#jikook centric
kkyujikoo · 2 years
Jungkook truly said "It's missing Jimin hour at my house and I'm making it everyone's problem"
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pinkifytheworld · 1 year
Jungkook Centric Fics for the soul. :D
Jungkook is always moving, always changing, always doing something different. He’s going through the motions of life, one journey playing in his memory box at a time.
Jungkook was alive only to feed the nightwalkers. That was all he was born to be and he had long accepted that.
The new coven he is assigned to feed makes him wonder if he could possibly be more than just a meal.
STATUS:on going
Heart for more.
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shoot7ngstars · 2 years
::: Finding my Baby's Father(s) :::
— Archive for the AU (where to read)
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Where Jimin gathers all of his potential baby's daddy.
Jimin is almost due and now, more than ever, he needs the help of his baby's father.
The problem is that he doesn't know who is the real baby's father: his ex-boyfriend, his hot neighbor, his first love, his personal trainer, his dance teacher, or his one-night stand.
— Jimin centric: Jimin x ot6 — Slice of life, angst, friendship, heartbreak, gray characters — Side ships will also happen — NSFW: smut, mpreg (not a/b/o), mentions of eating disorder, one violent scene — Length: really long — Previously called "Baby Daddies"
::: TWITTER ::: (Not revised, full of grammatical and orthographic mistakes)
— Around 2k tweets (60% written 40% social media - divided in two threads)
— EPILOGUE — Less than 200 tweets (all written)
::: ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN ::: (Revised, but it still might contain misspellings and such since English is not my first language)
— 116k words (35 chapters) — EPILOGUE already included
::: WATTPAD ::: (Revised, but it still might contain misspellings and such since English is not my first language)
— 10 hours read (34 chapters) — EPILOGUE already included
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lilprincegoo · 1 year
Inevitable Us by eaden
Time Travel, Age Swap, of sorts, Slice of Life, Hurt/Comfort, Smut, only one scene lets not get too crazy, Established Relationship, fluff?, Jeon Jungkook's Embarrassing Hyung Kink
22.8k words
rating: M
Everyone gets to go back in time once and erase one mistake, but Jeongguk never thought it would happen so early for him.
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irism88 · 2 years
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Dear no one chapter 8, ao3
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btschooseafic · 8 months
hi! thanks for all the recs, I have a request if you don’t mind. I haven’t been super active in the fandom recently but I wanted to read jungkook-centric fics that are kind of about the covid / lockdown / enlistment era and jk’s period of weverse livestreams. basically I want something realistic and canonverse that deals with emotions like loneliness and parasocial feelings. I prefer jikook if any ships are involved but it could include other ships / be gen. I don’t know if you know of any fics like this, but thank you in advance and sorry if you’re not taking requests!! 😊😊
I can't think of any fics like you're describing off the top of my head. definitely sounds interesting tho.
I'll post this, but I noticed member x member pairings get less traction on tumblr, and more on twitter/x/whatever you want to call it
I'll suggest btsauxao3rec on twitter for recs. her requests are closed right now, but you can search her page for 'covid' or 'loneliness' or something like that and come up with recs she's made
you can also search ao3 with those themes
here's an example of a search on ao3. good luck finding fics!
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akookminsupporter · 9 months
New year, same shit. Will it ever change?
What is the problem this fandom has with Jimin and Jungkook TOGETHER? And now it's not only this fandom and the subgroup but also their supposed Solo Fans. What is the fear, the problem these people have with Jimin and Jungkook being together in the same shot, picture, or moment? Why does it bother them that Jimin and Jungkook just like being together? Why do they keep ignoring or denying that their decision to join the army confirms the bond between them? Why so much damn hatred, so much rejection towards the friendship, the bond that they OBVIOUSLY HAVE? I've seen posts from Jungkook-centric accounts covering Jimin's face. I've seen posts from Jimin-centric accounts covering up Jungkook's face. I've seen posts from the subgroup and Solos "celebrating" that Jungkook is super close to another soldier because he's next to him and Jimin? He doesn't exist. It's ridiculous, I know, but at the same time, it's disturbing how the fandom in general keeps allowing such things.
And then we have the OT7 fans. The ones who have always denied the importance and magnitude of the relationship between Jimin and Jungkook and who reduce all the hate they receive for that relationship to mere 'ship wars' and thus wash their hands of a problem that could have been over long ago if they did something. These are the worst fans anyone can have. They are the ones who celebrate your victories because it makes them feel special, but abandon you when you need them. That's what happened with Jimin and Jungkook. The OT7 fans abandoned them on this. Obviously not all, but those who see the hate they get and decide to keep quiet. They decide to do nothing. And the funny thing is that the few times some of them have said something, it's to insult jikookers. The bloody irony.
It's pathetic, sad, funny and annoying all this. It's not about jikookers wanting others to think like them anymore. It's never really been about that if we're honest. It's about people, supposed fans of Jimin and Jungkook HAVE to respect Jimin and Jungkook. They have to respect their bond. Their friendship and decisions involving each other. And they don't. No matter what Jimin and Jungkook say or do.
This situation will never change? And now, Jikookers are the only ones fighting a battle they can't seem to win. Jikookers are the only ones demanding respect for Jimin and Jungkook. They are the only ones reporting everybody. They are the only ones doing something and yet they are the most hated. The most ridiculed. The most excluded in this fandom.
Jimin and Jungkook don't deserve that. This isn't about whether you think they have a romantic relationship or not. This is not about you becoming a jikooker. This is about respect. It's about accepting that Jimin and Jungkook have a great relationship. That they like to be together. This is about accepting and RESPECTING the fact that Jimin and Jungkook DECIDED to join the army TOGETHER. This is about being a decent human being. Is that so hard?
If you hate Jimin or Jungkook simply because they are together you are a piece of shit. Jimin and Jungkook would be ASHAMED OF YOU. They would NEVER give you the time of day. Jimin and Jungkook will always choose the other over either of you. And that's a truth that I know deep down inside you, you know too.
I'm excited to see whatever Jimin and Jungkook filmed for us, but I'm also terrified of how this fandom will react when it's finally released.
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chevelleneech · 2 months
Was going to watch The Amp Theory’s reaction to the Are You Sure? trailer, and had to click away.
I’m not going to complain about whatever they said about not shipping, because I don’t know what they said and that is not a problem for me. Shipping is fun and doesn’t really mean much if you’re someone sane, but I don’t like their comment section being filled with people praising them for “shutting shippers down”.
It tells me they chose not to entertain the thought, and that’s fine too, but this fandom overall is full of hypocrites and liars. People who pretend to agree that all shipping is bad, yet will secretly ship their faves or believe every heterosexual dating rumor that pops up. That’s what I dislike.
I dislike reactors who cater to that crowd, because it’s disingenuous. Not saying the guys over at Amp Theory ship in secret or anything, as they have a ton of kpop content on their channel and likely have zero time to care. But, if their comment section is anything to go off of, their views likely align with the idea that Jimin and JK aren’t dating simply because. No real reason, because reactors who claim to be against shipping (in this fandom specifically) only do so for as far as heteronormativity exists.
Not enough people in this fandom are willing to use gender neutral pronouns when talking about the group’s gender neutral lyrics. Not enough people in this fandom use he/him pronouns when talking about lyrics written by the members themselves that insinuate they have been in relationships with men. Not enough people in this fandom are even willing to acknowledge things said in interviews that insinuate the members have already been through their coming out stages in their personal lives. So why is it that inner band shipping is so often made out to be a joke or something a reactor refuses to engage with, when they do it already? They already believe all seven members like women, so what’s stopping them from thinking they like men too?
Again, I don’t know what was said, and I’m not complaining about them choosing to make it known they won’t tolerate ship discussions. But I always think of it like this, if shipping is disgusting to you or something you will never talk about, what would you do if the members being shipped actually turn out to be queer? Or in a relationship with one another?
It is obviously a hypothetical, because we’ll likely never know if any of them are queer outside of our assumptions. Based on many things, yes, but still there is no confirmation technically… kind of.
Point is, no one has to react to ship content. No one has to talk about ships if they don’t want to, but imagine spending years curating a BTS centric channel, and not once thinking about who they might be outside of their public images.
Imagine claiming to be a fan who supports them no matter what, yet the second you react to a video where two members who are often the target of hateful rhetoric are hanging out and having fun, and the entire aspect of their dynamic is almost completely rooted in their bond being much more couple-like than any of their friends, yet you choose to say, “We won’t entertain ship talk, because it’s not real no matter what.” (Again, not what the guys of Amp Theory said, I’m referring to reactors as a whole, because they aren’t the only ones.)
Reactors want attention, it’s how they make their money, I get it, but the members are in fact real people. They will not always match up to our expectations of them. Meaning, maybe they aren’t queer and we’re all just misunderstanding things. I doubt that though, and it truly irks me to my core that people will entertain just about anything except queerness. They will react to damn near whatever video is available to them that allows them to milk BTS for views, and Army will eat that shit right on up, making these channels huge, but the second any of them ask about or choose to watch Jikook content specifically, they have to either disclaim not believing JM and JK could have feelings for each other, or they ignore it entirely.
Then if Jikook antis are loud enough, they apologize and react to every other pairing a million times and Jikook never again. Because Jikookers are often painted as the worst within the fandom, because this fandom has a hard-on for Tkk. Which I would argue is because they’re not as questionable in their actions, so the reactors themselves don’t end up feeling any type of way, and they get to benefit off of the views.
Anyway. I was hoping to see more reactions to the trailer and I wish I hadn’t read their comments first, but I did so it is what it is.
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Are they or aren't they?
I know I'm not the most jikook-centric blog around here and I don't go on and on about them every time content drops. (Or do I? 🤔)
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I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I just say what I think about what I see and that's pretty much all there is to it.
I guess I take it for granted that most see what I see and it’s not necessary for me to point out the obvious all the time.
But for some reason today, I started thinking about Jimin and Jungkook and what they are to each other and how that has manifested itself to us this past year. Even though we see very little of it all, speaking for myself, I still see what I see and its all fine.
A super-long ramble:
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The past year's solo era has definitely been an eye-opener for me as far as learning more about ALL the member's individual personalities, of how they work and how they view each other.
As far as Jimin and Jungkook, as time goes on, I don't sense anything that makes me feel whatever they are to each other has diminished at all. If anything, I feel like it is even more intense.
It is not so much what I see between Jimin and Jungkook because dang, there has not been very much to see with them in the same room has there?
But if we aren't seeing them together, I just sound delulu right? I just said I say what think from what I SEE... how can I see anything, you ask?... well...
Hear me out...
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I see Jungkook figuring out this new phase himself... he has said in the past he still had some maturing left to do. I think he has shown us plenty of his true self and maturity this past year.
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We know all this because he's shared a lot with us via his lives. He's been living his introverted life his way until its his time to get to work.
He likes to cook. He likes to watch TV. He loves to sing. He's keeping up with his boxing training. He has a goofy sense of humor. He's trying to be a normal person and go out in the world and eat at restaurants and attend concerts and hang out with friends. We've seen him being his "rebellious" 25 year old self. We know he has serious stalkers and he is very direct about it. He shows no fear to us.
We know he's most comfortable when he knows we are there with him. Unfortunately we've also seen him suffer through loss and we've seen him working through some feelings that have made him emotional. We've seen quite a bit from JK.
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He has spoken to us about serious things and not so serious things. He is very good at phrasing things and expressing things clearly.
Jungkook is figuring it all out.
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Kookie has spent a lot of time showing us himself and where he lives. He has had a lot of time to do so.
I see Jimin, on the other hand, has returned to being somewhat more like the Jimin we knew before the pandemic. The perfectionist workaholic. Also a new (to me) layer of sweetness and gratitude that exudes from him no matter where he is, interacting with fans at a radio station, in the audience of a performance, interacting with others in general and during his lives or just walking through the airport, Jimin is thankful for it all. This extra-strength gratitude manifests itself in the way he takes his time to thank just about EVERYONE and how he always seems genuinely surprised to see the outpouring of love.
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Earlier last year it was obvious to me (me who pays very close attention to Jimin) that he was not himself. During photoshoots and promotion recordings he was not engaged. His mind was elsewhere. They all looked less than thrilled don't you think?
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But since about last October, Jimin has been the happiest I've seen him in AGES during his lives. His music is making him happy. Working is making him happy. He says it at least once during every live: "I am happy."
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And the sassy has returned. Jimin is SO HAPPY that we are seeing the re-emergence of a more assertive Jimin during a live broadcast! We haven't really seen this Jimin since... a long time.
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This most recent live, I see a Jimin who is doing well and taking control of his life again. A Jimin who knows what is coming and is going to meet it head on.
From what I've seen, I can say that Jimin and Jungkook's time together was most probably curtailed this past year. I think a lot of people agree with that assessment. We infer this because Jimin was working his ass off and therefore he was elsewhere busy with schedules. I think the bulk of this was for his Face album but he was also busy with his new brand ambassador responsibilities. Side note: I saw that Robert Pattinson was getting $12 million dollars for his deal with Dior so I think its safe to say Jimin is getting at least that if not more for his deal. And he also has the Tiffany deal... Jimin is doing very well...
So where does this leave any sort of relationship (whatever it may be) between Jimin and Jungkook? How can they be "together" if that is what they are? Or how can they even be "close"?
JK has made it clear and obvious that he is very thrilled to see Jimin commenting during his lives. We've all seen it. He spontaneously combusts when he would see Jimin commenting.
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[When someone commented that Jimin did not come live to tell us the Rainy Day Fight story so Kookie proceeded to spill the tea.]
My opinion from what I see: I think JK started looking for Jimin in the comments after a few times of having him show up there. I think he craved the interaction with Jimin. The knowing that Jimin was aware of him and took the time to acknowledge means something to JK.
And finally it clicked and Kookie realized "wow, turn on notifs and I too can know when JM goes live!" And so he did when Jimin was in the car and JK proceeded to have a full blown conversation while Jimin was on his way home from work.
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When Jimin's album release date got closer Jungkook was giving us spoilers of some of Jimin's work via some of the songs on the playlist while doing a live broadcast. We weren't aware those were spoilers until Jimin's album and other songs came out: Muni Long, JVKE, the butterfly hair twisty thingy, playing Letter on the guitar... and then just outright telling us something amazing was coming out at midnight when Set Me Free Pt. 2 dropped.
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... something amazing... I'm pretty sure JK knew how much work Jimin put into this first album and what it meant to Jimin to purge some emotional demons that had been plaguing him for some time. I would even say that JK was proud of Jimin and therefore, made sure to hype it up even though we saw that JK had some sort of emotional moment by himself on White Day back in March.
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The lives progressed into Jungkook just outright spending either the entire live or big chunks of time totally ignoring Armys and focused solely on Jimin content.
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He turns on a live because there is some sort of comfort to him knowing Army is present and then he turns his attention to Jimin...
He does all of that on purpose. Without just saying the words: "I adore Jimin and support him wholeheartedly" he has proven that he feels that way with his actions. He figured out a way to express this even when Jimin was who knows where.
If he didn't want us to think that, he wouldn't have done what he did, would he? Why would he spend so much time focused on Jimin?
We know JK's stopped having a presence on social media except for Weverse. And using just Weverse Live, he's been able to accomplish more visible support for Jimin than any other member has shown for any other member during this solo era.
And if he's doing all of this on Weverse, what else is he doing behind the scenes, in person, with Jimin?
We know they spent time recording Run BTS episodes last year.
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We know of at least one instance of JK visiting Jimin while he was working hard.
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Having Jungkook's support is probably one of the best feelings for Jimin.
"But Jimin asked JK to visit again and JK said 'no'." And yet JK contradicted himself telling Jimin he'd come to a music show recording but Jimin said it was too late, and that it was ok because JK had already visited him during this dance practice above.
"Jimin said that JK has not cooked ramyeon for him yet." Jimin also said it is off limits, he's eating a high protein diet. JK has also mentioned in the last year that he should be eating less gluten so sounds like they both avoid the type of noodles that are high in carbs and gluten. FYI: "ramen" is technically the Japanese style noodles with a milder flavor and "ramyeon" is the Korean version which is spicier. I have a habit of calling it "ramen" when I mean "ramyeon".
"Jimin doesn't hug JK like he does Hobi." Uh... yeah he does:
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And then we have started seeing this pattern... coincidence? Not anymore... of Jungkook coming on live right after Jimin has left the country. And then we get the same thing from Jimin the other day after Jungkook leaves.
My opinion from what I've seen:
These two are very close and have worked out how they deal with separation. They spend time together when they can. When they can't they share things like everyone else does, by texting and phone calling and face timing and all that.
From what I've seen them say during their own lives, I think they spend time together talking about work. I especially think JK has participated in helping Jimin rehearse, practice and just generally hanging out. I think they spend time eating together and watching tv or youtube together.
I think they are fine and are navigating their relationship (whatever it is) very well, regardless of their careers and impending military service, existing as global superstars as well as being normal day-to-day Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin. They are making it work because they've been doing this for at least ten years already.
So, long ramble to say, I will continue to not state the obvious every time we see something, because to me, its obvious everything is going well for them.
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eclipseaotters · 1 year
I really just can’t contain myself and I just have to let this out.
Don’t you think it’s amazing that the ONLY two K-soloists that have topped the Billboard Hot 100 are dating?
I really can’t contain my head around it. We’ve given them a lot of nicknames to celebrate how they’re a power couple—ace duo, Busan’s pride/princes/kings, main pop boy and it boy. Usually, it comes up when they, as a unit, are highlighted in front of everyone. For instance:
My absolute favorite: Black Swan Jikook
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The Flying Yoga Run BTS episode
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Topping Brand Reputation rankings as #1 and #2
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Topping the charts as #1 and #2
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I always feel a great amount of pride when stuff like this happens. It reinforces what an actual power couple they are. But god, this Billboard Hot 100 No. 1 achievement takes it to the next level.
I’ve seen dozens of posts and tweets today celebrating not just Jungkook, but Jimin too. And I know, I know, we’ve never really needed all that external validation, but it FEELS SO NICE, doesn’t it? To see non-Jikookers, non-fans, the media just keep repeating how Jimin and Jungkook are the only Korean soloists who’ve reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100.
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Do you see how hot this is?
And—at least for us over here—they just happen to date each other? Do you see how fucking special that is? It’s one thing for Koreans to celebrate two Korean idols topping the Hot 100. It’s another thing for ARMYs to celebrate two idols belonging in BTS topping the Hot 100. It’s another thing for Busan residents to celebrate two idols from their city topping the Hot 100.
It’s another thing for Jikookers to celebrate that 2/2 of their ship are the only two K-soloists that have topped the Billboard Hot 100.
And as if that’s not enough, Jimin just had to post Jungkook’s achievement on his IG. And Jimin’s dad just had to hold a surprise event today.
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Jimin posting isn’t unlike the other posts he’s made for the members. That’s not a Jikook-only event. It’s the fact that BB Hot 100 No. 1 Artist Park Jimin posted about BB Hot 100 No. 1 Artist Jungkook. Doesn’t that give you goosebumps? It’s worth reporting!
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I know it looks like I’m inflating Billboard Hot 100 a little too much. But we know something like this means a lot to them. And I definitely think it means a lot more that both of them achieved it.
Imagine them just casually saying good night to each other last night, while cuddling.
“Good night, No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artist.”
“Good night to you too, No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artist.”
Because they are.
And all we can do is imagine, because obviously, that’s not the kind of thing they’d share with us. And that’s the best part, you know? They get to be in their bubble and celebrate by themselves, the way they were in their bubble in NYC/CT.
Except now they’re two No. 1 Billboard Hot 100 artists. And they’re probably just eating cake or boxing or doing something familiar—and normal—together right now. They’ll celebrate, and then they’ll just be.
We can all argue our asses off here. And they won’t care. And their akgaes and antis can keep blaming either half of Jikook for sabotage or favoritism, and Jikook won’t care.
[I do believe Jimin was wronged in the grand scheme of things, but Jeon “You know I’m-hyung’s fan” Jungkook is NOT to be blamed.]
Jikook will be in their protective bubble, doing their own thing the way they did in Tokyo, in NYC, in Connecticut, the way they always do in Korea. It’s a BTS thing and a Jikook thing.
They don’t owe us photo dumps, and GCFs, and lives, and Weverse posts, and confirmations of relationships.
It reminds me of AO3 writer unconscious’ description of Jikook in her canon compliant Taemin/Kai fic “this love isn’t crazy” (yeah, it’s not Jikook-centric, and I’m not even a Taekai shipper nor a stan of either, but the description stuck with me).
Here’s an excerpt, from Taemin’s POV:
“Bye, Yoongi,” Jeongguk says. He walks backward, tugging Jimin along, and offers Taemin a small smile over Jimin’s head. “Bye, Taemin-hyung.”
There’s an ease to the way they touch each other: familiarity and laughter as Jeongguk wrestles a bedroom door open with his back to it and falls inside with Jimin nearly on top of him.
Taemin’s not that much older than them, really, but watching them he suddenly he feels older. It’s a deep ache, affection and longing and something else—something in between nostalgia and envy. Was this something he could’ve had? (He said no.) It seems impossible. What Jeongguk and Jimin have is bottled lightning, like everything else Bangtan touches: impossibly lucky, impossibly successful. It depends on that strange insularity Bangtan survives in. They’re in their own world, most of the time, working endlessly but also detached from the larger industry; they have a defensive bubble around them, so their personal defenses aren’t so severe.
Not to discredit BTS or Jikook, but I do think there’s a level of luck that played into it all at the start. Or fate. Maybe they were all fated to meet, but they definitely worked hard to get results consistently.
But maybe, as in Serendipity, all this is no coincidence? I mean, this one gave me goosebumps.
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As if it isn’t crazy enough that Hirai Saya looks so much like Jungkook, she just had to be born on the exact same day and year as Jimin? What?
I don’t know where I’m getting at. I just have so much love for Jikook and so much pride for what they’ve achieved on their own and together.
I cannot believe I just went from Billboard Hot 100 to Hirai Saya. Anyway, stream Seven and Like Crazy!
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chimmyxkookies · 2 years
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🔷𝑯𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑰 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖🔷 🔸𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒅 🔸𝟭𝟱.𝟱𝗸 🔸https://archiveofourown.org/works/33861406 ~Jikook/kookmin ~Exes to lovers ~Second chance ~Fluff ~Angst with happy ending 🔹𝑴𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒃𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒅: @7timesSana
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not-goldy · 10 months
The reason MS scares them the most is because they know its a big life decision Jikook made together and what it signifies for them. They know Jikook chose to be together for 18 months (and according to some reports coming out the last day or so) its a 24 hour, 7 days a week, no vacation program. Which means if this is true, Jikook will be together 24 hours a day for 18 months straight. Living together and they will spend christmas, bdays and all holidays together for 18 months. Next to engagement and marriage, this would be considered a major commitment to each other and that scares them. Its a commitment they made to each other to be together, even knowing the risks of safety, risking their relationship, the toll it might take on their relationship being together without a break from each other and that they could grow tired of each other. They knew the risks, but they still applied for anyways because they didn't want to be without each other for 18 months. They still went through the process in hopes they would get to be together and they succeeded. It wasn't a last minute decision. It was months of planning, but in Jikook's case, something they probably been planning since they entered a committed a relationship years ago and fell in love. The application process started in August, which means right after their NY/CT trip they started. So yeah, Jikook been planning this together for a very long time, but more so this past year. Which makes Letter and those Jimin centric lives JK did and that bed live between Jikook and these alone trips Jikook been taking, hit them harder in the face. Cause they know now the whole time behind the scenes, Jikook were actually making future life plans together and wasn't just for fanservice or for fun.
Yeah that one Jimin centered live JK did for nearly 2 hours The one where he watched Suchwita & all those Jimin copilations including Jikook moments. Blushing, giggling, kicking his feet, watching Jimin video after Jimin video. Yeah that JK doing that in your faces, was also behind the scenes working out plans to be Jimin through the hardest time of his life. Now go back and watch his little face watching Jimin. The love in his eyes seeing Jimin on screen. WOW, just wow. I'm in awe of Jikook's love.
They could explain all Jikook's actions away as company content or fanservice. They can't with MS and that is what is killing them. They have no excuse for why Tae didn't sign up to be with Jk and why Jikook are doing it. Some are trying, but alot of tkk and Vmin supporters are staying quiet right now cause they know what this means not just for their ships, but also for Jikook. And the rest of the fandom does too. They all know something this is big and doesn't really scream just platonic friends and everyone knows it. Esp given Jikook's non platonic and sus history together.
I'm just amazed that they still think in 2023 at their big age, two members of the same band are potentially dating the same man- at their big age. Even though every sign point to the fact it's none other than Jikook that are dating each other. Baffling.
At this point I want to ask them why they genuinely think those two are even remotely dating, how and why.
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ggulmul · 1 year
I love that they mentioned only that specific part about connecting the dots, and then ignore the literal following explanation about why its not hard to connect the dots. Jungkook hangs out publicly with his friends because there is nothing to hide, no suspicious behavior. Just friends.
But if he gets caught with Jimin and slips up, if he forgets where they are and makes a TINY mistake? That's going to be really messy for them.
But its so easy to take a paragraph without context and manipulate them to their advantage. It's also pointless explaining things to them because they'll only believe what they want. They really think Jimin and Jungkook will tell us everything about their lives and will never lie to us, lmao.
Same, anon —it feels like some people deliberately miss the point at times.
Similarly, it’s still a common take on the dark side of Twitter that Jikook has been “disproven” because Jungkook did nothing to support Face… … … Like, everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but you can’t just ignore the facts, then go on to make unfounded claims that go directly again said facts.
“Something amazing is coming at midnight, please look forward to it.” Jungkook’s participation in Letter, even learning it on the guitar and playing a teaser for us right before Face dropped. The congratulatory comment on Jimin’s Weverse post. The 1.5 hour long Jimin-centric live. Jungkook living it up in the comment section of Jimin’s live the day after; “(You know) I’m hyung’s fan.”
The naysayers literally turn a blind eye to all of it. Not to mention how Jungkook’s not big on social media in general, nor is he known for being especially vocal in support of the other members’ endeavours. Even so, Jimin’s an exception, as Jungkook has repeatedly shown us.
Which reminds me of something regarding Jungkook’s Jimin live; a few times, a video would come up (e.g. Pixid) and he’d mention already having seen it, that he liked it, and so on. This was near the end of Jimin’s very intensive album promotions. So much content was being released that I —despite my best efforts— hadn’t watched nearly everything. But Jungkook seemed to be completely à jour, which prompted the thought:
Jungkook is a bigger fan of Jimin than I am.
And for some reason, that notion made me a bit emotional. I don’t quite know why —after all, it’s to be expected, given their closeness. But it’s also easy to take the people in our lives for granted, even those we love. Jimin and Jungkook have known each other for over a decade, having spent most of that time together in some capacity. Still, Jungkook missed him when they didn’t get to see each other as much (“I miss you” “Me too”). Still, he dedicated all that time to watching Jimin content, totally engrossed. The man who can’t focus on things he’s not interested in. Jungkook began the live stating he was tired and ended it saying he had to go because he felt inspired to work.
There’s just something about the mutual adoration and admiration they have for one another that makes me all mushy.
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shoot7ngstars · 2 years
::: RARE :::
— Archive for the AU (where to read)
Tumblr media
In a world where alphas are rare and omegas are rarer, when Jimin turned out to be an omega, the only six eligible alphas line up to court him.
But how will Jimin chose when he can envision himself with all of them?
— Jimin centric: Jimin x ot6 — a/b/o universe — Modern Royalty — Science talk — Fluff at the start, turns angsty but with a happy ending — Side ships will also happen — NSFW: smut, self-harm, mpreg — Length: really long — Thread of Visuals: CLICK HERE
::: TWITTER ::: (Not revised, full of grammatical and orthographic mistakes)
— Less than 500 tweets (15% social media 85% screenshots)
— BONUS (Commissioned) — Less than 250 tweets (all written)
::: ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN ::: (Not revised, full of grammatical and orthographic mistakes)
— 98k words (41 chapters) — BONUS already included
::: WATTPAD ::: (Not revised, full of grammatical and orthographic mistakes)
— 8 hours read — BONUS already included
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lilprincegoo · 2 years
and i love you (with all my heart, with all my soul) by chimout
Established Relationship, Soulmates, but jikook aren’t soulmates hehe, Birthday, Angst, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending
5.6k words
rating: T
He tries to convince himself that it’s okay, that Jimin has only forgotten because he’s never been good with time difference when he’s abroad. Tries to remind himself that Jimin isn’t obligated to wish him a happy birthday because Jimin was never meant to be Jungkook’s at all.
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causesciencethatswhy · 3 months
I really believe that jikook went on this trip so they could enjoy time together in different places doing different things - whilst it being 1) under the guise of work, 2) they can control the narrative 3) they also can have unrecorded, down time together
(I think some forget that what’s recorded is just a little snipped of their full 24hrs a day)
I’m so EXCITED to see the show !! And looks like there will be another winter addition because there were no snowy scenes, only Connecticut it seems.
Anon, you are so right, I'm vibrating with anticipation. This was definitely a perfect means for them to just hang out under the guise of work and I'm so greatful we get to see parts of it. I've been on the fence of the Busan/Jeju centric episode speculations so I'm curious to see if we'll get the cloud watching bit in these episodes cause that may give us an idea if they did only two locations of Connecticut and Sapparo or more. Personally hoping for the latter!!
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