#jim lake jr angst??
ceruskies · 1 year
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one final glance, no turning back. one last goodbye.
/// a vent art featuring an angsty jim lake jr rott 
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cirrusea · 7 months
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I feel like these two have a lot of similar trauma by the end of the show..... surviving the Darklands, magical corruption, etc. I like to think they'd talk about it sometimes.
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thosetrollkids · 7 months
❄ for Jim and 🍭 for Steve if possible please
Angsty art meme!
❄️ Frostbitten
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don't go fighting ice spirits without proper bundling up!
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avirxy · 1 year
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New au ✨
on the way home from a quest Aja, Jim, Krel, and Toby meet profit named Douxie he predicts that Krel Aja and Toby will die and Jim will lose his humanity if they attempt to go back home
They don’t listen
Krel dies in sacrifice
Toby in an accident
and Aja in cold blood
Jim eventually gets home and shocks the town that thought he was dead Steve doesn’t believe it to be him and challenges him to a duel to prove it Claire watches as Jim kills Steve and upon this death Jim turns to a troll and looses Claire
Jim is left all alone outcasted by his people and by his lover and in the story’s drawing moments Douxie appears at Jim’s side and says a single thing
“Did I not warn thee that to go home is to lunge at a fate worse than death?”
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lightfin · 8 months
Ok,ok, soooo, just a little thought hear but, my mind was racing around intreaging AU senators to TOA and one piped up in my head.
What if, when Steve, Claire,Douxie,Jim and Toby ( I’m adding Toby because we need a best friends reunion and we were robbed of it. Anyways, whe they fall in the rift what is they got separated, for example Claire and Douxie end up being in the same place with the nights, Toby and Steve are rescued by Claire’s shadow portals in her panic but they end up being flung into a different part of the Forrest perhaps closer to a town or village outside Camelot’s walls but still in its borders, and Jim ends up somewhere entirely different, and wakes up both confused and alone.
I don’t know why, but I thought this was an interesting concept to think about, in a searies point of view rather then just ten eps. For example Claire and Douxie end up descovering the flaws in camalot, the truth behind morgana and just how hatted magic is among Camelot’s people, whilst also finding a way to exit camalot without screwing up the time line and find there friends. Toby and Steve team up and problem solve ways in which they can find the others, learning more about the past, and the perspective outside just camalot, on trolls, and humans alike, the good the bad, and ugly, it even could be that those two run into blinky this time.
And then there’s Jim, ok so I may have made this one a little more dark then it should but bare with me. Jim at first wakes up in the woods, alone, I wanted to explore this because of his time in the dark lands and how he would cope alone again. I changed the shard aspect, rather then it in his amulet, it’s in his shoulder, which is worse because in this AU, the orders shard acts like a poison, slowly working its way to his soal befor corrupting it, but rather then just under Arthur’s control, it slowly takes away his sentience,and with his conection to the amulet, the corruption shows as his armor and body starting to form into one large beast.(I’m sorry, I would never want this for Jim) it would be interesting how he would cope, battling his wild and human instincts, blacking out, and learning things about the gum gums this time, that he had never realised befor. Perhaps leaning more about hedge wizards, trollhunters lor, because I also when’re with in this time daya is not the first trollhunter, only because it makes more scence in construct of time. I am still keeping big distance Cal with Jim , because that’s gold, but this time she through Jim’s predicament builds her strength in helping the future trollhunter in reuniting with the others, both coming to terms with how they are perceived by others as ‘ calamity’ and ‘beast’ on the way. This would explore a versify of different sides of the past, even encountering creatures that are mother troll or human, or anything we’ve scene in cannon, the un scrntiamt creatures.
Also yes they will all end up convening together and having one big happy reunion befor the storm, learning the information about the order they needed,and returning home, but with both good and bad news.
Plus’s this whole past adventure, would take place over the horse of several months, lots more time to uncover the caos and find out how to get home.
Anyways I may wright this but before I do, would anyone be interested in reading something like this that dives more into the past of camalot in and around the castle, some canon elements still standing, I’d appreciate some thoughts, and suggestions to things that may make it more interesting.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 10 months
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Week 2 of Stricklake month: Guardian
Walter Strickler once lead a normal, slightly lonely life in Arcadia. Until he was captured by a shady secret organisation obsessed with creating the ultimate super soilder. With animal and troll DNA. Now a hybrid, Walter plans to escape. And take the doctor he fell in love with, forced to work for the organisation that ruined his life, with him along with her son. And hope he can reach them in time.
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sonicasura · 1 year
You can blame the anime Ushio and Tora for this idea.
Trollhunters but every time Jim uses the amulet, he slowly becomes a troll.
Let me explain. In the show Ushio and Tora, there's an weapon called the Beast Spear. A magical item that grants the wielder the power to slay evil spirits. Though there is a cost as the wielder will eventually become a beast, specifically Tora's species: Azafuse for 2015 reboot or Bakaneko in the original series.
Amulet of Daylight had always been made for Trollkind but it never gotten a human holder before. Well, at least until it chosen a certain Jim Lake Jr. Knowing who made the amulet and Merlin's skewed viewpoint about how things should be handled... I won't be surprised if he added such a function.
Now it starts as a slow process that wouldn't be noticable at first. His skin begins to feel dry, grows a bit hairier, teeth looking a bit sharp. Subtle changes as the deeper the transformation, the harder it is to reverse it. Next an odd coloration to his skin akin to bruising in some spots alongside minor headaches and toothaches.
The signs something is wrong will become noticeable to Jim when he finds dry blood on his pillow from the small horn nubs and some teeth fall out to be replaced with troll tusks later. His skin drying out until it flakes off to reveal soft clay skin like a scorpion molting. Further changes are more painful though mainly cause it involves his insides.
Jim's skin hardening to stone, his ring finger merging with the middle, horn growth, and two toes on both feet merge together aren't gonna be as painful as this. If I were to describe the pain, I say it's like being molded, stretched then dried in fire similar to clay. Albeit the clay is human bones and organs.
Things only get worse as certain items such as the Gritshaka, Gravesand and the Triumbric Stones accelerates the process. Yup! Jim's Eclipse armor practically triples the transformation speed but also set his new troll species: Gumm-Gumm. Specifically one just like Gunmar albeit more like an opposite. If the Gumm Gumm King is Yin, then Jim shall be his Yang.
He purifies those converted by Gunmar, undo Creeper's Sun poison and potentially so much more. A living manifestation of what a Heartstone is meant to do than Jim's twisted opposite. To heal instead of rot.
Jim's transformation would fully be completed during his stay in the Darklands as Gunmar's Decimaar Blade will speed up the process as well. He got his wish in a way. Jim replaced his son species wise but he will never control the Trollhunter.
Reunions for Team Trollhunters and the Lake Family is gonna be very awkward. Everyone, especially Jim, needs a shit ton of hugs. Someone needs to let Barbara whale on Merlin with a broom.
I just realized an Ushio and Tora AU would definitely fit with Draal as Tora while Jim takes Ushio's role. Although Jimbo will need a curse item like a prototype or twisted amulet replica and accidentally turns Draal into a Demon Troll using it. It takes place at least a year before Trollhunters canon mainly for shenanigans. Kanijar completely unaware of his son getting into trouble and then finding out in the most insane way sounds hilarious to me.
Bular fits too as Tora was quite antagonistic at the beginning. He also ate humans until he was imprisoned. Bular had been kidnapped by humans before in canon so it would be plausible to have him sealed up in someone's basement by an object like a long sword.
That's my opinion anyway.
Edit: You guys can also have a shot at this! I crave chaos and I love to see what people can come up with.
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Ok I haven't talked about toa in a while but rott idea
What if the new timeline ends in the same way but reversed (with Jim's death this time) so Toby also uses the chronosphere to reset the timeline and make Jim the trollhunter again, just like in the original timeline, but it still fails (cause it'll be the exact same as the first one) and so its an endless circle of failures because neither of them know they were doomed from the beginning. One must always die, and neither can accept it has to be the other.
doomed by the narrative my beloved
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jlaire-forever · 5 months
My new fanfiction
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My evil little brain’s cooking up evil little AUs (this could legitimately get me back into creative writing) but what if we got witch!Claire and troll!Jim in a Morgana/Angor situation
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Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Tales of Arcadia (Cartoons) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez, Archie & Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Steve Palchuk, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Jim Lake Jr., Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Claire Nuñez, Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan & Nari, Toby Domzalski & Jim Lake Jr., Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan/Jim Lake Jr./Claire Nuñez Characters: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan, Claire Nuñez, Jim Lake Jr. (Tales of Arcadia), Archie (Tales of Arcadia), Aaarrrgghh (Tales of Arcadia), Blinkous "Blinky" Galadrigal, Steve Palchuk, Merlin (Tales of Arcadia), Nari (Tales of Arcadia), Bellroc (Tales of Arcadia), Skrael (Tales of Arcadia), Zoe (Tales of Arcadia), Nemain Mac Eo Chahid (Tales of Arcadia Ocs) Additional Tags: Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan Needs A Hug, Hurt Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan, Stressed Hisirdoux Casperan, This is not a Tag yet?, Archibald is a good dragon, Trauma, Troll Jim Lake Jr., Jim Lake Jr. Needs Therapy (Tales of Arcadia), Witch Claire Nuñez, Protective Steve Palchuk, Toby Domzalski is a Good Friend, Found Family, Angst, Author Is Sleep Deprived, maybe ooc?, I Don't Even Know, surprise surprise, Random ideas and how to develope them, Future Jlairxie implied oops, Canon? What is it? Food?, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Warnings May Change, A lot of music references, Unreliable Narrator, Intersex Character(s), Original Character(s), Self-Harm, Self-Hatred, Graphic Description, Slow Burn, but like, Reeeeeally Slow, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con Summary:
Douxie had a lot of secrets. He really didn't expect some of them to be discovered like this.
A fanfiction where we have more bonding time before the temporal accident, Jim isn't hit by the shard (yet?) and Hisirdoux Casperan is a bit more bitter than he should, because he has a lot more trauma than he would like to, but of course he can't even keep his things to himself.
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escape-from-arcadia · 2 years
I need to know if fics or art or anything related to TOA characters in classical myths/epic poetry exists somewhere because all that my brain can think about rn is the sheer amount of angst you could get from
Jlaire as Odysseus and Penelope or Pyramus and Thisbe (this was the OG Romeo and Juliet, fight me)
Carterdoux as Achilles and Patroclus or even Eurydice and Orpheus (Carter as Douxie’s sunshine, and being so close to being in the sun again, but then being whisked away to the underworld again aH-)
And if this content doesn’t exist yet, fuck it I’m making it after ADAU goes on break.
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avirxy · 2 months
Jim lies on his back, staring up at the interchangeable rocks, cobbled stones, he’s counted them out several, consecutive times.
Toby would know what little minerals are imbedded in the surfaces; some faintly simmer as a torch passes by giving little sparks of light. Gruff, hissing voices rant on about their beastly tendencies to snap and gnash, their boots snapping against uneven stone.
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thosetrollkids · 2 years
Originally based on this writing prompt-
A rare herb that grows once a millennium is said to grant immortality. You aren’t sure about that but you do know that herb is very tasty, and you don’t know why everyone keeps trying to raid your garden once every thousand years.
-the 'mm tasty herb' AU is based on the premise previous, but with some tweaks. Jim had moved into a remote abandoned home in the age of Camelot, intent on fixing it up for his mother, an herbalist/doctor to come and live there as well. Unknown to the occupant, however, the house and it's land are soaked with a forgotten spell from a bygone wizard; time itself seems to freeze within. Along with trying out a new strange herb found within the grounds (once he deemed it not poisonous, be careful kids), his own life is extended thus from residual magic seeping into its leaves from the house. Double whammy. Regardless if he leaves the land, he will still stay the same age for longer than he should.
A month of time within the home is a hundred years, give or take, outside the little bubble. Jim has quite a few visitors over time, spanning different time periods. Though, one familiar face he'd met back when he first moved in has yet to stop popping up...
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wip ask meme!
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zmichelle1234 · 10 months
Wrote a Tales of Arcadia fic about the Trollhunters, creepslayerz and wizards running into each other in the middle of the night.
I’m more of a beginner writer so I welcome criticism
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