#my hero academia songfic
radiantallomancer · 2 months
Fuck, Katsuki thinks. That shit is dangerous. It should be illegal to be that fucking cute. His obsession with Deku’s dimples is starting to get out of hand.
Songfic for Dimple (Illegal) by BTS!
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candybowbeansies · 10 months
Rule the World
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warnings/notes: reader is preggers, Angst to Fluff, ofc ya'll are married but due to who he is ya'll never had a ceremony but still filled the papers in, reader has a panic attack then a mental meltdown, and this starts around the raid, so spoilers ahoy! After much debate, I decided to go w Armless!Overhaul BECAUSE HE NEEDS COMFORT FROM LOSING HIS ARMS LIKE THAT DAMNIT 😭 Kai is a prison inmate, reader has to jump through hoops to gain approval for a conjugal visit in Tartarus(it's freaking Tartarus so I'm taking creative liberty, there's nothing realistic about the process in here you've been warned), but ya'll are stubborn so you keep at it until ya'll finally do 🥺 its ftb like the other fics, and conjugal doesn't necessarily mean purely sexual! let ya'll's imagination go wild 🥺👉👈
be his~ be his~
Snacks plated and radio jamming softly in the background, you pad over to your living room, talking to your friend over the phone. “Oooh, boy, are you seeing the news? There’s a story about some big raid on a villain's compound coming on.” they ask as you plop down on your couch, snacks set on the coffee table before you. “Really, now?” you hum taking the remote to turn on the tv, pushing in numbers for the news channel. “Let’s see what’s going on, then.” you speak to your friend. When you look back to the screen after settling in, you see a very familiar place in an aerial view.
‘We're here live at Hassaikai Compound, in the aftermath of a Police raid, search, and rescue. The Police had cooperated with the Hero Sir Nighteye's agency and other heroes brought into the job through the Hero Commission.’ 
There was a massive hole out front. Your hold on the phone grows lax, you’re heart dropping to your stomach. You knew he had his secrets, that was expected of a yakuza. Even so, you loved him. A year ago, you and him agreed that you were both too busy to have a ceremony, but still filled in to become officially married.
‘The villain Chisaki, Kai, known as Overhaul, and his dangerous goons have been subdued successfully, but at what price?’
You stare on in disbelief, on the edge of your seat.
‘Sir Nighteye has been gravely injured--impaled, I'm hearing by sources-and some students from the infamous 1-A have sustained injuries as well! They've packed these villains up and sent them off for protocol. Hopefully the likes of them end up in Tartarus! We'll be right back after--what?! I'm hearing the security escort on XX Ramp were attacked! We'll have helicopters on scene after the break!’
'I was wondering have you ever been, have you ever been anything other than, other than true, have you? Never been good but I've never been better'
Tears sting at the corners of your eyes as his and your song begins to play. You were looking forward to telling him the news the next time you would meet with him.
They fall when you see the attack happen on the vehicle he was put in from the news helicopter's view, high above.
You see the fire, you see the threatening figures looming over him.
'I was wondering have you ever been anything anything other than you, is that true? We're not gonna be here forever'
A pitiful sound escapes the back of your throat as you lift your hands, digging your fingers into your scalp, as your whole world comes all but crashing down. You open your mouth, a silent wail escaping you.
You were pregnant.
'I don't want to stay here on my own I don't want to let that body go'
Your sobs fill the room as you curl up against the couch, effectively muting the radio playing the other room. The phone and the person on the other side of the line are completely forgotten, the tv droning on and on as you break down.
The following months, you found yourself fighting for your visitation rights.
Even Tartarus allowed visitations, but there was a host of meticulous procedures that had to be done. Things had to be signed, imaging had to be done.
During your stay in the provided accommodation, you'd be treated like an inmate. Everything that happened in Tartarus, stays in Tartarus.
If that's what had to be done to see the man you loved, you were more than willing.
When the suits approved you for a conjugal visit, you were somewhere along in your second trimester. You were elated at the news.
So happy, that the majority of your processing went by in a blur. You were escorted by armed officers, shackles around your wrists and ankles, wearing a special pair of goggles that blocked out your vision.
Your toes curled as you're wheeled through what you assumed were checkpoints; loudspeakers beeping and heavy metallic doors clattering open, one after the other, until you feel a stop.
You knew better than to say anything, impatiently counting down the seconds until you could finally be with him.
Him; your hubby.
Once more, you hear metal clatter off to your side instead of in front of you.
Your man. Just a little bit longer...
You feel yourself being swiveled to the side, as they wheel you inside and stop. They prattle off about everything you already know, and you nod along.
The father of the life inside you. How would he react?
Your heart thuds against your ribcage anxiously as your shackles and goggles are removed and they exit the room. You stare at the armored door in front of you as you hear the one behind you close.
After a few moments, you hear the whirring, which prompts you to stand up and pad as close to the door as you dared. Slowly, it creaked open-and the figure beyond the threshold washes away the last of your patience. "Kai!" you gasp as you run straight towards him, inadvertently plowing into him, overwhelmed by the reunion to tears. He grunts at the contact, giving a soft huff as you keep calling his name, clinging to him.
His name; you'd call out to him, until your last breath.
His armless embrace is awkward at best, yet it does wonders to soothe you. "Kai." you call out once more, soaking up his warmth like a sponge as he deeply inhales your familiar scent.
"Angel." you hear his wavering voice and you look up to him, his sharp amber eyes wet, a small smile playing his lips. You caress his cheeks, thumbing away the tears on his lashes as they flutter closed.
"How's baby, my love?" he asks, and you giggle. Nothing gets past him, you swore. You feel them shift inside you, a soft gasp escaping you. But you can't help but smile wider. "Happy to finally hear Daddy." you say, relishing in his chuckle. You kiss his unkempt stubble, and he places a kiss on your temple.
'I love you's are gently exchanged, along with soft words that bring pleasantly fuzzy warmth and content; this was just the beginning.
You had every intention of enjoying every moment you could with him.
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southside-otaku · 2 years
Tw: cheating
Soooo anyone else imagine Sam Smith’s song Unholy with random scenarios or is it just me?!?!
Draken going to “work” while married life with Emma isn’t like he imagined so he has y/n treat his needs every once in a while 😩😮‍💨🤤
For my mha/bnha fans:
Enji todoroki gets a new ‘girlfriend’ but is technically still legally married and he’s got no idea Rei has thought about taking him back…while she’s got no idea there’s another woman in her old home and her old bedroom🥵 (I think it fits this one much better!)
Might mess around and actually get back to writing?!
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herebyjuly · 1 year
bkg fic snippet
a short snippet of my bkg-centric multichaptered song (pov by ariana grande) fic for katsuki's bday (what a mouthful) !! ii'm planning on making it a different ship for each chapter bc i love me some baku loving
(this part is still unedited but i just wanted to share in celebration of katsuki's borth month ^^ pls enjoy hhhhh)
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It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
Warm hands cradle his face, gentle, always gentle, and move in slow, deliberate strokes, filling Katsuki’s body with unbridled affection for the man (‘—the love of your life.’ a whisper, sounding eerily like him, echoes in the back of his mind. ‘Shut up.’ he says back) laying beside him and effectively rousing him from his slumber. He begrudgingly opens his eyes, only to squint at the natural light slipping past the curtains, bleeding into a soft afterglow which basks him and the room in molten gold. The blonde is greeted to the sight of one bleary eyed Todoroki Shouto, his face impassive - but eyes ever so vulnerable. “Good morning.” he greets, voice raspy and unused. 
Katsuki, in all his sleep ridden glory and not yet coherent enough to stop himself, smiles, tender and unassuming — with crinkled eyes and the appearance of the small dimple on the left side of his cheek that Shouto loved to poke and prod at whenever it was on display. 
He removes his hand from its clutch on Shouto’s bare back and instead, lays it on the top the one currently caressing his cheek, stopping the motion, “G’morning.” he replies, turning Shouto’s palm to face towards the ceiling and pressing his lips briefly onto the back of his hand. “What time is it?” 
Shouto shrugs, using his free hand to simply pull Katsuki’s body closerclosercloser — until he couldn’t tell where Katsuki began and Shouto ended — hand tightening around Katsuki’s narrow waist and burrowing his face into the blonde’s neck. “Too early for both of us to be awake.” The younger of the two grumbles, voice muffled into the fabric of his (Shouto’s) old tattered shirt. 
(Katsuki still remembers the day as clear as crystal when he had borrowed the shirt from his then ‘just classmate’ (and yes, I will punch myself before I admit that he was my crush, fuck you off-brand pikachu) when he had accidentally burned the better half of the hem of one of his trademark skull-tees because ‘you were too fuckin’ close half n’ half.’
So, like the oblivious, lovestruck idiot his now-boyfriend (no longer violently repressed crush) was, he had stripped himself of the shirt he had been wearing at the time and passed it to Katsuki like it was a seemingly normal reaction.
After they started dating, Katsuki had figured out that stealing (“I prefer the term permanently borrowing—”) Shouto’s shirts and slipping them on whenever he felt stressed or anxious or woke up in near tears from a nightmare, as it was far too late in the night for him to leave his room and go to Shouto’s instead, had helped soothed the overwhelming thoughts(?). The familiar and soothing scent of lavender wafting through his nose due to Shouto’s fabric softener, silly enough as it was, had him slipping into the realm of Morpheus far too easily than he would be pressed to admit.)
The two laid there in comfortable silence, basking in one another’s warmth.
With a sudden vigor, Katsuki springs up on their bed, effectively shaking the last remnants of sleep from both himself and Shouto, who groans mournfully into the plush pillows. He scrambles to get his baggy shorts off from the floor, willing down his blush as the events of last night suddenly flooded his thoughts, and haphazardly pulls them up. He turns towards his boyfriend, still sprawled on their, admittedly, very soft and very tempting bed. “Your siblings are coming over.” he blurts. 
Shouto blinks, “Yes.”
“Fuck,” Katsuki curses, closing his eyes and breathing out through his nose slowly, counting down from ten to one, “Fuck.” He repeats, with more feeling.
“Fuyumi nee-san loves you,” Shouto points out, “and you and Natsu-nii are also close. I don’t quite understand why you’re freaking out over their visit.”
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shuckinbeanz · 11 months
Rule the World
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warnings/notes: reader is preggers, Angst to Fluff, ofc ya'll are married but due to who he is ya'll never had a ceremony but still filled the papers in, reader has a panic attack then a mental meltdown, and this starts around the raid, so spoilers ahoy! After much debate, I decided to go w Armless!Overhaul BECAUSE HE NEEDS COMFORT FROM LOSING HIS ARMS LIKE THAT DAMNIT 😭 Kai is a prison inmate, reader has to jump through hoops to gain approval for a conjugal visit in Tartarus(it's freaking Tartarus so I'm taking creative liberty, there's nothing realistic about the process in here you've been warned), but ya'll are stubborn so you keep at it until ya'll finally do 🥺 its ftb like the other fics, and conjugal doesn't necessarily mean purely sexual! let ya'll's imagination go wild 🥺👉👈
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream
be his~ be his~
Snacks plated and radio jamming softly in the background, you pad over to your living room, talking to your friend over the phone. “Oooh, boy, are you seeing the news? There’s a story about some big raid on a villain's compound coming on.” they ask as you plop down on your couch, snacks set on the coffee table before you. “Really, now?” you hum taking the remote to turn on the tv, pushing in numbers for the news channel. “Let’s see what’s going on, then.” you speak to your friend. When you look back to the screen after settling in, you see a very familiar place in an aerial view.
‘We're here live at Hassaikai Compound, in the aftermath of a Police raid, search, and rescue. The Police had cooperated with the Hero Sir Nighteye's agency and other heroes brought into the job through the Hero Commission.’ 
There was a massive hole out front. Your hold on the phone grows lax, you’re heart dropping to your stomach. You knew he had his secrets, that was expected of a yakuza. Even so, you loved him. A year ago, you and him agreed that you were both too busy to have a ceremony, but still filled in to become officially married.
‘The villain Chisaki, Kai, known as Overhaul, and his dangerous goons have been subdued successfully, but at what price?’
You stare on in disbelief, on the edge of your seat.
‘Sir Nighteye has been gravely injured--impaled, I'm hearing by sources-and some students from the infamous 1-A have sustained injuries as well! They've packed these villains up and sent them off for protocol. Hopefully the likes of them end up in Tartarus! We'll be right back after--what?! I'm hearing the security escort on XX Ramp were attacked! We'll have helicopters on scene after the break!’
'I was wondering have you ever been, have you ever been anything other than, other than true, have you? Never been good but I've never been better'
Tears sting at the corners of your eyes as his and your song begins to play. You were looking forward to telling him the news the next time you would meet with him.
They fall when you see the attack happen on the vehicle he was put in from the news helicopter's view, high above.
You see the fire, you see the threatening figures looming over him.
'I was wondering have you ever been anything anything other than you, is that true? We're not gonna be here forever'
A pitiful sound escapes the back of your throat as you lift your hands, digging your fingers into your scalp, as your whole world comes all but crashing down. You open your mouth, a silent wail escaping you.
You were pregnant.
'I don't want to stay here on my own I don't want to let that body go'
Your sobs fill the room as you curl up against the couch, effectively muting the radio playing the other room. The phone and the person on the other side of the line are completely forgotten, the tv droning on and on as you break down.
The following months, you found yourself fighting for your visitation rights.
Even Tartarus allowed visitations, but there was a host of meticulous procedures that had to be done. Things had to be signed, imaging had to be done.
During your stay in the provided accommodation, you'd be treated like an inmate. Everything that happened in Tartarus, stays in Tartarus.
If that's what had to be done to see the man you loved, you were more than willing.
When the suits approved you for a conjugal visit, you were somewhere along in your second trimester. You were elated at the news.
So happy, that the majority of your processing went by in a blur. You were escorted by armed officers, shackles around your wrists and ankles, wearing a special pair of goggles that blocked out your vision.
Your toes curled as you're wheeled through what you assumed were checkpoints; loudspeakers beeping and heavy metallic doors clattering open, one after the other, until you feel a stop.
You knew better than to say anything, impatiently counting down the seconds until you could finally be with him.
Him; your hubby.
Once more, you hear metal clatter off to your side instead of in front of you.
Your man. Just a little bit longer...
You feel yourself being swiveled to the side, as they wheel you inside and stop. They prattle off about everything you already know, and you nod along.
The father of the life inside you. How would he react?
Your heart thuds against your ribcage anxiously as your shackles and goggles are removed and they exit the room. You stare at the armored door in front of you as you hear the one behind you close.
After a few moments, you hear the whirring, which prompts you to stand up and pad as close to the door as you dared. Slowly, it creaked open-and the figure beyond the threshold washes away the last of your patience. "Kai!" you gasp as you run straight towards him, inadvertently plowing into him, overwhelmed by the reunion to tears. He grunts at the contact, giving a soft huff as you keep calling his name, clinging to him.
His name; you'd call out to him, until your last breath.
His armless embrace is awkward at best, yet it does wonders to soothe you. "Kai." you call out once more, soaking up his warmth like a sponge as he deeply inhales your familiar scent.
"Angel." you hear his wavering voice and you look up to him, his sharp amber eyes wet, a small smile playing his lips. You caress his cheeks, thumbing away the tears on his lashes as they flutter closed.
"How's baby, my love?" he asks, and you giggle. Nothing gets past him, you swore. You feel them shift inside you, a soft gasp escaping you. But you can't help but smile wider. "Happy to finally hear Daddy." you say, relishing in his chuckle. You kiss his unkempt stubble, and he places a kiss on your temple.
'I love you's are gently exchanged, along with soft words that bring pleasantly fuzzy warmth and content; this was just the beginning.
You had every intention of enjoying every moment you could with him.
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littlehoneydear20 · 1 year
I'm working on it
- Song Fics:
~ Angels Like You - Miley Cyrus (DabiHawks) ~
~ Coringa - Jão (DabiHawks) ~
- One-Shot:
~ Bachelor Party (KiriBaku) ~ (Where the model - and Katsuki's ex-boyfriend - appears as a stripper at his bachelor party.)
~ Wrong Driver (TodoBaku) ~ [ Based on episode 25, in season 5, of a Brazilian series called "Tapas e Beijos".] (On Shoto's wedding day, Katsuki convinces Deku to go with him to steal the limousine that was going to drop the groom off at the church, to try to convince him not to get married.)
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roomiganzoomigan · 2 years
Certain Quirks
“‘Certain Quirks are just too dangerous to be allowed to exist.’ That’s what Nedzu said to me after telling me that our son-.” Shouta stopped himself, swallowing back the overwhelming emotion rising up in him. It did no good to feel so attached now, not right now when all he wanted to do was simmer in pure rage. “That he sent Hitoshi on a goddamn suicide mission!”
Set after Hitoshi is sent on a mission that results in his death, Shouta realizes just what kind of world he lives in, and he is not happy about it.
Alternative Summary: Shouta is willing to set the world on fire for his children.
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rorywritessmut · 1 year
Should I start posting my fanfiction here too, not just ao3?
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sweetdreamer215 · 7 days
Skyfall: How Useless I Can Be - AO3
Once again another shameless self promotion plug. I am working on chapter 14 of my fanfiction Taking Flight: Price of a Dream a xxxholic/MHA crossover but because I'm running late I decided to post this. It was something that was stuck in my head and so I wrote it as a one shot then fleshed it out further. So this is the original one shot that I'll be adding more to when I'm not working on Taking Flight. This has been worked on (and other chapters of it) for around the same time as Taking Flight, but never posted.
Link here
Pro-Hero Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, or as he's just called DynaMight, has been working on a case for years. Useless the vigilante/villain depending on who one spoke to. They appeared one day as an Informant helping heroes catch villains, then one day they stopped and switched to helping anyone who paid the most, as long as the villains followed a few rules. The rules that DynaMight has been able to peace together: no going after civilians, no killing heroes, and leave the quirkless alone.
They've been taunting DynaMight himself for years, sending music from the pre-quirk era, all being some sort of message that he had yet to figure out.
Today was his day off, his mind off of work, and a villain comes by and ruins it, turns out he has a message from Useless for DynaMight...a message that Useless wants to spread...and it happened to be on the day of Izuku's death.
Please see tags for warnings, also some chapters (like ch. 1) are songfic style. All chapters are inspired by a song though.
~~~~ "Try me and I'll show you how seless I really am." - Useless
~~~~~ Tags:
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screenshot cause I'm lazy XD If you give it a shot, thank you. I'll add more tags as I post other chapters. It is a songfic inspired style and song inspired.
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candybowbeansies · 1 year
Let Them Go
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warnings/notes: I'm in the mood for time skipping, heartbreak, regret, reunions, kinda slow burn('kinda' because theres a big time skip in this fic), angst with a bittersweet ending and a pinch of salt. Mentions of depression, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, sleepless nights, skipping meals, and workaholic tendencies. This is written in his POV, taking place some years after Enji ends it with you. Like it was mentioned in the first part, you decide to keep the bb(s, actually, they're identical twins ssob 😭). <3 I had to scrap and rewrite the entire thing several times, and I'm finally happy with this one! :3 My man is an absolute trainwreck--😭😭😭
I lied, I'm sorry-- inspo for Enji finally popped up and I wasn't about to let it slide through my fingers!
Tags: @annoyinglyloudcomputer
staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in his heart... </3
It's been months since the separation. Since he found out you were pregnant. Even now, he'd check his phone religiously for something-anything, from you.
But nothing ever came.
He prayed you'd give him one chance, and he'd try his damnedest, hell in high water, to become nothing but the best for you. No more fucking shit up.
But the rainy season came and went, in the blink of an eye. The nights became impossibly long, and soon enough, he'd taken to alcohol. With it, he'd finally get some damn sleep, without you invading his dreams. He'd wake up with a killer migraine, but he'd still trudge through work.
He'd work, work, work. Skipping meals, he'd work himself to the bone. He'd kept himself busy. He wondered how you were doing. He wondered if you thought of him like he thought of you. He had a special tone for you, so he'd know when you'd message him or call him. Because he foolishly hoped and prayed you'd contact him again.
Fall, winter...before he knew it, the rainy season came and went again. And again. And again.
As the years passed, the hole remains; time only numbing the pain. It wasn't until one day, when he least expected it, he saw you with two little ones a short distance away. He was roped into investigating a minor incident at a mall.
You were admonishing them. One was pouting, near tears, while their sibling was wailing in upset. His eyesight may not be as good as it used to, but those turquoise hues were downright unmistakable.
So you had twins?
A bittersweet feeling blooms in his chest. They must be quite the handful.
"Endeavor, sir?" another pro hero calls him out of his reverie. He doesn't even notice the uncharacteristic soft smile on his face. "Get on with it." he says, quick to continue with his work, stomping down the desire to walk up to you. He's the one that let you go.
As much as it hurt, he had no right. He had no idea just how much he'd loved you...until he foolishly chased you away. If you didn't so much as text him throughout these years, you didn't want anything to do with him, he'd convinced himself.
So he'd returned to the task at hand, finishing up the last of it, dread pooling in his stomach from merely being near you. He felt like he couldn't get away quick enough.
And really, he couldn't.
When he heard your voice, a chill settled into his very bones. He turned to you-it's only been a few years, but you're more beautiful then ever.
The twins weren't crying anymore; instead they opted to stare up at him in awe. "I'm sorry." the words pass your lips, your apology irritating him. "No." he cuts you off before you can speak again, and you shrink back. He sighs.
He couldn’t do at least one fucking thing right, could he…?
He should start trying to right here.
"I'm..." he rumbles. Like a stubborn mule, he didn't know how much he needed you, all the way up until he let you go. "...the one who should be sorry." he says, the words bitter on his tongue, because they couldn't be truer.
The wobbly smile on your lips, the tears in your eyes.
"Can we talk?" you ask.
He knew you missed him.
"...yeah." he replies.
He missed you, too. This time...he won't fuck up.
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thegoodshit-ficrecs · 2 months
Stars in Your Eyes
Title: Stars in Your Eyes Author:  Fanficismything @fanficwrites (not confirmed) Rating: General Audiences Fandom: My Hero Academia Locked/Unlocked
Completed- 1 Chapter Published- January 22, 2019
Additional Tags:
pure fluff
Love Confessions
Emotional Gay Boys
Handsome man
He worked hard for this, setting everything up with the help of his friends, practicing for weeks, but now was the night. Nothing could stop him now, Kirishima was already on his way down and he had to do it, he couldn't back down.
Tonight was the night Bakugo was going to confess to Kirishima and hopefully his song would get the message across to his handsome man....
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merely-a-caricature · 2 years
“Q36: Have you ever been made to eat the corpse of a cockroach?” The Taste of Cockroach.
This is a MHA fanfic/songfic with Deku based off of Maretu’’s song, “The Taste of Cockroach”!
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shuckinbeanz · 1 year
Let Them Go
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warnings/notes: I'm in the mood for time skipping, heartbreak, regret, reunions, kinda slow burn('kinda' because theres a big time skip in this fic), angst with a bittersweet ending and a pinch of salt. Mentions of depression, using alcohol as a coping mechanism, sleepless nights, skipping meals, and workaholic tendencies. This is written in his POV, taking place some years after Enji ends it with you. Like it was mentioned in the first part, you decide to keep the bb(s, actually, they're identical twins ssob 😭). <3 I had to scrap and rewrite the entire thing several times, and I'm finally happy with this one! :3 My man is an absolute trainwreck--😭😭😭
MINORS 👏 DNI! 👏 AGE 👏 IN 👏 BIO 👏 OR 👏 DNI! 👏 Head on over to @candybowbeansies please for my SFW pieces, or be blocked if you interact here! 😇
Tags: @dynamightsdaydream , @izukusfreckle
staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in his heart... </3
It's been months since the separation. Since he found out you were pregnant. Even now, he'd check his phone religiously for something-anything, from you.
But nothing ever came.
He prayed you'd give him one chance, and he'd try his damnedest, hell in high water, to become nothing but the best for you. No more fucking shit up.
But the rainy season came and went, in the blink of an eye. The nights became impossibly long, and soon enough, he'd taken to alcohol. With it, he'd finally get some damn sleep, without you invading his dreams. He'd wake up with a killer migraine, but he'd still trudge through work.
He'd work, work, work. Skipping meals, he'd work himself to the bone. He'd kept himself busy. He wondered how you were doing. He wondered if you thought of him like he thought of you. He had a special tone for you, so he'd know when you'd message him or call him. Because he foolishly hoped and prayed you'd contact him again.
Fall, winter...before he knew it, the rainy season came and went again. And again. And again.
As the years passed, the hole remains; time only numbing the pain. It wasn't until one day, when he least expected it, he saw you with two little ones a short distance away. He was roped into investigating a minor incident at a mall.
You were admonishing them. One was pouting, near tears, while their sibling was wailing in upset. His eyesight may not be as good as it used to, but those turquoise hues were downright unmistakable.
So you had twins?
A bittersweet feeling blooms in his chest. They must be quite the handful.
"Endeavor, sir?" another pro hero calls him out of his reverie. He doesn't even notice the uncharacteristic soft smile on his face. "Get on with it." he says, quick to continue with his work, stomping down the desire to walk up to you. He's the one that let you go.
As much as it hurt, he had no right. He had no idea just how much he'd loved you...until he foolishly chased you away. If you didn't so much as text him throughout these years, you didn't want anything to do with him, he'd convinced himself.
So he'd returned to the task at hand, finishing up the last of it, dread pooling in his stomach from merely being near you. He felt like he couldn't get away quick enough.
And really, he couldn't.
When he heard your voice, a chill settled into his very bones. He turned to you-it's only been a few years, but you're more beautiful then ever.
The twins weren't crying anymore; instead they opted to stare up at him in awe. "I'm sorry." the words pass your lips, your apology irritating him. "No." he cuts you off before you can speak again, and you shrink back. He sighs.
He couldn’t do at least one fucking thing right, could he…?
He should start trying to right here.
"I'm..." he rumbles. Like a stubborn mule, he didn't know how much he needed you, all the way up until he let you go. "...the one who should be sorry." he says, the words bitter on his tongue, because they couldn't be truer.
The wobbly smile on your lips, the tears in your eyes.
"Can we talk?" you ask.
He knew you missed him.
"...yeah." he replies.
He missed you, too. This time...he won't fuck up.
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imagines-by-elysian · 8 months
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Legends: 💿IMAGINES- ✮ 📸ONESHOTS: ⋆ - Angst ෆ- Fluff ✧- Songfic ୭- Not classified yet
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✮Comfort Crowd - Chuuya Nakahara
✮Balcony- Dazai Osamu
✮City Lights - Dazai Osamu
✮Midnight dances - Fyodor Dostoevsky
⋆"Dazaiii" You spoke out, clearly tired......
⋆Smiling, you look at Chuuya in front of you
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✮Snowflake - Shoto Todoroki
✮Chocolate cakes - Bakugou Katsuki
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ෆNaps- Gojo Satoru
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⋆Reality- Yoo Joonghyuk
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sol-is-the-reason · 1 year
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Character Selected:- Midoriya Izuku
Anime:- My Hero Academia
Reader:- Dom!Male!Reader
Type:- NSFW/possessive/angst kinda?
Tw:- Psychological, lemon, Songfic,    manipulation, death, killing, blood, possessive, use of property (for izuku)
Read at your own risk.
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[A/n:- (V/n) :- Villain name. BTW it will be my first lemon no matter how small so I hope you enjoy! Also this is set after bkdk's fight, so their friends again. Kinda. ]
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He is a hustler, he's no good at all.
He is a loser, he's a bum, bum, bum.
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable
He is a sucker with a gun, gun,gun
The atmosphere was tense in the room. With two of the three glaring at each other from other side of the couches. The only adult woman, in the room, known as Midoriya Inko had an unreadable expression on her face with mixture of pain, panic, sadness and (mostly) shock  as she processed the news that had reached her in the last five minutes.
She looked at the young blonde boy beside her who was busy in the glaring contest with her son.
What may be the news you may ask that had her so spooked?
Izuku, her lovable, responsible- the biggest fanboy of the no. 1 hero- son had gone out and had started dating the current no.1 villain (V/n). And the way he was he was defending him as if he were some king, she couldn't understand just what happened to her bright son to turn to that path.
Never mind that she had to make him realise what he was getting himself into.
Yes and she was positive once he saw her point of view he would realise what the hell he was doing. And surely katsuki would help her. She turned to him and pleaded silently with her eyes and fortunately he seemed to get the message and slightly nodded his head.
I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart
Izuku knew this would happen one day. He predicted it would go this way. But never would he imagine that Bakugou would be the one to find out first. But he guessed it's not as surprising. After all he was the first one to find out about one for all.
Though he didn't expect him to just straight out go and tell his mother. He knew this was just his way of being worried about him? or so he thinks.., but he loved (M/n) damn it! Why couldn't they just understand that. So what if he was a villain? (M/n) loved him all the same.
But Mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational,
it's physical
Moans echoed around the room. The green-haired couldn't help but let out a sob as globs of tears run down his face. (M/n) thrusted widely into him. He had izuku in a mating press as he hugged him  and changed the angle of his thrust to aim at the greenettes prostate.
"ahh (M/n)~"
"s-slow down-n pl-ease~"
"Hmm?why should I baby~ you look so cute like this, all wet and hard for me~"
As he said that he thrusted slow and hard behind him, so that izuku was moving forward with each one.
He took his red cock in his hands and started jerking him off inlink with his thrusts.
"I- love you (nickname)"
You just snickered at the oblivious boy. Was he really so delusional to think that you loved him back. Haha he really was too trusting. So heroic of him to think that he could turn you on their side just because of his love. You wondered if thats why he did everything you asked? Hmm you'll just have to see how he'll go then~.
Mama please don't cry,
I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny,
I love the guy
No matter how much Inko tried, he was just not ready to listen...
Why can't he just understand that this is not only wrong but who knows what those villains could do to him...
"Izuku...please just listen." He could hear the desperation in her voice.
But he also couldn't get the tiny voice of (M/n) out of his head.
" Don't listen to her, I love you...you wouldn't want to lose what we have right... Do the right thing and I'll give you a reward~okay.."
Yes, he couldn't loose him, the only person who 'loves' the real him, not now..
He is a villain by the devil's law
He is a killer just for fun, fun, fun, fun
That man's a snitch and unpredictable
He's got no conscience, he got none, none, none, none
"(M/n)!! That's enough!! Your killing her!" Izuku yelled out trying to stop the ____ haired man from killing the poor girl who had tried to flirt with him.
"Hmm, how about...No. " He said with narrowed eyes directed at the greenette. He was holding the bloody beaten girl by the neck, hovering in the air so she was face to face with him.
"I don't like sharing my property you know" he said to the barely awake girl. It seemed she was trying to say something but (M/n) didn't gave her a chance to do so as he crushed her neck with his bare hand. The sickening cracked echoed in the alleyway accompanied by a horrified gasp.
" What? Did you think that just because you know your mistake I wouldn't kill you? That I would spare your pathetic life? Don't make me laugh..No one and I mean NO ONE touches what's mine." (M/n) said with a crazed chuckle and smirk as he talked to the now dead body of the girl.
Honestly it didn't matter to him if the girl would have asked the boy out or whatever she wanted, it was just an means to the end for him. He had to make sure Izuku stayed in love with him so he could get everything he wanted from him, and the other reason, well he was simply in the mood to kill. It was a golden opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. And through his observation of the greenettes behaviour in the next few days, he knew he succeeded.
All I know, should've let go, but no
And he's got my name,
Tattooed on his arm his lucky charm
So I guess it's okay he's with me
And I hear people talk
Trying to make remarks keep us apart
But I don't even hear
I don't care
Izuku knew he shouldn't feel this way. But he couldn't help it. He didn't knew how in the pits of hell did he developed such feelings much less for a villain too.
But when he heard you talk like that, claiming him as yours, and calling him your property...he didn't knew what happened but something in him snapped. And suddenly he didn't mind that there was a dead body right next to his feet. That a pool of blood was forming around it, reaching dangerously close to his shoes. He didn't mind that it stained the boots of his UA uniform, as he approached you and kissed you deeply.
Since then you noticed how he turned into an obedient little puppy whenever you were even a little bit possessive of him.
And oh~ you can't wait to use it to your advantage.
'Cause Mama I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside I just can't deny, I love the guy......
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[A/n:-I...uh...Part 2...anyone?😶😶‍🌫️]
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roomiganzoomigan · 2 years
The Ferryman - Chapter 4
But then Eijirou, good Eijirou, illuminated by the moonlight, reached a hand out and called for him. And for half a second, he let himself believe that he truly was being saved by something divine.
The next few moments were a blur, and the next thing Katsuki knew, he was standing in the middle of a busy street, away from the League of Villains and with a giant, red idiot crying into his neck. He went through the motions to comfort Eijirou, patting his shoulder and occasionally letting his fingers tug through his hair, but his mind was stuck on the people he had left behind. They would get out unscathed, he was certain of it. 
Plus Dabi said he would come back for him. So he had to be okay.
After he is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Bakugou realizes that he was always meant to be a villain. And he's not the only one.
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