#jk this is entertaining af
tarotwithavi · 2 years
what effect do have on others?
My Masterlist ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ paid services
Disclaimer : for entertainment purpose only .
pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
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I am hearing the word LOVE~ it's either that you make people feel loved and make them love themselves. You inspire people. Like really there's something about you that makes people feel extremely positive. Wow, I really admire you guys. I'm getting that you might be the therapist friend? You inspire people to do what they love and follow their passion. You follow the motto that nothing is impossible . Idk why but I'm getting that when you do something others go like " If pile 1 can do this, I can too" . Your energy makes people want to change like they want to change for the better . You may have an earth moon.
And I'm also getting that you make people fall in love with you. People fall in love with your personality and how you carry yourself . People may get attracted to you just because of your beauty but they fall in love with your personality. You are the perfect combination of beauty and brains. You're very self disciplined and you pamper yourself. I'm getting that you make people come out of their shell. you might have go through a lot or endings and may get tired around a lot of people . You are a social butterfly on the outside but an sleeping bag at home lol.
If you wonder why you attract only messed up people and the people who are mostly depressed trust me man I don't know too 💀 #webothmessedup . Jk it's because you are healed and you trigger those who are not healed yet . You might attract a lot of energy vampires or toxic people. So please protect yourself and your energy.
And one last thing,
YOU GUYS ARE PRETTY AF. like I was trying to not type it but I couldn't control myself.
I'm hearing the word Luck for this pile. You bring a lot of luck in other people's life. Like there could be black clouds and thunderstorms everywhere but then you enter the room and BOOM sunshine and rainbows everywhere. Its funny how I'm trying to explain this. But one thing you make people speechless. You might even look different from the people in your area or just that you have a very unique aesthetic that no one in your are has. You might even speak two or more languages and people find that amazing.
T, O, M, R, A I'm getting these initials for some reason. Wait, they make AMOR which mean love in French . Maybe some of you are learning French or just have some sort of connection with France. I'm getting that you might give French artist vibes to people. It also makes RAM which is the name of one hindu God. Let me know if you see more words . You might have a lot of knowledge about different cultures . Also it's random but you look good in blue or shades of blue. Are you a middle child? Just asking.
Okay a lot of tarot readers in this pile , so hello to the tarot readers of this community! Honestly this pile has some abilities with tarot or could become famous in tarot community. Also you're very mysterious to others , they want to know you more and what's going inside your head.All I'm getting is Knowledge, intelligence, brilliance, a lot of intellect. You guys have a lot of unique and weird ideas . Sometimes you brain makes people go like "are you serious rn? " . You are always thinking about new things and you might over think a lot. Pile 1 and 2 are giving siblings vibes.
One last thing
Sjjsjsjs this group is femme fatal , if you don't know what that is, google it up. But yeah people tend to put you on a pedestal. People are ready to worship you like literally, they are ready to bow down to you. Because ya know you focus on yourself and never give other much of your time and keep people wanting for more. And that makes them obsessed with you. But this burdens you because you don't want this. You just want to work, earn, enjoy. Just to let ya know , two boys are extremely obsessed with you.
You make people fall for you at the first glance. I'm hearing " You're one you're two✌" . You are their first and you're their second. There's no one who has the same amount of charm as you. Even the people who look emotionless and reserved will fall for you. You fill their heart with love till it overflows. And they can't control their feelings for you. They feel instant connection with you.
K, L, W, V are the initials I got for you. You embody the Girlboss energy. Like the rich CEO who is also pretty AF. You guys are filled with confidence and know your worth and that's very ahem hot to others. You're also very grounded and don't like to show off. A lot of you could be leo. I just heard Dove, you might like dove or just give their vibes.
One last thing
Stop being so hot all the time Momma 😫💀 . Alright that was weird but I hope you get the point ;)
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not-goldy · 8 months
Not your followers thinking Jimin doesn't need to be big star also. Are they even sane ??? EACH AND EVERY MEMBER IN BTS IS AMBITIOUS AF, ESPECIALLY JM. But unlike JK, JM is not airhead to keep on saying he want to be next big thing, want to be seen as this het fuckboy who only sings about sex to be seen as mature, want to be one and only kpop star to do so bla bla bla all while not lifting a pen to write songs, won't have streams and sales without a 938397328 versions and all that mediaplay from company. Or atleast the bare minimum hold a mic properly and talk/sing without fidgeting and embarrassing yourself. How you gonna dominate western market without even communication skills lmao.. those times when he used to stand in shade of RM is gone lol. Jk's big project DREAMERS debuted under bubbling 100 while JM gave that YG company their 1st hot 100 entry by a collab. So saying JK is this and that while we are not seeing results organically is dumb af. Golden maknae because he sing and dance some white man's songs which company already bought success for ? Oh there's 100 other artists who sings and dance way better than him. He can't hold 5 mins on stage if he's doing a dance battle with Jimin lol.
What company doing to members IS INJUSTICE AF.. especially Jimin who fucking proved he can also be the 'next big thing'. But they conveniently sweep him under rug so his shine won't affect their industry plant launch. Or why can't they support him too ???? Is it that difficult ? JK didn't do a shit and got everything. I BET HE WONT DEBUT NO.1 FOR SEVEN NOR GET ALL THOSE RECORDS IF IT WAS NOT THE PUSH FROM SCOOTS. BE FR. Go and check his BB points to see how payola impacted his chart. It would've been a -48 like 3D on second week too. While what we asked for Jimin was the deserved support in 2nd week for a song which fucking went no.1 with fans support and artist impact alone. It's NOT secretly wishing JK's treatment for JM, but asking what he fucking deserves. Literally any company will give the extra promos for his in 2nd week but not hybe who's on a mission to sell themselves to somehow establish JK in west 😬
And don't say JM will chose me over JK. Did I said I want JM to chose me ????? THIS IS HIS CAREER HE WORKED HARD FOR NOT A FUCKASS RELATIONSHIP. Even if you look at their relationship also, it's the same lol. JM keep on giving and giving him his everything while JK sit back and enjoy Jimin while not even bothering to post a simple bday wish or go and meet him even after him begging a 100 times.
YOU CANT CALL OTHERS JK ANTIS BECAUSE THEY SEE TRUTH AND SAY IT OUT LOUD. Ask him to play fairly like a man 1st, then we will see who's the real winner here ?
You are crazy if you think money, connections, power, politics, privilege and luck play zero role in making a star. Please find other 2 yr olds and hug them, don't bring this shit to the adult table its embarrassing.
I'm embarrassed for you.
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Go weep somewhere else.
You gonna come on the internet and bitch complain bout how the entertainment industry is not fair WELL BOO HOO CRY ME A RIVER YOU LOSER.
And make sure you come with a costume next time so we know the circus from whence you came Missy Clowniot.
You give PJMs a bad name you ASS HAT
You sound like those whiny kpop losers who complain BTS has privilege and connections and power and their lame loser favs don't- as if power and connections are things you throw on people's laps.
And the fact you out here farting yourself in the name of Park Jimin irks me so much. Here's the truth you want so bad, YOU SUCK. And you making Jimin out to be pathetic too damn.
Now I know it's not Park Jimin you out here acting like he's inferior and a victim and a loser who needs the bar to be lowered and for people to choose him love him play fair and nice before he can win. Child THE AUDACITY.
I know he's not the one you fucking dragging through the mud indirectly with these brain dead waste of breathe rants.
The nerve and audacity for you to even compare him to- WELL ANY ONE I'M ABOUT TO PUT HANDS ON YOU FOR THAT.
It's the lack of intelligence and you not taking a hint and you not knowing when to stop- FUCK IT LET'S GET NASTY THEN.
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bambiesfics · 8 months
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𝜗𝜚 Don’t be stranger
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wanna know my name?
it’s Bambie. My mutuals (I love you sm) nicknamed me BamBam, Bambs and Bamberella. I’m a black fem writer <3
I’m in my early twenties, just started!
blood type?
type o negative (jk, that’s a band I listen to).
where I live?
Ooh’ Canada our home & Native land. True patriot love in all thy sons command! 🇨🇦
what I look like?
gonna get my hair done and show you soon
going to underground raves, crocheting cute items, curating new Pinterest boards, re-inventing my style monthly, falling asleep on mdma, getting distracted despite having a lot of work to do (live, laugh love adhd), responding to anons, reading slightly boring fiction (🤍 Hi Mieko Kawakami, ily), making my crushes in the sims 4, people-watching on my college campus (so many artsy/alt hotties), making up scenarios to songs, reading manga.
fandoms I love?
aside from The last of us (my baby), I like Yellowjackets (sapphic fandom too), Voltron, The Walking Dead (zombies yum), Castlevania, Adventure time (I’m a bubbline WARRIOR, and I want to sit on marceline’s face), My little pony (Do. Not. Laugh), and too many anime’s to list (send me an ask abt them if ur ever curious ) + a few more
Just to give you a range: crystal castles (Alice glass only), ken Carson, Tool, Hole, Kittie, Traitrs, Destroy lonely, iggy pop, lancey foux, Boy Harsher, Alex g, Team Sleep, Arca, Bring me the Horizon, Blood Orange, vocaloid, City girls, Yves tumour, Elliot smith, Mitski, Yeat + more
the fandoms I mentioned + Interview with the vampire (it’s entertaining, strongly recommend), The boys, The Bear, Game of thrones, Shameless, The white lotus, Rick and Morty
I jump back and forth a lot on it. But right now I’m leaning towards bimbo-core. Pink lipgloss, pink clothes, cleavage spilling, tight clothes, camel-toe facing the world, high pleaser heels, long acrylic nails to hold the strap.
say no to?
say yes to?
Sucking the strap
quick game of this or that ?
Mascs or fems? Both, just want a wife
Hot weather or cold weather? Hot weather
Pancakes or waffles? Waffles
Pineapple on pizza or no? Pineapples on pizza
Ability to turn invisible or ability to read minds? Turn invisible
Shopping in-store or online? Online (Covid changed me)
Shower or bath? Shower (that one icarly episode changed me)
Avocado toast or waffles with Maple syrup? I’m Canadian, it’s waffles n’ syrup for me.
While sleeping: Fan or No Fan? Fan on, even in winter
Live on a farm or live in a forest cabin? Forest cabin
Tumblr or Twitter? Twitter, even though it’s bad for my mental health.
Kids or no kids? Kids, wanna give my wife a small family
Ass or tits? Tits. But it’s ironic for me considering I have a huge fucking butt.
Ellie or Abby? Love you Abbydoll but it’s gone have to be Ellie.
Hope you’ve warmed up to me a bit, see you bae.
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Me af if u even care ^ 🦌
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lajikookbolala · 10 months
you know about Lee yubi right. It's a pretty strong rumor and it's not just some stupid shippers made the rumor but an actual Korean reporter, who have made numerous videos that turned out to be true and is considered as one of the authentic paparazzi lol. He still have evidences of JK and yubi in his channel and fact that he's not doing some voice overs but actual reporting showing his face and all make me believe it's true. Or else why BH is not sueing him for defamation ? Or not denying it ? It's not even about stupid yt videos for views we are talking about but actual Korean reporter, like ones is dispatch lol.
So I decided to do a little digging about this and here are two articles I found:
The two main reasons for the dating rumors I'm seeing is that:
They wore similar bracelets
Jungkook apparently bought the same bag that Yoobi was wearing in a photo
Do I even need to explain why this is stupid af?
Seriously. Some of y'all are so desperate for Jungkook to be straight that you actually take these theories seriously.
And just because this reporter was right once doesn't mean he always is.
And just because JK might have given a girl a bag doesn't mean that they're dating.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Anon, but this man is gay. And no matter what stupid hetero dating rumors keep popping up, he's still gay. And you know what? He's probably having a fucking great time doing it.
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aeternallis · 3 months
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I have an honest, genuine question here, if only for the sake of the fact that I would like to hopefully inspire some polite conversation about this very sensitive topic: what genuinely makes people in this fandom believe that by "watching the live-action drama only," it enables them to think they're free of any responsibility in contributing to these authors' platform and pockets?
(Lindsay Ellis talked about this with JK Rowling and how the HP fandom are struggling with this same exact issue, and a lot of her talking points can apply to the KP fandom too, if you'd like to watch her video on Youtube.)
And before I go any further, I know I may come off obnoxious and mean af, but I'm really really trying not to be. :'D This is honestly just a question I'd like to present to the KP fandom at large.
This question is not meant to be a jab at any of you nonnie(s) or to be provoking in any way, but I'm really just wondering if it somehow got lost in the sauce that DAEMI's involvement with this production was quite extensive (namely, with casting and the script). While I don't know the terms of how royalties are distributed from this show towards the original authors, what they may or may not gain financially, they do gain undoubtedly in platform and notoriety.
Because the way I see it, no matter how much we hate it, the fact still remains that DAEMI are still the original authors of the KinnPorsche franchise. Not reading the novel and/or pretending it doesn't exist won't erase that. If anything, pretending this novel series doesn't exist, or that DAEMI are not the original authors, only whitewashes this IP and the way I see it, not exactly the most conductive way in actually trying to have a meaningful conversation around this series.
Let's not even delve into the fact that by trying to erase DAEMI's name from this IP, people are essentially trying to steal an original creation of POC(s), give full credit to the production company of the show (who based their script on DAEMI's novel), all in an effort to make themselves feel better about engaging with it.
And don't get me wrong; DAEMI being POC does not exempt them from criticism and outright boycott.
Having said this, I may not like DAEMI as much as the next person and do not condone any of their harmful actions, but it also doesn't mean I condone stealing what's rightfully their written work and their monumental contribution to the show.
That, to date, KinnPorsche the Series is still arguably the biggest BL show to come out of Thailand, that this novel was undoubtedly the roadmap for which the drama was based off of.
That to sabotage the success of this novel license series also means to disregard the hard work of both the translators and the artist, to take away credibility from the original cast members who made the live-action drama such a large success that this novel license is even possible today?
That to sabotage the success of this novel may also mean to potentially close an avenue for other SE Asian queer media to succeed down the line?
Because I assure you, when it comes to this sort of thing, money talks. When the execs of SevenSeas looks at the performance of KinnPorsche the novel series and how the pre-order numbers are doing, the numbers tell them whether it's viable to invest in SE Asian queer media or not.
Because believe you me, considering SevenSeas most likely has a social media team, the vitriol being thrown around right now only tells them the VERY unflattering picture that the KP fandom (or any Thai BL community that has a fairly successful IP behind it) is volatile af and also incredibly BIASED, considering at least half of the people outright condemning this license and want it gone are also Build stans.
That at the end of the day, the only real, truest way to fully take away DAEMI's platform for good is to just flat out drop KP-both the novel series and the show-and let it disappear into the annals of entertainment history?
Now, am I pressuring you nonnie(s) or anyone to spend money on the authors? HELL NO. Do whatever you want with your money, I won't judge you.
But is it really not possible for the mindset of, "I do not condone these authors' horrendous actions in the past, but I would like to support the novel series in honor of the artist and the translators, as well as help contribute in bringing in more SE Asian queer content to a wider audience in the near future. My support of this novel series is not a full reflection of my own character, and I refuse to let online randos dictate it otherwise" to exist?
And honestly, nonnie(s)? That's something you all have to figure out for yourselves.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
I suppose people expected Jikook to come in the same car, be hugging the whole time, make out, and then have Jungkook bridal carry Jimin out of the venue in order for Jikook to be real. //
No. Don’t gaslight people who are observing what’s given to them. I just want Jungkook to show an OUNCE of warmth or kindness to jimin in person. Like anything. I begging him. Or I WAS begging him. Now I give up. I agree with the other anon. They don’t even seem like friends anymore, let alone boyfriends. Jungkook sucks.
Ai go look at my other posts and go see the clips again. I have made my observations and don't see lack of warmth or kindness. Wtf, seriously.
For reals, you all need to stop shitting on Jungkook. I love Jimin with all my heart and I didn’t see Jungkook treating him bad. You all act like Jimin would allow that. You seriously haven't understood Jimin at all. He is not this weak minded person. He is petty af and will cut you off his life, if necessary.
If Jungkook is still around Jimin, it is because Jimin still allows him to be. And the same applies for Jimin being present in Jungkook's life.
You all act like this is a toxic relationship and it's not. Jikook is not like that. They are not a perfect couple but they are not a toxic couple or a couple where Jk mistreats Jimin.
I'm not here to gaslight you or convince you. If you are not convinced with Jikook, cool. No one is forcing you to be in a Jikooker or support Jikook. They don't need the support because with us or without us, Jikook happens either way.
Jimin and Jungkook are 2 very real human beings who won't act according to what you desire just to keep you entertained and your fantasies fulfilled.
If you want to manage someone to that degree, go buy a Tamagotchi Tiny Tan edition.
Here is the link of the purple one for you:
Hope you have Amazon Prime so it arrives asap and you leave Jungkook alone.
Thanks for stopping by.
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dearweirdme · 6 months
this just shows how some shippers will always view the people they ship as fictional characters. no regard for their real, actual lives and how any of this may affect them. it's all just another "win" for them, their entertainment. if i thought jikook were actually together then i'd be genuinely worried. and yet it seems like they feel the opposite lol. the amount of jikookers ive seen making jokes about this, or using it to say taekook aren't close is insane. all of the members are being forced into enlisting, and with limited options regarding this. how people can starting using this for their own fantasies is so absurd and selfish to me. there's really no helping these people
Hi anon!
Yes! Imagine Jm and Jk as a couple for a bit (😂🙈😭) and they have been for years now.. people already suspect them (according to some they don’t even hide). They now enter the military together… and there is an actual law against gay relationships in place. One that has been enforced only a few weeks ago.. one that is active. They can’t share a room, they can’t kiss, they can’t shower together, there’s plenty of eyes on them already just because they are BTS members. They would be at risk every damn day! They aren’t together, so it’s not an issue.. but why WHY do some think that would be a good thing?
They don’t. Jkkrs will start using their brains in a bit. Right now, it’s not about Jk and Jm to them though. It’s about Tkkrs. And that’s why they are being idiots, because they think they have won something. In a few days time.. when the feeling af having to put Tkkrs down has subsided.. they will start to question themselves. They’ll come up with elaborate constructions (and knowing them some numbers will probably be added up and dived again somewhere 🙈) on how Jm and Jk have managed to get special privileges and their own private bunk or something.. 🙄.
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Tysm @hereforthelizardsex !🦎 I think I got tagged in one of these once & I lost it so tysm for thinkin’ of me lol
3 ships: For ones I’ve written/am writing fic for;
1st: Succession— tomgreg (they are so broken <3)
2nd: Good Omens— ineffable husbands (they are broken in a different special awful way!)
(Shameless Ao3 plug)
3rd: Tie between Grace & Frankie— Grace x Frankie (do they have a ship name?,) Homura x Madoka (they’re kids tho so I don’t really ‘ship’ it, I just love their angst)
First ever ship:
Aside from having IRL friends on here now (lmao outed help,) this was a teeeeeny tiny ship, but I shipped the nerds from Drake and Josh (Craig and Eric) because they were clearly gay coded in the show and I liked the angst.
Only one other person wrote fic at the time; I thought she was so wise ‘cause I was 13 and she was 16 lol. AyanamiEraclea, wherever you are, I remember you…
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(Cringe review help lmao)
Also book! Johnlock pre-BBC show; didn’t think it made sense in the show but I liked it book-canon (one of my fav fics of all time <3
Last song: Ventura Highway— America <3
Last movie: EVE OF DESTRUCTION which is simultaneously one of the worst and most bizarrely entertaining movies of all time (on tape, of course)
Currently reading: Absolutely nothing because I’m awful! Maybe I’ll read Brideshead Revisited again idk (oh and I ship Charles/Sebastian/Julia because I'm a bisexual mess lol)
Currently watching: Our Flag Means Death <3 (cannot wait to start shipping them hard af lol)
Currently consuming: Kratom! (it may be bad for me)
Currently craving: Just for everything to stop being so….. aaaaaaaa *Crowley screaming pic here*
9 people! (jk 12 b/c i couldn’t choose)
If you’ve done this before/tagged me once sorry lol & not all y’all are mutuals but anywayz, @fantasticskystuff , @missoneminute , @cordeliaflyte , @aspiringasparagus , @ingravinoveritas , @dumbbitchawards , @blueayame , @gregmarriage , @charitycase33 , @bluebeewings , @faggyangel , @neiltheyrehomosexuals✨
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jedinightsister · 3 months
2 qs :) 1) what’s your favourite slow horses duo/team up? shirley/anyone is always prime entertainment but in the later books lech and louisa have been surprisingly competent together. Also shirley/river/jk coe “huddling” (“it’s not touching its survival!!!”) was hilarious
2) what do you think of the casting for the new characters? Obvs will reserve judgment for when I’ve seen their take on the characters but the actor they chose for whelan for example I think is maybe…. Too conventionally attractive lol. Like I remember him being described as balding. Ofc a good actor can serve us pathetic realness regardless of their looks! I mean we already we have Jack lowden as river
Tysm for the q's anon! My answers under the cut<3
That is so hard... I think I love that they always mix it up, so we can see all kinds of dynamics between the characters y'know. Like, they have a go-to pairing (ex. Min and Louisa, Shirley and Marcus), but they also switch things up to bring out a different kind of interaction. Whether it's supportive, deprecating, etc. it's just awesome.
For my personal faves tho, there's a lot and I will name them all from what I can remember.
1. Shirley and Marcus. Even after Marcus is gone, the ripple of this friendship in Shirley's life is just so strong, it is both amusing and heartbreaking. That despite how much antagonistic Shirley is toward him, she grew to genuinely care about him in her own way, to reciprocate how he cared about her. I'm scared af for season 4 because this is coming. Part of me doesn't want them to push through with it, but again, I love the effect of his loss on Shirley, for better or worse.
2. Louisa and Min. Bit of a similar sentiment here. Min's loss really takes its toll on Louisa and how she interacts with everyone else. But when they were still together, I also enjoy how they balance each other out. Min really wears his heart on his sleeve and tries to get Louisa out of her shell. And we see Louisa's struggles with that.
3. Louisa and River. The "competent" ones of Slough House hahaha. A duo I'm glad because we will see more of. I love the parallel of both of them dealing with loss (Min and Sid) and again, being the "competent" ones compared to everyone else. River being his hero complex, loser self, and Louisa not letting him off the hook so easily. Ah, there's the word I'm looking for-- accountable. They hold each other accountable, especially for this next pairing.
4. Shirley and JK. I don't even know what to say for these two 😆😆 They are the outsider crazies, Shirley being the super noisy cuz she high on drugs, and JK being absolutely silent but having the darkest intrusive thoughts. Both however seem to really share this dark, violent streak, and the fact that their team up resolved the conflict in London Rules instead of River and Louisa, it always cracks me up 😆
5. That said, River-JK and Louisa-Shirley team ups also one of my faves. Gotta put them together in one because the dynamic is somewhat similar. River and Louisa trying to "babysit" JK and Shirley while they do the "adult" work of investigating. JK's paint accident and Shirley's stint with a bat...oh dear. 😆
6. Louisa and Emma. I know Emma doesn't technically count as a Slow Horse, but she might as well be in Joe Country. Their friendship was so precious to me and I wish we got more. 🤧
7. Agree with you anon, Shirley/JK/River is also top of my list. The comedic trio we never knew we needed, so of course Mick Herron said " can't let my readers have nice things" and k-worded JK 🥲 his final moments with Shirley are so devastating like... Grrr.
8. Unfortunately I dont remember Louisa and Lech's dynamic specifically, but I am pretty sure I loved it as well??? I know I liked that a bit of an unhinged fella took JK's place a lil bit lol. I just love the more chaotic Slough House is with their different personalities.
I quite like the new castings!
Emma Flyte looks great. And her brief interactions with Lamb were already iconic haha.
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We haven't seen JK Coe in the trailers or pics yet, but based on the actor himself, I can totally see him pulling off JK's isolative silence and eventual killer instinct madness lol.
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I'm not sure how I feel about Frank Harkness. I know the actor from his other roles, but I'd like to see more of how his interactions with River go.
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I have to agree that Claude Whelan casting feels off from the surface, but because of having seen him on Blood And Treasure, I actually think he's perfect given Claude's slimy personality haha.
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dilf-in-peril · 11 months
indie wrestler forced to retire at the age of 30 with a body racked by injuries wearing a printout of his 7.5 average cagematch rating like a medal. jk
seriously tho wreslters plz start taking care of themselves in an industry that doesn't give af abt them. MJF was so right abt this
Wheeezing--- but make that a 5.4 rating
Anyway, like I don't even mind the Forbidden Door spot, it's whatever, their choice and risk to take in a huge ppv and my observation was moreso that Ospreay did it weird, like Misawa's rarely looks that crunchy, 9/10 times it's more safe.
I understand the *discourse* and personal attacks on individual wrestlers are fucking annoying, but it's also fucking annoying that people go "LOL that's PRO Wrestling and it's fucking AWESOME BABY let's hear those bones cRUNCh" as if it's not a form of entertainment that has killed so many in the ring or just left them severely crippled, paralyzed, suffering from strokes, with brain damage and in constant pain for the rest of their lives.
It really sucks that you can't talk about that without it being an attack on individuals who risk their lives for something they are passionate about (and also sometimes because they are young and stupid and want to be noticed and haven't yet gotten a receipt for their actions), but it is also, I repeat, an industry which kills people quite frequently and just taking that for granted like you're owed people's bodies for your pop is disgusting.
And posting gnarly fucking spots where people are dropped on the head (not even talking Tiger Driver) in the 80s or 90s is not the own they think it is. Benoit's brain was scrambled eggs, Dynamite Kid was in a wheelchair age 40, Mick Foley lives with chronic pain, the people who did these things for you, either because they didn't know any better or because they didn't care at the time, paid the price.
Also going "yeah but did you know this guy tore a pec while doing this basic move" is super disingenuous. Yeah, accidents happen, but I'd frankly rather have a muscle tear on a hip toss than land on my spine and die on the spot, but that's just me!
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not-goldy · 8 months
So you are very ok with JK given everything by the company while Jimin is mistreated af ? You said JK AND JM. But what JM is getting ? Dust ?
Just like JK, you are being greedy only wanting him to the succeed while JM is always ignored by the company. But ofcourse JK is successful so you are ok with JM being his trophy husband, who works hard but with restricted success and won't go above JK, isn't it ?
I'm open to discussing the various ways in which one member's career could be hyped up more or invested into more by us or their company. I'm open to discussing all the ways in which their company could be abusing them or the ways in which they aren't being treated fairly.
What I would not do is hate on another member just because while secretly yearning for what he has for my bias. That's bad karma so you are on your own.
I can't and don't need to hate Jungkook in order to love Jimin.
I can't wish evil for Jungkook in order to wish well for Jimin. I'M NOT DERANGED NOR SLOW LIKE THAT.
They can both be successful artists, their individual successes don't take away from each other's.
They can both be great
They can both coexist as icons.
There's so much room and space for them to inhabit as they each speak to unique demographics. Different talents, different audiences.
I don't need to bring one down to lift one up. You are weird for that shit.
Also these are SOLO artists which presupposes they have separate deals and contractual rights and obligations with the company and I'm tired of explaining this over and over- get yourself some legal education will you.
They are both free to contract and if they are not happy with their contracts they can sue the company.
I'm okay with Hybe performing and fulfilling their obligations under their contract with Jungkook. If that contract stipulates they give all their resources to him then that's what they must do.
Jimin needs a better lawyer to negotiate a better deal for him then if the contract is not serving him because believe it or not hybe is not a charity and they don't operate outside the limits set by their contracts🙄
We know this because they refuse to get into matters that fall within the privacy clause of their artists and as Jimin said, even the food they give them comes straight out of the artist's pay.
We can talk about the different value they place on each member - which of course, they don't place the same value on the members equally. Some are valued more than others. But we been knew that. It's been that way since day one.
It's business though. Nothing personal. Companies do take risks on others more so than others because they look for different things in artists and have specific target markets in mind from the get go.
It's the reason Jungkook may not work well for Dior but Jimin does. They are unique brands and require unique artist's brand as well.
It's up to that artist and their fans to prove them right or wrong- which us and Jimin keep doing every single day. Let's focus on that. The more we sell out, the more numbers we have the better for his market value.
Jungkook is the GOLDEN MAKNAE. he has that going for him. You can't take that away from him. He's managed to capture a portion of the market that most music companies struggle to break through. He could well be the next Justin Beiber or the JB of Kpop but then again he is his own person and a unique phenomenon on his own just as BTS.
Don't underestimate his influence. Don't make that mistake.
He has all the qualities that makes A GLOBAL POP ARTIST and right now there is a gap in that market. I have several posts on this explaining this phenomenon please find any and read for further clarification on my other blog.
Btw, Jimin stans are mostly adults most of whom are lawyers and legal practitioners with the JDs and shit who understand the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. Get real and quit embarrassing us💀💀💀💀
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taegularities · 4 months
Dreamed about Yoongi the other night!!!!! Had to share my dream with you :’). First of all, I dreamed about him bc of that exact picture :
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This pic describe this exact situation : the bias wreker steeling your heart from the bias. Ginger yoongi remain my favorite color on him, supremacy ++++ I could dieeeeee. My subconscious wanted yoongi so badly.
Anywaaaaaay, I dreamed that he and I were a thing😔😔. Being so clingy with each other like a koala perch tightly to a tree… being PDA, god knows he is not into PDA neither am I lol. But this was cuuuuuute even if it was short. Lack of affection is in my dream too like irl😭😭
I am reading more paper books atm and all of them are angsty af like your taehyung works!! Hehehe. On the scale of 1 to 10 how angsty your next update will be? 😏
Hope you are doing good!!!🤎
looking at the picture before i read your message and my eyes immediately focused on that gd undercut jk had and– anyway :') ginger yoongi was a cultural setback… gone but never forgotten [as your dream proves :')] LMFAO the pda bit 😭 i'd kill for you to be a koala clinging to him babe sigh lol. also wdym lack of affection?? i'm right here >:O !!!
ugh i should read more, too. "like your taehyung works" though lmaooo i feel honoured!! also hmmmm… are we talking entertainer or cmi12? bc the former is hmm… i'd say 6? and then cmi12 is a fluffy, gentle 2 on the angst scale <3
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
Hi lovely! I'm an avid Jikook supporter and I will always be.
However, there's two things i always go back to. I really wanted your opinion on them!
Mijoo. The hugging picture and the drinks. Her managers/staff debunked the drinking photo, saying that Jungkook was doing something and then met up with her and other people, so it wasn't just them at the table.
The hug, though. Idk, it seemed intimate to me? Her managers, herself and Bighit denied the rumors, but what do you think of the whole thing? Do you think Jikook had bern broken up at the time and they had a brief fling?
2. The girl outside the meat restaurant. Theres that video of Jungkook in black clothes, he signs something and then leaves, and supposedly a girl is waiting outside. I saw the whole video and it seems like he's going to walk past her, but the vídeo ends before that. Here it is: https://youtube.com/shorts/D6khz38appQ?feature=share
Could just be a girl standing outside. But people still talk about it.
So, what do you think?
Anon Ask #2
Hi! I wanted your opinion on something i've been thinking about, with taennie coming out and stuff. Do you remember when Jungkook was seen leaving a meat restaurant and, supposedly, there was a girl with him? You can see her standing outside. What do you think of that?
In my opinion, it was more likely to be a staff, since they're always accompanied by managers/staff wherever they go. I don't think Jungkook would be that bold like Taehyung. I also believe in Jikook, but I remembered it and started thinking about it.
Does anyone know who that girl was? Besides the fake Yubi rumors?
Hello Anons!
Before we get into this, there are 2 things I wanna touch on.
First, I am not the best person to come to about "off-cam" rumor moments. I typically see it, make an opinion on my own about it and move on. I don't keep receipts and I don't have sources. So I apologize if that's what you guys were hoping for. My response to your questions won't be very long or thorough.
Second, both of these Asks were worded nicely and I appreciate that. My Jikook spidey senses tho, well, it's telling me that the next wave of trolls might be coming thru with this kind of stuff to try to drag JK in light of Taennie.
So after this post, I won't be entertaining this topic any further than this.
Alright, coffee & Anon asks, let's get it ☕☕☕
The Mijoo situation was denied first and foremost. && The whole thing seemed sus on her part. No, I don't think Jikook was broken up, nor do I think they had a fling. Why? Because if you've been watching and listening to JM & JK you see that both are romantic AF and respect each other very much. Even if they were going through a rough patch or were on a break I highly doubt they sought out other people.
Newsflash for anyone unaware: It is possible to mutually decide to take a break in a relationship to figure your shit out without being intimate or seeking validation through other partners. I have personally done this and here I am married to that person.
No, I don't think the hug was all that intimate. She had a bf. So that tells me right there, JK ain't hugging this woman, who has a bf, with any interest in her because he's respectful. And her bf would have probably felt threatened if anything intimate was going on there because JK ain't the only man who has possessive tendencies in Korea.
Everyone loves to pair JK with women which I really can't understand why. I personally don't even think he is bi. Pan maybe.
Also if I'm remembering correctly she did tattoos for him? Which he had covered up right?
For the restaurant clip where JK walked out and there was a chick standing on the street 🙄🙄🙄 IMO, looked like he was gonna walk past. The clip is so short, there really isn't much you can tell from it. I have no idea if she was identified. It could have been anyone.
This moment is a drop in the sea of JK voicing who he has loved for years on end.
K, that's all I got for ya! Baiii.
Lip biting Jai-kay inc...
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aetheryic · 6 months
if all your characters were modern verse and had youtube channels what kind of content would they create
this is such a funny question i actually giggled at the chaos that could occur dfkgnfdlkd
ryne ; i think she'd have a lot of different things / content, kinda like a vlogger but not just showing her day but rather a lot of things she gets up to. her days arent "normal". baking videos (gone wrong), pranks on the scions, doing my girlfriends makeup ( sorry gaia ) lots of fun :3
alisaie honestly gives me exploring / travel / investigating paranormal spot vibes. she'd involve herself with soo many different people, customs, and while she's firey af she's also verily compassionate and beloved. dragging alphinaud along is a rare tweet, seems like something she'd do with wols
cid builds things. like the youtubers who sound so nice but are talking abt really technical shit that i don't understand ?? that's him. it ranges from "building a go kart out of materials in my garage" to "idk someone asked if i can build a gaming pc so here i am!"
alphinaud is definitely the commentary / gamer boy. he's not that great at the games, but his wild conversations and takes fascinate people. he's just having a good time, and he's also good at diffusing any drama between people. or himself.
haurchefant makes fan videos... jk, but also -- i think he'd just show videos of his animals/chocobos/chickens bc he's really proud of them and doesn't even expect anyone to watch but they do bc he's sooo cute and sweet and treats them like lil people
and finally mina would write songs / do covers ! primarily rock covers because their voice really suits it, but requests as well. they love performing the most outta my guys so they'd rlly put a lot of effort in and aim to entertain
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to talk with someone about the current Taekook living arrangements. Of course we have no way of really knowing what is happening. But I have wondered. Some seem to think they are living together others do not. All of the members have clearly stated that they each have their own separate homes now as recently as the 2022 Festa dinner. But Taekook have also talked about staying up all night to play games and sleeping when the sun came up during that game special (of course you can play games together when you’re not co-located) and Tae seeming to know in detail that JK doesn’t sleep late anymore and gets up early (post In the Soop 2).
I’m a little divided on whether or not I think they live together or are just in close contact and maybe “visit” each other quite a bit.
Since I only started following BTS in the past couple of years it’s never been clear to me if they were open about Taekook possibly sharing a room when they all still lived together. In Festa 2022, Taekook talk about how they “shared” the living room by splitting it in two? I’ve watched some murky videos talking about how they hid the fact that the two of them shared a room by trying to film Jk packing in a closet with a mattress on the floor.
What are your thoughts on the living arrangements past or present?
I answered a similar ask about what I suspect their living arrangements are in this post, but my thoughts can basically be summed up as being that I think it’s very likely they technically have their own places but spend most of their non-work time together.  I suspect this because it just makes sense to me, but I also feel that it fits well with what they’ve said and how they act.
I think they act like they spend a ton of time around each other.  It’s something I’ve talked about a lot so I won’t harp on it now, but it’s their body language and the way they move in shared space.  Plus, as you said, they talk about spending a lot of time together, which could be time spent online, but it’s still something to consider.
Also there’s the fact that historically, times JK has been online have been times we know Taehyung was elsewhere, including early in their Instagram days when Tae was on vacation with family in Hawaii and Jungkook was posting Instagram stories about being bored and not knowing how to entertain himself when alone.  So, yeah.  Obviously it wasn’t necessarily Taehyung he was missing in that moment, but it does imply he doesn’t spend most of his time by himself.
Another reason I think my theory might be accurate is actually what the guys were saying about Jungkook’s place during the Festa dinner.  It doesn’t exactly sound like the kind of place someone would live full time, you know?  Mattresses in different rooms (which JK said they exaggerated but he did cop to having them lol), laundry in the dining area.  They didn’t talk about Tae’s place at all during the dinner either, and he wasn’t there when they talked about Jungkook’s.
Obviously this is all just me theorizing, so take it with a grain of salt, but hopefully I’ve at least done a good job laying out my reasons for thinking what I do.
As far as their past living arrangements, I believe what we know (or at least what I understand) is that originally all seven of them lived together in one dorm, basically sharing a room.  When they moved, I think Jungkook roomed with Namjoon and Tae/Hobi/Jimin shared a room, and I think that might have been the arrangement when things started happening with TK, because there are at least a couple instances when Jungkook mentioned wanting to share a room with Taehyung instead (one in that radio interview where he had to choose someone he would want to room with, and during Festa, there was a question about who feels envious of people in other rooms, and only Taekook raised their hands lmao -- and Yoongi was the only one with his eyes open because he was facilitating, and he was already looking at them, like he knew they would be the ones).
After that, the next time they moved, I believe it was into the last house, and in that one, Tae and JK shared the living room and presumably had a divider up of some kind to turn it into two spaces.  I don’t see any reason to doubt that really.  This is what I’ve pieced together of their movements and arrangements just from watching different content, and I only really have vague ideas of when these changes happened, so if anyone else knows better, feel free to let me know!
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bubuthoughts · 2 years
Let’s start with something fun
Why not 🤷‍♂️? I mean is Monday we are all lazy let’s do some questions I think maybe that’s fun 🦭 I hope you consider it a bit fun 🫣
How do you de-stress after a tough day?
I like to live on edge HAHAHAH jk jk. I have two options for this one. I really like going out by myself. After a long day of working I would just go out to eat, to a cafe or restaurant whatever really. I love just eating by myself and relaxing enjoying my food. Then I would come home and shower probably get off my phone a bit and watch a movie or something.
The other option is just go directly home, my introvert ass needs that most of the times. Order some take out or depends on how tired I am I would cook not a full meal but probably something small. I would eat while watching TV, I would open a can of beer or open a bottle of wine (beer is more often 🤣). I would talk to my girlfriend until I fall asleep (now I just listen to music and write this silly things until I get tired). I love my night routine Tbh.
What’s your ideal sandwich?
Damn this is a hard one 🤔🤔🤔 I’m not very picky on my sandwhich tbh 🤔 I eat whatever but if I had to pick.
Bread (any bread)
Pepperoni (whatever kind, I’m not picky 😋)
Caramelized onions
Tomato and lettuce (keeping it healthy)
Bacon (keeping it not healthy)
Some nice cheese (I don’t really know the kind of cheeses there are but just some good ass greasy cheese)
Garlic mayo
Try it please, I swear is heaven! I know your tummy will hurt but 🤣 you gotta try
What’s the worst date you’ve ever had?
👁️👄👁️ I’m going to tell it quick but one time in highschool a girl had invited me over to her house and apparently it was a date. Well it didn’t go well cause we ate some chocolate. That specific chocolate got me horrible diarrhea and I spent the whole time at her house shitting my pants out. We never spoke again.
What's your favorite season?
I really love spring or autumn. I love rain and I love when the weather is a bit cold.
Deep dish pizza or thin crust?
Deep dish. I know you hate deep dish HAHAHAHHA but I love it. I like my pizza how I like your legs thick
What’s your favorite aisle in the grocery store?
I really like the cleaning aisle 🤔 like to know which productos I can use. The washing clothes aisle is so cool too 🤔. Also I really like the snacks and the drinks aisles those four are the most fun aisles in the grocery shop. The other ones I just grab stuff in automatic mode.
Tbh I really wonder what yours are
What shows are on your Netflix queue?
I’m currently watching cyberpunk. So freaking good. I just feel like you will love it. It’s by your favorite anime studio I think. But yeah 👉👈. Also I’m watching all horror movies I can cause well is October 🤷‍♂️ it’s fun. Last night I watched Goodnight mommy, I give it a 3.9/5 it was kinda good tbh. Today I’m probably watching Hush. I will tell you how I rate it.
Is this entertaining? I feel like it’s a bit boring 🫣
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
Any IU song 🤷‍♂️. Any kdrama OST song ever made, I know them all. Oldies but Goodies.
In english probably Harry styles, Sam smith (I like him lately) also frank ocean and I wished artic monkeys but I can’t hit his deep notes 🥲.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Is it annoying if I say you? Cause you 😘 I mean I am not even lying at this point 🤷‍♂️.
I don’t really know, all I can think about is deep dish pizza at this moment 🤔 and you also 🤔 ugh hard.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
I sleep with just one 🤣 I’m simple. I Can sleep on the bare mattress 🤷‍♂️.
That’s all :3 I know it was a lot 👉👈 I hope you have a beautiful day today. I’m proud of you everyday.
I love you
Here is the little quote of today: you can’t go back to change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
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