#jiyoon edit
iznastuff · 3 months
hello !! welcome to iznastuff.
here you're gonna find some of my edits, be free to request anything.
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iz-now · 3 months
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I will always love you 300524 i-land2 n/a
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sailorjisunq · 7 months
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cakesty · 3 months
Me apaixonei no seu perfil e nos seus moods,poderia fazer um da jiyoon do i land 2 por favor ??
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aqui anjinho, espero que goste!
Jiyoon, Iiland 2 moodboard
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dramalocks · 2 years
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☇✈ my first first love ; simple ♡❞
☇ part.1
☇ like or reblog ⋮ @moodscreens
☇ don’t repost our edits
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kpopfeeds · 1 year
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gg-mvs · 2 years
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We’re on our skateboards
Stamping our feet like we’re dancing
We cut between the winds
Here and there, far away, far, far away
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lovejywn · 3 months
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Hey babes made these wallpapers in two different sizes. feel free to use themmm!! 🫶🫶
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juanitasupreme · 1 year
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felixs-infodump · 3 months
I still don’t understand the conflict between jiyoon and jungeun
like, jiyoon said she felt betrayed by jungeun but I don’t know why she feels that way, idk if mnet edited it out and is going to show us later?? and jiyoon said that she doesn’t care to make up with jungeun so like??
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princessjungeun · 2 years
lily as your girlfriend
*i was thinking of her today and i needed to post something…i’ll edit for spelling and grammar eventually*
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🪷 you sat in front of her in geology lecture which you didn’t actually know but lily very much did
🪷 which is also how she ended up failing the first quiz…she was too busy staring at you
🪷 she wanted to introduce herself but chickened out every time she got close enough to do it
🪷 so she just crushed on you from afar
🪷 that was until you both went to the first LGBTQ+ alliance meeting on campus and she saw you
🪷 and coincidentally you sat next to her which made her NERVOUS. like so nervous that your first conversation went a little something like this:
🪷 “hi im lily” “oh hey i’m y/n” “i know- wait no that sounds creepy- i know as in you sit in front of me in geology lecture so…i know you from class” “oh really i didn’t even know, that’s so cool. maybe we can study together some time” “i- yeah- i can- we can…yes please…i’m sorry that entire conversation was so awkward….” “it’s okay, you’re cute”
🪷 yeah that last part had her face RED
🪷 you two did in fact become study buddies for geology which she learned was a topic of interest for you
🪷 so a lot of the times when you two studied you went on little tangents about rocks or geologic processes
🪷 and even though lily understood 10% of whatever your spiel was about, she listened and gave her full attention with that loving look in her eyes
🪷 because although she had no idea what the fuck you meant by ‘a‘ā and pahoehoe lava flows, she was more than happy to hear you talk about them
🪷 lily ended up confessing first and it was so cute because she didn’t realize she admitted it when she did
🪷 she was shocked to find out you liked her too because she was convinced you were out of her league or something
🪷 it took half the semester for you two to get together though because you were those “i need a girlfriend” “yeah me too” *doesn’t do anything about it* gays
🪷 but you two were cute together
🪷 you two explore around your campus and off campus all the time
🪷 so many picnic dates
🪷 even more bookstore dates
🪷 she’s not huge on PDA as in like kissing in public is a no
🪷 but she will hold onto your arm as you walk or she’ll hold your hand
🪷 she does this thing where she gets super shy when you look especially gorgeous— like she’ll look at you then start giggling and covering her face then she’ll look away and it’s that over and over while she is telling you that you’re too beautiful
🪷 you do the same thing but it’s more subtle and it catches her off guard every time because you find her most beautiful when she’s not trying
🪷 like she’ll be writing notes on the other side of her room and you just go “lils look at me” and she does and your eyes go soft and you’re all “you’re so beautiful” and she’s all “🙈 naur dont do that while i’m doing homework”
🪷 you’re both total bookworms and probably the dorkiest people your friends know
🪷 one time her best friend jiyoon invited you both to double date with her girlfriend and you both declined because you were in a HEATED game of scrabble
🪷 then another time you two had a friend intervention because you were both pulling all nighters to read novels. all because lily claimed she could read more books than you in a month.
🪷 you both tied for 5 novels in a month and have yet to reach a tie breaker after 2 years.
🪷 she makes so many corny crunchy annoyingly embarrassing dad jokes that are SO bad it’s actually impressive
🪷 both of you use cheesy ass pickup lines on each other just to see who can do it worse
🪷 she will randomly text you things that remind her of you but it’s never all cute and fluffy like you see in tiktoks or tweets
🪷 one time she sent you a picture of a praying mantis and said it’s face reminded her of you and you replied ???? thanks? and she was like you’re welcome :D
🪷 both of you love movie nights and have had like 40 harry potter and star wars marathons
🪷 she’s not a theater kid but she loves watching musicals
🪷 she’s made you watch phantom of the opera so many times now that you know it all word for word
🪷 you never made it through the first hour of the sound of music because you fall asleep every time
🪷 it took nearly three months for you to learn that lily can SING
🪷 she mentioned it once when you very first met her but all she said was “i sing a little when i’m alone in my room”
🪷 when she said that you expected a little song on a ukulele
🪷 you went expecting her to completely obliterate you in karaoke during a LGBTQ+ alliance club sponsored karaoke night
🪷 she was all shy when she said she was going to sing empire state of mind and next next thing you know she had the whole room silent
🪷 lily steals all of your hoodies but she gives them back in exchange for a different one
🪷 you don’t mind because they smell like her which is comforting…plus you steal her beanies so you can call it even
🪷 pinky promises
🪷 matching bead bracelets you made at 3 AM on a tuesday just because you wanted to have something matching that you made for her
🪷 cuddles are her favorite thing
🪷 when you sleep you hug her closer to your body which makes her so giddy she feels like she’s gonna burst
🪷 weekends are her favorites for that reason— you waking up next to her with your legs tangled together and bodies pressed against one another like puzzle pieces that fit perfectly into place
🪷 and you just end up giggling and kicking each other lightly after waking up
🪷 even when you both feel like you look the most bummy— in the morning with messy hair and crust in your eyes— that’s somehow also when you both think the other is stunning
🪷 you two use pet names but keep the typical ones for private only
🪷 so in public lily is quick to call you “gremlin”
🪷 but when you’re home she’s right back to “my love” or “babe”
🪷 you will call her something like “hobbit”
🪷 when you’re home you call her “jin” which is only acceptable from you
🪷 she’s quick to playfully hit anyone who calls her jin but when it’s you— something about the way you say it makes her all soft and mushy inside and she doesn’t understand it but she loves it
🪷 she get all embarrassed when you call her “baby” so you only ever say it when you two are alone and even then it’s just a mumble against her lips before you kiss her or right when you’re saying goodnight
🪷 you’re her first everything and she is yours too so things are definitely awkward and wrong but you both figure things out eventually
🪷 it’s cute though— your first kiss was just you both asking “is this okay” then going in for it then shying away until literally having to do a 1-2-3 count for it and after you two fell out laughing because you were so scared over something you realized wasn’t all that scary
🪷 all in all you two just enjoy the bliss that is young love. holding onto one another’s hearts and promising not to let them go.
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ruminate88 · 4 months
Sharing Songs From My Favorites List That Are Fun To Dance Around To If You Are Feeling Depressed:
Got any great songs to add?
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kitchen-light · 1 year
The Sealey Challenge
Here's my books for the first 10 days of the Sealey Challenge. I'll share poems if any are of interest 🌱🌱
1st - "I Will Not Fold These Maps" by Mona Kareem, translated by Sara Elkamel, Poetry Translation Centre, 2023
2nd - "sense violence" by Helena Boberg, translated by Johannes Göransson, Black Ocean, 2020
3rd - "The Penguin Book of Spiritual Verse 110 Poets on the Divine", edited by Kaveh Akbar, Penguin, 2023
4th - "Self Portrait as Othello" by Jason Allen-Paisant, Carcanet Press, 2023
5th - "The Lover's Inventory" by Cyril Wong, Math Paper Press, 2015
6th - "Because We Could Not Dance At The Wedding" by Michael McKimm, Worple Press, 2023
7th - "Auguries of a Minor God" by Nidhi Zak / Aria Eipe, Faber, 2021
8th - "Plastic Tubed Little Bird" by Wendy Allen, Broken Sleep Books, 2023
9th - "Ghosts Still Walking" by Do Nguyen Mai, Platypus Press, 2016
10th - "Human Time" by Kim Haengsook, translated by Léo-Brylowski, Hannah Hertzog, Susan K, Jiyoon Lee, Joanne Park, Soeun Seo, Soohyun Yang, Black Ocean, 2023
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kpopfeeds · 1 year
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"You and I, even if we become strangers, someday, don't forget me, don't lose me." -Jiyoon
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jasdiary · 2 years
U didn’t specify which oc so i hope u don’t mind i went a lil crazy bonkers 😭 There was one oc that would have perfect for Jiyoon and UiO interactions but i haven’t done anything w her yet so to be continued HAJSJSNS
feb edit: I decided to restart this bcs i wanted to write Maria’s thoughts on Jiyoon and UiO i am so sorry this has been sitting in my drafts it’s DUSTY
Maria & Jiyoon : Two hot women two hot women t- um anyways :) These two would get along weirdly well. Like…in the way that no one expected them to be friends. Even though Maria’s close friends with Vil, she’s gonna let Jiyoon curse him out because she thinks it’s hilarious. Maria absolutely loves when Jiyoon creates paper origamis, she thinks they’re so cute!! They’re the type of friends who can be in the same room doing different things but sit in comfortable silence. Maria very desperately wants to play and style Jiyoon’s hair, it’s too long and pretty for her to leave alone HSJSHSJ
Maria & UiO : Maria fucking LOVES UiO. She finds her to be such a joy. They’re partners in crime, mostly messing around with people and then running away. When they have to run, Maria just picks up UiO and zooms. Maria likes to hear UiO play the piano every now and then, she cheers her on when she plays twinkle twinkle little star <3 If these two are seen together and they aren’t smiling…you should probably run. Maria has her bad days, but UiO makes those days a little better, finding her attraction to negative emotions a bit humorous. Maria’s a head patter, and UiO receives all the head pats :)
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authoruio · 2 years
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I posted 280 times in 2022
That's 280 more posts than 2021!
113 posts created (40%)
167 posts reblogged (60%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 248 of my posts in 2022
Only 11% of my posts had no tags
#◦❧ ui arts - 111 posts
#twisted wonderland - 106 posts
#twst oc - 105 posts
#twst wonderland - 97 posts
#others art - 61 posts
#others oc - 48 posts
#glutton miren - 46 posts
#jiyoon luck - 45 posts
#puppet uio - 43 posts
#twsted wonderland - 38 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#when you get blinded by desperation took a power to control destiny did not think of the concequences boom your friends die
My Top Posts in 2022:
I love snakes, Jamil Viper is not one of them
I once said to myself, "There's no way I'm gonna make an animation for this snake". Well past me, what a surprise don't you think?
The song fits him so well soooo, my hands slip just took me from whatever fuck this is
Song is covered by Dongdang on youtube
I already have a song that fits Riddle and Vil... I don't know who to do first
263 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Overblots?... Overblots.
So- I'm finally chapter 3
With nothing to do and with my overflowing motivation
I thought of sketching the overblots I have encountered as of now.
Um yeah, take these sketches
twisted wonderland spoilers ahead!!
Riddle made my heart ache
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I literally love him, um, I may have been annoyed with him considering how he acted, but I love him now. Period.
Friendship goals lol
Leona made me question my damn existence (and how the fuck does this man have makeup without even trying.)
See the full post
285 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
me and my deep liking with deep sea creatures: Floyd Leech edition
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See the full post
292 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Hey UiO, did you know that Rollo fits your art style?
wait really?
hold on I need to draw him real quick
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oh yeah, he does!
317 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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JiUiAoRen has gifts for the Queen of Hearts!
See the full post
322 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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