#jk I actually had therapy 2 times in my life and it helped me a lot
arainmorn-art · 2 years
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Lots and lots and lots of thoughts. Also have some earlier sketches of Pheen, exactly from the period when I’ve decided to make his stupid face features even sharper. You know, English is not my native language, it’s actually Russian. But for some reason, even though I’m not at all fluent in English, it’s easier for me to talk about some weird stuff in it.  Of course Deciphering is a big project, I’m working on it for 9 month since I’ve started it, as I made myself not to draw the comic before I’d be fully confident in my script, which led to rewriting it 4 times. And even now it’s the 5th version as before there were no magical adventure in Edgey’s mind, no swords and flowers, the way to know how he feels inside, as outside he is quite reserved.
And it’s also a therapeutic journey for me. Yeah, duh, who am I trying to surprise with it? Anything we create is a projection of our own self. And through Phoenix, whom I love very much in canon games, I also deal with my own stuff.
For some reasons I relate to this character a lot. He seems to me like a person, who sincerely doesn’t see a big value in himself. He is not just being humble, nothing besides his job of saving people is a big deal.  
And he thinks he is not worthy of being loved.
Yes, his friends like him, his daughter loves him, but those are other forms of love. Being caring and likable is not a big deal, bringing home a lost child and rearing her is what any decent person and parent must do. Being selfless is a norm.
And looking at Edgeworth, a brilliant famous professional, a gorgeous smart man and a dear friend, Nick might believe a very sad thing: “I am not worthy”. Of course, through the rose-tinted glasses of being in love there are tendencies to feel blue and self-conscious of yourself, but it’s not the case. It’s about feeling weak and broken. It’s about looking at yourself and thinking: “No way a person I deeply value will think highly of the wreck like me”, as it’s also about being very, very harsh with yourself. It’s about believing that unless you are a harmonious strong-willed collected person with everything put together you do not deserve being loved.
But the thing is through the story I wrote about him, Nick is constantly fighting this numbing blob of insecurities, sitting like a nasty tumor inside his mind. He wants to try, he wants to check, what if, what if he is the only one who stops himself of being romantically loved. What if he actually has something to be loved. Both of them will have their character arcs through the comic, but Miles’s core struggle is the center of the story and will be fully described closer to the end, while Nick is in the outer circle constantly and expressively getting and loosing hope.
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I don’t understand my feelings. I’m so confused and conflicted. It’s the first time I am actually insecure about my protagonist’s appearance. I like the way I’m drawing him. I can see him in my head like that, tired, sleepless, sharp yet with the kindest smile, with big nose, messy hair, small sparkly blue eyes, nervous, emotional and deeply caring, being through so much yet thinking about himself so little – a person I really like. And at the same time my own mind make strange things to me: I’m looking at him and can’t believe he can be liked and loved by readers. I wrote him feeling about himself as “somewhere not enough, somewhere too much”, but I also look at my own drawing and think about exactly the same, “not enough and too much”. And even think a fictional Edgeworth might not love him back, what is there to love? Not enough courage, too much emotional turmoil. Not strong enough core, too much self-doubt. Not pretty enough, he is so far from his original anime look, just look at this face, it’s the face only mother will love. Not stoic enough. Not manly enough. Not assertive enough. Not collected enough. Not mature enough. Not enough. So strongly not enough…
And I must remind myself – that’s the point. I freakin’ made this point several month ago in the script, why am I so distressed writing about it now?
Edgeworth actually loves him for what he is. Nick is worthy. And he doesn’t have only several single traits to be loved. He can be loved as he is. Just like that. For being cheerful and bringing smiles. For being caring and emotional. Being funny looking and clumsy. Being a soft gentle selfless loser, helping people, nurturing the best in them. It has a value. It has a big value for people who care about us.
I like the thought that I wrote Nick as a very nervous lesbian trying to win a girl’s heart while fighting her own deeply low self-esteem x)
Too relatable. Too much projection x)
But looks like I really need it. I need this comic to be completed. I need to prove myself I am worthy of being loved.
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letgolovemyself · 2 years
Alright where does one begin? I really thought this was another great year, following 2021, and then September-December were an absolute shit show, of course being aligned with 555 which I saw from August till now. This year I feel like I spent more time alone than I have ever in my life. This is the first year of my life where I actually enjoyed the comfort of being by myself, looked forward to retreating to solitude, etc. This year was one of expectations versus reality: with people, myself, my job, my life, pretty much everything. At the beginning of this year I was pretty hopeful that I would meet the love of my life and finally get this happily ever after, which of course did not happen. IMO I “dated” 3 people this year: Mike, Adam, Pierce, Adam & Pierce at the same time LMAOOO jk you know that I was talking to at least 5 other people at the same time. I think the person I was most into was Adam, I was most heartbroken by Pierce. I also realized that I wasn’t actively dating until probably May/June of this year because I was in therapy, got diagnosed with BPD, I was changing jobs, finally got over Brendan and it took about 2 years. Which is honestly pretty impressive to me because I definitely thought it would take me probably the same amount of time that we dated. BUT WE MADE IT TO THE OTHER SIDE BITCH. I can listen to all the songs, go to raves, think about us without thinking that we should be together, I can look at photos and feel almost nothing - I am really 100% over it. 
I thought that 2020 was the hardest year of my life but bitch was I mother fucking wrong. I think 2022 was the hardest year of my life. I came face to face with Brendan and realized that he really isn’t shit and that he does this to every girl he encounters, which is so scary, but it helped me get over him and stop romanitcizing the abuse in my head. And yes, it was abuse (on both ends) because lying to someone, gaslighting them, just to string them along is abuse. Which is why when I apologized to him, he really stopped me mid sentence and told me not to apologize. I think he knows too that what he did was incredibly incredibly wrong and so fucked up. This was February when I also got into a bad accident, which likely is the reason my car ended up killing itself. The day after I saw Brendan is when this car accident happened as big old fuck you, realize your self worth, here is your punishment. But did I learn???? NOOOO hahahahah
I was absolutely miserable at CQA just being ignored, feeling like garbage with admin and my coworkers, being told that I called a child stupid... So I respected myself said fuck you to Glenn and I quit. I decided on a Thursday that I’m quitting, had my first round of interviews with Graham, second round on Sunday with Justin and in 3 days I was hired at Forte, and I didn’t return after spring break. This year I got a $7 thousand dollar raise. 
One highlight from this year was definitely moving to a job where I feel appreciated, seen, and valued. Forte is such an incredible school, the kids are great, staff is pretty good, and Justin trusts me to teach this curriculum, and said I have a talent for teaching reading and that it comes so naturally to me. 
When the school year ended, my summer plans were to go to Deadrocks and then come back and go to Spain, and I did all of that. Deadrocks was sooooo incredible, the most perfect experience I’ve ever had. I only knew Justin and Keyla, everyone else were strangers but they were the best group of strangers, we had such an amazing time. Refer to your notes app for more details bc I don’t want to get into all of it. I met Adam at Deadrocks, picked him up from the airport at like midnight, vibed the whole weekend, finished the weekend together at the airport. He is an absolute mindfuck of a person, but damn bitch if everything was perfect in the world, it would be him 100000%. I think we really get each other on a level that I can’t really explain, it’s just a feeling, it feels very much like I’m looking in a mirror sometimes. While at the same time I don’t quite feel I have to put on my best self in order to seem more appealing to him, which I do with literally every other guy. He feels like someone I’ve known for a long time, but I don’t know him that well at all. He feels like my favorite sweater. Which is type cute because I actually have his jacket right now. I wonder how different it is from his perspective because obviously I have a problem idealizing people as person with BPD. 
Spain was so amazing, I really can’t believe that I went to a whole different country by myself and spent basically the entire time alone. I was social and met some people around my age who were also traveling. I really shooted my shot a lot this year and it worked out every single time because men are bitches. While I was in Spain I was admitted to UAlbany to get my masters in literacy!! 
So in August I started grad school and my first full year at Forte, which was definitely the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. I worked my fucking ass off at my job, ran a club, built strong relationships with my students, helped them grow, and got a 4.0 GPA at the same time. 
Around the same time Mida and I stopped being friends, which I still don’t think I’ve processed because I’m unwilling to really think about how painful of an experience it is to kind of just continuously be dropped by people that switch up so fast, it is psychological torture when someone is your best friend and then the next day they say they don’t fuck with you anymore. The same thing happened with Justin, which was honestly for the best because I really wanted to end the friendship, but I didn’t want to lose the connection because I knew it would damage other relationships because he is literally a diagnosed narcissist, but ultimately he ended the friendship for doing the exact same thing he was doing, talking shit HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH. 
Anyways when I returned to Forte, I was seated next to Pierce and I was like alright this man is okay but he is definitely into me, so again I asked him if he could help me carry a TV, we started seeing each other in the beginning of September this lasted until Thanksgiving because I was so over begging this man for the bare minimum all the time, making all the plans. 
I just realized through this journaling that the men that broke my heart this year are both people that I actively pursued first meaning that I let my attraction/feelings be known. I’m not doing that anymore. I’m stepping out of my masculine energy and stepping into my feminine energy. 
Anyways I feel like this year I lost a few people that I was sure would be in my life for a long time, but I have realized I break my own heart so often because I invest in people so much more than they invest in me. I put so much more effort into my relationships than the other person does, so moving forward I will not be doing that. I’m giving everyone the same efforts they give me and only giving my energy to those that have shown me over time that they deserve it. I’ve been so extremely disappointed by people this year, and mostly I am disappointed in myself because I let so much slide, I gave people so many chances, and they showed me time after time exactly who they are, I knew in my gut they were not supposed to be in my life, but I made excuses for these people so many times just to keep them in my life. And I’m not doing that anymore. I think this is a normal part of getting older, you lose friends, etc. 
I’m only putting my time and efforts into the people that do the same for me.
I’m not forcing relationships anymore and I’m not begging anyone for anything ever again. I’m not looking for answers or reasons for why people have decided to leave my life or do the things that they’ve done. 
I’m being extremely exclusive and mindful of the people that I surround myself with because I’m over putting so much of myself into people just to end up by myself.
0 notes
itgirlification · 4 years
supermodel | jjk
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the last three months have been hell for you, but Jungkook seemed to be living his best life.
pairing: ex-bf!jk x thick!reader
warnings: explicit mentions of body image and insecurities, infidelity, anal sex, oral (male receive), foul language (kinda), etc.
now playing: supermodel by sza
part two part three
Exactly three months ago, your and Jungkook’s 2 years relationship officially ended. Unofficially, it ended about 5 months ago. And for about one month now, Jungkook’s been seeing someone else.
Your heart and mind told you not to do it but you couldn’t help calculating. Three months ago, you were still dating, two months later, he started dating someone else. That must mean he’s known her for a while. Did he cheat on you with her? Well, it’s not like it matters now anyway, does it?
Her name was Yuki, an undeniable Japanese beauty. You were still in college, studying music and she was a famous model who appeared in internationally known magazines. You assumed she met Jungkook during a photoshoot since he was a professional photographer who often worked for companies like Vogue and Playboy. You couldn’t help but compare yourself to her.
It wasn’t the fact that he moved on so quickly that hurt you the most. It was the fact that he knew all about your low self-esteem and how you lack confidence. Especially about your body. And he still went and dated a model, of all professions in the world. He was definitely over you.
If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he did it on purpose. But thankfully, you knew better, he looked too happy for that to be even considered. He forgot about you.
You’re making yourself sadder by remembering all the times he assured you you were beautiful and your body was nothing to be ashamed of. The times he let his fingertips run over the lines of your stretch marks, whispering in your ear how much he loved them and how they reminded him of Tiger stripes. The times he caressed your jiggly thighs and told you how sexy he thought they were.
Then your mind would drift back to the phone in your hand, the Instagram page of Yuki Sakurai opened, careful not to accidentally like anything and expose yourself. Not that she’d notice anyway, she had 3.7 million followers, while you had a private one with 500 followers and no posts, and she gets around 300 to 700 thousand likes on each post, depending on whether she posts random photos or pretty pictures of herself. Or newly, your ex-boyfriend, Jungkook. Oh, how crazy everybody goes whenever she posts him. People love them together. You couldn’t blame them. Two attractive people? Of course, they’re gonna look great together.
Fucking great.
That the end of your relationship with Jungkook would look like this was semi-predictable from the beginning. He did admit to you that he never thought he’d date someone that looked like you when you first dated. And your heart broke a little. But he also made up for it in those two years, it was a beautiful relationship nonetheless.
While you weren’t exactly his ‘ideal’ type, he was definitely yours. You always heard from other women ‘when in a relationship, the man always has to love the woman more than she loves him. Otherwise, it won’t work.’ You never really got the saying until your breakup with Jungkook happened. It was the fact that you clearly loved Jungkook more than he loved you that lead to this.
“Oh my goodness!”, your roommate, Jane, dramatically exclaimed. “Will you stop feeling bad for yourself and do something? That’s not what hot girls do, sis.”
Jane was a lovely girl with a not so lovely temper. She always means well and you got along perfectly as soon as you met. Which was around 3 and a half years ago.
She looked over your shoulder to see what you were looking at. You obviously didn’t want her to see you snooping around your ex-boyfriend’s current girlfriend’s Instagram but it was too late.
“Seriously, yn?”, she took your phone in her hand and threw it on the bed. “Let’s go somewhere, you can’t do this to yourself anymore. I’m not letting you.”
Jane was clearly worried about you at this point. The only thing you did these last few weeks was eating, shower, cry, sleep and miss a whole bunch of classes. This wasn’t good at all.
“Where?”, your question was short.
“To the mall? Or the nail studio? Anything that’ll get you out of this fucking dormitory.”, Jane sighed, pulling the blanket off of you, making you whine a little. “C’mon, go put on some cute outfit and we’ll go.”
You felt bad since she was trying hard to make you feel better. But it didn’t really work.
You nodded, standing up from the bed, nonetheless. You picked out a cute two-piece dress, that brought back blurred memories of the time you went on a date with Jungkook, wearing the same two-piece. Bet Yuki would look cuter in this...
‘Shut your petty ass up, yn. It’s embarrassing, the way you’re stuck on a taken guy who wants nothing to do with you’
You wish you could change the way you think, even if it’s just for an hour or two. You wish you would stop imagining Jungkook judging you when he saw you naked or when you told him that you wished you could cut off some of your fat with a pair of scissors.
You were beyond ashamed of yourself. Why wasn’t it easy for you to just stay by yourself? why were you so desperately in need of Jungkook by your side to the point where you’d lock yourself in your room for a month just because he isn’t there?
You needed Jungkook. You became so attached to him in those two years, because you always saw him as a permanent, a forever. Not just a temporary, not just a distant memory. You already saw him as the father of your children, as the man you’re gonna marry.
You were so blinded by the fact that you had him, that you forgot you could lose him anytime.
“I’m done, let’s go.”, unenthusiastically, you announced to Jane, who was already waiting for you.
“Let’s get the fuck outta here!”, In contrast to your spirit, hers seemed to be all roses and daisies. “Lord knows you need it...”
“Look at this cute ass skirt, girl”, Jane pointed at a chic, wine mini skirt she was holding. “You know, when I saw it back there I wanted to have it, but it’d look so much better on you”
You took a few seconds to admire Jane’s beauty. She was about 3 cm taller than you, had a great posture, and almond, dark brown eyes that suited her dark skin tone perfectly. Her body leaned more towards the slimmer side.
“Shut up! No, it would not”, you let out a small giggle. “It would look gorgeous on you, buy it.”
She smiled a little at your laughs. She was happy to see you at least a little cheerful again. “Yeah, but I think it’d look better on you. I’m entitled to my own opinion, am I not?”
You knew this debate was gonna go back and forth, because of her stubbornness. “Let’s both buy the skirt.”
You ended up doing so, added by a bunch of bags full of clothing. This may’ve turned into your new coping mechanism. Who needed therapy when you can go on a shopping spree?
Two hours were spent in boutiques and clothing stores and Jane decided she was tired, wanting to visit the local spa.
“No, seriously, these Riverdale seasons just keep on getting worse and worse. Netflix needs to step up their game ASAP”, Jane ranted, making you laugh at how serious she takes it. “It’s getting embarrassing. I’m being for real.”
The two of you were sitting in the whirlpool at the spa, relaxing your whole bodies a little.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, I don’t watch these new Netflix shows anyways. Been stuck on the vampire diaries for the last 7 years”, you chuckled, knowing you hated trying new things. “Can you pass me one of those magazines?”
Jane nodded, grabbing a random one from the table next to her and handed it to you, without looking at it.
The cover of it caught your eyes immediately. How could it not, when your ex’s new girl looks absolutely dazzling on the front page of it.
‘Supermodel Yuki Sakurai talks summer fashion tips, struggle with self-love and most importantly, her hot, new boyfriend the media is going crazy over’ was the headline of the Harper’s Bazaar Magazine cover.
You felt your stomach getting sick and your breath getting heavier, but you still flipped the pages until you found the one with her interview. You began reading it, skipping the boring parts.
‘Int: so, we see you have a new boyfriend. Tell us, how did you guys meet?
Yuki: Yeah, he’s an amazing guy. We actually met about six or five months ago at one of my photoshoots, since he’s a photographer and we exchanged numbers and stuff, and then we made it official mid last month.’
About six or five months ago? You were with him back then, but her answer was too unclear to find out if he cheated or not.
“Woah, yn, you okay?”
You entirely forgot about the fact that you were with Jane, let alone somewhere other than your bed.
Before you could react, Jane snatched the magazine out of your hand.
“You really can’t escape them, huh?”, She sighs, taking you in her arm. “It’s gonna be okay, baby. In a few months, you’re gonna look back to this and think wow I really was stuck on a guy who’s scared of microwaves and cried like a bitch when Iron Man died.”
You laughed, punching her arm playfully. “You know, I actually love these things about him. Shows his sensitivity and the way he perceives things.”
Jane looked at you as if she didn’t believe you were actually saying that stuff. “Girl, you’re overanalyzing this. Let’s just throw this shit in the trash, okay?”
She put the magazine aside.
“I just don't know what I did wrong.”, You murmured. “I know we weren't the best, but we didn't even fight that much. We could’ve talked it through.”
Jane pursed her lips and cooed. “You know, relationships are complicated sometimes. The reason why he broke up, to begin with, is probably not your fault.”
“Well, what if it is? I mean what if I was too fat or too ugly for him?”, you asked. “If he wanted a skinny girl so bad, I could’ve lost weight for him, I don’t get it.”
Jane looked at you like you lost your mind entirely. “I can’t believe you just said that! Even if that was the reason, which it wasn’t, you shouldn’t make yourself suffer because of it. That’s his loss. You’re beyond gorgeous and you have an amazing body.”
“You’re just saying that.”, tears slowly started coming up in your eyes. “But the thing is Jungkook knows all about my insecurities. Why would he do that to me? I know he knows that I’m still not over him.”
You usually didn’t like crying in front of other people, but you didn’t really care at the moment, besides that was Jane. You trusted her with your life.
“Girl, men are trash, I can’t believe you’re crying over one right now, seriously.”, she wiped your tears and held your face between her hands. “You know, honestly, I’ve read so many articles about how models actually hate themselves and have like the lowest self-esteem so in conclusion, no matter how miserable you are, his new girl is even more miserable.”
You knew Jane didn’t mean it in a harmful way, but it sounded harsher than needed. “I don’t hate her, she probably doesn’t even know about me. I’m just really insecure. He upgraded from me. He’s dating a whole model now.”
The situation just felt like a deja vu of these last few weeks laying in your bed, even though you were at the spa with your friend. You were supposed to have fun, yet you didn’t feel like having any.
“Why would you feel insecure when all you’ve seen of her are Instagram posts and red carpet pictures? She’s supposed to look beautiful, it’s her job.”
To a certain extent, Jane was right, but that didn’t really help your situation, you still felt bad about yourself. You stayed silent.
“C’mon, this isn’t fun anymore. Let’s leave.”, Jane mumbled.
it’s been two days since the incident at the spa and you felt a little bit better now.
Those days were spent reading the same three book series you’ve read your entire life, overthinking, hot Cheetos, Indian takeout, and Netflix. It really wasn’t as miserable as it sounded.
You were just taking a little rest before term break ends and you have to go back to the shithole college again.
Jane was using the time until college starts again, but in different ways than you were. She was planning on going to some frat party in an hour and forget about the world’ for a minute. Or till 4 in the morning, where she will most likely drunk call you and ask you for a ride back to the dorms, because the friends she went to the party with were shit-faced as well and were in no way capable of driving anywhere without the cops stopping them.
Going out partying on a Friday night was a Jane tradition. In the past, you’d sometimes go with her, but you mostly spent your time out with Jungkook doing something more fun than partying could ever be. Now you can’t do that anymore, but laying in bed is more ideal than a party for you at the moment.
“How do I look?”, Jane twirled around to show off her black cocktail dress. She looked beautiful.
“You look beautiful.”, you responded to her question. “Are you leaving now?”
“Hm”, she said, to which you nodded. “You sure you don’t wanna come with me? It’s gonna be really fun.”
You shook your head no.
“Alright”, she shrugged, making her way out of your bedroom. “But I told you, it’s gonna be fun.”
You chuckled, rolling your eyes. “I’ll stay here, I have shit to do.”
“Yeah, right, like binge-watching the vampire diaries and taking 5-hour naps”, she said in a sarcastic tone. “Anyway, bye-bye, Vic’s already waiting for me in the car.”
Victoria was perhaps one of the most obnoxious people you know, yet she was too much of a nice person for you to talk shit about her. The voice of your intrusive thoughts couldn’t help but to, though.
“Alright, bye, take care and say hi to Vic from me.”
After Jane left, an hour went by like it was just a couple of minutes. You were starting to get real bored and decided to watch some regular tv in hopes to find something you enjoy. You ended up not finding anything fun, but you still watched it, because you didn’t have anything else to do.
A few moments later, the doorbell rang and you were suddenly worried. Either this is a serial killer or Jane forgot something.
But to your surprise, it was neither, but it was none other than
“Jungkook?”, truly, those were the only words you were able to mutter out at your shocked state. “What are you do-“
At the speed of light, you were interrupted by your ex-boyfriend pressing his lips to yours. He didn’t say a word.
You weren’t expecting him. Not knowing how you were supposed to feel at the moment, you just let it happen. You were sure your mental state couldn’t get any worse than that, no matter how this will affect you in the end.
“Is Jane home?”, for the first time in 3 months, you’re hearing his silky voice again.
Jungkook knew Jane always had some type of special hatred for him with her killing stares and her bitter comments. You didn’t notice either though.
He also knew she must hate him even more after your breakup. Or maybe she liked him more now since she was able to get rid of him without killing anyone.
“No”, your answer was short and it made a weight fall from Jungkook’s shoulders before he continued kissing you.
It wasn’t anything you haven’t done before, yet it felt like it’s been ages since it last happened. Your mind drifted to the thought of Jungkook and his model girlfriend. You were asking yourself what their sex life was like, if she was tighter than you or if she had stretch marks and scars.
Jungkook’s lips were moving south, giving your neck wet kisses, while you were wondering why he broke up with his model girlfriend. Or if he even did. You felt selfish for not caring.
Removing your clothes one by one, you were left in your underwear, while Jungkook only had his boxers on.
This body was yours. You knew it inside out. Where he liked to get touched and where he preferred not to. You knew him better than anyone else. You were sure.
You already moved to your bedroom, since Jungkook effortlessly carried you there. You were sat on his lap, facing him and your hands were in his messy hair. His hands were around your waist, he was slightly smiling into the kiss, as you started grinding on him. He loved how easy it was for him to turn you on. You were still his.
Cutting off the kiss, he looked you in the eyes, while his hand was on your cheek. “Say aah.”, he said.
You widened your mouth obediently, which was followed by him collecting as much saliva as he could in his mouth and spitting it into your mouth.
“Swallow.”, demanding, he spit on your face, his eyes become darker with every passing moment. You did as he said.
You looked at him with big eyes. He knew you loved it. You’ve always had a thing for him degrading and humiliating you during sex.
He started grinding on you almost desperately. You knew exactly what he wanted.
Getting out of his grip, you dropped to your knees and freed his hard dick from his drawers. You reached for it and started pumping it, and licking it. Your spit was leaking down his dick as you used it for lubrication. Then you started sucking on it, just the way you used to.
Jungkook’s groans and satisfied sighs were enough to make you even wetter than before. You enjoyed giving more than receiving.
Your mouth was wet and warm around him, giving him a feeling of familiarity. You lick over the tip a few times, then proceed to fully take him into your mouth.
The bulge in your throat could be seen and the way your eyes were tearing up a little wasn’t bothering you at all. You loved giving.
Jungkook started thrusting in and out of your warm, welcoming mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat multiple times.
“Fuck”, a throaty moan left Jungkook’s mouth, giving you hints that he was about to cum. And he did, releasing in your mouth before you swallowed it. “Shit, baby, that was so good.”
You felt your face heat up and a sheepish smile made its way to your face. Your throat was sore.
The two of you were on the bed again. To you, it felt like it was the times before your breakup again, when you’d purposely start an argument just for the makeup sex because Jungkook wasn’t giving you any anymore. It was like sex was the only thing to look forward to.
You felt attached to Jungkook to a point where it was dangerous. You weren’t okay when he wasn’t around. He affected every part of your life and God knew it wasn’t always a positive thing. Maybe it was the fact that he took your virginity. Maybe because he was your first boyfriend, the first guy that made you believe you were worthy of love and that someone was actually capable of loving you. One thing you knew was Jungkook had an expansive influence on your life.
While you were practically drowning in your own thoughts, Jungkook was busy taking off your underwear.
“You okay?”, Jungkook calmly asked you, looking at your riddled face.
“Huh? Yeah, I’m okay.”, you sounded distracted, Jungkook wasn’t sure about asking you what it is though. He didn’t feel like getting personal.
So he shrugged it off and started kissing you again, his dick was unsurprisingly hard again as he played with your tits. He drew lines over the stretch marks of your thighs and kissed them.
“Can I fuck your ass?”, Jungkook’s raspy, tired-sounding voice casually asked, to which you quickly nodded, knowing that Jungkook’s favorite position had always been anal. He was massaging and gripping your ass firmly.
“This is gonna hurt at first, but I promise it gets better.”, He warned calmly into your ear, while putting some lube on his dick and just went right into your ass, slowly thrusting so you don’t feel as much pain.
He was right, it did hurt a lot when he first put it in, but the pain just changed into pleasure in a matter of time and his slow-paced thrusts helped with the adjustment.
“Fuck, I missed this ass”, he practically growled into your ear, as he kept on thrusting in and out, steadily gripping your wide hips with his big, veiny hands. “It just doesn’t feel right when I’m inside her ass.”
You knew your confidence shouldn’t rely on Jungkook bringing his girlfriend down, but you couldn’t help but feel good about your body when he said that. It’s been a while since you felt even a tiny spark of confidence. You weren’t so fond of him mentioning her while he was inside of you.
Your soft moans rang through the whole room like sirens, while he watched your ass jiggle against his pelvis, thrusting in and out faster every second. He missed this.
You had always thought you were indecisive, but you knew exactly what you wanted. You just couldn’t have that, so you’d eventually have to settle for less.
Jungkook wasn’t to blame for it, you just couldn’t concede your shortcomings. The movie’s villain wasn’t always the real villain.
Your hands traveled to your pussy to make sure you’d orgasm as well, when you heard Jungkook’s breathing getting heavier and his thrusts getting gentler than before, indicating that he was gonna cum soon. You were certain he could make you cum with just anal, but you wanted to cum with him.
With furrowed eyebrows and drops of sweat dripping down his body, Jungkook looked down at your arched back. The whole scene was sticky, especially when Jungkook presses his upper body to your back, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and kissing the spot.
It was kinda odd, having sex with your ex-boyfriend you were crying over just a day ago. There was a certain intensity to it though. Like your long-lasting nostalgia was finally fulfilled.
You’ve realized you couldn’t imagine yourself being intimate with anybody else. Jungkook already knew your body, how it looked without the material protecting it, the strawberry skin, the slightly sagging breasts you swore you’d surgically remove once you had the chance to but didn’t. He knew where you liked being touched, he was the first one to even touch you in those places.
You were unsure what you’d do with yourself when he leaves.
Jungkook’s thrusts slowly started stopping and you too felt the familiar sensation in your stomach.
Suddenly, you two were nothing but desire, fear, and pleasure. And faster than you could process, you came together.
For minutes after your orgasm, you were just laying on the bed, thoughtless. Maybe a little regretful. Not you, but him.
You weren’t facing each other, but you could hear each other’s breathing. Your stomach was filled with something you’d describe as post-sex melancholia.
All of a sudden, Jungkook stood up from the bed, startling your resting self a little, but you decided to keep quiet, wanting to see what he was going to do.
He made his way to the door to leave what he thought was your sleeping body laying there. You couldn’t keep quiet anymore.
“Where are you going?”, your soft voice suddenly rang in his ears. “Don’t you wanna stay?”
He didn’t know how exactly to tell you. You’ve always been a gullible little girl, you were the type of girl to think fucking equals love. Little did you know that wasn’t the case at all.
“Yn.... you know I can’t”, Jungkook responded, you knew it wasn’t gonna be good when he said your name like that. “I got a girl at home and I don’t wanna mess shit up with her.”
There it was. Your suspicion was corroborated. He was still going out with the model and you were a certified home wrecker. Great.
You physically felt your heart breaking. “Bu- but why are you here then?”
You were incapable of being mad at him at the moment. It was your fault for letting him in, again. After breaking your trust and your heart.
“This was a mistake”, he declared, not looking into your eyes. “I’m sorry, yn...”
He’s moved past your room now, already at the exit of your dormitory. He was about to leave.
“You already ruined shit with her when you came here and fucked me.”, your voice was small, but your words were heard.
Without looking back, he left.
And you went back to your room, standing in the middle of it for a minute in silence before your brain fully processed what had happened and your tears started pouring.
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jincherie · 5 years
kiss it better | jjk
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~ COMMISSION FOR @cinnaminsvga​​ ~
✩ — pairing: jungkook x reader ✩ — genre: college/uni au, smut, cheerleader!jk, pining, borderline crack ✩ — words: 11.7k ✩ — rating: 18+ ✩ — warnings: koo takes a tumble, explicit sexual content; clothed sex, unprotected sex (not recommended), creampie, handjobs,light subby!jk, hand-holding during sex (potent), whining, thigh-riding, vaginal sex, minor hair pulling, public sex (sort of), multiple orgasms, overstimulation, light dirty talk ✩ — notes: out later than intended and a bit longer than intended !! whoops!!! i won’t/don’t charge if i go over the commissioned amount becayse that’s my bad!! but yeah. its been a hot second since i last wrote smut!! also none of my friends were awake to proofread this so….. apologies if it’s shit and has typos! its 2am! pls enjoy and lmk whast u think!!
When one goes to Kim Seokjin for advice, it’s almost guaranteed to never end well. This is something Jungkook learns quickly when he mistakenly follows treasured advice to ‘be smart’ and ‘use his assets’. He just did what he was told! Of course, the execution was a bit poor… and embarrassing. But hey, if rocking up to cheer practice in a skirt doesn’t woo your crush, what will?
masterlist | — posted; 01.03.2020
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It’s a beautiful day, the sun has just come to peak out from behind the clouds that had earlier obscured its climb from the horizon, and the grass of the Biological Sciences Library courtyard glistens with raindrops left over from the brief shower that prefaced the sun’s belated appearance. Students are finally beginning to emerge from the safety of the undercover walkways and overhangs, venturing boldly to shortcut over the grass. University life resumes, and everything falls back into its place, all as usual.
“Yah, is that Jungkook? Wait what is he—”
Well, everything except for one thing.
A red and black-clad figure slams to a stop right where two students are sitting and minding their own business outside the café attached to the back of the library—there’s no time to say hello. The table rocks dangerously on its beaten, metal leg, the impact of Jungkook’s beeline almost sending it straight to the ground if the two others weren’t already seated there to catch it.
“OW!” Jimin is never one to be quiet in his complaints, all too happy to holler his outrage at the top of his lungs. As his oldest hyung would say, no attention is bad attention. “Hey you almost jammed my fingers!”
Startled as Taehyung might have been, his focus is quickly shifted to other things. His wide eyes scan Jungkook’s panting form, taking in the clothes clinging to him like a second skin and the beet red colour of his face and ears. It’s not hard to put two and two together, but what comes out of his mouth isn’t exactly the most pressing thing he wants to ask, “Jungkook, why are you wearing the female cheer leading uniform I gave you?”
There’s a somewhat crazed look that makes itself known in the youngest’s eyes. “AHA!” he throws a finger in Taehyungs face, accusing. “So you ADMIT it’s a female uniform! Taehyung, you ass, how could you!”
Taehyung’s face is a question mark and Jimin squints, confused and still huffy about nearly losing his fingers and his triple-shot iced caramel latte that he may or may not have charmed the barista into gifting him for free. He wants to know what is going on and he wants to know NOW, damn it!
“What are you on about?” he asks, wrinkling his nose as he takes his drink into hand to prevent any future risk of spillage. “Why do you look like that time you ran the half-marathon on a dare?”
Jungkook glares at him, but it’s about as effective as it would be coming from a puppy. “Be quiet and sip your drink,” he says boldly, still attempting to get his breathing under control. Jimin considers throwing a retort back but ultimately decides against, it, shrugging and doing just that. He doesn’t want it getting warm, after all.  
“Uh, yeah,” Taehyung says, sounding like he is a split second away from tacking on ‘duh’ at the end. “You asked me for a cheerleading uniform? I thought you knew some chick that needed a spare, I didn’t know you wanted one to wear.”
At Jungkook’s dumbfounded expression, Taehyung takes the liberty of continuing. “I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with it? You look surprisingly hot in a skirt, your ass looks fine as hell. But you seem kind of angry so IN MY DEFENSE, how was I supposed to know? That you wanted a male uniform? You never specified so—”
While each word that came out of Taehyung’s mouth just seemed to rile him up more, a different look passes over Jungkook’s features at that comment. “Wait, my ass looks good?” He straightens, attempting to peer over his own shoulder to catch a glimpse. “I wonder if she… No!”
He shakes his head suddenly to clear those thoughts and get back on track, whipping that same accusing finger in Taehyung’s face once more and levelling him with a renewed glare. 
“Because of you, I just had the most humiliating experience of my life, and it was all in front of you-know-who!” His voice starts strong, but as he continues it shrinks to more of an angry whisper, his brows scrunched in a clear display of his displeasure. “I literally am about to commit seppuku.”
“Weeb,” Jimin utters at the same time as Taehyung asks, “y/n?” Jimin’s head whips up at the keyword. 
Jungkook’s fight has all but left him at this point, and he pulls out one of the metal chairs to slump in it, defeatedly. His ears are turning crimson again as he recalls the events that had traumatised him so, and he slams his head to the table with a groan, muttering to himself in a voice that sounds dangerously like a sob.
“—stupid, was so stupid of me. I never should have asked Seokjin-hyung for advice. For actually listening I deserve nothing short of death. I’m so embarrassed I’m gonna throw myself into the lake.”
“Don’t throw yourself in there, think of the fishes—” Taehyung says at the same time as Jimin squawks, “WHAT?! You got advice from Seokjin?! He knows who your crush is? Oh my god, you’re more stupid than I thought…”
It’s all Jungkook can do to simply rest his head on the grubby-feeling table, eyes unfocused as he stares into the distance and regrets almost every single decision he has made in his waking life. 
“My roommate,” Seokjin says, in between gratuitous sips of his monstrously sugary drink. “I think I’m almost about to get him to crack.”
“I feel bad for him,” you say, not looking up from your laptop despite the urge to gorge on your own drink. You made a goal not to look like a goblin when you woke up this morning and sipping your drink at a reasonable pace is a good start. “Being stuck in close quarters with you all the time. No doubt he needs therapy by now.”
As expected, Seokjin ignores you. You wonder if this is how he has managed not to get usurped as leader of the Contemporary Poetry Performance Club.
(To condense a very long story— he didn’t take being kicked out of the Drama Club very well. That’s on him though, he probably shouldn’t have called the Club Leader a tasteless fool for ordering a salad with his Happy Meal instead of nuggets. But, you digress.)
“I think I’m getting close these days,” the male muses, not-so-subtly making a reach for the McDonalds apple pie you have resting on the table next to your laptop. You smack his hand away without so much as a blink, more than used to having to defend any and all food from his wandering hands by this point. He continues, unaffected by the rebuttal, “Like, really close. It’s not long before my unrelenting bastardous antics wear him down and he finally breaks, spilling all his deepest secrets and confessing his long-time crush on me, thus allowing me to bring this act of friends-to-lovers pining to a close and get to the steamy stuff. “
At his spiel, you finally look at him, sporting a concerned and confused expression, if not somewhat intrigued. “… Are you talking about Jungkook?”
Seokjin chokes on the long sip he’d begun to drag up the straw, indignance making his voice rise. “NO, dumbass, I’m talking about Namjoon! Although…” He pauses only to bring a finger to stroke his chin, like a villain straight from an episode of Lazy Town, “You know, I never thought I’d be one for that harem shit, but now I think about it…”
“Gross,” you groan, wrinkling your nose. Seokjin releases a villainous cackle and you have no choice but to raise your fist in promise. He gets the message and quietens down immediately.
“No, but speaking of that little twerp,” Seokjin quickly starts up again, placing his drink down on the table. You feel an ounce of regret, knowing that means he’s about to talk for a longer time than you’re ready for. “I’m close to breaking him too.”
“He told you who his crush is?” you ask, brows raising in shock. Seokjin lets out a great sigh like the weight of the world is on his shoulders, making you snort.
“No,” he grumbles, before brightening straight after. “But! I’m getting close. He came to me for advice this morning.”
At his words, you’ve now completely abandoned whatever you were doing on your laptop and are looking at him in disbelief. “You’re lying.”
“Am not!” Seokjin denies, huffy. “He did! He wanted help making his crush fall in love with him, and so of course he came to me, Kim Seokjin, master of the heart and modern-day cupid.”
You pin him with a deadpan look. “Namjoon was out, wasn’t he.”
Seokjin’s glare is all the answer you need. He continues like you hadn’t even spoken in the first place.
“And since he so wisely came to me, of all people, and put his love life in my wise, gentle hands, I gave him the best advice anyone could possibly get.” The way his chest has swelled with pride and he’s looking all-too-pleased with himself doesn’t fill you with a good feeling. “I told him to play it smart, and use his assets.”
At first, you’re confused. “What, like… his cuteness? His endearing personality?”
“NO, dumbass, his assets! His ass! His thighs! His itty-bitty waist!” You think you hear him muttering something like ‘that lucky bitch’ under his breath, but can’t be sure. “Also, don’t think I missed you calling him cute, y/n. I’m filing that shit away for later.”
“I’ll kill you,” you inform him, but the threat has long since lost its impact. He rolls his eyes.
“Shut up, we both already know exactly how 'peggable’ you think he is.” He takes a haughty sip of his drink like he knows he’s right, and you hate that he is. “It’s not the most incriminating thing I have on you.”
You make the strategic decision not to say anything and dig your hole deeper, and Seokjin seems pleased at your silent admit of defeat.
“Anyway,” he says again, smacking the cream on top of his drink down into the liquid with a spoon. There is some fallout, but that’s never stopped him before. “Kid’s dumb as shit but pure of heart. I’m interested to see whether he will actually take my advice.”
“He won’t for sure,” you scoff, returning to your laptop at last. “Anyone who takes your advice is guaranteed to have an empty head and quarter of a brain cell to their name. Jungkook is smarter than that.”
As expected, Seokjin squawks in outrage, and it harmonises with the ambience of dead silence in your corner of the library. He doesn’t let the topic rest for the remainder of the day.    
You think that the day Jungkook first rocked up to cheer practice at the gym a week ago at the same time you were coaching the women’s basketball team, is one firmly burned into your memory for the rest of your life. And, honest to god, you wouldn’t have it any other way.  
Because the boy, in all his slim-waisted, sculpted-ass-and-thighs glory, had rocked up in a cheerleading crop top and skirt.
You have absolutely no idea why he decided to wear that to his first session after joining, but you do know that while the sight of him usually makes you drool, the sight of him in that made your brain cease all higher functioning and you, in essence, became a dog. You almost barked when you saw him, for real.
Even from across the room though, you’d quickly been able to gather that he hadn’t worn it on purpose (somehow), as his face flushed bright crimson and he quickly began to look like he wanted to neck himself in the middle of the gym. Yoongi, another bastard friend of yours who through a series of unfortunate events and regrettable decisions (for him) had become the cheer captain, had been insulted that Jungkook had shown up like that and “hadn’t taken cheer seriously”, and so had given him a punishment. Yoongi said that if he wanted to rock up in a skirt so badly, then for every coming practice he had to wear a skirt again.
Had you not been busy drooling you probably would have felt bad for Jungkook, as you did later when Yoongi filled you in. As it were, in the moment you’d nearly copped a basketball to the face for being so distracted. Regrettably, you’d had to turn away from Jungkook and back to your actual duties: coaching. 
Although with Yoongi being out for your blood, you have had plenty of opportunities in the past week to ogle to your heart’s desire. A real shameful amount, if you’re being honest with yourself.
“Bora!” you call, watching the girl in question halt across the gym. “Fix your footwork or I’m gonna smack you!”
The girl rolls her eyes and turns away, flicking a ponytail of dark hair over her shoulder as she does so, but listens to what you say. The familiar squeak of rubber on gym flooring fills the air as she starts the drill anew. She has a tendency to get lazy and sloppy in her movements if you don’t ride her ass, and she knows it as much as you do.
“How did you even managed to get the coaching position?” Seulgi asks from next to you, her response almost cut off by a loud racket from the cheer side of the gym. It takes all of your willpower not to fall into the trap and look over. “I feel like people like you shouldn’t be in positions of power.”
You don’t even bother arguing with her since she’s technically right and you agree. “Sheer dumb luck,” you tell her, risking a glance to the side if only to give Yoongi the stink eye. “Actually, if you really wanna know, I only went for it because Yoongi wanted it and he did something that really soured my yoghurt and pissed me off. So I applied out of spite. I probably shouldn’t have gotten the job though.”
“Huh,” Seulgi voices, eyes unfocused. “Well you’re not too bad for a fake. The team has actually been improving since you took over.”
“That’s probably because you guys went through coaches so fast for a while that for like, six months you didn’t really have one.”
The only reason the girl is on the sidelines in the first place is because she’d looked over at the wrong time and caught it just as Jungkook started one of the tumbling routines, getting it almost perfect on the first go and in the process flashing his pert ass to the air and any sorry beholders. He might have been wearing bike shorts under the punishment skirt he was modelling, and he might have traded the crop top for a singlet of reasonable length, but it was still a dangerous, nay lethal sight. You’d looked over at the same time so you knew why and how Seulgi managed to tumble and trip so terribly mid-drill. She rolled her ankle so bad that as she sits next to you right now with ice on it, it looks like there’s an entire boiled egg beneath the surface of her skin. It’s kind of gross but also kind of hard to look away from. 
Back to the topic at hand, there is just something about the sheer athleticism and heaven-blessed ease with which Jungkook backflips and cartwheels across the mat that turns you into a brainless slab of goo. You’re unsurprised that Seulgi got distracted and ended up hurting herself as a result of it.
The afternoon flies by and before you know it, it’s dark outside, and you’ve finished riding the collective women’s basketball team’s ass for the day. As they disperse and leave the gym at a leisurely pace, you collect Seulgi and help her towards the gym locker room to get some fresh ice for her ankle before she journeys to visit the university nurse. 
The cheer squad has just about finished up their own practice, and one by one they begin to filter out of the gym. Yoongi waddles over to where you stand by the door, eyeing Seulgi with a knowing look.
“Got distracted at the wrong time, huh?” He asks, very much already knowing the answer. You give him a dirty look while Seulgi goes bright pink.
Yoongi adjusts the collar of his university sports jacket, puffing his chest out. “That’s our golden boy for ya,” he brags, sounding very much like one of the aunties and old women you find gossiping on the street near the markets. “He was born for cheer. It’s like he’s been tumbling since the day he was born. Probably even came out doing a backflip.”
You want to tell him to stop pulling shit out of his ass, but you can’t bring yourself to say anything when you agree so wholeheartedly. You’re saved from having to summon a response when in the next second, Yoongi gets the urge to turn and catches Jungkook red-handed on his way out of the gym. He seems in a hurry, moving almost like he’s trying to sneak out unnoticed, but halts at the unmistakable sound of Yoongi’s holler when it breaches the air.
“Ah there he is— Jungkook-ah!” Even while calling out, Yoongi somehow still has an indolent, lazy drawl. “Good job today! Also, proud of you for committing to your punishment. Keep it up!”
The poor raven-haired boy had already looked somewhat mortified at being singled out amongst the students exiting the gym, but now as Yoongi finishes speaking and his big doe eyes flick to the side and take in you and Seulgi listening in, his face very suddenly and violently erupts into a blush.
“Th-thanks,” he squeaks, nodding, the tips of his ears darkening to match his face. His eyes are flicking from you to Yoongi in such a way he almost reminds you of a scared rodent. When it becomes clear he has nothing more to say, he turns on his heel and flees in the direction of the locker room. For his sake, you don’t ogle him as he goes. There’s a time and a place, and he seems so embarrassed that you’d feel bad for checking him out right now. 
“… He’s so cute,” Yoongi remarks a few seconds after Jungkook disappears out the door, gaze still trained in the direction he’d left. “No wonder I always look over and see you drooling, y/n.”
You agree with the first part, but honestly… you could have done without that second comment. You give him the stink eye to let him know just that, before tapping Seulgi and readjusting your grip in preparation to walk once more.
“If you’re immune, Min, you’re not human,” Seulgi says, cheeky glint in her eye. Your heart warms—you can always count on her to defend you in the face of life’s meanies.
It’s not often you find yourself making the long, arduous trek down the street to the apartment building where Seokjin et al. live, but it does happen on the occasion. If possible, you like to make the journey in the morning or the afternoon, because there is little to no cover on the path that takes you there and the only thing you like less than being in the sun when you don’t have to is sweating.
Still, you make the trek today, even though it’s technically past the point in the morning where you would refuse. The heat starts to come anywhere from 8 to 9 o’clock, even earlier on the stinkier days. Call you lazy, but you stick by your own rules because they work and reduce your suffering considerably. 
Namjoon is one of your project partners in a random elective the two of you chose, and he was meant to give you a part of the assignment he’d been working on yesterday but, of course, forgot it. And then again today, when he was meant to drop it off on his way to work, he forgot it once more. So here you are, walking to his stupid apartment and preparing to break in because it’s due next week and you need his part to finish yours, damn it. 
Thankfully, air conditioning greets you the second you step inside the building and cools down whatever heat has managed to cling to your form from outside. Luck is on your side—no sweat today, babey! In a slightly better mood now that you’re out of the sun, you follow the path your legs have committed to memory to Namjoon’s apartment. 
Normally you’d rely on someone being home to let you in so you can ransack Namjoon’s room, but in his apologetic text he’d informed you that everyone is out and so with a great, big sigh you’d resigned yourself and dug the lockpicking set you received one Christmas out from under your bed. It’s heavy in your back pocket now as you walk down the hallway of the floor their apartment is on, already feeling like you’ve committed a crime. Before you can even throw yourself into thoughts of which tool would work best on their front door, you catch sight of something you most definitely weren’t expecting. 
There’s someone else in front of the apartment door, jiggling the doorknob and attempting to work it. You don’t know if they realise its locked and are trying their luck anyway, or whether they’ve yet to figure it out, but while their back is turned to you they have provided you with an excellent view.
Broad shoulders with tan skin peaking out from below a muscle singlet and glistening with sweat where their body catches the light. Dark curls are plastered to the back of their neck, arms out and a tattoo sleeve on one leading your gaze down its length. He’s very athletic, you gather of the stranger immediately, and you’re almost drooling at the way his bicep shifts and tenses as he tries the doorknob once more. Your gaze finally frees itself and scans over the rest of him; defined back, tiny waist, nice butt, thick thighs—
Wait. You know that waist. The sight of it bared by a skimpy cheerleading outfit is one you’ve committed to memory.
“Jungkook?” you say, feeling your stomach dip in excitement. Does it always do that when you see him? You can’t remember.
At the sound of your voice and how close it is, the male jumps in fright and lets out a noise eerily close to a squeak. He spins, slamming his back against the door and smacking a hand over his heart.
“Oh my god,” he breathes, eyes closing and head falling back against the door with a thud. The sight is borderline sinful when combined with his damp hair and sweaty form, and your thoughts threaten to take a dangerous route before you reign them in. You smack your libido back in place— down, girl! “y/n, you scared the living shit out of me.”
A moment passes before his eyes snap open and the breath leaves him in a whoosh, and he’s looking at you like a cornered rabbit, cheeks already warming in his fluster. “W-wait, y/n? What… What are you doing here?”
Cute. If you could, you think you’d pack him up and put him in your pocket.  
You ignore his question only for the sake of asking him your own—much less incriminating as a choice. “Are you trying to break into your own apartment, Mister Jungkook?”
Instantly, as you’d almost come to expect at this point, his cheeks flush cutely. 
“Wh- I, uh…” he swallows and clears his throat, rubbing the back of his neck. “No! Kind of? I went for a jog earlier and Namjoon-hyung kind of… uh… he locked me out.”
As he speaks, you’re reminded of how much you actually like his voice. It’s smooth, melodious; even when its shaking slightly from nerves. Why is he nervous? The longer you stand in his presence the more curious you become. You kind of want to tease him a little.
You hum, a smile curling the corners of your lips and one of your brows raising.  “Ah, so he’s scorned both of us, I see. But fear not, little gumdrop!”
He’s staring at you in something akin to flustered bewilderment as you reach behind you and pull out your lockpicking kit, brandishing it like a trophy. “I have the solution!”
“…” He’s stunned into silence, it seems, but you don’t mind. The look on his face right now is super cute—you kind of want to pinch his cheeks. Okay, damn it, you can’t help it—you pinch his cheek and make a short cooing noise as you step past, preparing to help him break into his apartment. At least this way it feels less like a crime and more like a service.
(You sneak a sly look back at Jungkook as you pass him, and your heart squeezes at the sight of his cheeks flushing pink from your teasing action, eyes wide as they follow your form. This boy is gonna kill you one day.)
Usually you have a bit of trouble picking locks (you don’t do it often) but you crack this one surprisingly fast, and before you know it the door is swinging open and you’re letting out a noise of glee.
“Excellent!” you announce, before darting right in to search for what you came for. Namjoon left it conveniently on the dining table, so you dash over and grab the folder and USB before turning around to be on your merry way. 
When you return to the door, Jungkook is still standing there, tattooed hand pressed to the cheek you’d pinched – which are bright red, by the way— and his eyes somewhat dazed.
“See you at practice later, Jungkook!” you say, waving the folder to accentuate the farewell. “Don’t forget the punishment skirt! You look too good in it, it would be a crime to forget it.”
Once you’re done speaking, you turn back the way you’re walking, missing the facial expression that accompanies his flustered sputtering of a goodbye. Your stomach still flips in excitement as you retreat, a skip in your step, and you can’t help but think it wouldn’t be a bad thing if you ended up seeing more of Jungkook outside of practice.
You’re sitting in the campus sushi place, escaping the midday heat and grabbing something to eat, minding your own business. It is, though, a nice day and you don’t mind sitting back and just admiring it. This changes when a figure suddenly comes bolting towards you from a distance and nearly bowls you and the contents of your sushi container over.
“SEOKJIN!” you exclaim, barely having saved your food from a sudden and unfortunate meet & greet with the floor. You give him a glare strong enough to kill. “What the hell! My karaage chicken!!! Dude you KNOW they only make a certain amount of these per day, you almost made me drop it and I hadn’t even taken a bit yet! Honestly! You—”
“Shut! Shut up!” Seokjin grips you by the shoulders, giving you a shake; it makes your eyes lock-on to his flushed face, his breath coming in pants from his exertion. “Shut up I have something to say and it’s important!”
“Stop shaking me!” you cry, wriggling out of his grip and leaning as far back into your chair as you can to get away from this nutcase. “And what?! You finally slipped up and Namjoon found all the secret letters you write for him when you’re horny?!”
“No, better!” Seokjin makes like he’s going to grab your shoulders again and you smack his hands away. He continues, eyes alight with something akin to glee that makes him look just a little bit crazy. “I finally did it! I found out who that twerp’s crush is! You won’t beli—”
“What?!” you sputter, your gut churning for some reason. Is the sushi you ate off? “He told you? No way he would be stupid enough to tell you—”
“Hey!” the male cries, indignant. “I resent that! Also no, he didn’t technically tell me, but I have people on the inside…”
It takes a moment for you to scan through people in your head before it clicks. You gasp. “You bullied it out of his friends?! Seokjin! Taehyung and Jimin don’t deserve that!”
“I didn’t bully them! They told me of their own accord!” He points a finger at you in retribution. “Albeit, it was by accident, but I digress.”
You’re shaking your head, returning to your sushi and ignoring the odd sensations in your gut. “This is blood information, man. I don’t know if I can sit and be accomplice to—”
“It’s you!” Seokjin blurts, sticking his pink-haired head right in your face. “The twerp has a crush on you! Finally, at least one of my shipping dreams is coming true!”
You’re so shocked by the information literally thrown in your face that you honest to god almost drop your sushi, again. You stare at the male, mouth open, as you flounder to get some order back in your thoughts.
The first thing you think to say is—“What? No way. Your info is dodgy, man.”
“Look, I know you’re sensitive so I try not to say this often, but are you dumb, y/n?” Seokjin stands back now, hand on his hip.  The look he’s giving you isn’t impressed. “It makes so much sense! Why else would he sign up to cheerleading in a skirt to use his assets if it wasn’t on at the same time as whatever his crush does? Honestly, I should have seen it sooner—the way he goes bright pink every time he sees you and his eyes sparkle like an anime girl every time we mention you. I just thought he was scared of girls or had pinkeye or somethin’.”
You kind of want to smack him, but the rest of you is busy attempting to process all the information unloaded on you. Your stomach gives a giddy flip, and you decide it can only mean one thing in the wake of finding out that Jungkook’s mysterious crush is you.
Maybe, just maybe, you like him too.
You’re gonna pursue him. 
It seems that Jungkook has heard that his crush on you has been leaked, because you’ve been trying to track him down and confirm it ever since last week and he’s been avoiding you like the plague. You think you see him kicking up dust as he retreats as fast as his legs will take him around hallway corners when he sees you at the other end, you catch glimpses of him across courtyards as he spins and flees in the opposite directions. A part of you wonders whether its because he does indeed have a crush on you and is embarrassed that you know, of whether it’s because he doesn’t have a crush on you and is embarrassed that you might think he does. 
Well, you can’t know until you talk to him and it seems like you won’t be able to talk to him unless you ambush him in the men’s toilets or something. Which, by the way, isn’t something you’re going to do because even though your friends might be crazy, you’re most definitely not. 
It was even to the point that Jungkook missed the first two practices after you found out, and you have no doubt that he would have avoided you by missing even more had Yoongi not threatened him with adding a crop top to his punishment attire should he miss another practice. He’d showed up for the next one but every time he came within five metres of you he blushed and kept his eyes to the ground, fleeing as soon as he can. 
It’s a little bit frustrating, and he’s still cute when he acts all shy, but you really wish you could track him down just so you know whether its true or not.
Perhaps, with time, he’ll grow a little less skittish and let you get close enough to start a conversation. You just have to hold out hope that a moment will come that will allow you to start bridging things back together with the two of you.
That moment comes sooner than you expect when, just the next day, you round a corner alongside Seulgi, having just come from the women’s locker rooms, and walk straight into someone. It’s like walking into a brick wall and kind of hurts. You stumble and let out a sound in pained surprise, but manage to stay on your feet for the most part— the joy at that moment of success passes quickly when you become aware of the cool feeling seeping down your thigh and stomach.
Before even looking to see who you walked into, your gaze is directed down to see what was spilt on you— it’s light pink, and the sugary sweet scent that brushes your nose and sticky sensation that begins to make itself known on your skin are something you recognise instantly.
Strawberry milk.
You look up in something akin to horror, but the expression all but falls from your face when you see who the culprit is.
Jungkook stands there looking very much like a deer caught in headlights, drink carton crumpled and empty in his hand now that its contents are all over your front. As you gaze at him you watch the tip of his ears turn bright red, eyes wide and so unguarded you swear you can see the thoughts whipping through his mind beyond them. You also see the instant regret and mortification that washes over his boyish features as he realises what has just happened and who he has spilt his drink on.
“y-y/n—” he stutters, voice caught in his throat. Whatever he was planning on saying is quickly overpowered by an obnoxious voice from his side.
You hadn’t even noticed Yoongi was walking alongside Jungkook until you hear him speak, “Wow, you know what you were coming around that corner so hard and fast that this is on you, y/n.”
When Yoongi first started talking, Jungkook had seemed relieved, but now a sense of panic has taken over his features. 
“N-no! I am so sorry! This was my fault, I shouldn’t have had it open when I couldn’t even drink it yet. I just really like strawberry milk, and…” He’s so endearingly remorseful as he speaks, big puppy eyes looking apologetically into your own like he’s searching for any hint of forgiveness there to spare.
For a moment you’re absolutely blindsided by the way he just made your heart squeeze in your chest with how damn cute he is, but you recover just in time to catch it as the shocked expression on Yoongi’s face melds into something devious and fitting for his bastardly title.
“Right, he’s right, totally our bad,” Yoongi says, doing a complete 180 and bewildering both you and Seulgi beside you. “Wow, look at your pants, totally soaked through man. Here, come with me— it’s only fair we help grab you something to change into.”
“What—” you don’t get to finish before the cat-faced bastard grabs you by the arm and begins dragging you down the hall in the direction you came from. Seulgi and Jungkook remain in place, stunned by the turn in events. 
“Jungkook, head to practice and get them started! I want some pyramid practice, and then some tumbling from you and the others. Chop chop!” — is all Yoongi throws over his shoulder in dismissal, dragging you where you now realise is one of the other locker rooms. You gape at him as he walks straight up to the one that has been locked for months and opens it with a key.
Catching your expression, he shrugs. “Sometimes you just need a place of your own to hoard things.”
You don’t understand what he’s talking about until you step in and see a table in the corner near the doorway piled high with first aid supplies, twiggy sticks and energy drinks. Your bewildered subsequent scan of the room for more treasured objects is cut short when a lump of clothing smacks you in the face.
You just barely manage to fumble it into your grasp, unable to swallow your groan when you see what it is from the pattern alone.
“It’s the only thing spare,” Yoongi says, radiating true goblin energy. You don’t trust him as far as you can throw him right now but you don’t know where to look to disprove him. “Try not to get my cheerleaders too worked up.”
You have an inkling as to why he’s done this from his words, but can’t confirm it right now. You huff, moving off to one of the stalls. 
“If people get flashed, that’s on you.”
Ten minutes later sees you back in the open gymnasium with cool air brushing your legs that usually only get to see the light of day through rips in your jeans. You set your team to their tasks and drills already, so now you’re left alone with your thoughts. You know for sure now why Yoongi made you change into the cheerleading skirt.
Because ever since you walked out in it and nearly made him fall flat on his face in shock, Jungkook hasn’t been able to keep the blush off his cheeks or his eyes away from you for more than a few minutes at a time. You feel slightly empowered, contrary to how you thought the dangerously short piece of clothing was going to make you feel. 
You have a nice body, you’re comfortable admitting it, and the way that your unplanned flaunting of it seems to be affecting Jungkook… well it’s a nice stroke of the ego, you won’t lie, but it also makes your stomach flip giddily. God, you want him. You’ve always thought he was cute but ever since he joined cheer and rocked up in that skirt like a sweet, hot fool, it was over for you. He’s so… ugh.
Trucking through the practice of your team is, for once, a struggle. It’s so hard not to look over every few seconds to catch Jungkook when you can feel his gaze on you, and you know that once you give in you won’t be able to help being distracted afterwards. It’s a miracle you get through to the end of it while remaining sane. 
As your practice wraps up for the day, you allow yourself a glimpse to the side at last. What you see is a sweaty, panting Jungkook, the muscles of his arms straining as he holds up a brunette you vaguely recall as Tzuyu above his head. Wow, you’re actually a little startled at how much arousal just washed through you— is this normal? Maybe you’re more whipped than you thought. You don’t know.
What you do know, however, is that you want that boy, and right now especially you want to mess with him. Call it a con of being around such bastardous friends all the time, but you’re really feeling the urge. You barely manage to hold yourself back, marvelling at the animal he seems to reduce you to with just a flex of his bicep.
The practice for your basketball team finishes before cheerleading; Yoongi is a ruthless coach and relentless when it comes to formations and perfecting routines. More often than not their practices end long after yours. As your girls begin to filter out of the gymnasium, the cheer squad are still going. You make to follow after, but your name is called from the other side of the gym by a voice you recognise but know instantly shouldn’t be here. 
“y/n! Come here! Don’t ignore me!” Seokjin is the fiend in question, hollering at such an unmistakable frequency that you couldn’t ignore it if you tried. It’s like he’s followed in the footsteps of cats and has pinpointed the exact frequency that a baby’s cry is at, and is now using it to his advantage. You turn, wary, and see him waving like a dumbass. “Come here! Don’t make me pspspsps!”
Now annoyed, you stomp over if only so you can get within beating range. As soon as you reach a few feet away he ducks behind Yoongi though, so you don’t get to follow through on your caveman instincts to beat him over the head with a rock.
“What?” you ask, giving him a stinky look. “Are you like, stalking me or something? Why are you so obsessed with me?”
You can tell he wants to laugh, but his instinct to rile you up overpowers the humour of what you said. “You think you’re worth stalking? I don’t need to stalk you to know that your day consists almost entirely of eating, shitting, and staring at a certain ass.”
Well, he has you there. You shrug, “I’m a simple girl.”
Seokjin is momentarily bewildered that you didn’t rise to his bait and Yoongi chokes on his laughter beside you, the sound coming out squeaky. You’re glad someone is laughing, it makes your dick hard when people find you funny. Again, you’re a simple girl.
“Nice outfit, by the way,” Seokjin says. Apparently it doesn’t take him long to recover, and he’s already shifted topics. 
Yoongi, who had broken away to guide his team for a moment, chimes back in at the taller male’s comment. “It’s all apart of the keikaku, man. Everything is going perfectly. My golden boy is almost too fun to torment. I’ve tasted power and now I don’t know how to stop.”
“Who?” Seokjin asks, more out of habit than anything, before looking over to Yoongi’s minions and letting out a sound of realisation. “Ahh… Mister Jungkook.”
You swear you see the male in question, who is waiting his turn to begin the tumbling routine Yoongi has changed them onto, stiffen. You’re not sure whether it is a trick of the light or not, though, because in the next second he’s shuffling forward to second in line, juggling his weight from foot to foot with restless energy. His eyes are trained on his teammates flipping across the matts. 
“So you know too? y/n, you big-mouthed whore!” Seokjin exclaims, pinning you with an exaggerated look of scandal. Jungkook trips slightly in his step as he moves to the front of the line, barely a few metres away.
You don’t bother defending yourself, since Yoongi speaks before you can anyway. “That y/n likes Jungkook and has wanted to peg his cute ass since forever? Yeah, I know.”
The timing of Yoongi’s response is truly unfortunate. As he started speaking, Jungkook began his run up— and it seems that whatever snippet he heard as he started were enough to throw him off completely. He goes into the front flip kind of wonky, and you have a feeling of dread creep up as you watch him.
He doesn’t do the mid-air turns he is meant to, and instead goes to land after just one flip— the timing is off, though, and your breath hisses through your teeth and you physically cringe as you watch his ankle roll upon landing. 
“Ah SHIT!” he yelps, quickly dropping to the mat and removing pressure from his foot. You feel frozen as you watch, a large number of his teammates running over and asking him if he’s okay.
“Oh feck,” Yoongi says, checking his watch as he mutters to himself. “Shit. Okay we need to practice and only have the gym for another forty-five minutes, but he needs that looked at asap. Who…”
Barely a split-second passes before he’s looking right at you imploringly, with an inappropriately devious glint in the back of his eyes. 
“y/n, you’re free and you have first aid training right? Can you take him to get that wrapped and iced up?” He’s not even done asking you before he’s pushing you in the direction of the male currently curled on the floor. “That room should still be open— I forgot to lock it earlier.”
“Wait, I actually have—” you’re about to let him know about the mountain of schoolwork you have to catch up on, but of course he’s not having any of it. He’s already barking at his squad.
“Okay, everyone, back off and back to tumbling! y/n here will take care of our golden boy, we have the gym for the next forty-five minutes and we’re gonna make the most of it, damn it!”
Yoongi abandons you at Jungkook’s side, and at his command the rest of the cheerleader begrudgingly disperse— you think you catch a few of the female ones giving you the stink eye at their lost opportunity, and you know it shouldn’t stroke your ego but still it does. 
“I guess this is how the Kookie crumbled, huh,” you say, embarrassed that he could have heard all of what Yoongi said and attempting to cope using the classic— humour. 
Jungkook, who had turned his wide eyes and red face to you the second you started talking, now seems to be blushing harder. Evidently, for a number of reasons, he is mortified. It’s like he’s trying to hide behind the long curls that have fallen into his face. Needless to say, it’s not successful, and now both of you are embarrassed. One of you needs to take the lead.
But right now neither of you are wearing the pants.
“Alright, let’s get that looked at,” you say, wincing as you look at his ankle already beginning to swell. “Arms up.”
He obeys instantly and without question, and you’re torn between the primal powers within you wanting to both cuddle him and to drop your panties then and there. 
Getting Jungkook to a standing position while he can only use one leg is harder than you could have imagined, but you know that there’s no way you would have been able to lift him had he not helped you carry his weight. Once he’s upright and his arm is around your shoulder (still panting slightly and glistening with sweat, as you’re trying not to think about) you begin the arduous journey to the locker room Yoongi showed you earlier. 
Jungkook doesn’t really say anything during the trip there, and neither do you— except he has an excuse, considering he’s probably in a fair bit of pain right now. You don’t have an excuse, except that you’re trying desperately not to think about how you can feel each hard line of his body against you right now. It’s a whole-brain engaging kind of activity.
Thankfully, the room is unlocked as Yoongi said, and you grab a towel to lay across one of the cleaner looking benches on the far side of the room— just because its cleaner than the others doesn’t mean it’s clean, per se. You smile when you see Jungkook’s thankful expression.
“Right,” you say, staying in front of where he’s sitting for a moment as you shake your arms out; the boy really is just all muscle, honestly. “Pop your ankle up on the bench, and I’ll grab some ice and stuff to wrap it.”
Jungkook nods, obeying wordlessly. His cheeks still are tainted the slightest pink, and he’s making a point to avoid meeting your gaze. Fighting a smile, you move to Yoongi’s stash and grab what you need, spotting some high-end painkillers and immediately adding them to the pile in your arms.
When you return to his side, you seat yourself on the bench beside his leg— thankfully, they’re wide enough that neither your butt nor Jungkook’s leg has to be sacrificed for the fit. You go through the motions with him, poking and prodding and bending to assess the damage; it’s just a bad sprain, but damn if each watery look he gets at the pain doesn’t make you want to coddle him to death. 
Surprisingly, he’s still silent as you go about icing and wrapping his ankle. You contemplated filling the silence but you’re not good at chit chat or small talk, so refrain and settle for humming softly instead. Considering the rollercoaster of feelings he’s spun you through today, you’re almost disappointed that a wrap on his ankle is all that’s going to come of this. 
Which is stupid, of course. You know. You digress.
You’re still somewhat disappointed as you finish up, popping the excess bandage back in its container. “Okay! You’ll need to…”
You make the mistake of meeting his gaze, and for once he doesn’t shy away from it— there’s something about them, the endless chocolate depths and the doe-eyed look, that completely disarms you for a moment. Blinking, it takes all your might to stop yourself from studying as you continue. “Ahem, uh… you’ll need to keep it elevated, when possible. Compressing it is ideal. Also, for swelling, ice it for 20-30 minutes every 2-3 hours for the first day or so…”
He blinks up at you, and you smile. “Any questions?”
Something intriguing crosses his gaze and he bites his lip, flushing slightly. Oh, he is doing a number on your willpower. You need to get out of here.
“Yeah, uh…” He clears his throat, continuing straight away. You watch even more colour rush to his cheeks, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously. “About earlier… when I stacked it… Was what Yoongi said true?”
Well. You were not… expecting that. For a moment you’re stunned into silence, self control hanging by a thread. “What… Yoongi said?”
Jungkook gives you a look like he can’t believe you’re making him say it. “That you, um…”
Humiliated but deciding to face it head on, you ask him with your own cheeks heating, “Are you asking about the pegging or the, uh… the liking you part?”
To your surprise, Jungkook chokes and stiffens in place, eyes shooting wide and face and ears going beet red. “I, um… I only heard the liking part…”
OH. Well. You kind of want to die, but… at least now he knows?
 …You’re gonna throw yourself off a bridge.
He must mistake the cause of your silence for something else, because he seems to panic. “B-because, um, I know you know how I feel, and it’s okay if you don’t um— I was just wondering—”
In the midst of his spiel, you take a seat on the bench, closer to him than you were last time. It only makes him grow more flustered before you press a finger to his lips to shush him. He gets the message and falls silent instantly, making your heart skip a beat at his ready obedience. God, are you an animal?! Really?!
“I was trying to track you down to confirm it, you know,” you say, shoving your embarrassment into a box in the far reaches of your mind. Time to swallow your pride.  “But you kept avoiding me.”
Jungkook’s eyes are still wide. “Oh… sorry.”
You smile at his soft, uttered apology. Testingly, tentatively, you shift your hand and rest it on his hip. His whole body stiffens once more, but its more in surprise than discomfort. “What would you do if it was true, hm?”
Like a deer caught in headlights, he’s momentarily speechless. When your thumb rubs against the hard line of his hip bone, drawing a shudder, he jerks back into motion.
“Oh my god, you—” he’s dazed before he narrows his eyes at you, voice dropping to a whisper that’s somewhat tinged with hurt. “Are you teasing me?”
You manage to hold back the laugh but can’t help the smile that rises at his words. “I always get the urge to tease you, Jungkook, but it’s not to be cruel.” You lean forward, holding his gaze. “I probably never grew out of that kindergarten stage.”
It takes a second for what you said to sink in. The way that hope enters his eyes is so cute that you’re humiliated at the urge to squeal that rises. “So, you…”
It’s embarrassing to say the words out loud, especially considering the filth running through your mind right now, and you can’t quite bring yourself to. Teasingly, you bring your other hand to his thigh, brushing the edge of the skirt with your thumb and enjoying the way he shivers. “It’s embarrassing to say out loud, so if you want to hear it, you’re gonna have to work for it.” 
The soft, excited gasp he lets out emboldens you to carry out your next action— you move the hand on his hip, brushing your fingertips up the side of his slim waist before bringing them back down to rest over his crotch. 
To your complete and utter surprise, there is already some firmness there that greets you. At your curious gaze, he flushes pink.
“It’s the skirt,” he confesses, averting his gaze to your lap for the briefest second. “You look really good in it…”
Not that your ego needs more stroking, but you’re happy to let it happen anyway. You hum, beginning to move your hand— he stifles a gasp.
“I know,” you say, grinning. It’s ridiculous how your stomach flips, arousal beginning to trickle into your abdomen and ache in the apex of your thighs. “I could feel you looking at me. I caught you a few times, too.”
He’s embarrassed, you can tell, but the current situation doesn’t leave much room for dignity as it is anyway. Still, you can’t help but tease him some more, voice soft as you rub over his growing bulge and lean closer. “Do you always look at me, Jungkook?”
He squirms, a gasp slipping out before he attempts to send you a glare. “This is embarrassing,” he whines. You raise a brow, increasing the pressure of your hand, and he is quick to amend his response in a whisper, “…Yes.”
“And what do you imagine, when you look at me?” you ask, unable to deny the thrill running through your veins and lighting heat in your abdomen. You pause your ministrations only to move your hand to the top of his skirt and slip beneath the material. This time a moan slips out before he can stop it. “Is it things like this?”
He lets his head fall back against the wall, looking at you through hazy, lidded eyes. “Yes,” he admits, and for how readily he supplied the answer you reward him by slipping your hand beneath the rest of the layers over his hips and wrapping your fingers around his hardening length.
He whines— actually whines— and rolls his hips into your hand, thick thigh tensing beneath the grip of your other hand. The resulting wash of arousal that floods over you is so sudden it almost makes you dizzy.
“Oh, you’re a good boy,” you mutter it without much thought, but surprise filters through you when you feel his length twitch and flush with heat in your hold at the words. Ah— he likes a bit of praise, does he? You slide your free hand up his thigh, working the waistband of his skirt and bike shorts down until they rest just past the beginning of his thighs. It’s like you’re looking at a work of art, you marvel slightly— the curls that begin to trail down a little below his belly button, the sculpted line of his hip bones and the hints of his abs that show as his body tenses. You’re just one woman.
“Does it feel as good as you imagined, Jungkook?” you aimed to speak louder but it comes out sort of breathy. You trail your fingers down the tan skin of his abdomen before gripping the material of his bottoms and using the moment to free his length.
If you didn’t have such a firm grip on it, you know it would have sprung back against his stomach— you try not to let your surprise show, either, because you could feel that he was packing, but seeing it is another thing and your stomach flips in giddy anticipation. Jungkook’s chest heaves as his breath quickens, eyes boring into you and hands bunching in the material of the punishment skirt. You stroke your hand along his length, pressing your thumb along the underside and relishing in the shudder it elicits.
“y/n,” he whines softly, face flushing as his cock twitches in your hold. Whether he’s forgotten you even asked a question or simply is too overwhelmed to answer right now, you don’t know. 
As for how you’re doing— you’re so turned on right now that in all honesty you don’t know what to do with yourself. A solution comes to mind quickly and you don’t have the usual self control you do to stop yourself. 
Mindful of his injured leg, you rise, keeping your grip on him as you do so. His lidded gaze follows you, soft gasps escaping him all the while.
“Give me your leg,” you instruct, relishing how quickly he listens. Presented with his thigh, you swing one of your legs over the other side of the bench and rest on it so that as little weight as possible is on his bad leg, your knees brushing his hips. As soon as you’re lowered, you can’t help but gasp and roll your hips— the only thing separating you and the smooth skin and hard muscle of his thigh is the thin layer of your damp panties, and the stimulation on your clit makes your entire core throb in arousal.
Apparently this is also one of the things he’s imagined, because Jungkook lets out a low, gasping moan and rolls his hips up into your hand— which, of course, makes his thigh muscles tense and shift, rubbing oh so nicely against your clit. You almost fall off from the jolt of pleasure that shoots up your spine, free hand shooting to grab his bicep, “Ah, Jungkook!”
He apparently has the sense of mind to support you by using the arm in your hold to reach and grip your hip. Generous amounts of precum have started to bead at his tip, and you drag your hand up his girth, collecting it on your thumb and smearing it down his length for lubrication. It elicits a whine, another roll of his hips, and like that you settle into a rhythm of sorts.
“y/n.” Each gasp and moan he lets out have to be specially designed to ruin you, you decide. He seeks your gaze with hazy, lust-ridden eyes. “Please kiss me.”
It’s a brazen request coming from him of all people, and you’re all too happy to oblige. You lean forward, the rock of your hips making you shudder, and connect his lips with your own— he’d sought your kiss as you did so, craning his neck forward and awaiting your lips. It’s a heated kiss from the beginning, given the situation— you don’t fight for dominance so much as assume it from the start. Each press of your tongue, graze of your teeth, has a new sound tumbling from his throat and into your mouth. It makes your heart race even harder than it already was.
It doesn’t take long for tension to begin to build in your abdomen, and you know if you’re already feeling it then he must be even closer. Not wanting this to end just yet, you force yourself to slow your hand down, breaking the kiss and shifting to press your mouth to his neck.
“Wh-what—” he gasps, shuddering as your thumb plays with his slit, rhythm slowed to a stop. Both of you are panting, almost, and you suckle a mark into the junction of his neck before pulling back with a grin.
“Surely that isn’t all you’ve imagined, Jungkook.” You lean forward, pressing a brief kiss to his mouth before pulling back— the way he chases your lips makes your heart squeeze. “What now? Be a good boy, tell me.”
Far from being embarrassed at this point and all but a slave to the haze of lust in the air, Jungkook’s breath hitches and he responds, somewhat tentative if anything, “… ride me.”
“Good boy,” you breathe, offering him a proud smile. He preens beneath your fond look.
You shift, and you think that he must have expected you to stand up fully and remove your clothes, or at least your bottoms, but to his surprise you simply shuffle up and reach beneath your skirt, slipping your panties aside and aligning his member with your entrance. You’re so turned on that you’ve soaked through your underwear, and you know you’ve smeared enough precum along his length that lubrication will be no problem. So you simply lower yourself down until his head parts your lips and begins to sink into you.
At the sheer size of him even as just the tip enters your cunt, you have to halt, gasping, “Fuck!”
If he wanted to respond, you don’t really give him time to; as soon as you get your bearings you continue sinking down onto him. There is a slight burn, of course, but you’re so turned on that it fades quicker than you can register. The sensation of him, the throb, his girth and the way he splits your walls, stretching you more and more as you seat yourself on him— it’s indescribable, and all you can offer is that it feels so good you swear tears are gonna prick at your eyes. From the look on his face, brows scrunched and mouth parted as a long, low groan slips out, you know it must feel just as good for him.
When the back of your thighs press against the top of his his and he’s fully sheathed in you, you feel like you’re about to lose your mind— this position has him so deep in your pussy that with each miniscule shift the tip of his cock presses against a spot that sends delicious jolts of pleasure up your spine. Honestly, if you weren’t so intent on seeing this through, you think you could cum from that sensation alone. 
Even as you’re in a mess of pleasure and a haze of desire, you can’t help but tease him some more. You clench your insides, rolling your hips— the sharp, lilting moan he lets out makes your stomach flip. “What now, baby boy?”
You hold his hips down with your hand, feeling them twitch with the urge to rock up into you. A long, drawn groan escapes him. “Do you want to see me? More of me? Or do you want to feel me?”
You take his hand into your hold and guide it up to your chest, slipping it beneath your shirt and bra to cup your breast. His breath hitches, lashes fluttering against his cheekbones as he blinks and attempts to clear the haze from his vision. You relish in the control you have over him until his thumb brushes your nipple and he pinches it, tweaking it instinctively. A moan tears from you, the shock of pleasure that results making you clench around him again; his free hand scrambles for purchase against your thigh, fingers digging in as pleasure washes over him in turn.
Your breath is coming a little faster now. Leaving his hand at your chest, you move it to drag up his neck before threading your fingers in the damp curls at the back of his neck. Finding a firm grip, you tug his head back ever so lightly— it elicits a new moan that you haven’t heard yet, and you really begin to think this boy will be your undoing. 
“What do you want?” you ask again, rolling your hips once more. It isn’t fair of you, you know, since you can hardly think yourself from the sensations. “You want me to move, baby boy?”
He nods, attempting to speak through the moan caught in his throat. “Please… fuck me, y/n.”
Well, who are you to say no to that?
Happy to oblige, you engage your thighs and begin to rise— the sensation of him dragging against your walls makes both of you gasp, and you almost falter in your movements from the feeling alone. Gathering your wits as best as you can, you continue your movements, successfully rising and then seating yourself once more. Unable to withhold much longer, you roll your hips and begin to set the two of you into a rhythm.
You stopped paying heed to the noises escaping you a while ago, but you don’t doubt that the sinful sounds tumbling from Jungkook’s mouth as you ride him are a large contributor to the way the tension in your abdomen quickly begins to knot and bundle once more.
Even with as heavenly as it feels, it’s hard to keep up momentum when your thighs begin to burn. Thankfully, Jungkook has more than enough stamina in his thigh muscles for the both of you, and when he senses your fatigue, he brings his grip to your hips to hold them in place before rocking his own up and beginning to fuck up into you.
Needless to say, the pace he sets is much faster and much harder than the one you had. Swears tumble softly from your mouth at the change in intensity of pleasure as it shoots through you, orgasm already approaching much faster than anticipated. Your hands come to grip his on your hips with a cry of his name, knees turning to jelly. 
Movement against your hand surprises you, but not as much as the sensation of Jungkook’s hand shifting to thread his fingers with yours. You honestly feel your heart burst, and as he fucks up into you that bit harder you can’t help the way you clutch his hand like a lifeline, the sweet moment quick to pass but most definitely not forgotten. 
“G-gonna cum,” you gasp, eyes closing and allowing the slap of skin and Jungkook’s gasping moans to overtake your senses. You don’t forget to indulge him in some praise. “Such a g-good boy, making me feel so g-good.”
He whines at your words, and right as your pleasure approaches its peak you feel his hips stutter and slam up into yours harder than all the times before. The stimulation of that spot deep inside of you is all that’s needed to push you into the throes of your orgasm, and it washes over you more intensely than you’ve ever felt before as you clench and tense with a cry of his name.
Distantly, you feel his own grip on you tighten, and his hips still as they’re pressed against yours. Warmth floods your core, cock throbbing as he empties inside you, and you swear you hear the softest of confessions uttered to the air as he joins you in your high.
He comes down before you do, although you’re not far behind him, and for a moment you sit in place, panting and attempting to come back to your senses. He’s softened inside you slightly, but when you shift and clench on instinct as you do so, feeling cum slide down your thighs, he twitches  and throbs inside you.
Taken aback, your gaze whips to him and now that his shame has returned to him, he has the decency to blush. Well, apparently Jeon Jungkook’s stamina really is no joke. Maybe he really was born to be an athlete.
“Greedy. You want more?” There’s a teasing lilt to your voice, and a thrilling mix of fear and excitement dances in his eyes.
“y/n—” he rasps, desperate. You slide off of him, making both of you groan, but return to your previous position on his thigh. He moans as he feels his own cum leak out of you and onto his skin. When your hand comes to wrap around his slick member, he jolts and whines.
“You wanna tell me what you said just before?” you ask, beginning to twist your wrist and stroke his cock ever so slowly. He shakes his head, whether at your question or the overstimulation, you’re not sure— you know it’s probably a bit of both though, considering he twitches in your hold.
“‘S embarrassing,” he murmurs, back arching as you increase your pace just a little. “Ah, y/n!”
“I see. You know, I think I can get you to cum again,” you say, changing tactics. 
Jungkook shakes his head, strands of his raven hair plastered to his forehead in sweat. “I can’t—”
“You should tell me,” you say, teasing lilt to your tone. He whines, rocking his hips into and then away from the sensations. 
When he shakes his head again, letting it fall back against the wall and baring the column of his throat to you, you jump on his acceptance of the situation. You pick up speed, rolling your wrist and moving in tune with the shifting of his body. It doesn’t take very long before his oversensitivity throws him into another orgasm, stronger than the last but dryer. The few beads of cum that escape seem ever so tantalising as they roll down his length, drawing your gaze.
“You gonna tell me now?” you ask, already knowing the answer. Jungkook slumps against the wall, breathing heavy and sweat glistening on his golden skin. He looks at you through heavily lidded eyes.
“It’s still embarrassing,” he whines, breathy in his exertion.
Right, well. You know what he said, but you want to hear him say it with his own mouth once more and you’ll stay here all night to make that happen if you need to.
Of course, it’s not until a while and another heated moment or two later that Jungkook realises this and gives in.
His confession is so much sweeter on your ears the second time, and of course, as promised, you reward him with your own. It’s worth it for the way it makes his eyes shine, you think. 
Jeon Jungkook really has you well and truly whipped. 
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a/n: thank u for reading and i hope u liked it! im super excited to have completed my first commission and would really appreciate it if u let me know what u think by sending me an ask and liking & rbing this with ur thoughts!! i read & appreciate everything!! thank u !! love u !! peace out !! :D
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morewyckedthanyou · 2 years
Alrighty then. So... 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 21, 26, 30 and 39 for Meme for Shippers. A lot of questions I know (but you better answer them! jk). You know I <3 you.
Wow you sure didn't let me get away easy with this, huh? Sorry it took me FOREVER to answer these, but then again, you probably knew it would anyway. 😂
Under a readmore because I don't want to flood anyone's dash, lol.
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. Wow, ok, this... is going to be really difficult actually. Because as you well know, I have been into fandoms and shipping for more than half of my life and as such I have SO MANY ships. Oh man...
But... 3 most important ones. Throughout my life. Hmm.
I think since I can interpret this question however I like... I will just go with 3 ships that may not all be very important to me anymore (or I don't really even ship them at all these days), but which have played a very big role to me for different reasons in the past. I also want to say to anyone reading this post that YES, I know the first one of these ships is considered extra problematic but idgaf, I liked what I liked and if you want to cancel me or whatever now, be my guest I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ok here goes:
1) Snarry (or Snape/Harry) from Harry Potter Yes, really. When I think back, I think this is probably my longest lasting hyperfixation ever, something that I started, at first jokingly, shipping way before the 7th HP book was ever even published, so I must've been like 16 or so. I think the amount of Snarry fanfics that I read was simply crazy. I even wrote some very bad, very questionable Snarry ff myself. I never published any, thank god, lol, because like I said it was bad, but it was the first time I ever finished writing a fanfic of my own (I remember it was very long too... probably at least 30k or whatever) and this was my number one hyperfixation for years and years. I was under a lot of dress during those times and I did have several other fandoms alongside this one, but this was where I always felt most at home and where I "went" most often to escape the real world. This ship and these characters, especially together, just talked to me in such a real way.
2) Holmes/Watson I can't remember how old exactly I was when I read my first Sherlock Holmes stories and started shipping them in earnest. But I can't have been much older than 20, I think. Back then I was also struggling badly with my sexuality and my sexuality felt like one of the biggest defining things about me because I felt like everyone around me were settling down or at least dating non-stop and I had zero interest in any of that and it made me feel bad and like an outsider. Then I discovered asexuality and while i I didn't know if I was really ace myself, along those times I also started reading more Holmes/Watson fics and then BBC Sherlock happened and suddenly there was a lot more ff where people were writing about ace!Sherlock and I don't know... I felt comforted? Once again, fanfiction helped me cope with difficult times in my life.
3) Reddie from IT (miniseries) Honestly, THE ship for me because in a fucked up way I can relate to both Richie and Eddie a lot (although let's face it I think I'm way more like Richie - masking insecurities with humour is like, my brand, and all that) and idk, even just thinking about these two disaster men makes me feel better. It's really a comfort ship for me, and a very wholesome ship as well. I don't very often go for the friends to lovers trope at all, I just feel like enemies to lovers is a lot more fun but in their case I just... don't need that aspect at all, for some reason? They are similar but so different, they compliment each other perfectly, they are fucked up and in need of therapy. I want to put them in situations and see them mutually pine for each other like the big idiots that they are and then kiss and make it all better.
Also, I've published 8 fics in total of these two and I plan on publishing at least one more (once I finish that goddamn WIP almost one year in the making) and I have ideas for at least one more fic that's gonna be multichaptered and told from the POV of both of them. These fictional guys made me create and participate in a fandom in a way I never have before.
5. Do you have any poly ships? I do actually! :D I don't have that many, and the ones I have also always include a pair of people that I also ship just the two of them together as well, and which is usually my "main ship", but yeah, there are some.
There's the Triumvirate from Star Trek aka Kirk/Spock/McCoy (or McSpirk). Obviously my OTP in Star Trek fandom is Spirk... but I also ship just Kirk and McCoy together, as well as just Spock and McCoy. And then all three of them together, lol.
Talking about another big scifi franchise, Star Wars... I don't ship Luke and Leia together, but I do think they can both definitely date Han at the same time. 😏 But again, I also ship Han with both Leia and Luke separately as well.
I know I haven't really talked about Dragon Age here in a long while, but from Dragon Age 2 I have OT3 which is Hawke/Anders/Fenris. But once again I also ship all three of these characters separately with each other as well because that's how I roll. (I also have another poly!ship from the Inquisition but that actually includes my OC Inquisitor as one of the characters I ship so I won't be going into that)
When I was really into Queen a couple years back I had my certain favourite ships obviously... but I also read many amazing OT4 fics of the whole gang together. 😂
And now that I've really been into Cobra Kai and Lawrusso lately... Well, I also lowkey ship Daniel/Johnny/Amanda. I really enjoy this headcanon of Johnny ending up in bed with the LaRussos one time and then one time becomes two becomes three and he's just torn because he actually has feelings for them but also surely this wealthy, happily married couple is just enjoying having him as their boytoy and nothing else? and then he gets proved wrong I've read some good fics about these three with variations of this headcanon, but I would read a lot more - if there were any! 👀
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? Honestly? No. I guess it's the aro in me, because even when I really like a character and find them cute or hot or whatever, I still never have any desire to get myself involved in any way, not really. I want to appreciate from afar, not get myself involved in this mess. 😂
10. Do you ship any characters that have never met? Way back in time when there was only one season of BBC Sherlock (I think?) I used to ship Lestrade with Mycroft even though they never were seen interacting with each other, lol.
And in Dragon Age I have this very niche ship that is Dorian/Fenris. Potentially they could've met. But in the canon they have not. (I am only familiar with the actual games and have not read any of the comics/visual novels so if they have met there, then I have no knowledge of that whatsoever.)
There are probably some other ships too but these are the only ones that immediately came to mind.
12. Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? I don't think so? I usually never ship anything that ends up becoming canon anyway, so it's not like I have much experience of that even happening.
But I can tell you that very often if I have shipped something really hard for a really long time, I have already built this whole elaborate story in my head about how it all should go IF they ever were to get together and as such I actually don't even want the ship to become real canon. Because obviously the showmakers would just do it wrong anyway, I don't trust their visions. Does this kind of answer the question? 😂
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked. Hmm, I can't think of any such ship right now, although I am sure there must have been at least a ship or two that I disliked first and then later on learned not to... 🤔
But I will go with a ship that I was at first very indifferent towards and which later grew on me anyway and now I actually do ship it (though it's still not my OTP in the fandom because of course I had to go for a more rare ship with almost no content, lol).
I'm gonna go with Mash and Trapper/Hawkeye. At first I had no feelings about this ship. Then I kinda went "yeah they fuck sometimes but that's it". Then I started shipping them in a joking way and by now I actually ship them for real. Idk what changed but I'm not even mad, lol.
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. I know I am not actually alone, but there are only a handful of people who do ship Hawkeye/Mulcahy and the even smaller handful of fics there are of them I have already read several times. 😅
I also know I am not alone in shipping Richie and Eddie, there's a big fandom and all that. But as someone who prefers the miniseries over the new IT films any day, I do feel quite alone in that sense. I could talk about miniseries!Reddie for hours with someone, but Reddie from the new films... not really. Completely different energies.
Also lol, there are those few ships where you and I are almost the only shippers. I'm talking about lovely stuff like Renegades and Hank/Buster, or The Young Guns films and Chavez/Doc, and of course the classic Morgan/Erkki from Den som frykter ulven. 😂😂😂
Oh! And this only came to my mind because literally a few days ago when I was reading Lawrusso fics, I accidentally stumbled upon an author who had also written a fic about these two guys whose names I don't even remember lol from the film Killer Klowns from Outer Space and I was like !!!!!! because I have shipped that for years and there has literally been not a single fanfic - before that one. That is the only one. I haven't read it yet, and in fact I should rewatch the movie before even attempting to, but... oh god. I was literally so alone but at least now I know there is one (1!) other person who ships it too. 😂
21. Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? Probably most of the more popular ships in those fandoms where I belong to but I don't actually ship the popular thing myself... But I'm trying to come up with some proper examples.
From Mash I can think of BJ/Hawkeye. I really have nothing against people shipping it but I also have zero interest in the ship myself, nor can I really see it myself.
This next one is not a popular ship I don't think, but from IT (the new films specifically) I remember being really surprised to find out some people actually ship Bill and Stan because as far as I remember those two don't really even have many scenes together or interact at all? Although let's be real I've only watched the first film of the two and only 2 or 3 times I think so maybe I've missed something. Anyways, again I have nothing against this ship, I just have zero interest in it and can't personally see it.
Again, there are probably other ships that I'm very indifferent about but those two came to mind first.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Well, there is definitely the enemies to lovers dynamic that I have always been very much into. And if not enemies to lovers, then I at least tend to prefer ships where opposites attract, I guess? Not in a way that the people have nothing in common, there is always something in common, whether it is shared/similar kinds of trauma or whatever. But yeah, I guess that's it.
30. Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Fuck! You know what, I am shipper trash and if I like something enough to consider myself as part of the fandom, it is a very safe bet that I also have a ship in it. As such, I can't think of a single fandom that I've actively been interested in where I didn't ship something at least in a kind of a joking way. 😅
39. Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? Tbh, not really... I don't really feel comfortable in relationships and the moment anything starts getting too serious I immediately start freaking out because I am a weirdo with trust and commitment issues so... No matter how much I like something in fiction, no matter how cute and healthy and wholesome it might be, I can't even begin to imagine that for myself. Like, sure, unconditional love and great (preferably gay) sex would be nice to have I guess, but also that's too much responsibility for me so... yeah. None for me thanks!
40 Questions - Meme for Shippers
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leossmoonn · 3 years
ok but imagine stefan as a single dad to twins and you were there mother but something supernatural kills you, and then stefan takes care of your children 🥺
thats so— thanks for making me SAD ANON
nah jk i love this concept
the first few months without you and with just the twins are hard. caroline had to help him a lot with taking care of the twins. (we’ll name ‘em scarlett and sawyer)
stefan was in a deep depression for about a year. you were the love of his life, after all. it wasnt only caroline who helped out, but she volunteered the most out of everybody. it helps that her and (someone from your family side) are the kid’s god parents.
stefan gradually grew out of the depression, finally going to therapy and gaining control of his life. he started to be more involved with his kids, which he felt bad that he had missed like a whole year of their lives, but ever since he got back on his feet, he’s always tried to make up for it. (and hes def done more than enough)
i just imagine the kids asking about you when theyre a little older - like 6 yrs old - and stefan sits them down right before bed and tells them stories about you. like your guys’s first date, how cool and badass you were fighting off supernatural being. how amazing and caring you were. how good of a friend you were. how much he loves you. and he tells scarlett and sawyer bad things about you too, like your flaws and he’s honest bc he wants them to know that you weren’t this perfect person, and that was okay.
he keeps pictures of you and him on his desk, and he hung up every picture of you and the kids that he has. (lets say you died when the kids were like, 2).
he also wears the jacket you gave him everyday. once scarlett is old enough to like start actually caring about jewelry, he gives her your necklace. and with sawyer, he gives him your artwork (lets say you were a very talented painter and musician) and sawyer hangs your work all over his room. sawyer also developed your musical talent and he plays the songs you wrote, honoring you.
stefan turns out to be an amazing father. its definitely not easy, especially when the kids go through their teenage years, but theyre a close-knit family.
and you’re watching from above (like on the other side lol) with lexi everything stefan’s doing. and you’re so so so proud of him and your kids. and stefan definitely knows you’re watching over him :)
oh and stefan definitely like falls in love again and guess who it is? caroline! lol. but the kids already see her as a mother figure and stefan never really had feeling for her until she started helping out and it just developed over time. so they started dating when the kids were in high school (rough transition lol) and the kids were kind of rude to her bc they were loyal to their mom, but stefan sat them down and was like
“look, i’m not gonna say “your mom would want this and whatever” bc i dont know what she would want but, i do know that i have to move on. i love your mother, i’m always going to. no one can beat her, but i think it’s time for me to try and move on. find happiness again and c’mon, you guys love caroline. you two used to calm her mom when you were babies even. so please, respect my decision”
and sawyer agrees, and it takes scarlett a little while to come around but by the time of caroline and stefan’s wedding, she’s so happy for them and loves the two together.
and like i said, youre watching them and youre proud of stefan for moving on. ngl you were kinda hurt but like you knew this day would happen, lets be realistic lol. and you wouldnt have anyone else be stefan’s wife. you know caroline will take care of stefan :)
ahhhh this made me so soft wldkekwebfjr
stefan concepts masterlist
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bibbykins · 3 years
Hi happy new year to you babe!!! Hope you had a fun time celebrating the new year, cuz I can't lmao. I dunno if someone already asked you this or if this is a spoiler or something (you don't have to answer this btw). But if I may ask, (1) would there be a mafia fic soon? (no pressure tho, just curious). (2) is the obsession of the boys already at its peak or nah? and if nah, would we see how worse they can get? (3) (if this makes you uncomfortable, I am sorry and please ignore this) as someone who is self-aware that I have a very shitty coping mechanism, the household bunny really speak to me and it kinda is my comfort fic, I just wanna know how the boys would react if the mc just shut down? Like for me, it's hard to speak my thoughts out loud because I am self-aware how others might see my thoughts as me trying to gain sympathy or that I'm just making it worse than it actually is or that I might influence their way of thinking and make them think like how I think (which is not good), so yeah I wanna know how the boys deal with it. (4) would Jungyoon, the mc, and the boys be in the same room in some point in time? I really wanna make Jungyoon feel really uncomfortable lmao.
Sorry if I'm just dumping this here. Again, you don't need to answer any of this as this may be triggering, but thank you for writing really. It helps me.
Happy super late new year to you bb!! I will answer the questions as best as I can without spoiling!
1.) Yes... I hope. I have almost 9k of the next mafia one written... and they haven't even kissed yet lmao, so this one will be a doozy but I hope to get it out the moment I finish!
2.) I am assuming this question applies to the household boys (if i'm wrong pls tell me and I'll answer it again!) Buuuut I would say none of em have reached their peak, Jungkook might be the closest to it? But yes we will see how the closer they get to her, the more they realize how precious she is to them, and they're all insane (not as insane as the mafia boys but still) so that will translate into some yandere-ness, nothing too crazy ofc but still crazy lmao
3.) (I'm so glad my fic is a comfort fic, this is a huge compliment don't worry!) Also the coping mechanism I believe you're referring to is the "freeze" response? *pushes up glasses in psych bachelor's degree* i'm jk i know this bc i read a lot and went to therapy lmao But the guys would freak out, not at her or in front of her ofc. THe only ones who would understand what's going on would be Jin, Namjoon, and maaaaybe Hoseok. Jin is a doctor, so he had to have taken some psychology classes in school and Namjoon is an educated fellow who reads a lot. Namjoon would take the more direct approach of sitting next to her, not too close, and talking, asking her questions, but not getting irritated if she didn't respond right away, he gets that she'll respond if she's ready but he would ask questions like "What color do you think that flower is? I say it's more pink than purple, but I don't know?" as a (not-so-sly) means to ground her. Jin would probably ask if he could hold her and if she says yes, he'd hug her, maybe sway a bit, as he reassures her softly.
I could go on for days about the four f's in trauma responses, both as someone with CPTSD and someone who somehow got a degree in psychology, but I'll just let you know that dealing with life is hard, and not everyone is going to understand how you deal with it, but that doesn't make you any less brave for doing so! Whatever people project onto your neutral actions is not your problem, no matter how much they try to make you feel like it is!
4.) ...yes >:) I won't say when, but I greatly look forward to writing it/sharing it with y'all. His discomfort fuels me.
Also don't worry bb! It's lovely to use all my psych knowledge on something, makes the degree and books feel like a worthy investment! I'm no licensed professional by any means but I like helping in whatever quirky way I can! Thank you for being so wonderful and thank you for entrusting me with this ask!
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alluringoneirataxia · 4 years
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Long Winding Road Stay Strapped My Dude
By: Astoria Cathryn Andromeda
Alrighty, this is a long one boys. So I touched briefly on this in my Welcome to Literally Everything post. No worries I'll recap you, so you don't have to switch back and forth. I just diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, and then ADHD when I was 18 years old, and even then I had to fight for it after countless hours of research. See, there seems to be a wee bit of misogyny in the neurodiverse diagnoses. When I say a wee bit, I mean that scientists used to think that only boy could be autistic or ADHD. They only studied autism in males. Fortunately, nowadays we know that girls can be autistic and/or ADHD, but we present the traits differently than boys, and a lot of our traits are played off due to gender roles in society. For example, being overly talkative in girls is called chatty, whereas boys who can't sit still are sent off for testing immediately. This also causes problems for the boys, because little Johnny gets put on Adderall at the ripe age of 6 years old, just because he can't sit still for 8 hours straight, which by the way should not be expected of any elementary school kid, By the time, he's 25 he's 1) completely dependent on amphetamines 2) his body will stop producing dopamine due to being on the medication for so long. Nicht Gut. Generally, boys who are on the spectrum get picked out earlier due to late speaking, or lack of social skills. This is the one thing that girls happen to do better than boys. Girls are good at masking, which is basically taking social traits, phrases, personalities, demeanor, and copying them. In public, they put on a mask and at home, they have a meltdown. Girls are still not picked up as being on the spectrum, because shyness is called being 'ladylike' and 'dainty', and having a meltdown is just because :( girls are oh-so emotional, boohoo. Anyways tons of women do not get diagnosed with autism until they are well into their adulthood, I actually can be considered lucky to have technically still been a teenager when we finally got all the pieces together.
Alright, let's start with I don't know me as a baby. I did not speak until I was 2 years old, and then it was immediately full sentences from then on. I didn't do the babbling thing, which I don't know how impactful that really is to the topic. I was a very shy little girl. I was teeny tiny, we didn't know I if I was going to make it to 5 feet tall until I had a big growth spurt in 7th grade. I am 5'2 now and definitely done growing in case you were wondering, so not that short anymore. I did not like talking to adults, especially strangers, especially men. I did not look anyone in the face, and I will always hide behind my parent's legs when they would try to introduce me to people. I am an only child, and I spent a lot of time entertaining myself. I always had seasonal affective disorder, where my grades would dip in the winter. My parents knew I had a timer, they had 45 minutes from the moment they stepped into a restaurant before I would start breaking down. If I got off schedule as a toddler in any form, it was a catastrophe. Or this is what my parents and family tell me. I didn't really notice. I did not like being out in public a lot, I was a very picky eater, and I was extremely hyper. I was a very eccentric child, I only had 1-2 close friends and they were always a very well-liked outgoing girl who I just followed around. Looking back, I don't know how we missed it. I was shy because I didn't understand how social interactions worked, I was anxious about it because I didn't understand, I had sensory overloads, routines, and a very bland diet with a safe food which was ketchup. I put that shit on literally everything, eas, apples, mac and cheese, pizza, all meat, anything something forced me to eat that I did not like. But because I could sit still in class, and because I could zone out and daydream all day through school and still make A's nobody ever flagged me for anything and how I was supposed to know that not everybody just copied other people, scripted things before they talked, and could never pay attention. My mom always required me to be in a sport, and I was a gymnast and a swimmer for a long time, two very high-intensity sports, to help lower my energy levels, and because my mom has mild depression and she knows that exercise does help. Skip to middle school, my mom tells me I'm being bullied at church. It's not that I wasn't observing my surroundings I knew I was being excluded, but I didn't understand vindictive behavior, I thought it was my fault. I had zero friends in 8th grade until I sat down next to a random acqutaince I had gone to school with since I was 4 and the same gymnastics place. Then we were immediately attached at the hip after that. She is my best friend due this day and definitely got me through high school. Led me through so many social situations without either of us knowing. I had a very close friendgroup in highschool, all of them were on the drumline which I met through my best friend, and my first boyfriend was my best friend's neighbor. I ended up playing bass guitar for my high school's indoor drumline, and it was the best experience ever. I love my friends, but I had really bad depression when I was 15-now:) jk It's better. I didn't really realize I was depressed, I just didn't want to go to school, or swim practice, or do anything so of course, my mom noticed, and then once it was pointed out to me it got worse. My severe anxiety spiraled with my depression. Senior year of high school, my boyfriend and I were like toxic star crossed lovers, hurting each other over and over again without meaning to. My friends and I were self harming, all my close friends gad some demon going on. I finally decided to try therapy again after the disaster of being forced to go when I was 15 and the lady told me I wasn't depressed because I had a boyfriend and good grades. It helped a bit, I was able to get my panic attacks under control. Then I went away to college and stayed dating my senior high school boyfriend, we were just up and down as always, but with slightly better communication. My freshman year of college I joined a fraternity, a research lab, and my first hs boyfriend/ex/best friend and I went to a Christian campus place. By second semester, I had a lot of people who knew me and talked to me, but I didn't have any close friends, and even less close friends who were girls. All my close friends who were girls were at another college. My parents were worried about me, so they made me rush a sorority, which I knew was never my scene, but my parents made me join and I found a few girls I liked. Soon I was going to 6 classes, fraternity chapter, research lab meetings, christain crash group meetings, soriorty pledge meetings all on every Tuesday. I was different person at each of these events and wore a different mask. I was having what I know now were autistic burnout meltdowns every single day on the phone in my crusty dorm's stairwell. It was not cute. His mental health had always been bad too. Finally I decide I need to try a psychatrist and go back to therapy, and then he broke up with me. Then I made my first close friend, a guy who was in 3 of classes, and I took him to my fraternity's formal, and then coronavirus happened.  Rona kinda saved my grades, and mental health by sending us home event though it did suck. I got on anti-anxiety meds and things went up, but I was still having what I thought were panic attacks, they were austistic meltdowns. My psychiatrist, he's kinda an asshole, he diagnosed me with Obessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. I'll insert definition here: (OCPD) is a personality disorder that's characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. People with OCPD will also feel a severe need to impose their own standards on their outside environment.> Basically hr told me I had rules for everything like how everyone drives on the right side of the road, but nobodythinks about it andwhen I broke one of my rules I got depressed, and when wasn't perfect I got depressed, and when I made an A I was relieved not proud. The diagnosis seemed to fit really well, and my therapist and I started working finding my rules, and getting rid of the bad ones, and making the others less harsh. I had thought every once and in a while in my life when I was really upset, what if I'm on the spectrum, because I just felt so hopeless for social interactions and I didn't understand. I always felt like I was a very specific person, but after the ocpd I started thinking more and more, and I saw a tik tok of a girl with lae diagnosed autism basically describing me and ranting about the misogyny. I did more research and I decide, yea I'mm gonna bring it up to mypsychatrist well he's a dick, so he was like um you don't act like sheldon cooper from the Big Bang theory,and I was like wellI just I have always thought I might have adhd like be neureodiverse, and he was like your grade point average in hs was a 97.8%, you're not adhd. I immediately cried, because I can't handle when anyone says anything in a even a slightest stringent tone. I'm baby, I know lmao. It made me angry though because I felt like he just brushed away all of my struggles I had in my whole life. I spent hours researching and typed up a 47 page document on evidence for why I was on the spectrum, and had my parents help will some of checklists to make sure I was getting outside perspectives. I rally my parents to be my back up and next psychiatrist appointment we actually talk about it and he asked my parents questions about when I was young and such and finally he was okay you're on the spectrum. I felt so validated and like I could start being myself. I slowly got more and more confident, changed my style of clothing, and researched more about adhd pushed to be tested, and oh look at that I also have ADHD. So basically discourse: "I feel like as a child I coded a machine to do life for me so I didn’t get bothered except I didn’t know about the machine I thought i was the machine and now I’ve become self aware and I have to learn how to read the code and rewrite the code because it’s dysfunctional because I’m not functioning well as a human being. I was really shy as a child. I would turn beat red when people talked to me or looked at me so I think I started cookie cutting situations and using them over and over again because they worked until I accidentally hard wired these expansion rules and expectations for myself. I didn’t may attention is class ever I just day dreamed and if I got good grades i wouldn’t be bothered i could just stay in my head and if I did my sport well my parents didn’t bother me. I was never asked if I did my homework I just did it so I wouldn’t be asked and have to deal with that situation. I would cookie cutter situations in class that would draw the least attention to myself.
I feel like i don’t have friends I just fulfill the expectation like a side quest on video games" I wrote this down pre autism confirmation when i just thought I had ocpd. Now I don't directly identify with ocpd, but I definitely think I developed that personality disorder a bit from living with undiagnosed autism. I am linking below the very informative Tik Toks by the lovely Paige on autism in girls. The imposter syndrome one really hit home. I had had so many panic attacks about thinking I tricked people into being my friend, or thinking I was smart.
I highly suggest watching these short tik toks, you'll definitely learn something
Imposter syndrome
I am also linking an article about Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory and Autism that explains why my psychiatrist was wrong, and also I am a girl and the spectrum is called a spectrum because it's a fucking spectrum no two autistic people are exactly the same it's like a color wheel.
Here is a fun comic about the spectrum and how to view it.
I am still learning about myself, and how to be me, and how to be myself but without breaking bad social rules. It's quite humorous though because I'll learn something is related to autism and I'm like oh shit again, like still, like, we're still discovering things.
"Tu ne me manques pas"
Bis später,
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samclownchester · 4 years
The day is June 15 2020
The time is 3 am
The situation is that the world has fallen into a pandemic of Covid-19, and my job closed down in March, leaving me with lots of time on my hands. Despite my doubts, I fell back into Supernatural, deep into it, and I am now rewatching it. I thought it would be fun to try and see how much I could remember from earlier seasons before I watch them all
I have watched up to 1x14 at this point, so those episodes are fresh in my mind, but lets see what else I remember
Season 1
“Dad’s on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days”
“Saving people, hunting things, the family business”
Sam’s girlfriend dies just like his mom did
Their dad is the point of the season but is only actually in like 3 episodes
Sam and Dean break up but get back together
Sam has VISIONS and moves things with his MIND
Meg is a demon, Sam has a bit of a crush on her
They find their dad, but don’t kill the demon
Season 2
Dean dies in a car crash, John sells his soul for him and dies
Bobby Singer is best dad
Ellen and Jo and Ash exist
Purple Nurple
Lots of psychics! Sam can make friends??
Jk, it’s the hunger games
Sam gets stabbed in the back
Dean sells his soul for him
They kill Azazel I think??
“I have … demon blood in me?”
Season 3
Saving Dean from his demon deal
Groundhog day episode where Dean dies everyday
Gabriel?? (trickster)
Blonde Ruby (let’s hear it for Laurel Lance!)
Very short because there was a writers’ strike that year
Hell hounds
Season 4
Dean was “gripped tight and raised from perdition” by Castiel
Sam has a new gf! (Surprise, it’s Ruby in a new body! :o)
Why does she pretend to not know Dean when he first shows up? Is she lying to Sam about who she is this whole time?? Hmmm I wish I remembered
Time travel?? (Sam doesn’t get to come ☹ )
Demon blood
Demon blood detox ☹
Let’s kill Lilith
“Because it had to be you Sam”
“The boy with the demon blood”
Season 5
Dean is the Michael sword
Sam is messed up, trying to quit demon blood
Cas rebelled, and he did it, all of it, for Dean
Adam Winchester is a person who exists
Also I think this is the season with Jesse the antichrist who never shows up again it’s fine.
He only existed so they could have important conversations about nature vs nurture which honestly they should’ve just saved from when Jack was born but they didn’t know that was gonna happen
More time travel??
Cas likes drugs
Team Free Will
Fall into the cage
Dean goes to live with Lisa and Ben
The end?
Season 6
Cas is working with Crowley and spying on Dean but not talking to him like the pining idiot that he is
Dean can’t help but inspect monster happenings in town
Dean finds Soulless Sam
Hanging out with some old dude?
Get Sam’s soul back
Meet Death?
Find out Cas is working with Crowley
 O: Ultimate betrayal
Season 7
Godstiel?? Why?? Idr
Please give Sam therapy
Sam goes to an asylum
Cas takes Sam’s trauma??    
More leviathans
Garth? Did we know him before. Idk, we know him now
Dean and Cas go to purgatory!
When does Cas die and walk into the lake? That’s before they go to Purgatory, right? Hmmmm but how does he come back
 Cas is Emmanuel and has a wife? Is that in this season?
Season 8
Dean gets out of purgatory!
But no Cas
Sam had a girlfriend and a dog! Nice!
Not nice, he ignored Kevin and didn’t look for Dean
Like they agreed on, but whatever ok sue him for trying to be happy
Dean has a vampire boyfriend
Not so high and mighty about killing every monster are we now, huh Dean?
Right? I don’t remember, this is a conversation that happens though
He does end up killing Benny though, doesn’t he? huh
Cas is back from Purgatory! But he’s got Secrets ™
“I’m gonna become a hunter”
Then he stays in the old folks home and next time we see him he’s all wacky and likes to watch the bees?
You’re just playing sorry
Am I right?? I don’t remember, but all of this happens at some point
Who even is the big bad? What are we fighting? Idk
Oh we have to save Kevin from Crowley and he reads the demon tablet. Only eats hotdogs, doesn’t shave. I love him please keep him safe.
Spoilers, they don’t
Right! The trials, Sam does the trials, they “purify” him
The angels fall, but Sam doesn’t complete the trials and almost dies.
Season 9
Sam almost dies, Dean is like “right, nonconsensual possession is clearly the best answer for this”
Human!Cas, he drinks lots of water. Steve.
§  “you can’t stay here” :o
Abaddon I think?? What was the point
Crowley is sort of our friend now and I think we meet Rowena? Idr
Kevin dies ☹
“What is the upside to me being alive” – Sam
§  Maybe in this season, maybe not. Who knows?
Cas is a cannibal (eats grace) and becomes and angel again at some point
§  Hannah exists
We all hate Metatron
Metatron stabs Dean and Sam puts his dead body on the bed
Season 10
Demon!Dean and Crowley are living it up!
Sam and Cas try to cure Dean
Charlie and Rowena interact a lot I think
Book of the Damned
When did they find the bunker? Men of Letters? All that? Idr, anyway they have it at this point
Dean kills lots of people
Charlie dies ☹
Dean blames Sam which is unfair and I hate it
They get the mark off and The DarknessTM is release
Season 11
The Baby episode exists
Really weird sexual tension between Dean and Amara while she’s still kind of a child, no one knows why. Please stop.
Cas gets called expendable and then makes poor life decisions
Lbr, though, Misha is the only other one who can play Lucifer with the same spirit as Mark Pellegrino. Sorry Jared, it’s the truth.
Eileen!! <3
Chuck is God :o
Let’s kill Amara!
Except we don’t kill her, she just needs to bond with her bro.
Here, have your mom back
Season 12
British Men of Letters
Lucifer F*cks
Boy I didn’t think this would turn into what it did, let me tell you
Winchesters escape from Federal Prison
Cas says “I love you”
But like, the plural you. No homo.
Sam admits he lost his drive to lead, then finds it again and leads hunters against the dang brits! Hooray!
Oh shoot Lucifer wants custody of his kid!
Fatality – Castiel
Fatality – Mary
Oh no wait she didn’t die she’s just trapped.
Season 13
Jack jack jack jack jack
3 dads, all at various levels of dadding
Actually 2 excellent dads, one dad who is too emotionally damaged to dad but he tries sometimes
Yeah Cas pisses of a cosmic entity. That won’t come back to bite him
Jack just wants to be good
Wayward sisters was not picked up which sucks
Apocalypse world
Rowena is our friend now
Custody Battle!!! Who wins? Not Lucifer
We saved the day! And a ton of people
Literally they made a whole deal of the people being like “We won’t leave our home or our cause” and then they got back to Sam and Dean’s world, didn’t have archangel grace and were just like “meh, actually this place is cool. We don’t have to worry about going back”
Psych! We’re not done yet! Luci wants his kid
And Michael wants his planet
Season 14
Michael! Dean
Jack dies
But it’s ok, we fixed you, just don’t use your powers
Oh shoot he used his power
Nick is somehow alive
In love with Lucifer
Burn his ass!!
Oh Mary disapproves
RIP Mary
RIP Dean being a father, now he’s gonna murder
Hi Chuck, nice of you to show up
Oh no.
Season 15
Chuck sucks
Dean and Cas break up ☹
Sam has visions again
But he’s not psychic, it’s just the piece of his soul inside Chuck
Resurrect your girlfriend! Yeah!!
Jack is eating hearts, but it’s ok, Death told him to do it.
Garden of Eden?
Get your soul back boy!
 And cry
Honorable mentions (Aka these happened but idr when)
Sam falls in love with a werewolf and then has to kill her and MAN Jared really brought the tears
AU where Supernatural is a TV show
Finding out Supernatural is a book series and the author is Chuck!
Crowley becomes helpful mostly
Crowley has a son??
 Meet grandpa
Ellen, Jo, and Ash die
Bobby dies
literally everybody dies
Kill Hitler
They meet that Jewish guy with the Golem who pretended to flirt with Dean at some point.
Jimmy Novak was a devout man who deserved a lot better than he got
Claire Novak is so cool
She moves in with Jody
When do we meet Jody? She’s just always kinda been there?
Gabriel, I don’t remember anything about Gabriel
The council of the Gods’ happens and then I think Gabriel dies in that episode?? Idr
The Four Horsemen
Death, Pestilence, War, Famine
“You’re not hungry Dean”
 I literally do not remember what was happening with these guys
Also, they killed Death, killed a reaper, that reaper became the new Death. I remember when all that happened I just didn’t feel like putting it in the timeline.
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subbyboymax · 4 years
I want to ask you all of them 🙈🙈
So why won’t you ask all of them? Huh anon?
Jk I love you whoever you are. As requested:
1. Zodiac sign 
Taurus. I don’t really pay much attention to zodiac stuff but I’ve heard from friends that I fit the stereotypes somewhat.
2. Sexual orientation 
This is hard because I’m kinda questioning atm, but I would say I like women and identify as NB using male pronouns which I personally feel is accurate to me, but I still am unsure myself what that actually means. I am still figuring myself out.
3. Relationship status 
Single and honestly looking. I’ve had one girlfriend in high school and I’ve had romantic interests since but I have such low self confidence that I end up being too nervous to really pursue a relationship.
4. Someone you miss 
My friend Rebekah. I miss her a lot. She’s like a sister to me.
5. Person who’s arms you’d like to be in 
Hmmmmmmmmm... anyone really...
6. What you find attractive in Men/Women? 
Typically I find personality attractive and looks don’t really matter, but usually someone’s smile and eyes draw my attention the most.
7. How tall are you? 
5’7 or ~170cm but I wish I was more smol.
8. What you love about yourself? 
Already answered
9. What you’re doing tomorrow? 
I’m probably going to exercise and play games with my gaming clan.
10. What are your future plans? 
My goal is to become an electrician, but I also want to go to various Asian countries and try to improve my Asian cooking by studying the food culture all over east asia.
11. Your last night out in detail?
Oh god I don’t even remember the last time I was out at night... I guess it was last year when I had my heart broken and I went to a really nice bar and spent $200 on alcohol and was GONE. Never again. Ended up being hung over for the first time in my life.
12. Your favorite book? 
Hmm... favorite book(s) would have to be the Ranger’s Apprentice series of books. Good story, good characters.
13. All of pets you’ve ever had?
I’ve had so many pets I could make a whole post about them and may do that later.
14. Something that changed your life? 
Unfortunately too many things have happened to change my life more than I would like. I still can’t really answer this question fully.
15. Do you remember your last dream?
I was basically playing a game that turned out to be an isekai and I basically had a SMG and had to fight off a dragon. Shit was weird but very vivid. It’s weird because I don’t particularly like guns or dangerous stuff in general. 
16. What your last text message says? 
“Keep me posted! We should meet up and have a toast to it!” was sent to my friend Renè, who has been my best friend since birth pretty much. Our parents were close while they were pregnant with us and we are practically brothers. He’s getting a house near where I live and we will live in the same state for the first time since we were 8 years old. Obviously we will social distance but we still had to celebrate and see each other to mark the occasion.
17. Do you respect your government and the way your country is run? 
Absolutely not. Please vote biden if you live in the US. Even if you hate the idea of voting for biden, he’s better than trump. If hillary had won, she would have been putting her third justice on the supreme court. Biden is the only chance for our freedom and for the freedom of many people. I am terrified of 4 more years of trump.
18. Where you would like to live? 
South Florida, where I was born.
19. Your  favorite flavor of ice cream?
Depends on my mood, but typically strawberry.
20. Last thing you ate?
Pizza that was left over from last night. 
21. Which swear word do you use the most? 
Fuck. Like I use it so much it’s stupid.
22. Your plans for summer?
Heh... plans...
23. Any upcoming concerts?
Bruh if only. Like I work as an usher and as a stagehand, so if any concerts were happening at all I would JUMP for joy. And I am CHONK so jumping is not exactly the most comfortable thing to do. 
24. Something that you’re proud of?
That I am finally committing to getting therapy for my long list of traumas. 
25. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I wish I could, but she’s not part of my life anymore, sadly. She was a good friend. 
26. What language do you want to learn? 
Japanese, because I really have a strong interest in their history and culture and want to go sightseeing there someday.
27. Where have you lived before?
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and St. Louis, Missouri.  
28. Eye color?
I think it’s green or something but it changes depending on the light because it’s sometimes more silvery idk.
29. Favorite style of clothing?
Traditional Japanese formal wear. It’s always been an interest of mine. 
30. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
All of one minute to throw on an outfit and get socks on. I wish I had an eye for fashion but hopefully if I ever have a partner, they will help me with my style choices a bit lol. 
31. Where did you go today?
Nowhere, because pandemic lmao. 
32. Where are you right now?
In my room wishing I could have cuddles. 
33. How many countries have you visited?
None because money is not exactly a thing we have an abundance of.
34. Something old?
What does this mean? I guess I have my great grandfather’s old stamp collection. 
35. Something new?
Hell if I know, I’ve had nothing new in months.
36. Something inherited?
My laptop.
37. Is death more scary than life? 
Hell no. Death is easy. Life is scary and overwhelming but it’s worth living the life you have. You only lose out on life by dying before your time. You gain nothing in death, despite it being less scary and uncertain than living is. Keep living to experience everything you can and have no regrets once you do pass on.
38. Experience you’ll never forget?
The time my high school crush complimented my hair in physics class. I get very few compliments and I never feel that attractive so I hardly focus on my appearance but I had brushed my hair that day and the fact she commented on it made me smile very wide.
39. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Honestly today has sucked and I have been dealing with depression but I am trying to stay positive. Hopefully the answer to this question changes later today! 
40. Who is your hero?
My Great-Grandmother. She was part of my life until I was 17 and she taught me that kindness and compassion is the most important trait for a human to have. She was the most amazing woman I have ever met in my life. 
41. Are you happy with where you live?
I love this house, but it’s definitely not perfect and I would love to have my own place someday. 
42. Do you like your handwriting? 
Ew no it looks like alien language. It’s so bad. I can barely read my own writing.
43. What do you wear to bed?
Typically just underwear, or in the winter I will wear a T-shirt and fleecy pants.
44. Tea or coffee?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla? 
Chocolate hands down. It’s such a varied flavor imo. 
46. Are you excited for anything?
Being okay someday. 
47. How late did you stay up last night and why? 
Midnight because sleep is hard.
48. What’s your ringtone?
I’m boring and keep my phone on vibrate so no ringtone.
49. Did you have a dream last night?
Yes, I said it earlier. 
50. What keeps you going each day?
Honestly no fucking idea lmao.
51. Picture of yourself?
You’ll have to DM me for that one, friendo. Anons get no face pics!
Also for the other people who sent in asks, I saw them, but I figured I could just use this ask to consolidate and not spam posts. Thank all of you for sending in asks, you are the best <3
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watuplindsey · 4 years
so.. it’s been a loooong while since i’ve been on here. probably the longest it’s ever been.
i remember making this tumblr in 8th grade because a friend made me make one just for funsies. and i was o b s e s s e d. i was an angsty teenager who just needed an outlet for her thoughts, as all teenagers do. but i remember spending hours and hours all day and staying up all night on this stupid website just looking at aesthetic, sad, funny, relatable posts. i documented my struggles through high school and a bit through college, i went through my first best friend breakup, 2 relationships, and now in my 3rd. and tumblr has been there for all of that. i pretty much grew up on here.
i look back at the posts i made/reblogged and sometimes i think “damn, she really went through it.” And i say “she” because i feel like i don’t even know who the old me was anymore, i feel like a totally different person now. but admittedly, i was pretty depressed in high school. those were some really really rough times. high school in and of itself is a really tough time for teenagers to go through, and i’m proud i made it out of there, because at times i didn’t think i was going to make it out. i was dealing with some seriously depressive, suicidal thoughts and my anxiety only perpetuated them. but i think about my high school years a lot, and it gives me a reminder of how strong i was and how strong i can be.
college was really difficult too, my anxiety sky rocketed to its full form during this time. so bad that i couldn’t even leave my room, not even to go to the bathroom or kitchen to eat. i think about these years a lot and although it really hasn’t been too long since then, sometimes i feel a lot of regret with who i decided to be in college. my first year felt so free and i really thought i’d discovered myself. but boy did my life take a turn the rest of the 3 years after a falling out with a friend, and i shut down. i retreated from my social life, and turned my attention to my then-boyfriend who really didn’t deserve to brunt all my emotion and anxiety. even being in my own apartment gave me anxiety, but at not fault to my housemates, and i hope they don’t blame themselves, or think i didn’t like them, i was just really going through it. but my last year of college i left my relationship, moved out, shaved my head and decided to just let myself go and allow myself to just start over. and i finally felt free again.
and this is about to sound cheesy as fuck, but whatever because they’re my true thoughts: i really owe it to tumblr for being there for me when no one else was. as toxic as tumblr was/is, and probably only perpetuated my dark thoughts, that toxicity really helped me through my emotions. i didn’t feel as alone because there were people out there feeling the same shit i was feeling. other people’s art and posts validated how i felt, and helped put my confusing emotions into words that i didn’t know how to express. if i was ever sad, i knew i could just hop on tumblr to give me a sense of comfort. it was my secret place to thought dump. but i’ve learned ways to cope with my emotions and feelings now, and find myself NOT running back to tumblr anymore for comfort, and i think that really shows my growth.
it’s been 8 full years since i made this account. i’m 23, i now have a full-time job living in the bay, in a happy and healthy relationship, living with my siblings whom i never really had a relationship with growing up and have always yearned to have. i went to therapy, and kinda just picked myself up from there. although i still don’t have very many close friends, and still deal with anxiety (i don’t think that will ever change) i am finally at peace with myself and with who i am. and of course there are still things i am unhappy about or am sad about, but they don’t consume me anymore. i’d never thought in a million years when i was 16 that i would end up where i am, but i’m happy, a word i don’t use lightly.
and so with that, i’ve decided to retire this account, and tumblr in its entirety. i’ve basically retired most of my social media accounts bc social media is toxic and i’ve been way happier without it. but i felt like i needed to put some closure to this account because it’s been a big part of my life. and to anyone who has actually (lol) read any of my posts, thanks for listening! :’) 
(catch me being sad in a few years and hopping back on here.. HA jk.. but am i? guess we’ll have to see)
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thatsbrookie · 4 years
October 2020
Heh heh... so... you wanna just ignore how long it’s been since I’ve posted...? Yeeeahhhh... let’s ignore how long it’s been since I’ve posted. Lol jk, I think my Tumblr days are coming to an end. No particular reason why.. but I’ve just gradually become less and less interested in posting here. It’s crazy to think about how long I’ve been using Tumblr as my own little private diary. My very first post on here was in February of 2013. Well over 7 years ago.. Tumblr has always been good to me. It’s always been super beneficial for me to write out my feelings and emotions, goals and heartaches... All good things come to an end, though. I suppose. Maybe I’ll get an actual physical journal and start doing that.. Anywhooooo.. lets do a life update! I literally can’t remember the last thing I posted on here.. so, I apologize if I repeat myself.. Greg and I were moving around a lot. Louisiana, Texas, Iowa, Minnesota. I might be wrong, but the last I remember posting a life update was in Iowa. We were living in Mason City, Iowa. For a little over a year. But I swear, that year was one of the most insane years of my life. Mainly because of CAVU.. Like.. fuck, man. You have no idea.. but I can’t get into all that right now. I won’t stop. Also in Iowa, Rosalie got very seriously sick. She’s an older pup, 10 years old. So illness is taken seriously.. And this was BAD. THANKFULLY, she made a full recovery. That was SO scary
Anywayyyys, we are noooow in St Paul, Minnesota! And I know what you’re thinking, “Omg, y’all move so much. I can’t even keep track anymore”  We know we’ve moved around a lot and we got sick of it. Moving frequently can be fun because you get a lot of interesting experiences, but we’d been wanting a place to call ‘home’ for some time. We both agreed that we wanted to settle in a larger city somewhere in the north (we love colder weather) and we’ve always liked the idea of Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota (Greg is from the area). Then Greg got a job offer and a good promotion to move to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul area for a senior manager position and we felt like it was fate. So we decided to lay some roots and buy a house here in Saint Paul rather than renting. And leemmeeee teeelll yooouuu, buying a house FOR THE FIRST TIME, in a DIFFERENT STATE, during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC.... that was an EXPERIENCE. Plus, just a couple days after we officially moved here is when all the riots started happening. Just a few miles from our home!! It was truly one of the most chaotic times of our lives!! But we are both SO pleased with our lil home. It was worth it! It’s older and on the smaller side, but it is beautiful. On a more personal note, I have been struggling a lot mentally and emotionally. We moved here the very end of May and is now it’s the beginning of October. I’ve been actively trying to find a job since around July/August with no luck.. It’s been getting really hard to stay positive and motivated. Lately I’ve just felt like I lack purpose and just existing instead of actually living, ya know? I cry to Greg about it, he’s so supportive and he keeps telling me to be patient. “We’re in the middle of a pandemic.. The culinary industry is taking a huge hit because of that. Most restaurants, if they’ve even been able to stay open, are only doing take out/delivery or operating at only 30%-50% capacity for dine-in. Majority of places aren’t hiring right now.. They’re barely able to keep they’re own staff employed.” I know he’s right. But it’s still really getting to me.. I just feel useless  Plus, I’ve been so lonely. I’ve been trying to take Covid seriously (As EVERYONE should be. If you’re not, FUCK YOU), taking extra precautions when I have to leave the house. So because of that, I’m alone at home ALL THE TIME. I mean, I have Greg, but he works very long hours. And by the time he gets home, most of the time he’s exhausted and just falls asleep. I miss friends. I miss my family so much.. I haven’t seen my dad in like a year and a half!  Greg and I talked about it, and I’ve started to see a doctor for help with anxiety and depression. I’ve tried out a few different medications, but nothing seems to be working super well for me so far. I have another appointment in a week to change up my meds again, hopefully something that will help me more. My doctor has been urging me to get back into therapy. I’d love to, but I just can’t afford that right now. Since I still don’t have a job, money is tight. Greg is obviously still making money, but the cost of living here in Saint Paul i waayyyy higher than all the other places we’ve lived. So we don’t have as much extra moolah as we used to. Plus, I’ve gained like 10-15 pounds. Damn quarantine.. I’ve been eating and drinking WAY too much. The weather is starting to get colder here, so I was going through my warmer pants. They all still zip/button but they are hella tight now! I got super super sad about that too. Oh, also. I cut all my hair off. I always loved my super long, red hair. I got compliments all the time. It was beautiful. But I have been wanting to cut my hair short for a long time. Like short short. For years. I figured, ‘New city, new hair’ and got it all chopped off! I got my hair cut the first time and pretty much immediately unhappy with it. About a week later I went back and got it tweaked. I was way happier with it then. A month or so later, it was starting to get too long and super poofy. I went back and got it cut EVEN SHORTER, thinned out (I have super thick hair) and a different style shape. This cut is by far my favorite!! It’s exactly the short cut I had envisioned on myself since the start!! Third time’s the charm, I suppose. My hair is actually short than Greg’s hair currently! Lol I have been absolutely loving my new short hair! I feel like it suits me and my personality SO much more!! However, even though I feel so great with it, I haven’t taken a single picture I feel 100% confident in. I’ve tried to take many pictures, but I feel like I look stupid in every single one of them. It’s so confusing.. In person: Wow! Super cute! In pictures: *projectile vomit* Something wild and unexpected... dad and Cynthia got divorced! He called me the middle of last month and told me that he and Cynthia literally just got done finishing up the paperwork. I was extremely shocked. He told me that they have actually been arguing and fighting like CRAZY for a very very long time. Finally they decided to get a divorce, but didn’t tell anyone. They wanted it to be finalized first. Then tell people. I was so surprised.. I didn’t even know what to say. But he assured me that this is a VERY GOOD thing. He was planning a celebration that night. Lol! It’s crazy, they were only married for 2 years!
Hmmm.. I’m trying to think if there’s anything else worth mentioning... Like I said, my life has been pretty dull lately.. Well. It’s getting late. I’m going to start getting ready for bed. I’m actually kind of tired. Lately I’ve had a really hard time falling asleep.. maybe tonight is my lucky night and I’ll actually be able to fall asleep quickly. *knock on wood* Goodnight, Tumblr! 
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aaronhart93-archive · 4 years
discord II text Roman & Aaron
Discord thread featuring: Aaron and @romanbeckett​
Mentions: @davieslandon​ @malakhai-ozera​ @jayceelynd​ @alison-haynes​
Where: Aaron is at his house and Roman is at his house.
When: evening of May 26th-monrning of May 27th, 11:30p-2:30a
Description: Roman texts Aaron and they talk all night until they both fall asleep
Trigger Warnings: smut, what I would imagine harry’s peen to look like, really cute shit
Khai broke up with me, so. With us.
with Jay and I. And he left.
oh my god...im sorry Ro
Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.
what did he say? Like why...?
He told us that he loved us but needed time to work on himself or whatever.
I don’t know Khai that well but it does seem like he’s got a lot of shit to figure out
how are you doing with it?
and jayc? Should I reach out to her or....does she not know we’re talking
you can talk to her if you want. I think we both just don’t really know how to feel to be honest.
im sorry
i hope he's okay
and i hope you and Jayc are okay too
don’t be lol honestly Aaron, I set myself up for it the second I agreed to close myself off, knowing all of the issues I need to work through as well
contrary to popular belief, I’m far from having it all figured out.
that makes two of us
that was quick tbh
Yeah. I just feel like an idiot.
what no....thats not what i meant
how are you
okay....no please dont feel like an idiot. its his fault not yours
im....okay....getting better than i was last week
miss you though not gonna lie
I miss you, too. A lot.
im sorry
idk why i am i just feel like i need to apologize
you have nothing to be sorry for lol at all
if anything, I’m sorry.
for bringing you into all this drama
and making you eat at a Chinese buffet lol
making me eat at a Chinese buffet is the only thing you have to be sorry for
i inserted myself into this mess as well. and didn't pull out once i realized who you were to landon
does it make me immature if I laugh at you saying you didn’t pull out once?
I might just be high, but now I can’t stop laughing lol
im sober and laughing so
well not sober
i had a few drinks
everyone knows you’re a lightweight Aaron, stop tryin’ to be sly lol
who you callin a lightweight, lightweight?
only when I haven’t eaten anything LIGHTWEIGHT
michelle tanner voice
You miss me. Just a reminder.
you miss me
another reminder
I’m not the one calling you rude lol
you called me out for being a lightweight and i retaliated
forgive me
you’re in denial is what you are :fingerguns2:
but I’ll forgive you.
idk you'd think for how much i drink i'd have a higher tolerance
i need therapy
probably lol I’ll go with you
lol couples counseling?
I actually think it would be quite funny to see what they have to say about US
i need a therapist to tell it like it is
then again i do have ali
that woman calls me out on my shit literally daily
maybe shes just a free therapist
LMAO that’s...amazing. I like her already.
she do be driving me up a wall
shes family
Ah, family. I’ve been trying to get my sister here, but she’s being an ass lol
who wouldn’t want to move to New York
satans demons.
whats keeping her from coming?
she’s not as hellbent on big cities as I am lol
city life has always been for me
arent you from manchester? is that not a big city?
it’s not New York lol
she lives in the country now though.
no city is new york
exactly lol
what are you doing
besides getting high
I’m naked on the couch eating cherry gilato while watching good mythical morning on YouTube
i would very much like to be naked on a couch with you
I painted my nails and did a facial first lol i could do yours as well
ill take the facial
i couldn't pull off the nails though
you’d look so kickass with some black nails
you think?
hell yes. Even a sky blue, like those eyes
i blush
maybe we can try the toe nails first
in case I end up hating them
OH, I’m also trained in Swedish massage, head to toe. If you want a personal spa day
that would just give me a boner
well, it’s a FULL body massage after all.
dont tempt me
Aaron. I just.
is it bad that I don’t want to stay away from you anymore?
that’s a dumb question
I know it’s bad.
its not dumb
I don’t want to stay away from you either
but I promised Landon
I know. So did I.
You’re right, I’m sorry.
he’s my best friend
dont be sorry
im glad you’re being honest with me
I just don’t see Landon being okay with this anytime soon
I know! I know. He’s mine too, and I care about him more than I care to admit. I shouldn’t be like this.
damn this is fucked up
I shouldn’t have said anything
I wish this could be easier
im the one that started with the boner references
Not really. I offered you a massage
okay yes but
I told you I wanted to be naked with you
because I said I was naked
I just don’t want you blaming yourself that’s all
I know, but it is what it is. I made a mess of everything, and now everything I had is ruined lol I deserve it.
I’m sad you think so little of yourself
I don’t. It’s just consequences. I made bad decisions, and now I have to deal with the consequences. That’s all. It’ll all be okay.
I wish I could make you feel better
you already do. I promise.
I just smiled
show me?
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omg bad idea my heart
you’re so fucking jahshsbzjdndjendj
I’m mad at you
for looking like that
Well i can’t stop thinking about u
let me just
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yeah I kept drinking
and as we’ve established I’m a lightweight
okay I showed you a selfie now you should be a selfie
oh yeah? Trying to boss me around again are ya?
do what daddy says
Roman.BOTToday at 2:02 AM
yes daddy.
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brb gotta go jack off
not kidding
you don’t need a better picture than that to do the deed
??? Lolll
I mean....you could send me some
Roman.BOTToday at 2:09 AM
Does this help?
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holy fuck
ugh I wanna fuck you so bad
and put all of you in my mouth
I want it too. I shouldn’t, but I do. I want you to fuck me with my hands tied behind my back, and you pulling on my collar from behind.
fuck don’t put those thoughts in my head or I’ll act up
I wanna tie you up so bad
and punish you for being so naughty
I’d want to call out your name so loud, but you’d have to let me.
you can’t do anything without my permission
I’ll do my best daddy. You know I like to make you proud.
Ro I just came into a sock so hard
I want you so bad but the fact I can’t have you makes that even hotter to me
forbidden fruit, hm?
you’re my forbidden fruit for sure
wish I could have been there to help
you did enough helping trust me
are we terrible people lol
I know
we are
im trying though
so that’s gotta count for something
I hope it does, for both our sakes lol
if this doesn’t work out we can always be together in hell
that sounds like a rightful ending
at least I’ll be tan.
we’ll both be hot and tan chilling in hell together
and we can fuck all we want
sounds like the next big Netflix series.
could you imagine a Netflix series about us
no, I’m scared to lol it would be more insane than Tiger King
you think our lives are more insane than Tiger King?!?
scary, right??
thats definitely...quite the comparison
I would have loved to have seen your face watching it for the first time
watching that together would have been so fun
I can picture us watching that and freaking out together
maybe one night we’ll trip acid and watch it again
confession I’ve never tripped before
do it with me!
I mean yeah I used to do a lot of coke when I got drunk and sometimes still do but that been the extent of my drug use
hahaha I will trip with you, Roman Beckett
aces! Just tell me when and where, and it’s a plan!
but yeah let’s do it this weekend
I’m British you knob. Shut up lol
I know MATE I was making fun of you
sends long audio clip making fun of Aaron’s New York accent
I do say that though
I know, I’ve listened to you talk enough
it’s cute though
ready for bed?
just about
I was gonna go to bed a while ago but wanted to keep texting you
tuck me in lol
do u want me to tell you a bedtime story
yes, but make it snappy
and I want warm milk
so bossy
but okay
you know I’m spoiled.
that must’ve been my fault
okay Des like this one:
By the African river, know as the Nile The sun fell away and it rested a while The rhinos had braved all the smoldering heat They lay down to sleep as they wiped off their feet The elephants marched to their elephant beds And gently they rested their elephant heads Slowly the hippos sank into the river The water so cold that it gave them a shiver (Hippos can't swim, like the pelicans think They also can't float, they could easily sink) The hippos went bathing in cool, shallow pools Thinking the rhinos and elephants fools Underwater, they fell to the soft river bed On darkish green plants with a smidgen of red They strolled on the bottom, then bounced up for air They did it for hours, without any care The fish followed closely, and wove in an out Under their belly, and up to their snout Each of the hippos came up to the shore To feed on the grass by the river once more They dried off their bodies by shaking and stomping And took bites of grass, chewing and chomping With night fading fast, they were full from the feast The sun returned back, rising up form the east The hippos crept off to collapse for the day While rhinos and elephants got up to play Enjoying the warmth of the sun and its light Never knowing the story of hippos at night
just read it in my New York accent you’re so good at
goodnight Lois
that was perfect. Goodnight Clark.
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timmyteehill · 4 years
Discord Text II Kami & Tee
WHERE: Tee at his place, Kami at his
WHEN: June 24th 
DESCRIPTION: Kami attempts to text Tee again and Tee actually answers. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of therapy, mentions of drugs 
Kami I don’t know if you’ll even answer this but. Trying again. Hope you’re doin good and all that
Tee hey...doing well I guess. How about you?
Kami omg u responded 🎉 HI I’m ok. Was just thinkin about u. How’s life?
Tee oh come on it’s not that surprising :joy: you were? Life’s good...boring but good I’m glad you’re okay
Kami it’s pretty surprising lol you are?
Tee we’ve talked and you seriously think I don’t want you to be okay??
Kami Yeah. I guess so. I’m trying. I’m sorry I’m so awkward with you I just idk
Tee I guess we’re both...a little awkward I just don’t know what to do or what to say with you I never have I guess
Kami I’m sorry. I should stop buggin you then. I think I’m just selfish cause you’re the oldest friend I have and no family I don’t have any constants to hold on to
Tee you're not bugging me I wouldn't have replied if you were I’m just scared that we’ll end up fighting again
Kami I don’t wanna fight
Tee me neither 
Kami we need a safe word
Tee Ok I’ll bite why do we need a safeword?
Kami if we start fighting we just scream it it has to be something random to diffuse the tension
Tee I thought you meant something else but sure we can do that you know you get really random sometimes though right?
Kami tell me what you thought I meant :3602_co6aka: I’m never random
Tee nope, not doing that are you serious right now?
Kami :6485_AjMemeFace: safeword is chickie nuggz that’s two words but imagine things getting tense and then CHICKIE NUGGZ
Tee good thing you're never random! but fine I guess if that's what you want to go for
Kami I’m willing to hear your suggestions if you have them :writing_hand_tone3:
Tee you really want us to be yelling Chickie Nuggz in public? don't answer that, of course you do
Kami it could be fun lol
Tee fine, we'll stick with that then
Kami how’s your family
Tee you mean my asshole brother? who the fuck knows
Kami sorry :disappointed:
Tee not your fault he’s an asshole
Kami what else is going on with you? I don’t even know what’s up past your practice :frowning: I used to know everything
Tee yeah i know...kind of hard to keep up to date when we're not talking
Kami i tried!!!
Tee i know i know i take full blame for that i was pissed  at you, sue me you haven't missed much though. my life's not that interesting
Kami can I actually sue you for that cause I need $$$ wouldn’t that be awesome if you could sue someone for not talking to you?? Think about it.
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Tee no and you could do that but you'd lose because i had a reason to ignore you we broke up, remember?
Tee ok ok sorry weather's nice today isn't it?
Kami Lol!!!! No. I guess we do need to talk about the break up.... even tho I don’t want to. I feel like there’s a lot of stuff unsaid there.
Tee there probably is but it's fine if you don't want to talk about it I understand
Kami it was my fault and im sorry
Tee it’s fine I know I didn't make it easy on you I just wanted to help, you know?
Kami I know you did and I was terrible I just don’t know what the fuck I’m doing sometimes
Tee did you ever end up getting help like i suggested never mind I shouldn't have asked that chickie nuggz there, i did it for you
Kami lol I didn’t therapy freaks me out
Tee you won't know until you give it a try was i really that bad?
Kami no. You’re good I just. With someone else I’m scared telling a stranger everything
Tee i know but i don't think it can be me anymore we all know it didn’t work out
Kami I know
Tee i have a friend, he works with me for me? you know what i mean he works at my therapy i could talk to him for you?
Kami idk. Maybe. he’ll see how crazy I am lolll
Tee I'll take it, it's not a no at least Kam 1. that's literally our job 2. you're not carzy *crazy
Kami I feel crazy
Tee you're not you just need to...work through some things that doesn’t make you crazy
Kami I think I’m crazy as shit lol I just i’m in my head all the time and idk how to get out of it
Tee I really want to help you you know i do but i don't want to drive you away again
Kami I won’t go away again I’m sorry I did that I’ve grown up a little since then. Not much but. A little. :joy: I wasn’t used to someone wanting to help. 
Tee I know I can be an asshole sometimes but i really do care about you
Kami I care about you too. That’s why I text and bug the shit out of you lol you’ll never be rid of me evil laugh
Tee yeah not gonna lie you've made me want to hit you a few times with your text texts but thanks for not giving up on me I guess
Kami I know lol it’s hard to get me to away. That’s why I keep clients to go away I’m hiighhhh Tee of course you are should i be worried? 
Kami no why lol
Tee I don’t know
Kami I just like to be numb. I’m a lot more chill now as a consistent pot head lol
Tee good to know you're at least a little more chill
Kami Lol CHICKIE NUGGZ jk I’m sorry. I know I’m annoying.
Tee I swear if you start using the safeword to joke around i'm leaving :unamused:
Kami LOL have to laugh to keep from cryin right??
Tee why are you crying? 
Kami found out my sister got married today of course I didn’t even know she was seeing someone
Tee Oh I’m so sorry Kam
Kami I mean. Is what it is
Tee hey um maybe you want to hang out?
Kami do you actually want to or do you just feel bad lolll
Tee can’t it be both?
Kami I don’t want to ruin your day
Tee don't sound too excited i’m not doing anything so offer still stands
Kami okay. Let’s hang. Will u smoke one with me? Lol
Tee fine but only one
Kami lol deal
Tee great, see you soon
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shaykeijser · 7 years
riverdale 2x16
 here are my thoughts/reactions to this weeks episode that no one asked for, which will include spoilers (obviously) so i’m putting them under the cut. i’ve already watched the episode so these aren’t my first reactions technically but they’ll be the same. 
caution: i’m not a fan of jughead or the core four. so i’ll be poking fun/getting annoyed at them.
- why did betty not go straight to alice with the dna test? why would she give chic, who she thinks is capable of hurting her, the opportunity to last out at her? i also still don’t get why she didn’t just get a normal dna test. like you’re a journalist, get the full truth, not just some of it
- i fucking called it!! why do ya think hal wanted nothing to do with chic? remember when he said “you’re letting this stranger into our house”? he wouldn’t call his own son a stranger
- fp is the dad and that’s the facts (that wouldn’t make bughead wrong don’t even try to defend that)
- chic is such a good creep IM LIVING FOR IT
- if it wasn’t a for-profit prison it wouldn’t be the worst idea. but it is so :///
- southside high was falling apart at the seems. the old students were aware of that and were plenty happy to go away! yes the lodge’s had other intentions with shutting down the school, but overall it was a good thing. there’s other, more valid reasons to not like the prisons that aren’t being talked about!!
- lol we know that veronica running for stuco wouldn’t end up well
- fred getting more screen time <333 (even if i don’t totally agree with him)
- does everybody at this school watch the same tv shows how is jughead quoting scandal (which i had to google) universally understood? i’m actually a sophomore and my friends and i quote vines.
- why isn’t ronnie defending herself? she gave that look to archie so he could defend her. where did kick ass veronica i don’t take no shit’ lodge go??
- ‘hunger strike for southside high’ BOI 
- ‘for it to re-open’ i had to pause this when i first watched this scene. he went there for like 2 weeks. toni was his only true friend for the majority of it. he didn’t like the idea of it and didn’t like what he had to do to survive there. the other students were happy with it closing!! why you gotta be so extra?? and if he really wants to get out of riverdale to be a writer he shouldn’t be trying to go back to a school that had teachers who gave up hope on their students
- ew ethel (i was eh with her all together but i’m still >:( over how she got mad at veronica for what hiram did to her father. veronica was one of the only people who was comforting her and tried to make amends. we can’t forget that when that all was going down veronica didn’t like her dad)
- wait jk i remembered 
- HAHAHA ok i’m josie (don’t get me wrong i like veronica and is the only tolerable lead for me atm but that slushie thing is really funny. it was sorta uncalled for, but she is working with her father soz)
- props to veronica for being the bigger person in this scenario
- 'what are the odds your father’s gonna be the first inmate in that prison?’ #boomroasted #thatwasatheofficereference #didanyonegetit
- lol at least veronica kept her cool for a little bit (go her btw)
- mama blossom is shady and nana rose is sassy
- that tea’s gonna be poison i’m calling it
- why would ethel’s dad want a job at the prison? he was a businessman
- veronica’s own parents are threatening her UGH
- power to veronica for wanting to run but this isn’t gonna end well
- TONI’S HOT & even if her audition flopped cheryl still would’ve made her member #lovemybabies
- tbh i didn’t like the lodges being the main plot point and i’d still prefer for the serpents to get more screentime than them BUT this is getting interesting
- drag him archie
- i want to see other south siders fighting for this why does jughead get to be the leader of this revolution (that i’m here for!! except for the school thing bc it doesn’t make sense)
- y’all have been having friendship problems since the ms. gr**** thing i think the trains have been getting closer than you think jug
- something bad is gonna happen to cheryl i’m calling it, and nana rose
- (about what betty said after cheryl opened up) betty let chic into her and her family’s life can she not just be cautious from a distance and let her mom enjoy having her son back
- of course toni’s in the bed you sly little bird cheryl
- y’all gonna fuck? kidding this the cw that’s only for het couples
- ok fuck why can’t we have some happiness for once
- penelope and claudius pushed her, i mean penelope had obviously prepared a back up plan incase she didn’t die (mentioning sundowners syndrome)
- #ProtectCherylBlossom
- aw archie’s mom is back i’m happy 
- charles melton looks really hot with a bruised face oi oi (so does jordan connor)
- that lowkey sounds like a bribe veronica.... 
- fang, toni, and pea are in this scene?? new favorite scene
- honestly, if any other serpent was the one in jugheads spot i think i would be all for it lmao
- i thought mary (andrews) was gonna also give archie the safe sex talk that he archie never got dang
- mary’s giving good advice though let’s just hope archie will listen to it
- kevin had the right to tell chic, she was the one who forced him into the poorly planned catfishing (like seriously - she shouldn’t have been there and they shouldn’t have done it at a school). kevin has barely got any good storylines that actually continue and i’m so damn happy that he’s sticking up for himself. betty only reaches out to him when she needs help.
- betty talking about her darkness and saying ‘darkness’ in general is the most cringey thing ever. she has some sort of mental illness. i don’t know what but they shouldn’t have taken this ‘darkness inside of me’ approach.
- i wish V tried to become josie’s friend before asking her for an endorsement. actually, i wish the show resolved their friendship ages ago. they’re the one of the few WOC and overall i’m tired of girl x girl friendships being ruined like this
- it’s got so bad that veronica had to bribe josie to endorse her. i know this isn’t gonna go well
- sweet pea looking like an out of focus snack <333
- DRAG HIM JUGHEAD (lol you can tell how much i don’t like archie being up hiram’s ass that i’m praising jughead)
- give betty cooper therapy, you cowards
- ‘i caught the black hood’ bitch no you didn’t that hoe still out there & i’m taking that theory to the grave
- sheriff keller woah i forgot about him
- my boy fp!!
- omfg imagine when betty tells jughead that chic’s dad isn’t hal they better have him be like “...what if it’s mine” (i just realized that sorta sounds like jughead saying ‘what if the kid aka chic is mine’ and that’s not what i meant, i meant that chic’s dad is jughead’s dad but that made me laugh so i’m keeping it)
- oh sHIT something’s gonna happen @ this concert/rally for veronica’s campaign thing
- kevin’s filming it yeps something’s happening
- ope i knew it ethel is passing papers out 
- woop there it is
- i don’t ~really~ get why betty’s mad 
- this show tries to be all about female empowerment but then they have two girls banding together to bully an already manipulated and hurting girl. smh
- again, i don’t ~really~ get why betty can’t trust her anymore
- :((( i feel so bad for ronnie. she’s being manipulated by her parents and i really want her out of lodge industries. she’s taking blame for the shit that her parents have done
- “i was guessing” congrats betty, you’ve played yourself
- the offer that hiram made to fp actually sounds nice :((( if only he wasn’t so shady 
- archie is so far up hiram’s ass he sounds exactly like him
- finally a parent (alice) talks bout safe sex to their kid (betty)!!! my mom is gonna be so happy when she watches this episode (yes i watch riverdale with my mom, no it’s not awkward during sex scenes because we watch every show together so we’re used to it)
- “absolutely not.” keep telling that to yourself alice
- alice cooper is my favorite cooper
- “he’s dangerous.” bitch so are you? you held a lighter up to his face?
- i thought alice killed that drug dealer is that what betty is saying he did
- cheryl doesn’t have red lipstick on in this hospital scene something’s gonna happen
- nana was being poisoned by the tea :((
- i guess i’m remembering this wrong i thought alice shot him (about the scene in chic’s room)
- how did betty not remember that he didn’t touch anything
- look at archie being all smart aw
- why is betty next to kevin?? stay away from my baby (kevin)
- this scene is actually really powerful? even though them chaining themselves to the school is a repetitive and cliche thing to do, the aesthetics and the filming of it is really cool
- can we see all those young serpents more often pls
- what is jughead talking about why does he think they’re gonna lose riverdale high? is it because of veronica running? bc no one’s gonna vote for her after those flyers
- uGH i can see him being a good president
- why is betty so done with her and veronica’s friendship? i really don’t get why she’s so mad at her?
- jughead, betty, and fp all living together. that’s a concept
- i’m happy mary’s staying bc maybe with her around we’ll get more fred screen time #canyoutellilovefred
- toni topaz is the caring type of girlfriend who goes to her girl’s house when they aren’t in school pass it on!!
- but really though where is cheryl what are they doing to her
main takeaways
~ veronica is being manipulated by her parents and doesn’t deserve half of the shit that’s getting thrown at her
~ jughead is still cringey and extra
~ toni is the girlfriend of all of our dreams let’s be honest here
~ cheryl blossom doesn’t deserve this bullshit
~ betty cooper is mentally ill
~ chic is fp and alice’s son
~ #FredForMayor
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clefairytails · 6 years
lesbian tag game
thx for sending me this @redcladsheikah <3 all my lesbian friends should do this too, if you want uwu i’m too lazy to tag like 50 ppl hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh @lebians @tiedyked @talaxian @lesbian-mcelroy @ireallylikecameras 
1: did you ever think you were straight?
not really, i knew i liked girls even as a child. but i did go through multiple periods of trying to convince myself i was straight, needless to say it didn’t work out lol.
2: what’s your favorite element of gay culture?
our sense of humor! it’s amazing that we’re all so funny despite putting up with so much bullshit.
3: are you femme, butch, or neither?
femme! i’ve been looking into femme history lately, bcs the idea that femme is just an aesthetic is a misconception c:
4: do you prefer to date femmes or butches?
tbh every time i declare i have a type i immediately fall for someone that’s the complete opposite of that, so i have no idea. lately i’ve been wanting a goth gf, but i just developed a crush on a prep soooo i’m terrible at self-reflection. this bitch don’t know what she want.
5: what’s the worst part about being a lesbian?
the feeling that there’s a part of you that needs to be fixed, but you can’t do anything about it. it’s like seeing a picture on the wall that’s crooked, but it’s stuck like that and you can’t ever straighten it. or having a hair out of place that keeps sticking up no matter how much you try to gel it down.
6: what’s the best part of being a lesbian?
is women too obvious of an answer? girls are angels and i’d die for all of them
7: how long were you questioning for?
pretty much never, i guess. i had crushes on girls since kindergarten, then in 2nd grade i was told girls could only like boys, so i tried my best to be straight even though in my heart i knew i wasn’t. since i couldn’t make myself like boys, i kinda just ignored the idea of liking anyone at all until middle school, when i found out what the word “lesbian” means online. of course, all the stuff i found about lesbians called us disgusting perverts, so i went through many phases of calling myself literally anything else but a lesbian. i’ve only started using the word lesbian specifically in the last few years, especially since i joined an amazing discord group. i love them so much, they’ve helped me feel so proud of being a lesbian <3
8: what’s the most annoying thing straight people do?
jk lmao, i’m honestly not annoyed by straight people, but i like making jokes as if i am. it’s hard to annoy me in general, i’ve got a high tolerance for that type of stuff. if i have to answer, i hate it when strangers (usually straight men) pry into my sex life, but i’m not really annoyed by that as much as i am creeped out.
9: what do you look for in a girl?
vampirism is my only requirement.
10: if you had to marry someone you know right now, who would you choose?
@lebians bcs i feel they’d be the most able to put up with my bullshit. everyone else would kill me on sight. if only @ireallylikecameras was still single, then when we got married we could put together our 50% employee discounts at BK and get infinite food for free, ending world hunger. i think that’s how it works, but also im gay and therefore bad at math.
11: do you have a crush right now?
does being in love count as a crush? if so, then i have three.
12: do you fall in love easily?
i crush easily, and i say i’m in love easily bcs i’m a leo (meaning i need to exaggerate to live), but actually feeling love? only once.
13: is there anyone in your life right now you think you’ll date in the future?
fingers crossed.
14: is there anyone you want to be kissing right now?
at the moment i’m feeling very touch repulsed, so no. but i also go through periods of feeling touch starved, and during those times i’d kiss pretty much anyone lmao.
15: do you think you’ve met your future wife yet?
i don’t know if i want to be married. i hate making commitments.
16: top, bottom, or vers?
i suspect i’m a bottom, but i’m also a virgin with no self awareness about what she wants or likes, so who really knows.
17: is there anyone you wish you could fuck right now?
still feeling touch repulsed, so no. also i have issues with actual real life sex. i always think i want to have sex, but when the situation becomes real, i feel disgusted by it and chicken out. i have no idea if this is some sort of asexuality or internalized lesbophobia. i should probably go to therapy lol.
18: rough or gentle?
rough, in theory. like i said, virgin who doesn’t know what she likes. but as a general rule, i don’t like slowness.
19: how many stereotypes do you fit into?
i’m fat, hairy, make lots of jokes about hating men (at least online, not in real life bcs i dont wanna get stabbed), i sometimes look like a guy,
20: what version of the lesbian flag do you like most? (butch, lipstick, original, etc.)
i like the femme one! i have it as my banner, it’s the lipstick lesbian flag without the lip print. the original flag was so fucking good, too bad it got taken by the terfs. the labrys is such a powerful image, and purple is a good color. also i saw a moon lesbian flag going around, that one is so good.
21: do you have a good gaydar?
hhhh i’d like to pretend i do but tbh i’m not very observant and straight up bad at reading people.
22: be honest, would you rather be straight?
yes and no. i’d rather have been born straight, because it would’ve saved me so much pain, but it’s a few years too late for that lol. if there was a magic pill that could make me straight today, i wouldn’t take it. i’ve been through so much as a lesbian, it means something to me now and i wouldn’t trade that for anything.
23: are you cis?
24: are you a sugar mommy or a sugar baby at heart?
hardcore sugar baby. my dream job is being an older woman’s trophy wife.
25: are you committed to someone at all right now emotionally?
hhhhhhhhhh unfortunately. i don’t want to be.
26: are you looking for a serious relationship currently?
yes, but i shouldn’t be. i don’t think i’m ready to be in one.
27: is there someone you’d like to be in a serious relationship in?
yes, but she’s straight and already married lmao. whoops.
28: do you want children?
no, i’m too selfish and irresponsible.
29: is your family accepting of your sexuality?
my mom and dad are, though they don’t take it very seriously. pretty sure they expect me to grow out of it one day. can’t blame them tho, i’m waiting for the same thing lmao. my extended family is huge, and their opinions range from being extremely homophobic to being gay themselves, but i’m interacting with them less and less as i get older.
30: how confident are you in your sexuality?
very confident, though i don’t want to be. i’m still secretly hoping one day i’ll see a guy i’m attracted to and he’ll fix me, but being realistic, i’m a huge fucking lesbian. women are enchanting.
31: are you polyamorous or monogamous?
monogamous. my insecure ass could not be poly hhhhhh.
32: what advice do you have for your 12 year old self?
be more selfish. you don’t have to put yourself second for the sake of others, especially at your age. nothing you do will matter in a decade, go fucking wild.
33: have you ever been to a gay bar?
nope. i want to go one day, but i have terrible social anxiety.
34: leather jackets or flannel?
both of those are really hot, but i’m gonna go with leather jacket.
35: describe your dream girlfriend
- vampire
- big tiddy goth gf
- nice personality or smthn
- uhhhhhhhhh tiddy
(ok but srsly, i can’t answer this question bcs i NEVER know what i want!! i always thought my type was THICC for sure, but all three of the ladies i have feelings for rn are pretty skinny and flat chested)
36: do you have any lesbian friends?
at least 50 lol.
37: what elements of gay culture do you actively participate in?
air, water, sometimes earth. never fire.
38: do you find straight people irritating?
nope, but i do find straight pda uncomfortable to look at. mostly bcs it reminds me of what i'm supposed to want. but i’d never tell a straight person that, obviously. i’m not rude.
39: would you rather adopt a kid or have a biological kid?
i’ll adopt a tortoise, and feed her any children that cross my path. but if i did ever have a child, i’d want it to be biologically mine and my wife’s. mostly bcs i’d want to know what it would look like, which is a selfish and stupid reason to have kids, and exactly why i’m not gonna lmao.
40: do you love yourself?
i’m a LEO (jokes aside, i don’t know. sometimes i do, sometimes i don’t. but i love myself more as time goes on. definitely more than i did than when i was a teen, at least.)
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