#jim hawkins x oc
imagines--galore · 6 months
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was wondering if could request a little jim x reader who meet at the academy and have a little rivalry before becoming lovers? thanks! remember to take care, drink lots of water and stay safe!
Summary: Jim Hawkins & Y/n Y/l/n. Two of the most promising candidates to arrive at the Interstellar Academy in years. From academics to knowing their way around a ship, the both of them were on equal footing. Too bad they see the other as a rival. Then again, perhaps it was a good thing. For if they were to team up, they could conquer the entire galaxy if they wanted to. But when did that rivalry changed into something more? Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. None. A/N: I mean who doesn't love the boy :3 Ok so the song I decided to pick is Téir Abhaile 'Riú by Celtic Woman. And I borrowed some elements from Kingdom Dance from Tangled because I love that scene. :3 And this got a little longer then I intended it to be.......I added too much detail to everything. Woops? Had a lot of fun with your request though!
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You pursed your lips as you observed your reflection in the full length mirror. To say Emmy had been insistent about you donning a pretty outfit for the occasion would be an understatement. Your roommate had practically threatened you with it, saying she would no longer speak to you if you did not dress up. Honestly the female Canid didn't need to threaten you, no one could say no to her. Not even you.
So when she had dug through your closet and taken out the articles of clothing she deemed worthy for the event, you had put them on with no complain. A blouse and a corset with a skirt paired with shoes. The latter you had picked out yourself, having no desire to wear anything impractical should you need to kick someone in the nuts.
"You look gorgeous, Y/n." Parla your third roommate trained one of her several eyes in your direction, while simultaneously applying some black goo to the eyelashes of her remaining eye. "By human standards." Quel barely glanced up from where she was oiling her arms. You were thankful she was, your android roommate had a tendency to squeak when her joints would run out of oil. Emmy grinned proudly as she put the final touches to your hair and stepped away to appraise her work.
"Maybe you'll catch a sailor's eye while in town y/n." She giggled, prompting you to roll your eyes at her. "I doubt I'll have the time." You crossed your arms over your chest. "Since I will be making sure you don't run off half-drunk, Parla doesn't get in trouble because of her wandering eye and avoid Quel being stripped for parts by some con-person."
You had grown to be protective of your roommates over the years you had lived together. Emmy cooed as she reached out to embrace you sweetly. "You don't have to worry about us, honey! We've all excelled at our combat classes. Not to mention we'll have dates who can protect us." Both you and Quel glared at Emmy who only gave a nervous laugh. "Did you have to rope us all into dates?" The android asked, her mechanical voice somehow sounding annoyed. "Its best to go in a large group." Parla came to Emmy's rescue. "My grandmother says there might be some pirates or thieves in the crowd. And given the number of people that have come for the Ball, its best to find strength in numbers."
Emmy nodded enthusiastically. "Perhaps it is best to accept our fate and simply go along with the situation." Quel spoke as she stood and gently placed a hand on your shoulder. You sighed, closing your eyes briefly before shrugging and allowing a smile to play on your lips. You weren't about to be a spoilsport and ruin everyone's fun. After the month all of you had had, with the exams and revisions and tests and selecting the courses you would be majoring in, you all deserved a break.
A bright smile pulled at your lips and Emmy very early squealed at the sight. "Here's to having a night none of us will ever forget!" You stated with conviction, opening the door and leading your friends out of your shared room.
Little did you know how true those words would be for you.
The town of Aonadh enjoyed a rather prestigious position. On one hand it was the closest to the reputable Interstellar Academy. An Institute that had been thriving for years and housed the future generation of sailors for the Queen's Armada. Many living in town had relatives who went there, or had some other form of relation with the Academy.
On the other hand, the town served as a harbor for many ships. From merchant vessels carrying riches and trading goods, to the crafts bringing new hopefuls to begin the next phase of their journey. The port of Aonadh was always bustling, always busy. There was never a quiet moment. Every other hour would bring a new ship in. Either to relieve itself of its cargo, have repairs done, or pick up people who wished to travel.
Really town was a small word for Aonadh, but the people refused to call it a city. Their ancestors started as humble farmers before the location of the Academy changed their status to something more. They were proud of what they had accomplished over the years as well as their status so a town it remained. One could find almost every life form residing in town, Arcturians, Aquanogs, Canids, Centaurous, Cragorians, Densadrons, Felinids, Geeories, Humans, Macriki, Mantavors, Minotarous, Optocs, Roboticas, Sirenius, Tuskrus, Zirrelians and a hundred more. No one could remember the first specie that lived in Aonadh and no one cared. Everyone was treated on an equal footing and the town had a huge council that had a member from every specie living in Aonadh.
There were several attractions that beckoned the young Cadets at the Academy to spend their time off in town. From pubs that never ran out of ale, to shopping markets that overflowed with the finest wares. Not to mention the massive library that housed more then a million scrolls, books, hoverstories and maps. To say nothing of the lavish streets and squares where something was always happening.
Of course the ports were the most exciting place to be. One could meet new people, learn about shipping from seasoned sailors, or even catch a tour of one if a Cadet was so lucky.
At present the excitement going about had something to do with several large ships that had docked not a day ago. Ships carrying Cadets who had passed out over the years and were coming back for their annual party of sorts. The Annual Ball it was called. Held every ten years. A huge affair. One of the biggest ones to ever occur in the entire galaxy. Guests of honor and other people of importance were sent invitations, while the rest of them simply showed up. Unless they were on duty or had anything of importance to attend to everyone came.
It was certainly the busiest Jim Hawkins had seen it. In the years he had attended the Academy there had been several festivals he had attended with his friends, but not one of them came close to the excitement of today.
However that excitement had died down to be replaced by a burning annoyance at the sight of the only other human in his year. The very human who was now sitting at the same table as him, both of you sipping from your drinks.
It wasn't that you had anything against being set up for a blind date, it was the boy you had been set up with.
What existed between you and Jim was something of an anomaly. The both of you were the best in your batch, and quite frankly, some Professors seemed to be of the notion that you were both the best Cadets they had seen in years.
If only the two of you got along.
A bitter rivalry had formed between the both of you. Neither of you remembered who had taken the first shot, but all you knew was that you had to one up the other. And that was how it had been your entire career at the Academy.
Spiteful comments thrown at one another. Hateful glances whenever the other would be praised. Childish pranks just to annoy the other. Goading and baiting that resulted in either one or both of you getting into trouble.
The list was endless.
Honestly, if it wasn't so entertaining the Academy would've had taken action years ago. You often wandered if perhaps you and Jim had a betting pool going around in the Academy. Parla had dropped hints here and there, but you weren't quite sure.
Well, whatever existed between you and Jim, it was destroying your evening. As soon as it became clear who your date was, Parla and Quel had made themselves scarce, having the intelligence to stay clear of the obvious Supernova that was about to erupt given yours and Jim's expressions. Emmy had quickly taken you aside, begging you to go along with it, and explaining how Lyon, her crush for a good year and a half, had said he didn't want to ditch his friend while he had fun.
So Emmy had offered a solution.
Emmy had offered you as a lamb up for slaughter.
And being the soft-hearted idiot that you were, you had relented, agreeing to going along with Emmy's plan. Only because you knew she was half in love with Lyon, and maybe this night he would work up the courage to tell her of his feelings as well.
And as you sat there, watching your best friend sway in the arms of the half-felinid and half-human male, you couldn't help but give a small smile at the happiness that seemed to radiate from the both of them.
"There must be a Supernova freezing somewhere." Stars, even his voice was annoying.
You turned your head back to look at him, that annoyed frown returning. "And what makes you say that."
He smirked, hands behind his head as he rested against the back of the booth. "You were actually smiling. I thought she-demons never smiled. Something about bursting into flames and the world coming to an end, that sort of thing."
"I smile plenty Hawkins." You responded, pursing your lips. "I just don't happen to smile at maggots such as yourself." The insult, if it were called that, seemed to bristle him enough to warrant an eye roll, though he didn't respond.
Seemingly taking his silence as a win, you returned your attention to the dancing couples. The music was lively and there would certainly be more people coming in soon. Sighing, you wished you could join in the dancing. Of course there was no chance of that happening.
You had no desire to ask a stranger, for fear they would try something untoward. And there was no way in the entire galaxy you were about to ask Jim Hawkins to dance with you.
Glancing at your empty glass of drink, you stood and stretched, completely missing Jim watching you out of the corner of his eye. "If I am to tolerate your company for the rest of this evening I'm gonna get another drink." He rolled his eyes, prompting you to give him a glare that had one too many cadets backing off in fear.
But not Jim. Jim was used to your glares and stares and returned them at an equal footing.
Walking toward the bar, you waved at the many tentacled bartender who was quick to give you your drink. The glass was a little too full, prompting you to walk carefully back to your table.
Perhaps it should've been better that you kept your attention on the people around you rather then the drink you were trying not to spill.
A boisterous group of sailors jostled you, propelling you forward and causing your drink to spill.
Nearly emptying the entire contents of it down the front of one of the sailors who had bumped into you.
"What the hell!? Watch it!" He cried out, swiping at the front of his uniform in an effort to wipe away the liquid. Of course, that didn't help.
Angry at loosing your drink, you glared at the male. "You were the one too drunk to walk properly, how am I to blame for your incompetence?" Maybe it wasn't the wisest of decisions to be picking a fight with someone who looked like he had some Densadron blood in him, but you didn't care.
You were already having a horrible evening, so why not make it worse.
Your words only served to make the male, and his group of friends angry. Pursing your lips, your hand slipped to the hidden slit of your skirt where you kept a taser knife for safety reasons. Your fingers itched, ready to pull it out when suddenly the stare down between you and the male was broken by a very familiar voice.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you."
Astonished, you pivoted on your feet, just in time to see Hawkins drape an arm around your waist and pull you to his side. That wasn't what shocked you.
What shocked you the most was the smile he wore. One that was directed at you.
"Making friends I see." He continued while your brain tried it's best to compute the situation that was going on. "I'm sorry about that, my girlfriend gets a little light-footed when shes had one too many."
The group of sailors seemed to be calming down somewhat. Jim had that effect on people whenever he stepped in to stop a would-be squabble.
Ironic considering the numerous fights he had started in his younger days.
"How about she pay for the damage to my uniform, and I let her go." The male grunted, scowling down at the both of them. Suddenly his eyes zeroed in on you the way they hadn't before. A lecherous smile formed on his lips, one that had you scowling in disgust. "She can either pay money or show me a good time. I don't mind either." The rest of his group laughed boisterously, elbowing one another, wearing the same smile as their friend was.
His words seemed to snap you out of wherever your mind was. Pushing aside Jim's previous words, and trying hard not to comprehend where his arm still rested around her waist you opened your mouth to tell the disgusting male where he could shove something where the sun don't shine.
A firm but light pressure around your waist had you stopping. You watched, astonished, as Jim moved to stand in front of you, his stance protective, and an anger in his eyes that had you blinking in surprise.
"Or maybe I should have you reported for showing such disrespect to a future Captain of the Royal Armada."
It was then that the group realized who they were speaking to. Their gazes flitted to the pin you had proudly stuck to the right side of your chest. A coat of arms that assigned your rank, despite having not even graduated yet. Jim had the same pin, though his was hidden by the jacket he wore. Though he made no effort to hide it as he pushed aside the front of his garment to reveal it to the buffoons.
Being Captain meant you had authority and power that no lowly sailor had. It didn't matter what age you were, so long as you were a rank above, you held power.
And at that moment you wanted nothing more then to throw the idiot in jail for daring to make such a proposition to you.
The group began to retreat, taking their friend with them. The danger past, Jim turned his attention to you.
"You okay?" He asked, his eyes roving over your frame, as if looking for some sign of injury.
You nodded. "I'm fine." Despite there having been no physical altercation, you were still a little shaken. "You didn't need to step in. I had it handled." You finally said, still clutching your half full glass. Jim rolled his eyes.
"Not from where I was standing."
You scowled. "I was ready to fight him if I needed to."
Jim raised an eyebrow. "And get expelled so close to graduating? You're reckless Y/n, but I know you're not that reckless."
"And why should you care? Wouldn't you prefer to graduate top of the class all by yourself? Not share your spotlight with anyone."
He nodded. "I would." He paused before a teasing smile pulled at his lips. "But then who would be my rival when I make Captain?"
You waved your hand. "I'm sure you would find someone else to piss off."
"I doubt they would be as beautiful as you."
You gaped at him, had barely voiced your astonishment when his eyes widened in realization of what he had just said.
A bright blush overcame his cheeks, one that had him gulping nervously, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck.
"Y-you think I'm.............beautiful?" You could barely believe the words coming out of your mouth. An awkward shrug was his only response.
Normally you would've teased him mercilessly about revealing something so intimate. But right then? Having just been saved by him, and watching him stand there, unable to meet your gaze, you couldn't help but smile.
"Don't tell me its because of my beauty that you've been a pain in my ass all these years." Your tone was light, teasing, compelling him to respond in his usual sarcastic way.
"That and you're annoying." He stated, a smile pulling at his lips as his blush began to recede. You hummed. "I didn't take you as the romantic type Hawkins."
He leaned closer. "Theres a lot of things you don't know about me y/l/n. Though one thing I can tell about you, is that you've been wanting to dance the entire night but have been too stubborn to ask me." Now, it was your turn to blush as you glared at him. Had you been that obvious? But Jim wasn't deterred.
"Shall we?" He held out a hand, indicating that you take it if you wanted to fulfill your wish to dance.
You pursed your lips, your previous annoyance for him rising to the forefront. You would never call what you felt for Jim hatred, but you wouldn't call it affection either.
But right then, you mused as you took his hand and he led you the dance floor, maybe you could label your feelings for Jim as undetermined.
For the time being.
The dance floor had lost a few dancers as the musicians in the corner prepared to play yet another song. You looked around, feeling a little nervous. It had been awhile since you had danced, and while you had no doubt in your dancing skills, you didn't trust your partner fully.
"You're not going to drop me during a dip or something like that are you?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him. Jim laughed before shaking his head. "No, I promise I won't."
You frowned, leaning up to press the back of your hand against his forehead. "You're not running a fever are you?" You inquired, feeling your own forehead to compare the temperatures. He flushed at the sensation of her touch against his skin.
"No, why would you ask that?" His questions prompted you to shrug. "Well you're being nice to me, and neither of us have thrown an insult at the other in the last five minutes.
Jim nodded, looking impressed. "Must be a new record for us." He commented to which you laughed softly. "And I'm nice to you because I am a nice guy Y/n." He stated, to which you let out a very unlady-like sound. "Oh please, you've been anything but nice to me since we first met Jim."
Alright so it was strange to call him by his first name, but he had used your first name. And when he had? You had felt a sliver of warmth flicker in your heart. Maybe he would feel the same sensation you did?
Well you were right. At least about the warmth part. And though Jim felt that warmth in his heart, same as you, he also felt it steal across his cheeks.
God! He had never blushed so much in such a short span of time his entire life.
"Well you didn't make it easy now did you? You just had to be a smartass." You smirked. "Better a smartass then an idiot." Jim rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his toned chest. "I don't know, we've both done some pretty idiotic stuff over the years."
The musicians were still tuning and drinking. Apparently it was their break, and while there were several other couples standing around waiting for the dance to begin, your and Jim seemed to be encapsulated in your own little world.
"True, but they've been fun years. Memorable." You stated with a nostalgic smile, thinking back on all the times you had gotten into trouble playing pranks on your rival. "Ones neither of us will be forgetting for a long time." He agreed, matching your smile with his.
Your eyes met his, and you suddenly realized just how much Jim had changed over the years. He had been a little reckless and rebellious in the start, but those traits had toned down over the years. They would never be gone completely, but he had matured, no doubt about that. And not just personality wise, you mused, eyes roving his face, as if you were seeing him for the first time.
He had grown a lot taller the past few years. Taller then you at least, since he was a good head taller then you. And he was handsome, there was no denying that, and kind, given how he had just helped you out of what could've been an ugly situation. Not to mention he was extremely loyal, a trait you had always admired in him despite your rivalry.
Little did you know Jim was thinking along the same criteria. Remembering the day he had met you, and how annoying he had thought you were. With your perfect hair, perfect uniform and perfect scores. Then again his scores had always been perfect too, but he made up for it by being messy and a little rebellious.
You? You were always the picture of perfection. Even so close to graduation, every aspect of your life seemed perfect. From your scores, to your attendance record. Your gorgeous face, and expressive eyes to your hair that always looked so soft that he had to fight the urge to touch it at times.
Though today, he didn't hold back. Raising his hand, he brushed a loose tendril behind your ear, and if his hand lingered a little longer then necessary, and if it brushed against your ear, causing a gentle shudder to race through your body.
Your eyes never wavered, and it looked like he was about to say something.
Just then the music started.
Jim cursed, prompting you to raise an eyebrow at him. "Its a fast jig. I'm not really good with those." You smiled and shook your head. "Thats alright, I can teach you. Its easy."
So saying you quickly placed his hands in the appropriate places, one at your waist, the other holding your own aloft, fingers intertwining togther. As soon as you started moving, Jim cast his eyes downwards, trying his best not to step on your feet.
"Hey!" Your voice compelled him to look up, nearly catching your foot but you gave him a reassuring smile. "Eyes on me. You gotta dance right. Don't worry about my toes, they're made of steel."
He gave a dry laugh, but did as you asked him to. Neither of you looked away from the other, allowing the music from the minstrels and the voices of the singers to overtake all your senses.
You would sometimes tease him for a misstep, he would comment about your being a talented dancer who hid their talent, but there was no malice in your voices. Only playfulness, and dare you think, affection.
The jig began to pick up speed, the footwork getting a little complicated, but the steps were ones that kept repeating over and over, and Jim had always been a fast learner, and he had seen many people dance to this particular song over the years.
So when the part came where he had to twirl you away from him before bringing you back, the move was so effortless and fluid that it looked like you had rehearsed it. Your hair and skirt flew about you as you twirled back into him, your back against his chest, his arms around your body, hands clasped, keeping you close.
You tilted your head, breathless from the dance, your gaze meeting his. Suddenly all that playfulness became charged, and your eyes glimmered with a passion you had never felt before. His lips were so close to your own. To him your lips looked so inviting.
But then the dance continued, and you straightened in his embrace. This time though, this time neither of you spoke. Neither of you looked away as you continued to dance. Hearts beating faster, steps picking up speed, your movements becoming wilder more impassioned.
You twirled away from him, holding one side of your skirt aloft. The song was coming to a close. The last verse had begun, where you would dance around your partner, slow and playful, never breaking eye contact.
And the final chorus? That was the main attraction. Knowing what was to come, Jim braced himself. You took a running start, jumping a little as you neared him to give yourself enough momentum to fly upwards, only to have Jim catch you around your waist, spinning in a fast circle.
A laugh fell from your lips, your arms held aloft at your sides, enjoying the sensation of flying through the air. As Jim began to lower you, your head tilted to look at him once more. Your arms dropped to wrap around his broad shoulders, while his rested around your waist.
The song had ended, the both of you were breathing heavily, twin smiles of jubilation stretching your mouths as the crowd around you roared. It seemed both your dancing had attracted quite the crowd.
And the cheering doubled tenfold when Jim suddenly closed whatever distance was left between the both of you and fused his lips with yours. A moment of disbelief, where your eyes widened almost comically, before closing shut, lips moving as you kissed him back.
It was blissfully sinful, the way he kissed you. You sighed almost dreamily against his lips, allowing your fingers to play with his hair. Jim was no better, he was doing his best not to let his hands explore too much. You were still in public after all.
"What in the furthest reaches of the galaxy is happening here?"
The shrieking voice tore your apart. Extremely reluctantly, you might add as you both turned to glare at Emmy and Lyon in annoyance. Emmy looked like she was about to faint, while Lyon looked utterly bemused.
"We weren't disturbing you while you locked lips, so why're you disturbing us?" You asked, your arms still around Jim's shoulders. Then again his hands still rested on your back, keeping you close.
"Weren't the two of you just at each other's throats?" Lyon asked, blinking stupidly at the two of them. Jim smirked. "Well I can get to her throat again if you prefer. Though not in the same way as before." His words had Emmy squeaking, Lyon gaping, and you rolling your eyes and smacking the back of his head. "Lets not ruin their innocence Jim." You grinned.
"Maybe we should take this someplace private?" You whispered, gesturing between the both of you. "Away from prying eyes." Jim needed no further prompting.
Grasping your hand, he began to lead you out of the tavern. "Don't wait up!" He called out to your two best friends.
"What did I just say about ruining their innocence Hawkins?"
"What? We can always say we just played a game of battleship?"
"Really? That's the euphemism you're using?"
"So long as it clarifies that I'm gonna beat you at whatever we'll be doing."
"What makes you think you're gonna win?"
"I always win."
"Oh, we'll see about that!"
Emmy and Lyon stood blinking in disbelief as you and Jim walked out of the tavern, continuing your arguing.
"Were they talking about having sex, or actually playing Battleship?" Emmy asked, sounding just as bewildered as she looked. Lyon made a face.
"Knowing them, they were actually talking about the latter before moving on to the former."
Emmy shook her head. "Oh, there was nothing in the betting pool for this." She giggled. "Everyone is gonna be so angry."
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melikedraw · 5 months
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Oh my god more Jim x oc art what???
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Look at that smile guys Im so in love w him
My oc: "I swear to God Jim, if you drop me I'll end you-"
Jim, who dropped her multiple times (accidentally) : "I would never ! I can't believe you don't trust me😮‍💨"
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pastasilly · 2 months
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 7 months
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they run a ship together our flag means death style in their early/mid-20’s
reference from mellon_soup
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kimisamaart · 24 days
✨Dance ✨
I made this so fast and random xd
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blo0dyteeth · 2 months
✨️The evolution of Sly Fox✨️
You in bored and piraty so here's my ✨️treasure island ocs design dilemma✨️
We start off with this raggedy lookin shit here
First off he did not look like he lives up to his name, he looks like he scrapes barnacles off the bottom of the ship and takes za sa payment, he also lowkey looks like Gaston, he's meant to have yellow BUT.... yknow
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Stage two and Captain blood clot is going a bit more mild, he still looks like his head juggles when you punch him which wasn't the plan. I changed his fit because I didn't like it but them I changed it again because Fox likes to get bloody so white wouldn't be white it would be some doo doo color (bonus ship art of him and his manz John Silver)
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And here's the final design ir current because I still am not done tourmenting him! I had to change his body anatomy cuz on the other ones his arms were not the same length. His face changed and he earner the nickname Captain Fancy Pants
As you can see his blood clotness has returned in greater power and now he looks like you could punch his face in with great passion which is exactly what I wanted
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That's all of Fox
Here's some other characters I created!
From left to right we have Sandra Fox's bestie, Feodore Fox's biological daughter and Kitty a girl they find on the island and she now works in Spyglass with Silver serving drinks because yay child labour!
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robinbuckleysfringe · 6 months
"there's no place like hawkins" masterlist
-a steve harrington x oc fic-
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"That's the beauty of Hawkins... we're always in mortal danger."
follow catherine henderson as she juggles with falling in love with her ex bestfriend, babysitting her younger brother's group of friends and finding out the truth to her father's death. oh, and she has to fight inter-dimensional monsters, too.
warnings: canon type violence, death, injuries, blood, throwing up, smoking, implied e.d
the implied e.d is mostly mentioned during the events of season 1 (and maybe a little bit during season 2?? I can't fully remember). I am in the process of editing it out, so if this is something that could trigger you, then I would advise greatly to please not read until I've uploaded the fic onto here xxx
any warnings that I've missed, please let me know
new chapters posted every other friday :)
• read the full story on wattpad here :)
• season one:
one | two | three | four
• season two (coming soon!)
• season three (coming soon!)
• season four (coming soon!)
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kawaiigirly21 · 9 days
Did anyone else crush on this guy growing up?
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homosatan-016 · 7 months
hii so I have this little roman empire thingy where I write a fanfiction about a traumatized lynx lady and her even more traumatized bear pirate husband.
I made them a playlist I think it's fun check it out.
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My part of the trade with @raspberry-jogurt18 🍓
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freidasfunnyfarm · 2 years
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they are having a great time
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imagines--galore · 2 months
Hi! I saw you were doing Jim Hawkins requests so here I am!
Can we have Jim x gn!reader who is a musician and frequently performs at the Inn? and so as reader spends more time there Jim ends up crushing on them?
(Bonus points if reader ends up writing a song abt Jim agsgsgaga)
Summary: Music was a language understood throughout the entire galaxy. Hopefully the cute boy working at the Inn you performed at finally gets the message you were trying to send him through your song. Pairing: Jim Hawkins x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. A/N: Tooth-rotting aching fluff. Thats what I wrote here. Not that I'm complaining. :P And yes I did write the poem or song or bunch of words that I thought would make a good song? I dunno. Hope you enjoy!
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"Alright then Mrs Hawkins! Everything is set up and ready to go for tonight's grand re-opening." You called out, jumping down from the ladder where you were hanging another streamer from the ceiling. Sarah Hawkins glanced up from where she had been finalizing the menu. "It looks amazing y/n, though honestly I would prefer if you call me Sarah instead, you've been working at the Inn for so long now." She said with that soft maternal smile you always wore.
You shrugged, pushing your hands in your pockets. "I could, but I've been calling you Mrs Hawkins, or Mrs H for so long now it would seem weird." You admitted, a sheepish smile pulling at your lips. Sarah stood from her seat and approached you with her arms out. You eagerly accepted the hug. "Oh I can't believe its been so long. Nearly seven years and here you still are. My best musician." The praise had you rolling your eyes a little, though it didn't stop the blush to form on your cheeks.
"I'm your only musician Mrs H." You reminded her, to which the older woman simply laughed and tapped your nose playfully. "Because you're the best. So why would I need anyone else?"
With that Sarah walked towards the kitchen, hoping to wrap up the last of the food items to be cooked for that night's party.
The re-opening of the Benbow Inn.
You had been just as devastated as Sarah when it had burned down. The Inn had become something of a sanctuary for you. A place where you could come and just be yourself, and not have to put up a strong front given your lack of family.
Oh you had a family. A father who preferred to work before drowning away whatever sorrows he had in alcohol. Leaving you to fend for yourself from a rather young age.
You had begun to do little odd jobs to try and earn some money. School was free, as was the lunch that they served, and you bought clothes from the cheapest shop possible.
But what you really wanted the money for, was to get a new piano. Or really any musical instrument.
Music was everything for you. It was your way to express all that you felt. Not to mention it was the only connection you had to your mother.
She had taught you everything you knew when she had been alive. Every note, every song, ever key, every symphony, it was all her.
You had her old piano at home. And when your father wasn't home you would try your best to coax a tune out of the instrument. It was old and needed quite a few repairs and tuning, but that cost a lot of money.
So, you did odd jobs to try and come up with that.
But it wasn't until you had seen an ad in the newspaper, inquiring after a musician who could play at an Inn, did you ever think of working while playing music.
You had rushed to the address, and after a short meeting with the owner, and a few demos of you playing on the piano there, which was in much better condition then your own, you were hired.
And you loved every moment of it.
Not just because you got to play for hours on end, but also because Sarah Hawkins, was an amazing boss. She had taken one look at your pinched face and skinny body, and had thrown in a free hot meal during your work hours. You had tried to tell her no, but the woman had insisted. So, you opted to help out in the kitchen whenever things would get too busy at the Inn.
But, primarily, you played the piano, contributing to the light and fun atmosphere of the Inn, and generally pleasing the patrons. You played tunes from all over the galaxy, and everyone had requests.
The best part about working at the Inn though?
You met Jim Hawkins.
You had seen him around school before, and you were a little embarrassed to admit, but you did have a crush on him. He was cute, not to mention cool and smart.
Working at the Inn, which you had no idea his mother owned, gave you the chance to get to know him better. Talk to him, and just be around him.
And though you had been a little nervous at first, slowly that had all changed, and the both of you became friends.
Well he was your friend whom you had a crush on.
Little did you know, you were also the friend he had a crush on.
Not that either of you would come out and say it out loud. Besides you barely had time to do anything other then work at the Inn, school and take care of things at home. You didn't have time for boys.
But then Jim found a strange round map and pirates burned the Inn down in search of it.
You were made aware of it all the next morning when you arrived for work and was met with the charred skeletal remains of the place you thought of as your second home. Devastation snaked under your skin and settled into your heart. A gasp of horror fell from your lips as you thought of Mrs Hawkins and Jim.
Had they made it out?
Luckily one of the fire squad patrons were nearby and informed you that they were safe were staying with a friend. With the address memorized you raced towards your destination on the scooter you and Jim had scraped from the junkyard and fixed.
Or rather you had stood to the side while he fixed it.
Though you'd been told they were alive, you didn't believe it.
And wouldn't believe it until you saw them both for yourself.
You banged on the door of the rather large estate, pushing past Dr. Doppler as soon as he opened the door. Voices from down the corridor had you racing down the polished floors with the good Doctor at your heels.
The moment you burst through the doors and saw both Jim and his Mother sitting around a small table, a strange sound escaped you. One that was a combination of several emotions, but the only one you were able to properly comprehend was the relief that coursed through your veins.
Though it was nothing compared to the elation you felt once you had calmed down and had engulfed both of them in a hug that remade your heart.
It didn't take too long for everything to be explained, and though you were a little unsure of the expedition, you didn't voice it. Not when Jim got so excited talking about it. You could see that Sarah shared your uncertainty as well, but then she didn't say anything either. Once the older woman had excused herself to get to bed, and Dr. Doppler had wandered off to gather more books and such for the journey ahead, you turned your attention to Jim.
"You sure this is a good idea Jim? I mean chasing a story never ends well." But Jim only held up the round orb which you had learned was the map to Treasure Planet. "Y/n, this thing is proof that its more then just stories. And like I told Mom, with that treasure we can build a new Inn. We can even fit it with the piano you've always wanted."
A little taken aback that he would want to share the treasure with you and actually buy something you would love surprised you. You blinked but pushed that feeling aside in favor of continuing the conversation. "Treasure and truth aside, Jim are you sure? I mean your mom will be all alone." You said, glancing in the direction of the door where Sarah had walked out of an hour or so ago.
Had it really been that long since they'd been talking?
Jim frowned. "What do you mean she'll be alone? Won't you come and visit her?" He asked, the confusion clear on his face. You blinked, mouth falling open in surprise. "Wa-wait, of course I'll come visit her-" You began, only to be cut off by him. "Then she won't be alone. I know you'll take care of her while I'm gone."
You stared.
How was it possible that one boy could cause your heart to stop and then restart again?!
And with the way he was looking at you with those wide eyes!
You groaned. "You're doing it again." You grumbled, shoving him back by his face. Jim laughed, knowing exactly what you meant, having used the tactic before. "I know, but I also know I don't have to convince you because you'll come anyway."
Rolling your eyes you kicked at his legs from under the table. "Yeah, yeah. Just-" You trailed off, biting your lower lip and glancing at the table before looking back up at him.
"Just be careful. I don't want to loose you too."
The light of the fire hid the blush that blazed across your cheeks, though it didn't diminish the worry in your eyes. Jim, now wearing a serious expression, reached out to take your hand and give it a comforting squeeze.
"You won't. I promise."
You lived with that promise through the months he was gone.
And when he returned, triumphant and the hero he was always meant to be, you had hugged him as tightly as you could. To your delight, where he had always held back a little when it came to hugs, this one was unrestrained and just as eagerly given as it was received.
Now here you were, settling onto the bench as the party-goers quietened down so that you would begin to play. Sarah had spared no expense, and had even bought you a new dress for the occasion. You'd been reluctant at first, but a nudge from Jim had you accepting the dress.
What you had truly been eager for, was to play on the piano once again.
True to his word, Jim had bought the piano you had wanted for so long. You'd very nearly kissed the boy right then and there, but had settled for a hug that toppled him over.
Though you did sneak in a peck to the cheek before you continued to coo over the instrument.
And now you would get to play a rather special song on it.
One that you had written yourself during the months Jim had been away. This song was your love letter to the boy you had fallen in love with.
What they said was true.
Absence made the heart grow fonder.
And it hadn't taken you long to realize that your feelings for your friend went beyond that of simple friendship.
As you played a few experimental keys, your eyes drifted to where Jim stood in his brand new Academy uniform next to his Mother. His encouraging smile was all you needed.
You began to play.
And then you began to sing.
A big surprise since you hardly ever sang in public.
Let me keep you where my belief lies For if I do not become yours I shall never belong to anyone
The words had come to you, late at night when you had been in bed, your heart aching with how much you missed him.
Wherever should the wind take you I wish to be by your side
You had always known Jim would soar higher then anyone you could ever to know. You just hoped that he would allow you to remain by his side when he did.
These winds may be fleeting Carry us to places never before explored But I do not care so long as you are with me And I with you
Anything to be with him. To be beside him and share in his next adventure. Even if it meant staying behind and waiting for him to come back to you.
Whatever memories that we create They shall remain with us forevermore For in them my true strength lies That helps me get through the day and the nights
And those memories of you both, going about your lives, getting in trouble, digging through the junkyard with him, him sitting to listen to you practice for hours on end? They had been what had helped you get through the days and nights.
The very essence of my thoughts Exist because of you and for you With every caress of the wind I can hear your name echoing all around me
Where your gaze had been trained on the ivory keys as your finger danced along them, now they raised up. Only to find Jim standing next to your beside the piano. Watching you with a strange look in his eyes. One that you had never seen in them before Why does your face resemble my dreams? Perhaps you weren't mine yesterday Nor will you be mine tomorrow But you are mine today
The final keys of the song died as your fingers stilled. But you weren't done.
Not yet.
"For all my love is yours." You barely sang the final lyric as you stood up, whispering the words instead as Jim reached out and gently took your hand.
He smiled at you.
And you smiled at him.
The assembled guests burst into applause. But neither of you truly noticed. He leaned in, and you closed your eyes as he drew closer.
His lips found yours, and you knew.
Your fears were unfounded.
For you would never loose him.
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melikedraw · 6 months
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My low-key self insert oc and Jim (they're in love, your honor) (man I love him sm)
I ('m) cooked
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pastasilly · 9 months
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jim and celeste (my oc) as robstar? absolutely
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 4 months
my contribution for mermay
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Jim’s brought home plenty of creatures before when he was a little kid, but this one takes the cake. Sarah’s gonna love this.
reference from mellon_soup
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kimisamaart · 8 days
Do u like ⭐stars⭐?
I saw the image of the little aliens and said: why not? Xd
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Original image
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