#jfc I've been in this fandom for such a long time
tearaheart · 1 year
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Redraw of The Queen Ever (right one was from 2020)
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msmarvelouswinchester · 10 months
If We Love Again
Summary: Whatever problems we had back then don’t exist anymore. It’s why we have this second chance, and we can’t throw it away. -Michelle Maddow
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N (Reader)
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Reader
WC: 1942
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending. Post-canon where DEAN IS ALIVE, kinda sappy, body-shaming (not by the boys), hugs and kisses
Square Filled: Your hands are tough, but they are where mine belong ( @taylorswiftbingo )
A/N: Alright. Alright. Hello you people! Jfc, how long has it been? A lot of things happened (personal matters and fandom problems too) so I took a break. Kind of gave up writing for a bit. Then two boys - Alex and Henry (RWRB fandom, I'm looking at you) got me back to writing! And of course I had to write for my baby, Dean Winchester!
And I've also lost my taglist. So sorry for not tagging anyone in this.
Completely unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
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“What’re you doing here?” The usual routine of the bunker had been thrown off-kilter when Y/N had appeared, looking…frazzled. Maybe a tad smile but her eyes shone with unshed tears. And she was drenched to the bones and panting like she had run a mile to get to the bunker. The man welcomed her inside, saying, “Come in first, you are fucking wet.”
The words slipped and the man’s eyes widened, expecting a snobbish remark from her about the word and its placement in the sentence but soon enough, he frowned because Y/N didn't comment on the…apparent opportunity of turning the entire conversation inappropriate. Like she always did. But today, she wordlessly accepted the man’s gratuitous welcome and headed inside the old establishment.
Once at the end of the stairs, she said, rather whispered, “Hey Dean. Can you do me a favour? I need a hug.” If Dean didn't know what heaven looked like, he would have guessed he had ascended to heaven at Y/N’s request.
Dean, who had sprinted down the steps, looked at her and nodded, opening his arms. Y/N stepped into the hug and wrapped her arms around his torso, hands finding the nape of his neck. Dean’s hands had also instantly found their shelter around her body. They stayed in the position for a while. Y/N inhaled deeply quite a few times. The unforgettable scent of cinnamon and gunpowder hitting her and she let the tears fall as she let her guard down for the first time that night and Dean’s hold around her tightened. The sobs that left her, wrecked his heart. Each wail was like a dagger to his chest. He hated seeing her sad. He rested his chin on the top of her head, the familiar smell of her shampoo gave him whiplash as the memories of…everything queued up inside his head. But he still didn't know what had prompted her to show up at her place. “Y/N, sweetheart, can you look at me? I need you to look at me,” Dean murmured, “please.”
His voice washed over her and the sobbing turned into sniffles. She sniffled against the now wet, snot-covered spot on Dean’s tshirt before her red-rimmed, puffy eyes found his worried green ones. “‘M sorry,” she whimpered.
“Hey, shh, what're you sorry for? For ruining my shirt? Oh, I'll just bribe Sammy to do the laundry,” Dean grinned but the worry never left his eyes.
“I just—Dean, I'm sorry for…s-showing up tonight unannounced…I shouldn't have…what was I even thinkin’? Dean, I’ll—uh…see myself out.” Y/N said, and fidgeted in Dean’s grip but he was reluctant to let go. Not when she had just shown up a few minutes ago and broke down in his arms.
Dean said, “Stop, Y/N. Stop. It's alright. That's what best friends are for.” Nope, not letting you go this time.
“But…” Did you forget the part where we dated and broke up and vowed to never see each other again because it would break our hearts even more?
“No buts,” Dean said, as if he could read the thoughts in her head, “Whatever happened…happened. You were my best friend and you still are. If you need me, in a heartbeat, I'll be there for you. Do you understand that?” He glanced up, Jack if this is your doin’ because I pretty much dreamed about second chances last night then thanks, buddy.
Y/N nodded.
“Now let's go sit down. I'm gonna go find Sam and let him know you're here. And then we can go and kick some asses.” Dean gently guided her to his room in the bunker and sat her down on his bed, asking if she needed anything to drink, water or beer or anything to eat, knowing all they had was pie and a greasy two-days old burger in the freezer. They really needed to stock up their fridge more now they have started to live normal lives.
Y/N, though just asked for water.
Dean winked and said he would be back in a minute. And he was, with Sam in tow who had scooped her up in a giant hug. Oh, she had missed them.
“Hi, Sam. You look…different.” Y/N giggled at Sam in his formal clothes instead of the layers of plaid she was used to seeing on him. She had heard that the Winchesters had retired from hunting but seeing them bask in their post-retirement glory was astonishing.
“Yeah, had a makeover sorta, got myself a job and everything—”
“And a girlfriend,” Dean wiggled his brows and his brother blushed furiously. In between the conversation, Dean had handed Y/N a glass of water and sat down beside her on the bed.
She sipped on the water and hummed thoughtfully, “Who would have thought? Our little Sammy, all grown up!”
And for the first since her alarmingly sudden visit to the bunker, Y/N smiled.
“Oh shut up. Enough about me. Dean said something to me about kicking someone's asses. Do we have to bring out our hunting gear?” Y/N’s eyes widened at the question.
“No! Jesus, no guns. And no violence.” She warned the Winchesters.
“Can’t promise on the violence part, sweetheart!” Dean smirked. “So what happened?”
“Honestly. I think I'm good. It was a moment of…sadness but I'm oka—”
Dean cut her off, saying, “Y/N you were wailing. That was not nothing. Come on, tell us, we swear we'll be good.”
Y/N hesitated and Sam decided to put her out of her misery, “Whatever Dean says, if you don't feel comfortable in telling us. Don't tell.”
“Oh…” Dean sighed, “Yeah, I…I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. You seriously don't have to tell us, if you're not up for it.”
“It's just not that,” she swallowed hard. It should be easy to tell them, right? They were her best friends. She took a deep breath and said, “The guy, I am…or rather was dating—” She felt Dean tense up beside her and Sam side-eyed his brother but she continued “-well, he was an asshole. A dickhead. A fucking son of a bitch.”
Sam chuckled. “That's quite a description.”
“Yeah. So I applied for this job in NYC and well…I got it—” her heart soared in her chest as she watched the brothers’ faces split into a huge grin “-but this moron of my ex-boyfriend decided to throw my insecurities to my face because he didn't want me to go to NYC.”
Now looking back, Y/N didn't know why she was sad. She was angry. No, she was pissed because how dare a pathetic little man order her around about whether or not she should work in New York. “He was worried that I wasn't too pretty for the NYC girls, that I was too soft to survive in a big city like New York—”
This time Dean chuckled. Because Y/N wasn't soft, she was a hunter. Born into a hunter family only to give it all up because she wanted a quieter life. But she knew how to fight, how to wield a gun. And she was pretty. Too pretty and even after four years of breaking up, Dean’s heart still skipped a beat when she called his name, looked at his face and he was still enamoured by her very existence.
“So I told him that I would leave his sorry ass,” Y/N’s lips trembled, “and he said it was going to be the best thing because I wasn't worth enough for him to fight for because I…I am ‘too much’ and I…I don't put an effort into being the woman a man wants, no…needs. And in that moment, I got so sad, I needed to see you. Because I missed you guys so much. I missed this where no one judged me or at least didn't use to until…well, I…yeah. So, this is how I showed up here.”
“You're always welcome here, Y/N. And I'm sorry, things haven't been…good for a few years but don't think for a second we will judge you or not let you back into our lives,” Dean’s hands had snaked back around her waist, pulling her closer while she continued, “Well, he was kinda right. Don't you think? I talk too much. Sometimes I go on a ramble. I don't watch my diet—”
“That son of a bitch body-shamed you?” Dean was seething.
“Yeah. And he said, I was too much of a work to stay with. I have always been told that I'm too much of a work but it still hurts—”
Dean said, “Well the guy is an idiot. You aren't too much of a work, sweetheart.”
Y/N, this ain't gonna work. You want me. I want you but you don't want this hunting life while THIS hunting is my life. This relationship is going to be so much of a work and with Cain on the loose, I don't think I can put that much effort in this. Y/N gave Dean a soft smile, “I don't want to bring up old memories but you also said that, pretty much four years back.”
Sam’s mouth fell open. “What the hell, Dean?”
“W-I? I was under the influence of the mark, Y/N and you knew it. I pushed away so many people. Letting you go was my biggest mistake. And I regret it because I still fucking love yo—” Dean’s mouth snapped shut.
And for the second time, Sam exclaimed, “What the hell, Dean?”
“Yo–love…what?” Y/N whispered.
Dean turned towards his brother, “Sammy.”
“Yeah.” Sam quickly stepped out of the room.
“Y/N. Letting you go was my biggest mistake and never calling you up was my biggest regret. I should have called because I still need you. And now I have this life. You know I start a new job next week? It's a construction but yeah. And it got me thinkin’ about you. Yeah. I was thinking how I fucked us over and never got to tell you the truth. I never got over us, you. I…I never wanted you to go—”
“I remember very clearly you throwing me out of the bunker and telling me never to contact you again. You know what, showing up tonight was my bigges—”
“Son of a bitch, I can't believe I'm fucking doin’ this,” Dean murmured.
“Wha–” The rest of the question turned into a squeak and Dean’s lips crashed into her. And then the thoughts crashed into him. Fuck.
Dean immediately jumped back from her. “I'm so sor—”
“If you dare to say sorry for this, I am telling Sammy to shoot you in your dick, asshole,” Y/N panted, “Fucking come, kiss me, you moron!”
“You sure? You just had a breakup and…”
Y/N looked at Dean, “I know. But Dean, I had kept loving you all along and maybe by some, heaven’s grace—”
“Jack’s grace.”
“Who’s Jack?”
“God. Well, new God. Jack had been living with us…its a long story for another time.”
“Yeah so, by Jack’s grace, maybe it's my second chance at being with you. Loving you.” Dean’s breath hitched at her words, “Your hands are tough, but they are where mine belong.”
So he walked up to her, and pulled her into a loving kiss. It was soft, eager and…just like old times.
They separated but their foreheads touched as they panted for air. “Second chance?” Dean asked
Y/N nodded, “Second chance.”
He smiled, “This time I'll leave no stones unturned to make this work. Because Y/N, sweetheart, you are worth everything.”
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Oh boy, I'm kinda rusty XD
Let me know your thoughts! Comments are highly appreciated!
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
ok 1. these are my tough and sweet drafting docs, i have never been this insane about outlines in my life this is what getting on adhd meds does to a man. someone sedate me (i have also Never drafted out a fic until i started writing for this fandom jfc) (also sry i forgot to mute spotify b4 making the vid and i cbf to reexport)
and 2. i think i've mapped out the whole storyline for TAS gahhh my heart already hurts. i'm pretty set on an ending and it's gonna rip my heart out to write (in the best way) but leaves space for a long epilogue (or possibly even a second fic lol we'll see if my interest holds, i either fixate for a few weeks on an idea or i'm locked in for a year). as of now the fic will be set from july 2005 to june 2006 + the epilogue aughghgh but i gen have sm more i could write if i were to do a time skip and write a second fic, i just have so many other aus i wanna write if i can prove to myself i can commit to chaptered fics like this so :')
all the major events are plotted, most gaps in between are filled with the scenes i've been brainstorming in my docs, but i'm sure i'll come up with plenty more as i go knowing how i operate rip lol. esp going thru asks, i still have so many to get back to regarding tas i'm sorryyy!! honestly sometimes i read them and have to go straight to my doc to plot and then i forget to respond to the actual ask lol y'all are cooking <3
this fic is gonna be sooo long, def longer than yadiym. i'm thinking minimum 12 chapters if i end up sticking to this stupid long wordcount per chapter but the story/plot keeps expanding as i write so i'm probably gonna eat my words and idm as long as i can keep myself fixated/inspired lol :')
also don't mind me i'm just yapping to myself atp bc it helps me to post my progress somewhere other than in my notes app so i can refer back easier and also bc it makes me hold myself accountable if i speak it into the universe lmaoo i'm peer pressuring myself xoxo
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suzukiblu · 1 year
holy fucking HELL I'm so glad you're writing something that addresses the knockout and rex thing. that was so Fucked up and he never got help for it I can't wait for a fic where he does omfg. it really did mess him up and set the base of his character and people either don't address it or address it very badly.
like i got into writing (65th fic currently time FLIES) because of a. this character and b. you and to see you writing something I've been wanting to for so long is. yes.
Oh, that's really nice to hear, I hope you're having a good time with writing! Well, sixty-five fics in you'd better be, or fandom is letting you DOWN, hah.
And ahhhhh, yeah, depending on the fic I do swing between "Kon def got abused and taken advantage of and everyone in canon acted like it was fine despite repeated evidence to the contrary, oh my god it was NOT FINE and still isn't!!" versus taking canon at face value on things like Clark "Responsible For Everyone In The World But This Specific Teenager" Kent not immediately PERSONALLY taking in the whole-ass MINOR someone made in HIS LITERAL IMAGE when he is also an adopted person with superpowers who is intimately aware of the effects of nuture on a person, but I do always find it really interesting to take on more, like, real-world approaches. Okay, sure, in COMICS it's fine if you let a month-old teenager become a teen heartthrob superhero with no secret identity or civilian life, okay, but also oh my god Tana Moon is TWENTY-THREE, Roxy is ALSO a teenager who knows like nothing, and Knockout is KNOCKOUT, and Dubbilex has barely been out of the lab himself and Rex Leech is explicitly an easily blackmail-able sleazeball with serious debts to seriously bad people and THIS KID IS FIVE MINUTES OUT OF THE CLONING TUBE JFC CLARK WHAT ARE YOU CANONICALLY THINKING HERE.
I could scream about Kon's entire existence 5ever but when GREEN ARROW is better at taking responsibility for his sidekicks, you are in a BAD place, ethically-speaking. AT LEAST GREEN ARROW FEELS EMOTIONAL CONNECTIONS BEYOND THE VAGUE AFFECTION YOU'D OFFER A STRANGER'S MODERATELY CUTE PUPPY TO HIS SIDEKICKS. AT LEAST GREEN ARROW DOES THAT.
Admittedly Clark just kinda sucks at taking responsibility for his fellow S-wearers in general, in my experience of him? Except when they need punched/lectured out of the heavily-foreshadowed emotional crisises that he could've just, like, NOT neglected them into with literally just a weekly phone call's worth of relationship maintenance, of course. Except for then.
. . . I may be biased here but seriously, Clark, please talk to Kon/Kara/Karen/literally anyone not Lois or your parents for more than five minutes a crossover event. The non-human people need you too, you FUCKING MORON!! Superpowers don't mean they don't ever NEED YOU!!!!
/screams into pillow about Clark Kent's personal self-image and feelings about his powers and how that all affects the way he treats other Supers and his opinions on them and just AHHHHHHHHHH--
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
regarding the shipping (that you ship everything) (i'm a few days late, i know, sorry), do you have thoughts on Radek/Rodney? i'm mostly a monoshipper (even though i want to be a multishipper), so since i ship McShep i'm sorta just lowkey "maybe i'll possibly read a fic or two for them" with other ships including either of them, but even still, i fucking adore Radek/Rodney and i'm a bit annoyed with myself for not properly shipping them, so, thoughts? cute? boring? fun? =D
(John/Todd too. but i like Radek/Rodney better (because i adore Radek) (like pls David Nykl is so cute) (have you seen Arrow? Anatoly pls https://littlegirlinvisible.tumblr.com/post/159026461523 (warning for flashing gifs)) (also i love Anatoly's beard) (but to get back to Todd i have a huge weakness for Christopher Heyerdahl and if it hadn't been for him idk that i'd have liked John/Todd as much as i do. John having to look up at Todd *whines pathetically*))
be well and have fun! (sorry about the rambly mess and all the parentheses)
ps. have you seen Hannibal? my dash had something SGA-related and directly below that a fucked up Hannibal fanart and my brain was like "tumblr user sga owns my soul would appreciate that" and it made me curious. fucked up show, fucked up ship(s), absolutely amazing.
i did not forget about you i've just been rotating this in my brain while putting out the 15 fucking (metaphorical) fires in my life that all popped up at once lmao
SO i have. a Lot of thoughts about rodney and radek as a pairing and you're getting them ALL so buckle up bc this will probably be long
first of all, rodney and radek have SUCH an interesting dynamic and i love the way they go from bitter rivals to reading each others minds with the flick of a switch and it gives SUCH old married couple vibes but they also have such, like, idk almost brotherly vibes??? like they regularly insult and belittle and attack each other but they also are the only one each other trusts (in the science departments) and the only one they let themselves rely on in a crisis. just that kind of "i can say whatever i want but you if you so much as imply something negative i'll break your teeth" vibes ya know????
anyways i think if they were in a relationship of any sort it absolutely would be hate fucking, like they get SO MAD at each other and they're screaming and throwing things in the labs and everyone takes The Cue To Leave bc they know that exactly 8 minutes after the violence starts, the sex starts and no one is paid enough to be traumatized by that lmao but it works every time bc they both emerge from the lab two hours later with messy hair and clothes but also with a brilliant idea that'll fix their 6 current problems and probably another 3 that haven't come up yet omg they would literally be The Power Couple but if you mention dating or any sort of Official Relationship they will both shoot you
also john/todd makes me fucking insane and i'm going to forever scream about how they're LITERALLY DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER JFC THEY ARE THE BRIDGE BETWEEN HUMANS AND WRAITH AND I FULLY FUCKING BELIEVE THEY WOULD RULE THE GALAXY IF THEY GOT TOGETHER I LOVE JOHN/TODD SO MUCH FUCK anyways i'm normal about that ship
ps i have not seen hannibal but the fact that you saw something from another fandom and thought i would like it is the SWEETEST THING EVER and now i feel like i need to watch the show
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anarchy-and-piglins · 4 months
ftr your fics have fully dragged me from my dsmp nostalgia phase to "jfc why am i back here?" and all the adhd techno rep has made my LIFE, i adore him sm.
I'm going to gush a little about your fics, apologies, but since reading the foster care-hanahaki one (it's title escapes me) I've been telling pretty much everyone about the fact Techno thought it was a good idea to inhale pesticide on the regular, lmao. All your technoblade foster care fics are healing something in me and i thank you for it sm
Also, 'weapon of war'? bro- BRO (gender neutral ofc) ITS GOT ME IN A CHOKEHOLD!!! Has Techno been turned into a little bit of a god?? I'm soooo hooked!!! I love how he addresses himself as 'the blade' in his perspective, the dehumanisation is such a neat lil note!! Also, Squid has messed up declaring a war on potatoes heheh, the Great Potato War begins!! It's possessed me like mental, all your fics have!!
I spent last night doodling foster!techno from your 'three times +1' fic, where techno fought people to protect his fam and then they did it back and UGH I'm so insane about it haha, I've reread it too often
Sorry for such a long ask and its just gushing and stupid stuff but DUDE I'm in love with your fics, you got me picking up my old abandoned dsmp work again haha
YOO NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR FIC TALK, I love fic talk. Welcome back to hell (the dsmp fandom) too :kekw:
Foster fics have a special place in my heart <3 the hanahaki one was fun to write, Techno is a little idiot who can't understand people adore him.
Weapon of War is one of my most beloved projects too, I'm so happy you're enjoying it :D Sorry I don't have better responses, just know your ask made me go all -flappy hands of happy stimming-
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aprillikesthings · 6 months
oh god oh god
HEY GUESS WHAT I'm down to the last two episodes of She-Ra in my rewatch
On a related note, should you desire to read them all starting from s1ep1 for some godforsaken reason, here's the link. Please be amused at my claims that I would not do this for every episode and my repeated attempts to cut back on how much I copy/paste dialogue and/or explain the entire plot instead of just making jokes and commentary
If, somehow, you are New Here, I've been rewatching all of the 2018 She-Ra, ostensibly for fic-writing reasons as I had forgotten huge quantities of the plot. I have since become deeply obsessed, as one does.
I make a lot of adult jokes, random asides, references to other things, commentary, and a lot of cursing and crying. I love Catradora and I love Catra especially and have a tendency to add a screenshot every time they so much as look at each other. It seems silly to warn for spoilers at this point, but yeah, this is a RE-watch. It's just that I forgot a lot of it because I watched it the first time as it was coming out (pun intended). The shit I did remember is so fucking random tho lol
The last time I tried to do a two-parter in one post the number of times I had to reblog it because tumblr only allows 30 images per post got real stupid, so while I do still assume I will have to reblog multiple times per episode, I'm doing each episode separately.
s5 ep12 Heart (pt 1)
jfc i'm full of adrenaline lol
Also I have a beer, it's a citrus IPA because I live in Portland and it's required by law
(not really I just genuinely like them. that and IPA's that taste like gnawing on a douglas fir. also fruit sours.)
LOL I was so anxious I looked away from this post and consumed most of my beer this is gonna be hilarious
ALSO my goal is to finish these two episodes before the Easter Vigil service tomorrow night at 8pm
Theoretically I should be able to watch two episodes of TV in a day and a half, right? AHAHA
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Bow should play Wonderwall
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she always looks so soft with her hair down
but also having that thing just floating in front of your chest like that has gotta feel weird
ON A RELATED NOTE I know I made the joke in the last episode about how many people have the failsafe as a tattoo but the PROBLEM is that now I literally LIVE with a tattoo artist whose work I like--I already have two tattoos they've done, here and here, and the temptation is extremely high?? but I don't have any other obvious fandom-related tattoos (unless you count the title of a Björk song) so it feels weird to start with this one???? Like I don't have any LoTR or BBC Sherlock or SU or K/DA tattoos (to list off a bunch of fandoms I was devastatingly obsessed with at the time) so getting one for THIS fandom feels kinda weird. But like, also, if I got it kinda small on one wrist it would look kinda cool and be a nice loud DID U KNOW I'M GAY kinda thing. Gyahhh.
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She's struggling to do She-Ra, and I'm sitting here YELLING because IT'S BECAUSE CATRA LEFT and UGH I want to murder Shadow Weaver
(eyyyy I won't have to, ha ha oh god)
Oh she manages to transform anyway. Without making any noise or glowing lights, just pop, She-Ra
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awwww but also lol
related aside but like, every culture that figured out bows and arrows invented at least one kind of string instrument. Literally archers just fidgeting with their bows and going "oh this makes a nice sound, what if I put more strings on this thing." So many different places and cultures invented things like a guitar or like a harp or like a violin. But also I want to know who the FUCK figured out the hurdy-gurdy??? oh my god I just looked up the hurdy-gurdy and I'm cracking up because one of the earliest depictions of it is from the 1100's, in the Santiago de Compostela cathedral. A place I have been. Because I did the Camino last year.
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oh right plot
I would like to take a moment and be grateful for the people who put together the transcripts on the fandom wiki for saving me typing up long bits of lore-heavy dialogue
She-Ra: "Prime is getting closer every day to figuring out how to access the Heart of Etheria. If he succeeds, he can use it to destroy worlds, galaxies, maybe even the entire universe. The Failsafe is our only chance at stopping him."
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"His hold over them grows stronger every day they're chipped. If we don't free them now, we might lose them forever. Prime holds every advantage in this fight. He'll be ready for us. But we have a plan. Entrapta?" Entrapta: "I finally succeeded in cracking Prime's signal pattern. If I get access to his Spire network, I can use it to broadcast a jamming frequency that will disable all of the chips on Etheria, freeing everyone at once!" She-Ra: I need you all to get Entrapta to the Spire and keep Prime's forces distracted while she jams the signal."
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"We're going to make sure that Prime can never hurt anyone ever again. We're ending this today. For good."
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oh lord so Shadow Weaver is still there, sulking and looking away, and she looks over at her and starts almost losing She-Ra and being Adora again
have I mentioned how much I hate Shadow Weaver >:(
Adora goes outside...and looks around. I know who she's looking for. *sobs into a pillow*
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I made that joke and then Glimmer literally says "Any sign of Catra?" I have to remember that at this point in the story literally everyone knows how in love they both are. Except them. Of course.
Adora: "She's not coming back." ;_;
Adora: I mean you don't have to come with me this could be dangerous Bow: the fuck are you talking about of course we're going
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And she turns into She-Ra again, roll intro
Okay so they go to the Crystal Castle thing where Light Hope was
it doesn't look so good
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but also that's creepy
anyway they tell the hologram (not Light Hope, the other one) that they're looking for the Heart of Etheria and that they're Friends of Mara. She-Ra gets scanned and then a door opens into a passageway. Bow and Glimmer take her hands and they walk into the hall but:
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she's still looking for someone
I have to deal with another episode and change of her looking for Catra ghghggh this hurts meeeee
OH SO OF COURSE they literally switch to showing us Catra
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bahaha okay so she sits up and looks behind her kind of sadly, and Melog just skids to a stop so hard they throw Catra off
And Melog looks at Catra like she's fucking nuts. Catra's like, wtf is wrong with you??? and Melog looks back like BITCH WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??? Catra what did you think was going to happen when you got a therapy animal that can literally read your moods. Melog knows you're being a dumbass and has NO reason to pretend to believe your surface "I don't give a shit" act!!
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Melog does airplane ears at that. And then just pounces Catra.
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Time for pressure! Just like a real therapy animal. Big weighted blanket!
oh shit I forgot about this bit
Catra just immediately starts crying.
Catra: "You saw what happened! Adora chose Shadow Weaver, okay? Not me!"
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*sobs into hands* you useless fucking dumbass that is your abysmally low self-esteem talking literally every living semi-sentient thing in the galaxy knows Adora's in love with you EXCEPT YOU
I can get frustrated with AU fics where these two both pull this "but what if she doesn't like me back" thing for ages while everyone around them is face-palming in frustration, but like. You have to admit. It's accurate to canon.
(It's also accurate to lesbians in general, lbh. Either fucking on the first date or doing the "but what if she's not into me" thing for months-to-years. Sometimes both, including in some of the fics I've written, heyooooo.)
Melog purrs and licks her face. A clone approaches and they both go invisible and then follow it.
the rest of the rebellion is attacking Horde Prime's ship thing
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Wrong Hordak helps Entrapta get into the spire. The whole point of this fight (which I didn't bother screenshotting lol) is to give Entrapta time to disconnect everyone's chips from Horde Prime.
Lol once inside Entrapta does another one of those "holy shit this stuff looks so cool...OMG FOCUS" things
Back at the Crystal Castle Glimmers like "omg are you scared" and She-Ra says "No, I just hope this works." Liar.
Bow: "It'll be okay. And when we get back, it'll be a whole new world."
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this poor girl. she's so heartbroken.
(meanwhile the plot of my fic-in-progress is literally them breaking up. (not forever.) but it's hilarious of me to get SO UPSET over this scene when I'm going to force them to repeat it. like it's a mutual decision in my fic but it doesn't make it hurt any less.)
PFFT I unpaused it, and IMMEDIATELY:
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I just said OH SHIT out loud lol
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oh god I saw someone talking about this in a youtube video right around when I started my rewatch
It's a hologram, she's not actually there. And Catra goes through multiple other ages, including her kid self, being chipped on Horde Prime's ship, when they were Horde cadets, etc; before going back to looking like she does now.
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Adora's sharp little gasp of shock here
Adora goes to touch Catra's hand and the hologram disappears
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(good lord she's beautiful here)
And I think I agree with the youtube video: Adora knew she was upset about Catra running off, but this is the moment she specifically realizes she's in love, and it breaks her heart into tiny pieces.
(Hah, I actually say a very similar thing in part of my fic that they mention in the video--that previous to this, she refused to let herself want this or even think about it. "I didn't even realize this was something I could want.")
BUT ALSO so like is this a remnant of Light Hope's programming that tortured them with childhood flashbacks in season one (in order to drive them apart) or what
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I know I made this joke before but I'm suing Nate for emotional damages
She-Ra: "We need to be careful. It looks like this place can still project memories."
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A still-invisible Catra follows the clone to where Horde Prime's ship is and is visibly terrified and shaking. A clone who might be Hordak turns around with that white in his eyes that means Prime is using him to see, and Catra just tries to be quiet and not move but she's obviously triggered, and I mean that in the literal PTSD sense.
Horde Prime (via Hordak?): "My brothers. The time has come at last. No longer shall She-Ra stand in my way."
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oh okay so Horde Prime's actual ship is still in space (just orbiting Etheria I assume) and the planet-side thing is him speaking through one of the clones via the hive mind.
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"Begin the acquisition process!"
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are they just gonna straight-up drill into it?
apparently yes
the whole area lights up with that sickening green light, including all the lines that characters kept noticing on the ground that looked like some combo of circuit boards and First Ones' writing.
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meanwhile, Adora keeps slipping out of being She-Ra for split seconds and is clearly stressing The Fuck Out and possibly walking in the wrong direction in her distress, only to walk into another memory/hologram.
And I've predictably hit the image limit, but 13:30 to go which is better than last night pfft okay gonna reblog
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morning-sun-brah · 9 months
Okay so I've just GOTTA know... how the hell do you write the way you do?? I haven't been able to get sucked into any written work since high school, trauma brain and all. I used to live in books so it's been hell, but your writing got me back into reading, and makes it so I can get lost into that little world again, which I've craved but been able to have for like... so long. Writing is something I've always been into, but I let my fear of failure and need for perfection stop me. Just... do you have any advice for beginners?? It would mean the world to me, but I understand if it's an annoying ask! Thanks for reading no matter what!
Well I am just a mess reading this (in the best way possible).
First of all, thank you so much omfg. And of COURSE it isn't annoying! This is so flattering I'm about to cry my dude.
As far as tips on writing, I feel like I am not the person to ask because I'm just this little weirdo on the internet who likes turtles lol. But!! In an attempt to try and give real advice here is my response... and it got a little wordy so it's all under the break lmaoooo.
~Gin's rambling attempt to give writing advice~
Practice! Literally the only reason I can string coherent words together is because I've been doing this as a hobby for like two whole decades.
Also!! Read! Consuming other fics and books really helps. Sometimes you find a way of saying something that sticks with you. Sometimes you sit and think "I would have done it this way/said it this way." Sometimes you come out on the other end and go "Wow I am a hack that was amazing." Sometimes you finish something and go "Wow that was fucking terrible I'm amazing." Sometimes you read something and it fires off your brain, and you are left itching to write your own story. But however you feel, it's all GOOD FOR WRITING. It helps you grow! It literally helps you find your voice!
Other little things; When I write, I truly immerse myself. I am playing out in cinema format what is happening in the "scene." How is this person reacting? How do they look- down to facial expressions. How are they feeling? Is this something they would say? (would they fucking say that??? is something I think to myself every time I open a doc) And when I write it all down, I try my very best to convey that "scene" that played out in my head. I try to capture that character's voice, their mannerisms, their habits.
Does this even make sense? I sure hope so.
Also, flow. Make sure we're moving right along. Keep track of where hands, legs, and torsos are. If they were sitting when the scene started, and you need them standing to kiss or fight or do a thumb war, at some point you need to make sure you say they stood up. If a hand was on a cheek, it can't suddenly be on an ankle without telling the reader what happened.
I also just think adding little details helps with immersion. When we talk to people, we don't just stand around. We fidget. We pick our nails or scratch our arms or shuffle our feet. All those little details can add to that immersion (or I think so, I'm no expert). "He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before saying..." - Wow, what an awkward little shit. "They scrunched their nose and gave a near-violent eye-roll" - Oh ok they are annoyed! "She shifted her feet and replied"- cool she's being a person, I shift my feet too, neato.
Anyway, nothing I wrote 20 years ago is as good as it is now. I'm highly convinced that I'll think the same thing in another 10 years, about anything I've published recently. But it is getting better, and it's because I keep at it. Having friends in the fandom and beta readers really helps. Make sure you find someone who you know will be positive but honest. And remember, YOU are always going to be your own worst critic.
God why did anyone ever let me have access to a computer. Why the FUCK is this so long? Does it even make sense? Jfc, I'm going to post it and eat a fucking cookie.
I believe in you anon. Also, I love you and thank you so much for making my whole week. I'm going to be so obnoxious about this shit, everyone expect to hear from my ass an annoying amount (kidding, but seriously I'm so fucking flattered thank you so much. This kind of shit makes me wonder what the fuck you're all reading because I swear I am just a silly gal with seasonal depression who needs a haircut).
((Also, anon, I wish you nothing but the best. Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself, and know that I am sending you like a million hugs))
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firstkanaphans · 9 months
Holy shit, no no no no no. Sarah, I'm sorry but allow me to be annoying for one second. The FirstKhao picture you just posted saying it's "Business or Pleasure" coded, I keep looking at it, AND THE MORE I LOOK, THE MORE INSANE I GO.
Because EVERY. SINGLE. THING. about it is absolutely PERFECT for BOP, and I'm about to LOSE IT.
Aye's shirt and tie, which is still serious attire, but topped with a bomber jacket and the headphones that give off the uni-esque look of an intern.
Akk, on the other hand, wearing a full suit but with his tie sorta done poorly (of which he KEEPS saying that he SUCKS AT doing throughout the fanfic!!!!!!).
AND NOW ONTO THEM??? Both sorta hiding??? But AYE is the one on front looking out to see if there's anything that could catch them, because he's the more straightforward of them, and then Akk behind him also looking but trusting Aye's eye.
Like, it couldn't be a better representation if they TRIED. This would be like the PERFECT picture for a book cover for it!!!!
jfc jfc I love it, I ADORE IT, it's insane how much this messed me up right now, when the realisation HIT I was like "holy SHIT that's it, that's how I imagine them while reading it".
BUT ALSO THE PROMPT YOU MENTIONED IN YOUR TAGS??????? God I'd love to read something like that 😅
Anyways, thank you for making my night. I can't stop looking at that pic and I wanna go and read BOP for the hundredth time, thank you thank you ✨
That picture is truly something else. I've conditioned myself to only see BoP anytime FK are wearing suits. It's a problem—a problem I'm pretty sure I've passed on to like half the fandom 😂
I still desperately want to see FirstKhao in an office BL, but at this point I'll take them in anything. Just give my babies back to me! It's been too long and I am not doing well with this whole waiting game GMMTV has chosen to inflict on us.
As for the prompt I mentioned about the history teacher fucking the soccer coach, I've added it to my list of prompts I'm going to let y'all vote on before I start writing my next fanfic. So who knows. It may actually get written!
Enjoy your BoP re-read! I'm probably overdue for one myself 💕
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sapphicscholar · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @lilolilyr!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
135 fics total!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
2,436,430 words (jfc hahah)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Ever? Listing them in vague order of when I started writing for them: Supergirl, Wynonna Earp, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Grace and Frankie, This Way Up, Once Upon a Time, Madre Solo hay Dos (just on Tumblr), Abbott Elementary, Hacks, and Julia
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
ALL of them are Supergirl from back in the early-ish days of the show when it was a pretty massive (by femslash standards, I suppose) and very active fandom! It's actually so interesting seeing how absolutely nothing I've written in more than half a decade even shows up, since I've largely switched to smaller fandoms since then.
But the top 5 fics by kudos are:
Stronger Together, a collection of one-shots for various Supergirl ships (with a few gen fics mixed in), which has nearly 5k kudos (WILD to me as someone now in a fandom with maybe 25 people total haha)
Welcome to the Gayborhood, my first ever fic, a looong Sanvers and Supercorp professor AU that still keeps the alien/supernatural elements of canon
6,500 miles away...but getting closer, a Sanvers epistolary fic that my wife and I actually co-wrote and posted 1 letter/email per day every day for many months
Noise Complaint, a Sanvers next-door neighbor AU that, hilariously, given its placement in the top 5 here, is what catalyzed a series of events that led to me very much leaving the fandom (and fandom writ large for nearly a year)
Supercat Sanvers 2020, a Sanvers and Supercat political AU that was maybe one of the last long-form works I wrote before moving out of DC!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Sometimes if it's from a person I know well, I end up responding via DMs, esp if there are questions about what comes next, plotting elements, etc., that I don't necessary want everyone to see while the fic is still being posted, but mostly I try to respond on AO3. I've gotten a bit worse in the past few years just because I'll manage to eke out a bit of time to write, which puts me behind on my work, and then I don't leave myself time to respond, and by the time I DO have time, it feels awkwardly late to do so. But even if I don't respond, I absolutely love/cherish/adore/etc. every single kind comment I've ever been given <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Forgoten, but not Gone - a Sanvers amnesia AU set post-breakup that's heavy on the angst with a rather ambiguous ending. I got talked into writing a part 2 that resolves the angst haha, but taken on it's own it's definitely my angstiest ending!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Huh idk! Most of my fics end on fairly happy, if a bit open, endings. I'm not a big fan of having all the loose ends tied up, and I realllyyyy don't do the marriage/2 kids/white picket fence epilogue, so I guess maybe the political AU has to be up there because it actually envisions a world where a queer woman wins the presidency on a progressive platform, and that feels rather utopian 🙃
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Not in a while, though I used to back in the days, like super vitriolic shit (big fandoms with too-big emotions, man... which has really kept me away maybe forever from those kinds of fandoms!)
9. Do you write smut?
Haha very much so. I've written and posted before about why, but I really believe there's so much interesting character work and exploration that can be done by exploring characters' pleasures, their desires (both thwarted and realized), their fantasies, etc. Obviously smut isn't the only way to do this, but fanfic feels like one of the few venues where it's a real possibility!
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, not really. I've written a handful of bring characters x and y into the universe of another show fics, but that feels mostly different. Every so often I'll borrow vague character outlines for tertiary characters in other fics just to see if folks recognize them (had Grace Hanson as a grumpy background character in a Sanvers fic set at PT for instance hah)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once or twice, but we got them taken down
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah, one of my SG fics was translated into Russian! I'm not sure if it's still up (tbh I can't recall which one; it's been a long time!) I've also had a couple podfics now made of my fics, one of which I still need to go listen to when I get the time!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! The long-form Sanvers epistolary fic my wife and I co-wrote together, and a group of Supercat authors got together and did a delightfully chaotic round robin, each writing one sentence, then setting a timer for the next person to write the next sentence, etc., until we had Intergalactic Standard Cuddling
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh man, I really don't know that I have a favorite! I really appreciate what various ships can offer me at different times - there are certain themes that make sense to explore with one pairing but not at all with another, or certain AUs that work in one fandom but not really in another. Basically, if a show is giving me multiple female characters who interact in canon in ways that go beyond existing near each other, I'm intrigued, and if these characters actually get depth and complexity, I'm probably in! There are, however, some ships that I might not end up feeling fannish/creative about even though I love them as ships (I talked a lot to @trying-to-get-somewhere-real about this recently, actually!), so it's hard to name a favorite when the metrics get all wonky!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
I don't want to say never, but I have a Cat-centric fic that'll end on Supercat that just has a lot of angst that coincided with a period of unexpected loss and grief in my own life in ways that have made it really hard to get back into even now (it just feels so...enmeshed with that moment, even though the timing was utterly coincidental)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I do a good job with dialogue and getting characters' voices down - I'm really into the character side of things (which is also what gets me invested fannishly in shows! I want a show that cares about developing their characters first and foremost vs. a show where plot takes priority)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Certain kinds of action scenes haha - also I tire easily of writing things that feel repetitive to things I've done/written before (this was more of an issue when I took prompts)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Largely, this isn't something I've had to deal with much outside of maybe a few phrases and sentences from multilingual characters. I've talked before about how it was actually the language/translation barrier that kept me from writing for Madre Solo hay Dos. I don't speak Spanish, and getting a show entirely via the Netflix-provided translations meant 1) I was fairly certain there were some word choice/dialect peculiarities I was missing, and 2) I couldn't catch the rhythms of their speech, the cadence of their voices at least in ways that corresponded to the specific words. For me, voice matters so much, and it really felt like a barrier to not have access to the source language because I felt like I couldn't do these two women justice!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Oh I've answered this elsewhere with 2-3 works, and tbh I don't think it's changed since then! I'm actually far more interested in others' favorite fics of mine because it's so interesting to think about the question of *what* sticks with a person from yours (it's often so idiosyncratic!!)
I'm getting to this pretty late, so I won't tag anyone, assuming many people already have been, but if ya see this and want to participate, feel free to give me a tag! I always love seeing people talk about their own writing :)
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ofdetonation · 1 year
hello! let me quickly run through some updates that have happened but i've neglected to mention. even if i ain't here, i may as well keep you informed - because once the bnha manga starts picking up again, i wanna be here.
putting it under a read more, bc it's all irl stuff. nonetheless, hope you all are holding up! it's been a real tough year jfc.
ms progression: so, six months on kesimpta (ofatumumab), still getting lesions popping up. from an mri on sept 4, had 3 new ones on the brain. hooray. progress seems to have slowed though, and sensory stuff hasn't been affected, so it's just brain stuff. makes sense, right?
family stuff: a close relative of mine is dipping in and out of hospital with treatment for something that's likely going to kill them before they're "cured". it's been pretty rough on the family, me included. it's been a long time coming but it still kinda sucks. another one's also jumping around doctors for issues, but that's less of the severe impending doom nature and more of the "oh well that's not good" nature.
trying to stay positive has been one hell of a task, but that's kind of why i've been deep diving into bg3 while not really interacting with people (see: maybe 2-3 people in a day). it's also why i haven't been on! keeping as sane as i can.
if you're still sticking around while i have all this going on, thank you! i haven't been active for ages, so i really appreciate it!
i really hope the bnha manga picks up (aka: bring back b.kg already i'm getting so sick of him being aliven't in this goddamn house), because i'd love to get really involved in the fandom and all! when i'm doing better, anyway. i'll hopefully come in with another update on my health in... a few weeks? recovery from lesions take way too goddamn long.
in the meantime: take a couple of screenshots from my current hyperfixation. deadass. i am (almost completely) unapologetic about how obsessed i am with this game, and i'll literally talk about it 24/7 365 rn.
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oh, and a couple of my guardian in this playthrough. just bc i'm proud of her too.
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ca-suffit · 4 months
U know, I dropped the show and only know whats happening on it through mutuals reblogging gifs now. Not necessarily because it's bad, it's actually really amazing and so much better than those old dusty books, but because I'm fucking tired of these racist cunts everywhere! I want to reblog some gifs or some funny posts or pics and I have to go through them clogging the tags with their bullshit racist takes and "book knowledge" or whatever.
And you bet that if you tell them that they are the ones pushing ppl away from the show they cry "but we're not! we're the good ppl! anyway don't let fandom ruin something u enjoy!" but they don't realize that yes, shitty fandoms ruins cool shit for ppl all the fucking time — happened to me before, happened to ppl I know too.
But u know what Ca, whatever — lets see if their little white fandom group of 10 ppl can keep this show on air for long and renewed for more seasons lol It will be funny to see how much they don't need us
I had a lot of hope that the show fandom would fix a lot of this but it just ended up getting worse (this is not show fan's fault, btw, I'm not trying to say that). I've barely been here with an account now and the hate I've had aimed at me has been crazy. It would be worse if ppl knew anything about me personally too. I've seen them do this to ppl over and over again, before the show and now. There's been a lot of rly great ppl they've run off. This would be a much bigger fandom if not for the constant cycles of bullying. It used to rly be just white women doing this, now it's a whole mixed race group who says racism is ok because I gave u permission to attack the "bad" ones, let's go after all the ppl who talk about race and are the "real" racists. are u fucking kidding me.
It is rly funny how they're so worried about viewership numbers while literally doing everything in their power to turn ppl off of engaging at all. A lot of these ppl are rly old too, like parents to p grown ass kids. grandparents even?? It's so gd cringe. I luv this show too but fuck I also don't rly gaf either tbh. I'm here because it gets white fandom to stfu a lot, they were getting rly out of line without someone hitting back, but this is exhausting. This all sucks so much and for what reason? Like rly what fucking reason. jfc.
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hprewetts · 1 year
i haven't really been in the fandom for long but something i've noticed is people complain a lot about ooc characterizations and how divorced from the source material most people's perceptions of characters is and although these are all valid and important complaints, this gets old fast. i don't know if it's because a lot of you are younger or have less fandom experience but i assure you you'll have way more fun writing meta and sharing your own takes with people who agree with you instead of constantly posting passive agressive posts about versions you don't like for people who won't care how mad or upset you sound
fandom is very much a collective experience but if you try to constantly change other people's opinions and keep posting about how badly other people do it, maybe do something else? write meta posts analyzing characters or discuss canon with other people, write fanfic or draw your own art where you get to portray these characters how you want instead of constantly complaining about people who do it wrong because here's the thing
no matter what fandom you are in, there's always someone who's going to interpret a character differently or wrongly regarding the source material, or they simply will have a vastly different perspective than you, and it's not just here, but literally everywhere, and despite the fact that yes, a lot of fans don't take the source material and take fanon at face value, do you really want to spend so much time fighting with strangers online? because frankly it's very annoying to come across a dozen posts complaining about this very thing when i'm looking through the marauders tag, instead of, you know, actual marauders content. and you can keep complaining or start making content for these character versions you keep defending so much
hell, it doesn't even have to be public ! just make a few friends who get your characterization and engage with them privately if that's your drill ! start ignoring large fandom content if it pisses you off so much, i'll assure you you'll have way more fun that way instead of constantly bringing in negativity into the tags ! jfc !!!
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shera-dnd · 1 year
Thanks to the help of the wonderful @saint-lily I'm back in business!
And I'm returning in style with my first Madoka fic
Honestly I can't believe it took me this long to write something for this fandom. Like I've been into Madoka since I was 14... jfc that was so long ago
anyways watch as Hitomi fumbles her way into a lesbian awakening and in the process discover the magical world of vampires, angels, demons, and so much more
Things have gotten strange since Hitomi started college.
It was all normal at first. Just her and her best friends, Madoka and Sayaka, enjoying their new life at campus. But then things started to change.
Sayaka began to act more possessive and protective of Madoka, in a way she hadn’t since the girl had been bullied in middle school. Hitomi worried that someone was trying to hurt her.
That’s when she saw who exactly Sayaka was protecting their friend from.
Three strange girls who followed Madoka wherever she went.
The first of the three had long dark hair, and impossibly pale skin. She seemed to avoid sunlight whenever possible, and had an unsettling smile that made it feel like she always knew more than she was letting on.
The second girl was tall, blonde and… well, busty for the lack of a better descriptor. Though she dressed in bright and cheerful colors, and carried a welcoming smile, there was still something unsettling about her. Maybe it was the way that beneath that smile, she always seemed so gloomy and low energy, or maybe it was the fact that she always kept her neck covered.
Then there was the last girl. Loud, brash, and always reeking of smoke. Her hair was long and dyed a bright red, with her sides shaved. She was always either eating, drinking, or partaking in some sort of vice. Hitomi was certain this girl would die of a heart attack at any moment; but no matter how many excesses she indulged in, she always stayed as skinny and healthy as ever.
Each girl alone would have been a little weird but no reason for alarm, but all three of them for some reason seeming to obsess over Madoka at once? There had to be something going on there.
Hitomi had shared her worries with Sayaka - she had shown a similar worry after all - but was quickly dismissed.
“Let me handle this,” Sayaka had said, “you should stay away from those girls.”
Now, Hitomi had always prided herself in being a sensible and responsible young lady. She followed the rules and avoided trouble as much as possible. But how could she just sit around and do nothing while her childhood friend was being harassed by these strange women?
The worst part still was just how friendly Madoka was to all of them; how she was spending all of her free time with them instead of with Hitomi. This, of course, had nothing to do with why Hitomi suspected them, no, it was just proof that Madoka was too sweet and innocent, and couldn’t tell that those girls had ulterior motives.
That was it. Hitomi had to interfere. She couldn’t just leave Madoka alone, no matter what Sayaka said.
And that’s how she found herself stalking that pale girl across campus one night.
Homura was her name, from what Madoka had told her, and she lived in an apartment just outside of campus. How some random goth girl could afford something like that was beyond Hitomi’s deductive skills, but it definitely didn’t make her any less shady.
As she followed after her, Hitomi found her attention more and more drawn to the woman herself. There was an unsettling ethereal beauty to Homura. Her every movement was both graceful and measured, with not a single motion or breath wasted. Her long, flowing, dark hair practically glowed in the moonlight as it flowed down her back like a pitch black waterfall.
And her smell.
Oh, Homura smelled like lilies!
Wait! When did she get close enough to smell her? 
Hitomi stumbled backwards and shook her head. She was in a dark alley now, just her and Homura. At some point, in her trance, she had stopped stalking Homura and had begun to follow behind her instead.
Her abrupt motion must have warned her of her presence, because Homura giggled and turned around.
The way her hair whipped in the air, glittering white light reflected off black strands, it was almost enough to distract Hitomi once again. But, as mesmerizing purple eyes met hers, she knew she had to steel herself and focus.
“You know,” Homura commented as casually as one would bring up the weather, “it’s impolite to follow people like that.”
“You…” Hitomi tried to speak, but the way Homura’s eyes studied her made her falter.
“What is it, little mouse?” she teased, stepping closer to Hitomi.
“Y-You…” she tried again, but that only got Homura to step even closer, now looming over her.
She smiled the toothy smile of a predator ready to pounce on its prey. All at once, Hitomi’s suspicions were confirmed.
“You’re preying on Madoka!” She accused, shoving Homura away.
Homura only chuckled. “Oh, is that why you’re here? You’ve come to save poor Madoka?”
“She’s my friend!” Hitomi shouted, trying to seem more confident than she felt, “it’s my job to protect her!”
“You sound a lot like that little blue angel,” Homura mocked. Blue angel? Did she mean Sayaka? “So, I’ll tell you what I told her. I care about Madoka, and she doesn’t need anyone else’s protection.”
“No! I don’t believe you!” Hitomi challenged, even as she stepped away from Homura, “I know what you are!”
It was like something shifted inside Homura. Her expression hadn’t changed at all, and yet it felt like the amusement in her eyes had been replaced with unadulterated malice.
“Is that so?” Homura closed the distance between them in a single lunge, backing Hitomi against a wall.
Hitomi squeaked and screwed her eyes shut.
“Say it!” Homura commanded.
“Y-You are…”
Steel yourself. You have to do this, Hitomi, for Madoka. She braced against the wall behind her, opened her eyes, and shouted as loud as she could.
“A lesbian!”
Homura froze in place at the accusation, something Hitomi would have taken as a victory were it not for the position she was currently in.
Homura was hunched close to Hitomi, mouth barely an inch away from her neck. Her white teeth shone in the night, with two in particular, long and sharp like needles, threatening to pierce her skin.
Oh no.
Homura hissed and stepped away, her fangs shrinking back into her mouth. “Really!?”
“You’re a vampire!?” Hitomi yelled.
“You’re a homophobe!” Homura yelled back.
That caught her off guard. “N-No, I’m not.”
“You thought I was preying on Madoka just because I’m into women,” Homura accused.
“B-But you are,” Hitomi tried to argue, “you’re just entrancing her with your vampire powers!”
That's it! That’s why Hitomi couldn’t take her eyes away from her, why her mere presence seemed to entrance her, why she felt so disappointed that Homura hadn’t sunk her teeth into her neck and made her scream.
“Is that what you think I do?” Homura asked with a twinge of disgust, but before Hitomi could answer she turned away. “Your repression has ruined my appetite. Goodbye, little mouse .”
And just like that, she walked away into the night, leaving Hitomi frozen behind her.
What had just happened?
Was Homura… hurt?
Why did she feel guilty?
How was she the villain now?
And why the heck did she still want Homura to bite her!?
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Bruh, I met someone before character x reader was even A Thing that openly admitted to be possessive of characters. She was like, "Oh yeah, I usually hate all of the female characters because I want the guy to be mine." Yeah, everyone has their own headcanons and stuff because that's how things happen. But jfc chill out with the hatred or have the decency to keep it out of the tags. Let me enjoy my ship in peace. I've been a Bo fan since TCW she deserves Good Things. Let her have this. (1/2)
Anon, continued: This is literally fiction and it's not that deep. I also feel like people forget/ignore/refuse to accept that they can just ignore canon? All because the source material does something doesn't mean you have to follow it. It's not Canon or It's Erased From Existence. There's no little trophy for ""winning"". I've been around in fandom a long time and this stuff still gets on my nerves. If you aren't having a good time then leave. No one is holding you here against your will. (2/2)
I merged your posts so I could answer it in one reply.
Yes, everything you said is 100% facts. There are certainly the people out there who are a little out of touch with reality, and this is a big fandom, so we have more than our fair share. I do think that the character x reader fics have exacerbated the issue though, because I feel like I'm seeing a LOT more people citing "jealousy" as their reason for not shipping canon couples. That's all anecdotal, I haven't gone back and counted posts or anything, but I'm definitely seeing a trend.
Westerners tend to get very particular about canon and what does and does not fall into that category. But we are also huge creative contributers to the "fanon" side of things, and I think it's best that we have a balance. For instance, I don't have a lot of good things to say about the sequels (particularly TRoS), but you'll never catch me saying, "that's not canon because George Lucas didn't write it" or because "I didn't like what was written". If I find something I don't like and I feel strongly enough about it, I'll write my own content.
In regards to ships, I think it just projects insecurity to go into the ship tags just to drag a ship. Maybe go generate discourse, like "which ship do you prefer and why?" We have polls now, so that's great. But for someone to take an ask like the one you just gave me, and then use it to list all the reasons you don't like the ship and finish it up by tagging the ship in question is obnoxious. Or they just drop in with a negative original post to hate on a ship. Just make an anti tag. It ain't hard.
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maschotch · 8 months
hello I've been an on-and-off CM enjoyer(?) for a decade, with Hotch being my main area of interest… I just spent literal hours going through your blog lol. tbh it was exactly the kind of CM content I desperately wanted but had trouble finding initially (jfc the sea of x reader I had to wade through) anyway I stopped watching full eps at around S5, but I'm aware of how things go for Hotch and I'm v bitter about the missed opportunities. maybe a popular opinion in the fandom, but I've always hated how the Foyet attack was glossed over for example - my disbelief when I first watched 5x02 and Hotch just... shows up to work?? why'd they bother with such a major injury if its consequences were limited to one (1) episode years later, and even then the mental trauma was 99% ignored. no mention of meds/painkillers/recovery? nothing about "your scars are gonna look just the same"?? BUT that almost pales in comparison to all the other Hotchner things you got me thinking about, like his subtle aversion to fire or autistic traits or other facets of his character/relationships that are soooo tantalizingly hinted at but not expanded upon. I don't know the whole show that well so idk how Hotch fared compared to other characters but it felt like we got crumbs, especially since he was there for 11 goddamn seasons sorry this is so long but I've never talked CM to anyone before and you've made me love Hotch even more as a character, and now I'll have to further stew in my despair over him getting zero closure
i have similar issues with the show and fandom. the show looooves to traumatize its characters and then pretend it didnt even happen the second the arc is over. i understand its the nature of an episodic show like this (and i love that style for this show! i do!) but they could MENTION how hotch has scars (especially in season 10 when theyre all comparing scars on the plane) or how he needs medication (considering thats the only reason why they found foyet in the first place). foyet was the first big arc, so i understand why they needed to get on with it and bring hotch back to work by 5x02, but i wish they’d had an extra episode in between dealing with the team’s emotions about their leader being attacked (the way we kinda see them reeling from haley’s death and the potential of hotch not returning in 5x11 (or whatever the next ep after 100 is)).
no matter who your favorite cm character is, anyone can have the same complaint of them not following through about what undergoing these kind of traumatic events would mean for the characters. it’s definitely a sore point with criminal minds. especially because the only time they do it is when they want a character to leave (like gideon, blake, and kate). it fucking sucks bc there’s so much potential
and that’s where i feel like the fandom lets me down too. there’s not a lot of talk about it—mostly it’s just self inserts and shipping. there’s hardly any good character analysis out there, but that’s why i started this blog in the first place: if it doesn’t exist, make it yourself! (i would encourage you to do the same if you still feel this way. i talk shit ab the fandom all day but i still get so much positivity despite that from people who value the characters just as much but express it differently)
sorry for getting to this ask so late! maybe you’ll come across it eventually. if you do, let me know your other thoughts on the show/fandom! if youve seen more, if youve interacted more, or if you just have more to say!
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