#jimin x gender neutral reader
bangtanloverboys · 1 year
friends in unlikely places // pjm
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summary - since everything that’s happened as of late in wizard city, jimin could say that nothing really surprises him anymore. but when he meets you, a novice throwing yourself head first into battle with no experience whatsoever, he will be the first to admit otherwise
pairing - quester!jimin x new student?reader
genre - fluff; wizard 101 au
word count - 2.7k words
warnings - dip’s made up lore, oh wow more friendship!! offhanded mention of dead parents
guide - necromancy = death magic; theurgy = life magic; pigswick = another wizard academy; grizzelheim = viking bear/wolf world; witchdoctor = mage class; yum = pirate drink from the yum yum fruit, 
author’s note - once again: last names are there for a reason, now partially explained. i had fun writing this one, loved expanding the universe a tad <3
the seven schools of ravenwood
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All Jimin Ghostwhisper’s young life, he was never afraid of the monsters. At the very end of Triton Avenue there was a gated off cave that led down to a street that had once been a thriving part of Wizard City. It had been overrun with undead creatures, leaving the Headmaster to gate it away, earning its name: the Haunted Cave. All of the kids on the street were terrified of it,  yet they all would dare one another to get close to it. Jimin was always the one who’d gotten the closest. So close that his fingers would trace along the skull symbol that was engraved into the metal and he could hear the groans of the rotting fodders and ghosts that were trapped behind it. He’d never really been scared of death or anything macabre. He did come from a long line of necromancers after all, so when he was enrolled into the Death School, it wasn’t all surprising.
He’d always been the quietest one though, sticking close to himself, not having many friends. In fact, Jimin had spoken so little that was how he had earned his last name: Ghostwhisper, having his voice often likened to the undead. It never bothered him, he almost liked it. Almost. 
However, if Jimin was alone before, even when he had attended the death school when it was still attached to Ravenwood, he’d become even more isolated afterwards, when Malistare happened. Sure, Malorn Ashthorn did his best to give the new students a chance to experience a classroom. But eventually, they’d all fall into independent studies. The other students from the other schools, they started to steer clear of all death students. Fearing that they too would turn out evil like the former professor. 
Along with ripping the school from Ravenwood, Malistare unleashed all the monsters onto the streets of Wizard City. The gates of the caves that had held them back for generations had broken, and now thousands of creatures flooded the once safe haven. The professors were adaptive though, telling their more advanced students to use it as a learning opportunity. Fight the monsters and clean up the streets. Which led Jimin to where he was today.
Some of the few braver students were the only ones who’d gathered up enough courage to race into the Haunted Cave, fight off whatever was in there for a quick reward before running back out. Jimin, on the other hand, would stay in there for a few hours, battling off any monster he faced, using it as the perfect opportunity to practice his more advanced spells, seeing how they truly affected his opponent, rather than hitting a golem over and over again. He’d been in there for just over an hour, with still manageable levels of health and mana. Doing pretty good, he thought to himself, maybe one more monster before heading out. 
Standing on the sidewalk, he glanced around, looking for another target when he saw you for the first time. You were running around the street, racing toward the nearest field guard. In any other instance, Jimin would’ve thought you were just some overly ambitious student, thinking they were the chosen one, but upon notice of your novice robes and wand, both shock and worry rushed through him. You were an idiot. You had to be, considering no new student in their right mind would ever think to come here! 
He watched in horror as the field guard struck you down, eliciting a hard grunt from you. Without a second thought, Jimin raced into the dueling sigil, taking the place beside you. You didn’t say anything as he summoned a banshee, a small spell, but enough to do the job. On your next turn, you summoned an imp. So not only were you a new student, you were a new life student. And again: a complete idiot. By the time it was Jimin’s turn again, he’d summoned a vampire, quickly and finally defeating the field guard, falling apart into bits of straw and cloth. 
“Awesome!” You cheered out. Jimin didn’t, instead he dragged you to the sidewalk by your wrist. “Woah-”
“Are you insane?” Jimin hissed.
You furrowed your brows at him. “I’m sorry?”
“Do you- Do you not understand what you just did?”
“I’m helping to defeat monsters?”
“In the Haunted Cave?! You just ran up to a field guard!”
Cocking your head to the side, you looked between him and another one that was on the street. “Is that what those things are called?”
Jimin couldn’ believe his ears. You were an inexperienced, complete dunce. “Okay, listen. Just go back. I won’t tell Headmaster Ambrose, just. . . go back to the dorms. You’re gonna get yourself hurt.”
You opened your mouth to defend yourself, but nothing came out. He watched as your body language shifted, slowly nodding. “Okay. Thanks for, you know. . . helping me out back there.”
He stared at you for a moment. He was expecting more of a fight, but was a tad relieved you let it go. Jimin simply nodded. Taking that as your sign to go, you turned on your heel, heading towards the cave entrance, which was a couple blocks away at this point. “Where are you going?”
Pausing you turned back to him. “The dorms?”
“You can teleport back, you know that, right?”
“I can!?” Your eyes were wide as you fumbled for your compass, “How?”
“Press down, think of your dormitory. You’ll appear there.” He couldn’t believe he was explaining a basic task he learned before he was even enrolled to a new student. 
“Thanks!” You gave Jimin a wide smile before you disappeared in a flash of green. 
Jimin never thought he’d never see you again. It was a big city after all, and with so many students coming and going, it was a reasonable thought process. But as luck would have it, he would see you three days later in the Commons fishing. 
“Hey you!” At first Jimin didn’t think you were speaking to him. “Silver!” That had his head finally turning. He didn’t recognize you in the sunlight, so finally he was able to have a full look at you. You had to have been around his age (how had you gone so long without being enrolled?), with small scars littered across any exposed skin. Surely you didn’t get those from premature battling, did you? “Hey, how’ve you been?”
He eyed you suspiciously, no one wanted to talk to him. Most students, regardless of their age, knew to stay away from death students. “Hi. . .”
“How’ve you been?” You asked, putting your fishing pole away. 
“Fine. . .”
You either couldn’t sense his obvious discomfort, or you willingly ignored it. “I didn’t get your name. And I like knowing who exactly saves my rear,” you chuckled. 
That last part had him confused. Were you typically saved by other people? Did you often find yourself in dangerous situations? How, if you’d only just arrived? “Jimin Ghostwhisper.”
“Woah, cool! I’m Im- Y/N. I’m Y/N.”
He frowned at your stumbling, but didn’t point it out. “No last name, I’m guessing?”
“Yeah, how do you get one? Headmaster said one will be earned, but like. . . how?” You asked.
“It’s earned typically from what you’re known for or who you are.”
“So you got Ghostwhisper because you can talk to ghosts?” You winked at him, nudging his shoulder. 
“Sure,” Jimin responded flatly.
Ignoring his sarcasm, you continued. “Hey! Do you wanna go monster battling sometime? Professor Wu said I’m getting better with each class!” You brought your fist to your palm, cracking your knuckles. 
“Are they letting novices battle now?” He raised a brow.
“Actually, I asked about it. The novice rule is for the youngin’s, not adult students.” You gestured to yourself. “But Unicorn Way mostly, easy cleaning monsters.” You huffed at that, crossing your arms. You obviously thought you were tougher than most of the school, which Jimin found a bit odd as an attitude for a theurgist; mostly pyromancers had that kind of ego. But on you, he found it almost endearing. Almost. 
“There’s some rotting fodders tearing out my mom’s storm moons. You can help me clear some, how’s that?”
It was your turn to raise a brow at that. “You’re not asking me to garden because I’m a life student, right? Because I’ll tell you right now, no green thumbs.” You wiggled both of your thumbs in his face. 
Jimin had to hide his smile at your small gesture. “No gardening, just monsters,” he promised.
A strange sort of agreement blossomed between the two of you. Whilst he wouldn’t have you accompany Jimin on his larger, more difficult quests, he would call upon you for the smaller favors he did around Wizard City. As you progressed in your classes, you’d go to more daring places, but still had to steer clear of the Haunted Cave. Jimin wouldn’t have you getting hurt on his watch.
But there was an odd peculiarity you’d do in battles: you’d heal him. After so many weeks at Ravenwood, Jimin would’ve assumed you’d realized that necromancers don’t need healing as they could heal themselves. Constantly, whenever he was low on health and near defeat, before he could even think of casting a spell to take the monster’s health for himself, you’d heal him. Calling upon a pixie or unicorn to heal him of his injuries. You’d never heal yourself though, only him. 
 Then it happened. You’d finally advanced enough to where Professor Wu gave you approval to try and battle any creatures in the Haunted Cave, only if you had an adept level student attending you. What luck that Jimin was magus in both his primary and secondary schools. You begged and begged him, until he relented. Agreeing to battle with you, help you gain field experience. Oh how he learned to regret it. 
You’d already defeated a couple blood bats and one rotting fodder. Not half bad, but it took a bit of your health and mana, leaving Jimin to decide that you should head back to the Commons. But before either of you could teleport back, you were sucked into a battle with a field guard. Jimin rushed into the battle, shouting at you to heal yourself before casting an offensive spell. One hit from the field guard would defeat you, and Jimin could not have that happen. But you didn’t listen, he watched in horror as you casted the leprechaun spell. It barely did any damage to the creature, only angering it. Jimin screamed your name as the monster summoned itself to the circle, attacking you. You let out a scream in pain as your body vanished in a poof of green and white. 
All Jimin could see was red as he casted any spells he had remaining at the field guard. He didn't think he’d ever defeated a creature so quickly before, but it didn’t matter, all he could think about was getting to you. Soon as the field guard was gone, Jimin teleported immediately to your location. Before he could ask if you were alright, you jumped at the sight of him, not even wincing at the scraps and bruises that covered you. 
“Did you kill it?” Was the first thing out of your mouth.
Jimin stared at you in shock. “Yes, but are you okay-?”
“I’m fine, not the first time I’ve basically died, not the last.” You tried to wave off his concern, but that only increased it. You’ve been hurt like this before? Defeated in a battle? His worry must’ve shown on his face as you slowly realized what you’d said. “I-I mean, it’s fine. I’ll be fine-”
“No. You’re not gonna brush past that, what do you mean this isn’t the first time you’ve basically died?”
Your eyes darted from side to side, suddenly weary of where you were. Taking his hand, you lead him behind some bushes besides one of the few houses that lined the Commons. “Okay, Headmaster said I shouldn’t disclose this information so you gotta swear you won’t tell another soul. Got it?” 
Jimin regarded your words with interest. Headmaster Ambrose himself said to keep to yourself about this? Slowly, he nodded his head. 
“I’m not from Wizard City, or any of the neighboring worlds. I’m- I’m from a place far off in the Spiral,” you started. That much was obvious, Jimin knew students would come from all over. There were a couple transfers from Pigswick, but the farthest he’d heard a student was from was Grizzelhiem. You continued, “I’m from Skull Island. . . I’m a pirate. I was called Impish Y/N L/N.”
Jimin was stunned into silence. A pirate? He was a tad familiar with them, hearing bits about them from Prospector Zeke and his many, many travels but he always thought some of them were embellished. An entire haven just for pirates, safe from. . . the Armada? That was what he vaguely recalled Zeke saying. 
Taking his silence negatively, you began to ramble. “I mean, I’m not a pirate, per se, I guess not anymore? I was just- raised there. My parents, you see, they died in a shipwreck, and the Wharf Rats took me in. I’m not gonna hurt anyone, I promise. Don’t call the Armada-”
“Relax!” Jimin said, grabbing your wrists, gaining your full attention. You looked at him with wide eyes. “I’m not gonna say anything. But, it does make sense.”
Jimin raised a brow at you. “The first time I ever met you, you were running head first into battle. No novice does that. Regardless of their age.” Licking your lips, you nodded, realizing just how reckless you were. “But what I don’t understand is how you’re a pirate and a wizard.”
You perked up slightly at that, the corner of your mouth quirking up just a tad. “I had a couple odd run-ins with some troggies. Thought I was a witchdoctor, but Madame Vadima said my magic wasn’t Hoodoo.” You glanced down at your hands, rubbing your fingers together as small green sparks emanated from your skin. “Said it was too lively, called me a theurgist. Asked around for what that meant, found out. I figured my parents, whoever they were, were wizards. Hitched passage across the skyways until I found myself here.”
“The pathways that connect us from world to world,” you said as if it was obvious. Jimin must’ve had a dumbfounded expression as you narrowed your eyes at him. “Have you never been on a ship before?”
He shook his head. “I hardly leave Wizard City, only ever traveled via World Tree.”
“Well then, I’m gonna have to take you one day,” you smiled at him. Already he could see the plans forming in your mind.
Jimin was silent for a moment, looking at you up and down. He couldn’t believe what he was about to do, having never done it before, but he figured you’d earned it. “Sure thing, Skyleaf.”
You furrowed your brows at him. “Skyleaf?”
“That’s what I said,” Jimin confirmed. “That’s you.” He poked you in the shoulder.
“You- you’re giving me a last name!?”
“I mean, you’ve more than earned it. Plus, I think it’s fitting.” Jimin shrugged as he tried to hide his smile at your reaction, basically jumping for joy. 
“Skyleaf. Hi, I’m Y/N Skyleaf,” you said to yourself, practicing your new introduction.
Jimin rolled his eyes at you, “Come on. I think you and I deserve something to eat. My treat.”
“Oh! If you could find some yum or any place that serves yum, let me know. I keep talking to Prospector Zeke but he never brings any to trade,” you huffed.
With a roll of his eyes, Jimin patted you on the back. “I’ll try, but no promises. Come on.” With that, the two of you headed towards the Shopping District in hopes of finding something to eat. All the while, Jimin was quiet as you started rambling about your life on Skull Island, what it was like and how you miss it sometimes, about some of your adventures and pointing to certain scars, explaining how you got them. All Jimin could do was smile at you. Okay, maybe you were completely endearing. 
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wonderfuldeath · 2 years
.o| First Day. |o.
Jimin x Reader, Gender Neutral Y/N
Warnings : Past Death, Holidays, Cheesy
Part of a Christmas Calendar
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"- He will not come back. ”
Of course, you know that he will not come back, that it was surely only a utopia, but it tenses you. Maybe people were wrong, maybe he was going to come back, as bright as before, as beautiful and tender as the first time you met. You just nod your head, swallowing the bitterness that inhabits you while your eyes look outside: there is snow falling.You still imagine the footsteps in the snow and the laughter of the children. Winter was a wonderful time, everything was covered with white, the decorations of the holidays were seen everywhere and the joy of people permeated the surroundings. But it wasn't your case, this kind of moment didn't really touch you anymore, it was a little above you. Because you knew that he would no longer be there, that Christmas would no longer go as you liked to do before. Because your loved one had disappeared a year ago and you had the impression that whatever you were facing, you couldn't stop people from talking. It was like being locked in a loop that never keeps silent, people didn't want you to forget, while continuing their lives. And you almost feel suffocating every time you think about turning the page. Tell you that the world couldn't ask you to stop think about it. A breath, a little tired passes your friend's lips. He had always been there for you, a pillar when your world was to stop spinning, when your phone rang, at two o'clock in the morning, telling you that things would never be the same ever again. Your lover had an accident, he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, telling you that he would only come back the next day, looking for the perfect gift for the holidays. He had found, and had to pay for it with his life. However, you still wear the jewel, the only thing you could have recovered, the rest was to seal in cold boxes, locked in a cellar. And just the memory brings back your tears. He was going to propose to you. And you would surely have said yes, because a wedding under the snow, there was nothing more romantic. Your fingers are clenched on your arms, while you hold your sob, collapsing once again.
"- You should go out and ventilate a little, don't you think?
- What would I find outside? You say it yourself, he won't come back.
- Maybe, but he would have liked you to go out, not let yourself die. ”
And he's right, it frustrates you to tell you that he was right. But it kills you to tell yourself that you were going to continue to live when he wasn't. It was almost annoying. This strange impression that no one understands you takes you to the throat like a terrifying snake, and finally you abdicate, today you didn't want to fight. Outside, your nots sink into the snow, it having made a deadly mud because of salt and frost. It was the right time for long walks, the lighting was magical. But you know it was much prettier at night, when you can see all the magic of Christmas decorations, reminding you of good memories, the taste of sugar and the desire for hot chocolate in front of boring movies and how cliché. But at the same time, it hurts you. Because you lived these moments with the loved being. And now that he was no longer there, then the hot drink did not feel the sam, the taste of sugar had to gone bland. And boring movies would no longer have the same effect. A deep sigh, you regret having followed your friend, who drags you to all the shops he finds interesting. Like you were doing a marathon.
"- Wait for me here, I have for five minutes!
- Why don't we go together?
- Because. Wait, do you want to? ”
Your eyes rise to the sky, and you tell him that you will be in the book section. Because literature was almost a religion. The smell of new books, the sweetness of a cover and the desire to read a new story that would take you away from your world. Caught in your thoughts, you don't notice that you are not alone and your hand hits against the warm hand of the stranger, which surprises you both. Your eyes intersect and the first thing that strikes you are the little eyes of the man, a little bigger than you. His shy smile almost made them disappear under his cheeks. And you can only find him adorable.
"- Excuse me, I didn't see you. Go ahead, I'll take another one.
- Unfortunately, this one is the last of the department.
- Oh. Too bad then.
- I didn't really want it, you can have it. ”
Your gaze rests on him, pointing out that he was a very bad liar. He has a fleeing look, and he seems to try not to really look at you. He was really so cute, and this thought squeezes your throat. Your eyes land on the book as you pull it from the ray, reading at an angle, not hanging any words before finally reaching it to him, visibly surprising him.
"- This is not my kind of literature.
- Really? I don't want you to force yourself.
- It's okay. I assure you. ”
Your sincere smile seems to reassure him as he takes the book, looking at it much longer than you, and you can't help comparing it to your former partner. He was a bit the same in his facial expressions, of course physically they didn't really look alike. Your lover was a little taller, he had rounder eyes. But he had the same way of being, the shy one of an introvert. You had met him a little in the same way as him, and you told yourself that fate had a bitter humor. When your eyes cross, you slap yourself mentally, apologizing to half a word before looking at the rest of the shelf, looking for something else to occupy your mind and hands. It was a really strange situation, a heavy silence, and you don't know if you should talk a little more to sink yourself a little more or just let the silence continue. And finally he is the first to break it, with a voice of course not sure, he shows you a new book, resembling the other.
"- This one looks good.
- The coverage seems to be in fact. ”
The book is rather banal in reality, a blue cover, and a big image of a penguin on the front cover, which surprises you both. A crazy laugh, as you read the back cover between two sneers. Forgetting the shyness and weight in your chest. An impossible love story between a penguin and a whale, pointing out that the poor book must surely have been abandoned on the shelves by someone who obviously did not have any sense of respect. However, you don't want to put down the book, not being able to let go of it. Even if it was a child's book, and not completely your kind of reading, their love stories intrigues you, and you hope it ends well.
"- You are here! I've been looking for you for a while now.
- Excuse me, I let myself be carried away by the books. ”
You kindly wave to the man, who answers you with a small light smile, before leaving his company. Your mind is no longer completely focused on pain and remorse, but on this new encounter that, you don't know why, makes you feel better. You are more open to conversation, even laughing a little timidly with your friend, as you leave the store. Tell you that in the end, it wasn't such a bad thing to get out.
"Do you have everything you need?
- I think so. ”
The sleeves of your jacket straighten to your elbows, you go around the empty room that resonates, checking that you have taken everything, thus ensuring that you do not leave anything important behind. It was a strange feeling, a slight feeling that stings your throat makes you feel a little sick. It wasn't as if you were betraying who it was, or even anything, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling anyway. The little hand rests against your hip, making you startle as you cross the soft look. Absolute tenderness as he pulls you against him, passes a hand through your hair and lets you smell its perfume.
"- Do you still need a little time?
- No. I think we should do it like a band-aid. The slower we do it, the more terrible the pain will be.
- As you wish. Just know that I'm here, if necessary. ”
A slight smile, as you straighten your head, gladly accepting the tender kiss he offers you, before letting him step back. A year had again passed, and Christmas still knocked on the door, like a song a little more honeyed than last year. Finally, you were still met on a striking coincidence. Park Jimin had collapsed with you, spilling his Ice Tea all over you and feeling unwell at the thought that you could get cold. So finally, he drag you a little to offer you something warmer, and replaced your wet top. Step by step, you spoke again, and you told him about the book you bought on Christmas Eve. Then time had done the rest, of course, resuming the taste of love had been harsh, but thanks to it, you had managed to cope with mourning. Of course, you still dreamed of your former lover, sometimes tended to compare them. And if at first it was a little wobbly, the balance had finally come about. Slightly, with tenderness. Jimin showed you again that the world could be wonderful, sugar could sting your tongue and that Christmas movies could be boring but incredible. Being Park Jimin's girlfriend was not the easiest thing, but you wouldn't leave your place for anything in the world, ignoring the comments of fans unable to accept your happiness, simply preferring to live it thoroughly without a headache.
"So let's go back to the car, do you want?
- Of course. But you still haven't told me where we were going to live!
- I told you, didn't I? It's a surprise! ”
You must have learned to be patient, Jimin was the shy kind at first, but he never stopped proved to you that every day was a better day. He didn't offer much gift, but when he did, he just knew how to make your eyes sparkle and your heart beat harder in your chest. So you let him lead, starting a new life again without completely forgetting the old one. He had been understanding, six months before, when you explained your story to him, collapsing in tears when he drag you to him. Swearing that he would teach you not to blame yourself anymore, and accepting your wounds. Trying to turn them into a scar, step by step. And after a year of relationship, you had finally agreed to move in with him, leaving your apartment to reach his home, moving forward on a new stage in your life as a couple.
"- We will not get married under the snow.
- To get married you must have already made your request, right?
- ... I haven't done it yet? ”
Your eyes widen as he looks at you, sitting in the driver's seat. Before he puts his hand to his mouth, visibly plaguing against himself while he searches in his pocket, before taking out the velvet case, a little big for a ring, making you curious.
"- It must have been much more romantic. But.. Do you want to become a Park?
- ... Jimin I..
- I'm not asking you to completely forget him. I ask you to agree to let me take his place. Just for this time and this moment.
- Yes. Yes, I want it, yes! ”
With tears in your eyes, you throw yourself on him, as he hugs you, kissing your cheek, temples and lips, before showing you the beautiful engagement ring, in gold plated with a flake as a jewel, a shiny stone in front of your eyes, while they still fill up a little with tears. Behind the ring, the thin white silver necklace catches your eyes, as he puts the ring on your finger, then takes out the second jewel so that you look at it better.
"- For the other ring. That way you can always have it against you.
- ... Don't you mind?
- He was there before me. And if he had always been there, I wouldn't be in this car with you. He is a part of you. So no. ”
Outside, the snowflakes seem here to make the scene even more romantic.
This year, maybe you were going to reconcile with Santa Claus finally.
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dambaepuff · 4 months
Could you do a morning wood verison for the maknae line
Morning Wood (maknae line)
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☆Paring: BTS!MaknaeLine x GN!Reader
☆Genre: reactions/headcannons, smut
☆Warnings: male anatomy, unspecified reader gender, bodily fluids, depictions of sex
☆Word count: 0.8k
☆Summary: the maknae line reacting to waking up with morning wood
☆A/N: thank you so much for requesting anon!! I probably wouldn’t have gotten around to writing this if it wasn’t for your request so I appreciate it <33 (also I didn’t feel like making little banners for each member forgive me)
Park Jimin
This man has absolutely no shame
If he has a boner and the chance to take care of it, he WILL do it
He feels smug knowing you’re laying right next to him as he touches himself through his clothes
We all know he’s quite vocal so he won’t hesitate to moan if he feels good
The moment you wake up your eyes land on him, sprawled out on the bed, cock in hand as he plays with his nipples
Your mouth waters at the sight, he gives you a lazy grin and asks if you want to fuck (ofc you do)
Too lazy to get into a proper position he’ll just pull whatever clothes are in the way to the side
He’ll do his best to hover over you, but he just ends up sort of laying on you while he humps into your hole like there’s no tomorrow
He pushes your shirt up so he can mark along your stomach and tease your nipples
You can’t tell who is more horny out of the two of you at this point
You buck your hips up into his and meet his thrusts, both of you trying to reach your orgasm desperately
Places his elbows next to your head so he can lean on them while caging you in
He slows down and starts thrusting as deeply as possible, pressing into your g-spot with every sloppy movement of his hips
Kissing along your neck he nibbles on your jawline, making sure to moan in your ear for good measure
He draws out both of your orgasms with the most painfully slow movement
When you do cum though, he makes sure it’s hard
He toys with all of your most sensitive spots while fucking his load into you, it leaves you shaking and blissful
Kim Taehyung
He’s so polite and well manner he just couldn’t do anything that could make you uncomfortable
He wakes you up gently and asks if you can help him with the sweetest look in his eyes
Without hesitation you lift your hips off of the bed so you can pull off your underwear and pajama pants in one motion, spreading your legs and giving him an inviting look
He scrambled to get between your legs, his hands shaking in excitement as he places them onto your knees
You leisurely begin to play with yourself, looking him in the eye while your fingers glide over your most sensitive spots
He pulls out his dick, immediately starting to pump himself
Pushing your hand away he replaces it with his own, beginning to jerk the two of you off at the same time
As the morning sun casts warm rays onto his face, you sigh in delight
When he feels as though he can’t wait any longer to be inside of you, he spits down onto his cock to wet it and begins prodding at your entrance
He glides in with one swift motion, his dick fitting inside of you perfectly
He stays at a steady pace the whole time, preferring to draw out your orgasms slowly
Even though it takes a while to cum this way, it makes the moment more about feeling each others warmth and love than just cranial desire
When you do cum though, it spreads through you in waves, taking over your whole body till you’re clenching and squirming
He loves seeing you get like this, just staring down at your pretty face as you cum on his cock
Jeon Jungkook
His brain is so fuzzy from sleep and being horny he doesn’t even process searching for your body through the sheets
He just grabs onto you and starts humping
No thought process or decision behind it, just pure instinct
They don’t just call him a bunny because of his appearance wink wink
And who are you to deny the poor boy an orgasm?
You mad been awake when he started humping you, so you helped him by holding his hips and guiding him
Once he wakes up and realizes what he’s doing he gets really flustered
Hiding in the crook of your next and mumbling apologies as he places soft pecks onto your skin
You just shush him and continue making him get off with your body
This certainly isn’t the first time you make him cum in his pants nor the last
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spiceofvy · 3 months
BTS - Teaching an innocent reader
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requested by: @dambaepuff
cws: gender neutral reader, nsfw, this made me blush while writing it, dirty talk, (soft) corruption, praise, could be read as d/s if you squint, slight degradation (jin), blowjobs (jin, yoongi, jimin), handjobs (hoseok, namjoon, taehyung, jungkook), implications of the reader also receiving pleasure, mentions of porn (taehyung), mentions of masturbating in front of someone (jungkook), mentions of edging (jungkook)
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Seokjin: Surprisingly he gets off the most on the idea of „taking your innocence.“ Also kinda the meanest about it as you try your best to get as much of his dick in your mouth. „Aww, you really never did this before. It's so obvious, so cute.“ „Helps“ you by pushing his hips up, not enough to choke you but just enough to startle you a bit as he suddenly shoves himself into your mouth deeper. He is not super vocal as you suck him off, as he is too high on his power trip, locking his eyes with your teary ones. His hands caressing your hair, petting your cheek, wiping your tears. „You can do more, I know it. Try harder for me.“ Encourages you to move your head on his dick, hearing you sigh around his cock as you feel his dick twitch in your mouth. He gets close to his orgasm faster than he realizes and pulls you away at the last second, coming all over your face. After he slips down from the couch onto the floor with you, wiping you clean with his shirt as his usual sweet persona returns. „You did amazing. So good for your first time. I‘m so proud. Made me feel really good.“ Gives you such great aftercare after.
Yoongi: He is oh so gentle with you. So understanding, almost tooth rotting sweet, reassuring you the whole time. „Don‘t worry about doing anything wrong, I will tell you exactly what to do.“ Helping you kneel down on the pillow he laid before his studio chair, so you don‘t hurt your soft little knees while you suck him off. He’s stroking your hair as he opens his thighs shuffling just a little bit closer, putting you face to face with his dick. „C‘mon no need to be shy, open my pants, little love.“ Chuckling at how hands shake just a little bit, as you reach for him you blush getting darker as you undress him. Secretly or not so secretly he puts all of his attention on how he likes to get pleased. He's not just teaching you how to give someone head, he is teaching you how he likes it. Where to suck, how deep to take him. He’s getting the biggest power rush from knowing that you are leaning all of this for him. Because you want to please him. Want him to feel good due to what you are doing. Ruining you for anyone else. „So good, keep doing. You know what I like, don't you?“ Pulls you onto his lap after he has come, holding you tightly, while he in turn makes you cum on his skilled fingers.
Hoseok: Oh he has so much fun „teaching“ you everything you need to know to make someone feel good, especially if that someone is him. Likes taking it nice and slow while he leads your hands down his body, cupping them in his when and slowly moves them over his dick. Shamelessly moaning in your ear, and cooing at how you blush. „Shouldn't it be me who is shy? I am the one who is naked after all. Cutie.“ Helps you jerk him off, showing you the moves. He has so many sinful yet sweet words of praise for you. „Keep going love, show me what you learned.“ Tells you when he feels close, whispering to squeeze harder, go just a bit faster, to not let go. „Doing so good for me, feeling so good. Aren‘t you listening well ?“ Squeezes you so tightly to his chest when he spills all over you, his hips twitching, riding out his orgasm. Wipes your hands clean after he comes before pressing you back onto the bed. Slowly kissing down your body, ready to repay you. Is really soft after you also came. Holding you tightly. Telling you again, and again how good you did. Just to start it all over again the next day.
Namjoon: Is so sweet and patient with you, dims all the lights so you feel less intimidated by the sight of bare skin. Hugs you tightly, laying your head on his chest, telling you to touch him whenever you feel ready for it. „Take your time, sweetheart. We‘re doing this at your tempo.“ Won't rush you, as you finally snake your hand down his sweatpants, under his underwear. Grazing his already half-hard cock, a soft sigh leaving his lips at the slightest touch worked up from anticipation. When he feels you hesitate, he takes your chin in his hand and turns your head to his, making you keep eye contact. „So good, the hardest part is done. Just touch me.“ Kisses you to calm your nerves, and moans into your mouth as you wrap your finger around his dick. Carefully you start pumping his dick, feeling his hip push towards your hand. „That's it. That's my baby. Keep going. You can do it.“ He keeps encouraging you, his hips doing most of the work. Not big on giving you direct orders, likes to teach by positive reinforcement. He comes almost embarrassingly quickly, but neither of you mind, as he hugs you even closer, kissing your cheek softly.
Jimin: Usually calm-headed in bed but the way your big innocent eyes look up at him, is doing things to him. Are awaken something in him. His eyes look dazed as he sees you sitting between his thighs, shaking trying to open his fly, but slipping. „Try again, you can do it.“ Laughs, when you blush, making you blush even more, as you sit a bit helplessly in front of his dick, eyeing it. „C‘mon you are a smart baby, aren‘t you? Try to lick it, it's intuition, I promise.“ So responsive too, getting loud so easily, as you shyly give his tip kitten licks. Buries his hand in your hair but stops himself from pushing you down, softly urging you to take something into your mouth, and more and more. Not once are you breaking eye contact and it makes him crazy. Not really helpful with advice, but his moans are enough to give you an idea of what he likes. „Look at you, doing so good for me. So perfect. Sweetest of them all.“ Comes on your mouth but immediately hands you a tissue in case you want to spit it out. Helps you onto the couch, caressing your sensitive knees. Promising to kiss them better later but first he repays you in pleasure.
Taehyung: Uses porn to help get his point across, not caring how flustered you get by the idea of the two of you watching such kinds of videos together. Sits next to you on the couch, some amateur porn running on his big-screen TV. Opens his pants and as he slowly pulls your hand to his crotch he whispers commentary into your ear. „See how he moves his hand over tip, that feels really good. C‘mon try to copy him.“ Guides your hand onto his dick, leaving you your only choice to either look at the sinful video, his face, or his cock. „Just move up and down. So good, keep going for me.“ Moans close to your ear as you do as he tells you. Pressing kisses to your cheek and neck, whispering more and more praise. As he gets closer and closer, his hips start moving on his own, working in tandem with you. The video ended already but you keep going, his sounds making you feel hot yourself, shifting in your seat. He comes over your hands, dripping onto his expensive couch but he doesn‘t care as he kisses you hurriedly. „You did amazing, what a natural talent you are.“ Kisses down your neck while undoing your pants, getting to lesson two, how to be good for him as he makes you feel just as amazing.
Jungkook: Believes in „learning by showing“, because how are you supposed to learn when you have no example to follow? Which is how you ended up with him sitting in front of you, naked stroking his dick. Telling you everything he believes you need to know to give an amazing handjob. „You need to pay attention to the base too. See?.“ He comments, as he strokes himself for you, cock shiny with the excessive amount of lube he used. Gets himself so close, making sure you get to see the whole process, „Don‘t look away. Look at me. Only at me.“ Just when he is about to come, he rips his hand away, edging himself for you. Before urging you to come try yourself, just do what he did. You can do it, he believes in you. Pulls you onto his lap, sitting chest to chest, as you reach down, shyly taking his dick into your hand, still wet with the lube. Feeling how hard and hot he is your hand. You try to imitate his moves, his eyes not leaving yours once. „Doing great, amazing. Learning so fast for me.“ Comes really fast due to his edging, and turns into a lovesick puppy afterward. He is just so proud of what you accomplished. And while he cuddles up to you, whispering sweet words, his still lube slick hands move into your pants, ready to make it even.
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woncon · 1 year
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☼ wake up !
or four ficlets about waking up beside your boyfriends
☼various poly bts pairs x gn!reader
☼estabilished poly relationships, one swear word (damn), nicknames, kissing
☼special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
☼bts masterlist | main masterlist
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☼ jin ┊ namjoon ☼
a rattling wakes you from your sweet sleep. something heavy has fallen to the floor. tired, you whimper and dive deeper into the blanket to protect yourself from the outside world: the sound, the sunlight coming through the window and the cold.
"damn," you hear the swearing as someone crawls back on the bed, wrapping their arms around your waist. you realise that the chill you felt was due to the fact that he wasn't lying behind you.
"did you fall, joonie?" you look out from under the duvet with half-closed eyes. the answer is an annoyed hum. "are you okay?" he buries his face in your neck and nods.
"go back to sleep. jin's alarm will go off soon, but you can rest until then."
you sigh and pull him closer to your back.
"you too." you roll over him, squeezing him a little, eliciting a surprised groan from him, and bury your head in his chest, pushing him further into the mattress. "i won't let you fall down again." namjoon smiles at how sweet you are half asleep, before sleeping again.
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☼ hoseok ┊ yoongi ☼
you wake up to a gentle caress. the skin of your face, neck and shoulders tingle gratefully with the touch.
"what time is it? what day is it? what year is it? where am i? who am i?" you mutter a barrage of questions as you find yourself confronted with hoseok's smile and loving gaze. you usually wake up to this beautiful sight, and each time pushes you into oblivion: only he exists.
"haha, i ask the same question every time i see you two," hoseok giggles, then starts stroking and arranging your hair like you used to do with his.
"shut up!", yoongi groans tiredly, and then, hugging the other boy tighter, he presses a kiss on his shoulder, burying his head in the smaller boy's neck.
"grumpy sleepyhead," you laugh, and crawl closer to them, pushing the blanket a little lower over your body so you can hug more effectively.
yoongi sighs a couple of times and settles in again before kissing you to let you know that he is fine, that everything was fine with the nap, but that he would like to rest.
"another half an hour?" hoseok offers to the man lying behind him.
"fine, but you'll do the breakfast then" you agree, and greet hobie with a morning kiss.
"hmn." the eldest reaches out his arm to gently caress your waist until your wakefulness wears off.
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☼ taehyung ┊ jungkook ☼
in the morning your only wish is to wake up in the arms of your boyfriends. although this is achieved, waking up now is unpleasant because of the noise it causes.
"it can't be true," jungkook mutters angrily, unbelievingly, against the thin skin of your neck, hugging you tighter. he wants to hide behind you, but when the horrible concert refuses to end, he groans crankily.
he sighs contently as he presses the pillow over his head, revealing more of his upper-body artistry: the sharp lines of his shoulders, his biceps and triceps, his abdominal wall thanks to the sliding blanket.
you're not happy about his estrangement, but you accept and understand it, hoping both of you get back to your dreams.
you imagine his chubby cheeks, parted locks and half-open eyes, so that you can go back to sleep, but the activity is precluded by the noise from outside.
"who's the idiot who mows the lawn at 4.30 a.m. on a sunday?" taehyung grumbles to his partners, or rather to you, that he is now half awake, but not in the mood.
"our neighbor, auntie kwon's daughter, who's been grumpy from the first moment she saw us."
"what can i say, she's off to a good start on her first day at her mother's." the eldest clings to you, pulls his body up on the bed and buries his head in the pillow. "i don't think i'll sleep until tonight." he declares that he's given up trying, unlike jungkook, who shows no signs of life except for breathing, so you conclude that his plan worked and he's taking a nap successfully.
"i'll join you," you announce, and kiss him. you're lucky to open your eyes, because it means you get to share in the sight of taehyung's first smile of the day. your heart melts, and only continues to flow as the other pulls the blanket over you to give you a more private kiss.
getting lost in the sound of your kissing and your occasional bursts of laughter, it feels like the lawn mower has been turned down. only you and taehyung exist, this is your own realm under the covers.
but the world will only be complete when jungkook resigns himself to the fact that he can no longer nap and climbs under the blanket, hoping to get some of the innocent love you are showering on each other.
his dreams come true, as taehyung leans over you and greets him with his lips, and you do the same after turning to him. meanwhile, taehyung is kissing your neck with sloppy kisses, and every area he can reach from the top of your pyjamas.
you'll sink into the tender caress: in this loving, sensual atmosphere, there's no room for anything heavy or distracting, neither of your minds focused on the song of the fierce shearing tool, but on each other, on the more precious, priceless spiritual factors.
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☼ jimin ┊ yoongi ☼
you prefer to be woken by jimin, because you don't like ringtones, and he wakes the earliest of the three of you, snuggled up to your neck.
"pretty" this is how he starts the process, with little caresses and pecks. he continues to call and caress you until you wake up, embracing him, expressing that you are awake.
"good morning!" you return his many pecks with a kiss, then turn to your other side. if yoongi is not hanging around your waist then usually by morning he is facing the wall.
now it's your turn to wake up. you cover the free skin with your lips, and you're satisfied when the boy whimpers, it's a state of half-sleep.
"love!" you nuzzle against his body, whispering sweetly. you're getting a little chilly, you've pulled the covers off during the night. "chim and i want to cuddle you before breakfast." the boy, as if yoongi sees something of him, nods vigorously.
"hug each other," he murmurs, uninterested in the subject.
"are you trading us for sleep? is that what this is about?" you gasp in indignation, disappointment at his reaction. before you can really believe he's that mean, he flashes a yoongi grin and pulls you into his embrace. a surprised chuckle breaks out from you, and as jimin joins in, the three of you laugh at nothing, at sweet nothingness.
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7ndipity · 2 years
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(Requests are open, check guidelines)
Multi-stan writing blog: @lonelystczennie
Fan blogs: @suga-kookie-chaos @breakyourperfection
About/guidelines/wip list
Incorrect Quotes
Guide: 💜-Fluff 🌧-Hurt/Comfort 💥-Angst 🔥-Suggestive 🗯-Crack 🔞-Smut
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Spooktober m.list
Serendipity m.list
Non-Linear m.list
Drabbles (non-specific)
Timebomb (request) 💥🌧
Individual Members
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joonlaksme · 11 months
October 17th
Park Jimin x Camboy
Contains: Gender Neutral Reader
Word count: 700+
Kinktober Masterlist
“Today, I wanted to show you these…things I found.” Jimin starts buttoning down his shirt. “For some reason, you really wanted to see my chest so I worked really hard to make it look pretty for you.”
Covering his nipples are heart shaped pasties that are a nice shade of red. All over the rest of his chest and stomach is covered in red glitter. It’s a light bringer in person than on camera but his viewers are going crazy. Men, women, and everyone in between are in love with everything Jimin but this is the first time in his 2 year long camboy career that he’s shown his chest.
“What should we do today? Any suggestions?” He leans in closer to his monitor and reads the fast messages. “Take them off? I don’t think so. I’m a bit nervous about that.” Jimin is lying but he enjoys slowly revealing himself to his fans rather than just giving them what they want. It keeps them coming back for more, pointing out a new slither of skin when they see it.
Jimin wiggles down his shorts a bit along with his underwear, his cock hitting his glitter dusted stomach. “I’ve been actually hard for a bit. I had this really…interesting dream.”
And immediately his viewers ask what it was about.
Immediately his imagination flashes with thoughts about you. Guilty, he takes his cock into his hand and strokes it, lips subtly mouthing your name before he starts telling the details of his wet dream.
“They were wearing this…really eye catching black dress. A lot of it was blurry and we weren’t even in a fancy place or a club or anything like that. We were in my room. They were dressed for me, I think.” He huffs out. “They never said a thing the whole time. They just looked at me…like they were ready to devour me.”
Jimin sits back in his chair, closing his eyes to relive and soak in his memories. He could remember this particular dream feeling and looking more realistic than his typical nonsensical ones. Edges were blurry but you were there in complete detail. “I felt weighted, too. Like I had to get on my knees.”
He opens his eyes again, this time they’re glossy. He glances at this chat and chuckles. They’re begging for him to get to the best part already, anticipating this story and what exactly had Park Jimin hard all day.
“They never took off any of their clothes but they pushed me on my bed. I remember them…” and he exhales.
He’s already close at the thought of what you did next. You, his coworker at his boring office job. His job where no one knows his secret camboy side work. Why he’s able to afford all these name brands, and the apartment he lives in at his age.
No one knew expect for you. You never held this knowledge over his head but you did look at him in a different way. You flirted with him and bent over to pick up pens a little too often. You knew the way it affected him so you would smirk and blow a kiss his way. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about you these past few days.
He hopes you’re watching right now.
Jimin cums in his hands before he can finish his story, quickly apologizing to his viewers. His cheeks are flamed pink with embarrassment. He could usually last long than that but today seems to be the exception. For the duration of the stream, after cleaning up, he spends the last five minutes conversing and making promises to edge in his next one.
He says bye with his lips pursed and then lays back on his chair with a sigh. What a mess, both literally and figuratively. Then he hears his phone go off in a call. It’s not often that people call him so it peaks his interest and he’s standing up and grabbing his phone from his carefully crafted, wooden bookshelf. You’re calling him.
He doesn’t hesitate to answer but maybe he should have. “He-“ His voice cracks and he clears his throat, “Hello?”
There’s silence at first. A thick silence. But then you’re telling him your address very slowly. You tell him to be there as fast as he can. You finish the call by saying that you’d like to hear him finish his story. Jimin lips part but then he’s rushing to shove his wallet, phone, and keys in his pockets.
He’s so glad you knew he was thinking about you.
All likes, reblogs, and comment feedback are appreciated for stories like this. Friendly reminder that reblogs spread more than likes!
All rights are reserved © joonlaksme
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gfksn · 1 year
[1:23 p.m] — yoo jimin
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walking hand in hand with karina, you both explored the aquarium. “this one looks like you,” you giggled, gesturing toward the blowfish that made its way toward the glass. karina scoffed and playfully shoved your shoulder, causing you to erupt in a fit of laughter. “i’m kidding, i’m kidding.” “if that looks like me, then this one looks like you,” she said, pointing to one of the fishes. you had to admit, it was rather unattractive. “oh, hush!” you hissed and karina scrunched up her nose at you. you both walked further down the hallway, exclaiming in wonder as a stingray glided across the water above you. “look at it’s little face,” you cooed, “so cute.” karina smiled softly, finding your admiration for the creature quite endearing. “not as cute as you,” she muttered.
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perm. taglist: @jangwonie @enhacolor @chacottone @ox1-lovesick @meowrinz
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© gfksn — do not repost, copy or translate my work !
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princesslachimolala · 11 months
The 8th Member of Bangtan💜
Chapter 4 - The Dance Practice 💥✨🪩
Synopsis: you (y/n 🦊) are the 8th member of bts and are involved in all the fun and banter with the boys as you work on your music and side projects for army
Pairings: platonic! ot7 x gn! reader
Warnings: angst, gossip, slight arguments, discussions of self worth and self doubt
A/n: yn faces off with dance instructor Jung Hoseok and some gossipy staff members in this one… as usual yn is gender neutral so read the honorific’s as they apply to you, also ‘Cha Hwa-young’ is just a random name I plucked off the internet and is in reference to no one with the same name
Your alarm was blaring and the echo of Hobi’s words were in your brain.
“Dance practise at 7am”
You rolled out of bed and slipped on the workout outfit you’d planned the night before (something simple yet stylish so on the off chance the staff would film some of the practice for army, you’d look presentable).
Preparing for a comeback was no joke… constant lyric writing, recording and choreography sessions. Anything to make the perfect songs and performance for army.
Today you are all working on the choreo for ‘Dynamite’ which meant excessive sweating and the scrutiny of dance teacher Jung Hoseok.
“I’m gonna miss Hobi today” you said to Jungkook and Jimin, the others having left earlier, leaving the 3 of you to catch up to the studio.
“How? Is he not gonna be there, noona/hyung?” Jungkook asked still sleepy and rubbing his eyes.
“He’ll be there kookie, I just mean he’s gonna be in his serious dance instructor mode today” you explained, expression glum.
“Ah come on dongsaengie, cheer up” Jimin said squishing your mouth into the shape of a smile, “it’s gonna be a fun practice… besides that’s how we get our dances perfect right?”
His arching eyebrows and imploring expression made you nod in agreement… one cup of coffee and you’d be fine.
Or so you thought.
Pulling up to the HYBE building, your phone buzzed.
🐨: heads up guys… there’s a new assistant staff member in today
🐻: she’s pretty
🐱: Tae be professional, she’s only just across the room
All of a sudden, Jungkook and Jimin came to life at the mention of a new, pretty staff member. You were also intrigued but now you were even more nervous.
These days the staff (especially the core staff) didn’t change and rotate that much. Most of the staff that worked closely with you and boys had been working for years, allowing you to become trusted confidants and somewhat friends.
Jungkook could sense your unease as he wrapped his muscly arm around your shoulder and pulled you in for a reassuring hug.
“It’ll be alright noona/hyung”
And boy was he wrong.
The minute you stepped into the rehearsal room the vibe was different.
The boys were huddled in one corner of room rather than spread out, their collective bodies hiding the fact they were talking and giggling with to a new member of staff. The three of you approached the throng and Jungkook cleared his throat to alert his hyungs to your presence.
“Ah, here they all are!” Namjoon greeted you all, parting the group, revealing the dark-haired woman still dressed in her long parka coat.
“Jimin-ssi, Jungkook-ssi, yn-ssi” she said with a low bow.
“This is Cha Hwa-young” Hobi did the introducing with a big smile on his face - he always loved meeting new staff.
The three of you returned the greeting with a short bow.
“Where’s the coffee, Hobah?” you tapped Hobi on the shoulder.
He rolled his shoulder to get your finger off him and turned from his apparently hilarious conversation with Hwa-young to answer you, slightly annoyed expression on his face.
“I don’t know yn, go ask the staff members, I’m sure they’ve did the run already”
It seemed like your prediction was right, Hobi was already annoyed and you hadn’t even begun to dance yet.
Speaking of, dance practise was now running 15 minutes late because the boys were busy getting to know Hwa-young, though you stayed back from the conversation because every time you tried to interject you’d be brushed off or ignored.
What you didn’t notice was that the one youngest and one oldest member were hanging about closer to you than they usually did during dance practice.
“Here dongsaengie” Jin said passing you your cup of hot coffee.
Jin and Jungkook could definitely read you and the staff members better than the rest - in other words they could see you sulking more than usual and the new staff member turning a bit cold towards you compared to how she was buttering up the boys.
“Should we start the rehearsal now Hobi hyung?” Jungkook suggested, making Hobi check his watch with a surprised face.
“Ah yes right! Let’s just pick up from where we left off the last time”
After some stretching, you and the boys took your starting positions and the beat of ‘Dynamite’ rang across the studio. You tried to ignore the glaring look Hwa-young sent you from across the room.
The first run through went well and Hobi seemed pleased with everyone.
“What did you think Hwa-young-ssi?” he asked.
She looked somewhat taken aback but pleased at the direct question.
“It was wonderful, Jhope-ssi!” she complimented with a bow, gaining agreements from the other staff and preening from the group, “though I think yn-ssi stepped on Jungkooks foot? You better watch Jungkook-ssi, your lace is undone now”
Everyone looked at Jungkooks shoe, and of course, his lace was undone.
“Ah I’m sorry Kook! Did I step on your foot?” you rushed down to your knees to help him tie his lace again.
You swore you could here some snickers over at the far side of the wall where the staff was standing.
“Just a little bit noona/hyung… it’s okay it wasn’t sore!” Jungkook sought to reassure you before you fretted.
“It’s okay yn-ie, I’m clumsy all the time” Joon offered you a hand up from the ground with a reassuring smile.
You got up and dusted yourself off, both physically and mentally.
“I’m gonna watch the next run through” Hobi said standing in front of the group, arms folded and concentration evident on his face.
“It wasn’t that bad baby petal” Jin tried to reassure you.
“He was mad at me too, yn-ie” Jimin tuned in.
“He’s not mad, he’s just stressed and wants to get the choreo right,” Yoongi said, sitting down at the lunch table.
The staff came up to you all with water and bowls of lunch (bibimbap from today’s menu) and sat down away from the group.
“Where is hyung anyway?” Jungkook asked.
“He’s reviewing the dance footage” Tae said with a mouthful of seaweed and rice.
“He should come eat soon… I’ll go and get him” Jin stood up.
Suddenly without his broad shoulders shielding you, you felt the eyes of hybe’s cafeteria goers and most unsettlingly, those of the group of staff you knew had been in dance practise with you all. Hwa-young, though, was missing among them.
Jin returned with Hobi in tow. The expression on his face was indecipherable but he didn’t really look up from his bibimbap bowl while he talked.
“We need to tighten up the choreo guys… I know we’ve only just finalised it but we’ve got less than a month left before the company will want to start recording us practice and start recording the music video”
“We’ll get there Hobi hyung” jimin offered hopefully.
“It’s just frustrating Jiminie, I want it all to look perfect as soon as possible, otherwise it gives me anxiety”
“You’re the best dancer here hyung” namjoon offered to the unusually downtrodden man, “it just takes some of us a bit longer”
“I know Joon, I can’t expect perfect from some of you straight away, but I usually expect my dance line to perform well”
The words hung in the air. Everyone knew by that he meant Jungkook, Jimin, Tae and you. And who had been messing up the most all morning? You had.
Sure the hyungs needed a few minutes more of individual coaching from Hobi than the rest and Namjoon in particular could be prone to tripping, but you knew by the look on his face Hobi expected more from his maknaes.
You sat with your head low, hating to disappoint any of your members. You could feel eyes on you and became overcome with the need to escape.
“Sorry oppa/hyung” you mumbled, before standing from your seat, “excuse me”
You walked to the first place you could find to be alone. The bathroom. But before you could round the corner you heard the voice you’d been hearing all afternoon. Hwa-young.
“Poor jhope-ssi, he’s so stressed about the dance… they’re the one that came in late with Jungkook and Jimin… what was their name again?”
“Yn?” the voice of another staff member offered.
“Ah yes, well they’re apparently part of bts dance line but from this morning you’d find that hard to believe” she snickered, followed by a burst of laughter.
Sometimes you hated the labels associated with being an idol. Sure you were part of rapline… that was a given since you rapped all your verses in bts’s songs. But dancing wasn’t always your strong suit. Jimin and Hobi were trained professionals before they joined the bighit label in their pre-debut days. And Jungkook was just naturally talented at things while Tae had his own flare that army ate up during a performance.
You don’t even know why you were proclaimed as part of dance line when you felt like you couldn’t live up to their expertise or talent. And hearing Hobi and the staffs words all but confirmed your doubts.
Maybe… you thought, you’d have to rethink your position in the team. This afternoon you’d been clunky and causing delays. Maybe bangtan would be better without you, you thought.
You couldn’t be noticed by the staff now so you walked to the further away bathroom to get some quiet and clear your head.
You had only been sitting in the bathroom stall for 10 minutes when a text came through.
🐰: noona/hyung… are you okay?
🦊: fine kookie, just in the bathroom
🐰: hyungs say we’re heading back into practice in 5
You gave the message a thumbs up and put you phone back in your pocket. It wasn’t too late to back out, the promos for the Dynamite comeback hadn’t happened yet. They could easily cut your lines or have someone else in rapline re-record them so they wouldn’t go to waste. For now you swallowed those thoughts down and walked back to the practice room.
Jungkook was looking at you with wide boba eyes and Jin looked concerned.
“Everything okay baby petal?”
“Yes oppa/hyung, just a stomach ache”
“Can you still dance?”
He had no idea how hard that question hit but you just painted on a smile and nodded anyway.
Yet again the rest of the boys were oblivious, gathered around Hwa-young and her quickly acquired friends, talking and giggling.
Once you announced yourself, the members got to practising over and over until early evening until Hobi was completely satisfied with the days work. Everyone left the studio with aching muscles but only one member left with a head full of self doubts.
“Jhope-ssi, would you and the group like to come with us to dinner?”
“Ah that would be nice noona,” Hobi turned to the group, “you want food guys?”
Noona? After only one day of getting familiar, you thought.
Everyone nodded, even Jin and Jungkook who could never deny food, probably even from their worst enemy.
“Yn-ssi” Hwa-young addressed you, “you probably won’t want to come along with that upset stomach you talked about having earlier”
Inside you seethed. But really she was right. You didn’t want to be around anyone for any longer today and certainly not her.
“I’ll turn in for the night, see you guys later” though you had no intention of leaving your bedroom to socialise tonight or even answer the door for that matter.
“Alright, it was very nice to meet you” she gave a bow and headed for the cars.
You returned it, but only because she was your elder.
“Noona/hyung, please come with us, we’ll only worry” Jungkook pleaded.
“Really I’ll be fine Kook, go with your hyungs and have fun, it’s been a long day” you chased him.
He looked somewhat forlorn as he walked away with Jin, who turned at the last second and mouthed “you okay?” to you, to which you replied with a nod.
You certainly weren’t okay but you didn’t intend to ruin dinner after being the reason that a dance practice session had soured.
You got a separate car back to the dorms, had your single bowl of ramen (because you knew you’d face the wrath of Jin if you didn’t eat) and headed to bed.
You had a lot to think about and a lot of time to do it before they got home.
A/n: leaving this one on a cliffhanger sorry! will 8th member of bangtan want to stay or will they take some convincing? 🤔 hope you enjoyed some angst (we still love all the boys in this house) but we’ll see a continuation of this storyline in the next fic… then maybe back to some lighter storylines lol 💖
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gyusfavlibra · 2 years
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Pairings: Kim Taehyung x gn reader!
Warnings: Language, fluff
Word Count: 1.2K
The dull sun reflected around the boxed room. The light hitting perfectly onto the scenery through the white curtains that did the opposite of keeping it from being too bright.
Soft snores and breaths had filled the room like a home-made vinyl record. The only thing you could hear besides the sprinkling rain drops that had began moments ago. Slapping onto the glass. Which caused such a tedious vibe in the whole house.
You had just awoken, squinting your eyes at the light entering through the window just feet away. Through the thin strip of opened curtain, you could see just a glimpse of greyish clouds. The sky was a mixture of navy blue and somewhat lighter sea blue. You could tell by how the outside still had a shadow to it, the time couldn't have been any later than 6.
It shocked you to know you had awoken at all this early considering how late you went to bed the night before.
You shut your sore orbs as you held a hand over them to rub the fuzziness away. Your system began to adjust as you actually woke up once you stared at the ceiling, groaning internally to yourself that you had to even leave the bed.
Just as you were about to do so, you felt a weight on your stomach practically pulling your body back down onto the mattress.
"Hm, don't go."
You sighed at the male figure beside you. The groggy tact tone in his voice sounding the same as it did every morning. "Taehyung, I have to use the bathroom."
"Hold it."
You removed his arm from your body and rolled off the fluffy California King bed. All the space you both had for yourselves and you still slept so close together. Such a comforting touch to your bond.
Your business didn't take long. The whole time you were so distracted by your sleepy boyfriend making groans in the next room. Not loud, but for the time of day, it was as loud as a 100 volumed television.
You washed your hands, drying them with a purple hand towel and exiting the bathroom. You looked over at Taehyung, taking note of his new position. He now laid on his back rather than his side. An arm over his eyes so an elbow was pointed in the air.
Your spot was still wide open. Ready to be filled back with your warmth once again. "Y/n, hurry up. I'm feeling lonely and empty."
"You're like a big baby," you argued while grabbing a hoodie near by. Taehyung's sweater to be specific, placing it on your body. The coolness now hitting your body when moving around.
"I'll be even more of a baby if you don't hurry the hell up and come lay with me."
You groaned. "I'm coming. I'm coming."
Turning on the heat of the house, you shuffled back to the bed. Getting the sudden urge to check the alarm next to your side of the mattress once you returned. You gained a hint of self confidence once you realized you had guessed the time correctly.
Bright green numbers flashed on the little black technology. Only reading 6:13.
You turned to face Taehyung's drowsy body. Rubbing your index finger over his lips, then his chin, and all the way to his neck. Dotting at all his moles and beauty marks you loved the most. Now, just letting your pointer sit there softly. Taehyung enjoyed the graze. Feeling a great comfort in your minor yet soothing touch.
You did every morning. Even now feeling so lucky he'll get his special treatment twice in one day since you had awoken early.
"That feels nice."
You passed a smile even though he wasn't particularly looking at you. You gave a pout at the fact and then used your finger to push his face to look at you. His eyes were still shut.
The sudden feeling of your lips touching his getting a recieve of eye contact in return.
He glanced down at your beautiful but bare face. Admiring your shiny eyes, gorgeous smile, cute rosey cheeks he loved to kiss so much. He flashed the toothy smile millions of people would kill to see on a regular basis like you did.
But Taehyung was glad people didn't. Because to him, you were too special.
So special he felt only you deserved to see his bright adorable smile every single day. At least in the type of state.
Newly awoken, tired, but lovable. You traced his pinky lips with your thumb. Taehyung taking your digit in between his teeth. You giggled softly. The laughter coming out more so at a sigh because of the raspy like tone.
"My finger," you fake pout. Taehyung kisses it in replacement.
"I'm sorry, princess."
You peck the corner of his mouth. Causing that exact corner to lift. Part of his pearly teeth peeking between his lips.
"Can I have your smile?" you asks softly.
"Only if I can have your heart."
You giggled, quietly, you were still pretty dozed. "You already own that."
"I own it?"
"You own it."
Hearing those words made his whole chest tighten with excitement. He wanted to test the waters and go further. "In twenty years from now?"
"You'd still own it-"
"I'd still fucking own it!"
He punched a weak fist into the air like he just began celebrating an world wide accomplishment. You laughed at this and huddled closer to his figure. Taehyung wasted no time tangling your legs together under the large sage comforter.
The cool sheets resting your skin.
Your boyfriend wrapped an arm around you, using his fingers to rub a line up and down your back. You relaxed at this, doing the same to his inner forearm. The touches were pleasing to each other. Enough to make to both of you get to the fast need to fall back asleep.
"I love you, Y/n."
You blushed at this sentence. No matter how times a day he said it, you couldn't help but fluster. It made you feel homey. Belonged.
In Taehyung's arm is where you belonged. Where you'll always wanna be. Now and forever.
You looked into his dark orbs, passing your own sighting back and forth from his eyes to lips. Taehyung noticed this and made the move. He placed him soft lips onto yours. Taking them away for just a second to give another. And another.
You loved the continuous center of joy and affection you always got from Taehyung. It was what made you so close and comfortable. Because you were so open.
You pecked the corner of his lips for the second time since you returned to the bed. Resting your head into his neck. His cheek laying against yours because of such close proximity.
"I love you, Taehyung."
As if the words were a spell, the couple fell back to sleep into each other's arms. Enjoying the airwaves of love that kept you together.
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male-reader-haven · 2 years
Sick in Bed (BTS Imagine)
BTS react to their boyfriend being bed-ridden sick (maknae line)
Tags: gender neutral, wholesome
Warnings: none
Here is part 2! Give me some suggestions for imagines/short stories for more!!!
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Jimin would genuinely be worried about you. Since he in general is an affectionate person and touchy, he would constantly be near you, hugging you and keeping you warm. He would want to make sure you feel loved and safe and would gladly sit with you, watching over your shoulder as you both scroll through tiktok and pass the time.
"Stay close to me and I will chase the sickness away! I'm right here for you, lets just cuddle and heal together, okay cutie?"
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Tae is the kind of boyfriend to be clingy and cuddly, even when you are sick. He will constantly visit your room just to check up on you and be nosy. He may be annoying at times you want to be alone, but you love him anyways. Expect to have him smother you with affection!
"Oh, are you sleeping? Feeling any better? It's lonely by myself, can I just sleep in here with you?"
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JK is all about rehab and helping you get healthy as fast as possible. He will make sure you eat what you need to, get enough sleep and sunlight, and altogether make sure you are taken care of. He pushes you to work to get better, but is still gentle and caring. He just wants you to be your best self!
"How's my baby today? How about we get up and go for a walk in the sun and fresh air? I'll hold your hand and hug you if you get cold, c'mon, it will be good for you."
Send me suggestions on what to write next! ~<3
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drmflm · 2 years
forelsket . pjm
: the euphoria of falling in love for the first time
➺ summary: you were tempted by the one creature who would only ever bring you heartbreak: jimin.
➺ pairing: jimin x gn!non-human!reader
➺ word count: 600
➺ genre: angst
➺ au: non-human, breakup?
➺ rating: pg-15
➺ warnings: cynicism, slight anti-human sentiments, reader is rlly not having a good time rn, sadness, heartbreak
➺ note: inspired by my own experience with love—or i guess heartbreak. this is my way of processing it ig :’)
➺ masterlist
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There’s something so tempting about the things that you know you’ll never have. Like the sugary sweets forbidden to you in childhood, or the sweet allure of danger in adolescence.
Humans were always driven by their instinct to disobey, to pursue the things they knew they shouldn’t, to love the things that were wrong to love.
And you were no different. You were adopting their ways, you yourself were becoming human.
Because maybe you, too, wanted the one thing you knew you would never have: Park Jimin.
You never meant for him to become such a force. You never intended to have this inclination for danger, this longing for affection—it just so happened that with every whisper of his breath, every flutter of his hair, every blink of his lashes, you found yourself more deeply entrenched in the weight of your affection, in the euphoria of loving him.
His sweet voice brought life to you, a creature who thrived on musicality, on rhythm, to survive. He evened the scales of life, a sweet crescendo in a climate of bass, a gentle uptick in a world of gloom.
He became your pillar, drawing you in and taking you out. He was what you needed.
So maybe it was good to love him, to be entrenched in his sweet, sweet voice, to be mesmerized by his glittering brown eyes. But he was human and would always be.
No law said you couldn’t be with him, but the fundamental differences of your nature made for an unlikely match. He’d be far too disgusted by your lack of needs—after all, didn’t humans fall in love because they needed too much? They needed love, they needed food, they needed companionship. If you were fully autonomous of all things… did you still harbour the ability to truly feel love? To be a truly good partner?
He showed you the recesses of his music folder, confided to you the deepest of thoughts that lingered on his mind, offered you a glimpse into the person that he was.
You two sang together, loved together, spent your moments together. But it wouldn’t be enough. It would never be enough.
No matter how beautiful he was, no matter how sweet and pulling his voice would be, nothing would change how addicted you were to the euphoria of his love, nothing would change how mesmerized you were by him.
And aren’t all the best things the worst ones in disguise? It ate away at you until you felt suffocated. When you felt yourself in love it was like something clicked and slowly fizzled out.
Like when he knew he had you, all of a sudden everything changed. Like a siren finally holding their captured, the blissful illusion melted away to reveal sharp claws and fearsome fangs.
It wasn’t love anymore, it was temptation. It would always be temptation of a thing too good to be true. That initial phase of falling in love was filled with false promises, filled with lies and misperceptions of a wholesome love.
No, love didn’t exist. Not when it came to humans.
Temptation. It would always be temptation.
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copyright © 2022 svt1117
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dambaepuff · 8 months
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🦷 - fluff
🚬 - angst
⭐️ - smut
🎀 - fem!reader
🫧 - gn!reader
🧸- m!reader
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☆Morning wood ⭐️🫧 (hyung line, reactions)
☆Morning Wood ⭐️🫧(maknae line, reactions)
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Jin | Kim Seokjin
TO BE HUMAN 🦷🫧⭐️ (one-shot)
☆Summary: You meet a handsome stranger and his two kids whilst walking your dog. His kids appear to take a liking to your dog, but he seems to have his eyes set on the other end of the leash.
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Suga | Min Yoongi
REGRETS ⭐️🎀🦷 🚬 (request, one shot)
☆Summary: your insecurities and jealousy lead to a petty argument, what better way to make it up to each other than an emotional fuck?
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RM | Kim Namjoon
STRAW-BEAR-IES 🦷🫧 (one-shot)
☆Summary: You noticed the strawberries in your garden started going missing a few weeks ago, the bushes often being smushed as if something big stepped onto them. Slowly you start to find other parts of your large garden in disarray as well. Who might be this crop thief stealing from you?
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J-Hope | Jung Hoseok
Nothing here…
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Jimin | Park Jimin
Nothing here…
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V | Kim Taehyung
Nothing here…
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Jungkook | Jeon Jeongguk
LIKE OR LIKE LIKE 🦷🚬⭐️🫧 (one-shot)
☆Summary: After Jeongguk’s Valentines date bailed on him, he came home defeated and upset. In your attempt to comfort him things get heated.
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spiceofvy · 6 months
Can you please write dumb/cute/random things BTS members will do while they are crushing on reader?
BTS - Things they do when they are in love with you
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cw: gender neutral reader, sfw, just pure fluff
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Seokjin: Takes lots of photos with you. He just wants to remember everything he does with you. Would totally use every new selfie of the two of you as his new lockscreen. Even if you don't feel pretty or are in the middle of eating something he quickly whips out his phone to take a selfie with you. And of course taking a lot of candid pictures of you, to use as lockscreens too. And if you ever call him out for it he just pretends that he just likes to see his own face which definitely is also true but not the main reason.
Yoongi: Always lets you into his space. As soon as he realizes how much you mean to him you get the code to his studio. Free entry, no texts beforehand. He just wants you around him all the time and he doesn't mind sharing his space with you. May it be to eat together, so you can watch him work while you relax or even working simultaneously on different things. He is fine with all of it. And while everybody has to be cautious about not bothering him, you don't have to because he could never be annoyed with you.
Hoseok: Wants to be friends with your friends. He just loves spending time with you and there is no better way to get closer to you than with friend hangouts. Definitely adds everyone on social media after meeting them once and makes it a big deal to spend some time with them so not only they get a good opinion of him but also so you can see how well he fits into your already existing life. Also will ask for embarrassing stories about you.
Namjoon: Gets even more clumsy. All you need to do is to walk into a room for him to literally drop whatever he is holding. But also just trips over things, pushes things over and all that good stuff. Your presence is just too much for him and he doesn't know how to move his body when you are watching him. Also forgets how well spoken he is and says the dumbest stuff while stuttering. Congratulations, you burned his brain away.
Jimin: Texts you all the time. And I mean it. Nonstop. He is getting his makeup done? He texts you. He sits in the cab to get to the venue? He texts you. He is just about to fall asleep? He texts you. It's just his favorite activity and even if you can't answer immediately he just needs to tell you everything he thinks about. Also sends you so many selfies all over the day. No matter if they're funny or pretty.
Taehyung: Collects little trinkets for you. He almost always thinks of you and in turn always sees something that he thinks would be perfect for you to have. Maybe it's a rock that works well for your collection. Or a CD of your favorite artist you don't have yet. Or just a neat seashell he finds at the beach. Always also really proud about giving them to you, excited to see your happy reaction when he gives you something.
Jungkook: Is so excited to be around you. Whenever he sees you he gets like the brightest smile ever, jumping up and down so happy to see you. Will also maniacally laugh about everything remotely funny that you say. Just so happy to have your attention. He talks non stop, wanting to impress you and hopefully make you laugh. Asks everyone who was with you later if they noticed how you smiled at him or laughed about the joke he made.
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woncon · 11 months
Flufftober Day 3
"Wait you love me?" - "I always have"
🍁 jimin x gn!reader
🍁 special thanks to @honeytwo for helping me translate this into english, correcting my grammar and other mistakes. thank you for everything! °♡̷•.
🍁 flufftober masterlist | main masterlist
✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Is it about us? "Jimin stands in the doorway, headphones hanging from his neck, bass almost as lively as your heartbeat.
You wrote a song. A silly little song about an unreachably sweet love. Which was perhaps too honest, with some strong hints of real elements.
The truth is, you didn't think about what would happen if the person you imagined listened to the music when you created the lines, where you wrote your emotions instead of graphite. You just wanted to get over the block and the sadness. When you said goodbye and Jimin moved away, you could barely even look him in the eye because of your tears, let alone tell him how you felt.
You didn't even want to chain him to the city just for yourself. He was born to freedom, and you had to let go of your love for him as you did with him. So you took it into a song. Then Namjoon happened to found it while looking for his earpiece and said it was damn good. And then one thing led to another, and it was on the radio. And Jimin obviously listens to the radio.
He listens to the radio and has a bit of a heart attack and then drives all the way to your flat to smash your door down.
"Is it about us, Y/N?" he asks again. He is so desperate, it's like a reflection of your own soul.
A little silence. Jimin blinks, shakes his head, tries to piece it together. You are still clutching the wooden door panel with your fingers.
"Wait, you love me? I mean-"
"I always have. I gave you my favorite shovel in the sandbox, let you read my diary and snuggle in my bed. I shared everything with you. Even my heart. But if you don't need it, feel free to give it back."
Jimin strokes your cheek. You shudder at his touch and the harsh words that have nothing to do with his tender skin.
"No fucking way."
Though the words are harsh, unresisting, his mouth is soft as he brushes against yours, taking you off your feet a little. He gently pushes you inside on the fluffy carpet, and you let go of the door to grab on his upper arm, this sweet dream. Your own pained resignation rings from the earpiece as Jimin kisses you with the love you've always wanted.
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flufftober taglist (send an ask! <3)
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94z-93 · 2 years
Dumdass (Jimin X Reader)
I promise I'm going to try to post regularly. Maybe every Thursday.
Warnings: None. A little fluff and angst if anything.
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The bass flowed through the wood floors of the home. On each down beat, the people in the home could feel the pulse in their feet as they danced to the rhythm. This was only your second house party as a college junior, and just like the first time you could tell right off the bat that this was not your element. The same could not be said of your two best friends.
Jimin and Taehyung both attended the same performing arts high school as you—all for different disciplines, of course. Where Jimin exceled in dance, Taehyung was an expert singer, and you were a great composer with your primary instrument being the piano. During freshman year your high school had believed that it would be good to mesh people from different departments together for the year-end final.
Three months later, after creating an original song with lyrics and a dance routine that encompassed all of your strengths, the three of you had become close friends, and every year after you worked together on the year-end project. Several years later you were inseparable, all attending S University working towards Bachelor degrees in the fine arts.
Now, standing in the darkest corner of the room, you sipped not too slowly on a fruity drink that you were 95% sure someone spiked. This was only after you started to notice that you could barely make out the separate bodies on the dance floor. Correction, you could make out one body, actually. What that person was doing (pressing his body tighter against a smaller girl as she grinded back to the beat) was enough to make you down your drink faster.
“If you’re so upset, why don’t you tell him how you feel?” a voice asked in your ear, deep, soothing, and so obviously Taehyung’s. You jumped slightly at the sudden voice even though you did recognize who it was (damn liquor made you do weird things once it finally caught up with you), and he chuckled lightly, pulling you closer by the shoulder.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Taehyungie.” You leaned your head back on his shoulder, shaking your empty cup in hopes that more woud appear. Damn Taehyung and his perceptive abilities. You could never really keep a lie from him, but you didn’t plan on telling him anytime soon about the small, maybe-crush on your other best friend. “Besides.”
“’Sides, what? Why can’t you talk to him; he’s your friend.”
“But I don’t just want to be friends,” well there goes your secret. (Damn alcoholic beverage. Damn fucking party.) You might as well finish now. “I want to be out there dancing with him. I want to go home with him at the end of the night. Taehyungie, I want to love him. Is that too much to ask for?”
“’Course not,” Your best friend kissed your temple, hugging you closer to his chest. You turned your face to nuzzle into his chest. You were just ready to go home before a flood of tears overtook your face, so you tell him. “Okay, just stay right here.”
You nod and lean back against the wall, no longer having the strength to keep yourself up on your own and hold back tears.
“___?” a voice called you back to your (terribly, horribly, drunk) senses. Another voice that, even drunk off your feet, you could make out in the darkness after three years of constantly talking to each other. “___, are you okay? Taehyung said you weren’t feeling well.”
“Jiminie, I’m drunk,” you whined, reaching a hand out in front of yourself to try to catch a hold of the muscle shirt he had on, your hand sliding down his chest and failing to grip the material and landing lower. Your fingers grip hold of his low-riding jeans, the very edge of your wrist bumping against his crotch.
It might not have been much of a touch, but it was enough to make Jimin to gasp at the feeling, startling you and sending you falling back into the wall. You slumped down the wall, hoping for the wall to swallow you up. No such luck, of course, though you continued to slide down the wall slowly causing Jimin to swoop in and lift you back into a semi-standing position, most of your weight leaning into his right side.
Somehow, the two of you made it out of the house without too much trouble. You did try to move away from Jimin to show him that you could walk on your own, but that did nothing but cause you to tumble into a group of boys. (You’re positive one of them tried to feel you up, and had you been a little less drunk you might have turned around and smacked him one good time.) After that, Jimin didn’t let either of his hands off of you until the two of you made it to a bench back on campus.
“Are you feeling a little better? Do you need to throw up,” Jimin said standing over you, worrying his bottom lip. It would have been cute had your head not been spinning and you could properly see the short boy. “Why would you even get this drunk? I knew we shouldn’t have brought you here, but ‘no’, Taehyung said. ‘It’ll be good for you.’ If he wasn’t going to watch out for you why would he even drag you along?”
You wanted to laugh at the boy. Giggle at his pacing back and forth, but that would probably just make him more frustrated, so you tried to defuse the situation before Taehyung ended up on the missing persons list.
“I had a lot of things on my mind,” you shrugged. “I wasn’t watching how much I was drinking. Don’t kill Taehyungie for that.”
“What could you possibly be thinking about that would make you drink so much?” Jimin asked, taking a seat next to you. Biting your lip, you tried to think of a way out of the situation you just put yourself in. If Taehyung could tell when you’re lying, Jimin wouldn’t rest until he found out some kind of truth.
“How do you,” you paused, putting your words together. “When you like someone, what do you do, Jimin? Like do you tell them or wait until they tell you? I’m confused about what I should do.”
Jimin sat quietly for a while looking at his hands and you just wanted to reach out for them. To hold them in your hands, kiss the palms, and slip your fingers in between them for as long as you can. Just as you were trying to figure out if doing all of those things could be considered platonic, Jimin let out a loud sigh.
“Personally, when I like someone I don’t say anything until I’m sure they like me back. It’s really hard ‘cause sometimes they’re really confusing. Flirting with me and stuff, you know, but other times I can see that they are the same way with other people. Sometimes even nicer and touchy with them, and, believe it or not, I get jealous. Like, I know the person is great, and would make a good partner for the person I like, but I just-"
Jimin paused looking confused about what to say next, until he turns towards you, face set in a form of determination you had never seen before. “___, take it from me. Do it. Just tell Tae how you feel. He’s a great guy, you know that, and you shouldn’t let your fears hold you back. If not for yourself, then for me. I rather you be with someone like Tae if I can’t be with you.”
Your head tilted to the left trying to understand the words that came out of your friend’s mouth but you were stuck on the first few sentences. “Tae?”
“Yes, Tae. You don’t have to hide it anymore. I know you like Taehyung.”
“Jimin are you stupid,” you said in a monotone voice. “I like you, dumbass.”
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