe. AH! and that eren should have been in love with armin, nothing about that ~i realized i'm in luuuurv with the girl who lives and breaths just for me only after i had a titan vision of the future from god~ nonsense, it was so badly written it makes me cry onion-style whenever i think about it.
thanks a lot for the ask, dear ❤️
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sunsetstarrogue · 3 months
i came across "like rain, I fall" and it love(d) it so much. I adore what Denis did to Chani's character and I love how Zendaya brought her to life. I also kind of wonder what was even the purpose of the first Leto II since he dies, and its just like 'sad...okay...'
Chani is so much more interesting to explore, especially your Chani as you write her because she's grappling with mourning someone that is still alive and trying to protect her son from just everything, enemies, his birthright, even his grandmother. I love how Chani really does not fu*k with Jessica, it makes sense they are so different that part of Chani thinking about Jessica trying to control Paul in the womb just blew me away, it's so poignant. I think the really crazy part is that Chani leaving and hiding from Paul inadvertenly saved her child, as Irulan in the books was feeding Chani contraceptives so her rejecting that 'game of thrones' esque role as concubine is what leads her to give birth to Abiel (love the name by the way). Chani is very straightforward and honest, the name makes sense and I'd think in their talks and just moments of intimacy, she'd kind of know Paul would want to name his son after his beloved father but she cant for obvious reasons. I think the name is also Chani grappling with just how much she loves Paul and how much she misses him (even when she says she doesn't) and just her lonliness. She can't really bask in anything regarding her pregnancy, hence why she's just winging it depsite her culture's norms. because it means confronting the fact that she lost the love of her life. Which also makes me wonder where exactly you're taking this, is it going to go towards a reconcilliation? A permanent break or like a grey one, no absolution just a gritty bliss.
In the book Paul's visions kinda stop when Chani is pregnant, her birth is early and catches him off guard, so like he knew Chani was going to die but he couldn't see the twins coming so it's like he can and can't see much and considering how he's trying to give Chani her space I'm wondering if he even knows she's pregnant. Also like him tracking her down to see her with a baby and her just kindof running and peacing out on the back of a sandworm with Abiel tied to her is kind of funny to picture, i'd think she do it in a petty way to piss off not just Paul but all the atriedes, like I got the vibe she realllllly didnt fu*k gurney because he really represented that colonizer perspective, viewing the Fremen as tools rather then beings, something a lot of the other powerplays probably thing as well. That being said there's only so many places you can run away in Dune and when your Most Wanted #1 and you have nuts like Stilgar after you...
I'm so interested in the niche trope of tragic romance, where you partner becomes a villian and (oddly) you die (Padme and Anakin, Snow and Lucy Gray and now Chani and Paul). I think it's so underutilized and just the heartbreak, angst and complexity would be so fun to write. Also Chani is still alive and has so much difficulty ahead of her, I can't wait to see where you take this but also like whenever you want to update no pressure. thank you for adding to thia dry tag, it's rough out here :')
thank you for taking the time to write for this fandom, it's so appreciated xxxx
So glad you found my fic. I'm so happy that your enjoying it so far. Chani has quickly become one of my favorites characters in Dune. I didn't really pay much attention to her in the books but Zendaya and Denis Villeneuve did such a wonderful job with her character that I couldn't help but fall in love with her.
Lady Jessica is actually my favorite character in Dune (books and movie) and so I really wanted to portray her in a way that is satisfactory to me while also having her character add to Chani (since this is HER story)
I am still undecided on how exactly I want to end the fic but I definitely don't think I'll make them reconcile (or go back to how they were before Paul did what he did)
And as for updates, I am very busy at the moment so it will take me some time to finish the next chapter. Spoiler alert: we'll be seeing Jessica and our favorite weird child 😌
Thank you so much for sending this ask. It really does make my day.
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imogenkol · 6 months
Rules: List 10 of your favorite characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people!
tagged by @ladyyennefer and @simonxriley Thank you! 💕
tagging: @statichvm @adelaidedrubman @marivenah @kyber-infinitygems @cassietrn @jillvalentinesday @socially-awkward-skeleton @florbelles @chuckhansen @e-the-village-cryptid
Commander Lexa (The 100) — the love of my life, my number one from now until the end of time, deserved a far better ending and I will forever be bitter about it.
Ellie Williams (The Last of Us) — I would walk through fire for this character. I love her more than my own life.
Bix Caleen (Andor) — it was so hard to only pick one Star Wars character, but she really has a special place in my heart now. Also deserved better. Tony Gilroy I am in your fucking walls.
Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption 2) — all I wanted to do was root and toot and yee and haw, but this game made me deeply love this man. I frequently cry about him.
Jessica Jones (Marvel) — she’s an absolute mess, she’s an asshole, but by god does she try.
Emma of Normandy (Vikings: Valhalla) — look, I’m usually strongly Team Viking in these shows, but her first scene made me switch sides in record time. I will also defend her actions in s2 with my full chest. I support women’s rights and women’s wrongs.
Senua (Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice) — I haven’t even played this game myself, but it completely altered my brain chemistry. Senua truly reached into my fucking soul. I cry when I think about her for more than a few minutes. “All she needed was a little help. A little hope.”
Villanelle (Killing Eve) — everything is wrong with her <3
Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview With The Vampire) — everything is wrong with him <3
Inej Ghafa (Six of Crows) — One of the most perseverant characters I’ve ever read. The end of her story is so beautiful and it makes me full on sob every single time without fail.
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sadiecoocoo · 5 months
For @bisexualricks ask game :)
1. Top 5 favorite episodes and why
- Rest and Ricklaxation - it’s a pretty fun episode and has some of my favorite versions of Rick and Morty! It’s really the first time we get a clear confirmation that Rick does care about Morty a lot more than he pretends to. Also Detox Morty is goofy and a hyper mess, like he could not sit still when he went to dinner with Jessica and I love him so much for that little detail
- Unmortricken - I had trouble between picking this or Fear No Mort, but I had to pick Unmortricken for a few different reasons. First of all, Evil Morty finally gets more screen time. Evil Rick finally gets more screen time. Rick Prime finally gets more screen time. Also there were definitely some implications of EMorty wanting to friends with Morty but in deep denial abt it. He looked sad while in his snow globe… also everything that happened with prime, and Rick needing a lot more therapy and feeling empty even tho he got his long awaited revenge.
- Look Who’s Purging Now - Morty being bad ass Morty being bad ass Morty being bad ass Morty being bad ass Morty being bad a
- Total Rickall - it’s another fun episode where Morty also takes charge and kicks ass. Cuz let bffr if Morty hadn’t figured out the bit with it only being happy memories the family would’ve been screwed. Also it was the first time that the show had confirmation of supporting LGBTQ with Jerry and Sleepy Gary (if only he had been real and not a parasite)
- Get Schwifty - firstly, the debut of the president who has been a pretty fun character throughout the show! Also it explores a lot of Rick and Morty’s relationship and how Rick does really care about him and can be kind of hopeless without Morty around. Also that scene where Morty is with BP and there’s the picture of Rick holding up Morty as a baby and looking insanely happy at having a grandson
There are a lot more episodes that I love, like the heist one, Fear No Mort, and Rickfending Your Mort! But these were just the first ones that came to mind
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madsipie · 6 months
just finished until dawn 100% (all achievements woohoo) and i've gotta say... i am definitely going to replay this again. and again. and again. because this game is so fun. i love every single character even if i hate them. i would tell you my favorite character but i can't because almost all of them are my favorites. Mike's witty commentary is definitely fun though, and yes Matt, i also like your designer jacket. but is it blue or purple. i cannot tell.
definitely going to replay like one million more times though because i want every possible outcome ever. also Matt and Jessica were fucking robbed because their dynamics with the other characters would've been so delicious i actually cannot believe they robbed us so hard rn. like they tease us with Mike jokingly flirting with Matt and the whole MikevsMatt and EmilyvsJess shit then... they don't see each other for the rest of the fucking game?! why!!? give me my enemies to friends (or lovers) dynamics right now!!!
imagine if the game was just Josh's prank and no wendigos, just dead sisters. i wonder how that would've played out. wendigo hannah is kinda cute though she's like a very tall very lanky and very pissed off and hungry cat who accidentally broke into the drug cabinet instead of the catnip cabinet or something
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thenightling · 2 months
I never had any children but here are some of my favorite baby names I've come across and considered for if I ever had a child.
Traditionally masculine:
Roderick - Can be shortened to Roddy, Rick, or Ricky. Roderick means Glory or Ruler. Roddy McDowall's full first name. Also the name of one of the main characters from Edgar Allan Poe's Fall of the House of Usher. Roderick is also the name of the man who summoned and trapped Morpheus in the first issue / chapter / episode of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman. And a more obscure reference, Roderick is the name of Dr. Craven's father in the 1963 film, The Raven, starring Vincent Price. I would use this as a "King" name. ;-)
Jareth - A combination of Jerold and Gareth. David Bowie's character's name in Labyrinth.
Pipkin - An unrecorded Middle English name, possibly derived from Phillip. It is also the surname of one of the main characters in Ray Bradbury's The Halloween tree. Ray Bradbury used it as a cross between Pip, the hero from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations, and Pumpkin. Kin also means family. So you are saying "Pip is family." which is very sweet if you know the plot of The Halloween Tree. Kin can also mean "To be like" or "connected to." So the name (in reference to Great Expectations) also means "Like Pip."
Percy or Percival - One of King Arthur's knights, Percival, and the famous poet, Percy Shelley, husband of Mary Shelley (author of Frankenstein.)
Kit - Very old nickname for Christopher. Once was the nickname of the writer, Christopher Marlowe. Now heavily associated with the actor Kit Harington from Game of Thrones.
Jaskier - Polish. Actually means "Buttercup" but actually is considered a boy's name. Pronounced as Yas-key-er. The original Polish name of the bard from The Witcher novels. HIs name is sometimes translated to Dandelion in some of the English adaptations.
Vladislaus - I'd probably never really use this name except in absolutely very specific circumstances. This name comes from an early renaissance war hero and Prince of Eastern Europe. Vladislaus the Third of Wallachia.
Gender-free names that I like.
Loki - Means Mischief Maker. From the Norse God of Mischief, Fire, and invention. (and sometimes also ice). Marvel depicts him now as God of Stories which fits his mythological roots as God of Invention. In the Poetic and Prose Eddas Loki invented fishing nets. Loki is also the patron of orphans and outcasts, a sympathizer of the outsider. In mythology Loki can be any gender and in Marvel Loki has been portrayed by a man and a woman.
Rowan - The Rowan plant is supposed to be good luck and a pentacle made of Rowman and tied at the points with red string or ribbon protects against black magick.
Traditionally feminine:
Gretchen - Old Germain Nickname for Marguerite and similar names. Marguerite was my mother's name, Rita being her nickname.
Gretchen was also the love interest in Goethe's Faust and ultimately saved his soul in Faust Part 2.
Jessamy - can be shortened to Jess or Jesse or even sometimes May. It's similar to Jessica but derives out of Jasmine.
Evie - Eve was (according to the Abrahamic mythos) the first woman. Evie is also short for "evening." Evie was the name of the hero in the 2022 film The invitation. It can also be short for Evelyn but I prefer Evie to Evelyn.
Shelley - Traditional girl's name and the married name of author Mary Shelley, writer of Frankenstein. Also the surname of the poet Percy Shelley.
Wilhelmina - The old version of Wima. Can have the nickname Mina or Will. And I think Will is a cute nickname for a girl ever since I heard the song "The Will to love" from W.I.T.C.H. ________________________________ Twin names: Masculine Twins: Jareth and Geralt. Geralt is the first hero of The Witcher novels. _________________________ Feminine Twin names: Gretchen and Jessamy _______________________ Masculine / feminine twin names: Percy and Shelley for the pun in creating the name Percy Shelley (the nineteenth century poet and husband of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein). ___________________________ Gender-free: Loki and Rowan
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thesoulsofthedarned · 9 hours
Ok so I decided to pull on the new 6 star selector
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I chose to pull for An An Lee and Centurion. I’ve been waiting for a couple weeks abd managed to save 98 wishes. Here’s what I got:
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Bro I was so sad I lost to Jessica at first. Of all the standard 6 stars I could’ve lost to, it really had to be one of the ones I don’t really care about that much. Yeah, I know she’s the best plant dps in the game right now but… why couldn’t it be Medicine Pocket? Why couldn’t it be Melania? Why couldn’t it be A Knight?? I knew my win streak was bound to end soon, but man I wish it was to someone I like more.
Thankfully, after doing a couple more pulls I finally got An An Lee! She’s by far one of my favorite characters in Reverse right now. Everything from her designs, to her voice, to her attack animations are just incredible. I was fortunate enough to taise her to Insight 2 lvl 30, but unfortunate enough to only be able to raise her resonance to lvl 4. Considering how tilting resonance farming can be, its gonna take a while to raise it up.
I also got Kanjira, I was really happy to get her since she was one of the characters who got me to start playing Reverse in the first place. She’s cute, she’s got a tiny cobra, her animations also look really cool, especially her burst. Sadly I can’t level her up because An An Lee has left me broke. I’ll definitely do it soon though.
Overall, despite losing at first, I’m happy :)
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
Until Dawn: Thoughts And Theories
So, since so many of you wanted to know my thoughts of the game, I decided to put this post together with how I did and all of my thoughts. I wanted to get this done right after I finished the game but I haven't been feeling too well lately and wanted to make sure I got all my thoughts down. I know it's been a month since I finished the game but I just couldn't finish this until now. 😂 And I'm sure I still missed a few things but it is what it is. I'll just post them afterwards. 🤷‍♀️
I saved 6 out of 8 characters. Jessica got her jaw ripped off when I chose to run as Matt and Sam got impaled by Hannah during the very last "Don't Move" sequence. (Why does she look happy about it though??? 🤔🤨)
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I mean, she's literally like:
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19/20 Clues found for the twins.
25/27 Clues found for 1952.
22/30 Clues found for mystery man. (Probably because Sam got caught by the psycho and I didn't get to find the room full of Josh's stuff. 🙄🤦‍♀️)
26/30 Totems found.
If I was to rate the characters from my most favorite to least favorite, it would have to go:
Josh (Surprise, surprise! 😂)
I don't know, guys. I understand why Emily could be a bitch at times. I really do. But fuck, she still gets on my nerves! 😂 I will admit though, she was smart. And I did feel bad for her when she got bit by the Wendigo and Mike pointed the gun at her and she crawled up onto the table and curled up in a ball because she was so scared. She got my mercy with that one. I'm an asshole sometimes but I'm not that much of an asshole. 😂 But she was also cheating on Matt with Mike which made me lose any bit of growing respect that I had for her. Which means that there was a possibility that Mike was also cheating on Jessica. And if that's the case, WHAT THE FUCK WAS MIKE THINKING?! CHEATING ON JESSICA WITH EMILY?! WAS HE BLIND?! Speaking of Jess and Matt, I wish we got more of them. I get why they did this, but they just disappeared for several chapters until the very end and when they did return, it was so short. I feel like we didn't get a chance to really get to know Matt too. I didn't expect to like Jess as much as I did but I did grow massive respect for her after seeing what she went through. Hell, I didn't even expect to like Mike as much as I did and here we are!
Ok, speaking of Mike. Who else spent half an hour making Mike pet Wolfie? 😂 Like, I'm sorry Jason and Salim but Mike and Wolfie are the best duo, hands down! But anyway, I needed more of them in the game. 😅 MIKE AND WOLFIE DLC, PLEASE!!!
The acting was phenomenal. The reactions were on point. (Other than Beth going "Where. Is. My. Sister. Going?" at the start. 😂) But the part where Emily found the skeletons or when Mike and Sam found the hanging dead body, their reactions were perfect. (Even though they mention "all the bodies" even if it's the stranger hanging there. I think they only recorded dialog for if any playable characters died and were hanging there as well.) In most games, when characters find dead bodies, they barely react. (Like Rachel in the blood pit in House Of Ashes.) So, this was nice to see and only added to the fear I felt while playing. I knew that Rami Malek was a brilliant actor but I had no idea jut how phenomenal he was until playing this game. Watching Josh have his mental breakdown literally brought me to tears and I could feel the fear he felt just by the shaken sound of his voice. (I'll never get the sound of his voice while saying, "I don't take orders from you. You can't tell me what to do anymore." Or when he was screaming as Hannah carried him away, out of my head. 🥺)
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Speaking of Hannah. I found it really stupid of the other characters to be surprised by Hannah's reaction when she found out it was a prank. They knew Hannah well and knew she had a HUGE crush on Mike. And Hanaah seemed like the shy and insecure type of girl so taking off your shirt infront of the guy you liked was probably nerve wrecking as fuck enough. (Even though he was Emily's boyfriend, so Hannah was in the wrong for doing that. Actuall, fuck that! Emily cheated on Matt! You go, Hannah! ✊🏻😤) But realizing all your friends are in the room, laughing at you and RECORDING IT?! That would have been horrifying! How were they so stupid to think that it wouldn't upset her?! I do wonder if Hannah held a grudge against Sam regarding the whole prank situation. Because Sam ran in after the prank had been pulled and said "It was just a stupid prank." Hannah probably thought that Sam knew about the prank and didn't do anything to stop them, even though she did try to do something before it happened. And Sam didn't go after her when she ran off, which probably added fuel to that fire. Which would make sense as to why Josh involved Sam in the pranks as well, because from what he seen, she didn't really do anything to stop it.
Honestly, Josh's prank was fucked up, yes. I mean, kidnapping your friends, putting them in fucked up Saw-like traps, recording your friend naked in the bath, etc. It was a bit much, I'll agree to that. But it wasn't the most fucked up prank I've seen. I've seen people do WAY worse to their friends. 😅 I was more impressed that he pulled it off so well by himself. I've seen people say they are confused as to why he went so hard on Sam and Chris when they weren't in on Hannah's prank but I have a theory. Chris was considered the "hero" in Josh's little horror movie. He was "the guy who gets the girl". He said himself that Chris and Ashley needed something traumatic to happen to push themselves into each other's arms. That's why he waited to reveal himself until they confessed their feelings for each other. As for Sam, if he was actually hold a grudge against her for what happened to Hannah and Beth, I don't think he expected her to be the fighter she was. He might have been caught off gaurd with the chase because he planned on capturing her and locking her up so she wouldn't interfere with the other traps and such. But when he fails and she gets away, you can tell he's frustrated as hell about it because it didn't go to plan. That, or she was the "final girl" in his story. He wanted to see how well she fought against him. There was also another theory on Wattpad that's a part of a really good theory collection book (I'll link it at the end of this.) That Josh did what he did to Sam to make her stronger. At the start, she seemed more kind and a "by the book" type of girl, so to speak. But by the end she seemed stronger and willing to do whatever she needed to do to save herself and her friends. Like when Josh starts chasing her, she runs in fear, maybe throws a vase first but then runs. But when she was dealing with the Wendigos in the lodge at the end, she literally yells at Hannah to save Mike. She doesn't run away but she stays behind to help Mike put an end to things. Maybe Josh seen the strength in her and wanted to bring it out? He seen what she was hiding behind her "good behavior" and wanted her to come out of it strong and brave. He wanted her to be herself. He said that he showed them parts of themselves that they were too afraid to visit, and maybe that's what he meant? She was too worried about being morally strict to be the strong woman she was, so he forced that part of her open. I think his motives with Chris and Sam was to make them better people, not to actually fuck them up or anything.
Did you guys also notice that he only shows his "death" to Chris, Sam and Ashley? I don't know if he is really close to Ashley but he was with Chris and Sam so maybe he wanted to see how they reacted to his death? To see if they were all really as close as he thought? Even then, I don't think he and Sam were as close as Sam thought since she didn't know so much about him that went down with his mental health and suicide attempt and such. I think he let her into a small part of his world and she thought it was bigger than what it was. Which would explain why she was so heartbroken by him in the end.
So, I watched the best ending and noticed something about Sam. One line in her interview stood out more than the others. The officer asked if she needed to talk to somebody about it and she yelled "I'm fine!" When you find Josh's phone as Sam, you see messages between him and Dr. Hill and he also texted "I'm fine!" Could this be repeating a cycle? Josh went mad from the grief of losing his sisters and pushed everyone away and Sam goes mad from losing her close friend/possibly best friend and pushes everyone away as well? I hope not, but it seemed like that.
On the other hand, when Mike tells Sam that Josh got dragged away by Hannah in the mines, she literally does a, "Yes, very sad… Anyway!" and starts fucking with the light switch. You were so close to the guy and yet you barely gave a fuck when you found out that he possibly died?! What?! 😂
My top ships were Ashley and Chris (Is it even a ship if they are canonically together? 🤔), Mike and Sam (Though I loved Mike and Jess together, Sam and Mike just seemed like a better match to me. They both loved animals and they were both badass as fuck, so-), Jess and Matt (They were two of the youngest of the group and so cute together towards the end.), and Me and Josh… Ehem… 👀
Speaking of Sam and Mike, actually, this part sealed the deal for me. The fact that he jumps up and runs to grab her arm when the Wendigo spirit goes after her and then continues to hold her after is just too damn sweet. 🥺💖 (Don't mind Mark cheering in the corner. 😂)
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Anyway, the game was a 9 out of 10 for me. (I'm knocking off a point because we can't save Josh. 😑)
But yeah, this game was amazing and it will definitely stay with me for a very long time. I get the hype now. I really do. 😅 Now I just wonder what happened afterwards? Did the cops believe them or were they found guilty for murdering Josh? Did the events bring them closer or push them farther away like the first trauma had done a year ago? Oh, well. We'll never know what really happened afterwards. We can only guess. But one thing I do know for sure from all of this: Josh would have made one hell of a film producer. ❤
(Also, if you want to hear some other really good theories and thoughts on the game, check out this theory book on Wattpad by BiscuitBites. They are all pretty interesting ideas.)
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astronomodome · 11 months
what is blaseball
Ok so first of all thank you for sending in this ask because it gives me an opportunity to infodump about something that's really important to me... Blaseball! There's no way I can fully explain the game or what it meant to people but I can absolutely try!
Now, you may ask (and you did), what is Blaseball? Blaseball (with an L) was an absurdist eldritch horror online baseball simulator hosted at blaseball.com. Each week, 24 teams with names like the Canada Moist Talkers or the Atlantis Georgias consisting of simulated players with names like Brisket Friendo or Jessica Telephone would play game after game for the enjoyment of fans, who mainly gathered on discord to watch and cheer on their team together. Fan interaction consisted of betting on games and using the currency (peanuts) gathered to vote in elections at the end of each week, which determined new rules and game mechanics to add into the simulation.
Eventually, several godlike entities (including a giant peanut, a capitalist coin, and a friendly squid known as the Hall Monitor) would make themselves known and add commentary in between games, try to get the fans to pick a certain option, threaten the audience for picking the 'wrong' option, and so on. Meanwhile, fans would regularly screw with the system as much as they could, finding weird ways to bend the game to their advantage and creating ridiculous scenarios.
One of the most iconic events from the early seasons of Blaseball involved working around the mechanic of Incineration, in which players could randomly get Incinerated by rogue umpires during games and sent to the Hall of Flame, where they were 'killed' and unable to play. The fans were able to manipulate a Blessing (a type of vote during an Election) that would send the #14 most liked player in the Hall of Fame (distinct from the Hall of Flame, fans could give peanuts to players to rank them higher) to the team that won the Blessing. Fans carefully maneuvered Jaylen Hotdogfingers, the first player to be Incinerated, into the #14 spot. When the Election was over, Jaylen was pulled out of the Hall of Flame and back into the game... with the tragic consequence that they now had a 'debt' modifier on them that would make players who played against them more likely to be Incinerated themselves. I don't know, Balseball is weird. But it's this weirdness that made it so much fun.
The fan space of Blaseball was hugely creative, mostly because the site itself was very minimalist and there wasn't much information canonically available about the players. Thus, fans were able to pretty much build their favorite characters to be whatever they want, and they did so. Every team in Blaseball is its own subcommunity with traditions and extensive fanon of its own, and that is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in a fandom space, honestly. I highly highly recommend checking out the fan-run wiki for just a glimpse at the absolutely massive amount of fan lore that the community came up with. It's this that truly made Blaseball the cultural phenomenon that it was and I'm proud to say that it inspired my art and my creative process in huge ways.
Now, you might be wondering why I've been referring to Blaseball in the past tense. Well... despite regular dev updates since the ending of the second 'Era' (story arc, basically) and a faltering attempt at starting a third, on June 2, 2023, the dev team suddenly announced that it would be shutting Blaseball down permanently, citing financial issues. This came as a shock to fans, who had been keeping the fandom alive on discord and elsewhere for months with no sign of anything too bad from the dev side of things. We were given a few hours' notice to say goodbye before the discord was archived. It was a really difficult time for a lot of us to see the foundation of a whole community just kind of vanish into the wind, but many folks carried on in their own side discords and on tumblr and twitter where regular fan spaces are. I was pretty far from fan spaces by that time, but the news still affected me a lot. I think it's super important that I keep its spirit alive in the best way I know how: by talking about it and being annoying on tumblr.com. I hope I can keep its spirit alive in everything I create. :)
A few more things that anyone interested in Blaseball and its legacy should definitely check out:
@waveridden's google doc A Brief History of Blaseball, which explains the details of Blaseball much better than I ever could in an easy-to-understand way.
The official Blaseball Recap, in which a put-upon Anchor gives a chaotic summary of the events of Blaseball and gets progressively less sane in the process. Genuinely a fun watch even if you don't care about the rest of Blaseball.
The Garages, an incredible band (idk their genre they just do what they want and thats based) composed of Blaseball fans who sing songs about it. Genuinely really really good. You don't need to know about Blaseball to listen to them but it does make things make more sense. I have an art project that's almost done that is in reference to their music so look out for that also. :P
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