#joanne odette
natedrawsfrogs · 1 year
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Florra's Spooky Sleepover 1/6
Florra gathers her friends over for a big Halloween sleepover.
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acpricorn · 8 months
Come Inside Of My Heart
Sung Hanbin local AU, written by @acpricorn Chapter 1 ― Pentas Seni Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat penting ― setidaknya untuk Odette, sahabatnya yang baru saja bernyanyi diatas panggung besar itu. Tidak lupa dengan personil band lainnya, yang ikut meramaikan suasana. Kale dengan drum nya, Cadence dengan piano nya, Julian dengan guitar nya, dan Ethan sang vocalist yang duduk di ujung panggung dekat penonton. Sekali-kali ia berjalan, memberikan mic kepada penonton seakan mengetes kemampuan bernyanyi mereka. Jahil memang.
Pukulan drum terakhir yang dilayangkan oleh Kale mengakhiri penampilan band paling populer seantero SMA Pelita Bangsa, sekaligus mengakhiri pentas seni pada hari itu. SMA Pelita Bangsa kala itu riuh dengan tepuk tangan, sementara ia hanya melihat bagian mana yang harus ia dokumentasikan. Tidak tau mengapa juga ia mau dipaksa Odette seperti ini, ia bahkan sudah lupa karena sibuk menggerutu. Bukan, bukan karena ia tidak mau membantu sahabatnya. Tetapi hari ini suhu di Jakarta cukup panas bagi seseorang yang berlari dari satu sudut kamera ke sudut yang lainnya, jadi jangan heran mengapa remaja itu sudah seperti mau gila dari tadi.
Judy dengan buru-buru pergi ke backstage, menunjukkan kalung nametag nya ― kemudian menepuk pundak sahabatnya yang memang sedang beristirahat menggunakkan kipas angin portable.
"JUDY!" panggil Odette melihat sahabatnya yang sedang ngos-ngosan akibat cuaca di luar backstage. Ia langsung mengarahkan kipas angin portable itu ke arah Judy, "Aduh.. gila panas banget di luar."
"Ga ada lagi dah gua jadi panit pubdok," balas Judy. "Bisa mati gua."
"Iya jangan dah," Odette membenarkan, "Mending lo rebahan aja di rumah, kasian gua liatnya."
Percakapan mereka kemudian berakhir sampai dengan disitu. Kedua introvert itu merasa energi mereka sudah benar-benar terkuras, dan terkadang diam adalah solusi. Judy dan Odette kini sibuk menonton Kale yang kesal dengan seseorang yang berada di telepon.
"Halo?" Ia mengecek layar ponsel genggamnya lagi. "Halo?" Telepon ternyata sudah dimatikan secara sepihak.
Kale mendecak pasrah, "Oh my God, Dette. At least you have to do something?" Lelaki dengan kaus oblong berwarna putih itu menatap kedua remaja yang sedang selonjoran di sofa. "Oh, hi Jud. I didn't see you there."
Judy hanya menganggukan kepalanya saja.
"Kenapa lo nanya gue? I already tried to tell her but it doesn't work. I think you should start to ask Ci Cade about it." suara Odette. Kale mengusap wajahnya pasrah, kemudian memanggil seseorang yang dipanggil 'Ci Cade' ― ketua band mereka.
"Joanne selalu aja sakit sebelom tampil, makanya suka buat si Kale kesel, secara dia doang yang bisa megang drum selain Joanne di band." ujar Odette tanpa Judy minta, "Oh ya, gimana fotonya?"
Remaja Pradhana itu mengerutkan kening, "Ga mau nanya komentar gua soal performance lo dulu?"
"Ga perlu, gue udah tau komentar lo pasti positif." ujar Odette sukses membuat Judy memutar bola matanya.
"Liat fotonya dong, bagus nggak?"
"Udah nanti aja, ada yang perlu di foto lagi nggak?" tanya Judy. "Foto band udah sebelom stage, mau foto― "
"FOTO KELAS AYO!" pinta Odette dengan semangat. Kemudian perempuan itu langsung menghubungi teman-teman sekelasnya, meminta mereka untuk berkumpul.
Tidak perlu menunggu lama untuk ketiga lelaki dengan ketiga jenis kipas yang berbeda itu datang. Sama-sama dengan ekspresi wajah yang sudah siap mati di tempat, yang satu menggenggam kipas angin portable yang besar, dan yang satunya lagi menggenggam kipas angin portable yang kecil. Tidak lupa dengan kipas sate, berkat hasil curian dari gerobak sate 'Mang Odji' ― Caesar, Ben, Dylan dengan segera menyerbu sofa yang sedang diduduki oleh kedua sahabat itu.
"WOI APAAN SIH!" sergah Odette, "Sempit anjir."
"Ya elah det, masa lo tega sama kita sih." Lelaki yang bernama Dylan itu membalas, berusaha merubah posisi pantatnya agar leluasa dengan tempat yang tersisa, "Aduh minggir dikit lah Caes, pantat lo kegedean!"
"Odet odet, beda pelafalan beda arti."
"Emang odet artinya apaan?" tanya Ben sementara yang ditanya hanya mengedikkan bahu, sukses membuat lelaki itu mendengus kesal. Sekarang mereka sibuk dengan handphone mereka masing-masing. Dengan modal sofa yang kecil, mereka memaksa diri mereka untuk beradaptasi, karena mereka sama-sama ingin beristirahat.
Beberapa menit kemudian, mulai muncul beberapa teman sekelas mereka lainnya seperti Sonya dan Charlotte. Pipi perempuan berdarah Tionghoa itu terlihat merah karena terik matahari di luar sana. Sementara Sonya, ia tak perlu berpikir panjang untuk merebut dan menggunakan kipas portable besar milik Caesar. "HEH KIPAS SI TUAN MUDA!" teriak Dylan, sukses membuat Sonya melirik tajam. Sonya arahkan kipas tersebut sesekali pada Charlotte, sementara Charlotte mengerutkan kening. "Kalian ngapain?" tanyanya, dibuat heran dengan kelima pantat temannya yang dapat muat hanya dalam 2 buah sofa. "Kok bisa muat, emangnya ga kesempitan?" Kelima temannya itu hanya meringis, dengan Judy yang diam-diam mendorong pantat Caesar hingga lelaki itu terjatuh. "Tadi emang ada banyak gangguan sih Char," "WOI AH! KENAPA― " "Gais, dapet traktiran dari wakil ketua kelas kita nih!" Tak sempat Caesar menyuarakan protes, semua yang ada disana langsung berseru ria menyambut traktiran yang ada. Cherry, perempuan yang tadi berujar serta Dea ― sang wakil ketua kelas lantas menghampiri mereka, tentu tidak lupa dengan Keane, dan Andrew yang kesulitan membawa 2 kardus kaleng soda berserta dengan 3 L1MO Pizza dari restoran Pizza Hut itu. "EH ANJIR! BU WAKETU KOK TUMBEN BAIK SIH BU WAKETU?" timpal Ben, yang sontak mendapat tatapan sinis dari Dea. "Tapi Bu Waketu, kita mau makan dimana nih? Ga mungkin kan kita makan di backstage?" "Lah emang ga boleh makan di backstage?" tanya Dea. "Ga boleh De, katanya backstagenya baru dirapiin soalnya." jawab Judy. "Eh iya sumpah De, aduh!" Odette memukul keningnya, "Ethan sama Kale makan nya berantakan, jadi semua pada ga dibolehin makan di backstage lagi." Seketika mereka semua langsung menghela nafas, bingung memikirkan nasib ketiga pizza berukuran 3 meter itu dengan 2 kardus kaleng soda yang berada di tangan Keane dan Andrew. "Ah!" Seakan mendapat ide, Cherry berujar, "Apa makan di kelas aja? Kelasnya juga kaga dikunci kan?" "Eh iya boleh tuh, apa mau sekalian foto di kelas juga?" Sonya memberikan usul. Sementara Ben menyahut, "JANGAN ANJIR, gue mau foto bareng Ci Cadence dulu." Sontak mereka semua menghela nafas, mendengus kasar seakan berkata ― yang benar-benar sajalah. Odette, yang memang merupakan salah satu dari anggota band langsung bersuara, "Nantian aja lah, Ben. Ci Cade lagi sibuk."
"Yaudah-yaudah." "Yaudah apaan? Gantian lo yang bawa!" Andrew dengan Keane langsung memberikan dua kardus kaleng soda bersama 3 L1MO Pizza tersebut pada ketiga lelaki yang sedang bersama dengan mereka. "APA-APAAN?!" ― Berhasil melalui siang hari bak neraka, mereka pada akhirnya sampai di ruang kelas 11 ― MIPA 3 SMA Pelita Bangsa. Tak perlu berpikir panjang, Judy dengan cepat mengambil tripod yang terletak di loker berwarna abu-abu. Sang wakil ketua kelas tentu tidak tinggal diam. Ia lantas meminta teman-temannya untuk ikut menata kursi-kursi yang ada, agar mereka dapat berfoto dengan cepat. "Emangnya harus pake kursi ya?" Dea lantas mendengus, mendengar pertanyaan Ben. "Kan bisa aja konsepnya lesehan." Perempuan itu lupa, memang bukan kelas Xl–MIPA 3 yang apabila disuruh, tidak mengeluh terlebih dahulu. "Lo pikir rumah makan? Udah ah, ditata aja!"
Judy yang tengah menonton perdebatan mereka, lantas memalingkan wajah ― menemukan kedua siswa dengan nametag yang sama dengannya telah datang membuka pintu dengan ekspresi yang sama juga. Ekspresi kelelahan setelah menghadapi panas matahari di siang hari itu. "Hai, Dek Jud!" ujar Michael, melambaikan tangan kirinya ke arah Judy, sukses membuat perempuan yang ia sapa merengut bukan main. Tau tidak mengapa Michael memanggilnya 'Dek Jud'? Tentu itu suatu nama panggilan yang asing bukan? 'Dek Jud' sendiri adalah singkatan dari 'Adek Judy'. Ia seharusnya tidak perlu mendapatkan nama panggilan itu, jika usia nya tidak terpaut satu tahun lebih muda dibandingkan usia teman-teman sekelas nya. Padahal Isa, temannya yang berada di Xl–MIPA 1 tidak pernah dianggap lebih muda oleh teman-teman sekelasnya ― meski memang usia Isa tidak jauh berbeda dengan teman-temannya yang lahir pada tahun 2001. "Hai Jud!" Adeline, perempuan yang berdiri di sebelah Michael itu ikut menyapa. Judy pun melambaikan tangannya balik, sembari tersenyum dengan lebar. "Pilih kasih lo Dek Jud! masa Adel disapa balik gue nggak?" "Setidaknya manggil nama Judy pake nama yang bener dulu." pukul Adel, kemudian mendorong bahu Michael. Melihat ada dua siswa yang menganggur disana, Dylan tidak bisa tinggal diam. Ia kemudian berteriak, "WOI DUA MANUSIA SOK SIBUK! BANTU-BANTU DIKIT NAPA?" "ADUH, IYA SABAR! Kita belom selesai nafas, lu dah kasih kerjaan aja!" sahut Adel sembari duduk di lantai, disertai juga dengan Michael. Mereka berdua pun turut membantu Judy untuk mengatur tripod dengan kamera tersebut. Pada akhirnya persiapan foto bersama itu telah selesai. Kursi-kursi sudah ditata dengan rapi begitupun dengan tripod dan kamera yang sudah siap dengan posisinya.
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cosplaykissesart · 6 years
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i wanted to draw them in a rent style au and then i had an idea YEET
(Odette Celestine  © @kaztato)
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leta-the-strange · 6 years
i’m the only non-white person at my placement (and only one of, like, a small bunch at my uni) and every time a wee child says i look like moana (loosely i assume bc i could never with those brows and eyes...) i have to hold back real tears, man. their parents are always super embarrassed and apologise and im like why?? obviously its each to their own, but i could never be offended by that, i lap that shit up every time. after growing up feeling extremely, characteristically ‘unpretty’ with my strong arms and legs, wide flattish nose, sunspots, hagrid ass hair and big ol’ flippers for feet, i realise now that the media was a big part to blame for that belief (because i was a wee baby and my māmā would always gas me up like i was on antm when i left for school). i think eventually lilo and stitch was as close to (positive, healthy) representation we got (not the same heritage but similar in features). i was always made to be the boy when i played with the other kids who were spoiled for choice in terms of if they’d be snow white, belle, cinderella, odette, aurora, rapunzel (the barbie version because tangled wasnt out yet). i remember fckn snapping as a wee tot when i had to be TIGER LILY (yeah, they did THAT in a school play...like several years in a row) again because i wanted to be tinkerbell just once goddammit. anytime there was a character of colour, it was never someone you particularly wanted to be. especially in more grown up movies and shows. because we’re half pākehā, i happened to turn out more lighter skinned than the rest of my siblings so i did cop a bit of resentment from them (not their fault, we’d all been brainwashed into believing that lighter = prettier) and some other relatives (poc family's can be very discriminatory too) but i was certainly not considered feminine or pretty by the rest of society (just slightly more so than my siblings which is obviously super toxic and gross). teenage years were another kettle of fish entirely for the same reasons but obviously different situations. i just assumed people wouldn’t even consider being interested in me because of my ‘unpretty’ ‘unfeminine’ look. like damn, i was actually tiny but because i was just naturally toned and could out swim those gangly kids on my worst day and their best, i didn’t look girly?? i wish i could go back and shake some sense into my dumbass). and then the only boys who were interested in me where the ones who were really gonna come to my own country and call me exotic like its compliment. bye. (this still happens by the way, *cringe*).  but honestly, i’ve seen a few girls and boys carrying around the moana barbie (i think its a barbie? i dont know...some kind of dolly) and like she has the muscled arms and legs and wide nose and big feet i could cry :’). like representation is so important for children of colour obviously, i could go on about it til the cows come home, but i really cant stand so many of my poc friends and family go on about how this and that, etc, etc is for us and not the white kids because they have enough to choose from but...like it loses its meaning for me? i could only imagine what it wouldve been like for me as a wee girl having all my friends playing with moana dollies and thinking my face and my hair and my feet were pretty like moanas and how they all wanted to be moana too. like the big thing about poc characters are that they are usually characters that nobody really wants to be. the tragic ones, the ill fated ones, the plot devices, the victims, the fetishes, the evil ones, the weak ones. EVERYONE wants to be moana which is such a hoot, man! the only thing that even slightly sucks about kids telling me i look like moana is that its always moana - which is lovely but it just shows the lack of good poc characters. i think i heard a similar thing about tiana. anyway, i dont usually do personally ramblings, i just got told i looked like moana yesterday and i still find it cool. so yeah, your kid is always welcome to tell me i look like a disney princess bc it’ll be like the best part of my day. 
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manburg-radios · 2 years
It’s been a few days since you’ve all settled in the INTERPOL base. Odette has been working restlessly in that time, trying to figure out every single intricacy of her plan.
it’s simple:
dream returns to town hall with odette in tow, since he was captured to track her down in the first place. once they make it into town hall, odette will release two bots. these bots will run around and find all of the exits, entrances, and any other useful bits of information.
once all the information is secured, george will use the original blueprint found in the bot, match it with the information the bots have, and will work alongside everyone to map out a plan to get in and get Schlatt’s computer into his hands. From there, jupiter, george, and fundy will figure out how to get into the computer with the help of sam. during this time, kristin and niki will work on recharging magic and healing while techno trains.
and while the plan is seemingly fool proof, it leads to one question: what is happening with the soul-merging?
which is where odette finds herself pacing.
tubbo is getting worse and tommy and ranboo refuse to leave his side. she can’t blame them at all, she wished someone had done that for her. not that anyone even knew she had soul-merged. dream works around the clock to feed tubbo different medications, and to teach ranboo and tommy how to take care of him. odette works on a cure of chicken noodle soup and warm towels for him for the moments he’s awake, and she works on transforming the saved vials into medication to literally heal his soul.
she once read a book called chicken noodle soup for the soul, she never expected to take it literally.
she’s standing in the kitchen when jupiter approaches her. they’d been spending all of their time practicing coding— and asking sam for advice on the whole joann/odette situation. it had been revealed that joann’s bot was leaking a mind control gas that allowed everyone to fall for schlatt’s trick after george had done a “robo-autopsy” and everyone had felt sick after learning the truth.
jupiter felt sick everytime she thought of it, even though she knew most— if not all of her real memories of odette were actually her.
“hi.” she whispers and odette jumps from where she stands by Tubbo’s bed, turning as she pushes her glasses up and onto her head. his heart monitor beeps a constant tune, and his eyes lay closed, asleep and peaceful.
“hi, jupiter.” odette smiles softly, “that’s what you wanna be called now, right?”
“mhm.” jupiter pauses. everything they had planned to say falling out of their mind.
odette sighs, clasping her hands infront of her, “look… I’m sorry about all this. i should’ve been more careful, or tried to reach out to you all sooner.”
“I feel like you shouldn’t be apologizing for all of this. you… you probably went through a lot.” jupiter sighs, “i wish i had noticed that you were different.”
“schlatt’s only getting more powerful. it’s not your fault you didn’t notice. No one did.” odette steps closer, gently holding out a hand to cup jupiters face, “i’m so sorry, jupiter.”
“don’t be, ode.” jupiter whispers, stepping closer to grab odette’s hand that rests on her cheek, “we’re gonna move forward together.”
“together…” odette breaks into a grin for the first time in a few days.
“i missed you. the real you.” jupiter looks up, smiling soft.
“me too.” odettes voice barely comes out, but she closes her eyes and bumps their heads together.
the calm before the storm.
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richfieldbranch · 4 years
Mike’s Picks - Week of April 6th
Hello again to all our Richfield Library Patrons. We’re back this week with more suggestions to keep you busy while you're stuck at home. All library programs, outreach, and meeting rooms have been canceled until at least May, so hang in there! The books are all available through Hoopla or Overdrive, you can click the title to access it’s listing, or find all our materials at https://akronlibrary.org/browse/digital.  As always, I miss you, and please send me an email to let me know how you're doing, or if there's anything I can do for you.
Mike Daly, Adult Services Librarian 
For all you Richfield Crafters out there missing your monthly crafting fix, I have attached a couple of timely links to help you pass the time during the great quarantine.
Do-it-yourself Covid Masks
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The first link was posted by the U. S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams. It's very simple and doesn't require sewing. You can find the video at: 
NPR also explains how they should be worn, and offers some different options for making them (including one where you just cut up an old t-shirt, no sewing or stapling or anything):
This one is what my wife used to make our family's masks. It does require a sewing machine, but the results were quite professional and easy to wear. There are hundreds of online tutorials if you do an internet search for “making Covid masks”. This one is from USA Today:
And finally, Joann Fabric has provided this pattern that does not require elastic or string, but instead has fabric straps:
Easter Pom-Pom Craft
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Here's a couple of simple craft for all ages. They're really easy and the end products are very cute. All you need are scissors, rubber bands, old fabric, and some yarn. For bunnies:
and for chicks:
There are many more available on You Tube.
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The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West by David McCullough
McCullough tells the story of the settling of the Northwest Territory, at the time a wilderness northwest of the Ohio River containing the future states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. His main focus is on the founding and growth of Marietta, Ohio. Included in the Northwest Ordinance were three remarkable conditions: freedom of religion, free universal education, and most importantly, the
prohibition of slavery. McCullough tells the story through five major characters: Manasseh Cutler, Revolutionary War veteran General Rufus Putnam, Cutler’s son Ephraim; and two other men, one a carpenter turned architect, and the other a physician who became a prominent pioneer in American science. A must read for anyone interested in Ohio history.
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Code Name: Lise, the True Story of the Woman Who Became WWII's Most Decorated Spy by Larry Loftis
This book was an exciting read. I had never heard of Odette Sansom or the women of the SOE. In 1942 Odette Sansom, a French woman married to and English man, decides to follow in her war hero father’s footsteps by becoming an SOE agent to aid Britain and her beloved homeland, France. Five failed attempts and one plane crash later, she finally lands in occupied France to begin her mission. It is here that she meets her commanding officer Captain Peter Churchill. Loftis paints a portrait of true courage, patriotism, and love—of two incredibly heroic people who endured unimaginable horrors. He weaves together the touching romance between Odette and Peter and the thrilling cat and mouse game between them and a wily Gestapo agent.
This week I've been rereading some of my favorite books. The titles listed below are an eclectic mix, so everyone should find something to like. They are also long which will help you kill some time while stuck at home.
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The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
This was my favorite book in high school. Lose yourself in the adventures of Frodo and Gandolf in their epic battle of good versus evil. All three titles, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King are available for down as Ebook or audio on the library website.
The Life And Adventures Of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens 
Although not as well known as Great Expectations or Oliver Twist, this Dickens classic is my favorite. A serial romp through Victorian England, this book is in turns funny, sad, and touching. Don't give up because the 19th Century language is unfamiliar. You will be rewarded if you persevere. 
The Ebook is available through Project Gutenberg: 
and the audio book is available at LibriVox:
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Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett
The first and best of Follett's historical novels about the fictional English city of Kingsbridge, it's an Oprah Book Club choice as well. The Pillars of the Earth tells the story of Philip, prior of Kingsbridge, a devout and resourceful monk driven to build the greatest Gothic cathedral the world has known, of Tom, the mason who becomes his architect, and of the beautiful, elusive Lady Aliena. The book tells of the struggle that will turn church against state and brother against brother. The book, as well as the two sequels, A World Without End and A Column of Fire, are available for download as Ebook or Eaudio on the library website.
And finally.................
Monday April 9th is
Fresh Tomato Day
“A tomato may be a fruit, but it is a singular fruit. A savory fruit. A fruit that has ambitions far beyond the ambitions of other fruits.” E. Lockhart
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” Miles Kington
“It's difficult to think anything but pleasant thoughts while eating a homegrown tomato.” Lewis Grizzard
Tuesday April 7h is
National Beer Day
“Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Benjamin Franklin
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.” Abraham Lincoln
“Beer's intellectual. What a shame so many idiots drink it.” Ray Bradbury
Wednesday April 8th is
International Feng Shui Day
“You don't have to believe in Feng Shui for it to work. I just know it brings me money.” Donald Trump
“I once drew a picture of Jack Nicholson in The Shining. But I put it away after a Feng Shui expert told me about the bad vibes” David James
“My view on Feng Shui: don’t put your bed in front of the door because you won’t get in.” Jonas Eriksson
Thursday April 9th is
National Gin and Tonic Day
“The gin and tonic has saved more Englishmen’s lives, and minds, than all the doctors in the Empire.” Winston Churchill
“Of all the gin joints, in all the world she walks into mine.” Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine in Casablanca
“I don't know what reception I'm at, but for God's sake give me a gin and tonic.” Dennis Thatcher, husband of Margaret Thatcher
Friday April 10th is
Global Work from Home Day (Very Appropriate!)
“All happiness depends on courage and work.” Honore de Balzac
“Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
“In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.” Leo Tolstoy
Saturday April 11th is
National Pet Day
“Sometimes losing a pet is more painful than losing a human because in the case of the pet, you were not pretending to love it.” Amy Sedaris
“Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life.” James Cromwell
“Such short little lives our pets have to spend with us, and they spend most of it waiting for us to come home each day. It is amazing how much love and laughter they bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” John Grogan
More to come next week!
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steklozavr · 5 years
female french names masterlist
below the cut you will find #90 underused female names. these name will varies in origin and popularity. please like or reblog if found this useful.
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alexia / alexis
julie / juliette
nadia / nadine
sandra / sandrine
yanna / yannick
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carpediem-celebrpg · 5 years
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This is the list of children that’s on the ships page. I want to make sure nobody is missing before I go update the kids page. If any of your characters have a child that isn’t listed here please send in the kids form filled out to the best of your ability. Please like this post so we know you read it. 
Adele Adkins & Simon Konecki* - Angelo Konecki
Ashley Benson & Jensen Ackles - Tristan Ackles
Cassandra Jean Amell* & Stephen Amell - Maverick Amell
Danneel Harris* & Jensen Ackles - Justice, Zepplin & Arrow Ackles
Deborah Ann Woll & Liam Hemsworth - Amelia Hemsworth
Gal Gadot & Yaron Versano* - Maya & Alma Versano
Genevieve Padalecki & Jared Padalecki - Thomas, Austin & Odette Padalecki
Hilarie Burton & Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Augustus & George Morgan
Joanne Tucker* & Adam Driver - "Rocky"
Katie Cassidy & Jared Padalecki - Harlow Padalecki
Katy Perry & Chris Pine - Abigail & Lillian Pine
Lucy Hale & Jared Padalecki - Samara Padalecki
Lucy Hale & Sebastian Roche* - Isabella Roche
Mollie Benedict* & Rob Benedict - Audrey & Calvin Benedict
Taylor Swift & Alex Gaskarth - Cory Gaskarth
Troian Bellisario & Patrick J Adams - Aurora Adams
Victoria Vantoch* & Misha Collins - West & Maison Collins
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{ I’m back from my Joann’s run.
I got pretty lace for my Odette dress (I wanna add a bit to it beside just doing it straight), some trim for my Umbreon, some cool material that kinda makes me thing of chainmail, and some cool Ya.ya H.an fabric that looks like dark, iridescent, like not like not scales, but, like it makes me think of dragon skin. (and yea, yeah, people have their opinions about her and her fabric but it’s PRETTY OKAY?! }
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transnames · 6 years
Hey, can you think of any names that have a similar sound to Marie? Like two syllables but the second syllable is emphasized? Masculine or feminine is fine. Thank you?
No problem!
There are a lot of more feminine names that have this syllable pattern. Many of them have an “elle” or “anne” ending: Adele, Brielle, Danielle, Estelle, Giselle, Janelle, Joelle, Michelle, and Noelle end in “elle”, and Brianne, Joanne, Leanne, Luanne, Rosanne, Roxanne, and Suzanne end in “anne”. Here are some more:
Eileen / Elaine
Evette / Yvette
I couldn’t find as many masculine names with this syllable pattern, but there are some:
Ivan (when pronounced ee-VON)
And there are a few neutral names that work, too:
I hope this helped, let me know if you need anything else!
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natedrawsfrogs · 11 months
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Florra's Spooky Sleepover 5/6
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girlinthepark · 7 years
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Joann Pai | Odette, Paris. 
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rosey-barb · 3 years
Clara - Joda Joestar
Rapunzel - Jozel Joestar
Odette - Jodette Joestar
Anneliese - Joanne Joestar
Elina - Jolina Joestar
Annika - Jonika (jawn-nic-kaa) Joestar
Genevieve - Jovene Joestar
Rosella - Josella ‘Jo’ Joestar
Liana - Jona Joestar
Corinne - Jorin Joestar
Merliah - Jorlea (jaw-lee-ah) Joestar
Blair/Sophia - Josephina Joestar
Victoria - Jotaria Joestar
Krystan - Joystan (joy-starn) Joestar
Lumina - Jomina (joe-min-na) Joestar
Alexa - Jolex (joel-lex) Joestar
Kara - Jokara Joestar
Courtney - Jortney (jawt-nee) Joestar
Starlight - Jolight Joestar
Barbie - Jobie Joestar
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manburg-radios · 2 years
Do we need to get some like smelling salts for y’all?-Z
“nah we’re good. I just had to whack the rest of Mr. Jonathan’s magic out.” Odette sighs, looking over as Ranboo slips from the crowd to tentatively help her go her feet. She thanks him with a small nod.
“So uh, what the fuck?” Tubbo says, holding an arm out to block Tommy. Eret hums under his breath, nodding to Kristin, who opens her mouth to say something but before she can, Wilbur is moving forward sharply. Thinking he’s trying to attack, Odette raises her arms and shoves Ranboo behind her, but he stops just short of arms reach.
“Odette..?” He whispers, “but… what happened?”
“I…” Odette sighs, kicking one foot idly, “I’m sorry. After i met with the boys Schlatt kidnapped me, he used my blood to access my memories and make two bots based off my life. Joann and Vivian are fakes. They’re based off the truth, but they never were alive.”
“As much as I love a happy reunion,” Nightmare stands up, using a hand to hold his broken face together, “Schlatt knows where we are, and as soon as he realizes i’m gone, he’s coming.”
“How can we trust you two?” Sapnap calls, smoke puffing from his breath.
“I feel like we have no one to truly trust anymore.” Someone whispers, looking aside you can see Niki hiding beside Techno and Phil.
“But— guys, it’s Odette!” Wilbur turns, “right Phil..? Techno..? … Tommy..?”
“i don’t know an Odette.” Tommy whispers, and Techno nods in agreement. Besides the two of them, Phil stares at Kristin with a dejected look. She doesn’t match his eyes.
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mcdmples · 6 years
arizona came out to her parents when she was fifteen. except... not really. she came out to them by bringing the girl that she was dating  ( hanging out with and the only girl at her school at that point that flirted with her/eventually kissed her )  home to dinner and telling her parents that she was her girlfriend. her parents, as we know, didn’t really care. tbh barbara definitely already knew and daniel just... asked her “are you still who i raised you to be?” and when he got the response he was hoping for hugged her and basically said he didn’t care. timothy 100% already knew. she told him like. right after she kissed her first girl. ANYWAYS. her name was joanne. the two of them dated for nearly the entire time that they lived in south carolina.
things kind of ... went to shit with her relationship with joanne (and tim!) when her brother told her that joanne was cheating on her. she was a tiny useless lesbian and refused to accept it because she just... wanted to stay with her. this resulted in her and tim fighting and not talking for almost two weeks. eventually she got over her shit with tim, because she couldn’t handle not having her best friend. and not long after that she broke things off with joanne after catching her trying to kiss one of tim’s friends. a few weeks later, the robbins’ were moving again. this time to california.
 arizona was 100% That Bitch who fucked around with straight girls in high school. until she was in college she never really dated anyone too seriously, had a few relationships that lasted longer than a month, but nothing really significant. mostly .... mostly proving to girls that she was a better kisser/better lay than their ex boyfriend’s lmao. there was ONE girl, still in california, in a different city though, that she was like... head over heels for. except if you asked her now she wouldn’t even remember her name. arizona almost shaved her head for this girl. honestly. tim caught her with their dad’s beard trimmer about to do it and talked her out of it.
suicide cw below 
in her freshman year of university, arizona met a girl named rina at a cafe just off campus. total meet cute. talked when they both reached for the sugar at the little cart with the coffee fixings at the same time, ended up sitting together, started hanging out, started dating a while later. they were in the same year, but different programs. rina was an english/religious studies major. they never had classes together, but would often spend their time together studying. rina... rina was the first person arizona ever really loved. the first person she thought was the love of her life. her first experience with true love. 
they did everything together  ( get high, go dancing, hit the gym ) and they dated for a significant period of time. rina would read/write poetry to/for arizona, leave her notes in her bag for her to find. arizona would leave flowers in rina’s dorm room. usually single flowers, especially like... daffodils bc they were rina’s fave. they spent a few weeks together over the summer between their freshman and sophomore years. things ... things were really good until they weren’t. at the end of the first semester of their sophomore year things started to get shaky, rina and arizona didn’t talk as much, they both got really busy with work and school, but they kept trying because they loved each other. when arizona dropped by rina’s dorm to pick her up for a surprise date before finals ( late night diner date bc while rina was a lot more carefree than arizona [fuckin control freak] she'd get wound up around exams ), she was greeted by a note addressed to her and rina’s body.
her next significant relationship wasn’t until she was an intern at hopkins. of course, there were little relationships here and there, flings, flirtations, relationships that lasted a few months. but when she was an intern she was reintroduced to odette marks, someone that she’d befriended previously when she lived in australia ( i’ll explain all that in another headcanon post later ). the two bonded again almost immediately. glad to have a friendly face in their program/someone that they knew they could trust right off the bat. they started dating a few months into their intern year and broke up a few months later. it was 100% mutual, best break up ever, and the reason? both of them knew that they worked a lot better as friends. they love each other a lot and to this day they stay in contact.
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¡Muy buen domingo a todxs! Hoy os traemos nuestra segunda masterlist para ayudar a encontrar un nombre a nuestro personaje. Encontraréis un total de 108 nombres, 54 de chica y 54 de chico con sus respectivos significados.
Si os sirve de ayuda u os parece útil, darle un like/reblog al post, por favor. De esta manera sabremos que nuestro tiempo invertido realmente ha servido de ayuda a alguien.
Agathe: bueno. 
Amélie: trabajadora. 
Arlet, Arleth, Arlette: diminutivo de Charlotte, que significa “pequeña y femenina”. 
Blanche: blanca. 
Brigitte: fuerza. 
Camille: joven que va a la ceremonia. 
Celine, Céline: proviene de una de las siete hijas del Atlas mitológico transformadas en estrellas de la constelación de Pléyades.
Ciel: cielo, celestial. 
Dariel, Dariela, Daryel, Daryele: regalo. 
Dixie: décimo. 
Dorothée: regalo de Dios.
Edmée: protectora de la riqueza. 
Estée: estrella. 
Flora, Flore: proviene del nombre de la Diosa de las Plantas. 
Geraldine: la que lleva la lanza. 
Ghislaine, Gislaine, Gillan: dulce plegaria. 
Hilona, Ilona: brillante, con resplandor. 
Ivette, Yvette: puede relacionarse con la voz Ivorix, nombre de un árbol sagrado del que los celtas obtenían la madera para hacer armas.
Jeanette, Jeannette: Dios es piadoso. 
Joanne, Johanna, Johanne: Dios perdona. 
Kallista, Kallisté: la más hermosa. 
Kamille: libre, de origen noble. 
Lilou: proviene de la flor “lírio”. 
Loany: luz. 
Loïc, Loïca: lógica. 
Madelaine, Madeleine, Madlyn, Madelyn: forma francesa de Magdalena. 
Michèl, Mishell: que se parece a Dios. 
Mina: pequeña. 
Nadin, Nadine: esperanza.  
Naiely: radiante, luminosa. 
Océane, Océanne: océano. 
Odette, Ottilia: riqueza.
Pélagie: del mar, que proviene del mar.
Phoenix: de rojo oscuro. Se relaciona también con el ave fénix. 
Régine, Réjane: reina, señora absoluta. 
Rita: perla. 
Scarlett, Scarlette: rojo. 
Shantal: suave, cordial, sagaz. 
Sibylle: la profetisa, la sibila. 
Soleil: Sol, el astro rey. 
Sophie: sabiduría. 
Tabatha: dulce y suave. 
Tessa: cosecha de verano. 
Tiphaine, Typhaine: revelación de Dios. 
Tya: princesa. 
Violaine: la arquera. 
Violette: hace referencia a la flor de nombre “violeta”. 
Viviane, Vivianne: que está llena de vida. 
Wanda: la que protege de los vándalos.
Yanel: canal. 
Yaelle: el señor es Dios. 
Yseult: soberano de hielo. 
Zoe, Zoé: vida. 
Zuria, Zurie: adorable, blanca, hermosa. 
Aimee: ser amado por los seres queridos. 
Ambiorix: nombre del jefe de una tribu del norte de Galia que combatió contra las legiones romanas que mandó Julio César. 
Antoine: variante francesa de Antonio. Significa “el que se enfrenta con el adversario”.
Aramis: nombre de uno de los Tres Mosqueteros. Significa “ambicioso y lleno de aspiraciones religiosas”.
Beaufort: hermosa fortaleza. 
Belmont, Bellmont: proviene del francés antiguo y significa “bello monte”. 
Benet, Benett, Bennet, Bennett: bendecido. 
Benoit: aquel que Dios bendice. 
Brandon: inteligente. 
Calvin: un poco calvo. 
Chase: cazador. 
Daimmen: santo que tomó el cuidado de los niños.
Dashiell: procedente de Chiel. 
Dax, Daxton: nombre de una localidad al suroeste de Francia.
Didier: alguien que es muy deseado. 
Etienne: corona. 
Gibel: regalo. 
Herve: ansioso. 
Jerome, Jerôme: el del nombre sagrado. 
Joelle: Jehová es Dios.
Joice, Joyce: experto en la batalla. 
Jules: cielo. 
Kalet: el que tiene una bella energía.
Kemish: nariz chata. 
Lancelot, Launcelot: siervo. 
Lebron, Lebrun: aquel que tiene el pelo marrón.
Lerai, Leroi, Leroy: significa “rey”.
Mansel, Mansell: de la casa del pastor. 
Marischal, Marischall, Marscha: cuidador de caballos. 
Mortimer: proviene de “Mer Morte”, que significa “mar muerto”.
Orson: oso pequeño. 
Philippe: amor a los caballos. 
Pierre: piedra. 
Raphaël: medicina de Dios. 
Razo: que es real. 
Remi, Remy: proveniente de la ciudad de Rheims.
Scout: proviene del francés antiguo y significa “escuchar”. 
Sébastien: reverenciar, honrar. 
Seely, Seeley: bendito, bienaventurado.
Sorel, Sorrel, Sorrell: su significado es “rojizo-marrón”. Se usaba para designar el color de los caballos.
Sylvain: madera. 
Téo, Théo: deriva del griego “Theo”, que significa “Dios”. 
Thibault: persona que es ausaz. 
Timothée: el honor de Dios. 
Travis: proviene del francés antiguo y significa “cruzar”. 
Ugo: perspicaz, inteligente o brillante.
Valère: ser fuerte. 
Vincent: el que conquistó. 
Yannick: Dios es gracia. 
Youri: agricultor. 
Yves: puede relacionarse con la voz Ivorix, nombre de un árbol sagrado del que los celtas obtenían la madera para hacer armas.
Yvon: arquero.
Wilfrid, Wilfried: pacificador y voluntarioso. 
Zéphyr: viento del oeste.  
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