#jfc this scene was so cool
ghost-proof · 10 months
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maple-leifarts · 8 months
hello im obsessed with mean girls now
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I honestly thought Halloween Kills was a fine film - not great, not awful, just fine, can watch it without much issue - but I cannot fucking get over the scene where they mistake the mental patient for Michael and get him killed by scaring him so much, he throws himself out the window
like??? how in the FUCK do you EVER mistake a man who is injured and terrified of you for MICHAEL FUCKING MYERS
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succubi-tch · 1 year
Watched the first episode of the new season of demons slayer and I've decided I hate anime actually
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randomcanbian · 1 year
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these were filmed in the same week im crying 😭😭😭😭😭
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darkdragon768 · 4 months
It is yet another day where I just lost motivation for anything. Like, I just wanna go to sleep. But it's only 8 pm and school starts late tomorrow. I can't waste my evening like that.
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mixelation · 5 months
One thing that took me YEARS to figure out was why people attack Sakura for that scene where she says, "Well, I'm on a diet anyway!" and then offers Naruto her lunch.
I always thought it was because people act weird that Sakura was actively dieting at the very beginning. Like, she IS dieting. She admits she skipped dinner for her diet, and then it immediately becomes obvious that was a bad idea. We never hear her bring it up again after the bell test IIRC, so presumably either she dropped it or it never had a real impact on her.
Criticizing a twelve year girl for dieting alway seemed very weird to me, because we DO know sexism exists in-universe and people judge women by their appearances. So I would infer Sakura is getting similar messages to real world girls, which is why she diets. It's not good for her, and I don't mind fics where an adult has a reasonable conversation with her about it, but it's not a personality flaw that merits her being berated and hated. (In fact, if you think it's okay to treat a young girl choosing to diet that way, then fuck you?)
So I always thought people claiming Sakura offering her food to Nauto was bad were just attacking her for the reminder to the audience that she's on a diet. And then one day I realized:
A lot of people think she was being completely serious that she didn't care about the food due to her diet, and that was the reason she gave it to Naruto, not out of compassion or because she took Sasuke's reasoning seriously.
Which? Like? It seemed VERY obvious to me that she was just saying that to save face. "I'm on a diet!" is just an excuse she gives to maintain her image. Sakura thinks Naruto is annoying and uncool, but she doesn't hate him. She doesn't want bad things to happen to him. But she DOES want to still seem cool in front of him and Sasuke, for whatever value a twelve year old thinks is cool. So she gives him her lunch because she wants him to eat, but she yells some excuse so it doesn't sound like she's sacrificing anything for him.
That moment was Sakura actively being kind to Naruto, and learning to work with him. She's not a monster, JFC.
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people gotta stop saying sunlow is good or well written. sure, it was thought out prior to the poison jungle, and yeah, its healthy (..i think? idk its jus.. there). i like healthy relationships. theyre awesome.
just er. you, you guys realize that willow has like.. no personality, right? shes literally so bland. we, we know NOTHING about her besides ooo she killed hawthorn and ooo she has a pet. shes a blank slate who only serves as a way to introduce us to the sapwings.
she doesnt really add anything to sundew, besides like.. i dont know, making her .. kind? she atleast has someone to be herself around.. but dude jus. im not invested in willow. i literally had to quit tpj because its SO boring. willow has no traits at all and shes only around to be "sundews girlfriend". like, yeah! i love queer rep. im a gay guy myself. but its just.. so boring dude. im not asking for abusive or unhealthy relationships, i just want the characters to be seperate people aside from the relationship.
like.. fuck, you really had to make up this new character that adds practically nothing? and really, shes only used to move the story along. like, what else does she do??? sure, she kills a bad guy. moves the story along, just like i said. she doesnt add anything to the characters around here, and her only trait is that shes sundews girlfriend.
again! im happy this series has queer rep and it allows children to explore queer relationships, but acting like sunlow is the best thing to come out of arc 3 is jus.. wrong to me.
see, i think they shouldve made hazel be sundews partner. DO YOU GET MY VISION???? SHES LITERALLY THE PERFECT DRAGON FOR HER!!!!!!!! and before you say cobra lily, just gonna say it while im here, she is NOT awesome!!! sure, sundew gets along with her, but YOURE SAYING SHE NEARLY KILLED SOMEONE OVER.. INSULTING HER FAMILY???? jfc dude! and, in one scene of tdg, she talks about sundew being queen, even when sundew explicitly says she prefers hazel and that she doesnt want that role. sorry, but hazel x sundew is a perfect option to me.
2, hazel has personality. shes her own character, she has traits, and she is able to get along with sundew. its not hard to make a character with an actual personality! i can list off things off the top of my head about hazel! she loves reading to the point she strains her eyes, shes carefree, she loves to bind books together! willow is jus.. happy and sundews girlfriend. thats all she is. sure, maybe add courageous to the mix? but again shes just.. not interesting. she doesnt have any passion. shes just there.
lmao. this turned out waaayyyy longer than i expected. yeah idk i think ill get flamed for this? i know a lot of people say this for the most basic opinions but sunlow is REALLYYYY loved and err. thats exactly why im goin on anon. have a good day.
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hiro-doodlez · 11 months
LIST OF ENGLISH ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS (the random letters that people use sometimes)!! FEEL FREE TO USE AS A REF (reference) SHEET!! In alphabetical too!!
Tone indicators at the bottom!
AFK- away from keyboard
AKA- also known as
ASAP- as soon as possible
ASL- American Sign Language
B4- before
BC- because
BF- boyfriend
BFF- best friends forever
BTW- By the way
BTS- Behind the scenes/back to school / that one band
BRB- be right back
CW: content warning
Cya- see ya
DM- direct message
DW- dont worry
EZPZ- easy peasy
FB- Facebook
FW: flash warning
FAQ- frequently asked questions
FYI- for your information
GF- girl friend
GG- good game
GJ- Good job
GL- good luck
Gnite- good night
GTFO- get the fuck out
GTG- got to go
Gud- good
H8- hate
HBD- happy birthday
Hella- really
HMU- Hit me up
HW- Homework
IDK- I don't know
IDC- I don't care
IG- I guess / instagram
IK- I know
IKR- I know right
K- okay
Lmao- laughing my ass off
Kewl- cool
Kk- okay
Lol- laugh out loud
ILY- I love you
ILYSM- I love you so much
IMO- in my opinion
IRL- in real life
IYKYK- if you know you know
JFC- Jesus fucking chrkst
Jk- just kidding
L8R- later
LMAO- laughing my ass off
LMK-let me know
LOL- laughing out loud
Mkay- mm okay
NE- Any
NE1- anyone
NGL- not gonna lie
NM- Nothing much
NP: no problem
NSFW- not safe for work
NVM- nevermind
NW- no worries
Obv- obviously
OFC- of course
OMW- on my way
OP- original post(er)
OTP- one true pairing
Ova- over
Pic- picture
POV: point of view
Ppl- people
Prolly- probably
QOTD- quote of the day
R- are
RB- reblog
Ref- reference
Rly- really
RN- right now
RP- role play
RPG-role playing game
RT- retweet
Sec- second
SH- self harm
SMH- shaking my head
SMP- survival multiplayer server (Minecraft) / social media platform (?)
S.O- significant other
Sui- suicide
Sus- suspicious
STFU- shut the fuck up
T- testosterone
TBA- to be announced
TBF- to be fair
TBH- to be honest
TF- the fuck
Thnks- thanks
Thx- thanks
TLDR- too long didn't read (usually a summary)
TMRW- tomorrow
TOS- terms of service
TTYL-talk to you later
TW: trigger warning
Vid- video
WTF- what the fuck
WYD- what are you doing?
YOLO- You only live once
YT- YouTube
YW- you're welcome
If the one youre looking for isnt here, either i forgot or its a fandom! Id suggest looking it up if youre confused!
Extra note: if you see 8 in one of the acronyms, then it usually is used as an “ate” sound. So h8= ate, gr8= great ect.
/aff- affectionate
/c- copypasta
/cb- clickbait (?)
/f- fake
/gen- genuine
/genq- genuine question
/half joking
/ij- inside joke
/j- joking
/lyr- lyrics
/lh- light hearted
/lu- little upset
/neg- negative
/nf- not forced
/nm- not mad
/npa- not passive aggresive
/nsrs- not serious
/p- platonic
/pa- passive aggresive
/pos- positive
/q- quote
/r- romantic
/s- sarcastic
/srs- serious
/t- teasing
/th- threat
I HOPE THIS HELPS!! and if i forgot to add one feel free to send an ask ^^
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genericpuff · 1 year
About the gynecologist scene... this is unrelated but it really bothers me how Perse's hair stays short, it would be cool if her hair had grown after waking up, ya know, to show her distress? Pretty sure the only times her hair grows is the first chapters, the aftermath of Persephone's SA and after she confronted Apollo, her hair growing feels like an excuse so RS can show her in any hair style she wants to, being either short or long
Just a nitpick of mine but it really bothers me
Persephone's hair is really inconsistent in the series because it started as a great visual device to show her going through times of stress:
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(that last panel is really fucking hilarious out of context btw, like damn Hades put your blue sausage fingers away, what you doing-)
There's also been some really great visual imagery depicting the growth of her hair during moments where her emotions are overwhelming her.
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But then Rachel went and confirmed Persephone can just grow it whenever.
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Which kinda muddies the point of it being used as a visual indicator for her emotions IMO. Like you can still have both if it's a sign of her powers becoming out of control but it's just never consistent so we have scenes where her hair SHOULD grow out (by the logic that it grows out under stress) and it just doesn't. It really seems like Rachel forgot about it entirely in Episode 98-
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-but then she remembers it just in time for Episode 99.
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(literally look at that stylization inconsistency, you can tell that scene in Ep 98 was drawn by entirely different people in Ep 99, jfc. Where did her wrath go?? She went from being legitimately pissed to being uwu boo-hoo sad with IG filters and a doe-eyed fish lip look).
And so you don't know if it's just her controlling her emotions so well that her hair isn't growing (if she can do it on command) or if it's just Rachel forgetting that she established that Persephone's hair changes length based on her emotions. It never seems to follow the same rules from week to week.
And there's definitely something to be said about how short-haired Persephone has become more and more like Rachel over the years. Like, she's always mildly resembled Rachel, but now she REALLY looks like Rachel to the point that she doesn't even look like the Persephone we've become so familiar with anymore, she's just a pink name swap version of 37 year old Rachel.
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ripplestitchskein · 2 months
Sorry for yet another, “Listen guys, it could be so much worse, my fandom related trauma has made me appreciate scraps. My personal bar is literally on the floor” posts but I am genuinely happy with the MHA ending. I get why people are not though. Audiences want finality. They want commitment. They want closure and resolution.
But considering the genre of MHA, the common tropes of the medium, the cultural and capitalistic concerns at play… MHA did a lot. Shonen Jump was never going to go for a canonically queer ship in their biggest property my guys, they just weren’t. So bearing that in mind, that it was never going to be explicit, your alternatives are ambiguity, punishment by the narrative via permanent character death, or canon surprise heterosexuality ala Naruto.
I’m gonna take ambiguous “fic can make this better” endings over permanent character death or like a Deathly Hallows epilogue any day. I’m certainly going to take it over “Yeah they were hella gay the whole time but here is the wife they barely had any interaction with and their 2.5 children that prove they fucked at least once.” Like yeah obviously explicit canon scenes are always gonna be better and more satisfying but the absence of them in any one direction, the ambiguity that is left to individual interpretation, especially in this genre of manga, is honestly a huge win for me personally. That HK went out of his way to not canonize Izuku/Ochako and to highlight Bakugou’s contribution especially and have him be the hand that brings Deku back to being a hero speaks very loudly. HK is not unaware of the popularity of the ship and a creator who has thier hands tied by thier distributor making the decision to not explicitly kill it IS a win. He could have very easily done the “I assure you this fruity little gremlin is straight. Look at his girlfriend! She has huge tits! Yes he sure does love women! Yessiree, ignore all the homoerotic subtext and the like yearning and weird focus on hands, and like being willing to literally die for his also very straight counterpart.”
The move when a content distributor wants to squash a ship is doubling down not “What if we left it kinda vague but heavily implied it?”
And it is such a good ambiguity. Enough detail to world build but not to preclude headcanons. And the fic possibilities jfc.
Like, the angst potential of Izuku thinking he got left behind because Bakugou and everyone else was working to make his dreams a reality will launch a thousand fics. Bakugou working tirelessly to make that dream a reality? Keeping himself away from Izuku to raise himself in the ranks and financially to buy this dream, no distractions but missing his partner. You can feast for years on an 8 year jump with patchy communication. and what comes after, the awkward relearning each other and catching up, the will they won’t they now that they are working together again. Omg.
I’m just saying the “And everyone did a cool thing related to their character arcs but the specifics of their interpersonal relationships is up to you to fill in, The End” finale is loads better than the alternatives imo and really suited the story overall.
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ladzwriting · 2 months
incomplete thoughts about episodes 2 through 6 of House of the Dragon season 2
episode 2!! the acting in this yelling scene after the murder is so fucking good
Otto looks like "the consequences of several poor decisions will now play out in sequence"
Rhaenyra is like, "wow, everyone was right about my unhinged uncle husband, i should've listened" (babe, your husband is a sliding door, no hinges)
Criston and Alicent match each other's freak (Catholic guilt)
oh is this season going to be the season of mommy kink?? i think this season is going to be the season of mommy kink
Otto "I have made so many mistakes" Hightower: to get fired from a job once is unfortunate, but getting fired from the same position a generation later is quite silly
(no, but seriously what is this man up to? he fucked off from King's Landing and has not been heard from again)
Otto Hightower is the most done man, he is so finished with everyone's bullshit
Mysaria!!!!!! I love her
Alicent "the consequences of several mistakes will now play out in sequence" Hightower
Simon Strong has no desire to throw arms against Daemon, and TO BE FAIR, valid
i got nothing, i just like all the women and the diversity of responsibility bestowed upon them
the peas and poison exchange is good comedy
oh I love Daemon haunted house hours
NEW GIRLFRIEND?!?! (Alys Rivers)
sorry Rhaenyra, you can't yuri your way out of this one
"do you think me capable of such naked deceit?" no, Alicent, but this isn't the first time you've misread a situation
Daemon is too busy being psychologically tortured to send ravens
lamprey pie?!? even Larys is like, "babe, I know you're lying"
Daemon, please don't drink the strange draught from the woman who just told you she's a barn owl...never mind
I think Criston has been dethroned as stupidest man, that award goes to Gwayne now
Vhagar is just a kitten the size of a building
"whose dragon is that??" G W A Y N E JFC
OH DRAGON BLOOD IS HOT?? this fight choreography is so rad
brain is going full "hell yeah monster fight, let's go monsters"
honestly, I'd probably defect if I saw multiple dragons falling out of the goddamn sky, like that should NOT be happening, fuck this entire thing
also no one should be surviving these dragon fire fights, that's too much heat, as fucking metal as they are
hey cole, how are you going to explain that one to your liege? (nice touch having him be really fucked up by what he saw on the battlefield)
yeah, I'm with the smallfolk on this one, fuck that, dragons should NOT be decapitated like that
that canNOT be good for anyone involved
Daemon: "show them your worst"
this is going to go SO WELL (it goes as expected)
Aemond is trying so hard not to volunteer himself for regent, bless him
the currency of orgasms has no place at this council table, much to Alicent's chagrin and disadvantage
"the smallfolk will notice the king's absence"
uh…sure big if true :]
"our fear lies in Vhagar" I DO NOT BLAME THEM
oh my god, they are just straight up eating on a door
idk if they (Daemon and Rhaenyra) are going to finish that last conversation 🥴🥴
I'm so curious what that character returning means for like…anything
I will also point out, it's been like 3 episodes since we heard about the triarchy and that's good, that's when the writing works
the writing works when they're not pretending there's this grand external threat that isn't the madness and ambition within
also it's really cool how most of what's depicted in the opening embroidery has come to pass, I like touches like that
I'm going to lose my marbles if it comes down to Caraxes and Vhagar
Alicent earns the restraint MVP award, wow
I was wondering how Daemon chose to remember Viserys, and that's definitely it
Daemon has gone full gothic heroine, full babygirlification
is Alys free on Thursday when I'm free on Thursday so we can hang out when we are both free on Thursday
this liturgical fete for being acknowledged by a dragon is such good worldbuilding
oh this dragon thing is definitely going to go in the same way that like, some kitty tummies are a fucking trap
"do you take me for a fool?" Aemond, Larys is taking you for a teenager (I typed Varys initially, and man, I miss him)
omg the baby dragons 🥺🥺🥺
I want to go aboard a ship called the Gay Abandon
Rhaenyra deserves to strike whoever she wants tbh
oh I LIKE THIS A LOT (not the part I know is coming, the bit with the provision boats)
whispering who the fuck is Daeron
ok but wouldn't it have been safer to stay in the high sept during the riot???
Rhaenyra, you can become a man if you want to!!
omg of course she goes in for a hug first, USELESS
idk if this is the yuri that will fix Rhaenyra but I'm glad this is the yuri explicit :] :]
I think the thing that keep nagging me about Jacerys Valeryon is that he looks like a thrifted Timothee Chalamet in Dune
all right, onto tomorrow!!
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bisexualfemalemess · 3 months
I needed to make a part two 🫣 Anyway that hand kiss was so cute was it not? *threatening stare if you dare to say otherwise* HAHHA He really hates portia so bad. AWWWWW him saying that he wants to see Cressida watch penelope in her triumph, he’s truly such a wife guy. LADY DANBURY IS A SHIPPER AND PENELOPE SUPPORTER MUCH LIKE VIOLET. MY LORD THAT GIRL IS TRULY SO LOVED. Agatha seems to have clocked violet’s and marcus’ tea. ELOISE I GET YOU BABY GIRL BUT PLEASE THE ULTIMATUM WAS SO UNNECESSARY. At least wait till the morning, my god. Now she’s gonna panic at her own engagement ball, my poor baby pen ;(aww not killmartin being so nervous that poor man. Violet hates portia so bad, it’s so funny how not one of the bridgertons likes anyone from that family other than my babygirl pen. Ooh toast time. Aww that speech was so cute 🥹🥹🥹🥹 the callback to their first meeting. Poor baby pen already looks so guilty and then eloise decides to swoop in with her fucking shady speech like girl i really do love you and get where you’re coming from but once again i ask you to read the fucking room because there’s a time and place for that shit and it’s not at her engagement ball to your fucking brother. Violet’s a queen for forcing her to save that speech and once again portia needs to leave her ulterior motives at the fucking door. Penelope really is not used to love from her mother she looks so uncomfortable when portia says shes proud like “ha. Yeah. Totally.” Kate saving the engagement ball or pregnant queen truly is working overtime this season. I just now this charades scene is gonna be chaotic asf and i’m here for it because we all know how competitive this bunch is from last season. Kate and Penelope are gonna be the cutest sister-in-laws i just know they’re gonna form an alliance in support of the loser malewife husbands. Anthony’s so fucking competitive and i commend kate for keeping her cool because the way she closed her eyes truly showed how tired she was of that man lmao. Man i can’t handle pen and eloise’s awkwardness just give me my besties back jfc like they’re so in sync, continuously getting each other’s words. ELOISE GUESSING FRIENDSHIP IN THAT TONE LIKE BITCH DONT GIVE HER THAT ATTITUDE AND JUST MAKE UP???? THAT BITCH LOOK SHE GAVE PENELOPE??? seriously they’re dragging this storyline out i need them back so soon. Creloise fighting :( how sad, oh, well, maybe peneloise can come back now. Kate is so welcoming to john she’s so queen. AWWW JOHN AND FRANCESCA ARE SO FUCKING CUTE. Not colin mentioning lady whistledown and everyone laughing put some respect on the queen’s name jfc she’s right next you. “Certainly any hope of marriage” AND THEN PENELOPE TURNS TO HIM LIKE STOP IT RN My baby’s having a full blown panic attack ;( Aww kanthony wanting to tell people they’re expecting a cute little scene for my kanthony heart 🥺🥺🥺 Not penelope having an actual full blown panic attack in colin’s study while everyone’s talking about whistledown in the next room. And colin following her but deciding not to bother her ;( like baby ‘tis not you she’s just going through something rn. It’s so eating away at her. My babies, colin’s so worried she doesn’t want to marry him when in fact she’s worried that everything’s gonna come crashing down at midnight. Not penelope literally being unable to breathe yet everyone else is still happily wrapped up in the party??? Like that girl is full on crumbling in her fiancé’s arms and you’re telling me no one’s noticed? Like i wanna be happy about kanthony telling the moms about the grandchild (i am who are we kidding) but penelope’s currently fighting for her life trying to not crumble. CRESSIDA FUCK OFF NOT THE KANTHONY COCK-BLOCK AND PENELOPE FAINTING MY POOR BABY. Now everyone’s crowding her. Truly so loved that girl
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lady-margaret · 4 months
bridgerton season 3 episode 3 screaming thoughts (unedited)
this was marked mature for some reason so im reposting 🙃
this is a dream isnt it
okay not a good idea to watch this full volume without any headphones in a dorm building with relatively thin walls
bridgerton sibs dreaming about their future spouses lol ("anthony's night and day i dream of you" counts)
^ speaking of that i miss daphne
love seeing the bedrooms more and more
hyacinth is rly gorg
why are the bridgertons so dumb and bad at
NOT acting suspicious "i slept so well... not even a dream" BUT WTF ARE U TALKING ABOUT WHAHDJSHDJSB
bridgerton blue is so pretty
COLIN STOP ACTING SUS he really is related to anthony and daphne jfc this FAMILY
OH hot air balloon thingy ive been hearing about
lady danbury and the queen: and iconic duo as always
o lord the featherington sisters are insane BWHAHAHAHHAH
no dont go in there thats not a good ideaaa
wait theyre cute; theyre the cute couple, kathonys the steamy passionate couple, idk what to label daphne and simon
lord debling is so interesting i actually really like him so far
i love penelope in bridgerton blue
i love the subtle hints of book canon
franny's SO PRETTY how are all the bridgertons so pretty
a-holes, the lot of them also when am i gonna see more kate and anthony im starved
alice is so pretty
LOL colin YES!!! we want penelope to find a husband
BENEDICT PLSSSSSSSSSSSS i love him... im so excited for him to fall in love with sophie
"he's dead" HELP
okay debling is cool but a lil bit intense for me
“oh i would not tell him that"
cressida gaslighting herself to like lord debling Imao
the featherington sisters are hilarious; its really cute how they actually seem to like their husbands
hyacinth and gregory are becoming real faves for me
this is coling following pen around: 🐕
COLIN CALM URSELF o god hes down bad
u kno what i feel like cressida may end up with debling since colin will obviously end up with pen
colin ur so hot we all kno ur not looking at that damn balloon
where the hell are anthony and kate
HELP BENEDICTTTTTTT ur so cute poookie
eloise 😭😭😭😭😭😭
its giving same vibes as serpentine boat scene from szn 2 for some reason
colin ur so hot colin ur so hot
lol violet ur garden will soon be watered
are anthony and kate seriously on a honeymoon again WHERE ARE THEY
cressida and penelope vying for debling's attention is kinda entertaining
FRANNY RUN pls look for a scottish earl named john stirling ! he will make u happy while he is able to do so and he has a wonderful family! he has a cousin named michael who is great 😌
kate where are u
i feel like benedict and his new paramour (okay her name is tilly) is gonna be a diff version of anthony and sienna in the way that it will kickstart his season (BECAUSE S4 IS GONNA BE BEN'S PLS)
debling is so wholesome OH GOD
dw cressida he could still b urs
AY ANTHONY MENTIONED now bring him out
АНННН MAMA VIOLET KNOW i just know she loves pen sm
o god colin colin calm yourself ur in a room FULL OF PEOPLE STOP IT colin colin calm down
OH HAPPIER THAN EVER ???????? ouch
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kedreeva · 2 years
#wow now i hate nancy even more like what an overly critical bitch#it's not even bad jfc#wtf was her point other than stomping down on steve and constantly saying how stupid he is#god i hate that cheating bitch who thinks she's so much better and smarter than everyone#stranger things (via @captaincoffeegirl515)
So I get you're mad, but also, this isn't cool. Hating on characters in tags of posts that you didn't make isn't cool. Hating on Nancy isn't cool, either. Fandom isn't and shouldn't be about hate. If fandom is making you angry enough to spew vitriol like this, you may need to step back and take a breather.
If you actually watch the scene this is about, she isn't calling Steve stupid. She doesn't make fun of him, she doesn't even tell him it's bad. He assumes, from her face as she reads, that she thinks it's bad, that she thinks he's bad at writing. Even if he was (which that essay argues he isn't, and I don't think he is), and even if she did (which I don't think she does), she does not say so. In fact she's only encouraging wrt to the paper itself.
Before Nancy even says anything at all, Steve says "It's crap, I know" and Nancy's immediate reaction is to say "No, it's not crap!" Steve then insists "It's not good," and Nancy's response is an affectionate smile and "It's going to be! It just needs some reorganizing." She's not even talking about editing the writing itself or the concepts! She gently asks if she can mark on his paper - respecting that he might not want her to help that directly even after he's clearly asked her to look at it, which is loads better than some commenters I've seen on AO3 these days - and he agrees.
And the thing is? She's being kind about the editing she does do! Literally the first thing she does is tell him she sees the metaphor he's using (acknowledging that she knows he understands metaphor enough to create his own from scratch) and tells him it's a great metaphor. When she does point out something that needs addressing, she doesn't tell him "you did this wrong" she tells him "I don't see how they're connected." Do you know what that is? That's straight up gentle help. That's "you have connected these, I am not saying they are not connected, I am just saying I don't see the connection." I don't do a lot of editing but I've had a lot of editing done at me, and this language is so kind. It does not invalidate the thing the writer is trying to do, it just tells them that if they want to make that point, they have to elaborate to make it clearer to people who aren't inside their head with them. That's a perfectly valid critique and she is giving it to him very softly.
He then explains the point and she turns back to the paper to start rereading when he interrupts to ask if he should start from scratch and she immediately tells him no. She asks about the deadline, he tells her it's tomorrow (for early acceptance, which means Steve is trying to get this in early but also that he's waited until the last second for that), and then he asks if she can come over and help him with it (which a) is him forgetting they already have plans and b) is asking her to give up her plans to do work with him on short notice when he probably had time before this he could have asked. I say this to make it clear that her reaction isn't out of the blue or unjustified).
Nancy, who is still torn up over her best friend being brutally murdered on her watch while she was right there after brushing Barb off, and who still feels horribly guilty about having to lie to Barb's parents about it all, says no, remember they have dinner with Barb's parents that they already bailed on last week- ie, Nancy doesn't want to brush off Barb's parents again when brushing off Barb is what got Barb killed. She even tells Steve "You don't have to go" and suggests he work on the paper instead, giving him an easy out. And he grabs the paper and crumples it and does the thing that raises my hackles saying what's the point and acting like trying won't matter and he may as well give up on it because it wasn't instantly perfect the first time.
The point of contention in this scene is NOT that Nancy is telling him he's stupid, it's NOT that she thinks his paper is crap. The point of contention is that Steve desperately wants life to move forward away from the terrible thing that happened to them, and Nancy cannot walk away from the past that left her so damaged. He wants to focus on a paper to get him into a college (I like to think it's the one she wants to go to, so they can stay together, but that's just a theory), and she wants to go wallow in a sad dinner with the grieving parents of her dead best friend. That is the argument. It has nothing to do with his paper except that the paper is a device to show he's trying to move forward and the dinner is showing that she's stuck in the past.
This also isn't Nancy thinking she's better or smarter than anyone. This is Steve being faced with having to care about schoolwork because for maybe the first time in his life the result of his written work matters to him and he's very easily frustrated by not being immediately successful, and Nancy being so wrecked by the trauma she went through that she's barely keeping her own head above water, such that she cannot help him the way he needs despite wanting to. This isn't anyone treating anyone badly out of malice or being a bad person; this is incompatibility rearing its head and getting ready to bare its teeth. This is their trauma responses butting heads. This is the first whisper of how much they don't and can't fit right now. It is the first sign that they aren't going to stay together.
I don't doubt that they love each other. It's not even a question to me. But despite the idea sold to so many people in story and song, love isn't enough. It can't be the only thing. You can love someone to the moon and back but if you don't fit, you don't fit- and trying to carve yourself into the right shape will do far more harm than good. And that's what we'll see them realize, later, and that's why they split apart. Not malice, not meanness, not even apathy. They care so much in opposite directions that they're liable to tear each other apart trying to stay together, and instead of forcing it to break them the way he did in season 1, Steve will end up letting go this time. And personally, I think that's an awesome display of character growth.
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Liveblogging queen of the damned (2002), part 1
(disclaimer: I am still reading the IWTV book, so some canon things might be lost on me or misinterpreted. I'm just doing this for the shits and giggles)
The statue effect is cool I guess
So Lestat went to sleep because he was feeling depressed, woke up and decided metal was cool
Honestly the soundtrack is cool
This dude isn't Lestat at all, sorry. Takes bronze medal on the podium next to Cruise.
Oh god the acting of that band......
"Come out come out wherever you are" the cringe oh no I'm dying of the cringe
Guy lives in a house with a fireplace as big as a car
Random girl unbuttoning his trousers: "Don't you want to have some fun" girls he gay for LDPDL, keep your hands off
Why is everyone crawling on the floor now why are there random animals pelts thrown around WHAT IS THIS HOUSE it looks like what I did in the Sims at 15
RIP girls, he just had to kill you by dropping from the ceiling like a spider (good idea if it weren't for the ass CGI)
This girl Jesse has the creepiest collection of dolls I saw in my life
The Talamasca!!!! Oh Jesse creepy doll girl is with them, okay
Oh wow they just lifted people straight from the Watcher Council of Buffy for this huh
Why is there a skeleton with a huge mohawk in the leader of the Talamasca's office
Marius mention
What do you mean he made Lestat? What why how what
Why is Lestat keeping a journal of all people
"I am unknowable by nature but you can call me Marius" the cringe it hurts
Why are you all moving in slow motion
"You will help me understand these times" Armand mention?
Fellas is it homoerotic to straddle a man you just attacked, shove his arm in his mouth and then moan "No more"? Yes, it is, especially if thunder rumbles every time you say it in dramatic fashion
Marius is so fruity, oh my god. Where is the man I am supposed to want to strangle with my bare hands "Don't take the last drop Lestat, otherwise you will die :)"
Funky little violin scene
"Lestat, stop her, you must!" He says, with the urgency of a sloth
"We still have some lingering emotions :(" Marius you are thousands of years old. Marius jfc
How did you even manage to throw the violin thing that far without realising. Oh look a funky secret passage
Okay so Akasha and Enkil are randomly under Marius's house? Okay
Yeah so I know Lestat is crazy but I thought talking and wanting to play for statues was outside that range of behaviours. Guess not. But maybe he was compelled to
Eyy "I have the blood of Akasha in me" *gif of Leo di Caprio snapping at the tv*
Girl you are a Talamasca agent going into a vampire den why would you be scared there are vampires feeding
The CGI oh my god what is this fight scene
"For what do I yearn, Jesse" save me 14 year old me would have ate this up. 25 year old me is just going to crawl in the earth and die
Part 2 coming soon
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