#jk on the italian part
goryhorroor · 3 months
I just saw a post about how offensive immaculate is because sydney sweeney’s character read the bible out loud or some shit. out of the entire movie in which the church uses a young nun to incubate their demon child, you found the bible reading offensive. tbh sydney’s attempt at speaking italian was the most offensive thing in that movie
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mazzystar24 · 8 months
Okay blame @monica-rambeau for encouraging me to put this out here but like if anyone wants to fic this PLEASE do cos I have no talent and lots of ideas❤️❤️
(Linked posts go in more detail of what I’m imagining)
At the madney wedding:
Buck being wedding planner and maid of honor (clipboard and all)
Buckley siblings pinky promise for posterity ALSO PLEASE ON MY HAND AND KNEES FOR A “found it” reference like how Maddie in her letter to buck saying for him to be happy and find the people that make him happy and love and etc
Adorable wedding stuff
SPEECHES I NEED SPEECHES (also if during those speeches someone -buck👀- talks about how madney pretended to be just friends but took the risk then like there is an oh moment mid speech looks over at Eddie while saying sappy shit™️ that’s about madney and love but really about Eddie and them)
Then like bouquet toss: Buck accidentally catches it
Later Eddie finds him and buck is having a moment™️ and he sorta starts talking about how like his relationships haven’t worked out and he keeps going after the wrong person and he just want xyz (descriptions similar to the you don’t find it son you make it and the Bobby speeches aka describing Eddie) and he’s like talking about how he doesn’t think he’ll ever get it and then Eddie’s like you’ll get it and bucks like you don’t know that Eddie’s like yes I do bucks like how do you know that Eddie’s like I just do (yes this whole last part is basically a luke and loralie from Gilmore girls scene but sue me🙄) then like they have a moment™️ and then they get interrupted
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seriebofficial · 1 year
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yeehaw4yoongi · 2 years
Iced Americano | JJK
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Pairing: jk x barista female reader
Rating: 18+ | minors dni | nsfw
Word Count: 5.9k
Warnings: drinking alcohol, kissing, some swearing, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, fingering, mentions of cum, titty play, mentions of food/eating, mentions of milk (but literally just milk nothing nasty is being done with the milk), shower sex, dom-ish jk
Genre: fluff, smut, non-idol au, strangers to lovers, some angst
Summary: You wake up thinking today would be like any other day but you were wrong.
A/N: Hi tumblr! This is my first stab at writing any kind of fanfic. I'm new to all the warnings, categories, and abbreviations so please bear with me. Thinking about doing a part 2 since I feel like there is so much build up in this half, so if you enjoyed it, please comment, reblog, and like!
Today started like most of your days do. The alarm yanks you out of your slumber at 4:30AM and you drag yourself to the shower. You have about half an hour to get to the bus so you can make it to work at 6:00AM. You sprint to your stop and make it just as the bus pulls up. You won’t be late today.
As you ride down the dark city streets you make a list of everything that needs to be done to open the cafe by 7:00AM. You take inventory of everyone out and about already hard at work. Street sweepers and stall keepers mill around setting the scene for the world that has yet to wake. Despite the start time, you love the opening shift. It’s where humans on different paths cross as night transitions into the morning. Party people with pupils the size of the moon and 9 to 5’ers alike find themselves convening in the queue for coffee. The day goes by as usual. Taking orders, making light conversation, steaming milk, and cleaning up empty cups make the morning go by quickly, and before you know it’s nearly time for the shift change. By now the freshness of the morning ceases to exist. You’re covered in coffee grounds and sweat has taken its toll on your makeup. You switch out the till drawer and head to the office to count the morning’s takings. Once you finish, you collect your bag and head back into the bustling cafe. It’s a small space so you weave your way through the crowded shop. You stop by the counter on your way out to bid your workmate adieu and that’s when you notice him. 
His tall slender frame leans against the counter as he orders an iced americano. He reaches for his wallet and you notice the tattoos on his hands. You don’t allow yourself to keep looking. Instead, you push passed him and the other people queuing and head for the door. One of your workmates shouts behind you “see you tomorrow!” and as you turn around to wave you meet eyes with Iced Americano. For a split second, your heart plummets into your stomach. He looks down at his phone and you’re released from his grip. He seems unfazed but the depth of his glance has shaken you. Walking down the street toward the bus you brush off the interaction. This city is full of attractive people. You serve them every day. What made him different? 
“Never mind,” you tell yourself as you climb the steps to the top deck of the bus. You have errands to run and a friend’s birthday dinner to go to tonight. As the afternoon wanes you forget about Iced Americano and go about getting ready for the evening’s festivities. You make your best effort. The restaurant you’re going to for the party is one of the nicest Italian places in town and you want to look the part.
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The city sparkles as you make your way through town in the cold. You see the restaurant down the road. The warmth practically flows out of the windows. As you enter, you’re met with a scene of beauty. Peach-colored light is defused through sheer fabric dressed around each of the fixtures that hang from the ceiling. They reflect off of the polished brass glass rack hanging above the marble-top bar and bathe the marble walls in a rose gold hue. Vintage mirrors hang above a row of pale blue booth seats that run parallel to the bar and give way to the dining room. You stand at the door and take it all in. Scanning the dining room you realize you’re the first of your group to arrive. The maitre d’ pulls out one of the plush mint green bar stools and motions for you to take a seat. You order yourself a glass of wine and pass the time looking through your phone. As you wait, the bar fills up around you. Your phone buzzes and it’s your friend saying they’re nearly there. You motion to the bartender to close out your tab. He places the bill on the bar. When you look down you see something familiar out of the corner of your eye- a tattoo and more importantly the hand it belongs to. How long had Iced Americano been there?  Your eyes never leave the tray the receipt is on as you slide it towards you. That’s when you hear his voice. “What wine are you drinking?” You mess up your signature but decide there’s no way he was talking to you and so you push the tray back toward the bartender and place your card back in your wallet. It’s when you get up to tell the maitre d’ your group has almost arrived that you meet Iced Americano’s gaze. Turns out he was talking to you. He looks at you with an inquisitive brow as he awaits your response. 
“I, I uh, it’s the Cabernet” you manage to blurt out through your shock. The bartender nods at Iced Americano and he orders the Cabernet. “Thank you,” he says with a wide smile. You stand there looking up at him for what was probably only 2 seconds but feels like much longer. Just then your friends swan in and swallow you up in their hugs and kisses of greeting. You look back at Iced Americano and smile and give him a small wave as you head to your table. 
Your seat at the table faces one of the mirrors hung on the walls. You and your friends order two bottles of wine and some small plates to start. You’re wrapped up in the comfort of their company. Everyone is sharing the highlights of their day and listening as the birthday girl lists off all of the presents she’s gotten. As the server brings the wine and serves a sample to your friend you look up into the mirror. Sitting at the table directly behind you is Iced Americano with two others. His seat at the table gives you a clear view of his face in the mirror’s reflection. You try your best to stay engaged in the conversation happening at your table but the image in the mirror pulls your gaze back to it. His face is kind and his eyes are soft and doe-like. The curve of his jaw is sharp. Even through the vintage mirror, you can tell his bone structure resembles that of a statue. You’ve lost yourself in his image and he must have felt you staring because his eyes look up to meet yours. You’re rendered breathless but you don’t divert your eyes. The server pours your glass of wine and you refocus on the table. 
Several food courses and drinks go by before the bill inevitably arrives. Your party wraps up and as you collect your things to leave you steal another glance at Iced Americano in the mirror hoping it won’t be the last. You make your way out with your group and wait with them as each of their cabs arrive. Standing alone on the sidewalk outside of the restaurant you watch your Uber get closer and closer to picking you up but you’re not ready to go home yet. You look behind you through the restaurant window and see Iced Americano sitting at the bar. You decide to throw caution to the wind and cancel the Uber.
The liquid courage running through your veins makes it easy, a little too easy, to take the seat directly next to the man that has captured your attention. You don’t say anything to him as the weight of your decision begins to hit you. It’s too late now, and when the bartender asks what you would like you say, “He and I will have an espresso martini,” and motion to Iced Americano sitting next to you. He looks at you with a surprised look and you grin. “Did you order that for me?” he asks with a chuckle. You nod. “What’s your name?” you ask. He responds, “My name is Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you.”
You sit at the bar nursing your drinks and talking. He’s in town working for a couple of days. You mention being a barista but don’t mention where. You talk about traveling and the places you’ve been, comparing notes on cities you’ve both visited. He is incredibly well-traveled and regales you with stories about his time spent on the road. As you chat the restaurant starts closing down. Eventually, the bartender makes the last call and Jungkook asks if you’d like to take a bottle of wine to go. The idea sends a tingle up your spine. You initially thought the espresso martini would be the nightcap but your shift doesn’t start until the afternoon the next day, and why wouldn’t you get a bottle of wine to go? You answer him, “I’d love to. I know a place we can go with it.”
When you step outside the cold air hits your lungs and the warm blur from inside the restaurant sharpens. You are greeted by the sounds of cabs passing by and people chatting and laughing as they make their way to the train station. The city lights shine and wrap you up. You feel safe under them. The libations from dinner and the impromptu nightcap make your mind feel light and optimistic like anything could happen. As though somehow this moment is the beginning of your life. 
You start walking down the road and turn to see if Jungkook is following you. He’s still standing at the door holding the wine and thanking the staff for a wonderful meal and exquisite service. Waiting for him a few paces along the sidewalk you take the opportunity to admire his whole form. He’s tall with broad strong shoulders. His turtleneck hugs his arms and chest and his slacks are perfectly tailored - a statue. As he walks toward you he asks, “Where do we go next?”
The two of you make your way through town passing the theatre district down to the river. You find a bench along the bank and take a seat to watch boats pass while lights on the other side twinkle in the background. He had the forethought to ask the bartender to uncork the wine but you both forgot cups. He playfully pulls the cork and takes a swig straight from the bottle and then hands it to you. It’s cold out but you don’t feel it. Maybe it’s the wine? Maybe it’s him? Either way, you never feel uncomfortable. You talk with him about what brought you to the city and how you love being there. He listens intently and seems to hang on to your every word. Time flies as you take turns drinking the wine and before you know it, the bottle is empty. You sit there with him in the dark a bit longer looking out over the water. The silence between you is pleasant. You can feel his arm up against yours and you fight the urge to take his hand at that moment.  
He looks at his phone and breaks the silence, “Let’s walk back to where I’m staying and I can get you a cab back home.” By now, you know that even if you didn’t desperately want to walk him home, you’ve had so much wine that there’s no way you can get into a vehicle without walking it off a bit. As you stroll up to the beautiful historic hotel, you see there’s a town car parked in the front. “This is for you,” Jungkook says with a smile and motions to the car. Going home is the last thing you want to do but you don’t want to force anything. You thank him for the ride and tell him you hope he has a great remainder of his stay in town. As you turn toward the car, Jungkook takes your hand in his and pulls you toward him into a hug. You breathe him in and he smells like clean fresh laundry. “Thank you for showing me around,” he says releasing you, “I had a great time.” You go to respond but don’t get the chance. He leans in and gives you a gentle kiss on the lips. “I’ll see you around,” he whispers in your ear with a sly smile and you stand there stunned. He notices that you’ve been caught off guard and walks to the side of the car and opens the door. That’s your cue. You get into the backseat and he closes the door behind you, giving a small wave as the car pulls away from the hotel. 
Your whole body buzzes as you ride through the city. When you get home you realize you never exchanged numbers. As you sink into bed you replay the events of the evening in your mind. Every look, every word, every brush of his arm against yours. The kiss cycles over and over. Even if it was just tonight, it was worth it. 
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The next day you have a slow morning. By some miracle, you aren’t hungover but the booze has made you feel sluggish. You think about Jungkook as you get ready for work that afternoon and while heading to the bus stop. You think about him as you ride through town and as you walk to the cafe. You can’t shake him and you don’t want to. Deep down you tell yourself not to get your hopes up. What are the chances of you seeing him again? Despite you trying to manage your expectations, you watch the cafe door your entire shift hoping he’ll appear there. Patron after patron comes in. No Jungkook. Finally, you give up hope that he’ll come in but that doesn’t stop you from thinking about the night before. You spend the rest of the shift on autopilot, stuck in your endless daydream. You close up the shop and head back home. You have to open up the next day and can’t afford another late night. Riding the bus, your mind drifts to last night. It remembers the feeling of his arms wrapped around you. It remembers the feeling of his lips pushed against yours and the feeling of his breath on your ear. 
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Once again, your alarm startles you awake at 4:30AM. Another day, another shift. You’ve accepted the idea that your evening with Jungkook was only a brief encounter and one of the many perks of living in the city. You never know who you’ll meet and what will happen. The memory will live fondly in the back of your mind for a while until time inevitably reduces it to a blip on the timeline of your life. The shift goes by as normal and you greet and serve the first arrivals into the shop. The morning is peppered with the regular corporate types and rave stragglers. You spend your time chatting, catching up with them, and listening to what they have planned for the rest of their day. As the lunch rush starts to pick up, the queue for service extends to just outside of the door. You’re nearing the end of your shift but there’s still a lot to do, so you move from the till to behind the coffee machine to help your workmate with the influx of coffee orders flooding in. 
As you steam the milk at the end of the counter, you grow tired and the awareness of what’s happening around you disappears. It’s just you and the milk pitcher. You watch the milk swirl around in the jug making sure not to burn it. With your focus on the upcoming orders you never see Jungkook enter the cafe, but now he is standing at the end of the counter and says, “Hi” breaking your focus. When you look up and see who the greeting comes from, you almost don’t believe your eyes. The chances of you meeting again seemed slim and yet here he is. You realize that you’re fully staring at him, mouth agape. You try to respond like someone who has spoken before but your “Hey! How are you?” comes out as more of an abrupt shout. He doesn't skip a beat and tells you that he was meant to leave town the day before but that he still had some things to wrap up and extended his trip a few days. You’re delighted by this news but you do your best to stay cool and nonchalant. His drink is a few places behind others in line but none of the other patrons matter anymore. You make each drink and just slide them to the end of the counter as you and Jungkook chat. He didn’t know you worked here and mentioned how he was in the cafe a few days ago. You pretend not to remember. Finally, his drink is up. Unlike the coffees before his, you take extra care and gently slide the drink directly toward him. He asks you for a lid and as you go to put it on, there is a brief fumble. He doesn’t anticipate you putting the lid on for him and reaches to secure it as you place it on top of his cup. His slender fingers and soft palm land directly on the top of your hand. You both look up at each other and giggle. He takes a sip of his drink and thanks you for making it just right. You swoon and he notices. He says that he’s been given tickets to a show later that night and asks if you’d like to go with him. You exchange a glance with your workmate standing to your left. She has completely stopped making espresso shots and is waiting for you to respond to him while nodding her head as though to say, “Say yes, fool!”. You quickly turn back to face Jungkook and tell him, “sounds great”. Noticing that the number of people waiting for their coffee has caused a crowd to form, he takes a pen from his bag and writes his number on a napkin, and hands it to you. “Send me your address. I’ll pick you up at 7.” 
As soon as you finish work you text him your address. [See you soon.] he replies. You race home and start the process of getting ready. No task is spared as you prep for a night on the town with quite possibly the most beautiful man on the planet. You try on all of your clothes and then all of your roommate’s clothes before finally deciding on what you’ll wear. You put on the designer perfume your grandmother gave you for your birthday. Promptly at 7:00PM your phone buzzes. You give yourself a last look and take a deep breath. When you open the front door, there is Jungkook sitting on the street in an Aston Martin. He gets out of the car and goes around the other side to open the passenger door. He’s wearing black combat boots, fitted black trousers, and a knit charcoal grey crew neck sweater over a white collared shirt. You walk toward him and he takes your hand to help you into the car. He gets into the driver’s seat but before he puts the car back into gear, he looks over at you and says, “You look amazing.” You thank him and reciprocate the compliment even though “amazing” doesn’t even begin to describe how gorgeous he looks. He is fucking hot with his black hair combed in a way that exposes a bit of his forehead. You fight the urge to lick your lips as you watch him wrap his tattooed fingers around the steering wheel. 
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You arrive at an elite member’s only Burlesque club in Soho. The hostess shows you to a cozy private booth with soft cushioned upholstery and oversized pillows that line the back. As the two of you settle in, the manager stops by the table to drop off a complimentary bottle of champagne. Jungkook smiles when he sees her and stands up to greet her with a hug and cheek kiss, as though they’ve met before. He introduces you and she winks as she greets you. She says, “Any friend of JK is a friend of mine. If you need anything at all, just ask for me.” A server comes by and takes your drink and food order just as the lights in the club dim and the spotlight flicks onto the stage. Jungkook makes sure your glass never runs dry as one beautiful woman after another takes the stage. Each one of their performances is glamorous and sensual. As the show goes on, the two of you inch closer and closer to each other until he takes his arm and puts it over your shoulder. You allow yourself to let your guard down and lean your head to the side to rest it in the nook where his chest meets his shoulder. You stay there until the show is over. 
The club isn’t far from his hotel and as you stroll down the street it dawns on you that that’s the direction you’re heading in. You brace yourself for another town car. When the hotel is just within eyeshot, Jungkook makes a random but smooth turn onto a narrow alley and points out some street art on the wall. As you follow behind him trying to see what he’s talking about he turns around and slowly walks back toward you until you’ve backed yourself onto the wall opposite of the one he was looking at. He walks right up to the point where you’re nearly touching and then stops. You turn your gaze upward to look him in the eyes and he says, “I’m just kidding. I wanted a private place to kiss you.” He leans in and lays a small kiss on your lips. And then another. You kiss him back as you slowly wrap your arms around his waist and draw him in closer. For a few moments, the two of you stand there entwined seemingly suspended in time. It feels like you’re levitating. He opens his mouth and slides his tongue into yours, triggering all the butterflies in your stomach to a frenzy. Pulling back, he lays a few more small kisses on your lips before bringing your arms up around his neck and wrapping his arms around your back to pull you into him again. You stand there in silence breathing in unison. As you stroke the hair that grazes the nape of his neck he leans into yours and kisses it softly. Kissing your neck he says, “Do you,” another kiss, “want,” another kiss, “to come up,” another kiss, “with me?” You reply into the night sky as your head rolls back, and his kisses drift further down your neck,  “Absolutely”.  
Your heart pounds as you walk through the hotel doors but you aren’t nervous. Facing the front of the mirrored elevator doors, Jungkook stands behind you. He admires your reflections for a moment and you watch him as he drapes his left arm over the front of you while using his right hand to caress the left side of your face and turn it up to the right to meet his for a kiss. The doors ding open and you walk into the elevator. He pushes a button near the top floor and the doors close. 
You are standing on opposite sides of the elevator and with each floor that passes the tension between you grows. It takes everything you have not to throw yourself on him but you test the waters and ask, “Why are you all the way over there?”. His demeanor shifts and when his gaze meets yours, you see a fire burning in his eyes. He takes the two steps across the elevator, looks over at the buttons, and smashes the Emergency stop. The elevator halts. Facing you, Jungkook raises his hand and places his thumb on your lip, applying some pressure while moving it carefully and with purpose until your mouth is slightly open. He starts to lean in, slowly sliding his thumb and index finger down to the tip of your chin, and lifts your face until your mouths meet in a deep and passionate French kiss. Your face rests gently in the palms of his hands. The way he kisses you feels like he needs you to breathe. “Can I touch you?”, he asks, his voice nearly a whisper but not quite. As he waits for your response, once again you find yourself answering into the sky but this time you’re met with your reflection in the mirrored ceiling of the elevator. You look yourself in the eyes as they roll back into your head and you whisper, “Please”. 
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When the elevator doors open Jungkook slides his fingers out from your now-damp underwear and leads you into an immaculately decorated suite. He flicks on a lamp and then another and you stop at the end of the entryway to take in the space. 
As you admire your surroundings, Jungkook asks if you’d like a glass of wine while he pulls back a heavy curtain to reveal a private terrace with a breathtaking view of the city. You walk over to where he’s standing by the window and look out. The city lights twinkle in a panorama. He asks you again if you’d like some wine but you are too distracted by flashbacks of the elevator ride up when he slid his middle and ring fingers inside of you as he rubbed your clit with the bottom of his palm to notice Jungkook waiting for your response whilst you look out over the city. He clears his throat and you are suddenly very aware of him waiting and see him looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
You turn toward him and say, “I think I want something stronger,” as you move your hand over the front of his trousers to find what you actually want. You land on the task at hand and you feel him twitch slightly under your palm, as he begins to harden at your touch. Looking up at his face, his eyes are closed and he lets out a soft moan as he exhales. You keep your hand where it is for a bit longer before moving it up toward his waist until your fingers are touching the bottom of his sweater giving it a light tug to signal that it’s time for him to take it off. He crosses his arms over his torso, reaching to where your hands are resting near his waist, and pulls the sweater up and over his head. While his arms are still mid-air, you reach up and start unbuttoning the white collared shirt. You lay a kiss on the skin that is exposed with each undone button. He is breathing heavier now. You only get halfway through unbuttoning his shirt before he takes you by the waist and turns you toward the window. He puts his hand on your back and presses you into it just enough to indicate that he’s the one in control. His hand moves down your back to your hips and guides them into place. His other hand is busy lifting your skirt and resting the fabric on your lower back to expose your ass. “If you want something stronger, that’s what you’ll get”. You hear his zipper coming down and his belt clink as he unbuckles. The glass is cold against your palms and arms. The city continues to glow in front of you as you feel him slide your panties down. 
The anticipation begins to bubble over and every part of your body throbs and screams out for him. You let out a whine when he starts teasing you with his tip, before slowly and gently sliding every inch of him inside of you. You both moan softly and relish the first moment your bodies fully meet each other. Jungkook pulls out nearly leaving you but slides himself deep inside you again. He repeats this a few times and then proceeds to slowly and steadily fuck you from behind. Each thrust is deliberate and forces you to feel all of him as he strokes your g-spot. You can feel the pressure inside of you starting to build and he can too. He gradually quickens his pace remaining consistent with the depth and cadence of his strokes. Your head gets cloudy as your orgasm continues to mount. “Fuck!” you exclaim as Jungkook starts to hammer into you with a rhythm where you cease to see straight anymore. You try to regain your composure but all you can do is plead with him not to stop- never stop. “I won’t,” he barks through gritted teeth. You come so hard that your legs nearly give out and he’s quick to catch you with one arm around your torso to keep you from buckling. He never misses a beat and the waves of your orgasm keep crashing over you. 
When he feels you reach the other side of pleasure, he pulls himself out of your warmth and gently rubs the head of his cock across your ass cheeks as he releases onto them. You feel the warm trickles of his cum roll down as he steps back to admire his work. Still bent over and facing the window you look back at him over your right shoulder and see him standing there with a naughty smile stretched across his face while he pulls up his trousers. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” he says. In an effort not to make a mess of your skirt, you unzip it and bring it up over your body and head. You drape it over one of the armchairs and hear the shower turn on in the other room. As you walk toward the sound you remove your top and drop it onto the floor. 
Entering the bathroom you are met with a fully naked Jungkook. The form that you’ve admired through turtlenecks and fitted trousers is now on full display. He has a striking physique and you can tell that he takes time to maintain it. He is lean but still muscular. He’s strong but has made an effort not to overdo it so that it looks almost effortless. You can see all of his tattoos now and you’re surprised by how many there are.  
Steam spills over the top of the walk-in shower and he opens the door and beckons for you to get in. He takes the sponge hanging on the wall and squeezes some soap onto it. The scent of gardenia wafts through the steam as he creates a lather and drags the sponge along the different parts of your body, paying particular attention to your ass making sure to remove whatever is still left of him. He wrings out the sponge and hangs it back on the wall. As the warm water continues to cascade down, you turn to face him and wrap your arms around his waist to pull his body close to yours. You rest your head on his chest and feel him breathe. Still captured in your embrace, Jungkook turns the two of you as a unit so that you are facing him as he slowly sits down on the banquette that is built into the shower. You continue to stand. You place your hands under his chin and tilt his head so that he’s looking straight up into your eyes. You lean down to kiss him. He kisses you back gently and when you move your head to change angles you catch a peek of his face through your partially closed eyes. His brow is furrowed as though he is savoring every second of this kiss. His expression is soft and sincere. It makes you feel like at that moment, you belong to each other. Like you want to take care of him. To protect his heart. To make sure he always feels cherished. You start to lose yourself in your head as you continue to caress him. The emotions rising into your throat border on heartbreaking. You know this is a fleeting moment. Nothing is promised after tonight. 
You pull back from the kiss and start to straighten your stance, while he glides his mouth down your neck and chest until he has one of your breasts in his mouth. You feel his tongue circling your nipple as his hand takes your other breast into it. He rubs his thumb over your other nipple while using his free arm to keep you close to him. Gently, you comb your fingers through the wet hair on the back of his head and hold it as he transfers his mouth to your other breast. You reach down between his legs as he continues to suck on your tits and find that he is hard. 
Jungkook adjusts so that he is sitting on the very edge of the banquette to make it easier for you to straddle him. As you lower yourself down onto him, he pulls you in so close that it’s hard to tell where he starts and you stop. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your face is pressed against the side of his. Once you feel that he is completely inside of you, you start rocking your hips back and forth slowly. He moans when he feels your core grip around his cock. Breathing in unison, every slight movement becomes more gratifying than the last, transporting you to an alternate realm. Nothing else exists as you allow yourself to surrender to the intimacy of this moment. No one can see you. No one will ever know the energy exchanged here tonight. It belongs solely to the two of you. “Give it all to me, baby,” Jungkook coos in your ear, as though he’s cheering you to the finish. Your ears pop when you come and for a moment you are totally paralyzed as you let out a silent scream and throw your head back while palpable bliss courses between you. As you slowly grind on him you bring your face to his eye level and kiss him while he comes inside of you. Even after he’s finished you stay connected on the banquette while the water continues to run so you can stay in this moment as long as possible.
Dawn starts to shine over the city skyline as you climb into the big hotel bed. Jungkook pulls the heavy curtain across the window and the room descends into nearly pitch darkness. He crawls into bed next to you. You’re both still naked and your skin is warm and clean. The two of you lay in the darkness talking for a while. You talk about how beautiful the burlesque dancers were at the show and about how delicious the food was. Your conversation wanders aimlessly as you curl up into the nook of his neck and he reaches down to pull your leg over him. He holds on to the bottom of your thigh to keep it draped over him. His breathing starts to deepen and you are lulled to sleep by every inhale and exhale. You smell gardenias as you doze off.  
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chesue00 · 3 months
What's Rat Leon's favorite kind of cheese? The question for the century frfr
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Homayghad the question of the century fr☝️😔 Rat Leon's fave cheese would be cheddar cuz he's basic af but of course he wouldn't admit it so he'll tell everyone it's parmesan just cause hes part italian. Exotic cheese and blue cheese would kill his rat ass tho jk. Dude says it's too much for his taste buds Lololol.
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count-alucard-tepes · 11 months
Tinder profiles for my One Piece hotties 😍 - Part 1
Alright, part 2 will be up later, but I laughed wayyyy too much while making this. I hope you guys love it as much as I do🤣🤣🤣
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"Speed is weight. Have you ever been kicked at lightspeed?" - Me
Height: 302cm if that matters
Looking for ONS or short term fun!
Please no pirates, I’d hate to have to kill you.
Likes bananas 🍌 Hates work…jk…not really
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Looking for a long term partner who likes plants and magma and/or volcanoes.
No pirates or else I will use absolute justice on them!
A good pirate is a pirate that’s been incinerated by my magma!
Have a nice day.
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All the pretty single ladies that are willing to help a guy break his fast, swipe right!!! I’ll make it worth your time!
Height: 9 feet of fucking everything !
Art by iiGensUi
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Greetings, users!
Just a humble, soba loving guy look for love here.
Did you fall from heaven? Or was it just my Zushi Zushi no mi? Because you’re an angel!
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Too busy and unbothered to go out and find a date so came here instead, let’s see what this brings.
Loves smoking Cuban cigars all the time.
Looking for someone to build my empire with, are you the one?
Liking flamingos is a deal breaker.
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Rating myself 100000/10 💯💯💯
If you like bad boys, swipe right because I’m the badest 😎
No ONS, trying to find my queen/king!👑
I’ve been called a trendsetter and love fashion so hopefully you’re able to keep up😎
Sunglasses stay in all the time.😎😎😎
And no, you can’t try on my coat!
10 feet of sexiness!
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Looking for a partner who is likes long walks on the beach, likes my crew especially the captain and doesn’t mind that I’m a chain smoker.
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get” - Forrest Gump
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First time doing something like this, excited but nervous.
Love tattoos and biker themed anything.
I love donuts so want to go out and get some donuts and tea? My treat🍩
I’m 509 cm tall but height doesn’t matter to me, hope it doesn’t with you too.
I’m a family guy and love spending time with my siblings.
Looking for someone special.
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Finally out here in the tinder world and damn, I’m sure I’m not gonna the hottest guy you see but I’ll be the cutest!
I love pasta, want to go this Italian restaurant I discovered? I’m a big foodie btw.
Favorite color is blue and yeah…the mask doesn’t come off btw…I’m just cool like that.
Scotland forever!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Widowed dad seeking someone special for a long term relationship.
So let’s go for a drink…or 10 haha
Love animals and wants a partner who also loves animals too because all my friends and family are…well…animals.
Hope to chat soon💋
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purpleandstarlight · 7 months
Here are my first thoughts on @hateweasel 's cielois fanfic DLTD, as I share them like 100+ chapters into the journey with my best friend (who hasn't read DLTD nor was ever really into Kuro) trough DMs. Here recapped for y'all.
- I FORGOT!! I DIDN'T KNOW HATE'S PRONOUNS AT THE BEGINNING SO WHEN I SPOKE WITH MY BEST FRIEND (In Italian, where they/them pronouns don't really exists unfortunately) I ALWAYS TRIED TO GET AROUND USING PRONOUNS SO AS NOT TO MISGENDER HER!! At some point (this time on ff.net, bc I usually read on ao3 so that's where I read DLTD first) I read on an author's corner the she/her pronouns and sent an ask to Hate (probably on anon bc that's how I was at first) to confirm and from then on I was finally able to get it together when talking about Hate.
-Hey Hate, remember when I sent you that anon ask talking abt how you reminded me of a French cartoon and you IMMEDIATELY recognized it as Code Lyoko? Yeah related to that whole "school thinks they're adoptive sibling" thing, I wondered why no one at school had questions about why the fuck the supposed siblings had that much non-platonic tension.
-My initial criticism that wasn't actually criticism on Hate bc I knew this was from 10 years ago and i honestly just read it as how teenage boys, especially at the time, behaved. It was criticism to just the boys, not the author. Criticism include:
1)the gay slurs the cast kept throwing around.
2)The way they all said that one in the Cielois was the "woman" - wich is something both homophobic and misogynistic.
3) the "yOuR'E sUcH a GIrL" insult that is, again, misogynistic.
4) Not a criticism to the teenage boys this time but to the girls. WHY are y'all sexualizing these gays?? GET A GRIP!!
-Not a criticism, but since we're talking about their teenager boy behavior that Hate got SO RIGHT: the COSTANT sex jokes related conversation they had. It didn't really bother me so its not criticism, its just very hormonal teen boy minded to bring everything back to that? So I wasn't really annoyed at the teenagers for being teenagers u know. I'm just adding it to the list of what I thought Hate got so well in the characterization of teenager boys.
-at some point my best friend lead me to realize that while everyone in school felt the tension between Cielois, no one had the bets running on when/if they would finally get together. Wich still makes me so sad because HATE, you missed on such a romance fanfic trope 😔 /jk
- Me at the start of the stadium arc when Kris starts being interested in...what the frick was his name?? Cameron?? Idk THAT ONE BLONDE DUDE: Oh so we're gonna have a couple of chill chapters where they are just gonna establish their relationships better!
Me, when the reapers are there and we discover about the bomb: W H A T
-Me: DLTD Suddently became Ouran Host Club? For?? Some reason??
My friend: You know what? It doesn't really surprise me. Imo this story will cover every work of literature ever existed before it ends.
-Mi initial dislike for the name Kristopherson. I still don't really like it but I'm used to it ig? Again no hate to Hate!! I just find it such an unnecessarily long name for his parents to give him? Like choose Kristopher, or Kris, why Kristopherson?? Now I know it's bc Kristopher is his father. And in general i understand that Rich People are Like That TM.
Me, while I was describing Kris's journey of self discovery to my best friend: At the beginning of the story, he was just this random bully who called Alois gay...wich i mean, it was true, but he didn't HAVE to be so mean about it...
Gonna cut this into parts so I don't kill my followers who aren't interested in my DLTD thoughts..i would use the read more thing but idk how to activate that?? Also I wrote this for some time now and I need a break lol
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wackyrumble · 1 year
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San Marino v.s. Roommate
San Marino - Real life
A European country. Founded when a guy accused of being a woman’s estranged husband fled to a mountain where he then created a church. Its head of government are two captains elected every six months. Was once almost been invaded by Napoleon, and twice by family of the Pope. Read more about San Marino below.
Roommate - Diary of a Tourney Kid
A clone of Adam Ruins Everything that came out wrong. He debunks things in the same way as his original, but completely incorrectly. Bill Cipher turned him into a hand puppet and fused him with a clone of another character. Fought Walter White and his evil shadow self, Walter Black. Read more about Roommate below.
Full description of San Marino:
“Okay look I know it’s a country and not a character but perhaps I can convince you that it’s a wacky guy… the wackiest ever in fact. First of all I believe nothing can top its batshit insane political system. The heads of state are called CAPTAINS and yes it’s plural there are 2 of them. And they are elected… every SIX MONTHS. I shit you not. And even better. They’re usually from OPPOSING PARTIES. How anything gets done is a mystery to me. Anyway moving on to history. It was almost invaded by Napoleon in 1797, but one of their regents prevented that. How? He became friends with Napoleon. Napoleon valued their friendship so much he even offered to extend San Marino’s territory… isn’t that crazy. Also. It was the first country ever to democratically elect a communist government, elected directly after their fascist government mind you. All this while being the fifth smallest country in the world. It happened TWICE that a family member of the pope tried to invade San Marino. There can only be one Italian microstate etc (jk I have no idea what their reasoning was). It’s the fact that the whole country only exists because some guy decided to fuck off to a mountain after a woman accused him of being her estranged husband. So he built a church and there you have it San Marino was created. And yeah it’s the oldest surviving republic in the world with the oldest constitution. That’s simply the San Marino way being so special so wacky so unique…”
Full description of Roommate:
so Roommate is, like, a WEIRD case. he's a clone of a TV personality version of a real guy(adam conover specifically the whole thing he does in, like, adam ruins everything), but is SPECIFICALLY STATED TO BE A SEPERATE CHARACTER IN LORE. LIKE. HES A WHOLE OTHER GUY. HE DOESNT EVEN ACT LIKE HIM. HES LIKE. THE SCOOBY DOO VILLAIN EQUIVALENT OF A MAN. all he does is run around and "Debunk" shit but hes getting it all totally WRONG. It's like, if someone who never watched adam ruins everything before took one look at its name, the blonde, glasses wearing combover having guy on the cover, and went. "oh, this guy is gonna be HORRIBLE, isnt he". and in the shows case thatd be wrong but in roommate's case, he's...he's so pathetic. he's not even the same guy at this point. (and also literally isn't. but)
He never even manages to intimidate anyone even once. not even mr beast and ninja fortnite, (part of a team called Dubious Duo) who he just. VERY much annoyed via "ruining" twitch. He also got turned into a meaty handpuppet and fused to another clone of a different character by BILL CIPHER, of all characters but then immediately fell into a hole. He got his shit beaten out of him by a 19 year old punk catboy JUST before this, too. the punk catboys name is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart BUT HE IS IN NO WAY RELATED TO THE REAL GUY. HES LITERALLY JUST. SOME RANDOM TEENAGER.
Also, extra fun facts about him include: during an event that happened on the discord, he canonically went ":3". He made his own ytp and posted it on the soundcloud account, too. he put a bunch of goofy wacky cartoon sounds in it. (his mashups use these sounds a lot outside of the ytp, too.) (incase you REALLY wanted to hear the ytp, though. here it is:
P.S: extra information from a friend because they like to infodump this sort of thing & this isn't nescessary at all. but: He gets the fandom nickname of "Roommate" from his connection to Collegehumor & the Insane Clown Posse song In My Room, which he used in the tournament & is strongly associated with. He's so. He's so normal.
also: nobody in the fandom knows what his deal is, either. they literally just couldnt catch the real adam conover at first so they (In canon) just went "well! time to make a clone, i guess!" and then he came out WRONG."
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marmotish · 2 months
Ok, so we got…*squints at list*
A narcoleptic, coffee-addict
A rebellious ladies’ man related to the first guy
A cinnamon roll-for-brains sweetheart
An emotionally constipated ghost
An anonymous love-letter writer
An Italian Kiki’s Delivery Service-style Baker
and now…
A socially awkward Japanese demon
The Reverse Harem Love Story that Freyja never asked to have and that most of the guys find themselves a part of whether they like it or not.
Soon to be adapted into a Dating sim and an Anime. 🕶️✨
shhhh that’s been my intention all along (jk)
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❤️Coming soon❤️
The chance to play as Freyja in the late 90s - try to get her professional and personal life back on track after the second wizarding war. Choose from an ever-increasing number of routes with a number of characters who never wanted to be part of this in the first place!
though to be honest:
Duncan is dead and stuck at 15 years old - nothings happening there
bakery dude was just a one-off joke that someone sent in
noppera-bō bro would be perfectly happy never to run into Freyja again
((but who is the anonymous love-letter writer??? i honestly can’t remember posting anything like this - i am so confused 😵‍💫))
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curio-queries · 2 months
Run BTS: 057 | BTS Chef part 1
Original Air Date: 01 JAN 2019 Episode Length: 24: 28 Total Parts: 2 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Idol
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Synopsis: The guys are divided into three teams. They begin by competing in minigames to earn first pick of ingredients for a meat and pasta dish.
Production: The cooking episodes are always an easy concept for the show. These ones are the most forettable for me though. The minigames were fun and well-chosen. I do still think the prod team uses the info graphics as too much of a crutch. Does anyone actually try making these recipes? lol
Endearment: The guys absolutely are trying to keep the energy up on thjs episode but there's just something that doesn't feel very natural. Maybe because they had such a long hiatus from the show and just had full schedules but they seem like they're having to try just a little more than usual with this one.
Winner/Loser: see final part
Best Cheater: none
Member Moments:
RM: Is it just me or was RM looking extra tall next to yoongi during the opening.
JN: Jin is so hyped for JK on his team and all of their play boxing
YG: Yoongi absolutely using their advantage at the minigames to get exactly what he knew he could work with.
JH: Hobi being savage to Jimin again talking about needing to play smart
JM: Jimin's iconic merengue moment
V: Poor V, he wanted the italian food ep and things just kept falling a part for him
JK: JK absolutely killing those egg whites. i do think he would have won if he was paying attention to the end goal of the race and not just the mixing.
Bonus Content: I liked the bonus bits better than the main episode. The Jimin and Jin boxing moment was cute
CQ Rank: 2.5
(CQ Eval Date: 26 MAR 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 056
Next Episode: 058
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imichelle-l-rigby · 9 months
Reflections: Cillian Murphy’s Limited Edition
Series 3, episode 2
*I am a music prof (predominantly classical vocalist), and I LOVE listening to Cillian’s music choices! That being said, sometimes I won’t like a song simply because of a vocalist (it’s a professional hazard - sorry!) 👩‍🏫
** The following are my own observations/opinions. We may not agree, and that’s ok! That’s what makes music fun! 😊
*** I wouldn’t say I’m well-versed in Cillian’s music preferences, but I do enjoy them (for the most part). I always wind up adding to my own playlists after listening to Cillian’s recommendations.
And now for episode 2…
🎵 Set 1 (Gonna Be - Sun King)
Gonna Be: an interesting beginning! I like the layers of motivic play from low, mid, and high parts of the texture. Fun instrument and sound effect choices, as well!
Come Home: harmonies are dense, but so wholesome and satisfying. It reminds me of a lot of Americana material.
Sun King: I LOVE THE BEATLES SO UNIRONICALLY 😍😍😍😍. Also, Abbey Road had its birthday this past week! 😊
🎤Talking Break
“Blathering blindly”
“Bus stops along the way”
He sounds more chill this time than last week? His voice is giving serious ASMR vibes
His love of close harmonies is so valid 👌
That’s adorable him asking his dad about the faux Italian in “Sun King” 😂
🎵Set 2 (SpongeBob -
SpongeBob: I promise you that this is the last thing I think of in association with SpongeBob! 😅 while this is objectively good, it’s not my cup of tea. I do like that I can understand/follow the lyrics. Well done and well constructed.
Officina stellare: I like this! A fun, atmospheric piece.
I’m not sure why this and SpongeBob go together, but the juxtaposition is striking.
🎤Talking Break:
Italian pronunciation should be: oh-fee-chee-nah steh-lah-rey
“Brilliant atmosphere of doom” ok… way to bring down the vibe, Cillian! 😅
🎵Set 3 (Weird Lullaby - Nite Owl)
Weird Lullaby: I do enjoy some good, original jazz. Swing era, and an unorthodox use of scat. I looked up Babs, and I need to find more of his stuff. He’s got an enjoyable voice, and approaches harmonies in a beautiful way.
Nite Owl: even though this is also an “oldie,” it is a STRONG difference compared with the previous!!! But I like this - what a feel good song! Good use of what is now called a “twang” vocal technique (twang isn’t just for country music).
🎤Talking Break
Now I need to listen to Frank Zappa’s Jukebox…
Joke’s on you, Cillian! First time I listened to this I was NOT “headphoned up!” 😂 I know, I’m such a rebel! 😂😂 Jk I was too lazy to go get my AirPods
🎵Set 4 (Trees, etc. - A Slice of the Top)
Trees, etc: well, it’s certainly better/more enjoyable than “Revolution 9” - that is one trippy, scary song! But I’ll be honest, I expected more “sound directionality” when he said to “headphone up,” like when you can hear the direction of the sound change from left to right. Regardless, this is a cool concept piece.
A Slice Of The Top: more jazzy, for sure. I’m loving the different riffs! Something about it sounds like Afro-Cuban jazz, but idk why? Maybe it’s the background rhythms? Fun dissonant harmonies, though!
🎤Talking Break:
“There is some coherence… somewhere”
🎵Set 5 (Dr. Ring Ding -Jack Ruby)
Dr. Ring Ding: the intro is so weird 😅 but no, this is a cool song. Again, I always appreciate some good riffs/solos!
Jack Ruby: same artist!! Wow! And man, I just wanna dance listening to these songs!💃
🎤Talking Break
A Cork specific question!
I saw somewhere someone was asking what a “boogie” is supposed to mean. I *think* (?) it’s just a jam session or performance of some kind??? At lest that’s how I’m interpreting this story.
A pub called Snotty Joe’s?! 😂😂😂
Ejected from establishments 😂😂😂😂
“Brilliantly sound self”
🎵Set 6 (Gone Daddy Gone - Downtown Train)
Gone Daddy Gone: ok, this is a boogie, if I say so! The instrumental track is fun, though repetitive. The vocal line is fairly monotone. Idk why monotone songs work, but they do (Mr. Brightside is a great example of monotone done right)! And a marimba solo?! Yes, please! 🤩
Downtown Train: ok… Tom Waits’ voice is not my favorite. That being said, this is a good song. It’s not something I would listen to often because of the vocals, but it’s definitely got merit. And something about this is so nostalgic?
🎤Talking Break
Aretha!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍
Yay archive material!!!
“Baby, baby, baby”
🎵Set 7 (Baby, Baby, Baby)
Baby, baby, baby: I have no words. Aretha has SUCH a lovely, effortless-sounding voice! And her songs are so soulful! Perfection. 💯
🎤Talking Break
Thoughts on Bill: he’s eclectic. But his description is vague and I wish he’d be more specific.
🎵Set 8 (Free’s - Weird Sisters)
Free’s: the melody isn’t ambitious (almost like a recitative), but his voice has a nice, rich quality to it! And the instrumentation is fun! Almost like a little jazzy flute riff along with atmospheric backing.
Weird Sisters: enjoyable song! Definitely enjoying the slow build in texture - well done.
As a voice teacher, I want to double check some vocal production techniques of his. I’m not sure if some of the vocal anomalies I’m hearing are purposeful or not. I think they’re done on purpose, but if not, he should go visit an ENT (the doctor, not the talking tree). TLDR: vocal health is important.
🎤Talking Break
Oh no… not more weird dude from Yorkshire 😅
I’m still so confused.
Ok… an introduction to the next artist.
🎵Set 9 (Micael)
Micael: I like this song a lot. Guitar is haunting, atmospheric, and repetitive. The other instrumental and sound effects in the back are nice additions! The vocal line and it’s layers just keep adding to the strangeness of this song. It’s a puzzle, and I think that’s why I like it - it keeps you on your toes!
🎤Talking Break
An exclusive! 🙀
Oooh… a book reading!
Comments on Jarvis: yes. Music is a magic trick! His French is good. *the tingle* - yep! So important!
“Pop music was real music as far as I was concerned” - I do disagree with this point. All music is real. You may not like it, but that’s a different subject 🤷‍♀️
🎵Set 10 (Black Magic)
Black Magic: why is this such a banger??? 😎😎😎 the bell line is a really nice touch, and I like it’s unique and unexpected melody compared to the more predictable vocal line and chorus.
🎤Talking Break:
“Thank you, Jarvis”
🎵Set 11 (Harmoniser Dub - The Smoke)
Harmoniser Dub: for something with “harmonize” in the title, there isn’t much harmonizing… (I know, I’m being purposefully obtuse) 😂 but a fun use of electronic sounds and non-vocal music!
The Smoke: I like this a lot more than the previous song! Lots of unexpected rhythmic pauses, and the mysterious vocal line is cool 😎 I like how this song is constantly morphing and borrowing styles to form a whole.
🎤Talking Break
Love remixes!
“No let’s not play the ident”
🎵Set 12 (Lwonsome Tonight - All Souls)
Lwonsome Tonight: now I have a complicated relationship with her voice. She purposefully sings in a thin, unsupported style and in a difficult portion of her range to create a specific haunting/folksy effect. I get it, but I don’t care for it. Good storytelling, and the vocal melody has an interesting contour.
All Souls: a strong contrast with the previous song! I like the electronic distortion and sub-pulses. 👍 the piano line is reminiscent of some of the driving pulses in funeral marches, so that’s a cool touch. I would say I prefer this song to the other one featured.
🎤Talking Break
I do love covers
🎵Set 13 (PinkMoon - Paprika Pony)
Pink Moon: I like this! Fun electronic components, and a pleasant head-dominant vocal production. This is such a vibe! ✨
Side note: isn’t AURORA featured in Frozen 2?
Paprika Pony: WHOA what a contrast! This is all clear-cut edges where the previous is all soft and fluffy. I know that has nothing to do with musical qualities, but that’s how I’m hearing it tonight.
I guess this set is tied together by alliteration? 😂
🎤Talking Break
“Anthemic” - I did not know that was a word!
🎵Set 14 (Stand Anthem)
Stand Anthem: I’m sorry, Cill, but I don’t like this. I enjoyed the first 20 seconds? It does have a “We Are The World” vibe, but it’s so repetitive. I think it’s the “stand” portions I dislike most - they don’t go anywhere. There’s no sense of build or momentum, and I’d really like to have that featured, especially in an anthem!
🎤Talking Break
Yay! Irish music!
Set 15 (Foreign Fleas)
Foreign Fleas: dude, this sounds dark and scary! 🫣 but that’s not a bad thing! I’m just a wimp 😂 but there are some nice, crunchy, dissonant harmonies in the vocal line. 👍
🎤Talking Break
“Brave and moving act of communication”
What’s a Wally???
“Mind yourselves”
🎵Set 16 (Become the Earth - Distant Sky)
Become the Earth: oddly enough, I would describe her voice as “earthy” 😂 the simplicity of this song is nice. Heavily produced stuff is nice, but so is something like this. There’s still some post-production parts, but it’s not overwhelming. I did like that descending and ascending slide in the backing vocals! That was cool!!!
Distant Sky: Nick Cave is one of those artists who has such a gift when it comes to storytelling. However, his voice isn’t my favorite. That being said, what he adds instrumentally and through storytelling outweighs his vocal production (which is also a choice, I believe). And the juxtaposition of Nick and Else Torp is just wow! Overall, this is a beautiful song, and I’m happy the show ended so strongly with this gorgeous piece.
And that’s episode 2! Honestly, I’m surprised I was able to get this out by Friday - this week has been hectic! 😂😅
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Feel feee to share/comment! 😊
Tag List:
@iammrsrogers @deliciousnutcomputer @mariamoonie @brownskinsugarplum76 @look-at-the-soul @kj-davis @neverroad @teapothollow @thepurplearmyposts @possessedmarshmallow
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taekooktimeline · 1 year
April 26, 2023 -
Jk posts two photos on Weverse of dishes he’s cooked, plated on beautiful, expensive handmade Italian dishes. The first photo features bossam-
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Which, as others mentioned, makes one recall when Tae mentioned the most memorable food from their BTS ITS 2 trip was Jk’s bossam.
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2021/669133887323193344/november-19-2021-released
And as others have pointed out, the shell dishes are similar to what Tae has used in the past, which leads to the valid interpretation they’re the exact same set -
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Jk also posted a picture of this dish -
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The plate above is part of the same collection as the shell dishes -
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The dishware was noted by a couple good friends back in March, one being this post -
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Also note the brand comes in many different colors so it’s interesting Taekook have the same colored set, which, again, means it could be presumed they share the set of expensive, handmade dinnerware.
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I’ve seen suggestions that Jk should release a cookbook, or start a cooking show. That would be so cool and I’ll definitely be manifesting😭❤️
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harvesterofmusic · 10 months
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so...so you think you could tell...
jk...so do you remember that I was writing a Watermour FF but in Italian...well, yesterday I began to translate it in English so maybe tomorrow I'll post the first part of it...be prepared and stay tuned🫣
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I've returned from the depts of hell (Puglia). This school trip wasn't as bad as I planned tbh, I made friends and I had a decent amount of fun. The places were nice too! We saw so many pretty churces that now I want to go back to Catholicism just for the aesthetic/jk.
I also bought a Miku Plushie! Best purchase of my life, even if it's not official and costed 40 fucking euros
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The best part was the last night, since usually in school trips here during the last night at the hotel the teachers or student organize a party. I danced in public for the first time, and during the tarantella (traditional southern italian dance) I made one of my friends fall on the ground (sorry Maria :( ). also a girl I met 5 minutes before kissed me, and then we went to her room and watched Tangled together and now we are friends :D (I never knew i had this kind of rizz). I think my teenage life peaked that night.
But now that Im back I'm gonna work hard again! Ive got a LOT in plan for April (yes I plan the things I post I'm that petty)
Also nice photos I took:
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ginkgo-shaw · 1 year
omg you have such good tastes in shows!! i loved fruits basket as a kid, but i am 100% watching 10 things i hate about you and flower of evil!! you have won me over... im not a big manga reader but tsuiraku jk to haijin kyoushi sounds so good too!!
i love the way you describe the media you watch!! do you have any favorite movies or shows, aside from supernatural of course!!
thank you so much my beloved 💞 it’s my pleasure seeing that you may like what i recommend!! and please if you ever watch them, tell me what are your thoughts on it.
as you may know, supernatural is my favourite show ever but aside from that, i do have other favourites (i’m taking the liberty to include kdramas as part of the shows).
to begin we have vincenzo. i’ll forever asset that it’s one of the best show ever made. there’s everything you could ask for : an amazing cast, a beautifully written scenario and breathtaking shots/filming. this kdramas is about a korean-italian mafia lawyer visiting korea for some business and end up fighting against a powerful conglomerate alongside his new friends. i can’t begin to explain why i love this show so much but it’s really worth a watch.
then, there’s bbc merlin. i first watched it as a kid and i was completely obsessed with it (i wouldn’t sleep so i could watch the episodes on tv) and i still love it very much. the story’s about merlin, a warlock, who has to fulfil a destiny with the help of arthur but magic isn’t accepted so merlin has to hide his powers. i really love the show it’s so good, full of drama, friendships, angst, comfort, fun and love.
next, we have hymn of death. this one is a sad one and had only 3 episodes. it’s based on the real and tragic love story between a married stage drama writer and a soprano while korea was under japan’s occupation. watching hymn of death is an emotional journey and you can only feel bittersweet happiness as you wish their love story turned up better.
i’d like to make a special mention to fleabag. it isn’t really a favourite of mine but i really enjoy it. it’s a real pleasure to watch as it’s funny but at the same time deep, kind of crazy and there’s some great characters. it has a lot of dirty jokes (i mean a lot) and to be honest it’s usually really not my thing but in fleabag it’s more embarrassing than anything else.
now, for my favourite movies :
little miss sunshine. a beautiful movie that warms my heart in a way few pieces of media can. it’s also my biggest dose of serotonin.
top gun : maverick. i made a post about this one before but i’ll just say that i’m such a big fan of tom cruise, the top gun serie and the father-son relationships that this movie was made for me.
parasite. what can i say other than this movie is a masterpiece. the first time i watched it i had no idea what could happen and by the end of the movie even less so. i don’t think we truly understand how crazy this movie is. i love being alive right know because i’m able to watch parasite.
and finally, back to the future. an old time classic that feels like being enveloped by your favourite blanket while being on your couch on a sunny day, laughing without a care in the world. to me, back to the future is a synonym to comfort.
thank you so much for this, again, amazing ask! you’re truly the best. it must be kinda long as i got excited hahaha. also, i can’t thank you enough for liking what i’m rambling/ranting about. please give me your opinion on the question or on anything else!!
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frostythefrostedfox · 5 months
Hot take
I have come to make two hot takes for the price of one, and I don't care what anyone has to say because I wont be accepting any discussion on the matter (because i know i am factually correct /jk)
Poison: Spanish > Italian > English
The original song is peak, but I just went feral when I heard the spanish version, amongst the changes on the lyrics are
"I'm not above another love to cash in, Another lover underneath those flashing lights, Another one of those ruthless nights" changes to "Mi cuerpo siempre estuvo en venta, Y cada amante solo es otro del monton, Cada noche un nuevo amor", "My body was always for sale, Every lover is just another one in the pile, Every night a new love"
"What's the worst part of this hell? I can only blame myself" to "Lo peor de todo es que me la busque", which roughly translates to "The worst part is that this is what I was looking for"
"I made my choice, and every night I'm living like there is no tomorrow" to "Me hace mal ya no hay vuelta atrás, Cada noche acabo con mi propia vida", which means "This is hurting me, there is no turning back, I'm taking my own life every night", and the second time the verse repeats, in spanish it says "No dejo de atentar contra mi propia vida", which means "I don't stop trying to end my own life"
While in italian it goes just as raw in the intro, changing it to "Questa è la vita che mi piace, Un altro amante e tante telecamere, E l'illusione di scegliere", which is "This is the life that I love, Another lover and lots of cameras, And the illusion of choosing"
The part that says "I got so good at being untrue, I got so good at telling you what you wanna hear, I dissassociate, dissapear, So far beyond difficult to resist another gulp" turns into "Mentire è il mio mestiere, So sempre quando quel che dico ti piacerà, Rinuncio alla mia identità, E l'orgoglio che io ho fino in fondo ingoierò", meaning "Lying is my job, I always know when what I say pleases you, I renounce to my identity, And I'll swallow the pride that I have"
The only reason why I put the spanish version above the italian one is because the ending in italian is kind of weak, way weaker than in the other versions, but the vocals are Chef's Kiss
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