#jimin and jungkook giving you freaks a whole show and you’re still thinking about taehyung
taehyungfirst · 10 months
Imagine being a whole ass adult, creating a space on twitter with over 400 people and hating on pretty boy Taehyung that could be your son or your grandson. Jikookers never beating the Taehyung obsessed and antis allegations, this is why y’all need to be bullied everywhere… hating on him because he cut his hair don’t you have abo fanfictions to read?
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angellesword · 4 years
please write a drabble to when jungkook from your eyes tell asks y/n to marry him 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i'm begging you or the first time they made love 🥺i just miss my couple sm
Have you read the special chapter of Your Eyes Tell? :D anyway, here’s the drabble you requested! :D Enjoy! <3
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The exact time was 11:21am. The setting? Your apartment. You and Jimin were eating lunch together when a crazy idea popped inside your head.
"I'm going to propose to Jeongguk,"
Jimin choked on his juice the moment he heard you speak.
"W-What?" He rubbed his left ear as if doing that would make him understand your abrupt confession. Did he even hear you right?
Did you really want to propose to Jeon Jeongguk?
"I want to marry him, Jimin-ah. We've been dating for three months already..."
The way you said it confused him more. Three months. You had been dating Jeongguk for only three months. Jimin didn't understand why you were suddenly in a hurry.
"Okay," your best friend sighed, facing you—carefully analyzing your expression. He didn't want to upset you.
"I know you guys are soulmates, but isn't it too early to get married? I mean..." He trailed off, not sure what to say.
Jeongguk used to be an asshole to you. It took him so long to figure out that he loved you. What if he wasn't ready to take your relationship to another level? Or worse, what if he fucked up again? It would surely be hard for you to leave if you were already married.
"I just feel like it's not the right time, you know? You two are basically still at the merge stage. I see how you act around each other. You're so in love with him that I feel like you feel like he's never going to hurt you again. And...and!" He gasped, as if he just realized something. "Do you see the way Jeongguk looks at you? I know he has those innocent eyes, but he looks at you like you're the one who put the stars in the sky! Like you're the air he breathes—"
"Jimin..." You cut him off, huffing. "Why are you telling me this? Are you sure you don't want me to marry him?"
You didn't understand your best friend. He was only giving you more reasons why you should push through with your plan.
"I want you to marry him!" His eyes were wide. "I only said that it's not the right time yet. You guys are basically just getting to know each other. Besides, aren't you like...still mad at him? The last time I checked you banned him from your office building."
"That was months ago! We're cool now." You flashed a proud grin, causing Jimin to roll his eyes.
"You are batshit crazy! Why do you like that Jeon boy so much?"
It was a rhetorical question. Jimin clearly didn't expect you to get so sappy, but really, he was in the wrong here. He should know by now that you took everything about Jeongguk seriously.
You loved him that much.
"He asked me the same question before, you know? Gukkie doubts himself greatly. He thinks he's not worthy of love, but he is..." You were just like your soulmate. There were also stars in your eyes whenever you talked about someone you adored.
"I didn't give him an explanation because I don't know what exactly I love about him. Do you understand that feeling, huh, Jimin? Like when everything about that person screams love, you don't really know in particular why you love them? Jeongguk is like that for me. He hurt me bad before, but I guess what made me realize that he's the one I want to marry is that despite the pain he brought, it is still being overpowered by love. He showed me things I didn't know I was capable of feeling and doing..."
"Okay, stop." His eyes brimmed with tears. "I get it. You love him. You will always love him no matter what I say, so go. Just marry him. You have my blessing!"
"Really?" You embraced him when he nodded. "Cool! Help me prepare then! Who says girls can't propose to men?"
"No one! Let's go!"
The exact time was 11:21am. The setting? Taehyung and Jimin's shared apartment. Jeongguk and Taehyung were playing video games when a crazy thought popped inside your soulmate's head.
"I don't think she wants to marry me,"
Taehyung raised his brow the moment he heard Jungkook speak.
"What?" Taehyung didn't know whether to laugh or to shake his head. In the end, he chose to do both.
"Unless you're not talking about your soulmate, then I'm going to say you're being stupid." The older man laughed again. "Seriously, Guk? You don't think she wants to marry you? Are you blind or something? That girl will literally give you her heart for a dollar, and she wouldn't even mind if you break it into a hundred pieces. She's crazy over you."
Jeongguk frowned.
"What do you mean she's crazy over me? I will literally give her my heart for free, and I wouldn't even mind if she breaks it into a thousand pieces. I am crazy over her."
"Oh, God. Don't tell me you're so competitive you think you love her more than she loves you?"
"But it's true! I do love her more!" Jeongguk insisted, pouting his lips.
Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly. Typical Jeongguk.
"Whatever, man. Just marry her. I can help you choose what ring to buy." Taehyung put the controller down his lap, no longer interested in the game. "Or we can ask Jimin..."
Right. Because Jimin was your best friend.
"That sounds cool, but you're obviously not listening to me, hyung. I told you already. I don't think she wants to marry me!"
Jeongguk looked like he was about to cry. The thought of you rejecting him was enough to break his heart. He couldn't imagine a life without you anymore.
"Guk, you're just being dumb. Why wouldn't she want to marry you?" Taehyung groaned and Jeongguk sighed, explaining to his best friend his reason for thinking that.
Well, there was this one time when you two were watching a movie. Jeongguk intentionally chose a film related to a wedding. He was expecting you to comment what you liked if ever you decided to get married, but instead you stayed quiet throughout the whole film.
It also appeared like you didn't enjoy it. There was scowl on your face and you looked as though you were in deep thought.
"That's your reason?" Taehyung scoffed. "Wow, Guk. You're stupider than I thought."
"It's not just that!" Jeongguk snapped. He was struggling. He was in pain. He didn't know how to explain what's running inside his head.
"I'm just..." Your soulmate heaved a deep sigh. He looked so frightened. "I'm scared, hyung. I hurt her so much before. What if she doesn't want me anymore? I don't know...I can't...I feel like the only way I can do is to marry her, you know? I'm scared. I don't want her to leave me."
Jeongguk believed Taehyung would understand. However the latter only sighed.
"It sounds to me that you want to marry her for selfish reasons, Guk. You want to tie her down because you're afraid to be alone."
"No!" Your soulmate's eyes grew big, his heart was pounding. Shit. This was what scared him the most. People always misunderstood him since he wasn't good at expressing his feelings. How could he propose to you when he always ended up saying the wrong things?
"I just want to love her right, hyung. I want to show her that I am serious. She knows I am always trying to get away from her before. I don't want her to think that anymore. I want her to feel secured. I want her to know that she's the only one for me, that I'm not confused anymore. I mean, yeah...I don't want to be alone, but I don't want her to feel alone. I'm here for her. I'm going to take care of her. It's my turn to do that now..."
"Fuck." Taehyung exhaled loudly. "You really love her, huh?"
"More than her eyes can tell," Jeongguk smiled.
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Taehyung and Jimin both helped you and your soulmate with the proposal. The four of you had no idea what the other party was planning.
You told Jimin not to tell Taehyung because the latter had a big mouth.
Jeongguk told Taehyung not to tell Jimin because the latter got excited all the time, he would probably end up telling you about the whole plan.
Basically, you and your soulmate shared the same reasoning. Luckily you and your soulmate had the same taste as well.
"I want to propose to her outside the sushi bar where she first confessed to me." This was what Jeongguk told his best friend. He wanted to be the one to confess to you this time.
"I want to propose to him outside the sushi bar where I first embarrassed him," and this was what you told Jimin. You wanted to relive that moment because it was hilarious. You hoped your soulmate wouldn't try to run away this time though.
Planning the event was rather fast. You and Jeongguk didn't want anything grand. You two just really, really want each other to say yes.
Sunday came, also known as the proposal day. You were already waiting outside the sushi bar. Unknown to you (and him) Jeongguk was standing just a few meters away from you.
Your phone was pressed into your ears. Jeongguk was talking to someone over the phone too.
"What do you mean you can't find him?" You groaned at Jimin from the other line. His job was to bring your soulmate here.
Taehyung had a similar task.
"Hyung! You said you'll bring her here!" Jeongguk felt like crying again. What if you found out about the proposal so you ran away?
"I don't know, Guk. I'm freaking out. I'm with Jimin right now. He's freaking out too. I heard him talking to your soulmate over the phone. I think she's already there."
Jeongguk didn't understand, but he still craned his neck, looking for you.
It didn't take him long to see you because you were already heading towards his direction.
"Gukkie!" You embraced him, your heart was beating erratically. Fuck. He was here! "I thought you ran away!"
Your soulmate creased his forehead. You thought he ran away when he was convinced that you did the same?
"Why would I run away? I want to be here. I'm glad Taehyungie-hyung convinced you to go here..." He felt like he could finally breathe even though he was releasing you from the hug.
It was your turn to give him a confused look.
"Uh? Taehyung didn't have to convince me. I'm here because I want to..."
Jeongguk's face turned pale.
"W-Wait! So you know?" He didn't know what to feel. Did Taehyung tell you about the plan? Damn! Why couldn't that boy keep his mouth shut?
"Of course I know!" You grinned, squishing his cheeks. "I never hesitated even a second, Gukkie. I want to marry you..."
His expression softened. You just said you wanted to marry him. Was he dreaming? God. This felt too good to be true. You made everything so easy.
All he had to do now was get on his knees, right?
"Good," and so he did. And then he fished a small box from the pocket of his jeans.
"Marry me, then."
You said you knew.
You knew, but why were you acting so shocked? Why were there tears in your eyes?
"Jeongguk..." You were shaking. He didn't understand. Did he do something wrong?
You suddenly got on your knees as well. Just like him, you also brought out a small box.
"I was supposed to do this." You laughed, showing him the ring you bought. "I was supposed to propose to you!"
Jeongguk couldn't believe it.
"Y-You..." He swallowed thickly, tears filling his eyes. "Thought about this too? But...I'm the guy! I should be the one doing this for you!"
He cried.
You cried too.
Both of you didn't know what to say. What to do? You had a plan. He did too.
When the stares of the people became too much to bear, he realized fuck it.
"Doesn't matter who proposed. I just know that I want you." He pulled your hand, carefully putting the jewelry right on your ring finger.
You did the same to him. Jeongguk's hand was trembling as you did it.
You stood up. Jeongguk followed, pulling you into an embrace once again.
"I love you so much..." He murmured, kissing your forehead.
"I love you too, Gukkie..." You didn't murmur it. Your voice was loud and instead of kissing his forehead, you aimed for his lips.
And boy did he taste so sweet.
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darkmulti · 4 years
Firstly, just wanna say that I LOVE UR WORK I FAN READ IT FOR HOURS ON END! U HAVE AMAZING TALENT. Also I was wondering if it was ok, to ask for a Yandere BTS royalty headcon of them impregnating you (Even by force if you tell them you don’t want to have a child)
This is not edited so I apologize for any mistakes.
Thank u bb🥰
⚠️: NON CON! Yandere!BTS, slapping
Seokjin always used a condom. You didn’t want to spend the rest of your life with him, you simply had each other for your sexual needs. Jin on the other hand was falling for you. He tried to make it obvious but you were still oblivious. It was another night with him. He was in between your legs, doing the dirty. He wasn’t wearing a condom on purpose. You were too needy to even realize. It felt so good because he was repeatedly hitting your gspot. You didn’t realize until hot fluid filled you up. You gasp and immediately take him out of you. “Jin! You’re suppose to wear a condom! I-I’m probably pregnant. No! My moms gonna kill me!” Before you could freak out even more, Jin hugged you and calmed you down. “Your mother won’t freak out when she finds out that the baby’s father is the king.”
Yoongi always gets what he wants. His parents arranged a marriage with some random chick. After hearing about the news, you were a little heartbroken but also relieved. Yoongi has been angrier than usual. He’s been taking that anger out on you for some reason. Yelling at you, aggressive sex, being extra possessive. The man you once loved whole heartedly has turned into a scary monster. Yoongi on the other hand was even more frustrated. He wanted to marry you not some random chick. The only way he could escape out of this marriage is if he gets you pregnant. He didn’t waste anymore time. He ran to your house and explained the situation. You look at him in disbelief. “Yoongi, I want you to be happy with your wife. It’s okay. Don’t worry about me. Your wife will also make you very happy and give you children. You’ll fall in love again.” He looked at you with a bizarre expression on his face. “Are you hearing yourself? You’re just gonna give up on us just like that? Did I ever mean anything to you?” You sigh, “of course you did. But I can’t interfere with your marriage. Your parents hold a lot of power. They can kill my family. I can’t let that happen.” Yoongi was pissed off. You didn’t seem to be sad. Was he just a toy for you? Yoongi didn’t care if you didn’t want to be with him. To save himself from this marriage, he forcefully took you. You tried to crawl away but he pulled you back and slapped your ass. “I’m getting married to you! You’re gonna have my children and we’ll be a happy family.”
Hoseok never forced anything on you. That’s not how his mom raised him. Yes, the husband has power over his wife but after learning what his mother had been through, he hated other men. Hoseok was a gentlemen. The husband every girl wanted. You were his lucky wife. He never brought up having a family, but you didn’t mind. You accidentally made Hoseok jealous by talking to one of his friends. After the event, you both arrived at your shared room and he was all up on you. He wasn’t screaming or anything. He was being possessive. “Have you forgotten who you belong to? Mmh? Let me remind you.” Usually, Hoseok is a soft dom. But tonight he became a hard dom. He had you screaming and crying his name out of pleasure. He kept reminding you that he was going to “pound his babies into your swollen pussy.”
Jimin: You didn’t want kids. They were annoying. You never told Jimin though. You knew that he adored children and you being his wife would have to give him some eventually. But you couldn’t face reality. You were afraid that you wouldn’t have a connection with your kid. You had a rough childhood which is why you did not want kids. You’re traumatized. Jimin was out, seeing how the city was doing. Since he will become king soon, he wants to learn how to improve everyone’s life style. While he was out, a rumour started going around. Apparently you cheated on him with another man. Jimin had noticed that you became distant from him but he still trusted you. But now there are people saying that you’re cheating on him. It all made sense to him now. He rushed back home and didn’t hold back. He yelled at you then slapped you without letting you explain yourself. He ripped your dress off you covered your mouth before taking you. “You fucking slut, I’ll show you who you belong to!” Every time he came in you, you cried harder. “P-please Jimin, I don’t want kids.” He held onto your jaw and looked you right in the eyes. “Too bad.”
Taehyung has been very vocal about wanting kids. You - his arranged wife - weren’t ready for kids. Especially not his kids. Taehyung wasn’t a gentlemen. Well, in front of his mother and family, he was. But behind the scenes he was aggressive with you. He wanted a typical, wife worships husband marriage. You were getting ready for bed when he walked in. He helped you take your necklace off and fixed your hair. His arms wrap around your waist and he placed his chin on your shoulder. “Don’t you think we should start a family?” You quietly whisper a “no” and avoid eye contact with him. “Why not? They’re gonna think that you have an infertility issue. My mother will flip and I’ll have to marry another girl who can get pregnant.” You turn around and face him. “Then marry another girl! I’d rather die than have your baby.” Taehyung slapped you. He picked you up and threw you on the bed. “Why can’t you just obey me for once?! I want a child. You’re gonna give me a child.” You did struggle under him. You kicked, cried, begged, screamed but nothing worked. You didn’t get out of his grip in time. He was already cumming in you. He didn’t stop until he felt confident that you were pregnant. The following week you experienced morning sickness and your period being late, confirming that you were pregnant.
Jungkook: He kidnapped you and kept you locked up in the basement of his palace. He was an arrogant prince and you had every right to call him out. You made him look like a fool and he was angered by it. The following night he kidnapped you and showed you who’s in control. Jungkook could destroy your life in a blink of an eye so you had to obey him for the sake of your parents. After being his doll for god knows how long, he brought you upstairs to his bedroom and had unprotected sex with you. You were too scared and weak to defend yourself. But you did warn him that you might get pregnant. He had the most aggressive sex with you to the point where you couldn’t do it anymore. You cried into the pillow and begged him to stop. His cum was overflowing in you. “Please, I’m gonna get p-pregnant.” Little did you know, that’s exactly what he wanted.
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jimlingss · 5 years
Sugar and Coffee [1]
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
➜ Words: 3.8k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Baking is an art form. It takes more than just having ingredients and following a recipe. It’s the flavour, texture, taste, and the presentation. It’s knowing why when things go wrong and how to fix it. It’s knowing the right kinds of ingredients to pick, how much of each should be combined, what techniques and methods to use. Baking is therapy. Baking is scientific. It is art.   The ingredients are as follows: 
Fresh strawberries
Sponge cake
Heavy cream
Vanilla extract
You slice the freshly washed strawberries into halves as the stand mixer whips the two cups of heavy cream and quarter cup of sugar into medium peaks. Once you’ve got your components prepared, you slice the cooled sponge cake into two layers and set the bottom layer on a cake board on the turning cake table. You spread the whipped cream evenly with an offset spatula and layer the strawberries with cream on top.    Afterwards, you place the other sponge cake on top and repeat the process.   You finish the shortcake with strawberries on top for decorative purposes and pipe flowers with a twelve inch piping bag.   “Very well done! Everyone give a round of applause for Y/N’s shortcake demonstration.”   The teacher claps and the students around the counter follow suit. “Now it’s time for the real test.”   She begins slicing the cake into pieces, but you’re not nervous whatsoever. You know you did a great job and your strawberry shortcake is worthy of salivating over. And as expected, while your classmates take careful bites and allow the flavour to linger on their tongue, there’s nothing but praise.   “Wow, the sponge cake is so soft and moist.”   “The cream is so smooth.”   “It’s so fluffy.”   “It’s melting in my mouth.”   Even the teacher is nodding as she eats. But of course—   “Isn’t it too sweet?”   Jeon Jungkook has his brows deeply furrowed with a soured expression like he bit into a fucking lemon. His fork is cleaned but he puts the utensil down with a noisy clank, not wanting another bite.    A muscle in your cheek twitches.   “Didn’t you say that last time?”   “Yeah.” He shrugs. “But you didn’t follow my advice. Obviously.”   “Maybe you just have sensitive teeth, Jonhson.”   “I don’t,” Jungkook deadpans, not appreciating how you pretend that you don’t know his name.   “I don’t see anyone else complaining.”   “Because they’re too nice to. If you can’t take criticism, then there’s nothing I can do, Y/N.”   There are eyes flickering around. This happens often enough that no one’s particularly surprised, but there’s still bated breath held amongst your classmates.    You open your mouth to retort. But the teacher eats with a thoughtful look, and then nods. “You’re right, Jungkook. You could lessen the sugar just a tad, Y/N. The strawberries are quite sweet this time around. Just goes to show that ingredients might always change, everyone!”   “Okay.” You force a smile. “I’ll make a note of it.”   “Alright class, now that we saw the demonstration, off you go! Watch that whipping cream! It shouldn’t be soft or hard peaks!”   Everyone turns to leave, but your glare connects with Jeon’s until he turns around all the way.    No matter what you make — Jeon Jungkook always complains that it’s too sweet.    He’s a fucking ass.   “What was up with that?” There are audible murmurs behind you. “I thought they were going to fight.”   “In the kitchen? No. Maybe outside — but you know how it is.”   “They still hate each other over the September incident?”   “Well Jeon almost got Y/N expelled….”   You turn around and once they realize they’ve been caught gossiping, they look away with big eyes and they quicken their hands. “So, uh, pass me the cream!”   “Y-Yeah.”   The teacher brings your attention back as she finishes marking the rubric. “Thanks for doing that demonstration for the whole class, Y/N. Job well done as usual. Just lessen the sweetness and you’re good to go.”   You’re given ninety five percent. Full marks lost because of that asshat.    You hope he can feel your glare on his backside.   Eventually class ends and with your station all cleaned, hands washed, and apron put aside, you leave.    Outside of the room, is the most handsome man on the planet waiting for you. The person who you love wholeheartedly. The person you’re most excited to see. Your person.   He’s dressed in a white turtleneck sweater that you got him last year for his birthday, black jeans, and that baby blue trench that’s always soft to the touch. His dark hair is brushed and he’s leaning against the wall casually. But the glimmer in his sheepish eyes betrays the nonchalant exterior he tries to put on.   And the corner of his plump lip pulls into a tender smile.   “Hey—oof!”   Laughter bubbles out of Seokjin’s mouth and his arms wrap around your frame after you quite literally leaped onto him. You barely manage to pull away from the man, having the strongest urge to stick to him forever.   “I missed you.”   You pout and he grins. “Missed you too, sweetheart.”   You lean in to kiss your boyfriend silly. He holds you by your waist and you greet his plump, soft lips that makes you melt in a chaste peck. After a moment, you break away and he wraps an arm around your shoulder. “Should we go?”   “Yeah.” Your steps sync together. “You won’t believe what happened to me today.”   “What happened? Tell me.”   The pair of you walk down the corridor together as the rest of the class continues to spill out. There are girls who caught sight of the heartwarming interaction and they hold their books to their chest as they sigh wistfully.    “God, I’m so jealous. I want to be in love too. When am I going to get a boyfriend?”   “At this rate, never.”   “Hey! Rude!”   “I’m kidding!” She giggles. “You just won’t get someone like Seokjin.”   “Let’s be real, no one is gonna get someone like Seokjin — he’s just...perfect.”   “They’re such a good couple, aren’t they? They’re gonna have such pretty…” Their voices fade, but Jungkook exits and hears their commentary. He turns to steal a glance at your backside down the hall.   Jungkook scoffs audibly.   “What?” Taehyung catches up to his best friend and swings an arm over his shoulder. The same-height brunette follows his line of sight and hums. “Jealous you’re not in a relationship?”   “As if. It’s just pathetic, is all.” Jungkook looks away and they make their own way to the dining hall.   “You really handed it to Y/N today.” Taehyung grins mischievously. “Like damn. I didn’t think her cake was half-bad. But you’re not scared it’s gonna come bite you in the ass, Kook? Y/N’s gonna hammer you down when it’s your turn for demonstration.”   “So what? Like she knows what she’s even doing.”   “Are you sure about that? She seems pretty decent at what she does to me.”   “Decent isn’t good enough,” he says blankly. “She thinks she’s the shit but she came here to follow her boyfriend.”   Taehyung whistles. “You still mad over September?”   “She just irks me. Always has.”   “Right, didn’t you guys go to high school together? You, Jin and her…”   “We never talked. Whatever, it’s not worth talking about and wasting our time. Hey, what’s on the menu for lunch?”   “You tell me. Jimin never texts us what’s new today. Dude just eats and then goes.”   “What class does he even have right now?”   “Bakery safety and sanitation.”   Jungkook grins, remembering just how nightmarish that class was. “Rip.”   The two of them turn the corner, moving the opposite way from you and Seokjin, and the hallway empties out. 
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Anxiousness boils at the pit of your stomach. Today’s the day you’ve been waiting for ever since you found out your application was accepted into the institution and you were successfully enrolled. Whatever results appear, it might dictate where you’re headed in the near and far future. The experience that you gain in these two years will pave the path to your career after all.   “It’s today?” Moonbyul puts down her spoon. “Isn’t the paid internship in May? It’s only November.”   “The posting went up for us in November too,” Hani pipes up past a mouthful of eggs. “Remember?”   “Did it? It was so long ago, I forgot.”   “It was only last year.” Sandeul rolls his eyes. “You haven’t gotten that old.”   “I sure feel like it.”   “Well if anything, you sure look like it.”   “Umm, excuse me?”   “Okay, okay, guys,” Your boyfriend interrupts with a laugh. “You’re freaking out Y/N even more.”   They mutter apologies, but you smile. In an attempt to calm yourself down, you ask, “Where did you guys end up going?” After all, they’re a year ahead of you and they’ve been through the entire process. Any advice is helpful advice at this point.   “Sandeul and I got hired by a hotel,” Hani says, “The Marriott. It was a pretty sweet gig, kind of tough though. Out of the entire class, I think five of us went there in total, so we were pretty lucky that we knew each other. It was long hours, but I learned a lot.”   Sandeul scoffs. “Can’t say I did.”   “When do you ever learn?” Moonbyul bites back.   “My internship was at a private club,” Ken recalls, interjecting as the two of them argue again. “But all I baked was bread all day. It was awful.”   “Oh god.” You look to Seokjin. “What if I have to bake bread all day? I hate yeast.”   Jin laughs and he lifts his thumb to affectionately swipe at the corner of your mouth, getting the spaghetti sauce off your skin where you missed. “You’ll be fine. Promise. You’ll probably get hired at a catering company like I did. Or maybe a pastry shop.”   “God, I hope so.”   “Which did you apply to?” Hani asks, playing with her noodles.   “Just a bunch of them. Restaurants, catering companies, shops. I applied to I think ten.”   “Oh, you should be fine then.”   “But I heard sometimes they put you in ones you didn’t apply for.”   “That rarely happens. Don’t worry about it.” She bats the air with her hand, easing your worries a little more.   Your boyfriend smiles warmly. “See? Told you so.”   You nod and check the time. It’s five minutes to noon. And with that realization, you get up. “We should go.”   “Don’t they email you?” Sandeul asks, pulling himself away from his argument with Moonbyul and ignoring whatever half-hearted and playful insult she throws his way.   “Yeah, but the physical posting gets put up faster.” You’re jittery, hopping on both feet and Jin chuckles before he gets up too, taking your food tray and his to dump into the trash.   They wish you all the luck you need and you’re off with Seokjin by your side.   You’re excited and afraid, not exactly sure what to expect. You just hope you get your internship by the same catering company as the one Seokjin had. They liked him enough that they’ve ensured him a position after he graduates. If they hire you too and you do well enough, they’ll hire you back and you’ll get to work with him. It would be absolutely perfect.   You can already imagine it. A small apartment in the city. Working together. Coming home together. There’s not a better plan out there.   The hallway is crowded with lots of people pushing past to look at the posting. There are loud conversations, eager claps and cheers, to disappointed sighs and whines.    “Wait here, okay?” You turn to Jin, not wanting him to be stepped on or pushed by the crowd.    “I’ll be right here.” He squeezes your hand before letting go.    And you push past the horde of students. “Excuse me, excuse me. Sorry…”   “Aw man, I have my internship at a grocery store?! This sucks.” — “The hell is Dog World.” — “Oh my god, oh my god! I got into the East Wood Country Club! Fuck yes!”   Finally, you stumble out of the crowd to the very front. The list is grouped together by locations and you search your name on the paper posting. After an antagonizing minute, you find it. “Kim’s…..Wedding Cake Company….”   Blood drains from your face. It runs cold.   Jeon Jungkook is coming with you.   //   You stomp your foot and cross your arms. You’ve been pouting for the past hour. But you can’t help the distress — not when you were still unable to comprehend it. It was the worst news on Earth. You thought your eyes were wrong, that maybe the posting or printer made a mistake, but the email wasn’t any different either.   “I can’t believe I have to go with that jerk! It’s all ruined!”   “I know, baby.” Seokjin pouts with you, sympathizing with your situation. He pulls you in to plant a kiss at the top of your head. “But you’ll be okay. Promise.”   The way he says it calms your nerves, but that doesn’t mean you still aren’t frustrated to no end.   There was only one paid internship to be done. One that was supposed to pave your way, help with the rest of your career, teach you things that couldn’t be learned through lectures and classroom work. But your one shot is destroyed. In shambles. What should be a fantastic experience is going to be a dreadful one.   Why did things never go right for you?   “I just….I just really wanted to be hired at your company.” You look up at him, eyes stinging and glossy with tears that threaten to shed.    Your plans are ruined.   “It’s okay. You can always apply after graduation.”    “I know.” You sigh. “But of all people, why him?”   A few hours later, the pair of you catch up with your friends at the dining center for dinner, and they quickly notice the way you’re not necessarily jumping for joy, but rather grieving. “Not...good news, I presume?”   Moonbyul gasps. “Did you not get hired anywhere-OW!” She rubs the spot where Sandeul smacked the back of her head for being tactless.   “It’s not that,” you reassure them with a small smile. “My internship is at Kim’s Wedding Cake Company.”   Ken’s eyes are enlarged. “Oh shit.”   “Wedding cakes?!” Hani sharply inhales. “That’s brutal.”   “No, it’s not that either. I don’t mind. It’s just…” You steal a glimpse at your boyfriend. For one, you wanted to go where he went and secondly— “I’m with Jeon Jungkook.”   “Who?” Ken asks, brows furrowing.   “You know, the black haired kid,” Moonbyul says in an attempt to jog his memory.   But the man’s impassive expression doesn’t waver or alter. “You literally described at least a quarter of the population.”   “The one that looks like a rabbit, you idiot.” Hani makes grand gestures. “The deer-looking fellow. You know, the cute one.”   “Right!” He snaps his fingers, as if that was enough to remember him by.   You shake your head. “He’s not cute. He’s an ass. Steer clear territory.”   “Can’t you steer clear from him?” Sandeul asks before he slurps up his carbonara and then chews in his cheek. “There’s like what— four or five kids coming with you? You can probably avoid him if you wanted to.”   “No.” It dawns on you just how bad the circumstances are. “Apparently only two of us are going there. At least I didn’t see anyone else assigned to that place. It’s only going to be just him and I.”   “Yikes.”   “Not helping, Hani.” Seokjin gives her a look that makes her sheepish and mumble an apology. “It’s not going to be that bad.” He reaches for your hand underneath the table, a private place without the prying eyes of his friends. “It’s only for three months and it’s during summer. It won’t happen for quite some time.”   “Yeah.” You squeeze your hand tenderly with his.    It’s wondrous how effective Seokjin’s reassurance is. You feel like there’s no reason for you to be afraid, for you to dread the inevitability. He makes you feel like you could take on anything.   All plans have their obstacles. Maybe this is just yours. Things always have a way of working out after all. You’ll get your experience, do your internship without talking to him, and then apply where Jin will be working after. You just have a feeling — call it your intuition — that it’ll work out.   //   But you’re still somewhat unsettled. You wonder if there’s a way you could switch. At least it wouldn’t hurt to take your chances and ask, then you knew you tried and did all you could. So with a hopeful heart, you approach the office area and open the door. The secretary is gone from her desk, maybe gone to take a bathroom or coffee break, so you take a seat in the waiting area.   One second passes before you overhear a familiar voice that you’ve grown to detest.   “—don’t see how I’m qualified at all! I haven’t even learned about wedding cakes yet!” The frustration is tangible. “It’s a course for next year!”   “Then you’ll get a head start from your classmates, Jungkook.”   There’s an audible sigh and his voice becomes calmer. “Miss. Kang, please. I just don’t understand how I could be put in something I didn’t even apply for.”   “What do you want to do, Jungkook?”   “Pardon?”   “What is it that you want to do after you’ve gotten your diploma?”   “I want to be a chocolatier.” There’s a pause. “A Master Chocolatier. I want to compete in The World Chocolate Masters. That’s why I applied for Oliver’s and Tokyo Confectionery. Spending my time and my internship at a place that does chocolate is important to me. Not wedding cakes.”   “Well, you’re lucky then. I personally know the couple that runs Kim’s Wedding Cake Company. They’re good friends of mine and the man who runs the place with his wife is actually a chocolatier. He studied in Paris and has been in the industry for more than ten years. I feel like you could learn a lot from him, Jungkook. Remember, it’s not the place you go to, but the mentor that you have. Think it over. Give it a few days. If you still have concerns, we can talk about it.”   Jungkook huffs in exasperation and grabs his bag. He mutters a reluctant ‘thank you’ before leaving the office. He doesn’t take one look back but on his way out, he catches you staring straight at him in the waiting area. His steps slow but then he scoffs, looks away and walks out.   When you get a chance to talk to the lady organizing internships, it’s brief — she apologizes and tells you there’ll be no changes made. There’s no arguing, you know that much. Not when Jungkook quite literally tried every desperate plea in the book.   You end up leaving and at the same exact time, Jungkook exits the men’s locker area, changed back into his regular attire. The two of you nearly bump heads, running into each other.   “Are you following me?” he flat out asks when your eyes meet.   You raise a brow, freezing in the middle of the hallway. “Excuse me?”   “Are you following me,” he repeats with a sharp tongue, obviously still peeved over his previous interaction with Miss. Kang. But you don’t know why he’s putting it on you and making such outlandish accusations. There was absolutely no limit to his cockiness.   “Get your head out of your ass, Johnson. I don’t have the time or day to follow you around.”   “Then what are you doing here?”   “I don’t think I need to tell you where I am or what I do.”   “Whatever.” Jungkook rolls his eyes and brushes past you.   But you turn onto your heel and shout after him—   “Do you really think you’ll make it?”   “What?” He shifts around to glare. His thick brows are knitted, mouth downturned.   “Do you really think you’ll make it as a chocolatier?” You meet his eye and a smirk pulls on your features. A rush of air leaves your nose in a snort. “You? Really? You want to compete in The World Chocolate Masters? That’s cute.”   “At least I have actual ambitions and goals and I’m not here for the sake of my boyfriend.”   “Excuse me? What are you trying to say?”   “Don’t play dumb and act like you didn’t follow your little boyfriend here.”   “You don't know anything about me, Jeon.”   “I don’t? I know that you’re not passionate about baking, that’s for sure. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have fucking stolen—”   “Fuck you,” you spit. “I didn’t.”   “Yeah right.” Jungkook scoffs. “Get real, Y/N.”   He gets the last word. Jeon Jungkook turns around, walking away with his bag slung over his shoulder. You shout insults after him but he ignores it, making you look like the fool.   Tears sting your eyes and your teeth grit. He’s an asshole through and through. You don’t know why you even bother wasting your breath.    If Seokjin was the most patient, kindest person and the person that you love the most — then Jeon was the complete opposite. You will forever detest his very being.   //   Your hand is squeezed and you’re brought out of your thoughts.   “Babe? What’s wrong?”   You look to your boyfriend. That’s right — you love him and this man loves you. There’s nothing else that could ever matter more than this. “Nothing. I just had...a really long day today.”   Seokjin stops walking and spreads open his arms wide. He gestures to you. “Come here.”   A smile pulls into your features and you jump into him. Jin laughs, stumbling back as you cuddle into his chest. His arms wrap securely around your frame, shielding you from the cold, from the darkness of the night.   You feel safe.   “I love you.”   He hums and kisses the top of your head. You’re beginning to feel better already.
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taeyohonic · 4 years
Just a Taste – Chapter Four
Summary: Being asked to take a blood test just to work at a merchandise booth should have been the first read flag for you. But you just gave them a sample of your blood in exchange for a very much needed paycheck and a summer job during BTS’ world tour. After the youngest member of the popular kpop band finds himself in a difficult situation, you come to realize that this wasn’t the last time you shed blood for your idols. or: You becomes the new donor for seven bloodthirsty idols, who seem to be way too interested in their new food source.
Pairing: OT7xfem!Reader
Genre: Fantasy, Smut, (Fluff)
Warnings: nothing
Words: 2.1 k
Chapters: Prologue, Chap. I, Chap. II, Chap. III, Chap. IV, Chap. V, Chap. VI, Chap. VII
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There is not enough air in your lungs. You know this. But every breath you take seems to disappear before it reaches your chest. It feels like you’re suffocating. Hoseok’s eyes widen even more as he looks at your heaving breasts.
“Girl”, he tries to get your attention – tries to meet your eyes, but they water too much and can’t focus on the vampire in front of you.
Their movements were too fast, your brain couldn’t keep up with Bangtan talking… no fighting… around you while every fiber of your being was locked into place. Hell, you couldn’t even feel your heartbeat. And then everything came rushing back. Your muscles released form an invisible vice. But it happened too blunt, your mind couldn’t handle the sudden energy around you.
And now you are close to fainting. You are sure of it.
“We don’t want you to faint, girl”, the dancer whispers helplessly. You can hear Yoongi mutter a “speak for yourself”, but before your mind can even process his insult, your eyes fixate on Hoseok’s smile.
It stretches his thin lips, showing off a white row of teeth. His dimples frame the curved mouth and the smile seems to shine like a bright orb. It really looks… heavenly. You can feel the warmth on your own face. Then there is air in your lungs and you can feel your body slump against a strong chest. The sunshine in your heart is making you feel giddy and you can’t keep a little giggle from escaping your throat.
The eldest look at you with reserved endearment, while the younger vampires are fixated on their leader. This is the first time in two decades Namjoon fucked up. And now he isn’t even masking his feelings in front of a human? Admittedly, she is a drugged and drunk human – but a human nevertheless. What is going on with him?
“You are so… so warm”, you slur against Hoseok’s neck. Your nose is buried against his silent pulse point and you breathe in his musky scent with ease.
“Could… somebody get her some water?”, the young rapper asks, while escaping your intoxicated advances. He positions you back against your chair and slowly increases the distance between you and him. You feel the warmth leave you and your mouth turns into a frown.
Hoseok’s question seems to cut through the tension in the room and Jungkook moves faster than light to the bottled water on the table, opens it and tries to bring it close to your lips. But you don’t respond – already out cold.
“Yoongi-hyung?”, the maknae asks with agony in his voice. The cold-hearted rapper hisses at the youngest. Why can’t he say no to this sorry excuse of a vampire? Jungkook looks pathetic kneeling at your feet, submissively holding the untouched water.
But Yoongi relents, his eyes closing on instinct. “What should I tell her?”, he asks, turning to his leader blindly.
“As much as she has to know without giving her any leverage”, Namjoon answers and looks at you with interest. You are turning out to be quite a challenge. Now he regrets having hindered Jungkook from killing you yesterday. There is a headache coming and he hates that painkillers don’t work on the undead.
“Way to be specific”, Jimin mutters as Taehyung massages his neck to lessen the tension in his muscles.
“What the hell, Yoongi?”, you tell at the rapper before you, standing in your old room; the childish pink of the walls are making you weirdly emotional as you step closer to him. “What happened?”, you ask and try to clear your head. You remember Hoseok’s warm smile and then feeling... pure bliss. Until you discover Yoongi in your dream. “There was... a lapse of judgement on Namjoon’s side. I... apologize.”
You can formerly feel how uncomfortable these words make him. But you don’t find any joy in his discomfort. “Lapse of judgement? I stopped freaking breathing”, you exclaim, pointing at him with an accusing finger.
“Don’t be crass, human. You were well enough to cuddle up to Hoseok-ssi”, Yoongi snickers and your cheeks redden instantly.
“Only because h-e he… did something with th- this weird s-smile of his”, you respond half yelling. But before your embarrassment heightens, you remember the start of this dream conversation. “Wait, stop distracting me. We... we were talking about Namjoon! What did he do to me?” Yoongi looks extremely displeased as he moves to your tiny childhood bed in the corner of the room. With one side glace he sits down on your covers. “You know that he can control the... time”, he starts and sees you nod. “Well, he can also ... selectively freeze the time continuum for... certain humans.” Okay, that kind of made some sense. If anything even requires to make sense anymore. “But it’s always a pain in the ass to only freeze single perspectives. He has to constantly monitor his power with their awareness. Sometimes... he gets careless.”
Yoongi looks at you as if to say: exhibit one, ladies and gentlemen.
“We try not to move too out of place so that when humans join our timeline again they aren’t confused by our positions... Obviously that didn’t work this time”, he explains and picks at the skin on his thumb with high interest, not meeting your inquiring eyes. “I understand”, you say more to yourself than your distracted vampire. “And why did you guys decide to... put me on hold?” There must be something close to gold underneath his nail bites, because Yoongi is still looking at his hands. “We had a disagreement with your... alcohol tolerance”, he starts to explain. “There are a few of us that don’t like the idea of you not being fully... conscious while discussing vampires, donations, life changing and threatening decisions, you know?” Still no eye contact - even with this jab at your unprofessionalism. But you don’t mind, because Yoongi doesn’t notice the gleam in your stare. They don’t know you could hear them discussing… Taehyung’s assault. This evens the playing field … somewhat. So they aren’t truthful to you… shocker. Still, the ARMY in you is slightly disappointed. “Fair”, you say blatantly lying to him. “And what was Hoseok-ssi doing... with his teeth?” Now you can only see the corner of his lips turning up into a smirk.
“Ahh... well... What can I say? He is our sunshine quite literally.” “He... is the sun?”, you ask and feel Yoongi’s disapproval. He did not think you were this dumb. “Don’t be ridiculous. You know how most of our kin despises the sun.” You sit in your beanbag across from the bed and suppress rolling your eyes.
“He just... extracts some of your light and... blinds you with it.” What. The. Hell? “Hoseok is ... a mirror?”, you try to clarify. No sun, only an absorbing reflection... You are just two syllables away from joining the circus. The rapper leans back, resting his head on your bedding. He looks so relaxed in your dream – it’s unnerving.
“Most of our fans seem to... enjoy his brightness”, Yoongi smiles at the memories of previous donors submitting to his brother with giggled consent. Blood does taste better when humans are aroused. You on the other hand are far away from smiling, lost in your thoughts. “How did you guys keep your secrets all these years? It”s been what? Twenty-four hours and I’ve had Jungkook biting me to the brink of bleeding out, having Namjoon mess with my time on two separate occasions, you visiting my dreams, Jimin... shadow-waving at me and Hoseok... drugging me with his smile?! Like... you guys must get a lot of hate from the community”, you muse and bite your tongue to not include Taehyung harming humans by touch alone.
Yoongi – still lying down – snorts audibly. “Let’s say... these have been uhm eventful hours for us as well.” And for the first time you do not hear nearly as much mockery behind his words. He just sounds... tired. You yourself are deep in thoughts, thinking about this whole situation.
“Why... didn't you want me to agree to Namjoon’s offer?”, you ask after a few minutes of silence.
But Yoongi doesn’t respond. He doesn’t even flinch. You slowly get up and move towards the breathing vampire, leaning over his still body. He looks strangely peaceful in your childhood bed, surrounded by stuffed animals and laying across your hand knitted comforter. His hair is a mess, the roots in dire need of a touch up. The features of his face look so angelic, dark eyelashes against soft skin. The vampires intruding your dream... is sleeping. And you can’t even be mad. This is the nicest he has ever been towards you.
So, with a deep sigh, you retreat to your old beanbag, watching over your intruder with heavy eyes... until you yourself join him in a peaceful dreamland. *** “I think she is waking up!”, an excited voice claims – hot breath meeting your cheeks at a fast pace. You don’t really want to open your eyes, but now there are footsteps against marble coming nearer in quick strides. And even though your memory is foggy, you do remember that the restaurant had a soft carpet.
As soon as you open your eyes, you meet Jungkook’s stare. The youngest is way too close to you and you try to move away from him – with no success. The plush bed you’re in stands in stark contrast to the uncomfortable beanbag of your dreams. But wait… a bed? Tired eyes move around the room. This is definitely not the restaurant. No, you are back at their suite. And judging by the soft light peaking through the windows you guess it’s not even the same night. Morning has come… and Seokjin, who leans against the doorframe, his eyes wide awake and resting on your figure.
Before you can even articulate a question, ask where your dream walker is and whether or not Jungkook even left your side during the night, the eldest intervenes:
“I hope you are feeling well rested.” You are not sure about yourself, but Seokjin looks very relaxed in a grey sweater and some dark blue joggers. His hair looks neatly styled, while his face seems to be freshly washed, red rims around his eyes still irritated from the water.
Jungkook on the other hand is only in his boxers and a white shirt – his knees are resting on your bed, the elbows way too close to you. He smells sweet and you can’t help breathing deeply. Why does Bangtan smell this good?
“Of course she is well rested”, Jungkook snorts, “she slept seven hours and forty-six minutes. Her breathing was slow paced and deep – the pulse never elevating out of the norm. She only turned two times. Not a single snore.”
It sounds like he is reporting to his commander at war – not listing your sleep pattern to his bandmate. But you can’t even be that angry. First, you are still in the process of leaving your dream and a sleeping Yoongi behind. Second, the boy in front of you looks so… endearingly caring. Like what he just said isn’t highly problematic and way too creepy. No, Jungkook looks so – so proud of himself. Does he think he was actually helping you by watching over you the whole night?
“Look hyung”, he continues, “There isn’t even any discoloring under her eyes.” And now his long fingers trace under your eyelid. His touch is soft – with a childlike enthusiasm. Again, the vampire catches you off guard and you even flinch. His fingers are so soothing, a fresh coolness awaking your skin.
“Jungkook”, Seokjin warns in a low voice, but without any form of treat in his tone. It seems to be enough to make the youngest move away from you and meeting your perplexed stare with wide eyes.
“So-soorry, _______”, he apologizes and leans back, giving you more space to sit up in the bed.  
“Good morning”, you say, having decided to start the new day with a somewhat friendly tone.
Jungkook’s eyes crinkle with happiness at your greeting and he decides to give you more room, stepping away from the bed.
“Breakfast?”, he asks and seems to vibrate while joining Seokjin at the door. They look so handsome next to each other. Alone they are force, together they are danger. Your heart starts beating faster and you can read their faces all too well: While the older vampire just smirks – reading the situation too well – Jungkook scans your body with worry.
“Yoo-u don’t ha-ave… to”, he tries to retract, so sure he made you uncomfortable. Jin on the other hand sends you and Jungkook an amused smile.
“Why don’t we all get ready first, hm?”, he asks.
“What do you mean? I am ready!”, Jungkook shoots back in confusion.
“He means Jungkook get dress and ________ take care of your morning breath”, Jimin shouts from the other room, a teasing edge in his words making you blush.
Thank you so much for reading! I love that some of you like this story! It means a lot to me. I... did put the part about Yoongles lying to her face in there because... of reasons. HOW CAN HE DO THIS?! In two days? Guyssss,,, Again - thank you for reading!
Love, Dana
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re A Biology Major [Request]
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A/N: If anyone gets the reference in Taehyungs I officially love you more than anyone else in my life.
Jin was on stage for the night and you were backstage at one of the desks in the changing room, you'd learnt to drown out everything around you. You had to whenever you were on tour and you had an exam coming up, you wanted to be the supportive girlfriend with Jin but you also had to put your studies first and he understood there. At first, he'd tried to keep everyone in the changing room quiet but it was never going to happen because of who they were. They were naturally loud but you told him you didn't mind. The background noise made you feel like you were back in your college classroom trying to work with all the distracting people around you.
"You've been staring at that same paragraph for a long time, coffee break?" One of the stylists - Jihoo - asked when she saw you struggling with something in the textbook.
"Please. It's like my brain won't suck anything up into it." She handed you a brown cup and sat next to you staring at the page, reading through it all and humming to herself, your spirits lifted. If someone else could understand it maybe they could explain it to you but then she slammed the book shut.
"I've got no idea," You groaned and laid your head down on the hardback cover wanting nothing more than to bash your head against it and pray that the words fall into your brian,
"What's wrong babe?" Jin's hands were on your shoulders, rubbing at the knots in your muscles and you whined out at how nice it felt to have his fingers on you taking away all the tension you had.
"I should be giving you a massage, how was the concert?" He sighed knowing that that was your way of avoiding things, quickly trying to switch to another topic.
"Babe," He said in a warning tone and you looked up at him,
"I can't get this chapter into my head, it's like I've broken my brain. Reached a point where I can't remember anything anymore." He chuckled at you and shook his head,
"It's because you've done nothing but study for the last week straight. You need a break, one night off won't hurt okay? I'll go shower and then we'll go to dinner at the hotel and go for a swim?" You thought back to the pool he was in a couple of nights ago, the hotel was stunning and you'd been dying to go swimming there since you arrived.
"One night." You told him as you got more and more excited about the pool.
"One night." He promised, kissing the tip of your nose before standing up straight.
"Then you can go back to being my biology nerdy girlfriend." You stuck your tongue out at him and he rushed off towards the showers while you packed everything up into your bag and waited for him.
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The whole day you'd been a nervous wreck. From the moment you woke up you'd been on edge and so had Yoongi, both of you were waiting for the phone to ring and whenever it did you would both jump before answering it. None of the phone calls being the results you wanted. You were waiting for your biology final grade to come in, it was the grade to determine whether or not you had a career in your dream field. You'd thought you'd aced the test on the day you took it but the longer the results took to come in the more you began to freak out. All of your other classmates had received their results weeks ago and you were told yours could take a few more days, and this was the final date they'd given to you.
"Here, you have to eat." Yoongi slid the sandwich in front of you but your eyes never moved from the phone, scared to look away in case it rang and you didn't hear it. Which seemed impossible since it was on loud.
"Thanks." You mumbled taking the sandwich and biting into it, he sighed looking at you. If he'd known you'd be zombie-like he would have taken the phone away from you but he was just as nervous as you were to get the results, he knew how much this meant to you.
"Hello?!" Your voice came out panicked as you picked up the phone but Yoongi stared at you wondering what was happening on the other side of the phone, your expression was blank and unreadable.
"Thank you, Sir," You laughed down the phone,
"No, yes, I understand. Thank you." You hung up and he stared at you wanting answers but just as you were about to explain what had happened over the phone the front door to your shared apartment burst open and in walked the boys.
"CONGRATULATIONS!" Jungkook screamed blowing on a noisemaker and cheering loudly as Jin carried in a two-tier cake with your name on it, on top of the cake was a microscope and a string of DNA made from the candy you giggled at the sight of it.
"You don't even know what she got," Yoongi said and you giggled turning to look at him.
"I passed, he said it took so long because they wanted to make sure I hadn't cheated. They'd never had someone get 100% on one of their tests before-" You grunted as you were engulfed in a seven-man hug,
"You hear that! She's not only smart she's super smart!" You began giggling as Yoongi pulled away and started kissing all over your cheeks,
"I have to call my mum." You laughed at him and the boys all continued to congratulate you again.
"Thanks, guys, give me some of that cake though. I'm starving."
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Hoseok was just as nervous about the exam as you were, you'd never had to do something like this before. You were so used to going into a classroom and taking a final exam but you have stuck in Korea thanks to the lockdown rules and couldn't get home for the exam.  The college board understood your situation and were allowing you to take the exam there, but sitting in the dorm's kitchen with a laptop and a paper felt weird. A tutor was on the screen watching you and many other people on a zoom call to make sure you weren't cheating, the boys were all silent in the living room while they waited for the next two hours to pass by. This was the written paper which was fairly easier to do from home than the practical exam was going to be. You knew they were just going to arrange that for a later date but you had no idea when that later date would be or how it would work.
"You think she's passed?" Jin whispered to Hoseok, two hours were up and they could hear you talking to your tutor as you packed up the finished exam paper into an envelope no one would be able to reopen once it was closed.
"She's smart, she can pass anything," Hoseok whispered back to him, since staying with them he'd done nothing but brag about how smart you were. Always making your cheeks heat up whenever he'd do it in front of you but he wanted to show you off, show off just how proud of you he was to everyone. The door to the kitchen slid open and you came out holding the envelope.
"I have to post this right away." Hoseok nodded grabbing his keys more than happy to take you to get it done,
"How'd did it go?" You nodded at him and he wondered what it meant, they all did.
"It went okay, I won't know until they grade it." You giggled at them and they all sighed wanting to know now.
"Results will take a month, I swear you'll be more on edge than me." You laughed at them and Hoseok took you towards the front door, eager as ever to post the test off for you.
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Namjoon wasn't worried at the start of the day but as more time passed the more he started to worry. You hadn't answered any of his texts or his calls. He assumed you were too busy studying for your finals that were coming up but it was getting late and you'd normally called to check in with him by now but you hadn't.
"I'm just going to check she's okay and then I'll come back out," Namjoon told Jin as he pulled into your driveway, your car was still there which meant you were home. Namjoon took the spare key you'd given him for emergencies and walked up the front door and let himself inside.
"Y/n?" He called out through the dark and empty apartment, he shut the door and listened out for any sign of you. He could hear the soft lofi music coming from your bedroom so he headed up to try and find you, he pushed the door open and you were asleep at the desk. Blanket wrapped around your shoulders with your head in a textbook, highlighter in one hand and post-it notes in the other.
"Oh shit," He whispered rushing back to JIn to tell him to go back to the dorms,
"She's asleep but I need to move her." Jin nodded and left him there, Namjoon headed back inside and went back up to you. He took the blanket off your shoulders and then picked you up carrying you to the bed where he laid you down and laid the blanket back over you.
"Goodnight baby," He kissed your forehead and headed downstairs to clean up the apartment and make sure you'd at least eaten something that day.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of food floating through the air, you headed down the stairs to see Namjoon standing in front of the oven and cooking,
"You sure you aren't going to burn my house down?" You teased going up and kissing his cheek,
"Morning, how'd you sleep?" You hummed and rubbed your neck,
"I ache." He chuckled at you and handed you a fresh cup of coffee,
"That'll be from sleeping at your desk."
"I completely crashed, I'd stayed up the night before and thought I'd make it, I was wrong." He sighed and kissed the top of your head.
"I love how smart you are but you need to learn how to take breaks baby." He whispered to you as he began plating up food for you.
"I will when I pass." He knew there was nothing he could say to change your mind so he was just going to have to make sure he was there to remind you to take breaks as you did with him.
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"Jimin I can take myself," You giggled as he handed you a cup of coffee in bed. He'd woken up extra early so he could make you breakfast in bed and bring it up to you. It was results day which meant going down to the college to pick them up in front of everyone. Everyone would be exchanging what they got and talking to one another about what was next for you all,
"Well, I wasn't there when you took the exam or had your first-year results so I'm going." He kissed your head and you didn't fight him on it. You didn't want to upset him by telling him you didn't want him to take you because you did. You wanted him to you were just nervous what other people would say. They were the nicest to you in class when they found out you were dating him and they'd never really spoken to you after they found out either, not that it bothered you. You wanted to keep your head down and work instead of getting involved in childish-like drama, you were supposed to be adults in college not teenagers in a classroom. Jimin knew that they hadn't been the best to you which was one of the other reasons he wanted to take you, he wanted to show his support of course but he also wanted to show them how much neither of you cared about their opinions on him.
The silver Porsche rolled up into the carpark and immediately all eyes were on you, you weren't stupid you knew what Jimin was doing. He got out of the car and wrapped his arm around your shoulders,
"Let's go get your results." You shook your head at him and he smirked at you, you already knew what results you'd gotten this was just protocol to go and collect them.
"What? Nothing wrong with this is there?" You ignored all of the stares you were getting as you walked through the courtyard and towards the main entrance.
"No. Not at all. But just remember that they already hate me, I don't need them thinking I'm with you for the money." You quipped back at him and he laughed bringing his arm around your waist and pulling you closer as you walked through the halls.
"Let them think what they want, I'm just showing my support to my beautiful and smart girlfriend." You scoffed at him,
"Wait here, I have to go in alone." You stood him beside a wall where he couldn't get in trouble and headed into the room for your results, ignoring all of the looks once again.
When you finally came back out Jimin was surrounded by guys and you assumed he was talking about the car but as soon as he spotted you,
"There she is! My brainiac." You groaned at him playfully and he continued bragging to the boys about how smart you were.
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Taehyung knew how smart you were and he didn't need the benefit that your research facility was throwing to tell him that but he went along with you anyway. It was being held in a giant hotel, it looked like something the boys would stay in when they went on tour.
"Dr Brennan, let me introduce you to Taehyung. My boyfriend." The lady who owned the building turned to you and Taehyung and bowed before talking to Taehyung in Korean. She was gifted in every language and subject which was one of the reasons you'd wanted to work for her for years. She was exceptional, the very best.
"I'm very proud to be working alongside Y/n on a lot of our projects here." While they were in an in-depth conversation you walked away to get another drink for you and Taehyung. The facility held these events so the beneficiaries that helped the place run could meet the people that they were paying, it was also an excuse to dress up really fancy and show off your husbands, boyfriends, wives and girlfriends for the night.
"Hmm Hi," You giggled as you felt Taehyung wrap his arm around you from behind, your leant your head back against his shoulder and he smiled,
"Dr Y/l/n." His arms dropped and you turned to look at another co-worker,
"Hi, this is Taehyung, my boyfriend, Tae this is Dr Addy another brilliant biologist at the lab."
"She's too kind. She's the brilliant one." You smiled softly and looked down at the wine glass in your hand as they began exchanging stories about you with one another. Taehyung's smile growing wider and wider as he heard more and more stories about you that he hadn't before, each of them making him prouder of you with every passing second. He couldn't wait to get home and tell the boys everything about it, they knew how proud he was anyone but now he had more stories to tell which meant more bragging rights about how you were the smartest one out of them all.
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At first, you thought it was just your imagination playing tricks on you. You were just too focused on your studies to even realise but now you'd finished all of your exams and had your results you realised that Jungkook was getting distant with you. He'd spent all of his time at work and then his free time was spent with the boys, when he eventually did come back to your shared apartment you were either asleep or at work and barely had time to see him. It was worrying you. Your graduation was coming up and you'd asked him to go with you but he told you he was busy and couldn't, but he wouldn't tell you what you were busy with though.
"You're probably just overreacting. Isn't comeback season soon?" One of your best friends in your class asked as you lined up to get your diplomas, you knew she was right but it still didn't make you feel any better about it.
"I just wished he'd come, it would have been nice."
After graduation, you headed home to find Jungkook on the sofa. You took off your shoes and walked towards to kitchen without greeting him.
"I don't get a hello?" He chuckled but you didn't find anything funny,
"I thought you were busy today?" You didn't mean for your tone to come out so harsh but you were upset that he told you he was busy when he clearly wasn't.
"I was. Come with me?" You stared at him and he nodded over to the front door,
"I'm tired Jungkook-"
"Just come with me." You sighed at him and followed him out towards the front door again, you slipped into your shoes and he took you over to his car.
"Where are we going?" He stayed silent and sat you down in the passenger seat before going to his side and started up the engine.
"Jungkook! We're not allowed in here! It had a sign-" You were cut off when bright lights came on and people screamed surprise at the top of their lungs.
"What- Jungkook did you do this?" You looked around the room, it was filled with all of your classmates, teachers and tutors from your college and banners along the wall.
"I've been planning a graduation party for a while,"
"This is why you've been so distant?" He nodded sheepishly at you,
"I can never lie to you. I figured I'd been distant for a while and it'll all make sense." You wrapped your arms around him and he started laughing as you cried softly against his shoulder.
"This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." You whispered to him, pulling away from the hug and giving him a long lingering kiss.
"I have to show everyone how smart my baby is don't I." He winked at you and kissed you once again.
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@writingdreamsnottragedies​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @jooniesdarlingdimples​ @fan-ati--c​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @btsmutandstuff​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @supresoo​
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binniewon · 3 years
Midnight Roses 9 (repost)
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Pairing: DarkAngel!BTS/Female!Reader
Warnings: Slight Language, Angst
A/N: Yes this story is mine I am just reposting because my links weren’t working! Loves!!!! This is my 100th post I am so grateful for everyone who has supported my blog and my stories I love you all!
You could hear their heavy footsteps as they followed you out the door “Y/N where are you going” you stopped in your tracks when you heard the voice of Namjoon, you turned to your side and saw him but he was with Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok it was their footsteps that you heard you realized when you didn’t see Jimin and Jungkook in sight.
“I-i-I was going to my apartment t-to check on F/N” they looked at you and then your neck you could see Namjoon slightly raise his eyebrows, you really need to cover that thing “I should be going” you said as you turned to leave “We can drive you if you would like” Jin said with the sweetest smile on his face “All of you” you asked confused as to why all of them would need to drive you to your apartment “No I mean I could drive you the other three need to get to the company” you could see the realization dawn on Namjoon’s face as he kissed Jin’s cheek and walked up to you “Can you come by later tonight” he asked with pleading eyes “I don’t think that, that would be a good idea” you said remembering what happened last night “Please it isn’t good for us to be apart for long” he said honestly, you huffed and nodded your head “Okay, I will come by later” he smiled and kissed the top of your head “Bye see you later” he said as he walked away Hobi and Yoongi followed and did the same action as Namjoon.
“You ready”
Jin pulled up to gates you could see the apartment buildings behind them “How much was this” you asked in awe Jin laughed “That is for us to know and you to never find out” you frowned at the statement but didn’t say anything, after he had pulled through the gate the security guard closed it you had never seen apartments this beautiful “F/N must be loving this” you said with a smile on your face.
“This is it” Jin said as he pulled in front of a set of buildings “I would walk up with you but I can’t risk it” he said sadly “It’s okay Jin” you said as you touched his hand he smiled at the action “You’re on the fifth floor and your apartment number is 36” he said as he handed you a set of keys “Thank you I will see you later” before you could get out of the car he grabbed you hand and slowly leaned in and gave you a small kiss it wasn’t anything major but it was enough to make you feel dizzy “See you later” he said as he let your hand go.
You walked out of the elevator still in a daze from the kiss why were you allowing yourself to fall this fast you don’t know but you do know that you are starting to have feeling for them which scared you but every time they touched or kissed you it made you feel like you belonged with them and that terrified you.
As soon as you opened the door you were tackled to the ground “Oh my goodness Y/N I was scared something happened to you, it isn’t like you to just text me that you will be back in the morning without explaining to me were you are I thought someone had kidnapped you or worse-” you stopped her before she could go further “I’m fine so can you please get off of me” she let out an oh and got off of you “Now where the hell were you” you cursed whoever texted her for not lying to her or letting her know where you were but leaving out important details because you didn’t want to explain to her everything but now you would have to explain everything and you weren’t ready for that “I was with BTS”
She kept on pacing it was starting to give you a headache you hadn’t even told her everything just that you were with them and she was freaking out “F/N sit down please your giving me a headache” you said as you rubbed your temples she stopped and gave you a pointed look “Don’t you dare tell me to sit down Y/N you have been keeping secrets from me I knew you something was off but this this is a lot to take in you were with BTS and you don’t even like KPOP” you huffed as you rolled your eyes this was too much for her how the hell did she think you felt “F/N sit the freak down so I can explain everything” she stopped pacing for a second and looked at you before she sat down “So this is a lot since this has been going on for about four years now” she looked at you with wide eyes but didn’t say anything “So it all started on my eighteenth birthday I woke up a bit dejected but still went on about my day it wasn’t until hours later when something happened” you lifted up your shirt to expose your tattoo.
“This suddenly appeared and I know you might be thinking that I got this at a tattoo parlor or something but you know that I am not the type of person who gets tattoos so I tried my hardest to find out how it happened but I didn’t find anything until you took me to the concert and I saw BTS the tattoo had been aching the whole concert but when I walked up to them I was suddenly in excruciating pain” she looked away from you and stood up but she was still quite “ When I woke up they told me about the meaning of tattoo and how…they are my soulmates and their not human” you looked down after that you could feel her start to pace again “What the fuck do you mean they aren’t human” well she wasn’t happy about this “They are dark angels” she stopped pacing and looked at you like you were crazy “Y/N are you okay or do I need to take you to the hospital” you stood up and looked at her “You don’t believe me” she huffed and then laughed “Of course I don’t believe you if you didn’t want to tell me why you have been off then that is okay I figured it would have something to do with your Grandma and your eighteenth birthday but you know how I feel about BTS so to use them as your lie that’s a bit much Y/N” she said as she sat back down and looked away from you.
“Wow I tell you what is actually happening to me and you don’t even believe me this is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you” you said as you started to walk away “You don’t get to walk away from this conversation Y/N” she said as she followed you “How do you think we are in this apartment why do you think they took me to their hotel after I passed how and why the hell do you think I came to Korea with them and sat next to Jimin on the plane please F/N explain that to me” she didn’t say anything “Exactly you can’t for as long as we have been friends you think that I would just lie to you over something like this I am terrified F/N so freaking scared I need my best friend more than ever” you said as you went to hold her hand but she pulled away with a look of disgust “I can’t do this Y/N” she said as she started to walk away “What do you mean you can’t do this” she turned towards you with fear in her eyes “You just told me that BTS are dark angels the group that basically saved my life are monster and you’re their soulmate whatever that might mean but I do know that I don’t really want to be a part of it” you were livid “Don’t you fucking dare call them monsters they are the most softest people that I have ever met, they were willing to stay in America for me because I couldn’t except the fact that my soul was bounded to them for life they are far from monsters and the fact that you think something is wrong with me because of that goes to show how much of a fucking friend you are” you said to her and she snickered “Some friend I am you kept this from me for four fucking years Y/N”
“Because I knew that you would react like this and I honestly didn’t want to lose my best friend” she put her head down “Well I guess that it was bound to happen at some point right people don’t stay friends forever” she said sadly you shook your head “I can’t believe you” you said as you walked to the living room tears rolling down your face it wasn’t long after that when she came to the living room with her luggage “Where are you going” she didn’t say anything “I’m sorry” you said you didn’t really know what you were apologizing for but you didn’t want to lose your best friend “Bye Y/N” she said as she walked to the door “F/N wait” but she closed the door you didn’t go after her you just sat there and cried the look of disgust on her face when you tried to touch her hurt you more than anything.
Your ringtone woke you out of your sleep it was dark in the living room you realized that it had to be night time you immediately grabbed your phone without looking at the caller id you just hoped it was your best friend “Y/N are you not coming over: you heard Taehyungs voice disappointed you didn’t say anything “Y/N are you there” the reality of everything came crashing down on you, you just lost your best friend, your womb bestie as you liked to call her since your mom’s where pregnant at the same time but she came before you and she would always use that as her advantage so how could she just walk out like that you then realized that she probably didn’t have anywhere to go she had never been to Korea before at that thought you hung up the phone and ran out the door you had to find her.
Three hours
You had been looking for her for three hours and you still haven’t found her you knew she was a stress eater so you went to all the nearest Restaurants and pubs with a picture of her asking if she had been in the restaurant and nobody had seen her at this point you were scared anything could happen to her.
As you walked down the streets you heard someone call your name “Y/N oh my gosh we thought something happened to you” Jungkook pulled you into a hug “Why did you suddenly hang up on Tae” had he called you, you were so worried about F/N that you had forgotten about Taehyung “I-I she’s gone” you said as you broke out into tears “Who’s gone Y/N” Jimin said as he pulled you into him “F/N I told her everything like Namjoon told me to do and she left if you had j-just seen the way she looked at me i-I have never been looked at like that by someone so close to me i-I it h-hurts Jimin it hurts” you said as you cried harder “Okay baby Hobi, Yoongi and Joonie will take you back to our apartment and we will go look for her” Jin said as he pulled you out of Jimin’s arms and wiped the tears from your face you nodded your head and slowly walked away from him and into Hobi’s awaiting arms “Let’s get you home yeah” he said as he walked you to their car.
“They’ll find her baby they’ll find her”
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daddychims · 4 years
Offside pt 16
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16
Series Masterlist! 
Genre: Smut, Soccer AU, College AU
Pairings: Soccer Player! Jungkook X Sports Trainer! Reader
Word Count: 2k
Other BTS members all make a cameo as well because I’m an OT7 Trash!
You work as a sports trainer, providing basic first aid and injury management for the Hanguk University’s soccer team. Going with your mundane life of caring for the dozen of guys hurting themselves in the soccer game takes a turn when one of the guys catches your eyes. It’s not his breathtakingly good looks or his muscular athletic body usually seducing girls at the campus that catches your eyes. But the action plan in your kit, indicating he is diagnosed with Asthma is what draws your eyes time and time again to the Golden Boy of Hanguk University.
Warning: Slow burn, eventual smut, Taehyung being a freaking tease the whole time, Also Jimin not letting the female MC live for one day, Fuckboy!Jungkook, Asthmatic! Jungkook , mentions of episodes of Asthma, Take your Ventolin kids, Take your medications kids!
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“Keep going, breath out for me.”
You watch as Dr Kim instructs the guy to puff the air in his chest out into the device, Jungkook struggling to push against the resistance in his lungs as he pushes the air out with all of his strength.
“That’s it,” Dr Kim nods reassuringly before removing the device and quickly entering the data in his computer “your FEV1 is reduced as I expected.”
“Reduced?” you quickly ask as you shift closer to have a look at the computer while Jungkook just sits against Dr Kim’s desk “But he’s been taking his medication, I thought it would improve.”
“Why do you think?” Dr Kim glances at the guy before looking at you “Hmm?”
“That’s strange,” you furrow your eyebrows “If the medications are working, shouldn’t his lung function improve.”
“And how long does It usually take for them to work?” Dr Kim asks with a stern tone
“Six to eight weeks,” you mutter automatically “oh …” your voice falters in realisation that it just hasn't been enough time before quickly adding “But still, his lung function reduced compared to last time. Shouldn’t it at least stay the same?”
“She’s right,” Jungkook finally speaks up “I thought the stupid medications actually work. Are they just making me worse?”
“They’re not,” Dr Kim explains glancing between the two of your calmly “I expected this kind of reaction to a certain extent, that’s why I told Hoseok to talk to you about adding more support for you in the game.”
“That’s stupid,” Jungkook scoffs “What’s the point of the medications if it's just making me feel worse?”  he asks in an annoyed tone
“This is just a temporary reaction from your body,” Dr Kim explains in reassurance “you see, our body is quite smart. For the longest time your lungs weren’t working properly to give your body as much oxygen as they needed. So, your body adjusted the blood flow to your lung just enough to get the oxygen that was in your lung.”
He hesitates to look between you and Jungkook before adding “but after taking the medications, your lung has started working better, taking more oxygen in as a result. You have more oxygen but since your body is not used to it, the blood flow is not enough to take it all on board for use-“
“V/Q mismatch!” you suddenly gasp in realisation as Dr Kim’s explanation starts to make sense
“Bingo!” Dr Kim nods with an affirming smile “your body got confused with the amount of oxygen you suddenly started taking up and sent you to a full on panic on the first chance you were exhausted.”
“That’s stupid,” Jungkook sighs “I told you this is not gonna work.”
“Well today’s incident only means one thing Jeon,” Dr Kim shakes his head “That the medications are actually working. Once your body starts getting used to it, you’ll be on top of your game.”
“I knew it!” you clap in excitement before turning around and tapping the guy on the shoulder “See? I told you!”
You immediately retract your hand as you see the guy’s cold gaze and your eyes quickly flick back to Dr Kim.
“You both did great,” Dr Kim smiles at the two of you “Keep going with the great work, and just give me a call if something happens.”
“Sure, I’ll see you for the end of week meeting soon Dr Kim” you nod as you watch Jungkook standing up and already making his way to the door
“Jeon,” Dr Kim calls and the guy pauses before turning around and facing the young doctor “Do you trust me now?” Dr Kim asks with a smile
“Yeah whatever!” he rolls his eyes before opening the door and leaving the room
“Good job,” Dr Kim brings his eyes to you “I’m really grateful for your help, thanks for staying with him until I got here.”
“Of course,” you smiled bitterly “sorry I wasn’t much help, he didn’t accept the oxygen no matter how much I tried!”
“Jeon’s a stubborn one,” he explains with a reassuring smile “I’ve known him for a while, so don’t worry. Keep up the great work.”
“Thank you, Dr Kim!” you smile before heading out his office and down the stairs to the changing room
You watch the guy who’s standing there, the upper half of his body bare and looking through his locker as he jams his stuff in his gym bag.
“Are you feeling better?” you ask nervously shifting on your spot
“Why do you care?” He asks with a mocking tone “Shouldn’t you be at Park Jimin’s place sucking his dick or something?” he scoffs, hesitating to give you a harsh look before turning around to leave to the shower room
“Wait-“ you quickly rush and grab his biceps “you said your piece, I need to say mine.”
“What do you wanna say?” he turns around and asks harshly “Was it your friend again? Did Namjoon Hyung force you to dry hump him this time again?”
“Jungkook listen to me please,” you sigh with an exhausted tone “The last time you assumed things about me, you were about to finger me in your room because you thought I wanna hook up with you and we both know how much you regretted it.”
“Fine!” He sighs as he completely turns to face you “Go on!”
“Look I know we talked about me staying away from Jimin, but that’s not possibile” you explain “when he’s literally in the SNU’s soccer team.”
“So you’re telling me,” you watch the guy’s expression harden “You’re fucking him because he’s from SNU?”
“What? NO! Of course not!” you quickly interject “What I meant is, he’s my best friend’s teammate, it's impossible for me to avoid him when I go over my friend’s house and he’s literally there.”
“Fine, let's say he was there,” he furrows his eyebrows “Then why the hell were you straddling him?”
“I was giving him a massage,” you correct “he cooked us dinner, Joon told him I give good massages as part of my work here, he said I should pay him back for the dinner with a massage. That’s all that happened.”
You watch the guy stay rooted in his spot in silence, glancing away from you in rage as he chews his word, so you sigh instead ready to drop the talk there. 
“Fine,” you sigh “If you don’t wanna believe me don’t. “ you walk past him to get to your unfinished work done for the rest of your shift when he grabs your wrist
“Wait-“he pauses as you turn around and face him “I’ll buy you dinner tonight,” his gaze flicks away as his tongue protrudes in his cheek “And maybe you can give me a massage too.”
“Jeon,” you sigh with a chuckle “this is not a competition like soccer- “
“It’s not that,” he steps forward, tracing the space between you two as he holds both of your arms “I-I wanna b-buy you dinner,” he stutters and for the first time you see the not so confident persona of Hanguk’s golden boy showing up “Dr Kim said I’m doing better, and …” he hesitates as he forms the words “That’s because of you.”
“Is it now?” you raise an eyebrow “I thought I was just being noisy until like a week ago.”
“You were,” he rolls his eyes  “But I mean-I mean at least I’m doing better right?”
“Fine,” you smile finally stopping your little game of tease with the guy “Dinner it is, but after I finish my shift!”
“And then my place after?” He asks, eyes lighting in a suggestive way “S-S- you can check my medications?”
“Right!” you roll your eyes as you push him towards the shower “Go take a shower now.”
“Do you wanna join for a warm shower with me?” He stretches his hands up putting his toned body and muscular biceps on display
“As if!” you walk away from him “Get in there, the guys will be barging in any second, you won't be lonely for long.”
“I gave it a shot!” he chuckles as he turns around and leaves for the shower room.
You quickly go through the masses of guys who enter the treating room for a quick tape or massage, hoping that you can finish earlier this time and not keep the guy waiting for you like the other nights you go home with him.
“So where are you guys going tonight?”
You look up at Hoseok with a confused expression “What?”
“Jiwoo was getting ready earlier,” He winces as you press firmly on his swollen ankle and massage the heating gel on it “Aren’t you guys going out?”
“Oh right,” you chuckle lying through your teeth “I must have forgotten, she did tell me about checking out one of the new restaurants around the campus.”
“Ooh that must be fun,” he flashes his angelic smile as your start measuring the tape “I still owe you a dinner, I would have come tonight if I didn’t promise the guys an after game drink!”
“Don’t worry,” you laugh nervously “We have all the time you want after the finals Hoseok.”
“Yeah right!” He nods clueless to the secret you’re sharing with his sister
You finish the guy’s strapping up and continue with the rest of your shift, while Jungkook soon appears from the shower room, sitting on one of the chairs in the corner of the room and watch your lethargically as you run around and try to get everything done.
“I’m here Sugar,” Taehyung declares as he steps in the treatment room, half naked unsurprisingly with his towel hanging loosely off his lower body “Missed me?”
“Of course, I didn't,” You scoff pushing one of the chairs for him to sit “Lets get this over and done with.”
“Oofff, Nothing makes me hard as when you treat me like your King,” He throws himself on the chair and rests his knee on another chair in front of you, “Sort me out Sugar, I need a long and hard massage,” he then leans in to whisper “Just like my cock!” he smirks as he points at his lower region and you sigh
But before you can say anything, a towel is thrown at the guy sitting in front of you, covering his face
“Get your massage from the girl you’re sleeping with tonight,” Jungkook scolds in a displeased tone “We’re going for dinner and I’m losing patience here.”
“Wait what?” Taehyung yanks the fabric off his head “you’re going to dinner, what does that have anything to do with My Sugar-“ his eyes widened as he suddenly makes sense of the situation “Ooh yeah?” he brings his eyes to you with a knowing smile 
“Yes,” you roll your eyes as you measure the tape around his knee “Do you wanna come? Jeon is paying.”
“Wait no-“ Jungkook immediately rejects “He’s busy!”
“I’m not,” The corner of Taehyung’s lips flickers “I’m always free to spend some time with My Sugar!”
“Great,” you shrug “The more the merrier!”
“HEY,” Jungkook yells this time glaring at you before throwing a harsh look at Taehyung “You told me you’re busy?”
“Am I?” Taehyung raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk still fluttering on his lips “Did I say that?”
Your gaze flickers to Jungkook who’s now burning in rage, squinting at his housemate “Did you forget?” He asks with gritted teeth “You wanted to play the new game I bought last week!”
“OH THAT,” Taehyung’s voice suddenly raises in joy “The one you said you’re gonna lend me to play for a few weeks?” he raises an eyebrow challenging his friend
“Right whatever,” Jungkook hisses “You better use your few weeks wisely!”
“I’ll surely will,” Taehyung flashes a boxy smile, sealing the hidden deal “Sorry Sugar, I guess I have to pass on tonight! Next time I’ll cook you something delicious when you come over to our place for Jeon’s homework.”
“Fine, up to you!” you shrug, clueless to the secret deal between the two guys
Your shift finally finishes, and you end up in Jungkook’s car for the second time in your life even though you vouched you will never step a foot in the guy’s car ever again. This time however there is no tension like the night he drove you from Casa and you both just watch the road passing through while listening to Radio music in the background.
He drives to the same Sushi restaurant you guys went for your first dinner, which makes sense since that’s the only place with decent food around the soccer club so you can't complain. You both sit behind the table and he orders like last time before asking you if you need anything else.
“I need to ask a question,” He finally breaks the silence after the waitress leaves the table
“Sure!” you nod
“I- ummm …” he hesitates to chew his words a few times before finally spitting “Why are you helping me?”
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows, quite taken off guard by his words
“I mean, you’ve been helping me the last couple of months and I don’t know when I think about it-“ he trails off, gaze wandering “I haven’t been particularly nice in the past …” his voice trails off before adding “Do you pity me?”
“Do you think I would pity someone like you?” You ask rhetorically
“Well, yeah I guess!”  he shrugs 
“I don’t know Jeon,” you sigh drumming your fingers on the table “I don’t know why someone would pity a cocky, obnoxious jerk like you!”
“Hey,” he knocks gently on the table with his knuckle “I’m not that bad!”
“Fine,” you chuckle before sighing “I just think you’re making life for you and those around you hard,” you explain, and he leans closer with full attention “I’m helping you because I genuinely want you to do better. Both me and Dr Kim.”
“Alright,” he nods with a pause to form his next question before bringing his gaze to you “So then answer this question,” he waits for you to nod before adding “Why don’t you fuck me?”
“Pardon?” you scoff in disbelief, as if you heard him wrong
“I mean you probably figured I'm keen,” He repeats, staring dead into your eyes "Why dont you just fuck me?"
“The night you were at my place, you felt things,” he explains “And you liked it as much as I did,” he adds before raising an eyebrow “So why did you have to leave? Why do you always play this game of push and pull?”
“Jungkook,” you laugh nervously “I know I let things slip that night, but we shouldn’t do this-“
“Why?” He furrows his eyebrows “You don’t like to do it with me?” He gulps thickly before adding “Do you like Jimin?”
“What? NO!” you immediately reject his theory “I told you there is nothing like that between Jimin and I.”
“Then … ” He questions, staring at you with waiting eyes “Is it not about my Asthma-“
“Its not!” you confirm firmly “Jungkook, its Asthma, not chlamydia! Why would you think that’ll stop me from sleeping with someone?”
“Well, then what why don’t you just fuck me?” he asks with a confused tone “I’m sure you’ve heard about my reputation!" 
“What does that have anything to do with this Jeon?” You ask with a exasperated tone
“Look, I’m good at this,” He leans closer and mutters in a determined tone “Whatever that 3 inch SNU guy showed you, I can show you a whole lot better than that. You just gotta let me take care of you.”
“For the 100th time, I’m not fucking Jimin,” you raise your voice “and just because I’m not fucking him it doesn’t mean I am fucking you. Is that clear?”
“You’ll change your mind,” His eyes darken in a mixture of rage and frustration “You just need to get a taste, and you won’t be able to pass so easily.”
“Well from the brief experience it wasn’t so hard to pass anyways.” you roll your eyes
“Oh really?” He scoffs, taking on the challenge “So you think that wasn’t good enough?”
“I’m just saying …” you bring your eyes to him, enjoying the sight a prickle in his ego by your words “For the guy with the reputation of Golden dick, you weren’t that irresistible anyways.”
“Oh yeah?” He smirks, leaning closer “Lets head back to my place right now, I’ll see if you can still talk in full sentence after I pound your pussy all night!”  
You gulp, unconsciously rubbing your thighs together at the prospect of his words. A rush of blood surges to your cheeks, the place around you fading as you lock eyes with Jungkook, for a spare second actually considering his little proposition for him to prove you wrong.
But your moment of temptation Is short lived when you hear your name being called
You head jolts to the side and you watch your best friend walking towards you with Jiwoo, heart thumping in your chest like a rabbit caught in the headlight
“Joon!” you call, immediately shifting up from your seat, like you’re ready to run away from your spot
“Relax,” Namjoon glares at you as he pushes you back to the booth before sitting beside you and looking at Jungkook “Do you mind if we join you guys?”
“N-No, Of course not!” The cocky Jungkook immediately melts away before your eyes and the unusual shy Jeon appears as he shifts to make some space for Jiwoo.
You nervously bite your lips as Jiwoo takes a seat beside Jungkook, flashing you a naughty wink which you know conveys lots of things you want to ignore …
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets Drabbles
The one where the boys freak out
(Requested by anon)
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This is a drabble based off of my main series “7 Secrets”. If you would like to read the whole story (which I think you should but I’m kinda biased) then check out my m.list. It’s now completed! 
Premise: All of the boys reactions/events of the night when they find out that they have soulmates. This is low-key a longer drabble than I was expecting, but I really wanted to give everyone a chance to shine in it! Also, if you want to see how this all got started, I would recommend checking out my drabble entitled, “The one where Jungkook finds out” because that hooligan started this entire mess. I just picked up where his left off basically. Ok, happy reading! Please drop a like or comment if you enjoyed, it means a lot!
Genre: Soulmate au
Warnings: some anxiety but overall happy feelings :)
Word Count: 5.5k
By the time Jungkook has makes it to the conference room, he’s running into Jin and Hoseok. All three of them burst out into questions simultaneously.
“What is all of this about?” Jin exclaims.
“Are you alright? Have you been crying?” Hoseok puts his hands on Jungkook’s shoulders, steering him into the conference room so that they can speak privately.
“Have you told any of the others?” Jungkook promptly ignores both of their questions, opening his laptop on the table. His head is still spinning from his phone call with Namjoon; the leader of the group was silent for a long time on the phone before he made a muffled excuse to cut the call.
Jin sits and then stands, starting to pace. Hoseok watches both of them with wide eyes.
“No, I haven’t. Just Hobi - but what do you mean by soulmates?” There’s a frantic tone in Jin’s voice as he struggles to remain calm.
“Hyung,” Jungkook nods to Hobi, “Can you call up Tae and Jimin? Tell them to clear their plans for the rest of the night.”
“Jungkook!” Jin stops, eyes growing ever wider. “Just tell us what’s going on!” His chest rises with shallow breaths, and the maknae finally gives in.
“Sorry- I...wow.” Jungkook settles down into his chair with a thump, running a hand through his hair. Tears prick at his eyes again as the weight of his discovery careens into him for the third time in less than thirty minutes.
Hobi is on the phone with Jimin, Taehyung is apparently with him. “I think Jungkook just...found something out about our soulmates? Well...yeah, I know. None of us knew. No, but I think we’re going to figure it out right now. Just sit tight, ok? We’ll be back soon. Is Yoongi there? Tell him, too. Ok. Bye.”
Silence falls into the room, but Jin feels that if there’s another second of silence he’s going to actually combust. With deadly restraint, he whispers out his request for what feels like the tenth time that night.
“Jungkookie, please.”
His hyung’s quiet plea is what finally clears the fog enough for Jungkook to begin quietly explaining. He explains how he just wanted to help Ji-hoon by editing the episode, but he quickly found out that it wasn’t their own episode. He has to pause to take some stabling breaths when he explains how he just knew that the girl on the screen was irrevocably connected to him.
“I believe you, but…” Hoseok has definitely been the most composed throughout the story, Jin’s breathing patterns have become sporadic as he clenches and unclenches his jaw. “How can you be sure?”
So Jungkook explains how the girl waved to the camera and addressed him by name. How there was another girl who was very clearly Suga’s intended.
“They’re obviously aware that they’re being filmed. She seemed used to it.” Jungkook leans forward, eyebrows furrowing as he struggles with an explanation. “It’s hard to explain, but...I just know that she’s…” Jungkook looks up pleadingly at his hyungs, the sincerity in his eyes enough to make Hoseok hesitate.
“C-can,” Jin stumbles over his words as he clears his throat. “Can you show us?” All Jungkook can do is nod as he brings the file up on his laptop. Both boys crowd around the small screen as Jungkook scrubs forward to where he left off.
“See, she’s studying that campus map like nobody’s business,” Jungkook’s laugh rattles out of his chest. “She’s starting up the university. But this was a while ago...so I guess now she’s got the hang of it.”
Hoseok wraps an arm around Jungkook’s shoulders, a curious grin on his face as he watches another girl enter the frame.
“Is that Yoongi’s…?” Jungkook nods at Hobi’s question. “Do you think we all have soulmates? What if it’s just you two?”
Jin looks up at Hobi’s unexpected query. The probability of all seven of them having a soulmate is extremely slim, but it’s a thought that leaves Jin’s stomach dropping to his toes.
Jungkook shakes his head, immediately rejecting the idea. “I bet we all do, hyung. Just keep watching…”
Jungkook skips forward a couple of minutes until another girl enters the frame. She’s small and looks like she’s in a rush, her perfectly styled hair framing her grinning face.
“Morning!” She trills, grabbing a drink from the fridge. The other two girls grunt in response.
“How much do you want to bet she’s Jimin’s soulmate?” Jungkook pipes up. The other two boys only smile, already knowing deep down that it’s no use betting on it. She definitely is.
“Minsuh, don’t forget to breathe.” Jungkook’s soulmate looks up from her map long enough to shoot the other girl a knowing smile.
“That’s her name!” Jungkook shouts, jumping up from his seat and accidentally elbowing Jin in the ribs.
“Watch it!” Jin shouts, but he can’t help but laugh at the look of pure elation on Jungkook’s face.
“Minsuh...I should’ve known.” Jungkook speaks reverently of his soulmate, looking adoringly at the screen where she’s returned to her studying.
“Where are you, where are you…” Jin mutters under his breath as he settles down into Jungkook’s vacated chair. Jungkook doesn’t mind, opting to grab his phone and dial a number. He hesitates for a moment, looking at his hyungs.
“I’m going to call Mr. Bang…” Jungkook looks at them like he’s challenging them to stop him; it’s a look they rarely see from the youngest.
Jin just nods, not even bothering to look up at him. “Good. I’ve taught you well.”
Jungkook wanders to the far side of the room while Hobi and Jin continue watching. There’s a shout of elation when another girl enters the frame.
“There! Right there!” Jin yells, pointing at the screen as though Hobi’s eyes weren’t already glued to it.
“Did you two want a ride to campus?” A beautiful young woman stumbles into the kitchen, eyes half-closed. She’s an odd contradiction; she’s fully dressed for the day, but she’s clearly still half-asleep.
“Oooh, yes please.” Yoongi’s soulmates blows the other girl a kiss. “Kyung-soon, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re a woman after my own heart.”
Jin falls back against his seat, a heavy sigh working its way through his system. He’s clenching his jaw again, and Hobi gives him a pat on the back.
“You alright?” His friend asks.
Jin nods his head, then shakes it. “Jungkook, did he answer?” When Jungkook shakes his head, Jin fishes his phone out of his pocket. Keeping his eyes glued to Kyung-soon, who’s in the middle of a sleepy yawn, he puts his phone up to his ear.
After a couple of rings, Bang Si Hyuk answers the phone with concern in his tone. It’s not very often that he receives multiple calls from BTS in one day. Something must be seriously wrong if he wasn’t even able to return Jungkook’s call before Jin was ringing him.
“Seokjin! Is everything alright? I just missed a call from Jungkook.”
Jin has to put some effort into unclenching his jaw enough to speak properly. Both boys watch on in awe; it’s a rare occasion indeed to see the oldest in such a state.
“I have a soulmate.”
It’s not a question. The silence stretches on the other side of the phone before Mr. Bang speaks up.
“How do you know that?”
“I don’t care where you are or what you’re doing right now,” Jin says, his tone threatening. “I deserve - we all deserve an explanation.” His voice breaks a bit, but he manages to keep himself together.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m so sorry, you weren’t supposed to find out yet-”
“I’m heading home now, and I want a full explanation ready for them by the time I get there. Got it?”
When Mr. Bang agrees, Jin tosses his phone, running his hands over his face. Hoseok sighs along with him, still watching the screen. Both boys know that he’s looking for his soulmate who has yet to appear.
When nobody else comes into the frame, Jungkook gently nudges the older. Hoseok hardly responds, but manages to give him a pleasant smile.
“Hyung...we should get home. The others are waiting for us.” Jungkook looks a little afraid of what the older boy might answer, but Hoseok nods, closing the laptop.
“Sure, let’s go.”
“Are you alright?” Jin asks, knowing full well that Hobi is great at hiding his feelings. Hoseok just shrugs, making his way to the exit. With a knowing glance shared between the eldest and the youngest, they head home to where their bandmates anxiously await them.
Min Yoongi was having a fairly normal day when he made it home. Most of the boys had a separate apartment, but they all shared the tendency to stay over at the main apartment on the weekdays. So when Yoongi went inside and saw Taehyung and Jimin watching some show on TV, he simply said hello and headed up to his room.
He had barely set his things down and laid down when a shout from downstairs had him jolting up and out the door.
Jimin’s voice could be heard all throughout the large apartment. “What? What is that supposed to mean? H-how do you know?”
Taehyung was listening in beside Jimin, his mouth wide open as he took in the new information.
“What’s going on?” Yoongi asks. Neither boy answers him.
“Yeah, he’s here. Hurry!” With that, Jimin hangs up the phone and turns his face up to Yoongi, who’s halfway down the stairs at this point.
“Anybody gonna answer me?” Yoongi asks again. Jimin shakes his head as though trying to come to his senses, and the look on his face makes Yoongi’s blood run cold. What happened?
“Tell him,” Tae nudges his best friend. Jimin opens his mouth to speak, but a half-hearted sob is all that breaks through.
Now Yoongi is really worried.
“What’s going on! Who was on the phone? Is everyone alright?” Yoongi prattles off as he descends the rest of the stairs. Taehyung finally does him the kindness of answering him.
“Everyone is fine. Hobi hyung called, he said something about soulmates? I didn’t catch it all, but he’ll be back soon to tell us more...I think.”
Where Jimin looks like he’s about to throw up, Tae is beaming. Yoongi doesn’t know who to look at, but he realizes that he may have bigger problems once he begins to process Tae’s words.
“Soulmates?” Yoongi mumbles out. He walks right past them and onto the balcony, the other two following him. He’s leaning against the railing and looking out past the trees as though he could see all the way to wherever his prospective soulmate might be.
Taehyung settles in beside him, a soft chuckle leaving his lips. He’s the only one who appears to be in such high spirits, but it makes sense. Taehyung was born to love and be loved.
At least, that’s what Jimin has always thought.
Jimin finds himself clutching the railing for dear life, his heart pounding as he replays the conversation over and over again in his mind. Hoseok didn’t sound all that certain about anything, and Jimin isn’t sure whether he should laugh about possibly having a soulmate or dissolve into a puddle of tears right there as the possibility of coming so close only to have misheard or have some miscommunication get his hopes up.
Whatever it is, Jimin knows more than ever that he is going to fight. If his soulmate is out there, he’s not going to go another second without knowing them. Seeing them, holding them. While so many things have gone right in his life, this is one thing that has never quite aligned for him.
Love has always been hard. Maybe this is why.
Jimin excuses himself from the balcony, listening as his two friends mumble out a befuddled conversation.
“I always wondered…” Taehyung muses. Yoongi still has his mouth wide open as though trying to inhale as much oxygen he possibly can.
“Really? I never really thought about it.”
Their voices fade out as Jimin clambers his way inside the house, finally shutting the door shut behind him as he falls to his knees in the guest bathroom on the main floor. Turning the faucet on to drown out the sounds of his sobs that have finally broken through, he hovers over the toilet unsure if he’s about to cry his weight in tears or throw up his lunch.
“Please be real, please be real…”
Nearly forty five minutes later Taehyung quietly unlocks the door from the outside to find a sight he hasn’t seen in a couple of years. Anxiety is no stranger to any of them, and Jimin used to struggle with it a lot in their younger days.
Jimin lays curled up on the floor, his head in his hands. He’s so lost in his head, mumbling out something that sounds like, please love me, please love me.
Taehyung crouches down on the floor beside his best friend, his self-proclaimed soulmate. He knows better than anyone that in times like these it’s best to just have someone there to catch your tears.
“Jiminie,” he mumbles, pulling him into a tight hug. It looks like Jimin is just about out of tears although his eyes are still red-rimmed. “C’mon, they’re home.”
Namjoon had to cut his call with Jungkook because he didn’t want to frighten the maknae. He’s well aware of just how much the youngest looks up to him, and he was about to lose his mind.
So after Jungkook calls Namjoon with panic and sobs going on about soulmates, Namjoon sits there in silence before he says that he has someone coming but he’ll call him later. A couple of texts exchanged with Jin and Namjoon can breathe easy knowing that Jin and Hoseok will help to sort this out.
For the first time in a long time, the constant weight he feels on his shoulders from being the leader of one of the biggest and fastest growing bands in the world lightens a little. Then Namjoon does something that he hasn’t done in a long time.
He turns off his computer, and powers off all his equipment. His scribbled notebook is closed and put off to the side, and he cuts the music he was listening to last of all.
For the first time in what feels like years, Namjoon sits alone in his studio in complete silence.
And he just breathes.
At first the breaths are choppy and labored as adrenaline courses through his veins. He gets up from his chair and walks to the window, resting his forehead against it as he observes the city. At last, he closes his eyes and lets everything wash over him.
The idea of soulmates has always made sense to him from a primitive standpoint. There’s a reason that soulmates have become less and less common through the ages. Back in the day, it made sense for soulmate bonds to occur often. It ensured the survival of the community or family line.
Now soulmates are quite rare. Not rare enough that they’ve been entirely dismissed, but only about 3% of the world’s population can claim having a significant other that fits them like a glove.
Namjoon had long come to the conclusion that having a soulmate could be more of an option. If he were to fall in love with someone, then he would choose them. They could become his soulmate, and he their’s.
And yet...somehow he’s able to breathe easier in the past five minutes since the likelihood of him having a soulmate has increased tenfold. Deep down he must have known that it would never be as simple as just choosing to fit with somebody. Deep down he’d always known that the chances of him finding someone who understood him in all his strange habits and needs were slim to none.
But now, as Kim Namjoon watches people wandering around the Bighit building and staring up at it in awe, he releases a breath and a smile.
For the first time in his life, Namjoon believes with all his heart that everything is going to be alright.
“Guys?” Jungkook shouts as soon as he enters the house. Yoongi appears, his eyes wide. Hoseok and Jin follow behind Jungkook, Jin furrowing his brows as he reads something on his phone.
“Alright, everyone in the living room,” Jin instructs. Everyone heads there immediately, Taehyung pulling a shocked-looking Jimin behind him.
There’s an air of expectancy as Jin stands in front of everyone. His ears a little red from having everyone’s undivided attention.
“Where’s Namjoon?” Jimin croaks out. His voice sounds raw, but he looks better than before.
Jin looks back down at his phone. “He said he'll be home soon but to start without him. I forwarded him the email anyways.”
“Email?” Yoongi asks, clearly the most confused out of everyone present. Jin nods, diving in.
“Let me try to get through this...basically Jungkookie found a video that has our soulmates in it, and he was freaking out-”
“I wasn’t freaking out!”
Hoseok laughs at Jungkook, his tense expression loosening up a little. He was still itching to watch the full episode, he was a little miffed that he’d seen nearly everyone’s soulmate except for his own.
“Shhh. Anyways, we called Mr. Bang and this is the email he sent to me. Ready?” When he’s met with several head nods around the room, Jin takes a deep breath and begins to read. It’s hard for his eyes to swim past the image of his soulmate which is now permanently printed into his brain to see the words on the screen, but he manages to do it.
“‘You will all remember that you were tested about 3 ½ years ago, going through the standard procedures in soulmate testing. You will also recall that you never received your results.’”
A wave of grunts echo around the room, Jungkook in particular looking quite livid. Jin continues on, goosebumps rising on his arms as he realizes that all this time he’s had a soulmate been none the wiser.
“‘Within the span of six months we had received your results - all of which returned positive - and located all seven of your soulmates. I wish there had been a better way to do this, but I as well as the rest of the Bighit staff felt that it would be best for both parties to continue on in their lives. All seven girls have done just that; pursuing education, careers, and preparing themselves to deal with the stress that comes as a result of living in the spotlight.’”
It’s Yoongi who speaks up, the expression on his face even more confused than before. “Wait, so you mean to say that they’ve been hiding them from us for three years?” Jin just shrugs, getting back to the email with the beginnings of an excited smile.
“‘We will discuss the matter of your meeting tomorrow, for now I have attached an episode of the documentary our team is working to refine and edit for your viewing. Please bring any questions you have to our meeting tomorrow. Thank you.’”
It’s silent for a moment as Jin examines the attachment before projecting it onto the TV. Taehyung leaps up from his seat to turn the lights off, settling back down beside Jimin with his trademark boxy smile.
Hoseok doesn’t dare to blink as he watches the screen, Yoongi’s skeptical expression beside him doing little to ease his nerves. Although the email just stated that all of them have soulmates, he still is waiting to find out that he doesn’t. That somehow, out of all of them, he’s the only one who will have to go on soulmate-less.
Hoseok made it a goal at the beginning of the year to find love. Looking back he realizes that it was a silly goal- you don’t just stumble upon love when you’re locked up in a studio 24/7. The only thing he’d managed to stumble upon throughout this year is deep-set disappointment that is gradually becoming more difficult to hide from his brothers.
However, right before his eyes is the promise of something more. His heart only truly allows itself to actually beat when a chipper young woman crosses the screen, her title card telling him the only two things he needs to know at the moment.
First, her name is Himari. Her title card appears as she tries - and fails - to flip a pancake. Her pout that dissolves into a laugh goes straight to his heart.
Second, Jung Hoseok has a soulmate. Somewhere, somehow, fate decided to give him a chance. Somewhere along the way it saw just how much he’s been dying for someone to love and it gave him an opportunity.
But what if she doesn’t want this?
Hoseok wouldn’t say he has many destructive habits, but he is guilty of at least one. He doubts himself. It’s something that he keeps locked away and so far down into his heart that it’s fairly easy to ignore most of the time. It’s only when he is halfway through pure joy that he realizes that while fate may be acting kind toward him, Himari may not feel the same way.
Hoseok is happy that Taehyung turned the lights off, because he hates it when the rest of the group sees him cry.
Jin has decided that if Jungkook squeezes his hand any harder, it may fall off.
Even though the two of them have already seen who their soulmates are, they turn into kids in a candy shop the second they appear on screen.
Kyung-soon is the most beautiful person Jin has ever laid on, and he has a sneaking suspicion that he would think the same whether or not she was his soulmate. But there’s so much more going on in Jin’s mind when watches as his soulmate assists Jimin’s (who he thinks is named Aera but he’s scared to ask because if he gets it wrong Jimin may well claw his eyes out judging from the boy’s intense stare), and he realizes immediately that Kyung-soon may be beautiful, but above all else she seems kind.
She seems like she knows what she’s doing, and wants to do it in the kindest, most uplifting way possible.
Jin admitted to himself a long time ago that as long as he ended up with someone kind, he’d be happy. As long as he ended up with someone who would be content snuggling up at home and playing with the pets, he would be beyond grateful.
There've been a long of unexpected surprises in Jin’s life; BTS being one of the most prominent. So, while Jin may not have set out into the world in search of a soulmate that he could love and gift fuzzy socks and ridiculously expensive sunglasses to, he knows that he’s going to.
Kyung-soon won’t know what hit her.
Jungkook eventually gets up to pop some popcorn. He’s definitely in the binging kind of mood, especially as Mr. Bang keeps sending them episode after episode. They still haven’t finished the first one, but he already knows that they’re going to be up late tonight.
He’s trying to hurry as fast as he can when he hears Minsuh’s voice cut through the audio when Yoongi comes in to assist him. One look at his hyung and Jungkook already knows what he’s thinking.
“Overwhelmed?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi leans against the counter, nodding. “I had to come in here for a second...it feels like my heart is actually going to burst if I see Seohyun for one more second.” Jungkook raises his eyebrows, not expecting such a candid response from the elder. Yoongi looks like he’s speaking to himself, his eyes have a far-away look to them.
“Happy, though?”
Yoongi nods emphatically. “Yeah, happy. Really happy. She’s hilarious, isn’t she?” Jungkook nods along, not bothering to tell Yoongi that he hasn’t really been paying much attention to anyone other than Minsuh. He only knows for sure who Jin’s soulmate is, and that’s because he was sitting right next to him and every time Kyung-soon came on screen he mumbled what was either a prayer or a plea under his breath.
The popcorn beeps, and Jungkook throws it into a bowl before hurrying back. Yoongi hangs back a little while longer, clutching his chest. He has to take a moment to breathe and bring down his heart rate before heading back. He’s brought a bottle of water with him, which he hands off to Hobi without a second glance.
There’s no need to tell his friend that he knows he was crying. His reasons are his own. If he’s honest, Yoongi felt a little like crying, but that was because he was laughing so hard with Jimin as their soulmates attempted a rendition of Yoongi’s rapping part in “Spring Day” and completely botched it.
Even though his heart is practically beating out of his chest, Yoongi must admit that he’s more than happy with who his soulmate is. She’s hilarious, but also extremely hardworking. She’s back in school pursuing her second degree.
Easing back into his seat with a grin already growing, Yoongi sighs. It’ll all work out just fine, he thinks.
Namjoon races up the stairs to his apartment, confused when he sees that most of the lights are off. Aren’t they all supposed to be home by now?
It had taken a bit of inner convincing for him to leave the peace of his studio and venture home. Along the way he’d read the email Mr. Bang sent out, and nearly started to watch the video. He decided against it, though. He didn’t want the driver to have to pull the car over if Namjoon started hyperventilating or something.
If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t think he’d have the energy or strength to go up the stairs to his apartment if he started the video right then. He’d probably just end up sitting at the bottom of the staircase all night, watching his soulmate.
Taking one last deep breath, Namjoon opens up the door to the apartment and trudges inside. It smells like popcorn, but that’s not the only thing that hits him as he kicks his shoes off and makes his way to the living room.
The boys are watching the documentary. The sounds of female voices pull Namjoon closer as though in a trance, and he wonders for a brief moment if one of those voices belongs to his soulmate.
He’s just rounding the corner and about to say something to let everyone know that he’s home when he hears a voice say, “say goodbye to Namjoon!” Then he sees the TV.
More specifically, he sees her.
There’s a girl, and she’s just turning around to wave at the camera. There’s a smile on her face that reeks of sarcasm, but in her eyes it’s clear to see that she’s a bit sad. She’s waving, and there’s a flurry of hands in the room that wave back.
Namjoon gives a little wave that turns into him reaching out for her like a lost child. He watches with bated breath as she walks away, taking his heart with him. He wants to scream at the camera, tell whoever is manning it to follow her. Don’t let her get away, because Namjoon just got here and she’s leaving.
Namjoon walks forward on unsteady feet, reminding himself to breathe. The boys notice him, and Jimin tells Taehyung to scoot as Namjoon settles down. He notices Taehyung’s huge smile immediately, the sight easing the panic that was rising as he watched his soulmate walk away.
“You look happy.”
Namjoon is the first to suggest they start from the beginning.
“Bang PD just sent us the whole first season! Let’s start from the beginning.” He hardly waits for an answer before jumping up to switch episodes. He had been a bit sulky anyways since he hardly got a chance to see his soulmate before she was out of the episode.
Nobody protests as Namjoon sets everything up, Jimin taking the opportunity to rush off to the bathroom. Taehyung gets up to go after him, but he’s assured that it’s just a bathroom break. Taehyung doesn’t look convinced until he realizes that Jimin seems much happier now.
He’s still chuckling to himself as he runs out of the room, no doubt replaying something from the episode in his mind.
Jungkook pops even more popcorn, Jin leaving to help him carry all the bowls. Yoongi starts up a hushed conversation with Hoseok, who still looks a little uncertain.
Namjoon is tapping his foot impatiently by the time everyone makes it back, and hardly anyone gets a chance to settle down before he begins the episode.
The first thing the boys notice is the date that pops up at the bottom of the screen. It’s overlooking a familiar place: Jeju Island.
“Wow, three years. What were we doing three years ago?” Jungkook muses aloud before shoving popcorn into his mouth. Nobody bothers to answer, each one thinking the same thing: three years is too long.
This episode has no opening credits with title cards, it instead jumps to a familiar office where Bang Si Hyuk sits behind his desk with his glasses pushed up on his nose.
“Hello Bangtan! If you’re watching this, then you probably know about your soulmates. The following episodes are part of an ongoing documentary that we have been creating in tandem with your soulmates in order for each of you to get to adjust to your new situation. I’m not sure when exactly the time will be right to show you this, but I hope that you are all in good health and high spirits when this documentary finds you. Enjoy!”
One by one, each girl sits in front of a camera. They all have varying degrees of concern or awkwardness; but they look happy.
One by one, they introduce themselves.
One by one, each boy sits up as his soulmates comes onto the screen. The girls look a little younger here, and there’s also the overwhelming nervousness that is rolling off of them. The only one that doesn’t appear to be swimming in doubt and general anxiety is Hoseok’s soulmate, Himari.
“How are you feeling?” The cameraman asks. Himari looks down at her hands, a smile that’s enough to have Hoseok burying his doubt deep down as he leans forward to get a better look.
“Happy.” She states as she twiddles her thumbs. “Just happy.”
Yoongi gives Hoseok’s shoulder a squeeze as he lets out a shaky breath.
Maybe it’ll all work out after all.
Watching as his soulmate’s smile fades and is replaced by another fidgety but smiling girl, he makes himself a promise. Himari should always have a reason to smile, and soulmate or not, he will never stand in the way of that.
It’s well into the middle of the night by the time the boys turn off the documentary, but by this point they’ve learned that Himari and Beth have begun the prank war to end all prank wars. What they haven’t learned yet is that Ichika actually orchestrated the whole thing.
That won’t be revealed to them until episode 15.
Jin stands up, stretching before pointing to Hoseok and Namjoon. “You two have got your work cut out for you.” With that he heads up to his room, Hoseok following suit. The other boys sit in silence for a while longer before someone speaks up.
“So…” Jungkook says, looking around the room.
“Should we watch another one?” Taehyung finishes his sentence.
It’s a unanimous decision, and the five of them spend the rest of the night watching their soulmates. Eventually Hobi comes back down, only to fall asleep on the couch as he listens to Himari and Ichika’s Japanese lesson.
By the time Jin heads back down the stairs the following morning he huffs a laugh at the sight before him.
All six boys lay in various positions throughout the room, completely passed out. Only Namjoon remains awake, but he’s staring up at his phone rewatching an episode with his earbuds in and looking like a zombie.
Jin shakes his head, heading outside for a run. The morning sun greets him cheerfully, and Jin can’t help but smile. It’s a good morning.
He’ll never tell anyone, but he was up all night as well. Up all night calling different staff members and pestering Bang PD until he was given a satisfactory answer.
Soon. He’ll meet her soon.
And then he can finally give her all the fuzzy socks and scarves and the cute hat he was up all night buying for her online in between phone calls.
Kim Seokjin begins a steady jog, completely unable to wipe the grin off his face. Hoping the sentiment will be received somewhere on the other side of Seoul, Kim Seokjin wishes his soulmate a good morning. 
taglist: @mae-musicbitch @heartblackerthancoffee​ @agustneeds​ @eusticenatalie​ @taylorroe3​
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belovedbangtan · 4 years
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Pairings: Jungkook x y/n, Yoongi x oc
Word Count: 3.1k
Description: Camping with your ex, sounds horrible right? The camping trip was planned and payed for long before y/n’s shitty boyfriend broke up with her. Her best friend Abby, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook are there to make sure she has an amazing time. However, sharing a tent with a smoke show like Jungkook is bound to lead to some complications.
Warnings: Language, Mentions of anxiety, drinking, that’s is for this chapter!
“I just don’t think we’re the right fit,” His voice was calm. Too calm in your opinion. You didn’t bother to ask questions, but he insisted on explaining why. Of course, he was trying to make you feel better about the situation, but him rambling on about how your lifestyles didn’t align was not something you wanted to hear. He wanted to get drunk every weekend and spend daddy’s money, while you were too tired to even think about drinking. You didn’t have a safety net to rely on and that was something that he would never understand. It didn’t make the blow hurt any less. You knew the relationship was getting rocky. When it was bad, he turned a blind eye, but when it was good, it was really good. Your mother told you that the way you ignored serious problems would end up biting us in the ass. You groaned as you realize that means you have to tell her she was right all along. He handed you your box of things and you can’t believe there wasn’t more in the box. After a year of sleeping at his house, you could fit everything in a small box. Part of your brain knew this would happen; it anticipated your flame burning out.
You close the door behind him and you sift through the box. You scoff picking up the frame that held a picture of you both. Remembering when he showed it to you. You were in awe as he complimented your figure, claiming “That’s when I knew I loved you”. You take the frame instantly throwing it into the trash can, along with the other keepsakes he assumed you would want to keep. You laugh to yourself finally being able to realize what a pretentious douche bag he was. The tears staining your cheek are confusing you. You did love him, you just weren’t in love with him. It hurt nonetheless.
You throw yourself onto the bed letting the memories of the past year overwhelm you. You might as well get this out of the way. You decide to call your best friend, Abby, the one who introduced you to Ben. The dial tone rings out and you still try to sort out how you feel. Within minutes of talking on the phone, she decided she’s coming over. Even though you insist that you’re fine, she knows you well enough, and you’ll never say no to ice cream.
“What a fucking douche,” Abby mumbles shoving a spoon of ice cream into her mouth. You reach over dipping your own spoon in. You were adults now; you didn’t even bother with bowls.
“Tell me about it,” you roll your eyes, leaning back onto the couch, “I’m pissed I have that whole camping trip next week paid for..”
She cuts you off immediately, “No, fuck that. You’re still coming.”
You sit up quickly, eyebrows scrunching together, “You’re delusional if you think I’m coming on that trip.”
“You’re delusional if you think you’re going to let him control your life, you’re coming and that’s that!” she points a finger in your direction.
“I don’t even have any camping gear. He was the one that had all of that stuff.” You explain as you pick up the quart of ice cream, walking it over to your freezer. Of course, you were excited to go on this trip. Abby couldn’t stop talking about how much fun it had been last year. Tons of people all camped out, getting drunk out of their minds. She told me about how the last night they would all skinny dip in the river at midnight. You cringed when she first told you about it, but now it sounded revitalizing. You couldn’t get past the fact that Ben would be there. He would without a doubt try to make you feel bad for coming since it was mostly his group of friends. Not to mention how would you feel watching him as he throws himself at the single chicks.
“I can ask Jungkook if he’ll share his tent. His friend was supposed to come but bailed,” She instantly started to text him.
“No, no, no,” You rush over trying to take her phone from her hands, but she was too quick, “Abby, I’ve only met Jungkook once and it didn’t seem like he liked me very much.”
She looks down at her phone as it dings, the corners of her mouth raise as her brows do, “Well, he doesn’t mind. It’s settled you’ll come. You can sleep in Kook’s tent, and you’ll hang out with me and Yoongi’s friends.”
You see, Abby was dating Yoongi. Through Yoongi, Abby met all of his friends from College. To be honest you still didn’t quite understand how Ben and his group of friends became friends with Yoongi and his group of friends. A year ago, Abby invited you to a birthday party and Ben was there. He was so persistent about taking you on a date, you gave in. He turned on the charm, he was the picture-perfect boyfriend. As soon as you fell for him, it was like he didn’t feel the need to try anymore. So, he stopped. He stopped planning dates for you, and simply started going out with his friends again. That was about seven months into the relationship. Eight months into the relationship you found messages from a girl he claimed to work with. Clearly that was all bullshit. You wondered how a relationship could go from good to bad in a matter of months, but it happened; and you regret falling for him in the first place. You had met Yoongi’s friends before and they were always pleasant, you just hoped that they would be more authentic than Ben and the group of uptight assholes he calls his friends.
It was confusing to you but Abby explained that there where about 25-30 people coming, but they would mostly stay in their own friend groups. You assumed you would know most of the people in Ben’s group, you just hoped they would ignore you.
You zone out, you mind flooding with all of the worst possible outcomes. Abby rambles on about how you’ll love getting to know all of the boys. How they’ll welcome you with open arms. You had met them before, they were incredible humans. However, it didn’t make you forget that your ex-boyfriend would be there too. You finally focus on her words, and you listen as she brags about all of the exciting things to look forward to.  After a while her enthusiasm makes you forget the bad. Genuine excitement starts to run through your veins. She was right, you deserved this trip just as much as he did. You were going to have a good time despite him and that was that.
 Friday came faster than you anticipated. You threw yourself into work, leaving your brain little time to think about your broken heart. Or the potential disaster this weekend could be. Abby calls you letting you know that they’ll be outside to pick you up shortly. You grab your luggage and give yourself a once over in the mirror. It was particularly hard deciding what to wear today. How do you dress when you want to make your ex jealous, but you’re also in the woods and sweating your ass off? Cut off jean shorts, a plain white crop top, with a buffalo plaid tied around your waist. Your hair in loose waves, you tousled it with your fingers before sliding the black baseball cap over your hair. Before you have the chance to freak out and change your entire outfit you hear honking outside. You grab your bag filled with blankets and a pillow and you toss your backpack over your shoulder.
The door to the SUV flings open to show a beautiful blonde man on the other side, Jimin. You remembered Jimin the most from previous gatherings, he was always attempting to create a conversation. He yells your name in excitement, instantly making you feel more at ease. Last thing you wanted was any additional drama or tension between you and whoever. He pulls you into a warm hug. After he puts your things in the trunk, you both hop into the back seat.
Abby turns around and looks you up and down, sliding her sunglasses down her nose slightly.
“You’re cute. I like it… it’s like,” she tilts her head as she scans her brain for the right words, “casual, but still make my ex kinda jelly.” You nodded in response, laughing to yourself. Sometimes you felt like you shared a brain cell. With that Abby punched the Campsite address into the GPS and we were on our way.
“So are you nervous?” Jimin asks quietly.
“Kinda,” You suck your bottom lip into your mouth, “but honestly I just want to have fun. It’s really not about making him jealous or anything. I just want to do me, and he can do whatever he wants.” You shrug before looking up to Jimin, a devilish smile starting to take over his face.
“I’ll make sure you have the best time. No unnecessary ex- boyfriend drama,” his smile is sincere, and you can tell that he means what he says, “I’m serious. You don’t have to worry about stupid shit. Just have a good time.” His hand lightly grazes your arm.
He barely hears your ‘thank you’ as Abby turns the radio on full volume, then Yoongi instantly turns it down. She glares at him and his stoic face shows he’s unfazed by her ferocity. You giggle at their interaction; you’ve never met two people who leveled each other out more. They were perfect for each other and exactly what you hoped you and Ben would be. It was never like that though, your chemistry was never something anyone would be jealous of.
A few hours, and a many snacks later you finally pulled into the camp site. Your stomach drops when you see your ex’s car lined up among the rest of them. You take a deep breathe, staying in the car a moment longer when everyone else gets out to unpack their things. In the middle of giving yourself a pep talk, your door is pulled open by the one and only, Kim Taehyung.
His smile is one to make you forget, and that’s exactly what it does.
“What’s the hold up, beautiful?” He reaches across you to unbuckle your seatbelt, and you don’t have time to panic, “Don’t worry, Jimin briefed me. Operation ‘Good Time’ is a-go.” He quickly looks left and right over dramatically. You can’t stop the laugh that surfaces. He was fucking hilarious and you thanked the heaven that you didn’t need to explain yourself or your situation. Even though you were sure that Abby had probably blabbed about the entire situation to all of them. It didn’t matter though, they were making this experience exactly what you wanted it to be. He takes your hand pulling you from the car, making obscene secret agent sounds as he rounds the car to the trunk, Yoongi and Jimin both giving him the weirdest look.
You scan the area around the campsite, your eyes wanting to find him, but your head and heart knowing that you wouldn’t like what you saw. Suddenly your eyes were frozen on someone else. His long hair in a tiny ponytail on top of his head as he rolled the tent from the bag. The tattoos on his arms giving him an edge that he didn’t have before. His entire demeanor was making your body warm. Of course, you remember Jungkook, you remember how rude Ben was to him. You sigh before taking your bags and deciding to walk over, the least you could do was help him set it up.
“Hey roomie.” You say instantly regretting it as it left your lips, he made you forget how to think.
He chuckles as he looks up, brushing a few stray hairs away from his face, “Hey! I should be done in a few minutes.” He says popping together the pieces of the tent like a pro.
“Let me help!” you set your bags down and you move to his side. He hands you a piece to put together, and he demonstrates how to do it. The muscles on his forearms making your knees weak. What the fuck was happening here, it had been so long since you’ve felt this way for someone. Another reason to be thankful that things had ended between you and Ben.
Almost as if he heard your internal dialogue, you hear him. Your eyes shoot up to see him shot gunning a beer with his close circle. You groan, mumbling ‘fucking douche’ under your breath, but apparently loud enough for Jungkook to hear.
His eyes peak over at you and he can’t help but laugh at your response, “You’re not wrong.” He agrees quietly. You nod your head agreeing with him.
The tent is finally together and you start to put your things inside. Jungkook rolls out a queen size blow up mattress and you instantly regret the tiny sleeping bag you brought. You might have fucked up.
“Are you sleeping on that?” Jungkook’s eyes are wide as he kneels next to the mattress using a battery powered pump to bring it to life.
“Uhm, yeah. I guess I didn’t get the memo,” You giggle at your pathetic 5th grade sleep over set up.
He looks at his mattress then looks down as if he isn’t sure of what to say, “Well this is a Queen, we can share if you want.”
“Oh my gosh, no. You’re already sharing your tent,” You shake your head, even though you know deep down that’s exactly where you want to end up.
“The offers on the table,” His tongue pokes the side of his cheek as the corners of his mouth turn into a smile, “Besides, having you in bed with me wouldn’t be the worst thing.” He turns his head biting his lip gently as he laughs quietly. You giggle nervously in return because it’s all you can do. You’re positive your cheeks are burning red, and there’s a wetness between your legs suddenly. You excuse yourself to get your other bag, and possibly smack Abby for failing to brief you on the smoke show that is Jeon Jungkook. Asshole, you knew he was attractive but, what the actual fuck.
Abby was sitting on Yoongi’s lap while Taehyung and Jimin were setting up the tent. A tent fit for royalty. It was massive compared to the one you were sharing with Jungkook, but you definitely weren’t complaining about the smaller shared space. Frankly, you were thankful for it. You walked over to your friend and flicked her on the back of her head. She ducked down and covered her head, “What the fuck was that for?!” She screamed.
“For many reasons!” You start yelling at her in a whispered tone, “one, you didn’t tell me to bring one of those blow up thingies.”
“Oh fuck. My bad, what else?” she rolls her eyes, still not feeling the abuse was necessary.
Your eyes widen and you point your head in a different direction, she quickly got the hint. You grabbed her arm once she was safely out of Yoongi’s lap, pulling her to where no one could hear you.
“So, I met Jungkook. He might have asked me to sleep with him?” you say questioning yourself entirely. Now that you say it aloud… were you dreaming that happened?
“Excuse me… what?” She scrunches her brows together grabbing your arms.
“Not like… sex. But to sleep on his mattress… but he could have meant sex?” You were genuinely confused.
“Ah!” She squeals and quickly checks her surroundings, “Okay, so he’s single and YOUR single. I’ve been waiting for this!” She squeaks, speaking too fast for anyone else to comprehend what was happening. She starts to ramble on about setting you and Jungkook up and you quickly stop her. That wasn’t what you came here for. You didn’t come to rebound in a tent a few feet away from your very recent ex-boyfriend. You came to have fun. Simple as that. She lets it go but insist that you shouldn’t deny it. ‘It’ being the undeniable connection Jungkook and I apparently had. You rolled your eyes but, you hoped she was right. You hoped that you left this weekend with more than memories. Hopefully the connection you made with Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin and Yoongi would be something that would make all of the awkwardness worth it.
 As the sun fell behind the tall trees, the temperature dropped quick. Around what felt like 11 at night, mostly everyone was done for the day. Maybe not everyone but you certainly were. After watching Ben hit on every girl with a pulse you were exhausted. Tae and Jimin distracted you for a bit with a game of sand volleyball, but that only contributed to your exhaustion. You told everyone you were going to sleep. You unzipped the tent and you pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a swapped your crop top for a t-shirt. As you unzip your sleeping bag you look at the air mattress. For a half a second you debated on falling asleep on it, but then deciding it might be awkward when Jungkook finally comes to sleep. Maybe he was kidding about sharing the bed with you. You really didn’t know him well enough to decipher when he was being sarcastic or serious. Even if you knew he was serious, would you do it? You snuggle up in your sleeping bag, wishing you would have at least brought another cover with you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t imagining what it would feel like to have Jungkook as your own personal heater. Having is arms pulling you into his body, maybe feeling his lips against yours. Eventually your exhaustion takes over and you fall asleep with some not so PG images in your head.
You’re woken up a few hours later to the sound of the tent being unzipped. You see Jungkook climb inside through the slits of your eyes. You’re eyes close as you hear him rustling around in his bag, probably looking for pajamas. You turn away from him, realizing how cold you are you start to shiver. You take the edges of the blanket and pull them up to cover your nose. You forget about Jungkook until you feel a large blanket covering your body. You hear him shuffle back onto the air mattress and you want to sit up and give it back to him. Maybe tell him you can both use it. You’re too tired to be that ballsy though, you slowly start to fall asleep again.
A/N: So float trips are really popular where I’m from, so i’m sorry if you have no idea what i’m referring to! Hopefully our mood board helps with some imagery! Please let me know what you think!!
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dis-easedfairy · 4 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.8
Female Path | Male Path
Chapter 8: My Ally
Warnings!: Kidnapping | Swearing | Tae Was A lil More Than Suggestive |
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader 
Summary: Y/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. Y/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic Y/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but Y/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 10,042 (about 30mins of reading at an average pace)
A/N: I’m not even going to say sorry for taking so long because it’s a reoccurring offense so. My bad. HOWEVER, I do want it to be known that I’m starting a tag list for Impulsive Decision and Noxious! Also for any works I do. Like if you only want male reader stuff, or only the female path of impulsive or you want to be tagged for both paths. I’m not gonna say it’s because I'm so damn consistent that yall cant keep up. It’s because I ghost yall and post half a year later (ouch) like ‘waddup here bye’. I’m cool with you commenting or sending me an ask! SOJUSTLETMEKNOWLOVEYOUBYE.
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I happily munched on my toast with jelly as Jin was at the stove cooking eggs and bacon. Jimin was next to me, focused on his drawing. Taehyung was across from me on his phone, his legs intertwined with mine under the table, Tae was still mad that Jimin was between us when we woke up. Hobi was with Suga and I was unsure where the others were.
“Don’t get too full off of toast, okay, Y/n?” Jimin told me softly.
I nodded, looking over at his work. He smiled and proudly moved the drawing closer. It was a Barnaby design, only the character was wearing a hoodie, ripped jeans and boots.
“That’s actually really adorable.” I smiled.
“Really?” I nodded.
“Maybe I’ll draw more for you.”
“Really? I’d like that!” Jimin’s smile got bigger as he turned back to his drawing.
I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched him work.
“What time do you need to pick up your nephew?” Jin asked.
“Not until later. 12pm. I should leave by 11 so I don’t get caught in traffic.” Jin put the fluffy eggs in a large bowl and walked over to the table.
“That would be best. Do you know what you two are doing today?” I frowned.
“Not really, I usually bring him here for most of the day then take him to the park and my sister meets us there. I’m a little afraid to bring him here. ” I admitted, setting down my toast.
“Don’t be, we won’t let anything happen,” Tae reassured me.
“I mean, no one is exactly happy to be here, I don’t want the anger to be directed towards him.”
“It won’t be. Take him to the park, maybe a small trip around the city, bring him here for dinner, we’ll watch a movie in the front room and then you can take him to get picked up.” Jin suggested, forgetting about breakfast as he sat in the empty seat beside me.
“I don’t know… It’s really risky. I’ll think about it.” I really wasn’t going to think about it.
I didn’t want my nephew there. Not with the hostility and anger Linza carried.
“There’s not much to think about. It’s not like we’ll let anyone say anything to him.” Jimin reasoned.
It was useless. I made up my mind and had no intentions to change it.
“We’ll see. I think I might need to stop at my apartment, if my sister sees me without makeup she’ll lecture me.” I dismissed, picking up my toast and ignoring the looks they gave me.
Jin only let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood up to tend to the food on the stove. Taehyung frowned, going to look at a game on his phone. I could hear adorable sound effects strung into a song coming from down the hall signaling that Hoseok was coming. I just knew Jimin or Taehyung were going to say something or bring Hobi into it so I stood up.
“I think I should head out to my apartment, put on makeup and talk to Jason before I pick up my nephew,” I started picking my jacket up from the back of the chair.
I leaned over giving Jimin a small and quick kiss on the cheek. I ran around the table to do the same to Tae.
“Jin have you seen my phone?” I asked, stopping to look around the table.
“You aren’t going to eat breakfast first?” Jin asked, his voice saddened.
“If I sit down I might be late, Jinnie. I have to put on makeup or my sister will freak.” I frowned.
“You should eat.” Hobi chimed in, entering the dining room with a broken gaming console.
Taehyung turned around to glance at Hoseok but saw the broken device.
“What happened!?” Tae demanded, his face contorting to give his signature fake cry.
“Jungkook happened.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and placed it on the table.
“No results of temper tantrums on the table!” Seokjin scolded while putting rice in bowls.
“Temper tantrum?” I asked, confused more than ever.
I felt bad for the console but it could easily be fixed if I brought it to work with me. I knew a few of my employees were real tech wizards and loved the challenge.
“He sees it as ‘It’s not mine so who cares’.” Jin informed bitterly.
“He’s still a little mad, but he’ll get over it in a few more days!” Jimin quickly defended.
“He’s not calming down. Not with Linza around him.” Taehyung commented, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.
“Linza. Why do I want to scream every time I hear that name.” I sighed.
“Because she triggers everyone’s killing instinct.” A voice came from the other hall.
The owner of the voice happily skipping into the dining room.
“Good morning, Seongmi.” I giggled.
“Morning! What’s for breakfast?” She asked happily, going to plop herself on one of the stools at the kitchen island.
“Eggs, sausage, tofu, rice, and red beans…” I trailed off looking at what Jin was cooking.
Hoseok took the time to sit at the table while Jin plugged in the electric griddle.
“If you’re not going to sit down and eat, at least let me make you a sandwich.” Jin pressed, turning to the fridge.
“You’re leaving?” Seongmi asked, her eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re not accepting ‘no’ for an answer, are you?” I smiled.
“No. You’re eating.” Jin asserted.
I groaned, walking over to the table to sit next to Jimin again. Seongmi quickly came over to sit next to me.
“Are you going to work today?” She questioned, resting her elbows on the table, her hands cutely cupping her face.
“Uhmm, I don’t think so.” I begin to think if I had anything to take care of to buy time.
“Jin Oppa! Do you need anything from the store?” I asked.
Jin looked up and at me then begin to scan the kitchen, “I was making a list… Jimin, can you come to finish it? I’m trying not to burn her bread.”
Jimin only nodded, getting up and jogging over to the kitchen to search for the misplaced note pad.
“Just so you know, there are no limits. If you want me to buy a whole cow I will.” I informed, picking up my half eaten toast.
“I prefer pig.” Seongmi teased.
I felt a hand grab mine. I looked across the table. Hoseok was leaning on the table, his fingers beginning to play with mine, “I haven’t seen you with makeup, I bet you look just as beautiful.” His voice was deeper and his eyes locked on my hand.
My breath caught in my throat. His hands were so warm and somehow soft. Warmth spread throughout my chest as my heart sped up. 
I’ve never had someone look at my hand so fondly before. Just like that Jung Hoseok stole my attention. I turned to him more with a small smile, “Aren’t you the charmer today?” I teased.
A smile spread on his face, even though he had a smile on his face, his eyes lifted to meet mine, full of seriousness, “Just make sure to eat and don’t tire yourself out.”
“I will! I will try not to tire myself out!” I assured.
“…Your sandwich is ready.” Taehyung cut in, popping the bubble around Hoseok and I.
“Go get your sandwich and don’t be late for dinner.” Hoseok instructed before lifting my hand to kiss the back of it.
I only nodded, hoping he didn’t feel the heat from my face from across the table. I stood up to retrieve my sandwich. Seokjin was placing it in a paper bag with a satisfied smile while Jimin finished up the list and slipped it in the bag.
“Have a good day!” Jin grinned, handing me the sandwich and placing a kiss on my cheek.
Jimin quickly moved between us to put his hands on my sides and kiss the same place Jin did, “Be safe, Jagi!” He radiated, getting a glare from Jin.
I giggled at his action, “I will, Chim.”
I felt arms wrap around my middle and a chest press to my back.
“Have a safe drive, don’t stress on Jason.” Taehyung’s soothing voice guided.
I felt him place a kiss to the crown of my head.
I was pretty sure this was their plan to murder me.
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“What do you mean all the computers went out!?” I demanded, my phone between my cheek and shoulder as I fixed the bottom of my dress, “Then get them up and running! I don’t care how much it costs or who you have to call, we have a deadline to show what we got and I’m not letting a convenient power outage on one floor alone make it crumble.” I threw more clothes, makeup, skin products, and hair products in a suitcase to take to the bunker.
“Make sure the designers, programmer, and artist are well rested and fed, I don’t want our team to be running on coffee and sugar as their main nutrients. Call in an order and get plenty of water, I’ll make a stop there after I pick up my nephew.” I zipped up my bag and ran my hands through my hair.
“No! My brother will not step in. This is my department and my call. I don’t care who he tells you who he is, you are to listen to me and me only! Fix those computers, feed and rest the staff, and investigate how the power was cut off, why and who. I’ll be there in an hour and things better be productive or I’m kicking you all into shape.” I hung up.
I let out a huff. Great. Now another problem to solve. I frowned at my outfit. It was simple enough. A black dress made of a material that clung to my body but was stretchy enough to be comfortable. It had lace sleeves and round lace neckline, thankfully the lace wasn’t itchy so I was happy. I walked to my bed to the dreaded Christian Louboutin box. My older sister got them for me and I haven’t opened them. I slowly opened the box as if I was diffusing a bomb.
I let out a big relieved breath. They weren't platformed heels. They were regular black heels made of suede with the signature glossy red bottoms. After I slipped those on I rummaged through my drawers to find a belt for my waist. I settled for a black Gucci belt with small gold bees and stars on it, wanting the design to be simple. I quickly put on pearl stud earrings and searched for the necklace my father gave me.
The longer it took me to find it the madder I got. It was a Japanese Akoya black pearl necklace. It was very simple, just the black pearl with a white gold chain through it. My father gave it to me when we went to the beach in Japan one summer. We met a pearl farmer there and my father, being the proud business owner he was, asked for a tour. My father was really happy with the eco-friendly and sustainable pearls and offered them a deal. Now they have their own departments to make jewelry and give us some for our gift shops. The owner of the place gave me a black pear he found that morning, about a year or two later my father sent it back to him, then the owner sent it back with the chain in it, my father then gave it back to me, reminding me to always remember that small businesses are sometimes more reliable, loyal, and considerate partners. So now I treasure it.
I could hear my phone ring as I got on my hands and knees to look for the necklace. I groaned at the disruption, I answered it and put it on speaker.
“Yes?” I called from the floor.
“F/n. I’m just calling to remind you! You’re picking up my son today.” My sister drew out the last part nervously.
“I’m aware! You called while I was getting ready.” I grumbled, still searching.
“Wait, where are you? It sounds like you’re talking from far away?”
“I’m on the floor. Have you seen my black pearl necklace!? I can’t fin-” I spotted a round ball beside my nightstands leg, “NEVERMIND I FOUND IT!” I beamed, quickly snatching the necklace and examining it for anything out of the ordinary.
I could hear my sister sigh. “ You need to take better care of your things… Especially if it’s from our father…” I frowned.
My brother thinks the same. I felt a tug at my heart as I looked down at the necklace in my hands.
“…I knew it was here. I just wasn’t sure where. Just because I lost it briefly doesn’t mean I care less about it.” I explained, my voice small.
My sister muttered something under her breath that was too low to hear.
“Anyway. I heard Daisuke was in town. Why?” Her voice was straightforward and sent a shiver down my spine.
“I-I’m not sure. I just found out as well. I don’t plan on meeting up with him. I haven’t spoken to him in years.”
“Let’s keep it that way. Make sure to leave your apartment in the next 3 minutes or you’ll be late. Goodbye.” The line went dead.
Since when has my sister been this irritated with me? I pulled myself up to my feet. I walked over to my window, looking out for a moment. There were large clouds that did a good job of blocking out the sun for a few minutes at a time. It had been raining on and off all morning.
I looked back down at my necklace, sadness filling my heart, “…She wasn’t just talking about my necklace, was she, Dad?”
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I arrived at the school a few minutes early. I got out of the car and grumbled to myself on how I would have to wear the heels all day and it was going to sting. I felt a little subconscious as my heels clicked on the sidewalk and now in the entrance of the school.
The woman behind the desk smiled, “Ms. L/n! You look beautiful! I’ll let Gyeong know you’re here!” She said quickly, moving to get the phone to intercom the classroom.
I held my hands up, “Actually, I know I’m early so I’ll just let them finish up. I don’t want to interrupt my nephew’s studies and social life.”
The woman nodded, “Yes, I understand. Feel free to walk around, Ms.L/n!”
I gave her a small bow and began to wander a bit. I hated that. How people seemed way too formal and polite. Almost afraid.
I looked over the walls of the school hall. They were covered in artwork, letters, notes, photos and accomplishments from the children that made the whole place feel happy. I found myself smiling. This school always seemed so nice, comforting and patient. My nephew had nothing but good things to say about his teachers and the whole place in general. I found myself thinking about wanting my children to go to the same school in the future.
“How many kids do you want?”
I felt myself freeze again at the question Hoseok asked me this morning. I felt my lips stretch into a smile.
“Four kids sound nice, two boys, two girls...” I whispered to myself, reaching out to trace a picture of a tree a child drew.
I quickly withdrew my hand as if the picture had burned me. What was I even thinking!? Why was I thinking like that when I kidnapped Hoseok. When I forced them into a bunker against their will. They hadn’t seen the sunlight in days and here I was fantasizing and being an overall delusional woman.
Even if Hoseok did want children, that didn’t mean with me. I would probably be the last person who he’d want to have his children. I was also way too young right now. I had a company to look after. A prison to stay out of. Nine people in my bunker that I needed to hide!
It was also way too soon to think about kids even if Hoseok did want me in that way. A small amount of time shouldn’t give me baby fever.
In the bigger picture, I barely knew these men, yet here I was, willingly daydreaming about them.
I scoffed at my mistake and took out my phone, sending Jason a quick text about work and us talking, later on, to sort out somethings. Just as I sent the text I could hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. I looked up out of curiosity and saw my nephew’s teacher, Hui Gyeong. Once he reached me he doubled over, like he had just run a mile.
“Mr.Hui? Is something wrong?” I questioned, slightly concerned at the out of ordinary acts my nephew’s teacher.
“I was just on my way to call Jeonghun’s mother.” He stated breathlessly as he stood upright.
“Why? Has Jeonghun done something wrong?” I asked, feeling slightly worried as to where the conversation was going.
He waved his hands almost in a rush, “No! Nothing like that. I just couldn’t help but be a little worried about your lives, I know your sister likes to attend clubs and there have been a lot of recent criminal acts in them! I just wanted to tell you both to be safe.”
I felt my heart sink, “Ah, I was afraid my nephew did something…” I trailed off, trying to figure out how to change the subject that made my chest tighten up.
“No, no, aside from the usual talking he’s been well behaved,” Mr.Hui said, the air beginning to grow awkward.
“I will take your words into consideration. Thank you for caring enough to warn me.” I spoke up softly.
Mr.Hui smiled, “I’m glad. Your family does a lot for children and adults, it would be horrible if anything happened to any of you.”
You will be in for a ride when everything is said and done.
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“The power is back on? Thank God.” I let out a breath of relief as I sank into the driver’s seat of my car.
“Yeah, we are still waiting on security to look over the footage to see if they catch anyone being suspicious but so far we are clear. That maintenance man said it might have been a bad wire or something but I don’t believe that.” Jason spoke into the phone through the sounds of our busy office.
“I don’t either. Only one floor in the entire building went out. And it so happened to be the department we are relying on to get us a new partnership. It’s too coincidental. ” I chewed on my bottom lip in thought.
“That’s what I was thinking. We’ll go over it more at lunch.”
“We will. I have to grab a few things from the store and I’ll head over to whatever place you want. I’m paying because you seriously helped.” I pipped up, sitting up as I waited for the traffic light.
“How about in a few minutes? We’ll meet at the restaurant we take our business partners to. ”
“…Why there? It’s so high-end and we aren’t talking business, just having lunch. It’s Wednesday so I have my nephew. Maybe a more family-owned place?” I reasoned.
“Okay, just pick somewhere quiet, I’m getting a headache from all the talking and yelling in this office.”
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When I arrived to the restaurant I‌ began to settle Jeonghun in. I served him water and began to read off the menu for him.
“How about japchae?”‌ I‌ asked him as he sipped on his water.
He only shook his head, looking out the window.
“Hmm. Jjajangmyeon?”‌ I questioned.
He seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head.
“Fried chicken?”‌
He nodded his head frantically causing me to giggle.
“Same. We’ll just order a huge serving, okay?”‌
I handed the menu over to my nephew so he could look at the pictures and drinks, just in case he changed his mind. I looked around the place and it was warm and cozy. As I was looking over the wooden beams, I could hear a bell chime.
I‌ looked over to the door to see Jason. I beamed and began to wave my arms like an idiot.  
I came to an abrupt stop as I saw movement behind Jason. I strained my eyes to see who it was. As soon as I made out a familiar feature, my blood boiled.
I could see Jason’s eyes dart to the door for a split second, almost as if he was considering just leaving. Which would’ve been a good call, because I would give him hell on earth if he came to the damn table. However, he seemed to puff up his chest and march towards the table.
I let out a scoff, “So, you’ve chosen death.”‌ I‌ muttered under my breath.
I watched him and the man of my cause for irritation strut up to the table.
I had half the mind to yell ‘stalkers’ so everyone would throw them out.
“F/n…” Jason’s voice leaked false-confidence. I‌ would’ve been fooled if his voice didn't crack at the end.
Once they sat down and Jason greeted my nephew, I began to speak.
I let out a sigh, “Did the security find out what caused the outage?”‌ I questioned, pouring water into the extra glasses.
“No, bu-”‌
“What’s taking them so long?‌ It’s security footage not the bible.”‌ I took in a deep breath to calm the building anger.
It wasn’t security’s fault. They had to comb through hours of footage. Maybe even days to see who tampered with the electrical. It’s only been 30 minutes tops. I needed to calm down.
It’s just the presence of this man,
of Daisuke, who was weighing on the part of my brain that only showed anger and hostility.
“I’m sorry, I understand it could take hours to go through everything. It’s just,”‌ I chewed on my bottom lip, “This meant to much to my father. He did everything for my mother, I want to do something for him.”‌
“Are we just going to keep ignoring me?”‌‌ I‌ heard the voice of and actual demon.
“Daisu-”‌ I‌ cut off Jason’s sigh.
“This isn’t about you and your pathetic motives.”‌ I‌ began to wave over a waitress.
“Daisuke, didn’t I say don’t speak until spoken to?”‌ Jason shook his head as he grabbed his menu.
“She’s just ignoring me.”‌ He seriously sounded like a child.
“Did you already figure out what you wanted, Jeonghun?”‌ Jason asked as he looked over the menu.
“We’re getting chicken!”‌ My nephew perked up, happy to be included.
“What will we be having?”‌ A waitress pranced over with a warm grin.
“Four orders of chicken and beer please.”‌ Jason smiled back at her.
“Hey! We have a child here.”‌ I sang in a teasing voice.
“Chicken, beer and apple juice so it just LOOKS like beer!”‌ I only shook my head.
Surprisingly lunch was mostly quiet. Jason’s attention was on my nephew and my attention was on the power outage culprit. I think Jason wasn’t bringing Daisuke into the conversation because of my nephew. But I knew as soon as tonight he would be texting me to ask when we could all meet up and talk. And I hated that I knew that.
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I made sure to ask the butcher to give me top-quality beef steaks for Seokjin. All the beef I could get, I did. I wasn’t aware that meat would be a priority in the house but I should’ve known.
All the meats I got were FAR from on the list, but I got them anyway.
Seokjin and Jimin mostly wrote down everyday things and a few produce items. I‌ saw all the berries and fruits looking big and ripe so I got a lot of those as well.
Surprisingly I‌ was able to keep my nephew in line but getting him various things from around the store.
Unsurprisingly, Jeonghun ran out of the car as soon as I parked at the bunker before I could explain. I quickly got out the car and ran after him. He was about to open the first door as I grabbed him and yanked him away from it.
I set him down on the ground and held onto his shoulders as I began to explain, “Listen to me, Jeonghun. We have guests in the bunker. You are NOT going to tell anyone about them. Including your mother.”‌ My voice was stern, hoping it would show him that I meant business.
“You want me to LIE to mom?”‌
“No. . . I just want you to bend the truth a little. It’s different.”‌
“No, it isn’t.”‌
“…What do you know, you’re, like, five.”‌ He gave me the most offended look I’ve ever seen a child make.
“One year off. When’s your birthday again?”‌ I teased, watching him getting angrier.
He tried to wiggle out of my grasp while I get out an evil giggle, “I’m joking, I’m joking!‌ I know your birthday! It’s on the 13th of March.”‌
He stopped struggling to pout, not at all liking my playful nature.
“I’m sorry but you’re not going to be a prude like my sister. Lighten up will ya? Now, no telling mom, your dad, your aunt or uncle, your friends, NOBODY, that you met these friends. Got it?”‌
He let out an annoyed ‘okay’.
“Good. Now lead the way, I bet some are excited to see you.”‌ A giant grin formed on his face as he rushed the door.
He knew the codes just in case he was ever in trouble, so I had no worry about him getting stuck.
I watched him bounce down the stairs for a moment before turning back to the car. I gathered the several bags that I had and began to place them at the entrance so it would be easier to close the door behind me. As I was grabbing the last of the bags, my nephew's backpack, and closing the car doors, I looked over to see most of the bags were gone.
I froze into place. Trying to remember exactly how many bags I had. As I was lost in thought, staring at the bags, I saw Seokjin making his way up the stairs. My eyes widened.
No. No, no, No, NO!
I dropped the bags I was holding and ran towards the door. In a fit of panic, I ‌just grabbed the outside door and tried to slam it close.
I‌ heard a small thud and, “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”‌
“JIN! YOU CANT LEAVE YET! I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO FIX BEFORE YOU CAN ALL GO!”‌ I cried, pressing my shoulder against the door to hold it closed against Seokjin trying to force it open.
He was what now?
I quickly moved out the way, causing him to fall forward onto the bags.
“Oh shit! Jinnie, I’m so sorry!”‌ I quickly apologized, kneeling down to help him.
He looked up like he was going to start cussing me out, but stopped once he caught sight of what outside was.
His eyes widened as he looked around. Large trees covering the small clearing. The only reason anyone would be able to tell a bunker was here was because of the small block of walls with a door in front of it. Looking like a small room in the middle of nothing.
The pathway to get here was slim and the tire tracks sometimes got covered by plants that grew faster during the spring and summer months. And in the fall, fallen leaves did the job. The snow in winter. The path twisted and turned, so it wasn’t just a straight line to the bunker, it was obscured by trees and large bushes.
“WHERE ARE WE!?”‌He almost demanded, making me flinch.
They all had their eyes covered when they arrived. There were no windows in the bunker. I wonder where they thought they were.
“The forest. A few miles from Seoul.”‌ ‘A few’ was generous.
“How did you even…? Does ANYONE know this exists!?”‌ Oh no. He was panicking.
“Jinnie, calm down,‌”‌ I began in a soft voice, “I told you I’m not going to hurt anyone, plus this is only temporary. Jason, my nephew, and a few others know this place exists. Relax.”‌
He shook his head, “I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt us, what if one of us gets hurt and the ambulance can’t get to us in time??”‌
Oh, that's what he was afraid of.
I couldn’t help the smile that began to form on my face.
He gave me a ‘really bitch’ look in return, “Why are you smiling? Do you know how dangerous it is to live so far away from civilization!?‌ What if you run out of gas and you have to walk to town!? What if a serial killer comes in and you’re left for dead because no one knows this is here!?”‌
My smile suddenly disappears.
“Here I was, happy that you weren’t going to leave me, and you have to point out every single feAR I COULD EVER HAVE LIVING HERE! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?”‌
“Can you both stop yelling at each other before the others come!”‌ I heard someone hiss.
That, someone, was Hoseok, who began to quickly pick up as many bags as he could, ignoring Jin on the ground and running back down the stairs to drop off the bags before coming back.
I quickly stood up and ran back to where I dropped the bags and picked up the scattered contents. I could hear the shuffling of bags and Seokjin got up to help Hoseok. As soon as I had everything picked up I ran inside and down the stairs. Hoseok quickly shut the main and vault door. He ran past Jin just in time for Jin to shut it. We all listened for a moment before letting out a breath of relief.
No one else seemed to notice that we had all three doors open. Just waiting for someone to run out.
Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again…
All three of us slid open the door to load the bags into the kitchen.
Taehyung and my nephew were sitting on the floor as Jimin had half of his body behind the tv with cords. Seeming to be setting up a game system.
Suga was sitting in a recliner, only watching them.
As soon as Taehyung saw us he spoke, “Jin-Hyung! Can you come set this up? Jeonghun wants to play Mario Cart but Jimin and I were lost!”‌
“What’s the magic word?”‌ Seokjin taunted as he began to put away groceries.
“Now?”‌ Jimin challenged, causing Seokjin to stop and turn around.
Hoseok let out and adorable laugh with Taehyung while I pressed my lips together. I wasn’t about to face Jin’s wrath more than I already have today.
“Please!”‌ My nephew gave a big smile, successfully breaking the tension.
Seokjin seemed to soften, “At least someone has manners here.”‌ Seokjin huffed and went to set up the console.
Seokjin setting up the console turned into Seokjin doing a tournament with the boys to see who could defeat him. It was around 7pm and he hadn’t even started dinner.
“Aish, he isn’t going to start it.”‌ Hoseok complained as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and got up from his seat at the dining room table.
“I’ll help!”‌ I‌ pipped up, bouncing up from my chair in excitement.
We started just making meat and ramen. Hoseok found the grill pan and set it up and I set up the pot of water. We both agreed on kimchi ramen.
I had got the ramen packs out the cupboard and was turning to go to the stove. I slightly bumped into Hoseok.
“Sorry, Hobi.” I muttered, only to see him smirking when I looked up.
His hands moved to my hips to rest there lightly, “Do you think eight packs is enough?”‌ His voice sent a shiver down my spine.
“I think so. I never made ramen in bulk before… Should we add veggies to it to fill everyone up?”‌ I suggested, almost excited at the thought of adding stir-fried veggies.
Hoseok’s smirk only grew, “Would you like ‘veggies’ in your ramen, Sunshine?”‌ I can tell he liked my choice of the word ‘veggie’ over vegetables, but I couldn’t bring myself to care as I began to get hungrier by the thought of more things in my ramen.
I nodded, “I think I got a good amount at the store!”
“We can add veggies. Anything else you want, Sunshine?”‌ He asked, his voice lowering an active or so.
I couldn’t help but gulp.
Why was he so close?
His eyes were locked on mine, the smirk he had only made me look at his lips more. His skin was glowing, despite the lighting in the kitchen that didn’t do him justice. His lips were pink, they looked soft and tempting. His eyes twinkled in mischief that I couldn’t help but find adorable.
“Well…I…uh.”‌ I had no idea what to say in a moment like this.
Did I tell him I wanted to kiss him?
My nephew was in the living room with the others not too far from us.
Speaking of the others, Hoseok was ‘playfully’ nudged to the side by Jimin, who came into the kitchen with Suga.
“I’ll help you with the meat Hoseokie,”‌ Suga muttered as he turned on the stove.
“Maybe I can help with prepping the vegetables?”‌ Jimin suggested, tilting his head slightly and batting his eyes.
Oh, he was good.
I only nodded at his suggestion, causing him to grab my hand and lead me to the fridge, away from Hoseok.
Hobi let out a sigh, “We were okay with making dinner.”‌
“You didn’t even preheat the skillet. You were going to make gray meat.”‌ Suga nagged.
Jimin took out carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, garlic, and cabbage before closing the fridge, “Hyung, you didn’t even start the water for the ramen.”‌ Jimin shook his head.
“I was in charge of the ramen.”‌ I tried to defend him.
“Well, he stopped you from doing your job, Princess.”‌ Jimin moved to cup my face.
“But I–” Suga interrupted with a simple, “Get the seasonings, Hope.”
Hobi let out an irritated sigh and moved to the cabinets. Jimin quickly picked out our knives and cutting boards so I wouldn’t go to Hoseok’s side of the kitchen.
I let out a sigh.
That was a little excessive.
There was silence besides Suga and Hoseok asking about the meat and Jimin asking a question or two about the veggies.
I couldn’t help my eyes from wandering to my nephew. He was obviously really into the game he was playing with Seokjin and Taehyung seemed invested in watching their match. The thing that really stuck out was one thing.
“Hey, Chim?”
“…Where are the others?”
A big smile formed on his face.
“I told Jungkook that he was losing his touch in one of the games in the arcade, so that’s where he’s at. Seongmi and Linza are in their room. I was talking about how good a drawing of Seongmi’s was and Linza wanted to learn. Namjoon is in the library. ” He seemed proud of himself.
“So you basically manipulated everyone into staying away?” Jimin frowned.
He scooped up his cabbage to put into a bowl, “Well… It sounds wrong when you say it like that.”
It did sound a little wrong.
“Sorry! It did sound a little wrong now that I think about it. Thank you. I was worried that someone would try something while my nephew was here. You really helped.” I assured.
Jimin lit up once more, “We’re happy to help. Jin Hyung helped me talk to Jeongguk and Linza.”
We all fell into comfortable silence besides Seokjin battling it out in the living room with Taehyung and my nephew.
I couldn’t help but wonder how the next few weeks would progress. If I would be able to handle everything. All of my worries seemed to evaporate as soon as Taehyung scooped up my nephew to victory taunt Seokjin. Maybe I was reading too far into everything and these were small problems. Or perhaps I was starting to downplay them to feel better.  
I needed to figure out how I was going to focus on work for the next upcoming days. The boys would, of course, be under Jason’s care. There was the situation of the power going out that I needed to follow up on with security in less than an hour.
I let out a sigh, they weren’t going to let me go peacefully until after dinner.
“Is something wrong, Princess?” Jimin asked softly, causing me to snap my head over to look at him.
Man, I was still not used to that.
Jimin’s concern caught the attention of Hobi, who stopped grilling to pay attention. Yoongi took the tongs from Hobi to continue the work. He seemed as disinterested as always.
“The, uh…” Should I explain or should I just tell them I couldn’t stay for dinner?
“If something is wrong maybe we can help.” Tae’s voice added, catching my attention.
He was leaning over the back of the couch, the concern and softness made me feel more inclined to tell the truth. Even Seokjin had paused the game, his body twisted around to look over towards me.
Now I had to.
“There was a problem at the company today.” I have in with a sigh.
“What kind of problem?” Jimin asked, putting down the knife.
“How serious is it??” Taehyung asked, his posture more alert to get up.
I quickly held my hands out, “The power went out in only the room with game developers. I’m having the right people look into it!”
“But?” Hoseok pressed.
“You’re worried?” Seokjin asked.
I nodded, “I am. It was ONLY the game department, ONLY the game developer room. I would’ve felt better if it were the whole floor or even the whole building. Someone targeted that department I just know it. I told them I would be there in an hour.”
Seokjin sighed and stood up, “I’m sure everyone will have it under control, your leader instinct is kicking in.” He smiled as he approached.
“But what if it’s some asshole trying to sabotage the game so we don’t have partners or investors and the whole game department is thrown out? People will lose their jobs! The company will take a financial hit!” I argued.
“Hyung, we should let her go, she does have a point.” Hoseok reasoned.
“We can pack her dinner to take with her. It’s her company, Hyung.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin let out a groan and wrapped his arms around me, pressing the side of his face to my shoulder.
“Now you’re just being a big baby.” Jimin teased as he added the veggies into a wok.
“I’m older than you!”
“You don’t act like it.”
“Taehyung I’m your Hyung!”
“Not when we’re in the bunker.”
“How do honorifics not apply here?” I asked softly.
“Would you like for us to call you L/N-nim then?” Jimin smirked, continuing to cook like he wasn’t just calling me out.
I felt a small amount of heat go to my cheeks at the formality.
“Then no honorifics.”
“…To Seokjin at least.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin stood up straight, I could feel the roast of the century radiating from inside of him.
“We’ll make sure to send her off with dinner. ” Hobi intervened.
“Send who off with dinner?” A melodic voice asked.
Seongmi had happily skipped into the room, upon entering she let out a small squeal. She put her hands over her mouth to try to muffle the sound. At first, I was confused but I followed her line of sight to see my nephew, slumped against pillows at Taehyung’s side. He seemed to be slowly slipping in and out of sleep.
Taehyung looked over to his side and a wide smile stretched on his face. Tae made a soft cooing noise before grabbing the throw blanket off the armrest and draping it over my nephew.
I tried to push away the thoughts of Taehyung being an amazing father and my growing heart to sigh.
“He didn’t even wait until dinner. He must've been so tired.” I frowned.
Seokjin let out his own sigh, “Okay, you can go after we pack you up dinner. I just don’t want you to overwork yourself.” His hand reached over to pet my head.
“Overwork? She’s barely been to work these past couple of days what do you mean?” Seongmi muttered.
“But she’s worked while she’s here,” Jimin stated, his voice having a small bit of irritation in it.
“Hardly. What do you think the owner of a company does? Just make decisions? She has papers to sign, branches to inspect. Meetings with not only staff but with partners, shareholders, even press meetings! She was far more involved before all of this!” Seongmi was clearly agitated.
“Seongmi? Is everything oka-” Jimin cut off my concerned question.
“Then she deserves a break don’t you think? She has other siblings who seem capable.”
“They have their own branches to manage! They have so much on their plate as it is, especially with their new push for games! She has to go. With or without your permission. She’s a grown woman, not a doll for you to play with.”
A heavy silence fell into the room. The weight was insane and it seemed like no one wanted to speak in fear of either Seongmi or Jimin popping off.
Okay, maybe I should deescalate this as much as possible right now.
As if reading my mind Suga let out a loud sigh, “You’re both burning dinner.” He grumbled as he went between Hobi and Jimin to push Jimin aside to lower the heat down on the wok and mix the veggies.
I made a mental note to thank Suga later before I spoke, “Seongmi, thank you for thinking about my feelings right now, but it’s okay. I’ll be sure to eat dinner and come back here before 3am. I hope to get as much work done as possible while I wait for the answer of the security cameras.” I could almost feel the air being thick with tension.
The way Seongmi deflated caused my heart to break. I bit my bottom lip to think of a compromise to make sure everyone was happy.
“Hey, Seongmi? Would you like any supplies? I feel like it’s unfair to bring you anything after all I’ve put you though. Maybe I could sneak into the animation room?” I suggested.
Seongmi’s eyes locked with mine in surprise. She quickly shook her head.
“I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble!” She stated quickly.
I unintentionally let out a giggle, “Get into trouble? With my own company? By the people I employ? I’ll get you a few thinks!” I smiled.
A light blush dusted Seongmi’s cheeks as she averted her eyes and nodded.
“While we’re all here and paying attention, I need someone to help me load the little gremlin on the couch into my car.”
“He’s not a gremlin!” Tae quickly defended.
“He’s not an angel.” Seokjin sighed.
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I had ended up trusting Tae to help me load up Jeonghun. I pretty much held my breath as we walked up the stairs. Taehyung looked like he was in peak father mode. He held Jeonghun with one arm under him and one hand behind his head to keep him close as Jeonghun peacefully had his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung’s face held the look of concentration as we tried to keep our pace swift, yet careful.
I quickly moved in front of them to open the door to the back seat. Once the door was open I opened up the passenger door to put the cooler bags of food on the seat and tried my best to close it softly.  
Taehyung went the extra mile of getting to the car to position Jeonghun comfortably in the backseat. Once he climbed back out I closed the door as quietly as I could.
We both held our breath to see if he would spur. Once there was no movement we gave each other a quick high-five.
“I was afraid he’d wake up!” I let out the breath I was holding.
“Imagine how I felt! I was the one carrying him!” Tae chortled.
“Why do you think I didn’t WANT to carry him?” I giggled.
“Just use me and leave me, I see how it is.” He almost scolded.
“Aww, Tae! I love you though!” I teased and I leaned forward to hug him close.
“You love me, huh?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
I jumped when his hands slid up my sides then to my back. He let out a sigh as he put pressure on my lower back to keep me flush against him.
The warmth that flooded my cheeks also flowed into my chest. I didn’t fight his touch and put my head on his shoulder.
As an unspoken language, Tae lightly nudged me and I automatically stepped back so my back was pressed to the cool car. He moved his hands to cup my face. Once I looked into his eyes it was game over. An endless pool of comfort welcomed me.
“Make sure to not overwork yourself, okay? Don’t let anyone rush you.” I only nodded.
“When you get home, I’ll be asleep in my room, don’t be afraid to come in, okay? I want to spend as much time with you as possible before Jimin tries to hog you.” I let out a small laugh.
“I doubt Jimin will steal me away.”
“Jimin would. He’s a little… Possessive when it comes to things he really likes.”
“Do you really like me too, Taehyung?” A small smile graced his lips.
“I told you. I like the crazy ones.” I get out an offended scoff and lightly pushed him away.
“I’m not crazy. I’m an intellectual.” I grumbled, turning to open the driver door.
Tae wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close so my back was flush against his chest.
“Seriously though, I want you to myself when you get home.”
“Okay, just don’t tell anyone else I promised you this or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Taehyung placed a few small kisses on the back of my shoulder that left tingles blooming on my skin.
“We’ll even sleep in. Lunch is better than breakfast.”
“Are you kidding? Seokjin would have my head!”
“…I want your head.”
“…Are you trying to make a dirty joke right now?”
“Only if it’s working.”
“…It might be.”
Tae let out a hum and slightly began to rock us side to side, “How about this? When you get home…” He began as he placed another small kiss on my shoulder, “I’ll let you climb on top of me…” He continued as he placed a kiss on the side of my neck, “And I’ll let you do whatever you please. It can be to sleep,” He kissed my jaw, “Or, I’ll let you use me.”
I whipped around, my face radiating dangerous amounts of heat, “YOU WHAT?” I demanded.
Tae quickly rushed forward to cover my mouth, “You’ll wake up Jeonggie!”
I began to smack at his hand repeatedly, wanting nothing but answers. However, as soon as Taehyung moved his hand, his lips took its place. It was quick and not at all boring though. Like he didn’t just introduce a completely crazy idea into our already weird relationship.
“Calm down. I’m only letting you know it’s an option!” He hissed.
“How are you so casual about this!? You’re an idol!” I hissed back.
“Not a nun!”
“Even hoes have a more subtle way with vocabulary and flirting!”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t still new to this!”
“Even rookies know you don’t just lay the ‘you can use me’ card on the table right off the bat!”
“Well, I’m straightforward!” I let out a groan.
“Now my face is hot!” I whined.
“So that means you WANT to use me.”
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Arriving to the company was just as chaotic as I thought it would be. People were scattered around and rushing in a quick pace. Before I knew it my sister’s personal assistant took my nephew out my arms and my assistant was pushing me to my office.
The power outage had put us a few hours behind schedule and instead of managers just letting employees go after regular hours, they requested everyone work overtime. Which caused more chaos that you would think.
I quickly put up my hair and started getting to work. I was chewed out once or twice by a few older directors for not being in my office 24/7 but all in all people were just relieved I was fixing as much as I could as fast as I could.
About several stacks of documents and a few dozen calls into the night, my sister decided to show up.
“I understand that we’re behind schedule, but I can’t have you overworking employees saying that they HAVE to stay.” I scolded a manager from one of the broadcasting branches.
I quickly mouthed a quick ‘I’m almost done’ to my sister out of respect. She only waved me off as she took a seat on the loveseat and began to pour herself a glass of water.
“The Video Game Department does NOT affect the Broadcasting Department. If I see this kind of slip up again I WILL give you leave without pay. Do you understand? Goodbye.” I hung up and let out a deep groan.
“What was that about?” Jiann asked.
I sighed as I plopped myself on the opposite loveseat. I threw my folder on the coffee table, very done with the list of people to call and meet with.
“I got word that one of the managers in the Broadcasting Department was trying to use the overtime excuse to get extra work out of the employees.” I grumbled crossing her name off the list.
“Hmmm, maybe I should speak with them as well?” Jiann suggested.
I shook my head, “I handled it. You’ll only make them fear you.”
Jiann let out only a scoff in response. I leaned back in the loveseat and tried to relax.
“How was my nephew? Your secretary just whisked him away.” I asked, my head lulled back so I was looking up at the ceiling.
“Still asleep. His dad will be here to pick him up in half an hour. There is something else I wanted to talk about though.”
“And that is?”
“I know.”
I let out another sigh with a roll of my eyes, “Know what?”
“About the bunker.”
“Cool. So does Jae. And mom. And your son. And Jason.” My indifference was clear.
She made it seem like it was such a dark secret that I paid to get a bunker in the middle of nowhere.  
“I also know about the nine people in there. The one’s the whole world are looking for.” My head snapped up to look at her.
I could feel cold spike at the back of my neck that was quickly changed into a slow burning fire in my chest. Like I had something to be defensive about, and the superior look on her face made it valid.
“This is what I think,” She began as she placed her glass on the table and picked up and empty one to pour me water.
“I think you should give up your place. Mom threw everything on us as soon as dad passed. You didn’t have time to be young and free. You let everyone go and I’ll gave our best legal team handle everything. You get away with this, you are cut free of the burden of owning the company and everyone is happy. I’ll keep you in charge of games so you’ll still be doing what dad asked of you.” She seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.
It was almost like she was thinking and fantazing this for longer that necessary. It only made the fire in my chest burn hotter.
“Jae and I will handle everything! What do you say?” She finished, holding out the glass of water.
I looked at her like she just told me the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Because she just did.
“I think you giving birth obviously fucked with your brain somehow. What possibly made you come up with that?” I let out a bitter giggle.
I could see the sparkle in her eyes vanished as the coldness arrose.
“What is wrong with you? I just gave you a way out! You committed several crimes and you’re looking at me like I’M the one in the wrong.” She slammed the glass down like that was about to intimidate me.
“You didn’t give me a way out, you gave yourself a way in. I’m not fucking stupid, Jiann.”
“This isn’t about me being power hungry or trying to fight for the top!”
“No. It isn’t. But it IS about your control. Your fucking pride. Ever since I was little you cared about other's opinions and I NEVER thought you would stoop this low.”
“You’re one to talk! You just kidnapped IDOLS.”
“I didn’t do it out of pride or control. I did it out of fucking impulse and recklessness. Something all CEOs have. Something you and Jae will never have.”
“Think with your head for once! If you get caught our company will be canceled! Our entire family business with crumble because of your stupid actions!” She was now yelling.
I could tell by the roughness in her voice that she was close to exploding, but I still wasn’t going to back down from this. It was my mistake and it was my company. It was mine to control and fix.
“I think it would be best if you just listened to your older sister and just stepped down with the offer I gave you!”
“And I personally couldn’t give a single fuck about what you think I should do. This is MY company. This is MY mistake. If you want to turn me in, then fine. Do it. In the end everyone will look at the company with distaste because family just destroyed family. It doesn’t matter if I was the CEO or not when it happened, you just threw your little sister to the wolves and told her to deal with it all because I ruined your image. Dad left this to me and ONLY me! You should be happy that I even LET you control what you do here! I'm not as weak as you make me seem and I'm not letting you take it from me. You make comments about Jae, but you're doing exactly what he would. If you're going to help do it out of the kindness of your heart and not because you want my spot. I would appreciate you leaving my office. Call me when you stop being a fucking child and start being a sister." I snapped and stood up to go to my desk.
“Are you serious!?”
“Deathly. Get out of my office.” I picked up the phone to make another call, dismissing her with the flick of my wrist like an asshole.
“We aren’t done talking!” She argued, now standing.
“Mrs.Han, yes, this is L/n F/n. I was calling about your manager.” I began as I walked over to my computer to pull up her file.
I knew Jiann wasn’t going to let it go as easy as I hoped. Maybe I could’ve been nicer or compromised, but something in my gut told me that it wasn’t what my father wanted and that I was meant for this role. One way or another I was going to prove it.
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By time I got through at least eighty percent of the reply list, it was close to four in the morning. It seemed far quieter than it did when I came for my sister’s throat. People had mostly left, lights in the building were either off or dimmed. My fingers ached from the constant typing of emails and documents. I even had to make an announcement to have sent out and displayed to employees. I had my assistant, Hajun, begin to work on getting more security and look into better security companies.
With the ache in my fingers, neck and back I decided to call it night. I turned off my computer and lamp as I began to gather my things. As soon as I bit those who I saw I went straight to my car to go home. Only then did I see the bag of dinner that had been forgotten in the car.
I let out a groan and let my head rest on the steering wheel.
I felt bad for forgetting it, but I was too tired and stressed to be hungry.
But they made it themselves.
I frowned.
Maybe I could eat it quickly. Or at least half. Or I can lie and say I got busy and left it in my office.
I reluctantly opened the bag to find chopsticks and open the container.
The pleasant smell wafted into the car as soon as the container was open, but the first mouthful of food was a unsatisfying one. The flavor was good, but it had gotten cold. The noodles had gotten far too soggy to even pick up with chopsticks.
I knew that was mostly my fault so I made myself eat a good amount of it before closing it up and shoving it back into the bag.
Once I started up the car and turned on the radio I couldn’t help my mind from wandering.
Would my sister sell me out? Would she let any of this go? Did she hate me now?
By time I had parked at the bunker entrance I had fully convinced myself that my sister was going to turn me in and disown me.
I lifelessly unlocked the doors and locked them behind me. I tried to think positively and like I was the baddest bitch to run the company but I was now lost and felt betrayed.
I had to prove myself, but did I already ruin my chance? Did I already fuck everything up sp badly that my father would be disappointed.
Maybe it wasn’t a gut feeling that made me pop off on my sister but fear. Or entitlement.
I snuck into the bunker and down the hall. As soon as I found the right door I crept in and lifted the blanket to Taehyung’s bed and immediately slipped in. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face between his shoulderblades.
Maybe even this was completely wrong. I had just kidnapped him and his friends. I should be in jail. He should be disgusted. He should be angry.
“F/n? Did everything go okay?” Tae’s voice rough from sleep questioned quietly.
I only shook my head, holding him tighter like he would leave if I showed any weakness.
I felt his larger, warm hand place itself over mine as he let out a huff.
“Everything will be okay. Whatever happened, I’m sure you did the best you could. Just get some sleep, I promise to make it all better in the morning. ”
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( Previous Chapter ) - ( Next Chapter : COMING SOON )
TAGLIST: @butterfliespoison​ @armycandy10​ @krystle1990 @min-mingii @toddsgirl27 
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wackapedia · 3 years
Moving Day
Jin x reader, Fluff, Humor, Supernatural?? 2k words When Jin heard you will be packing up the music room equipment for the new Hybe building, he immediately invited himself to help hang out with you Warnings: Jin gets a little scare, y/n is being thirsty on main
The smell of fresh paint goes straight to your brain the moment you enter the room. You were fairly certain the walls were still moist as you sort out your equipment into your new office. Moving into Big Hit's new office building meant reducing your daily routine of writing and editing music into packing and unpacking boxes of files, equipment, and instruments which was the biggest hassle. Ask Min Yoongi, he agrees. In fact, you held one of the longest conversations with him while helping him sort out the music room of the old Gangnam office late one night. Yes. THAT one night. Big Hit somehow held a paranoia of outsourcing movers to help you to at least find a box for this electronic keyboard. Which is how you ended up with a 5-minute rant hosted by the great SUGA PD. "Security compromise my ass. What are they gonna do, film a building tour while moving up boxes?" Yoongi heaves a sigh, dropping himself like jello among the coiled wires. "Ho boy, you don't know how crazy these media people can go for a glimpse of that building..." You answer, squeezing a roll of wires into the box labelled accordingly before taping it shut and setting it near the door. Just then, Seokjin enters while catching his breath. Sweat caused his shirt to cling to his toned body, making you mutter an 'oh damn' under your breath for the sixth time this evening. "Load up the mixer and the box of wires. We'll find a box for the keyboard tomorrow. I'm starving." Yoongi orders his hyung and then sprawls himself on the floor. "Yah, I'm the one whos supposed to order you around!" Jin positions himself in front of the electric fan, raising his shirt up his chest to dry up his sweat. Oh damn. "You know what, we can just order food here so we can head straight to bed when we get to our homes." You declare. Yoongi groans in approval, crawling his way to his phone to place an order. Jin stacks up the mixer and the box of wires to load it downstairs. "I'll have jajangmyeon!" He tells Yoongi who acknowledges. You try not to observe how Jin's arms flex or how his strong thighs support the weight. "Are you done staring? Can you order now?" Yoongi claps in front of your face. You smack his good shoulder in retaliation. "Stop being rude!" "Ow, did you just hit me?! Show some respect to your elders!" Yoongi playfully reacts. "Well, you weren't a very good example earlier!" -------- Jin knew exactly what he was doing. He was riling you up with his unnecessary grunting, random shirt-raising, and strength-flexing right in front of you. He knew about your crush on him. He just enjoys giving you a show from time to time. Don't get him wrong though, he likes you too. A lot. He thinks you're cute when you pretend to not stare at him at times. No one asked him to help with moving the equipment but as soon as he overheard you talking about packing them up, he invited his handsome self to the party, keeping his eye on a certain Min Yoongi, who may or may not be making a move on you. Jin hoists the boxes up his chest as he makes his way through the hallway, struggling to press the elevator button to open. It was 9:15 pm, no one else was there since the rest of the rooms have been emptied days ago. Jin makes that little surprised squeak when the elevator door opens and reveals you, standing there. "Ah, you scared me there." He says, chuckling. "My hands are full, can you press the basement button?" Jin raises the box and pretends to have an easy time carrying the heavy box. Its showtime. The elevator closes and slowly descends. Seokjin racks his mind for some small talk with you. He hates being put on the spot. "Do you know which floor your new office will be?" He attempts. "I hope it will be near ours..." "Hmm..." Was the only reply he got. You were keeping your head down, probably containing your blush - Jin presumes. The doors open to the basement where a truck was waiting for the last boxes of the day. Jin deposits them on the rear containment before helping the staff driver shut the locks and respectfully thanks him for the job. Just as the truck makes its way out, Jin's phone rings from his pocket. "Y/n ;)" Jin looks back to the now empty elevator whose doors were left open, wondering why were you calling him. His thumb automatically swipes to take the call. Wait, is that... What's that stain on the elevator floor? "Y/n?" Jin answers, moving toward the elevator to investigate the red moisture on the floor. "Jin, the restaurant called, said they ran out of jajangmyeon. Would you like to have udon instead?" Your voice crackles through his phone speakers. Jin's eyebrows knit in confusion. "Noo, its gonna smell like udon around here.." Yoongi whines from the other end. "Its fine, were moving out anyway. Jin? What are you having?" You ask again. "A-are you upstairs? In the music room?" Jin stutters, looking around but finding no one else on the basement parking. "Right where you left us. Udon? Decide now, we're on the phone with the delivery guy!" Jin's brain was short-circuiting in the worst possible way. "Jin? Are you okay? Where are you?" Your worried voice alerts Jin to answer. "I'm at the basement y/n, can you please pick me up?" "O...kay?" "And don't use the elevator! And please stay on the phone..." ------- Your veins suddenly fill with adrenaline upon hearing Jin's shaky voice over the phone. Hopping up from the floor, you sprint out of the room, leaving Yoongi to speak with the delivery guy. "Jin, should I call security?" You stay on the phone as instructed while you make your way down the flight of stairs. "No, just please get over here.." Jin screams as the metal doors of the stairwell scrape against the concrete floor revealing your breathless form. Kim Seokjin rushes over to you and throws his 5'10" self on you. "The hell is going on?!“ you frantically look around the empty parking lot. "You were in the elevator with me and then you, who apparently isn't you, suddenly disappeared and there's blood on the elevator!" Jin's weight drowns you as he struggles to explain what just happened. You were beyond confused but relieved to find Seokjin not mauled by some crazy fan or paparazzi, but you were worried with what he was trying to explain. You take slow steps toward the closed elevator while Jin walks behind you, squeezing your waist with his arms, caging you between his chest. You look up to the digital counter of the elevator counting down: [G] [B1] [B2] And it stops. The doors rattle before opening, revealing a pale figure. Jin begins to pull you away by your waist, constricting your already labored breathing. The scream holds itself on your throat when you realize exactly what was in front of you. Rather, who. "Yah, I already said I was paying, but you guys are going extreme lengths to make sure of that!" Yoongi raises a bag of takeout. You were so relieved, you could cry. "I am never coming back to this building I swear to god..." Jin crouches on the floor, exhausted. "What are you guys talking about?" Yoongi realizes the gravity of the situation. "Lets just go eat at the dorms, please." Jin fishes for his car keys which were fortunately in his pocket and hands it to Yoongi. ---- "Ahh. I've heard that before..." Yoongi nods from the driver's seat after Jin explained to him his whole elevator experience. "I'm serious! I saw y/n in the elevator and wondered how did she get there when she was just in the music room when I left!" Jin defends, but is too tired to actually raise his voice. He was practically lying down on the backseat, his head on your lap. "No, I mean, I've heard the other staff talk about that. One guy was seen in the third floor while someone also said he was at the gym at that time. Its called a doppleganger." "But how is that even possible! She totally looked like y/n, her clothes, her height, though I didn't see her face... But it really looked like her!" "Can we please not talk about this anymore?" You were a little more than creeped out to listen to Jin talk about a ghost (or whatever) that looked exactly like you, leaving trails of blood and freaking people out around the building. ------ "Jin-hyung saw a doppleganger of y/n at the office basement!" Was Yoongi's introductory statement as he enters the dorm, greeting Namjoon in the living room. "Whoa, awesome!" Jungkook sits up at the couch wanting to hear more about it. Yoongi relays what Jin had said in the car, leaving you and Jin in the kitchen to unpack the food. Yoongi was feeling really chatty that night, because even when you've finished your food, Yoongi was still discussing doppelgangers with Namjoon and Jungkook. "Noona, it says here that your doppleganger manifests itself to other people when you're in danger!" Jungkook delivers the news excitedly, wiggling his eyebrows. "That's great!" You answer sarcastically. ------- "Yoongiii-aahhh~ I can't sleep~!" Seokjin whines to his roommate from his bedroll on the floor. He insisted that you sleep in for tonight, worried about what Jungkook had read online. You, on the other hand, were too scared to travel home and sleep alone so late at night that you agreed to take Seokjin's bed for the night. "If you won't shut up, I'm leaving you alone." Yoongi threatens. "Can we at least have the lights on?" You murmur from underneath the covers. "No." Sleep eventually took over you and Jin, due to the exhaustion and the scare of the evening. In the morning, Jimin, Hoseok, and Taehyung were surprised to see you walk in the kitchen wearing  RJ pajamas that were obviously not yours. You were prepared to face a new morning, refreshed and recharged, undeterred from last night's events. Before you could greet the boys a good morning however, Jungkook comes bounding into the room announcing "Jin saw y/n's doppleganger last night!" "Ah, daebak!" Were the maknaes' collective reactions. 'Oh shit' was Hoseok's. The next few days were uneventful. After breakfast, Jin drove you to your place and stayed a little longer just to make sure you were out of danger. There was also no reason for you to be at the old office, to which you were thankful for. Now you were in your freshly painted office, making sure all six of the "y/n" labelled boxes were present. Seokjin wheels in your computer chair with a shooky neck pillow on the headrest and leaves. Hm, You wonder where Jin's office is. Leaving the mess of your office, you visit the floor's reception table to ask about the artists' office arrangements. "Yoongi's is next to yours, and then next to it is Namjoon's." "Mmm... And Jin's?" "Oh, Seokjin hasn't dropped by yet, but he might pick the one across yours..." Yeji, the receptionist, smiles knowingly. Wait. "He.. He hasn't- you mean he isn't here?" You ask, a little too loudly. Yeji nonchalantly fixes her new Hybe lanyard. "Well, if he were here, you'd know because he always drops by to greet you, right?" "Thats the thing, I think I saw him in my office just a while ago..." You begin to put two and two together. "Y/n. I've been standing here for hours now, I would've noticed Mister Worldwide Shoulders Kim Seokjin walk out of those elevators but I didn't!" Yeji raises a fleeked eyebrow. Just then, the elevator opens to reveal two of Bangtan's OG maknaes, Jungkook and Jin. "Oh there he is! Jin!" Yeji waves him over. "Y/n and I was just arguing about whether you've arrived here or not because she claims to have seen you around the floor a few minutes ago." Jungkook, who was listening in, immediately realizes. "Ah daebak! The doppleganger moved in with us!" -------- Translation: Daebak (대밬): awesome
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gashinabts · 4 years
The Deal
Word: 8.8k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary:  Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars. “ Here I come, Jungkook.”
Warnings: Mature language
A/N: AHHH I’m soooo sorry I haven’t been posting lately due to this crazy pandemic a lot of unfortunate things have happened to me. I hope you guys like this fic, it took me awhile to plan it and write it, and I’m still disappointed in it :( I wish you all good health and please be careful!! Make sure to always wash your pretty hands!!!
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“ Her parents have been married for twenty years but she thinks her mother is having an affair. She still wants to find love like them well...at the moment when they were happy. Her favorite movie is Fight Club because she thinks it makes her have good taste in movies. She doesn’t kiss on the first date because she doesn’t want to seem too easy,” you finish your statement and hold your hand out. “ That would be a hundred dollars.”
Jimin hurriedly reaches from his back pocket and looks for cash in his wallet. He’s about to give you the money but stops himself. “ Is that all? Did Heejin say anything about me?”
“ Well I can’t just randomly say your name in our conversations. You know how long it took me to be her friend and I had to listen to her complain about everything.” Jimin gives you a sad pout and gives you an extra twenty dollars. “ Fine okay. We were playing truth or dare and she said she wouldn’t mind getting on
her knees for someone on the football team…”
“ And…”
“ It was you. Happy now?” You smile once he hands you the money. You smirk while counting the money. “ There’s also one more thing but I don’t think I should tell you.” You sigh and put the rest of the textbooks in your bag
He slides you another twenty dollars, “ Tell me.”
“ She lost her virginity in a small car and she regretted it. It was to some random guy. Well she wants her first boyfriend to think she’s a virgin so it can be special to her. She only told me since we are ‘close friends’. Now it’s your time to woo her or whatever.” You grab the cash and put it in your wallet. You quickly say bye to Jimin and walk out of the library.
You enter the classroom and take your notebook out. “ Hey. Wanna hangout afterschool? My parents aren’t home, we were thinking of throwing a kickback?,” Heejin asks you as she takes her notebook out.
“ Uhh... can’t I’m really busy with homework.” This was the hardest part of doing this ‘job’, trying to get rid of your relationship with them.
Heejin shakes you lightly, “ C’mon you can worry about your homework another time. And guess who’s going to be there?”
You look at the time on your phone wondering when the teacher is going to come. “ Who’s coming?” You fake a smile and twirl your pencil.
“Jimin’s coming. He asked me out on a date so I asked him if he wanted to chill.”
Wow he works fast. Heejin always has alcohol at her place; one drink wouldn’t hurt. “ Okay I’ll go but I can only go for an hour.” The teacher comes and class starts.
You show up to the kickback forty five minutes late. “ Y/N. Nice for you to show up,” Taehyung says while giving you a drink.
Taehyung is someone you rarely talk to, he’s the guy who just casually nods his head at you when you see each other around the hall. He’s also the guy you gave a handjob to.
“ Hey. I had to walk here. Thanks.” He looks out of place wearing oversized sweats and a hoodie. “ Where’s Heejin?” You should at least say hello to her ,stay for a while, and leave. He holds your hand and leads you upstairs to a door that is slightly ajared.
He whispers to you in your ear, “ She’s in there with Jimin.” You look in the small opening and you see her on his lap making out. So much for not kissing on the first date you think to yourself.
“ Is she drunk?” You whisper back to Taehyung.
“Most likely she had like five shots and a beer.” He opens the door slightly more, “ Aren’t you going to help your friend?”
Oh yeah she’s your friend. You opened the door more and walked into her bedroom. “ Heejin! I’m here!,” you smile at her as she turns her head at an angle to see you. Heejin smiles brightly and gets off of Jimin, and hugs you tightly.
“ You're here! I thought you weren’t going to come.” She pouts while holding your hands. Jimin coughs lightly and stands up from the bed. “ Oh this is Jimin. I don’t know if you guys like properly know each other.”  
You know Jimin quite alright, you probably know him more than she does. He’s the guy who paid over hundred dollars to get to know her more. Know her more than any instagram post. “ Hey, you're the guy that throws the football across the field and hopes that someone catches it. I’m Y/N,” you smile at him      
Jimin laughs and smiles brightly at you. You got to admit he’s an attractive guy and he’s stacked with money. Jimin and Heejin will make a good couple, they are both the same. “ Yeah that’s me. Nice meeting you.” He grabs his cup from the desk and looks into it, “I should get a refill. Anyone want more?”
Heejin is about to say something but someone interrupts her. “ No, I think they are good.” You turn to see Taehyung still waiting by the door. Jimin lets out a small okay and walks out kissing Heejin on the cheek. “ Alright, I should get home. It was nice seeing you Y/N. Thanks for the party Heejin.” With that said Taehyung leaves.
“ Are you and Taehyung something?” Heejin giggles at her own question.
“ No way. He was just talking to me.”
You ended up staying the whole time and helping Heejin clean up. Heejin knocks out the moment she lays on her bed. It’s really late, you should get home. You're about to lock Heejin’s front door until a girl yells to stop. You’ve seen her around campus. She's really pretty but you don’t know her name.
“ Hey I left my wallet in the house, I’ll be quick.” She goes into the living room and grabs her wallet. “ Hey, your Y/N, right?” You are surprised she knows your name, she’s way too popular, more popular than Heejin.
“ Yeah. That’s me...,” you say to her while walking away from Heejin’s house. “ And you are?”
She gives you a flash of surprise, “ Chaeyoung. Do you need a ride?” Chaeyoung points at her shiny black jeep.
“ Yeah, that would be great,” you smile at her. She is pretty and nice, huh.
When you enter her car it has the lingering smell of a new car. The dashboard was nice and shiny. You told her where you lived, looking outside the window you hum a familiar tune on the radio.
Chaeyoung asked softly while looking at the road,“ So Y/N how’s business these days?”
You froze at her question only a selective amount of people know about your so called business. If everyone knew of you what you do, then there would be no point in this business. You only had a few clients at school and mostly were rich boys wanting information on girls so they can date or hook up. Yeah, it sounds sleazy but it’s going to help pay for college.
“ Don’t freak out on me Y/N. It’s just a simple question,” she laughs while she looks at you at a frozen state. “ It was Hoseok who told me. I couldn’t believe that Hoseok managed to have sex with Miyeon. I know Miyeon, she’s sweet, pure, saving herself for marriage. And I asked myself how’d did Hoseok, a guy who likes to have sex with a new girl every month, have sex with her. I forced an answer out of him.”
That asshole can’t keep his mouth shut. What are you gonna do now, maybe you could try to lie and find a way to get out of this situation. You need this job.
“ I-,” you start to say.
“ I gotta admit it was pretty incredible that you managed to do that,” she lets out a whistle. “ Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t tell anyone.”
You felt a rush of a relief, “ Okay thanks.” You wipe your sweat from your hands and take out a piece of gum from your purse. You gave her a piece, she laughs while putting it in her mouth.
“ Since you're so good at your job, can I be your client,” she asked, tapping her light pink polish nails against the steering wheel.
This was the first time a girl asked you she wanted information on someone. “ It cost money,” you advise her.
“ I know a good amount of money, and I have a good amount of money,” she smiles and turns left. “ I need information about Jungkook.”
There’s no way you can do this job. First he’s a male and the chances of me trying to become him his friend would be impossible. Second he’s way too popular, he has his own group of friends that wouldn’t allow me to talk to him. Third, he's rich and powerful if he finds out that you did this to him, you don’t even know what will happen to you. Let’s try to veer her away from this person. You laugh cooly, “ Trust me you don’t need my help. You have a pretty smile, nice legs, and a new car. Plus, I see you are already close to Jungkook. You guys sit together at lunch with his other friends.”
Chaeyoung doesn’t say anything for the next few minutes and you think that she forgot about this subject but unfortunately she doesn’t. “ You know I have been Jungkook’s friend...or whatever he claims I am for like three years?,” she asked you. You hum for her to continue on. “...I want to be his girlfriend, something official. He’s very hot and rich, and his father has his own law firm and his mother is head surgeon of that new hospital. I think we will look good together...no I know we will look good together.” Chaeyoung parks her car in front of your house. “ I know I’m all those things you described me as but the problem is...I can’t seem to get to really know him. You know after we have sex he takes a shower and he just leaves. No pillow talks and even when I try to talk to him he puts up a wall, a fucking wall I can’t get over. So that’s when you come in Y/N, you do the impossible, and I need you to do this for me.”
“ I understand but—”
Chaeyoung interrupts before you can finish,“ I’ll pay you whatever you want. Does five thousand sound okay?” This girl is really desperate and really rich.
“ Okay, it sounds like a deal,” you stick your hand out and shake her hand. You can’t believe you are taking this deal, wow money does change a person's mind.
You are about to leave until her hand gently grabs your elbow. “ Here, consider it a deposit.” Chaeyoung gives you some cash. You bid your goodbyes and enter your house.
Entering your room you immediately lay on your bed sighing with exhaustion, you lift the money and start counting the money. “ 20,40,60,80...what the fuck…” you continue counting the money until it’s to five hundred dollars.
“ Here I come, Jungkook.”
“ Wait we really did make out! I’m so stupid you think I would have known the first time I did this,” Heejin says while placing her head in disappointment.
“ Wait, you were drunk when you lost your virginity?,” you asked. Stop pretending you care Y/N, she’s not your friend, you were paid to be her friend.
Heejin gives a sad glance and nods her head. You place your hands on her back rubbing it soothingly. “ Hey, it’s okay. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m all ears,” you smile at her and she smiles back.
“ Thank you, Y/N. I never had a good friend like you.” You roll your eyes jokingly, trying not to take the compliment to heart. “ Y/N, I really mean it. I gotta go to Calculus, see you later!”  
You enter your Chemistry classroom sitting down on your assigned seat.
 “ Okay settle down class. You know what today is? It’s lab day.”
You look to your left to see that your partner isn’t here. What was his name? Jinwoo no it wasn’t that...Jinhwan—“Y/N, Sangchul transferred to another school, go find another partner,” the teacher said loudly.
Looking around you see another student with an empty seat next to him. You stood in front of him and was shocked to see him. Jungkook. How convenient for you. You never knew he was in your class. “ Can I be your partner?,” you ask him. There was no one beside him so you naturally assumed he'd say yes.
“ I have a partner already,” Jungkook says it curtly. His eyes briefly make eye contact with yours and then he looks back at the textbook.
“ My bad I didn’t see him sitting right next to you, oh wait he’s not,” you sarcastically speak. You didn’t mean for it to come out like that he was being rude first. Jungkook looks at you and rolls his eyes. Fuck, he can’t hate you, you have to get close to him. “ Sorry I didn’t mean to sound like that. But can I please be your partner. It's only for this lab day. I may be shit at chemistry but I’m good at helping…,” you timidly smile. Jungkook ignores you and you are about to leave until he sighs loudly.
“ Fine. You can be my partner,” he pushes the chair out beside him. You silently cheer in your head. Jungkook is different from all the other people you work with. He’s harder to approach almost not welcoming than the others. Placing your things beside you, you stay at a safe distance from him. The teacher hands Jungkook the lab assignment instructions and he reads it for about three minutes, then hands it to you.
You briefly scan it and look at him, only to see his side profile, and he’s writing things in his lab notebook. You don’t want to bother him since you don’t want to get on his bad side. Occasionally Jungkook would make comments related to the lab and you would quickly jot them down on your own notebook. “ Sorry, I wasn’t much help,” you tell Jungkook.
“ It’s fine,” he says and reaches for the lab assignment paper by your hands. You give it to him and he quickly says thanks, handing it to the teacher.
He takes your lab notebook along with his and turns it to the front desk. You quickly slip your history notebook in his backpack before he comes back. “ See you later,” you leave with your belongings.
Chaeyoung is smoking in the school parking, leaning against her car. “ How’d it go?,” she asked once you got closer to her.
She offers you a cigarette and you shake your head no, “ Great, Jungkook said five sentences to me,” you kick a rock that was by you.
You look at her blow out the smoke in a different direction and she laughs, “ Sounds like him. At least he said something, when we first met he was silent the whole time.” She throws the cigarette on the floor and steps on it, “ We had sex this morning.”
“ Okay…” you say awkwardly. You didn’t need to know that but okay.
“ He’s being more distant than usual. I don’t mean to rush you but I’m running out of time here.” Chaeyoung grabs the mirror from her purse and reapplies her lipstick.
How the hell are you going to make him get closer to you? Jungkook is a difficult person to talk to and now Chaeyoung is rushing you. “ Okay, I’ll work faster.”
She smiles, “ Good.”
You walk back to the cafeteria and look around for Jungkook, he’s sitting down with the rest of his friends and he’s laughing. You walk closer to the table and Jimin is the first person to greet you. “ Y/N! How’s it going?,” he swings his arm over your shoulder. Jungkook looks towards you and is surprised to see you.
“ I’m doing good, Heejin told me you looked cute today,” you come up with an excuse. Jimin blushes and scratches his head. “ By the way is it cool for us to join you guys for lunch?,” you ask curiously.
“ Yeah join us!,” he exclaimed excitedly.
Heejin is talking to one of her other friends and you interrupt them “ Hey Heejin, Jimin invited us to eat with them.” She looks at you in shock and flushes when you drag her to the table.
Jimin invites her to sit with him, you stand along the table searching where you should sit. “ You can sit here,” one of Jungkook’s friends said. You sit between Jungkook and his friend. “ What’s your name?”
“ Y/N. And yours?,” you ask politely. You feel your thighs brushing up against Jungkooks and you scoot closer to his friend.
“ Namjoon. I think you are in my AP Physics class, you beat me with the highest mark on the test,” he jokingly states.
“ Oh, that’s you! You were always a point ahead of me so I finally decided to study a little bit. Wow, it feels good to see the person I beat,” you smile. Jungkook looks invested in the conversation but doesn’t say anything.
Namjoon barks a laugh, his dimples fully on display, “ A little bit? I’m impressed, you gotta show me your ways,” he nudges his elbow against you.
“ How do you suck at chemistry but not in AP physics?,” Jungkook asked you and you turned to look at him. “—Sorry it doesn’t make sense to me, physics is way harder than chemistry.”
Finally he decides to talk to you, baby steps Y/N. “ My dad is a Physics professor,” you tell both of them. Both of their eyes widen and you laugh, “ I’m kidding. I’m not sure why I’m really good at physics. What are you good at Jungkook? You look like you're good at Literature.”
Namjoon intervens, “ He’s good at everything.” Jungkook subtly rolls his eyes but Namjoon doesn’t see it, only you.
“ Oh is that so. Must be sad to be good at everything,” you say indirectly to Jungkook.
“ How so?,” Namjoon asked, pushing his glasses up. “ Being good at everything means you can accomplish anything.”
You think thoughtfully, “ People will always have this high standard of you though. If you don’t meet their expectation won’t you be useless since you are supposedly good at everything? Even if you could accomplish anything would you be accomplishing things that you want? I wouldn’t want to be perceived as someone who is good at everything, they must be really lonely.”
You look back at Jungkook and he stares at you for a long time. “ Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” He leaves quickly and says goodbye to the rest of his friends.
“ Wow, he’s in a rush. So Y/N about that upcoming physics test…” Namjoon scoots closer to you.
You lay your head against the table in the library listening to your music and softly hum. A blue notebook comes into your view when it’s placed on the table. You sit up and see Jungkook standing by the table, you take your earphones off, “ I found your history notebook in my backpack, I don’t know how it got there,” he gives a skeptical look.
“ I’m not sure either, thanks anyways,” you lay your head back down. Jungkook looks at you closely and you laugh, “ Need company?”
He shakes his head and is about to leave but then turns back and sits right next to you, “ What’s wrong with you?”
“ Nothing just tired. I feel like I’m always tired, I don't know of what,” you continue to lay your head.
He taps his finger against the table lightly, “ It sounds like you're depressed.”
“ Probably.” Your fingers go beside his and lightly tap with his. “ Are you good at everything Jungkook?,” his fingers stop tapping.
“ Why do you care?,” Jungkook said defensively.
“ I don’t care,” you bring your hand closer to you. Any minute he’s going to give you a tragic story but then again he’s not like the others. Jungkook is cautious of you and he should have every right to be. “ What’s your favorite color?” You switch the conversation to ease the tension between you two.
“ Black,” he says quietly. You ask him why as you close your eyes. “ Black is simple, it’s not complicated. There’s no light or dark black. It’s just black.” You hum an okay and smile when he asks you what’s your favorite color.
“ Today it’s blue. I don’t have a favorite color because it always changes when different people ask me,” you sit up and look at him. “ I have to go, it takes forever for me to walk home. It was nice talking to you Jungkook.”
You start sitting next to Jungkook more often and Chaeyoung watches from the side. It goes on for weeks and your surprise that he hasn’t pushed you away. He talks to you in short sentences, never anything deep. You both are in the library individually listening to your own music. Your head is once again against the table, you feel Jungkook tap you on the back, you take your earphones out as a sign that you are listening. “ Y/N, what’s the thing that you are most afraid of?”
Why should you tell him? Jungkook is like every other person, someone you pretend to be friends with. He shouldn’t know anything about you but you tell him anyways. “ Getting old. Seeing yourself get old and people dying around you, wondering when your time is up. What about you Jungkook?”
“ You know the first time you hangout with us at lunch, that scared me the most. I like how closed off my friend group is, it scares me when new people come into my life. I don’t know what they want...I don’t know what I’m saying,” he sighs and lays his head next to you. Both of you stare at each other and his eyes are shining, you hate how hopeful it looks so you close your eyes.
“ You fear me?,” you ask softly.
“ No,” he clarifies.
It is silent for a while and he finally speaks “ I was in middle school when my dad introduced me to one of his interns at his work. Areum, that was her name, she just got out of law school. She was nice and pretty...I saw them having sex in my dad’s office. I hated her so much I slashed her tires and broke her mirrors.” You open your eyes and his eyes are closed. “ My mom knows that my dad has affairs, she just lets it happen.”
He must be lonely at his house. “ What’s your favorite food?,” you ask Jungkook.
“ Pork belly. Yours?,” he smiles for the first time at you.
“ Today it is kimchi fried rice.”
He sighs, “ Why do you always do that Y/N?”
“ Do what?”
“ Tell me things that other people want to hear. You did it with the ‘what’s your favorite color question too’. I really want to know what you like and hate,” Jungkook says softly.
You flush a little, never ever having to tell what you want or what you like. “ I like Sundubu-jjigae. My Dad used to make it for me when I was younger,” you smile to yourself.
Jungkook chuckles, “ When you were younger, you make it sound like you're in your mid thirties. Why doesn’t he make it for you anymore?” He is disappointed to see your smile disappear when he asks this question.
“ He’s busy,” you want to tell Jungkook all your troubles but you swallow them. “ Wake me up in 15 minutes,” you close your eyes and rest on the hard table.
Chaeyoung invites you to her party and you really don’t want to go but you have to. Once you enter the party you go straight to the alcohol, taking two shots before looking for Chaeyoung. She’s smoking outside and standing beside her, she offers you a hit and you take it.
“ How’s it going with him?” she immediately asked.
You blow the smoke away from her, “Good I guess, he’s gotten closer to me.” You hand the blunt back to her.
“ I can tell. Anything important he said?”
There’s always a small part of you that feels guilty when you have to tell the clients shared secrets. “ His dad is having an affair with his interns. He hates that his mom doesn’t say anything. He’s sad that he can never love or be loved.”
“ Hm, good work. Do you think he’ll ever love me?” Chaeyoung gives a new blunt and you take it.
No Jungkook will never love Chaeyoung. “ Yes. Just give him time.”
“ Okay.” She smiles bashfully to herself. “ Keep up with the good work.” And with that she leaves you. You look at the blunt in your hands and put it in your pocket.
You walk around her house looking at her pictures that are against the wall. She looks like the only child, the house looks big and pristine despite all the people here, she must be spoiled. You go upstairs to use the bathroom and then you stay there for thirty minutes watching videos on your phone. You get a text from Namjoon to see if you were at the party, you tell him yes and go downstairs. “ Hey Y/N! Studied hard for the test tomorrow?”
“ Of course not, I’m here partying,” you smile at him giving him a drink. Namjoon laughs and goes to the dance floor.
“Hey Y/N.” Jungkook says.
“ What’s up. Wanna get high?” You take the blunt and wave it in front of his face.
He laughs and smiles at you, nodding his head yes. Jungkook leads you to a bedroom and you assume it’s Chaeyoung because there's pictures of her and her friends. You go towards her window and open, you feel a cold breeze and you shiver. “ Here,” he pulls his hoodie off and hands it to you.
“ Uh, Thanks,” you put over you and immediately feel warmth. It smells like him. You don’t know how to describe it but it’s nice. You light up the joint and inhale the smoke letting it consume your lungs. Jungkook takes the joint and does the same. He blows it out and sighs in content.
“ This is some good shit. Who did you get this from?,” Jungkook sits down on the bed.
“ Your girlfriend. The tall pretty girl who always wears red lipsticks,” you laugh and lay on the bed with your joint close by. He doesn’t say anything and you pass the joint to him. It goes on like this for a while just passing it back and forward until there wasn’t nothing left. You throw the butt in the trashcan by the bed. Jungkook lays beside you looking at the ceiling and chuckles.
“ She’s not my girlfriend. Just someone who’s using me,” he turns sideways to look at you. “ But it’s okay I’m using her too,” he says softly.
The weed makes you feel light and you are not functioning straight. And for that reason the words that came out his mouth made you laugh. They are all using each other including you. Jungkook gives you weird stares but smiles anyways asking you what’s funny. “ Nothing I’m just really fucking high and I haven’t been high in a long time,” you try to wipe the tears in your eyes but you feel his hands wiping them away. His fingers brush against your cheek and he is staring into your eyes. If this was a romantic novel both you guys would've kissed but it’s not. The warmth of his hand is gone and it feels cold, you don’t deserve to feel his warmth. “ If you don’t mind me asking how are you guys using each other?”
 Jungkook sighs, “ Chaeyoung only wants me because I come from a rich family. I would be like a prize or something to her. I only use her for sex. Just meaningless sex,” he looks at you to see if your expression has changed but it didn’t. If Jungkook can see it so easily then why doesn’t Chaeyoung see it.  “ Have you ever used anyone Y/N?”
“ You,” you say mindlessly. What if you told him the truth would Jungkook still want to be your friend? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “ Yeah, when I asked to be your partner in chemistry.” Jungkook laughs at your statement and scoots closer to you.
“You’re so pretty,” he lets out under his breath.
Your heart skips a beat but you shouldn’t feel this way. “ And you are high.” You laugh while pushing his chest a little. Your hands feel his toned chest blushing you pull your hands away.
“ I am but you are still pretty. I thought you were pretty the first time I saw you. Also a little bit mean,” he smiles thoughtfully. His hand reaches to the fallen strands of your hair pushing it back from your face.
“ Of course you would remember being mean,” you roll your eyes.
“ Yeah you made a bad impression. It’s okay I like you.” He continues to make eye contact to see your reaction.
Fuck Jungkook likes you. Why does he have to make it so much harder than it already is? And why do you feel happiness when he confesses to you? “Why do you like me?”
“ You understand me. I could talk to you about anything and you just know how I feel.”
“Jungkook I—”
“It’s okay you don’t need to say anything,” he pinches your cheek and laughs. “God I’m so hungry we—”
“Jungkook can you kiss me?” You bite your bottom lip nervously and play with the string of his hoodie.
He doesn't say anything but leans closer, “ Are you sure?” Nodding your head and closing your eyes, you hope that this kiss doesn’t affect you in any way. His lips kiss you carefully while his hand holds your cheek. It feels nice, it’s not like that kind of kiss that makes you feel like you're in heaven or that you find the answer to every unsolvable question. But it feels like you can kiss him and you won’t have to worry about anything.
He pulls back with hazy eyes and a smile, you pull him back for a second kiss. His tongue traces your bottom lip asking for permission to enter, and you grant him. The position is uncomfortable since you are both laying on the side so he hovers over while you keep kissing him. His lips leave yours and you whine a little, and he laughs but continues his kisses to your neck. The feeling of lips on your neck makes you feel warm all over your body. He bites your skin on a sensitive part of your neck and you gasp.
“ Jungkook…” You sighed. He groans and you place your hands on his hair, tugging it lightly so he can return to your lips. One of his hands goes to rest between his hoodie you’re wearing and your shirt, caressing your stomach. The kisses become more desperate and you start to feel his hard member against your core.
He pulls back from the kiss and looks at you with a fond smile,“ Y/N, I like you a lot. I haven’t felt this way with anyone before.” He rests his head against your neck, laying completely on you.
Laughing you play with his hair, “ You’re heavy!”
“ Just let me stay here for a while,” he muffles against your neck. You turn your head to the side and see the picture of Chaeyoung and her friends. Fuck what are you doing Y/N.  
You are walking to your Literature class and feel someone pull you into a classroom. It’s the art classroom where students normally work on pieces and leave them there to be secured. Taehyung locks the door and stares at you with a deadly glare, crossing your arms. “ What the hell are you doing Y/N?”
“ What the hell am I doing? What the hell are you doing?” You try to leave but he steps in front of the door. “ Move, Taehyung.”
“ What are you planning to do with Jungkook?”
You scoff and look around the room, “ Nothing.” You weren’t surprised that Taehyung knew what was going on, he was always suspicious of you even with Jimin.
“ Y/N, don’t fucking play dumb. You especially don’t want to fuck with me,” he says sternly.
“ Why does this concern you?”
“ Because Jungkook is my friend! I don’t want him to get hurt because of this stupid game you like to play.”
You laugh bitterly, “ A game? You think this is a game?”
“ Well I’ve seen the shit you do Y/N, you’ve done with Hoseok and Jimin. And now Jungkook. Just to have fun playing with people’s feelings.  Stay the hell away from him,” he turns his back from you.
“ Wait up asshole,” you grab his wrist so he can look at you. “ You don’t have the right to talk to me like that. You think I do this for fun? Huh, you think I like fucking do this. Not everyone is as privileged as you,” you rant and there’s angry tears starting to fall out.
Taehyung’s face shows nothing but confusion, “ Y/N...why are you crying?”
You wipe the tears away, “ I don’t like it Taehyung. I really don’t. I just need the money for college.” You push him to the side so you can exit the classroom but he stops you.
“ Y/N, I can help you. My dad knows people that can give you high paying job-”
“ Stop, I don’t want your pity.”
“ Shut up and listen to me,” he says and you give him a glare. “ Sorry, but I just don’t want you to do this anymore Y/N. I can tell it’s hurting you. Please stop this and tell Jungkook the truth.”
The library is empty and it’s just the two of you silently working on school work. “ Want to play Xbox at my house?” You stop typing your essay when Jungkook asks you this.
Sighing you close the laptop, “Yeah, I’m beat with this essay.” He helps you pack up your stuff and leads you to his car. It’s your first time in his car and it suits him. As he continues driving to his home you pass through multiple affluent neighborhoods. Finally when you arrive at his place your eyes widen. It's bigger than Chaeyoung and it’s front lawn looks so green and spacious.
After silently gawking at the inside of his house he leads you to his room. You immediately are fond of the scent and the pictures of the room. A picture frame is placed on his desk, grabbing it you smile. “ That’s me and Taehyung. When we were younger.”
“Kim Taehyung?”
“ Yeah we are great friends, he doesn’t hangout with us during lunch since he is busy finishing touches on his art portfolio for college,” he says while setting the Xbox on. “ You two know each other?,” he looks back at you with a curious gaze.
“ Not really. We had art history together ,” you casually say while you sit on his bed.
Few hours passed and your multiple losses with his video games had made you upset but it was fun. You never had this much fun in a long time. He laughs when he kills in the video game and you throw a pillow at his head. “C’mon don’t be a sore loser,” he grabs your remote and places it on his console.
“ I have every right to be, you don't even give me a chance,” you pout and lay down on his bed. Your skirt rises showing more skin and Jungkook stares at it. His fingers brush your thighs carefully, you flush at the nice sensation. He looks away from your legs and throws a small blanket on them, and sits on his bed with his back against the headboard. You copy his actions and lay your head against his shoulder just looking at his black screen tv. “ Have you ever cared for someone, Jungkook?”
“ I would say no but I would be lying to myself,” he touches your hair carefully. You lean into his touch like a needy kitten. “What about you?”
“ I’m starting to care for someone but I’m scared I might hurt him—“
“Then don’t,” Jungkook said sternly. “...Don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt me,” this time he says softly. You turn to look at him and he looks beautiful with his soft features but determined eyes. He closes the gap between you two and kisses you gently. It’s warm, you feel warm like everything is perfect but it’s not.
“ Jungkook we shouldn’t,” you lightly push his chest. He looks at you with hurt and confusion but backs off.“I just...I don’t want to complicate things.”
He looks lost and searches for your eyes, “ I don’t understand… I thought you like me… I like–“
“ Please Jungkook, you don’t like me. You say you like me but your having sex with other people. You're just fascinated with me because you're lonely…you don’t like me. No one will,” you say quickly and rush to get your things.
“ What the hell are you talking about?,” he voice rises. “ Chaeyoung is nothing to me. I haven’t had sex with her since we like met. Don’t you dare call me fucking lonely when your fucking lonely yourself. You analyze people thinking you're better than everyone, guess what you're not. You're just good at lying to yourself,” he finishes and pushes his head hair back in frustration.
You don’t say anything because all of those were true and it hurts to hear him say it. “Goodbye Jungkook,” you quickly walk out of his house despite him calling your name.
It’s been a few days since the fight with Jungkook and you’ve been dreading to get up each morning. The rainy weather fits your mood and you're done with all this shit. You send Chaeyoung a text if you can talk to her and she invites you to her house.
You're in front of her house door and you open it since she said she left it open for you. Walking upstairs you hear moaning and you halt. It’s coming from her bedroom and your heart stops. “Fuck–Jungkook! Please don’t stop!” The sound of the bed frame hitting the wall is making your head hurt so you back down stairs to the living and wait there. Listening to Jungkook and Chaeyong have sex put a pang on your heart. You really thought Jungkook liked you and now you feel like a fool.
You hear them stop wiping your tears and fixing yourself up, you hear footsteps coming down stairs. Pretending to type vigorously on the keyboard on your phone you make yourself look busy. “Y/N?,” you look up to see Jungkook and it hurts even more to see him. He’s lightly shining because of the sweat and there’s red marks on his neck.
You try to smile at him but it's just filled with sadness, “ Hey. I just needed to give her something.”
“ Y/N, it’s not what you–fuck I’m stupid. Can we talk later or something? Please I want to talk to you,” Jungkook pleads as he tries to grasp your hands. “I’m sorry about everything and this meant nothing I was sad and she–
“ It’s okay. I’ll see you later,” you squeeze his hand. Jungkook gives you a hopeful look.
You walk upstairs and Chaeyoung is lying down naked on her bed with her phone in her hands. You see her clothes on the floor and you hand it to her. It hurts to see her lying in bed breathless because of Jungkook. She dresses while you talk, “ I don’t want to do this anymore. The contract is cancelled.”
Chaeyoung's eyes widened, “Why?” You don’t answer her and look away as she throws away the used condom on the floor. “You caught feelings for Jungkook, huh? I can tell the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. I didn’t pay you to fucking make him fall in love with you Y/N.”
“ It’s not that...he doesn’t like you, okay. He already knows that you want him because he’s wealthy and hot. It’s pointless to continue this”
“ And what about you Y/N? He likes you because you are not using him? Last time I checked you were getting paid to use him.”
“Whatever I’m done.”
“I’ll tell him what you do,” Chaeyoung threatens you.
“ I was going to tell him anyways. Don’t forget you are the one who paid me to do this, we are both not innocent,” you leave her house.
You lay in bed for a couple days not bothering to go to school. You tell your mom that you have bad period cramps and she doesn’t attempt to force you to go to school. Jungkook texted you multiple times but you're too scared to read his messages. After three days you decided to go to school and you dread it, you purposely walk slower as you walk there.
“ It’s lab day guys! Nice for you to come to class Y/N,” the teacher welcomes as you enter the class late. You are walking to your desk until she interrupts, “ Y/N sit by Jungkook, his partner isn’t here today.”
You walk towards the empty desk beside him and look at the lab assignment that was on the desk. “ Where were you these past days? I kept texting you but you didn’t answer. I’m sorry that you saw me at Chaeyoung’s house. I still mean what I said at the party... ” Jungkook bites his lip trying to see your face but you're staring down at the assignment. “Y/N…”
You hear every word that he says but it still hurts that he had sex with her but then it wasn’t like if you guys were together. “ The first answer has a frequency of 1.9 GHz,” you say. You did the calculations in your head. The first time you met you lied to him saying that you were bad at chemistry. “ I lied to you Jungkook, I’m good at chemistry. I’m sorry.”
He looks at you with confusion, “ It’s okay... but are you okay? You don’t look well,” he checks if you have fever by letting his hand rest on your forehead.
“ Are you really okay with me lying to you?,” you say quietly. His hands leave your forehead and look at you carefully. “ I need to tell you something.”
“ Jungkook, Y/N! Are you guys done flirting, the assignment is due after class,” the teacher yells out from the front of the class. You hear a couple students chuckling and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“ We will talk about this later, okay? He pats your thigh and continues to solve the problems.
You are both outside for lunch sitting in his car. “ You can tell me anything Y/N. I’m here for you,” Jungkook stares at you and grabs your hand.
“ I was paid to get close to you Jungkook,” you say without taking breath.
“ What?,” he laughs incredulously. You don’t laugh with him, “ Is this a joke?,” he says seriously.
“ No it’s not. I get paid by certain people you want to be with a person. I get their secrets and what’s so important to them and tell the person who’s paying.” You look at him and there’s a million questions that’s going on inside of him. “ Chaeyoung paid me, Jungkook.” He stops holding your hand and gives you a hard stare. “ I’m sorry, I am really sorry. I wish I could take it back but I can’t.”
He lets out a humourless laugh, “ Wow, and I was stupid enough to tell you everything. I told fucking things that I haven’t told anyone and you tell her. And to believe that I actually thought you liked me, cared for me--”
“ I do care! I like you so much Jungkook that for once in my life I was happy and I wasn’t tired,” you plead with tears in your eyes.
“ Get out. You used me, I don’t think I can ever so your face again. Leave.” Jungkook looks out his window not wanting to see your face as you leave his car.
“ Hey Y/N, where have you been? I’ve been looking everywhere--,” Heejin says but you hug her crying into her shoulder. “ It’s okay let it all out,” she pats your back soothing your whimpers.
“ I’m so sorry Heejin. I’m sorry, thank you for being my friend but I ruined it all,” you cry out. You feel Heejin looking around the halls and she leads you to the bathroom.
“ How...what have you ruined?” Heejin softly asks while pushing your hair out of your face.
“ I do awful things. You won’t like me after I tell you.” You look at her and she looks like an angel with her white dress.
She shakes her head, “ Tell me and I will find a way to understand.”
You tell her what you do and she looks confused half the time as you explain it going through each client you had but never stating their name. You expect her to yell at you, to look at you in shame, or just to simply leave but she doesn't do either of those things. Instead she hugs you tight, “ You must have been going through a rough time being all by yourself.”
“ Heejin… Jimin paid me to do this to you. I’m sorry, I don’t deserve your--”
“ But you told me the truth right now, you understand what you did was wrong and you are apologizing for it.” You shake your head and the tears are slowing down but your heart still hurts. “ It takes two people to make a transaction, you shouldn’t be the only one hurting, Y/N.”
“ Thank you Heejin. I..I uh I want to thank you for being a good friend. If we can still be friends…”
“ Y/N stop. We are still friends. Let’s get out of the restroom, it smells like weed,” she smiles and grabs your hand. You walk together towards her car and she tells you what’s been going on with her cat. It goes silent when she mentions Jimin. “ I have to talk about this to him,” she sighs and you squeeze her hand lightly.
The weeks pass by and you’re in your AP Physics class when Namjoon decides to sit next to you. “Why haven’t you’ve been sitting with us anymore?” He whispers while the teacher is lecturing.
“I’ve been busy with college admissions,” you tune out the teacher’s voice. He does a bad job at teaching anyways.
“Something happened between you and Jungkook, right ?”
“Why would you even need to ask me if you knew it already.” You roll your eyes and solve the problems for today’s homework.
“ You know I wanted to ask you out after you started hanging out with us.” He gives you a cheeky smile and you laugh. “ I told Jungkook that I was into you this was before the Chaeyong’s party...and he told me that you’re not into people with glasses.”
“Why would I not be into people with glasses when I sometimes wear them?” You stifle laughter with your hand.
He barks out a laugh and the teacher looks at you two but continues on. “ Jungkook doesn’t think through things. But I caught on that little Jungkookie had a crush on you.”
“ Not anymore,” you sigh.
“ Talk to him please. He looks like shit, he always looks at your table at lunchtime. Contemplating how to talk to you,” he looks at your homework and checks his answer.
“ What if he doesn’t want to listen to me?” You look at his answer to see a significant difference.
“He’ll listen. If he doesn’t tell him that you are going to date me,” he says jokingly. “ Y/N please help me with this,” pointing at his obvious wrong answer.
Heejin is waiting for you in the school parking lot wanting to eat at a new ramen place. Walking to her car you hear your name being called and it’s from Chaeyoung. What does she want, walking to her you, you see her smoking. “ Make it quick.”
“What a way to greet me,” she chuckles. “ How are you?” She flicks the cigarette on the floor and steps on it.
“ Good. See you later.” You say and turn around to leave.
“ We are still having sex.”
You stop and feel anger and sadness rising within you but you put it aside, “What do you want?”
“ I heard him cry when he was in the shower after we were done. I also heard him moan your name once when we were doing it.” She rolls her eyes and sighs, “ It’s meaningless sex anyways. I’m always facing away from him so he won’t see my face.”
“ Funny how he’s still talking to you,” you scoff. Jungkook doesn’t even look your way but he’s able to have sex with Chaeyoung.
“ He’s not talking to me, he fucks and just leaves. I guess that’s my punishment,” she arches her brow and shrugs her shoulder.
“You shouldn’t be punished like that Chaeyoung. It's not healthy for you,” you tell her softly.
“ I know,” she smiles tiredly. “ I’m putting an end to it, I can’t do this to myself, to him...to you.” You nod your head and part ways until she stops you, “Here like I promised.”
“No I don’t want it,” you stop her from giving you money. “ Chaeyoung it will make me feel bad.”
“Okay. See you later,” she goes into her car and walks the opposite way.
“Finally you're here! I’m starving!” Heejin yells with excitement as you enter her car.
“ This place better be good.” You tell her and she rants on how she always picks good restaurants. Your phone lights up and you see a notification from your bank. Did you forget to pay a bill. $10,000 has been transferred to your checking account.
The next day you decide to approach Jungkook during lunch and you get very nervous, shaking your leg throughout class. You walk with Heejin to his table and Jimin greets you. “ Hey Y/N,” he nods at you and  whisk Heejin from you, greeting her with kisses all over her face. Heejin confronted Jimin that day you broke down, they were able to talk it out and now they are dating.
“ Y/N! Sit here,” Namjoon pats next to the empty space between him and Namjoon. Jungkook doesn’t look at you just staring at his phone and browsing his social media.
“ Hey guys,” you sit down trying not to bump into Jungkook. Namjoon tells you how he fell down his bike while showing you his scrape. Jungkook doesn’t join the conversation just silently watching you both talk. You catch him a few times looking at you and your heart races a little.
The bell rings indicating lunchtime is over and everyone disperses while you take your time throwing your trash. “ Hey.” Jungkook is standing beside you and throws his trash away.
“ Hey,” you say back quietly. “ How’s your day?”
“ Good.” He scratches his neck and looks around the cafeteria. “ Are you going to the library?”
“ Yeah… you want to join me?” Please say yes.
“ Yeah I’ll come.” Jungkook walks beside you whistling lightly. The library is empty and you chose a table near the back.
“ I miss you,” Jungkook speaks out and looks at you.
Your eyes widen, “ I miss you too.”  
“ Why do you do it?”
“ What?”
“ I just want to know why you do it, is it for fun or money?” Jungkook scoots closer to you wanting to hear you clearly.
“ I don’t have enough money to go to college. I don’t want my parents to worry about paying for it. They work too hard. Adding my college tuition to their bills will take a toll on them. I don’t like what I do but I do it anyway.” You cut off the eye contact, looking away in shame.
Jungkook sighs and grabs your hand, “ I’m sorry. I got hot headed and ignored you. It would’ve been easier to not get mad at you if I heard your reasoning.” You look at him and he wipes your tears. “ Y/N...I uh I had sex with Chaeyoung during our time apart. I’m sorry I was mad and I wanted to hurt the both of you. I realized how much of a dick I was…”
“It’s okay Jungkook. I’m sorry too,” you sheepishly smile.
“Can we start all over?” He gives you his signature bunny smile and the butterflies flutter in your belly.
“Yes please,” you lean forward and hug tightly. He rubs your back and your entrance with the feeling of comfort.
Do not repost, translate, or alternate my work in any way, onto any platform. I do not take plagiarism lightly.
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meliakim · 3 years
Christmas Manito
Min and Mun join the boys for the Korean version of secret Santa.
“Wowww, Mun-ah!! I can’t believe you were able to cook this much food in one day!” Hobi said to Mun as he entered the dorm kitchen and looked all around at the baked goodies and snacks. “Well, it wasn’t just me though, I had help,” she said, eyeing Seokjin who was taking out his puff pastries from the oven… one of the things that she taught him to bake during one of their many cooking sessions. “Mun-ah!!! They’re perfectly baked this time!” he said excitedly, tilting the pan over towards Mun to show her. “See? I knew you’d get them mastered,” she said reassuringly with a huge smile on her face.
“Aish, they’re too cute,” Hobi said under his breath as he turned to leave the kitchen, though it was just loud enough for Mun to hear. A few seconds later, Taehyung roamed into the kitchen to have a look as well. “Tae! Come help me finish decorating the cookies,” she said to her fellow artsy friend. He went over to her and peered over her shoulder, seeing sugar cookies shaped like stockings, Christmas trees, and snowmen. “They’re so festive!” he said, taking the green icing that was being handed to him by Mun. “Are Min and Jimin back yet?” she asked him. He nodded and said, “they just got back with the pizza a bit ago.”
“The whole dorm smells so sweet!!” Jimin said as he placed the pizzas on the side table set up in the living room table. Min nodded in agreement and said, “they must be baking up a storm in there!” “I hope they’re almost done though, I’m so hungry!!” Jungkook said, laying on the couch. Namjoon and Yoongi both appeared from their rooms and put their gifts under the Christmas tree just as the three chefs came out of the kitchen with all the baked goodies. They put them on the table next to the pizza, causing Hobi to say “WoW!” and pull out his phone to take pictures.
All seven members and their two friends fixed their plates and began eating, sitting on the couches and on the floor… wherever they could find space. “Ok, so who is going to start the manito game?” Jimin asked, eagerly, wanting to know who his manito was. “Let’s use rock, paper, scissors to decide!” Namjoon said. They proceeded to do so, and Mun won, making her the first to give her gift to the person whose name she drew. She got up from her seat in between Seokjin and Tae on the couch and pulled her colorfully wrapped gift from under the tree.
She walked over towards Jimin and acted like she was going to give it to him before turning around last-second and giving it to Jungkook. Jimin pouted and the whole room was full of laughter. “Merry Christmas, Jungkookie!” Mun said before sitting back down. He bowed his head in gratitude and opened his present. It was a small travel art kit with a sketchbook, pens, and pencils. “Since you’re about to travel the world, I thought sketching would be a good way for you to document your trip!” Mun said as Jungkook looked at his gift admiringly. “JK JK it’s your turn!!” Jimin said.
Jungkook got up from his seat and pulled out his gift from the tree. Like Mun, he acted like he was going to give it to Jimin before handing it to Min who was sitting right next to him. Min smiled and said, “thank you, JK!” She opened up the perfectly wrapped gift and tried not to freak out of excitement. It was a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones that she had talked to him about a while ago when doing his makeup. “You’re always listening to music during our makeup sessions… and your old headphones were falling apart,” he said with a chuckle.
Min was next, and she followed suit by getting up and pulling her gift from under the tree. Of course, she couldn’t help but tease Jimin, causing him to pout and fall out of his chair while everyone else laughed. She handed her gift to Namjoon, saying “Merry Christmas, Joon!!” as she did so. It was rather heavy, so he sat it on his lap and ripped the paper off it. Min had been telling Namjoon to read the Lord of the Rings for months now, since he enjoyed the movies… so that’s exactly what she got him, knowing how much he loved reading. “Wow, Min!!! This is too much!! Thank you, manito!!” he said, bowing gratefully with a big smile as she sat back down.
After pretending to give Jimin the gift, Namjoon proceeded to give his gift to Yoongi, who was sitting next to Seokjin. He pulled the tissue paper out of the bag and broke down laughing, along with Seokjin, who had peered into his bag too. “Oh?? What is it?” Hobi asked curiously. “It’s underwear, I’m not pulling it out,” he said with a pink face, knowing that there were two ladies present. “Namjoon-ah! How did you even know his size?” Seokjin asked, still dying from laughter. “We wear the same size!” he said, causing everyone to laugh even louder. “So practical!” Hobi commented.
Yoongi got up to get his gift, causing Jimin to sit up taller in his seat… only for Yoongi to go back straight to his seat, handing the bag to Seokjin beside him. “Aish!! Yoongi-ah!! What kind of gift is this?!” Seokjin whined, pulling out a large stand-up photo of Suga, a Suga fan, a pair of Shooky socks, and other forms of Suga merch. “I thought you could put my photo on your desk so you can see me while you game,” Yoongi said with a smirk. “Aish!! Yoongi-ah!! So conceited!” Seokjin said, dramatically, causing everyone to laugh.
He got up and brought his gift straight to Taehyung, causing Jimin to roll his eyes restlessly, wondering if he would ever get a gift. Tae took the tissue paper out of the bag and first pulled out an iPhone case with RJ on it, then a Jin photocard, RJ keychain, and a Jin poster. “Hyung!! This is as bad as Yoongi-hyung!!” Tae laughed as he pulled out each item and showed everyone. Seokjin’s windshield wiper laugh filled the room as Yoongi playfully slapped his roommate’s arm. “So conceited, huh??” he playfully whined. “Wait, no it’s worse!” Tae said, taking a closer look at the RJ phone case. “I don’t even have an iPhone!” he said.
Through his tears of laughter, Hobi looked at the phone case and said, “oh!! Mun-ah has an iPhone XR, right? This would fit her phone!!” Everyone looked at Seokjin as his laughter shifted from windshield wiper to a nervous laughter, his ears turning bright red. Tae’s boxy smile got even wider as he shook his head and put everything back in the gift bag, passing it over to Mun sitting next to him, as the gift was obviously geared towards her.
Tae’s turn started with him getting his present, and… finally, giving it to Jimin, who was still eagerly waiting. “Ahhh, finally!!” he said, opening the gift. It was a small dumpling-shaped plushie with Tae and Jimin’s initials stitched onto it. “I thought it would be a good reminder for us to not fight,” Tae said with a smile. Jimin jumped out of his seat and hugged his friend before he could sit back down. “Let’s not fight again!!” he vowed, going over to the tree and getting his gift while he was up, handing it to Hobi. “Jimin-ssi!!! This is too cool,” Hobi said, pulling a polaroid camera, film, and photo book out of the bag excitedly.
“Ok, ok, last but not least!” Hobi said in a sing-song voice, taking the last present under the tree and handing it to Mun. She received it gratefully and opened the package to reveal a purple apron with a subtle BTS logo on the front. She stood up and put it on immediately, then recognized that there was handwriting all over the inside. She took it back off and read the notes, seeing that each of the members had written something to her. “Hobi!! This is so great,” she said, trying not to get caught up and take the time to read all the notes just yet.
“It’s for you to wear at work!! Even though we’ll be on tour, you can always have us with you and think about us during the day!” he said, smiling at Mun. She dropped to her knees to meet Hobi on the floor and pulled him into a tight hug, nearly knocking him over. “It’s so perfect… thank you,” she said, still holding onto him. Seokjin joined them on the floor, wrapping his arms around Mun, then was followed by Tae, Jungkook, Min, and all the others, so that everyone was piled on top of each other in a group hug on the floor. “Merry Christmas, everyone!!” everyone said to each other, just so happy to be together.
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
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➳ his room in the crowded dorm
➳ "That’s right, choke on it."
➳ "I think, my roommate just got back!"
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Gender of the Reader: male
Word Count: 1k
Rating: 18+
Genre: Smut (Comedy/Crack)
Warnings: Dirty Language + Dirty Talk; Swearing; Ass Cheek - Biting (yeah, I know xD); Oral; gentle Face-Fucking; Gagging; Choking; Deepthroating; Interrupting; fucking shameless and sassy Reader; Namjoon's soul dies 1000+ times out of embarrassment; Yoongi is badass; in general is the end a bit cringyyy 😂🙈
A/N: the title explain what I thought about myself after I finished the writing and re-read it... Why I'm just like this?
I'm sorry anon when it's not your taste 😓😭 Love you!!💖💖
Info: Because it fits better for the story, I changed the second Quote into "I think, the other Members just got back". I hope that's okay🙈
BTS Smut Drabbles
My official Masterlist
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「© tipsydipsydo」
This following story is my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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“Good Morning, Baby! Did you slept well?", asks you Namjoon, who just came back into the room after he took a shower.
"Hey Joonie, yes I slept well but I had this really weird dream-...o-ohhhh."
Your voice stopped abruptly and changes into a soft, longing sigh when you look up from your book and see your boyfriend standing infront of the bed.
Namjoon's back is facing you and stands in front of his closet, he's trying to figure out, want he wants to wear for this day. His Body is covered in nothing more than just a loose towel, that hangs low on his hips and exposes the curve of his ass and the muscles in his shoulders just in the most delicate way possible.
After a few seconds a playful and dirty little smirk manifests on your lips. His sensual appearance only screams at you, to do something naughty with him.
Like a sneaky little tiger, you crawl forward to the end of Namjoon's bed and tug on the hem of the damp towel to reveal your prey.
You purr in satisfaction when you see his slightly muscular, perfect round ass with this flawless soft skin. This erotic sight seduce you to bite him playfully into the right butt cheek before you place right after it a soft kiss on the spot to soothe the pain.
This cheeky action makes him jump in surprise and light pain, let him turn around to you almost automatically. Now you're on the same eye level with his half erected cock, you can't hold back a small giggle when you see how worked up your boyfriend already is.
"Hm, Joonie? Seems like your dick loves my shameless looks and my little bite into your butt... fuck I love it how fast I can turn you on! Well, I think, I'm a loving and caring boyfriend, so I'll help you with your problem~", you wisper and wrap one hand around his cock. Kissing his precum leaking tip before you take his thick length inch for inch deep into your mouth.
A deep groan rises up in Namjoon's chest and is followed by fast, breathy gasps. God, Namjoon loves you're so eager to give him a blowjob. Especially when he knows that you like it a little more rough as well, that deepthroating and choking on this fat cock is one of your favourite activitiy. How you sometimes literally stuff his cock into your mouth until you have to choke on your thick crown. Fuck, you're so damn perfect for him!
"Hmm, fuck yes! That's right, Baby, choke on it. Choke on my fat cock until I mark that sweet mouth of yours with my thick creamy cum. You'll swallow every single drop of my cum, right?", grunts Namjoon, runs his fingers gently through your soft hair and slowly face fucking you.
You don't know why, but it turns you on beyond belief when you're able to bury your nose into his neatly trimmed pubic hair and to inhale his musky scent down here. Fuck you love it to hear his moans and grunts that shows you that he's really struggling not to cum too fast from your master-like work. Your incredible technique makes his head spin even more, he feels it coming-
...until he hears the familiar buzzing sound of the opening dorm door.
"Damnit! I think, the other Members just got back way too early from the Shooting! F-Fuck, Y/N stop! N-No, not more, I-I can't cum now!!", pleads Namjoon with a trembling voice and make a half-hearted attempt to push you away.
But you don't even think about it to stop right now. You didn't make such an amazing job here for nothing and you'll not stop your work until you taste Namjoon's cum in your tongue!
"It's still so dark in here, are Namjoon and Y/N still not up? It's 11 a.m. right now! I'll look after them!", you hear Hoseok's muffled voice in the hallway.
Then should Hobi come in, you couldn't care less. Your one and only goal right now is to get your favourite and well deserved milkshake, only then you'd let Namjoon go.
Just nobody expected to hear such an ear-piercing, high pitched scream from a damn rapper when Hobi opens the door and slams it shut again right after it. Out of reflex, let you slip Namjoon's cock out of your lips to shut your poor ears from the eardrum splitting scream and to turn angry to the door.
Behind the door you hear Jungkook asking Hoseok if he saw a ghost to start screaming like a tail amputated cat.
"I wish, I would be a fucking ghost! Because then I'd be invisible and I would have all goddamn freaking time of the world to deepthroat my boyfriend's cock properly! Oh my fucking God!", you scream in a pretty hoarse voice back before  Hoseok has even the chance to say something.
Namjoon didn't planned that his soul would die today and that the cause of death would be embarrassment.
Now it's Jin's turn to let a traumatized "Oh my Gooood! Too much Information, TMI, TMI!" out. 
Somewhere in there is Taehyung and Hoseok cringing for never wanting to know these kinds of facts while Jungkook and Jimin are laughing their asses off.
And then there is Yoongi, who came really pissed after Hoseok's opera-like performance out of his room, snorts by your sassy response audibliy and answers you chuckling: "I heard you two through the whole apartement and fuck, Namjoon, I've to say that I'm pretty jealous right now! Guys, come on, let's go to the studio. Let Joon getting at least a great blowjob and let Y/N having his needed load of cum. See you later, Joon."
The boys whined or laughed even louder, depends on how they're dealing with this fucked up cringe situation, when they leaved the dorm again.
With a satiesfied smile you return to Namjoon's cock, looking cheekily up to him.
"See, Yoongi understands me! And now, let me get my cum!"
Sometimes Namjoon asks himself what kind of a freaky boyfriend he has. You're just lucky that he loves you above everything else and just let you do your thing now, to pleasure him and satisfy yourself to the very end.
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illeee-girl · 3 years
La La(chimolala) Land Chapter Seven: Friends
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jimin x reader genre: fluff, minor angst word count: 1.25 warnings: none
[Inspired by La La Land]
Read on Wattpad
Read on Ao3
The scene has played over and over again on the silver screen of your mind. It cycled through as you lay in bed that night, and repeated every day at work for the next week—and it certainly replayed every time your phone dinged with a message (whether or not it was from him). You just couldn't erase it from the canvas of your mind. You saw it all clearly. Jimin looking at you with intensity. The two of you running, hand in hand, from a gaggle of pursuers. His monologue confession, your monologue confession (though you hadn't anticipated those words coming from your lips so soon, they still felt entirely accurate). Him grabbing you with the nervous yet sincere devotion of a very, very infatuated man.
"Maybe that's all it is, Jess," you tell your roommate that night over Chinese takeout. "Infatuation."
"It does seem a little fast. But Y/N," she grabs your shoulder and looks at you. "It's okay for something to work out for once. It's okay to be happy."
You blink in response. "I'm surprised you're not scolding me for not being more careful."
"Well, he hasn't kissed you yet, right?"
"No," you admit. Twice now, your lips had grown very close, but you'd been interrupted both times: first by Jimin's directors calling for him at the music video shoot, and then by the paparazzi that had swarmed the Santa Monica alleyway once they'd found you. Jimin had pulled you into a run again, finding you the nearest taxi and leaving no time for a personal goodbye. Frustratingly enough, you just kept getting interrupted. "But good lord, Jess," you continue, "I hope it happens soon."
She laughs. "So are you just thinking . . . spring fling?"
"Y/N isn't a 'flingy' type of girl," says your other roommate Rachel as she stuffs a bite of sesame chicken into her mouth. "So I'd say the odds of that are slim. Especially since you confessed your undying love for him in way more than 240 characters."
You blush. "He talks as much as I do, Rach, I swear."
She shrugs. "I'll see it when I believe it."
"Yo también," Diana interjects, tossing her long black ponytail over her shoulder. "It all seems too good to be true. I'm surprised Jess isn't telling you to go ahead and put a ring on it while you can."
You laugh. "It does seem too good to be true, Dee. Well, mostly. I'm not sure that I'm cut out for this whole 'continually running from the paparazzi' thing."
"It'll be great practice for when Red Writer wins six Oscars and people start chasing you around," Jess pats your back. "Have you worked more on your revisions? You know, since hanging around Jimin's band?"
"I still can't believe you went to a BTS music video shoot," Rachel gushes. "If I saw Suga in person, I don't think I'd be able to function."
"Girl," Diana follows. "If Y/N keeps seeing Jimin, it's highly possible you'll meet him. I, meanwhile, will be laying the charm on thick with my future husband Kim Taehyung."
You swallow a mouthful of fried rice, and then turn towards Jessenia to answer her question about your screenplay. "I've got a good idea on where I want to go with it. It's all written down in my notes," you tell her, "but I need to be careful. I don't want to base any of my characters off of BTS members too much."
"Ooh, cast Tae as the sexy lead singer, and me as his drummer-slash-secret lover," Diana begs.
"Not gonna happen," you assert, rolling your eyes.
"So when are you going to see him again?" Rachel asks sweetly.
"Actually . . . he says I have to finish the revisions on Red Writer before we can go on a proper date. He wants to be the first to read them." And he said that I wouldn't get anything done with him around, which is probably true. But the girls don't need to know that little tidbit.
"He's supportive of your career already? And is giving you space?" Diana shakes her head and tosses a fortune cookie into her mouth. "Man, he truly is perfect. Guess all of those Jimin stans were right after all."
"GOSH FREAKING DANG IT," Jimin whined, flopping down on his hotel room bed and letting his phone fall beside him. "She isn't done with the revisions yet. All of this waiting is so hard."
Yoongi pulled his eyes away from his laptop for just a second to say: "Jimin-ah, stop being so dramatic."
"Remind me why I have to do this again?" He asked his bandmates.
"You haven't known her for very long," Jin said, folding his arms.
"She'll respect you for giving her space," Taehyung chimed in.
"It'll make her miss you," Jungkook winked.
"And Jimi," added J-Hope, "you tend to get . . . a little clingy."
Jimin stared daggers at him.
"Just a little," the rapper smiled weakly.
"Don't sugarcoat it, Hobi," Namjoon crossed to the window and peered out at Los Angeles from behind the curtain. "Jimin-ah gets so clingy. He jumps in too fast, falls in love faster than previously thought humanly possible, and we're the ones who have to sweep his broken heart up off the floor when it all comes crashing down."
"But what if this girl doesn't break Jimi's heart?" Jungkook sat on the bed, looking wide-eyed at the group's leader. "What if she's a good for him? What if . . . she actually likes his clinginess?"
This comment resulted in the man of the hour snapping to attention, sitting up cross-legged on the bed, grabbing a soft feather down pillow, and squeezing it in excitement. "You really think that's possible, Kook?"
"Don't encourage him!" Yoongi wailed.
"No, no," Jin interrupted. "The maknae has a point." Everyone glanced over to see the eldest member of the band brooding in the corner of the room, slowly emerging from the shadows. "Eventually, one of these girls isn't going to break Jimin's heart. He's a catch, after all. All of us are. We have to be supportive of him, just as he is of us.
"Tae, remember when you wanted to talk to that cute BBQ chicken delivery girl, so Jimin ordered fried chicken for dinner every night for a week?"
Tae nodded and smiled.
"Yoongi, remember when your ex from high school showed up at the recording studio begging for a chance to win you back, and Jimin gave her an earful?"
This warranted another glance up from the laptop. "I vividly remember the sounds of her sobs wafting up to my room like the sweet scent of perfume," he smiled wistfully. "It's still the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced."
"And Joon, remember when you pined over that Canadian fangirl for a month just because of how well-written her letters were?"
"SHE USED NO MISPLACED MODIFIERS, HYUNG!" Namjoon exclaimed. "Do you know how rare that is? How refreshing?"
"And what did Jimin do while you were obsessing over her use of correct grammar?" Jin asked.
"He . . . he let me read her letters to him. Over and over again. He listened to me."
"See?" Jin grinned. "Jimin's always been there for us. We still need to look out for him, of course, but I think we can trust his judgment. Y/N seems very kind, capable, and mature. Someday—whether or not it's her—Jimin's going to find someone who appreciates him for who he is and complements him well."
Jimin's eyes nearly filled with tears. "Thank you, hyung." The two embraced. "I do really love a girl who gives me compliments."
"That's complements with an e, not an i, you imbecile," bemoaned Namjoon. "Canadian girl would have understood that," he muttered quietly.
But his complaints were overruled as Jimin forced his hyungs into a nearly suffocating group hug.
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