#jhope enemies to lovers
pascaloverx ยท 9 months
chapter one
Summary: You and Yoongi are having an affair. No, you are not being his lover. But the world is not ready to know that an idol is dating someone. So you two were doing your best to make sure no one found out. Until he breaks up with you. His mistake.
Author's note: This fanfic will contain inappropriate language and intimate moments between some characters. Be warned. I will let you know if anything becomes inappropriate. Please enjoy this Yoongi fanfic.
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"You're in denial, you could just say you didn't want me anymore. But you prefer to pretend that..." You throw his favorite book out the window like it means nothing. 'Cause now it doesn't mean.
"You can't blame me, our romance should have ended a long time ago. But you and I..." Yoongi seems almost too serious saying this. Do you mean nothing to him?
"You and me what?" You respond from the balcony of your apartment. Luckily your neighbors aren't too curious to know why you're yelling at your ex-lover.
"You know I can't shout that here, some fans might be here." Poor little thing, at that moment you wonder where the brave man is who asked you to embark on this relationship even though you knew your worlds would never be the same.
"I thought the whole point of paying a lot of money to live in an apartment far from the big city and known for its discretion would be being able to yell at you at two in the morning." You don't care if he thinks he's going to leave you without anything more or less, and that you're going to come out of this situation smiling, he should have found someone else to have sex with.
"If you would let me come up, we could talk like adults." He speaks subtly with an impressive poker face. If he stops being a musician, perhaps he could try a career as an actor or a gambler.
"Like adults? I'll be waiting for the other adult to arrive." You say throwing some clothes that are in your apartment that belong to him.
"Like you're being mature about all this. Damn!" One of his belongings ends up breaking near his feet. In fright he lets out several swear words, you luckily end up laughing.
"You break up with me over the phone and I have to be mature. I gave up part of my freedom to be yours. And look what I get in return." Anger took over you initially but now all you can do is try to keep from crying.
"Y/N. Let me in, so we can talk. I can see you almost crying from here." You smile lightly as you feel tears fall down your cheek. What a humiliation.
"If you cared about me you would have had the decency to say that you wanted to finish it the last time you were here." His cowardice can only be explained by his fear of having to do this in person.
"I couldn't. I didn't..." That was exactly what was left of the two of you. An awkward silence and resentment.
"Do you know how frustrating it is not being able to curse your name or tell someone you broke my heart?" You say that sobbing. What a tragedy it is that has made you sentimental now.
"Just because we don't work anymore doesn't mean I don't love you." You look at him and for a moment you feel more sorry for him than for yourself.
"If this is how you love someone. I'm sorry to inform you that you don't know love." Ironically it makes you smile. Maybe this is all his fault, not yours.
"Love..." It's very painful to see the man you've been involved with for the last year, call you that and not be able to respond.
"I'll send the rest of your things to the company. Don't worry, I won't expose you any more than I already have. Now get out of here, you and your fake love." Using one of his songs as the grand finale was a majestic act. Crying yourself to sleep, unfortunately, is not so majestic.
Two Months Later...
"You were the only person I thought would understand my situation. Try not to judge me but I need an opinion." You say looking Namjoon in the eyes. You got really close to him during your secret relationship with Yoongi.
"Is it too big a secret?" He asks entering his new home. A home where you swore you would start over.
"You tell me..." You say, opening your coat and revealing your stomach.
"Did you call me here because you gained weight after the breakup or do you have worms?" Namjoon asks and you smile nervously. Until you shake your head denying.
"Let's say the weight gain is due to something prior to the breakup..." You try not to say the word. Maybe the situation will go away if you don't name it.
"You are pregnant?" He named his current situation. Now it means it's really happening.
"Surprise!" You say trying to liven up the situation but you know you're fucked. Namjoon seems really surprised. As soon as he assimilates the information, he hugs you. You knew you could lean on the friendship you two have.
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azucarmorena97 ยท 10 months
Money Ties (Jungkook Love Story || Pt.3)
Pt.2 || Pt.4
Your parents have worked hard to get to the top and have made sure to teach you everything you need to know to be successful in this business: from tough but lucrative financial decisions, down to the right ball gown for any given banquet. A promising and extravagant future awaits you- that is, if you agree to one teensy detail...
Son of Mr.Jeon Sr. and heir to June Company, Jeon Jungkook is an immature playboy with nothing to offer a woman but good looks and a crap ton of money, and he stands to inherit much MUCH more, so long as you both enter into the arranged marriage contract that was drawn up before the pair of you were even born.
You're more than willing to try, but you're not sure you'll be able to stand each other long enough to inherit a single penny...
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Series Warnings: There will be smut in the near future and I will label those chapters as such. As I say before most of my pieces- I do not endorse any themes, ideas, or behaviors in this series. This is all purely fiction/fantasy! Feel free to inbox me suggestions/ideas/what you'd like to see in this series and I'll see what I can do! Enjoy <3
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Recap: "I hope you know you didn't ruin anything. My husband and I feel very strongly, even more so now, that you're the perfect fit fr our family." Your heartbeat picks up in your chest; you were sure you blew your chance to bits, but here she is, offering it all on a silver platter for you.
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On your way back to your suite, you try calling your dad three different times, and each time the calls go straight to voicemail. For the most part, you've gotten used to getting his voicemail and can even recite it word for word- but right now, him being here for you is crucial. Even though your mom couldn't make the time to actually be here, at least she shows she cares, even if it is through blowing up your phone every hour; at least it's something. She even helped pick out the gifts for the Jeons: gold cuff links for Mr.Jeon, a lovely pair of jade earrings for Mrs.Jeon, and a silver chain with a medallion fo Jungkook. All your life, your dad said he couldn't wait to be there for when you would finally sign the agreement that they'd spent years tailoring and planning, only to cancel last minute because of work. Well, if he wants to leave you out in the cold to figure this out by yourself, then you're gonna do it your way.
Once inside the suite, you peel off the pretty little outfit you'd carefully put together for tea and toss it onto the bed, switching into a pair of baggy sweats and an oversized sweater, and the warmest socks you packed. You're finally going to dive into the manila envelope. You plop yourself into bed and take out everything, ignoring the initial feeling of being overwhelmed at the sight of the busy papers, looking past the legal jargon to find the bare bones of it all. In a matter of twenty minutes, you're completely locked in; you highlight, circle, annotate, even cross out some parts. You slowly realize how little your parents are settling for in this "partnership", as your dad likes to call it. According to this contract, their precious daughter is only worth 15% of the 'Jeon Empire', while Jeon Jungkook will be the majority owner of June Company, including hotels, restaurants, as well as owning shares in your parents' company and other smaller endeavors. Well, that just won't do. If you're going to be committing yourself to a marriage, it's for the long haul. All of your adolescent and teenage years were spent avoiding boys like the plague for fear of getting too attached and ruining your parents' dream for your life. Even your college years have been all about work and climbing up the ladder to get to this point- 15% is horse shit.
After three agonizingly long hours, the contract looks like a Frankensteined version of itself; torn apart and put back together. You hold it up in triumph- you almost want to take a picture just for the memories. "Proud of you," B/f/n says through a loud yawn. You had to call her about an hour in for moral support. "No, don't be tired. You can't be tired. It's still early!" "Hun, it's 3AM here." "Oh right..." You sigh, stuffing the contract back in the envelope, "I forgot about the time difference... ugh, I'm just so bored here. I have nothing to do." "Girl, you're at a whole luxurious hotel, all expenses paid- if I were you, I'd be doing a spa day, visiting the restaurants, drinking up all their liquor- you just don't like being alone." You roll your eyes. She's right, of course, but you're not gonna give her any validation. "I guess I'll just try to get some sleep...I have a big day tomorrow." "What time are you meeting them?" "We're meeting for brunch at 11." "First it was 'high tea' and now Brunch," She echoes with a sleepy smile, "How classy." You roll your eyes, "Good night, B/f/n," You laugh. She waves lazily and then you hang up the phone. "Well, since this is an all expenses paid hotel..." You bite your lip and look over at the door, "...I'm gonna go use their copier."
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AT 6AM, your alarm goes off scaring you violently awake. It had taken you hours to finally fall asleep in the first place. You'd tried to close your eyes after your face time, but ended up tossing and turning until 2AM. This jet lag is something else. Or maybe it was stress for today; I mean, you are preparing to sign a contract to marry a man you hardly know (and also kinda hate), which was essentially created when you weren't even a thought in your parents' mind yet, which will, in turn, lead to lifelong stability for you and your family as well as further growth for your family's businesses so everything is kind of on your shoulders and will all fall apart if you don't do your respective part- oh God, you might have a panic attack and you haven't even gotten out of bed yet.
You speed through your morning routine so that you can look over your edits again, though as soon as you sit down, your phone begins to buzz with all your incoming notifications. You scroll through, ignoring some texts, answering a few emails- and then you come across one from your dad from an hour ago. You take a sip of your coffee as you open up the message and, when you do, you almost spit the coffee out against the pretty clean white hotel wall. Staring at you is the "finalized contract" (or so it's entitled) that your dad made 'edits' on for you to print out and sign. You look over the entire thing and with every sentence you read, you feel the anger rising in you. The "edits" he made didn't even make the deal that much better for you, not to mention, how can your dad flake on you in regards to coming on this trip, ignore your calls and texts, but still have the nerve to send me this shitty contract at the asscrack of dawn on the DAY OF the supposed signing? Fuck that. You're gonna send them your draft and your parents can cry about it. You're done doing things their way. You open up your laptop and quickly go to your saved files, opening up YOUR finalized version that you'd scanned and re-typed. You cue it up in a message and type in Mr. and Mrs.Jeon's email addresses, along with their lawyer's email. For a moment, you hesitate, letting the mouse hover over the 'send' button, but then you count how many times your parents have made you feel completely alone in just the duration of this trip, plus every time you've had to make yourself small for others to be big- "Fuck it." You hit send and then close your laptop to put your outfit together for brunch.
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Brunch is held on the balcony at their hotel restaurant, Juniper. The vibe is definitely upper class, and you see it's bustling with guests. "Hello, Miss; will you be dining alone?" The hostess asks. You shake your head, "No, actually- I'm with the Jeon party." Her eyes widen for a second before she bows, "Oh yes, Ms.L/n, allow me to show you to your table. You smile and bow in return, feeling slightly embarrassed that she clearly felt the urge to kiss your ass a little extra just for being associated with the Jeons. She leads you around the corner to a wall of windows, much like the ones on the roof top when you'd gone for tea. As she opens the double doors, you see Mr. and Mrs.Jeon sat at a table straight ahead, Jungkook's back facing you. Your heart starts beating rapidly in your chest; it's happening. This is it. The entire ride here, you were psyching yourself up saying you'd be confident and strong and that if they didn't like the changes you'd made to the contract, they could kiss your ass- but right now, you feel your legs might turn to Jello. "Y/n!" Mrs.Jeon calls out excitedly, getting out of her seat and running over to you. Mr.Jeon and Jungkook look over in your direction; one giving you a big smile and the other...with a rather unreadable expression on his face. You smile and bow, "Good morning everyone." She politely dismisses the hostess and guides you to the table, where Mr.Jeon and Jungkook are standing to greet you. "Annyeonghasimnikka," You bow again. "So polite, isn't she Jungkook?" Mr.Jeon says, lightly hitting Jungkook's shoulder. You bow slightly, "Hello, Jungkook." He nods, "Hey." "Please, sit," Mrs.Jeon says. You immediately notice that Mr.Jeon is wearing the cuff links you'd gotten him, and Mrs.Jeon is wearing the earrings; Jungkook seemed to be the only one not wearing his gift. Figures. "We haven't ordered just yet so you have some time to think about what you want." "Oh that's okay, I'll take whatever you recommend." "Oh, I love that. I'm getting you my favorite- the praline french toast is so good paired with the fritata and...the eggs benedict with salmong." "Sounds good," You laugh, finding it endearing how excited she is. You wonder if she ever chews Jungkook out like your mom does to you You spend most of the time talking to Mr. and Mrs.Jeon; basic chit chat about life, how the food was, and other pleasantries- until Mr.Jeon receives a call and excuses himself from the table for a moment. Then, Mrs.Jeon says she wants to check in with the chef about something really quickly, leaving you and Jungkook at the table alone. You take a sip on your mimosa and then turn to him, "How are you, Jungkook?" He straightens up a bit and clears his throat, "I'm fine. How about yourself?" "I'm good...I- I'm hopeful that today's meeting goes well." He nods slowly, seeming deeply pensive about what you've said, "Well, it should be quite lucrative for you if it does." His tone is almost bitter-sounding. You furrow your brows, not liking how he's making it seem that you'd be the only one benefiting. "Well, according to the contract, it should be quite beneficial for the both of us, wouldn't you say?" "Oh, please. What are pennies to bills," He scoffs. "I mean, considering you can't even get a penny of mommy and daddy's money unless you get married, I'd say we're in the same boat," You lean back, deciding you're done with the niceties. He wants to be a jerk? Two can play. He glares at you, knowing you're right but, of course, refusing to admit it. "Don't you ever get tired?" "Of what?" He asks, face scrunching in annoyance. "Of the stick up your ass?" You smirk, crossing one leg over the other as your swirl your glass from the stem. "This whole thing is fucked and you know it," He says, throwing himself against the backrest of the chair in defeat. You nod slowly and thoughtfully, "Maybe, but as I always says, 'Anything worth having is worth fighting for.'" He rolls his eyes, "Whatever."
"Sorry, Kids. I just had to get that done before I forgot. Is your father still not back yet?" Mrs.Jeon asks, sitting back down at the table and looking around. "No, I guess he's still on the call," You say, "He sounds like my dad." Mrs.Jeon laughs, "Well, birds of a feather flock together." "I'm sorry everyone- Y/n, I just got off the phone with your father. Goodness, it's such a shame he couldn't come," Mr.Jeon says, a big smile on his face as he sits down. "You- you spoke to my dad?" "I sure did. I'd called him this morning about the finalized contract he'd sent me last night but he didn't get back to me until now since he was on the golf course." It takes everything in you to keep your eye from twitching. The golf course. Priorities. You plaster a fake smile on your face and clear your throat, "Actually, Mr.Jeon, the one he sent you is not the finalized version." He looks up confused, "No?" You shake your head and reach into your purse for the crisp new manila envelope, "I had to make some edits of my own." They all look at each other and then back at you, "Oh- alright," Mr.Jeon takes the envelope and he and Mrs.Jeon look over it together. You can practically see the gears in their heads turning, meanwhile, Jungkook is looking at you with his eyes narrowed wondering what it is you're up to. "Y/n," Mr.Jeon laughs nervously, "This is...substantially more than what your father and I had previously discussed." You nod, "Oh yes. 40% more, to be exact." "Mhm..." Mr.Jeon hands the paper to Mrs.Jeon who continues reading. "I believe the 15% we'd originally agreed upon was quite generous as even a fraction of the money we receive from the various businesses would be quite a profit for you." You purse your lips as you listen, trying your best to be as respectful as possible, "Yes, that's true. It would be quite a lot, however, I think it's reasonable to divide assets 50/50 between spouses, seeing as how I'll not only be a part of June Company itself but also be behind the scenes as a wife. Not to mention, when I have kids, there is no longer incentive for Jungkook to stay married to me, is there?" Mr.Jeon looks at his wife, who is looking back at him with the same concerned expression. "Y/n, our motivation for having you marry our son isn't to...produce an heir," Mr.Jeon says, "It's to help him mature and give him something to work for." "Dad, I don't need to get married to mature. I'm capable and I'm ready to run the company. Please, just let me show-" "You shut your mouth. With all the debt you've gotten me in with your incessant partying, the charges in property damage-" Mr.Jeon's face is turning more and more red, while Jungkook just looks away. He's completely quiet as he his father continues hurling criticisms and but Mrs.Jeon puts her hand on his chest to keep him from saying any more. "Mr.Jeon, I want to be able to help all of you- but I think both I and Jungkook are sacrificing a lot, and a large portion of that sacrifice is on yours and my parents' behalf. He and I will both be turning our lives around for the sake of our families. I just want to make sure we're both getting what we need from this." Jungkook turns slowly to look at you, his expression softening, along with his father's. Mr.Jeon is silent for a little while. "I understand if this is something you and your family cannot get behind and if that's the case, we can rip up this contract and put it all behind us, no harm done- but if you all want this as much as we do, these are my conditions," You say as gently as possible. You glance at Jungkook, whose eyes are fixed on you- causing for you to quickly look back at Mr. and Mrs.Jeon. "Well...I think we'll need some time to think this over. I'll have my lawyer look this over and we'll let you know what we've decided by tonight. How's that sound?" Mr.Jeon asks, giving you a tired smile. You nod, "That sounds just fine, Mr.Jeon. Take all the time you need."
You grab your bag and stand up and everyone else follows suit, "I had a lovely brunch. Thank you so much for putting it together for us to have this meeting." You turn to Jungkook, "I hope we're able to move forward together," You say with a bow and, for the first time, he bows in return. "Please have a good rest of your day," Mrs.Jeon says, stepping forward and hugging you goodbye. "And as always, please let us know if you need anything," Mr.Jeon says with a genuine expression. You nod, "I will."
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Of course, not two hours since your brunch with the Jeons, and your dad was already blowing up your phone. How interesting the way that works, isn't it? Your dad only calls when you don't do things exactly as he asks. You sent every single call to voicemail until they stopped coming in altogether- though he'll most likely call right before bed. You'd spent the rest of the day out and about near the hotel; something you thought you wouldn't get a chance to do this time around. It helped to get your mind off things for a minute. You'd even gone to a cute little cafe and answered some of your work emails (you can't ever completely disconnect, though it doesn't hurt to at least have a change of scenery).
By the time you come back to your suite, it's already 8PM, though of course you're not even a bit tired, so you decide to bother B/f/n for a bit. "Mm...hello?" "Hello," You practically sing into the phone, "did I wake you?" "Mhm..." "Well, wake up- I gotta tell you what happened today." "Y/n, look, I promise I'm interested but I do not have the mental capacity to receive any new information right now..." "You're no fun." "Hey, I already told you, you have other options for entertainment." "The spa's closed right now, I've already gone to the eateries inside this hotel, I've used the free wifi and even the copier. I've done everything, there's nothing left, B/f/n," You whine. "Not everything..." She says, sleepily eyeing you. You instantly know whatb she means and you violently shake your head. "Nope. Uh-uh. I am NOT getting a drink by myself." "Oh come on, if you wear one of those skimpy little dresses you packed, I promise you won't be alone for long." You narrow your eyes at her, "How do you know I packed skimpy dresses?" "You just told me," She smirks. How does she do that? "And what am I supposed to do if a man walks up to me and offers me a drink thinking he's gonna get some?" "Oh come on, you're not even engaged yet. Live a little." You roll your eyes, "Clearly, you're very sleep deprived and that's why you're talking crazy. Call me when you're rested." "Sounds like a plan," She says before abruptly hanging up the call.
You sit and look over at your suitcase, contemplating your next move... "I guess a drink won't hurt."
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The hotel bar is nicely tucked away on the first floor, a small ways away from the lobby. It's decorated with gold trim and pretty golden flowers along the cherry-wood walls. The vibe is definitely dark and sultry- you suppose you dressed appropriately: off the shoulder a-line mini dress and some simple strappy heels. You put a lot of effort into looking effortless tonight. It's not as packed as you expected, though it's definitely not empty; people are sat at various tables, holding conversations, the occasional stray laugh reaching your ears over the soft music. You'd hyped yourself up before coming down, saying you weren't gonna worry about who was or wasn't looking at you; you were just going down to have a drink and then go right back up- but when you realize the room is full of mostly men, you hesitate to take a seat. "Welcome in- can I get you anything, Miss?" The bartender, a kind-looking older gentleman, asks when he sees the lost puppy look on your face. "I-uhm, yes. I'll take an espresso martini, please?" "Of course." You set your clutch down on the bar and then take a seat. "Meeting anyone?" The bartender asks. You laugh sheepishly, "No, just...wanted to get out of my room." "I suppose that's a good thing," He says. You furrow your brows, wondering if he's gonna take the opportunity to be creepy, "And why is that?" "Because that young man over there has been watching you since you walked in," He says, nodding behind you. Your heart flutters a bit, and you feel flattered by the possibility of someone actually checking you out.
You turn slowly to where he'd nodded and scan for a moment before finally seeing him. How did I not notice him before? "That's the hotel owner's son, you know," The bartender adds. Jungkook's expression is a bit unreadable, but he's definitely looking at you. His eyes are completely fixed. You turn around quickly and bite your lip. You can't leave now, he'll know it was because of him and you can't stand the idea of him feeling like he drove you out of that bar. No way. You straighten out your back, forcing your body to relax as much as possible- or at least have the appearance of relaxation. The man puts your drink in front of you, and you gingerly take your first sip. "How can you drink those things?" Jungkook's unmistakeable voice says from right behind you, causing you to choke and spit some of your drink back into the glass. Your eyes widen in horror. "Bless you," He smirks. He looks over at the bar tender and signals holding up two fingers, to which the man nods. "Jungkook," His name feels so strange on your tongue; up until this trip, you've just refered to him as 'the Jeon's son', and using his name still feels so...intimate, somehow. He leans back in his seat, looking at you as though he's sizing you up, "And who, might I ask, did you dress up for tonight?" "Myself." You say, side-eyeing him. He's very brazen for someone you've only just met again after so many years. "Hm." "Hm, what?"
"Oh nothing...it's just, well, humans are performative beings, you know? Everything we do, whether consciously or not, is to attract." "Oh? And you're saying this to imply that I'm trying to attract someone?" You take another sip of your drink, trying to hide your unexpected nervousness. He shrugs, a cocky smile spreading across his face. "And who do you think I'm trying to attract, Jungkook? You?" You scoff. "Hey, you said it." You blush slightly and look down at your drink, your fingertip running up and down the stem of the glass. He definitely smells like he's been drinking- a lot- but you also catch hints of musk and wood- even burnt cinnamon. Shitty men shouldn't smell this damn good. You glance down at his neck and squint your eyes; is that-? "You're wearing the necklace?" He furrows his brows for a second in confusion before the realization sets in, "Oh- yeah. I look good, don't I?" His lips turn up into a coy smile. You clear your throat and shrug, "I think I'm just good at picking out jewelry." He chuckles and shakes his head, "Your disdain for me is quite amusing." "Almost as amusing as your insistence on flirting with me." "Well, don't get too flattered, you might fall in love." "Ha," You scoff. The bartender sets two shots down in front of Jungkook, who then slides one over to you. "What's this for?" You ask, immediately suspicious. "To celebrate." "Celebrate what?" "Us, of course." "Oh please," You roll your eyes, "Just the other day you were yelling at me and accusing me of attacking you, then you implied that I was some sort of gold digger and was just trying to mooch off of you." He nods thoughtfully, "Yes, that's true, I said some pretty...crass things. I suppose I should apologize for that. As far as the shot, well- I've decided to accept it." "Accept...what?" "The fact that this train is leaving with or without our 'yes', so we may as well enjoy the ride along the way, right?" As he says this, his eyes fall slightly, and only for a moment. You almost wonder if you'd seen it at all. "And what's caused this change of heart?" "Truthfully...this entire arrangement has been hanging over my head all my life. It felt like a noose slowly getting tighter and tighter. But seeing my father so stunned by your demands...it felt like my first deep breath in a while." You're surprised at how genuine Jungkook is being right now, though before you're able to respond to what he's just said, your phone buzzes in your clutch. "Excuse me," You say. It's a text message from Mr.Jeon. You quickly swipe it open and your mouth drops in shock. ๐™ผ๐š›.๐™น๐šŽ๐š˜๐š—: ๐™ท๐šŽ๐š•๐š•๐š˜, ๐šˆ/๐š—- ๐™ธ ๐š‘๐š˜๐š™๐šŽ ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐šœ ๐š–๐šŽ๐šœ๐šœ๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐šŽ๐šœ๐š—'๐š ๐š ๐šŠ๐š”๐šŽ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž. ๐š†๐šŽ'๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š๐šŽ๐šŒ๐š’๐š๐šŽ๐š ๐š๐š˜ ๐š–๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š ๐šŠ๐š›๐š ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š๐š›๐šŽ๐šŽ๐š–๐šŽ๐š—๐š. ๐š†๐šŽ'๐š•๐š• ๐š–๐šŽ๐šŽ๐š ๐š๐š˜๐š–๐š˜๐š›๐š›๐š˜๐š  ๐šŠ๐š ๐š–๐šข ๐š˜๐š๐š๐š’๐šŒ๐šŽ ๐šŠ๐š ๐Ÿท๐Ÿธ๐™ฟ๐™ผ ๐š๐š˜ ๐šœ๐š’๐š๐š— ๐š๐š˜๐š๐šŽ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ๐š› ๐š ๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐š˜๐šž๐š› ๐š•๐šŠ๐š ๐šข๐šŽ๐š›๐šœ ๐š™๐š›๐šŽ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š—๐š.
You look up back up at Jungkook, who simply picks up the shot and holds it up in the air, "To the ride." Your shocked expression turns into a smile, and all you can think to do is pick your shot up as well. "To the ride."
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kooklovee ยท 1 year
Hello this is @kooklovee, I've been reading bts fics (A LOT) on tumblr since quite a long time now. It's such a therapy for me. <3
So I've decided to make this a bts fic rec account coz you really can't miss out some AMAZING works in here.
(I'd even planned to write fics too bt my clg schedule is quite hectic so yeah that's that.)
So for the time being I'll be recommending my personal fav bts fics (mostly Jungkook's & Yoongi's for now) & before following my recs pls have these in mind -
My recs will NOT contain - infidelity/cheating, extremely dark themes, physical abuse, major age gap etc.
It'll mostly CONTAIN - Romance ( fluff, angst/heavy angst, smut ). {MDNI}
I'm such a sucker for Exes/Enemies/Fwb/Friends to lovers trope, so you'll mostly get these.
(Ps- If you have any rec for me with these themes in mind, then feel free to drop them in my ask๐Ÿค—)
Here's my Jungkook's masterlist rec ๐Ÿ’Œ
Enjoy <3
31 notes ยท View notes
snowpetaly ยท 1 year
Promises are about... broken desires.
ft. seokseok moodboard
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idea: enemies to lovers, dynamic, 19th century architecture, role playing and wearing masks, business partners and rivals, common goal
Feel free to use, credits are welcome ๐Ÿฉถ
8 notes ยท View notes
ygseokie ยท 2 years
โ˜† yours truly
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โ‹† sope
โ‹† rating : general
โ‹† oneshot (5.5k)
โ‹† fluff w very very light angst, one sided enemies to lovers
tags: fluff, enemies to lovers, jung hoseok | j-hope is whipped, min yoongi | suga is whipped, light angst (you'll barley notice it dw), alt. universe - not kpop idols, alt. universe - college/university, love at first sight, tooth-rotting fluff, mutual pinning, love confessions, getting together, producer min yoongi | suga, artist jung hoseok | j-hope (he's a beginner tho), jeon jungkook is a little shit, kim namjoon | RM is a little shit, happy ending, the enemies to lovers is one sided tbh, miscommunication
Hoseok didnโ€™t think he had the skills to consider himself an outstanding artist just yet, especially due to the fact that he had only just recently started taking beginner art classes. However, when he overheard Min Yoongi had stumbled across his sketchbook that he accidentally left on a table and found his sketches amusing, Hoseok decides to confront the male for โ€˜making funโ€™ of his drawings by leaving Yoongi a note about the whole situation.
Yoongi, on the other hand, tries his best to figure out who owned the sketchbook and sent him the note all while falling for a cute boy with a heart-shaped smile that he constantly passes on his way to his classes.
Or, a fic where Hoseok has a one-sided beef with Yoongi over a sketchbook while Yoongi tries to not only figure out whoโ€™s been leaving him messages about some sketches he apparently made fun of, but also how to get his crushโ€™s number as well.
โ˜† โ†ณ :
6 notes ยท View notes
riaarivic ยท 1 year
HATE 10: UGH! (M) I MYG x F!reader
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๐ŸŒ™ Pairings YoongixReader
๐ŸŒ™ย Genresย Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
๐ŸŒ™ย Rating 18+ minors DNI
๐ŸŒ™ย Summaryย ย You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors wonโ€™t have the mercy of a quick death
๐ŸŒ™ย Warningsย For this chapter: Minor character death, drugs, foul language, mentions of organized crime. If any of theses topics make you unconfortable, please don't read this chapter. This is a mafia au, and organized crime is not all handsome boys and nice cars. This chapter and the next one are DARK.
So, if any of this triggers you, see you on chapter 12. Don't worry, you'll still understand the story. But no, this is not a filler chapter.
๐ŸŒ™ย A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in real life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment purposes.
Love, Ria
๐ŸŒ™ย Chapter wordcount 5k (the longest one yet)
๐ŸŒ™ย Series Index
1 ย 2 3 4 ย 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 10: UGH! (M) I MYG x F!reader
Rage? Of course you need it When it burns up there's always a reason Mayhaps itโ€™s our history Sometimes it changes the world
That was all Suga could feel right now.ย 
Red, hot, flaming anger.
Thatโ€™s all he could feel since he received the call from JHope telling him that you had been kidnapped and no one knew where you were.
But the worst was when he learned who was suspected for your disappearance.
The Jade Dragon.
Of course anger was necessary.
He felt like a man about to lose his sanity.
But before he didโ€ฆ
He would kill a few men first.
The dimly-lit interrogation room was filled with the stench of sweat and fear. Suga stood across from an old man in cuffs, his ruined demeanor did not change the fact that he once was one of the most powerful men in the Asian mafia clans.
Wang Jiaer.ย 
The former second in command of the Jade Dragon.
That Kim Dohan captured and thrown into a wet, dimly lit room in the basement of the Seven Moons Mansion.ย 
Like a fallen warrior.ย 
That was turned into a war souvenir for Kim DoHan.ย 
"Where is she?" Suga demanded.
The old man coughed, spewing blood on the concrete floor of the dimly lit basement. He grimaced, his wrinkled face twisting into a grotesque smile. โ€œStill havenโ€™t learned any manners I see, young man.โ€
Suga glowered at the former leader of Jade Dragon, his grip tightening on the baseball bat in his hands. โ€œYou seem awfully cheerful for a dead man, old timer.โ€
"I don't know what you're talking about," the man stammered, his eyes darting around the room. The old man chuckled. โ€œIโ€™ve been dead for 20 years, boy. Your Leader just didnโ€™t have the balls to finish the job.โ€ His grin widened, showcasing his blood stained teeth. โ€œNot like you.โ€
Suga swung the bat, smashing the old manโ€™s fingers with a sickening crack. The man shrieked, his pained cries echoing in the empty basement.ย  "Where is she?" she asked for a second time.
The man's eyes widened in surprise. "What makes you think that I would know something about it? I'm here," he said, lifting his hand to show the cuffs โ€œand my clan is done for, your Leader made sure of it.โ€
"Because nothing happens above ground without you hearing about it," Suga replied, his eyes narrowing. "And I donโ€™t know, the pile of bodies with a pretty memo sitting on Jhopeโ€™s bay with your clan emblem on it, might really send a message.โ€ย 
The young gangster rounded the table that stood between them to be in front of the old man โ€œI am going to ask only one more time. Weโ€™ll see how many more parts of you Iโ€™ll have to break before you die,โ€ He paused โ€œWhere is Lee NaRi?โ€
The old man panted, his mangled fingers twisting at unnatural angles. But his eyes glinted with amusement. โ€œStill donโ€™t have the stomach for this, do you boy?โ€
Suga grabbed the old manโ€™s collar and hauled him up from the chair, growling into his bruised face. โ€œDo not fucking test me, Wangโ€
The old man chuckled. โ€œYou bark loud but your bite is lacking. I told you, the Jade Dragon clan is finished. I have been your familyโ€™s pet for 2 decades, I know nothing.โ€
The man gave him a low chuckle. "But I did hear about that, corpse container. Nice touch, a litte on the dramatic side. Not our style though" he paused and leaned towards Suga. โ€œOh, yes. You look just like your father, boy. He must be very proud in whatever deep corner of hell he ended up...โ€
โ€œI DO NOT HAVE FUCKING TIME FOR YOUR GAMES, WANG!โ€ Suga screamed at the manโ€™s face, interrupting him, his gaze piercing. "And my father is Kim Dohan. He is very much alive," he said, his voice dripping with venom. "Start talking, and if you say something of value I might give you something you want."
"You and I both know that is not your father's name. And what do you know about what I want, young man?" the man asked, his voice barely a whisper.
โ€œDeathโ€ Suga said simply โ€œyou know thereโ€™s nothing for you outside these walls anymore. You want releaseโ€
โ€œOh, no. I want retribution, young man. I want Kim Dohanโ€™s entire bloodline to suffer and disappear from the face of the Earth. I want that everything he has ever wanted to be suddenly ripped from his bloody handsโ€ฆ and only then, I want to dieโ€ Suga could see the warrior inside the old second in command; he was beaten, malnourished, there wasnโ€™t an inch of skin that wasnโ€™t bruised.
But he still commanded power.ย 
Suga let out a tired sigh knowing there was no other way to make Wang talk. So he let go of the baseball bat he had on his hands to bow his head.
His men behind him looked at him in shock.
One of the young leaders of The Seven Moons wasโ€ฆ
Even the old second in command couldnโ€™t believe what he was witnessing.ย But he semed to be pleased.
โ€œYou must really care for this girl If you are willing to trade your pride for herโ€ The old man sighed and tried to stand up, but his bruised legs could not let him. He extended one hand to take Sugaโ€™s โ€œWe did not do it. That is all I know. We are not responsible for the girlโ€™s disappearance.โ€ His voice was a dead man's sincerity. Suga knew he wasn't lying.
He didn't have to.
โ€œThen who took her? Someone else is pulling the strings, someone on the inside. They knew where she was going and that she only had one bodyguard with her.ย  Was it...was it my brother? Was it Namjoon?โ€ Suga tried and failed to not let his voice break.ย 
Anger was starting to wear off.ย 
And something else was bubbling inside him.
The old man sighed, shaking his head with an incredulous smile. โ€œYour family and your trust issues. Always so quick to turn on your own blood.โ€ His eyes glinted ominously. โ€œThe person responsible for the girlโ€™s kidnapping is the same person who is responsible for the death of your father and the disappearance of your motherโ€
โ€œMy mother is dead.โ€
โ€œDid you see a body? Listen young boy, you came here looking for the truth. And this is the only one I can give you. After all this time, at least you showed some manners and I owe it to her.โ€ The old man paused and he knew he was waiting for him to continue โ€œYour Leader killed your grandfather. To start the clan wars and then he killed your father. But Kim DoHan could never kill your motherโ€
The room went silent.ย 
Like the moment right after a lighting strikes.
Suga was waiting for the thunder.ย 
โ€œYour mother is alive. Young man, and I think is time you go see her, she will know where the girl is. If you can find her first.โ€ The look on Suga's face was a mix of confusion and anger.ย 
โ€œI gave you what you wanted and I kept my promiseโ€ the man whispered. โ€œNow give me what I wantโ€ย 
With a swift move Suga got his gun outside his holster and shot the old man right between his eyes.
A clean shot.ย 
There it was, the thunder.
The terrifying sound hat announced the beginning of the storm that was starting to brew on Sugaโ€™s soul.ย 
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย 
Location unknown, South Korea
A leak was falling from the ceiling, the lack of windows and the artificial light coming in from the other room told you that you were in some sort of basement.
You were starting to regain consciousness and your survival instinct kicked in immediately.
Your brain was on agent mode observing everything that could tell you anything about where you were and who were your captors.ย 
Your eyes started traveling around the room, the walls are made of rough concrete, with no decorations or furnishings to make the space more comfortable. A metal door with a small window and a sliding bolt lock separates the basement from the rest of the building, making escape impossible.
The only furniture in the room is a mattress on the floor, a bucket in the corner for waste disposal, and a small table with a lamp and a chair where the protagonist's captor might sit to watch over her. The air is musty and stale, with a faint smell of dampness and mildew.
Remember every fucking thing you see, there is no time for a panick attack. You thought.ย 
Pay attention.ย 
You could distinguish a factory logo on the wall in front of you.
There were no such buildings in Seoul, so you must be on the outskirts?
Unless, you had been moved to another state while you were unconscious.
You could also tell that you were nowhere near the coast by the absence of saltpeter in the structures.ย 
You knew that at least three men were in charge of you, all carrying firearms and pocket knives.
But from what you had seen they had no clan markings.
Not a single tattoo.
Nothing to identify them.
That was strange...
That was all you had been able to discover so far, you werenโ€™t sure how long you had been in that room
They kept you drugged, almost unconscious for the most part. But you could guess that it had been at least a day because they had fed you twice.
So far none of the men had spoken to you, they just went in to bring you food and came back out. Without looking at you, if you spoke to them they did not respond.
You heard them speaking in a dialect you could not quite place. But you knew it was from China.
Which was weird.ย 
The members from the Jade Dragon were all from Beijing, a few of them from some northern regions.ย 
But you were almost sure they were speaking in Wu.ย 
Which was fucking weird.ย 
Because the Shanghai triad did not work with the Jade Dragon.ย 
Not at all.
You said it two times before.
It was weird.
You were sitting on a mattress that seemed to be dirtier than the floor itself; with your hands starting to feel numb from the restraints that immobilized you. Your head hurt a little and you could still hear a ringing in your ears from the loud blow you had taken.
You were almost sure that you had a concussion and that the head wound was going to leave a scar...ย 
At the very least.
You knew it was useless to try to escape even if she broke free of your restraints because you had been unconscious when you were taken there. You had no ideaย  how far you were from the exit, nor how many men might be outside the place.
You were very good in combatย  but going outside like this was suicide.ย 
You knew perfectly well the dangers you were exposing yourself to every time you accepted a mission. This was not the first time you have been in such a situation.
There were some scars on your skin that were proof of how dangerous your job was.
And thenโ€ฆ
There were the other scars you couldn't see.
Those really hurt.
You had to stay calm.
Your best hope was that you would be found soon.
At least you hoped so.
No, you knew Yoongi would look for you.
Hopefully he was going to find you alive.
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย 
Suga just killed a man.ย 
And he was about to kill another.ย 
Specifically the one who let you leave the house with only one bodyguard.
โ€œNamjoon!โ€ Suga kicked open the doors to the meeting room where all his brothers were. โ€œIf even one hair on her head isn't intact when we find her, I'm going to kill you. It's a fucking promiseโ€
Suga was past the point where he could control himself.
Anger was a fire that consumed everything in its path and the Second in Command would be the first target.
โ€œSuga. Know. Your fucking. Placeโ€ Namjoon, who was sitting on the top of the table, barked each of the words as an order โ€œI won't let you talk to me that way.โ€
The black-haired man let out a sinister laugh โ€œAh, you wonโ€™t? Then tell me brother, how is it that Nari, who is supposed to be our greatest responsibility, left this house without enough protection? โ€œHe paused when he was in front of him โ€œWith your permission?โ€
On the meeting roomโ€™s table you could see open computers and messy papers sprawled everywhere you looked.
To say that the seven Moons were in chaos was an understatement.
And what made things worse The Leader sent them a clear message:
He will not help them find the young heiress.ย 
You were their responsibility.ย 
And whatever happened to you.ย 
Kim DoHan swore to his sons, he would do it to them.
โ€œI don't have to explain anything I do to you, Sugaโ€ Namjoon looked right into his eyes. Even if Suga was raging like a demon fresh out of hell, the Second in Command was intimidating. A calm sinister demeanor surrounding him.ย 
โ€œYou don't have to explain yourself?!? โ€œ That was enough for the clanโ€™s shadow to lose control and throw the first punch straight to his face โ€œYou break a promise, you lose a finger remember? Didn't we all swear to protect our father?โ€ Suga screamed right at Namjoonโ€™s face, Jhope tried to separate them but The eldest brother held him back.ย 
โ€œThis is on them,โ€ he said.
Suga threw a second punch and this time Namjoon didn't dodge it, he let him hit him again โ€œDo it then.โ€ He took out a knife from his coat pocket โ€œStart by cutting my finger. But after you finish with mine, you are next. Or did you forget that we also swore not to touch her?โ€ The black-haired man's eyes widened, he knew he wasn't doing a good job of hiding his nightly trips to the girl's window.
The taller one held the knife by the edge of the blade hard enough for drops of blood to start dripping on the expensive fur rug. โ€œDid you think no one would find out that you spend every night in her room? Weren't you supposed to follow her everywhere? Why didn't you follow her today? Where were you at the beauty salon?โ€ย 
As hard as it was for him to admit it, he had failed you too.
This morning he had decided to go to settle some unfinished business instead of following you as he had been doing since the day you arrived in Seoul.
That made his blood boil even more.
But he wasn't going to explain himself to that jerk Namjoon.
โ€œNo answer? How about this one, do you think father doesn't already know what you have been doing? I'm going to find her Suga, and when I do I'm going to make sure of two things.โ€ Namjoon paused, the light seemed to drain from his eyes, replaced by a menacing darkness. โ€œThe first thing Iโ€™ll make sure of is that you never touch her again. And the second one is that you are completely out of the clan's inheritanceโ€ he finished his voice sounding more like a growl.ย 
โ€œYou know what the funniest thing is Kim Namjoon? That you think you deserve everything, that you can control everything. Just because for now you are the right hand of the clan.โ€ The other brothers were standing still in the room, none of them could challenge their Second in Command.ย 
Never like that.
Unless you were Suga and didn't give a shit if you lost a finger or your whole arm โ€œDo you think your pathetic attempt to intimidate me really works? Go ahead, cut off your own finger and keep spilling blood on the carpet. It won't be a waste, after all you're not the true heir to this clan's legacy.... โ€œย 
โ€œThat's enough hyungs, damn it! While you two are playing who has the biggest dick or the purest blood or some other ridiculous bullshit. Nari-Noona is somewhere scared, alone and who knows what they might be doing to her.โ€ To everyone's surprise, the youngest of the brothers was the one who dared to interrupt them โ€œFor God's sake, a week ago they sent us a container of corpses, what do you think they're going to do to the heir of this clan?โ€
Suga and Namjoon turned in surprise to look at their younger brother, there were very few occasions when JK was disrespectful to them โ€œWe are wasting time, because in the best case scenario... they are going to kill herโ€
And in the best case scenario The Leader would kill them for failing in their mission.
โ€œYou are right, Joon,"ย  Jin, who was sitting at the other end of the table, stood up to look at his brothers. "This is the third time we are under direct attack, so I called my police contacts. Every inch of Seoul has at least one surveillance camera and Miss Nari was kidnapped in the only place where there wasn't one. They have contacts, at least with the security department.โ€
Seokjin was always the most controlled of the brothers, every step he took was well calculated. So many years involved with the high forces of his country's politics had taught him to remain calm in crisis.
And even if he couldn't get any answers, something was very wrong.
โ€œI have 5 Hacker squads trying to trace her digital footprint, there is nothing, she disappearedโ€ Jhope was the next one to speak โ€œWe are all worried, but this is already bordering on ridiculous, you have to stop fighting.โ€ The others nodded in agreement with what the brown-haired man had just said.
Suga threw the knife to the ground and made an exasperated sound โ€œYou're right, I'm wasting my time with you.โ€ He finally said and crossed the doors that would lead him to the mansionโ€™s garden.ย 
When Suga was outside the house he felt someone grab him by the arm โ€œHey, the fuck is happening to you? You're not like that Hyungโ€ it was Jhope who had followed him from the other room, clearly worried about him โ€œWhy are you so worked up? Are you... are you in love with her?โ€
โ€œI don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Hopeโ€ย  he answered trying to hide any emotion on his face.
Indifference was his best weapon.
But not with Jhope.
The younger man's eyes softened a little as he understood his brother's expression โ€œPlease don't lie to me, Hyung. I've known you since we were kids and we've both taken a bullet for each other...but if I was kidnapped today you wouldn't lose your head. Not like this.โ€
It was true, he had taken a bullet for Jhope years ago in the middle of a shootout but he probably wouldn't have a catfight in the middle of the room with Namjoon to protect him.
โ€œLet me rephrase the question. Do you care that much?โ€ Suga knew he couldnโ€™t lie to Jhope, his younger brother knew him too well. He could see through his every facade.ย 
The thing is, he didn't know the answer himself.
Did he like having sex with you? Hell yes.
Did he like talking to you? Yes, he did.
Did he like the way you smiled at him right before you kissed him or the way you looked at him when he told you one of his twisted stories?
Like you didnโ€™t judge him.ย 
Like you understood him.ย 
Like you didn't see him as a monster, but as a man.
Oh, shit.
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย  Last night...
โ€œTell me the stupidest thing you've ever done to get someoneโ€™s attentionโ€ Suga had asked you the night before while you were both still lying naked on your bed.
You let out an amused laugh โ€œYou have probably already seen it on my body. It 's embarrassing.โ€ย 
Suga laughed with you, the sound was warm and his eyes were locked on yours โ€œNothing on your body is embarrassing to me.โ€ he said and you rolled your eyes.ย 
โ€œBe seriousโ€ย 
โ€œI amโ€ he pushed a rouge strand of hair behind your ears and you decided to continue talking before you got distracted with other thingsโ€ย 
โ€œWhen I was 16 I got a Star Wars tattoo because the boy I liked liked Star Wars. I wanted to surprise him the first time he saw me naked he would see the jedi symbolโ€ now you both started laughing โ€œDon't judge me, haven't you done something stupid to get someone's attention?โ€
โ€œMaybe.โ€ Was the only thing he answered.ย 
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย 
Here 's the thing.
Suga had gone to a tattoo parlor this morning.
That was his unfinished business.
He was getting a fucking Star Wars tattoo on his ribs.ย 
Right where you had it.ย 
He hasn't even watched the movies.ย 
Not even the new ones.
Oh, he was down bad.ย  And now he had to go see his dead mother.
Scratch that.
He had to go see his un-dead mother.
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย 
Somewhere else in the house.
โ€œThe fuck do you mean you didnโ€™t do this. This is not what we agreed on.โ€ Namjoon's deep voice could barely be heard inside The Leaderโ€™s office. The tall man was standing in front of the window as he spoke into the phone โ€œThen fucking find her Yong or Iโ€™ll make sure you are going to wish I kill you.โ€ย 
The rumored dragon head of the triad.
The Second in command of the Seven Moons, had given the order to kidnap you.ย 
On his scheme to secure his place as the heir.ย 
He needed that for his plan to work.ย 
When you told him this morning that you were going to visit Grace and that you didn't need so many people following you around, the young gangster thought it was the perfect opportunity to put the next part of his plan into action.
But something went horribly wrong.ย 
And now he was the one who was betrayed.
โ€œWhat have you done Namjoon-ah?โ€ The voice of the eldest brother brought him out of his thoughts and he looked at him completely surprisedย  โ€œOut of all the people I thought would betray our father, I would never think of you.โ€
โ€œHyung... โ€œ
โ€œJust tell me that, whatever you're doing, you won't hurt Miss Nari, Joon. If there is someone innocent in all this, it's her.โ€ Jin finished entering the office looking at his brother with disbelief.ย 
Seokjin looked at him with the eyes of an older brother. Hopefully waiting for all this to be a mistake.ย 
Because if Namjoon betrayed his father.ย 
He was a dead man walking.
But the elder also knew very well the resentment that Namjoon had grown up with. If someone has been hurt by Kim DoHan, it was his own son. Although he wanted to be wrong, Seokjin knew well what was in his younger brother's heart.
And that was not far from his own feelings.
โ€œI came to think that all this love triangle, teenage fiction with Suga really meant that you liked the girl.โ€ He poured himself a shot of the expensive whiskey that his father had in the office and let out a sigh before drinking it all at once โ€œYou will have to explain everything very well to understand you, Joon-ahโ€
Jin was the closest person to Namjoon in the clan, he saw him as an older brother. As a child he was the example of what he wanted to become one day, he hated to see that look of disappointment in his eyes โ€œHyung, you know perfectly well what my reasons are, I'm not going to stand by and wait for Kim DoHan to take away what is rightfully mine and hand it over on a silver platter to that asshole. She's just a means to an end.โ€
Before the younger one continued, Jin interrupted him, "If you want me to help you, you have to explain everything without lying to me this time.โ€
Kim Seokjin was the eldest of the seven moons.
And like all of them, he had lost much more than he had earned in all this time.
He would give all his money, cars, luxuries, fine clothes and contacts to have his family back with him.
But that was impossible.
And for the impossible, there is only revenge.
Break a promise, lose a finger.
If that really applied in the Seven Moonโ€™s clan as it should, they wouldย  have had all their hands and feet cut off.
Anger was an uncontrollable fire that burned everything in its path, it was useful, yes.
But for both clan leaders, retribution was much better and more satisfying.
A calm sea that was about to turn into a Tsunami.
A cold wave that will destroy everything on it's path.
Many games were played within the walls of the mansion of the 7 moons.
And your time was running out.
๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย ๐ŸŒ™ย  Hello!!! I'm sorry it took too long! I got sick and I was so tired I couldn't even read... much less write. BUT I'm catching up with all of you that are sending me messages, thank you you guys are so sweet!! ๐Ÿฅน I mean, everytime someone says they're enjoying Hate! Makes me giggle like a teenager. Let me be honest, I'm enjoying writing this just as much. This chapter turned out to be one of my favs ๐Ÿ‘€ I wasn't like this on my original story and I am really liking how it is turning out.
Anyway, Hope you liked this one too!! Ps. I have Hate!11 Almost ready... what do you say double update tomorrow??
From the bottom of my chicken heart,
Thank you.
Ria ๐ŸŒ™
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wizardsandangels ยท 2 months
Wips Kookv fics
holaa, esta es una cuenta bilingue, y estos fics son en espaรฑol e ingles.
Soy nueva en Army, pero Tae y Yungkook son mis bias e inevitablemente caรญ en el ship.
aquรญ es una mezcla muy variada de fics de esta bonita pareja.
pd:lean los tagas
Clown | KookV JKOSELIG
โUn circo sangriento es mรกs entretenido que uno comรบn, ยฟNo lo crees?โž Dรณnde Jungkook es un payaso que da espectรกculos para psicรณpatas en un circo, y Taehyung accidentalmente llega hasta allรญ.
asesinatos,estocolmo,jeonjungkook,jhope,jungkooktop,kooktae kookv,namjoon,payaso,suga,taehyung taehyungbottom
Rope Bunny by Eviolus
Words: 65,221 Chapters: 13/?
Taehyung had long since abandoned his life as a sub but as he finds himself reverting to old habits, he takes on a new submissive of his own. Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin BDSM,Aftercare,Dom Park Jimin (BTS),Sub Jeon Jungkook,Porn With Plot,Spanking,Top Park Jimin (BTS),Bottom Jeon Jungkook,Top Kim Taehyung | V,Bottom Kim Taehyung | V,Sex Toys,Rope Bondage,Subspace,Crying,Kink Exploration,Enemies to Lovers,Polyamory
At your Side by Kookiry
Words: 88,480 Chapters: 19/?
Jeon Jungkook es el futuro alfa de la manada Jeon. Una manada que se ha mantenido en pie durante generaciones sobreviviendo a pesar de las adversidades. Kim Taehyung es un humano comรบn y corriente que se mudรณ al pequeรฑo pueblo para escapar de lo estresante que puede ser una ciudad. Ambos chicos se vuelven inseparables, una amistad hermosa entre ambos considerรกndose como hermanos. Lastima que uno empieza a desarrollar sentimientos romรกnticos que tiene que reprimir para no arruinar la amistad. Problemas adolescentes, amorosos y con la llegada de los "Mano de plata" en la puerta de casa tienen que arreglรกrselas para sobrevivir, mantenerse como los Jeon y proteger a quienes consideran parte de su manada. Lobos, amor, sangre, todo en un pueblo remoto escondido en las profundidades de un bosque. โ‰ซHistoria inspirada en "la canciรณn del lobo" โ‰ซCapitulos largos.
The Lucky Ones by Anonymous
Pregnant Omega Park Jimin gets stuck in an elevator with Alpha Jeon Jungkook when he goes into labor. The event forges a bond between them neither of them can deny. The problem is, Jimin is already happily mated to his childhood friend and soulmate, Taehyung. Jungkook doesnโ€™t think thatโ€™s a problem. He can court them both.
Words: 27,853 Chapters: 3/?
Omega Park Jimin (BTS),Beta Kim Taehyung | V,Alpha Jeon Jungkook,Alpha Jung Hoseok | J-Hope,Omega Min Yoongi | Suga,Alpha Kim Namjoon | RM,Beta Kim Seokjin | Jin,Smut Fluff,Pregnancy,Mpreg,Childbirth,Established Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin,side namjin,side sope,Min Yoongi | Suga & Park Jimin Are Siblings,Jeon Jungkook & Kim Seokjin | Jin are Siblings Soulmates,Polyamory,courting,Mating Cycles/In Heat,Vers Kim Taehyung | V,Vers Park Jimin (BTS),Top Jeon Jungkook,Sex Toys Threesomes,Breastfeeding,Male Lactation,Foot Fetish,Shoe Kink Lingerie,Light Bondage,Exhibitionism,Imprinting sort of but like familial imprinting if thatโ€™s a thing,Fertility Issues,Mating Bites Happy Ending,Threesome - M/M/M,Vminkook
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hyukaslvr ยท 9 months
pull for one of the two drafts i finished!!!!!!!!
please answer wiselyโ˜๐Ÿผ
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bukguhope ยท 3 years
CLICHร‰| jjk 01
"how clichรฉ"
"just pretend, you owe me"
pretending to date never ended badly, right? especially when there's a dark secret involved
themes: jungkook x f.reader, enemies to lovers, childhood friends, mature
- next
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the club was heaving, packed wall to wall with bodies. you look out into the crowd, having just entered the place you attempt to look for your friend. but with how busy this place was there was no point. deciding to step to the side, but stay by the entrance, you pull your phone from you small bag and text your friend that you had arrived and you'll wait at the bar for them. making sure it was on vibrate, as you clearly wouldn't hear a call in this place, you head to the large bar to the side of the club. luckily, stools topped with a bright clichรฉ red surrounded the bar and just as you arrived someone hopped off one. not wasting any time you plop yourself on one and wait to be noticed by a bartender. and not long later one comes over, a very handsome one at that. once he's stood in front of you, you recognise him. "jungkook?" you ask, loudly enough for him to hear and he squints his eyes before they widen slightly. with a small smile slowly coming across his face, instant memories of school flood your mind.
"jungkook?" you ask, loudly enough for him to hear and he squints his eyes before they widen slightly. with a small smile slowly coming across his face, instant memories of school flood your mind.
ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย ~~~~~~~~~~~
"you know she has a crush on jungkook right? so she definitely hates you" your friend, hoseok, states as you both stare over at the pretty girl, lily, laughing with her friends at their lunch table.
"why would she hate me?" hoseok chuckles beside you, taking a bite out of his food before elaborating
"that boy is stuck to your side like glue" before you could question any further the man in question bounces over and sits next you on the table, arm slinging over you shoulders as he does so.
"what's up guys?" he asks, only making your other friend give you look as if his point had just been proving. rolling your eyes you turn your focus on jungkook.
"nothing much where you been?"
"mr rien kept me behind, something about getting distracted in class blah blah blah" you laugh before offering him some food from your plate by lifting it slightly and pointing, as he was clearly staring. "feed me" he stated, making hoseok laugh.
"you two will end up together for sure" you and jungkook scoff in sync before you raise the food to his mouth, which he takes
"i can't believe my eyes" jungkook leans forward talking into your ear, smiles gracing both your faces. honestly, you never expected to see him again and if you did you thought for definite it would be awkward but no, it was as natural as always. like you were still in school.
"me neither, how have you been?" you soon realised having a conversation in here was not gonna work as jungkook furrowed his brows and signalled he could hear you. just as you were about to repeat yourself you hear a voice from behind.
"y/n here you are! " hoseok exclaimed as he placed a hand on your shoulder. "no way, jungkook is that you?" he asked, suddenly seeing who you were talking to. the men smiled as they shared a handshake, happy to reunite after so long.
"guys i end my shift in about half an hour wait for me and i'll join?" jungkook asks and you both nod your heads with big smiles "great i'll put you in a booth in the vip area come on" the pair of you follow him as he made his way out of the bar and showed you to a nice both in a more secluded part of the bar. "you can order through app, it's on the table" he mentioned before leaving and giving a quick wave on his way out
"can you believe it?" hoseok starts "how long must it have been? five years?" he questions
"yeah i know, wow five years" you utter in disbelief. he looked so different you ponder to yourself. in school he was so cute and innocent. now he had a sleeve that covered his entire arm, long dark hair and piercings on his lip, eyebrow and ears. he grew up for sure. the realisation of just how long it had been since you've seen him hits and you grow sad. he was your best friend and it stopped for that long. someone you once knew everything about you now know nothing, not one thing about him.
"are you okay?" hoseok asks curiously and you shake your thoughts from your head smiling and nodding
" let's order some drinks" you reply, somewhat ignoring the question. a swift half an hour later and jungkook rejoins the pair of you in the booth and you all begin chatting right away.
"so you two got together in the end?" jungkook inquires make you and hoseok share a look before laughing
"no no-" you begin between small laughter "i just haven't been able to get rid of him since school." hoseok scoffs, giving you a look.
"more like the other way around" he states making you all laugh
"so what's been happening with you?" you ask jungkook, curious to know what you missed these five years. sitting here next to him again made you feel like a school girl all over again. it made you miss being a teenager.
"iam actually a co-owner of this place so iam hoping you guys are enjoying yourself" he states making you chuckle before thinking how this was definitely not the career path you saw him taking but glad he was successful. before you could ask anymore hoseok's phone begins to ring and he stands, excusing himself to take the call. and almost instantly you were bombarded by jungkook, taking you by surprise
"y/n, how could you leave me all those years ago and why the fuck do you think iam just going to forgive and forget?" he begins making your eyes widen, you could've sworn you might have whiplash from the change in attitude. he was visibly upset making you confused
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leewriting ยท 2 years
Carpool- those unspoken weeks
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A view into what happened in the time you and Yoongi werenโ€™t speaking and what happened when Yoongi found out the truth about what had happened to you.
This is set in my story Carpool, so please read that first for context.ย 
Which you can find here- Carpool
I hope you all enjoy this little piece, of sweet and protective carpool Yoongi. A touch into his mind.
Please let me know what you think, I wrote this in a frenzy just now so enjoy!โค๏ธ
Reader x Yoongi
College Au.
Warning: mentions of sexual assault.
Yoongiโ€™s POV
He hears your door close again. He doesnโ€™t know when he started being able to distinguish your door from others. But the squeak of the hinges and the way it scrapes over your doormat gives away that itโ€™s yours.ย 
He sighs. You havenโ€™t spoken to him since that night and he has barely spoken to anyone because of it. He knows he fucked up, and the first thing he wanted to do the morning after was knock on your door and apologise. But Namjoon caught him before he could leave, and sat him down. He gave him a whole speech about how he broke your trust and why he needs to give you space and allow you to come to him. He wanted to protest but he couldnโ€™t get the look on your face while you screamed at him out of his head.ย 
Youโ€™ve screamed at him before and usually, he found it funny and a bit annoying, but that night your screams werenโ€™t either of the two. You looked so broken and all he wanted to do was help put you back together again. Clearly, you felt he wasnโ€™t adequate for the job, and the worst part is he might be one of the reasons for that broken look on your face.
ย He groans at the thought. Namjoon doesnโ€™t even look up from his spot, the spray bottle in his hand doesnโ€™t stall in its spraying of the bonsai tree, Namjoonโ€™s new second favourite plant. Namjoon stopped asking what was wrong a week ago. He was always met with the same answer anyway. So he keeps quiet and lets the older man beat himself up in peace.ย 
Your door opens again and it takes all self-restraint Yoongi has not to open his door, instead, he does what heโ€™s been doing every time you walk past. He gets up and goes to his room. Missing the worried gazeย  Namjoon follows him with.
Where are you going? Are you okay? The thoughts taunt him as he sits down and works. He hates working from home, but he canโ€™t go back to the studio. He can barely go to the cafรฉ. Everywhere he goes there is the memory of you. Your face that night in his studio swims before his eyes every time he sets foot there, your laughter rings in his ears when he enters the cafรฉ, and even driving past that tree on the side of the road makes his heartache.ย 
He wishes he could say that night is when he realised his feelings, but it wasnโ€™t. He realised them in the studio, the darkness was electrifying, your body was so close and your lips were so tempting. But he restrained himself then because you were drunk, and since then he has been pushing the feelings down. He refused to acknowledge the way he reveled in the way your walls came down when you let him in that day in the rain.
No instead he fucked around and tried to drown himself in other people, but every time he kissed someone all he could imagine was you. Your lips on his, your body underneath him and it made him sick.ย 
He reads over another line of the new song. When had it become about you? He doesnโ€™t know.ย ย 
You invaded every aspect of his being since he met you in the hallway. He had waited for your call back then and when the fighting started you became a constant in his life. He really hated you, he knows that but even then the fact that he knew you would be back brought him comfort because he could count on it. The deal only enforced that closeness and now. Now youโ€™re gone, and itโ€™s his fault.
At one point he would have reveled in it but he canโ€™t. Not only because of the way it ended. No, because he knows he broke your trust, something he built up over the weeks you were forced into each other's company, and he broke it so easily.
Footsteps and voices invade his pity party.ย 
โ€œJungkook you canโ€™t tell him.โ€ Jimin sounds anxious as he speaks.
โ€œHe needs to know it wasnโ€™t just his fault.โ€ comes the youngestโ€™s reply. โ€œHeโ€™s been hating himself so much.โ€
โ€˜โ€™Not only that but he needs to know what happened to her.โ€ Hobiโ€™s voice joins the mix. Yoongi is surprised he is here, he was only suppose to come over after his shift.ย 
โ€œWait whatโ€™s happening?โ€ Namjoon quiets the mumbled arguing.ย 
โ€œHyung,โ€ Jungkook speaks finally. Yoongi guesses there was a conversation he missed between the other three.
โ€œThere are accusations against the football captain.โ€ Jungkook continues and Yoongi frowns, why is that important?
โ€œWhat accusations?โ€ Namjoon asks calmly waiting for an explanation. There is silence for a while until Jimin finally breaks it
โ€œSexual assault ones Hyung.โ€ Yoongi freezes. His body runs cold and hot at the same time. He stares at the ground. He canโ€™t hear anything further. Was that what happened? He canโ€™t stand to sit anymore, he rushes out of his room.ย 
Jimin and Jungkook stare at him but Hobi is looking at him in pity, and Namjoon is staring in shock, his calm composure faded away.
โ€œWhat did you say?โ€ Yoongi asks, his words strained. He doesnโ€™t know if he really wants them to repeat the words but he needs to know.ย 
โ€œWe think he tried something that night with Y/n,โ€ Jungkook whispers finally and Yoongi spirals.
That's why you were so broken. That's why you had those bruises. Fuck thatโ€™s why you came home early and thatโ€™s why you tried calling him. He feels disgusted with himself, here he was moping around because he broke your trust, and you have been dealing with this.ย 
โ€œYoongi say something please,โ€ Hobi says, looking worriedly at the older man who has been standing still for far too long.ย 
โ€œI am going to kill him,โ€ Yoongi growls out, everyone looks at him shocked. โ€œ I am going to fucking kill him!โ€ he shouts, any reserve he may have had is gone. He is going to track this fucker down and smash his face in with his bare hands.
โ€œHyung please just calm down,โ€ Jimin says, approaching Yoongi, heโ€™s never seen him like this, none of them have.ย 
โ€œCalm down?โ€ Yoongi shouts. โ€œCalm down when he did something like that to her!โ€ย 
He stomps forward. โ€œ To Y/n!โ€ He is trembling with rage. โ€œTo my Y/n!โ€ He misses the way Jungkook and Namjoon look at each other.
He races to the door and grabs his jacket, already reaching for his keys on the hook, but itโ€™s not there.ย 
โ€œWhere are my keys?โ€ He tries to say it calmly, and everyone in the room exchange looks.ย 
โ€œYoongi you canโ€™t drive in this state.โ€ Hobi tries to reason with him. โ€œWhy donโ€™t we just sit down for a moment.โ€ย 
โ€œNo.โ€ Yoongi glares at his friend.ย 
โ€œYoongi, please try to be rational.โ€ Namjoon stands up. โ€œ What happened was awful but you canโ€™t just storm out here and attack him.โ€
โ€œLike hell, I canโ€™t,โ€ Yoongi replies, looking around the room frenzied before he spots the keys on the table beside the bonsai.ย 
As soon as his eyes land on it, Namjoonโ€™s does too and they both lunge for it. Namjoon being closer gets them first.ย 
โ€œJoon gives me the keys,โ€ Yoongi says through clenched teeth. But the taller man holds the keys tighter. โ€œNamjoon give me my fuckingย  keys,โ€ Yoongi demands his chest heaving.ย 
โ€œ Yoongi..โ€ Namjoon tries but heโ€™s cut off.
โ€œNo, you canโ€™t say anything. You didnโ€™t see her that night, tell him Jungkook, tell him how absolutely fucking scared she was.โ€ Yoongi gestures to Jungkook but doesnโ€™t wait for an answer. โ€œShe had to deal with this alone, and I couldnโ€™t be there because you told me to give her space. She didnโ€™t need fucking space, she needed me.โ€ Yoongi steps closer to Namjoon, taking his bonsai off the table.
โ€œHyung,โ€ Namjoon warns but Yoongi is having none of it.ย ย 
โ€œGive me my keys or I will smash this.โ€ He threatens. โ€œ Give it to me!โ€ Namjoon doesnโ€™t relent.ย 
โ€œSmash it, I donโ€™t care.โ€ Yoongi stares at him.
โ€œThatโ€™s just it isnโ€™t it, you donโ€™t fucking care!โ€ Yoongi shouts, holding back tears of rage. โ€œYou always act so aloof, you never care about anything, you call Y/n your friend but you donโ€™t give a shit, because if you do youโ€™d give me those keys so I can try to fix this.โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re not going to fix anything by murdering someone.โ€ Namjoon says.ย 
โ€œThen let me find her.โ€ The fight is gone from him, he just wants to find you and pour his heart out.ย 
Namjoon surveys him for a moment before stretching his hand out, the keys in his palm.ย 
โ€œNamjoon,โ€ Hobi says but he is cut off by the younger ones shaking their heads.ย 
โ€œGo find her.โ€ Namjoon says and with that Yoongi takes his keys, trading them for the bonsai in his hands.ย 
Yoongi nods and disappears through the door.ย 
He runs for his car still in his slippers that get drenched in the snow immediately, but he couldnโ€™t care less right now, he just has to find you.ย 
Itโ€™s just past five, you would be going to the library to study by now. Strange how he knows your schedule so well, but he guesses thatโ€™s what happens when you drive someone around for so long.
His car takes a second to start, standing out in the cold for so long but when it finally does he reverses and drives off in record time.
Someone hurt you. He takes a turn hard.ย 
He not only broke your trust but he left you alone after something like that. He should have tried harder. No, he shouldnโ€™t have been an idiot. If he had only confessed earlier. If he hadnโ€™t pushed his feelings down if he had gone to that party like everyone was telling him to that night. If he had found you, if he had picked up his phone, all of this could maybe have been prevented. He was such an idiot and he hated himself.ย 
He takes another turn and speeds up if he had just kissed you while parked under that tree when he wanted to if he had just done something, fucking anything maybe you wouldnโ€™t have gotten hurt.
He curses and drives even faster, rounding the last corner. His tires slip, and before he can do anything that big old tree is approaching him too fast, he tries to jerk his steering wheel but itโ€™s too late, he hits the tree, the airbag expands and he can feel the pain travel up his arm and blossom into his chest.ย 
The last thing he remembers thinking is how much he misses you.
The hospital bed is really uncomfortable, he barely gets any sleep, and the three men arguing in hushed voices are not helping. It also doesnโ€™t help that they are talking about you.
You still havenโ€™t come to see him. The first thing he asked when he woke up here is where you were. No one could give him an answer. They all just stared at him in pity.ย 
He knows they have been trying to reach you and if his phone hadnโ€™t been smashed in the accident he would have called you himself. He tried to, on all of their phones but you never picked up.ย 
Is that how little you want to do with him? You are even ignoring your shared friends. Namjoon said he was going to finally get you today after seeing Yoongiโ€™s dejected face when they once again had to tell him you were still ignoring them. Hell, he would have gone and found you himself if he wasnโ€™t stuck here for โ€œobservationโ€.ย ย 
The whispers in the room stop and he frowns slightly until he hears your voice. Youโ€™re here. It takes everything in him to not open his eyes, but he wants to hear what you say to the others. Too scared that youโ€™ll tell them all to fuck off. He doesnโ€™t think heโ€™ll be able to take it, so he pretends to be asleep.
He listens to you, you sound so tired, he just wants to hug you, and when you ask them if he knows about what happened he can hear the slight fear in your voice. Do you think he will judge you? You know he would never do that donโ€™t you?ย 
Finally, after what feels like an eternity Namjoon tells everyone to leave, he has to remember to thank him later.ย 
You come to sit next to him and he hears your whispered words. Not being able to take it anymore he finally โ€œwakes upโ€ saying the first thing that comes to mind.ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re wrong.โ€ How ironic.ย 
The banter and teasing come so naturally but he knows he needs to get this weight off of his chest so when he sees the opportunity he takes it.ย 
โ€œ Y/n,โ€ He sits up, the pain in his chest shooting into life, protesting but he pushes through it.
ย โ€œHmm?โ€ You hum showing him youโ€™re listening.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m sorry,โ€ He holds onto your hand tighter as if youโ€™ll disappear if he doesnโ€™t hold onto you.ย 
โ€œFor what?โ€ What do you mean โ€œfor whatโ€ surely you know? But he continues, maybe you just want to hear him say it.
โ€œAbout a lot of things really.โ€ He looks down at your hands, theyโ€™re so soft and he canโ€™t imagine why he hasnโ€™t been holding your hand the whole time you've known each other. โ€œ But mostly Iโ€™m sorry for not being there when you needed me to be. I hate myself for not picking up your call that night. an above all else Iโ€™m sorry you had to go through that.โ€ Every word is true and he looks at you, he begs you for the forgiveness he knows he doesnโ€™t deserve.
โ€œItโ€™s okay,โ€ You say after a moment of silence and he breathes out, but you look away from him. โ€œYou have nothing to be sorry for.โ€ย  He is shocked of course he has something to be sorry for, he has a lot to be sorry for, some things you donโ€™t even know about.ย 
โ€œ No, I do.โ€ He swings his legs off of the bed so that he is sitting in front of you. The position reminds him vaguely of the one you were in, in his studio, when he so badly wanted to kiss you. He still remembers the emotions, the intense want to hold you close, and he feels it now as well.ย 
โ€œYoongi maybe you should lie down.โ€ He almost wants to laugh at that, he really doesnโ€™t care about laying down right now.
โ€œ You know I really hated you.โ€ You stop and stare at him. Okay, maybe not the best way to start his confession.
โ€œWhat?โ€ He flinches a bit at you, but he continues on.
โ€œ Yeah I did, you were a pain in my ass, always storming into my apartment and fighting with me,โ€ He continues, the words bubbling out and he for once doesnโ€™t try to stop them. He looks away from you though, not being able to look you in the eye just yet, he needs to get his off his chest, and if he looks at you he knows heโ€™ll falter.
โ€œ And when Namjoon purposed this carpool thing I accepted because I was sure I could get you to give up, and never have to see you again. And you tried the same thing. I cursed you every time I had to go drop you off at your stupid classes or when you called me away from something important, I hated you even more.โ€ You huff and cross your arms. He wants to stop and try again, but he started now, no backing out so he takes a breath in and goes on.ย 
โ€œ But then,โ€ Heโ€™s been staring off into the distance but now he meets your eyes. โ€œSomething changed. I donโ€™t know how, I canโ€™t pinpoint when it happened but suddenly calling you to come and get me wasnโ€™t purely because I wanted to irritate you. Suddenly it was a way to see you. Of course, I didnโ€™t admit this to myself at the time.โ€ He shakes his head, thinking again how stupid he was. You're frozen under his gaze and he almost smirks, but there is no time to enjoy the way you blush under his stare.ย 
โ€œI was stupid, I tried even harder to ignore you, and to fight you, to hate you. But you made it so hard.โ€ He takes your hand again, intertwining your fingers this time. โ€œ I kept trying to find the things that I used to despise you for, but it got harder and harder to find them. I found myself being jealous of the rest of the boys.โ€ You quirk your eyebrow up at this, not understanding. โ€œI was jealous about how easily you talked to them, I wanted you to tell all your stories to me too, I wanted you to be as casually touchy with me too, fall into my lap when you laugh too hard.โ€ He can still feel the burning jealousy he had to press down whenever he saw the way you so easily interacted with his friends. The way Jungkook and Tae so easily touched you and you let them, the way you always laughed at Jinโ€™s jokes and thanked Hobi with a kiss on the cheek when he sleepily made you your coffee. The way you always had these long conversations with Namjoon and the way you always hug Jungkook so tightly. He hated them for that he always thought it was because they were nice to you when you were the bane of his existence, if only he knew the real reason.
You want to say something but he holds up a finger to stop you. He can't stop now or else heโ€™ll never get the words out.
โ€œ I tried to drown those thoughts out of my brain, but the more I learned about you the harder it became.โ€ He is leaning in closer to you. โ€œ and I do know you, y/n. I know you hate your tennis talent because your parents made you play it. I know you prefer exactly two and a half marshmallows in your hot chocolate and that you write every poem by hand because it feels more authentic to you. I know that when you're sick you become a huge baby and that you like the colour purple because you couldnโ€™t decide between blue and pink when you were younger.โ€ he smiles when he thinks of all the ways heโ€™s come to know you and it makes his heart warm.
He is just a few centimeters away from you now, your noses almost touching. Your eyes flicker down to his mouth, and he smirks.
โ€œI have been a fool Y/n,โ€ he whispers the words, afraid to say them too loud. โ€œbut god I canโ€™t keep kissing other people pretending that itโ€™s you.โ€
He smashes his lips onto yours, and he groans, your lips feel so soft and his imagination didnโ€™t do them or you justice. He wants to pull away but you tangle your hands into his hair, pulling him closer. He smiles you really want him as much as he wants you, he pulls you onto his lap, but he flinches, pulling away, his brain screaming at him not to do so,ย  but the pain in his ribs is flaring up again.
You stare at him in concern and he chuckles, taking the opportunity to survey your face, he strokes your cheek. God, you are so beautiful, he canโ€™t say that he ever forgot that, he hadnโ€™t, you were one of the most beautiful people he's ever seen and he thought that since that day he met you. He couldnโ€™t even stop himself from catching you when you fell then.ย 
He doesnโ€™t give you time to speak before he is pulling you down and kissing you again, a soft kiss. You reposition yourself, straddling him.ย 
You keep kissing him until youโ€™re both out of air and even then when you pull away it is only a few centimeters. He grins widely, his wild look reflecting on your face.ย 
โ€œ Iโ€™m sorry I shouldnโ€™t have justโ€ฆโ€ He feels bad that he just sprung a kiss on you, after what you went through he should have asked for consent.
To his surprise, you cut him off by placing a soft, quick kiss on his mouth.ย 
โ€œ I think youโ€™ve apologised enough for one day.โ€ You smile and he kisses the tip of your nose, unable to stop himself.
โ€œYou know you stole my speech,โ€ You say, and he frowns. โ€œ I was going to say the same but you had to go first didnโ€™t you?โ€ย 
โ€œIs not, youโ€™re lying.โ€ He scoffs, once again he revels in the way this banter comes so easily now without any real menace behind it.
โ€œ I am not lying.โ€ You gasp.
โ€œ You are.โ€ He smiles.
โ€œIs not.โ€ย 
โ€œIs too.โ€ย 
โ€œYouโ€™re an idiot.โ€ You declare, pushing him on his non-hurt shoulder, heโ€™s thankful that you remembered, but now when you call him an idiot he feels like he should add one more thing.
โ€œYeah,โ€ he nods in agreement. โ€œBut now Iโ€™m your idiot.โ€ He grins, pulling you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist as he stares up at you, your face brimming with happiness and he is so proud to say he is the one who put it here.
โ€œUnfortunately.โ€ You smile, leaning down.ย 
โ€œHey, thatโ€™s mean.โ€ He pouts and he takes note of the way you seem to melt a bit. He smirks internally, heโ€™ll have to remember that.ย 
โ€œ O hush and kiss me.โ€ You say leaning down closer. There is nothing that be would rather do than obey you right now.
โ€œWith pleasure.โ€ He smiles again before pressing his lips against yours. You run your fingers through his slightly tangled hair. You lightly pull and he moans, causing you to chuckle into his mouth. He feels like heโ€™ll never be able to get enough of you.
He pulls away, your noses touching, smiling goofily.ย  You look perfect, your eyes are sparkling and your cheeks a beautiful shade of pink, your lips puffy, he thinks heโ€™ll keep kissing you forever to be able to see this look on your face every time.
โ€œO my god.โ€ You both look to the door, where Jungkook is standing with his jaw hanging open, before he groans.ย 
โ€œFuck, I owe Namjoon 40 bucks.โ€ย 
You and Yoongi look at each other a moment before you both burst out laughing.ย 
Yoongi guess Namjoon can thank him for that, but right now he couldnโ€™t care less about Namjoon or anyone else for that matter, because he finally has you, and he would be damned if he is ever going to let you go again.
I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know your thoughts. Love you guys!โค๏ธ
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jboofan ยท 2 years
There's something wrong with Manager Kim YN Part 27
I know everything
Yoongi's phone rang. "YN.." he couldn't help but find himself smiling as he thought of her.
"YN?" he answered the phone, fumbling for his phone as he pulled up to her new home.
"Yoongi, are you nearly here?"
He jumped out the car as soon as he hit the brakes, not bothering to lock it, worried as he ran up to the front door.
The door opened as soon as he used the knocker and YN stood there waiting for him.
He couldn't help the lump in his throat forming as he remembered how it would feel to come home to YN, but now it was Jackson she came home to.
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"Are you okay? Is Ari okay?" he found himself worrying about that little girl.
"No we're not. Thanks for coming so quickly."
"Um, sure, it's okay. Do you need to go somewhere?"
"Can we stay here? Ari is asleep and I can't leave her."
"Of course, how stupid of me," he felt dumb trying to get her to leave the house. "Where's Jackson?"
He wished he hadn't knocked on the door so loudly now.
"Shh" she said as she motioned for him to enter. "She's sleeping."
"Sorry." He bit his tongue and shut the door after himself. She looked uneasy.ย 
"Is everything OK?" he worried and she was being cryptic.
"You tell me, I just want to know why you said no.ย I don't get it. And I was very surprised by your reply, it was cold and heartless."
Yoongi looked at her, how annoyed she looked standing there, arms folded with a raised eyebrow.
"Ok can you explain what you're talking about please? I still don't get why you had a go at me at the office before and I've never tried to be cold or heartless."
YN looked at him, eyebrow still raised, still waiting for an explanation. "Are you for real right now?"
"Yeah I am," he chuckled, "What is going on?" He removed his cap and shook out his dark hair.
"I called you when I landed in LA and I texted you and you told me to do what I wanted?" she looked at him. "I find it hard to believe, and then you act normal when you see us?"
YN took her phone off the table and scanned her messages.
"Three years ago Yoongi, you might have forgotten but I didn't. That night I texted you saying we need to talk. I then called you and you didn't pick up. I then left you messages explaining everything and you are telling me you have NO idea what I'm talking about?"
YN looked at him. "You've got no idea what I'm talking about do you? Are you telling the truth?"
He shook his head at her. "Do I get a clue or somethin'?"
"Shit." She rubbed her head.
"Sweetheart, you wanna let me in on the secret, cos I'm dying to know what I've done wrong?"
Yoongi's hand instinctively rose to touch hers as it rubbed her temple.
YN moved away, opened the french doors out onto the lawn, Yoongi following her. He sat down, but she preferred to stand.
"Two weeks after I went home I found out I was pregnant. I messaged you, told you I'm pregnant and you told me to stick it. I gave birth and stayed in the States. Ari is your daughter Yoongi."
Yoongi stared at her.
He looked like the light was on, but no one was home.
"Yoongo Bongo?" She waved her hand in his face.
Yoongi grabbed her wrist, yanking her hard, pulling her into his lap.
Still holding her waist he positioned the phone screen in front of him, eyes scanning over the words; the time stamp.
He was asleep at the time, he remembered drinking his sorrows away in a bar, sad, depressed and crying. Somehow he made it home, and Ha-Na was there in the morning telling him they'd slept together and she supported him. But he didn't have his phone next to him. It was Ha-Na, his phone was next to her the whole night. He didn't let her stay over ever again after that. It can't have been a coincidence. I don't believe in those.
Yoongi turned her till she was facing him, struggling out of his grip.
"When is her birthday?" How old is she?"
She was getting pissed off now.
"Are you seriously asking me that?" she slapped his arm hard, pulling away. "Have I lied to you?"
"You not telling me who you really were, that you are Jin's sister. You lied about," he tried to swallow but couldn't, "you said we would be married a year."
I thought I had at least a year with you.
"Well I'm not lying now. It gives me nothing to say that she's yours. But she is. She is 3 years old Yoongi. She was born 9 months after we slept together."
"But Ha-Na, my phone, the last few years," he was no longer looking at YN but simply talking to himself, trying to mumble his way through it all.
He couldn't take this in. He had to speak to Ha-Na.
"I have to speak to Ha-Na."
YN sighed and looked out into the distance, disappointed. Of course he would want to discuss it with her, his girlfriend, the love of his life.
"Um, does she know who I am?" he asked, dry mouthed. YN shook her head.
"So what have you told her? That her Dad doesn't love her?" he was getting angry.
"Don't get angry at me! I did what I needed to do for me and my daughter. Don't act like you all of a sudden love her," she shouted back, eyes shiny with unshed tears. "Don't you dare stand there and fucking judge me!"
Jackson knocked on the open door, YN looked at him apologetic, realising they were speaking too loudly. He spotted Yoongi standing there.
"Am I interrupting something?" he looked at YN to check if she was okay, who shook her head.
Yoongi squared up to him, who didn't seem to back down either.
"So you knew all along, and have been playing happy families with my daughter?" he pushed Jackson.
Jackson pushed him back.
"You need to back up Yoongi before you get hurt. You turned around and said you wanted no part in bringing her up. What kind of a man are you? What kind of a father are you?"
Yoongi looked furious. "What the fuck are you talking about? Is that why you got her thinking you're her Dad?" he looked across at YN. "So that's what's going on, you leave me and you shack up with Jackson and got my kid calling him Dad?"ย 
"Jackson is Ari's God Father you asshole. She calls him God-daddy because ironically she can't pronounce father."
She stared at him. "And you don't get to say anything to Jackson, he has done nothing but be supportive.ย You sure as hell don't get the chance to stand there and point fingers at me as to how I'm bringing up my daughter."
Jackson pushed him back. "I've been willing to step up and be her support, and I have done that as her Godfather.. YN is one of my closest friends, I wasn't going to leave her high and dry! And I've never given Ari the chance to feel she never had a strong and reliable father figure in her life; and I ain't gonna stop now just because you keep changing your mind."
"Stop this!" she tried to reason, getting between Yoongi and Jackson as she showed him the response she got back from his phone.
Yoongi shook his head, "YN I swear I didn't send that. If I'd known what you said, I would have spoken to you face to face, not send you a text to tell you no. That's my flesh and blood. I would have tried harder to keep you both."
No one heard the lounge door open.
"Mama?" she stood in the doorway. An angry Yoongi and Jackson turned to look at her, in surprise.
"Hey hunny," she scooped her up, moving her away from the scene. "Sorry sweetheart, did we wake you?" Ari rubbed her eyes.ย 
"I think you guys need to cool down," YN looked at them. Jackson left, which left Yoongi standing there.
Yoongi combed his hair back, and nervously smiled at her. She looked completely like YN, this beautiful little thing was meant to be my daughter?
"Sweetheart, do you remember Yoongi from before? He works with me."
Ari looked at him blankly trying to remember who he was. YN cleared her throat.
"Maybe you should think about what you want to do, and then let me know. Let me just put her to bed first."
Yoongi paced the room blankly waiting for her to return, replaying her words again and again until she walked back through the living room,and closed the door behind her.
She looked up, rubbing her neck from the stress.
"Who else knows?"
"I hoped you would have just left," she mumbled, he sure was nimble even in the too small for him slippers as he got to her in seconds, pinning her against the table.
"Really, you have the audacity to pin me to the table? Is that supposed to make me bat my eyelids at you?"
"What do you want from me sweetheart?" he asked her honestly.
"Yoongi move please," turning her head to the side to not look at him.
"No," he pushed his hips closer to hers, seeking her chin with the side of his jaw.
"Me? Nothing. I'm letting you know there is another life out there that you are partly responsible for," she gave him a dose of reality and he backed off, "you can either step up," she closed the French doors, "or step aside. Your choice, sweetheart."
"You're gonna wish you never left me," he shot her with a serious look.
"Please, you think I'm gonna make the same mistake twice? Bang YN is no one's fool. Besides," she confidently walked over to him. Stood so close he was beginning to lose his cool.
She smiled as he swallowed difficultly.
"I did what I had to do. What makes you think I need you? I don't go for sloppy seconds. Ha-Na? She's just a poor man's YN. Not the other way round..."
"We'll see about that," he threatened. "Let's see how long you can last without me."
How could she stand there, not an ounce of guilt for leaving my heart for dead?
"I did three years without you, what makes you think I can't do another thirty?" she raised an eyebrow, a confident smirk on her face.
"I'm going nowhere."
"All the guys say that. I'm not having this weird argument with you. See yourself out."
"Carefull YN, you're going to bring the demon out.." he snarled on exit.
"All talk."
YN crumbled to the floor as soon as she heard the front door close, clutching her chest as her heart beat out her ribs.
"God why did I come back.."
"And where have you been? You ran out the door so damn fast you didn't tell anyone," Hobi asked as soon as he stalked in a little later after midnight.
"Guys I need to tell you something," he cleared his throat and assembled everyone at the large modular couches to explain where he'd been.
Jimin sat with his mouth open for a couple of minutes.
"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Yoongi asked.
Jimin looked at him. "To be fair, we all kinda knew."
Yoongi rolled his eyes, "this a joke?"
"I wish it was," Jin added, "You had a child with her, but are involved with someone else, didn't step up, and is basically going to watch Jackson bring up you insanely cute daughter as his own.. Yeah, if that ain't an episode off a drama I don't know what is.." he added sarcastically.
Namjoon kissed his teeth and thought deeply before speaking next.
"YN has never badmouthed you, never mentioned you after she went back. We always wondered what went wrong, especially since you guys always looked so, so happy. But whatever happened in Paris, was just a catalyst for change and heartbreak. You're our family, but so is YN," he said conflicted.
"If you choose to not step up, I think that's up to you. We can't make you, but we've spent time with Ari. She's a special little girl who deserves to have a father," Taehyung explained.
Yoongi looked at Jungkook, surprised he didn't say anything yet.
"Jungkook-ah what about you, you not got anything to add?"
Jungkook looked over. "I love Noona. She is caring, funny and loyal. From where I'm sitting, looks like she doesn't really need you to be honest. She has Jackson. We know him and GOT7, we know they are good guys, but from what he has mentioned and what we've seen; she's done fine without you up till now."
He looked at Yoongi's face and smiled, hoping to get a reaction. "And it looks like he's a father to her in everything but name. He's her god father, but he's there for that girl more than you have."
Yoongi looked at them and sighed. Conflicted.
"YN messaged me when she first found out, but Ha-Na deleted the messages and told her that I didn't care. I didn't know, I had no clue until this evening."
He rubbed his hands nervously, "She left me once," he explained, "I don't know what I'd do if YN left me again, and with my little girl."
Jin sighed, putting down the knife he'd been sharpening since Yoongi had run to YNs and approached him slowly.
"This is your chance Yoongi," he pointed the tip of the blade on his direction, "Ha-Na was never any good for you, and we're glad you've left her for good. But you have the chance here, to be happy. To be a Dad! Don't fuck it up. Most people don't get a second chance at happiness. If you can't be there for YN, then at least be there for Ari, Yoongi."
He paused and looked at him, "and if you decide you do want to do the right thing, we will support you. But you fuck up, I swear on my life I will gut you like a fish."
"I do, want to do the right thing. Not have you gut me.. I felt that I had to clarify that," Yoongi watched the knife go back in the drawer carefully, and Jin leaving to go out.
"How about we have a drink boys?" Jimin and Jungkook grinned pulling out the bottles.
"Best thing you've said all day," Yoongi blew out his breath as a bottle made it to his hand.
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It wasn't more than a few minutes of walking out the front door, down the driveway to the garbage collection, that YN turned a corner and sensed someone was behind. Calmly she walked, taking in the gravel under her trainers, the feel of a northeast breeze on the small of her back, until she stood still, ears perked, hearing the footsteps behind her also stop.ย 
The next day, a remorseful and hung over Yoongi would appreciate how she was able to flick up a nearby fallen branch for a makeshift bat.
"Can I get some - hiccup- help?"
YN lowered the branch, crossed her arms and looked at him with such a stare, it reminded him badly of his own mother, a look of patience wearing thin when he would often return home from school, with a new shiner for company.
"What? A big guy like you needs help?"
"I am Yoongi. I'm looking for my wife, but I have forgotten how to get into the house."
He stood up, his cap getting knocked off by a nearby low lying branch, before looking around clueless.
"Yoongi?" she murmured, and then she wanted to laugh. She'd never come across a drunk Yoongi, well not since their wedding night.
He looked so sheepish, embarrassed even as he waited for her to face him, his voice with its gravel tones was definitely, a hundred per cent sure drunk.
"YN," he tried to clear his throat but sounded like an asthmatic animal, "is so loving, so cute. Such a good person."
YN grew uncomfortable at such a sweet speech. "Stop now," she explained, "Let's talk when you're sober, let me call the others.."
"You know," hiccup "she overcame her troubles and took away the dark clouds in my life," he managed with a sad sigh.
He wobbled forward, slowly found his footing on the paved driveway and cleared his throat successfully, before pulling her close and snuggling into her neck.
She caught a heavy whiff of soju and wine. "Careful now. The fall from my pedestal is high and probably fatal. And you need to sober up buddy."
"What buddy? Who the fuck is her buddy," he swung around in a circle until he grew dizzy. "Only I can be her buddy," he mumbled, trying to find her face with a shaky finger poking her dimple like a doorbell. "I find it hard to believe she is really here.. YN? Where are you?" he shouted into the dark night, "the most caring woman I've ever met. She made me feel human."
YN steadied her gaze. "I did?"
"I don't want to screw this up," he sniffed, "I screwed up and she didn't talk to me for so long.." he grew restless trying to walk towards the house unaided.
"Whyyyyyy?????!!" he howled at the sky.
She raised an eyebrow, moving the subject expertly from herself neatly, watching his legs bow as he swayed.
"What did you do wrong?" she couldn't help but ask the drunk man. "Why are you here?"
"I said the wrong thing. Did the wrong thing. Didn't stop her. But I'm not kidding you, I'm gonna fix this."
Yoongi watched her chuckling to herself.ย 
"I don't think I said anything funny."
"You don't need to. Miserable Min. I know everything!"
"Then you gonna help me or not?" He sullenly replied, knowing that it wasn't beyond the realms of possibility that YN had shared much of their past life with this woman in a hoodie that came out her house. What had YN told this woman about him?
"If you know everything, then you will know that I'm not gonna go anywhere, you'll help me?"
She started walking away, and soon a disappointed Jin walked down the path, his cardigan flapping.
"You have to help me! I think I love her!" he called after him as he neared.
Jin stopped mid-step, mouth gasping as he turned to check if YN had heard, but she was too far away to hear anything.
"What did you just say?" he walked slowly towards him, "because it sounded like you said you love her."
"Beyond any doubt, I think I do. So. Will you help me?" he hiccuped, "Jin Hyung?" Yoongi shook his arms, "is that you??"
Jin wasn't listening as he stood there, his mind was already churning out a scenario, and several alternate endings. He saw Yoongi sway again, stood him up straight and went back to thinking.
Yoongi looked down, disappointed at his non-verbal response.
"I'm going inside, you coming?" he called out as Yoongi hurried after him, his voice pinging off the bricks.
The huge grin on his face made Jin chuckle as they walked, Yoongi was eager to explain his thoughts and somehow it felt good to share it with someone else. Someone that wasn't YN, yet was loved and respected by her, and therefore by extension by him.
"I need a sparring buddy, and I think you will do," he said pushing a pair of boxing gloves at him as they got to the gym by the garage.
"Oh I wasn't asking, I was telling you," getting into the ring he flexed his broad shoulders and moved menacingly towards him, smacking Yoongi in the stomach without any hesitation before he was ready.
"OK, I don't see how this is going to help me tell her that I love her," Yoongi was slowly sweating himself sober, as he pushed up his gloves as the two of them tapped the other in good sportsmanship, "and you got a hell of a jab on you there."
"I find myself quite suited to the sport," an experienced smile told him, "YN told me how great it feels to beat the shit out of things. She's been sparring with me lately. Helps with our stress."
"Jeez, no wonder you guys are siblings. You're equally nuts."
"I see she fell for your boyish charm," Jin quipped sarcastically, as the two of them circled each other and he threw another jab at him. "Besides, there's three points to this trident. You haven't yet met my niece."
"You thought YN has sass? I'll let you see that for yourself."
Jin threw a jab, pausing midway as Yoongi dodged him easily, not quite ready for the unseen left uppercut.
"I thought you were gonna help me?"he said falling to the ground.
"The way to her, is to break through her emotionally stunted heart, by declaring you love her and not giving her a choice."
"Not giving her a choice isn't the best thing surely?"
Jin smiled. "You wanted help, I just gave you the answer."
@craftymoonchaos @bbl32 @ireadthensuetheauthors @pb-n-juju @audreonne @larenelizabeth @kyle-told-me-whats-up @alexayoonlee @forvever-ddaeng
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icysab ยท 2 years
~ badboy!jungkook x smartass nerd!reader ~
genre/what to expect: e2l ft. sexual tension, college au
warnings: swearing, bad grades lmao
wordcount: around 1k
a/n: alr so although this idea might be incredibly overused, i will be using it anyway cuz this fic is v self indulgent lmao. also, this has been sitting in my drafts for like,,, almost a year now, so i just decided fuck it. if ppl like it, maybe ill turn it into a whole fic? idk lemme know what yโ€™all think. but for now, i am not planning on prioritizing updates for this.
also random disclaimer: i donโ€™t know a fuck ton about how korean college works so iโ€™m basing this on the experience in my country. if i screwed somethin up please thatโ€™s totally different in korea correct me so i can fix it </3
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college had really been a bore lately.
you had been berated by your high school teachers, claiming that "college is harder, professors don't care about you, you have to study," and whatever other bullshit they liked to spew. but unsurprisingly, college was never particularly difficult. and now, halfway through your junior year, you still don't even really bother studying. as long as you don't flunk out, why does it matter? just suck up to the profs a bit, and you're set. who gives a shit if you're a teachers pet when you're on track to graduating top of your class? you never really cared what others thought anyways.
there was only one catch: when you got bored, you tended to slack off. and now, youโ€”top of your class poli sci majorโ€”currently has a c- in your behavioral econ course.
and that is certainly not acceptable.
"you know, you're one of the best students in my class. i'm very disappointed in your recent grades".
you force yourself to keep a serious look, and refrain from rolling your eyes while forcing a nod.
you plaster on an expression of false understanding and tell the professor, "i'm very sorry. i really do want to excel in this class," while bowing your head slightly.
he hums to himself, clearly contemplating something.
"just because i know how much effort you put into this class, i'll offer you an opportunity to earn extra credit," he says after what feels like an eternity. "i have a student in econ 101 that needs extra help. if you were to tutor him twice a week, and his scores were to improve significantly, then i'll raise your grade to an a".
you have to prevent yourself from smirking. it really does pay to be a suck-up.
"i'd love to!" you lie between your teeth, giving the poor professor your best faux smile. "i'm so thankful for this opportunity, and i'll work my hardest. thank you!"
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well, you certainly dodged a bullet there. or you hoped. as long as the kid you're stuck tutoring isn't a little bitch, then you should have no problem securing your a.
the professor had emailed you the students contact information, and told you to set up meetings with them. all you knew was that his name is justin seagull or something, and he's completely flunking econ.
which, how do you even manage to do? that's like, the easiest class.
not that you're complaining; it works out all the better for you. and hey, maybe you can make a new friend!
earlier in the week, you had coordinated with the dude you're tutoring via email to meet on thursday at 3pm for an hour and a half, which so happens to be today. at around 2:45, during your long break in between classes, you head over to the agreed upon location for your first tutoring sesh: the undergrad library. at precisely 2:55, you take a seat at one of the benches near the entrance of the library, deciding to wait so you don't miss him.
even if you really didn't want to be stuck tutoring, you were still going to put in an effort; you really did want to help whoever needed it. just because you'd rather not spend your thursday afternoons teaching econ doesn't mean you wanted to screw the dude over and waste his time.
you pull out your phone and begin to mindlessly
scroll on instagram out of boredom.
at 3:04, you begin to wonder where he is, and if he's okay.
at 3:11, you start to get a little annoyed, but you try to remind yourself that maybe he got held up somewhere, or somethings wrong.
at 3:32, you shoot him a text.
at 3:57, still no response.
at 4:13, you say fuck it and decide to head home.
at 6 fucking pm, he has the audacity to send you a text.
jk: sorry. i was busy.
what could he have possibly been so busy with that he couldn't of even texted you beforehand, only god knows. all you know is that you're pissed. you had prepared a whole plan for this first session, made a list of important topics to cover, and even did research on the best ways to teach. all for you to be ignored, cast aside like you were unimportant.
you quickly shoot him a text back.
you: whatever itโ€™s fine, letโ€™s just schedule for another day
you: when works?
your phone dings.
jk: idk i have to check with my schedule
god, what a fucking asshole.
you swallow your pride as best as you can and type out a response.
you: well, lmk when youโ€™re free ^-^
your phone dings after a moment.
jk: do we really have to do this?
jk: i mean idk abt you but i donโ€™t really want to spend my time getting tutored
you roll your eyes and grit your teeth.
you: mm that kinda sucks for you but yea we do have to
you: so like i said, when works?
and you know what he fucking does??
he fucking leaves you on read.
that asshole.
you take a deep breath and attempt to calm down before all hell is let loose.
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girl8890 ยท 2 years
R Town | Index
Fandoms: BTS & Euphoria
Last Updated: 4/12/2023
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Summary: A town sign says a lot about a town. Our sign explains it perfectly. "R Town" it reads. A town that is completely owned by all of us. There is a town owner, but they haven't been around since the Great Depression. And that's when the town's name, at least to the people who live in it, became R Town. Knocking the P, A, and K right off the sign because anyone who abandons this place should never come backโ€ฆ They never want to anywayโ€ฆ But in retrospect, it is ouR town. The same people have seen and known each other for years. The most recent move into the town was a couple of months ago, and even before then, no one has moved into this town for years. Thereโ€™s not many outsiders that want to stir up trouble anyway. No. The betrayals, lies, money stealing, and sex-hungry people all live within the townโ€ฆ Kinda defeats the purpose of being so prideful about our small town, doesn't it?
Main Relationships: Jimin/Taehyung , Suga/J-hope , Namjoon/Daisy (look at tags) , Jungkook/FemOc, Jin/Juliet (look at tags).
Genre: small town!au, sex/strip club!au, smut, angst, fluff
Rating: 18+
Warnings: changes every chapter.
Notes: Warnings will be listed in the beginning of every chapter. POV changes every chapter. This story is finished on other websites, so you can read the full version on those websites listed at the bottom of this index if you donโ€™t want to wait for chapter uploads.ย 
โžณ ๐•ฅ๐•’๐•˜๐•ค ๐•๐•š๐•ค๐•ฅ: ๐• ๐•ก๐•–๐•Ÿ
ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚
Chapters in Order: 26/41
Ch.1ย - Jimin โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข Ch.21 - Juliet
Ch.2ย - Suga โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข Ch.22 - Jin
Ch.3ย - J-hopeย โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข Ch.23ย - M
Ch.4 - Jimin โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขย Ch.24ย - Jimin
Ch.5 - Juliet โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ข Ch.25 - Suga
Ch.6 - Taehyungย โ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขโ€ขย Ch.26 - Daisy
Ch.7 - Suga
Ch.8 - Suga
Ch.9 - Jimin
Ch.10 - M
Ch.11 - Jungkook
Ch.12 - Jimin
Ch.13 - Namjoonย 
Ch.14 - Jin
Ch.15 - J-hope
Ch.16 - Jungkook
Ch.17 - Jimin
Ch.18 - Namjoon
Ch.19 - M
Ch.20 - Jungkook
(The following chapters are above ๐Ÿ‘†)
ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚
Chapters by Ship:
Jimin/Taehyungย โžณ C1ย | C4ย | C6ย | C9ย | C12ย | C17ย | C24
Suga/J-hopeย โžณ C2 | C3ย | C7ย | C8ย | C15 | C25
Namjoon/Daisy (FemOc)ย โžณ C13ย | C18ย | C26
Jungkook/FemOcย โžณ C10ย | C11ย | C16 | C19 | C20ย | C23 | C25 (side)
Jin/Juliet (FemOc)ย โžณ C5ย | C14 | C21 | C22
ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚ ใ€‚ใƒปยฐยฐใƒปยฐยฐใƒปใ€‚
Cross uploads: (AO3) or (WattPad)
AO3 Title: R Town
WP Title: R Town [BTS & Euphoria Fanfiction]
โœฉ The Wattpad version is slightly more edited, but that is because that version was the original post, so I go back and edit it the most.
27 notes ยท View notes
btsmosphere ยท 3 years
Lost in a Bookย | JHS
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~summary: you and Jung Hoseok donโ€™t exactly see eye to eye. but when you (literally) fall headfirst into a whole other world, that becomes the least of your worries ~pairing: hoseok x reader ~word count: 8.5k ~enemies to lovers, college au, fantasy au ~rating: g ~warnings:ย naughty freudian slip, sexual tension, arguing, fire
~a/n: this is my gift for the wonderful @moccahobiโ€˜s birthday! I am so lucky to be friends with someone as funny, hard working and gorgeous as you and I hope you have a great day!! and no, of course I didnโ€™t choose the biggest bingo square only to forget and write this in a week.. (okay, I did, so pls go easy on any errors!) as always the lovely admins at @thebtswritersclub came up with a fun challenge to prompt this story, so I will be including my makeup palette bingo square at the end so you can see what prompts I used for this! enjoy x
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The moment you had seen Jung Hoseok coming through the door, your eyes rolled.
Almost entirely made of large windows, the front of the coffee shop you worked in allowed you to see all the passers-by. So when you spotted your classmate coming down the street, laughing loudly with a couple of friends, you had prayed that he would just pass by.
Of course, you could never get what you wished for.
โ€œYoongi-โ€œ you tried in vain to capture your friendโ€™s attention, but too late. Yoongi hadnโ€™t even looked around from where he was scrubbing coffee cups when a familiar voice reached your ears, making you groan internally.
โ€œY/N! Hard day at work? You look frazzled.โ€
โ€œTo what do I owe the pleasure?โ€ you drawled, resigning yourself to serving him.
He simply leaned on the counter, sagging with laughter.
โ€œAlways service with a smile with you, isnโ€™t it?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m sure youโ€™d be just as tired if you even tried to focus in class,โ€ you fired back.
His grin didnโ€™t even falter. But at last, he dropped his teasing. With a scoff he ordered a tea and turned around, scrolling on his phone with his back to you as you got to work.
It seemed you had grabbed Yoongiโ€™s attention after all, judging by the poorly-hidden snort from the washing up area.
Scowling, you chucked together a cup of tea distractedly, only too relieved when you pushed it over the counter to be rid of Hoseok. So when he sipped it only to wince in disgust, your heart sank.
โ€œJesus, whereโ€™s the caffeine? This is so weak.โ€
Your desire to argue back lost its short-lived wrestle with your customer service training, and you were reluctantly offering to make a new one. This time, you forced yourself to pay more attention. You knew that way, you could actually get rid of the nuisance on the other side of the counter.
โ€œYou see Y/N, the bag goes in the water,โ€ Hoseok remarked, leaning over to see what you were doing.
Shooting the most passionate glare you could muster had the undesirable effect of sending him into peals of laughter.
Eventually, after making a point to leave the teabag in for much longer โ€“ at least until you noticed his fingers begin to tap on the countertop โ€“ you passed over his second cup with a sarcastic smile. His mood didnโ€™t seem to have dampened that much, but he left without a fuss.
โ€œYou have great chemistry.โ€
The dry remark from behind you had you whirling around to glare at Yoongi instead. He stood in front of his stack of clean washing, observing you with a smirk.
โ€œI donโ€™t think Jung Hoseok knows what chemistry is,โ€ you grumbled.
But as you set to work, a little aggressively, on scrubbing the counter, you never would have guessed how right you were. Or that it would soon become your responsibility.
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โ€œSo when we sleep, what part of the brain transfers memory from white to grey matter?โ€
โ€œโ€ฆwhatโ€™s grey matter again?โ€
โ€œI think you could do with some more of it,โ€ you muttered in lieu of an answer.
Hoseok lifted his head from his arms just enough to fix you with reproachful puppy eyes. Sighing, you tugged the textbook back across the table towards you, flipping a few pages back and jabbing your finger at the relevant passage.
Raising an eyebrow, he read it for the second time today with a growing frown.
โ€œLong termโ€ฆโ€ he said at length.
โ€œLong term memory!โ€ you groaned, dropping your forehead against the heel of your hands.
Behind you, you knew Jungkook and Yoongi were watching this unfold with amusement. You werenโ€™t sure you could take much more of this.
If you had envisaged this when you had signed up for your collegeโ€™s mentor program, well, you may have changed your mind.
At last, the hour dragged by. Apparently Hoseok wanted to be there as little as you, collecting the books and leaving very quickly once you were done. Though your shift was over, you were sure you might explode if you didnโ€™t get to rant about the guy right now.
Huffing, you marched over to the counter.
โ€œHeโ€™s such a jerk!โ€ you threw your hands out, โ€œhis egoโ€™s so big, itโ€™s like he thinks heโ€™s too good to even try! And now itโ€™s up to me to make sure he isnโ€™t so behind, but there is so much to do!โ€
Your coworkers werenโ€™t helping. Both had given up suppressing their laughter, openly enjoying your pain.
โ€œYou guys are no help,โ€ you grumbled, folding your arms.
โ€œJust be patient,โ€ Jungkook offered, โ€œit might get better in time.โ€
โ€œPatience is not something Jung Hoseok inspires,โ€ you retorted, โ€œand Iโ€™m being good enough as it is! I even had the generosity to lend him my textbook!โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re a saint,โ€ Yoongi chuckled.
A withering glare later, you slung your bag over your shoulder and bid your friends a tired goodbye.
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Much as you hated to admit it, there may have been some truth in what Jungkook told you. Patience did seem to be the key after all. A lot of patience.
A few more meetings had passed, and Hoseok remembered a lot more now. You werenโ€™t sure whether it was due to the quality of your teaching or just a desire to avoid your constant scolding, but it didnโ€™t matter too much. The result was what counted.
You were to meet again today. As always, he came as your shift finished so that you could work in the cafรฉ.
โ€œYou like him really.โ€
Jungkookโ€™s voice tore your eyes away from the clock you had been watching.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry?โ€
โ€œYou like him,โ€ he repeated, โ€œIโ€™ve never seen you so impatient to get off work.โ€
โ€œWhat? Iโ€™m not,โ€ you scoffed, โ€œitโ€™s just-โ€œ
The little jingling bell above the door interrupted you. Never finishing your thought, you left Jungkook to meet Hoseok at the counter.
โ€œTea?โ€ you asked him.
โ€œNot if youโ€™re making it,โ€ he quipped, eyes already skimming the menu on the wall behind you.
You scoffed with a roll of your eyes, but said no more. Hoseokโ€™s teasing eyes returned to you as he said,
โ€œThink you can manage a hot chocolate?โ€
โ€œOf course I can make hot cock-โ€œ your eyes widened at your momentary slip โ€œ-chocolate. I can make hot chocolate-โ€œ
But for all your correcting and muttering, there was no hiding your embarrassing moment from Hoseok, whose eyes lit up with surprise before laughter spilled out of him in reams.
โ€œI didnโ€™t mean to make you so flustered, Y/N!โ€ he cackled.
Biting your tongue, you hid your burning face from him as he half-collapsed against the counter with the force of his laughter. You angrily set to work on the drink, milk sloshing in the jug as you thrust it under the machine.
โ€œWith whipped scream on top too, huh?โ€
Hoseokโ€™s incessant mocking didnโ€™t stop until you had handed him the drink. If anything could prove to Jungkook just how wrong he was, this should do it. Still, you didnโ€™t dare to turn around and see what your friend made of the situation.
Mixing the powder into the hot milk forcefully, you glared down at the cup.
Damn Jung Hoseok! He couldnโ€™t be any more infuriating if he tried. It wasnโ€™t your fault he was so annoying it made it hard for you to think straight. No one else managed to rile you up so much as him.
You gave him the drink with a side of deathly glare. It only served to amuse him more.
Safe to say you were dreading the next hour.
Clocking off soon after, you hung up your apron regretfully and headed across to your usual table. Thankfully Hoseok was a bit more subdued now.
Unfortunately, you were about to find out why.
โ€œSo, Y/N,โ€ he started as you were sitting down.
This brought your attention to him straight away. Your eyes narrowed as he toyed with his mug on the table, avoiding your eyes.
โ€œSo, uh, that textbook you lent me-โ€œ
You had a bad feeling already. Looking around, you didnโ€™t notice it on the usual pile of books.
โ€œWhere is it?โ€ you cut him off.
At last he raised his head to meet your eyes, and you didnโ€™t like what you saw.
โ€œItโ€™s not like we need it that badly anyway,โ€ he began, though you werenโ€™t sure you had ever heard him sound so hesitant, โ€œwe finished most of the stuff in there anywayโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYou lost it, didnโ€™t you?โ€
โ€œWell, yeah. And I think I also spilled some-โ€œ
Not waiting for him to finish, you exclaimed your frustration.
โ€œI canโ€™t believe you! Just because you donโ€™t see a use for ever picking up a book, I need that! I donโ€™t have that kind of money spare eitherโ€ฆโ€
As you raked a hand through your hair, Hoseok decided now was the time to be helpful.
โ€œGosh, I was afraid you would do this. We have a library for a reason, you know?โ€
Stopping your train of thought abruptly, you lowered your hand to glower at him.
โ€œAnd now youโ€™re going to make me go in the library? Ugh, you really have it out for me.โ€
Incredulous laughter followed. Hoseok leaned back in his chair, observing you with raised eyebrows.
โ€œYouโ€™re telling me you believe in those stupid rumours?โ€
Shifting uncomfortably, you shrugged.
โ€œWell, youโ€™ve got to admit the place is creepy, right? And my flatmate said she knew that girl Cindy-โ€œ
As you spoke, Hoseokโ€™s laughing grew louder, steadily filling the cafรฉ until you were forced to stop.
โ€œWhat?โ€ you hissed.
โ€œWeโ€™ve all heard about โ€œCindyโ€,โ€ he made quotation marks in the air, โ€œbut thatโ€™s just a story! The older students made it up to scare newbies โ€“ and it would seem it worked. But everyone knows the scariest thing in the library is just the course reading.โ€
Biting your tongue, you didnโ€™t muster up a response. You would only face more ridicule if you argued about this.
โ€œDonโ€™t forget the librarian,โ€ you joked half-heartedly.
Hoseok chuckled lightly, and you were glad he dropped the topic after that.
But still the issue of your sorely misused textbook remained.
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There was nothing to be done. You had to go to the library.
It may seem a ridiculous thing to be scared of, especially for someone who loved books, but, as Hoseok had kindly refreshed your memory of, there wereโ€ฆ stories. The campus library at your college warranted a degree of wariness.
Most commonly told was the story of Cindy, supposedly a student at the university many years before. No matter how dramatic the story was made, the essentials were the same; she had gone into the library and never come out.
Logically, you knew that this was just one of those quirky urban legends that came to surround certain places.
Nonetheless, your nerves only worsened as you entered the grand building.
On your way in, you only passed one other student. Most people were leaving uni at around this time, but you needed to hang around anyway because your shift was soon. You had sent a quick text to Yoongi to let him know you would be there once you found the book, and somehow it comforted you a little that someone else knew you were here.
Moving through the first few rows of tall bookshelves, you had to pass by the main desk on your way to the section you were looking for.
Doing your utmost to tread with care, sandals making as little noise as you could manage on the wooden floor, you walked on.
As you drew near, the librarian looked up. Greeting them with a bright smile, you didnโ€™t let it show that your heart was really thumping in your chest.
Hurrying along, you only slowed once you had entered the right section. Near the back of the library, it was dimmer as no light from the window reached all the way into the corner. Utter silence dampened the air. Not even the rustling of the librarian sorting papers could be heard from here.
Alone with the hushed sound of your own breath, your eyes flicked along the rows, searching for the right name.
Spotting it at last, you wasted no time in reaching for it. But as you tried to slide it from its spot, you were met with resistance. Perhaps it was very tightly packed in its place.
You tried again with both hands. It was still wedged in, but you felt it give a little so kept pulling. You managed to tug it out a little way, but this time, the book tugged back. Holding onto it as tightly as you were, you stumbled forwards, nearly slipping out of one of your sandals.
Gulping, your brow creased. More determined this time, you tried once more, but it seemed the book only retreated further among its companions on the shelf.
Breathing heavily, you stepped back. Books were not meant to do this. You swore it had moved by itself.
Maybe Hoseok would call you crazy if this was your reason for not getting the textbook. But, you thought, staring back down the empty row of shelves, a science textbook was less important than not getting involved with the strange happenings of the library.
Already you were questioning your sanity. Books didnโ€™t move.
Looking back at it once more, it appeared perfectly unassuming. There was nothing unusual about the book. Maybe your mind was playing tricks, driven from the fear you felt about this place.
Breathing deeply, you reached your hand out for one last try. Picking up a book couldnโ€™t be that hard. As long as you didnโ€™t fear it-
Your fingers came into contact with the spine, and not a moment later, the book shrunk right back. But though it shot out of sight between its neighbours, your hand was stuck to it. Your intent to snatch it straight back at any sign of movement failed, and you were yanked forwards.
Flying clean off your foot now, your sandal clattered to the floor among the silent shelves behind you.
Your stomach jerked at the sudden movement. Now, as you plunged towards the shelves, you screwed your eyes shut, anticipating the imminent collision.
None came.
Instead, your insides seemed to be suspended. You had not crashed, but still your feet didnโ€™t meet the floor; though your eyes were closed you were certain you were falling.
Rapidly upping its pace, your heart tried to punch through your ribs the longer you were in this state, fearing your landing. Panicked, you took great gulps of air, limbs flailing fruitlessly.
You landed.
It felt like you had been falling for a long time โ€“ too long โ€“ yet the force you hit the ground with was not painful. For a second, it expelled air from your lungs, but by the time you had rolled and tumbled enough to land on your back, you were sucking in a shaky breath.
Blinking, you turned to look around you. Your arms struggled to push you from the ground, but you heaved to sit up anyway.
This was like nowhere you had ever been.
No parquet was beneath you here. The ground was earth, sparse tufts of grass growing from it. But in places, the foliage was abundant, great swathes of vibrant grass surrounding a nearby rock which protruded from the ground.
These rocks were also plentiful, though not of regular size. They poked from the ground, rough surfaces being seized by moss of all colours.
Other plants stretched higher still, all in shades of purple, green and blue. Climbing slowly to your feet, your eyes traced up the stem of a slender tree whose leaves drooped downwards with their size.
The only thing you could hope to recognise were roses that grew in places, curved petals familiar atop their stems that wound around larger plants.
In the scattered canopy above you, there appeared to be vines as well. Climbers, perhaps; it appeared as if they were winding around ceiling beams above you, except that they were in open air, pale sky stretching above them.
Very deliberately, you blinked.
Nothing changed.
Jaw hanging open, you turned slowly around. This place continued the same everywhere you looked. You certainly werenโ€™t in the library anymore.
Taking some effort to breathe evenly, you forced your feet to still.
Remembering your phone, you quickly reached for it. But as you repeatedly pressed the power button, the screen remained black. Either you had let it run down, or it wouldnโ€™t work in this alien place.
You replaced it in your pocket with bitter disappointment and continued to stand still, observing this place.
Purposefully, you walked towards the nearest rock. Given the way you were transported here, you were a little wary of touching random objects, but you tentatively reached for the mossy surface. Briefly grazing it, you jumped backwards, expecting something to happen.
Nothing. Just the springy surface of moss, solid and very real.
Staring at the rock, your mind ran in uncomprehending circles. How had you got here? Why? How could you get out?
Cutting through your thoughts, a thump came from behind you.
Startled, you jumped around, eyes darting in panic around the world you had found yourself in. Nothing seemed to have movedโ€ฆ
A cough, followed by a groan, drifted from somewhere.
Frown deepening, you stepped forwards. A few paces brought you around the next rock, bigger than the last. Not only was it taller than you, it was bordered on one side by more of the tall plants, blocking your view of what was behind it.
This was definitely where the sounds were emanating from. As you cautiously rounded the boulder, rustling sounds reached your ears.
Reaching the trees, you peered between two dark blue trunks. Every muscle in your body was tense, ready to spring away at the first sign of danger.
Instead, you were greeted with the shape of a person. They wore a dark jacket, their hair also dark, but they were facing away from you where they sat.
For a moment you stood frozen. You were divided: should you announce yourself? Maybe they could help you? But for all you knew, they might not feel kindly towards you. What would another person be doing in this strange place?
Before you had the chance to decide, let alone move, the person slumped backwards to lie down, huffing a great sigh as they went.
Your eyes widened. Now you could see their face โ€” and you certainly hadnโ€™t expected this.
Squeezing between the trees, you pushed your way into the small clearing he lay in. On hearing your voice, he twisted towards you with wide eyes.
โ€œY/N?โ€ he jumped up, eyeing you suspiciously, โ€œwhat is this place?โ€
โ€œI have no idea,โ€ you answered honestly. Then, โ€œwhat are you doing here?โ€
Echoing your earlier words, he said, โ€œI have no idea.โ€
After a moment, he seemed to remember something and looked around sharply.
โ€œI found this,โ€ he told you, pointing at the ground some feet away. There lay your sandal from earlier.
โ€œOh. Thank you.โ€
You flashed an awkward smile and went to pick it on, sliding it back onto the foot it had lost not long ago. Then your silence resumed.
Briefly, you did nothing but stare at each other. Then you stared again at the bizarre scenery around you.
Hoseok was first to move. Apparently becoming tired of your company so soon, he turned away with hands on his hips and began to pick through the undergrowth, which was thicker here than where you had first landed.
Even if this was all the company you were granted, you were eager to keep it, and so followed him.
A few minutes passed. Eerie silence was all around, save for the tentative brush of your footsteps against plants. He hadnโ€™t complained about your presence, though, so you eventually decided it safe to speak.
โ€œDid youโ€ฆ fall here?โ€ you ventured.
His eyes snapped back to you. With a nod, he confirmed it.
โ€œFrom the library?โ€
Slowing down, he allowed you to catch up and walk at his side.
โ€œYeah, why? You too?โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s what happened to me,โ€ you nodded, โ€œbutโ€ฆ what were you doing in the library?โ€
But Hoseok never heard those last words. A deafening, crunching crash resounded through your quiet conversation, drowning you out.
Both of you reacted quickly, spinning to the source of the monstrous sound in fear. Your hammering heart only sped up as you located a dark shape above the treetops.
โ€œThere!โ€ you cried, grabbing onto Hoseokโ€™s sleeve.
He spotted it as you pointed, for it was rapidly growing, soaring towards you.
โ€œWhat is that?โ€ he yelled, stumbling backwards.
You had nothing to offer in reply, instead watching with wide eyes as the creature flew closer still. Still grasping at Hoseokโ€™s sleeve, you tugged at it, looking around for the nearest cover. He made no move. Struck dumb with awe, he seemed to be rooted to the spot.
Turning back to the sky, you were panicked to see the beast drawing closer. You could make out a long snout protruding from its head, spiny wings beating slowly and yet carrying it swiftly over the land.
The monster was enormous, blocking out a chunk of the open sky.
Not wanting to hesitate any longer, you pulled Hoseok forcefully with you as you retreated under the cover of a thick patch of foliage. He complied, still unable to tear his gaze from the flying creature.
You almost darenโ€™t look, even now you were secluded among shadow. But curiosity overcame you.
It was near enough on top of you now. You held your breath, terror washing over you at the sight of it, close enough now that you could make out scales on the thingโ€™s large belly. They glimmered a blazing red as it moved.
But its pace was fast, and it continued quickly, long tail etching a path through the sky behind it.
โ€œWas thatโ€ฆโ€ you breathed, after you felt enough time had passed to be safe. But your thought was too absurd for you to speak out loud.
However, Hoseok finished it for you.
โ€œA dragon?โ€
Both of you slowly turned to face each other, matching expressions of perplexed shock painting your faces. You opened and closed your mouth, but no words presented themselves.
Your gaze was only severed by the return of the same cacophony to the air that had first heralded the dragon. Only now, it was louder.
Ducking by reflex, you whipped around. Above the treetops, the dragon was returning.
Still filling the air, the sound was that of treetops rupturing as the scaled beast flew low over them, snapping them like matchsticks. Once again, it seemed like the thing was coming straight towards you.
โ€œLetโ€™s move,โ€ you shouted over the noise.
Hoseok didnโ€™t need telling twice.
Side by side, you raced between trees, feet and clothes catching on leaves and vines that spanned the floor. Plunging on nonetheless, you kept your eyes set determinedly ahead.
By the time your lungs demanded you stop for breath, you were sure you must have gone a considerable distance from where you had first been hiding. But the deafening crashes from above had become no quieter.
Slowing down, you sagged against a tree as you gasped for air. Just in front of you, Hoseok looked around, finding you holding yourself up shakily against the trunk.
With a look to the sky and back at you, his face sank further, eyes wide and afraid.
โ€œY/N!โ€ he cried.
Lifting your head, you met his eyes. Still panting, you turned to follow a finger he raised as he took trembling steps backwards.
Overhead, the leaves seemed to shake. A shadow was sliding along the forest floor as above it, twigs and branches rained down, bouncing from their lower counterparts until they disappeared into the shrubbery.
The dragon was following you.
โ€œCome on!โ€ Hoseokโ€™s voice reached you somewhere among the din.
Spinning, you found him holding a hand out to you, gesturing maniacally for you to continue. You had barely caught your breath, but forced yourself to push away from the tree and run towards him once more.
What did surprise you was that he waited for you. When you came within reach, his outstretched hand was grabbing you, pulling you along at his side.
But there was no time to think of that. Chest heaving with exertion, you willed your feet to move faster underneath you in an attempt to flee the dragon.
All at once, the tall tree trunks you had been running between, almost dense enough to form a forest, stopped. Realising too late, the two of you shot from the cover at full speed, only to find yourselves utterly exposed.
Skidding to a stop, you looked to Hoseok in panic.
Before you could take another step, shadow fell over you again, but it was not cast by harmless trees. The roar of splintering branches grew to an overwhelming crescendo as the dragon caught sight of you and dived, uncaring for the insignificant wood pushed aside by its bulk.
Beside you, Hoseok screamed hoarsely. Together you fled backwards, knowing there was no hope of outrunning your pursuer.
In a few seconds, the beast had descended, giant nostrils flaring at your eye level. Curved fangs gnashed.
With horror, you saw a glow brighten the deep tunnels atop its snout.
In the corner of your eye, you spotted another rock, rough surface towering from the ground. You barely had time to think before you were shoving Hoseok to the side so you fell together behind the barrier. Not a moment later, blazing orange flared, obscuring all other sights as fire erupted from the monsterโ€™s jaws and nostrils.
You gave no thought to the position you had fallen in, your push having left you tumbling directly on top of Hoseok. His scream rang in your ears, only rivalled by the crackling heat in the air as his arms wrapped around you. You too were curling up, hands shielding your head in some attempt to shelter.
Thankfully, the rock you had chosen was one of the larger ones and took the brunt of the blast.
Not that it encouraged you much, considering the persistence the beast had shown so far. The dying away of the heat and fire only brought on dread, gnawing low and incessant in your stomach, of the next blast.
Barely daring to breathe, you stayed still, huddling against Hoseok, who did the same.
Any moment, you expected another massive roar to rip through the air. A swipe of the malicious claws or the sizzling heat of dragon flame. The longer you waited, the harder your heart rioted in your chest.
You jolted violently as a loud voice resonated through the air. But it was not the dragon.
Looking around showed you no one who the voice might belong to.
โ€œIt is gone,โ€ the voice said.
Hoseokโ€™s hold around you was loosening. Swallowing, you became aware of your proximity and carefully extracted yourself, not looking him in the eye as you moved to sit next to him instead.
It was true that no indicator of the dragonโ€™s presence had made itself known, but you were not inclined to trust a faceless voice. You crawled to peer around the edge of the rock. Finding the space empty, you emerged further.
The clearing was totally deserted. The only evidence of the recent fearful moments was the debris of burnt leaves and broken branches scattered across the ground.
โ€œWho are you?โ€ Hoseok raised his voice, though it shook a little.
You returned to his side, the voice replying as you sunk down beside him.
โ€œStudents,โ€ the voice repeated. It was level and calm, but awfully cold. The word was spoken with disdain. โ€œI doubt you would recognise such a voice as mine. You young humans know not the value of words, of books. I am the librarian.โ€
You blinked in surprise. Next to you, Hoseok sat forward from the rock you leaned against.
โ€œYou are? Can you get us out of here?โ€ he yelled, aiming his voice at the sky for lack of target for his pleas.
โ€œCertainly not. I am the keeper of this land. You see, due to the neglect of your kind, my creatures are only kept alive through written word, and I cannot let them be endangered. Students are all the same. Careless. I do not appreciate those who vandalise or waste the knowledge granted them through books. And so, I cannot let you take another one.โ€
โ€œItโ€™s just a science textbook,โ€ you muttered.
Meanwhile, Hoseok was growing more desperate.
โ€œWe wonโ€™t!โ€ he called, โ€œjust let us out!โ€
Ringing silence was all he received in reply.
Eventually, he flopped back against the rock with a huff. Worrying your lip, you turned to him, though you had nothing to propose for what you should do next.
His hair was a dishevelled now, strands falling into his eyes which he now turned to you. To your surprise, his mouth curved back into a smile, breathy laughs bursting from him as he rested his head back on the rock.
He shook his head.
โ€œThis is crazy.โ€
You had to agree.
Turning your despairing eyes away and to the surrounding forest again, you were surprised to see movement among the trees. But this creature was not enormous or fire-breathing. A sandy-coloured tail waved, blurring in the air.
Bounding through the trees and coming to a stop at the forest edge, came a labrador.
Staring in bemusement, you found the dog looking right back at you. It was panting, mouth open in a smiley-looking shape. Its tail continued wagging enthusiastically behind it.
Just as you opened your mouth to tell Hoseok, the dog went rigid, body jerking as it barked across the space.
Sitting up straight, Hoseok spotted the dog as well, and together you watched it.
The dog watched back, standing still as if waiting for something. It reminded you of the way your flatmateโ€™s dog used to wait for you to throw the ball when you played with her.
After another minute of stillness, it barked again, then turned and ran. You jumped to your feet as the yellow tail went wagging away through the shadows.
โ€œWhat are you-โ€œ Hoseok exclaimed as you started towards the trees, following the dogโ€™s path.
Already tired, your legs lagged behind the dogโ€™s pace and you nearly lost sight of the sandy fur. But you kept your eyes trained on it. This animal did not seem unfriendly, or angry. Something told you that you could trust it.
โ€œWhere are you going?โ€
You hadnโ€™t noticed the pursuing footsteps until Hoseok was grabbing your arm, forcing you to stop. Looking around at him in annoyance, you shrugged him off and turned back around. But you had lost sight of the dog now, finding the forest empty.
Your shoulders slumped.
โ€œI was trying to do something to get us out of here-โ€œ
โ€œBy getting more lost?โ€
Hoseokโ€™s eyes blazed with anger and he threw his arms out to punctuate his yell with frustration. Opening your mouth, you returned his outrage.
โ€œWeโ€™ve been lost since we got here! We donโ€™t know anything about this place, but we canโ€™t just do nothing!โ€
โ€œWhat can we do? You heard what the librarian said.โ€
His volume had lowered and he took a step back.
Breathing out, you did the same, noticing only now how you had crowded each otherโ€™s space in your anger. Swallowing down your own frustration, you levelled your gaze at him. His words spoke of despair.
Sighing, you pushed a hand through your hair.
โ€œThereโ€™s no use in fighting,โ€ you muttered, โ€œand Iโ€™m scared too. But we have to try.โ€
Lifting his eyes to you, Hoseok felt then as if he was seeing you for the first time.
You shared his fear, and had spoken that out loud, but still the steely glint never left your eyes. Rather than run or hide, you stood tall, resolved to find a way out, no matter how hopeless this crazy turn of events seemed.
โ€œHoseok?โ€ you called, rendered hesitant by his silence.
Giving his head a quick shake, he averted his gaze from you.
โ€œHobi,โ€ he spoke.
You frowned.
โ€œIโ€™m sorry?โ€
โ€œCall me Hobi,โ€ he repeated, โ€œif weโ€™re stuck here forever, I wonโ€™t be able to stand it if you call me Hoseok all the time.โ€
โ€œOh. Okay.โ€
Taking that to be some odd form of agreement, you turned around and started to pick your way again through the forest, no matter how blindly. The only vague thing guiding you was the notion that the dog had left this way, but that certainty grew weaker with time.
The only thing bolstering you were the steady steps of Hobi right beside you. A reminder you werenโ€™t alone here.
โ€œSorry for losing your textbook.โ€
Smile quirking your lips, you turned to Hobi. He was steadfastly ignoring your gaze, kicking his feet through the low undergrowth while his hands were buried in his pockets.
โ€œIf you hadnโ€™t done that, I wouldnโ€™t be here now,โ€ you hummed.
That caught his attention.
โ€œHey! At least Iโ€™m apologising!โ€
โ€œDoesnโ€™t fix the fact weโ€™re lost inโ€ฆ well, wherever this is,โ€ you chuckled, โ€œthough Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s worked out well for you.โ€
โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€
โ€œIf I hadnโ€™t come here to replace my textbook, you would be here all alone.โ€
Hoseok simply tilted his head in vague answer.
After a few short moments of quiet, you resumed the conversation.
โ€œSo, what were you in the library for?โ€
He let silence stretch out for longer than you expected, and you slowed your steps to look at him. His eyes were wide, and when he spoke, it was with a nervous smile, as if he wasnโ€™t sure he should be smiling.
But he was too quiet, and all you heard was something that sounded like โ€˜yuzbookโ€™.
โ€œSorry?โ€ you frowned.
With a long-suffering sigh, he finally spoke up.
โ€œI was looking for your science book as well.โ€
Your eyebrows shot upwards.
โ€œYou were?โ€
โ€œI thought you had decided it was my responsibility? Even though you lost it.โ€
โ€œExactly, I had lost it. I felt bad.โ€
โ€œHa!โ€ you exclaimed, jumping around to dance in front of him, โ€œJung Hoseok admits remorse! What is the world coming to?!โ€
โ€œI told you to call me Hobi,โ€ he grumbled.
A smile was still bursting at your lips, but you calmed down and returned smugly to his side.
โ€œMy bad. Hobi wanted to do something nice! For me, of all people! Maybe this really is a dreamโ€ฆโ€
โ€œYou dream about me?โ€ he grinned, teasing right back.
โ€œEugh, of course not,โ€ you scoffed.
His laughter filled the forest, and you were glad of it. At length, it faded and you walked on.
โ€œBut, turns out you were right to be scared of the library,โ€ he admitted quietly.
Simply nodding, you kept going. By now you had lost all hope to have remained on course with the dog you had seen earlier, but there was little use dwelling on that.
Most of the way, you had been trekking through forest, but now the trees were thinning. Once again, they began to be clustered in patches near protruding rocks.
Coming between two waist-height boulders, you found a pond lying cradled by short grasses and more rose plants.
Agreeing on a break, you and Hobi slumped down at its bank, though you also agreed not to drink it. Hobi seemed much more distrustful of everything you came across in this curious land than you, but there was no harm in caution, you supposed. It was true that, on getting closer to the water, it appeared to glimmer silver.
What that meant, you didnโ€™t know, but didnโ€™t care to investigate.
Reclining on the ground, you breathed deeply. The pond was in a large clearing, similar to the first place you had crash landed in. You couldnโ€™t escape some dread that all this time had brought you in a mere circle to the beginning, but there was no way to be certain.
Forest lined one side of the oasis, while the other stretched away, obscured behind that rocky landscape dotted with an array of foliage.
As you scanned the area idly, a familiar blur of motion had you sitting up with a yelp.
โ€œThere! Did you see that!โ€ you cried, but began running without waiting for a reply.
Twisting to attention, Hobi clumsily took to his feet after you.
โ€œYou sure?โ€ he called after you.
You kept running. You had seen it โ€“ it had been right here. You were certain it was trying to lead you somewhere, and you felt compelled to follow it.
Plunging between rocks, Hobiโ€™s slower steps faded behind you. Uncaring, you continued, eyes alert for any sign of your goal.
And there it was: another brief glimmer from just beyond the next clump of plants. You were so close. This time, you were going to reach it. It would get you out of here.
Still running, you didnโ€™t care that the way wound deeper through the terrain, nor that the world around you darkened as you went. No, your mind was set. You kept moving.
When you finally reached what seemed to be the midst of the darkness, it never occurred to you that this was never what you had been looking for. All you were filled with was delight; in the middle of the dark clearing stood a grove of roses. They were taller than the roses you had seen so far, growing thickly and close together.
In the blackness, the petals emitted a soft glow that shone through their delicate veins.
A smile curved your lips. But as you took a slow step towards the luminescence, something emerged from behind them. It became clear that the roses themselves were not glowing, but the creature. A unicorn.
White coat shimmering with its every move, it seemed to glide over the landscape. The slender horn protruding from its head appeared crafted by the finest silversmith, with hints of colours dancing along it even in darkness.
All breath was stolen from you. Your startled exhale left a cloud lingering in the air beside your lips which glittered as the majestic animal walked in front of you.
Either it didnโ€™t see you, or didnโ€™t mind your presence, because it proceeded perfectly calmly. Keeping your eyes fixed on it, your feet stumbled after the serene creature without you willing them to.
You barely blinked as you followed the graceful unicorn, desperate to keep your eyes on it. You couldnโ€™t have torn them away if you wanted to. Just watching the animal had all your tension melting away: legs feeling heavy, mind fogging. All your worries dissipated as easily as smoke in the wind.
The world was silent. It was as if your ears were plugged as you reached out, somehow confident enough to touch the noble beast.
Another step closer.
Your fingers stretched out, ready to meet the sleek, glowing coat-
A blow knocked you sideways, a weight falling with you as the shout of your name rung loudly in your ears. For a split second, you winced, expecting to be crushed on the ground, but already a hand shielded your head. Instead, you landed on a body, held securely in the personโ€™s arms.
Gasping, you found yourself breathless. Your gaze had been severed on being tackled, and now that you blinked, dark clouds seemed to lift from your vision.
Looking around wildly, you were slow to come to your senses, but the person was already shifting.
โ€œWe need to move.โ€
That voice was familiar. Looking around, you found Hoseokโ€™s eyes trained on you as he struggled to stand with your weight against him.
Clumsily getting your feet underneath you, your mouth opened, but a shriek filled the air before you could speak.
Clapping your hands over your ears, you winced at the piercing wail splitting the air.
Hoseok, however, wasted no time. He grasped your wrist, pulling you stumbling across the clearing behind him as he sprinted away.
Wide-eyed and breathless, you twisted to look behind you. The unicorn was still there, but it wasnโ€™t glowing, just plain white. But your eyes only caught it for a second, before a darker shape was swooping from the sky.
Feet pounding, you fled the shrieking beast as it descended in a rush of feathers.
Glinting talons flashed, inches in front of your face as the bird-like shriek reached its peak.
And then you were plunged into shadow, squeezed between leaves and petals.
Hoseok slowed, dropping your hand, but you were practically frozen. You staggered backwards, eyes trained on the spot those razor sharp claws had been.
Above you, the shrill cry was quieting, echoing around the land as your attacker circled higher once more.
โ€œWhatโ€ฆ what was that?โ€ you panted.
โ€œThat was close,โ€ Hoseok responded, no humour in his voice. โ€œI was calling to you! Why didnโ€™t you move?โ€
โ€œYou were?โ€ you frowned, โ€œI-I didnโ€™t hear. I donโ€™t know what happened.โ€
Light frown creasing his brow, Hobi looked seriously down at you. Swallowing, he looked you over. Your heart still trembled, trying to take in what had just happened, and you looked up at him fearfully. Was he angry?
Fixing his eyes on your own, Hobi stepped forward, bending to draw your faces closer together. Holding your breath, you stiffened, heart rate rocketing as his breath fell warm over your cheeks.
Then he reached his hand out. You forced yourself to hold his gaze, not sure why your face was growing hotter under his scrutiny.
His fingers met your hair. They pulled gently at a strand.
โ€œYou had this in your hair.โ€
Blinking, you found him holding a rose petal up, the hint of a smirk playing on his lips.
โ€œRight. Thank you,โ€ you spoke awkwardly, snatching it from his hand.
โ€œLetโ€™s stay here for a bit,โ€ he said then, turning around as if nothing had happened. However, you didnโ€™t complain. You didnโ€™t want him to see your burning cheeks.
Hobi had pulled you into the grove of roses you had seen earlier, which grew some way above your heads. The bushes were close together, providing the perfect cover. You heard no more of the shrieking monster as you walked after him through the plants.
Beautiful flower heads were nestled everywhere, the graceful bundles of petals peering at these strangers walking through their home.
Eventually, Hobi came to a halt. When you stopped at his side, he pushed aside some leaves to show you what lay beyond.
You had reached the other side of the grove and a new clearing lay before you. Unlike the other places you had been, there were no tall trees or wide rocks rising from the ground. At last it was flat.
But, most noticeably, in the middle of the clearing there was a building. Deep blue walls rose from a gold base, thin pillars winding upwards to support the corners of the many-sided roof. Small arched windows were set high up in the walls, through which you could see a silvery glow from inside.
Hobi looked around the space before emerging. No longer impatient, you wholly agreed with his caution and also peered out carefully.
As you remained mostly hidden by the roses, something came running around the house.
The dog.
Same as before, it stood looking at you, smiling mouth and wagging tail welcoming.
First, you looked to Hobi.
โ€œWhat do you think?โ€
โ€œYou were right,โ€ he replied, โ€œthe dog seems alright. We should give it a shot.โ€
Smiling, you felt assured now you were in agreement. Not stopping to think too much about the action, you placed your hand resolutely in Hobiโ€™s and stepped forwards.
This time the dog did not begin running away, waiting for you by the blue house wall instead. As the two of you drew closer, you bent a little, holding your hand out to the creature.
โ€œHi!โ€ you cooed, ignoring Hobiโ€™s light scoff from beside you.
The dog poised as if it would bark back, but instead it looked towards the house. Following its gaze, you looked through the window and instantly fell silent.
Inside, a figure was sitting, though you could only see their head and shoulders โ€“ and a pair of wings. They fluttered lazily, glinting in the silvery light.
โ€œThe librarian,โ€ Hobi murmured.
Nodding, you looked back to the dog.
โ€œWill you help us?โ€ you whispered.
Its tail wagged harder.
Smiling, you reached out to give it a gentle pat, ruffling the soft fur between its ears.
Satisfied, the sandy blond animal turned around, tail blurring all the while. It trotted away, leading you around the house. On passing the windows, you both ducked, fearing what the faerie would do if they discovered you here.
A short dash, looking over your shoulders, and you finally reached a thick row of trees. Squeezing behind the large trunks, you were surprised to see large wooden doors waiting for you.
If not for the lingering worry of the librarian somewhere nearby, you would have laughed out loud.
Hobi rushed forwards, grasping the dogs ears and ruffling them enthusiastically.
โ€œYou got us out!โ€ he whispered happily.
You were amused to see the dogโ€™s smiling mouth grow wider, tongue hanging out with his praise.
Jumping up with a brilliant grin, Hobi walked to the door. Waiting by the handle, he let you also say goodbye to your four-legged saviour.
โ€œThank you,โ€ you told it with a loving pat. For a moment, you looked into the dogโ€™s eyes, wishing you could somehow convey your gratitude.
Then a thought came over you. Tilting your head, you frowned slightly.
The dogโ€™s tail whirred back into motion, hopping up and down a little at the name.
Breaking into a smile, you patted it affectionately.
โ€œGood girl, Cindy,โ€ you grinned, โ€œthank you.โ€
Then you stood to join Hobiโ€™s side. He lifted the great handle, which made a concerning thunk in the quiet.
Hurriedly slipping through, you fell against the other side of the wood as he followed and shut it firmly behind him. You were back at the entrance of the library, the glass doors at the front of the foyer showing the road beyond it, no different than ever as cars and pedestrians hurried along.
โ€œWho let someone like that work in a school?โ€ you laughed, incredulous.
Hobi laughed loudly at last, the sound bringing a bigger grin to your face.
You had made it out.
All of a sudden, a pinging sound rang from your pocket, soon over taken by at least five more.
Pulling out your phone, you found it alive again, the screen lit up and full of messages.
โ€œYoongiโ€™s wondering where I am,โ€ you muttered, โ€œmy shiftโ€ฆโ€
Hobi pushed away from the wooden door, starting to walk with you across the entrance hall. Stuffing his hands into his pockets, he nodded.
โ€œYeah, um, I should get going too, I guess.โ€
Opening the main doors, you stood outside on the steps, at a loss. A bus rumbled past.
โ€œOkay,โ€ you spoke at length, โ€œyeah. Er, see you around.โ€
Smiling briefly, Hobi took a few hesitant steps back before he committed to walking away. One last wave and he was engulfed by the crowd on the street.
You sighed and set off in the opposite direction.
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The bell clinked, swinging wildly above the door as you hurried over to the counter.
โ€œIโ€™m so sorry Iโ€™m late,โ€ you spoke as you set your stuff down.
Turning to lean against the counter, Yoongi shrugged.
โ€œโ€™sโ€™alright. Where were you though?โ€
What were you meant to say? Your head was still spinning from everything that had passed, but you knew no one would believe you if you told them the truth. Shifting a little, your teeth nipped at your lower lip while you tried to come up with a reasonable excuse.
Meanwhile, a knowing look was sliding onto Yoongiโ€™s face.
โ€œI see,โ€ he grinned, and then, to your mortification, winked!
โ€œNo, you donโ€™t- thatโ€™s not-โ€œ you protested, but he was already snickering and turning back to the washing up.
Shaking your head, you concluded that whatever his belief was would make as good as excuse as any. At least he had made it up for you, saving the hassle.
You got to work.
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Over the next couple of days, everything ran like normal. Except for you, nothing was normal.
You still had no idea how such a small amount of time had passed while you and Hobi were busy running for your lives in fear of the librarian and their crazed world. You had barely been late for your shift afterwards; when it was time for bed you had collapsed straight in, feeling as if you had been awake for two days straight.
Of course, you had never gone back for that textbook.
In college the next day, you had taken a detour to class, stubbornly avoiding the building that had all but kidnapped you, wondering at the fact no one else seemed to realise.
At the cafรฉ later on, you waited impatiently for any sign of Hobi outside. He was the one person you desperately wanted to see. Surely he must be feeling the same? He would understand.
But you waited and waited, serving countless other customers without much thought. He never came, and so you were left to question your own sanity by yourself.
Nothing about your impromptu adventure made sense.
If it had been real, why didnโ€™t Hobi act like anything had changed? You certainly couldnโ€™t pretend that nothing had been altered between you while you had been trapped in that strange world inside the library.
Perhaps it had been a dream. All of it seemed so implausible that even recollecting it sent you spiralling with more questions.
But there was one hope. Even if Hobi remembered nothing of what transpired, you were still supposed to tutor him. You would see him next week, and try to assess what he might remember.
So when your phone buzzed that night, screen lighting up with a message from him at last, you had expected to arrange this weekโ€™s session. But all it said was: come outside.
Though you frowned, you werenโ€™t going to pass up this chance.
Sliding off your bed, you quickly stuffed your feet into your slippers and tried your best not to break into a run on the way to the door. Collecting yourself first with a deep breath, you pulled it open.
The first thing you took in was empty space outside your door. Blinking at it, you couldnโ€™t prevent the disappointment from creeping in. But then your eyes flickered downwards.
There at your feet lay a rose.
Your lips parted in wonder as you stooped to pick it up. Taking it between your fingers, you rolled it gently there. It was the exact same as those delicate flowers that had filled the grove where you sheltered together in the library.
A smile tugged at your mouth. It only grew as you remembered the identical petal Hobi had pulled from your hair.
He remembered.
The relief that washed over you was dizzying. Clutching the flower to your chest, you smiled out of your doorway once more, silently thanking Hobi.
But you wouldnโ€™t have to be silent for long. Your eyes landed on a figure leaning against a lamppost a few metres away, smiling right back at you.
As your eyes met, Hobi stood straighter. His mouth shifted to a radiant grin. He had come back to you.
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Thank you so much for reading!! And again, send lots of birthday love over to @moccahobiโ€‹!! As promised, here is the beautiful bingo card I used for this story:
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taglist: @aianlovesevenโ€‹ @preciouschimineโ€‹ @un2-verseโ€‹ @ddaechwitaโ€‹ @taegularitiesโ€‹ย 
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angellesword ยท 3 years
LET GO | JHS (01)
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You live in a world where people hear the thoughts of their soulmates inside their head. For others, itโ€™s romantic. Actually, you thought the same way too. But what if the person bound to you turns out to be your adoptive brother? What ifโ€ฆHoseok, your soulmate, sees you as his little sister and nothing more?
โ€œFrom stereo to monoโ€”thatโ€™s how the path splits.โ€
Genre: soulmate au, fantasy au, angst, fluff, adoptive brother au, slow burn, slice of life, hurt and comfort, coming of age.
Pairing: Foster brother!Hoseok x Younger sister!Reader
Word Count: 4.5k (Chapter 1: The First Snowfall)
Warnings: character death (Iโ€™m sorry)
Chapterโ€™s OST: The First Snow by Joonil Jung
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Romantic was how you described everything that happened to you for the first timeโ€”just like what's happening today.
"Hope! Wake up! You need to see this!" You got out of bed, squealing with delight as you sprinted towards the big window in your room. You were in such a hurry that you didn't notice the toys scattered on the floor, causing you to trip.
Normally you would make a fuss about how your mom didn't help you clean up your mess, however you knew better.
You were already ten years old and โ€œten year olds should learn how to clean up after themselves. You are not a child anymore," would be your motherโ€™s response if you screamed to get her attention.
You didn't mind it though. Secretly, you loved it when she barged in your room to know why you're calling her name in distress. You were born as an actress. You had always overreacted about how a part of your body hurt after tripping, and this was all because you enjoyed seeing people worry about you.
You craved attention, especially when it came from your parents. They rarely spare you love and affection because Namjoon, your older brother, was always the one getting them, but today was different.
Right now, you didn't really care about your family's attention. All that you could think about was your desire to watch the snowflakes, through the window of your room, from falling down.
With this goal in mind, you quickly stood up and rushed to the window.
This day was special because it was the first snowfall of the year. The glow in your eyes hinted how eager you were to share this moment with your soulmate.
A soulmate...
It sounded strange coming from a ten year-old like you, but soulmates did exist in real life. You lived in a world where people heard the thoughts of their soulmates inside their head.
This reality sounded so romantic for a girl like you. Just thinking about having someone destined to love you, to listen and comfort you, and to be with you already made your heart skip a beat.
Legends said that there were different kinds of worlds out there. Each world had their own concept of soulmates. Your father and your brother both liked studying. You always heard them talking about studies related to soulmates. Namjoon was only twelve, but he had already read and decided to share with you an article claiming that people from another world saw in black and white until they looked in the eyes of their soulmates. Your father found this fascinating as he shared this particular world where people's touch could heal the affliction of the person destined for them.
You barely listened to their stories because you didn't care about other worlds. You only cared about the world you lived in. The others sucked anyway. Why would you want to live in a colorless world? That seemed sad. You couldn't imagine not being able to see hues for a long time.
Besides, wasn't it better to hear the voice of your soulmate inside your head? It was the best assurance that you weren't alone. You had someone to listen to your thoughts, someone who you could contact anytime and anywhereโ€”just like what you were doing now.
"Hope!" You called your soulmate again. This was the beauty of your world, not only could you hear what they're thinking, but you could also communicate with them even if you're thousands of miles away.
It varied from couple to couple though. Some people heard their soulmates from a very young age. There were also those who were only able to communicate with their soulmates when they're in their late twenties, thirties, or even forties.
Your case was more of the former instance. You started connecting with your soulmate four months ago. Your whole family knew about this. They're happy for you, especially Namjoon.
He was thrilled. He kept asking how it felt like to finally talk to your soulmate. You hadn't shared much to him because this was pretty special to you, something that you wanted to keep to yourself because yes, you were selfish. It brought you pride thinking that you're experiencing something beautiful and your brother had no clue about how good it felt.
You loved Namjoon, you really did, yet you couldn't help but be jealous of him. It was obvious he's your parents' favorite.
"At least tell me his name. What if I know him?" Your older brother tried to pry information out of you.
It didn't work. You didn't respond. It's not like you knew the answer anyway. Your soulmate was sweet as sugar. He said he adored you and that he couldn't wait to meet you; however, he said he's not ready to tell you his name yet.
"Hope. You can call me hope..." Your soulmate compromised instead.
"Hope..." You remembered repeating what he said. It's nice. You liked it. He could be your hope, he could be the one to save you from feeling as if you were alone. "What about me? I'm not telling you my name if you can't tell me yours."
You argued because you were petty, but also because you wanted him to give you a nickname as well. Something that only the two of you knew.
You'd love that. It would make you feel like you belonged.
"What about โ€˜dream?โ€™ Can I call you Dream?"
You despised his suggestion. Dream? Huh. It sounded...normal, like he didn't think it through. It wasn't special.
But Hope liked it. He explained to you what he meant by this. "You're my dream. I dream about being with you forever..."
Your ten year-old heart remembered giggling and losing her cool upon hearing that. Hope was the same age as your brother. Maybe that's the reason why he sounded mature, or why he could easily make you swoon.
He was always the one doing and saying something romantic. Today, you're taking the lead.
You didn't sleep all night since you were waiting for the first snowfall. The news said it's gonna snow today and you wanted to share this moment with Hope.
"Hope!" You called again, growing impatient. Why wasn't he answering?
"I'm here, Dream." You heard him giggling inside your head, making you gasp.
"Why didn't you say anything? How long have you been there?"
"Since before you called my name. I hear you all the time, Dream."
His confession caused you to pout as you folded your arms over your chest. He knew about your plan. Hope always knew. He could hear you almost 24/7. The only time he's met with silence was when you were sleeping. Your mind was always busy. You were thoughtful. It's one of the things he liked about you.
"Well, did you see the first snowfall?"
Hope hummed, saying that he made a wish too.
"I wish to see you, Dream." He meant this in the sweetest way possible, sadly you didn't appreciate it.
You groaned.
"Hope! You can't tell me your wish! It'll get jinxed!" You kept on grumbling. It's annoying. He's annoying. He was ruining this romantic moment!
But Hope just chuckled. It was soft and full of adoration.
"It'll happen, Dream. Trust me."
"Fine," was the last thing you said before pursing your lips so you could silently watch the snowflakes from falling down.
You didn't shut your mind though. Hope could still your thoughts and he smiled because he knew you're happy.
That's honestly all he needed to know.
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You spent half an hour with Hope while staring outside of your window before your brother barged in your room.
"Joon! You can't just come in without knocking! It's disrespectful!" You whined as you watched him pick up your toys on the floor. Ah, right. You hadnโ€™t cleaned up your mess yet.
"I'll consider that if you start calling me oppa." Your brother deadpanned while putting the toys inside the basket.
You hated how responsible he was, albeit a little clumsy.
"What the?" The look of disbelief painting your face was enough to make Namjoon's face turn red; however he tried to play it cool by making sure that his expression remained impassive.
Unfortunately he's failing greatly. He couldn't keep it together when you started screaming at his face.
"You broke my toy!" You snatched the helicopter of your doll. Damn it. This was your favorite. You begged your father to buy this for you. He and your mom even fought because this costed a fortune.
"I can't believe you! How did you even break it?"
Namjoon opened his mouth to speak. At the same time, your bedroom door flew open, revealing your mother who was holding a hanger. She was ready to use it to spank her children.
"It's seven in the morning! What are you shouting about, huh? Do you want the whole neighborhood to hear you!?" Scratch that, she wasn't going to spank you and Namjoon.
It's just you. She rushed towards your direction but you successfully hid behind your brother before she could hit you.
"Yah, Eomma! Why are you hitting me? Joon broke my toy! The helicopter!" You jumped and used your sibling's body as a shield. Your mother hadn't stopped trying to spank you.
You yelped when the hanger touched your hip.
"Do something! Tell her the truth!" You yelped again as you hit Namjoonโ€™s shoulder blade. Your brother didn't budge. "Appa! Appa help me! Mom's killing meโ€”" so you just exaggeratedly called the attention of your father who's probably shitting in the bathroom.
Sometimes your father pretended like he had a troubled stomach just so he could skip the chaotic morning in your household. He was sick trying to intervene because he knew it would always end up with your mom getting mad at him. He couldnโ€™t afford to make her mad since your mother was as petty as you.
She did things like "forgetting" to put salt in your father's egg or โ€œaccidentallyโ€ clogging the toilet and forcing your father to fix it.
"You little bratโ€”" Your mother gritted her teeth, still trying to catch you.
Namjoon sighed, finally intervening.
"Eomma, it's not her fault. It's mine."
It's like magic. She froze the moment she heard Namjoon speak.
"I accidentally broke her toy..." He confessed, giving the look to your mother. His deep dimples were visible, making your mother coo.
You could almost taste disgust and envy in your mouth as your mother said, "that's okay, Joon-ah. You can fix it, right?"
Your mother didn't let him finish because she already heard what she wanted to know.
"Good, good. To breakfast then. The food is waiting." Your mother beamed before rushing back to the kitchen.
Namjoon looked at you apologetically.
"I'm sorry," and he apologized too.
You just rolled your eyes because what else could you do? You had a feeling that even if Namajoon couldn't fix your toy, your mother would still let him get away with it.
He's her favorite after all.
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Having breakfast with your family surprisingly went well. Your mother didn't nag your ear off. In fact, she kept putting all nutritious foods on your plate.
She usually did this to Namjoon since he was the smart one. He was the one who needed more energy and a healthier body to do good in school. Your mother had probably given up on you. Your teachers said it themselves: you had no hope.
You were a delinquent. The dullest kid in class. All you cared about was crafting. One time your homeroom teacher saw you making beaded bracelets instead of reviewing for the upcoming quiz.
You didn't have your priorities straightโ€” this was what they said.
"Hey, kid. Appa's talking to you." Namjoon interrupted your musing by nudging your shoulder. He was sitting beside you while chewing his food loudly.
It pissed you off. Brothers were the worst.
"What?" You stopped stabbing your vegetable omelette. You hated this. Why couldn't your mom just make a regular one?
"Your mom and brother are going to Hope World, wanna go with them?"
You stared at your father impassively. This was the first time he asked you to go with them after many years of resistance. Hope World was an orphanage which your family sponsored. You used to go with them when you were just three years old. You stopped coming when you reached five. It wasn't like you didn't want to see the kids. You just hated befriending them because what if they left again?
Losing Yerin was the saddest thing that had happened to you. She was your only best friend, the only one who wanted to play with you without the volunteers forcing her to. She was the same age as you too.
Yerin left the orphanage because she was adopted by a wealthy family. The adults said she changed her name and refused to have contact with anyone she had met at the orphanage.
You hadn't been back at the orphanage since Yerin left.
"No." You went back to stabbing your omelette. Your face was growing hot because you could feel the deep stare of your family.
They probably thought you're being petty again. But who cared? It's not like that's new. They had always thought of you this way. Still, you couldn't help but whimper in annoyance. This was quickly becoming one of the worst days of your life.
"It's okay, yeobo. You and Joon can go. I'll stay with her today."
It hurt.
Your neck hurt because of how fast your head snapped up to meet the gaze of your mother. You couldn't believe your ears.
Did she really offer to stay with you at home today?
"That'd be great, eomma!" Namjoon's eyes twinkled. He had been meaning to go to the orphanage without his mother. The latter was overprotective, always stopping him and his friends there from playing the fun games. Namjoon was sure his father wouldn't be like that. He'd most definitely allow your brother to do whatever he wanted in exchange of pretending like he couldn't see him smoking.
Your father told his wife he had already quit smoking. It's a lie, obviously. He hadnโ€™t learned no matter how many times his wife told him to quit. You were just like your father. You never listened to your mom. You went back to your room after breakfast even though she told you many times to help her with the dishes.
You were fixing your broken helicopter when you heard a knock. Namjoon popped his head through the door of your room, asking if he could come in.
"So you finally learned how to knock huh?" Your voice was rough as you tighten your hold on your toy.
Namjoon snorted.
"Yeah. You should learn how to call me oppa too."
"Whatever." You avoided his gaze while he invited himself inside your room.
It was your turn to snort.
"Why are you still here? I thought you're going to the orphanage?" The bitterness in your voice didn't go unnoticed by Namjoon.
He knew you were jealous of him in many ways. It's just sad that this was also the case when it came to friendship. Namjoon wasn't dumb. He was aware that one of the reasons why you didn't want to go to Hope World was because you hated seeing him having fun with Yoongi and Hoseok, his two best friends.
"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us? We can make snow ducks together." Namjoon tried to coax you. He said he would bring his snowball maker.
"No. Ducks are ugly and I hate the snow. It's too cold." You still refused to look at him. You're convinced Namjoon had a special power. One look in your eyes and he already knew what you're feeling. You didn't want him to know that you wanted to go with them, that you wanted to make snow ducks too.
"Are you sure? We can also playโ€”"
"Are you deaf or stupid?" You asked irately. "I said no, Namjoon."
Your brother was taken aback by how harsh you said his name. You always called him Joon or Joonie, but never Namjoon.
"Okay," he managed to say softly after recovering from the shock. Namjoon chose to drop it because he couldn't risk fighting with you twice in a day.
He really wanted to go to the orphanage. Your mother might change her mind if the two of you pissed her off. You already had a strike earlier this morning.
"I'll go now. See you later..." Namjoon bid you goodbye.
He was halfway through the door when you stopped him.
"Wait!" You called, panicking.
Namjoon instantly turned to look at you. His brows were furrowed, bracing himself from the mean comment he's sure you'd say.
But he was wrong.
"T-Take care, okay? I'll be sad if you break your leg or something." The road was slippery and you knew there's more than fifty percent probability of Namjoon slipping and hurting himself. He's that clumsy.
"I'll come back in one piece." He smiled at you, eyes crinkling. "Bye, kid."
You smiled a little too.
"Bye, Joonie..."
Namjoon was out of the door after that.
You let out a deep breath and continued fixing your toy. Few minutes later, you decided to give up. Namjoon said he'd fix this, right? He's responsible 99% of the time for breaking things in the house, but as stated, Namjoon was a genius. He could always fix what he broke.
You guessed you just had to trust him again. It's not like you had the time to fix your toy. Your mother demanded that you helped her bake a cake.
It's your family's tradition to eat a cake during the first snowfall. Your mother baked one if she had time, but more often than not, she just bought one. Your mother and Namjoon always went to Hope World every first snowfall to bring groceries and toys. The kids loved it every time.
"This is perfect!"
For the second time around, you were surprised by the way your mother was acting. She was being sweet and kind. Don't get twisted, your mom loved you, it's just that sometimes, she had a hard time expressing that because you're always acting like a brat.
But your mom didn't berate you while baking a cake. She seemed proud of you actually. She patted your head and told you you did a good job helping her. The cake was perfect.
"Will Joon like that though?" You grimaced, suddenly remembering that your brother hated the mint chocolate flavor.
Your mother told you not to worry. Namjoon would probably eat a slice of cake they brought in the orphanage anyway. She also said it's time to bake your favorite flavor since she always made what her older son liked.
"Why are you being nice to me?" You were skeptical. Was this the calm before the storm? Did you do something she hated again?
"What are you talking about?" And just like that, your real mother was back. She was scoffing at you. "Can't I do anything nice for you, huh, you little brat?"
Your mom grabbed a towel upon noticing a streak of flour on your cheek.
"Go watch the T.V." She said as she wiped the flour off your face. "I'll prepare a hot bath for you."
You were too sweaty and tired to say anything so you just nodded. A hot bath sounded promising. Besides, this was the first time you spent your hours without bickering with your mom. You didn't want to ruin this day, not when she promised to make you a hot cocoa while you two ate the mint chocolate cake.
All in all, it was a great day. Not only did you spend the day baking cake, your mom also joined you in the living room to watch some movies. She helped you complete your requirements in school before the start of winter break too. You didn't even know how you convinced her to make bracelets with you.
Your mother was pretty good with this kind of stuff. Her style was similar to yours.
"Maybe we can make bracelets for the kids in the orphanage too? You know, for Christmas..." Your mother carefully watched your expression while suggesting this.
You briefly wondered if she stayed with you today to do thisโ€”to coax you into visiting the orphanage again.
"Sure, eomma. You and Joon can bring them the bracelets." You said because really, what were you supposed to say?
Sometimes showing kindness wasn't enough to persuade people from doing something they didn't like.
Thankfully your mother didn't pester you about going to Hope World any longer. She just tucked you in bed after that.
You couldn't sleep though. You hadn't bid your soulmate good night. He said that you two were looking at the same stars at night. Apparently, he was from Gwangju as well. Small world.
"Hope? You in there?" You tried to connect with him when you were already in bed. It's already eight pm. Namjoon and your father were still at the orphanage. They were asked to stay for dinner because it was said that one of the orphans there was getting adopted. The kids wanted to throw a simple dinner party for that lucky child.
That child would finally have a family.
"Hope?" You called again, yawning. You normally slept at around ten pm, but you were just so tired. You didn't think you could wait for Hope. He told you he's helping with the chores at this time around.
"You said you always hear me, right? I'm sorry I can't wait tonight. I'm really sleepy." With that, you yawned again. "Goodnight, Hope. I'll talk to you tomorrow..."
You waited for him to respond for five more minutes. It's still radio silent so you decided to close your eyes and sleep.
Thereโ€™s nothing to worry about. He's your soulmate so he's still gonna be around when you wake up.
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You're having a sleepless dream when you were suddenly awoken by strong arms gripping and shaking your shoulders.
"Get up!" Was the first thing your mother demanded, her frightening voice reached your ears; however, you didn't quite understand what's happening because you felt hazy.
"E-Eomma?" You asked, yawning and looking at your mother with sleepy eyes. What's going on? Was it morning already?
You didn't have time to assess the situation because of how fast things were going. One second you're opening your eyes and then now your mother was screaming at the top of her lungs.
"We have to go!" She cried while roughly putting a bonnet on your head. She didn't waste any time and immediately proceeded to wrap a scarf around your neck.
She agitatedly threw a pair of gloves in your lap but you still weren't sure what exactly to do. Sleep was nudging your shoulders, unfortunately your panicked-stricken mother wasn't letting you rest, not even for a second.
"Put those gloves on and wear your boots! We need to go!"
She shouted once more, wailing and forcing you to get into the car. She also said you didn't have time, that you needed to hurry up.
Maybe it was the fear, or maybe it was the heaviness you felt in the pit of your stomach, whatever the case was, you just found yourself cooperating with your mother.
You had never seen her like this before. She looked as though she had no hope left. She was driving her car way too fast. Your heart was in your throat upon seeing her stepping on the gas with so much force. Your mom didn't hesitate to send the car flying because you were wearing your seatbelt. You were in the back seat of her car.
It was dark outside and it was snowing hard. You didn't dare ask where you were going, or rather, you didn't have to. You knew this way all too well.
You were going to the orphanage.
"E-Eomma..." You murmured, scared because the speed of the car was making you feel nauseated, but more than this, you were scared thinking that she was in distress. Her face made it seem like she had seen a ghost, a ghost that kept on haunting her and she had no idea how to get away.
Your mother was a strong woman. She never showed her children and husband the pain she was feeling. She didn't want to appear vulnerable. She wanted to set a good example to the people she loved, but at this very moment, it was clear that she had lost everything: her courageous heart, her strong mind, and her will to live.
Her will to live.
Your mother stopped the car. You were in the vicinity of Hope World. You didn't understand why there were police cars and an ambulance.
Did someone get hurt?
Or did someone...die?
Your mother got out of the car, ignoring your call completely. She didn't have time to deal with you because her older son was the one who needed her the most.
You were safe, Namjoon wasn't.
Your brother was dead.
You also got out of the car, your shaky feet trudging towards the direction where your mom went. The adults were busy discussing things you didn't understand.
You saw some orphans crying. These were the kids who happened to see Namjoon's dead body.
You didn't see it at once but you got to know what happened. It's not hard to find out, not when your mother was basically screaming it out.
"No! My son!"
"This is not happening!"
"He is not dead!"
"He can't be dead!"
These were the words she kept repeating while your father engulfed her into an embrace, trying to calm her down. She couldn't calm down. Her son was dead.
You gripped the hem of your sweater because unlike your mother, you didn't have anyone right now. No one was hugging you. Hell, no one was paying you attention.
You're like a ghost, staring and silently crying as some people wearing white carried the stretcher carrying your brother's dead body.
Namjoon's dead body...
Your heart recoiled. The sorrow you felt threatened to suffocate you. Suddenly, you found it hard to breathe.
Namjoon was dead.
Namjoon was still dead.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhaleโ€”you couldn't do it.
You needed support.
"H-Hope?" You desperately called for your soulmate, hoping that he would answer, hoping that he would comfort you and tell you it's going to be okay, or that this was all a bad dream, that soon, you'd wake up and see Namjoon fixing your helicopter.
Except this wasn't a dream. This was reality.
Romantic was how you described everything that happened to you for the first timeโ€”definitely not like what's happening at this very moment.
No. The first snowfall wasn't romantic, it's catastrophic.
The first snowfall was now your reminder of the two worst things that had ever happened in your life.
One, you lost your brother.
Two, you never heard from your soulmate again.
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โ†’ Next
126 notes ยท View notes
riaarivic ยท 1 year
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
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๐ŸŒ™ Pairings YoongixReader
๐ŸŒ™ย Genresย Mafia!AU, Smut, Angst, Action, Thriller, Enemies to lovers
๐ŸŒ™ย Rating 18+ minors DNI
๐ŸŒ™ย Summaryย ย You were an INTERPOL Agent assigned to infiltrate the depths of the most powerful Gang in South Korea: The Seven Moons. Your objective: to impersonate the daughter of one of their leaders and destroy the operation from within. That is, if they don't discover you first.
And Traitors wonโ€™t have the mercy of a quick death
๐ŸŒ™ย Warningsย For this chapter: mentions of death, drugs and vioence, foul language, mentions of organized crime. Smut (yes, finally) explicit sex scene.
๐ŸŒ™ย A/N At no time do I (the author) encourage this activity in life, it is important that you know that the criminal acts in this book are that, a crime, as well as harmful to health and should not be romanticized. This is all a work of fiction for entertainment.
Love, Ria
๐ŸŒ™ย Chapter wordcount 5k (the longest one yet)
๐ŸŒ™ย Series Index
1 ย 2 3 4 ย 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
HATE 9: DANGER (M) I MYG x F!reader
You don't have me, but I'm so full of you I'm going crazy So why are you doing this to me? Why are you making a fool out of me?
The more you fuck aroundโ€ฆย 
The more youโ€™ll find out.ย 
Your grandmother used to tell you that everytime you got in trouble and in the Seven Moonsโ€™s case: Theyโ€™ve been fucking around for too long.ย 
The Seven Moonsโ€™s history went way back to the first kkangpae during the Japanese occupation and the fights against the yakuza. They smuggled guns to the country during the military run in the 80โ€™s. And of course were the Drug Kings during the clan wars 20 years ago. Every time a new leader rose, the clan had a new name and the member deleted every piece of evidence that linked them to their previous organization.
A clean page to start over.ย 
And in the end if thereโ€™s no body, thereโ€™s no crime.ย 
That is why they were yet to find out.ย 
The Seven Moons under Kim DoHanโ€™s rule, were untouchable. Every crime committed by his orders was untraceable to him and his sons; they always made sure that someone else got their hands dirty and in the case they did finish a job they had enough people in power to make sure no one would ask questions.ย 
All of the seven young leaders' criminal records were so squeaky clean they could run for office. You were surprised you didn't see any pictures of Kim Namjoon or Kim Seokjin kissing babies on their files.
You could do a lot of fucking around if you were sure youโ€™ll never get caught.ย 
That was the reason you were sent to Seoul in the first place.
And for the past 3 days you learned one thing.ย 
Kim Dohan and his seven moons were very fucking good at fucking around and not finding out.ย 
But pride was the cardinal sin of the powerful and more often than not, the reason for their demise. All you needed was to find an opening on The Seven Moonโ€™s arrogance.ย 
And the best one you found.ย 
Was finding your way to Suga's bed.ย 
You werenโ€™t really proud of it. But you have to do what youโ€™ve got to do.ย 
โ€œBy any means necessaryโ€ were the exact words of the Lieutenant and sitting on the Shadowโ€™s face on your second night in Seoul fell into that category.ย 
Not that you had other motives for it.ย 
The sun was about to rise in the sky when you finally reached your bedroom in the mansion and you knew you could not sleep tonight, not after what you saw at Jhopeโ€™s warehouse.ย 
Youโ€™ve witnessed violence, you served in the military, youโ€™ve been in a war.ย 
But youโ€™ve never seen something so cruelโ€ฆ
It was pure evil, the way those bodies piled up.ย 
And the message.ย 
โ€œThis is how the devil pays for your loyaltyโ€ย 
Written with their own clansmen blood.ย 
Releasing a tired sigh you sat on your bed and took out a small digital recorder in your pocket.ย 
You had placed the device inside the meeting room earlier that day during the office tour. Hoping to catch some valuable information from the clan leaders. Now, as you got your laptop on your lap, you plugged in your earbuds and listened to the recording, your heart pounding with anticipation.
At first, the voices were barely audible, as if the speakers were deliberately trying to keep their conversation from being overheard. But your trained ears picked up snippets of words and phrases.
It was a conversation between Kim Dohan and Mr. Lee โ€œyour fatherโ€ย 
"...the heir is a liability..."ย  said Kim Dohan in a tone that made your blood run cold.
"...we must eliminateโ€ฆ before they gain too much power..." responded Mr. Lee and you made a mental note to find out who they were. You suspected they were talking about the Jade Dragon.
"...make it look like an accident..." Your hand shook as you rewound the recording and played back the crucial part.ย 
This wasnโ€™t exactly what you had been waiting for, a piece of evidence that would help you bring down the entire clan.ย 
But it was a death sentence for the clanโ€™s heir, who was unaware of the plot against him.
It had to be Kim Namjoon.ย 
You wondered what drove Kim Dohan to decide to get rid of his only biological son. You had to act fast. You couldn't let them carry out their plan. But how could you warn Namjoon without blowing your cover?
If they killed him and then wiped out the clanโ€™s record there was no chance for you to find any evidence.
And without any evidence, you were done.ย 
Mission Failed.
You needed to rest.ย 
You closed your laptop and stared at the ceiling, your time was running out. And this piece of information was a drop of water compared to the sea of lies that existed around the Seven Moons clan.ย 
You needed something more, something bigger.ย 
The next morning on the Seven Moon's diningroom.
Awkward was not a good enough word to describe how everyone at that table was feeling.
Namjoon had a black eye.
Suga had a split lip.
No one knew how Jungkook had ended up with a hickey on his neck.
Jimin was still furious with everyone for making such a fuss in his club.
Jhope looked like his cereal was made of rusty nails and he had to swalow them whole.
Taehyung was looking at you as if he wanted to kill youโ€ฆ
Although that was nothing new.
You looked exactly how you felt.. like shit.ย 
Jin was the only one who seemed to be calm.
And as if the tension at that table didn't feel like it could be cut with a chainsaw. The clanโ€™s Leader joined you for the first time at breakfast.
โ€œMiss Nari, you have been in my house for a few days now and we have not had the opportunity to talkโ€ Kim Dohan's deep voice crossed the dining table and his tone of authority made everyone present stop what they were doing โ€œI hope you are adapting well to life here in Seoul, if there is anything you need, do not hesitate to let me knowโ€ย 
โ€œThank you very much, sirโ€ You answered him looking at him from afar feeling like his gaze could pierce through any lie, even for you, a trained agent looking at Kim Dohan was like looking straight in the devilโ€™s eyes โ€œI have everything I need, you are very kindโ€ finished your phrase with the most convincing smile you could give.ย 
โ€œEveryone can tell you have more than you needโ€ Taehyung muttered quietly, just enough for you to hear him and you felt the blood rush to your cheeks. You weren't quite sure if it was anger or embarrassment you felt.
โ€œIf you want to say something at my table, Kim Taehyung, I hope you'll say it loud enough for all of us to hearโ€ The Leader pounded his fist on the table making everyone jump a little out of their seats.
โ€œOh, Father, I was saying that Miss Nari seems to feel very comfortable at home. That is so great, because by the end of next month this will be your houseย  too. When she marries one of usโ€ The young gangster replied with a shit eating grin.
You little shit.
Oh, how you wanted to wipe the smile off his face!
After the awkward breakfast was over, you felt like you were about to poke Taehyung with a toothpick right in the eye. When one of Kim Dohanโ€™s bodyguards approached you quietly โ€œThe Leader wants to speak to you privatelyโ€
Your blood froze on your veins, if there was something you did not want to do was to be in the same room as Kim Dohanโ€ฆ alone. You looked at Suga who was on the other side of the room and he gave you an understanding smile.ย 
If the leader wanted to speak to you alone, he will have it his way.
You took a deep breath before opening the doors to The Leaderโ€™s office. The devil sat behind his massive desk, his piercing gaze fixed on you as you approached him. "Sit," he commanded, gesturing to the chair opposite him. You sat down, your heart pounding in your chest.
"You know that you are playing with fire, don't you?" Kim Dohan said in a low voice. "You may have fooled my men and my sons, but you can't fool me."
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but your mind was racing. Have you been discovered? Did Kim DoHan know that you were an undercover agent?
"I know about you and my son," Kim DoHan continued, his eyes narrowing. "Don't think that anything happens in my house without me knowing. You're lucky that I respect your father so much."
You felt your heart sink.ย 
Out of all the things you thought he could have discovered. That was the less awfull.ย 
But you could not be at ease. Now that you knew he was onto you.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about," you stammered, trying to stay calm.
"Oh, pretty lily. That was your first and last mistake. Do not lie to me," Kim DoHan said, his voice rising and his gaze darkened. "I have eyes and ears everywhere. This is my home and my kingdom to rule. You think you can deceive me, but you can't. You're playing a dangerous game, flower. And if you're not careful, you're going to get burned."
You noticed Kim Dohan kept calling you flower.
Just like Suga did.ย 
And that made you wonder if he was involved in this.ย 
You felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead. Kim Dohan's words were a clear warning, and you knew that you had to be more careful than ever. You nodded, keeping your eyes fixed on the floor.
"I understand," you said softly. "I won't let it happen again."
Kim Dohan leaned back in his chair, his expression inscrutable. "See that you don't. I wonโ€™t say I don't understand young love, but I really do not appreciate two of my sons fighting in a dark alley like hormonal teenagers over a girl. " he said, dismissing you with a wave of his hand.
You rose to your feet, your legs feeling weak. You knew that you had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, and that you had to tread carefully from now on. As you left Kim DoHan's office, you knew that the stakes had just been raised, and that the game had become even more deadly.
Later that day...
You were lying on your bed trying to process all the information you had gathered over the past days.
The realization dawned on you, it became clear that the Jade Dragon, the Chinese triad with a dark history, had resurfaced and were seeking retribution. The ability to send a message to the clan's secret hideout suggested that they had a mole within the organization.
And not just anyone had access to that place, it had to be someone with power.
You had enough reasons to suspect that Kim Namjoon was into some shady business, and you were determined to uncover the truth. Your gut suggested that it may have something to do with his father's plans to eliminate the heir.
With everything that happened so far, you were aware that time was running out, and you had until the end of the following month to compile all the evidence you could.ย 
This was your only opportunity to bring the clan to justice.
The moment the new heir was appointed, the clan would be rebranded under a fresh name, and all traces of their previous identity would vanish.
To make everything fucking worse, you had a hint that Kim DoHan was aware of your true intentions.
And early today he wasnโ€™t just talking about you fucking his son.
Tap, Tap, Tap
Someone was tapping quickly on the balcony window in your room.
Ah, yes...
You weren't thinking about your main problem.
And said problem just hauled himself over the balcony railing with ease, his lean muscles rippling under his black shirt. He stood before you, an inscrutable expression on his chiseled face. In the moonlight light filtering through the curtains, his features seemed even more striking - the sharp jawline, the piercing obsidian eyes, the faint scar on his left eye that only added to his rugged appeal.
โ€œGood evening Little flower. Can you let me in?โ€ย  he said in his low, melodic voice. He took a step closer. You could smell the heady, sandalwood scent of his cologne, feel the warmth radiating from his body. Your heart thudded in her chest.
โ€œWhat are you doing here Suga?โ€ you asked as you opened the window, the cold night breeze made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"I've been trying to figure something out,besides, I thought it was funny that we both used each other's window as an entrance,โ€ he winked at you โ€œyour room smells like Lilies Is that on purpose?โ€ย 
โ€œSuga, what are you doing here, are you on drugs?โ€ you let out an inpatient sigh and the black-haired man stopped in front of you and took a lock of your hair still smiling at you โ€œI'm clean as a Russian athlete before the Olympics. Didnโ€™t I tell you to call me by my name, when we were alone, did you forget it?โ€ย 
โ€œNo, I didn'tโ€
Of course you hadn't.
You had imagined calling him by his name when you kissed him again.
But that couldn't happen again. A flash of your conversation earlier with Kim DoHan passed through your mind.
It wonโ€™t happen again.
โ€œWhat are you trying to figure out in the middle of the night in my room, Yoongi?โ€ If you thought that man was close to you before, now Suga was almost completely attached to her body.
"I need your help."
You swallowed hard. "I don't know how I can help you."
He smiled, a slow, dangerous smile that made your knees weak. "I think you do. I see the way you look at me. The way your breath catches when I'm near you," He reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingers trailing along her skin and igniting sparks beneath her flesh.
โ€œBut this is not about that. Although, we could talk about it laterโ€ he said.
Your heart raced. You knew after that conversation with Kim DoHan that you were flying too close to the sun, seeing Suga behind his father's back. But you couldn't deny the attraction you felt for him, the way his eyes seemed to look right through you right now.
"What do you need my help with?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
"It's about what you saw last night at Jhope's warehouse," Suga said, pacing back and forth across the room. "Can you tell me everything?."
You felt a surge of adrenaline. This was exactly the kind of opening you were looking for. If Suga trusted you enough to ask, youโ€™ll make him trust you enough to speak.ย 
"It was awful," you said. โ€œIโ€™ve never seen something like that before.โ€
"I know, pretty flower, but I really need you to tell me what you saw," Suga said, turning to face you. "I need you to find out what is happening, before it's too late."
You sighed as you began to recall everything you could remember while Suga listened carefully. That man's gaze was the only thing that could terrify her and make her want to run straight towards him at the same time.
"Thank you" he says, taking a step closer to her. "I canโ€™t tell you right now how much youโ€™ve helped me today. But I promise you, it's important."
You feel your heart skip a beat as he reaches out and brushes a strand of hair from your face.
"I don't know if I can trust you," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
He takes another step closer and looks deep into her eyes. "You can trust me," he says, his voice filled with sincerity.
For a moment, you stand there in silence, the tension between you palpable. Then, he leans in, taking the lollipop out of his mouth and presses his lips to yours, and you felt yourself melting into his arms.
As you break apart, you realize that youโ€™re in too deep.ย 
Suga made you feel as if you were running directly towards a cliff.
Ready to jump to the abyss.ย 
Fuck the consequences.ย 
โ€œI actually came to figure out something else. You see, last night you were high and Iโ€™ve been told not to trust drunken truths. Bu you said you like me-โ€ย 
โ€œI don't like you.โ€ย  You interrupted him trying to sound as convincing as you could, but Suga could see right through you. He smirked and took the lollipop between his fingers and tapped it to your lips. You understood what he was asking immediately.
You licked the lollipop looking right into his eyes.ย 
He took it again and put it in his mouth, rolling it around his tongue.
โ€œGood girl. But you taste like lies.โ€ The man ran his thumb delicately over her lips and brought his mouth close to your ear. โ€œIf you don't want me to kiss you again, tell me and I won't touch you againโ€ his voice sounded almost like a growl โ€œBut if you'll give me your permission, I want to check a second thingโ€
Flying too close to the sun.
That was exactly what it felt like to kiss Suga.
โ€œWhat thing?โ€
โ€œIf I really like you enough, that I don't give a fuck about all the trouble you're going to get me intoโ€ Now you the one who kissed him this time.
Oh, you were going to burn.
Suga bit your lower lip so that you would open your mouth a little and his tongue could roam freely over yours. His hands moved down from your face and over your neck, shoulders, breasts and hips.
Tonight, it felt different than the first night in his bedroom.
Tonight Suga was a man on a mission.ย 
His plan was to leave no corner of your body unknown.
Between the haze of desire that you were feeling, your mind came to its senses.ย 
As an undercover agent, you knew the risks of getting involved with the son of one of Seoul's most powerful mafia leaders.
Kim DoHan had fucking warned you less than four hours ago.
But when he dropped you onto the luxurious bed of your bedroom in the Mansion, you couldn't deny the attraction between you. As his intense gaze swept over your body, you felt a rush of excitement mixed with fear.ย 
As he leaned in to kiss you, you couldn't help but wonder if this was all part of his plan. Was he using you or did he genuinely want you? You pushed those thoughts aside and surrendered to the pleasure, letting yourself get lost in the moment.
โ€œYoongi.โ€ you sighed between kisses, and to him his name sounded like the best melody he had ever heard in his life.
โ€œOh, little flower you're going to be the fucking death of me.โ€ he growled lowering his lips to her neck to bite her and she let out a moan.ย 
That was the last remaining thread of control for both of you.
Yoongi drank your body like a man finding water in the middle of the desert, and when he undressed in front of you, you thought you forgot how to breathe.
The first night, he didnโ€™t take his clothes off. He focused on you, and your pleasure.ย 
But tonight it was different.
His muscles flexed under his smooth white skin that glistened every time the moonlight landed right on the beads of sweat that ran down his body. Yoongi was covered in small and large scars that danced among the black ink that adorned his body. He had the clan tattoo right on his chest and you wanted to run your fingertips over all his markings and then, then you would kiss them.
As you took him in, your eyes rested for a second on a path of dark hair trailing down his belly inviting you to look just a little lower. You held your breath when you saw him in all his manhood.
He smiled at you, like someone who is about to commit a crime and has absolutely no regrets
โ€œEverything you see is yours. All you have to do is ask nicelyโ€ he said, voice deep and musky.ย ย 
โ€œI don't beg, everโ€ you said. He sat on the bed between your legs; both hands caressing the skin behind your knees.
โ€œThere's always a first time, flowerโ€ he said, not breaking eye contact, and you felt that all the heat of your body traveled to your center. Your skin vibrating with the low purr of Sugaโ€™s voice. You realize now the size of him and you wonder if he could fit inside.ย 
Just like the last time he savored every second, and you realize something about Suga:
Heโ€™s a tease.
He wants to bring you close to the edge, just enough you can graze the delicious feeling of the fall; to take you away from it.ย 
Heโ€™s like a cat you think. He is playing with his prey before he finally eats it.ย 
โ€œFuck, Yoongiโ€ you whimper when he cups your panties with his hand, applying enough pressure to make you roll your head back and close your eyes.ย 
โ€œYou don't like me. You say. But look how wet this pussy is, and I havenโ€™t even touched youโ€ Heโ€™s right, you are arguably the most excited youโ€™ve ever been in your life, and youโ€™re embarrassingly soaked.ย 
โ€œI never thought Miss Lee NaRi would be a liarโ€ you wanted to pretend that sentence didnโ€™t stroke a nerve in your heart.ย 
If only he knew.
You can only stare as he lowers himself to lift your shirt inch by agonizing inch. Slowly, he revealed your soft skin. And you had to bite your lip to prevent you from begging him to touch you.ย 
Luckily he wasnโ€™t in the mood to make you wait any longer as he roamed his hands through your body. โ€œFuck, flower. You are beautiful,โ€ he said more to himself than to you. But you canโ€™t help but feel happy as you realize that you have the same effect on him as he has on you.
โ€œCan I?โ€ you realize heโ€™s looking at your breasts, and when you nod, he dives down to take one in his mouth, sucking a nipple through the lacy fabric of your bra. You moan, threading your fingers in his dark hair, and you hear the little moan that escapes his mouth encouraging you to pull harder. And without thinking you do.ย 
Another husky moan leaves his chest as he languidly rolls his tongue over your skin. Reaching behind your back you unclasp your bra and he pulls it off your body to toss it somewhere around the room.ย 
He looks back at you and the sight that meets his eyes is sinful. Your hair sprawled between the satin pillows and your pupils blown with desire.ย 
This time you donโ€™t have the effects of the drugs to blame.ย 
This is all Sugaโ€™s work.ย 
And He knows it.
โ€œHow do you want to come, flower? My tongue? My fingers? orโ€ฆโ€ His gaze trailed down to his member that stood proudly between you two โ€œOr do you want me to fuck you and ruin you for everyone else?โ€
Your entire body clenches at the last question, and for some reason you agree that fucking Yoongi will, in fact, ruin you.ย 
โ€œFuck meโ€ you said half a whisper half a moan.ย 
โ€œWhat did you say, pretty flower?โ€ you rolled your eyes at him and before you could bark any answer he slid his fingers between the lace of your panties. Playing with your opening and finding the exact destination with a long stroke. Head snapping back you mean loudly โ€œDo you want me to fuck you? Hm?โ€ his middle finger caressed your clit in circular motions dragging you closer and closer to the climax of your own pleasure.ย 
โ€œI need your words.โ€ he growledย 
โ€œPlease fuck me, Yoongiโ€ you moaned his name and he smiled wider.ย 
โ€œGood girl. Everything you ask for, Iโ€™ll give it to youโ€ He hooks his fingers to the elastic band of your underwear and takes it off your body. You assume it fell somewhere close to where your bra landed. โ€œIโ€™ll fuck you. Iโ€™ll ruin you for everybody else. But first, Iโ€™ll have to stretch you.โ€ he pants as he enters two of his fingers on your cunt โ€œYouโ€™re so fucking tight, flower. So fucking perfect for me.โ€ย 
You gasp as you feel the delicious stretch of a third finger entering you slowly, his other hand holds you tight by the waist. He leans over your body to kiss you once again and this time you feel like youโ€™ve lost your sense of reality.ย 
You can still taste the sweet taste of the lollipop on his tongue as you suck on it. Kissing him like you want to take all you can until everything is inevitably taken away from you.ย 
โ€œI- I fucking hate youโ€ you shudder feeling flustered under his gaze as he moves back to look at you.ย 
โ€œDonโ€™t start lying to me againโ€ He steps back just enough to lift one of your legs and rest it on his shoulder. You feel your body tremble in anticipation. He slowly rubs his full girth on your swollen clit, thatโ€™s when you realize heโ€™s teasing you again.ย 
He starts moving at a maddening pace. Slowly rubbing himself in wet circles, without breaking eye contact โ€œLie to me again and see what happensโ€ย 
You swallow hard and you canโ€™t help but think you have done nothing but lie to this man.
From the very first day.
You planted a mic in his bedroom.ย 
You are using him to get information so you can bring his clanโ€ฆ
His family to ruin.ย 
If only he knew, this morning you sent a message to the base with the exact day the clan is planning to announce the heir.
You just gave the Seven Moons away to INTERPOL.
But as he slowly enters you inch by inch and you scream his name you also realize one thing
You are also lying to yourself.
And you don't want to discover how.
โ€œThere.โ€ You plead as he pushes his final inch inside you. You whimper and shiver at the delicious feeling of having him fill you to your limits. โ€œOh my God Yoongiโ€ย ย 
โ€œI think I heard a pretty girl say she didnโ€™t begโ€ย 
โ€œShut up, and fuck meโ€ย 
In one swift motion he pulls out only leaving his tip, just to slam himself back so hard you hear the bed bang against the wall. He starts thrusting hard and you start seeing stars as you forget your own name.ย 
The slow torturing pace which he touched you is long forgotten as he enters you fast and hard. Heโ€™s unforgiving. Raising your hips so he can hit the right spots at the right angle. A moan chokes in your throat as he leans down again to kiss you.ย 
This time you can feel the cold feeling of his chains against your bare skin.ย 
โ€œYoongiโ€ you cry, feeling hot tears run down your cheeks.
โ€œIt's okay, flower. Iโ€™ve got you. Let goโ€ he grunts as he starts picking an even faster and harder pace. His hands move from your legs to caress your clit moving in rapid circular motion. And the devilish spark that lights on Sugaโ€™s eyes tells you heโ€™s onto something. You donโ€™t have to wait too long when he presses his hand down your lower belly to feel himself inside you.
You think youโ€™ve lost your mind, whimpering, moaning and crying of pleasure.ย 
Suga was right, he just ruined you.
Your body shocks as a white hot wave of pleasure runs through it. Your orgasm hits you hard and he continues to fuck you through it as he gets closer to his not long after. You hear him gasp as he comes feeling the hot ropes of his cum land on your skin.ย 
โ€œLet me clean you up. Pretty flower, stay hereโ€ he pants still not able to regain his breath. As if you could really move.ย 
He brought a wet towel from the ensuite bathroom to clean you up, and he didnโ€™t leave it until he made sure you were thoroughly cleaned.ย 
That night Yoongi took you again.
Several times.
You knew you were playing with fire.ย 
And if you werenโ€™t careful enough.
You will get burned.
But even if you knew you were both risking your lives.
Suga visited your balcony every night for the rest of that week.
And fuck the consequences.
One week later.
You were in one of the clan's armored vans on your way to meet Anya. You had talked earlier that day on the phone and agreed to meet at her apartment. You managed to convince Namjoon to send you with only one bodyguard.
Now, that was a mistake.
As you exited the freeway and slowed down to cross to the narrower streets the car you were in was rammed by a black SUV.
You felt yourself spinning around in the air.
Shards of glass flew everywhere.
You could only hear the screeching sound of metal hitting the ground.
Ten armed men got out of the cars that surrounded you.
You heard a shot.
You were not sure if it was yours or the driver's.
Someone forcibly pulled you off the roof of the car that was now on the ground.
Your head hurt too much.
You wished you had listened to Namjoon about taking more bodyguards.
You closed your eyes and could see Suga's smile the night before, when you were talking in his room.
Come and save me.
The more you fuck around,
the more youโ€™ll find out.ย 
And now, you were about to.ย 
โ€œMake it look like an accidentโ€ย 
Well, ahem..... Hello?
You guys know there's always a chapter you would never read out loud I think this is mine. This is actually the first time that I write full on smut... and it was something.
Anyway, how are you guys? I hope we're all doing well, satying healthy and surviving this tour because... Min Yongi is a fucking menace. LIKE!? The rapping? The HAIR??? The whiskey drinking? The "You guys listent too well" UMMMM EXCUSE ME SIR BUT THAT IS ILLEGAL!
And HAEGUM, when i watched the video i giggled and kicked my feet because that is Hate! Yoongi. What a beautiful time to be writing a ganster au.
Ps. Thank you SO MUCH for liking and I have to thank each an every one of you for reblogging Hate! I really, really appreciate it.
From the bottom of my chicken heart,
Thank you.
Ria ๐ŸŒ™
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