#jewish denominations
................. So I just took a Christian Denomination quiz (I've been tryna figure it out for a while now)... and I got Messianic Judaism T-T
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meowingatthesea · 3 months
Okay so I'm applying for various jobs right now, including at a local reform synogauge, in an administrative position. And my friend who works in the Jewish world was like "make sure they don't expect you to work on chagim and the HHDs, my job does" and excuse me??????
A) never work where you pray
B) while I grew up reform I am not reform and would not pray at a reform temple especially for the HHDs
C) I have absolutely ZERO intention of spending my chagim babysitting disinterested children or using a computer
D, and most importantly) if you as a jewish institution are making it harder for me to follow halacha/practice my form of Judaism than if i was employed at a secular institution we have a FUCKING problem
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I think one thing I would encourage other convert students to do is to learn as much as you can from other denominations or traditions as you can. I don't have plans to convert Orthodox or Reform, but I've really enjoyed learning about Orthodox and Reform views and interpretations and whatnot - same for Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, ectect.
The point of all of this isn't to convince you one way or the other - its okay to be certain about how and to what direction you're converting. The point is to see how vast Judaism truly is, that there is difference and similarity between all "types" of Judaism and they are not better or worse, simply different.
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logansgaar · 4 days
Okay but what if Bucky gets found out by HYDRA and Zola after capture because Dugan and Gabe are always ushering him to the back away from possible notice, to the point it backfires and draws suspicion. When they pick him out HYDRA orders him to recite the Lord's Prayer and Bucky recites what he always remembers Steve saying. The Prayer he made sure to remember before he was shipped out just in case something like this happened.
Only... Steve is Catholic. The Prayer that Bucky's heard Steve and some of his fellow soldiers recite is different from the one a Protestant would recite and his dog tags say he's a Protestant. He didn't even know they said the Prayer differently.
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stars-inthe-sky · 6 months
So, hey. How did you and your family celebrate Passover when you were a kid? How about now?
My Rhode Island aunt and uncle almost always hosted a big family Seder, and it was the absolute best. A good Seder is educational, food-filled, and legit fun—it's a ritual meal that includes storytelling, singing, prayers, and a general focus on including and teaching everyone involved, regardless of age or even whether attendees are Jewish. (If ever you're invited to a friend's Seder, go! Do not bring a challah, which my actually-bar-mitzvahed brother-in-law did once as an attempt at a thoughtful host gift. We still make fun of him.)
And my uncle (the same one who officiated at my wedding, and the wedding of my other sister) may well be the greatest host/leader there is; over the years he compiled from a medley of sources what added up to his own Haggadah (basically the guidebook to the Seder—there are a million published and informal versions working off the same template, with readings and activities and interpretations that can go kid-centric or feminist or traditional or whatever). It was always just insanely fun, and warm, and joyous, with incredible food and an increasing array of baked-in, just-us traditions.
Since I went to college basically down the street from their house, and then lived just an hour away in Boston for so long, that was pretty much the heart of my and my family's celebration most years—right up until Passover 2020, at which point the pandemic negated what had been plans to travel from our new home in Illinois for it, and they also downsized and had their own kids scatter geographically and gain very little ones, so that particular tradition is at best on hiatus now.
But there are fun Seders everywhere—well, the Zoom ones of the pandemic years were a mixed bag, but we've found friends who've make a good go of it, over the years, too, if not quite as an elaborately planned out hourslong celebration as my uncle would do. When I studied abroad in Denmark, Boyfriend and I went to an Orthodox Seder that was in a mix of Danish and Hebrew, for instance—that was novel, and so much of the procedure and the Hebrew was familiar enough to follow along.
Still working on exactly where we'll be for those two nights this year (we haven't really met any Jewish families in Pittsburgh yet to garner an invite, and none of the Reform or Conservative synagogues seem to have community events, which is surprising? And I don't really want to go to Chabad?) but we'll figure something out.
That said, as fun as the Seders can and should be, the rest of Passover is a slog of not eating bread or adjacent products, and experiencing whatever it is matzah does to one's digestive system over the course of a week. It's a meaningful observance, and the fact that the relevant rabbinical boards have stopped including rice and legumes in the "no" column in recent years has been great, but...it's ultimately a holiday recalling the story of the Exodus, and how we were slaves once, so, like, there are some less-fun elements. But the freedom celebration parts usually outweigh that!
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
Festive Special where the Batgirls undergo a training mission to set Gävlebocken on fire.
Oracle!Babs is operating everything from Behind The Scenes with the Birds of Prey on standby to airlift them out should things go wrong.
There's a panel imitating the "Girl in front of burning house" meme but with Cass.
Steph tries to persuade Tim to join in the fun under the premise of "Be Gay, Do Crime" but he is too much of a Goody-Two-Shoes and refuses to help, only to later find out that Bernard is Team Burn The Goat.
Bruce easily works out that it was the Batgirls who set the goat ablaze but can't actually PROVE it so has to keep quiet.
Jason is upset that they didn't invite him because gosh-darn-it he is ALWAYS down for some Arson!!!
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glompcat · 2 years
Fun fact (sure to fuck with the antisemites who love nothing more than to claim all Jews are connected to Israel) - under the laws proposed by the incoming Israeli government, the vast majority of the world’s Jews will not be considered Jewish in the eyes of that state!
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idolatries · 1 year
the thing about being raised mildly religiously catholic but not super religiously catholic is that i hear abt fucking megachurches and feel genuinely unnerved. like the more i hear about that stuff the more freaky it sounds to me bc its also just not a thing where i live really
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enigma-absolute · 1 year
You are so privileged to be able to be able to make a final project with your OCs ✨️✨️✨️✨️🎉🎉🎉🎉
I know that's much more par for the course in animation than other fields but you get me
Glad for you
I don't even think it's the final version, with my Honours project, it's really digging into the sources and foundations of who my main OCs are, what and how and why they believe what they do.
It's only a pilot script and a pitch bible for my practical, not yet a whole animated first episode! (though it is the dream someday with the rest of the series I want to make!)
Thank you Alexandra. <3
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walterdecourceys · 2 years
Do you have a favorite rank of angels in the Bible? Like in the hierarchy or whatever
this is a good question i don't actually think about biblical angels too much! i'd probably go with seraphim because the whole six-wings-with-two-covering-their-face is very sick and very gender
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p0ison-moon · 4 months
idk maybe I’m just a bitch but I feel like secular American Jews (and a lot of practicing Jews but I notice it most amongst the ones who aren’t) are always claiming this and that is “Jewish culture”. and then 90% of the time it is either “Eastern European immigrant to the Bronx” culture or “Israeli fetishizing the whole concept of being Middle Eastern” culture.
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goinggoats · 4 months
to me it's always been like, yeah, everyone in the usa would live in california if they could afford to. it's the coolest place ever and it's normal to want to cry thinking about it
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sunday-skool · 8 months
Tumblr media
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shalom-iamcominghome · 7 months
See, I always liked the aspect of conversion where you have a comparatively unique experience compared to other jews but like... How am I going to have a "comparatively unique experience" when I'm starting to forget everything about my previous life/practices. I just think that's funny... I genuinely forgot that most denominations of xtianity doesn't have shabbos services.
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homunculus-argument · 8 months
Jewish people do not proselytise like christians do. Judaism is an ethnoreligion, they are not interested in converting the entire world into being jewish. Converts are rare and need a good reason for wanting to do it - depending on the denomination, even wanting to marry someone who is jewish and joining one's partner's people may only barely be valid enough of a reason. Converting has to be a choice that you want to make, or something that God wants you to do. And therefore, there are only two possible explanations of why my Tumblr's targeted ads look the way they do.
The algorithm has somehow concluded that I am jewish and not reading the Torah enough, and would be interested in an app that'd make it easier to do while still busy shitposting on tumblr.
These ads are coming directly from God.
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goldyke · 1 year
Anyway the only time it matters what sect of Judaism you are from in terms of discussing Jewish things is when specifically discussing the practice of one sect.
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